Unbelievable RNG Crop Luck & Maxed Composter on Day 231!

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Sounds like user error to me my friend if it doesn’t work I’ll help you fix it it only requires like three repeaters are you looking for [ __ ] Germany God damn it I’m live by the way guys don’t it by bad time to go live bad time to go live all right all right

Well all right guys oh no oh no no no no all right just don’t hello we’re not saying it but are we watching read screen share no I don’t think you’re really don’t Jo the CL all right stop not on stream info it’s not me this time I’m

Keeping my mouth shut I I didn’t say all right we’ll just stop bringing it up then and be dead chilling I didn’t know whatever you guys were doing hey Lisa hell yeah brother you’re rich put international on put and competitive neat neat neat oh the first time in like a week where I

Did a [ __ ] Eman carry ticket I check it and it’s [ __ ] uh wix is that yeah I did I did like 30 carries for Wick earlier nice it’s kind of funny no are you muted bro dang man what is going on I hate this plot a invalid name oh

Underscores bro you can’t click in the middle you could see it was I want I wonder if they uh they might have blocked it wait put a space in between that yeah put a space in between the the description might be what it is uh there’s no way it’s that

No it’s got to be the clan name say no say no maybe make it no spaces I know no SP that would make it worse I feel like say that make it worse that would get dub neb just dropped a pure mythal gem he’s dropped like 10 of those I know

He’s dropped quite a few oh you’re doing the lava part yeah hey chill out with theing comes over and looks at your farm and then bricks it [ __ ] hilarious cuz he he starts freaking out all right Nitro what whatever the [ __ ] you were just doing dude you’re the only one that can make

Their voice go that High dog shut up I don’t know I can get my voice up there I get my voice up there too all right hell yeah brother y making fun of how I talk yeah and someone’s constipated it’s all you dog n I’m just

Working on my uh false cord screens I’m getting [ __ ] dive bombed by four phant trying to get more comfortable with it new name I I know I don’t know what to make it though raid why aren’t you talking did you get the clap oh I’m back yeah hey hey

All right what am I why did you why are you breaking [ __ ] in my farm I’m building something no get the [ __ ] out of here oh my God what are you doing not griefing I’m not griefing I’m not you literally breaking blocks in my farm put

Them all back where I kill you I’m building 10 n I’m trying to build a [ __ ] Among Us at a okay why are you being annoying this about it though not that’s not your far boy you almost got you almost got goed I literally haven’t

Done it you almost got got dude all I did was mess with your schematic a little bit wait a minute he got a brown panda I know you are done I was trying to make a [ __ ] among us out of [ __ ] boss n dude we don’t do that here we ain’t stupid I

Am okay well I your B I’m not stupid he did get a brown panda can you breed brown panda with brown panda to get more brown panda you can breed brown panda with regular panda regular one to get more does that just increase the odds or brown P it

Decreases the odds but you can still get it or it increases the odds of it happening randomly what up C if you if you breed a Blue Axel with a regular axle it’s a 50% chance that it’ll be blue do they have blue Axel yeah that’s what I’m trying to get

Right now how much can I buy one for 15 nether blocks NE I I have oh godam most likely uh correct been out all day hell yeah brother there you go all right gaming meal here dude eventually I will IRS I have no but uh I’m maxing Garden pretty much and

Derpy are around the corner so what I am farming sugar cane to make a profit on Alchemy 50 drain my farm I’ve taken like four Shuler boxes from it I don’t know who took the rest God damn it cuz there were still like six dubs full whenever I

Walk away from it hi Mr Winnie what’s up buddy it was one of the NDS div all right why isn’t this working farm what did you do today C anything fun nothing’s happening when you hit the lever oh [ __ ] I mean it has no bone meal so

You stream on Twitch and YouTube Correct yeah oh oh is there an item in here you have to put an item in that uh in that droper oh hell yeah Airsoft is M fun any item Airsoft is good time what which dropper here give me a piece of

Cobblestone it’s this one right here Mr info I got a hype today fouls dude congrats man congratulations you going to do what are you going to do with your hype you going to do dungeons or you have something specific in mind oh not the view bobbing I love view

Bobbing dude I always farm with view bobbing I always play with view bobbing is what I should say oh I mean I’ve built this about thousand times you have to build a collection system right under this I think you need a term for Crimson Isle but I mean that’s another option as

Well you do Crim oh to kill the mobs and stuff yeah nice okay ter is for me boss went through my mask and it landed next to my eye o that’s rough at least at least the freaking didn’t get hit in the eye that’s a plus and fouls yeah that’s freaking

That’s awesome actually having a hype is like kind of huge for combat so you’ll be able to do a magic [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] congratulations you’re now hard stuck Mage yes slow key that’s true you can oh you might you forgot a thing of water down there oh wait know I’m just looking

At it weird never mind yeah no everything’s in it’s just it’s slow at the beginning the bone meal hasn’t gotten to this other side yet that’s I a bad is dope get two turns right now I’m enjoying hitting my Big Goal absolutely up there we go one dispenser in the back

Up takes a while to get there bro did it fill or did it just I kind of cheated and used uh D to get my hype so I kind of had like a an easy an easy route because I picked Dow and at that time D was crazy good uh like money for

What it was costing you and time so I was able to get mine pretty quick it’s not full on those it just got lucky skipped it yeah I know oh that’s why you just got to let it fill all the way fild them two uh dispensers all the

Way up and then once they get full then it’ll start filling the other side and then it’ll really turn on D was very much oh I did like oh no like a lot like like four a bill worth of uh of d when I started took me a while to get to that

Point but once I got to that point I made a lot of money Tanner I did a slight investment you move bone meal over I moved the bone meal from the front to the back I was thinking about doing that but just let it run it’ll figure itself out

Soon I think the stream before we were talking about talking about Dow but it makes it a little bit faster because it’s more spread out cuz the front one won’t run out regardless but quite frankly I enjoyed I enjoyed farming a whole lot more I mean it’s easy it’s just I like

That the that there’s the RNG aspect you don’t have to do like nucleus runs or like something specific for RNG in uh mining whereas farming you’re just playing and now you get RNG from visitors and Pests the pest was actually such a good update in my opinion in the start it’s a very good uh money to uh money to money back or it has a good Roi is what I should say oh I don’t I don’t think I took my meds this

Morning hold on I got to take my meds give me a second I think I forgot to take him this morning I don’t think I know I did [Applause] oops lava you going to like connect this to your tree form or you just having this separate uh no I’m probably just going

To keep it separate I at some point I might build a small one small version of it over by the tree farm but this is going to go in its own skyscraper so yeah FS we have a we have a shuric canane Spaceman but um I’m not I’m not doing the spaceman Mike

Is gonna buy the spaceman after Derpy um so they can have their own Spacemen but it Mah fair warning once der’s gone you need to get that done dude no I will like ASAP once I get back from I’m be doing carries till yeah but dude like you know

How long that FS Su like for Spaceman dude like that’s such a pain in the ass it also is a pain that we opened it and it was sugar yeah bro you don’t even farm and you want to Spaceman so that’s the pain in it to begin with somebody

Else wanted it I’d probably still end up getting it before they did for MoneyWise or I could just [ __ ] clear it ASAP but yeah or I can during derp I’m either doing farming 60 or Kata uh it’s a good play I mean farming 60 lowy is kind of

Easy but I mean if you want to get it done for the money it’s well worth it um all mobs have double health I’m not sure I know one mayor has that I forget which one it is I think it’s uh I’m going to do forging 60 in uh in

Derpy Nate what how the [ __ ] do I invite you man so much uh just uh tell me the name of the clan hey good luck oh I’m farming 56 I didn’t notice what do you what do you need do you have do you have all the golds or do you have the

XP or do you have neither fouls I mean in reality you don’t even need to get Farming 60 dude you got a hype you could literally push combat combat at this point but if you want to complete it then it’ll be worth it uh cop I’m in a contest bro uh quite

Frankly I just just want to farm I I would look up a guide there’s plenty of guides out there or visit any of our Gardens and then any Vis visit any of my Gardens and that’s pretty much the Farms that you want of course what I like to

Do everything yeah so I’m I’m the same way so I mean at that point just complete Farming lowkey Farming 60 is super light work um for the XP I mean I didn’t think it was that bad without Derpy um I think that there’s harder skills that you should try to Max before

That or try to get a grasp on cuz just cuz farming 60 really isn’t not hard it’s just the gold medals uh that is the problem but I mean that’s not really even that hard anymore especially with the new platinum and Diamond hey ra nice jems dude I know

Right oh [ __ ] he’s alive mhm mining 55 for 56 and starting fishing in dungeons nice e you’re rushed as [ __ ] no I’m not you are not really you are not really I mean cope as long as you copied any of like the farms on on either Island I mean on either uh

Profile of mine I mean in reality you should have the best Farms I mean the only thing is is with the cactus uh pumpkin and melon you need uh a black cat pet to set your speed to 500 for the cactus and 420 for the um for the

Pumpkin and melon can’t bother myself forging and I guess I can do fishing during Derby but I fishing is two times health and it’s hard 500 for cactus our cactus farm is 500 so you break them uh at the fastest you move I’m not really

Sure I was always told that it’s 500 and it works good for us I mean we always end up getting diamond or placing high in our contest get that town hall 12 out of here we’re starting fresh no how many a town hall 12 with the majority of town hall 9

Walls they’re wall level 10 not rush by the way yeah I didn’t rush my [ __ ] walls not rush by way who upgrades their damn walls uh gam Co somewhere in your Sky Block uh settings I’m not I’m quite frankly not sure it’s in your visitor settings or something like

That I got a f real quick hold on keep keep watch my screen okay yeah I don’t care about your old accounts I haven’t played this game in like three years my screen bro I don’t want to look at your screen I sto looking what’s your plan

Your base is kind of a an L to be honest it’s a co-op one though yeah I don’t know bro I’m not sure I’ve always able been able to turn mine on and off in our Co-op I only have this one profile frankly I’m not I don’t really know and

On the other profile U I’m I mean I was a m the maker of the island or the co-op or whatever so I was able to change it uh I thought it was like 462 only one plat and it was Diamond mushroom cuz that was free yeah mushroom is very very

Free but nowadays like you don’t even you don’t need the Platinum or the diamond it’s just for completionist thing re you spend money on this game really yeah I can’t help myself sometimes FS you spend money you can’t Flex [ __ ] what you mean bro dude over the

Course of like 10 years of that game being out that’s not that bad a [ __ ] game like but he did spend play valant your uh your game taste and all that I play it once a month because my friends forc me to FS you’ll realize I have like a

Few sayings that I’ll repeat and I don’t I don’t intentionally mean to like there’s a few like words or sayings that I’ll that I’ll like repeat and these guys know like a bunch of them they’ll troll me all the time and say I repeat my saying say all the time I mean all

Haven’t checked my minions in a month should I to play with you guys abs freaking lutely you should you’ll probably have a metric [ __ ] ton of money in there yeah I’ve bought a game you have a good good bit of money in there Fez you go yeah we’ll play it yeah

Played it twice Thank You Ren you’re goed bro played it more than twice by the way three times in my bad played it more than three times three games play more than three games how many five oh I was more than that three more than three oky doie okie

Dokie bro I found a cave filed with lava I don’t know what happened CLE get in here bro dude even even um Josh uh was saying he wanted to play uh set a new Clash Royale uh Clash of Clans account in play and so didn’t Wick but Wick

Sounds like he’s a [ __ ] sweat so which really is disturbing to me Wick did he started one he’s already CAU up all right I’mma load up bad line yeah you most definitely should you’ve had your freaking minions sitting there for a month and you didn’t check on them

You’ll probably have a good bit of money in there if you don’t have your minions uh like all Max minions are all your slots I would suggest doing that um or crafting more minions to unlock more slots if you’re not really playing where get uh co go Sky Block settings to Garden

Settings to allow visitors uh in inside your little nether star and all the way to the right and number nine hot bar slot number nine hot bar slot Sky Block settings Garden settings visitor allow visitors you can do that for your Island and your garden T why’d you turn off the farm

Yep all right Wi-Fi just get I would have just got the town hall and left you don’t need you don’t want to go for the town hall you want the resources or like that the upgo I want the trophies the trophies what cuz you get more money what up Ren

I’m pushing for for build 5 minute minutes of updates on bad line I have a decent PC as well yeah I mean honestly bad line client uh updates are stuff and it does take a while but that’s like most clients low key so just give it its time it’ll it’ll load up that

[ __ ] or you can use uh like Forge or buyb for five bucks and that is super helpful okay what happened which I’m every day considering s SP oh Mike do do you want to see it level 13 Town Hall I have no idea if that’s all right low key me neither I

Got that as well what the [ __ ] I haven’t I haven’t played in like freaking like seven years hilarious can can I steal that I don’t care use Forge it’s better yeah Forge is better but there’s more likelihood of you getting ratted from all the random mods that you

Have to download and put in your thing so you have to make sure that you’re downloading it from the uh mod or a trusted Source needless to say cuz everybody’s like a little demon for Sky Block coins on here and ratting people so accidentally text a speech it

When I [ __ ] instead of deleting mess seems kind of abandoned by the devs I take a risk yeah I technically take a risk too but I just always download mine from the actual mod creators I just triple check that it’s actually from the mod creators or make

Sure that my friend downbl them from Mod creators what’s your Twitch is the same thing as YouTube INF it was taken cope s is okay just comes yeah I agree Ren I just think that it’s very easy um makes everything easier so I don’t have to update all my

Mods and stuff it’s just whatever is updated or whatever look extras updates your mods no but they I’m pretty sure have like upd features half decent updated features where do you find these R why do you have so many trophies compared to me how many [ __ ] attacks

Did you do a lot I told you I’m pushing that’s what he sits here and does farms and sits here and plays Clash of Clans I mean I’ve done a lot of attacks too but like yeah brother they’re all day at like 2,000 more trophies or

200 more trophies than me only a few more attacks to be fair I’ve only been attacking when I can actually like get the resources he sat for like six hours yesterday my Minecraft just died oh schies that’s so good I was trying I was trying to get uh farther than him I want

To be up all right okay all right T bro what is wrong with you dog um w my neighbor with that washing machine at like funny in like 20 minutes my teacher plays Clash of Clans yeah it’s a pretty fun like uh chill game like just while you’re doing

Nothing okay y’all didn’t tell me this game was so low holy [ __ ] oh it’s ridiculous it’s [ __ ] hilarious to turn it down by the way yeah all the homies started a new Clash of Clans account yeah someone s me I’m sitting at like 5% volume and it’s loud

All right I need a invite to the clan guys nope you you you got to search it I don’t know what is called uh [ __ ] nuclear symbol demonic nuclear symbol I think about making an alimer but I think work bro why are the oh my gosh I’m never going to find this Wait how do I look I need y’all’s help bro you need to use emoji somebody just copy and paste have emojis emo on your keyboard no I did it on mobile bro I had to get the copy paste from raid just copy paste in general um you don’t want my current

Copy paste in general brother I meant the fre yeah well you got to copy and paste the freaking clan name I got you okay I found it boys that’s what Nate s me in general fed did it uh did the your bad bad line client end up fixing itself or

What it wouldn’t show that no no get the town hall out here we’re starting over except me wait I’m not starting a new account I not grinding this [ __ ] dude no that’s the whole point we to help I’m stting a new account three stacks of Enchanted

Labis blocks oh yeah I’ll send you some Wizards while I’m at it though how much is that [ __ ] yes we are the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here Elbo Nitro I need to no don’t you [ __ ] don’t you do it I’m trying to I’m donating hold up actually wait I can’t

Can I how do you leave a how do you sign out what I’m trying to I’m trying to sign out of this account to create a new one I don’t want to create a [ __ ] new account settings I did that good to bizar see how much it’s worth You Banned

Me from the clan what uh you from the clan what um banned me what minions do you have placed down Fe if I make a new account then my [ __ ] Clash Royale account is going to get unlinked what how what how I don’t know the [ __ ] password yeah I don’t know how to

Disconnect boys so you might just have to kick me I’m a carry on YouTube though yeah no worries Co no worries brother you don’t know how to disconnect from Discord you just press the button I I hate him more than anyone in this call I want yall to know that even Zen anyone

Oh might just need to log into a different Google Play there you go easy clap it won’t let me log out so yeah well get far figured out bro also I have 167,000 dark elixir and I don’t know what to do with it that’s what I’m

Doing no wait can you unban me please [ __ ] I don’t ban you bro is this the one I’m missing no but the AR Queen so expensive uh 40 yeah I don’t know how to unban you bro D you join on a fresh account to begin with then nah I don’t do that fresh

Account for weird I mean everybody stay banned what the [ __ ] is that it’s trophies is what this base is it is trophies [ __ ] a stalling base yeah you’re going to get [ __ ] by that wizard tower though I’m not wait level one surrounded bro I still have 7 million in my

[ __ ] little cart to I have over 100 Mil finally time not to time to not check it till March fed why don’t you like upgrade your minions like to slime minions or something slime minions make good money they are the best money minion in the game right now and it’s to

MPC which is the best part mhm got real lucky on that actually right so I got 9 million gold what should I upgrade first many streams y can see info what we could do unironically we already would have the fly catchers no we could go slime minions and use that as co-op

Bank no what is this blacksmith bro uh slime minions are pretty worth it they make quite a bit of money you’re you’re saying they’re good but why not bro do you you obviously know what we’re using our things for in 5 days dude and what are we wait after cuz we’ll already have

Fly catchers I don’t I don’t care sure I think it’s PR it’s Prett cheap as well you know what I need some town hall 11 base layouts that’s what I need sure there some you or whatever n dude I’m going to find it I’m going to make one myself oh wait I got

Kicked know what’s sick now bro you literally copy base codes and just have the base built for you oh that’s fire I’m going remove everything here we go I’m about to build the sickest base ever it’s not you and my mom sad what don’t worry some interesting clashes I seen

Over the last couple months or not months like past he’s been playing lately bro you hear that I said in the past [ __ ] you he just outed him he just outed himself yep no y l last week [ __ ] I had to raid myself yeah so you were playing this

Game last week wow man that’s crazy yeah cuz I accidentally misclicked when I was trying to open Clash Royale yeah man sure you did very good yeah that’s a place yeah yeah 100% man yeah huh what don’t wor boys I’m building the most overpowered base you’ve ever seen you want to run better

Be a town hall too basically cope so you can walk across the full side of the I mean cope you could literally do sugar to Enchanted sugar to Enchanted sugar to um Enchanted sugar cane if you wanted to uh my for that what up HG what up what up welcome

Back brother how are you just go play War Thunder is it worth it I’m too lazy I’m just going to play war Thunders or get Clash of Clans oh yeah I think I should push my walls to level four it is good cope it takes four hours

To to craft like gemstone mixtures or whatever and you make good money from it like 400k profit right now from from one and you can do it like five times at uh Max Forge slots how much does it cost to make one one mil one mil that’s wor

Three right there and make a couple well I I I feel like it doesn’t really help that much but it looks scarier for people trying to attack me can I get it on PC F Hills you we’re doing on CL Clash Royale on p uh Clash Clash of Clans on PC we’re doing

Um what do you call it uh what is it Google Play Store [ __ ] crazy uh no you going blue STS no BL is Ban now it’s the Google Play beta F or whatever has been banned for like two years I made 30 mil an hour earlier doing [ __ ] summoning eyes cuz

Technically emulators weren’t allowed oh but now Google Play came out with their own emulator now they’re alled again I still think it’s funny that I made 30 mil on summoning is in an hour I think it’s funny that the flagship app that they were advertising for that emulator was Clash of

Clans they have a the Google Play Store now as I’m pretty sure what these guys are using mean isn’t it still like probably the one of the top mobile games what Clash of Clans probably it’s just better than Clash Royale G no it’s not Trail is

Boring Clash of Clans is boring the [ __ ] no hold on let me let me go sit there and stare at a s day upgrade yeah game later Fe take it easy I hope you have a good rest of your day you can’t say I’m to wait there for seven day

Upgrade 8 day up can you imagine how lit and how much more active Clash of Clans would be if they had a mode that just everything reset once a month Beck like that be pretty cool even if they just did that as like a a third um a third base like after the

Builder base they should had tournaments bro oh yeah you there is a third base by the way well there’s the clan like a third personal base which by the way we need to get to Town Hall 6 to get the capital going we also need to get

Like Clan level two or something HG you kind of right you kind of right bro that’s how I feel too hey R if you need me to join your clan I have a [ __ ] ton of stuff ready capital I have 25,500 saved up nope did you say 25,000

Yep that’s nothing it’s only almost Max yeah ow in the scheme of things that is nothing it is almost nothing but it’s big for a low level not even isn’t that like how much you get per week once you’re doing the um battles yeah yeah but like off start with no battle that’s

Good you can at least unlock like a couple things couple defenses hey R are you just going to rush Town Hall 6 yep I’m rushing Town Hall I think either eight or nine he completely stop and max out your my dog is loving me P I probably won’t

Max everything but I’ll like I’ll make a judgment call I’m going to push the tunnel eight or nine and then I’ll start maxing everything before I upgrade inter our cuz that’s it’s really easy to maintain at 9 it’s stupid easy to maintain at 8 what that one guy did at like Town what

You mean HG I’m confused [ __ ] whatever the highest trophy is no trophy other place I’m confused by what you said that’s why I say you you are me at other place maybe I’m just reading it wrong I don’t know maybe I’m stupid little bit you’re definitely just a little

Bit all right guys I got to go I got to go help my neighbor later go enjoy some food and help your neighbor oh I don’t know if they’re giving me any more food oh dude they definitely got cinnamon buns for you dude I know for a fact they do not have

Any cinnamon rolls damn son I don’t know if you go over anymore cuz you ate them all yesterday cuz the ones that I didn’t eat yesterday I brought back here with me yesterday oh okay great I got 7.7 million gold and 167k dark I need to get rid of some of it

Which one should I useen dark or queen not the grand Warden Lay Down lay down Milo always go Queen you my Warden is level 10 my I don’t know how I think Warden takes regular elixer you just think like I do like I do for like approximately everything

Damn all right I like that then hell yeah I’m happy you feel that way I try to plan my my days out and try to plan my my strategies out and like even like some like games I’m not really like super interested and like rocket League these guys love

Rocket league but I just see how much it tilts them and I don’t see any way I’d get satisfaction out of it like they love that never get tilted at yeah never bro never of course I had to say something dude why why didn’t I I I’m I’m waiting

On upgrades my first one’s my 14 hours till they’re done so dude [ __ ] me no than you guys are about to get toxic as [ __ ] hold on I’m sorry I literally can’t be asked to start a new account just make a new Gmail man no I

Hate that game I stopped playing it a long time [ __ ] dude okay I’m back I said it I meant it that’s fine oh okay I really want a bill collector on the uh Bill uh cultivating on this freaking sugar cane hoe I know how Wild that sounds well the

Problem here is right is I’m at 346 mil right now so so you know like 600 600 mil too I don’t want troops from you guys low LEL noobs man want your request I misclicked I was trying to figure up yeah man they all bro Mak bro oh yeah I

Bet are you bringing your ass yeah on the wrong [ __ ] account but [ __ ] it we run it [ __ ] it we ball we need Kye what a [ __ ] didn’t even say goodbye just left booster cookies almost 9 mil what the [ __ ] dude I’m so happy I bought yesterday I bought at 8

Me I knew they were going to go crazy it’s cuz of derpy right now risen or well Derpy coming up and Derpy’s next mayor pretty sure oh Yeahs are going to go mad up out then I don’t know oh that’s actually a valid point not buy an auction so it’s just

People selling them in uh hops for like 5 mil that is exclusively what one two and three are going to be people sellings young mango [ __ ] good comms dude let’s just be the nocs team can I like buy some cookies off you but how does that even [ __ ] work never

Mind never mind I was think a serious question I was thinking wait is it short now but then I realized cookies don’t even Sho so yeah they’re on they’re on bizar you should be able to buy them but they’re going to be expensive but I mean the thing is is

What you’re going to pay 1 mil like the whole Derpy 1 mil extra like it’s not really that bad yeah I know I’ve only got 150 mil I probably should buy my first piece tomorrow I honestly don’t know if it’s going to be honestly it’ll probably be probably be worth

It no but cheaper to buy it or cheaper to craft it I don’t know like I said you have to do the math on that dude so it’s when somebody [ __ ] up not not a oh yo info should be able to [ __ ] tell me whether this will be

Cheaper or not it’s when somebody [ __ ] up gemstone Chambers will will be way cheaper because of Marina for sure it’s not even a question or at least wor membranes will be M maybe HG maybe no trying to get out I’m so sorry you go he missed he try you be

You guys got this you guys got this my fifth visor sixth Vis better here I got 100 Mil e cane ready for Derpy earlier today I need to get it don’t oh brother HG I really I I’m going to tell you right now I don’t know how crazy it’s going to go

Past this point but it’s pretty high right now sugarcan is guy in the back has no boost probably it was yesterday yesterday 11k 2.3k copper not worth yeah did what I could at the 50 now whenever I dribble to pass that guy it kind of like gave me a boost and

Hit it just a little too wide should I upgrade four sheep pets or Guardian pets definitely four sheep pets but you should have done that during Diana because it’ll give you better bre pet score you [ __ ] me dude just the thought for next time I think I know you

From somewhere I think a long while ago I bought a p7 JuJu you were trying to get off ah potentially Kai I think I remember something like that happening and then I didn’t end up buying it so it worked out good thing cuz I wouldn’t have used it for a really long

Time because I uh pretty much been maxing every other skill but combat right now he didn’t touch it de forom 60 not for the flip may go it may go up like 2% yeah potentially um I haven’t I don’t really know what it’s going to go

Up to I’m not sure but it could go crazy bomb t i zero when I was when I was looking at our old Discord bot messages for Alchemy 50 um what do you call it raid raid did a command and bot commands and the price

Of cane at how how much cane he needed was like 130k per cane I got four epics and four Mills starting to get him legendary good idea honestly the legendary ones will make you make it more money for sure potentially even using cat flowers and stuff just might make you money

Sorry I don’t know what I was doing there bro I’m going be honest with you I was freaking the [ __ ] out my bad it’s like four mil per legendary without caters how much is the price difference between epic and legendaries HG price is going to be super low during

Derpy for them or well how wait hold on let me think that out will be cheap really really badly oh actually it’ll be cheap right after Derpy because nobody could sell them unless they’re going to a low barer and then somebody’s going to make a flip on them eventually

All right the guy in the net has almost zero right now just so you know damn ne’s getting bullied right now better than 11-ish per mil that’s real how much is an epic four mil per legendary without cap flowers okay nice and then you just wait yeah I mean you

Got time in between now in Derpy so you got five days perfect spawn y way to punish him on the demo 500ish Enchanted mod I don’t know how much that is but it should be all right he’s got that’s light work that’s light work that’s an easy flip right there for you

Upgrading him to he not there you redirect it I missed it good they’re both in as long as you’re cool with somebody on the side line I’m just going to keep it in their half they’re playing super defensive right now I got four epics for oh okay you’re

Hitting a mad lick right now then so I had figured that they’re kind of low right now because of uh would they be low right now sort of I would say they’d be kind of low because of Diana and then Derpy they’re on they’re on the uptrend but I

Wouldn’t say that they’re they’re high cheating yep I also don’t know the price of them so I’m just going off base of uh my my guesstimate really sorry from mayor swaps it from home I don’t think you got that what FS for Alchemy 50 or you just need a sheet pet for

Uh they’re like 10 mil normally about there no malcy like 55 need pet cuz of hype ah I see you should buy low ball one during Derpy cuz then people are getting Alchemy 60 or 50 rather 60 whatever the heck it is and then you’ll probably hit a lick

On them that’s a good game mhm I still don’t like this car though I’m changing go back well there like them yeah why no I think he just didn’t know if you were here I got one more po at the confused sheep pet because of the intelligence right uh fouls is that what

It is yeah it’s very good for intelligence so you’re able to Hype spam that makes sense it’s like two more times with h not too more for the Mana reduction understandable yeah it’s an intelligence pet makes sense level 100 it makes abilities cost 20% less Mana a neat okay so you get

More you get more bang for your buck if you’re using the hype you get more damage in theory if you don’t have a damage pet that is got the one going get the other you tried to demo me on the wall oh I know you’re that [ __ ] my B I

Thought you were further out so I was going to try to hit it to you I’m excited to get out of the freaking Garden man but there aren’t many other pets yeah true couldn’t get the bump you use that or like e drag or G drag yeah pretty much what we’re doing

Too I mean we have we had she pet just from Alchemy 50 but we have e drag and Dr drag I bought e drag at start and then um made like 200 mil on it if I was to sell it just cuz I guess inflation I don’t really

Know Miss inflation of coins we’re talking by the way Michael has his G drag that he bought and then leveled nice both really [ __ ] Agro yep oh could get nice Demo Man a [ __ ] excuse me I just burped couldn’t tell I can’t get there going right I don’t understand how he h

Shot I can’t wait till they come out with more Garden levels dude they will I don’t know I hope they do that would be cool why’ you leave dude I make green bandana even better too took a 50 instead of a shot I could see him adding more Garden levels low

Key that’s the problem right well I mean be AE of thing is is compared to hypermax right now I’m making [ __ ] 12 and a half mil right now Youed up making 12 and a half mil right now I don’t think it’s counting for Mentos either this really not that good if you take that into consideration only thing that would need to get better is their macro people checking macros I mean in theory if they want to

Advance a garden I was just thinking I don’t know I think it could be cool if they were to add uh what do you call it more Garden guy in the back low on boo he just took our Corner make things a little bit more over grind at more visitors maybe mid

Okay like more rare things like space helmet that’ll be freaking cool was I think y I think the the pests are cool I just I just think that uh I don’t know man I you got to S you got to figure right uh if they do add more Gard make

Extra farming Fortune agreed but the thing is for Dem uh no more other stuff I mean yeah if they added more Garden levels really it would add more farming Fortune but the thing is if they added more late game things then it would be more interesting but if they also added

More farming fortune in theory really wouldn’t be that bad because it’s underwhelming compared to any other skill went for the demo and the Boost Ste I mean if you think about it like your tools you have to have every single tool you have to Max your garden you AFK

Compost I thought that was all you complete visitors if you want space helmet then you got to do all the visitors um RNG really isn’t that crazy from the garden low key I mean you’re make I’m making freaking 12 12.5 mil right now that’s not that crazy compared to any other

Thing and my setup is probably I don’t know my armor right let’s say 100 Mil a piece I guess 100 Mil a piece minus P five I don’t even know what P 5 would even be worth right now like I mean did you drop an alloy no I just got

Kicked Oh I thought you just I need to find someone in my Lobby now Nice Shot you got it’s not that crazy money per hour is that crazy basically for how much it took you want to make good because macros will always exist yeah macros will always exist but the thing is is

They won’t make a lot of money early game it’ll be easy to catch the Mac is late game I mean even early game it’s pretty freaking easy it’s just macro checks that’s the thing I haven’t been macro checked one time oh my God not once in

The whole time I’ve been in Garden I’ve been in Garden for like freaking 3 months consecutively oh you know what I got to go swap tools guy in the back has low boost got it would make Garden better you’re right but the thing is is if you added

More late game things to dump your money into like space helmet then it would actually be more Interesting uh thing is is maybe this one needs like a certain crop Milestone getaway or like uh to get to unlock certain visitors maybe I don’t know there’s a ton of different ways to freaking scale it so only the late game players of garden actually can get

There and I mean the thing is if you’re late game you deserve the the farming Fortune technically if you’re already there got that he’s missed thank you I’m way behind right now set spawn uh you’re right though with the macas macas are the main problem why they

Don’t want to add more to it that is really the main issue what I don’t even understand how I demo there CU he’s not or get demo there cuz he not going Super Sonic on my screen I was I was literally behind the ball but okay

No the thing is is they’ve added a macro or like uh stop to like add a Nerf to the macros that’s the thing with the pest is then also so like they can’t I mean yeah you can technically kill pests with a macro but I mean it’s going to take time

And then it’s probably going to be easily detectable too oh yeah it be very detectable well the thing is is also like with the with the earthworm it makes it such a pain in the ass for a macro to kill that that’s the best part about it yeah

That one was a little weird too tp1 I’m going to clear these visitors so I don’t have to do it mid contest anything I hit him wait isn’t it oh contest in a minute yep bounce out hi you [ __ ] the double wait can I turn my P I can get a

Diamond maer is always very easy to freaking catch it’s dead ass very very easy like I mean you need to be late game to One Shot pest which would be the only way to actually get out of like I misjudged it like would would be the only easy way to efficiently script

Pests I mean I don’t want to do this to you ra but look at tab that’s the thing man’s is getting hard [ __ ] carried right now I know bro I have you guys got this though dead ass champ with this [ __ ] oh never mind I have 170 pist to

Turnning his teammate doesn’t even have lock in boys lock in like I dead ass have not been macr checked once like and I have 230 mil overflow XP on farming not that I like want to sit here and get macro checked all day every day and I’m sure that

They’re busy or whatever but like that’s pretty like not good we want to win we got to get Kaden out of the play he to be honest I mean they have to have like a sketch list like I must not be on the sketch list but like I I just don’t my

Head doesn’t wrap around how I wouldn’t be on the sketchist really sketch I guess I mean I farm quite a bit bro yeah but you you farm literally bang on the sh no no I’m not perfect when I farm but the thing is is like that dude

You could literally make it into your macro to not Farm perfectly it’s like not like a like a like if you’re smart you would do that I guess they try to Target people who don’t really have other uh have anything in other skills yeah I mean I guess that makes sense but

Then at the same point you just rat somebody and then [ __ ] AFK and the macro Farm on them like hello like that sorry sorry that I’m no I’m just I’m just being logical about it I’m a very um hm logistical person like I don’t know sorry I didn’t mean to

Come out your neck with that one if I came off like that I’m sorry sorry literally one good guy and one [ __ ] I was talking over yours too so that didn’t help bronze three and then a grand champ literally just huge bro it’s all this is man it’s a grand

Champ with its cousin can’t say the other word I just wanted to make sure it didn’t uh it didn’t uh come off that way Ren I didn’t want it to cuz I didn’t mean it that way if it did uh legit macro yeah I mean I guess that

Does make sense though like with the no other skills thing but like even still bro like like it’s very easy to like get like like buy a ratted account like do anything like that like be a problem like I it’s very like uh easy to find

Ways around the whole oh yo this is my only skill thing like even still it’s not it’s not hard to grind those skills sorry fellas I’m talking over your comms you’re good dude you’re streaming dog yeah we’re big chilling right now um we’re actually better when we don’t play

With comps it seems like you guys did have good great success sorry great success when you did that the other day dve up the wall to [ __ ] him up nice why do my game keep rasing bro worth though maybe m not that Garden is bad bro because I think Garden’s in a

Good place right now but bro it definitely could be better definitely could be better like I would say it’s like legitimately the same amount of like stress and time that you got to put in well it’s okay well thought he was going to hit it it’s probably a little bit easier

Than old D getting D Max because the the powder grinding but like even still like d had made you way more money for about the same amount of money that you got to put into it it’s not more this what D made more yeah Dow definitely made more but what I’m

Saying to buy anything to put speed reset bro reseted I’m sorry that true you didn’t I thought it you want to do right there buy for Speed what what would have been cheaper oh I didn’t trust it I mean in a way yes but also in a way no

Like it depends how hard you go with like your tools and stuff I guess and how I don’t know it takes way more time that’s for sure I would definitely say it takes more time to get this fish it in a lot of crops and like be I don’t

Know man I don’t know Dow is definitely like better money though for sure and I would say cost wise for armor ah bro armor and tools I would definitely say D’s probably like on the same scale as far I don’t know like for MoneyWise it’s pretty crazy so much I

Was not even getting go I wish I actually got into D yeah D was very unfair I wouldn’t have been able to do much because I’m such hyping yeah plus it does it’s I’m not trying to be an a when I say this like but it does it’s kind of hard to

Freaking be good at it especially with high ping B the game but no I mean even I wasn’t able to One swipe very good like one swiping was basically using the least amount of Mana in your Dow so you didn’t have downtime D was changed before I started

Playing I think Dill was very unfair I’m just going to say that right now was very unfair but it was a fun time man I had a good time like you would get griefed and like it would take like an hour and a half to

Set up your Dow route which was like 150 gemstone structures sh one more he didn’t mid game absolutely H I would definitely say that mining’s best mid game money it goes you go farming to mining to combat to cudra or fishing maybe right there all right take this

Boost then I there all right well they think I have no boost so I’m just going to go ahead and take it to their half low balling is definitely best money-making method though early game like I mean but I’m talking skill progression got Bo I should get into mining to be honest

Mining is way better mid game than farming is farming hyper Max is like not even as good as likeing mid to late game what is it Nitro farming is like if I was to use your set right now with half power like half Max powder i’ get like way more

Than old fing oh yeah definitely yeah him up though definitely mining is way better than farming but farming well I guess they both have their aspects of AFK money because mining has the forge but um they’re both good man if you start a new profile you definitely v v uh

Visitor manipulate and then you go right into mining that’s very like good you villager manipulate uh I mean villager manipulate visitor manipulate and then you get a drop and you put your money into farming stuff make some money uh sell get some upgrades maybe liquidate your

Farming set and then go into Mining and make a bunch of money and always Fel composter maybe even uh start to upgrade your composter like 90 5% hyper Max is missing Vil and the roof necklace HG you and I are literally in the same boat and

And my name like I I I like literally the only thing I need is the vonr or alloy and a rift Nexus I have every other thing we bro yeah anyone in the still not Rift we should like do it together everybody pretty much but me there like all of us Grotto mining

Yeah grto magma Grotto mining is good uh magma Fields Grotto whatever the heck it’s called I think you know what I’m talking about definitely very good well well I breaked my uh call or my Moss F but I’ve always very much so disliked uh hand

Mining me to get on and help fix it no I think it’s just cuz I kept logging in and logging out and the lava vage yeah yep yeah I forgot I was because Kyle keeps asking me to sleep so I had log out so he could sleep but yeah yeah

But even at that point dude you’re making pretty freaking good money for what point you’re in mining like if you had on his bumper bro I’m hitting him the whole way even see his car shaking like you you will you will still make good money at that point in mining

Compared to hypermax farming like that’s why I said if they added more Garden levels and more late game things like that would actually make doing is going for demo farming a competitor in one of the better like mid game m yeah mid game skills mid game money making

Methods what a [ __ ] read holy [ __ ] I just like farming because there once you’re hypermax dude and if you Max composter dude copper is all sauce on top dude so much sauce on top but it’s so boring but you get coins from the process yeah pretty much uh how much

Powder would I need to start mining okay I’m going to say this right now always I’m I’m always going to suggest Max tree to somebody right but uh good powder I think is what’s like six 6 mil 6 mil probably 7 mil 7 mil Max yeah you definitely want to get Max tree

Max tree is actually good money per hour maxing tree is good money per hour and it’s not actually that horrible you could level pets you could uh freaking uh Forge flip you can I wasn’t expecting to go that fast you can sludge juice mine while you mine a coal route you

There’s tons of different ways you can make money while you’re powder mining my fault good Forge flip pet pet um leveling I didn’t get it out fast enough honestly I want to see if we can get like sneak a quick one in there it was greedy I shouldn’t have done

It is that is that what mid game tree is HG I just I just said 7 mil 7 mil because I qu I I I think that 7 mil 7 mil will probably be beneficial mostly because having more max things and going for powder mining at that

Point is better than um what do you call it you got I think I have 6 mil and then like 34 mil or whatever [ __ ] 6 mil Mythril and 34 mil gemstone something like that but I I mean obviously you can’t fill the tree with over like 23 mil 24 mil or

Something like that I’m only on like 3 mil 3 mil that’s honestly not even bad though bro it’s like so light work to get Max stre and you’re making good money from it too or all right money from it better money than you would from uh dri better money than you would from

Garden we’re out parts or not Parts what’s it called trip is like four both that is just a unfortunate Hood touch there if I was you uh risen I definitely would go go back so it’s just easier that way you make more and if you really

Can’t do the PO mining anymore which I lowkey think you can if you’re farming like that much you have like a crazy amount of Guild XP which I assume that you play quite a bit so I would suggest you to pow mine Max tree and then you’ll probably have the money from Forge

Flipping pet flipping everything like that getting a Max mining set up once you have Max I’m second to top uh tree am I being too aggressive do I need to stay back a little bit I don’t know what it is they’re just getting so [ __ ] lucky with everything dude well that time we

Both were pushed up again I got bumped I was Midfield and he just walked me I was more thinking I was out of position what a [ __ ] save holy [ __ ] the most important thing and the most time the time most timec consuming thing is heart of the mountain 7 so if

You do your daily commissions every day that’ll be take you about a month to get uh full heart of the mountain 7 if you just do your daily commissions but if you sweat nucleus runs and stuff like that um if you sweat nucleus runs and stuff

You probably Max in two two and a half days i’ been heart seven for a while oh you’re big chilling then you’re big chilling yeah ner you’re you’re on Pace for for Harley Mountain so been really good hey man it was fun tomor because I’m really busy definitely get it the

Day after M I wasn’t going for rank that’s my other account I don’t give a [ __ ] about that s for a while yeah dude all you need is powder powder grind then that’s literally it that is it ra can you do oh no I got I got I got I’m doing pumpkin

Okay I’m fighting to get platinum I had to log out because sor lagging so much PL oh 50k for Diamond you should be good for a minute oh wait you know what dude I’m just going to do the all of them I’m going to stop being lazy God man I really hope

They’re going to be in your plots aren’t they no they’re not thank the Lord why he’s Coco pump yep I than God yeah me too I hate so to get tonight after this contest yeah Ren it’s a good game plan dude I’m not going to lie to you it’s a

Good game plan post is about empty by the way whoever’s not busy oh my bad I’m in contest right now I didn’t realize I was about to be empty Diamond mushroom is mad easy to get yeah that’s true Diamond mushroom is mad easy to get but so is pumpkin if you

Get rngs but I we didn’t I didn’t get any rngs on this one unfortunately got one crazy rare and then the rest is just you know my farming Fortune whatever is still at five minutes yep I’m losing sight in my eyes I sweat 41k over plat right now

POG yeah technically all I need is one rngsus and then uh I’ll be chilling or like two crazy rares and then I’ll be like mediocre and I could probably do visitors once I’m at the end of the farmer Midway through got Platinum pumpkin with rngs and 1K Fortune yeah

Pumpkin is not that bad I actually quite like farming pumpkins they’re pretty good money per hour too but I definitely say that sugarcane is the best because you get the pest boost you get the Derpy boost whenever uh Derpy comes around they sell for a lot higher yeah the the farm farming

Exp’s dog [ __ ] but uh you get potential for RNG but I’ve been unfortunately extremely unlucky should I SB my hype SB my hype what does that mean should I SB soulbound my hype um up to you if you’re not going to sell it f uh fouls you’re there’s no point there’s

No point not to I mean if we’re not going to sell it there’s no point not to but there is no point why would you do it though I guess the only reason you do it is if you get ratted and the guy isn’t going to delete profile I don’t

Know I mean Sky Block XP if you want I I don’t know it’s up to you really but if you wanted Del liquidate then that throws that out the window that’s the only problem with that idea but if you don’t want to liquidate your hype which I don’t see why you would low

Key just does it make sense to really eventually inflation will I don’t know actually maybe maybe it would be worth what would I liquid dat hype for exactly I don’t know really what would you liquidate a hype for if you didn’t like combat really that’ be the only reason why you

Uh some I still at the point I was going to sell my hype I still bound it right away that’s a good idea so it didn’t get off your profile I mean if you don’t like combat I’d say that’s the only reason why you would sell your hype really hyp is still

Used so much stuff it’s literally you can’t do most of the stuff in the game without hype I’ve done just fine I mean to be fair a hype is a complete m Max set up for any skill you want pretty much you can even do it in mining CU teleporting around you

Do no no you could not worth not worth you could but very much so not worth coron not worth want dayless a and get him low sure but get him low when he’s a million Health with the hype isn’t he too no he’s one oh maybe not

Then is with that much people a ticket to do anything in the game yeah you’re right magic mine doesn’t even affect it cuz it’s 4% beats me dude I don’t know I’m just trying to say like uh make sure you think out all your options before if you don’t like combat

Then I mean I guess like that’s like the only option why you would liquidate a hype like but if you enjoy combat and you I guess you need it for certain things that you enjoy then keep it [ __ ] it I mean I I was always going to keep

My hype because my Co-op is some enjoyer of of uh what do you call it in uh combat in my Co-op and if I don’t enjoy it then they’ll get to use it and then I’ll just be my hype whatever if I need to do anything with hype then I got it

That’s my thought process for man I’m surprised I’m not going to get diamond no RNG y tomorrow I’m switching back to mes by the way and going back to doing VC for Gard okay I’m so close I could technically take it but I don’t know I I was so close to

Diamond you’re not I don’t think I got it yeah no I didn’t unfortunate bro stupid L I just had to do p that’s the only reason why I didn’t get it and no RNG going to have to do mining commission quick wait how did I just gain a day of cookie

Buff uh did you level up Alchemy no be yeah oh Fame rank up Fame rank up maybe no no doesn’t change anything either I genuinely don’t there’s no explanation for it I notic that the other day I randomly gained a oh they buff cookies they made cookies five days not four did

I yeah apparently that’s what um what do you call just said in my chat that’s what F just said in my chat consume consume to gain the cook B for 4 days oh and when I got it it said like 4 days left ate a cookie like a few hours ago

Now now I’m on 4 days I was it said I’m running out in 30 minutes so it’s definitely just changed it to five days I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be a four to be honest it’s a really really random odd number well then it shouldn’t

Change it while you have the effector No it should no it’s just scamming everyone out that ate it like 10 minutes before such as me nitro’s so mad I said nitro’s so mad I didn’t get scammed out of it so I’m not bothered Oh I thought you said you did no I’m just

Saying that’s why cuz I would have been mad oh don’t Mi sure it’s done in an hour like that what’s up Co minutes uh um it’s at normal price um Co you could bizar flip like typically any of the gemstones flawed to um what do you call it flawed to fine

Or sometimes Flawless uh fine to perfects or fine to Flawless makes you some money like a few hundred K per craft and sell uh sell offer obviously um you can craft well let me see this this was always [ __ ] up cooked mutton in chat how do you get these I

Don’t even know if this is easy to get I’m not going to tell you that one but that one was like kind of like 50k in between uh go look at the crafting recipe cope dub Nitro dub going to use so much what happened what did he get this

A prehistoric egg patch into a legendary armadillo unironically that might still make you money the prehistoric egg flip think it is worth 1.4 mil that’s actually quite High uh C look at the enchanted sugar cane price you might that might be a 20K flip per that was earlier you can craft

Uh fishing Affinity Talisman and flip those those will go be super cheap right now oh actually yeah those should be cheap right now anything with like fish should be really cheap right now mhm uh Enchanted fish is probably like any fish turning it to Enchanted fish

Might be a good craft flip you just might need uh collections for that that’s it um by the way if we were to if we were to randomly claim fishing minions like jiren Marina it would be the same as jiren you know really 90% sure because you get an extra

50 wisdom which is 50% more skill XP which is the same as oh my God so that means I could start forging way earlier yeah cuz plus oh wait no public Islands never mind oh you you got my hopes up yeah yeah I didn’t see that

It’s all right but I I I think mic I said that the last time too it’s all right like no no like he he like he said that uh Marina was a public Island thing only not a island what about the minions with uh Marina only boosting they don’t

Boost she doesn’t boost the minions she only boosts uh what do you call it uh fishing minions cope I just told you like three flips right there you don’t have to do mining you could just flip I mean know the getting the collections for the things isn’t really

Hard coal to Enchanted coal iron to Enchanted iron gold to Enchanted gold Enchanted gold to Gold block Derpy’s right around the corner so enchanted uh Gold Blocks will probably go up in price because it’s an Alchemy thing pretty much everything that doesn’t go in a personal compactor is a craft

Flip a lot of the times that is the truth though yeah I mean the other thing you can do for Passive money is upgrade sheep pets that’s true that’s what I do sometimes uh with Derpy around the corn it’s might be hard to sell oh well yeah

But you can upgrade a pet during that time that’s true but you got to make sure to sell it during Marina because when starp be’s here you’re not going to be able to sell it on age it’s going to have to take it to a low baller and probably jip you on the

Pricez it yeah could I wa like under shot the amount of uh tools I need so I got way too little so now I have to do it again oh info did you hear it I was making 30 mil an hour earlier from summoning I nice what see Enchanted melon blocks is

A pretty good flip right now too Enchanted melon blocks cope that could be and then sell to NPC uh he was killing summoning eyes and he is pretty AR carried plus he has a lot of car plus a lot of high damage 10K zealots in [ __ ] an hour or like two

Hours yeah do you normally get 30 mil an hour from summoning eyes isn’t that that’s five that’s exactly what I mean yeah hello RNG carried there you go RNG carried I have Max zelu which is literally a thing that I had to pay 30

Like 25 mil for oh all right I take RNG card is an insult bro that it kind of is it’s saying that you are RNG carried though shut the [ __ ] up okay you just had good RNG that’s all it is you’re not supposed to make 30 m an hour from that

Dog you’re not supposed to make 30 mil an hour from that you know that that yeah bro super cool right yes but when you have literally everything that you can use to spawn in Z at Max all the odds all the percentages are at the max you still got lucky that’s you’re you

Cared yeah you got lucky is all I’m saying M you’re not supposed to make 30 mil an hour you simply said it exactly that way and that’s all I even if you spend all of that’s all I that’s all I was saying like RNG carry does not mean a bad thing

And that that pretense it means you just had good energy for that hour you’re not supposed to make 30 mil an hour from summoning eyes unless I understand it improperly but yes I understand you have all the things maxed for the zealots but is is that like a normal thing like you

Can go out and grind 30 mil an hour that’s all I was saying I wasn’t trying to use it as an insult by the way I was just saying like like that’s not like cuz cuz cop asked me how 30 mil an hour that’s all I was saying and then you

Said summoning eyes so I was was just trying to explain it to him really yeah yeah so like he he had like the best odds like the best like he had good numbers on like his kills per summoning eyes he had like so like that’s not like an actual like normal grinding method

For each endstone protector spawn I was getting 3K kills said cope just do anything that you normally do for your money per hour like grinding any skill and then literally once you get 30 mil dude there you go there Z there’s Zealot macros now are you freaking kidding me I’m not

Surprised but I mean I guess Macos what do you mean you don’t do anything spaying around in a circle pressing right click to the hype no that’s just called dungeons um well cop I mean you could bizarre flip dude uh look what an enchanted sugar

Can’s at right now 200 mil for a good flip how how if you know that that 200 mil mil is a good flip and you don’t have the 200 mil anymore what happened to the 200 mil if it was a good flip it’s still in the investment I mean I

Would yeah but why put all your money in an investment if you you typically you’re supposed to invest in something only if you can afford it twice it’s 18 mil per flip Dam mik you [ __ ] up bro what me selling those during Marina but they’ve been at the same price even when

Not during Marina no they weren’t I was selling about 8 mil yesterday well I didn’t want to out it but oh no it’s all the auctions oh I haven’t slept um he stands up in City where you shoot the drag oh Chimera flip brother what crafting Chimera 2 is not a

Flip nobody really buys it’s an accidental purchase at that point uh Co nobody buys Chima 2 or two of it’s typically normally uh people buying the lowest tier of it I mean if you’re getting an somebody purchasing if you’re getting somebody purchasing or selling to you it’s typically an

Accident buy order then sell offer for Chimera 1 I mean I I guess it’s a flip if it’s sufficient enough but like I i’ never really done that really personally I’ll typically buy something when it’s like a big gap between it and then I know it’s going to go up and then sell

At uh at a higher price but it’s now 6 mil per flip yeah I mean like I says like there’s probably better flips and like that you can do like uh like cuz that’s not like a a normal flip per se that’s just like being a

Middleman technically but it is a way it is a flip technically it’s just that’s not normally how I flip things P personally and I hit the 100% head and it’s 100 blocks away oh yeah yeah I’m sure about that they they’re definitely macroing [ __ ] like that I don’t doubt that for a

Second Zealot have been around for too long and uh people are too shyy to not code something like that cope you’re most definitely able to do better flips uh with less money there’s zela macros forging macros ghost macros yeah I’ve seen ghost macros before go en forging macros I wouldn’t

Doubt that for a second but I man why dude you’re not doing it for money you’re doing it for skill la which at that point if you’re doing it for skill La you’re most likely going to get caught for macroing something you can flip everything mayor related literally

Anything mayor related yeah I bought 10 datalis sticks at like 8 and 1/2 mil and they’ll be at 15 mil in like I don’t know 2 weeks probably because they’ll be well maybe during Derpy I don’t know really depends what the ne price sits at when Derpy goes uh

Live on the auction uh forging macros sounds cool for me I mean I our Island spent like 450 mil on like um for AFK forging minions and also neb neb did too uh last night uh so during Derpy we’re just going to go basically AFK and get forging Max or I am going

To you’re not going to AFK it’s not actually AFK but yes you don’t really have to move around run around deal with people messing with your trees you just sit there on teleport pads and there you go do you use monkey or do you use the I’m not sure I think it was

Ocelot monkey will make you want Oh I thought that was me Cheese Louise if I monkey just takes your your tree uh timer cuts it in half right speaking of that yo info huh what’s up me three seconds one two three get the DM [ __ ] Li I did get the

DM oh my minions are the same but without any upgrades what minions are you rocket HG h what about that why though wait I’m confused wait what happened what did I do nothing but I found out today oh in the middle of the perimeter and it would AF I have an

Idea that’s good we can get that after your we’ll talk about it get I have an idea about it as well I know that’s actually not bad money per hour either yep um yeah I like that all my minions are the same but without any

Upgade Birch ah so ours have we have 15 fly catchers we have 45 or something minion expanders um we have Mython F 31 Mython fusions and yeah I think that’s it for our minions uh are yeah for our forging minions and 31 uh jungle tier 11 or tier 12 jungle minions

Or something like that is there another one nearby they’re both slugs yo I don’t know if that’s right but wa did you you h a look how what I just went on Salon saw on bin and it was just B oh hey Lev 10 it’s not really how much that

Goes for but sometimes very rarely if you get a goofball I don’t even know how I did that I just saw it it was just there so I’m lacking that’s what’s going Ono what we should invest a little bit to mix and match our forg minions yeah I was thinking about that yesterday

I should nib did five five of each which is a good idea it’s a really good idea for us at least just prepping for don’t plan really to make money out of it early game early nice Nitro damn bro I am lacking I guess I’m immediately going to snipe

That one from C cuz I know exactly exactly which one you bid on oh wait maybe I don’t yeah we spent quite a bit of coins on it but it was it’s going to be worth it oh be message day uh cop are you still flipping dude flipping to make your

Money decid going to get higher than forging 20 oh bro dude if I’m going to tell you right now you either fight with people during Derpy in the Park which is going to be insanely painful or you spend like 700 mil basically on everything to get AFK forging minions and do it because

There’s no fun way to do forging bro I’m not going to lie to you unless you have another person sitting there placing a tree for you and you bone meal it and then you break the tree like there’s no easy way fun way good way to do forging

And you make F all for money it was also a flip too like our investment oh yeah our well at the time it was a it was a flip because we we did it mayor specific well it still will be a flip yeah is I guess well well H later maybe it’s

Potentially will go up what we did but I don’t know if that’s actually the truth for sure in theory it does go up may not go up a [ __ ] ton but it’ll definitely go out I’m not that rich that’s why I wait I mean it’s going to I

I would say a little bit but I think forging update is on the way bro I think it’s in the works can’t can’t cap I will go you you going to bed yep have a good night dividing good night sleep well brother on an item I had seven days

Left oh my God man that is pain God that trying to make a sand duper dude and he just said everything went wrong oh god oh no that’s horrible I blame info even on This Server dude it’s your fault that’s funny I blame info heck you bro I I firmly believe that foraging

Update is close on I do too I really do my gem s makes are up Mega right now like even though it’s been an ongoing meme for This Server I actually do think it’s coming soon I do too I genuinely do like not even Jokes Aside

Like not even even jok’s ass sign so the joke’s not signed so like all right please stop you’re going to mind [ __ ] me dude think oring update is 02 and we are on one uh 0.9.9 um I don’t know if that’s a Truth

Uh but I do think it’s very soon I I I I can’t like put a prediction on it but I just do think it’s soon like I genuinely think it’s soon forging update is uh probably amongst us I I genuinely think that wa I was expecting nothing and I got

Something what they give you bro um [ __ ] blackeyed peas stew gas some cornbread [ __ ] yeah okay and way too [ __ ] many Christmas cookies oh dude why is that a complaint is that a complaint dude Nate you are living in the like greatest situation that you could ever could right now by

The way what did they have you do though they they had me help them lift up a washing machine from the floor to like 4 feet high onto a thing that they were putting it on genuinely not bad though I mean it wasn’t great I mean listen it’s

Not going to be great but dude that food is going to last you and you have cookies and that food is going to last that food is almost gone okay it’s now you’re not going to be hungry for the the relevant 6 hours rough right oh yeah

It was a total [ __ ] win right I that’s what I mean now you have a snack for later you have dessert for later right you just helped your old the older couple that constantly feeds you do something that they genuinely needed to get done and they are definitely going

To hook it up and they are now you are now their favorite neighbor they didn’t really need that washing machine to get hooked up okay but they were going to do it and you know it oh they they weren’t doing it by themselves absolutely yeah right

But they were they wanted to do it right yeah you know what I mean so you know what you made them happy they made you happy with a fair trade and you’re definitely not a fair trade I made out like a [ __ ] Bandit okay so fair to

Them because they couldn’t do it right would would the older couple have been able to do it truthfully yeah you know I think that’s a w you you put a smile on their face and they put a they put a meal in your stomach to do it with my

Help yeah that’s what I mean so you definely may put a smile on your face Nate definitely I’m just that [ __ ] guy dude those neighbors got a handy man that they can bribe of food anytime they want and Nate is the part is they [ __ ] I’m live I’m

Live by the way live oh [ __ ] okay just just a fair warning okay so like what type of curse words racist no racist no racist no homophobia and we don’t really give a [ __ ] about that the language isn’t whatever you do don’t say the [ __ ] word just don’t say just

You know be act like you’re talking to like a girl your girlfriend’s parents or something yo your girlfriend gives such good head dude bro I bet she does I wouldn’t know talk to her dad dude bro oh no I should probably I should probably go on mute and let you guys chill yeah

No we’re good that was all that was the only comment we had I I no no no like I I’m worried I’m genuinely worried no we’re good your girlfriend system already dude your girlfriend gives good head risen just said in twitch oh my God’s up bro see I don’t

Have a girlfriend so it’s not really you know it’s not offensive but I you know like that feeling when you know you’re going to be on your best behavior like you’re have that feeling like like Nate was just in that situation not like not that he had to be on his best Behavior

But like he was around old folk like he’s on his aame he just got bribed for some money after hooking up a [ __ ] uh a washing machine what did I miss money not money I didn’t mean money for some food for some food I’m sorry for some food was it stoop again it

Wasn’t well it B it wasn’t it wasn’t it was a blackeyed peas stew and cornbread and cookies cornbread and Cornbread [ __ ] yeah banana bread at work dude bro banan [ __ ] work dude hell yeah hell yeah brother dudes will look at that and just say hell yeah honestly bro I’d be

All excited I’d be all giddy like a freaking kid in a candy store see one of those like on Instagram of like guys just saying Hell yeah I read that in info’s voice dude I got some [ __ ] dude hell hell yeah H yeah I want to be nebs nebs on the train

Too by the way fellas of what we were just talking about with the forging update nb’s dumb nb’s not dumb neb neb neb May Canada is okay Canadia Canadia a Canadia why do they say a I don’t know it’s the same reason that midwesterners

Just say oh oh oh oh I agree with I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry that guy still performs that same song by the way he that that I swear to you second grade I know but he straight up like has everybody going absolutely berserk dude

When he goes live performing that same song from I don’t even know dude I just remember making in North Korea were they’re required no it’s it’s in it’s in like ja he even does like Japan ja and China and all all shows over there I swear to god dude Sai is popping dog

He’s going crazy and he’s still doing good and good on him dog he’s going stupid he he’s going crazy a concert you wouldn’t go I would I would I’d go [ __ ] crazy I’d go [ __ ] crazy did you guys see that a couple weeks ago on North Korea’s national television Kim

Jong-un like broke down crying cuz their population is decreasing yeah okay all right I didn’t know that but let’s leave the jokes if if they’re coming all so uh I didn’t actually know that though is a joke um they’re apparently back on the nuclear weapons push and they want to launch a

Nuclear weapon out of another country again oh it us isn’t there just a the thing is the thing is is that that’s not going to work that’s not going to work yeah nuclear war literally it’s a lose lose for the whole earth like I don’t I don’t understand really wants to push

That button like they push they push that Buton and it’s not good for anybody dude like the war already is to press that button at any given would just you would just have the Temptation dude I wouldn’t go around talking about it for like 10 years you’re going to

Blow up the world well the thing is dude it’s really just like a horrible thing to think because like I don’t know like yeah like it’s funny to say oh the Deviant thoughts or whatever but like it’s like so bad that that’s even like a reality like

Actually dude I P I’m I’m convinced that 95% of people that say that they would push that button would not push that button I’m pushing it dep depends on the circumstances it’s who’s it aimed at who’s it I mean how how it’s North Korea’s Miss matter where

It’s at say it’s americaas right say it’s America’s who are you pointing it at if you’re firing it that is true real quick [ __ ] yeah bud I mean that would be Earth that would be Earth decimation within the first day the only country that would survive would probably be Australia because they’re so

Far away from everyone well I don’t know dude I just think it’s a it’s a it’s a [ __ ] I’m going to DM my answer to John genu feel like this sensitive genuinely I don’t see a win I don’t see a win from any of the solutions with nuclear warfare dog there

Is no win there you you lose innocent people you you lose innocent people and nobody succeeds from it no one’s inate I just want later risen dude I hope you have a good rest of your night good good rest of your day bro take it easy no

Okay Nate send it to me too dud oh my Minecraft just crashed for exit code one heck yeah bud want to know who y i just okay all I saw on my screen is uploaded image hold on I’m in a rocket League give me a sec fellas hi just crashed hardy

Har you theme Crush check who’s over there laughing no my stream didn’t crash I sent Tanner a screenshot of what I said to you and then what you said back to me I was I was hoping that that my boy was on oh that’s funny dude I don’t play

Fortnite C I just play Minecraft really [ __ ] Demi oh he he only comes around like at night when he’s gambling now he might be in prison right now I don’t really know no it got pushed back again okay wait is it for gambling I don’t

Know wait hold on hold on it got pushed again yeah it’s like not till next year it’s like kind of how like freaking Us’s legal system is dog next year is literally a month away by the way [ __ ] well I mean he’s got a point he’s right

No he he told that to me but at the same time like there’s got to be a point where you just want it done and over regardless of what the uh the outcome is like right now you’re just living you know you’re guilty yeah before we go any further it

Really depends on the situation because if it’s something minor or something like that sure people might have that but if it’s something major and your life is about to change and your family’s lives are about to change that’s something you want to actually you want to put as much [ __ ] thought

Into it as possible I I don’t know man there’s my brain can say very many things right now but like I genuinely don’t think that we do it on stream for Demi’s sake because it’s not fair that’s not fair I was talking about me myself

Dude oh oh well yeah I mean I guess you’re right it’s situ it’s uh situational and what you did but it’s like universally obvious like that it’s not like fair to I well I I I don’t know whatever [ __ ] I mean I mean we’ll talk about it after stream again speaking

Objectively about it right like say someone did something they know they’re guilty they’re they going to get convicted right say there’s a 5e sentence time on that right what wouldn’t you want that 5 years to start as soon as possible so so it could just be over

With you’re saying if you know you did it yeah if you know you did it you know you’re getting convicted depends if you know how much well if you know you’re getting convicted then yeah I mean I would just rather start it I mean yeah

If you already know all of that I would say right now you’re you’re screwed you can’t do you can’t do anything and then I mean that that timer just keeps getting delayed until when it’s over yeah I think it really just depends on how the defense is against you yeah it

Depends case you can build yeah if you think that you know like a month or so or a year will give you time to really get a case going that you didn’t do it totally wait for it even if you did do it because sometimes you can play the

Law system and get away with it yeah which is still jacked up but hey you know if you know how to work the law you know how to work the law welcome to America’s legal system damn right how much money do I have let’s see I don’t know in America probably nothing hell

Yeah I have 900 mil in cane right now and we got overall up 6% boys we’re living the dream wait is it actual that’s I think that’s what I saw like a minute and a half ago why were you looking at the value of the US

Dollar a minute and a half ago cuz it’s on my home screen because of Windows 11 the worst thing ever yes real I so happy you just said that USD to EU now I could care less about the freaking dollar how much it’s worth but I cannot stand that

Windows 11 does [ __ ] like that $192 still not mine just says that rain’s coming and it’s 10° CS right now did you just say Celsius yeah yeah he’s from one of them not free countries Oh Canada they can’t talk like we can talk oh my God hell yeah brother hell yeah

Brother I’d hate to be Canadian all right love Canadian we like Canadians we are cool with Canad Canadia now dude Canadia Canadia dude except for their prime minister see I don’t know nothing like kind of FR or something he’s trying to like take all guns away they too controversial for me right

Now I’ve never actually seen a real actually my dad owned guns there’s a gun shop near where I live I actually might go to it do it dude got three minutes until my army camp is done upgrading heck yeah I got 57 seconds damn he got yourit on [ __ ] on got [ __ ] nerd

Dude got your ass 10 minutes wait how many do he need four cityy Pistons okay why is everything already taking so long 5 minutes I could do that oh cania oh I’m training an army and re in troops like I’m going to attack right now I am maxed out on both of my

Resources with no available Builders okay then I will not send you anything I was still in the clan I would give you [ __ ] but well yeah everybody wants to start from level one dog nobody wants to cheat I’m not cheating I literally played the game yeah so what

Start again start again man this is my fourth account there are other people that are worse than you in in in our Discord but yeah that is pretty sweaty wait who was they had like 13 it was Wick and raid also but raid does not is not as bad as

Wick Wick is worth Wick still plays up to this day and like unironically was playing few accounts yeah like a lot of accounts yeah Wick like inherited some accounts from his friends and then literally just casually was already playing before we had already mentioned about creating a new account bro already

Had the new account made when he heard that we started just letting you guys know so what yeah it’s about to be really sweaty he’s about to be I he’s about to be a [ __ ] demon I don’t know what specs do I got in my PC we’re all

Going to be demons the the Clan’s called demonic I’m not going to be a demon that’s that’s not exactly what I meant I think you know what I meant I he’s going to be very sweaty CL Wars are G to [ __ ] go hard though well the thing is

Now that I’m going to be able to do something other than barbs yeah yeah exactly now now when I’m not going to have to attack te down six Halls thing is is in theory we can technically breed like a super horse of of Barb archers and then whatever troop goes crazy with

Barb archers is the counter and then you can just use somebody can two people in the clan can just start maxing whatever Troop that is that counters whatever counters Barb archers and then give it to the boys I have a rizon uh 770 with a uh RTX

470 what the why I I don’t know I just bought it wall breakers go crazy well so wall breakers would be the good combo to counter whatever counters barer I don’t know that’s just like my mental game plan that what we should do cuz that seems like the best option suck

A my nice who Barack Obama guy rocks Obama oh that’s the same guy from earlier that’s town hall 11 yeah Um why is it [ __ ] filtering my message what cuz they have a filter on that game now they yeah they have a filter on that game now yeah I’m pretty sure you can turn it off I’m almost positive you can bro if I can’t I’mma flip some [ __ ] dude more settings yeah warp

Garden a can’t see it yeah there’s nothing that is 233 like I said I was thinking of Rocket League never mind personal offers yo not even going to lie these cookies I got to change my y’all but I have only had Reese’s here today Nate all I’ve had is chips and and then

Some uh blackeyed PE stew you’ve had protein today cornbread hold on I’m trying to figure out how to log out of this [ __ ] game so I can get another account on here and start fresh um if you uh make sure your supercell is connected on your old one and then you

Can just delete the app reload it and just don’t select uh load Town Hall so and reinstall is that what you’re saying pretty much yeah ryzen RTX 360 and Horizon 9 hell disc that we’re in look in the PX Channel okay that’s pretty good bro uh where is that

Okay is it tits no it’s not okay why am I here I’m I mean yeah that’s pretty pretty all right you know I’m not really that’s uh like intelligent when it comes to computer parts or whatever uh but I just I ended up buying a pre-built and this thing’s

Kind of been a nightmare lowkey um solid but my other one I I built myself and that one lasted five years boys I got a fresh account that one was pretty kind to me boy so it’ll be like what couple like 30 minutes before we see you on the on the

Clan yeah give or take and probably longer what I’m playing Minecraft at the same time dude I mean this isn’t exactly a game where you have to be active just like active enough I have it open on the other monitor so I am I’m I’m actively

Going through it okay I played this game inactively on and off for like 2 years of logging on like once a week collecting resources than logging off boys I got it you hell yeah brother that’s actually pretty cool I wish I was really good at it so I felt confident

Enough to build this PC cuz it probably would have turned out better than how things have went and I probably would have been sufficient enough to build it again and again out D it’s a good skill to have I cuz I genuinely enjoy PCS sorry sorry I got the blue AEL

G congratulations it’s hot dude yeah it just took me hours congrats now you’re [ __ ] oh librarian oh my God please dead I think that is the rarest um friendly M oh no Nate oh you the the barbs you gave me had one hit the cannon chat aru says hello

[ __ ] if the server restarts while the Moss Farm’s going it what other things do you build cope oh yeah cuz Redstone probably times out or ticks out yep does it does oh yeah that is very fun thing that happen oh cool unless we just turn it off yeah get some

What other things do you build cope if you don’t mind me asking what other things interest you yeah but you still got your I can build bikes ooh that’s actually pretty cool like what like mountain bikes or like like street bikes like uh dirt bikes like what what kind of

Bikes bikes bik in general and it’s pretty cool hobby you could probably make some good money on fixing old bikes low key and then you can use that money to buy Sky Block gem genuinely could but I genuinely wouldn’t suggest that would not suggest money making method get a job uh

Mountain and BMX hell yeah that’s freaking sick dude that’s a good that’s a good like actual flip like yo C looking on like Facebook and like eBay and stuff like that on like your local Craigslist stuff like that probably would be a good way to make money I

Could guarantee that people that don’t know what they’re selling uh probably would resell their their bikes and stuff broken bikes and you could fix them up and like resell it that might not be a bad idea unironically the best Sky Block money making method right now other than

RNG might be actually getting a job honestly you can’t argue with his father can’t AR I can’t argue with his it it might be the meta but I don’t I wouldn’t argue that it is a valid time to money ratio or a valid life lesson if

You get a job and then spend all the money on gems on the weekends in the we because it’s either sitting at a computer and making 10 like bro he’s on to something man he’s on to something or get like what’s it called go get likeing I’m not high enough for this

Right now dude like a $15 hour job and make the Sky Block J show me dude I want to see if you get are if you buy it smart you can get a 100 Mil skin for $15 if you get that an hour bro that’s

100 Mil an hour dude dude look at this dude I’m not wrong oh well whenever that gets onto the crypto Market let me know oh my God I wish you kept that one to yourself Michael low key yeah I’m a little tired you crack me up though

Micah hey what up Jacob how are you bro the best stop M before I have to head to work hell yeah brother I appreciate you stopping by welcome to the stream how uh what do you do for work Jacob if you don’t mind asking if I make money like

That I would donate to streams daily nah bro I can’t accept that money dude that’s that’s flip that you got that’s a flip that you got with your hard earned like time cash money dude I missed last week’s stream hey dude I was lacking last week it’s okay I it was my fault

Really I’ll be streaming uh more more often let’s say so you guys will have more time to HP in the Stream and enjoy your time with with uh the streams and talk with me and hang out I work as a server and assistant at a restaurant hell yeah bro that’s pretty cool servers

Make good money especially if it’s a busy restaurant you work busy nights it’s Sunday so it’s a pretty decent night for people going out it would be like $500 a day yeah cop I mean it could be more dude depending on what what bike you find what like items it needs to get

Fli uh fixed who buys what bike like and it could turn to more couldn’t could turn into like a real life like yo like I do this like I sell bikes like I buy bikes fix them up resell them you come buy and buy my bikes that’s it or sell your bikes

Even it’s a dollar for a th000 gems right I don’t know no no it’s 10 bucks for a th000 Gems or something like that but it’s 10 bucks for th cheaper on Sky Block uh but it’s cheaper if you buy the $100 it’s like uh seven bucks or something what so it’s

Okay just do the math it’s on the website so please give us a daddy book man I’ve had two Librarians today man I’ve never had tell you is I’ve already looked at it did you what is it is it Daddy no [ __ ] [ __ ] man [ __ ] booster

Cookies and sell them daily I make 100 Mil daily no you would not dude there the there’s a better money making method to do a better way to do that I mean yeah I guess it’s all right but like I wouldn’t suggest doing booster cookies I would suggest buying skins and then

Selling them on well either holding some skins and then selling some on on the day um on the day that they drop but I think that it would be smarter to um sell some on the day that they drop and hold some if they’re a good skin cuz typically there’s more hype

Around the skin if it’s on the first day who said $500 a day no he’s saying he’s saying if you did the bike thing that I was talking about it might be $500 today if you do the bike thing you could make 5.6 Bill a day my God I did my math definitely

Wrong there I just want to put I’m pretty sure I used the wrong numbers but I think might that would sound right yeah it’s probably hold on give me one more cope cope numbers are not adding up right now just want to say that Hypixel Sky Block economy there

Good damn righted I don’t that’s a different number than before hold up that’s a different number than before [ __ ] Micah this is why you go to class I do go to class sometimes all right what the [ __ ] I haven’t had to go to class for like a week brother gold excapade achievement

Get no I haven’t had to why it’s been studying week and I haven’t studied once so bro my exam’s tomorrow so bro boy hey he’s got us there guys M study week he’s not studying Mah Flawless bro who even needs to study M uh from firstand experience that does not go well thank

You Nate I have never studied throughout me neither but my college is a different game dog don’t you think you should get on that get on it probably yeah Nate Nate never studied yeah Nate never studed he played Hypixel Sky BL yeah and he turned out fine that’s fun Co you get

To miss a day in all honesty after after an additional years worth of tuition and then an entire uh degree change then yeah it turned out all right in all honesty c i I personally wish I did that sooner so what high pixel no high pixel

But you can probably just like yes but yourself out for pretty good money um that’s a good money making method holy [ __ ] that’s a good money Mak plus you enjoy it what yeah definitely not a stream friendly the right person that’s $300 an hour yeah no thanks man let’s not let’s

Not let’s not let’s not let’s not let’s not M M M I’m talking about working at like a [ __ ] like what Nate does okay what what hey what are you doing bro hey yo Nate I do not make that much money yo that’s pretty cool you should do that

Bro try to work your hobbies and make money as as much as you can I feel like I was uh similar in that aspect that was I was fixated on my hobbies and not into school things really oh upgrade finished and put my money in savings yeah that’s definitely your best

Bet don’t don’t do the Hypixel gem thing that we were talk talk about it’s definitely not a good idea that’s the best idea I redid the math again and I got another five bills so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong maybe you’re doing everything right dude maybe it is right

That’s just the economy that that we’re in true in Sky were to buy the Griffin skins and if you spend $500 on gems a day like they were they said we do 300 in savings and 200 in gems brother brother he knows what he’s doing that’s

Not a way to live man that is not hey on high pixel Sky Block that’s a good money making method right da that’s about what I do to my savings and then to my retirement accounts yeah oh my Godel skypixel Sky Block is not a retirement I can’t even R

Kind of a retirement account how you look at it if you have the account for long enough it’s kind of a retir account the get so outdated that you can just sell them for a [ __ ] T everybody in info stream should do this right now spend all their money on

G I think I’m going to change the broad mushrooms right now make the prices back down so I can get a booster C’s better run out um so brother what the [ __ ] is going on in my VC right now if we knew we would tell you native are you streaming streaming what no

A wow w wow that was uh that was nasty that was almost liquid okay bro bro you just that’s just nasty I don’t need that that good Lord Brother of course they’re all in your plots raid [ __ ] this mouse is freaking dog [ __ ] I hate your PL Josh I I there’s an

Ad for a mouse that keeps showing up on my Instagram I got to find it a Naga Trinity Pro big brother doing this right how much money are you willing to spend not much why cuz uh man these paths are honestly if I were to get a new mouse this would probably be

It okay just still haven’t told me to price on yeah um ignore the price for a second uh okay so that means it’s more than I’m willing will to spend oh it is 100% more than you’re willing to spend considering I am not a sweaty gamer become

One that would cost a lot of money that I don’t currently have us swe League of Legends against bots all right I will never play League of Legends oh wait I thought you were man I am getting bullied by your plot so bad raid why did

I think you were [ __ ] all right Josh what if I told you that the mouse that I’m looking at is CNC machined it’s going to weigh like 45b aluminum magnesium oo hold up neat yo to me oh Dam a tutan is it is it powder Co

Oh pest Buck [ __ ] POG and my sler book sold oh that’s hot oh oh that’s hot that’s hot dude that’s that’s hot and they got like different colors dude n could you could you bring me a name tag did you send me the link I

Don’t have a name tag [ __ ] I really need a name tag there’s no way I’m not going to name the very first blue X lle we got on the server I don’t think anyone has a name tag isn’t there a way to get a villager trade for a name tag I I have

So many villager trades for name tags hey Nate has sumon his base I don’t have any name tags but I on your way to visit I’m going to name him bo bo please never make that noise again holy crap sorry I looking at the price oh I didn’t even look at the

Price was it that bad it’s up there it’s a tenth of what I spent on my PC which was well actually it’s not even PC it’s a laptop so a tenth of what I paid for my laptop Josh I spend less than that on my

PC you spent less than this on your PC I spent less than what you spent on your laptop on my PC I spent $1,100 oh I lied I spent more than that yeah I know cuz you told me the price that’s why I’m calling your PS oh oh

Wait wait no no you said a tenth and a and 10 times the price of this is $1,700 yeah because I didn’t do the math it sounded like you did the math when you said oh you can change the feet dude what what yeah the did I oh I got

To go to Nate space first hold on Nate space is in the opposite direction of you dude dude you can you can change the feet from whatever plastic material to Glass imagine how well that would slide all right so like I got to imagine that that wouldn’t go well on a mouse pad

Though I feel like you’d have to put that on like a no it can go on Mouse it can also oh the grips make it looks so much worse I was looking at at least the top ones how many name tags do you need bro

Just look at the Gold grip with the uh with with the olive um color all of color is worrying which one’s oh damn he didn’t like that I mean I don’t know it just don’t look good I mean I like the uh I like the black grip and just the

Black standard color that’s pretty clean all right where you at bub the black standard color yeah like the top black color oh there’s a standard edition oh okay howy there’s only two of them available the standard edition my gosh it’s so cute I would do the red with no grips on

It how to get rid of the grips how do I how do I unselect grips just show button grips and show side grips honestly I would do the red with the uh with the black side grips uh yeah I was I was like 5050 on the side grips and

Definitely would do the uh red glass for the feet I’m going to feed you to my sniffers red glass the bucket or do you name it with a name tag I think you name it with a name tag I think naming it in the bucket

Might work but I don’t want let me I don’t want to [ __ ] anything have a video of them CNC Machining this dude okay hold on where where’s it at half far just keep scrolling down just a little bit so loud holy [ __ ] watch explainer video screamed into the mic

So am I supposed to be rushing Town Hall I mean that’s kind of hot fractions of a millimeter it’s if you want to so a micron apparently it is the world’s lightest gaming mouse oh yeah it’s uh it’s it’s 51 G damn wow I’ve SE lighter I seen 26

Oh a guy made minimalist oh I think the server crashed wait a minute there’s it’s a 20 million clicks Nate you would go through that in like two days when you’re playing Cookie Clicker that a joke cuz because of your uh Auto clicker wait I think the server actually

Did crash oh wait you you can change the position of the sensor I’m all good cope no thank you I’m back in oh it’s dying though it is dying what the [ __ ] I can’t even see Best in Class latency 6 Ms all right okay we’re good okay so it’s like1 better than

Wireless yeah but you can also plug it in where is it what oh that’s kind of stupid thereo 51 there’s a onee warranty he actually lot 120 hours battery life oh okay I give you the name tagt pretty good yeah that is pretty good pretty

Good I didn’t know if it GL it out something now that that’s not as good as the uh the wireless got sitting in my backpack I don’t use get the 50-50 chance to get another blue one if you breed them because uh I I I didn’t use the

Mouse that I’m currently using during that year of college that I only played Sky Block I used the wireless mouse that’s in my backpack I charged it twice damn okay so that all it it would charge in like 30 minutes and I would quite literally get like four months of use out of

It damn that was ridiculous [ __ ] pum I wasn’t farming pumpkins for my reasons I have reasons to believe this battery life would last me for a couple of years do these uh flowers only grow in these pots or can I put them on the ground these flowers up top these blue and purple

Ones yeah you need to place you need to grow them on um oil uh [ __ ] soil like like wheat these pots are just when it grows but once they’re full grown you can place them on anything okay that’s what I meant yeah can I have some okay have as many

As you want if you want you well I am G to sell them but take whatever you want no I’m good I just these flowers are sick how much do you want for him you want some emeralds I got some I got some Emerald blocks on me if

You need them though I know you don’t right now 40 minute upgrade these [ __ ] purple things are sick all right I need to rebuild my clan castle I need 10,000 Elixir my Max storage is 4, it’s you got to be town it’s unbelievably free web also made the game a lot

Easier since since I started it seems to be the cheapest oh no oh I left the chunk with the Slime form or the moss form running why are they running oil it I’m going to cry why you why are you leaving it at one I didn’t mean to it’s off now well I

Mean it was off I didn’t I didn’t leave it on I was making sure I didn’t leave it on we should have just made our own Mouse while we were it only bricks itself so one of the cool things about where I currently work is if I just have

A personal project that I want to make just at the end of the day clock out I can stay late and use the machines that’s sick that’s pretty material that’s actually sick um it depends on what the material is and how much like I’m sure you can’t just pull

Out a black and make we don’t even keep titanium order it in special order do you keep no we we we don’t do really any hard the hardest material that we do is uh 4140 prehard to be fair in isn’t hard in our shop we the only reason I asked

Had titanium well yeah no so a lot of shops would but all all of the work that we do is is for is in-house oh I got um so we just never need to design anything that uh requires that so 75% of what I do is aluminum okay I do love aluminum

Though dude andium is the [ __ ] and then it’s probably 20% cold roll and then uh then 5% of just either tool Steels or some Plastics do you do your own in-house uh Heat Treating uh no we don’t kle did you come get sugar can at all or

No no our our programmer lives like 10 minutes away from from a heat treat place so he always just takes everything up to heat treat um and then then anything that we need like to get um like black oxide coated my supervisor lives like 10 minutes away from a black oxide place so

He just takes it nice but yeah I mean if if I had something that that was going to be like 3X 3X 3 in or smaller in aluminum they’d probably just let me have the material for it but um much bigger and I would either need

To like pay them to order it or get it myself talking about this makes me want to get back in the Machine Shop although Josh um you know the other day I was working on my car yeah uh I was telling the story to my supervisor

Like of how late I was there and like all the problems I was having the next day and he laughed and he goes why didn’t you just grab a piece of 01 off the shelf and make yourself the uh like the tool that you would otherwise buy

From Auto Zone I was like I didn’t know that I was allowed to just go grab a piece of 01 and then design and make a part what part did you buy well I didn’t but there’s like a tool that you can use it’s basically like a I’ll just look it

Up I don’t know how to explain oh wait you mean the the thing that compresses the caliper yeah well the thing that like twists it it’s like a cube that like fits like six different ones oh there’s like a couple grooves on the uh on the Piston that that it would fit

Into he was like yeah you totally should have just grabbed a piece of o01 off the shelf I’m like I would never have thought that I was allowed to just grab a piece of o1 I need to work where you work honestly no you don’t you don’t

Want you don’t want the pay yeah what is it no I’ll DM you okay is honestly it can’t be much worse than down here Bay H it’s questionable I will let you know hey raid oh he’s still not yeah that’s pretty bad so like my hometown that’s for somebody

Fresh out of college that’s pretty pretty all right like that’s middle of the road um now where I was working where I was making more than that the cost of living was a lot higher yeah so the cost of living around here is pretty low um so that that’s actually apparently a decent

Pay rate for around here but still yeah I’ve gotten paid the same amount in both jobs that I’ve had this year well almost the same what up wire fraud what up bro welcome to stream how are you hey Tanner what are you working on uh right now I’m collecting bone meal for

The wood form to fill it up real quick so I could get some wood uh do you give good advice confused depends on what it is but I potentially can help what’s up bro you want to work on ask maybe I’ll give you some help I’ll give you my best sure

WB I need to breed them and then grow them up in different areas all so first and everything started with she out of my leg Um sub everything but I just started eting that’s it yeah right that’s all that’s all they’re offering you for night time supervisor yeah up with me um yeah no no he uh he told me that and I rep I replied to him in an email and this was before like they

Officially hired me on I was like I was like dude that is that’s nothing like yeah I was like I mean I’ll I’ll do it that’d be great for my resume and that’d be really good experience for me personally but like one sec for that’s a

Joke what you’re and he’s like what I’ve just what I offered you is is real is really good uh so either take it or leave it I was like dude like [ __ ] tempted to leave it I I was so like wire FR I would and for for

The situation that they were in they should have offered okay I just muted so I could talk to you cuz obviously you wouldn’t have come came in here if you didn’t want some advice all right bro so what what I think here is truthfully man

You guys you guys broke up for a reason man you guys broke up for a reason you guys obviously knew why you ended things dude so I’d say man it I I’d say you guys turned the leaf already over so it’s like you guys turned the page so to say turned to the

New chapter I think you guys should grow and move on you guys both broke up for whatever reason whether it was you or her you know what I mean you both still want to be with each other but then why’d you break up in the first place because of her parents but can’t

Because of her parents oh so her parents genuinely put the put the fork in the road here broke up because of her parents I thought maybe it was a situation like you weren’t happy with her parents or whatever um well I don’t know man I I I think that they kind of

Made it clear how it’s going to be right they they don’t allow you guys to be together or what for whatever reason you know what I mean excuse me yeah no that’s not fair hey man I mean I’d say that it’s not fair but it is kind of their rules

Because she lives under their house for a while but she got caught again yeah bro oh crap I forgot to set my spawn yeah dude genuinely not worth it at that point I mean un it’s unfortunate because it sucks you guys probably feel for each other or whatever

But like if it’s not going to work man you guys got to be men and women enough or like be good enough to for each other uh or for yourselves for each other like to realize that it’s just going to cause more problems than it is like success

Not that it’s like a a dying relationship or whatever but I mean and it sucks to say and I don’t mean to say it to be like oh yeah like like she’s not meant for you or whatever like CU it could totally be entirely the truth but

The thing is is later down the line you guys will cross path pass again it if if that is the truth if you guys do um if you guys are meant for each other right like like you guys will cross pass again that’s the thing but I

Also don’t know if I can maintain this she’s aant way out of my league well the thing is is bro you you might be selling yourself short bro everybody cut sells themselves short everybody Cuts short thinking that oh yo this person’s out of my league oh this person’s like uh

Definitely not going to want to be with me so you know what I’d say go for it bro if you know what you it does happen where it doesn’t work out then so be it dude you know what you learn a lesson you learn what you like and what you

Didn’t like and you know what dude it’s not your fault or her fault that the other relationship ended and I think that you both are well aware of the situations and your ex isn’t going to be like oh yo like you you cheated on me or whatever

With this new chick cuz her parents uh her parents endered it like she said yes when I asked her but I don’t know if she’s going to want to me well you know what bro you roll with the punches and then you learn lessons dude you’ll uh

You’ll learn what what you like and what you don’t like that’s just how like the whole relationship thing works out you know what I mean like uh it’s just how it is man she’s vibing with you dude and you like her then go for it see where it

Takes you you know what I mean but don’t um don’t dive head first in into it and stay cautious you know stay on stays on the balls of your feet get ready for any precautions you know what I mean like just know that it it if you’re

Saying that then you know she make sure that she’s not playing a game with you making a making a fool out of you for for her entertainment you know that’s the only things I’d say be cautious for other than that man she said she wanted to be with you

Dog don’t be like super judgmental and like super uh judgy about every little thing but you know keep an eye out make sure that you you’re not getting the ring around also don’t don’t be too too focused on it all be in the moment don’t don’t be like

All in your head you know what I mean made nothing serious yeah man I mean it’s how it is in the start so work it see how it works see if you like it and if you like it then there you go oops there you go I’m going to mute here

Little like I’m back RC car or something that he could drive around no he he wanted he wanted electric motors with a gearbox that he could sit in and take offroading okay that’s pretty neat wire FR you got a lot to learn my friend you guys will go through a

Lot you would probably want to do resin printing it’d be a lot quicker for those bigger parts um or molding which you know he not willing to uh spend that amount of money oh okay I I wasn’t sure if you meant just like hypothetically or

Would you do this no no he he was like he was going to like get like a $350 3D printer and then was just hoping he could print like a life-size car yeah man don’t worry about it if you going to do that do res printing yeah um

Res would be able to support the weight of him and then the added shock from this like driving offro you’d be surprised so if you have a high in fill then yeah it’ll it’ll do pretty much anything you want it um it’s just whenever you start to think about fraud

Give it time bro don’t be so uh critical don’t be so judgmental about it oops I put my elephant back on I don’t know I just I just I feel like resin is a uh relatively brittle material that’s why you cure it um buy you buy like a$ 300 to $350 resin

Printer and a lot of times you can actually buy them as a bundle and it’s only like 100 bucks for the curing pod and you put whatever Parts you make in there for a while and it’ll make them a lot stronger left brittle um it’s kind of like a kneeling yeah uh

If you want to think of it like that did I say a kneeling tempering how yeah or drawing if you’re into that I just also thought that he was funny that he wanted to get the uh the design for it like custom made well I mean we we did talk about

Designing a car but that’ be out of metal that would be out of metal and I mean I mean we could prototype it in plastic but I I I would need to charge way more than a a 14-year-old would be willing to spend yeah if they if they like started

Saving now with like a full-time salary that they could probably afford how much that would actually cost in man hours and in uh plastic I mean I’d be willing to do it like like at a discounted rate because it’d be like a friend but like yeah plus we could reprint all the stuff

For our own yeah just um the design work that would cost the most because that would I mean even even like saying like $10 an hour I mean you’d still be talking a couple hundred dollars to design a whole car yeah so the reason that wouldn’t be as little

Time as it takes if you wanted an actual like maybe not full size but like half size like maybe a ATV size vehicle um you’d have to do it in smaller parts or you would have to Upfront for a bigger uh printer oh yeah so you’d have to design different like dovetail joints

And different screw uh locations you know and that would take a lot more time then I think you’re thinking for design reasons all right boys I think I’m about to end stream here um might be live during the week here we’ll probably try to get some streams

In I’ll be farming here going to do some things tomorrow whever is in here um we’re going to have our farming guide going out here in the near future uh getting some work done on that tomorrow um we’re iring out some corners and doing some voiceovers and stuff like that so yeah

Uh everybody in here I hope you have a good rest of your day good rest of your night good day tomorrow Everybody Take It Easy bye now

This video, titled ‘🔴HYPIXEL Skyblock IGN Info Best RNG Crop/Maxing Composter (Day 231 NW 18b, SA 47)’, was uploaded by Info on 2023-12-17 22:06:11. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:27 or 9327 seconds.

Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube

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    Friend in Minecraft is a SHIZO?! 😂💀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Friend 😂💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-01-13 09:00:04. It has garnered 5669 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • Oholei Torah Chai

    Oholei Torah ChaiUnofficial server for oholei torah or anyone else that is jewish! works with minecraft java and minecraft bedrock, and works with Tlauncher and cracked accounts Gamemodes & minigames: Survival Skyblock Creative Kitpvp Bedwars Skywars Spleen Tnt run otcMC.mywire.org Read More

  • WACE SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist 1.20.4 Australia

    WACESMP Minecraft Server Welcome to the WACESMP! I’m GoneVegan, a member of this Australian Minecraft server running version 1.20.4. Brief Overview: 5 months old Quality of life datapacks Dynmap DiscordSRV chat integration Various plugins Survival mode Whitelisted and hard difficulty Java + Bedrock crossplay Vision: The WACESMP is for survival Minecraft enthusiasts to create amazing builds and areas. About: The owner, Blockbuster206, is a long-time Minecraft fan who enjoys creating a community without planned world resets. Rules: Be mature, respectful, and considerate No griefing, stealing, cheating, etc. Join: To apply, join the Discord server using this link. Review the rules… Read More

  • BizzCraft | Free-Build Survival

    BizzCraft | Free-Build SurvivalBizzCraftNo GriefOptional PVPCustom EnchantmentsEstablished in 2011Dedicated, Friendly Staff TeamServer Events and GamesBuilding CompetitionsIP: Play.BizzCraft.NetJoin our Discord!BizzCraft is a community-driven server with over a decade of experience. We’re probably one of the oldest Minecraft servers around! It is a server built for players to share their creations with everyone and express their inner builder. We welcome players of all ages, as well as people from all countries and backgrounds.If you are looking for a server on which to build, meet friends, and have fun, then BizzCraft is the server for you. Join us at Play.BizzCraft.NetJoin the community today and visit our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft lifehacks for the win!

    “Just tried using a water bucket to climb a wall in real life…ended up with a wet floor and a broken ankle. Thanks, Minecraft.” Read More

  • Crafty Tub Game: Mine for Fun in HD!

    Crafty Tub Game: Mine for Fun in HD! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Creativity thrives, like a never-ending dream. Build, explore, survive, in a world so vast, With friends by your side, the adventure will last. Join Tub Game Center, where the fun never ends, With updates and news, from your favorite friends. Craft your own story, in this pixelated land, With Tubby and Txbby, lending a helping hand. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And let your imagination take flight. In Minecraft’s world, where anything goes, Let your creativity bloom, like a beautiful rose. Read More

  • Minecraft is LIT AF 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft is LIT AF 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Who needs enemies when you can’t even keep yourself out? 😂 #minecraftfails #gamerproblems #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Introducing Minecraft to My Coworkers! XP Machine?

    Introducing Minecraft to My Coworkers! XP Machine? Minecraft Adventures with Na_Shandra Join Na_Shandra on an epic journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeat the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Exploring the Minecraft Universe Na_Shandra’s live stream showcases the excitement of discovering the vast and creative world of Minecraft. From building magnificent structures to surviving against dangerous mobs, every moment is filled with thrilling adventures. Machine a XP One of the key elements in Minecraft is the XP machine, essential for enchanting items and enhancing gameplay. Na_Shandra’s quest to build this machine adds an exciting twist to their Minecraft… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you looking to add some adorable and fun elements to your Minecraft gameplay? Look no further! JRaeUnknown has just released a new video showcasing 7 NEW Minecraft pe addons and texture packs that will bring a whole new level of cuteness to your gaming experience. From cute birds to fairy allay and much more, these addons and texture packs are sure to add a touch of whimsy to your world. But why stop there? Take your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for… Read More

  • Testing New Trading System in Minecraft Hardcore S2

    Testing New Trading System in Minecraft Hardcore S2 The Exciting New Trade System in Minecraft 1.21 Village Update! Exploring the latest Minecraft update, players are thrilled to test out the new trade system introduced in version 1.21, also known as the Village Update. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting addition to the game! What’s New in the 1.21 Village Update? The 1.21 Village Update brings a revamped trade system that allows players to interact with villagers in a whole new way. Now, players can engage in trading activities with villagers, exchanging various items for valuable resources and goods. This feature adds a new layer of… Read More

  • Titan826 – Insane Destruction “Lucky Block Tree Madness” Minecraft EP 90

    Titan826 - Insane Destruction "Lucky Block Tree Madness" Minecraft EP 90Video Information This video, titled ‘Ultra Destruction “Lucky Block Tree Party” (Episode 90) Minecraft Modded Survival’, was uploaded by Titan826 on 2024-04-22 10:16:18. It has garnered 90 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:09 or 1749 seconds. Today, we have a Lucky Block party to celebrate taking down The King! The Gamehttps://minecraft.net/en-us/ Mod list Aether II Animal Bikes Applied Energistics 2 Atum Backpacks Battlegear 2 Back Tools Baubles Better Furnaces Bibliocraft Bibliocraft Natura Woods Big Reactors Blood Magic Botania Bspkrs Core Buildcraft Carpenter’s Blocks Chisel Code Chicken Core Crafting Pillars Custom NPCs Damage Indicators DivineRPG Enchanting… Read More

  • True Scary Minecraft Lies Exposed!

    True Scary Minecraft Lies Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Lies That Are Actually True #prestonplayz #Minecraft #videogames #streamer’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayzShorts on 2024-01-13 13:00:02. It has garnered 19 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Welcome to My YouTube channel, a delightful parody tribute to the renowned gamer and content creator PrestonPlayz t’s all in good spirits, and we hope to bring a smile to both longtime fans of Preston and newcomers alike, offering a lighthearted take on the gaming world we all know and love. Read More

  • Unbelievable! NINJAS Rule Minecraft OP #shorts

    Unbelievable! NINJAS Rule Minecraft OP #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT OP#shorts #short #shortvideo #shortfeed #minecraft #music’, was uploaded by NIJAS Op on 2024-04-29 09:31:56. It has garnered 11025 views and 363 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT MODDED SMP! JOIN NOW! #MythicalPartnerVideo Information This video, titled ‘*NEW* MINECRAFT MODDED SMP (MYTHICAL SMP) | Ep 2 #MythicalPartner’, was uploaded by SideArms4Reason on 2024-03-02 02:38:30. It has garnered 9388 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:45 or 7605 seconds. Like if you love Minecraft hah haaah I am partnered with the Mythical network Donate here – https://twitch.streamlabs.com/sidearms4reason To get cool emotes & a chat badge, become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2LzOtzFiggxpLY80IUXhFw/join Download the modpack & play on our public server! – https://bit.ly/Mythicalpack Join the Mythical Discord – https://bit.ly/MythicalDiscord #MythcialPartner How to join – https://bit.ly/SetupMythical Get FocusFuel here – https://thefocusfuel.com/side Use… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TikTok hacks that will blow your mind!

    Insane Minecraft TikTok hacks that will blow your mind!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr_boizypie on 2024-01-09 06:18:09. It has garnered 2638 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: All Achievements in Minecraft Bedrock 2

    INSANE Challenge: All Achievements in Minecraft Bedrock 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Getting all Achievements in Minecraft Bedrock- 2’, was uploaded by FrozenBanjoGaming on 2024-04-03 13:39:21. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:28 or 5008 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Lets Play Read More

  • Secret Treasure Chest Revealed in Minecraft 1.20!

    Secret Treasure Chest Revealed in Minecraft 1.20!Video Information This video, titled ‘SCHATZKISTE SOFORT FINDEN! (Trick) ✨ Minecraft 1.20 ✨ ErikOnHisPeriod’, was uploaded by ErikOnHisPeriod on 2024-03-17 15:00:13. It has garnered 1271 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:47 or 107 seconds. 🔥 Subscribe to me, otherwise a Creeper will explode in your warehouse! https://bit.ly/3wSWETe ► Today I’ll show you how to find a treasure chest or buried treasure in Minecraft. There is a trick on how to find treasure chests instantly and I’ll show you it in this tutorial. Have fun with the tutorial! ► 👕 Merch: https://streamlabs.com/erikonhisperiod/merch (Advertising) ► 💬 Discord… Read More


    ULTIMATE PIXELMON BATTLE: Vikkstar123HD vs JEROMEVideo Information This video, titled ‘PIXELMON FACE OFF VS JEROME (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by Vikkstar123HD on 2024-03-22 19:00:23. It has garnered 68310 views and 3383 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. SERVER IP: play.anubismc.com (Oasis Realm) WEBSITE: http://anubismc.com MODPACK TUTORIAL: http://anubismc.com/modpack Use /PARTNERREDEEM VIKK in the OASIS Realm for perks. My Gaming Channel: http://www.youtube.com/VikkstarPlays This video is #sponsored by Canvas Gaming Follow me on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/Vikkstar123 Like my Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/Vikkstar123 My Instagram: http://instagram.com/Vikkstagram https://www.youtube.com/PeteZahHutt https://www.youtube.com/Lachlan https://www.youtube.com/PrestonPlayz https://www.youtube.com/MrWoofless https://www.youtube.com/JeromeASF https://www.youtube.com/TheBajanCanadian My capture card: http://e.lga.to/v My PC: http://bit.ly/Vikkstar123 Follow me on Twitch for Livestreams:… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Virtual Reality Gaming with 1K and Big Mention in Block Craft 3D!! #blockcraft3d

    UNBELIEVABLE! Virtual Reality Gaming with 1K and Big Mention in Block Craft 3D!! #blockcraft3dVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLOCK CRAFT 3D BIG METION #blockcraft3d #minecraft #minecraftshorts #modernhouse #shorts’, was uploaded by V.R.GAMING. 1K on 2024-03-26 03:47:21. It has garnered 5614 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft nico secret room cash family friendly cash and nico minecraft mod maizen omz nico and cash aphmau kid friendly jeffy jeffy minecraft sml skit ben azelart no bad words funny challenge superluigilogan supermariologan minecraft jeffy cash vs nico brent rivera minecraft family minecraft funny jordan matter royalty family preston having a family in minecraft i built a secret room… Read More

  • Corbacraft Survival – Semi-Vanilla, NoPay2Win, 1.20+, Friendly Community

    Information – Version 1.20.4 Server Address: PLAY.CORBACRAFT.COM Server Website: https://corbacraft.com What is Corbacraft Experience fair play with Corbacraft’s non-pay-to-win environment! Join our community where success is earned through teamwork, strategy, and pure Minecraft mastery. Features Land Protection (Grief Prevention) Diamond Based Economy Ability to Sleep night away Hermitcraft style server No Pay2Win Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Eat this, Minecraft simps!

    Looks like the Minecraft payers just got blocks-shamed! Read More

  • Silo Shuffle: JaredH4’s EP2 Minecraft Mischief

    Silo Shuffle: JaredH4's EP2 Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, JaredH4 reigns supreme, Crafting and building, fulfilling his dream. In this episode, a silo takes shape, With timelapse footage, no need to escape. The path is laid, the blocks align, Every detail, every design. Shorter than expected, but still a delight, Next episode promises, a longer flight. Curseforge, Modrinth, and PlanetMinecraft too, Links to explore, for a Minecraft crew. Seed number shared, for a world to explore, Vanilla Tweaks and Crafting Tweaks, for even more. No world download yet, the series just begun, But stay tuned for more, for more Minecraft fun. Modpacks and… Read More