Unbelievable Transformation! Minecraft Enigmatica 8 Ep 13

Video Information

Hello people of the multiverse and welcome to another story today we return to our blocky adventures in minecraft playing enigmatica eight but as always at the start of the stream we’re just going to be getting everything set up so kick back relax we’ll get into things shortly hey dancer welcome in

How are you doing you caught it today good picture 15 today innuendo welcome in nim how are you doing may regret not getting ice cream oh no dancer thank you very much for retweeting the poll yeah i know that feeling all too well nim on the plus side if you’re anything like

Me you’ll forget that you’re forgetting stuff well i’ve had an idea if i can set up timer just for today i’m currently just looking up to see if there’s a special identifier for today’s date there is i need to test out something okay someone screaming at me

Handle welcome in how are you doing why is this not doing anything are you doing something uh i’ve done that thing again where i put the exclamation in when you’re not meant to cool the important part is that that is putting it in in the order that i want it rather than

I expected it to do american style date and uh i’m doing okay i’m trying interesting things i just imagine that i’m in like a mad scientist lab coat sort of uh situation okay so who’d my mods pay attention to when the bots saying things and hopefully we will see

Something about my twitter poll happening at some point and if i’ve said it upright it means that it’s only going to be happening this stream and then won’t be happening next stream i don’t expect you to remember but if it doesn’t show up at all today

That’s a problem it keeps showing up at other times that’s a problem it’s just for right now because i have a poll on twitter and it’s only there for 24 hours so we don’t want to tell her to tell people to go check it out when it’s not there anymore

Oof i’m not usually in a lab coat no okay uh letting people know i was here i got halfway through that and then realized i was doing twitter stuff so discords i need to let people know we’re here yeah the idea of doing a conditional that is based on today’s date and only

Does things on the right date is interesting because it means you can set up like easter eggs and just letting people know that we are here i’ve already said that but i’m telling you that it’s what’s still going on because you can’t see at the moment hey that’s all good for now

Oh god welcome in how you doing hey so jumping over to spring raiders i think i was doing war based have a look i think i was doing war based i was collecting a thing how about barbarian skin at the end of that that is the end of that we’ve

Completed the first event nice second and third events are relatively close to being done war beasts and then flag bearers okay so skin chest akkada i am glad to hear that you are doing good now i still like i’ve been seriously distracted by a bunch of things we really need to

Think about what sort of skin to get done for our full skin i should probably just make a stream raiders channel in discord what do you think now that more and more stuff is going on there you want grubhub to deliver at 2am that’s fair i

I think it would be good for us to move away from the like nine to five sort of standard time for everyone so having more things available like more normal like what people would refer to as everyday things available at all times so that you know people who are more

Comfortable doing things in the evening or early morning or late night or whatever you know if if that was more of an option that would be good okay um so that’s all that’s sorted let’s see if i’ve had minecraft running for too long and i’m no longer connected hi everyone

Welcome in it’s good for all of you to see me again i’m never gonna like that i need to find a better way of saying that because it it’s nice for all of you to be here also sounds weird but i i know you know what i mean i’ve

Just got to find a way of phrasing it that really gels with me everything seems to be working good know what i could do what could i do [Laughter] are you surprised that there are people looking at me exactly panda that is exactly what’s going on so

We are here we are minecrafty it’s the server that won’t be here for terribly much longer um it is the 18th today so what two weeks i think two weeks until uh the new server should be going up um welcome in how are you doing oh

My god you have uh you’ve reminded me of a thing that i did a while back i don’t know if it actually worked and i never tried it out oh of course because it’s in my browser Panda thank you for the dessert so yeah i just looked in in my browser where i have all the extensions added on that actually shows up with the cat jam nice it took me a while to get the animated version of that working you wouldn’t be here

Still it is good to see you uh i am using better ttv um uh animated emotes through frankface so a bit weird but it works so people using either of those things should hopefully be able to see that animated mode so uh yesterday we finished um wonderlands and

I couldn’t find the extra stuff that was meant to be in there turns out it is in there and the interface is just not helpful basically uh um [Applause] the point though the point is that uh we ended up doing some minecraft last night so that’s why my deaths are up there

Which i should get rid of i have not had a chance to do anything on the server since then and last week we um kind of ran into the issue of everything happening very quickly and not really getting any cci stuff done and there is some ccri stuff that we

Need to get done so oh god thank you very much for the follow okay i think i am back online maybe hello again everyone so i don’t know why but my internet just completely dropped out um i’ve just done a speed test and i’m not like on the reserve

Special like when things are broken this will still work internet um i have no idea so let’s try this again sam you are a winner congratulations hey i’m connected again things seem to be loading in i don’t know random internet hiccup i’m gonna hope that it was a one-off thing and

That we are good to keep going as normal so what i was saying is uh we wanted to do some stuff with cci uh and hopefully get to the point where cci can fully take the place of cat’s cube that is the eventual goal um and dancer was nice enough to find

A command that will let us throw potions or at least that is that is the intent so yeah we that’s what i’m planning on trying out today uh where is this command uh first of all i don’t need that and that for now so other people can use it

Just in case they want to and the command which is mostly behind my head common potion it’s got some um distance to it away from me in various directions it makes it glowing it’s a splash potion and it’s a portion of strength from what i can tell but let’s just try the thing

Oh and yep gave me strength that’s good that that seems to be a nice simple thing oh i hadn’t done that in the first place then so thank you uh dancer i know of it yes i don’t think i’ve really used it but i i have seen other people use it

Okay so what are the details of this okay so it’s fairly straightforward so what we need to do is open up cci and go to our chaos result so this is not a good time to be using chaos stuff because we’re going to be disabling these results uh item

Alphabetically first so let’s move these and Going to be another event i think probably the easy way of doing it and We’re going to have a condition array like uh some of the other things that i’ve done recently just so that we can have all the different types of potions but to start out we’re going to just set up the ocean and by executing his self i’m just going to put that in there

Oh you know you you know what i don’t want that to be a command outcome i want that to be a multiple because we’re good no it it can be just a number of events that’s fine so ugh i don’t really need to say it’s uh that i’m gonna put

The first one’s going to drop on me so to start off it’s going to be that helped you make bad for a shulker riding a phantom with fire resistance i wouldn’t immediately catch fire okay interesting and with that does the shulker manage to fire in a way that doesn’t hit the phantom

Like have you created like a an attack a ranged attack floating phantom thing okay now what i’m going to do is look here because my memory is terrible so i constantly reference the things i’ve already built um but this is what i’m looking for that’s a random string condition thing that i want

Okay now i need a list of potions so that’s what we’re going to use mcstacker for i wonder if we can do it with like loot tables ah it’s not just gonna give me all of them okay uh item If maybe and hit the phantom but didn’t when you were playing with it okay that’s pretty cool uh well wait this is this is being done as a summon i wonder if that will be an easier way of doing it there we go okay now we should test all of these i’m just

Going to put one in at a time and we put this in so the question is what does a minecraft awkward potion nothing apparently awkward potions of the base for all other potions interesting okay can you tell the person that has rarely ever done potion crafting okay so

Next up is a mundane potion do people know what a mundane potion does is it the same thing okay then thick what about thick so it’s just getting all of the um useless ones out of the way okay so then we move on to swiftness hey that actually did something uh

I just realized i’m gonna want i’m eventually going to want to set this up in the way that i set up um other things you know what i just want to get it working first we’ll deal with minecraft normal minecraft stuff before trying to add in modded stuff that seems like a

Better way of doing things okay so the variations on swiftness are probably going to be fine as well next up is low then strength you already tried Okay let’s save that do the battle and then we’ll try it out just to make sure that’s working so what have we got i don’t see any big names on the field i’m just gonna throw this down there say go get him people Hmm And Um Done em you took out both the top spots and one of the epics dancer you got one of them and i got the third random winners does anyone like dancer yesterday you needed money do you still need money does anyone else need anything specific today just so that we can make sure that

Rewards go to people who specifically need them still need money okay anyone else okay random it is a god get a couple of monks now what do we got one we have to go here so figure out directions after here and my body’s definitely posting things

Wait a second i can play the quests so you can all start placing units if you want to i will do things in a second look at that and heel scrolls get to 30 nice i’m still working on the 30. a marble war beast skin nice

So we completed event 1 at an event three now we’re still working on event two gonna win eight battles we can do that today potentially vampires up to level 18. flag bearers uh it’s all a bit of a mess isn’t it there we go okay sorted thousand two hundred more to level them

Yeah that sounds about right okay now fun trick that i learned before is if i do this i can go into my box and just post as the bot i don’t actually have to mess around with it okay so that didn’t work important things all the others are disabled so the only

Thing that’s happening at the post at the moment is the potion the only thing that we’ve changed about the command is that it’s using the round potion there okay let me double check to see what else i’ve done that’s different to summoning things over here because we know that they’re trigger works it’s

Done things all sorts of other times so this is a repeat outcome because we wanted to repeat a certain amount of times i don’t need it to be the same there multiple outcome outcome that’s fine i’ve just done it with conditional outcomes rather than a different event

Okay so i have structured it differently so out of this should be able to are you okay pandora just screaming for the sake of screaming again i should get to take that put that there who doesn’t love a good scream a good question vocal good question

What will have i said hello to you today shaman shaman’s still doing the countdown also high also high okay so so we’ve got vanilla potions as the condition it’s got a string it picks one of them the string goes in here that’s still saying brand potion that’s still looking for round potion that’s

Executing itself which is important i’m gonna try it again nothing okay so we need to change things slightly just in case but this usually when it says that it’s a like looking for a variable i assume that it knows that uh i’ll look at the other things because i

Can just cross a cross-reference see there’s no dollar sign there or anything so If i just put an actual potion in here will it work like ignore the randomization assumption about an api that’s yeah no it i’ve never been sure about anything that i’m doing with cci i always get things wrong when i think that i know what’s going on

So i constantly just check like i try something if it doesn’t work then i figure out what i did wrong basically my way of doing things okay so it’s not even doing that and yet if i okay so I grabbed this so it’s exactly as the thing that just worked so the only difference now is that it’s going through the chaos but not not activating there at all but if i do this this working oh okay so cci’s disconnected that’s the problem that makes a bit of a difference

And that’s not surprising how do i tell when it’s connected again i might need to reload the client that’s better i still haven’t looked into this i really should okay so that’s working now okay and there is a pig for them but all of that me thinking everything’s not working is uh

Irrelevant let’s go back to trying it and uh i’m sorry to hear that you have headache that’s never good do not like headaches they are bad for people i hope you get good rest and that we catch you again soon okay so that still didn’t work

Okay so it’s not the command that’s the problem something’s interfering with it did this oh this is still disabled doing well oh okay oh we got it and it’s a potion of icelanders so it is one of the options from the list so excellent

So we now have a way of making a random potion fall on me so it’s just a matter of what potions to add and then make it a bit more interesting i’m just going to go down to all the standard minecraft potions is there any that people think we should avoid

Avoid nausea that’s fair now obviously you can see the things that are popping up on the screen can’t see the ones that i’m looking at but you can see that as i do it they’re appearing so if there are any that you think that we should not have please say so

As that i’m just going down the list levitation well if it’s on the list why is levitation not fun when you have flight you okay then shaman what’s going on yeah no these are these are purely potions vanilla minecraft potion you just fly to negate it that’s true but

You know i can do a lot of things that ruin these effects you know when we’ve got access to the storage there’s a good chance that i can just get milk for a lot of things your knee on the desk that is scream worthy i think one of the points of this is

That i think everyone knows by now that i actively go out of my way to make it so that uh get what is effectively your money’s worth any claws in your thigh or butt occasionally that is not something that i envy water breathing night vision disability headshot headshot welcome in

With all of your friends how are you doing i’m run welcome welcome you are right in the middle of us setting up a cci thing you’ve got mail apparently i’ve got mail yeah deadshot how’s your stream what are you playing at the moment which park i’m surprised that i’m not dead turtlemaster potion

Is a turtlemaster potion nothing spawned on me from the right yes that’s why i was confused we will have to figure that out in a second it is very hard for me to figure out what’s wrong with cci when i’m in the middle of working on cci flow falling at last

Have to be ocean blocked today interesting fun that’s good that’s good you get very far okay slow falling long is the last one on the list i know that when i start a new pack people love trying to murder me so okay so that’s come through on streamlabs raid but nothing’s changed here

I’m gonna try reconnecting them all again [Laughter] yeah you’re not wrong them you’re not wrong opening up streamlabs to be able to see if i can rerun that raid we’ll actually do a thing this time oh do i need to start things over again try starting things again

Just in case just in case in with the slow but it’s only a tiny sword because uh the count is very low The deadshot thank you for bringing all of your friends over if people haven’t seen deadshot stream before and you are here and you like minecraft why haven’t you looked at deadpool as you just heard that i can play a completely different pack and Um it’s an ocean block it means that you can mess with their stuff while they’re stuck in a small area dancer thank you for the bibs We run things a little bit differently here um i have a setup where about every 100 bits people spend it will spawn a random creature from a big long list we’ve got dicks for running so that people can do jump scares and control my keyboard and all that kind of stuff we

Do have a whole bunch of commands that use live Has given me some chance cubes as they should be oh feature did you not run the empty name that empty name because i’m pretty sure you have a skin on that there’s a mini it doesn’t look like it Now Yes there are minis for sobs and we’ve just been working on chaos results effectively uh one of the other things that’s a big difference is that i have a system where more of certain things that happen the more a counter goes up so that’s why the blinds are very quick

At the moment but will end up being you know we’ve had them go for minutes before we are also running spring raiders because that noise that went off not too long ago so we will be dealing with that just not right at the moment because this sort of thing’s happening

And now i have a bear trying and so once again thank you for the best again thank you very much for bringing your people over it’s always nice to see you and yeah people spread the love do the following thing Him back to that’s a terrible pun oh anonymous anonymous getting in on things anonymous got an elder guardian looks like we have a train this is this is usually where things get fight messy No no no no with so many different things being done it’s hard to tell sometimes if my controls are wonky or if it’s just thank you very much I hope you’re enjoying the chaos Oh such a mess Oh no there’s so many different things coming for me and you’ve got to fight them in different ways Now you don’t get to get away with it You know what i’m just gonna hit people with the book and i take exception to witches because they regenerate there we go oh slow where did they come from doing okay oh [Applause] okay is it something to do with how much they like to scratch why do cats make terrible djs Okay i think things have said oh no we’ve still got a high prank going okay okay just in case just in case i always pause the tunes i think that i think that that’s also valid spider that that was unexpected why am i stuck there’s a gato It’s because of the subs that’s why i couldn’t do things cancer dancer what was that 10 gifted i can see carlo great the gang’s all here and now we could do it for genesis a man plea jojo joelle got mojo jojo ojo jojo no no no i’m gonna die

And now they’ve gone off my screen because of all the other commands i was trying i was definitely trying actually hey evil welcome in how are you doing m run fish with yeah you knocked me up in the air i get to trick you that’s how that works now i’m dead

That’s up the skeleton is messing with the gig over there i think you’re at an advantage too actual fungus interesting name so as mentioned before if you have received a song and uh your name is different in the game through what it is on twitch you won’t have your in-game skin but we

Do have a command that uh handles that so if you do exclamation set mc name all is one word with the space and then your minecraft name the next time you get a mini don’t have bear skin having fun then the fact that they hit me and i die is a problem

There’s not much that i can like you can mess with my controls a whole bunch and there’s a lot that i can do that but if you do manage to get a hit in it it’s it’s all over well okay so it’s not one hit it appears to be like three look

I do have such cool skins uh delta mainly because they’re trying to murder me if they weren’t trying to murder me then i would only murder them at specific times And delta there you go now you’re one of the tiny people that are trying to murder me uh nim you like feel like trying to back that up because they’re doing a good job of it are you saying they’re not trying to murder me because they’re succeeding yeah there we go

So i guess another answer to delta’s question is i’m trying to murder them because they’re much stronger than i am have i got a haste command i don’t know if i have a hasty man why is the effect i can hear of x oh oh that’s why they started dying so quickly

Strength two so if i get too close to the building that’s kind of bad so delta how are you doing today i can’t have a dancer getting away ow why isn’t it dying like i’m pretty sure that would be dancer people who want to do weird ass stuff with their computer

Are good now i’m blind and there’s more things and i’m slow oh no that’s tiger [Applause] Ken why aren’t you taking damage See the blind last significantly longer than it used to because things have been going on What the Are you grabbing on to me is that what’s going on why can’t i move yeah the the tiger chilling at the time is only until it decides not to which is why it’s the oh no i’m almost out of absorption which means i’m almost out of hell oh okay Delta it may have only wanted one thing but that’s definitely not what it was doing also i encourage you to question where you have your information from because uh i guess as far as i’m aware don’t tend to want hunt Hey won’t that snake die now if your only qualification for a hug is something that pulls you towards it you have things to worry about just say you okay there dancer oh that’s new that’s new right i saw the dancer name above it and just uh okay so it can die

It can die uh and now my inventory is a mess again so thank you all for the hype train i’ll go over that in just a second that’s the button i got torches on me i have an arrow right oh no it’s in my chest it just looks like it’s in my eye

Oh so that was a lot we have a battle to do then i’ll handle the uh the train actually i’ll i’ll do the train while we’re looking at the battle okay i do not see any big names so i’m just going to throw that there say go get him people

I’m going to take a look at all the things that just happened Fungus talking retired ashley fish twitch m-run Jojo l A manly genesis Uh and those 500 bits as well nim with 100 dance with a thousand anonymous with a hundred nim with a hundred dance with 200 that’s a gifting to professor deadshot another 100 from dancer and that looks like it’s it so huge i think we completed level four

So thank you all so very much okay nim you took out the top spots with dancer and juggling donuts assisting you winners are mukkad gets a bomber and dancer gets a buster now what we got we got a three and a four or

A four and a two so we’ll go to the top part and in case you’d like to guess uh how many times i just died now is the time to do that while i place my flag bearer okay back to minecraft so we’ve got them in two places now

Cci stuff that’s what i was doing i just want to finish that off and get things back to normal so now what i want to do is take that command outcome oh this can’t be a command outcome this needs to be a multiple Santa gifting a skin to makkod i gotta enjoy my totally not a rogue head this needs to be a multiple because we want multiple things happening here actually yeah it’ll be easier if i just do it wait a second i got carried away though what uh um

Now what i want them to do is be slightly delayed I’m not sure if that will have the desired effect i don’t know what those other potions were oh you know the problem it does the randomization first so it picks one and then does all five so it was five potions not five random potions means i need to make it a repeat

No what i need to do is add more conditions i need a multiple condition condition foreign ah i hope this works otherwise this is going to take another while to do excellent okay did it so what i’m doing now is i’m setting up the same thing multiple times because

It’ll randomize each of them at the start and then apply them to a different post different potion that drops my potion seemed like enough that by potion seems like a decent amount to me i apologize that this is taking so long we always seem to have chaos at the

Start of the stream which is when i try to do this maybe i should be doing cci at the end of the stream correct dancer this is a chaos effect is the replacement for chanceq and hermit how are you doing almost done hoping that this works the way that i think it should

Oh so that will be random motion did i do random potion one or random potion and potion one no worries herbert thank you for swinging by uh no dancer it is still on the way to me i have been checking with the tracking hey there we go i’m it with ice cream

Wait what what time is [Laughter] food instead of good i say i say there we go okay so what do people think does that seem like a good result when evil’s not trying to do potion effects anyway anyone does anyone have thoughts sorry was distracted i was saying what do you think of

The potions does it seem like a good amount does it seem like a an amusing thing an empty no thoughts fair enough fair enough at the very least it works so i can turn everything else back on now hey grim welcome in uh dance are you talking about the giant

Chance cube result where it sprays potions all over the place actually if we’re gonna be talking i might as well just jump into voice hello dancer hello so yeah uh the chance cube result that sprays the potions all over the place is a giant chance cube result

So 27 times what you just saw gotcha that actually makes sense um yeah we don’t have an effect we don’t have a way to stimulate giant chance at the moment i think i’ve won eventually but i want to get this sorted out first if that makes sense oh definitely

I still think that we need to figure out more items that can be given to me because that one’s only got the one in joke so far the slimes and the slime transformations good um and i guess the thing is that if we can get it all set up in the next

Couple of weeks then it means that we don’t necessarily need chance cubes in the next pack but i don’t think that we’re going to get enough done by that point to offset how much people enjoy chad’s cube and also people haven’t been using the chaos shards so far

They are new so i understand that but uh yeah it seems like people enjoy chance cubes and haven’t been using the chaos show so still trying to figure things out on that front how is your place going dancer you’re welcome to come take a look you have planted plants

Those were planted last week i obviously didn’t look last week i think that you’ll remember that last week i got very little done because uh people kept trying to kill me kept trying to kill you successfully okay kept trying to kill you uh ass that’s a weird thing to come in on

Are you for some reason campaigning in australia for somewhere else uh this is a thing just because it’s a random first message that just seems rude to me would we be able to get rid of that i have no problem with people talking politics and like having civil

Discussions but just coming out of nowhere and spamming stuff a little off so what do you think so far of the restaurant part i like it i think i liked it before like what else has changed other than there being plants and roof obviously roof

Yep my god dancer is a fan of purple it’s a thing bacon sandwich oh wait i’ve got things in my mail i’ll come back sent the message and left yeah that wouldn’t surprise me anyone that is that sort of supporter of pretty much anything that just like no

Warning no discussion just comes in and yells at you effectively doesn’t have the social graces of having a actual discussion about things [Laughter] well this is the thing and why is there a giant pig with a bulb riding it why shouldn’t there be a giant pig with a bob writing it

Is that that’s not normal i hate to tell you this but this is not how things normally work again if your perception of reality says that this is a normal feature you may want to reconsider things hey you left the area too empty for too long uh but i’m not explaining

I don’t have a problem that you did the thing i just asked like why where what why it was easier than just doing it by hand summon command personal remote to make them bigger fair enough it’s a glazed and i don’t think it’s meant to move but

I think that because there’s like the lag issues uh it it shimmies like some creatures do also i look at this the only thing i can see is the feet in one probe that’s like a dude writing his great great great great great times 10 grandchild in minecraft terms

How do you get that autobahn how do you get the relation between creepers and pigs because the in early development the creeper model was actually a pig weed as in they ended up re-skinning it but the the model itself was supposed to be a pig an exploding pig

No it got transformed into a creeper later on it was a weird looking thing so i’m not upset that they changed it okay like yeah i’m confused how one thing ended up as the other uh delta i don’t usually ask questions so i don’t want the answer to i’m just one of

Those weird people who has been like on the internet long enough that i am desensitized to most things uh dancer i don’t know if you saw evil’s question but was asking what sort of army you have on i have no idea what armor i’m wearing uh some chain mail and iron boots

I i think he’s asking about my sparkly uh yeah why are you rainbow that’s a completely different question but i’m still stuck on how does a pig become a creeper like what what did they originally have in mind for the creeper that ended up being changed to become a creeper

Like if it wasn’t an exploding pig what was it meant to be they mixed up axises and it became a weird twisted thing okay yep i can see that evil the effect is something that nim gave me yeah that would be a weird thing getting like when have you ever seen

How skins in minecraft are laid out because they’re like what’s the term is it like bit mapped sort of like pixel art that wraps around a a model if you mixed up two of the axis that would be that would be very strange focal this is an adult channel there’s

Even a quote about being an adult education channel um i i have no problems with people having again civil spicy discussions i i do have problems with people making other people uncomfortable yeah there’s that too so yeah the dancer what i was asking before is that you’ve

Added plants you’ve added roof was there anything else that i just hadn’t noticed not really i haven’t been playing much here no you’ve been deep into the cold first yes it’s perfectly fine no problems there um yeah it’s gonna be interesting and i don’t think anyone’s really replied on

Discord to what i was saying about the fact that uh the next pack has fine colonies in it obviously we talked about it last night stream but uh the community at large seems to be largely absent at the moment delta waves i’m pretty sure that like the majority and

I’m only saying that because sometimes people come in here under what we hope is supervision um so i i pretty much just assumed that the majority of the audience here is an adult whether they’re the sort of adult that you want in those times different matter anyway battle time

Okay what do we got we’ve got ah the timing we have the knot with a dualist musketeer dancing with that book and Lumia with a rogue there we go go get him people Uh Thing Thank you Well done people nim you took out the top spots again there were no epics random rewards go to denta getting saints and delta getting some vampire i still need to do flag bearers there we go so before i start messing around with magic stuff again um dancer i

Always remember to ask you about this in your stream and then forget in mine when we’re actually here ah have mentioned in the past that at least one of the mods here you were considering messing around with uh xnet what was it and what’s the problem with the interface

Uh sushi go crafting i think we looked at that before and it wasn’t necessarily an input issue it was the design of the interface yeah yeah like i’ve pretty specifically the roll button in the top right if i remember correctly oh wait no that’s right the soy sauce

And wasabi were also things that you couldn’t that aren’t cited that right you can like you can export things so that they would then be put into a side and appear in the middle but those two side slots don’t work and the roll button is not something that like can be externally used

No you can’t use anything externally you have to go into the thing but i’ve basically put it off it’s it’s not gonna happen did you ever end up trying redstone like can you apply a redstone to get it to do things i can’t do redstone to save my life that’s a no um

Correct hey that would be an interesting thing to try at the very least so just simple thing of block here and level now is this set up like if i press roll it will make one correct so just just a trial roll that’s a thing that happened

Does anything else need to be done to this or is it good uh it’s good until it runs out of ingredients and it’s almost out of uh rice that’s not the point and the item itself is good to go right oh so that’s how you test redstone it’s don’t

Happen nothing came of it so if it’s not going to accept a redstone signal to activate then i don’t see i don’t see a way of pushing that button because even like automated users and things like that will try and interact with it from the outside they won’t go

Into it and do anything to the interface so that that’s a that’s a pretty straightforward if that’s a required part and there’s no other way of dealing with it then that can’t be automated yeah okay just wanted to because we kept mentioning it and i had never actually gotten to that point of

Did we do any tests or anything yeah i’m i’m with you there of no that that’s not happening if anyone ever does come up with a um a way of doing this i’d definitely be interested in it because it would mean that you’ve found a way to automate things that don’t like being

Automated and i am very keen to know these things i am saying that the pig was the bomb because they had to code the shapes rather than modeling okay interesting i tried hex casting yet i do not know of hex casting according to the minecraft wiki creepier when animated haha i’ll keep it

For a creepy creature yep yep that’s that’s valid sorry that’s okay the automaton would have to do it in another way with a custom recipe like a create press recipe or a bun explain any integrated dynamics mod that automates things don’t like to be integrated dynamics is something that i

Haven’t done a lot with because it is very much on the complex side um i need to find someone that thinks differently to explain integrated dynamics to me is whenever i’ve been doing it in the past it’s the same problem that i have with certain coding courses they’ll explain something and it just

My brain doesn’t quite work that way and there are definitely other ways of explaining it but the way that it gets explained is confusing to me and yes um i i mean if someone really wanted to go to the length of creating a data pack to do

The thing then that’s one thing but i’m more looking for ways that are commonly in minecraft packs already rather than making an extra thing i already have an extra thing that i want to get made um and it’s either going to take someone that’s keen on the idea and like likes passion

Projects or a bunch of money to pay someone to do it so down the track when we’re not trying to pay for other things already the mod that could target things directly specific slot to handle things with not slight interesting it’d be interesting if there were i don’t know again integrated dynamics is

Sort of above my paid grade at the moment i don’t think i don’t know if that’s in here i think it is it is there you go yeah at this point in the game i’m not going to try and and and figure it out no integrated dynamics is one of those mods

That i would love to be able to learn but as i said every time i’ve tried so far i’ve gotten stuck because it doesn’t quite work the way that my brain does well all right instructions don’t work the way that my brain does in a similar way to psy

I get stuck trying to learn psy as well okay while you’re doing that i guess i am back up to messing around with magic i is a fun mod but again i get about halfway through the instructions and they’re like just do this and when i try it it doesn’t work

And so i try variations on what i think they’re trying to say and it doesn’t work and that’s where i realized that the instruction means something that i can’t interpret i can do basic things with psy like when we have mod packs that are like turn this thing into that thing by using

This specific set of instructions cool done but uh when it’s doing the the lessons of i think i get up to like part six or seven or something like that and it’s like just do this it’s not working and yes x crafting what what is the hex thing is hex ray in this

Xri which is a magic mode that i haven’t looked at yet new magic mod so probably not in here then well there’s a giveaway so many framed box so many why do you need so many frames because i am attempting to use a wood and not a plank the roof

And it doesn’t like being sideways what do you mean by sideways the the the majority of the roof are framed slabs and you can’t make slabs out of plant uh wood ah okay so you’re not using a block you lab okay yeah that that is the explanation though fair enough

Because yeah i figured that you were just using logs and the logs would look that way if they were sideways rather than well horizontal rather than vertical okay so ah that’s right i with all the chaos that happened earlier i don’t think that we got a totem of undying no we didn’t

No no evokers as far as i know that’s a pain um wait a sec i do i can trade in a hacksaw because one of the things that i wanted to do is upgrade my spell book uh you were thinking too small there with their trade in

Oh you mean i could have just tried it for the better spellbook no you could have traded for a spawn egg and made a spawner for evokers to get unlimited totems would die true that that’s that’s a thing that we could have done oh that was that was a lot of things sam

So i’m missing uh missing the wilden tribute i need to look at the ritual of summon wilden well autobahn it it is a thing that can be done right we have a number of ways that you can interact with this uh the stream if you wanted to do so rituals performing ritual

Performing a ritual requires a ritual brazil and a tablet once you have obtained a tablet and abrasion place your abrasion in the world and use the tablet on it razer will ignite and it is awaiting activation in this state you may throw in additional items as a way to augment the ritual

Wish to augment a ritual simply toss the item on top of the razor to activate your ritual interact with the abrasion with an empty hand once activated your ritual can no longer be augmented and has been consumed permanently if a ritual requires source to operate the brazier will pull from

Source jars within six blocks information related to rituals and their requirements can be found in the respective entry yeah then so you could potentially just make wait is that how the spawner down there works they all just spawn in that one spot or get crammed into that one spot and

Just don’t have a any ai so they don’t do anything else yep yeah okay so ritual brazier abrasion that may be used as decoration or for performing rituals like the brazilian for decoration cast a light spell on the brazil the color of the brazier corresponds with the color of the spell

Applying a redstone signal will disable a running ritual for information on performing rituals see the dedicated section on rituals hey welcome in how are you doing i am doing okay we have been messing around i’ve been murdered many times and now we’re looking at magic um yes okay so

That should all be doable in and on a worn ritual no death hasn’t been here to murder me though he does like to do so uh it’s it’s just a fairly common thing when i’m doing minecraft uh there is many ways to matter me and people enjoy doing it

I’m glad you hear that you’re doing better today sorry that’s a drop there ow oh and a girl excellent and a nightmare uh no sam no i didn’t see the thing and excuse me while i am being slightly murdered [Applause] Ah dammit where’s with the spam tonight my reach is terrible at the moment i can’t seem to do the return to sender you are not aiming at the thing There we go well done extendo grip helps it does so what happened there dancing with 300 dancer thank you again i hope that you’re enjoying the chaos yeah kitty i’m glad that you are feeling better i i’m i hope that things went well today and that’s why you’re feeling better and so enjoy

The overwatch Incarnant weapon Even you can get more entirety anthony’s i’m pretty sure most of those have made up words but not made up by you they’re good words and like most words they’re made up by someone else but i mean in the context of the wider population they seem made up according to google yeah

You will not find those in most dictionaries know that i was running out of those yes for anyone in case there is ever any doubt clerk is super appreciated any times that you feel like lurking in here whether you let me know or not amazing thank you for the support

Okay now i have the first step we have a ritual brazil Without augments this ritual will summon a random variety of wilden monsters for a short duration when augmented with a wilden spike wilden horn and wilden winged this ritual will summon the wilden chimera a challenging and destructive monster note if summoning the chimera this ritual will destroy blocks around the brazier I covered that thought did cover that thought but that’s why i said wow the pop wilder wider population and dictionaries and all that kind of stuff mainly because as i was saying the words i had the same thoughts Okay so that’s super easy And then it saved it said we need bike horn and wings Hey dolls welcome in how you doing i love this spell okay so do either of you want to help me with a boss or should i just do it on my own i can’t help you but would that be entertaining uh there’s a raid here you’re already dealing with that okay

Why is there a hole in the mountain over there oh i went digging that’s a very uniform hole that’s not normal yeah um i don’t know i don’t know i think i did this with sam a while back is the summoning i remember that goes there

So you use the tablet then you throw the things at it and then you activate it with an empty hand is the plan i guess we’ll see how Badly this thing murders me and if i need help but you are welcome to join in if you want to oh i remember this thing it is an actual boss fight as well it goes in phases which is why this is not in um the random things that can be summoned

I see what they mean by areas being destroyed regenerating it’s got horns now How you doing Now so i cannot er well can’t defeat the boss while naked with nim tanking though lots of things are possible that’s a new form yup this is its third form it was fast Enough That’s what i needed So thank you for joining me for that and now if i dump these things in there you’ll be able to do this now i’ve got an archmages spellbook and it’s battle time again so for anyone who’s wondering why we just did that other than getting to see me get murdered yet again um

The different ears actually i’ll explain it when i’m back in the game and can show what i’m talking about delta i see you there with a tutorial flag bearer there we go no other big names so go get him people Thing There we go guys are doing really well tonight dse92 took out the top spot this time with super horny jail getting the assists um waffles and souls bane took out the epic random rewards well fancy you can have the money because you have asked for the money

And there are other things go to delta getting some flying rogues and mukkad getting some centurions i can see there’s chat going on i will get to that in just a second but here is the boss fight it is a loyalty super boss chest blackberry’s got me some gold

Now it doesn’t care what i’m trying to place off welcome in how you doing uh sam what does going after the void angels entail ah dark wolf since you are here assuming that you are still here and it’s a good opportunity for me to show off and like

What was the term chill my skins these are the things i’ve been talking about look that there is there is my head on lots of the units i’m going to be stoked by this for a while it is is very cool to me so i’m

Going to show it off at least once a stream for quite a while yeah if if you happen to like having my totally not a rogue uh skin they are available in the store you can buy them and then you can run around representing me all over other people’s games hopefully in

A nice fashion that well better the bad guys rather than the streamers in other people’s stream if you’re trying to represent me Thank you very much for gifting a skin the dark wolf so things that i was talking about the spell books so there are three grades of the spell books and three tiers of glyphs that can be in them you start out with a basic book with the

Different iron tools to make the basic one that can hold t1 runes then you upgrade it with the obsidian diamond sports and blaze rods to make it into a mages book and then another star that walden tribute that we just got emeralds and the pearls and the

Totem of undying make it an archmage archmage being the third type of book can hold up to the third type of glyph so now we can make the most complex of the spells wow on him that’s a call back uh yeah it was at least six months ago it was a while yeah

And this is the sort of thing that i’m talking about with uh the summoning of items and things like that i would like to have in-joke things that we can like effectively be conversation starters as well as amusement dark wolf i’m pretty sure i’m like not 100 sure but i’m pretty

Sure that any purchase skins go to uh both player and streamer that counts it as one account going up here i need to get more of those blocks and decorate this a bit in brick not the smooth clover just a clover we need more of those seven and no one’s gonna care those

Made from arcane stone how are things going dark wolf are you still enjoying vampire survivals have you been playing much of it when uh not talking to jake you are playing it right now you only need one hand yup by the way why you though oh that’s because you just summoned you

Gig welcome in how you doing sorry sorry it is the thing that i do with the animals up here yeah it’s true it’s true it was rude of me how you doing what’s been going on That’s not so bad unless i can’t hit it and then it’s terrible how’s that looking okay now i need some more of the smooth ones I hope that that’s also going good you like the purple blocks i don’t know why i decided to do the inverse of um the table but this table here is the mod like the table for the mod that uh is being done with all the other stuff up here

And for some reason i decided that i would use the same sort of pattern but uh with the opposite colors so that’s why we’ve got this may actually become tired of purple yeah that’s a danger that’s definitely a danger welcome back nim i do like having the eats builder

Clean up all of this mess that i’ve made I do need to wait i thought i did a thing with that right all the summons Because the birds don’t die when you eat them off the platform they just float down and sit here being birds yeah that’s nothing new okay fine they existed now hmm that designs nice enough okay what else can i do i could make armor but i’ve been kind of avoiding making mama um

I can make i guess i should make the next of the resource for the glyphs so whatever that s-shaped thing is another spam call that’s the third one tonight manipulation essence gig you are very in my face deal with it would deal with it you won’t like it

You want cuddles cuddles are an acceptable thing i can’t do it in minecraft but i can see where you’re coming from um more threatening your avatar human chamber one of those don’t need one of those anymore i need one Pedestal rude indeed but then again what do you call just telling someone to deal with it uh what’s it called hypes once again have way too much time in a bottle uh oh actually um there is a thing that you could potentially be interested in that i’ve started doing on my twitter um

I’ve i’ve had an idea for the stream and i am Starting to work on it and seeing if it will pan out or not ah stone button and as part of that there is currently a poll on my twitter redstone basically the idea that i’m toying with is the thought of trying to sort of tangentially integrate my

Role-playing game and my stream and my you know general um internet presence into one related thing i’m not explaining it super well but the idea is that uh actually that’s that is something i wanted to connected um not yet though doing two things at once and failing at

Both of them but the idea is that there’s already a theme on my channel to begin with and it’s very sort of in line with my game as in that they are not related but they are similar enough that i’m looking at drawing inspiration from the stream

To make more things in the game like enhancing the setting with ideas from the stream and then using my role-playing setting as a feature of the stream uh so that it all interconnects and uh interacts with each other but not in a direct sense like not uh not making it so that

Settings from my stream like the games and stuff like minecraft is not going to be in my game as a direct thing but if we end up doing interesting things in minecraft i can draw inspiration of that to take those interesting things like for instance with aznavo

Um if i wanted to use some of the magic ideas from this to enhance magic aspects in my game that’s a thing that can happen damn going to bed no worries sam uh first of all get good sleep second of all i hope that you end up getting those things that you’re after

Um yes specifically the thing that was in on twitter is that the game that we played on friday is called hamating it is a dwarven colony management sort of game and i’ve asked a question of these things that we made in the game being a forge a mushroom farm and a stone works

Those are things that i can flesh out and include in my setting and saying which one are people most interested in which would you like to talk about and help me figure out to make more stuff out of my uh in my setting but one void angel killed two more uh lanthans

Oh nice well done iron axe from seoul thank you soul diamond helmet with fire protection Now um now what are these things or simple okay um basically i’m looking at using my stream to influence my game and at the moment there is a question on my twitter of which of these things would you like me to go into more details on

What interests you so we can make it in my game i can be concise it’s possible Have you got the only one of those ones yeah i’ve got it on me uh there we go um Pipes um Oh but those are now doing their thing shouldn’t have done that it bugs me that they go into the first slot rather than Continuing existing stacks oh well now the question is has that timer gone off oh no name i just wanted that one thing connected that’s fine oh you’ve got it yeah i i made a second one last week and it vanished so i just made another one this week

They’re very expensive to make so look through your twitter posts and found pictures of an old pumpkin patch in animal crossing okay nice I’m trying to think if there’s anything more i should make i should make a new spell that’s the thing i should do but it makes more sense to uh i’ve been killed a bunch um it makes more sense to get all the glips that i can make more interesting spells before making

Bells that can’t do everything you only wear one outfit fair enough i mean it is a notable time of year oh iron sword iron oh eat you just pulled me bab you impacted against the table so you went sideways ah your halloween costume is a little night flash ghost hollow knight

I’ve seen a like i keep seeing people play that which is why i’ve added it to my whole on potential playthroughs It it seems like a really interesting game not just in the you know platforming combat sort of sense the art style the um storyline that sort of thing they seem interesting but i also try not to pay a lot of attention with the thought that hopefully i’ll play it at some point

He’s still my suffering that’s a thing i guess in that sense if you haven’t already uh there is the poll in my discord probably got screamed at just then you can vote is what i said And redstone and after i’ve this clip we can do the battle because apparently another half hour has passed what time is it seven o’clock it’s been three hours all right last time completely forgot waffle mike i see you here with a an epic barbarian and nim over on the other side with the

Fire artillery and necromancer now i’m gonna remember that this time M should be okay but it’s going to change how these things go i think maybe here what you do go get them people dave kitten welcome in how you doing Gig what language do you play animal crossing in Animal crossing in german okay Hey there we go we’ve got nim in the top spot with super horny jail assisting dancer killed the boss now we have that choice again we’ve got 30 centurions 30 monks and 30 musketeers is anyone working on these ones currently does anyone specifically want a unit uh there should be a poll section

Uh with what the friday and um playthrough as choices i think it’s in the play through one you’re working on the musketeer there you go anyone else giving people a little bit of time to say something oh that’s 50 musketeer scrolls as well already reacted cool cool oh random rewards it is

Dancer you get some centurions nim you get some monks and there we go boss defeated wow it just starts over again but there you go i’ve never actually completed an event before so that’s what happens i mean it’s good that we get to keep doing things in the event but uh interesting

Obs are you okay doing weird things are you two still here yep okay so i haven’t dropped again that’s good uh i refresh a window in obs okay there we go uh it it did something weird and my cat stopped responding uh so if anyone has said anything after Gig talking about a hollow knight vote and dancers saying woot hey ah welcome in i saw that pop up so if there’s anything between those two things let me know for now though centurions go to 27 how are things going get that is get that i think the top round to the interest

We’re only gonna do four so we’re not gonna get to any of them i’m just going to go the top route as if we were anyway why not hey uh i have already like if you’ve told me before i’ve forgotten where you’re traveling to last i remember us talking you were talking about

Uh planning to upgrade your laptop perry are you okay dancer oh i’m i’m sorry i thought i was muted [Laughter] very okay she’s crying oh she just wants attention i don’t know i mean You know but that’s not uncommon aguila city okay i probably butchered that name as well are you going there for a reason cap this is minecraft what do you think you’re watching evaporate work related fair enough fair enough uh sponges i am wondering if camp has been passed

Around a twitch as a raider let’s turn the music back on that time and that was evaporate we got harvest i haven’t done yet interact is next so button lever and pressure plate that looks like a wooden button though so let’s go with the oak yep

At the moment gig i’m making a bunch of the glyphs which are the parts of making spells thank you for mushroom stew i am once again out of poo actually that’s something i was going to do there any foods that i haven’t eaten black fish avocado slices which are probably going

To poison me atlantic halibut and alpine They are very similar yes same same but different Ice block it’s a dispenser oh and we’re out of experience nim are you able to mount yourself nope i think I think that’s something to do with how i have got the skeletal horses being summoned is making it so that they’re not tameable i was waiting for it nim has an umbrella because nim likes having an umbrella they are an a useful early game thing that makes it so that

Not only do you uh have slow fall and therefore not full damage they can be used as a shield yep an unbreakable shield so yeah knowing that they don’t have any i ai i mean they’re not really going to be able to do much of anything anyway but it is a bit silly

Um and now i’ve got more experience again kitchen is finished nice do you feel better about having gotten to a point that you are satisfied with that’s a dispenser I’m glad that you feel better about it dancer i i know that that’s been kinda bugging you for a while hey why do the animals always just like insist on walking in front of you and look of all the places you can go fly straight ahead like why right where i’m looking

Look how many utes i can do now i want to be on stream i’m pretty sure that’s not how they design minecraft like it’s a nice thought but i don’t think that that’s how that works redstone signal Hey calling audience members hose so that you put the table cloth pattern on the floor with you like that i like that i think it looks good what was that thing we got runic chalk and a tripwire hole oh okay he’s bloom fiber actually one thing that’s kind of been bothering me There we go tripwire yeah it was a nice design and i don’t know it was one of those things that just seemed to make sense at the time no fancy taking pictures i still need to make this look like it looks nice there it doesn’t look nice there

So i want to do something so that when you’re looking at it from Down there it looks better i haven’t figured out what i want to do with that yet though a dropper for this one no hmm i like the diversity of things that this can do not quite enough now like if you look at all the different glyphs that we’ve got

Like the fact that it can do things like emit a redstone signal which means that if you target something that needs a redstone signal you know for instance if i made it so that hey this thing The pipe it only functions when there’s a redstone signal i could do a ranged redstone signal spell to say you know activate that um so as a for instance if you had a door that is a redstone requires a redstone signal to open you can cast spells at it to make it work

Kind of neat access ender inventory requires an in the chest uh did you just put that door there yep is that all there because i was talking about that or that’s just to keep the uh the skeleton horse out [Laughter] oh how’s that working for you

Well it’s better than a lot of the other ideals And the pearls and a block of emerald bird i don’t know it seems like it look it’s less no if i hide behind the door him it didn’t keep it out not a horse i ying it’s going to be interesting at the start of the next pack

Why you’re scared of heights do you want me to just straight up fight them next time i can do that yeah jim’s dairy mary poppins joe it’s live it has that’s so annoying like they hit boxes on them are terrible it’s a good thing the uh baby zombies

Can’t be uh coated in diamond armor did they actually make it so that they can’t use armor probably i’ve never seen them in armor i may not see it but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be affected by it um Just the little bits of lag mean that you can’t reliably hit them the fact that they dodge just a little bit it’s all just minor frustrations link is the next one again why right in front of me why can’t it wander anywhere else on the island that’s fair

That is completely fair did already answer that question intangible interesting uh membranes and or in the polls All the ways to deal with the animals in minecraft are vaguely rude like i can get a lead and lead you off somewhere but that’s you know either rude or kinky we can put you in a bottle which is rude fair dancer can’t be rude and kinky um i think you’re small okay

Yep you asked for it marco feels appropriate there you go uh next one next your horse’s timing what are you congratulating them about of diamonds just the timing or something else am i not aware with the timing yeah yeah finger what what what is linger creates a lingering field that applies

Spells on nearby entities for a short time applying sensitive will make this spell target blocks instead aoa will expand the effective range accelerate past spells faster and extend time will increase the duration interesting okay so harvest it now requires earth essence we’re running out of glyphs

But i think we’re also running out of time finally got food what’d you get marco what’s your gnomes let’s see what can we make now summons three orbiting projectiles around the cast that will cast a spell on any entity it may hit uh Additionally projectiles the speed radius and duration may be augmented sensitive will cause orbit to hit block i can make an orbiting heat spell so if anything gets too close to me that’s not my fault that it gets you i have to make an orbiting ute spell um

That’s a baby zombie and netherite armor isn’t it yep let’s see it get eaten why didn’t um get heated i have a feeling it did not oh there it goes i didn’t even see it fake egg and griddle with hash browns from markers i don’t think i’ve ever had

I have no idea what a mcgriddle is but uh the other things that we said there sound good uh mcgriddle is kind of like um a syrup-infused biscuit bun interesting uh yes that’s all yes i did uh that was austin wasn’t it okay so things can get to you

As long as they avoid the orbit Okay so the syrup infused biscuit pancake type things use for bread does that mean that you’ve got yes your hands get sticky you’ve got two therapy pancake things as the outside of the steak egg and cheese sandwich it doesn’t sound bad one of the things that i’ve been making

Every now and then because of talking to dancer is you know french toast in the sense of bread soaked in egg that you then fry in a pan with ham and cheese so you melt the cheese on the um the french toast put the ham on and i still use syrup maple syrup

Tasty as long as they’re not sweet okay well yeah in the thing that i was just saying uh it’s easy to not add the maple syrup if you don’t want to i don’t know how many of these i can cast that’s pretty good it just went right over you

You know you want to run into them [Laughter] go far away they go i think that pig gets to live it’s yeah managed to bounce off two things so far okay battle time what have we got i see dancer there with a marble necromancer i think that uh

I think at some point for the full body skins i need to come up with a version ah yeah i think maybe the rogue version of myself for the necromancer for amusement value the disrobed version of myself uh as the mage seemed like a good idea okay go get him people

Just unlock musketeers nice um Thank you Um well done everyone dancer you took out the top spots with yourself and them getting the epics uh random rewards go to yay getting a buster nim getting a barbarian and delta waves getting some rogues oh we’ll just get enough of the eight battles 20 minutes on that yeah 45

How high did i go now uh they go to 60 i believe okay still got some wiggle room chad’s 45 is the last badge one okay earth essence i keep forgetting the names of things improvement chamber for pedestals foster iron and that’s already gathered the course that for me that’s nice Hey dancer and yeah yeah austin’s place i didn’t actually ever i don’t think i ended up going to it i’ve seen it on your stream i think i don’t think i went there myself the the caverns from memory and the modifier so we can make it so

That it only pulls out the things that we want um what the why why would you do this nim cause it’s silverfish i hope that they’re all dying on impact they should be but if they’re not they probably deserve to live yeah but you know the amount of things embedded in stuff unpleasant

[Laughter] spawner on an interdiction torch uh no dancer i haven’t really thought about it i really need to i can’t believe i keep forgetting to um thought through the pictures of the last pack i’ve got them i like you’ve shared the thing with me and i i got them um No not the last two or three packs just the the last pack because i took my own screenshots of cuboid it’s just i haven’t looked through the ones that you sent me earth things that’s what i was doing Harvest A haunting bell from create everything oh i didn’t helps if i tell it to actually draw from the chest creates another thing that i keep saying that i’m going to do and then haven’t done What is it that’s uh places that the light isn’t sufficient oh okay that’s awesome i’m pretty sure it does it around you if you just hold it in your hand too nice no dance it’s not because nim keeps doing it it’s that i haven’t had a need to do it

So i had a choice between doing create or doing r’s but i needed r’s for some of the blocks i’ve been focusing on that instead um i think yeah at one point i did need a couple of things from create but i’ve never needed the start of create

I’ve never needed to figure it out like how it actually works and get it to do things maybe in the next pack because you know mining devices would be good especially if we end up doing something like um was it uh a thing that could work well is that idea of the

Yeah big bertha but like a mining device that moves relatively slowly picks up all the things so that when you drill we were talking last night about how fining stone gives you random ore instead of cobblestone if that’s the case then getting assuming that creates in the pack um

Mining like getting a mining machine with an ender chest attached to it so that you have a a big old drill that moves slowly picks up the stuff puts it in the ender chest the ender chest sends it to the storage device would be an interesting way of

Doing the things that we talked about already but that also depends are there easier mining solutions because tinker’s in there so rather than making a big mining device there’s hammers and i think that that’s one of the things that i end up having trouble with create is figuring out why

I would want to use it looks like create is good for like the processing of things but not so much the collection because there’s so many other things that do it better what does it do that like processing wise i mean there’s the the bread factory

That we saw but i’m sure that you can automate a smeltery easier than that well it also depends on the uh the pack as well um in cave factory there’s not a whole lot of actual tech they want you to rely more on uh create at least early on okay and yeah dancer

Great definitely looks good but that’s a given um the problem is though that it runs into that same sort of well it does handle some things very well like i like that the conveyor belt aren’t just moving items in the world they actually integrate the item to the belt

So you don’t have like all the issues that a lot of other things do so it’s more like it’s a pipe that is visually nice um we do have the pipes that nim made the fantastic wall down there of those look very cool as well um yeah we’re not doing anything too

Important uh if you want to go the end it just means that you know it’s nice to have that heads up that the the server might crash and yeah again i guess preference is definitely a thing uh i was just wondering about more efficiency because what create

Create does the opposite of what i’m usually looking for because if i want when i’m looking at getting things processed i tend to want things that take up as little room as possible so that i can integrate them into what i’m doing create takes up lots of room

Which means that you need to dedicate space to it um I tend to look for things that are the least of least obtrusive and create goes the other end it’s it’s meant to be looked at it’s meant to take up space um yeah it’s it’s one of those things that is not really my go-to and I i’m been influenced by other mods where having big multi-block things causes problems so i tend to look for things that aren’t that the problem there my god is that minecraft doesn’t like things that are more expansive right one of the big problems is that if you

Get too far away from things they stop working so you’ve either got to chunk load them which causes problems with servers or you’ve got to Be within a certain range for them to function um i would like personally i would love to be able to have a server where we create a civilization you know actually have people setting up facilities that are near each other and like trains and roads and things like

That and like building up an actual city uh kingdom whatever but you run into issues where things stop working because the game isn’t designed to handle functional things on that scale it only set up to handle decorative things on that scale Which has always been kind of disappointing and since create is a good looking functional thing I have that hesitation of if we do this badly it just doesn’t work air is up next do i have webs you have web i have not heard of either of those mods um i code what do they do this is one of the problems with running a server is that

There’s so much to know about and reliable information is tricky to get your hands on a bunch of back end technical okay i’m taking a note hello chrome are you there and chrome is misbehaving um oh if something’s unhappy on my computer client side still interesting to look into see what it does

Okay so i don’t know if my captions haven’t been working that entire time because the chrome window that handles that was not responding uh sorry i’ll just be a second is the thing that i take notes in was the one of the things that craft all right cool uh oh there we go

Hey i left my music off this entire time as well 20 minutes 20 minutes of being quiet okay so Things to look into things look into it’s good because anytime that we can find something that makes things run smoother um gives people a better experience it’s just it’s one less thing that people have to worry about which means that they’re more inclined to play rhinestone and piston

Three giga brand news as well okay the server that we’re using has 20 so yeah three is still a significant amount brush that was hell okay there’s a spell to chop trees from the look of it is that a diamond axe the diamond dot eat seeds that’s awesome i like that

I mean it’d be a way to make catapults lots of people would like catapults phone and i bone blocks trevor chase fair enough fair enough all those good old eating devices yeah i kind of want to see if that’s just a standard bone mealing okay so you can’t aoe under foot apparently maybe

Touch projectile oh okay okay maybe it’s underfoot uh where’s the grow one bro ariel let’s go try this what’s that nim uh wheat seed that you can test no no no i’m going down to ground over here so we’ve got big open area with nothing on it did that much

Not a bad area for one cast one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 on one side one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen seventeen seventeen on the other so probably eighteen by eighteen um

Which it would be nine out from the center i think nine out from the center make a bit on a projectile and put it on a spell are there spell turrets that’s not something i’ve investigated and one of the questions is did you end up making this so you can

Push a button to harvest everything no i just kind of cleaned it up a little and that was it okay it doesn’t it’s not automated at all wow it grows quickly is there something accelerating the growth yeah i got too close because if i do this not enough mana

Okay so it doesn’t seem to be perfect but even with me standing on the wheat seeds it didn’t do it so i figured with the the different type of soil that might be an issue as well right as a projectile instead yeah does not like it

Because it did grow a bunch of grass over here yes it did they may be an adult you’ve got mail i’ve got mail A weird thought i do projectile don’t wait if i do orbit growth really no that’s not gonna work battle time where’s my battle there’s my battle okay i see a bearded camper with a plague flying rogue and delta waves with that war beast really it started like my finger

Flipped and apparently that’s where our killing field is i wish you could move it like after the fact it’d be nice if you could be like i didn’t mean to put it there but oh well there we go go get him people Eh Thank you And Well done damn you took out the top spots this time with bearded camper and steph shepard rocks uh taking out the two epics once again giving the money to dancer because dancer has requested it and no one else has said anything so the others go to nim you get some warriors and

Makkah gets a buster paragon chainmail yes yes we are doing well tonight how are you doing and my wall base should be ready that completes that quest bedtime dancer that’s fair it is getting late you have been going all day hey there we go are there things with this stuff or just

Stuff and no things i think that we cover both stuff and things here time to go you no worries thank you for hanging out so maybe if i reduce the aoa and instead put lingo let’s see what that does actually i don’t want orbit i want projectile

Linga did not seem to do anything i’m disappointed maybe i need to set some ration on lingo and dancers starting a giveaway before she leaves the bold move that answers that question i was about to say will she get it all to herself still trying to think of what i should um

A sound to attach to the giveaway people know what’s there what if bingo and sensitive that’s an interesting one i’m disappointed weed I’m sorry it’s messing with you like that dancer what does a projectile harvest entire trees good night dancer get good sleep talk to you tomorrow and what about this one if i do this oh look at that this is this is a good way to have lots of entities

Just kind of decimate sections of the forest doesn’t even use that much mana of course i think uh making a mining spell is uh an idea there is a good place to go nim already started a hole in a wall over this way so let’s go over there and try it

So yeah again versatile mode in that that pair hey okay so oh clear button that’s handy uh we still want projectile probably very obvious what i’m looking for and also something that i can’t see and stone into gravel gravel and will also crush flowers into bonus die interesting what was it

We started with this it shouldn’t be that hard to find wait is there there’s more of them right right that’s what i was looking for now the question is yeah the how much amplified do you need to be able to do this let’s try just full of aoe see what it does

That’s okay hello nim and it’s interesting that it doesn’t dig deeper it stays on the axles that you’ve hit oh because i didn’t add piercing to it so if i take that away and add tears mine’s coal look at that though [Applause] that is not bad as a mining spell

I can just go by the time i’ve collected everything my man has regenerated so i can do it again you okay name yeah just seeing if there’s an opening how long until the battle waiting until a unit has been done ellie it was being bad to put himself in the corner uh-huh

Always with the boobs change colors of that thing or if you got multiple of them multiple they all do something different are you trying to fling me yeah i guess you don’t count as a monster probably a good thing or rather i should say creature

I didn’t mean to fire that off but look at the range on that as well ellie we’ve been messing around with magic i have a heat spell i can actually hit something with it i don’t think it’s moving just that little bit sorry i don’t think that’s the heat spell

You’ve just been destroying a bunch of blocks oh okay yep i selected number one Did it not say it number one how do i change my spells i need to find a keybind knowledge to defeat your that’s that that’s how that works a lot of the time x and z okay red is also something else so let’s unbind that now

I was going to eat things there we go hey so how are you ellie what’s new in the world of ellie until the next battle i think i might go work on the underside of that platform that looks terrible another weekend done another week of work or bleh

Very hot yeah i heard that wait i think i heard in the uk it was super hot as well we’re just getting storms here okay so what is this this is a two by two uh you know what i can do yeah i can massive amounts of gold that’s what i’m gonna do

I like gold that is not what i meant to do they’re not my heat waves i controlled the heat waves i would be in a much better financial position actually i’ll make it hollow because we might want to put things under the platform and then did you notice my twitter link

At all tonight i’ve been looking every now and then uh no i can’t say that i have but i can check the log actually that makes sense but the bot does say a lot of things especially when people are using commands al welcome how you doing

Yeah about two hours ago there was a twitter poll link okay that’s part of the cycle excellent but that the really cool thing about that is that it means the the experiment worked so i can make time limited posts that are only valid on specific days well we’ll have to see if uh

That link gets posted text stream that is that is a very valid thing hmm now probably better that i don’t do too big it makes me like i’m sure everyone else does as well but it makes me think of enderman whenever he that i’m like but i’m flying how is enderman teleporting here

Yep that’s not quite the same thing the question is where did they go because there is a limit to how far they can teleport and i think we might be beyond that to get it to the ground uh it may not teleport it to the ground

But it may have ended up there anyway now That’s gold i’m using i don’t know if i’ve ever used this much gold really it is called a building gadget it is a fancy smashy remote let me do things like that oh hey that’s handy i had a one block gap meant that it didn’t extend out the path

That i don’t want extended out Um yeah ellie we’ve been messing around with magic and people have been murdering me and now it’s the end of the stream and things have fighted down because they always do around this time and we are just tinkering effectively because the there is nothing that needs to be done in this pack now

Um like the need has gone out of the pack a while ago got the things that we wanted and now it’s just a matter of what’s this thing do let’s try it out that is true the name if you just want to extend out these walls and then a floor as well

Basically making the undecided pyramidi okay freaky thing is doing this quickly without making a mess i imagine that nem is much better at it than i am i wouldn’t say much better i’m just using a different tool so it’s a little easier to keep from messing up though my tool does

Not have a undo option and then when you say floor is it gonna be like the one above us where there’s a one block gap yeah there’s no point filling it in unless i think that that’s easier so much gold yep you’d be sleeping no dance is not asleep yet

Dance is one of those people that takes quite a while to go from i’ve decided to go to bed who i i’m actually asleep but the intent is there or at least that’s my belief i missed wait a second no i didn’t miss i placed things badly to begin with oh

Welcome back dancer mmm hmm Battle time actually just a second i’ll move further away in case him is faster than the battle so what do we got i see bearded canopy here with a musketeer and that appears to be it who’s the person that placed the beaded camper with the ancient archer

Just at the back there just in case listen thank you dancer i was wondering what was going on there um i got the music again well done me go get him people Geez that was quick Uh nim you took out the top spot with not dealt not dilenka assistant then you got the boss kill random rewards go to dancing getting musketeer and mukka getting some centurions uh i need to do one more battle for that extra skin should i do one more battle that’s a good question

Uh yeah you just need to win and it’s a three skull so that’s a bit of a gamble ah it’s not that far over and just for the hell of it i’ll throw in a necromancer myself because they tend to be fairly good for us good night again dancer [Laughter]

Uh i like the yeah the shout outs every time densely i’m amused by the suffocation from um building gadgets up now that undo button you mentioned yeah hold whatever gooey and it should be in the lower left andy i’m not sure really i hope your day work goes super quick sorry

I’m not sure we can do another layer after this i come that might just be kind of too small oh actually but how does it look from down there because we could make that uh end part oh no that looks good down here that looks good the kind of splotch lighting helps too

We could probably make it more interesting by changing parts of it but as a no longer looking like a weird floating platform it looks good yeah take off your night vision be gone in a few seconds okay yeah i see what you mean now the only wait did we did we do this

Well or not it’s slightly off because the tower’s not centered as in the tower isn’t bent uh built on chunks yeah but it’s reasonably on top of it i like it it’s like not one block diagonal off yeah i think i’ll do more with this next week um

Because that corner doesn’t have design on it which a bit like it i don’t know if i want to leave it like that or not because it kind of fits the the things being over there but it also looks really empty to me i’m not sure anyway what to do and ah well

More of these things were i done all the earth essence things i’ve done all the earth things there isn’t anything else that i’ve been meaning to do that comes to mind i didn’t notice that you did a shout out for ellie ally who does not stream yeah like what what

We can do for 22 minutes um there’s plenty of things that i could do for 22 minutes but it is it’s not terribly good watching like that there’s yes i have i have been meaning to do look into hex right okay does it have a hook a blood city

Not quite the same thing because do you know if it if there’s something that doesn’t look like a book that is the guide to the whole thing advancements i always forget about advancements i went ahead and messed with the south side a little uh you want to take a look at it oh

Now okay gives a little more depth hmm i like it and we might do since the very top layer is three we could do the middle row with this too yeah yeah that works nice should have told dan like dancer probably knows but we should have probably pointed this out to dancer

Because there are probably a bunch of things here that uh would have helped giving her more purpose look at all the things you can tame the tarantula hawks this is weird like there are things that i had not considered that you can do with alex’s mobs eat a crimson mosquito a strange fungal

Creature covered in warped fungus watches the crimson mosquito transforms into this destroyer of chads i think you know all about the destroyer of chads after blood spray off from the drops of the crimson mosquito okay i have i have to see if i can do that i don’t have a crimson mosquito probiscus

Yeah i think i was looking to make that last week and saw that we didn’t have it either i didn’t want to uh wander around the nether hope and i’d find some thanks to the coral refined storage a few here’s you i left you alone because you survived

Earlier but if you’re gonna be annoying repurposed structures secrets have been paintings a lunking when dungeons arise compact machines adventure belongs in a museum looter husbandry Project and standard minecraft so no my god does not looks like x-ray has a um advancement thing i mean that still took like eight minutes so like good suggestion but uh unfortunately did not pay off and yeah even from down here that makes it look like looks more interesting

One thing i was gonna do i thought of just before i got suggestion trying to make a coffee okay a decorative storage block okay replacing the world can store items and be moved like a shulker box can be renamed punch the copper to pick up directly to your inventory can be died unfortunately

Does not seem to have jei integration okay no that’s not true that specific thing there we go the basic one does the colored ones obviously you just color the block so it looks like there’s some sort of cauldron gold and mahogany planks with water makes a coffer uh huh Oh it’s got lava in it how do i have make sure it has doesn’t have lava in it a bucket i need to change songs and turn your music back on i keep forgetting yeah that’s better there is a coffer right behind me wonder what happens if i try to put uh

Water in mu here yep there it is i was looking forward in my uh backpack it has water in so i need five mahogany planks uh in a sense subby um that there is no end point to this it’s hasn’t got a quest book or anything like that so

That there isn’t so much uh a finishing of it but everyone’s kind of done the things that they were really interested in um yeah like outside of people summoning things on me i haven’t really had to care about having armor for the most part i’ve got some trinkets

Just because they’re i’m using and do stuff but yeah i haven’t bothered making anything Terribly interesting um as in interesting it’s a wrong word to use there i haven’t needed to make anything super powerful and because of the problems that we have with uh exploring i haven’t really gone to the the nether or the end much so we’ve just been really decorating a lot with this park

At the moment just messing around with things because people suggest trying to do a thing oh gold um for some reason That there are some interesting things about this pack and for some reason loading chunks even if they’ve been previously explored causes the cpu to spike like crazy so we have the thing like the the pack has a thing in it that makes it so that it automatically reloads if it

If you stop it if it crashes anything and so we have we have had situations where people have gone wandering the server will crash it’ll be back up in a few minutes and there won’t be any problem i will be able to keep going as normal they’ll start exploring again it’ll crash again

And yes we’ve evolved past the cube structure okay so do i just throw these in oh look at it go we have made a thing i don’t know what to do with the thing now but i’ll put it over here it’s so small why is it got a bird button

You got your results are it’s a negative excellent so that means you can travel right you like to keep tools in it yeah fair Enough actually that’s something i can do with this get rid of that i will look at what you got me in a second this is some fancy boots yep wandering traders do sometimes have some good stuff but nim if you use this does it have the same contents for you

Ah it opens when you get close to it that’s pretty cool yep i see uh four pieces of gear cool protection five mending unbreaking five stable footing feather falling it’s got stable footing on it the things i keep meaning to do and not actually getting around to

Because it would mean that i’m actually wearing armor gonna have pro automation that’s pretty fancy hey chad yes i was about to ask if probably got a shout out and uh then looked up and saw that it was there is bit by bit i think i’ve heard that name before but

I don’t think i’ve seen any of this though someone who has spent years creating minecraft content i don’t know many minecrafters a few a few but not many i just need to get sobby into it yes i was planning on upgrading my sword that’s a thing that i keep saying that

I’m going to do and got a few minutes may as well so much lava in there uh because the water didn’t work apparently something seems to be going weird yeah it gets mismatched because you can’t time it exactly no it usually it’s somewhere around three presses of lava and three presses of water

Get you the right amount but uh something’s gone a bit haywire and i said last time uh that in the next pack i am going to make a mini smelfery that is just there uh to make these things higher thing is just going to be okay you are doing things um

I’m just hitting the button so it eventually evens out oh i was just going to export it back into the system um yeah make a mini furnace that has a process of makes obsidian makes the uh the plates panels panels moves the panels to a thing that pours um iron onto them

And then imports it into the system as the final product hey there’s my butt doing its thing i think was eight iron sounds about right there’s the battle okay let’s see step away from that so we’re not getting the noise okay nim you are in there with a orc slayer

And your cerberus war beast i think that with all the friends and the epics that we’ve got there shouldn’t be too much trouble for saying that we’re about to lose go get him everyone That’s a name the facial chiropractor Things There we go thank you for getting me that skin nim you took out the top spots with federer the facial chiropractor and again veda uh getting the most recent epics random rewards our dancer getting a healer and misty getting a paladin that is it because the event ends in a

Bit over a day and we are not going to be back again before that happens but we got all the way through which again we haven’t done before that’s really cool um we’re up to 206 bosses 19 19 until the next head skin we’ll get there for now though

I need to wrap up it is time for my weekend effectively i am going to be doing various different things i’ve got plans pretty much every day for the next week um some potentially interesting ones i i don’t i’m not saying what they are just yet in case they fall through but uh

Some good stuff that is potentially on the way as for what’s happening here next friday if things go to plan maybe my maybe should be my next uh bloodball match for the league that i’m part of that you probably have seen recently on dark wolf stream

Uh where i will be you know playing against bezel bob which i believe ink was playing It’ll be chaos i don’t remember well enough but whatever they’re playing it should be a fun time and beazle usually has a amusing commentary subbie you are very welcome thank you for hanging out it’s always nice seeing you now now i need to find someone for all of you to

Go hang out with let’s see which of our friends are online at the moment oh okay do people feel like something more actiony or more relaxed because those are pretty much the options that i have at the moment we’ve got some fast-paced sort of stuff and some very chill sort of stuff

And variations of both of them but that’s pretty much the choice does anyone have a preference because if not ar you’d like chill it will do then and thank you for putting in the raid messages there relaxed actually i don’t think i have that i don’t think i have that zobby

I’ll keep an eye out and maybe next time okay here is my ending screen while i actually set up the raid we’re going to go over and say hello to crumble doing some house flip up i’m city spaghetti yeah i hope that all of you have had a good

Time i hope that you continue to have good times and that the world treats you all nicely and until i see you all next time take care stay safe have fun you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Enigmatica 8 part 13’, was uploaded by Reborne on 2022-08-26 01:42:37. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:29:51 or 19791 seconds.

Twitch VOD Archive from Monday 18/07/2022 In this episode we do some CCI work then continue to learn about Ars Nuveau. This video includes Stream Raiders, Multiplayer and Twitch integration thanks to the Content Creator Integration mod. The thumbnail is from a previous pack on the community server. An up scaled powah energizing orb by Nimnimjohn.

Pack – Enigmatica 8: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/enigmatica8 Please note that some mods have been added to the pack specifically for this server.

If you enjoy this and would like to see more, follow this link to the Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/gaming_reborne

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    🔥EPIC HACK: Best Minecraft Mini Build Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-22 01:51:05. It has garnered 5861 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/axyspy/ Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • 🔥 JAY’S LIVE SMP – Join NOW for EPIC Lifesteal Action!

    🔥 JAY'S LIVE SMP - Join NOW for EPIC Lifesteal Action!Video Information भाई यह सर्वर क्या होता है यार रुको एक मिनट चट य तो रनिंग बता रहा है यार लो जी भाई मैं स्टार्ट कर रहा रुक जाओ ठीक है वेट फस्ट ज बहुत बढ़िया भाई बहुत बढ़िया तुम पहले आ गए हो बहुत बढ़िया भाई अच्छी बात है भाई अच्छी बात है भाई तुम पहले आ गए हो एक मिनट रुक जाओ एक मिनट रुक जाओ भाई सर्वर बार-बार बंद क्यों हो रहा है ब्रदर रम खरीदना पड़ेगा ब्रो हेलो भाई डेडली शैडो कॉम्बैट में सर्वर लीव कर रहा है ब्रदर एक बात बताओ मुझे इस सर्वर के… Read More

  • Gamer Salem’s CRAZY Redo Mission – You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    Gamer Salem's CRAZY Redo Mission - You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information blow your his brains up gear comp okay I spawn in on one HP already at least it’s not like uh like hard where l we diea I’m clipping that no shot I just got a head shot and it was a point and it was a what’s it called a hit marker withg that okay remember me give a [ __ ] how down and I’m Shifty don’t I’mma go out shooting me when I die when I go out the club stupid for 6 minutes chck 6 Shady IR me an angry blonde song Le on… Read More

  • Going Insane on Day 4 of Minecraft Stream-O-Thon!

    Going Insane on Day 4 of Minecraft Stream-O-Thon!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] hey cuties good morning good evening good afternoon good day how are you thanks for coming in you guys how are you all doing it’s a pleasure to see you on… Read More

  • 100 Days vs Minecraft’s Deadliest – I Survived!

    100 Days vs Minecraft's Deadliest - I Survived!Video Information all right I might actually be in trouble this time guys if you know me for a long time you know I’m a pretty humble guy dude you guys are playing checkers me instead are playing Pac-Man we’re on a different playing field than you what’s wrong with should have should have done one of your talents to give you like strength or something but healing dropsy that way I don’t die like you pushed off the edge man I died from Chorus fruit oh interesting interesting okay oh that’s game oh you yeah that’s game let me… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes! You won’t believe what Maira did! 😂 #MustSee

    Insane Minecraft Memes! You won't believe what Maira did! 😂 #MustSeeVideo Information गोल्डन एरा भी नहीं इसको डायमंड एरा उससे भी बढ़कर था वो टाइम ठीक है तो ऐसे हमको बहुत ज्यादा याद आ रही है उन टाइम की हम बताते हैं ना [संगीत] असली मजा है यार पर तो क्यों लोग वापस टाइम में पैक जाए जो कि इंपॉसिबल है अभी पता है तुम लोग को भी पता है हम रो ब्रांड एसएमपी की ऐसे याद है यानी ये सब चीजें हुई थी वहां पे अभी तक वो [संगीत] ठीक है एंड लेट्स गो बहुत ज्यादा बातें हो गई हम लोग चलते हैं अपने टाइम में [प्रशंसा] वापस ना… Read More

  • ChromsySMP


  • Epoxy SMP 1.20.4 Java Advanced Survival Lands

    Server IP: play.epoxymc.net Welcome to Epoxy! Epoxy is an advanced Survival server with quests, skills, banks, lands, and more. Join us since the season started on 10/05/2024. While we’re still small, we have a dedicated staff to assist you. Come play and experience the challenge of high-level mobs lurking everywhere. Server IP: play.epoxymc.net Version: 1.20.4 (java only) We’ll see you soon! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Who wants to mine with me?

    Minecraft Memes - Who wants to mine with me?Sure, but just be careful not to dig straight down and fall into a pit of lava! Safety first in the mines, right? Read More

  • Demon Love: Minecraft Animation Boys Part 2

    Demon Love: Minecraft Animation Boys Part 2 In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With demons and love, the story molds. A boy named Noan, with a sister in need, Seeks a potion to heal, his heart does bleed. But wait, who’s this stranger, Dylan by name, With a plea for help, his eyes aflame. Noan must decide, to trust or to doubt, As danger lurks, shadows about. Subscribe to the channel, for updates galore, As the plot thickens, and emotions soar. Minecraft animation, a love story told, In rhymes and in pixels, hearts unfold. Read More

  • Hot Villager Sigma: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Baby

    Hot Villager Sigma: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Baby Why did the sigma baby villager in Minecraft become a trending meme? Because he’s always calculating the most efficient way to steal your diamonds while you’re not looking! #sneakysigma #minecraftmischief Read More

  • Crafty Modding in Minecraft 1.20.6

    Crafty Modding in Minecraft 1.20.6 Update to Minecraft 1.20.6 – Part 2: Fabric Modding In this video, the focus is on handling errors in the mod development process due to changes in the base Minecraft code. The narrator delves into the intricacies of Fabric item settings and the impact of alterations within Minecraft. Identifying Errors The narrator guides viewers through the process of identifying errors by examining external libraries and code snippets. Emphasizing the importance of meticulous debugging, they highlight the need to scrutinize each line of code to pinpoint and rectify errors. Debugging Process Viewers are taken through the debugging process step by… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Experience Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “Minecraft Ama Ülkeler Arası Yapı Savaşı #minecraft #shorts.” Although the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the creativity and fun that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine taking part in epic battles, building magnificent structures, and embarking on adventures with players from all around the world. That’s the kind of experience you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a… Read More

  • Building Hogwarts in Minecraft: INSANE blueprints revealed!

    Building Hogwarts in Minecraft: INSANE blueprints revealed!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome to let’s build Hogwarts the foundations so here we have a very basic layout of Hogwarts essentially and a little bit of the surrounding areas mainly the wall and a bit of the bridge there the Boatyard uh boat house I should say so um for those that are just starting it might be an idea to watch this one first because it gives you an idea so that you can plan the build out I do get asked quite a lot how big the build is and for those that are building on… Read More

  • Minecraft Pixel Art Showcase

    Minecraft Pixel Art ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art #alanbecker #pigpong @Creepercraft_77 @artcreeper #shorts’, was uploaded by Realistic Graphic on 2024-04-02 03:30:17. It has garnered 429 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art #alanbecker #pigpong ‎@Creepercraft_77  ‎@artcreeper #shorts 9.00 Minecraft focuses on allowing the player to explore, interact with and modify a dynamically-generated map made of one-cubic-meter-sized blocks. In addition to blocks, the environment features plants, mobs and items. Some activities in the game include building, mining for ore, fighting hostile mobs and crafting new blocks and tools by… Read More

  • RAFEDO YT – NOOB Owned Me in Minecraft 😲 || Part 3 || #shorts

    RAFEDO YT - NOOB Owned Me in Minecraft 😲 || Part 3 || #shortsVideo Information नूब मेरे पास फुल नेदर राइड का आर्मरर तेरे पास क्या है भैया मेरे पास फुल नेदर राइड का आर्मरर मेरे पास यह है अब तुम्हारा आर्मरर नब मेरे पास आयरन फार्म है जो मुझे दिन का 500 से ज्यादा आयरन देता है तेरे पास क्या है भैया मेरे पास तुम्हारे ही फार्म के नीचे तुम्हारे ही फार्म से सारा आयरन आता है हां आख बंद नाक बंद खोटा खोटा बात बंद बना है तो बाप बंद नूब मेरे पास मेरा पैट डोगी है जो मुझे हर मोब से बचाता है तेरे पास क्या है भैया मेरे पास… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Identify the REAL Iron Golem! #Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Identify the REAL Iron Golem! #MinecraftVideo Information [음악] diar 최고 치치 차차 루비루비 라바라바 비 두비 This video, titled ‘Which Irongolem Is Spawn?? #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT on 2024-04-10 05:51:35. It has garnered 27740 views and 752 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More

  • “Piyot finds cursed secret in Minecraft SMP!” #shizo

    "Piyot finds cursed secret in Minecraft SMP!" #shizoVideo Information This Server lasts one week and all of the players are coders not only are they all coders but they all have access to the server files so everybody on the server made their own unique superpowers from crazy flying machines to self-controllable jetpacks I’ve seen it all on This Server me personally I can set people on fire if you could code anything on the server what would you make This video, titled ‘Cursed Minecraft SMP #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Piyot on 2024-02-22 04:07:25. It has garnered 11186 views and 416 likes. The duration of the… Read More


    🔥 JONAS LOSES IT IN HYPIXEL SKYBLOCK LIVE 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Hypixel SkyBlock Makes Me Mad!!!🔴(LIVE)’, was uploaded by jonas…. on 2024-03-06 17:43:05. It has garnered 110 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:37 or 4837 seconds. We streamin Hypixel SkyBlock with Viewers today. Send your IGN in chat to join. I created this Minecraft channel as a way to afford child support. Discord = https://discord.gg/DU58vC9UuZ Donate = https://streamelements.com/jonas…./tip 💸 Donation Punishments 💸 (all donations have TTS) 1 dollar = Text to speech message + turbulence 5 dollars = Yell while my family is asleep 10 dollars = 1 shot of… Read More

  • Dive into the Mystical AQUAMIRAE Biome with Akashy!

    Dive into the Mystical AQUAMIRAE Biome with Akashy!Video Information C [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] k [Música] C [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] k e [Música] [Música] [Música] Alô tamom pronto para agora tem todas pronto Ah fta aqui [Música] não para tudo isso aqui se curte para ninguém quebrar agora eu tampou isso aqui Esso aqui vai tem que tá com a m mano é um esses bastão aqui melor para fazer [Aplausos] oão sa mais ah [Aplausos] C aqui o teto é isso aqui não… Read More

  • Unleashing Unstoppable Powers in Dark S.M.P (Part 3) 🔥🎮

    Unleashing Unstoppable Powers in Dark S.M.P (Part 3) 🔥🎮Video Information हेलो गाइस फिर से आपका स्वागत है रे प् चैनल की ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो आज के इस वीडियो में मैं फिर से जवाइन करता हूं डार्क एसएमपी सर्वर सो गाइस यहां पर मैं तो आ चुका था डार्क एसएमपी में बट पुलकित लोग ने यहां पर डायमंड आर्मरर ग्राइंड कर लिया था बट मेरे पास उतनी एंट मेंट नहीं थी सो मैंने सोचा आज से ग्राइंड करेंगे नेदर आइट यहां पर मैं एश डेब फाइंड करने में इतनी मेहनत तो नहीं करने वाला हूं सो गाइस यहां पर मैं थोड़ा सा रिसोर्स पैकरा ब जमानी भाई जब तक… Read More

  • Ultimate Fruit Circus Pomni Addon in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Fruit Circus Pomni Addon in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] Yeah Boy H what H nice what hm nice hm H nice H nice H nice h what H nice H nice what nice H what nice hm M nice what what what H nice H nice nice what nice nice nice [Music] nice This video, titled ‘Digital Circus FULL Pomni Addon in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-02-14 17:48:00. It has garnered 2319 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. In this video, I show Jenny in my Minecraft world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlRO6LrtEYM mod: https://minecraft-inside.ru/mods/171488-the-amazing-digital-circus-mod.html If you’re interested in… Read More

  • PlongieCraft – SMP, Roleplay, PvP, PvE

    Welcome to the Ultimate RPG Adventure Server! Features: Handmade mods 1.20.1 modpack with various mods like Irons Magic, The Aether, and more Unique level system Hard mode for challenge No tolerance for griefing/raiding Dedicated PVP areas Join us to: Build in a survival challenge Participate in group battles and trading Explore new mods and content like dungeons, guilds, and NPCs All players welcome! Connect with us at Plongie.com Read More

  • PlayD

    PlayDThis is a fun survivals server containing many minigames and maps! This server is alot different than your average copy paste network server so enjoy! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Minecraft gamers be like:

    Minecraft Memes - Real Minecraft gamers be like:Well, I guess this meme really scored a creeper-ly low zero! Read More

  • Monster Mash-Up: Zoonomaly vs Poppy Playtime in Minecraft Madness!

    Monster Mash-Up: Zoonomaly vs Poppy Playtime in Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where monsters roam, Zoonomaly creatures, in their own home. Facing off against Poppy, a challenge so grand, In a 24-hour drawing, with a steady hand. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, shining bright. Super Ngao leading the way, with a grin, Crafting stories in rhyme, let the games begin. Like, share, and subscribe, to support Ngao’s art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity starts. For news and updates, in rhymes so fine, Let the gaming world, in verse, intertwine. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans #youtubeshorts

    Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans #youtubeshorts Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftdatingdrama 😂🧨 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Join Minewind Minecraft Server Now! Are you a fan of intense competitions and thrilling races like the one in the YouTube video above? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! Experience the excitement of racing against other players in a virtual world where anything is possible. Build your own Go Kart and compete against others to see who will emerge victorious. With a community of dedicated players and a variety of game modes to choose from, Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience like no other. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter… Read More

  • Farm Bartering Shenanigans

    Farm Bartering Shenanigans Minecraft Bartering Farm – Going Solo 3 Building a Bartering Farm In the world of Minecraft, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new adventure in their solo world. The main focus of today’s stream is the construction of a bartering farm. With a design crafted by the streamer, the farm promises to be an exciting addition to the gameplay. Gathering Materials To kick off the project, Music Free Gaming sets out to gather essential materials. From redstone to iron, string, and tripwire hooks, every item plays a crucial role in the construction process. The streamer’s meticulous planning ensures that… Read More