Unbelievable Rescues in Sjin’s Enchant World – Episode 26

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hello and welcome back to enchant the world modded magical Minecraft I’m here in the kitchen with my lovely amazing wife Alberto and uh yeah basically last episode we made loads and loads of different types of food they’re amazing but what I asked you guys the comment section was is there a way for me to get more hunger because I was having problems generating an appetite and as you can see behind me yes dig iron guy thank you very much suggested that I put a create crank on the wall and start cranking so that’s what I did I just started cranking and lo and behold as you can see my Hunger is going down pretty quickly and as soon as it does I slurp or Chomp something from my backpack thanks to my auto feeder upgrade and we’re going to go slowly through this amazing list of amazing food that I’ve made when I eat enough of these my hearts go up that’s amazing now also I’ve done a bit of decorating around the colony basically I wanted to bring the area up to a decent standard I wanted to fill it in because we had too much plain and empty grass so you can see here I’ve connected up more paths using Mossy and regular Cobblestone and this is going to connect up to the fisherman’s Hut the guard Tower back there the restaurant of course and the extra guard Tower and to also decorate that we used Mossy blocks and green concrete powder on the edges of that Cobblestone and mossy cobblestone to give it a bit of a tapering and also we’ve added some Cobblestone wall and slab and some Spruce fence to give these roads a bit of a border as well and yeah as you can see it looks really cool from above I wanted to test this small area over here by the Builder’s Hut and the fisherman’s Hut I think it’s always good to build a small area test out a building St and then repeat that on a bigger scale once you’re happy with the result and I’m happy with the result right here so what I wanted to do also was fill in this area with some extra trees now I wanted to use the trees that we’ve got surrounding us those fur trees I think repeating that would look amazing I thought about using some of the magical trees that we found maybe some arnau ones but it would look a bit disjointed against the backdrop of the existing forests so we kept that fur tree look very cool and it’s a look that I’m very happy with so back to CR and basically I’m just going to spend a couple of hours doing some manual labor here and I’ll come back to you once I’ve generated extra Hearts but oh yeah I can hear them chomping away this is going to go through in no time at all there were some other comments that you guys dropped in to give me advice on how to generate more hunger one of those was just a ultim mine with my fists go out find some dirt ultim mine some big old patches and that will generate loads and loads and loads of hunger for me there’s also eat zombie flesh one of you guys said that the the heal spell from arnau also generates hunger that could be a good idea in fact yeah let’s go and try that so with the Mage book let’s see if we can find the heal glyph I reckon it’s going to be an easy one to learn right oh it’s quite tricky actually ging melons golden apples and abjuration but again loads of gold loads of melons loads of apples not a problem at all oh yeah just the abjuration essence now and we should have a few of those down here which one’s abjuration and I do love this setup here we go abjuration let’s put some Source gems in this one and this Mage Tower is just so functional so amazing there we go crafting these up and our very cool starb Uncle over there Jeff should fet this back into the computer is he not doing it no there we go it’s not Jeff it’s the other one starb unle you don’t have a cool name do you you’re not as cool as Jeff get on Jeff’s level anyway there we go abjuration Essence [Music] perfect and voila it’s gone into the bench automatically and we got the glyph let’s try this heal thing then so we’re going to put this in my major spell book um we’re running out of spells though some of these are dig they’re very important um the computer one we’ve already cast on our device so we shouldn’t need this again and it’s very simple to repeat so we’ll turn this into self-heal [Music] so Target self heal and then as many amplifiers as we can manage there we go now this is actually going to be a really useful spell for us anyway because we do need a way for us to heal ourselves so back over to the portal Tower again oh I really wish we could get some more portals in here to go to some more interesting and weird and wacky places I want to discover more areas around the world like maybe there are weird kingdoms and civilizations on the edges of our borders that we have no idea exist like other other Mages could exist in this world who knows so self-heal let’s give this a go now can I cast this while I’ve got full health yes I can oh and look at my Hunger go down now unfortunately my Mana goes down really quickly as well unfortunately though these foods are so good that generating the hunger to eat them is a real pain so if you’re going to do Slice of Life at home and try and get more hearts what I would suggest is you go for the foods that are less hunger efficient the ones that give you like two to three hunger Shanks those are the best bang for your buck and you can churn through them as quick as you like they’re also usually the cheapest Foods there we go 19 unique Foods one more to get our Max health so we’ll do this one and then we’ll let the rest develop organically cuz I can’t spend all day here cranking it we got an episode to do do come on eat the food there we go what a unique flavor you’ve gained two hearts amazing and you can see down there those orange extra Hearts we’ve got on our bar we’re pretty ready to rock now what I want to do this episode is dive into the Twilight Forest I’ve got loads and loads of amazing stuff spells equipment enchantments food potions I reckon it’s time to finish what we started go through there and defeat the frost Queen we can do it I’m fairly sure it’s especially considering the way we destroyed the Naga so a quick stock check I’ve Got My enchanter Sword I can come home with the stabilized warp scroll I’ve got a broom for flying around but I’ve also got Mage leap I’ve got some SAU berry pies they’re going to be great for Mana regen I’ve got my obviously my potion flask in here that I can grab out I’ve got food for days um I might not have much backpack space though maybe I should clear some of this out so I have some backpack space now I’ve got mob yers I could use some more mob yers though so we’ll take two out of here as well so once more into the breach my friends I’ve got everything I need to go uh I’ll keep a mob yinka or two on my bar at all times cuz you never know when you’re going to see something that you really really want and then we go this should be the place oh my no wonder crep torus detected an Arcane signature this is an entire Mage compound let’s see if I can find whoever is in charge [Music] this building has a tree on its roof I wonder what flavor of idiot we’ll find inside oh hello there you don’t look familiar have you just arrived at the tavern greetings non-magical peasant no I am not here to drink your vile swill I am looking for whoever is in charge here ah that would be the wizard don’t know his name just build what he tells me he went through the purple Pon thing in the center of town if you hurry I reckon you could catch him purple Pon thing what Foolery is this oh fascinating this seems to be a portal to another world it could be dangerous but I have to find this wizard no risk no reward eh so here we are in the all right of course yeah night vision goggles kind of a requirement for this realm especially for you guys at home to be able to see it’s a shame because it makes the game look graphically kind of weak so where were we well we defeated the Lich and that moved us onto the next phase of the game which was I believe the Minotaur you kill the Lich and then you got to go and kill the minur and he’s in an underground Labyrinth so the Minos shroom which is the next well we’ll call him a a minor because that’s basically what he is now he is found inside a biome called a clearing so we’re going to have to scan around the map that we’ve already moved around and look for a clearing biome now this could be quite tricky to find wait a minute what’s this oh now this looks like a labyrinth but also this is not a Forest Clearing this is a Twilight swamp okay so have they moved the Labyrinth to a swamp biome they must have because this is definitely a labyrinth now I’m not sure if these blocks are breakable and the clue is in the name with a labyrinth it’s going to be quite tricky to find our way around so let’s see if we can apocalypse the blocks away wa oh my God yes we can whoa look at all this water look at this Briny water oh no oh right yeah cuz it’s a swamp well that’s horrible so here we are in The Labyrinth wow this these textures just look so eight bits we’re going to rock around with the necro slice cuz it’s just so good at speed now there’s usually about three yeah look at these minor dudes there’s usually about three or four levels to each one of these um labyrinths the necro slice just one shots these guys it’s so good so good and you’re supposed to go go around until you find the way to the next level and then uh go around until you find the way to the next level until you find the mushroom who is the final boss but man yeah it is a real a real maze down here luckily enough you can blast your way through it aha what’s this it looks like this is another way down to the next level so we can probably break these blocks with touch dig and yeah next level here we come whoosh and I guess you just keep doing that until you get to the very bottom oh you know what this is taking way too long this maze really is a maze now it is amazing but it is also taking me so much time so a bit of Apocalypse never hurt anybody oh my God is this Bedrock oh so it’s very difficult to cheese because of all the Bedrock but also what that does is it creates kind of like a blast chamber that concentrates the power of our apocalypse so we can literally just apocalypse our way through this dungeon no sweat oh man yeah AR noo Hanks [Music] [Music] so looking for the way down oh man it’s just so effective Apocalypse in a chamber this tightly packed is so destructive look at that oh it’s a beast it’s so [Music] good oh what’s this oh oh we found him it’s the minor shroom okay well he’s a boss but he shouldn’t be too hard could apocalypse him let’s give him a bit of Apocalypse it’s it’s doing damage it’s doing quite a lot of damage actually wow oh my God yes apocalypse is who what’s happened to my screen oh no is my monitor broken is this is my mon what’s going on I can’t see can you guys see I think my monitor’s Wait no that’s an effect why what’s going on here okay whatever it is it’s gone where’s the Minish shroom we’re going to finish him off with a bit of necro slice yeah my screen is just oiling up what the hell so weird is that because I’ve gone too far away from the miner shroom maybe well he’s pretty low so let’s necro slice him wow what one shot okay so we killed the Minos shroom that was the boss wasn’t [Music] it yes it was and look at this the minor shroom trophy so I’ll put some stuff in my backpack grab this and let’s get to the next boss oh look at this some me strogov as well and a pretty cool axe Diamond minor axe extra damage while charging now I don’t know what’s going on with my screen why is it so gloopy this is so weird what have I done can you not go away I can’t see this is so weird so weird anyway let’s get out of Dodge we got what we need let’s get to the next biome amazing very easy who’s the next boss well I can’t remember but the quests should help us out here here we go the Twilight Forest so we killed the mighty stroganov um oh yeah and we had to go to the swamps I mean that was the clue really wasn’t it next up it’s the Hydra inside a fiery swamp now I’m fairly sure I’ve seen these around oh look at this there’s one directly north so convenient so if I fly in here it’s going to be very hot but here’s the Hydra let’s kick his ass no wait what’s going on here oh I think I actually have to eat a me stroganov biome locked and that’s what unlocks this for us maybe let’s try it yeah there we go Mighty stroer off yep but yeah eating the me strun off unlocks the zone for us and here we go the Fearsome Hydra so we’ll try the enchanter’s wand of Apocalypse on this guy okay oh that that’s had no effect oh my God it is not a great hydr killer in fact all it really does is blast him towards us and make it really difficult to fight in this area oh God okay okay okay oh my God and everything’s on fire oh I made a mistake I made a big mistake don’t use apocalypse on the Hydra what we can try and do is use our bow of Legends where is it with some orent arrows of amplify and let’s do it we’ll try and shoot the heads okay it bounced off the [Music] head and it bounced off the head again oh right that’s right I remember now you have to shoot this inside the mouth the weak point is when they open up their heads to blast you you shoot inside their mouths yeah there we go eat that fool oh my God we just deleted one of his heads so the next time he opens his mouth oh my God no we didn’t delete one of his heads cuz another one’s come back oh yeah look at this this is oh my God all of his heads deleted come on dude we’ve done it that’s it right all of his health gone oh my God messy but we got there [Music] now where oh my God getting to this chest I can use Mage Bridge wizard Bridge it was designed exactly for these kinds of [Music] situations perfect now let’s loot the chest amazing so we got a hydr trophy some fiery blood and hydr chops very cool let’s get out of here so we killed the Hydra we’re not going to bother making fiery armor or fiery swords I’m not sure we’ll need them to go into the dark forest and fight this Green Knight looking dude now a dark Forest they’re pretty easy to find this thing over here is thick dark wood leaves I think that’s a dark Forest so it’s north East is it yeah very easy to spot this is probably one of the most common biomes as well no sweat arino so somewhere inside here there might be a dark knight is that how it works maybe it’s worth reading the quest you know sometimes that actually helps inside the dark Forest you’ll find a structure that leads underground to enter you’ll need to place one of the trophies you required on the nearby pedestal it’s a good thing I read this actually cuz cuz that would have confused me on the third layer you’ll find the night Phantoms defeat these to unlock the next boss okay right so we’re looking for a way underground somewhere in this Forest wait a minute what am I talking about we can find the way underground with a bit of Apocalypse well it wasn’t there oh wait no is that it over there are they night Phantoms they look weird they might be okay let’s investigate what are these dudes what are they doing block and chain Goblin I think that means we’re in the right place and they drop do they drop anything fun anything interesting armor Shard oh a Cobalt so yeah it looks like this is the way underground are we in the right place oh yeah yeah so this is it this is a pedestal that looks like a shield if we put a trophy on here and we can use we’ll put the minor shroom trophy on there and let’s see if this works right yeah so can we pick it back up I want to get it back there we go yes got the trophy back and now we can get to the next level so necro slice at the ready let’s explore this underground tomb now again this looks like it’s a bit of a maze got to find our way around to the night Phantoms and also what did the quest say on the third layer right so it’s three layers down oh God am I going to have to apocalypse this again it feels like apocalypse is my go-to spell for any any problem in my in my path and kind of you know it’s a good philosophy for life as well if you’ve got problems in life no half measures full nuke nuke your problems to the ground that’s what I always say oh God yeah this really is a maze we’re going to I’m sorry dudes but we’re going to apocalypse we’re going to apocalypse cuz I I’m I’m lost already [Music] oh mercy well we found some enemies but we didn’t find the way down so um basically yeah I’ve apocalyps the hell out of this dungeon and um I’m standing on top of the pedestal where we fell down and it looks like I mean I feel like I’ve been pretty thorough with this I don’t see another way down from this dungeon there’s just just nothing left here the entire dungeon is gone so my thoughts are maybe this dungeon didn’t have the boss we’re looking for and perhaps not all of them actually do have what you’re looking for well let’s try another Dark Forest this place is going to explode for a while to come I think oh there we go so yeah there’s not much left let’s go find another Dark Forest right here we go we should be a bit more lucky with this one in fact actually look at these wolves these wolves weren’t in the last Forest so I feel like this is yeah oh maybe the other one wasn’t a dark Forest maybe it wasn’t the dungeon we were looking for at all yeah this looks like it’s probably the place where we’re supposed to be so we’re looking for what are we looking for like a like a oh what’s this what are these dark tendrils [Music] oh here we go looks like this is a way into the dungeon so we’re going to just dig our way in cuz why not sneaky sneaky cheeky cheeky and yeah here we are now what’s weird is these black tendrils I don’t know what they’re doing but we’re looking for what the hell is this oh night Phantoms we’re in the vicinity they’re nearby so let’s just break through some walls maybe that’s a way of doing it nope not that direction where are these guys are they below us let’s try dropping down oh yeah here they are oh my God this is this is deadly um let’s get out of here how are we going to fight these guys well I’m going to necro slice them obviously oh my God look at this they shoot Sid Z that’s pretty cool or are those pxel this is a very cool boss but also necro slice is making very short work of these guys indeed oh man yeah look at that off they go so they all share the same Health pool bam Roni and pepperoni my friend not exactly much of a challenge but yeah there we go carminite acclimation so we’ll go to the middle get this chest yeah there we go this is the trophy amazing it took us a while but we did get there oh and look at this Phantom helmet is never lost on death air Affinity is never lost on death interesting so that’s some cool stuff and a couple of night swords night metal swords decent attack damage extra damage to armored targets oh cool and a night metal axe these look kind of cool so I’ll grab them store them we might not need them but we’ll see now what’s weird is I didn’t need a trophy to get inside this dungeon so maybe I kind of like hacked it but uh yeah okay and we’re free right so the Knight Phantoms dealt with next Quest off the list now we’re going into tears of fire ah Dark carmonite Tower so this is where we find like a weird Beholder and I think it could even be this thing right here this looks very dark very carmonite now it’s supposed to disable flight but luckily enough we’re Wizards so we can fly straight to the top oh and here he is oh my God here he is this oh my God look at this guy so how do we want to deal with this guy what spell do we want to try and use um I could go in for a necro slice we could try he’s he’s not going to take kav’s Comet very nice yeah maybe a bit of a necro slice I’m going to go in for the kill with a necro slice come on can I hit him yes I can so I get close enough and I can hit him and look at that Health drain away oh yes necro Li so good we’ll shoot him now with the ball with the bow the bow of [Music] Legends ow oh my God yeah and he’s down it was a messy fight but we got the job done my dudes he’s got loads of little kind of tiny ghast spawn ads as well and I think one of them has a musical backpack [Music] oh what the hell oh it’s like a Ghostbusters reference oh that’s very cool a gas trap oh man I want I want one of these that looks pretty cool let’s get it see if we can get uh silk dig take it home with us that’s amazing so where is the loot chest for this should be in the middle somewhere right yeah here it is the Darkwood chest we get the ergas trophy we’ve got some carmonite and some fiery tears amazing okay so next in the quest chain that was really simple to the snow biomes after defeating the E Gast you’ll unlock the snowy forest biomes and we got to go and kill the alpha Yeti now okay you can find the alpha yeti in a massive Yeti cave defeat it to move on with we’re looking for snow well this is snow my friends right over here so I guess we’re going to the West into the West just like gadriel to fight a Yeti just like gadriel I think this is a cave as well this is like a snow cave by the looks of it now again necro slice our sword is so good is this the alpha Yeti come on there’s a spawner here yeah there we go and he’s arrived the alpha Yeti doesn’t look so scary to me o shoots ice well we’re going to ice this fool ow oh he’s picked me up he’s picked me up so rude so rude o he does not like the fire in fact it looks like yeah fire really does rustle his jimmies and that makes sense him being like an IC Yeti so let’s try and apocalypse no we don’t apocalypse let’s try Fury of the storm no wait hang on a sec I think one necro slice is going to have killed him is he going to die he’s freaking out yeah there he goes oh my God one necro slice ice this guy that’s crazy there you go we are just two powerful Wizards so from this we got the trophy obviously an ice bomb and some Yeti fur very cool excuse me bro animal way now what’s the next Quest now we’re on to clear the skies defeating the aletti unlocks the glacia biome here you’ll find the cute little penguins and the Snow Queen okay and I think she is the final boss wait she’s not the final boss or is she visiting the Giants once you’ve unlocked the Highland biome head over and find some trolls to kill they give you magic beans to get to the Giants Giant’s pickaxe with the giant pickaxe you want to head back to the troll caves to find giant obsidian use it to get a lamp Of Cinders using the lamp Of Cinders will now be able to break thorns in the thorn land B GA gather some Thorn roses to continue to the final plateau and the final boss is not yet implemented my god well really oh my God it’s it’s it’s it’s been 10 years I think since Twilight Forest first first was developed 10 years there is a Cobalt that spawns in as a placeholder but you will get nothing from killing him oh man well for all intents and purposes since it looks like the the only thing you get a trophy from now is the frost Queen we’re going to pretend that the snow queen is the final boss yeah so let’s go and see if we can find her I think she lives in the snowy castle at the middle of this biome yeah in this like kind of glowy place is this what we’re looking for oh man what a nice looking building now I’ve talked about building styles before and this is a perfect example of gradients look at this it looks so impressive it’s so well done oh in fact look at this the walls move look at the way this glows no weird but the boss is not at the top of these towers oh no wait here we go the Snow Queen I see her on the map get out of here unstable ice core oh it’s going to blow whoa now she must be inside this Tower somewhere and it oh it looks like the ice explosion has revealed yeah there she is the Snow Queen right so let’s see if we can dig our way down uh what’s that something in jail over there what’s going on hey you there get me out of here I’m freezing my magic missiles off wait a minute do you guys do you guys hear that is she hurry up hello yes hello get a move on and get me out of here okay we’re coming down right um so how do we kill the Snow Queen I reckon necro slice it served us so well so far oh god what the hell are you another one yeah we’re just going to try and necro slice her that should do the job I’m not sure if she needs any special tricks but we’ll find out since she has the last Bloss though that we’re going to go for we are going to chug this potion of magic damage Let’s Do It Snow Queen oh my God now it’s quite hard to fight around here because it’s so slippy use fire her weakness is fire and also she is difficult to reach with our sword and I cannot break through this ice um okay and she spawns icicles luckily we can oneshot them but we might have to use some fire for this luckily enough I do still have combust this going to work yeah so it looks like she is weak to fire like other Frozen monsters like the yeti oh yes this is burning her it’s a good thing we kept combust [Music] yes oh and she is absolutely toast oh watch out now this fire is magical fire so it won’t melt the ice oh no it is kind of melting the ice interesting and let’s check the loot what what do you mean check the loot get me out of here um yeah hang on a sec loot is more important okay right here we go oh a Seeker bow that sounds kind of cool put some stuff in our backpack and let’s get the loot right yeah so this the snow Queen’s trophy the Seeker bow snowballs and packed ice well packed ice might come in handy and there we go a sweet Hall from the Twilight Forest now let’s go and see who this guy is so oh it’s wait it’s Dil fenus what the hell are you doing here I’ve never met this man in my life how do you know my name well I kind of wondered where you were since we both went through that portal but whatever I came here looking for a wizard unfortunately I think that might be you so how did you end up in this cage what happened well obviously I was captured by a gang of penguins who carried me here to this Frozen I Palace where I continue to be freezing let me out already oh yeah yeah of course right so um you’re a wizard right why haven’t you broken through this already let’s see touch dig should do the job hello how’s it going you good I’m freezing to death so no I am not good can we please leave this place oh right yeah of course well we’re kind of done with the Twilight Forest oh man well hold on a sec I’m just going to do an outro by the way have you seen straw fingers then is he around do an outro what is that drugs and no I don’t know anybody called straw fingers so a massive thank you for watching this episode my dudes we crushed the Twilight Forest we’ve gone through all of the bosses except the last final few because the Twilight Forest is not quite finished maybe one day the mod maker will actually create an ending for the Twilight Forest but until then yeah the snow queen is kind of basically the final boss there’s some hoops to jump through towards the rest of it but there’s no boss at the end so there’s no real point in doing it however we got the trophy which is the important part for the fairy tale style if we want to finish the town hall I’m going to get me and dunsel fenus back to the Mage compound where we can warm up over a hot cocoa don’t forget to hit like And subscribe and until next time take care you really are on drugs aren’t you he may be insane but this place is full of some amazing magical equipment a wixie impressive and a scrying orb I can use this to contact Sky whisper let’s see if I can remember the right coordinates creep torus this is initiate dunsel frus can you hear me initiate this is Riel I’m here with cryp torus where the hells have you been we lost your Trace shortly after you you arrived at the coordinates we were about to mount a rescue it’s a long story but I found the source of the magical disturbance you were right it was another magic user and he’s built an entire compound here his power is immense but his knowledge is lacking I still need to poke around some more but I think he could be an ally if his knowledge is lacking maybe we could offer to teach him we are a mage Academy after all an excellent idea cryptoria initiate make him an offer to join our ranks and if you can have a poke around I still don’t trust that the conclave hasn’t gotten to him first the last thing we want is a conclave agent infiltrating our ranks look for any signs of demonic magic if he’s working with the conclave bring him in alive we have to know what they’re planning we’ve been two steps behind in this war for too long more demons swarm through the felt fracture every day it’s only a matter of time before they launch an assault you have your orders initiate good luck [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘Enchant The World – #26 The Rescue’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2024-05-03 15:15:00. It has garnered 8138 views and 454 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:21 or 2241 seconds.

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 9 (atm9) 🏰 Magic Mods 🏰

We discover some hunger generation tricks, tool up and adventure into the twilight forest where we kill all of the bosses! we also meet an old friend and launch a daring rescue, the story begins here! or does it end here?

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All The Mods 9 – 0.2.51

World Seed: feedthevoid

Minecraft version 1.20.1 Shaders: Complimentary Shaders

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    City Cuffs: EfeKan & Ali's Arresting Adventure! In the city of Minecraft, chaos did reign, Efekan and Ali, the police, to detain. Arresting everyone, causing quite a stir, Their antics and pranks, oh how they were a blur. With laughter and fun, they filled up the screen, Their adventures wild, like a crazy dream. Subscribers tuned in, for each new episode, Their support, like a bridge, helping them to unload. Kare Kafa, the narrator, with a twinkle in his eye, Describing the action, as the story flew by. In Turkish, he spoke, for all to enjoy, The essence of gaming, like a favorite toy. So let’s… Read More

  • Rendering Minecraft on Android: Is it Possible?

    Rendering Minecraft on Android: Is it Possible? The World of Minecraft Rendering on Mobile Devices Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. Rendering Minecraft on mobile devices has become a popular trend, allowing users to bring their virtual creations to life in stunning detail. Modeling The process begins with meticulous modeling, where players craft intricate structures and landscapes using tools like Prisma3D and Nomad Sculpt. These apps provide a platform for users to unleash their imagination and design unique creations. Rendering Once the modeling phase is complete, it’s time to bring these creations to life through rendering. By… Read More

  • Breaking News: Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack Updates!

    Breaking News: Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack Updates! Minecraft 1.21: The Tricky Trials Update Minecraft 1.21, also known as the Tricky Trials update, has brought a plethora of exciting new features and improvements to the game. From data-driven enchantments to new paintings and jukebox songs, players are in for a treat with this latest update. Let’s dive into the details of what Minecraft 1.21 has to offer! Commands and Gameplay Enhancements One of the key highlights of Minecraft 1.21 is the introduction of data pack improvements that enhance gameplay mechanics. Players can now enjoy a more dynamic and customizable experience through the use of new commands and… Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Minecraft Secret Base!

    Unveiling the Ultimate Minecraft Secret Base! The Ultimate Minecraft Secret Base Adventure Embark on an epic journey from Level 0 to an astonishing 100 Level secret base in Minecraft. Dive into the depths of creativity and strategy as you build, explore, and conquer in this virtual world. Unveiling the Secrets Discover the thrill of creating your very own secret base in Minecraft. From hidden entrances to intricate designs, the possibilities are endless. Let your imagination run wild as you construct the ultimate fortress to protect your treasures. Exploring New Horizons Delve into the world of Minecraft secret bases with innovative ideas and tutorials. Learn how… Read More

  • Live Minecraft Survivor Series

    Live Minecraft Survivor Series Welcome to Sink or Swim: A New Minecraft Survivor Series with a LIVE Twist! Applications are now open for Sink or Swim, a thrilling livestreamed Minecraft series inspired by the popular show Survivor. In this unique twist, the audience has the power to influence the game as players compete in Survivor-inspired Minecraft minigames. What to Expect: Players will experience classic Survivor elements such as team collaboration, thrilling eliminations, immunity mechanics, and competitive challenges. The audience will be able to make waves in real-time by playing along on Twitch and Discord, adding an exciting interactive element to the gameplay. How… Read More

  • 100 Days of Chaos in Minecraft

    100 Days of Chaos in Minecraft The 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft: Embark on an Epic Adventure! Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft with the 100 Days Challenge! Dive into a world filled with endless possibilities, where your creativity and survival skills will be put to the test. Are you ready to take on this exciting adventure? What is the 100 Days Challenge? The 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft is a popular gameplay challenge where players aim to survive and thrive in the game for 100 in-game days. During this time, players must gather resources, build shelters, explore the vast world,… Read More

  • Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft

    Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft The Ultimate Minecraft Enchanting Guide for Mace The mace is a new and powerful weapon in Minecraft, and with the right enchantments, it can become a deadly tool in your arsenal. In this guide, we will explore the best enchantments for a mace in Minecraft 1.21, helping you maximize its potential in combat. Damage Enhancing Enchantments There are three key damage-enhancing enchantments for the mace: Density: Increases the damage dealt by the mace’s smash attack per block. Smite: Boosts the mace’s damage against undead mobs like zombies and skeletons. Bane of Arthropods: Enhances the mace’s damage against arthropod mobs… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Mage in Minecraft – SpellBound ModPack #minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Mage in Minecraft - SpellBound ModPack #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-13 08:40:31. It has garnered 425 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: https://t.me/spelsbound Read More

  • CURSED Minecraft ARYAN_AR11

    CURSED Minecraft ARYAN_AR11Video Information This video, titled ‘CURSED minecraft (0_0)’, was uploaded by ARYAN_AR11 on 2024-01-07 09:03:50. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. IDK what to do with the gold helmet -_- Read More

  • “Unbeatable strategy for The Hive CTF Altara on Minecraft Bedrock” #shizzoclickbait #mcskills

    "Unbeatable strategy for The Hive CTF Altara on Minecraft Bedrock" #shizzoclickbait #mcskillsVideo Information [Music] I’m walking alone streets are empty the only thing I can see is my own silouette I’m getting stronger step by step the clock is sticking but there’s no time for me i’ been flying from town to town from London to T I’ve been all around the GL trying to protect your soul we are heroes tonight we will fly above the sky we are heroes [Music] tonight yeah we are This video, titled ‘The Hive CTF Altara best way #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #thehiveminigames’, was uploaded by Schmiddo on 2024-06-01 22:00:25. It has garnered 321 views and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Episode 2

    Ultimate Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Episode 2Video Information [Music] d [Music] [Music] all right and hello good day everybody welcome welcome back to another Minecraft stream we are back in uh one block I’m in my little tiny house here I built a little tiny house like could go AFK and not have to worry about things killing me welcome back to the stream uh we are going to be playing some VI games today I’ve done some work let me get a sleep in it’s about to be sleep time I think or is that snow I need a Clock remind me I need a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP Survival Challenge LIVE 🔥 #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP Survival Challenge LIVE 🔥 #shortsVideo Information हेलो हेलो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम दोस्तों हेलो दोस्तों यह अलग नश है होता नहीं है यह पूरा बे हाउ ओ हा ओबस यूज करते हो करता तो हूं दोस्त बताओ तुम्हें क्या जानना है मेरे ओबस के बारे में दोस्त ओयस का इस्तेमाल तो करता तो हूं दोस्त क्या जानना है तुम ीस के बारे में ऐसा बताओ जरा पहले लाइक का बटन दबा देना दोस्त यह क्या बना दिया इन लोगों ने यह क्या है गलू टाइप का भाई साहब टी भाई किसी ने तो ग्राइंड किया है भाई मस्त ग्राइंड किया भैया रात को भी… Read More

  • INSANE Twist! EVERYONE Appears in The Fog Ep 12

    INSANE Twist! EVERYONE Appears in The Fog Ep 12Video Information [Music] yo what’s going on YouTube it’s your boy Jam man we are back with episode 12 of from the fog well technically this will be episode 13 but it’s episode 12 because of the mishap that happened a few days ago and uh yeah this episode we are going to uh we’re going to get some [ __ ] done we’re going to I think we’re going to look for the uh I don’t know if I want to look for a fortress today or if I want to get some more diamonds so I can like… Read More

  • INSANE Pixel Art Tutorial | MUST SEE!! 🔥 #minecraft #bogyt

    INSANE Pixel Art Tutorial | MUST SEE!! 🔥 #minecraft #bogytVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pixel art || #minecraft #pixelart #bogyt #art @Pritamplayz10 #shorts’, was uploaded by MAX_GAMERZ 90 on 2024-01-06 12:10:24. It has garnered 2519 views and 100 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Nova Minecraft Hypixel PvP Renders!

    Mind-Blowing Nova Minecraft Hypixel PvP Renders!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Renders… #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #minemenclub #minecraftpvp’, was uploaded by Nova on 2024-05-29 21:59:51. It has garnered 6601 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. rate pls! #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideoviral #viral #viralshorts #viralshort #justkidding #pinecumber #minemenclub #minemen #minecraftpvp #hitsync #Minecraft #minecraftpvp #hypixel #hypixelbridge #mcpvp #mctt #mmc #butterfly #fireball #fireballfight #sweatynames 🔥Discord Server discord.gg/X5eCAJ8qQU Mouse: Glorious Model O Keyboard: Custom Pack: Ask in comments My pack (maybe pack in vid but most likely not) Download Instructions (important) 1. watch full… Read More

  • Maira’s shocking secret revealed 😱 | Minecraft Funny episode 2 🤣👀 | #maira

    Maira's shocking secret revealed 😱 | Minecraft Funny episode 2 🤣👀 | #mairaVideo Information पूरा मस्त माहौल बन चुका है किसी को प्रपोज मारने दोस्त है बोल सेटिंग उसकी टकले में ज्यादा चमके देख कंपटीशन तेरे को अच्छा मिल रहा है उसका टकला ज्यादा चमकना नहीं चाहिए तेरे से टकले की साइन कम हो तो मेरे से चंपिक रने आ जाना लेकिन व तेरा कंपटीशन है तगड़ी कंपटीशन देना है तुझे उसे तो पिछली बार माफ्ट में तुम लोगों ने देखा कि हम लोगों ने कुछ भी नहीं किया इमोशन ऑम मींस स सीरियसली कुछ भी नहीं किया वेट मींस देखो तुम लोग मींस देखो तुम लोग टू एंड हाफ हर्ट पे… Read More

  • Terraforming Mars Server – SMP Roleplay

    Terraforming Mars Server Experience Minecraft on Mars where you must survive and develop, similar to skyblock. Join us in terraforming the surface of Mars! Server Features: Huge open Mars map (20k x 10k + Phobos and Deimos) Jobs Plugin – Towny Plugin for Grief protections Skills plugin to level up in various skills (e.g. Mining, Fighting) Custom recipes for unique items on Mars Bedrock compatibility and more! Server Details: Version: 1.20.4 Discord Server: Join our Discord Server-IP: play.survivalmars.net Port: 29966 Bedrock-IP: Dynmap: View our Dynmap Read More

  • AzureMC – An Upcoming Minecraft Network, Made by the Players, For the Players

    AzureMC - An Upcoming Minecraft Network, Made by the Players, For the PlayersHello There! I would like to introduce a new upcoming Minecraft Network to everybody who is reading this reddit post! My name is Space and a few weeks ago, me and my friend decided we were fed up of Minecraft network that were too complicated, with too many RPG-like elements, so we tried our hand at make a more back-to-basics network called AzureMC! We do still have ranks and such, but just so we can support our server in it’s running costs. We only currently have our Survival Realm Running, but in future, we hope to expand to other gamemodes… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Ultimate Minecraft Troll”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Ultimate Minecraft Troll"That one player who always dies first in every game but insists they’re the best at Minecraft because they have a score of 2. Read More

  • Diamonds: Noob vs Herobrine vs Pro 🔥💎 #minecraftmeme

    Diamonds: Noob vs Herobrine vs Pro 🔥💎 #minecraftmeme The noob is just digging straight down and falling into lava, the heroine is meticulously searching every corner for diamonds, and the pro has already built a diamond castle with a moat filled with lava. #diamondsareforever #minecraftskills Read More

  • Quest for Rarest Item on Minecraft SMP

    Quest for Rarest Item on Minecraft SMP The Quest for the Dragon Egg in Altering SMP Introduction to Altering SMP In the vast world of Minecraft, Altering SMP stands out as one of the most popular servers. Known for its intense battles and unique plugins, this server sets the stage for epic adventures and fierce competitions. The owner of Altering SMP has announced an upcoming event – the Silver Anvil Fight, followed by a server-wide war. Our protagonist is determined to not only secure the elusive Dragon Egg but also emerge victorious in the impending war. Building Up to the Challenge To achieve these lofty goals,… Read More

  • Moonwalker fails at Minecraft then speed runs

    Moonwalker fails at Minecraft then speed runsVideo Information watch out I think someone’s coming to us yeah people are coming Jesus these people are so good at the game yeah cuz they don’t have life they have TNT I’m just jumped off the edge Jos they have TNT right I got a sword I can fight them Jonathan we can’t even get to them because of this bed defense you’re so lucky you killed them because you’re the bed defense is like you wait you tried fixing it stupid fly Four Diamonds let’s go all right Josh what did I do like it’s not how you… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Skyblock Map Exploration

    Mind-Blowing Skyblock Map ExplorationVideo Information on April Fool’s Day Mojang released Minecraft’s poisonous potato update and I know I’m late to this but but let me have this all right with the update my friend and the creator of Sky Block Dr trog created a brand new game mode called potato block so want to want to check it out well if you’re watching this you’re you’re going to let’s just start this so here we are we’re on an island made out of potatoes this is this is crazy and also I don’t have any of my mods so this is going… Read More

  • Insane Gaming on Caffeine: Minecraft Submerged – EPIC Underwater Questing!

    Insane Gaming on Caffeine: Minecraft Submerged - EPIC Underwater Questing!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Submerged | WARP PIPES & TOM’S SIMPLE STORAGE! #3 [Underwater Questing Modpack]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-06-15 22:00:36. It has garnered 14187 views and 618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:05 or 2165 seconds. Minecraft Submerged | WARP PIPES & TOM’S SIMPLE STORAGE! #3 [Underwater Questing Modpack] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Revolutions | A ALL NEW TECH SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/mX3D7CgWsGY ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC ★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc Seaopolis Submerged Mod Pack… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art – Mind-Blowing PPL Request

    Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art - Mind-Blowing PPL RequestVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,584’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-11 08:34:19. It has garnered 1984 views and 217 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,584 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • BOOST FPS IN MC JAVA w/ INSANE MODS!! 😱 | 1.20.1

    BOOST FPS IN MC JAVA w/ INSANE MODS!! 😱 | 1.20.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Boost Minecraft Java Edition FPS with These MODS | 1.20.1’, was uploaded by CraxyBoyXD on 2024-03-31 03:30:20. It has garnered 80 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. HELLO AND WELCOME GUY’S ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. 🜲 ➳ { ᴵ ᵃᵐ 🄲🅁🄰🅇🅈 ⚚ A MINECRAFT GAMER / YOUTUBER ⚚ } 𝙼𝚢 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎’𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 ✦ Mods/Add-on/Map/Mcpacks ✦ Minecraft Builds/Shorts/Hacks ✦ Minecraft Farm’s Tutorial in Hindi ✦ Survival Series/Minecraft Episodes ➤ All Minecraft Version ➤ Minecraft Java Edition ⤐ Java ➤ Minecraft Pocket Edition ⤐ Mcpe ➤ Minecraft Bedrock Edition… Read More

  • CRAZY CHALLENGE: 24 Hours in Hardcore Minecraft!!

    CRAZY CHALLENGE: 24 Hours in Hardcore Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Tried To Survive 24 Hours In Original HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by PixelPlayss on 2024-04-09 14:30:16. It has garnered 2095 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:00 or 1080 seconds. I Tried To Survive 24 Hours In Original HARDCORE Minecraft Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. In this video, I’m going to show you how I tried to survive 24 hours in 1.0 hardcore Minecraft. Thank you all for 4000 subscribers I appreciate you all. Our channel is about the game Arm Wrestle Simulator on Roblox but we also… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft GameChanger! Zombie Villager Round 1 Battle Arena – Let’s Play #17

    Ultimate Minecraft GameChanger! Zombie Villager Round 1 Battle Arena - Let's Play #17Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Battle Arena | zombie villager | rond 1 | Let’s Play | #17’, was uploaded by Nr 1 GameChanger on 2024-02-26 15:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft | Battle Arena | zombie villager | rond 1 | Let’s Play #minecraft #battlearena #minecraftspider #spider Minecraft, minecraft … Read More

  • Ultimate PVP showdown in Lillyville 😈 #shortts

    Ultimate PVP showdown in Lillyville 😈 #shorttsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP Devil in Lillyville 😈 #shortts #minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by Cyber_0680 on 2024-05-29 07:15:00. It has garnered 993 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. PVP Devil In Lillyville Creati:-@CritRoundOG tags:- lilyville smp,lilyville,lillyville,warlilyville,join lilyville,who is coming inlilyville,gamerfleet lilyville, lilyvillewar,lilyville day 9,lilyville stream,minecraft in hindijack bhaiya lilyville,pvp devil,gamerfleet pvpdevil,gamerfleet attitude edit lilyville,techno gamerz pvp devil vs gamerfleet pvp god in real life,techno gamerz pvp devil,the pvpdevil,herobrine in ujjwal,lily ville,minecraft all-rounder pvp devilmastermind #shorts#ytshort#youtubeshorts #viral#viralshort#trending#minecraft #minecraftshorts #best#edit#pvpdevil #pvpgod#lillyville#himlands #herobrinesmp#critround#yessmartypie#gamerfleet#ujjwal Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft jokes & chaos with Matt!

    INSANE Minecraft jokes & chaos with Matt!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft jokes and fun’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-03-14 19:08:26. It has garnered 1890 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Playing Minecraft while I tell horrible dad jokes Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support my content creation Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. WHAT IS THE GOAL OF MINECRAFT? Minecraft has no set… Read More

  • Hustle SMP – Semi-Vanilla, SMP, Whitelist, Dynmap, Factions, 1.20.4

    Welcome to Hustle SMP! Join our brand new SMP this summer and create your own factions or join existing ones. Choose your lifestyle, whether pacifist or pro-war, and let your imagination run wild! Our server is run by experienced admins and offers a mature community for players to make new friends and embark on adventures. Server details: Version: Paper 1.20.4 Hosted from Europe Plugins and datapacks: Simple Voice Chat, EssentialsX, CoreProtect, Dynmap, AFK Display, Anti-Endermen-Grief, Double Shulker Shells, Fast Leaf Decay, Multiplayer Sleep, Player Head Drops Join our Discord server for a short application process and start your unforgettable experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nostalgic Minecraft Meme Mic Drop

    Minecraft Memes - Nostalgic Minecraft Meme Mic DropI miss Pat and Jen too, but I guess this meme is telling us that they’re not missing out on any love with that score of 51! Read More

  • Second Floor Bedroom Build: Minecraft Solo Style #22

    Second Floor Bedroom Build: Minecraft Solo Style #22 In Minecraft world, I’ll build a room so grand, On the second floor, with a view so grand. Solo player, crafting blocks with care, Creating a space that’s beyond compare. Join me on this journey, watch me create, Every detail, every block, I’ll decorate. Support me with Super Thanks, Superchat too, Your donations help me, and I thank you. Follow me on social media, stay in the loop, On Facebook and TikTok, I’ll make you swoon. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, For gaming content that’s oh so sweet. Editing with Movavi, Filmora Go too, Making videos… Read More

  • Lit Minecraft Water Bucket Clutch 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Lit Minecraft Water Bucket Clutch 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When you accidentally fall into lava in Minecraft but manage to save yourself with a water bucket like a pro, you know you’ve achieved peak gamer status. #clutchmove #minecraftpro 😎🔥💧 Read More