Unbelievable Tips to Master Cinema of the Dead Round 100!

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theck out of the buing uh tornadoes we should be live now that’s Windows that’s Windows know tornado uh we live guys we should be we should beuck suck all right give me a sec guys I’m seeing if I’m live right now uh we should be ex I just stand on and tornado will never come are live hey guys what is up S guide here today guys we’re here with another live stream for today guys got a good one for you all know guys we are here doing some uh B3 zombies uh going be doing some Keen or the Toten I guess uh you already know but uh I was supposed to do B4 but uh yeah I want to go play onl or try to get online and it just wasn’t letting me play online so uh yeah that was like I don’t know that was like maybe that was like 10 minutes boys that was like 10 minutes before stream so uh I don’t know didn’t know I didn’t know if it was going to like come back or anything in time and [ __ ] so yeah we’re going have to do this though today boys uh I don’t know should be good one we’ll see how it goes but hey welcome in no chemist how are you doing today bro good to see in the Stream as well as Mark how are you today man hopefully you’re having a great day as well as kitties how are you doing today as well kitties hopefully you’re having a good Friday enjoying uh the start of your weekend guys but uh how are you guys today though how are you guys today though again we’ll see how this goes uh if the box like I don’t I don’t know like cuz it is Classics and [ __ ] I don’t know we’ll see um again obviously the Box moves into M8 room we’re probably not going to go there right off Rip but um yeah if if the if the Box goes there we have to restart cuz I’m trying to stay Alleyway ideally I think Alleyway will be easier till like in the early rounds and [ __ ] but um I’m doing all right bro hey that’s what’s up man glad to hear you doing uh pretty good though Mark but yeah we’ll see how it goes guys um I know I was supposed to do B4 but uh yeah it wasn’t letting me play online so Street yeah man hey that was uh was going to be a little bit of a struggle for sure but um Street yeah let’s see how this goes obviously uh we’re have to get set up here get get our stuff pretty pretty well here get the get the thund gun obviously get the mark but uh Hey man we’ll see how it goes guys we’ll see how it goes how are you doing Evan I’m doing I’m doing pretty good kitties I can’t complain man I can’t complain I can’t plane I’m chilling though try think what’s my perk Set uh [ __ ] is this [ __ ] I’m going to say jug I’m gonna say jug yeah jug uh jug Widow Stam you can hear it yeah jug Widow Stam quick maybe see the [ __ ] title yeah I’m just going to go all right I got to get a decent start here dipped in oh my God all right but I’m do I’m doing pretty good though kitties I can’t complain too much man honestly we’re just uh I don’t know just doing some zombies was planning on doing B4 but it just wasn’t let playing online so which kind of sucks but hey man we’re we’re going have to make do with what we have here so all right there’s round one [Music] done all right uh yo hey good to see the stream as well B DS how are you doing today as well man hopefully you’re having a an awesome day as well bro uh I’m going to get the rk5 as well might as well this ain’t this ain’t this ain’t online anymore boys we have to buy the rk5 again we’re back to those days round 100 inbound we’ll see we’ll see I I’m not going to say it’s going to happen but it really depends if we’re set up nicely and we’re doing pretty well and I’m feeling it then maybe I’ll I’ll I’ll do it but we we’ll see we’ll see maybe I’ll if we get to that point I’ll let you guys know but I don’t know again we have to get set up pretty decently and [ __ ] but I don’t know sup Evan how’s it going hey it’s going great game killer how about you bro we’re just doing some some P3 man but how’s your uh Friday been so far bro good to see you in another stream yeah we just need thunder gun monkeys and then that’s pretty pretty much it we just need thunder gun monkeys really know you want know that’s kind of all we need right now boys honestly okay so that ain’t great all right I’ve been all right I feel that man it’d be like that sometimes it’d be like that sometimes bro I can’t even lie need some juice soon all right there’s the death machine we’ll take that sweet but I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see it I’m feeling really it kind of depends I’m feeling in a in a couple hours here cuz I know classic is going to take it’s going to take significantly longer but that should be round there we go okay cool I’m going to open doors now if it spawns there we have to restart if it spawns in that one spot near uh what do you call it the M8 room we have to restart no matter what here so praying we don’t even get there because if we do that’s that’s an automatic restart going all right yeah I’ll cop I’ll cop the MP 40 as well why not uh all right cool yeah hopefully you guys are all good bill chilling yeah I was originally like I said I was originally supposed to be V4 but i h online like 10 minutes before I was going to stream like before I started stream and it wasn’t it was basically only allowing me to play offline so uh thaten me a bit ago but I had to wait like till the next day to do it so I don’t know how long that was going to take and [ __ ] but yeah man I don’t even know but uh of course I sced what else would I do all right we’ll take the max there that’s not bad Amun on the house ain’t too bad ain’t too bad is that uh is that round that should be okay no boxes there okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine when I was playing B3 online uh I can’t read that cuz uh I got booted offline you get you got booted offline that’s you might have just got like I don’t know were you were you able to get back on though I assume you would right you would you’d be able to mark you’ll never guess what map I’m playing uh Ascension ain’t going to be any my my that’s my go-to that’s my go-to that’s my go-to all right yeah oh then you probably just got like Dam that was you probably just got like boot off or some [ __ ] Doge some [ __ ] do be doing that do5 EV uh maybe one day like I said I don’t know if this this this this console definitely will not be a to handle 225 I mean I could do it this is the last time I tried it like like my database was [ __ ] and [ __ ] so can’t be doing that I have to do it wait till I get like I don’t know B3 on PC or some [ __ ] when I’m actually able to like pause the game and not worry some clean with Classics only nice yeah we’re just uh we’re just chilling right now AG I don’t know if I’m going to do around 100 yet I don’t this [ __ ] does take some time so I would’t be shocked if we don’t do it but we’re just going to we’re just going to play BR I mean I like I said I want to do a 25 it’s not even that it’s just [ __ ] the last time I when I went to go do rev it was fine it’s just when I woke up the next day that [ __ ] like it was saying my whole console database was [ __ ] like corrupt and Sh I the game was still up but it was like saying like constantly even like when I would to go to like constantly like get rid of like the message that it was showing up on my console it just kept on saying database corrupt databas corrupted so it just I don’t know how much good I don’t know how much better it would have gone if I kept it going how’s your Friday been uh my my Friday’s been pretty good A I can’t complain too much man just chilling you know doing a little stream for you guys just kind of vibing but uh you guys are tuning here enjoying the stream drop a like subscribe share the stream it is appreciated and if you guys do you want to donate join the Discord the links are in the description on that grind to 5K right now you already know first school is to get Jug first goal is to get Jug here what you want console or PC bro all right this should be good again if we get thunder gun monkeys in the first box that would be really good but I’m not expecting that kind of luck from for myself I can’t even lie oh damn the whole yeah isn’t good best to say play offline oh yeah for B3 for sure for B3 for sure I was going to do B4 but it just like B4 was just wasn’t letting me play online for some reason which I don’t know if I’m liking that but yeah uh I just had to quickly like hop on bo3 and just try to like get a stream going me jger girl not bad not bad first all I’m going to go I think I’m going to go widow’s Stam yeah I think I’m going to go Widow Stam what making setting on your PS4 or something that’s making it crash I don’t think so cuz I like I hit up a bunch of people and search up a bunch of videos and stuff about how to avoid it from like causing that and I pretty much much set my PS4 to pretty much do that exact like pretty much everything they said to do in the video I did and it didn’t help it at all so I don’t know I just don’t think console can handle keeping the game online for what is it days possibly so I I just don’t think it I I just don’t think it’s going to be able to work I mean maybe it could but I don’t know when I tried it it it was still up it was just saying my like constantly with like a message like just saying my database was corrupted and stuff it was very weird all right is this uh I’m looking for round I’m just isn’t taking any notice with this whole Lobby thing it’s cuz they don’t don’t care unfortunately I I think that’s the they’re not really going to Care on a game that’s like you know like 8 years old or whatever so like I said it would it would be cool if they did but but again they’re not going I don’t think they’re going to cuz it’s the game’s old to that’s like saying um what is it World at War right you take World at War what is it you take World at War right you take World at War and it’s how many years has been since world of war came out just take World at War and then you know they like fix it and stuff fix all the hacker issue and stuff they’re not going to obviously cuz that game is really old it’s kind of the same thing with like the old like really any old Cod now it is think it’s almost been 20 years was it 2008 so 10 12 you8 yeah I know what 2008 is brooom yeah it’s going to be like 16 years old it’s kind of [ __ ] G something like that okay I need to link this pad as well also let’s try to get our per the rest of our perks done I think first before we even like consider doing anything else here I got the only perk I didn’t need out of that thing that is crazy all right we’ll see man those things need to see the sunshine every once in a all right uh how are we looking right now C I’ll take that for the points I guess it’s not bades are covered for a moment anyway not all my two dead shots in a row bro yeah not like that bro all right dog ground all right not bad not bad my grenade devil voice and we’ll take a little dog [Applause] around what kind of Strat you thinking of using classic only I mean if the Box moves in the alleyway or in the uh the Trap room I have to restart cuz I want to train out an Alleyway ideally but if the Box moves I’m OB have to like you know not do that last time I didn’t do that it didn’t go too well but um this time oh my Deadshot that’s bro I keep just getting Deadshot what the [ __ ] but he could get cornered there I think I’ll be all right if I have thunder gun uh yeah thunder gun with my perks set up and alchemical I think we should be I think we should be fine I think we should be fine it’ll also go a lot quicker than the chat room which is kind of why I want to do it as well just save time just just getting to rounds and stuff but I don’t know we’ll see how it goes guys we’ll see how it goes hey how are you I’m doing great Alex how about you bro good to seeing the stream man we’re just playing some uh V3 I was supposed to play V4 was but like 10 minutes before stream I hopped on and it wasn’t letting me play onine like it only play local so it kind of defeats the purpose of the uh the stream I guess the original stream idea I had but hey man we uh we’re going to make do with what we got so I don’t know I’m I’m trying to get set up right now obviously get widows Stam I’ve only gotten Deadshot so far which isn’t great but man yeah maybe we’ll do I don’t another Deadshot oh my God this is guy like bro holy [ __ ] I’m good hey glad to hear that Alex love to hear that man I don’t know we’ll see how we’ll see how we’re feeling here obviously we got set up and we’re doing really well I I don’t know again I don’t know how long classics will take but I’m assuming it’s going to take way longer round 100 if I even think about attempting in here got my first perk after like how many hits there holy [ __ ] we wish the fire trap worked on B3 Kino it does if you have danger closes but you so it’s not really reliable at all to use which is unfortunate what’s my favorite wonder weapon oh that’s a great question um my I’m probably going to go all time just favorite I really like the Slick fire slick is a great one weapon paralyzes a very fun wonder weapon to use as well very unique B maker I like using as well I like using the W the W just feels very satisfying to use there’s a lot of good choices man there’s a lot of good choices for wonder weapon you could you could choose what would you guys say is your favorite wonder weapon in chat I might change the title I don’t know if we get set up and we’re looking pretty good I’ll probably like switch like maybe round 100 I don’t know yeah I’m playing some Warframe that’s what’s up Alex I need to I need to play that game again honestly it’s been way too long I know I said that but I do need to hop on that hop on that game again I actually did whenever I have played I have enjoyed it 11 a bman as well bro it’s been some time man how are you doing today bro hope you’re uh you’re doing awesome man we’re just setting up for I guess a high round maybe a possible round 100 if I’m feeling it only issue is we keep getting Deadshot the Box probably going to move as well but what how did you hit me [ __ ] man brm okay uh you been cool yeah I’m chilling man I’m chilling not nothing too much you know just been I just kind of vibing right now just doing the stream yo you’re spaming but yeah no we’re not doing too bad I mean kind of sucks I can’t play this online but not trying to risk getting hacked I don’t know if you guys if you know you know bo3 uh Playstation is extremely unsafe right now to play it’s it’s actually bad been not M6 I’ve been cool just been out of the way I’mma play B3 with you again soon as been a it has been some time it has been some time for sure only issue is the hacker situation on PlayStation 5 PS4 it’s actually terrible it’s actually terrible I’ve seen like dozens like a dozen at least a dozen different streamers that stream on Playstation like getting hacked on uh when they’re playing B3 online on Console it’s actually it’s actually kind of [ __ ] that’s kind of why I’m not playing bo3 online or bo3 online right now that’s why like if I pause I’m on local right now yo what’s up hey nothing much game Shadow how about yourself bro great to see in the Stream man hopefully you’re having a great day bro we’re just playing some Kino right now just trying to get set up here but uh doing great I’ll stream with you next week uh I mean I again I’d be down I just don’t know I don’t know with that again the hacker situation I don’t know if I’m trying to hop online that’s that’s the issue I don’t know if you’ve read it but if you search up I think it’s if you search up just B uh bo3 zombies like PS4 hackers or whatever like hackers you guarantee you’ll see some videos on it couple videos from different people and stuff but it is an issue right now with console or not not just uh mainly PlayStation it’s it’s a PlayStation issue unfortunately ready to rock all right cuz if I was allowed to play online without the risk of getting obviously hacked I would be playing B3 online B3 Subs right now I would I would where’s that rpk names okay we really just need a thunder gun this could be all for nothing if the Box moves on us worst case scenario goes right up there we don’t really want that so fingers crossed we uh get some luck and we get this uh get these get this box get these weapons or get the thunder gun get monkeys hopefully if you guys are tuning in though welcome to the stream everyone know you guys are enjoying if you guys are again drop a like subscribe share the stream it is appreciated yeah what the [ __ ] we’re just doing some B3 right now maybe going for round 100 it kind of depends how this goes all right I’m fine with it going there actually I’m fine with it going there anywhere but that one spot anywhere but that one spot honestly and I’ll be all right with it h we need some luck right now we need some luck though okay it’s in the uh it’s where speel is I’m fine with that creepy oh no I’m going to crack him up SVG not bad not bad damn it no cash again we really just need a we just need guns or we need points we need points so we’re going to rack up points right now oh my this is a death zone bro holy [ __ ] we’re out of here we are we are out of here bro holy all right let let me change let me change the title I’m going to put it to possible Kino what the [ __ ] they toen cool I’m going to change it to that because I might do it but again it’s I don’t know y EV bro how are you today you working out tiger in your garage training hey uh I will give you guys a little update William uh I did go for a run yesterday ended up getting another hour done it was it was pretty hot as well yesterday or whatever so it wasn’t it was it was a fun grind but uh no I did I did do some running yesterday so I’m pretty I’m pretty happy with how that run went yesterday so I’ll probably do it I’ll probably do another one Monday slugs I don’t know I’m probably soon going to try to go an hour and a half and see how that goes but yeah just staying we just got to stay consistent really William that’s kind of that’s kind of it at this point just stay consistent with it I’m watching just keep grinding and stuff you know all right we’re not getting luck with the thunder gun though this is not great ready to [ __ ] you up this is not good right now not great great for us I can’t even lie to you why is call all right nine okay we need again all we need out of the box is thunder gun and monkeys and that’s it Barrow all right uh this is not good we’re not getting we’re not getting the the weapons we need or the weapon that’s not bad that is that round we should be able to get yeah yeah we’ll we’ll be get one more hit in all right there we go uh again every time the Box moves it’s a out of time before it shows up oh no don’t tell me we’re just going to play this legitimately just for nothing try to do the or G egg last night but failed damn how close were you to do completing it I did I did it once I remember doing it once on stream had a bunch of you guys help me out and [ __ ] it was it was a fun Easter egg I I enjoyed doing Origins that was that was a good Easter egg I hate I hate the Box being here I hate the Box being here [ __ ] me that smells oh no like again we just the problem with novas is legit what we’re facing right now just what I like all right we’re out of here [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that stab’s upgraded trying to get a g strikes okay so you’re I mean you had a d you had you had you were you weren’t like you were starting to get into it really you’ll be you’ll be a do it bro I just keep at it man if you want to I don’t know if you’re playing with people if you’re doing it Solo or not I have no idea but if you weren’t do with people or with I guess Co-op or with more of than just I guess solo if you want to get a couple friends that help you out and [ __ ] it probably would make it a lot easier to get stabs done and and stuff you probably able to get it done quicker more than likely so with Shadow Shadow’s another egg you have to do uh what is it Co-op playing with randoms okay that might be why then I don’t know that might be why are you joking with these novas bro oh yeah all this is round we’re going to rooll box they were helping okay then fair enough then I mean it is cool when you do get into a little randoms game and they actually it is just chill but like most people just if they go down once or twice they’ll usually just leave usually if you’re playing with randoms can’t wait to see what I can do with this box uh is going to move I’m waiting for it fastic so sweaty bro I’m waiting for it I’m waiting for it oh my it’s teasing you keep on laughing little girl when I find you you’re grounded this is not good okay so box moved again we cannot have it in the uh the chat room the M8 room or else it’s a reset um and then I can’t Dodge for something I can’t do the [ __ ] little spin back thing yeah we really need the we really need thunder gun ideally if I don’t get monkeys I can live with it as long as we just you know I don’t we can chill we can chill in the alley Alleyway for a bit okay game calm down calm Downy oh my God how was that down I had my shield up all right we’re not looking bad where is it no I don’t I oh my that was close that is very close to where you don’t want the box to be holy [ __ ] that is in the alleyway that is like the last spot I can oh my God I’m going to head out to the uh the alleyway and see if we can get this done yeah I did I thought just SC us I punched you twice all right we’re getting points this is not too bad right now again we just just need a we just need a we need a thunder gun mainly I can live with a thunder gun why don’t you want in that Rim cuz I’m trying to stay in the alleyway and if it goes in the if if the Box moves in the alleyway and I don’t got thunder gun I have to restart cuz the uh the alleyway is faster in the early in the uh the earlier rounds it’s better to be in the alleyway for the first like 75 rounds if I don’t get it there then yeah we’re kind of in trouble hey I found all the zombies fast you can get oh my God bro Bundy I need the thunder gun I feel like I’m slower than you boys we need a thundy We need thundy oh no no okay fire cell’s like our best chance to like try to get it before it like moves no okay we didn’t get it [ __ ] okay this is not good this is not good we’re not getting we’re not getting that lucky right now I can’t even lie they [ __ ] don’t look like fter if obviously if we spend like 2 hours and we still don’t have set up that’s what I’m talking then more than likely that it’s an L it’s an L on the hundo there’s the Mark I that’s not what I want though the that’s not what I want though honestly I can use it for now but I can use it for this round I’m I’m all right with that but oh my God this is Rough Boys holy stupid no we’re good we’re good all right die you UND that flush we got no uh yeah we got to be CAU about that holy [ __ ] points okay not bad okay again we just need the thunder gun we don’t need the Mark I we need a thunder gun that’s what we need right now guess there’s just something so beautiful about blowing [ __ ] up all right there’s round I can’t hit you I hope they’re ready to get a gut full of slugs oh bro at least the thunder gun bro I’ll be all right with monkeys if I don’t get Bo just see what I can do with this I’m not going to get it I have I just have a feeling boys I just have a feeling time to die BS I don’t know I have a feeling I have a bad feeling right now oh no hey holy yeah that’s not where you ulate again again it’s moved three I think what is it to it’s Third location or some [ __ ] so the there’s a CH there’s a high chance it moves right into the spot I don’t want it to go to right now which if it does it’s a reset if it does it’s a reset to kill obvious I could still go with the the the fire cell but that’s [ __ ] stupid you can’t even lie okay it’s giving us it’s giving us an opportunity it’s giving us an opportunity right now that’s not bad come on bro want my new gun damn this is having gu it’s kind of this is good for taking names I can I’m going to oh my God bro another Mark two boys not like this not like this that’s terrible Mark two again that’s the second Mark two have gun in before thunder gun ain’t going to know would hit him nah bro Trey luck nah this ain’t Trey luck bro this is having good luck though Trey luck would be Trey luck would be getting the thunder gun in like the first hit or it Trey luck would be like the first like first couple hits I’m getting some guy luck right now the Box moved again on me and that it it I barely hit the box that time too it moved in like four hits like crawler all right uh again we got to kind of hope for the best right now Dre luck would be dying on round eight facts facts Max Viking bro good to see you in the Stream as well Viking how are you doing today man hopefully you’re having a a great day bro we’re just uh playing some Kino right now it does say round 100 but if I don’t get set up and like if I don’t get set up in like an hour and a half I’m probably just I don’t know bro I feel like your stamina lasts longer than m yeah we’re just chilling right now I know I was supposed to do uh B4 yeah it wasn’t letting me uh play online on B4 now so hopefully that’s not an issue but I don’t know yeah know I know that it also does more damage so it shouldn’t really matter but I’m doing I’m doing good though uh Viking how about you bro good to see you in the Stream it doesn’t I can’t [ __ ] hit you oh my god look Shi this is terrible break it I I have an A ultimate as well bro how are you doing today ultimate good to see you in the Stream man hopefully you’re having a good day as well man I do that all the time and it doesn’t you stream tomorrow uh I’ll let you know I know for sure I’ll be streaming on Sunday I’ll probably do I’m planning on doing some Minecraft so that should be pretty exciting but 240 hour in a row s yeah so today I finally have an off day hey man that’s I respect the grand bro I respect the ground man I know you said you were working and [ __ ] so ready round 20 we don’t got anything this is still likeo I’ve spent so many points bro not like this man Mak Shiva you’re giving me a Shiva at this point in the game boys need some more Amo like I said we really need uh we need some luck I don’t know though we’ll see though game Shadow it depends kind of how my kind of kind of depends how my day goes no that ain’t the thundy okay yeah working hard every day although uh only retail managers like me so I’m glad know hey that that’s good that’s good that the your managers like you and [ __ ] if they didn’t that would yeah that wouldn’t be too good that is good that they like you like you be the that is what’s up right there man okay I really need to get [ __ ] a gum just blocked another [ __ ] heavy ability all right that’s good uh that’s a safety gun I can’t break your sh again we can’t open this door we’re going to screw ourselves surprisingly though makes no sense oh my God oh my God iing wind stop uh that’s a good question get that’s a great question and [ __ ] um isn’t the wind sta better am I tripping not is isn’t the wind wind St better than the lightning b or am I tripping about that maybe I’m wrong about that I don’t know ad oh my God bro okay we need to get thunder gun we need to get thunder gun dead ass we need thundy dead ass we need thundy oh my God bro fuing stupid like good I figured out how to get my phone on screen recording app from uh and get my gaming in full hey that’s a w right there ultimate that’s a dub right there man glad you could figure that out get streaming and I guess streaming and [ __ ] or recording and stuff set up for for you that that’s that’s awesome now oh okay is that a Max that’s a Max this is what we got to do for the time being here fortunately the SVG not it not it not it [ __ ] holy [ __ ] not like this dodge any attack and you’re throwing a punch I was able to become at least number one console for speedrun any percent my new PB is 28 Jesus bro and that’s for God right you’re talking uh cuz that’s gr right that’s for GR I’ve been seen you doing a lot of grck damn how’s your runs going uh well I’m trying to set up but yeah we’re uh we can’t have the box spawn in the uh the M8 room the chap room because I’m trying to stay Alleyway for the first like 75 rounds of the run but I can’t roll the thunder gun right now so it’s not great it’s not great I mean we don’t got anything right we don’t got monkeys we just need monkeys and thunder gun oh no it might be a reset the Box moved like five times on me why does it always do that to me hey Timmy as well though bro how you doing today Timmy it’s good to seeing the stream again man hopefully you’re having a great day enjoining your weekend guys we’re just doing some uh bo3 was me to do B4 but do [ __ ] yeah unfortunately uh wouldn’t let me play online so [ __ ] kind of just I kind of had to like just figure something out real quick so just thought to do some B3 it went in the room all that all that for a reset all that [ __ ] for a reset that’s like 30 that’s like 40 minutes we have to reset we have to reset we have to reset I have to I have to reset it went in the room the [ __ ] take Dodge was that it’s either that or I wait for fire sales and that’s just inefficient power power power power 40 minutes for a reset oh my God man that’s terrible that sucks yeah there’s not much you can do about it though you have to just reset it is I Hey Thomas well bro how you doing today man hopeful you’re having a great day bro good to see you in the Stream I’m good bro have you been I’m doing I’m doing good Timmy I can’t I’m chilling man I’m chilling other than just you know I’m reset there other than that we’re we’re doing good we’re doing good bro and it is what it is also heard how bad the reboot has become oh the new Modern Warfare 3 yeah not I played it once and I just was like I don’t have the game but my brother does and I just played it once and I was like yeah no I just I just wasn’t a fan what’s good hey nothing much St nothing much bro good to see you in the Stream bro how are you doing today man you just uh basically watch reset 40 minutes of rolling for nothing that should have hit you I’m standing beside you and it doesn’t hit alchemical okay all I need is monkeys and thunder gun and I got neither uh new oh yeah the old one is gray the Old One’s great the new one is not it Chief can’t wait for a bit of bit of grind doing round 100 Moon Mega megas challenge tomorrow hey you got that bro you got that you got that bro it’s mainly just going to be you’re going to be sitting what the the tunnel right the tunnel the tunnel six that one window area pretty sure that’s I’m pretty sure that’s where you’re going to sit especially just with the what do you call it the uh with a wave gun that’s like the Strat I think that would make sense that CH to be honest I mean with megas yeah I mean you could pop what cuz you’re if if you’re you’re trying to actually have it go for a record if you’re trying to have it as a record obviously you still get rain drops you still get uh all those type of uh gums and [ __ ] so you should be all you definitely have that man I just want a casual relaxing game that’s that’s understandable man it is nice to just chill out just relax not take the game too seriously sometimes I can’t I can’t disagree on that one oh no you have’t I mean you play the game too much trying to make games again hey that’s what’s up Thomas uh what game are you uh I guess what’s your most recent game you’re starting to work on now what’s favorite Prime flavor mines lemonade and ice pop I can’t really say what my favorite is cuz i’ I’ve only had one flavor ever Prime so I can’t really I can’t say I only had one that wouldn’t be that’d be kind of unfair to every other one every other Prime flavor really no B have infinite ammo with the hacking device yeah you also got the hacker that’s another thing so and you still got like things like alchem and [ __ ] so you you should be more than fine with that you should be chill I can’t deal it with any more Roblox I’m going to die all right I’m going to open up this door I need zul all right uh Pharaoh not I said Pharaoh bro what am I doing no I’m Famas Famas Famas card games ah got you gotcha and that’s what’s up though man we probably probably I I don’t know how fun that like cuz I know Knuckles is making the game right now it’s pretty much done now but I don’t know it’ probably be cool to make games and [ __ ] just design games and [ __ ] honestly it’ be pretty cool I get paid for my effort what okay what need to do is I just need to get uh I just need to get my perks and then roll box there we go round made by the same people yeah that’s round cool I done the tunnel shot before and died at s with no a cuz I had no idea how to handle the boss man’s been taking all my perks every round I feel I feel that I feel that too well uh TIY bro the astronaut is probably one of the worst things on moon because right basically if let’s say you’re in the tunnel right you have to go pack or some [ __ ] bro will just be chilling waiting for you at spawn to take your perks instantly like that’s happened to me too many times or he’ll teleport me right into zombies and I’ll die and take my perck it’s terrible it’s terrible that [ __ ] is absolutely terrible bro like I I feel your pain honestly bro die bro just be taking perks or teleporting you in a terrible situation you’re [ __ ] I can’t stand hackers like even in Black Ops uh two ruing US fun for us players it’s unfortunately a thing though I mean that kind of happens to every game makes me happy yeah it does happen kind of to every game but um which I it does suck but it is just a a thing that unfortunately people do which sucks cuz a lot of people that do just genuinely enjoy playing playing the games and [ __ ] but you got them hackers bro so like look at this game like this game is like the most recent game especially on Playstation I just got [ __ ] and you can play first person over six years geez bro I saw zombie dog I watch zombie dog do his wrong R and I learned something uh what did wait what did you do wait what did you do I know ex I’ve watched some of zombie dogs uh runs and [ __ ] so I wouldn’t be shocked if there’s something I didn’t watch his moon when he was doing Moon though I watched him play veru when he did it but holy [ __ ] I’m not paying attention then again we really just need jug then we’ll be all right all they have machine nice nice nice bro the nukes uh it nuke Speed Run was crazy I wouldn’t be shot honestly with how good people are at speedrunning as [ __ ] I’m not shocked that people would be getting some like in same time for some like [ __ ] speedrun whether that be like high rounding or Easter egg bro it doesn’t shut it is very impressive that people can get up to or do that type of [ __ ] that like and like that quickly am or that that fast amount of time it is pretty it is very impressive very impressive you got to give respect to them you know those type of people that cuz I like I like I I think the fastest I’ve ever got a 5050 on here Classics was uh was was an hour and that was like really good for me but like there’s there’s still people that are like significantly faster than that [ __ ] uh big fan of Vancouver canox I feel that bro they’re still in the playoffs as right now pretty sure my team didn’t make it but you know we move actually one of my team my main team didn’t make it but my second favorite team made it they’re in the playoffs right now so I got one of the two two of my teams that made the playoffs like my favorite Canadian team didn’t make it my my favorite American team made it though like my second favorite team if if my main team is [Music] out all right uh again we just got we just got to get perks we just got to get perks and hope we get luck we also did get kind of screwed with the Wonder PS early game because we spent like five hits just to get Deadshot but uh it’s all right hey if you guys are just doing in though welcome to the stream everyone hope you guys enjoying if you guys are drop a like subscribe share the stream D appreciate it hey hope hope you guys are all having a a great day we’re trying to go for around 100 if we don’t set up after like two hours probably not doing it I was Nam it to like godav guy luck on God guy luck while trying to roll or like getting EV guy Lu when trying to get what I don’t know where I’m going to name tile but it’ll be like something along the lines of just I had terrible luck EV guy luck on the Toten or some [ __ ] I had to get really bad luck for that though okay there there’s a start got stamina no that’s not bad I also didn’t buy uh trip mines last time that is something I didn’t actually buy again we’re uh the box is okay I’m not worried about box I’m just need to get widows and we’re good then we can worry about trying to get the thunder gun find more my little friend how’s the P louder my ass G I don’t know bro all right there’s round there’s round I had five perks he took one out of the five and it was jug so I couldn’t buy any more since I B so yeah that’s annoying that’s annoying I original I remember like back in the day I I used to think Astron would take any perk but it is just jugg and QR which is like if you’re playing solo those are like two oh those are like two very useful perks I wait can they I know they take jugg or QR first I don’t know if they take your other ones afterwards but R through the biod back down slow down the boss okay that’s actually not a that’s not a that’s not actually that’s not a a bad play at all I mean it obviously like I know you don’t have a so you can’t just a them in one shot like just one at activation kills it but you might yeah you would just you just have to slow them down you just have to go you have to like yeah slow them down or some [ __ ] I was you got death machine too you could you know probably kill them but yeah but yeah that seems like probably your best play there’s no Moon doesn’t have any traps or anything that obviously do anything but I got full ammo dingo we’ll kill him on 60 so yeah like there is a point where you just have to like you has to stay you can’t kill him really so your best shot is just to try to like take the longest rout for him to get to you now I will hear the anguish cries how so yeah I don’t know it’s going to be interesting to see try that though oh thunder gun can it be gg3 I got I got on round eight though like nah bro I got on round eight though like of old round bro what is that them explod I got I got Thunder going on round eight what is it h it’s just Classics only again it it kind of sucks that first game happened cuz that killed off 40 minutes that could have gone into you know into the into the last game if I just got the thunder gun earlier but we have it now we have we have it now so we’re going to test we’re going to test yeah I’m just doing a little Classics only so we’ll see how we’ll see how it goes I could go no gums no way like I I could do all that [ __ ] I’m just trying to I’m just trying to chill trying to chill just going to do Classics my nose is itchy that’s not good that’s cool almost [ __ ] died that’s cool the Widow’s wine always kills the vi I mean I know you don’t like using widows I don’t know for this like if I’m going Alleyway cuz I know I know uh what is I saw like people like SN virus and [ __ ] they all [ __ ] train near like double tap if I’m using widows I just go in the back mainly but like I said I’m just trying to chill today I know a lot of people don’t like widows I will say widows is it is [ __ ] on certain Maps like for example Shang is a [ __ ] map for widows one Shang is a terrible map for widows one because of the monkeys and [ __ ] but I don’t know it’s only a perk anyways that is true I don’t know I I I I don’t know especially for Kino Kino’s like a map where I feel like widows wine wouldn’t be too bad especially in the alleyway but I don’t know right now I’m just chilling though like I said we’re going to we’re going to try to get this hundo but I know it’s classic so this is going to take significantly longer but uh hey man we’re going to commit we’re going to commit I think you’ll s the map yeah I mean it it will but I’m not trying to go for like the the speed like the fastest time in the world kind of thing as long as I get it that’s all that really matters to me at the end of the day like obviously like with knock like for example right when I did knock to 100 I didn’t have the gums for that [ __ ] and um I I I wasn’t doing the fastest strategy if I did the way pack did I probably would have saved like an hour and a half probably an hour at least some [ __ ] like that safer is better than going fast risky to go down yeah I mean that’s kind of that’s kind of my Strat I mean like I’m doing I’m doing a fast Strat in like this is fast like the alleyway is very fast especially compared to going up in the chat room early game but I’m just trying to play more safe you know cautious and [ __ ] try to secure the hundo like I could have done the same thing with the knock 100 and done the way packed it or done a riskier strat like I saw I remember DRS he was sitting in the spawn room and that wasn’t a bad STP but that was way more riskier Bo I don’t know we’re just going to we’re just going to chill just talk to you guys you know just five out today again I don’t know I don’t know how many hours this is going to take but I know it’s not going to be Qui I know it’s not going to be fast so I don’t know y EV G good luck I appreciate it Reckless I appreciate it bro we’re going to try to get this going uh we spent 40 minutes trying to roll the last game to reset thankfully we did get the uh the thunder gun this game but yeah we’re just uh we’re just chilling right now Reckless but um how are you today uh Reckless hope you’re doing good man where’s box it’s over there long as you know the gum cyle and drop it’ll be a little easier yeah I do got I do I do got to keep eyes out on gum cycle that is something I do got to be uh a little bit little bit cautious about there how dare you touch the doctor yeah there we go that’s what I wanted that’s what I wanted so now I’m going to yeah we’re going to go out Alleyway and then we’re just going to chill out there for a bit rack up points get enough for uh the VMP to packed get dead wire running it obviously not going to pack the threr gun yet cuz that’ be just kind of a waste of ammo but not looking bad right now man I’m I’m happy with how this is gone so far imagine there’s a shil lanino if there was that’d be that make it that’ make this map even easier man honestly I it would be interesting though any like it like you look at like a different map like imagine like the SLI of fire on Kino or something like that like that’d be that’d be saying like that’ be kind of nuts youo would be one of the easiest M I think K would be the easiest map of all time or it’s it’d be up there at least I don’t got speed I don’t got double but I don’t know that’d be kind of insane though having a shield would make it way easier ESP you training in here imagine just taking hits like this and you just you’re in a corner you’re just doing this like you’re just chilling it would be way easier like fanino would be Bonker yeah bro that’d be nuts that’d be nuts or like imagine like the S of fire on like uh Call of the Dead bro holy a map maps like those would be or Shang s fire on Shang would be [ __ ] Sheng would be really easy too a lot of M would just become significantly easier that’d be kind of nuts or Shang with the paralyzer bro or moon with the paralyzer moon with the paralyzer would be a would be fun if you just fly in the air and the anity makes you go [ __ ] insanely high in the air they’ be new camping oh yeah there would be there would be on on Kino for sure hello they try to what people do is probably just try to find the fastest strategy like just find the fastest spawning and then just use this look fire and see what what go they would test they would test for sure I only have a few rounds left we’re not looking too bad I need a I didn’t buy that you okay there we go but yeah that’d be nuts man that’d be nuts if I don’t know certain Wonder Weapons would be on different Maps it would be interesting or like a [ __ ] a staff on like a staff on knocked or some [ __ ] bro like that’d be [ __ ] it’d be it’ be it’ be very very weird for sure I like how we’re going so far though we’re not doing bad we’re not doing too bad like a little a little ice St un knocked bro [ __ ] hell all right we’re not looking bad guys we’re not looking bad there we go [ __ ] boys okay all right uh you must be you’re dirty like this will go faster we just uh chill out here hey shout out to the 12 of you guys in the Stream though hopefully you guys are enjoying if you guys are drop a like subscribe share the stream it is appreciated and if you guys do want to uh donate Jo the Discord the links are in the description I see I don’t know let see if you can try to get uh let’s see if we could try to get 20 likes right now would be appreciated um all right but yeah we’re not doing too bad though I did have to spend like 40 minutes first game trying to roll for this thing or the thunder gun but we did end up getting it now which is good so we can actually progress he’s getting it oh I I I know we have this I know we have this just is it going to happen in one day I don’t know if it doesn’t if I don’t somehow like for some reason if I just pause overnight I don’t know how long how long will this take do you guys think I don’t think it’s going to take too long to the point where it’s like tedious but again I don’t know I’m not grabing that I’m not grabbing that I’m not I’m not grabbing that what is that a Max yeah it is cool okay I said I wasn’t going to grab it but I’m just grabbing it sounds like the of the Masons all right I’ll grabb that nuke you running chaps by eventually yeah yeah yeah I’m going traps eventually I’m going traps eventually I don’t know what a good round to go to traps is maybe like 70 75 I feel like might be a good round for the traps but going the Trap room but I don’t know the first like 70 rounds I think’s faster Alleyway pretty sure I not something wrong about that but I went in the uh trap room early game and it was like significantly slower so I don’t know but yeah my plan is to go trapped eventually go trap room I need dead wire many I need dead I need dead fireworks that’s not what we’re looking for sh tick TI all right this is Last Hope For Dead wire here no we got Thunder Wall and we got [ __ ] fireworks we didn’t get any other uh at [Applause] there all right okay I hate how you spawn right in front of everything in in this version of Kino H we have to keep it for now we have to keep it the way way it is right now honestly it depends on your ammo is running out quick without max ammo consistently with your thunder gun yeah that’s fair I mean I’m not too weird right now cuz it is I think we’re having dogs every five rounds that’s not too bad um yeah we’re not we’re not looking too bad right now but obiously at some point we have to pack yeah we’re going to need some luck with Max amamos and [ __ ] for sure I’m going to get to 25 and I’m going to pause go get some water cuz my throat is pretty dry right now I can’t lie I could just pause now and go get it but I want to at least get 25 before I pause to go get water and [ __ ] all right there we go always depend on their widows don’t depend on too much oh yeah when when I’m going to be uh playing this there is probably there’s definitely going to be points where um what do you call it there’s definitely points where I don’t got widow’s nades and I don’t get them back and I’m going to have to play without them so I am I am very much prepared to uh train without widows CU it is going to get to a point where I’m going to have to do that pretty you know there’s going to be a point where I have to do that so I’m I’m well I’m expecting it at some point for sure probably multiple definitely multiple times throughout the game I’m just racking up points I’m just racking up points here you should go follow D now I am so I know I know what you’re saying though like there’s a lot of people like once their widows nades go they’re pretty much [ __ ] I don’t know map like there are certain map maps that would like if you don’t got like obviously I don’t know all right uh that’s not bad I’m going to go link the teleporter again I’m going to go link the teleporter again I don’t know I saw what was I think AG tried doing this and he got to like 90 something it took him like 6 hours I think so we’ll see how much we take out today if we don’t finish this to today we’ll probably finish this tomorrow so you’ll probably see another stream tomorrow of me doing this it kind of just depends I’m hoping hopefully I’m not busy tomorrow if I don’t finish this today but I’m hoping I can get this done today or tonight I guess you can say TI tick I don’t want to be playing this till like 1 it’ll take around 6 hours yeah that’s what I thought that’s what I thought that’s what I thought it’ll be like 12 if I finish it so many gears oh my God we’re not getting luck right now we’re not getting luck I put hey welcome in E how you doing today bro it’s great to see you in the Stream bro hope you’re having a great day we just got dead wire that’s good um but how are you doing today it’s been uh been some time bro how have you uh how have you been man hopefully you’re doing great bro just going for a Kino round 100 uh you know nothing too crazy today just chilling but uh yeah I’m doing I’m doing pretty good though we’re just we’re just doing a little Kino uh Kino 100 Classics attempt um I was supposed to do uh what do you call it I was supposed to do a B4 sub game but my B4 I hopped on like 10 minutes before stream and it wasn’t let me trying to it wasn’t letting me uh play like it only the online wasn’t working for me which I I’m I don’t know how to about that it did it does do it to me occasionally but it takes like couple hours at least to fix so the doctor I had to like you know switch it up there’s the max there go my blood will Roar with their tears you all know B3 is better thank you for choosing this I mean if I could I would play bo3 with Subs right now but unfortunately you know hackers uh our thing in this game on this on PS4 PS5 but like I said if you guys do enjoy enjoy you know I don’t know it does suck cuz I I love doing bo3 I can’t play online anymore or have subscribers anymore kind of kind of sucks but I’m about to stream uh I’m chilling just got my PC working just playing some B3 that’s up you I’m about to be able to stream to you hey that’s a w right there man again proed I’m assuming we’re going to be able to fly through these rounds right now pretty easily especially the first 50 I’m not like concerned about why don’t they stop talking to me yeah 25 I’m definitely have to pause just to get water real quick cuz my if I’m going to be streaming this for 6 hours yeah we’re going to be here well watch them all explode so beautifully nice like these early round should go by quick the good news is too is that we actually got thunder gun so uh before the Box moved again on the second game so we’re actually able to train here round there we go all right round 19 boys nice to take it uh I’m on the Ultimate Experience mods it goes hard I i’ I’ve heard and seen I think I’ve seen some people do some videos on it and stuff it looks pretty good I said if I ever get uh box then move it all did it I don’t think it no it didn’t I don’t think no it didn’t right no cuz it’s still in the same that that’s where it was originally right about your do it was the first door right on on that side AB the I don’t think box moved at all bro I don’t think we got fire sail drops that’s actually huge if that’s the case that’s actually huge that’s huge if that’s actually the case if it the Box did not move that’s a drop we do not have to get now which is huge that is actually that yeah that’s that’s good that’s actually really good luck there then what thing is I’m I’m scared if I try to roll for monkeys it’s going to yeah I don’t know so I have to play I have to play I have to play Flawless here I play good that round probably be a dog round soon as well yeah it’s probably going to be a dog ground all right I’m liking how this game’s going so far I’m not I’m not complaining yeah it’s dogs every five rounds all right I’m going to reload this real quick too why not some back uh okay the dog round should go by really quick cuz we’re just sitting in this Alleyway and there’s round nice good round so yeah we’re getting dogs every five rounds which I I’ll I’ll take that I’ll take that all right round 21 not looking bad boys not looking bad yeah actually guys let me know um okay I don’t know why I just okay that’s kind of crazy I just took two hits like that uh but yeah guys let me know um yeah let me know what your have you heard I don’t know what’s your what’s your opinion on bo3 Kino boys what’s your opinions on B3 Kino SMS let me know in the chat I I I like it it’s definitely not better than the OG but in my opinion at least but I think it’s I think it’s pretty decent I think it’s it is fun to play another max ammo they there we go nuke they seem to have all gone full hey welcome in the Stream as well though Beach how you doing today bro good to seeing the stream man hopefully you’re having an awesome day man we’re just doing a bo3 Kino planning on going for around 100 so we’ll we’ll see how this goes how you doing today though Beach mid map yeah I I could see that I don’t know I know a lot of people say Kino’s like this like top map of all time I could see it I think it’s a good map I don’t think it’s top map of all time though I think it’s a good map though saying it to [ __ ] mat would be like disrespectful too I feel like which brings death machine drops I mean yeah that is true Timmy that is true but I mean after what is it I think it’s 75 it becomes significantly worse the first 75 uh it’ll be all right so not like I don’t know I did buy I did grab QR right now though the death machine is good so I will gladly use it to try to speed through rounds here early like the first 75 for sure if I do get a death machine as well with an inch kill in the later round it’s not bad but I’m on B3 Kino too nice uh what round you right now bro I don’t know this it’s going to be nice to get death machines just for uh what do you call it I guess the first 75 after that yeah okay fair enough but I don’t know okay if I can my goal is to try to speedrun these first 50 rounds as fast possible now that’s true it’s kind of a trade-off for the death machine you get 75 the first 75 rounds are like if you get that that’s 30 rounds where you can just kill them really fast but then after that like it is it is like a drop off I just started round six nice yes my children gather around all right uh again I’m just trying to get this going here [ __ ] all right there’s a shot we’re if we’re trying to speed through this we definitely got to uh we got to we got we got to kill as much as possible as fast possible ideally so that’s what we’re going to do that’s what we’re going to do 100% youry uh don’t really want to be taking this many hits though chill oh the lovely blood like there’s another death machine there I’ll take it I’m paus on 218 I got 250 uh pause I hate click baiting I’m not a personal fan of Click baiting either but I know a lot of people like oh if you want to get big you got to like clickbait and [ __ ] it’s like well I mean there’s a lot of people that there’s a lot of channels that clickbait and [ __ ] just for views and [ __ ] I’m not I’m not about that [ __ ] man I don’t know I’m not about that I’m not about that personally at all I don’t want to like clickbait I mean you could say like when I said oh how to get the ray gun or the the Vanguard the ray gun on Vanguard that was kind of clickbait but I mean it’s not really clickbait anymore cuz you can’t actually get the the Vanguard ray gun it also was just for more like is a laugh kind of video like just a joke like I don’t know I don’t know I don’t really like to do that [ __ ] too much either though click baiting stuff like consistently cuz there is a lot of channels that like like say something and then it has nothing to do with what the title says so they just did just like I you know get clicks and [ __ ] don’t be afraid of Dez be afraid of the doctor the flame uh 200 Ascension when I’m ashamed if feel ending my Ascension 200 Grand on one1 wait wait why did you end it wait why did you end it like right here this is where you can just kind of that round yeah that’s round all right cool wait why did you end up uh wait why did you end it see like I’ll give respect to anyone like I said I’ll give respect to anyone that goes for high rounds cuz like I could do it I’m I’m skilled enough to do it I just don’t care that’s that’s my issue I present I don’t want to be sitting there for like anything past 100 I just don’t care enough that’s that’s like my issue even 100 I’m like I have to be in the mood to do the 100 to actually want to like do the 100 if I’m not feeling it then I’m just not going to do it what have you done to the poor puppies I felt extremely bored just couldn’t push I don’t like it they lick me next day I wanted to play it I’m way too extra I I feel like you probably I mean I you probably should have just kept your console I guess like the game on and just kind of like left it and then came back to it probably that’s probably what you should have done but did you see you’re getting water I did I did actually I did at 25 I did at 25 I just say that now I I can’t stop I have to go to 30 now before I get water I have to oh my God I did say I was going to get wi the 25 I can’t end on a on on a 26 though I it has to be like oh my God T you we’re going to fly through these rounds now we’re going to fly through these these first 50 I could put in the rest mode yeah there is a there is a way to put in rest mode and make sure it like that’s what I did for my rev game when I got to 130 but the reason I had to end that game was because it wasn’t the game itself the game it’s s survived the night it just said my database was completely corrupted I had to like full reset my console entirely like it if I kept it on any longer it probably would have [ __ ] the console entirely like it probably would have gone well for me so I couldn’t I had to actually just end it it was too risky cuz I could have like [ __ ] my console if I kept it on way longer not Max holy I promise G with ag this Sunday though jeez that’s what’s up I I did hear AG said he was going to well he was supposed to stream today but I did see put a post up saying he wasn’t going to stream cuz he wanted to chill and and enjoy like I guess the night out or some [ __ ] so which is understandable which is fair honestly hopefully he has a a good time out and [ __ ] man but you already know I do need to play a game with ag soon I mean I’m trying to get AG to get Monopoly as you I don’t know if you guys know I’ve been we’ve I’ve been streaming more Monopoly and [ __ ] but getting more sub I guess more of you guys getting involved in [ __ ] but do you know how to put in rest mode yeah I know how to put rest mode I I I asked uh a couple people I know I asked insomnia virus told me how to do it I’ll searched up a couple videos on it as well so uh I do not do it I asked multiple people and I also searched up videos on it ohood all right that round I’ll follow your heart that’s not having fire Stills is actually massive though it giv this way higher shot at [ __ ] uh Max amamos every single time he’s going to alive to two player no buildables uh round 50 d d no gums have fun with that one boys have fun I wish you luck on that one no buildable so you can’t you can’t you can allow Shield which is makes that significantly harder you have no gums as well yeah that’s going to be that’s going to be tough if you allowed no ATS I yeah that’d be insanely brutal points I am paid for pain what is that don’t points dou points score there we go nice no bows no shield no Rags imagine bro you might as well just do a Knife Only bro you might as well just do a Knife Only all right this is where yes we’re in our first position where we have to uh play this with no [ __ ] no widows nades that’s fine all right there we go at this point we sh mean yeah you might as well right you might as well cuz if on buildables no gums like you’re you’re restricting a lot of [ __ ] to get that 50 you just had that [ __ ] on it would be okay what the another thing you know imagine no moving 255 bro I don’t know how I don’t know how you do that one kitties but you know oh we had that in four rounds actually we had this one in four rounds I’m down mommy said not to hurt animals anymore [Applause] we doing ATS though yeah that that will sign that will help you a lot having ATS and stuff that’s going to help you a lot for sure which is at least good I mean if you didn’t allow ATS that would be uh I feel feel bad for AG bro but I would feel bad for him honestly to he doesn’t want to really run run a long game so I decided this challenge I mean that’s fair enough I mean I don’t know like if you came up to me and said yo let’s do like a around 100 no gums probably not doing it bro I’m not trying to do that I’m really not I don’t know it’s not like I so close it just wouldn’t be fun in my ass I don’t know it’d be a challenge for sure but I don’t know it’d be it’d be like oh [ __ ] I don’t know all right we got that we got another dog round too so we’re looking good though we’re looking good uh you know what Evan after this we’re doing a two play round 100 sh no gums no perks hey man if you tell Tre that he’ll just probably like nah n n it’ll be rattled bro probably be rattled proba would be R about that [ __ ] then I don’t blame him though I don’t know Shang is like a ter Shang would be one of the worst maps you could pick if you were going to tell me that cuz I’m not going to lie when I did Shang 100 I was just GL I was just glad to have it over like done cuz like I remember everyone was just saying back like at one point that I was not skilled enough to do a sh 100 so when I got it I was like okay cool I was pretty H I was I was happy that I actually got in [ __ ] CU I knew I had it it’s just yeah know laugh [ __ ] ass off all right there we go that’s round yep be my PB on Mob nice uh but how uh what’s your new PB then what’s your new PB bro and what do you think uh you can make 100 faster Kino or Ascension uh Ascension might be faster right cuz you got the power room I don’t know if you can stay I mean it it depends like how what what are we talk are we talking Classics is there like is there no megas are we doing just Classics or I don’t know it depends on it depends it depends it really depends on uh if it’s megas or Classics or no gums which one I feel like i”d be able to get faster cuz if it’s megas it’s definitely it’s definitely Ascension with the power room be afid but if it’s uh if it’s Classics it’s probably Kino right it’s probably Kino look at this oh my God I need a good high round you got that you got that bro I don’t know what map uh I don’t know it depends on what map you’re trying to do I mean it you want to get like a decent High round Kino Kino wouldn’t be a bad map to do it on sension rev would be a good map too is pretty straightforward uh what other map would be good uh I’m trying to think of another easy map you can do off top of your head Moon’s not actually a hard map either stop talking to me going to reun that 200 on ension no guns Flawless 63 right now nice bro probably pushing that that that personal best got to respect it I I feel like Kino would be faster again if it’s classic I feel like youo might would probably be faster but again I I it depends if it’s megas then toet you it’s definitely Ascension I feel like I don’t know maybe it’s not I mean the power is ascension’s really [ __ ] quick really fast so it’s probably yeah it definitely is Ascension if it’s meas cuz you can just stay in the power room you’re dirty you just stay in the power room up to your there we go nice War their tears not having the fire seals is actually massive right now SC cuz we’re not we’re getting a higher chance of better drops every [ __ ] time the CRI of I should have waited on that it doesn’t stack I’m a [ __ ] idiot 255 can I I can blindfold what do you do after this uh I don’t know after this if we end up getting the hundo then I’ll probably call it I I’m probably not going to play afterwards but I don’t know we’ll see how we’re feeling here how how this game goes and [ __ ] but I don’t know we’ll kind of see how how it goes stuff that’s round yep I my rev 15 on 150 cuz I needed alcam yeah that’s fair that is honestly Fair uh Timmy yeah now we’re having dogs every four rounds it’s it’s one for five to four nice I mean I’ll take dogs every four rounds that would be quicker than five so I would take that it was no world no classicum R yeah fair [Applause] enough that should be round y fa more time to blame is my Prett yeah I should have shot but that’s that’s my bad all right so far so good having had pack we’re not looking too bad yeah we’re actually kind of we’re kind of flying right now this kind of how I want like the first like set if I can get through 70 rounds just sitting here and chilling where should be all right but okay that yeah that was a little sketch a little sketch right there we’re fine though this is all you got to do you just got to keep repeating rinse repeating this process nice this is this is not bad this is not bad yeah let’s go f I’m telling you bro if you go Alleyway you’re Pro we’re probably to shave like 2 hours off like then going here if we can stay in here till 75 we’re going to shave significant amount of time in the run like this is actually like under like it is this this is actually better than the trap for like the the first half of the the Run oh my God there we go now we’re going to get this death machine and we’re going to just put in work here put in work maybe the hund will be I mean maybe I don’t know like again like it depends how our luck is obviously but this will I don’t think it’s going to take maybe maybe not I don’t know we’re going pretty fast though we’re going pretty fast right now but I don’t know if we can keep it up like that for too long be afraid of the going to grab the nuke that’s round yeah we’re flying right now man we’re flying we put we we we doing solid right now we doing solid right now like we’re probably have 50 we’re going to have 50 faster than you hey man we’re going to have 50 pretty fast here obviously uh if we get an kills death machines Max amamos stuff like that that’s going to make make us be able to go way faster too but um yeah we’re not doing bad oh my God man that’s another hit that I didn’t really want to take but it’s fine uh there we go nice about to pass 100K points it’s not too bad smells a delicate come on come on come on like yeah we’re just have to we’re just going to have to do this it’s pretty easy to get widows nades back so I’m not like too too concerned about that oh my God that’s terrible I don’t know oh my God okay uh again yeah we need some drops here game yeah there we go thank you and there’s the max nice one maybe one day we can r two player that’d be sick to do man that’d be sick I’d be down for that I would be down for that honestly that’ be that’ be cool to do that’s what we need right there with my like I haven’t even had to like use an Alem once obviously we’re not going to use Alem once we have like a non-packed thundy cuz that’d be a waste of a BL an Alem but the beautiful blood damn we we’re flying right now boys we’re flying we’re flying we’re flying we’re flying we’re flying we’re flying we’re flying right now bro I did I did have terrible luck in the first game where I had to like roll for almost 40 minutes to not get a thunder gun before it moved into the M8 room but where is that D points that’s kind of I’m not trying to grab that actually either yeah we’re not bad we’re not bad no hey welcome in no rmo how are you doing today bro hopefully having a good day man good to see the stream doing a little B three stream right now nothing too crazy but uh hopefully having a great day now dare have you heard it’s your time to go nice like again we’re just getting like us not moving the box is actually massive that’s going to probably help us in the long run here it really is all right come on I hope I’m just going to use this yeah that’s when you just use a little funny shot right there once you you have that situation going on again oh my God man it’s [ __ ] terrible chill out they got to chill out bro they got to chill out the [ __ ] out man all right uh there’s a nuke we’re going to wait on that we’re going to wait on that be careful yeah I know I know I know I know I know I got to be cautious here that’s round watch them all explode so beautifully all right we should have a dog round right yep every four rounds if we’re having a dog every four rounds dies next round n n chill chill chill chill we’re not done next round we’re not done if I die on dog round we got work to do we got work to do we got we got work to do if I die on dog ground on on B3 with with widows n with everything I have that’d be that’d be actually one of my worst Downs I’ve taken ever how could they be [Applause] so found yeah there we [Applause] go the all right there’s 38 or 37 done now we’re on 38 like boys we are we we’re we’re flying right now what I’m telling you for like the first 75 like 70 rounds at least this will probably be I don’t know what again it depends I was told like 70ish 75 is when you want to switch so we’ll see but um yeah so far good man I’m liking this there’s the nuke okay I grabb the nuke they seem to have 40 round 40 under an hour yeah I think so right yeah yeah cuz you don’t count the first I mean if you wanted to you could check cuz uh it was what it was like 40 minutes the first game when I was rolling and [ __ ] so you can’t include that so it’s been probably like it’s looking like an hour probably it’s looking around there which isn’t bad he the power of Dr over all right come on come on come on come on bro this [ __ ] death man I got to push up I got to push up here come on that should be close to Round right that should be do on 69 n no we’re good we’re good I mean maybe we do I don’t know you never know but hopefully not that’s round 39 right now it’s 56 with this round okay so yeah we’re not doing bad I mean we also got to think about the early start right like we still have to roll for [ __ ] we still have to do all that sort of thing but like under an hour for 40 rounds is not bad that’s better than I thought we’d be doing right now but that’s not bad I I’ll take that any day I’ll take that any day we could probably get up to 60 in the next hour maybe kind of just depends dare you max ammo nice do you max ammos what the [ __ ] let me tell you a story about your damn look at these draws boys oh hly holy but I got to wait on those S till the very last second yeah that’s going to have to pay out that was kind of crazy drops right there I can’t even li idea that was pretty insane that’s our drops for the round right there that’s our that’s our drop limit so maybe we can try to push through a solid chunk of this round with this pain I put my straw in it and I take it up there we go having two max ammo is bad yeah it’s not that’s not great cuz I’m pretty sure that means you just can’t get yeah I’m definitely probably not getting a maxo next round you never want two Max amamos cuz usually that means you’re not getting one maybe for another round or two I wouldn’t be shocked but till next dog rounds I mean yeah there’s a there’s a shot I’m not too worried though like I said I don’t know I’m not really too worried I I mean I got I got just dead wire but we did got to be a little cautious all right round 40 though not bad cuz what if it’s every four rounds I mean we just had one yeah so we’re probably not having one for rounds a couple rounds at least yeah there you go no no uh no there’s another Max right there there’s another Max right there youit 1 hour actually that’s actually kind of funny I can’t even lie to you 1 hour into the game and hit 40 an hour exactly that’s actually that’s actually crazy yeah we just got three we’ve got three max am in two rounds that’s not great I don’t like that I really don’t like that I’m hoping we can get through a solid chunk of this round at least oh my God hey welcome in though everyone hopefully you guys are enjoying it oh that’s that’s a mistake on my part by that hopefully you guys are all enjoying it if you guys are again drop a like subscribe share the stream it is appreciated so you can try to get 25 likes right now you guys do want to donate join the Discord the Link’s in the description hope you guys are all all having an awesome day that’s round yep lucky bro once you get that second max ammo the cycle has reset third max ammo cycle has reset again that is pretty weird yeah I’m pretty sure that’s not supposed to happen but hey man if I if that happens then I I’m not complaining I’m not complaining I’m not complaining I’m not complaining about I I’m not if I get a maxo every round I’m not complaining about it but again that’s just more than likely cuz I could just get two uh what you call two double points or some [ __ ] best casual zombies map ooh uh samon that’s a great question um [ __ ] um I’m going to go I mean Kino’s a good map uh Darice is I I think is a fun casual map rev’s a casual map really easy to play high round I mean yeah you do need to know some like obviously you need to know how to well you don’t really need to you could just roll the apan and [ __ ] like that’s how you get your one weapons but ascension’s a good one too yeah Ascension uh ascension’s probably one of of the best choices you pick I don’t know I feel like Kino Ascension maybe Darice something like that probably probably the go-to choices I feel like again it depends on your kind of term of casual though for me a casual map is a game you can just hop on and and just have fun just play just you don’t need to know too much about the map to be able to play it that’s that’s kind of my term for casual cuz there are some casual maps that aren’t like what do you call there aren’t um they aren’t um like they’re more complicated than like a map like Kino but they’re not like hard to play oh [ __ ] you it not going to lie I struggle on B3 Kino wait really it’s kind of crazy I I find I find this map to be pretty easy oh a lovely oh s would be the best M ever had monkeys were not a thing and two days ago is my birthday oh wait you commented hey hopefully had a good birthday though man say man we had a good birthday good inst kill I’m telling you br BL okay I’m I’m kind of I’m kind of choking right now they seem to have I kind of for some reason 48 my bad he’s like 48 48’s your highest what sh Wait what sh were you wait what sh were you doing Ras it was good thanks uh I was playing barried nice bro Bar’s another casual map you can play I mean you do need to know more about Barry than like Hino but I’m not expecting a max ammo this round at all like I’m not the only upside is we didn’t move the Box all right this is the this is going to be the the hardest point of the game so far the same Str you’re doing okay fair enough down my patience is at an end you die now all right this round it should be right yeah it is all right there’s 43 nice any is uh 59 on Alpha I mean fair enough I mean Alpha again I don’t know really any V4 map you could you could high on you just cuz you just play normal mode and you could just technically just s a coin with a helon and if you have even like elixir it’s an easy hundo pretty much every time Alpha is probably the easiest map to high round on though even I I’m personally not a fan I mean again you don’t have to play the way it’s meant to be played but the best high round Strat for Alpha is just sitting with the knife in that in that uh at one of at the uh the house or whatever I think it’s the back of like yellow or some [ __ ] back of yellow house this is not the time to St that it’s something like that I’m going to high R of Ro Shang that’s kind of nuts that is kind of crazy when you think about it I am so all right we got a death machine die again we’ve yet to need to pack which is not bad all right we’re good if you don’t do that uh don’t do that St but it’s so much fun I don’t know I’ve done I’ve done I’ve done 100 doing the knife Strat and without doing the knife Strat I don’t know I will say it’s definitely it is definitely a lot harder when you’re not doing the knif Strat but even with just the helon it’s still pretty straightforward I didn’t really find it to be uh I guess too difficult of yeah this is not great get out of this spot get out of that spot bro holy [ __ ] let me grab that nice you feel it oh I hope you again like those three max amamos we’re not getting a max ammo for a while on Two Shots two shots to gas zombies uh my first round 50 was like Ascension two years damn bro that’s crazy that’s actually kind of crazy that is actually crazy I can’t even lie rasal I remember like when DRS was like trying to get around 100 on ascension for like when I I remember when I like I first met him he was trying to get that it wasn’t until like last year when he got it kind of nuts is kind of nuts that’s going to be the max isn’t it y yep I was honestly just waiting for that to show up I amid for pain that’s great the thing didn’t real that no no no you watch jols uh I’ve watched I’ve watched uh some of his content pretty uh chill dude and [ __ ] no I I have watched them before you’re dirty oh my God oh my not another double max ammo round bro now you’re going to give me double Max bro like chill I am the that’s not where you want to be you’re good that’s not where you want to be if you’re a fan fan of the kid two Max amm again be right back all good Ras go take your time man we’re going to be here for a while so so you know you got time you got time it’s time to run my proed me yeah that’s not where you want to be the power let me just quickly uh inst skill through this round hopefully I am so pleased no do you watch his hot t video especially his recent one uh I’ve not had a chance to watch his recent one I probably have to check that out I’ve seen a couple of his hot take type video like those type of videos I haven’t watched it recent one if he recently posted one haven’t had an opportunity to that’s round yep nice [Music] but hey if you guys are just tuning in though welcome in and boys hope you’re all enjoying if you guys are drop a like subscribe share the stream it is appreciated if you guys do want to uh donate join the Discord the links are in the description hope you guys are all having a a great day we’re just chilling right now just playing I really don’t like getting in that corner every [ __ ] time though chill H this game you are all getting so yeah I I did not like that I got like cornered two three times there I really did not like that it must be play okay there we go that’s what we wanted oh my God bro I keep getting [ __ ] I was in that video oh when you that’s actually kind of nuts I don’t know I I’m going to say I have a couple hot takes that people probably disagree with but I feel like people disagree with but again I don’t know I don’t have like outrageous takes to the point where like I don’t know like you look at like someone like CJ like you got respect to CJ cuz he does hot takes like that or he has takes that a lot of people don’t agree with same with you and stuff like I don’t have any takes that probably like be like oh you’re just [ __ ] like you’re just like you just piss people off off to the point where they’re like you know but I don’t know you got to give respect to people though for not having the the general opinion you know just having their own opinions that a lot of people just don’t agree with you got to respect it I I feel like my hottest take is saying that B4 is not that bad of a cod zombies I feel that’s my hottest take thinking that I don’t know for me too like I think bo4 is significantly better than Cold War but that’s again the zombies aspect of it the zombies is better than Cold War he’s on sale don’t buy it buy it it doesn’t show save the 67% right really H was the worst card see I wouldn’t agree with that but I would say it’s not that like it’s not a great COD zombies at all it was very like mid at best for me it was very mid if we had double tap this would go a lot faster smells I’ll take is that World War I was a good game okay yeah makes sense I don’t think it’s a terrible game I like the first map but I I don’t know I do like the first map but me soul the first map I actually enjoyed I thought it was all right accid stay away it wasn’t a bad game I I appreciate what it what it went for and what it was but I want say it’s like my favorite it’s definitely not my favorite card zombies like I wouldn’t just willingly go play World War II right now unless I was absolutely like being like you know what I’m feeling some World War II real quick TJ loves World War II oh yeah I know I know he does I’ve seen uh his rankings for some of the World War II maps in that video from Sam like I I can respect someone liking World War II I think it’s not bad especially the first first map that’s probably my favorite map on that game see my message about Legacy Edition being on sale [Music] o oh I might have to look in I might have to buy that I mean I do get paid from YouTube soon so I I could probably cop it I could probably cop it I get paid by by YouTube in couple days hopefully so or I should at least but before Mighty oh my God I almost 50 already though boys nice the again I’m hoping this doesn’t take too long but again I’m trying to speed through this as fast as I can max ammo not bad as people can’t say I can’t say you don’t have Modern Warfare that is true that is true that’s a good point I follow your all right come on come on come on we should be able to get through a lot of it you have paid the price for your insence nice hey Evan hey welcome inan how you doing today bro good to see you in the Stream man hope you’re having a great day we’re going for a round 100 Classics only so far so good have not needed to pack at all the thunder gun yet which is good um obviously trying to avoid as much as I physically can here but uh hey how you doing today though hope you’re having a wonderful day man how’s your uh day been bro you already know though we on that grind mat I got a 65 on it oh yeah you’re America right so a 50 is 50 for me is not like just a pass is not the same as just a pass for you it’d be what 60 playing B3 online right now gez bro I mean hey hopefully you know you should be fine you should be fine as long as I feel like if you don’t stream your odds are way lower cuz I’ve only I’ve noticed a lot of just streamers getting [ __ ] over from that [ __ ] the Flames of the all right I don’t know if I it would be cool too like if I don’t know like obviously like I know uh with Monopoly too I I did play a lot of Monopoly so I am going to take like a couple days off from that [ __ ] I do love Monopoly but again I’m not trying to like like yeah I’ve been playing so much of it it’s like yeah bro so I’m going to take like a couple days off but I know it would be cool to get more of you guys involved in games and [ __ ] that’d be that’d be cool to do my grade is now um is now 79 that doesn’t seem that bad again I gota remember that you’re not the same grade system as like what what mine is a 79 for me would be pretty good like I would not complain about a 79 but for you that’d probably be worse there we go Dare You Touch theor Is that round why did I say that it just [ __ ] started I don’t know why I said that I really don’t know why I said that all right uh if you get a below 65 you’re failing yeah for us in Canada at least it’s uh 50 or you get if you get lower than a 50 you’re failing like a 65 would not be the worst thing ever like it wouldn’t be great but you wouldn’t be like failing if you got 65 on like in a class pack thund gun at around 99 imagine imagine I don’t need to pack my thundy this entire game that’d be [ __ ] impressive that’d be mad impressive honestly there we go again I will not complain about things like instakill and [ __ ] really here okay so far we’re not not doing bad this round honestly I’m liking how we’re playing this round out so far come on my patience is at that is 100% round yeah 100% round I love your gring system I mean it is different from America it is different from America you could slack more and get away with [ __ ] like if you’re like oh I got a 60 bro I’m chilling but then if you’re in America you’re like you’re failing if you got a [ __ ] 60 so you should go follow yeah it is it it is different it is different for sure the power of points [ __ ] man I just got to do that for widow’s nades I got to do that for widow’s nades all right yes my children I have 102% you have 100% 102% wait wait as as your like as your like actual like full on class like grade and [ __ ] yes my children gather around I you now all right there we are bad nuke was not the right time to show up that was not the right time for that thing to show up there I get paid double for my efforts that’s not bad though fair enough fair enough Rascal it’s pretty good well that’s not that’s not pretty good that’s very good you must bead that round uh that should be right yeah that should be fine we should be fine here we’re probably going to have a dog round soon as well but we just got to be also cautious of that we’ll probably do for a dog round soon I think it’s every four rounds we’re having it right now that’s not good that’s not bad I’m not complaining about a little four Round Dog round every four rounds oh it’s all right there we go nice all right we’re not looking bad we’re not looking bad I take no pain all right we’re fa some adversity this round we should be fine though we should be fine here I should be closing in on round at least again that Widow’s name just absolutely [ __ ] blocked me there holy [ __ ] that’s round yeah that’s enough to get us out of the round all right there we go a too bad [Music] nice oh a little death machine nice [ __ ] all right these [ __ ] Zombies bro not like this boys holy [ __ ] Lely all right yeah nice little max ammo drop wouldn’t be bad yeah free again I appreciate that it smells a delicate die there we go [ __ ] die my pretty die it hurts it that was a good max ammo those a good couple drops there that we uh used that’s going to that’s going to help us pretty significantly here don’t be afraid of J I can smell my own blood me come on uh if I uh don’t have to play Vanguard zombies nah how about this right if Trey wins the next Monopoly game or if he if he wins the next Monopoly game I’ll play Vanguard bro can’t be doing that can’t be doing that screams no I’m not going to I’m not doing that I’m not doing that cuz I have a feeling knowing my luck Tre will actually win like he would actually win that game I’m not doing that I’m not doing that I’m not doing that screw that it’s time to run bro like what is up with like this [ __ ] [ __ ] block up just constant [ __ ] pluck [ __ ] I lost and there we go nice what M should I play on Vanguard uh whatever one you want to play really it’s up to you it’s up to you it’s up to you have no fears the doctor is present nice also uh little update on the uh I guess the M did voice over uh intro cou scene video uh we did uh we only have one more person left to guard in the cut scene and then uh that video will be ready to be uploaded so if anyone does want to take part in that let me know cuz we do uh we do got someone who uh played the the or is playing has done the weasel what’s got Scene uh the mo M dead M dead M dead I mean we got the giant still but we still got to get like three three people to want to do like we still need three people to like voice over people for that too as well so I don’t know we’ll have to see we’ll have to see so far though it’s not we’re we’re closing in on Mob being done which is good and then we can focus on the giant I feel like that’d be the next thing hey welcome in Dirt Devil how you doing today bro good to see you in the Stream man you’re having a great day bro more time to play with my how are you doing today though dir devil you doing good now why has everyone abandoned the dog what character you missing oh you so so my famous you know Brutus the guard before he actually turns into Brutus [ __ ] well he turns into a zombie in the cut scene but uh it’s the guard that gets killed by the weasel that turns into a zombie pretty much starts the whole cut scene that’s pretty much that’s pretty much all you need know it’s the guard in the cut scene guy like that watches over the the Mobsters oh him yeah man yeah my boy my boy my boy I don’t know like I said if anyone does want to take part let me know you guys have Discord as well it makes it easier you guys could just send voice like the lines over whatever and then I can just take it from there but uh yeah I believe I know every line if you if you I mean if you want to take part in it you can I don’t know I don’t blame me if you didn’t want to though like it’s understandable uh Hey welcome in as well Almighty Viking how you doing today bro good to see in the Stream man hope you’re having a great day welcome in just doing a Kino game right now just chilling but uh how are you doing today though uh Viking hope you’re having a great day bro your screams are this is not a bad start though I mean we we haven’t moved the Box we didn’t even move the box once either so we’re we’re getting a lot of better drop luck than what we would normally if we had fire cells chilling about start an Easter egg run soon what about you uh nothing much honestly either just kind of chilling it’s been a it’s been a pretty pretty chill stream but I we had a couple people in here earlier now it’s just kind of I don’t know we’re just kind of chilling now I don’t know how long this going to take he was saying it’s going to take me 6 hours to do this [ __ ] I don’t think it should if I’m going the first 75 in here but again maybe I’m wrong maybe it will take that long I don’t [ __ ] know hopefully it doesn’t but we haven’t needed to pack our thunder gun yet which is good but uh yeah we’re not looking too bad hey what’s up Evan hey nothing much uh hon it’s been some time bro how are you today man hopefully you’re having a great day as well bro how’s your uh Friday been bro good to see in the Stream I did say I was going to get water 25 and I and now it’s 53 I I was going to get water but I didn’t all right not a bad nuke we’ll take it uh yeah the only offside is we do uh I mean obviously we still get death machines cuz we got death machines but I’m doing good bro long timec what round you going for I don’t know we’ll see I mean it says round 100 but I don’t know we’ll see how I’m feeling really if it doesn’t take too long I’ll commit to it but it is classic so I’m expecting to take way longer I don’t know we’ll see though we’ll see so far so good though I mean the first game we spent like 40 minutes just rolling stop talking to me oh my God bro I am so all right chill out game chill out no die chill out game this could be bad if we make a mistake right here now we got no widows NES for the probably the remainder of this round I mean we could actually try to knife the zombies and get widows nades that way but yeah it didn’t work okay it has to it has to work I respect it bro good luck I I appreciate it man I appreciate it I’m able to really do B3 sub games cuz uh PlayStation’s just kind of [ __ ] with hack on3 but uh I’m hoping it gets resolved but again I again I wouldn’t be shocked if it doesn’t let me tell you a story about your do again I just got a I just got to cut back door glad to meet you all all right we got to pull him we got to pull him back this way oh my I got I got to lock in I got to lock in here no mistakes hello the dark you some now like got Max would be bad here if I could get an insta kill even that would help me a lot we might have to pack this round there’s a chance we have the Pack you just uh can you tell me what the guard says to the person with the newspaper I believe it should be good uh how have you all been yeah good take die I have to look it I actually don’t know off top of my head either I’m going to be honest I don’t even know off top of my head I’m not positive on what he says I know he asks him about something it must be I just don’t know what he I don’t remember what he asked though all right that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine I can live with that round oh it’s not why am I saying that don’t be afraid of J be afraid you pack-punch the gun I haven’t yet I haven’t needed to cuz I’ve been getting Max amamos and dog rounds so so far I have’t but I am getting lower on ammo so maybe I don’t know if I don’t get a dog ground or max ammo soon I’m going to have to pack I can’t the agony if I run out of ammo completely I’m going to have to pack it’s going to have to happen if I don’t get a dog ground soon or a max ammo yeah we might have to pack possibly this round there’s a shot this round we have to pack unless we get a max ammo that’s kind of like the only hope here why won’t they stop talking to me yeah okay now there we go how could I Amo God damn chill BR there we go there we go there we go holy [ __ ] hello the doctor some now okay we got the max that means that avoids us from having to pack that avoids us from having the pack again it’s good I don’t know when we’re going to switch over to the Trap room but it’s probably going to be like round I’m thinking like 70 75 probably but again I I really don’t know it’s time to run okay bro [ __ ] off God damn bro God damn how many hits is that bro like holy calm down zombies not like that must okay that saved me that saved me my patience is at an end you will die now there we are all right well you guys saying though in the chat right now not much all right this is just a grind now this is just this is just a grind Die Another Max oh no a gift from s that’s not good you Max am around is not good that ain’t good that ain’t good let me tell you a story about your do all right there we go how did I get through that actually how did I get through that Gap actually it’s kind of crazy I think we what we’ve got what we got two max ammo two drops I’m don’t know what other drops we’ve got yet but we got a couple how dare you more score there we go okay I need aim for head shot I think come on come on come on there we go there’s round nice boys light work light work light work the only that could really [ __ ] this run up right now is either if we make a really dumb mistake or we crash that would do us in that would do us in my poor little accident stay hey I do appreciate the 18 likes though boys you’re all legends if’s you can try to get 20 likes right now would be appreciated um grinding towards us a hundo right now um we’ll see how it goes I don’t know we’ll see how it goes I know Sunday I’m going to be streaming Minecraft I think they said about we’re fighting the Ender Dragon or something multiple times so yeah we’re going to go from like me barely surviving to [ __ ] I to fight the Ender Dragon that’s going to be rough but um yeah man to the max yeah all right 56 there we go I think we’re having dogs every five rounds all right give me a sec actually I’m going to real quick get water all right give me a second guys all right uh so I’m GNA I’ll be right uh I’m going to be right back guys give me one second all right let me see if you guys say anything I’m going to quickly be right back uh it’s not loading up my [ __ ] uh chat right now give me a sec give me a sec the fact you don’t got more people watching us insane you’re underrated man hey D I do appreciate it bro like I said I I don’t know this like this year in general it has been a grind it’s it’s not been like I guess like 2021 to 20 uh 2021 to 2023 where I was getting a lot more success it has been a slower month like especially this month this month like I remember I think we start off the month negative 10 subscribers or some [ __ ] like I said though it is what it is um like I said I’m just doing this for entertainment for you guys just uh I don’t know for you you guys to enjoy and stuff so you know if you guys enjoy it that’s all that matters you know I am starting to do like other content as well CU I know other people have been asking for that so like I said I just do this for fun just you know entertain you guys but uh yeah I’ll be right back guys I’m going to get some water probably go to the washroom and I’ll be right back so give me a give me a sec for e e I’m back got water got a all right we’re back let’s get it Al Kino a giant High round nice bro what is that that Max no it’s not it just didn’t show up okay I was like what the [ __ ] is that you know nope to your there we go nice uh wait you just aiming for 50 I assume you just aiming for 50 then right you I’m going to grab that dirty I mean hey we’re not doing bad man we’re not doing bad yeah the only thing that would [ __ ] us over is again just crashing cuz right now I’m liking how I’m liking how this game has gone so far F [ __ ] the hell I’m like choking on like my spit bro that’s [ __ ] that’s did you feel it holy all right we’re good don’t be afraid of J that no not the that was that was weird I just started [ __ ] choking on like my own St bro that was weird we’re good we’re good we’re good your pain oh there’s a Max nice the power of Dr I am so pleased there we go nice we’re good though we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good don’t wor wor everywhere all right we’re almost 60 though we’re almost 60 which is good see like why would I do that you know what I’m saying why would I do that3 is still popular wow yeah it’s not it’s not bad man I mean people people still like really like enjoying watching a bo3 glad to meet you all it was I would say for sure like I don’t know for me at least B3 was like the peak of bo3 for me was probably 2022 2023 probably in terms of success and viewers and [ __ ] like yeah I remember um what was it um it was remember in 2022 I was getting like 35 viewers 40 viewers I was getting like 30 to 35 viewers a stream right now what we got six people in like it so I was doing like the amount of views I was getting back in the day bro was way more especially for this game and also it also like as well you look at the community that the community has grown significantly since like just even a couple years ago that you know obviously they’re going to go watch they’re not just going to only watch me right so there’s like a ton of different streamers and stuff content creators since from when like I was getting 35 40 viewers a stream bro I had like a k back then too I had like a thousand back then too and I was getting like like 30 almost 40 viewers a stream that was kind of [ __ ] that was kind of [ __ ] fing back on that I can’t even lie to you yo hey yo what’s up uh Hodes welcome to the stream bro how you doing today man hopefully you’re having a great day bro we’re just uh doing around 100 attempts seeing how this goes so far so good but how you doing today man good to seeing the stream new cod’s not not doing good that’s what I’m I feel like I feel like CU obviously new cod’s still to this day people are going to watch new cods over old cods cuz they’re the newer Cod right but oh it doesn’t help that COD zombies and general is just at in a terrible state right now get out uh hey I’m I’m doing I’m doing pretty good I’m doing pretty good I can’t complain man nature at my fingertips like hey man almost 60 without having to pack thundy is pretty pretty crazy I mean also us not having fire cell drops is helping a lot actually come on what is that is that a that’s a nuke insta kill that is that an insta two insta kills [ __ ] [Music] I’m going to away on this skill yeah we’re going to wait on that we’re going to wait on that cools the power all right not not bad drops there not bad drops at all there man you a good Cod not going to lie yeah do I think it’s going to happen no but I don’t know they just I don’t know it would be cool to get a great Cod not even just a zombie just a great cod in general but I haven’t had that in [ __ ] how long in my opinion we haven’t had a great Cod since B3 I think B3 was the last like good Cod the last great Cod like top tier Cod was probably like I feel like it was B2 like top like perfect Cod like great like just everything was great bo3 was good but there was like obviously the campign wasn’t like it wasn’t great either but at least with B3 it had like good zombies had a good multi I feel like V3 is the last great cod zombies game or good cod zombies game or not not cod zombies but like just good CoD game actually maybe IW maybe IW you could say maybe IW IW was good too I I person like IW it hurt I know it’s been a while though it’s been too long since we’ve had a a good Cod hello oh my God fact yeah man I don’t knowwhere like I I if it’s not B3 it’s IW I think that’s the last like like good Cod and then since then it’s just been either all right okay or like [ __ ] it’s been either or cuz if you look at it right World War I was in my opinion World War II was not bad but it wasn’t great it was kind of it was kind of all right uh bo4 in my opinion I thought it again was the best thing in that game was the zombies in my opinion and that was just all right it was kind of mid Cold War was again kind of mid uh Vanguard is yeah no Vanguard was [ __ ] and then you got what Modern Warfare 2 that was I wasn’t a fan of that either and then Modern Warfare 3 it wasn’t great either so we really haven’t had a great cod in [ __ ] [Music] forever but again I think it’s because they also like doing it for the like obviously like bundles and all that [ __ ] doesn’t help like they’re just they’re just doing it for money now you could tell the same passion that OG cod had it it’s they don’t have that same passion anymore to make cods like that like you hop on like bo1 bro and then actually anyone go hop on like bo1 BO2 World at War Modern Warfare 3 Modern Warfare 2 uh any of the old cods even like games that people consider [ __ ] like ghost go hop on ghost compared to Vanguard like it’s not even close bro it ain’t even close it ain’t even close it’s mid cold war w Vanguard trash I don’t I don’t I don’t hate I don’t hate Cold War I think I think cold war in the new Cod era is probably it’s actually all right but it’s still not great I still wouldn’t like say it’s story about your it is better than probably anything else we’ve got in recent times but I don’t know the flame of the I don’t know Co War the best way to explain C War for me is the worst thing in that game for me is zombies and that’s actually concerning cuz I’m a I’m a cod zombies fan I mainly play cods for for the zombies need more obviously there’s some multiplayers like BO2 bo1 World World at War like you know the Modern War OG Modern Warfare like those games were great let me [Music] smell you know it’s bad when I’m not trying to play Zombies on a game you know it’s bad you know it’s bad you know it’s bad I’m trying to play like multi or like campaign over it that dogging Vanguard we dog Moder Warfare 3 n Vanguard still [ __ ] but at least Vanguard had a had a round based map or a a tech technically Shino was the only round based map I mean unless you want to count them using Terra maledicta and making into the archon same with uh whatever but same I play C for zombies yeah you know it’s bad when I don’t want to play the zombies and I want to play multiplayer over that espe on Van like if I had to play something on Vanguard I play the multi over the zombies which is bad if I had to play something I’d play the multi over Z same with Modern Warfare 3 I’d rather play the multiplayer over the zombies any day personally for real though yeah man you already know I don’t know obviously people don’t get agree with me every single person’s agree with me but I don’t know you know it’s bad when I’m a cod zombies fan I play COD for the zombies and I’m trying to play not trying to play the zombies I’m trying to play like the campaign and [ __ ] over that it’s bad it’s bad look I’m trying to do the sension 25 and my internet has messed up so I’m going to try later damn that’s a rip bro that’s a rip right there DRS is it just like keep disconnecting or is it just like I don’t know I they stop talking to me there we go and guys we should not be do I mean yeah I will say I don’t know actually guys what is worse Modern Warfare 3 or or uh Vanguard in terms of zombies I don’t know it’s a debate it’s actually I didn’t think they could make anything worse than Vanguard but they in my opinion they might have done it they may have done it they may have topped it they may have topped it cuz at least Vanguard has a round based map mod Warfare 3 just doesn’t it just doesn’t did you feel it oh I hope you did that’s round 59 should have should have had double and me for your setup I mean yeah I probably should have used double mule I didn’t I I I don’t think I really needed mu I don’t think I need mule double though probably could have been useful that’s like the one perk I should have probably used but it’s like B1 and more yeah I feel that I’ve playing since BO2 but I went instantly as soon as like I played BO2 I went back to B1 World at War so I haven’t playing since 2012 but unfortunately I’ll will never get experienced the like the true hype of B1 when it first came out same with World of War but I did pretty much instantly go back and try to relive that [ __ ] so the max yeah this has been a better start though I didn’t actually [ __ ] up and just say [ __ ] it I actually restarted uh we also didn’t move the box so we don’t got fire seal drops so we have a higher chance of getting max ammo we have a higher chance of all that [ __ ] so hey welcome in though Jake how are you doing today bro good to see you in the Stream man hopefully you’re having a great day bro bow before the almighty doctor it hurt all right there’s another Max we’ll take that bro B1 when it came out with Peak oh I I I I definitely know it was but I just unfortunately didn’t get experience that I got experienced BO2 when it came out but and that was that was that was a Vibe but bo1 was probably more hyped than BO2 when it first came out for sure cuz you had what was it [ __ ] Kino and [ __ ] Kino five come out don’t be afraid of you probably like back in the day you’re probably like oh [ __ ] like we’re going to [ __ ] theater and you guys are probably everyone was probably gas by that [ __ ] so and then you also had a map where you’re playing as the [ __ ] uh in the Pentagon like it was it was Vibes that sh was Vibes all right uh glad to meet you all I Am the Doctor was way more hype because we had insane expectations after Moon I actually I guess so right I guess so that would make sense I guess so cuz Moon Moon kind of set that one up I bro I I can only imagine like how moon like the hype for zombies would have been after moon like I I I’ll never know that feeling when you blow up the moon or you blow up the [ __ ] Earth and you’re just chilling with the [ __ ] crew and you’re like oh [ __ ] okay what the [ __ ] like damn what the [ __ ] going to happen now that was probably that was probably [ __ ] sick to experience like when it first happened and [ __ ] for your turn it was being kind of marketed like as like a campaign for zombies yeah that is interesting that is interesting don’t be afraid of J be afraid of the doctor all right round 60 though we’re not looking bad we’re not looking bad there we go Moon’s Easter egg was my favorite to be honest Moon Easter egg was great bro that’s like the only Easter egg I could say I’ve actually done by myself without anyone carrying me through I’m the doctor that’s because I actually genuinely wanted to do the moon Easter egg like I actually just I don’t know I thought it was a fun Easter egg to do so I just [ __ ] did it that was a that was a very proba that’s probably one of my favorite Easter eggs I’ve ever done I have I’ve done obviously Origins you guys seen me probably do other Easter eggs on stream and stuff but I don’t know Moon I’ve done but I legitimately did by myself but that was like years ago though that was years ago though is that round we might be closing on round is it yeah it is all right cool but I I can respect that though uh to I can respect that Moon Moon’s a great Easter egg I don’t know actually guys if you guys have done Easter eggs what is your guys favorite Easter egg I know do yours is Moon mine I don’t know if mine’s Moon I mean mine might be Moon just because it was the first Easter egg I ever did I don’t know that it was the first ever Easter guy of my finger holy [ __ ] that almost [ __ ] costed me the game holy [ __ ] okay let’s not do that again [ __ ] hell [ __ ] hell let’s not do that again I want to spawn with the rk5 let’s not do that let’s not do that [ __ ] again let’s not do that again all right let’s not do that I’m not trying to get back into that risky of a situation again holy [ __ ] I need to find more my little friend mustad I have to grab it I have to [ __ ] grab it I have to grab it I lost two bullets oh my God I should have I could have timed that out so much better there holy [ __ ] that was a terrible max ammo grab smells aate that was terrible the only cuz I mainly why you not fast relink thunder gun how do you fast reload thunder gun is there a way to fast reload oh oh okay okay I’m okay no you meant knife you meant knifing wait can you knife you should be able to right you can do that with okay now that doesn’t do anything okay that’s it works for the W and [ __ ] that don’t know if that works for that no La okay that’s what I thought you meant okay I don’t I have no clue there’s probably some it’s probably some like trick or some [ __ ] to reload fasty I know you can knife I know you can knife uh you can knife reload a lot of Wonder weapons and guns and [ __ ] but let me tell you your story all right fair enough I wouldn’t know then I would not know I would not know how good hold reload when you use your last shot all right all they were like and I bought the door okay okay oh I should have done that near the okay I should have not done that near near the door I [ __ ] up the strategy cuz I tried to open the door okay oh my God I [ __ ] up the strategy I have to go I have to go in here now that’s great good job I know that that is uh not what I wanted to do I should have not done that near the door but you know AB that one’s on you oh no no no no debate there no no debate there I’m not going to be the type of person to be like oh I didn’t mean to press that no I genuinely just should have not done that but it is what it is I was doing really good too TimeWise now that’s going to that’s going to slow it down tremendously but it is what it is yeah such music yeah I need to make sure we’re good on this side I also should probably try to get the M8 A7 M8 time yeah I think it’s that time bro I think it’s I think it’s M8 time bro I think we are at that time it Hur I want to get through this round with the dead wire before I even I don’t know I don’t use controller that’s fair I mean that I could see that honestly cuz then you don’t have to worry like cuz your reload button is is the exact same as like what do you call it the uh the [ __ ] the reload button is the exact same as like [ __ ] opening a door so if you buy accidentally open the door you or reload in front of the door you’ll you’ll buy it you have to be very [ __ ] careful about that to be honest I got four bullets okay uh is that room easier or hard to train in uh I think he’s talking the one I’m in right now Jake um right now early game the alleyway is probably the better area to train cuz it probably is early game but eventually this becomes the better area to train I only have a few rounds left m87 I think that’s round yeah it is okay cool I don’t know if I can do a high run without my game Crash because 508 starts lagging all’s always better but it’s just a lot harder yeah you got to be more like aware in the alley cuz if you [ __ ] up like at any point you’re pretty much [ __ ] you can just you can die like that you’re not careful yeah I got to initiate the link to the pad all right uh ammo is not great uh we might have to pack I don’t know if it’s going to be a dog round though that’s the main issue all right I’m going to go would be fast as [ __ ] oh yeah it would be it would be it would be if I didn’t open that door bro ah [ __ ] that’s on me I just slowed the game down significantly for me you have Alon it’s around 60 I mean yeah for when I do have to actually pack my thunder gun I would Hur so good if I put my hand in there oh my God I’m not going to be able to do it you joking love you stream bro keep it up I appreciate it hudes bro I appre appreciate it man glad you’re uh enjoying it man glad you’re enjoying it I honestly Jake I got that outc that was the first outcome I got at like round like 10 I just have not needed to pop it because I’ve just uh what do you call it is it going to be if it’s not a dog round I I don’t know if it’s going to be a dog round or not I don’t think it is and if it’s not that’s a problem cuz then we’re just out of ammo not using as much slower I mean they just trade around the stage here that’s Fair it is it is a pretty that stage is a very safe Strat no it’s not okay all right this is the problem move though I’d rather play War than play at the stage Jesus I mean it is slow it is slow I’d rather play stage than mod Modern Warfare Zombies though I can’t be playing Modern War like I I fair enough people like it I just again it’s just the way it just I don’t know for me it just doesn’t feel like zombies I don’t know back to good old days yeah I feel that man I do kind of wish zombies was in a better State than it is right now but unfortunately we’re not in that timeline I don’t even got a good [ __ ] a bro like this is terrible okay okay I can work with that take your I can work with that you must I need to move I need to move I’m going to push up this side I’m really looking for like a like a max ammo here if not I’m going to possibly have to pack I only have a few rounds left oh I’m not grabbing that I just don’t see one single even good thing about that game yeah I don’t either bro I don’t know there’s people that say they liked how it like wasn’t zombies or some [ __ ] but I was like I don’t know when they when they originally announced like I remember when they said like after Vanguard they weren’t going to make another cod zombies like I remember them saying that why w’t stop and I I remember being like okay if they don’t then this is a good thing for COD zombies right and then they just came out with uh what you call they came out with um the announcement of Modern Warfare 3 zombies and I just like yeah okay this is not good this isn’t going to be good I’m like this ain’t going to be good bro like just all of a sudden they’re going to make they’re just going to make another thing to try to get a cash grab or some [ __ ] probably and then when it came out I remember saying it wasn’t going to be good I played one game of it I just could not like I don’t have it my brother has Modern Warfare 3 so I just hopped on to like all try with the zombies Evan so I just tried it out right and yeah it just wasn’t good I I I quit after like 15 minutes I could not play anymore I was like this is not it this is not it oh my god oh this is not good the power of Dr R okay I need to get out of here bro I need to get out of here yes my children GA around that ain’t good that ain’t good okay that ain’t good I need to get the [ __ ] out of here man I can’t that Agony if I run out of ammo completely oh my [ __ ] God I can my own blood me this is bad I need to get out of here now I’m going to grab this Widow and hop out y I need a dip from here I need a dip from here we’re going this is risky but we got we got to do it we got to do it it’s risky but we got to do it be afraid of the doctor holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay let’s not that again use the alcam wall I mean I could I could uh yeah we’re going to have to use the we’re going to have to use the lcam [ __ ] it yeah we’re going to have to we’re just it’s too risky it’s too risky it’s too risky yeah [ __ ] it we’re going have to do it we’re to do it I need to get out of here I need to get out of here make zombies a great again uh W again I mean it’ be cool I would love I would love nothing more than that to be happen and zombies makes a like a great comeback with a like a really good cod zombies but I don’t know with the how they’ve been doing cod zombies it’s just again I have low hopes for them to pull it off but if they do I mean fair enough if they do then I’m down but I don’t know we need another B4 I mean even if we got another B4 at level game it would be better than anything we have right now which is kind of sad which is kind of sad when you think about it you die now I’m out of here I’m out of here [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that all right uh we need dead wire in here ideally like this is this is not bad it’s just not going to do all that’s round uh [ __ ] I got to go on my phone about die hey all good though uh do well you’re chilling bro I appreciate stopping in though man hopefully you have a a good rest of your night bro and I’ll uh catch you in the next one bro peace out man have a great rest of your day bro are you going to play the new zombies when it comes out I I’ll wait and see what it looks like I mean I want gold War to be good I really do but I’m not going to obviously just be like oh I’m so hyped for I’m going to buy it right now I’m going to wait to see what it looks like what people think about it and then uh if it if it looks decent I’ll I’ll probably cop it but if it doesn’t then I’m probably not even going to if it’s Modern Warfare 3 I mean I heard they’re making round base maps and [ __ ] which is already a good sign that that is a better sign but again I heard they’re going to add gobble gums and stuff and I I’ve heard a lot of things about this game so I don’t know oh my God bro TV I’ll start playing uh till I start playing Fallout I all good bro they need to mix all good cods like B3 squishy squishy little all right uh obviously if I can try to roll for another alchem I will all right the again the only thing that would [ __ ] us over is a crash which at this point I mean if I crashed now I wouldn’t be too pissed but if I crashed it like in the 80s or 90s bro that’d be terrible my medicine squishy Beast it might be fire I mean I’m hoping I’m hoping I’m hoping it’s good as a cod zombies Manan but with Vanguard being like with Vanguard and Modern Warfare 3 being the last COD zombies they’ve made they did they’ve not been having a great couple of years of cod zombies it’s not been great for them but again fingers crossed I wanted to I wanted to do at least decent at least not expecting like top tier cod zombies ever again but they at least make something decent that’s you know better than what we’ve gone anytime recently I’ll be I’ll be happy enough with that so how could they be so mean more time to is my pretty all right we got another alcam that wouldn’t be too bad that would be too bad I think uh it needs to be a Black Ops instead of modern warfare and SL Hammer Games I mean I know tr’s making this uh this next uh COD zombies so or gol War so and they’ve had they’ve had more time than like any I think it’s been they’ve had years to work on this game so since Cold War really so they’ve been working on it since I think cold war or something like that so they’ve had a lot of time so I’m hoping they at least give us a decent product decent game I do like I do like just sitting in this chat though I can’t lie if I buy it you want to play um when when uh the new Cod I mean if it’s good if it’s good if it’s good if it’s [ __ ] I’m not even going to bother buying it I don’t think but if it’s at least like decent where like speaks my interest at least a little bit or something then I’ll definitely consider it the almighty doctor there we go Evan I need help my streams L uh what’s up what’s up what’s up BL I mean if if I can help you out I I’ll definitely try to help you out bro wait what’s uh what’s going on what’s going on bro you need help all I got you bro I need dead on this uh M8 no activation is kind of crazy all right oh a lovely blood I average you uh views per stream YouTube is unfair um uh I’m trying to think what’s the best way all cuz I I mean I see you doing zombies I see you doing some other [ __ ] as well but here’s okay here’s a thing right obviously uh main thing is doing it for doing for enjoyment like if you’re not enjoying posting that’s not a good look already um obviously but obviously if you’re doing it for enjoyment just trying to entertain people that’s that is a pretty big thing but um I I get I get I get I get that feeling bro like averaging two I don’t know for me like it’s kind of weird right YouTube I don’t know if this is a glitch but sometimes like I’ll have a stream right uh I’ll I’ll have a a stream right it’ll do really good but YouTube at the end of the stream it is a glitch I’m pretty sure but like I remember there was one stream I got like 500 views but by the end of the like for like the first couple hours of the stream being done and uploaded up on my channel it had like zero views I’m not even lying it is very weird YouTube is weird like that oh my God Two Shots is not what I want where I want to be I don’t know I’m trying to cuz like even with me right now I’m not going to lie my channel is not doing as good good as it once was I can’t even lie to you like my my channel back in early 2023 uh 2022 2021 I was growing way more way more than I am right now and I was also uh seeing more viewers I still get a decent amount of viewers obviously like some like I think it was the last zombie stream I did I got 25 viewers like that’s not bad but I am um what was it back in the day when I had like not even a k I was getting like 25 35 view 25 to like 35 viewers the stream you it was something like that I know it’s pretty crazy it also doesn’t help if you’re doing zombies it doesn’t help that zombies hasn’t gotten any better with any of the new cods like it doesn’t help doesn’t help at all if you’re trying to stream YouTube or I guess stream zombies or do zombies content like there are some streamers that have done really well for themselves that I can think of Pack’s one of them he does 255s all the time and a lot of people love watching High rounding and [ __ ] so he’s done pretty well with that uh there’s other people that do videos too and stuff like just videos where they like I don’t know maybe like do a mod or some [ __ ] something like that they seem to have I don’t know there’s a there’s a lot of people that like I don’t know there’s a lot of people that have definitely done pretty well for just doing zombies but I don’t know for me I I just like I said I just do do this for fun um I i’ I’ve done I’m doing like I guess you can say like I’ll do zombies and I’ll do a couple other games as well I’m trying to like give you guys variety I’m not just trying to do like cuz I don’t get wrong I love zombies and zombies has got me to where I am right now but and I still love streaming zombies it’s just uh I’m not really growing as much as I once was um for zombies you should go follow but um and I also know a lot of you guys have been asking for other content as well than than just zombies so that’s why I kind of done I’m doing like a mix of zombies and what do you call zombies and um other games nobody shows up no I I feel that bro like that was me for the longest time on YouTube like the first 4 and a half years of my YouTube channel I got zero people watching my streams it wasn’t until like late 2020 when I got my first like viewer two viewers this so long and even then like uh those viewers don’t really watch me anymore those viewers don’t don’t watch me anymore from back then like a lot of those people from back then don’t really watch me nowadays cuz obviously it’s what is it 2020 to 2024 it’s been almost four years since then so yeah has been some time all right but I I feel for you man like I don’t know you also got to think too like obviously people you know people can be busy at times people also just might not want to watch zombies or watch like I like there’ll be people right that I have watching me that if someone says yo Evan I don’t want to watch your [ __ ] I’m not going to be like yo why don’t you watch me bro like if someone wants to go wants to go do some other [ __ ] has like is busy or can’t watch me or anything it’s understandable or people just don’t want to watch me straight up it’s fair enough just kind of depends right but no I do I do I do feel where you’re coming from it can be especially getting those uh I guess those first couple viewers and that’s fine it’s my channel I mean yeah I don’t know there’s there could be a lot of reasons why people just end up I guess like not watching and the thing is right if if even like 1% of my old viewers watch me today I’d probably average like 40 viewers easy I’m not just saying that I’m being honest about that like if even 1% of my old old active viewers still watch me to this day I’d probably average 40 feels like it just feels like my time is wasted trying to grind for nothing no I I get that man like you I I could like you don’t want to be like obviously you want like if you’re enjoying it that’s cool but like I I get where you’re you’re coming from where you don’t want to like you enjoy it but you don’t want to like grind and be spending hours and hours streaming but you don’t want to like you want to you want to you want to see your Channel Growing you want to see some progress for the amount of you want to see progress for the amount of time you’re putting into the into the grind into the channel I I get what you’re coming from fully cuz that was me for four and a half years that was me for four and a half years bro that [ __ ] was that [ __ ] was brutal if I didn’t get those first couple viewers I probably would have not I would still probably I would not I would not be streaming still to this day I definitely wouldn’t be hello cuz I would just probably would have just gone and done some other [ __ ] but I had my muss each year I’m at 400 now hey that’s what’s up man I did see you recently hit 400 so that’s a that’s a dub right there I don’t know for me like I I still get viewers right the issue is not viewers like I I’m happy to have just eight like I’m happy to have the amount of viewers are high right now I’m fine with that right it’s the fact I’m just not growing as much as I once was like I think this month we started off losing 10 subscribers and then so like the first like when I went uh because earlier this month I went camping when I went on the camping trip uh I came back and I checked my channel and I saw I lost like 10 subscribers so I was like [ __ ] so it wasn’t a great start but I mean we’ve done we’ve done all right like I said I’m not like you know oh max ammo nice I’m down for a Max and an insta kill yeah I will you now thees let me grab that but no I I I feel where you’re coming from though like I feel I understand a lot of people like for me right I I just genuinely enjoy streaming and doing content is it annoying sometimes when you maybe you you you you put a lot of effort into a video and it doesn’t do to your expectations yeah for sure but it you know not much you can do about it you know I mean you could there is stuff you can do about it probably if you really wanted to but I’ve had a couple videos where I put an extreme amount of effort into it it just did not do nowhere near where I wanted it to but like I said I just like most times I’m just like all right it’s whatever you know I just I just enjoy streaming just enoy enjoy making content for you guys and stuff so I wasn’t like too whatever about it everywhere okay what is going on the power not good OPP should be fine it’s about for probably 1015 I don’t really edit my videos I post ra few Cuts yeah that’s kind of me I mean I don’t like to super edit my videos when I make them like obviously you want to edit it a little bit but you don’t want to go C I know a lot of people go crazy and try to go crazy with the edits but for me I very simple edits that makes the video not as long like obviously if you just kept it like raw footage it would be like significantly longer I just do very simple edits that make the video run I guess flow better makes it you know but I don’t know if you give me a head start it’ be worth it um if you guys want to and go check out flock boys uh go help the man out go get go check out some of his streams I know he does zombies uh I’m pretty sure does some other type of content as well definitely go check the man out would be appreciated only guys want to I’m not going to force you guys to obviously but if you guys want to it would be appreciated he’s grinding you know doing streams and [ __ ] so you understand when I die I cut that out that’s about it okay fair enough I mean I don’t know if you guys if you guys haven’t checked out a lot of my videos you got a video there was a video I I’ve had videos where obviously the EV guys Bad Zombie skits those were really big they did really well for me those were edited those were edited a solid amount honestly like I did a lot of editing on those but like another video I can think of that I did some editing on was uh blood of the Dead uh the blood of the Dead cut scene but we voice over the the perise screw so basically what I did in that video was uh I got a bunch of me and a couple subscribers and [Music] basically uh we just had to voice over the uh the characters in the in the cut scene uh it was it it doesn’t sound that complicated but you know we had to like get them the voice over like like we had to like the only way I could figure out that we could do it efficiently was through Discord where they send me like a little like voice of like I send them the lines and they just kind of record it and then send it to me um why don’t say stop talking me okay this ain’t good they oh like p double points I get paid double for my effort all right there we go I’m going have to use chat way more but no like that video like the the main the main part was getting people to do it and then taking that that voice over the the the recording right that they did for the character here and then timing it perfectly like with the with the cut scene like when the character’s Mouse talk you have to keep it there so I had to like time it perfectly uh what else there was like uh in that blood video I had to like cuz obviously the when the characters talk right there’s music in the background so I had to like put a different song on that would sound good like there was there was a lot of [ __ ] that went into that type that view too I don’t know if I ever get known I won’t forget the people that help me hey I respect that man I’ll never forget the people that like first supported the channel and first got me to where I am now so shout out to all you you guys know all you all know who you guys are I’ll never forget the the ogs that have been with the with me with the channel for you know since the beginning and stuff I’ll never forget you guys even people that are here now that have just recently started supporting me I I appreciate you all the same you know cuz again without you guys I wouldn’t even be where I am now so I I owe it I owe it to you guys honestly I do with you guys I’m very very appreciative very humbled I am so pleased all right the problem is we’re probably have to pack soon like I I don’t see us being able to get out of this too much longer it’s up to your death yes M what is that I shouldn’t have done that but fine I think my most edit video was my most recent update about two three minutes took me 5 10 Miss but damage is voice over and talk about it yeah that’s fair enough still streaming I see I mean if we’re actually going for the Honda we’re probably going to be here till 12 at least can stream I mean hopefully unless like obviously like we get some EV gu like we crash or [ __ ] I do some stupid [ __ ] I feel like that’s my downfall I do it if I play if I play good which I have zero Downs right now so if I play if I continue to play like pretty well then I think we can have we’ll have this it’s just a matter of time we got to kind of play smart here dog play safe play you know see like that [ __ ] right there is not going to cut it that sh we can’t be doing that we can’t be doing that we can’t be doing that oh my God oh my God thank you for pushing me to keep going hey anytime man like I said if you ever want to talk bro you know AB I’m here you know you ever want to talk um if if like I said I I’ll try to stop in your stream afterwards probably I don’t know how long it depends how long this [ __ ] goes I don’t know if you’re still going to be streaming if I if I end up getting the 100 I don’t think you’re still be streaming by then but I don’t know I would not make it this far I mean I am playing Classics right now we’re not doing bad we’re not doing too bad oh my nose bro I have to blow it what the [ __ ] Soul oh we got a dog on that’s 68 mommy said not to hurt animals anymore oh lucky crit damn we’re like we’re already three hours in but I mean the first hour we it was a failed run it wasn’t a failed run it was a reset though cuz the Box moved the Box moved on [Applause] us there we go round nice boys I still have not needed to pack my thunder gun holy [ __ ] hey if you guys are tuning in though welcome to stream everyone hope you guys are enjoying it if you guys are drop a like subscribe share the stream it is appreciated let’s see you can try to get 20 likes right now would be appreciated but uh that’s only if you’re enjoying if you guys aren’t enjoying as well you guys can drop a dislike I appreciate that as well uh but yeah we’re uh not looking too bad man I’m keeping this actually I’m keeping lucky crit I’m keeping lucky grit dead ass I’m keeping lucky grit oh max ammo all right I’ll be streaming all right enjoy yourself bro I I’ll hey same to you man hopefully uh you get hopefully you have a good stream bro why you even pack the th gun though I haven’t need I haven’t needed to though I haven’t needed to yet I was a to it smart I also haven’t needed to yet surprisingly I mean I also the good news about this run so far is I didn’t I got the thunder gun when I didn’t even move the first box so I’m not even getting fire yet so I I have like a way higher chance of getting like insta kills Max amamos and stuff so it’s not a it’s not it’s not been a bad game it’s not been a bad game so far all right there we go not a bad game this will activate way more frequently oh my God bro oh that’s a death machine okay that ain’t too [Music] bads that’s about to go okay we’re going to wait on this now also I haven’t got an Alam yet so I’m kind of like again if we could get another Alam that’d be great we’re do for one honestly we are do for one I’m just not trying I’m trying to save points though it is early game still so I’m trying to save points all right there we go all right there we go but yeah that the only reason I’m not doing that is cuz it’s just it’s going to benefit me so I don’t have to obviously pack it I’m I’m I’m not going to be worried on ammo like I have still have the I still have the ability to Pack-A-Punch for ammo and uh it also makes me not have to uh box trade if I need to so it is just going to benefit me long run again next round we should get an Alam we’re due for one we’re do for one it’s either next round or 70 you should get one ideally I’d want 169 but you know if not it is what it is y lucky crits actually kind of clutch I can’t even lie oh I need have widows nades all right chill of nature at my fingertips all right there we go that’s all we need hello the doctor you some help now d everywhere no okay we didn’t get an activation there that’s rough that’s rough okay lucky crit is a makeup for not having double tap yeah lucky crit’s going to be very good here actually I will gladly have I’ll gladly use lucky crit any day of the week here since it would it’ll just basically be double tap for me for two rounds really I didn’t get that activation are you joking there all right we’re going to have to uh quickly run these in yep damn it’s going to be 70 without having to pack yet that’s kind of crazy that’s kind of crazy bro holy [ __ ] I mean I’ve gone to like I think the highest I’ve gone on this map without packing in a high round situation was like like 70 but that was like that was like Alleyway that was like really lucky this is round yeah round 69 there we go I think we have dog rounds every four rounds too so it’s not bad this is this isn’t this has to be Alem all right that’s uh that’s not great that ain’t great that ain’t great my fame has preceded me that’s not where I want it to be the oh my God bro all right we good I swear they made this room larger B3 oh they definitely did they definitely did they did they did definitely did same with the alleyway the alleyway I’m pretty sure also in B1 is way smaller I don’t know they made a lot of rooms from the OG versions just wear on B3 a lot larger than the original one cuz even the the alleyway to is like feels significantly uh larger on B3 all right so that’s unfortunate we didn’t get the alen there uh cuz that would have been nice I could roll again and probably get Alam but p w in probably 10 years so I forgot most of it bam I still I still hop on play bo1 BO2 World at War from time to time for sure those are all all great games man so yeah we still got so much grind to go it’s uh this trap is very nice oh in this in this game yeah for sure this it is very useful in this one you all getting so close all right uh there we go oh it must be play time yes all right there we go there we go not too bad insta kill okay we can cut back door for that Ina my blood will war with their tears that’s a nice instant that’s a nice instant that saves us uh Amo my there we go there we go not too bad guys also I was originally supposed to do B4 but uh I went to try to play online and uh it said uh it wasn’t allowing me to play online uh B4 so yeah uh it was only letting me play offline so I’m not I’m not liking that I’m not liking that I’m going to be honest yeah had that I had that same issue that I did on uh a couple B4 streams ago where it just wasn’t allow me play online so I’m not I don’t know for servers for Serv probably [ __ ] I mean if it has the hacker if if that same [ __ ] happens bro it’s ggs it’s it’s GG’s for any online bo uh bo3 uh any online zombies on console for me it’s just GG’s I don’t think it is I don’t think it’s as like obviously as [ __ ] as B3 but yeah it’s not it’s not probably not great either I take your pain I put my straw in it and I take it up I can smell my own blood is that it all right that’s not bad Max he’s very relaxing in my opinion it is it’s not bad I I enjoy I enjoy a lot from that B4 did for sure you should oh my God what is that okay now that’s a Widow’s it’s time to run my boy wrecked off him we’re chilling bro we’re chilling up your I’ve never knew dead where made jobs uh certain Maps it does certain Maps it doesn’t it it’s kind of weird like it is kind of weird a map like Kino it does make drops but a map like Shadows of evil doesn’t it’s very weird it is very weird how why some maps it does some maps it doesn’t I think vero’s another map where dead wire doesn’t work like that either for me oh my God it doesn’t make drops on on maps that have a one on it I mean then Shadows of evil is an interesting one then cuz Shadows of evil doesn’t have the W on it Shadows evil just doesn’t allow dead wire to give you drops I don’t think but obviously Maps like the giant uh what is it the giant I know the giant you you can’t get drops with dead wire de you can uh zet you can gr you can rev you can knock you can baru you can’t she know you can’t trying to think what else you can’t same uh code of an electric maybe maybe maybe I can’t lie maybe that is uh that is it right there I am starving I can’t lie though I haven’t eat anything just going to eat a quick snack for just give me a second cuz I’m not eating anything I’m [ __ ] starving with mods uh you can spawn W and shadows PC yeah I believe it PC you can do a lot with custom and [ __ ] uh customizing and adding [ __ ] into it into games and stuff I’m eating I’m eating a snack bro the map out inconsistencies are weird there used to be tons of mapt map changes back in World at War that is true that is very true Ravens that is very true welcome let’s go the only thing I think that can I see if I make a mistake or um or I crash I I don’t know we’ve been pretty good right now but again I’m not trusting that oh no uh legit every round other than D yeah that is true the the first three maps are 24 zombie spawns which make them significantly easier than theice and then Darice is just normal zombies like how it works in any other game really it is very strange it is very weird like that that’s another good great example actually very good example oh my [Applause] God all right I’m going I’m going to go probably eat something then play Fallout and call night hey T all good bro I appreciate stopping in man it’s good to see you in the Stream hope you have a great rest of your night I’ll be live on Sunday probably doing some Minecraft Java uh hope to see you there bro but if I don’t have a great rest your night have a good weekend and I’ll catch you in the next one bro peace out man I have swear the amount of times I’ve seen you crashing Z crashes in the 80s and zombies oh bro I it’s been too many it’s been too many no there’s like if I get a good game going like if it doesn’t crash I think we have this we just got to stay consistent just keep keep grinding but if we crash it’s going to be because oh oh okay that’s a little sketchy let’s not do that again like we’re around 70 right now we’re 9:30 we’re about halfway through the game we’re probably not going to be done till I want to say 12 one o’clock in the morning at this rate this is not good I’ve signed myself up for like a knock part two bro I know classic is significantly slower but it’s your time to go I know what time it is for you it’s like 9 just almost 9:30 this is not the time to the I don’t see us getting this till like 12:00 at least mid midnight by we we’ll have this by tomorrow boys we’ll have this by tomorrow unless we crash then that would just stop us from being able to do it in general but hopefully not hopefully don’t crash but yeah I’ve crashed way too many times Ravens I can’t lie to you like uh the amount of times I’ve crashed on the giant shang’s another one Shang I’ve crashed a lot on Origins uh rev I’ve crashed on a lot like bro I’ve just CR I’ve just crashed a lot man I just crashed a lot all right 30 seconds of vital what was your longest stream it was the knock round 100 stream uh last year this stream will still be end up being shorter than the knock round 100 stream but it’s still going to end up being shorter but by a lot but yeah knock round 100 was my longest stream uh yo he what’s up malum G welcome to the stream bro how you doing today man great see the stream we’re just doing some bo3 going for round 100 so far so good we’re Flawless round 70 uh not doing too bad I wish I didn’t open that door because if I didn’t we’d probably be at like 75 80 by now cuz I would have saved so much time if I didn’t bu actually open the door that I again I actually open the door but uh I willon never say it isn’t oh no it is it is it is Orange is a very glitch map especially on bo3 especially on bo3 like the the last time I well what was it the last time I think I played with Subs on that map I fell through the map you probably I don’t know if you guys remember that but I fell through the map the last time I did like a challenge or some [ __ ] on there around oh oh hello you now why won’t they stop talking to me myed me what is that uh more drops okay that’s cool all that’s cool let me tell you I had my fair share glitches on B2 or as well oh no BO2 or definitely has glitches but I don’t know I swear I swear just bo3 bro just me and B3 do not even though I like bo3 love B3 but it just likes to screw me over sometime bro 2022 was like the worst year of of of RNG glitches for me in in COD zombies ever on this game my house almost got hit by a tornado and I almost got struck by lightning Jesus actually isn’t it like how wait how R it’s very isn’t it very rare to get struck by lightning like that cuz I’m pretty sure lightning like the way lightning works is it um it goes for the it wants the it takes the most uh it wants to take the least amount of time to travel to the ground so if there’s a tree or something it’ll strike the tree over obviously someone who’s on the ground unless you’re like in I don’t know I I don’t know usually lenning wants to pick uh choose the shortest amount of time to hit strike onto something one and 15 yeah it’s very rare like you have to like obviously if you were maybe in an open field and it was like th like lightning then you probably have a higher chance of getting hit but it’s very rare it’s a that’s a very rare occurrence of that almost happening that’s kind of crazy I’m pretty sure I’m I’m pretty sure my uh I’m pretty sure my dad got stuck by liting I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure he did I got I got told that he got struck by lightning cuz he was uh one of the things he used to do like this wasn’t the only thing he he did but he used to um you know the the Bel uh like internet companies and [ __ ] like they put up the satellite dishes and [ __ ] for internet and all all that [ __ ] my dad used to do that back in the day and he was working on it one time when it was like thunderstorming and then he just got [ __ ] electrocuted yeah cuz he worked uh he worked uh Internet satellite dishes and [ __ ] he used to put them up and stuff that was one of the things he used to do and I guess he just worked it was one day it was just really bad weather and he [ __ ] was working and he got [ __ ] struck or some [ __ ] that’s insane yeah that’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] hey man yeah that pretty lucky I mean yeah yeah yeah honestly that is pretty lucky cuz if you get Str like the amount of force that lightning if you got struck by it is insane like it is very very powerful so SC like he could have died just right there he could have just died right there man I that’s pretty insane though my patience is oh nuke okay not bad not bad it was pretty insane though that that yeah the amount of luck you have to have to not cuz I know a lot it’s very rare it’s very rare but if it does happen to you you get struck it’s like you’re basically getting electrocuted like tremendously like it it’s [ __ ] it it’s [ __ ] I took a picture of the tornado jeez that’s up now I don’t know tornadoes are cool but obviously like if you’re in danger of it it is kind of sketch I remember once like a tornado was going or not a tornado uh what do you call it a hurricane was going down in like America like years ago and um I remember like it wasn’t like it was impact in Canada like at least where I lived like pretty significantly cuz I remember it rained for like two weeks straight you still have Discord I Contin you the picture yeah I still got Discord uh I don’t know if you’re in it or not malum but I do have Discord I do have Discord I don’t know if you’re in it in my Discord or not but yeah um if you want to join up my Discord if you haven’t joined up uh it’s in the description of the stream why is Mom yelling bro what do you mean we’re going to be here for a while boys we’re going to be here till like 1: in the morning even though it weighs so little strikes actually without the speed of light that is true that is true oh I hope you the only thing that I think that can screw up this run cuz I’m I like how I’m playing right now is is a crash I feel like 1 a.m. is crazy yeah if I started this earlier I probably if I should have started this ear earlier I didn’t know I didn’t think B4 was going to have the issue where it wouldn’t let me play online but so this is kind of last like a last second decision did you start stream yeah I started at usual I started at usual I was originally going to do B4 with Subs but I hopped on like 10 minutes before stream and it wasn’t letting me play online again it was yeah it wasn’t great it wasn’t great it wasn’t great every we we got eight bullets in a dream or nine bullets in a dream we got DS and out of bullets God damn it and kinetic energy yeah we’re going to be here for a while though if we commit one go we’re going to be here till like one maybe even more than that I don’t know hopefully it isn’t but I can’t make any promises there hello the there we go nice don’t be afraid of looking selfpromo all right uh give me one sec give me one sec give me one sec let me let me have a quick second I I’ll look real quick Jesus okay I see it I see it okay I see where you’re talking about I mean in Canada at least in Canada since it’s like it’s not America be afraid tornadoes are way Les way less likely cuz it’s way more colder like it’s way colder way more colder doesn’t make sense that’s not that’s not proper way you’re supposed to say that but it is way colder so the likelihood of a tornado is very a lot less it’s it’s way less likely so I don’t really have to worry about tornadoes too often obviously they they do happen on occasion but um yeah con energy equals mass velocity yeah man all right yeah if you guys are in though welcome to the stream everyone know if you guys are enjoying it if you guys are again drop a like subscribe share the stream it is appreciate if you guys do want to uh donate Jo on the Discord links in the description I’ll KN ground the 5K right now trying to get it by the end of the year that’s the main goal you aren’t completely out of the woods west of Canada I mean yeah obviously like I I like I in my lifetime I can remember a couple times where we were had a that a tornado did happen around where I lived but um it it happens very rarely like it’s happened maybe I can count on one hand maybe how many times it’s happened that I can recall it is it’s not we’re not it’s not just cuz I live in Canada doesn’t mean I’m I’m a it’s no tornadoes going to happen but it is way less of a chance oh dog round it’s kind of clutch he’s making a mod where you can turn on Vamps from De night on maps like Kino Kino of vampires BR imagine bro Trey don’t tell Trey about that bro don’t tell Trey about that he he’ll start screaming it’s just bam vampires like [ __ ] about it’s just vampires man that’s stra bro don’t tell Trey that you can turn that your that your friend’s doing that you get rattled he’ll get rattled about that you is really twice in my life already that’s crazy I mean I mean I can’t even say like what happens in Canada doesn’t happen in like America not really I mean the stuff that we that you guys get we don’t really end up getting like that and the stuff that happens to us like a snowstorm or like a blizzard or some [ __ ] like you got places in America get that [ __ ] fire last summer right actually that is true yeah I mean there there is like a significant amount of like forest fires and natural forest fires and [ __ ] happening home to craziest weather that is true cuz you can have like blizzards you can have [ __ ] hurricanes you can have [ __ ] earth like there’s so much [ __ ] you could just possibly have it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] all right we’re only like halfway done boys oh my God we’re only halfway done we’re going to be here for another couple hours we’re going to be here for a couple another couple hours boys take your does Canada Force fires yeah they do they do Canada does it it depends obviously where you go but if there’s a place that like is like in Canada that’s like BL cuz the force fires usually the way Force fires happen is just it being really dry No Lack of rain lack of precipitation so some places in Canada just doesn’t get rain that often and uh yeah that ends up just force fires just end up happening yeah there are some plac in Canada that do have Force FES pretty consistently British Columbia is one of them British Columbia is one of them where is Columbia it either rains or it doesn’t it either rains or or it’s dry as dry as [ __ ] there like just never rains or it rains it rains a lot or it doesn’t rain at all kind of thing it just depends where you go [ __ ] bro I shouldn’t have done that [ __ ] oh my God and there’s go there go that’s the Flawless gun bro oh my God [Music] bro I was too busy talking about Force f [ __ ] precipitation and [ __ ] I [ __ ] just slid through the Trap when I took like two hits oh my God oh my God that’s how we go down the first time bro it’s not even zombies it’s not even zombies it’s not even zombies you hate ton said let me SL n Ravens chill chill okay I I was Focus bro I was talking about precipitation a little too much I was I was focusing on weather we’re talking we I was vibing to the conversation all right I was I was vibing I was vibing to the conversation I was vibing to the conversation and and I didn’t realize I I took two hits and I slid through that [ __ ] I slid through that [ __ ] uh we don’t got monkeys this is a problem this is a pro this might be game right here I got lock in this could be game I got lock in I got lock in oh my God crimin 11 as I join I know bro boys I was just vibing to the conversation we were actually having a great conversation about [ __ ] his 40y old stranger talking about weather all right I don’t know if I get out of this we’re going to try though what what happened when I got back uh I ended up dying Alex unfortunately oh no not game not game not game [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] lock in lock in lock in lock in lock in if I di if I die tra a God you are all getting so close oh my God twinky yo y what the [Music] [ __ ] I just got out of that [ __ ] yo that’s a clutch that’s a clutch holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that was a clutch bro holy how did I not die there I don’t know I don’t know why don’t you have the thunder gun packed uh it’s cuz I’ve been getting dog RS and max ammo so I haven’t had a need to pack my thunder gun yet I have to use it [ __ ] man I got to get Jug and then I think double might be a play I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I might just go the same setup I had before Oh my God this is not a good spot oh my God man I want double tap I’m getting double tap this time I need Stam though I have to go no widows I have to go no widows I have to go no widows [ __ ] boys this ain’t good this ain’t good this ain’t good rounds let’s not do the same [ __ ] that we did last time all right I might have to pack my thunder gun though I might have to pack my thunder gun this round I recovered but yeah that was uh that wasn’t great someone clip someone clipped that that clutch someone clipped that clutch for me that was that was [ __ ] that was [ __ ] I don’t know how I survived that I should have died I had to reload my phone again I somehow survived that situation yeah if someone clip that clutch for me that’d be appreciated I don’t know how I live to that you know what’s funny I did say you know what’s funny I did say if I died Trey was a God and I didn’t die so Trey Trey locked out there Trey locked out Trey locked out I don’t got Stam though I don’t like that oh no I got no ammo it must be Play Time holy [ __ ] man should go follow I got to pack I got to pack this round I got to pack this round I got to pack this round too have you heard also I should try to get Stam but that’s another thing I should try to get but I think we’re packing thunder gun this round I think we got we got to did I even link the teleporter it should be linked right no I didn’t even did I link it no I didn’t okay that’s a problem that’s a pretty sick significant problem there cuz I got to uh I got a pack my thunder gun unless I get a max ammo right now then time to 73 is going to be our our our it’s time to run yeah it’s going to be our farthest point but I got to link teleporter come on yeah I don’t know how I I need what is it what what yeah 73 I got to remember 73 is as an is an important round in the run all right there we go is this first attempt yeah this is first attempt I mean the first game I played I had to restart because I couldn’t allow the box to move into the uh the M8 room the chat room I’m in right now that’s Stam right okay yeah thank God I didn’t misre that player AB bro this game is glitching it’s just it bro it’s just holding up my gun in there all right that’s cool all right we’ve officially pack imagine Deadshot yeah that would have been w73 Timmy we had a very very close call all right Timmy I made a mistake on 73 three this round and it wasn’t cuz I died to zombies it’s because I was not focusing up I was too engaged in the conversation with the chat and I took two hits by the zombies and I slid through the Trap so I downed and then I clutched up somehow I I’m still here I’m still here I’m still here I’m still here I had a massive clutch to to get back to where I’m at [ __ ] hell yeah so I’m not Flawless anymore unfortunately because of my own stupidity but yeah where’s Trey H I don’t know I haven’t seen him in the Stream if he’s busy and Stu I mean that’s that’s fair enough I haven’t seen him though oh my God the only thing that would really screw me over is a crash or if I down again nature my fingertips all right let’s uh let’s get out of here Evan you had one job I know bro I didn’t even I I didn’t even die to zombies I just died because I [ __ ] slid through the Trap when I took two hits oh my oh my God oh my God so that that is on me I will oh my God I thought I did it again holy [ __ ] I was I was just F I was just enjoying the reading the chat bro 90% of time my my like 50% of the time my own Downs are my own stupidity that’s [ __ ] honestly yeah all right you can’t blame yourself for that yeah taking two I mean I I did everything right I mean I it is what it is it is what it is oh I was just ay man I was Ving I was Ving I I managed to recover though I don’t got Widow so I got to be a little crush there but I mean I should be all right I just got to be very careful of what I’m doing take your pain we’re going to grab that there we go nice and I take it up oh my God I got to cut this way I got to cut this way all right just got to pull the zombies away from me yes sir I mean yeah you missed you missed me I don’t know how the [ __ ] I lived I had no perks I need to clip it but or someone needs to clip I don’t know if anyone’s clipped it but it happened this uh it might have been last round or was this round but it was either the last round or this round but I pain yeah somehow I survived when I was in like I had to go like up a staircase and I somehow survived I’ll go back in the Stream smart skill bro you keep having your thing on when you run smart skill bro yeah I mean I don’t want to like I don’t want to like obviously go here without my thunder gun in my hands cuz if I get cornered it’s yeah it’s not it’s it’s a recipe for disaster right there that’s not a recipe for Success so every time I’m running out uh when I’m training up zombies I’m holding up the thunder gun that’s I would a cool word do like yeah will it be like if you do after I mean we’ll see Alex again I’m not really focusing on many other I don’t know right now I’m just trying to make sure this B4 one goes smoothly but uh if it does if this one goes really well then I’ll definitely consider maybe I don’t know doing like a Cold War I maybe a B3 another B3 one a BO2 tournament like there’s a there’s a lot of stuff I could do a lot of stuff I could do tournament wise yes yeah yeah die I feel the power I’m going to wait on this nuke screams are [Music] so I’m going to have to grab that nuke unfortunately explod beautifully guess having widows in this CH is not smart move yeah I mean kind of makes sense yeah I can see why widows wouldn’t be great in this Strat I could see it there certain strats that just widows doesn’t doesn’t work well or maps that it doesn’t work well like widows in the alleyway isn’t bad widows in the alleyway Strat is not bad at all but widows um widows in here is way worse widows in this room is way worse than the alleyway or if you look at shanger shanger is another map where widows I I I actually hate widows on Chang because Widow saves you but it also screws you over in that that map too with the invisible tra in that same room okay so that’s not my that’s not on me I I don’t know I thought if you take like I don’t know that’s that’s just unfortunate then that’s just unfortunate that’s just unfortunate cuz I was I pretty much did the exact same thing I I did before and I just unfortunately died let me tell you a story about your do all right hold the thunder gun out and we’re going to go here meet you all I am the doctor I’m going to wait yeah I’m not I’m not risking it here I’m not risking it for the biscuit here there we go all right we should uh would be fine I think that’s kind of what I’m doing that’s kind of the plan here imagine packing thunder gun bro bro it was 73 when I had to pack it bro I it was 73 it was 73 also I did uh unfortunately died to some [ __ ] but we’re all right now so it’s not too bad we’re only like halfway through this game boys this is rough this is the last round of the oh my God okay this the last round where this is actually usable are like really usable the only thing that would [ __ ] me over is a crash or if I have some [ __ ] down like that again I feel like those two those are the two things that would screw me over right now finish High round B3 online oh hopefully nothing happens bro hopefully nothing happens man you know what St for this room uh what unless there’s like a certain way to train in here all right this has to be closing in a around this has to be closing on the round I think I would think keep trapping and only use thunder gun in case you get trapped all right I mean that actually that could work yeah just wait till trap goes up then just trap up isn’t that slower though wouldn’t that be slower than what I’m doing right now or no cuz I’m still I’m killing zombie I mean I guess with trap you would get kill any zombie that attacks you or is following you or you’d um Maybe not maybe not Maybe not maybe not like that like that’s a decent amount of zombies right there smells aate okay we have to be closing in on round low am yeah I am low on ammo though okay that was a little sketchy I should have done done that like I should have not done that I should have not done that you have vcam you can trap and kill once in a while that is true I got two I got two Alam uh pop activations or whatever so say stop talking to me I can get away with you uh shooting shots and [ __ ] like right there like that this is what you can do hey shout out the eight people in the Stream though boys hopefully you’re all having a great day if you guys are you’re enjoying it drop a like the stream it is appreciated hope you guys all having a great day I mean yeah you could just go Alem thunder gun trap and that would work wonders for you but I gu I guess that is true you don’t need at I mean I don’t know I don’t know there we go it’s time to run that’s run right it looks like it yeah it is nice nice nice nice w all ground no I don’t think it is no it’s not all right hold this out I am so pleased no die a [ __ ] okay nice I always thought one window on any map is just cheating that’s fair D points okay oh my God bro like up all right we’re probably about half little over halfway now I mean the first hour or two we did spend just having failed like not even fail attempts just we weren’t able to roll the thunder gun before it went into this room that is a problem

This video, titled ‘KINO DER TOTEN ROUND 100 CLASSICS’, was uploaded by Evan guide on 2024-05-18 02:09:22. It has garnered 240 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:28 or 14368 seconds.

I do Bo3 zombies, Bo4 zombies, cold war zombies, some Minecraft, and other games you guys want.

link to my Twitch account:https://www.twitch.tv/evanguide13?sr=a

If you want to donate:https://streamlabs.com/evanguide

join my discord:https://discord.gg/9ysw37HhCJ

If you guys want to chill and enjoy yourselves then I’m your guy.

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    Surviving 100 Days As KING In Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days As KING In Minecraft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-07-22 02:54:25. It has garnered 28779 views and 1508 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:46 or 2446 seconds. I Survived 100 Days As KING In Minecraft Buy My Shirts: http://www.jeromeasf.store/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe Or Caveman Jerry Will Cry ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF Check out my… Read More

  • Olympians Network

    Olympians NetworkWelcome to Olympians Network! 1. Custom Gamemodes: – Immerse yourself in our handcrafted custom gamemodes. Whether you’re battling fierce mobs, exploring mysterious dimensions, or solving intricate puzzles, there’s something for every player. 2. Survival at Its Finest – Brave the wilderness, gather resources, and build your dream base. Our survival world is both challenging and rewarding. Team up with friends or go solo—the choice is yours! 3. Skyblock Adventures: – Start your journey on a tiny floating island. With limited resources, you’ll need to be resourceful. Expand your island, create automated farms, and unlock new challenges. Skyblock is all about… Read More

  • Aurora SMP 1.21 Hermitcraft-inspired Java Whitelist Bluemap 18+

    Hello everyone! Are you ready to embark on a journey like no other in the enchanting world of Minecraft? Look no further than Aurora SMP, where the possibilities are as vast as the starry night sky ⭐ A World of Imagination Survive and thrive in our season 3 world. An engaging multiplayer experience awaits where the community matters. Join forces with friends or go solo; the AuroraSMP realm is yours to conquer. The only limits are the ones you set yourself! Community: Join a warm and welcoming community of fellow adventurers, where bonds are forged and friendships blossom. From sharing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Reality is the ultimate shitty joke writer

    I guess you could say that innocent gift really set off a “trans”formation in that child! Read More

  • Trade Mine for TF2, USA’s Minecraft FOMO

    Trade Mine for TF2, USA's Minecraft FOMO In the world of TF2, where the battles rage, Players from USA to trade, turning the page. But anger arises, homophobia in the mix, A problem that needs fixing, not just for kicks. Join the discord, share your thoughts and your voice, Together we can make a change, it’s our choice. Minecraft and TF2, games we love to play, Let’s keep the community safe, every single day. Shoutout to Shiny for the gameplay shared, In the world of gaming, let’s show we care. With music by Kevin MacLeod, setting the tone, In this montage of TF2, let’s make it… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftrelationshipdrama Read More

  • DadMeene’s Epic Fireball Showdown

    DadMeene's Epic Fireball Showdown The Unforeseen Demise in Minecraft When diving into the world of Minecraft, players often encounter unexpected challenges and surprises. In a recent gameplay session, a player faced an unforeseen demise that left them reeling. Let’s explore the events that led to this unexpected turn of events. The Setup Equipped with a powerful gaming setup, the player delved into the virtual realm with high hopes and grand ambitions. Their PC boasted impressive components, including: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with integrated graphics GPU: AMD Radeon 6500M RAM: 16GB DDR4 SSD: SAMSUNG MZVL25 12HDJD-00BH1 The Fireball Fight As the player navigated… Read More

  • Sneaky Sewer Block Tricks 1.16.5

    Sneaky Sewer Block Tricks 1.16.5 The Sewer Block Tutorial for Industrial Foregoing in Minecraft 1.16.5 Are you ready to dive into the world of Industrial Foregoing in Minecraft 1.16.5? This tutorial will guide you through everything you need to know about the Sewer block, including automation options that will take your gameplay to the next level. Tested Versions Before we get started, let’s ensure you’re on the right track. This tutorial has been tested in the following versions: Minecraft version: 1.16.5 Mod version: Video Breakdown Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect in the video: 0:00 – Device Purpose 0:30 -… Read More


    🔥GOLEM STEVE vs. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE - ULTIMATE VILLAGE SHOWDOWN!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-07-10 14:00:45. It has garnered 1240 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3

    Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iceberg – Layer 3’, was uploaded by marlboroluvur on 2024-06-19 10:15:14. It has garnered 2286 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:04 or 1864 seconds. Any feedback or changes I should make? Lemme know down below 😀 Read More


    STRIVERSUMIT - SHOCKING NEW REVEAL! 😉Video Information This video, titled ‘New Episode Out 😉’, was uploaded by STRIKERSUMIT on 2024-07-10 13:30:31. It has garnered 4201 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #gaming 🎮 Welcome to STRIKERSUMIT ! 🕹️ 🚀 Dive into the ultimate gaming experience with STRIKERSUMIT , your guide to the vast world of virtual adventures! 🌐 🔥 Immerse yourself in a universe where pixels come to life, as we explore the latest and greatest games across genres. From heart-pounding action to mind-bending puzzles, this is the hub for all things gaming. 👾 What… Read More

  • Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!

    Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft song for kids | New Generation Rhymes | Kids Cartoons | Kindergarten Songs’, was uploaded by Siddhi and Babu show on 2024-07-09 08:03:55. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Newborn Baby Songs | Newborn Baby Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Newborn Baby Songs| Collection Of Rhymes For Kids | very special compilation of Nursery Rhymes | New Generation Rhymes| New Generation Poem | New Generation Kids Song | New Generation Music for Babies |… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmiet

    Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmietVideo Information This video, titled ‘Damit hat keiner gerechnet. | Minecraft Challenge’, was uploaded by PietSmiet on 2024-02-29 19:05:00. It has garnered 141234 views and 5959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:15 or 2955 seconds. That’s bitter! You can find our merch with shirts, hoodies and caps on https://pietsmiet.store Don’t miss any livestreams and follow us on http://twitch.tv/PietSmiet More videos from Minecraft Challenge can be found in the playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5JK9SjdCJp_jPpLReQoYtqqJBBNLczl5 More videos from Minecraft Challenge are available earlier on PietSmiet.de: http://ptsmt.de/p/104797 This is a multiplayer Let’s Play gameplay of Minecraft. We played the game on the… Read More

  • Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft Roleplay

    Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Demon’s in a New Town – Demons Life Trailer MCTV//Minecraft Roleplay’, was uploaded by Night_Films on 2024-03-31 06:41:42. It has garnered 147 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:08 or 308 seconds. A Demons MCRP ROLEPLAY thumbnail by @JackHeptic #mctv #minecraft #minecraftroleplays #roleplay #mcrp #minecraftrp #demons #supernatural Cast @MrMatrix69 Read More

  • 🔥ATS MAXXA LIVE – JOIN FOR FREE NOW!!🔥 #minecraft

    🔥ATS MAXXA LIVE - JOIN FOR FREE NOW!!🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP LIVE HINDI | JAVA + PE 24/7| CRACKED SMP|FREE TO JOIN| #minecraft #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by ATS MAXXA LIVE on 2024-07-13 04:43:32. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:52 or 8932 seconds. public smp,public minecraft smp,minecraft smp,minecraft,minecraft smp servers,public minecraft,public minecraft server,public java minecraft,minecraft public smp,minecraft server,public bedrock minecraft,join public smp,join minecraft smp,free to play minecraft smp,minecraft public smp 1.19,minecraft public cracked smp server,smp,survival minecraft server,minecraft survival server pe,minecraft hardcore,minecraft survival server,minecraft server ip ⭐️──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────⭐️ ✨ Connect with me on social media! 📸 Instagram… Read More

  • 🔨Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Tutorial 🏘️

    🔨Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Tutorial 🏘️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔨How To Make Starter Minecraft Wooden House 🏘️” || Minecraft House Toturial Video || Not Yash 09’, was uploaded by Not Yash 09 on 2024-06-05 18:30:21. It has garnered 3 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. 🔨How To Make Starter Minecraft Wooden House 🏘️” || Minecraft House Toturial Video || Not Yash 09 IN THIS VIDEO I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE STARTER HOUSE IN MINECRAFT THAT WILL HELP YOU TO MAKE A HOUSE IN YOUR SURVIVAL WORLD THIS IS EASY TO MAKE AND ITEM LIST IS… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret in Minecraft Original AMV/MMV

    Uncover the Secret in Minecraft Original AMV/MMVVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Find” A Minecraft Original AMV/MMV’, was uploaded by Starline_Creationz on 2024-01-08 17:00:22. It has garnered 152 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:21 or 201 seconds. Welcome to my channel, on this channel you will be seeing just a little not many non-related topics, but what you all will be seeing mainly on this channel is Minecraft Related Content and more of AMV/MMV’s! Subscribe, Like, Turn on the Notification bell so you never miss a single upload! Credits: @NightBirdTheAnimus @ArcticWoLfANIMATIONS_ @Alansilvershadow @LilDaeDreamer @EthanAnimatez @JeffVixTM @K2AnimationStudios @CaptainSparklez @AntVenom @TheKingApdo @fredisaalanimations @ShadowCreeperAnimations @ThunderAnimations152… Read More

  • CraftUniverse Bangladesh

    CraftUniverse BangladeshWelcome to CraftUniverse Bangladesh, an excellent Minecraft server known for it’s amazing experiences. We are a laid-back, no grief, economy, SMP server where we value community above all else. The server is running 1.20+, and everyone is welcome as both Java and Bedrock players are free to join! The server offers a variety of plugins that enhance the player experience while also staying true to Minecraft’s roots such as keep-inv, player warps, grief prevention, and more! Show your support for the server by voting to earn free ranks which grant perks such as VIP rank, cool prefixes, money, vote crate… Read More


    Welcome to StellarismC! Join our brand new survival style server at play.stellarismc.net! We are looking for active players to join our journey. With a great discord community and amazing staff, there’s plenty to explore. Drop your discord below for more details. Experience jobs, prestige’s, skills, and more! Read More

  • Novadia {1.21} {Semi-Vanilla} {No Griefing}

    Novadia {1.21} {Semi-Vanilla} {No Griefing}The Novadia Minecraft Server is happy to open its doors to all players for the 1.21 update – Tricky Trials!We are a community-centered server focused on player interaction and sense of community. Here’s what you can expect from our server:Vanilla-adjacent gameplay – at the core, Novadia focuses on vanilla gameplay, but includes minor modifications that provide interesting depth of gameplay to the server, such as player heads, or being able to sit on stairs.Friendly community – Minecraft is always better with friends and new players, and during your time on the server you will no doubt meet new people looking… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s OP Power Trip

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's OP Power TripSteve: “I’m not abusing my powers, I’m just creatively exploiting them for my own amusement. Plus, who’s gonna stop me? The sheep?” Read More