Unbelievable! ThePrettySith’s Hive Minecraft Experience

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Be playing hive Minecraft um I haven’t played hive Minecraft in a while the last time I played it was like I mean I haven’t played it in a while as and I haven’t been playing it every single day to get like good so the last time I played it was like yesterday and

It played for like 20 minutes um but anyway I think I’m going to start off with SkyWars you know good old SkyWars I’m going to do solos and kits cuz why not hey it’s Roxy hey Roxy Hello hello sir I don’t know who you are but hi I’m being surrounded by people okay I’ll just say hi in chat Um I’m going to get these um there we go I don’t know what they’re saying cuz I don’t speak Spanish I’m not by hello sir I hate to burst your bubble but I’m right here yeah that that also is going to happen a lot cuz uh still trying to

Figure out how to stay on whoa this ain’t good Oh okay then um me the swords look so long um also hello s hands let me up let me up let me up let me up oh my gosh I got so close though I really wish um I could stay on the island you know that’d be much appreciated of myself oh my

Gosh what do you mean the swords look so long though like they look they look long Long yeah I guess they do kind of look long I had protection too I’m going to do better this round I’ll I’ll try and do better oh okay so you have like a dagger texture pack or something sorry my wire is getting in my hand and stuff hi

There give me give me give me okay bye yeah that that was bound to happen three pixel Long Blade I should have named The Stream like fortnite or something and then just been playing Minecraft Sans maybe that’s why your P your is constantly having an issues cuz you have texture packs and

The speed hit thing whatever it is yeah I was streaming fortnite earlier with my friend I have friends yeah pretty hard to believe isn’t it not really and the junk drawer the auto yeah the auto clicker thing maybe that’s why you’re uh PC isn’t happy it’s because you’re not

Original download still can like clog up space and your oh that was unfortunate what no but also I have 23 that’s not enough for your PC to run smoothly trust me I know I’m a PC specialist I did not mean to do that give me shoes please I’d like some Shoes you no give me your shoes I want your shoes I want your shoes I want your shoes I want your shoes can I can you die already why is this the hits aren’t registering if they kill me I’m going to be so upset how one 1.5 okay I’m done playing

This game Rage Quit hi pink Shape something something something I don’t know the word something some something something just pretend I didn’t rage quit the game all right I’m just saying hi to every everywhere the the every every I can’t talk today okay so just leave me alone I don’t speak Spanish I don’t know what that says

Virsion vers what version version of what Minecraft version 2 2.0 yes yes Sans you’re very observant you’re very smart you are incredibly incredibly intelligent my skele skud skele bro skele man skele funny haha dude that’s that’s not English what is what are they saying what are they saying play death run something I’m

Actually good at I’m just kidding I’m not good at anything good at existing and making videos well then I guess I’m good at some things e what is this guy wearing take that off go put on different clothes be normal no I have to make it up there

Oh look at them they’re so tiny just like you Sans and jump I’m going to go and they’re going to blow it up that see what I said see see yeah you know obas I don’t know what you’re saying I love I love how I was I learned how to say saying no sorry I don’t speak

English in or I mean I don’t speak Spanish in Spanish and then they’ just be like C and I’m like I don’t I don’t speak Spanish leave me alone Sans is there something you’re getting out of listening to the office for 10 hours stream straight or is it just pure frustration uh wait

Wait can’t catch me I’m Sonic go call your mom if you want to catch me cuz you can’t I I don’t know why I said that I I can’t believe I’m doing this well I feel like I’m really far behind I think I’m actually in like second oh wait no I’m really far

Behind oh I’m fifth I’m cool I’m just torturing torturing myself but it’s still a banger okay should I should I do it I’ll start doing it I’ll start I’ll start doing it tonight just going to go to sleep with it playing in the back Sans I know your weakness I know

Your song that is your weakness and I I know you know it too so uh why don’t you listen to that for 10 hours straight learn all the lyrics why don’t you I mean at least it’s better than Bad Romance but I don’t why don’t you do

That if you really want to torture yourself what what song uh story of undertale something something I fell from the light fight or should have fight monster genocide that lady looks inappropriate put some clothes on Sand cover your eyes okay I’m going to I’m going to do the

Undertale one first I’m going to learn every single lyric but I don’t want to I don’t want to do the office one here let’s give each other challenges so my challenge is for you to do the undertale one you give me a song that I have to listen to for 10

Hours I hate being innocent when are we going to make the survival server maybe next week putting it off because I’m too lazy to do it anyway it’s just cuz then I have to go make a thing and then I have to you know just get just n I’ll do my own

Thing I’ll do it when I want to here Sans give me a song I have to listen to for 10 hours straight there’s only one hour then keep rep playing replaying it 10 times after every hour ends after every hour just replay it until you get the until you’ve done it

For 10 10 times Je do you even speak English I do I have no idea what they’re saying is this guy’s brain spilling out his head or something or does he have just weird pink hair all right then love how my phone just immediately got killed from the cold from

Today I’m doing a stupid dance in the snow I’m going to do block party party because I’m good at that game it’s basically just standing on things musical chairs no they should have like different genres of music or Something Oh man I can’t find a magenta part to stand on why is this so loud there we go s stop killing everyone in the Stream stop you’re killing Me Sans give me a song that I have to listen to for 10 hours if you say megal I’m going to be angry my ears this is my under it’s so Bad give me give me me it’s mine go away St talking flower and a wants me to wait wants me dead wait wants me to there’s two of the same skin one of them is a girl and the other is a boy Cringe Oo o youram is on time game that’s Cool no I got so close to getting to the teleporter I didn’t chat to you I’m turn my phone back on I think I placed third yeah okay uh sand stop okay you’re done all right all right Sans give me a song that I have to listen to for 10 hours yours is

Undertale that that undertale song so give me one we’re going to this is this is going to be a thing it’s a thing now get it yeah I stole your line it’s a thing now yeah it’s kind of a thing now let me find one Okay Oh that was Unfortunate Blue Man the server is full I’ll get in a party with you in a minute I’m sorry I laugh you today I left and I didn’t come no this girl keeps stealing my stuff no wait I thought it was um I thought it was pink oh oh oh kids close your

Eyeballs pluck your eyeballs out let me uh just just go go me just go right um uh M there we go no I didn’t mean to invite him who are you people I want to play with pink sheep cuz he’s cool oh here’s clicks oh clicks what are you

Wearing this this this this generation is messed up can I just go home can I leave already going to play Murder Mystery again no s why he all right okay at least I did a song that’s better than that you’re mean what did I ever do to hurt you Sans

I have nothing but nice to you and you treat me like this 10 hour no I’m going to listen to it it’s fine I made you listen to story of undertale but it’s so I think it’s only fair that I have to listen to the stupid whistle meme for 10

Hours oh but I like that one my brother’s been doing that I’m just going to listen to The Whistle one you listen to Undertale I uh uh if it doesn’t work I’ll just make a 10-hour version myself I’ll listen to The Whistle you my friend will listen to The undertale Whistle is the worse than undertale because whistle is just the same thing over and over again undertale you get to actually have to

Figure out the other lyrics and stuff we all just The all right I love how me and Sans make a joke or something and then pink just goes well I want to be in it no no no my brain hurts Sans you don’t have a brain you’re just a piece of bone he’s the smartest thing alive that doesn’t have a

Brain um something something I don’t know the words something something why my best friend get the song stuck in my head what’s wrong with him why are you chasing go away SMY man I don’t like you go away wait is that pink are you pink who are you no Sans it’s it’s

Hurting Sans is being corrupted by this stupid song that not me why is this guy following me then can I help you he has the same hat as you like the Luffy dude you want me to go behind the bush and put my head into a corner who are you all

Right I’ll play okay all right S I better get started on the whistle music I’m not doing that during a stream maybe one stream I’ll listen to it but I’m just going to listen to it on my Own I’m going to be doing school tomorrow or something and then I’m just going to be sitting there and people are just going to start my family’s going to turn around like what are you I’m like I’m just doing homework invite me to party um let’s wait for seny boy what

Hello there’s actual lyrics Oh I thought you just wanted me to listen to the m I don’t know you want to listen to the actual song I know that the Whistle Song actually has uh music something like the something whistle baby whistle baby songs a little bit inappropriate

Baby but it’s fine baby cuz we all listened to it when we were younger baby and parents didn’t care we listen to a baby because like back then it was cool baby inv me all right sir ghostly oh I didn’t mean to join a party but okay chiy chy Cho Choy mag

Sans after you’re done with the undertale one listen to the cheapy cheepy Choppa Choppa one for 10 hours that one will definitely give you a headache that’s exactly why I want you to listen to it just kidding no no I’m I’m really not okay uh Mr Pink is not joining all

Right sir pink sheep are you going to join I didn’t get invite uh is it doing that thing with him where it says that I’m offline or something weird cuz if so this game needs to go die there we go let’s all play a good game of

Um what do you guys want to play O Let’s Play hide-and seek just the three of us just the three of us we can make it if we try just the three of us playing Hive on a midnight I don’t know what time it is for you guys but it’s

Just the three of us just the three of us playing games all night what was that Sans who are you that wasn’t Sans it was some random dude hello are you you new I have never seen you in my stream before sir pink sir pink I need another invite right then invite a

Frame um okay slash P invite players oh there’s sand a it’s caught Sand’s tripping with that dang it that was my ALT how are you guys doing today I’m doing good I don’t know about them I assume they’re doing good can I help you yes can I help you

Uh I’m doing pretty good stressed out but I’m fine I had pro day today and okay oh my oh my gosh this I’m sorry I’m I’m sorry it’s I didn’t mean to access permissions invite player invite friend invite all I don’t even care if that clicks dude gets invited or

Not I’m sorry guys there SAS is this like a like water dispenser or something or is it like a fish tank I don’t know I’m starting the game uh I’m going to be quartz wait no if it’s called Boardwalk I don’t know I’m going to be a

Barrel nobody can stop me I think it’s supposed to be a fish tank that’s a fish tank for a thing that doesn’t have any fish I’ll go with whoever this is we’ll know in a minute 10 seconds that is not enough time my friend okay don’t cheat using My Stream Sans is the Seeker Sans if you use my stream to cheat I’m gonna be angry the way that they design these things in uh Minecraft is pretty cool look at him I’m GNA do this he’s not going to know it’s me how did he not see that he’s

Blind Sans you’re blind I’m sorry but you are blind pink hey buddy no you can’t catch me you can’t catch me you can’t catch me you can’t see me I’m John Cena how do you get out you don’t see me go away go away go away go away please

Sans go away Sans please please we’re friends right you don’t want to hurt me I’m just a little Barrel cap thing you just you don’t want to hurt me Sans I was the last titer how do I get Sweet Victory then H the slow turn no no

No you want to hurt me I’m just a cute little cat Barrel thing pink sheet made me nervous cuz he like got right next to me um sure I don’t know do you guys want other people to join or you just want it to be

Us that’s up to them I know I’m the streamer but that’s up to them what do you want me to listen to after this uh I want you to listen to The chy chy choa Cho or you can listen to the um the toothless dancing meme oh yeah my throat’s dry

Today you want to listen to toothless okay I like the toothless song sorry if I’m blasting your guys’s ears oh that’s funny okay um I’ll invite him after after this cuz I have to like friend him and Stuff I think it’d be funny if people who play Minecraft acted like how they did in the game so like like jumping around on furniture and stuff like this how funny would it be if people in real life were just hopping around on their couches and tables like in going in a

Circle it’s like what are you doing really I’m I’m a Minecrafter I don’t I I I just think it’d be funny you know also I need a new headset Freddy Fazbear call me Freddy fazar the way I’m playing these sick beats wait he sings sorry where’s my L you do uh

No that’s Sans that has to be Sans yeah why did you do that the minute I got next to you I couldn’t run that’s how I knew it was you oh I didn’t know I was a Seeker but now I know people would get a lot more exercise yeah

I just thought Sans was pink for a minute I see you Sans that means you’re a leaf that maybe we can go maybe maybe I feel like he’s in here I can sense him he’s like in here somewhere having a concert in the back sorry are you a leaf no you’re not a

Leaf you’re too you’re too cool to be a leaf just kidding you’re not cool you suck I just watch truck maybe this thing I’m just kidding you don’t suck you’re awesome come in Sans did you lose him hi hi hi yay I killed one person I’m so cool it’s okay pink don’t

Cry more heart points we’re going to play Murder Mystery cuz we’re cool I’m I think I might get half plus later cuz um it’s not fair that they limit and gatekeep the amount of times I can play with my friends I mean this that’s dumb you know like you can’t like limit the

Amount of times I get to play with my my friends that’s just that’s Racist that’s a joke by the way don’t clip Me O I wonder who’s the murder I just wanted to kill you guys sorry hi Sans no you get back here too slow may they rest in peace no no resting in peace for you you rest in Terror you don’t even rest you’re just

Constantly awake oh pink oh there he is how how well are your bow skills to get past the slippery snail slippery slip slip slip LLY slip LLY okay don’t touch me where are you keep your Ms off me all right coins look how many coins there are boy oh boy did I hit the jackpot something something something something something something something I am Mickey Mouse and I sing in different languages because people have a voices of my Voice I am Mickey Mouse you don’t know who I am I’m the little mouse that people do things to G Give me a fi M oh Mickey but I don’t have a fiber oh look at that Sans got first death award you got first death award all right um Zen Godzilla what’s your username sound like a um a motorcycle Mhm I really hope that doesn’t say something bad or something oh okay couldn’t have imagined that in a million years feel like God’s Godzilla best night of my life something Something new friend new friend I cannot invite You new friend new friend um I can’t invite you because it’s doing that glitch where it thinks you’re offline sadly and I have trust me I have deleted redownloaded done everything I can to make Hive not do that it’s just a hive problem finding you a game of death

Run look at Santa’s his actual size guys look at him he’s so cute and tiny no okay why do I keep doing that gosh can I join after this round sure Preston I promised you would be in the last stream so yeah I couldn’t join that sucks He is him pink you’re him you’re welcome PR uh something something something something oh you’re mean oh man I am really not doing well right now my my butts my butt my butt my my buttons are not working yeah it’s not registering my CS so oh you tottally okay I’m not going to

Get a good place anyway because I’m not doing very good right now but you know water more water it’s it’s getting higher get keyboard and mouse no not listening to your lies don’t act I don’t know you you can uh that guy’s a real jerk look at s on Podium it

Sounds here I guess I’ll be an undertale character I’ll match the great Sans Sans who should I be should I be Papyrus Toral undy normal Frisk I I don’t know not the jaundice Frisk you but cooler I can be uh love you guys love

You I can be jaas Frisk I can be evil fris Gara be me I’m not going to be you whichever one isn’t me should I be your brother then or like who just choose one man you suck at making decisions pink if I could be you I would I wouldn’t really be you I just I don’t care all right Preston I

Know all right then I’ll be brisk you wouldn’t yeah I wouldn’t be you emo all right look I thought that the skin looked cool and Sith like I I’m not emo bye guys love okay bye I love you I’m not emo just cuz I wear all black doesn’t mean I have no

Personality I am not emo I’m not an emo girl what are you doing I’m not [Laughter] emo this guy’s freaking out Sans don’t you me have you no respect sir you have no respect you really have no respect I can kill you right now but I don’t I

Really need to get around to replay undertale again yeah press and yes I will invite you no trying to do a thing mom oh sorry buddy I’m not I am more Pro than you it’s not Sith it’s fris it’s fris because I’m Sith and fris hello sir the Great Sands

You know who looks emo Sans look at him he has that that ey Shadow and that big hole in the back of his neck press okay how am I supposed to know that 2763 Preston you don’t exist you don’t exist on this Earth Huh all right oh there he is Sand’s calm down calm Sans calm down calm down he’s having a stroke somebody help him he’s somebody help him love you love you what did you do today I spun around in a circle of Sands what yeah I’ll be the great papyrus okay

Um Preston PVP to s six sir you do not exist in Minecraft you get away from me I don’t like it go away I’m being chased by my all by all my adoring fans hi sir Preston I’m going hurt you Preston I remember you you didn’t didn’t play Hive with me before

Though no I don’t want to be on here oh look on top sign brother oh okay yeah like that’s going to do anything that’s just going to kick me from my party hello something something something something something I’m the cooler Virgin of you can I snipe you um no he’s the only

SS in the world I’ll be Toral can I join party no sorry I did add the 2763 what are you talking About this is very frustrating I just want to play the game no I need to be asked a million times I’m more prer than you I can’t in invite you well it tried to let you invite me but I can only have oh all right um hi Sans I tried to invite

You this just ain’t going to work so I can only okay this thing said Plus members can have eight members per party Vis it okay so I already have too many people in my party off we go bye this looks so this looks so weird oh we’re at his mom’s house bye bye

S guess I’ll travel on foot because I this just ain’t working y I don’t want on this anyway me Christian Preston I don’t know what it’s just it doesn’t want to work Sheldon Sheldon’s cool Preston I’d love for you to be in the Stream It just I don’t have hi

Plus okay how much is it uh uh I’m I’m broke I’m broke is anybody willing to leave to get um wait who’s in the party me pink s and we’re going to do SkyWars squads wait this game doesn’t work like that Sans is uh just levitating he’s just cool like that thank you for your gifts but no Sans get down I think sans’s computer is saying no right now so okay his game crashed get away from him away what do I usually get no you get over here you don’t get

To play that game nope nope no nice no I saved myself hold on uh we’re not going to do build bottles this stream people are too weird and just build oh please please sir please sir go away go away go away go away go away all right then Come Um follow me when the barrier drops okay I mean I don’t need help playing this game but all right who’s this random girl on our team I prefer Sands all right pink uh Preston you can join now since pink is gone yeah I’m not following you

You lagged it looked like you jumped off on purpose all right I’ll just go back to HUB this poor girl just going to be by herself no no word Sans it’s not even it’s not any different from saying like crap or something hey no no word but good job being a

Moderator that that gives you moderator points all right Sans good boy all right um s hypocrite um me get Preston in here dude that’s stupid all right we’re going to play murder mystery I can’t invite you I don’t have enough um space for inviting things Sans you have the skull oh bone No Sans do you have the skull as your uh gravestone I’m just going to follow Sans around I hate this map so much Squidward boy I’m just going to do slash Q murder Myster there we go I can’t invite you next match it’s not going to work like that

I’m sorry i’ like like I’d like you to join really I really would but it’s just I’m sorry I I don’t know how to help you skyar but we go against each other only sure I got to get high plus sure I just don’t like inviting people

In front of people who are watching the stream because then people don’t find it fair when I invite you guys CU you guys are my S&P members of course I’m fine with letting you join but like other random people it’s hard for me to say like no Sorry no oh my gosh he got so close he got so close to dying um Sans it’s this like uh it’s this dude I can’t he’s like wearing gray and like has stripes uh Preston it’s also the guy with the me find him it’s this guy he’s wearing um like

Brown he has like a mask on I think yeah get him get him get him that was him Sans that was him turn around that’s him go go go go go go go nice do I count as in the S SMP yeah you’re in the S SMP yes I’ll just be watching pink is just lurking around he’s like I’m I’m just in the shadows guys oh there’s two pinks uh Pink she’s better who’s going on a murder spree Killing Spree I can hear like where he is whoever it is is at in my headphones because I have 3D

Headphones I’m scared is it Sands or something yeah I’ll probably change my Star Wars description soon I’d rather change my name but I don’t know what name I should do I don’t want to do it based off undertale or something because I don’t make like just undertale

Videos and like what if I’m not that into undertale in a couple years but I don’t know just trying to think of something I was thinking of using like oh my gosh I don’t know how I got like how I did that demon Slayer okay yeah I know it’s

The I looked away from the screen let me go to SkyWars for you guys you killed me Sans SkyWars SkyWars I’m still going to call you Sith yeah that’s the thing though it’s like I I don’t want to force you guys to have to call me something else

Because you know not what yeah you did kill me that’s the thing though is like I don’t want to choose a name that you guys are going to have to like cuz I I would prefer for it to be my um real name because like why would I

Want to change my real name but then that’s also the thing it’s my real name it’s like I rather stay hidden not not hidden just not search up a bow cuz like my name isn’t a name that’s like and hard I guess it it wouldn’t make sense

Because it is like a rare weird name so it wouldn’t be like easy for somebody to uh I like I I feel like it wouldn’t be easy for somebody to search me up but it’s also still like I’m like the only one so not like the only one who has

This name but still it’s either super easy or super hard for somebody to come and you know like search me up or something but you know yes Preston feel like you should go with your community I don’t think I’m in the uh Richie I can’t invite you if you’re not

Online Sith from an alternate universe is an ugly Jedi I’d be scared if I named myself the ugly Jedi nice toothless time did you finish the undertale 10 hours I don’t think you did I haven’t been streaming for 10 hours keep trying to I can’t talk today what are you doing Sir do a Papyrus voice what are you doing so what are you doing you’re just going you’re not even answering the question I I it doesn’t matter if you could only find a one hour just keep replaying it the every after every one hour just keep

Rep playing it until you reach 10 times that youve replayed it have you no sense in how to do this Sans why don’t you ever stream if you streamed I’d be able to come to your streams and stuff and I don’t have to sit there and have uh things

Preston are you going to join are you just going to you know what does UR mean okay well me and Sans are just going to go against each other while we wait for you Too what do you mean you downloaded packs like you downloaded hacks or something or cuz if you’re cheating nobody’s going to want to play will you two stop screaming at me I do not appreciate being screamed at thank you what do you mean I’m not trying at all to okay what was that

Well sorry I’m waiting for it to maybe should download your packs or something you guys act like it’s the end of the world like I can’t make another server I see a wild Sans over there wait Sans make it so I can see you

Like stand if you can see me I can see you n hours left oh gosh of undertale I’m going to try doing the undertale song too see how long I can last before I just cannot okay guys this is a Sans in his natural habitat playing Minecraft on

Hive his natural habitat in real life is actually at his gaming setup sans’s the skeleton usually likes to eat hot dogs but he usually also likes to play with this one girl named the the pretty Sith people don’t know why he just disappears sometimes for hours on end

But some they think that this natural habit at animal really like swinging swords at people come on Sans nope not playing that game he just walked away from me he didn’t even try and help like come over here and fight me fight me like a man F me like a man

Sans he’s scary wait he’s scary he’s scary he’s scary Sans I’m sorry I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry sorry sorry he’s scary he’s scary he’s scary no where did you get food from nope go away go away please please I wonder uh no you don’t no oh come

On he had 12 12 and a half hearts epic I’ll get you I’ll get you next time don’t tell me I can’t beat him in the game and I can’t beat him in Minecraft um Sans we’re going to play actually we’re going to invite Richie well okay all

Right did you tell her to stay up there yeah all right St there all right I don’t I’m sorry person oh my gosh hi I don’t know what this person’s doing oh mhm Sans this guy looks like if you were a human mhm wait his name says

Sith wait wait hold on hold on your name says Sith yeah this is the boy version of me I don’t know who Gojo is oh he’s an anime character okay yeah I don’t watch anime this one though is a freak about anime I’m just kidding for for for

What do you mean that was mean what you punching you jerk he did made you look no oh man I really cannot land a single thing today you fell yeah you think I don’t know Sans it took you like seven tries to do this parkour over here I’d personally rather watch them

Play right now okay that’s fine whoa one player needed to start Guys do a Q&A cuz I’m bored I do we Lar uh here’s Sands oh okay bye just going to give him my pants how many toes do I have five what question is that I I’m a human I’m well I guess people can be born with six toes I have I have

Five I have a normal skeleton I don’t what are you talking about now what cool get him Sans get him get him get him get him get him haha I have 10 I have three toes on one and two on the other I’m ET oh wait why is why am I not following

Sans Sans where are you we need to be following each other oh oh that’s not my team I thought that was Sans I’m so sorry to disturb you please I don’t I’m not with my teammate right now so I’d prefer to not be attacked stay up there oh okay there

Go Sans doesn’t matter if I have a team now as long as people just stay away from me I’ll be fine oh you want to play that game you want to play that game buddy you want to play that game oh yeah you want to play that game I think he

Wants to play that game I’ll play that game with you oh yeah yeah yeah ha look I made you waste your things get away go away I need heal you died I did not die you’re you’re lying stop lying to Me let me just take my sweet time to you know just Shuffle some things around here organize my inventory bro what where you browing I haven’t said bro in five weeks like bruh I don’t say brh because I’m a lady so I don’t say bruh but I’m saying it now so that’s cool

It’s really not cool you just I did not just die I saved myself you’re wrong you’re like what are these lies this is straight like this is a harassment okay that’s a game I don’t want to play that’s that’s a why are there two penguins chasing me I don’t want to okay gter

Gunther wait gter it’s gter right is it is it gutter it’s gter right there’s a Gunther gter why did you eat my fries How could a the fries Why Did You Eat My Fries How could a eat their fries how could aat fries I don’t know I’m not a cheater

Don’t call me a cheater cheater pumpkin meter Penguin man don’t act like I don’t see you there ha stupid stupid I’m the I’m going to be the stupid one in a moment bye I use my hack on you okay sir I I personally rather watch gter why did you eat my

Fries Daddy Why Did You Eat My Fries you ate my fries and you knew they were mine I can’t remember the words to her song sounds oh my gosh Hello oh all right uh I don’t know if you mind but I’m taking this a completely real knife Sans wait leave alone leave him alone leave him alone S no that’s why you don’t go running off without me that’s why you look both ways before you go into the road Sands thank

You do the main character voices wait what you wait do the main character what main character voice first what are you talking about what are you talk what who I read read it as I will do my hor on you I was like Oh knock back that sand you’re spelling things wrong today the anime voice you did to me uh okay I don’t want to I don’t want to do an anime voice it’s cringe what do you want me to even say you’re going to clip me or something Sans you knew that was

A Oh wait I thought it had a little shiny on it I don’t know I don’t want to do it but I’ll do it for you oh I’ll do it when I when I feel like doing it okay Sans you can’t just keep doing that no dropping us gifts won’t do

Anything You Know Two Can Play That Game what you w to do what you w to do yeah bye bye that’s what I thought come on Sans we have people to kill we’re too cool for Minecraft school um actually I’m too cool for Minecraft school very

Happy uh hi there I really like playing Minecraft I need to stop clipping do not please H please don’t clip my cringe moments I’m stopping I’m going to stop Sans are you putting a skull because you’re laughing or because you died I never know if this generation uh hi there my name’s

Charmander and I really uh I I can turn into to a wolf do you want to see it what am I hearing uh you’re hearing the pretty Sith do funny voice funny haha Voice is not cool no no no no no no no no no okay fine le le le

Le Sans doesn’t know what’s going on uh hi there I’m Sans Sans the skeleton I have more space to okay all right all right then come on fall down no noise no no no no no no no no no no what never never what Never Back Down

Never that’s nice nice what oh wait sorry I’m sorry I’m just automatically on automatic pilot trying to be nice okay which is probably a bad thing so somebody says my my cat died today I’m just going to go oh that’s so awesome I’m so happy for

You it’s in reality it’s like oh I’m sorry I was just trying to be nice I’m sorry no more Sans fandom uh you can call me Sans the skeleton but I usually like to be called Sans but you can call me whatever you want have you seen my phandom of uh

Friends what about the Tumbl Sans where’d you go you’re not going on hive anymore all right oh my goodness Sans is like oh my stars I’m Sans Sans a skeleton I don’t really care about captur that was my fault I’m sorry 22 packs yeah yes space yes my child

Can you later do SkyWars with only stream people yes but I need to buy Hive first I think we’ve gone in a circle about eight times let’s not go over there okay you my vids take three maybe delete some of the ones that you don’t want that are like super long

Or something Sans what did I just say dang it all right Richie Sans you disobedient child I told you to stay yet you ran out into the road anyway I did that when I was younger yay oh oh oh oh I’m stupid sorry when you go to pull it just hold

That end down so it works you go thank you mhm off my hands well if you’ve already uploaded them to YouTube you just uh Delete the ones that you have because you can just redownload it oh there’s so much Diamond here I’ll let you take the rest okay maybe

Not here since I’m nice you can have those sand sand sand sand there you go all right press don’t leave without me wait pink are you still chilling in here are you like just you know thank you thank you here you can have my boots there you

Go s you just wasted that end Pearl whatever that was you killed him easily I guess you didn’t waste it then did I just did I just was that Sans I’m glad I found your channel Sith I’m glad I you found it too thank you yes

Richie a Sans look how innocent and poor they are wait Sans Sans oh gosh um okay no sand okay Sans uh why don’t you start going out when I go out okay oh bye Sans I can kill this guy right he can’t kill me oh yeah I need to

Heal your hold your hands are okay good night Sans how do your how do your hands get that cold I felt like I was going to get frostbite today from going outside just like from having my hands surrounded in the cold air that’s bad yeah I

Guess the cold on my hands that I I felt today was like the cold on my hands I have felt never before um yeah Preston who is in this class and who is absent um oh I’m the teacher oh oops I already invited you a thing to be friends so for that for

All right um for Yeah we’re all in trios h you’re a sweat level two he’s a real sweat I also take some of this stuff Richie where are you oh my gosh dude come on dude let me kill you yay Cube Craft or something um I don’t know

I have the I have the saying a lot of things of sans’s thing to go work on so I don’t know if I’m going to be streaming for much longer because I really have been putting that off and I think I should you know let’s go back to

HUB I can play like cubecraft or something here Oh by Preston for all right well then let’s play cubecraft all right well CU crab does not one work for um okay h now get back here Oh okay then I thought you said you were the PVP master oh we’re on a team now okay you didn’t want to go against me We’re not going to really kill each other with fist but okay all right I know you’re on a phone though too so that’s funny so you can tap a lot faster but fists aren’t fun you can’t kill people no no you can kill me with one hit right Now you can get better um I don’t know if you know this but you can get better com comos when you have a sword instead of fist I don’t know why but it’s just how Minecraft works I think it might be different though for different things cuz you’re playing

On a tablet phone thing I don’t know I don’t think so okay there it goes all right well I think I’m going to end the stream so bye

This video, titled ‘Hive minecraft’, was uploaded by ThePrettySith on 2024-01-16 05:43:01. It has garnered 42 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:14 or 8354 seconds.

Hello there, padawans! I make all Star Wars videos on my channel, so if you’re into stuff like that, you’re on the right channel!! Have a fun video idea? Feel free to share it with me! Also, please comment who your fav Star Wars character is!! Can’t wait to get to know you all, and may The Force be with you!

I also post on Friday! (I also do not have discord)

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  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

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  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

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  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

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  • Blokowo

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  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

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  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

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  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

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  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

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  • Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!

    Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!Video Information all right guys in today’s video I’m going to be doing something a little bit different I’m going to be doing a solo windcraft run I have played windcraft before like eight years ago I was an Archer and just recently I decided to um see how the game has changed and I played as a shaman and I got to level 18 um I’ve never really experienced a story in this game so I’m going to try to go slower and actually experience the story I’ve downloaded a few mods that will um give the story voice… Read More

  • Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & Choco

    Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & ChocoVideo Information what’s this oh it’s just a normal security guard job but is it really we actually went ahead and created our own version of the FNAF pizeria with functioning doors lights and these weird robot things will postal survive the night or Will Freddy Faz barington get him first if you want to go see the full video the link is right here This video, titled ‘We recreated FNAF…’, was uploaded by Flash & Choco on 2024-01-14 11:39:01. It has garnered 5754 views and 164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. I think… Read More

  • Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!

    Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!Video Information [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] awaken my child and embrace the glory that is your Birthright know now that I am obsidian and you have created to serve me just kidding did I scare [Laughter] [Music] you 5 more minutes obsidian oh the cicas are so loud today the cicas are so loud today I can respect that honestly kind of like that sing me your songas [Music] there we go hello thank you for five months Bandit Channel and uh I missed a soup and now I can’t… Read More

  • Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯

    Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯Video Information here kind of working trying to finish the uh Greenhouse trying and get all that finished like 9:00 a.m. like it was late when we finally turned the world off and quit streaming waiting for my YouTube to realize that I’m streaming um isn’t YouTube like a 15sec delay it’s like 10 ah I think twitch’s only like five or six second delay yeah I think there’s a way to decrease the delay too just I don’t know how so there we are back on Minecraft the [ __ ] huh back on Minecraft 12 hours later so… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Tricks in Minecraft Part 27!

    Ultimate Survival Tricks in Minecraft Part 27!Video Information guys welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] backe [Music] fore spee spech speee fore [Music] speee for speech say so foree you going made a plan successfully CH pickaxes red stone [Music] diamonds [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] blocks [Music] [Music] but there for [Music] May bab let go by m pass [Music] [Music] ex XP exp main target m [Music] X okay good idea good red stone yeah B collect C this s Sara [Music] IR don’t ien [Music] mining fore foree yeah [Music] okay guys This video, titled ‘Minecraft Series Part 27 | New Video | New… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! 🤯” #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! 🤯" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #animation’, was uploaded by Yep. on 2024-05-15 18:25:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “Minecraft build rated by shizo: EPIC or FAIL?” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Minecraft build rated by shizo: EPIC or FAIL?" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me rating my Minecraft build part 1 #minecraft #builds’, was uploaded by HAHTA_FZ on 2024-01-03 22:30:09. It has garnered 1629 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Mastering Telly Bridges in Minemen Club!!

    Mastering Telly Bridges in Minemen Club!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Telly bridging in MInemen.club ?’, was uploaded by Perfexion on 2024-01-19 20:14:13. It has garnered 138 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos,… Read More