Unbelievable VTuber Battle: Kuma vs. Minecraft

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[Applause] hello guys give me one second please good morning sorry I had to um I had to unmute myself hi good morning good morning good morning hello there hi real night welcome hello it’s all in my face that alert ah the alert wait let me

See if I can move it hi hi guys I’m sorry I forgone like almost all week I feel so bad about it I feel so bad I wanted to stream I swear I wanted to stream but I had so much stuff happened to me this week every time I I got

Reminded that I still need to do something IRL or we traveled across half Germany because we needed to sign the contract to move houses and I am so busy I’m so sorry I missed you guys and I want to stream more next week I hope next week it will it will work out

Ah guten at or something what is guten at I don’t know what that means what does guten at mean what does it Mean wait one second guys I’m checking something um oh my goodness oh uh there you go sorry sorry sorry sorry I had to check something cuz um my my browser was being really really weird and I’m trying to pull up some music to put in the background trying to

Pull up some music um please please tell me about your week please tell me what you did while you weren’t here you don’t have anything in the morning you just have a horrible sleep schedule it’s 3:30 a.m. oh my god listen listen Scarrow welcome to the stream I I I’m mad Akuma

I’m the pajama bear vtuber actually my job is to ensure that Chad has a good sleep schedule um because I don’t have a good one but I see I’m already failing ah I’m already failing to be fair my sleep schedule has been really bad but today was like the

First time I had like um a normal like sleep again I woke up at a reasonable time it’s fantastic I love feeling good I had I had a really weird and long you guys know when you have like these extremely elaborate story dreams that

Was me tonight I woke up and I was like lowkey let me go back I need to see how it ends so I Jed that I was like driving a car to a lake with like two friends a girl and a guy and I don’t know either

Of them like it was just imaginary people I don’t they were not for my real life i’ had never met them before and at the lake like the guy friend went to like take a swim in like a small like Basin or whatever and then we go there

And like he is dead some monster from the water like like ripped him apart he’s literally dead and I look like at my friend and my friend looks at me and we’re like H this is fine we decided instead of going into the car and driving away we were like a man those

Are some fleshy and bloody remains in that little Basin of our friend well whatever let’s let’s just stay here and enjoy the beach that’s when I knew this was a dream that’s when I became Lucid I was like oh is G be real am I really that

Stupid it can’t be right also thank you for that follow and fusion thank you for the L thank you thank you hi hello Raiders e Raiders Raiders was there a raid did I miss another raid no right if I did I’m I’m so sorry I fight

For my life oh real night thanks for the raid ah my my popup didn’t pop up for some reason thanks I appreciate it hope you have a good stream hello there hardcore gamer Kuma why hello thick thighs I’m glad you realize I’m the hardcore gamer MADD Kuma how are you

Today we hey I survived five hours in Hardcore Minecraft last week okay I can do it or this week even hi Benjamin welcome hello hello my mind and body simply go till I pass out that that yeah I feel you that’s a lot of my sleep schedule

Too your saliva just tried to end me you know what I almost just also choked on my saliva choking uh Brothers I’m not a guy but you know choking uh choking siblings let’s go hi Benjamin hello oh oh okay I can’t go that deep I’m

Sorry guys I can only do the cutesy it will you just watched the L finals I saw that T1 one right Faker faker one yeah I know thing or two about League of Legends I looked at the Twitter Trends and it said ah Faker is taking his fourth

Championship um thingy uh win wee good job faker I don’t know I don’t watch league so I I do watch mobile uh Esports but not league so maybe I should have watched League cuz Dota 2 Internationals was balls this year it was so boring it was so boring I should have

Watched The League finals instead people were really hyped about them wait Maddie hardcore hi Vapor yeah I survived for so long last time Al thanks for the follow thank you thank you hey I have a whole like no listen Vapor for real I know you guys know me as a questionable Minecraft

Player not very good but last time I survived for 5 hours no problem and I got Diamond gear and everything maybe I’ll hunt for some netherite tonight e how about that how about that or we go to the Nether and like I think I still don’t have an enchanting table actually

Thinking about it I I wanted to make an enchanter last time and I didn’t I couldn’t find obsidian guess today we’re looking for obsidian first and foremost I don’t know how I had such a hard time finding it it was so cringe we’re playing Minecraft and got

Two stacks diamonds in 30 minutes yo that’s awesome raging Dark Wolf thank you for the re sub 21 months yippee thank you for supporting me for that long I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you what you drinking today oh you hydrated me well I have a

Coke Zero on my desk right now so I guess that’s what I’m going to be drinking I usually drink water or Advanced Gigi but the co is on my desk it’s so convenient I have to do it hi harsh hi Phantom welcome hello YouTube hello I’m good how are you guys I hope

You have a good time yeah last time I also got Diamond gear really fast Diamond gear is goated thank you for lurking quisty and Benjamin thank you for the lurking thank you I was faker’s third title there was insane moments a I should have watched The League finals no it’s okay there’s

Always worlds in a year I don’t know why did the Ken laugh you guys know that Meme like on on like from Barbie where Ken’s laughing and he’s just like bro King I love him I want to laugh like that oh going to get a hunting license see normally I

Would say interesting cool interesting news as a bear that makes me extremely nervous and I hope that wherever you’re hunting is not in Germany I don’t want to die but then again I’m domesticated so you would likely go to a forest to hunt and I’m a

Bear I domesticate a bear so I live in a city apartment so nobody can get to me really what are you going to do about it going to City apartment with a gun that’s illegal the police is going to tell you off people go for diamonds

Before base no no I made a base I made a base I mean maybe maybe real Knight got the the diamonds before the base but I have a house I can show you guys in a second when I get into the game my house turned out kind of cute for being like a

Low effort house um but next time I saw so many cool and creative builds recently and I kind of want to do something more creative but to be fair it’s my like first time properly playing Minecraft hardcore so I wanted to make sure that I’m like that I just have a

Place to stay you know cuz otherwise I could just like die I don’t want to just like die you know I don’t want to get mted by by by by creeper or Enderman or zombie or Spiderman there’s a lot of hostile mobs in that game or skeleton or um the Warden

Or Phantom if I don’t sleep or uh what else is there that’s like super um super annoying but yeah my my biggest goal of course for my hardcore playthrough is to slay the Ender Dragon I’ve never done that before ever by myself I’ve always done it with other people I’ve always

Had like Rema or someone just like dropped me a stack of like like I don’t know food and healing items and and I was just there like dying and then respawning and coming back in you know but I can’t do that in hardcore when I

All by myself so I’m going to have to figure out a way to probably get like really good gear before that and maybe like Farm netherite or something and then oh I just thought about it I was like oh I could get obsidian and just get it in

The nether easy but like I need obsidian to get into The Nether ah I really need obsidian in right now that’s that’s what I’m looking for right now is it possible to make a Bedrock Community server uh I don’t have Bedrock Edition so I don’t

Think I could but I think in general it works y thank you for the redeem Boi I still love the yippi redeem even though it’s pretty loud coral island SL quiser I was thinking of playing cuiser it looks really fun I’ve seen some YouTubers play it and it looks super

Cute there’s a lot of furry is there though but that’s okay we accept FES thank you for the L wafer thank you thank you don’t worry I do want to hunt bear eventually but it won’t be you okay at least at least it’s not me do we want

To bet points on death time yeah if any of my mods are here and you guys want to do like um want to bet on my death that would be awesome oh stobs you just redeemed a hair color did did it work Plum did did something happen with my

Hair I wasn’t I wasn’t looking at it did it change if not I can maybe I can help you redeem it somehow I don’t know I want to help I I don’t know if it changed I was looking ah I’m going to survive guys what time is it for you

It’s 5 5:00 p.m. in India it is 12:00 p.m. right now it’s almost 1:00 p.m. right now it’s pretty early for me I decided I I wanted to do an early stream I don’t really want to bother my neighbors and I’ve enjoying these early streams cuz then at night I can go out

And um I don’t know party or something and by party I mean go get Greek food my favorite or maybe Ramen I don’t know yet maybe we will not even get anything a fellow non-s solo Dragon defeater yet I just don’t understand you need a bow to

Shoot down like the weird thingies for the Ender Dragon and then you need to kill the ender dragon and like you need to stay alive that’s too complicated I was literally thinking to make like a to to go on like a server where you can like practice the like water MLG or whatever

It’s called the clutch just in case the dragon Heats me up you know I was thinking to practice that just in case I was I’m so worried about the ender dragon fight I’m definitely not going to do like this session I really want to make this hardcore world

Something that I can like preserve for a long time so I want to work hard on staying alive that’s my goal nerd bear hi Tony hope you’re doing good hello hello hey yo almost 2 years wait but earlier when you came in chat didn’t it say first time chatter that’s so funny

Oh my goodness also looking into coolinary schools yes you’re someone who loves like cooking and stuff hell yeah GoPro for for culinary you’ve been so passionate about food all this time that you’ve been in chat so 100% hell yeah I think I think that would be Fant

Fantastic for you you brought some food you made and the coworkers liked it even the girl you like enjoy your cooking let’s go I mean to be honest even if you were not that good at cooking if you want if you’re really passionate about

It and want to learn it you can do it you know even if like even me who’s pretty crap at cooking if I really wanted to I could be good at it you know I just need to practice a lot hey I am you and dark Rider welcome

There hello hello YouTube how you doing today you can also do ender pearl clutch yeah true but then I need to kill Enderman but killing Enderman in the end is actually quite easy cuz you just need to place like blocks above your head right like like Cobblestone and then

Look at them and then they can’t reach you right I saw that I saw it on hermitcraft I don’t know I all my Minecraft knowledge is from hermitcraft okay I’m sorry I I really don’t know anything by myself I learned new things there that’s right

Um what else did I want to say oh yeah I wanted to tell you guys about my awful week but I think I you guys already know most of it we traveled to through have Germany to sign a contract so we can move in January we had a pest control

Guy here that locked up our apartment for 6 hours no 8 hours 8 hours so me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] one second one second one second I need to talk to remma one second I just got I just got a text that someone wants to come by in an hour and

And like I just started stream uh one second one second I’ll be right back oh [ __ ] hello I’m sorry I can’t track my model right now cuz Rema has my phone to reply to the dude like it’s a friend of his whatever does it doesn’t matter he said

Like yo I’m coming in an hour I’m like huh that’s unfortunate timing uh rma’s going to bring me my phone back in a second and then we can continue but yeah we had a pest control guy here who kicked us out of the apartment the whole

Day I was just in at rma’s mom’s place like living through hell it was so stressful and then yesterday I remember that we had something like family thing we agreed to go to so I couldn’t stream either like by stress levels have been through the roof this week I’m just glad

That today works out I hope if the dude doesn’t come by cuz if he comes by like I don’t know what to do probably still going to stream but it’s so awkward I don’t think he even knows that I stream you know go and increase your cooking

Skills hell yeah I mean I want to increase my cooking skills as well I’m literally I’ve been cooking a lot at home these days to like save money and also because I enjoy it a lot like when I can listen to some music and cook it’s really really

Fun um I’ve been cooking a lot of like Thai curries and stuff like that cuz that’s one of my favorite foods and it’s really easy to make but I want to also get better at other stuff as well oh one second rema’s calling me it’s about the dude one sec I’ll be right Back I am back wee hello damn someone out here coming up with a [ __ ] don’t you know I’m a say so vtuber no [ __ ] in my chat only say soness and banned goodbye also thanks for the follow whoever that was I didn’t see I’m so sorry so who tops who tops who tops what

Oh no is this going to be a weird joke hello there welcome hello hello ooh hi ilam okay I can track again yeah okay um uh uh we sorted it out the dude’s probably going to come in the evening if he comes today um Rema wants wanted to

Help him repair his PC and then he like said oh you can come byy anytime and the guy was like cool I’m there in an hour and we’re like uh bad time we don’t really have any other room where I could stream you know so after stream he’ll

Come back by probably it’ll be fine ah um but yeah basically the pest guy came and kicked us out for the whole day he was like minimum 8 hours H but you can probably do longer so we went to rma’s Mom’s place with the cats for like the

Whole day and it was so incredibly stressful because the cats are also not used to traveling in the car but we’re not going to leave the balloon locked in a room for 8 hours you know that’s that’s shitty you know you shouldn’t do that so basically struggles pain uh

Suffering I’m just glad I can chill and stream now H thank you for the redeemed Slayer thank you thank you you’re from in you’re Indonesian hi welcome I’m from Germany nice to meet you do you know the song racing Into the Night by you yoi

Yes I like you asoi she has some really really good bangers hell yeah but I can’t play it on here because copyright I will get my ass beaten by by twitch we don’t want to get our ass beaten by twitch and or YouTube perhaps YouTube is actually way stricter anytime there’s

Like a a little bit of like copyrighted music YouTube will be like there has been a claim on your video I’m like wow okay I’m I’m sorry I guess I mean I’m not even like monetized or anything so it doesn’t matter but like stress the stress hi ran welcome how you doing I

Think I probably understand why this is my first time actually in chat wait why what’s up what did I do here from both twitch and YouTube Hi D well welcome to both twitch and YouTube let’s go H I’ll I’ll start Minecraft I’ll get Minecraft started I I’ve been rambling on for so

Long how many platforms do you use uh I mean I I I post content to several platforms but I just multi stream on YouTube and and twitch because YouTube Auto archives my streams so I don’t have to use my my VOD account anymore and also it’s nice to meet people on YouTube

Too so two we we are winning you know W we’re just W winning with that you know ah your Twitch is andot I don’t know I don’t know if I remember the name but it doesn’t seem completely unfamiliar ah it’s you ah there you are hello you have two completely different

Names on both platforms that’s pretty funny also hi unborn hi Stefano hope you guys are doing good yeah everyone say hi to YouTube you guys can see each other in on my screen can be like hi twitch hi YouTube get along guys get along be

Friends uh wait let me let me pull up the screen oh wait wait I have my wallpaper in the background I don’t want to I also don’t know if I’m going to stream Al wake kazma was like you are switching games too much it’s stressing me out stick with one like type of

Content it’s it’s stressful to see you FL flobble around or whatever I was like okay I mean I like Minecraft so whatever right um he’s probably right you know he’s probably he probably has a point I don’t know the whole like growing uh how how to do that I’m just mostly streaming

Cuz I have fun and then I I mess up all the other stuff stuff um with like being good at social media so you know if if my mod tells me something I will listen to them yeah can we eat the YouTube snacks no you need to share snacks with

Each other hi T TJ Bros to guys that you hi welcome do I have to get along with them they smell oh come on no twitch and YouTube neither of you smells you are both lovely respect and love each other okay I want both of my chats to get

Along you guys are like twitch and YouTube chat are like divorced parents and I’m the kid and they’re like H twitch chat stinks no YouTube chat smells kids behave behave everything’s fine everything is awesome everything is cool and you’re part of a team although you guys are not

Really a team so it doesn’t apply but whatever whatever whatever um um wait sorry I I’m trying to figure out where the chat is so we can move it up here hey it looks weird now cuz this is my library on Steam but I’m just want to

Minecraft look mad Kuma for real for real hardcore world no lifeboats we’re playing it and pirate speech let me just quickly change game oh I already changed game category love myself I did such a good job with that I already did it like I was already I was

Already there I am the impostor you guys are in both chats well I appreciate it if you guys hang out in both of my chats wait how did you know my name cuz you were in my Minecraft server bro what do you mean I remember your Minecraft name

And it was almost the same as your Twitch name that’s why I’m not a what you guys you guys think I can’t pick up on those slight differences oh yeah look so this is my house this is Albert my horse and then we have the 12 pacas who like owner I um

Um murdered um yeah I’m sorry toga you got banned cuz and uh you stole stuff apparently from what I heard from my mods who like who like checked it I mean stealing is is stinky so you know nothing against you personally you probably just didn’t know better but yeah stealing is

Stinky being a thief is stinky should I take Albert out on like um to get the to get the stuff so so I have a little bit of a chicken um coup for food because my mods did tell me the most important resource for hardcore or one of the most

Important things is to make sure that you have food so I’ve been trying to become like a farmer I have seen some bloody potatoes and I guess I that’s bloody potatoes it’s a root bead I thought it was potato seeds okay good to know I guess I have root

Bead seeds over here and some wheat over here I’m going to eat it but it’s only one root bead hey guys can I why is the wheat not working is it not grown yet but yeah uh can I turn root bead into something delicious uh that I can like

Cook it cooked root bead is that a thing because oh chicken nice I don’t think I can cook it yeah you you can’t apparently you can’t cook it you can just eat it borsh yeah you should expand the farm yeah I wanted to get cows because I’m going to need books for

Bookshelves for my enchanter later but I have not seen a single cow I don’t know where they’re all hiding out um as you guys can see I’m I’m doing pretty newbie things here so I took my bed cuz I was going to look for um Lava or whatever

But I think I’m also going to take the lucious and if I see a cow I’m just going to bring the cows back and maybe make a cow pen here because I feel like cows are for leather and stuff they’re pretty important and also expand the

Food farm of course there’s a lot of things I could be doing at this moment beetro is the worst crop well I’m sorry I literally don’t have anything else rail tracks hi thank you so much for the raid welcome rail raid y’all can we please have a shout out for real checks

Everyone please give check them out and give them a follow welcome welcome how was your stream what were you up to were you Mining and crafting just like me AO or maybe not cow pen pen pineapple cow pen no no no pen pineapple Apple pen in this

Chat it is banned I’m just kidding I mean that Meme was pretty cringe but who am I to ban it you know it it’d be what it be it is what it is find potatoes that’s better yeah potatoes are good I I will definitely if I find potatoes I

Will exchange the beetroot farm for potatoes I’m just grabbing this right now so I have some stuff ready for like whenever I can make finally make books I’ll just put it in the chat I don’t know why I should have just you know just gone and tried to get cows but

It’s whatever Glory sauce thank you for the reubs what the bear doing the bear is playing hardcore Minecraft so if I press F3 you got guys can see we’re already on day 20 we survived for 20 days what do you guys think that’s way better than you expect from me right

Right then I make you guys proud also thank you for the support glor SS I really appreciate it thank you thank you why is it she sugar read not sugar cane ah it is um um uh gourd squash white bunk Hatchet of Steel piece of Timber bolt forming stickle steel we’re playing

Playing in Pirate language that’s why hi real JS welcome we’re playing in um uh a pirate L lingo right now that’s why it does look weird right but that’s how Pirates speak are my cutless of Steel I will cut some [ __ ] with that um what do you mean beats are bad

They’re the pride of honor of the Dwight shrew beat forms okay Captain I’m sorry for dis respecting your beloved beats that was never my intention uh Chad just said they’re not as good as other seeds you know so I was like oh okay they must know their thing you know they must know

Better than me but of course how could I disrespect beatroot like I feel like a bad person right now so if I farm it with a farming with a farming stick oh my God if I farm it with a hoe is it more likely to drop seeds doesn’t look

Like it so it’s always the same likelihood of dropping seeds right I just want a couple seeds to procreate my chickens and to maybe plant some more wheat because wheat is for cows wheat good for a cow you know and if I want to raise cows I will need wheat so I I’m

I’m sorry if like my progress in this game is a little bit slower than for other people but this is literally my first time ever like having to do everything by myself usually what oh you want me to see if the guy replied I’m in Hardcore Minecraft I will die you he’s

He’s he’s going to come by at at 18 at at 6 sorry 18 can’t speak you used to make comic books when you were small me too I tried drawing a manga when I was small when I was like 12 I tried drawing a manga little did I

Know you actually need to be able to draw to draw a manga it looked so incredibly scuffed and the storyline was just not there I think I drew like one panel with like a m mysterious looking girl like anime girl and then I was like man this is difficult and then I just

Gave up on it I was like you know what I’m a lot of things but I ain’t no artist let’s stop it right here actually I was never a lot of things there was always a lack of um ability that I had you’re chatting on two platforms

Yeah I can tell Maddie using 60% of her brain I I know right I don’t know why I wrote sass in the in the chat okay let’s look for cows am I right K cows any cows in chat I see a sheep sheep could be used for meat right and

For wool but do I need them for anything else please sheep lovers or knowers please don’t be a sheep lover in the literal sense but um sheep lovers what is your stance on it is a sheep pen worth it I don’t know if I will need

Wool ever so maybe not but maybe I will I love The Duality of existence um have a good day raging Dark Wolf thank you for dropping by maybe she gives beds to find netherite that’s fair but I don’t really like using the bed I don’t think I’m

Going to be using the bed method to get netherite I think I’m just going to get um Dynamite I I’ve seen I’ve seen I’ve seen the TNT method I think that works better for me because I’m just uh kind of I don’t want to get myself into danger

With the beds you know what I mean I don’t want to I don’t want to endanger myself so I think I’d rather oh there’s a zombie I think I’d rather um use use that you know oh thank you for the follow thank you thank you I hope no

Sheep vtuber would hear of this conversations I don’t actually know a sheep vtuber I don’t think at least not an indie one I think there’s some corpo ones but I don’t I don’t think there’s anyone who would fear me for this depends if you really want the

Blocks so she knows it’s called the TNT method but does not know how the TNT is called wait is it not called TNT did I say yeah I’ll use the explosives for the TNT method did I say it like that no I meant like I’ll use

The TNT for the TNT method of course sillies sillies why is there so many sheep am I going to be eating sheep meat oh my God puppy no I didn’t bring any bones I have bones okay wait a second what is better than to have a puppy that can literally

Defend us against Monsters in this game where we trying hard to survive huh nothing is better than a puppy okay we didn’t find a cow what do we found puppy so that is already a good thing I just need to remember where it was oh my goodness I don’t know where I

Am oh I see my house I see my house we’re good we’re good I love having to build I build my house like that I might expand it to have like a tower on top of the of the roof so that I can always see

It from like very far away I’ll be like oh where’s my house oh that’s my house easy peasy I found it you know but that would be ugly to be honest it would just look a little ugly hey chickens you want a bang okay that sounded really weird I

Didn’t mean it like that you have child you have child and you also have child I have four eggs let’s see oh nice okay one out of four not bad so now let’s plant the rest maybe we could even expand this area by a little

Bit and um plant some more wheat cuz I feel like wheat we’re definitely going to need it okay this is still wet pretty good I like that it’s still wet even up to here uh I have enough right I can this should work right if it went up

To there it’s going to be wet up to here just just got to need all the wheat you mean the Sheep not the dog just kill it a a the Sheep okay okay hi Phil welcome hello hello K Lucian oh I know kumia okay yeah okay fair

Fair I am sorry I will not kill the Sheep I respect the Sheep I respect sheep vtubers sheep vtubers please be my friends and teach me your ways I don’t want to be enemies I want to be friends with all vtubers let’s get along everyone let’s get along

I I know there’s some people in the vtuber community who like to make drama but I like to make friendships let’s be friends instead thank you for the follow thank you thank you I really hope that bones are called scalawags remains they’re just called bone I’m sorry they’re literally just

Called bone no scalawag remains nothing nothing the disappointment immeasurable the day ruined how could I not think of that H shaking my head where did I even want to go oh goodness I lost my way again I’m just going to swim in this direction maybe I should get a boat or something

Can’t you make a bob Farm bro bro bro you think I know how to make a farm I am a Bare Bones gamer I don’t even know how to I don’t know how to do most things in this game what do you mean b man thank you for gifting two

Subbies thank you I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you this is such a missed opportunity I know Minecraft why Minecraft should let us like um use well actually you probably can just with like a data pack or something sorry Bros you’re like free real

Estate like just rename the items for yourself you know that would be pog but you probably can do that with a little bit of effort give me this chicken as well sorry bro it’s free meat I love me some free meat it’s delish yeah I already lost track of the

Puppy I did write down my own coordinates so I’m not going to lose them or anything but like I’m not going to lose my house oh my God sorry I keep seeing like stuff that I want oh like this cow baby I I found you never one of

Two oh I see two I see two we can make the cows we will make the cows I am living for this okay you know what dog who dog who dog who I only care for these two beautiful cows look at them their meat will taste delicious in my mouth I mean

I mean sorry of course I’m not just going to eat them I’m going to eat their babies that’s right I not just eat these poor innocent beings I’m going to breed them and then eat their children that’s better right you never saw me make one exactly I don’t do

Farms I am not that good at the game where I can make Farms like of course with a YouTube tutorial I totally could but it’s not like in my interest Scope when I play Minecraft you know I play it because I want to live that old school

Farmer life I want to be I want to just like live on a farm and have cows and animals and dogs you know all of the good stuff where the heck do I live cows cows cows cows what are you doing down here how did I lose you two I’m I was you’re

My pride and joy don’t leave me like that okay we live at minus 300 so okay that’s not the direction that way and and then okay first we go this way sorry guys I’m I’m bad at navigating too if you guys uh couldn’t couldn’t tell I’m also bad at

That it’s okay it’s okay everyone has different competences mine are just not in anything Minecraft related but I’m competent in lots of other ways cow V just come up here no no we’re staying up there cow come on guys I will need names for these cows I mean I’m

Probably not going to waste the name tag on them but just to like emotionally connect I will refer to them with their names so Hoy Hoy why Cobble here Cobble I don’t have any Cobble what are you talking about no I I actually don’t don’t have Cobble what what’s up with

That we can milk them true we can drink their milkies if any of the like pillagers come around we can just be like no I am safe because I drink milkies you can’t hurt me Pillager wait how are we only at 500 okay 540 okay okay okay just keep going this

Way I I am losing my path but still this is a pretty good success for me cows come on can you go up here please don’t make me lose you again come on aw they’re so sweet they’re just following me okay how do I keep losing you one of these cow house

Is a is a major stinky and doesn’t want to be like on a leash I can tell is this where my house was at where the heck did I even go to get this lost I don’t kill babies it’s not useful oh well it’s not talking about how

Useful it is it is talking about being how murderous and evil you are maybe I just kill them for fun you know no I will of course wait till their baby grow up before I kill them like I’m going to give them a good childhood and make them think they have a bright

Future ahead and then I’m going to kill them for leather and meat man I’m really am supporting the non-vegan capitalism huh that that sucks I’m sorry cows come on come on should I build them like a hole in the ground but I really hate those types of like animal

Enclosures I don’t think I want that we’re almost home cows let’s go let’s go cow says says to you moo they do say that sometimes yeah they do like to to say that hey you come on come on boy come on quick quick it’s night time I

Need to sleep I don’t want to die Alberto my my horse Alberto is love running over my my body it’s not very nice of him you got oooo I’m sorry it was 1 minute ago give me a second to look at my redeems oh well this one was for rail

Tracks cuz rail tracks redeemed it earlier oh well hi Johnny how are you hello hello have mercy with me Chad I’m focused on the game I don’t always instantly see the redeem are you kidding me my pacas despawned go not having name tags blows I want my alaca

Despawn cuz I don’t have name tags sorry I’m really upset I love those alpacas I gave them a new home I saved them from their abusive owner and they just they they they despawned great great they couldn’t even wait like I don’t know a while till I got them you know

Never thought Maddy would oo I mean it is a redeem on my channel I do it every once in a while oo there you go why Cobble here if Cobble here then why Ecto kid here wait if you you’re a cobble lover do you love Cobblestone I mean look I respect you

Cobblestone is a acceptable block if you’re an early game you know it’s a questionable block later in the game if you use it as your main building block but hey I’m not one to judge your preferences if you really love that ugly ass block like go for it

I support you you got this even though even though it’s Highly Questionable now I’m just a I’m I’m a cobblestone hater I’m sorry I’m a cobblestone hater have you ever made your OC yeah my my YouTuber Avatar is literally My OC I mean it’s also me cuz

I’m like that her but you know it’s also uh it’s also a little bit different I mean I’ve also made other OC’s in the past when I was like doing art more frequently I haven’t done art in a long time so and ‘s back then but I don’t know I’m

Not very good at like character design and stuff so I mean my my outfits and stuff get designed by people not by myself my first yes my first was made by me then I had other people like help me design it so how quick you can get to U voice I I

Do need to focus for a couple seconds to like get there you know it takes me a couple seconds but I’ve done it so many times that it’s not that difficult okay we need fence oh no you can I forgot that the fences are like of the type

That you make them so the fences are going to be so ugly guys I’m sorry cuzz I think the fence out there is birch if I’m not wrong at Birch it’s it’s um yeah well this is awkward but I really need a place for my cows so this is big enough

Right this is this is enough space for some cows I’m sure they they won’t suffer in there at all I especially when I make them have babies you know they’re not going to suffer in there I need to see if I have a fence gate somewhere it does not look

Like it so I’ll make another I’ll make a fence gate then there you go just so I can collect the meat eventually it’s a little bit like narrow here now but that’s okay so you two uh want to settle into your new home wait uh where are they wait my

Second leash where ah there you go hello come in here good good good good good good get in here get in here perfect can I have the leash’s back please thank you there you go aren’t you too happy aren’t you too very happy about this don’t you live like the best

Life right now I think I think they’re very happy everyone here has their favorite block I would say my favorite block is probably dark oak wood you can build such gorgeous things with dark oak wood I don’t know what’s your guys’s like favorite building block I’m just asking

Building block cuz there’s a lot of other blocks that are useful and people like them for that reason but I want to know which one you like to build with also hi kazzy welcome hello hello how do I know that the wheat is ready for Harvest I’ve like tried it so many times

And every time the wheat was like not not ready it didn’t give me any Wheat I just want to make my cows um have baby and if I can’t do that it make me very sad my cow is supposed to give birth frequently and happily so I can

Eat the meat and get the leather okay so we got cows we still wanted to check for dogs but cows is already a good start you guys know if there is a way to just always have this chunk loaded where I live because it feels really is this ready I don’t think

It’s ready it feels really stressful because anytime I come back back here like I go so far away that it like unloads so whenever I come back like nothing grew it’s really really bad and I don’t want to be AFK in my base in Minecraft I don’t know it feels

Wrong it feels wrong to be like AFK what does MADD will play LOL mean League of Legends the game that makes people toxic that’s right it’s a game I don’t like and that I don’t ever want to play but for the redeem I’ll have to do

It if anyone ever reaches 500k points to be honest it’s mostly a joke redeem do the frogs give something if I kill them I would never kill frogs don’t get me wrong but like unless unless they drop something amazing like for example frog meat that like is better than golden apples you

Know if if it was something like that I would maybe consider it H hello there thank you for your generous contributions chickens well isn’t this lovely thank you oh my goodness look at them giving me they are just so kind and generous love them I honestly don’t know where I’m

Going and what I’m doing right now I already lost I lost I lost I lost the dogs I was going to get some dogs but I don’t remember where oh they might have been around here maybe I remember there was a planes biome and like a horse that’s that’s a donkey but it’s

Almost the same thing right that’s donkeys over there so the dogs might be over here maybe I I’ll try my best to find them I really want I really want puppies cuz they can protect me against mobs and I really need that okay this is literally not it my

House I did a circle that’s my house does a mine cart with a chest keeps chunk loaded does it oh mine cart with a chest any knowledges any knowledges anyone who knows that would be great hi vanish go morning I’ve been having a good day how’s yours how have you Been make them redeem the 500k then play league stream for when you’re 70 exactly I’ll just do like one instead of one round of League of Legends every time it redeems it I will just count it up in my lifetime and then at 70 years old on my

Deathbed I will start League of Legends and I’ll be like okay guys I shall play it now finally you got me to do it hi josa welcome oh an apple Don’t Mind If I Do delicious I got the newest Apple product okay let’s cook the meat so we

Have something to eat in the meantime let me ye the cackle cackle fruits onto the other chickens hello chicken I hope you’re doing good hello cows wow the jeans of those other chickens were awful not oh sorry sorry no no no no no no stay out stay hello

Where do you think you’re going oh my God a mom and her daughter escaped from me I’m sorry daughter you’re going to have to die nobody escapes nobody gets out of madik Kuma’s Farm I didn’t want to call it death cam it’s a farm Farm it’s a

Farm gets a heart attack before hit start game oh my God literally me before I have to play leak I’d rather get a heart attack that that’s a joke that’s a joke I’d rather play leak I’d much rather play leak God God you didn’t hear me say this God I

Don’t want to have a heart attack God I’m fine I’m fine living like this you someone follow on Twitch sure I would appreciate that hell yeah I choose not to play mobus I refuse to have my own team cyber bully me literally I say this as a recovering DOTA player um I do

Enjoy watching DOTA but playing it myself uh is exhausting and people are so toxic and I wonder sometimes how they like live and are happy in their lives because it just looks like they’re miserable it feels like mobile players are miserable they’re going through it if you’re a mobile player and you have

Your life together literally how literally how thanks for the follow thank you thank you give me the heart attack over League I mean I don’t want to die though I’d rather have League you know I don’t want to die I would rather play beat them up style games instead of games where there

Are way too many sweaty players true true and fair yes I can I can see that oh man I thought I’d like so much meat but it’s it’s only six I think the next thing I’m going to do is I’m going to go out on an adventure I don’t think I’m taking my

Horse because um actually I should because you know what horse um horse good come on Albert let’s get out of here Albert are you too thick for this ah door was closed because what the hell do I have a horse for you know if not for this what

The hell do I have a horse for a man didn’t mean to do that there you go Albert Albert where are you going so what we want to do right now is find some um what’s it called what’s it called what’s it called that material oh

Yeah wait let me try to do it with the thing with the mine cart what you guys said first just wait here Albert I’ll be right back the loaded the the mine cart with a chest you guys said I have I have a mine cart in a chest and if I maybe

Make like a railroad I don’t know how to make rail tracks but um how do I make Railways boost track fuse track magic track where is the normal track why are all these tracks so complicated e worst part that I’m a support player oh my God yeah people are

So mean towards support players for no reason okay well I have sticks okay I have one stick and redstone torch shouldn’t be that hard to make Right uh where’s my wood okay here and then I have some red stone so maybe yeah redstone torch and like some sticks and then we can probably make a track fuse track I can put it on a fuse track right wsg is that you ah ah gotcha thanks I

Appreciate that okay and then M card on a chest let’s see if it LO loads the chunk it better it freaking better don’t mind that random chest just hanging out there it’s for it’s for science I need to know for science okay let’s see if my chickens

Grow if my crbs grow if any of that’s stuff happens and Meanwhile we’re going to go and look oh that’s so many pumpkins that’s so much food we’re going to look for either one of those Nether Portals or a pool of lava did I take I didn’t take my bed never mind we’re

Going back for my bed I cannot I cannot do this without a bed I desperately need a bed to skip nighttime if I don’t skip nighttime in hardcore I will get my ass beaten so hard like there’s nothing to respawn to anyways so uh what do I not need I don’t need

The rails in my inventory just want to have an empty hand just in case wait my sword is not here like this I also took all my iron but like I said even if I die like then it’s over anyway so it doesn’t matter I could take everything that I own doesn’t

Matter that’s why I hate horse riding um like this because it’s just like the trees are in your face but I need to find a nether portal or a pool of lava something for obsidian anything for obsidian I desperately need obsidian just going to go in this

Direction and hope I don’t fall off anywhere cuz I tried looking for obsidian in the cave that I found and it was awful am I making a friend right now are we are we befriending someone right now where are you puppy I saw puppy I saw puppy puppy wait wait

Wait hello hello hello hello hello hello you want bone yes my best friend come on let’s go to Albert I have a Defender I have a white knight you know what puppy puppy hey hey you hey you hey oh that’s mine okay never mind other puppy other

Puppy hey you hey wait there was two puppy hey hey you you hey hello ah second best friend let’s go let’s go I’m literally stoning stons I’m stalking I don’t think that’s a word there’s a lot of weird words but stoning is not one of them I hope I’m not going back towards

My house that would be really embarrassing I feel like I’m going back towards is that my roof over there I I feel like like I’m going wrong direction right now don’t worry I have coordinates for my house I should be fine I just oh man I want a pl’s biome this is

So bad to Traverse through oh do I see cows free leather hey dog this one we want this one go go get them for me bro the cows are running like crazy thanks doggy doggies are doing so well for me right now was there more you guys have more

For me no where did Albert go Albert Albert I lost Albert you’re lucky cuz you used two bones for one yeah both of them were two bones so good I do have a Discord server yeah we have a Minecraft um Community server as well but I’m not

Playing on it today because I I’ve been playing on it a lot these past couple weeks so I wanted to change it up and play some hardcore Minecraft instead but there will be streams again with uh my regular Discord uh like like Community server as well I just felt like changing

It up and like challenging myself and hopefully building a cool hardcore world you know let’s see how it works out but so far it’s been working out pretty well to be honest honest like way better than I would have expected of myself another free leather don’t mind if I do thank

You we’re going to need all of that oh I see more free leather this implies that there’s leather that is paid for but all I take from nature is free it’s not ethical but it’s free die chase him doggy doggy chase him chase him down where’s that cow there

You go and then there’s another cow down here we’re getting meat and leather it’s perfect no no stay here oh my God 11 leather let’s go that’s enough for like one book that’s great we’re getting there yeah I have a Discord server I already answered your

Question I answered it no Elbert this is the earliest Kuma high steel red yeah I wanted to stream a bit earlier I felt like it I don’t know I just uh wanted to play some Minecraft and I woke up super early I was like rather than being tired

Later and having a sleepy stream I’d rather be awake you know what I mean so here I am good morning hi hi K welcome you want to join it hell yeah feel free to I mean if you want to join the Discord server just do exclamation mark

Discord and twitch chat it will give you the link to the Discord server usually whenever I menure Discord someone does the does the command but maybe this time nobody did it so yeah just do exclamation mark Discord and that’s how you get there I hate horse riding in this

Economy oh my gosh it sucks I hate trees I support deforestation what is this what is this I shouldn’t have never gotten a horse I just want to okay I’ll just go in this direction I’m sure there’s a PLS biome that is really big and there’s nothing here there’s trees

Again I should stop running in random directions let’s say right now my goal is to just go straight in this direction let’s see what’s in this direction I will not stray from this direction even for one second I will however avoid Cliffs and places I can fall down come on horse please please

Okay that okay that’s not a place where I can fall down this looks safe enough I bet at the end of the day I’m going to end up at my house again it’s a pain that I spawned in a swamp although swamp is like a good

Biome actually for a lot of stuff but it’s a pain oh man I have bones all right I have bones come on one bone you’re such a good boy only one bone only one bone I’m a dog Tamer okay never mind this dog is a [ __ ] you better be my strongest Soldier next

One oh that’s mine he already belongs to me never mind okay puppies let’s go I feel bad okay I took the whole group except for this one I feel bad I feel like I need to take him too I’m a good dog owner hey you that was all my bones I’m sorry bro

I guess not I guess he’s staying behind how much would your PC scream if you make a doge arm of 100 not that much I have a pretty good PC feel like my PC would deal with it pretty well but um I would probably scream cuz there

Would be a lot of dog noises and it would probably be kind of annoying I’m not going to lie in a good way we love dogs hi Frank welcome hello hello bear that supports deforestation yeah you know what I I got tired of it the forest

Was just being so annoying while I was riding that I like started hating on Forest suddenly it’s tough it’s tough like I don’t want to be a problematic bear but the forests are so annoying when you try to ride through them that I I want them

Gone I’m going to my next project after beating the Ender Dragon is to Deforest the whole world I’m just going to make like like a bunch of pick pickax a bunch of axes or like one axe with mending on it I’m just going to Deforest the hell

Out of everything okay there’s a lot of like moss Mossy Cobble here is there like any chest or anything like that hidden within mossy cobblestone or is it just a design Choice looks super pretty but I don’t know if I want it you know I don’t think I’m going to I’m

Going to take the mossy cobblestone if anything now I know that it exists close by to my house did I hit you puppy I’m sorry I didn’t mean to okay next one sorry bro I have five dogs you have no chance cow oh my God that’s what I’m here for

Dogs dogs sit back sit back this is not a place for a dog okay how do I do this guys how do I do this please please a block above the block right like this oh oh oh we’re doing it sorry sorry sorry last time I had such trouble with

This oh it’s gone now uh take it back puppies puppies go back please don’t go to the lava I beg of you be good so this is the other thing we were going to find today lots of obsidian so we can make a craft at enchantment table so I can

Enchant my stuff dog this is really like the dogs are being annoying right now why did I tame them Forest cleared with blocks of TNT let’s freaking go we will do that we will literally DeForest the whole server after I’m done with all my important projects such as survival

Mainly well actually I might might want to like if I actually manage to kill the Ender Dragon I might want to make this like my permanent residence This Server I would want to see how long I can survive and what would eventually kill me in the

End actually I have a genius idea get a Minecraft server and just log out of it immediately that way You’ never lose my Minecraft hardcore winner I wanted to do a thing where I do a hardcore server with like you guys uh but like anytime like someone dies they

Can’t like log back into the server obviously cuz they’re dead that could be fun ah look at that more water more water that we can use to get rid of this stuff you kidding me are you kidding me can’t believe Maddie doesn’t want to sit the dogs they

Can I have so many of them if one of them falls into the lava you know so be it okay just want to get rid of all the lava so I can gather all these obsidian blocks okay nice we’re going to be here a while you love to join yeah well not not

On this world but I want to make like a hardcore server at some point but then like it would end when I’m dead so you know obviously cuzz I would be the server host 100 days in Minecraft rlcraft 100 days rlcraft we could try that although rlcraft is pretty exhausting to

Me place at the edge of stone oh that’s how you do it it I’m sorry I’ve never formed obsidian as you can tell maybe I think it’s you can tell that I’ve never done it right this is this is as as Angela Merkel once said oh that’s internet

Is the internet is a new new land for all of us Inari hi oh my God long time no see thanks so much for the raid guys check out celestial AR andari is really freaking cool moderators moderators can you give shout out please moderators mo

Mo mods please if any mods are here that is I don’t know if not I’ll give it in a second hi anari welcome um wait I think I can just pause the game right the game is paused I can just give it I forgot that in

Single player you can pause the game I’m always like nervous about tabbing out but I can just give you the shout out wait I’ll do it thank you so much for the raid how was your stream what were you up to today what were you doing tell me the words

Inari hope you’ve been well I’ve been chilling I’ve been playing a lot of Minecraft recently I I was like oh I should play Minecraft again some time you know and then like I got freaking addicted to it I don’t know now I can’t stop playing it I’ve

Been building so much on the community server every other game that I start I’m not passionate about finishing it cuz I want to play Minecraft instead why do you just sound like shil when she talks German he does internet what I don’t I’m sorry I don’t think I’ve ever actually I might

Have heard to speak sh speak German like once or twice in one of her um like like videos but I I don’t know how she speaks German I’m sorry I don’t know how she speaks German can the dogs not not not be annoying while I’m trying to mine some

Uh obsidian maybe you guys were right maybe I do need to sit them down for a sec these dogs are overly excited it’s not good it’s not good for a dog to be overly excited I bet if these dogs were like real life dogs they would be huskys

I know they’re technically wolves but they would be huskys you know huskys go like like these freaking scream their souls out that’s that’s these dogs I can see these dogs like screaming their whole life out for no good reason at all you’re playing for Persona 5 tactica oh my goodness

I’ll be had lots of fun with that yeah for sure get yourself some food and get some rest as well thank you again for the raid I really appreciate it your friend always says stop playing Minecraft it’s boring well your friend just hasn’t found the fun in Minecraft I

Will say Minecraft is like base Minecraft is not for everyone but I think Minecraft with like the amount of different mods it has it’s definitely a game for literally everyone cuz I think every single person could find a Minecraft game mode or a Minecraft server or a Minecraft mod pack that

Would be fun for them probably because there are so many like people rebuild hogw in Minecraft and made it like playable it was it was like I don’t know they they did so much in Minecraft there’s definitely something for everyone how much do I have how much

Obsidian do I need for a nether portal if someone could tell me that would be great also it I don’t actually know yet oh 20 20 should be plenty right 20 should be plenty I never know I might want to make some more with it I just get everything that is here it’s

Easiest Minecraft builder mod for 1.12 is good remma really likes Minecraft the create mod where you can make like like like Railways and boats and all that kind of stuff that’s one that he really likes personally I like the Minecraft mod packs that have like exploring elements where there’s like really cool

Cities and you can like explore them that that those are the ones that I really like there was one where you like can pick between a bunch of different creatures that you get born as and then you have like wings or something I forgot what it was called I think

Medieval Minecraft that one was really good there’s a 10 10 for portal without the edges gotcha thank you I I’ll just get as much as I can just to have it there’s a project where to build the real word one to one oh my God loky want

To go there and just go into my street and see if they made my house see if they well I have an artment building like it’s very close to streets so I think it should be it should be uh on Google Maps you know cuz there are

Some places that are not on Google Maps but I I want to die there’s another hidden one yeah we we’re getting more just in case okay oh okay okay okay you get up you get up okay everyone is standing where where did Albert go where is my horse oh Albert oh

Albert Elbert I know you were somewhere you can’t hide from me I spent a name tag on you Albert Albert that was my only name tag you better not disappear on me right now oh Albert you must be a joker where the heck are you guys where the freak is my horse

Where what I left him alone for like half half an hour and he’s gone where’d he go how far can a mob wander in this time Albert I miss [Applause] you Albert Albert I’ll be good to you oh my God why why is there head pads Albert

Albert I’ll be good to you I’m sorry for mistreating you I’m sorry for saying me mean things about you you’re the best horse a person could wish for please come back to me Albert I miss you oh my God he’s gone he’s literally gone oh dark oak dark oak wait I see I

See yes this is dark oak I love how I instantly forget about Albert I’m sorry I just I love this wood it’s my one of my favorite Woods ah [ __ ] whatever oh berries we need to find Albert Albert is our number one priority I can’t I can’t get distracted

Now I need Albert oh why is Bobby on the screen what the hell did I press Bobby at some point I like how he’s just sitting there how he was just sitting on the screen I’m so sorry about that I must have misclicked when I pressed the tier

Emote Wonder mechanics are Dom in this game yeah don’t you know how fast a horse is well I thought I thought Albert wouldn’t want to walk away from me cuz I’ve been treating him well I’ve been a good owner to Albert right I’m not coping right

He’s been he’s been H he was happy with me he never expressed un unhappiness he always expressed if anything he was very neutral towards most things Albert please my name tag my my my my saddle my saddle I have so much stuff from you Alber please come

Back I’m like SpongeBob in that one episode where Gary’s gone I’m like Gary Come Back Albert I promise I will give you an apple if you come back to me I promise I will I will not lock you up in my house anymore I’ll make a proper stable if you

Just come back to me Albert I miss you we had something good me and you Albert you were the horse and I was the person owning you weren’t you happy with me Albert he doesn’t love me anymore oh my God you sure you’re a better owner

You’re just sad for the name tag hell yeah I’m sad for for the name tag you know how hard it was to get a name tag here without doing anything for it I found it in a chest it was like a a strike of good luck in that moment I

Knew me and Albert were meant to be he was my horse rip madd’s name tag no I’m sad about the horse too except that there is a second horse around my house that I could also tame if I just had the freaking name tag or at least the saddle

Or at least the horse armor like any anything ah where did he go where could he be I’m I’m going to check like the forest with a cobblestone like over here maybe he’s like hiding in the tree somewhere maybe I’m looking too close maybe I should like go in a wider

Radius try and find him I don’t know I don’t want to give up on him you know maybe if I give up on him that that just shows him that I’m not serious about it but I’m not going to give up I need to find him he’s literally my only horse

That I have and my only name tag that I have God where is he Albert I don’t see Albert he had such striking golden horse armor Too and now he’s just gone friendship with Albert ended shouldn’t the dogs be able to sniff him out man he really just walked away so fast someone was selfish he let his friend get killed for a music disc I would never do that not in a hardcore

World in a normal World hell yeah in a heartbeat but not in a hardcore I respect hardcore mode you know what maybe Albert got killed maybe Albert got killed we’re going to have to have a funeral for him cuz I really can’t find him good morning Autumn Fox hello hey Rema do you

Have an advice on how to find a horse that ran away from me and now I can’t find it anymore I wasted a name tag on him Rama shook his head I think it’s pointless I think he’s Lost I’m not upset I’m fine I’m fine place a random Cobble in a place around the house with a sign why Cobble here and just forget about it will that help me find my horse I’m willing to do anything I’m willing to do anything oh yeah a name tag come on I’m so

Sad maybe if I jump he he’ll see me he’ll be like oh it’s Maddie turns around and runs for his life fine I guess we’re walking back to base our horse is officially passed away we’re going to have to do a funeral and if Albert dares to show up anyways after

I literally bury him I will be really angry and not take him back in my family there’s only so much things you can get away with I’m just checking maybe he’s somewhere around here but it’s not likely we lost him guys we lost him rest in peace rest in peace

Albert you were a um a horse you were I guess special in some ways you had a name tag that I really cherished and valued and you know it was my only one so I guess you were special in that way you also had my only golden

Horse armor on you that is also now lost because you decided to walk away from me you also had one of my two Saddles which makes it one saddle less than what I had before which in it’s it’s not that many Saddles but if this keeps happening you

Know with the next horse I will soon be at zero Saddles and that’s not something I’m looking forward to furthermore Albert you lived in my house and you slept in my bed and it hurts my feelings that you just decided to leave because I got a little busy farming obsidian like

I I I farmed obsidian so I could protect our family and Albert obviously didn’t cherish me enough to have be patient with me and that hurts my feelings oh I checked around the empty lava pool I checked there so much I already I have given up oh wait we’re going in the wrong

Direction actually my house do be more in that I think it’s this way my house be in this direction now I looked around so much I don’t want to waste all of my time and possibly die because of it to look for Albert I feel like if he doesn’t want me

That’s how it is this is why you have to tie them up I even have yeah I have leashes I just foolishly thought that my horse wouldn’t just abandon me like this oh well there’s another lava Pond uh good to know we don’t need that right now but maybe sometime in the future

For now you know let’s let’s out of anger murder these cows out of anger and sadness for our dear friend Albert Albert would have loved to see me kill these innocent cows he was kind of evil in his heart I’m sorry guys I will try to shut up about

Albert he just meant a lot to me he was a really decent horse he could um do things like walk while I was sitting on top of him him he had that Talent oh my God I’m atus 1,800 I walked that far well I only walked that far cuz Albert was carrying

Me 3 380 is my is my other coordinates so from here I’m going to need to go into a different direction we’re going to head head to uh minus okay 380 so this way I shall remember maybe Albert walked all the way home copium copium I’m still hoping that

I will see that golden horse armor somewhere even though I know there’s no way I’m just going to have to get a different horse I will name him Albert too just to spite Albert I will show Albert that he has no impact on my life I can just replace him easily I sound

Really bitter about this I sound like I’m I’m like having a really hard time coping but in reality I’m completely fine guys I’m coping well with the situation I am not a mess and I will definitely not like cry IRL about this later when the stream is over I promise

I am I’m I’m based I have my stuff together well after this we can go to the nether yippee well actually we enchant first and then we go to the nether cuz I’m not going into The Nether to farm netherite with unenchanted ass gear no no you can’t catch me do

That hey hey hey hey hey hey thank you next cow there’s so many cows oh my goodness sorry dog I didn’t mean to hit you I would give you raw meat but I needed more than you do for survival oh look at my doggies there you go thank you puppies

We have 23 leather I wonder how many bookcases that would fill oh thank God I still have my bed on me I thought I forgot it at the lava pool thank you for the follow thank you thank you I appreciate it he’ll give you some raw meat who why who why who

Why who and why now no raw meat jar this this is a say so stream I’ll have you know it’s very say so jar I lost my horse I I I keep like like bringing it up but but I’m just so upset about it because he had a name tag

And obviously that means a lot to me cuz it was like my only name tag and I’m just mad he he just walked away from me just like that okay so did the stuff grow I think it did right were these chunks loaded thanks to the mine cart am I coping I

Feel like they were loaded Horse no his name was Albert I miss him so much hi June 7th welcome you have access to commands you can use them to teleport your hauns well it would be not fair right if I did that I want to I want to stay fair I know

It’s it’s just bad but it is what it is fine dogs you can come inside if you want so what we want to do is an enchanter and for that we need our diamonds uh enchanter enchanter okay I guess not and enchanter two diamonds and a log book oh just a book I

Guess leather and three parchments okay I got some parchment right here book well first of all we just make one book and then hi snud boy you welcome hello hello I I don’t I didn’t say hello to you earlier he’s most like lik stuck in a hole

Somewhere my horse is stuck in a hole it hurts my feelings to hear that witchcraft bench okay so how are we going to do the witchcrafting thing you need a witchcraft bench bench and bookshelves right so I feel like a good place for my witchcraft sessions would be here this is the best

Place for it I’m going to get some bookshelves how many bookshelves was it that is like a ideal amount well how do I make a bookshelf bookshelf hello how do I make it eh enchanting table and up to 15 gotcha 15 okay okay and and guys how do I make a bookshelf six

Planks and three books ah I need three books for one okay thank you well it doesn’t even show up you know it doesn’t have a different name maybe wait stack of knowledge that’s what it’s called here oh my gosh and me out here like freaking confused I’m using pirate speed Beach

Here it’s it’s pirate um there you go let’s make a bunch of books and then stack of knowledge I guess it is two nice yeah ah I need more planks sorry I’m a little bit slow with this stuff oven why do I have an oven on me

Speaking about that let me cook my beef I guess I don’t want to use these planks but I could use Oak planks stack a knowledge okay we have seven bookshelves now I think what we are lacking now is leather like severely lacking leather I do have another saddle

Though lucky for me for a second horse I mean if he’s stuck in a hole means he hasn’t done what roaming tamed hes do in Minecraft and hug a CA or go swim in lava thing is there was some lava nearby so um yeah hi tent toite

Hello cookie delivery yes yes over here I ordered chocolate chip and um caramel cookies and um you know I ordered them so we can share it with chat so chat if you guys want some cookies feel free to grab some yeah the pirate speech like messed

Me up a little bit I was a little bit confused wait where’s my stack of knowledge okay so from what I remember you would do it like this right excuse me excuse me like this and then like around but right now I guess it’s not like perfect yet right what is lward oh

That’s La three levels of Wiz Wizardry okay I’m you know what I’m changing the language I don’t know what hands of Wizardry is supposed to be I don’t know which enchantment that is supposed to be scribble spectacles oh no lingo uh where is normal English Australia English I’ll just use us

Plundered soft hand silk touch the O that’s what it is that makes sense actually hi me megel hello hello from EU yeah me too I’m from Germany hello Europe Europe gang so what do you guys think Do We Fight for our life to get more books or do I just

Enchant I don’t have wheat is is this wheat ready is this wheat ready I don’t know what it Where is my resource packs I’m sorry I don’t know what the wheat looks like with this resource pack this one’s ready okay bro it’s it’s so hard to tell if you don’t know the

Resource pack like what it’s supposed to look like when it’s done well good to know let’s just put I’m sorry but the beat roads really ain’t all that so I’m just going to not put them anymore hey you have baby so this stream is going to be cow

Breeding Simulator for the next couple minutes ah nice eggs oh my God so many babies go back in go back in go back in go in I don’t mean to hurt the babies before they’re even born okay this is going to take a while can I give them like bone meal to grow

Faster T translate labrian draw I’m sorry I don’t know Laban I don’t know what it means uh Laban could mean something with Labradors ped the Labradors is my translation for this sentence how correct was I a I messed this one up maybe I can somehow encourage the stuff to

Grow with good words like you got this you’re a trooper might just have to look around and and get some more cows and just kill cows in the wilderness I don’t know what to do anymore at this Point let’s get some more paper in this okay more paper is there rain inside of the house I think my dog just shook his his butt spider eye Cobble deep slay this stuff can go I could eat that obsidian tough you guys think there is wheat in the

Nether who can feed C’s wheed to make them grow I don’t have wheat it means good day friends ah I see make a bunch of composters ah composters oh my God I remember that was a thing oh my gosh thank you you’re saving my life here I forgot composters were a thing I

Literally forgot they were a thing you’re saving me I never use them when I play Minecraft normally but in this situation they could help me so much like literally so much hello there hi Manor welcome hello hello so they they just going to drop it oh I need to put stuff in

Huh well maybe if I if I maybe I can put the seeds from trees in there I have a bunch of tree seeds if you know what I mean saplings let me check if saplings work on it yeah you fill it up all the way yeah yeah yeah yay yay okay Oh Yay oh my goodness we’re getting there we got one wheat guys everyone one wheat one wheat this is the slowest Minecraft playr ever but you know I’m not dead yet so I see this is an absolute W this is a big fat win in my book got some more stuff here wheat

Seeds melon seeds I want to I want to keep the melon seeds I think I also feel like I mean I I could get rid of the wheat seeds they don’t M matter beetro seeds can go I don’t really see anything else that I could get rid

Of saplings work and if you use shears on leaves ah oh my God thank you for the advice n boy I appreciate it oh my gosh that’s actually going to help me so much that is actually genius I didn’t know leaves were compostable that’s amazing news and shears are so easy to make

Too maybe I shouldn’t I don’t know if I can if it’s nighttime uh let me see if I can skip oh it is oh goodness there could have been monsters coming my way one we to play plant them all one we to show them sew them one weed to to all

Weed over them what what what is your sentence there what does that mean hi tomato so our wheat seeds what what about wheat seeds easy to farm yeah you just need to hit the ground very true they are easy to farm as well oh now it’s so quiet I was

Actually enjoying the sound of the rain in the background it was quite nice oh my God I would have just waited otherwise I didn’t know you can do I forgot composters exist oh man I would have wasted a lot of time here let’s see if it works let’s let’s test said

Deforestation doesn’t get the Lord of the Rings reference I get it I get it but you wrote something um to sew them all one wheat one wheat over the mall War wheat over the mall that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me oh look at that wow okay

Okay I think one composter was have been enough can I believe this is only like two bone meal this is crazy do different composters fill up at different speeds these dogs are so [ __ ] annoying no offense no offense to dog owners but like what the hell what are your what are your satanic

Monsters doing to me okay we’re at six bone wheel why you saying it like that wait I was saying what like that am I saying composters wrong composters composters are these ready I know this beetroot seems ready but man I don’t know what wheat looks

Like when it’s ready okay is it this no it wasn’t oh I’m so dumb I suck at this I suck at this now okay it needs to be light light colored gotcha I understand it all now okay let’s replant you know what this is already like not

Bad who wants to have another baby it’s you guys that’s right maybe we can make now we can make the babies grow up and have kids with each other right oh my God that they take so much weat to grow never mind I just realized that um yeah it takes it

Takes too much I’m not that rich on wheat yet so oh you had to wait for stuff inside to turn into bone meal I I thought you just like like violently drop it in until bone meal pops out I didn’t know you had to wait well

Maybe it was that like that in the past maybe now they really change it and you don’t have to do it like that anymore I don’t know I don’t keep up with all the small changes in Minecraft I’m just I’m just here for the ride I’ll take anything that they throw at

Me oh the best way is to go to the the Nether and get fossils is this going to be my nether exploration Arc I don’t feel like I’m ready I want to enchant first you guys think it’s worth like getting a a bad enchantment right now you guys think that’s worth it and

Then maybe like later re-enchanting it or something and going to the nether right now I don’t know if you can still wait Minecraft [ __ ] house the most inbred creature in the world I know right I mean literally I would normally care you know I care about the animals

On my Farms but this is about my survival as soon as bears and humans are at the point where they need to survive they only care about the survival I don’t want to die here so I’m just going to work my ass off what seed is this beetroot okay nobody wants

Beetroots we have six bone meal let’s go I want so much bone meal for me the good thing is I also get seeds back he cows who wants to have another baby not you what is this Grow up sorry sorry they make me angry maybe trying to get a couple of decent lowlevel enchants yeah that’s what I was thinking let me try that CU right now everything is like taking ages and I do want to like continue and get better but let’s see what let’s see what the

Game throws at me so for example if we put my pickaxe in right now it would give me silk touch or efficiency too what about my whole gear my pants so Unbreaking I think protection is a good enchantment right yeah exactly make a grinding stone for later okay protection to should be okay

Right Unbreaking and protection that that should be okay for now thank you for the follow thank you thank you obviously it’s no protection three thank you thank you but protection two is probably better than nothing right protection fire protection yeah if I go to the nether like for sure okay pants protection

Great oh I only got protection oh man blast protection I mean I guess I’ll take it not like I have much of a choice here and then let’s get there it is oh I don’t have levels what I’m mad I’m mad I want levels I was okay whatever what you know what whatever

Whatever don’t need that don’t need levels in my life let’s see maybe I can talk talk The enchanter into giving me the sword ah uh still level level requirements 17 I’m not going to murder cows for this at least not my own cows maybe some

Other animals we’ll do I think if I just kill random animals it should give me levels right wait was that Albert is that Albert oh my God wait thank you for the follow was that Albert did you guys see that that looked like a horse with a golden

Armor he’s just living his best life out there I was looking for him for like half an hour Elbert is it you is it really you oh my God he’s alive he was alive My Boy Albert I thought I’d lost him forever I was about to bury him I wanted to do a

Funeral for him he’s alive I’m so upset and happy at the same time Albert where did [ __ ] did you go he left me he just left me I’m so upset he’s alive guys no Albert you were almost free Albert loves me he came back to me he was living his best life out

There but he was also waiting for me to pick him up he was looking for me you kidding me Albert can you just go in please thank you Albert is a home horse he does not like I don’t usually let him go out that much for good reason too like did you

See how he just escaped from me for like a while there you go Albert I miss you so much look at him look at him I was I was looking for him jar I he escaped from me I was so depressed I looked everywhere and I couldn’t find him and he was just

Here he was here he walked back home he was just hanging out with this pig and sheep friend on the other side of the lake yeah but I was like 2,000 blocks away when I lost him he walked back all this way just to be

Like haha I was here all this time were you worried loser that’s what he seems to be thinking he was like you fool there was nothing to ever be worried about I was right here this whole time a it’s getting dark I should sleep before the monsters come haunt

Me here’s a tip if you want to cook ores and food faster make a smoker in a blast furnace ooh I mean right now my or and food production is not that insane that I would need it but I’ll keep it in mind for later just showed out of nowhere and was

Like it was me Albert Albert I can’t believe it can’t believe he did me like that you know I was literally like I was going I was about to give up I was on the brink of like a mental breakdown you know I was feeling all the pain of

Losing my beloved pet and then he just shows up he’s like yo how you doing I I seriously I’ve never felt so attacked by an animal like on an emotional scale it was hurtful but it was also exhilarating to find him again feel like me and Albert we need therapy

Together to overcome our differences because for some reason there was something that made him walk away from me you know stop believing your hecking door open I’m pretty sure I closed it now when I left right yeah I’m sure I did I’m sure I closed it also earlier to be

Honest when Albert ran off I was crying but I was like more sad about losing a name tag then losing him and maybe Albert is looking for that raw emotional connection of me like actually caring about him as a horse and not just as a name tag you

Know let’s see how much xp I get from killing like one animal and not worth it let’s just go to the nether literally not worth it with it I don’t need to enchant my sword that badly let’s make a another portal let’s make it close by but not

Too close to my base cuz I hate those sounds of like the nether portal being like you know like the disgusting sounds that the nether portal makes okay I don’t think I brought it across correctly but you know you know if you know it it like makes this weird like

Warping noise and I hate that let’s put it somewhere in this this direction I also need to craft flint and steel or something to make it like turn on 1 2 3 4 One 2 3 4 You need 10 right 1 2 3 4 One Two that looks about the right

Size that’s how big they usually are right yeah yeah that’s the right size okay just need to turn it on now wait let me eat my steak eat some delicious steak Yeah you can build them bigger yeah I I I I want to make like a heart-shaped one at some

Point but I don’t know if I’m going to do that here on my community server because right I don’t I don’t feel I don’t feel very secure also manro I’m sorry I didn’t see your U redeem oo hi I forgot hello how you doing today welcome

Welcome if we Farm some nether quartz we can get a bunch of XP to enchant more stuff I’m looking what am I looking for guys oh flint and steel how do I craft that flint and steel all I need flint and okay I’m not surprised so for

Flint which God is it gravel do I need to destroy gravel for it gravel right hi thanks for the follow ah no I didn’t mean to fall on top whatever just with my hand I think it was or does it work with a shovel too just punch gravel okay gotcha

Ah shovel works better okay okay thank you shovel is faster but so Flint just sometimes oh I found it thanks guys I didn’t I I yeah I don’t usually like enlightened uh I don’t usually try to cause fires in this game so I didn’t know how to make it

Hi Albert oh my cute horse I missed him so much the half an hour that we were apart it broke my soul and spirit and happiness I’m just glad to see you back here I’m so happy oh wait don’t leave your door open Maddie I won’t I won’t I I’m listening to your

Critiques hello you ssy Baka hi EarthCam how are you y I forgot I’m doing great I am uh playing hardcore Minecraft and we are going to the nether my shield looks okay my protection looks okay I have food I’ll put it next to this okay guys I love you I don’t want you

Guys to get hurt if I die there just remember take care of my house take care of Albert take care of the cows and take care of the chickens cuz if I did I’m not coming back this could have very well be the thing that totally ends my run the

Nether I don’t go there I don’t do the nether so me going in there could very well be the thing that will forever kill me and then we will have to restart and that’s okay I just want to warn you guys take a last good look at the house o I

Should have added like wait I it bugs me I I I need slabs I need to finish the house before I die before I possibly die I think it was Oak slabs right I think it’s oak on top there I’m sorry but this I can’t go out like this you

Know I can’t go out like this with my house looking this unfinished it drives me it drives me wild I need to go further up oh no I’ll need more no no look going to need more than 15 G no I’m like three short ah this is this is awful this is the

Worst moment of my life um it couldn’t get any possibly any worse than this um screaming crying throwing up there you go one sec this is very very important the feminine desire for hom making yeah I can’t have an ugly house when I die in the

Nether I just it’s not it’s not okay I can’t do that okay I almost jumped off the roof thinking I have like an elytra cuz I’m used to playing on my community server where I have very much have an elytra so I was like wee okay let’s take some building blocks

As well like some andesite that should be enough just in case we need to build our way somewhere we got our first foe oh yeah wait wait should I should I wear something golden should I take gold boots just in case like that there’s these bartering guys or should I take

Gold as well I’ll take raw gold they like raw gold right they don’t want any any other type of gold just in case I’m bartering with some boys if me and the boys are bartering you’re almost sure that’s Birch I mean not technically it’s not Birch but it looks weird if it’s not

Birch on the very top you know it’s actually Oak here but you look from here it looks out of place because it should be Birch like like to top it whatever whatever okay it doesn’t matter they like cooked gold oh they want gold ingots ah one sec

Let’s let me cook my gold real quick I do I do want to like make them happy so I’m I’m definitely going to do my best to cook their gold I swear I’m going to go into The Nether any second now it looks okay NS you guys you guys are like Maddy just

Going to the nether already I’m tired of this and well yipp thank you for the redeems I appreciated yeah yeah yeah less inventory to carry all the loot home you’re right you’re right you’re right what do we not need we don’t need Flint we don’t need flint and steel we don’t

Need Apple we don’t need the paper or the iron or the brown wool or the book or the tough I don’t want to take the iron pickaxe I feel like my my my diamond would be enough but just in case I’ll maybe keep it uh water I don’t think I can use water

In the nether anyways raw mutton I will not need a hoe or arrows cuz I don’t even have a bow I should get a bow and enchant it thank you for the randomized colors and thanks for the hydrate I appreciate that I wonder why Mojang didn’t add roof

Tows yet they also don’t have vertical slabs it’s [ __ ] ridiculous like like builders in Minecraft getting screwed over meanwhile all the Redstone people get their freaking crafters and their torches the Redstone stuff where’s our proper like building materials huh huh brown bear Maddie there is a brown bear

Redeem you never know when you might need a ho hi you’re right you’re right you know I am somewhat of a queen of hoes so I would know you know cuz I like farming a lot farming is great it’s really fun what if you get lost good to be able

To make a portal inside you’re right you know what you you’re so right you’re so right for this I have my obsidian with me I’m keeping the Flint and stone where did I put it did I put it here yeah Slay Slay tell thank you for the advice probably won’t need your diamond

Or obsidian I will keep leave my diamonds but the obsidian to be fair if I do get lost it would be nice to just be able to build a port portrait out of it you know a portrait a portal sorry furniture and food update honestly get

Us like cute kitchens and let us cook you know 100 years later Maddie let me turn my house into a castle po first before I go so maybe it do apparent that I’m a bit nervous about going to the nether just like a tiny

Bit but like I don’t want my run to end I’m just so happy with my boy Albert and my doggies and my cows and everything and I’m just not ready to say goodbye I’m not ready yet to say goodbye I feel like I know I should have more self-confidence but I don’t have

Any I even haven’t even fought today yet so still waiting for some gold to trade with my besties I think 13 gold is enough for now if anything I can always come back I need to make it that far first is this a woman hating friendly

Chat no Dimitri you’re going to have to go to other places to hate on women sorry actually not sorry your views are so, 1800s okay okay okay we spawned in the forest biome that’s a good sign I love this biome and the wood oh no it’s the

Guys that only respect you if you have gold right are those the gold lovers oh no that pig is like super dangerous right that pig is like super dangerous right the pig will like Ram you and do damage I’m going back anyways um I give up um let’s let’s

Go and uh instead of getting XP we will just watch our crops grow um I trust that we can watch the crbs grow and eventually we can can you know get the cows and the Ender Dragon let’s forget about that one shall we we’ll just live our friendly fer

Lifestyle it’s not dangerous it just messes you up good nether experience fine I’ll go back in I is is a shield good against him I don’t know I have a sword and a shield I’m like in Pokemon they have sword and shield there okay well let’s

Just walk away from it how about that hey cads no fight hey I have Diamond I have gold boots I have gold boots hey hey bro you want to trade bro you want to trade hey bro bro you want to do some Bitcoin trading look at

That how about that how about that I know what you like bro you respect me now right that’s real gold he looked at me for so long no trust hey hey dude he he look at that that’s some good gold look at them are you a sigma female I am a bear

I don’t have such Concepts I I don’t have I don’t have these type of Concepts I’m sorry I don’t know I’m a if anything I’m an Omega I am I’m the lowest rank come on come on Nether Bricks o I can make things from that right thanks thanks what did you you

Give me gravel bro you can’t just give me gravel that’s not okay ender pearls please ender pearls please spectral arrows okay not bad no you take it it’s for you it’s for you I’m befriending him guys big man simp I mean I respect them

They give me stuff and I get rid of my useless gold honestly W I think it’s a win this actually my first time in the nether trading with these guys I’m a little bit nervous you’re going to I paused the game what do I do what

Do I do what do I do cat stop fighting in the background I swear to God oh my God oh my God it’s coming at me it’s coming at me what do I do it’s just a baby run I’m going to get Rema to play the section for me Grand p with please help I have a sh run run can I not find it I need to run he says I need to run he’s like you can maybe fight it the pig is winning so it’s a baby right hit it it would run trust me it’s

The best if hit it hit and run okay oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I forgot to note down the the place of my portal oh my goodness hey bro you didn’t tell me there was quite so many dangerous

Creatures around okay we got it my God his parent is literally right here I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive oh my God that was the scariest moment I almost lost oh my God easy clab hi Sonia welcome see what does that mean the fun is when you hit it because

It’s a baby and suddenly grows up and hits you back oh my God please do not do not hit me back so what do we get ender pearl spectral arrows slash potion of fire resistance is there a splash potion of pig resistance because I don’t want to be near

Those H do you guys have any idea what how I could deal with the situation I feel like this biome is not safe I could maybe use my pickaxe and just build down but there might be like lava right wait I need to check which level it’s on like because I want to

Eventually go nether farming like netherite you guys know at which minus level like which depth level the netherite is the blue fungus scares them off wait it’s green my life is a lie it’s a lucky word the letter Z is a lucky word is it now

The green fungus is a pig repellent I don’t have green fungus is there green fungus in there it’s a pig repellent y14 okay okay y4 14 for netherite okay I’ll check where I am 12 to 14 they’re also afraid of the portal but that’s harder to carry around

Okay so if I’m at the portal they’re most likely not going to run at me right okay that’s good um I’m in a portal leave me alone yeah that’s right there’s a portal here you can’t do anything to me stupid Pig oh my God it’s so it’s literally so scary I can’t believe I’m out here afraid of pigs anyways we’re on level 75

So it died how why did it die why did it die what is stronger than that freaking pig what killed it no way it what killed it a look they’re sleeping in chat that’s awesome it’s working it’s working they know I’m a pajama vtuber hell yeah everyone’s having a great sleep schedule

I’m so happy for you guys should have made a a a diamond shovel Maybe is it faster oh turns out that was not dirt good to know let’s just try to get down to that level where we can hopefully Farm netherite later just like to already set that

Up I know if I go up it will just hm there’s no Lava here right let me check the level that is for Minecraft Z oh they’re not sleeping they’re saying the lucky z Oh I thought it was a sleeping emote sorry I didn’t know pickaxe works on Netherrack I found that

Out I I figured that out I figured that out uh oh look at that quartz for levels very good very good very good nice I don’t have like the quick um instant mine thingy but this is good enough oh Yeah I might use the quartz for like building later on H you know what that was a bust well we tried ha we had a good time but it was the last time damn that sucks can turn up brightness I think my brightness is all the way up but let me check video

Settings uh where is it Graphics oh no no no I want them fabulous oh wait I can scroll yeah it’s already bright it’s already bright meanwhile me who is very close to falling asleep from M and hell yeah have a good sleep hell yeah please Chad I encourage

You all to sleep a long and well good time here guess we might need to like I don’t know how to do this best oh there’s another Pig don’t come near me oh wait is that pork pork chop what is this oh it’s just raw pork chop okay never mind nothing

Special oh it’s too bright no can you turn it up in OBS apparently it’s not too bright hey you want to trade I can turn it up in OBS true what give me a second I’ll do that when I’m out of the nether I’m not confident staying here even for a second

Just want to finish trading with this dude that’s why I came here originally of course also to find a place to tr to like get armor like netherite but I don’t know how to do that best yet can’t I just use a cheat code for that thanks for the pillow fight guys

Thank you thank you I’ll fall asleep soon but for now I’ll keep watching yay for sure for sure have a good sleep for sure leave it the the brightness okay okay I’ll leave the brightest as is just want to finish oh leather thank you King

He knows what I need in life green a vibrant green color kind of cute okay oh God oh God oh God I heard a sound I heard a pig sound I heard a scary pig sound enchanted book Soul speed fire charge yeah okay thanks bro I like you

You’re you’re a cool dude he’s a cool dude he’s a cool dude don’t touch settings okay okay so any advice please um Gamers give me some advice on how to proceed while I’m in the nether this is my first run by myself this is my first hardcore run I

Don’t usually go to the nether so if you have any advice for me oh my God they’re killing the Big Pig oh I love these Pigmen I am a Pigmen simp I say it now I am I’m a big Pigman simp I’ll quickly write the coordinates down for my um nether portal minus

46 7545 just so I know here’s a tip offer him more gold ones he’ll give more L he’ll give more loot okay offer him more gold at once I feel like I feel like you’re secretly one of them and you’re just like we want more gold we want more Gold hi pup If you need a game for after Minecraft I got you all right tell me if you have one RI s yeah he’s a big S for me um he’s a s so hard that we’re like we’re like engaged irel he’s a big S can I it’s still not growing it’s so

Slow every oh wait I was going to give the cows leather I was going to feed them leather I was going to be like here eat your own skin and pro reproduce from it and in reality I wanted to craft more book shelves books just don’t think of

It book book book book book book book book oh I need paper paper there it is oh there we go books oh wait wa oh one more bookshelf weepe oh yeah let me grab the gold I didn’t have anything to smell the gold with so it didn’t smelt I thought

It was out here smelting this whole time ah there you go slowly I’m going to eat cuz your head hurt you have a good time anti thanks for dropping by oh man the chunk isn’t loaded while you’re in the nether oh no I got a great game for you but it

Will at least take you one stream and you will never beat it properly okay uh you know what um this already applies to Minecraft so I don’t see a problem with that this already applies to Minecraft uh please speak English in chat wait did you already did you already ban him

Mods leave fortnite no thank you I’m good no thank you there you go uh I I like fortnite but I don’t want to stream it I like the game it’s a good game class of 09 I did play class of 09 I there’s a VOD up on my YouTube if you

Want to see it it was um it was something it was interest it was an interesting experience how can I say this nicely all the characters were majorly messed up like they were so like unlikable and awful but I think that’s what made the game fun I don’t know it

Was because it was so edgy you brought Galactic that’s a good game I like it Mod’s bad this guy I mean no I just wanted them to like mute them because our chat language is English that’s all jackbox jackbox is a good game I mean guys I’m not planning to stop

Playing Minecraft right now but thanks for the recommendations we do stream jackbox here sometimes you play ISAC oh binding of ISAC is great yeah I don’t actually own it I think I only played it over Family Sharing but it was pretty fun I do like um Rog lies and stuff like

That so I don’t know also bullet I mean I guess Isaac is technically also bullet health so I’m I’m really bad at them but they’re really fun to me so yeah would you play FNAF I’ve already played FNAF I’ve already stream FNAF in the past I

Don’t mind FNAF but there is some FNAF fans and viewers that are sometimes a little bit questionable but I I wouldn’t be opposed to playing it it’s just that FNAF gets really boring to me after like night three when it gets like unreasonably difficult for some reason all of a

Sudden and you just like Fight for Your Life to like survive and it’s so it’s it gets really annoying uh maybe security breach if it was a good game maybe I would play it but yeah security breach from what I’ve heard it’s rather mid so I don’t

Know not opposed to it but it’s like um female sharing you wish family sharing on Steam female sharing I’m so sorry bestie I don’t think you’ll get that anywhere isn’t there a boy here that wants to trade hey boy hey boy you want to trade hey boy you

Want to you want to trade hey boy there was a big pig that was a big pig hope they’re fighting are you killing him there’s a big pig behind you can you kill him for me there’s a big pig come to the portal we trade here we’ll trade here bro

Bro yeah yeah yeah here here wait where’s my gold no dude dude D dude look I hate that I spawn in this biome it’s awful hi Captain I’m doing good today how are you hello hello I am trading right now for more loot I hope that I will get something

Really good like invincibility potion for life that I can never die oh I should do a Pillager like a raid and then get I should survive a raid and then get the the the the undying tokens cuz that will totally work out and I will definitely not die to the raid

Miserably bro I’m thinking of just like making another nether portal further away at this point cuz I hate this biome playing Xbox One what are you playing also hi oh hi regular that was you what are you playing today on Xbox hey Maddie have you ever used coin

No I don’t know what that is I’m sorry is it like a gambling sounds like sorry I heard I heard Pig noise s was like a gambling website have you played Fallout New Vegas not yet I wanted to play it at some point it seems really interesting

You want some too come on yeah I’m trading with everyone I don’t have preferences come on come on bro it’s real gold they are judging it for so long it makes me think like they don’t trust me hey I have more for you ah they should give me ender pearls

Or something I deserve it and who didn’t want my gold okay trading with them is kind of fun I like getting random loot did he drop me something I like that they’re just killing it but I’m way to oh God I’m way too scared to kill it

And these men are just going at it I’m like I’m not touching that thing thank you they just go for it they’re so strong and cool it could never be me I could never be as strong and cool as them three leather splash potion more of the spectral arrows maybe I should make

A bow I’m thinking about it if I could I I think I no I can’t enchant it yet I don’t have the levels man it’s a machine that gives you money oh is it one of those like like machines at like a um arcade and you put more

Coins in and then they like get dropped down like that’s gambling kind of what do you mean Minecraft yeah Minecraft that’s right that’s what we’re playing it’s a good game it’s a good game I have some stairs that I don’t need that I can burn

Those now I have so much meat that’s way more meat than I ever expected to have uh I don’t remember how exactly to make a bow let me check I usually make one bow in my entire like Minecraft playthrough so I don’t Remember I I don’t have sticks okay I will quickly destroy a tree I’ll probably make a nether portal in a different biome I don’t really feel safe in this one I don’t want to like Risk dying instantly you know I don’t want to I don’t want to risk

It I think Fallout serious is immersive s uh it’s an role playing game I would not say it falls in the category of immersive Simulator game no well maybe kind of but no not really it’s for the role players it’s for the DMD lovers that’s who it’s

For ah we got Soul Sand okay they gave me Soul Sand spectral Arrow splash potion of fire resistance I still don’t know what to do with Nether Bricks is it it like for building something what the heck does one use Nether Bricks for my confusion is

Immeasurable let let me let me go a bit further away and make a nether portal somewhere else like maybe on the other side and see if it’s better if not I’ll just make I’ll just re remove it and make it somewhere else I just don’t want to be in that

Biome I really just want to bringing a save biome where I not get my ass kicked all the time have you ever put thought of putting donations in your stream don’t I have donations active in my stream there is uh there is a always a possibility

They’re they’re linked in my bio or like in the in the panels below also please speak English or I’m going to have to like uh remove you from chat I’m sorry chat language is English I’m sorry sorry it’s four right is it one more

Up wait let me try this n it should be one more up yeah oh no I don’t have enough well time to break the other portal I could break maybe wait wait wait if I break these parts and then the other four parts of the other portal I

Could have two I could have two portals we’re getting there Chad language is Sigma bro stop it with the sigma stuff it’s getting kind of old I’m not going to lie hi Mike how are you hello hello you look like a bloodborne fan well you would be right about that bloodborne is a

Fantastic game well to be fair most Souls games are seiro is my favorite actually I’m not a bloodborne fan I’m kind of a bloodborne hater actually it’s like my least favorite Souls like thinking about it actually you you reminded me no I hate bloodborne thank you I hate it I detest bloodborne

Bloodborne and me are sworn enemies thank you for reminding me how much I I am not a fan of bloodborne okay it’s turning night slowly let me just turn this portal on and go sleep where do I live Again it is so stressful when you have no ah sense of orientation I found my sense of orientation let’s go you’re doing good awesome nice to hear that you’re doing good yeah I’m just playing some hardcore Minecraft you know casually I’ve been alive for what like

Like like 10 hours at this point you know okay maybe 7 hours is closer to the truth but what my point is I’ve been surviving in Hardcore Minecraft and I want Chad to be proud of me for that something that I never expected to be

Possible in my whole life is to be good o there was a skeleton there was a skeleton something I never expected to be good at is surviving in this I’m really happy imagine check Village s Souls like game hating check Village you think that’s what bloodborne looks like I mean

I don’t actually hate it I still played the entire game and I had fun but it it it took all of my nerves and all of my life force so it’s not my favorite SE SEO on top SEO is best SEO for life also Dark Souls 3 was

Not bad Dark Souls 1 too was good too I just feel like bloodborne is the worst out of all of them but it’s still a good game especially when you’re good at it I would say it’s a great game but sadly I cannot um I cannot I cannot say that

About myself so okay let’s kill the spider we’re we’re warming up for the nether hello spider yeah killed easy peasy let’s see where this nether portal is taking us it’s a bit further away so I have high hopes that it’s not it’s going to be in a different biome

Hopefully not in a pool of lava what’s up what we why what what you closed the door you were standing behind me rem’s like next time closed the door my man was over here he walked over here don’t blame me don’t blame me can you believe this Dark

Souls what is up with you guys in the letter Z what’s up with that I need to know is it lucky letter is it really that lucky it’s not lucky at all I’m still in this God forsaken biome oh my God okay stuff in the nether is really damn close

To each other we’re going to travel further away don’t mind if I do I need to go like super far I I’m not I’m not familiar with building um Nether Portals so for me like this is a learning curve learning that the portals are actually like in

The nether I guess the distance Works differently so actually it’s pretty um pretty close to each other so I’m going to have to go like great distances in the over world or I travel through the nether once and build it from the nether maybe that works better i’ rather

Travel Overworld I don’t like I don’t like being underground underground I don’t like being in the nether sap sucker confirmed what’s the sap sucker do I do that what what is that forgot to make a bow o you’re right zero number I forgot thanks for reminding me thank you thank

You I appreciate that yeah know I wasn’t I wasn’t thinking about it I have ADHD so my brain is all over the place most of the time I’m lucky if I um remember things oh boy this is going to be a while huh this is going to this is going

To take us a a fat minute it’s a BB a BB oh you took a photo of a sap sucker I thought you were insulting me telling me I’m a sap sucker I was like what’s a sap sucker I don’t suck sap Oh you mean you like took a photo of it

Right that’s pretty POG that’s pretty POG eight blocks in the Overworld are one block in the nether that is so far okay I I need to find my way out of that like stupid biome in the nether I don’t know what to do against the big pigs they scare

Me do I leave these no I’ll take them could still reuse the Good Wood H I guess it’s easier to travel from the nether honestly oh my goodness one second guys uh One second oh no no wait no no okay there you go don’t say stinky stuff in my chat I not I don’t I don’t accept it your stuff will not be shown in chat anymore so sorry boys you have to take your zigma zigma your zigma stuff somewhere else not here not

Here anyways what I want to do uh oh yeah yeah go back to the nether I don’t want to I don’t want to I don’t want to it is what it is we have to go back we have to go back and try again

H I’m afraid of the pig but I feel like if I don’t do it now I will never grow big balls and people say people with big balls are the ones that are successful in life so let’s take this as an exercise to grow big balls oh wait make

The bow first make the bow first and then grow really big balls I want a bow that has Infinity but that ain’t going to work ah ah ah I wanted I wanted sticks for my bow yep yep yep yep yep yep it’s sticks there you go bow is

Done and then put the wood in here I really oh it’s full I put the wood in here and the stick and the string and the spider eye that I have for whatever reason and then let me let me see if I can oh wait I should get um diamonds a diamonds lapis

Sorry I need to see oh my God the crops are so incredibly slow at growing like I’ve been close to my house this whole time right why are they why are they so slow 20 are you kidding me 20 levels are you kidding me who has that many

Levels that’s a pain in the ass I’ll go I guess I’ll try to farm um some quartz while I’m down there wait actually let me put this close by too whatever let’s grow the big balls and let’s uh even if there’s scary pigs in here even

So even so I like that the portal here still exists on this end don’t I have the is is this like an OBS is this more obsidian for free can you duplicate obsidian that way wait is this a get out of jail free card I duplicated obsidian

Genius hi bro I’m still wearing golden shoes you can trust me dude you and me were the same you’re my brother exactly he trusted me guys no problem we are the same I wear gold shoes and so does he oh sh there’s two pigs and lava how the heck do I get out

Of this dumb biome I think this is a different biome down there let me try to I don’t know I guess build myself over there somehow I I think the blue biome like the same Forest but in blue is the one that has a lot of Endermen which I would rather

Deal with than these scary pigs I don’t want to sound mean but the pigs are super scary like look there’s another one just down there I don’t like it I really don’t like it for free for free what are we doing for free Nothing in life is for free these

Pigs always want my stuff for gold so technically no no free stuff here oh my goodness just let me okay okay I think we’re in the other biome now oh I can’t believe I miss miss these dudes oh my gosh they are so nice and nonthreatening wait there could be gas

In this area right okay this this does feel a little bit threatening actually thinking about it this this does feel rather threatening I’ll try to get to the other side without dying hopefully is that a gas no that’s one of those like lava Walker dudes that you can ride

Right don’t fall down don’t fall down just keep going just keep going just keep going I’m not scared I’m not scared let’s go I don’t have did I not bring enough blocks oh I still have gra gravel’s not going to help me Netherrack oh my goodness I’m like I still have gravel

Yeah gravel is the best bu building block to to get somewhere for real for real it’s great wait one sec who threw something at me rude Strider that’s what they’re called yeah there was a Strider down there I should probably put like a portal somewhere around here feel like

This is still relatively close to my base probably it’s going to be a pain having to travel to it but whatever I’d rather travel to my nether portal than like be D so uh and I have to fight pigs or maybe sometimes I will be emotionally

Strong enough to even go with the pigs you know maybe maybe one day I’ll be like okay I can fight them for now let’s get some XP so we can enchant stuff one two I think that was oh wait that needs to be wait a second that needs to be

Obsidian too wait I’m dumb hm H yeah I feel like I feel like that was not working that was that doesn’t work okay like this okay let’s see where we end up let’s see where we end up in a freaking cave I just want to be Happy I just want to be happy where the heck is this cave it’s not that far from my home I guess man can you believe it I’ll just Place torches everywhere cuz I don’t freaking want to die here great great no this does not look dangerous at all this this is not awful

At all yeah no I’m F I’m happy I’m happy yeah yeah I’m living my best life not stressed at all new versions always put me in a cave too regardless of where and when I open the portal from the nether yeah it’s pain isn’t it oh my gosh there’s more cave

Here honestly the caves are like so not scary I take everything back honestly the caves are like so not scary guys maybe it’s a world height issue Maybe yeah let’s just keep going literally don’t care at this point I just want to go up I just want to get out of here I just need like a point where I can write down the coordinates so that I know where the heck my nether portal is

Cuz apparently it’s down in some stupid cave they should change a nether Dimensions too that would make sense because they did so much work on like Mountains and the Overworld stuff o I really want a goat horn I know this is like maybe that’s something for the community server project instead I want

A goat horn so I can go you know at at other people and then other people can go but I haven’t played on the server like in a couple days so I need to get back to it there’s a lot of like new builds that popped up since I last streamed it like

There’s so many new ones I want to I want to show them Loki oh one second oh my butt hurts also Mike thanks for Ling I really appreciate that thank you thank you oh my butt hurt my chair is so uncomfy guys one of these days I’ll get a new one

But it’s probably going to be a while bro which level is my my house on I bet I’m going to end up on some freaking like ginormous Mountain How does it go so how far how deep that did this put me the portal feel like this is incredibly deep For No Good

Reason okay I’ve been kind of messing up this part let me get out let me out let me out who’s Loki you want to show the builds to Loki please Loki you know what I mean don’t play me like that Loki the Norse mythology dude from Thor the movie you know Loki come

On I’m at level 12 right now I just want to see sunlight or even moonlight you know at this point in my life I don’t even Care let me out let me out oh coal uh coal copper Cool Copper this is this is the worst nether portal of my life I did not know I I was like oh exploring the nether it’s going to be fun it’s awful I think I’d rather take

The evil pigs that tried to murder me over this over having to walk to some dumb cave every single time I want to go to the nether like that that’s worse thank you for the follow thank you thank you I’ve seen two of the series and somebody

Made a really fitting meme of the ending oh for Loki I don’t know I feel like Marvel has like been releasing such bad stuff the past couple years that I don’t even want to watch their movies anymore low key I heard they release a new movie the Marvels that is like supposedly

Really really bad I don’t know not sure what it’s about cuz I don’t actually care enough to find it out but I just heard most of their like new stuff is just really really really bad grandma is like kind of a Marvel fan

So he or or more of a fan of old Marvel so he always keeps telling me about how bad they became now you know why is RMA sleeping by the way shouldn’t he be packing we’re moving houses soon hello what is this this is awful let me swi why is it not letting

Me swim guys why is it not letting me swim holy [ __ ] I don’t want to I don’t I I’m just I’m so upset I’m so upset I’m going back to I’m I I don’t even know where I’m going back to no no what did I drop what did I drop my

Pickaxe didn’t mean to do that I’m going back to the other nether portal I don’t care I’m going back to the other portal it was better this is the worst where is it drowned when you need one please don’t please don’t curse me like that 821 80 okay we’re slowly getting there Welp drowned with a trident that’s right rear is one of the most genuinely unlikable actresses I’ve ever seen yeah Captain Marvel is lowkey just Superman but mid yeah I watched Captain Marvel back when it came out and I thought it was a little bit boring I I I understand

That people dislike Bri Larson for a lot of reasons I don’t think she was like I don’t know I don’t I don’t I didn’t hate her quite as much as everyone else but I I definitely understood why people disliked her so yeah Captain Marvel was

A mid movie and like the acting does the actress didn’t make it much better to be fair and I guess the new movie that that’s she’s in there as well probably it’s called the Marvel so I assumed it’s like maybe a second the second movie of Captain Marvel or

Something yeah that makes sense that makes sense bro I’m having the worst time in this Minecraft session today I’m just simply having the worst time I I I was doing so good I was doing so good and then everything got destroyed by the nether I had the

Unluckiest spawn it was it was awful I guess I’m just going to deal with the pigs but I need another way to get down to farm netherite right at some point how do I get down there’s so much lava I need to find a good way down where I don’t

Die I dislike the nether so far you’re trying to get people to like her and failed even harder oh yeah I feel like I mean she could probably like get people to like her but for that kind of stuff you just need to be likable you

Know I I I feel like that’s usually the best way to get liked by people you like Camala Khan and the actress who played her ah well I I don’t know I don’t know that character so no idea but um yeah it sucks it sucks it

Sucks it’s sad that they could that they didn’t make a good movie you know it’d be like that I feel like Marvel has been kind of on a downward Trend anyways for a while now oh there’s some cows I have to resort to killing cows in the wilderness cuz my weed just

Not growing I don’t know what to do about it my wheed just does not want to grow at all so I’m just going to get leather from these boys here sunflower I could probably use those sunflowers later for the composter composter sorry if I’m saying composter weird English is English is

Not my first language more more a thank you Bo boys I think I see more cows over there I’m going to eradicate the cow species there will be no cows left to life after I’m done with them hi R how are you welcome guys check out R rainbow

R rainbow is a cool vtuber how have you been I I’m pretty good I’m eradicating cows from existence today because the nether has been disappointing me and hurting my feelings so to fight back against the nether being evil to me I decided to because I’m playing hardcore

So if I die like my server is like my server my my whole playthrough is dead so I need to like be really careful and the nether is not making it easy for me today so I need to take revenge it’s all the cow’s fault that the nether is like

That it’s the cow’s fault that I spawn in a bad biome I hate them can you believe they do that to me hi clut welcome hello hello animated movies are fire oh my God spiderverse yeah I I think spiderverse is made by Sony not by Marvel right but

Spiderverse uh is one of the best like it’s definitely the best Spider-Man movies out there like if you compare them even from the liveaction ones none of them come close to spiderverse spiderverse are so good those are like the only superhero movies that I’ll actually like I guess voluntarily would

Watch that I I wouldn’t mind watching I don’t know I really like them you’re currently eating what are you eating today a safy is still sick oh sa feels better soon that really sucks I’m so sorry you guys I hope it’s nothing too serious yeah true it’s Marvel property

You’re right you’re right you’re right life action DC movies suck but the animated ones are really good yeah for I I actually I’ve never watched a DC animated one so I can’t tell you about that but I I trust I trust I’m not a super hero fan to a point where I would

Watch DC movies cuz most of the DC characters to be honest they’re not interesting to me like that guy who’s also a bat and um that guy who’s also a Green Lantern and that woman who is also a cat I just do not care for them I

Don’t know I don’t even know is Aquaman DC probably cuz I never heard of of him I know there’s some DC fans out there though you watch Godzilla minus one yesterday with friends and cried hey yo a Godzilla movie that makes you cry low key I’m going to watch it let’s

Go emotional Godzilla for the win H is that another nether portal over there is that one of those that you need to complete by yourself oh wait there’s more cows one sec I I like how I do anything in Minecraft but then I see cows I’m like wait guys there’s

Cows I need you for my bookshelf sorry bro I know it’s not nice of me to do so but I need you for my bookshelf Aquaman is DC yeah nobody cares about Aquaman I wonder why I don’t know Aquaman has such like a bad reputation you played through 1.0 in

Hardcore recently first triy dragon knocked me off into the void no yeah I might have to redo it a bunch of times till I can actually kill the dragon but I’m not even close to like getting to the end so that will take me a while

Until I even get there but it’s going to be a learning experience so I don’t mind it next time I’ll be faster you know oh you saw yourself in one of the characters gotcha gotcha oh my God it’s one of the DIY DIY um what are you called Nether

Portals maybe this one will end me up in a good spot let’s try haven’t given up on the nether completely yet they can’t make him work unless they give him a set of generic superpowers but then he’s not really Aquaman anymore why don’t they just show him um having intercourse with

Fish actually no I don’t think people would watch that I think people would secretly watch it because they’re interested in it but they would pretend like they don’t care for it you know oh wow gold nuggets flint and steel fire charge Flint a golden helmet this is for trading with those stinkers isn’t

It wait what what I do does this shape work no I guess this shape does not work I’m sorry I thought maybe it’ work it should be high enough so let me just get this one I I really thought it would work okay Maddie that’s on a different side

True people watch The Way of the water that’s Avatar right like the really bad Avatar movie people will watch anything C is that is it cuz it’s crying obsidian over here do I need to get rid of that do I need to patch that why does it not work is the size

Wrong why the Crickets I know what I’m doing I’m experienced it’s crying how do I wipe the tears can I like get the tears away somehow guys I just want to have a good nether experience I feel like it’s just not for me you know the nether it’s just not for

Me who’s cutting onions oh what a funny what a funny little line I’m not upset at all like where the fo do you want me to do ow whatever me and the nether were no longer friends I’m tired I’m tired which which other coordinate is my

House not this way not this way not this way huh which way is it then this way okay whatever let’s just go home and cry to my cows about it it was actually a good one with the tissue hi michas welcome soroto exists first boruto now this I mean yeah the

Avatar movie was really trash I remember watching it in cinema and even then even as an impressionable kid I thought it was kind of crap so yeah I don’t know how they messed up Avatar to make could look boring because having those powers and being a bender

And everything should be like the most cool thing ever and for some reason they managed to make it boring they managed to make the powers lame I don’t understand why which partner in December bro if twitch would let me bro nah my numbers are super wonky so I

I don’t I don’t think they’re like going to stay stable enough for that but maybe I I do I’m I’ve not completely given up on Twitch partner I think maybe someday I can get there maybe someday um I I do want to put a lot of

Work in streams and want to Once once we move I want to have like a really good streaming schedule but for now I just you know I feel like a lot of the stuff I do doesn’t work well so you know I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying you feel

Naked without your sub badge it be like that I feel naked when I’m not wearing any clothes it’s weird really well here we are again at least we made it home at least we made it home am I a massive disappointment yes but it’s okay sometimes you just have to

Be that for yourself and for your loved ones they would not appreciate it if you were you know um well adjusted in life oh my God where are you moving to I’m just moving to a different place in Germany in January pretty far away actually from from where I live right

Now sorry I’m away from my mic right now um it’s like a a longer drive from where I live right now for sure so I’m looking forward to it I’m a little scared of it but you know it is what it is uh I’m I’m not really like the one

Thing I’m worried about most is like I guess cuz we’re so far away from family like if there’s an emergency or something but that’s how it is I think in America it’s way way more often you just move away really far and it’s not that bad but in Germany like we feel

Like there’s like even 5 hours or something would be so far or like I mean we’re not 5 hours we’re even a little bit more than that but like I I don’t know family has been complaining a lot about it family is not happy family is very very unhappy about it they’re like

I will never see you again and we’re like yeah that’s the [ __ ] point I’m just joking of course uh we need this and leather for book and then wood for bookcase wait let me skip night real quick come to Spain we have riots and [ __ ] do you guys have

Taco Bell I think you guys have Taco Bell right right Oh wood wood wood wood wood I don’t think I have wood oh I have wood I have wood I have wood we’re good okay so we first we make paper first we make paper then we make book book ah then we make book then we make bookshelf three bookshelf three

Bookshelf if we have more wood we can make more bookshelf we’re almost there my crafting my enchanter is almost ready I just need to make more you do have it damn I mean I don’t even like Taco Bell that much it’s just nice to have the option to be honest

Whenever I’m in America I never even go to Taco Bell cuz I don’t like it that much come to Japan bro you guys know how how expensive it is to move even to a different country that is like close by like Spain would be close by and it

Would still be so way too expensive to move there like I’m sorry I don’t have that much money I can’t just relocate halfway across the world also I don’t know if I would want to live in Japan necessarily like I like Japan as a place I would definitely want

To come visit but I don’t know if I want to live there so probably not then grinding never ends it’s kind of mid yeah yeah it’s so mid but I like that you can get $2 two EUR burritos that’s pretty nice right okay

I think it’s almost done 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 yay it’s done guys I mean Raiden I know you live in Japan you don’t have to change your name for that but if you wanted like people

To know it then sure then yeah thank you for the follow thank you thank you come to Hungary there’s nothing worth while here well if you’re in Germany you can I don’t know what there is in Germany actually that’s embarrassing I need 30 levels yeah fun

How do I get the to the nether how do I make a mob farm how the [ __ ] do I get levels oh my God there’s so much stuff I need to enchant how do normal players play this stupid game who win India Australian cricket World Cup I’ll say India

Australians L I don’t know why I just I’m rooting for India for no reason actually I’m not rooting for anyone it’s my prediction I am prediction bear howdy bro you like my drip I’m a gold person just like you I love gold gold is my favorite trust me bro

Ah Yoda sorry my cat jumped me viciously she literally jumped on my shoulder you know that I have back pains Yoda it’s actually not very nice of you if you do this type of stuff she knows I have back pains she knows I struggle she wants me to be unhappy hi

Bro may I may I go there please thanks I’m just going to go where I built my my road earlier I can always go back afterwards I just want to farm some quartz I guess cuz I don’t know a better way to get XP right now I don’t want to fight

Anyone feel like if I fight with someone they’re going to beat my ass and I’m not going to beat their ass it’s too long that sucks do a flip not in the nether besties I’ll do a flip IRL but not in the nether does easily does a flip IRL struggles to

Exist in the nether without dying hey I can always use this portal to get out later cuz this portal is so great there’s so much good stuff here so is there does there is there stuff that spawns here and like night and stuff when it’s

Dark or is it just the normal monsters I guess the normal monsters don’t really spawn in the nether huh and I’ve never seen like a creeper skeleton or anything in here so it’s definitely just these like like piglin guys hoglins or whatever they’re called Maddy do a flip

Do a clutch I want to practice the uh clutches before I go fight the Ender Dragon because it looks like they’re pretty useful if he eats me up in the air and I have a water bucket on me but I need to practice it beforehand cuz I

Couldn’t just do that level 20 okay I need to 10 more levels hi bro I’m sorry don’t mean to be in the way I’m just trying to just trying to live my best life okay so what’s a Bastion what’s the difference between a nether Bastion and a nether fortress and

Why would I need to do them I’m asking because Rema is like always looking for them I assume it might be because of something related to the Ender Dragon but I’m not entirely sure if it’s necessary what’s mandatory here practice the water bucket yeah I was going to

Practice with the water bucket but I can’t do that in this world I’ll I’ll practice it like on a server that’s like made for it I’m sure there are servers where you can just do that right my God I thought I was going to fall down 21 levels

How people speedrun the Ender Dragon in an hour is beyond me I simply do not understand I’m having trouble like doing anything here meanwhile meanwhile people are like oh yeah I already beat the Ender Dragon on the server yippee easy peasy ah okay let’s build back up An hour it’s under 20 minutes e under 20 minutes Bastion is for the piglins for dress are for the fire skeletons and what do I need to beat the Ender Dragon from those things m 16 minutes what the hell people are so cracked at this game and for

What why am I not like them should have been me not him it’s not fair that’s a lot of lava over here uh I hear a growling noise but I’m sure it’s just another piggy boy sure it’s nothing that’s worrisome at all right hi piggy boy I’m wearing gold

We’re the same you and me they they worry me cuz they always look at me suspiciously but then they see my cool gold boots and they’re like okay I forgive you this time around ah blaze rods okay do you need blaze rods to get to the

End do you need like blaze rods for a portal or something find a dragon you need to kill fire skeletons and Enderman yeah Enderman I know cuz there’s this eye that points you to the the end Fortress or whatever it is that one I knew but ah oh my God finding Enderman is

Going to be a pain yeah no thank you I’m not going that way let’s do the good old tactic of just randomly digging into One Direction and hopefully finding what I’m looking for quartz usually that that tactic works better I promise usually usually there is a reason behind it usually it

Works I guess I guess not today oh my goodness there’s so much lava I hate this okay so this biome probably doesn’t have a whole lot of nether quartz but I don’t feel like there’s so much lava what do I do oh my gosh what do I do punch the piggy

Boy no I’m not going to die seven minutes what that’s crazy I have Ender with blaze rod and ender pearl ah okay I already have some ender pearls so and I need one Eye of Ender to point me it’s an item that you can pick up again or how many do I need

Then I love how my cat in the background is screaming his soul out me too bro I I also am tired my other cat assist sitting here like am I a joke to you I’ve been here this whole time she’s like notice me mother yeah she just jumped away from me

She noticed that I didn’t notice her enough sorry but I’m not living in a lava infested hellscape I’m cleaning up what the creators of this hell neglected to do in the first place who even lets lava ever everywhere who leaves this so I guess if we find like another

Fortress that’s going to be good I hate this also there’s no Rhyme or Reason to what I’m even doing right now sure I may look like I know what I’m doing but I have no idea magma blocks hurt I don’t like them

Ah no no no no no no no no no no no madd’s cats be like E I fed them earlier so they shouldn’t have a reason to be like that but you know cats I gave them delicious food that one that they really like earlier

Tell me if you guys see like a Bastion or whatever we’re looking for I might just look up the seed and figure it out from there I don’t know how to do this uh disgusting lava it’s everywhere ew just want to be able to walk around normally without having to burn my

Ass so is this the biome wait is this the biome where it could be cuz I remember this biome is is this one of the biomes where it could spawn I don’t I’m not sure what this biome is but um hi Alaska welcome how you doing there’s just so much

Lava I really admire Gamers now hi rer thank you for the resub rib burned ass bear Maddy I’m not burn burned yet we’re getting there but so far I’m not burned too crisp yet I’m very smooth and non damaged so far I’ll have you know I’ll

Have you know I hope you’re doing good she’s brown now yeah there’s a brownberry redeem on my twitch Channel people on Twitch can use Channel points to uh make me brown bear hey there’s a magma slime looks roasted to me I’m not burned I’m not roasted I’m perfectly clean and

Non-sm smelly and non offensive that’s right I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead how the [ __ ] do I get out oh my God how do I get out how do I stop burning how do I stop burning guys

Okay I am a burnt bear you were right I’m a crispy burnt bear plushy redeem doesn’t work oh no it does it does hi de nuts welcome did you turn me into plushy and I didn’t do it when did you redeem it oh 8 minutes ago

Oh my gosh I’m so sorry I simply did not see it I was a little bit preoccupied one sec there you go I’m so sorry wa there’s my plushy redeem I’m just a baby please get me out of here I I don’t want to I don’t want to suffer like this any

Longer that was the most stressful experience I’ve ever had in my life do we really want to kill that end Ender Dragon do we really like I I just don’t see why you know he hasn’t hurt me yet hello there just Victor welcome you’ve been good I almost died just now

I am the furthest get next true Mission failed oh I am the furthest from fine actually there’s I don’t even have words to describe how not fine I am um that’s how not fine I am the nether is really scary to me and apparently I need to find a

Bunch of like stuff here yo did he just run at me [ __ ] my boots are broken I am so dead guys my pig bartering friends will no longer want to Pig barter with me in fact they will no longer Pig like me at all and I was I was relying on them to

Pig like me I was relying on it what do I do H guess I’m leaving through this portal I’m trying to get out through this portal then I am extremely stressed um but other than that I’m pretty good hardcore playing Minecraft hardcore is hard on me it’s not been easy on

Me you have water in the nether in a cauldron you can extinguish burning three times ah why only three times boots probably got slightly burned in the lava my golden boots it’s not fair oh man oh man I’m so stressed it’s okay it’s okay guys we are relaxed we’re

Fine we’re fine we’re coping we’re we’re we’re coping we’re good I’ll get out of here eventually I’m still standing it’s been I’m going back down as we speak it’s been 33 days in Minecraft hardcore and I’m still standing so we I guess we need like the Bastion

For the rods and then other than that we just need to kill Enderman so yeah it’s not going to be easy m i I don’t think I don’t think I can even make it to the end what if I just randomly stumble upon the ender portal the end portal what if

I just what if I build like a huge like thing that destroys everything underground until I find the nether can I can I do that is that is that I’m sure some Minecraft youtubers have done that in the past right let me swim dude okay there you go

Of course it’s night time again why would it be daytime even once why would it be day time cuz every time it uses the third of the water and you can’t break it with the water so it really just one time when when moving around ah okay okay

Gotcha so technically you can use some water in the nether but it’s basically really difficult I mean I I don’t want to go back there ever I think I found the Fortress by mining twice so far for many worlds but we need the Fortress right oh Oh you

Mean the end Fortress you only found it twice in many worlds that’s not very good I would have hope it would be more than that let’s let’s talk this dolphin into befriending me hi you want to help me swim to shore really fast dolphin dolphin stay with

Me oh man they added Dolphins to this game and they’re not even helping me oh the stronghold you don’t have to mine for Fortress wait so the nether end end Fortress or nether I’m so confused I need to get more gold gear because now now that I lost my boots they’re not

Going to want to be my friend anymore it’s okay guys I believe that this time I can get it I don’t even know what the next step would be so I kind of semi Enchanted my stuff right so that’s good but where do

I go from here you know where do I go do I try to explore the nether more find a nether fortress maybe like I don’t know take some obsidian with me to be able to get out quickly I don’t know hi Turtles that’s a lot of mobs over here wait I have a

Bono can they stop double teaming up on me oh my goodness I’m lucky that my gear is relatively good going to definitely have to build more of a uh Shield when I get home my shield is like is on the brink of death just like me oh great hi Mandy

Welcome find a fortress get three Wither Skeleton skulls fight the Wither after that you’re ready for the dragon fight the Wither I feel like I don’t need to fight the Wither I feel like that’s an optional boss no oh now I have arrows oh I didn’t have any arrows I

Left the spectral arrows at home that’s what happened Shields are so op I can’t believe I like never used them in my normal Minecraft playthroughs like I could have survived so many bad situations with shields it’s crazy but I just refused you know I was

Like no Shield sh I don’t need one I don’t need Shields can I use cocoa beans for something cookies I guess cookies are good I need to find my base actually I feel like did I go into the wrong direction is this even where my base is

It’s minus [ __ ] did I swim to the wrong place oh guess we’re making a boat guys we’re making a boat me when I just want to come home are you really setting me on fire right now dude is that are you for real my I I I I don’t have any

Words I I don’t have any words I’m in so much pain I’m in so much pain fight everything I guess at this point I have to wait I had enough for a crafting table this whole time I’m going to go insane I’m literally going to go insane I just wanted a freaking

Boat but hey I guess I found like something guess I found more places I can go to with my cool boat you know what I’m crying inside this is the worst like outcome so we need to go to minus so this way yeah just straight this way I went to

The wrong Shore I went to the wrong Shore do I cry inside like at least a little bit yes find nether fortress I don’t even know what nether fortress looks like guys that’s the problem if I knew what it looked like maybe it would be easier

But how do I even know that it’s another for foress you know how do I even know they jungle sapling nah I don’t want jungle saplings not not right now the miss an opportunity with the raft to add bigger boats yeah it would be so cool to have to have like proper boats

In this game they did add one where you can have a chest on it but like I want a proper boat like a ship like a pirate ship you know what I mean that’s one of the things that make me sad about Minecraft there’s so much M potential

That they could have for other things you know and then they add like the weirdest stuff instead of like fixing the problems that the game has and you know what the kicker is I still don’t have enough XP to to to enchant my bow I still don’t have

Enough maybe I could enchant some books instead of the bow would that would that work better if I enchant some books instead I don’t even know at this point how to do it make a raft with bamboo well I’m not close to any bamboo right now I know

They added some new bamboo type wood which is cool I guess I still need to continue going that way the whole nether business this is killing me I might just go back into the cave down because that was like emotionally easier to handle I will just go into the cave and

Find some monsters to feel good about myself I’ll be like yeah I still got it I still got it it’s not that difficult it’s not as difficult as it seems oh my goodness look at that wow I want nothing to do with this get me out of

Here that’s a cool pool you can like swim here and then look down at the abyss it’s great so great that I want nothing to do with it Ever I just don’t feel like I need much stuff from the regular cave anymore I should definitely go and do nether Exploration but even enchanting my stuff costs so much like I can’t even do that maybe I’ll wait till night time and just actually murder a bunch of mobs I mean capturing I mean employing some some librarian villagers for books hey yo I have not even found a village yet

Actually but I doubt that they would have like the books that I need I don’t even have Emerald to trade it you know I don’t even have Emerald ah now I realize why people make a bunch of farms it’s for for mental health Reasons okay it’s this way because my mental health is being ruined by by everything being so hard to obtain people really just be going into The Nether just like that without having to fight for their life or cry inside like how do they do that it’s crazy it’s crazy

Going to switch back to my regular model in a second ah that was that nether portal that wretched nether portal I think I’m going to take the nether from it I actually no it’s honestly it’s probably easier to just Trav travel in the nether I was like I’ll take the

Nether so I can make a portal later but no no [ __ ] that I’m a nether traveler now I will fight everything in the nether I’m tired look how much I have to walk in the Overworld to get somewhere I’m done with this I’m a NE worldi in

Now I will I will build a base in the nether I’m done with the Overworld Overworld hurting me nether can’t hurt me like that there’s lots of pigs there why is there so many pigs in the nether actually is there a lore explanation for that I’m just curious like nether is

Supposed to be hell right so why are all these pigs in hell does it imply that pigs are just bad creatures and that they don’t deserve happiness in heaven like what does it mean why is it like this also let me let me switch back to my normal model real

Quick plushy is cute but nothing beats my cute model there you go because bacon oh bacon do be delicious but why does that mean if I eat bacon I will go to hell maybe I deserve it he instantly gives up on life like yeah you know what maybe I should go to hell

Guys I’m so sleepy for whatever reason probably cuz I had to walk so much oh my God walking Sim has been killing me probably that’s why I’ve just been walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking thanks for the follow thank you thank you welcome

Welcome okay we’re in the right biome at least I feel like we’re slowly getting closer I can already smell the familiar bacon I can already smell my dogs the unwashed dogs smell hi from Georgia State on a good Georgia morning howdy from Germany welcome to Georgia how’s it going in Georgia

Today no Little Bear gone I’m sorry bestie little bear is a redeem on Twitch that’s right I’m Big Bear Now I’m doing I’m sleepy beer vtuber be be really sleepy beer V tubing like trying to keep my eyes open it’s that stupid nether business guys I’m telling you making me sleepy look at that stupid crops they still haven’t grown they still haven’t not grown let me take Netherrack and then

Let me leave this stuff behind beetroot bone I don’t need nether quartz although I could maybe make it into building blocks but I feel like that would be a waste of stuff you know what at least I have enough beef to keep me going for a

While where do you think Heaven gets the bacon for its breakfast buffet oh my God so people and Heaven do eat uh bacon right so that’s good hey y Georgia Bulldogs beat Tennessee let’s freaking go Tennessee not the only 10 I see Georgia is the only 10 I see let’s

Go American college football I see yeah I don’t know anything about American football I’ll be real with you but I respect it it seems interesting to like I don’t know a lot of Americans seem to like really be into it so it’s interesting to see that there’s my gold nuggets I need to

Make them into ingots so that I can make myself new boots cuz these boys don’t trust me without boots it’s a proper pain in the butt that they won’t trust me but it is what it is would it really be heaven without unlimited bacon and scrambled eggs

Exactly you know what two of you come on come on inside go in come on are you in and one of them is still walking around I guess the other one is already in I just want a dog to support me yeah okay one of one of them is here puppy come

On are you here good good good good just in case we get into a fight like even if the dog dies it’s worth it so nether fortress am I right so how does that look in which biome do I find that if I were to like find it okay that is definitely a

Path ow that is definitely pain you know what if I die here at least it was a good death dog are you with me I think dog is still with me if I die here then that’s how it was meant to be okay people said shield and run so

That’s what I’m going to do we’re not fighting that guy H talking about shield and run guys I need to go back I forgot to redo my shield and I’m not going here without a freaking proper Shield I am simply not doing it there’s a

Pig like one of the evil pigs not the cute pig like these oh my God why is there so many of them can they just let me live and be happy please these pigs do not support my happiness and I don’t like it wait here

Dog I’ll be back in a sec hi Zimmer how you doing hello hello you might die from nether hog nah I’m not letting them kill me I’m done with being scared I I was a scaredy cat this whole session and I’m done with it I want to be good I want to

Be strong I want to be powerful the Star Wars reference z i get it hello there yeah indeed indeed it’s so ow ow why why God why okay well that was not very POG champ these are not ready yet right thank you puppy puppy saved my life that’s most unlucky spawn ever I

Know right I freaking hate the PO the the place with the Hogs but at the same time like what am I going to do I tried putting the portal somewhere else I ended up like under the water under the ocean I I’m done with being scared you

Know I’m done with with always like running away Albert me when I just needs a shield but Albert keeps like running into my way okay Shield ah just wood I thought I had a lot of wood on me where is it he ah there you go o cuz mine’s almost done mine’s almost

Broken so I’m just going to leave my old one here Albert sorry my horse is a little bit pushy sometimes he wants me to ride him at all times hi Sue I’m good how are you hello hello did died falling into lava due to a gas and bad bad’s P portal spawn

Location in my first attempt at hardcore oh my God you spawned in a pool of lava you spawned above a pool of lava that is the worst I can imagine actually there’s actually nothing worse than that okay puppy are you are you ready let’s go puppy I got a brand new

Shield stay out of the way of the Hogs and we’re going to be fine when we see hog we run from hog we do not engage with hog we do not try to talk to hog hog is not very um respectful or respond well to conversation hog is not good guy we will

Not indulge hog in being bad boy we run from hog sorry I’m just repeating this to myself I see to hog not good very not good I don’t want to interact with hog walk away away from hog I pretend I do not see hog I see hog it hard to pretend to not

See hog when I see hog hog see me probably okay run we this is where my hardcore run ends so be it oh my gosh why is this biome so gosh darn huge why is it so big ah I’m so done with this give me a different biome

Already what is this pool of lava why is there so much Lava no wonder most speedrun or challenge run use specific or more predictable seat that’s Fair yeah I’m trying to find nether fortress cuz people said I needed so I can fight the dragon fighting dragon is my goal so unfortunately we’re going to have to live through this

Hell just going to try to get over there even though it’s the same freaking biome the worst part will be getting back I feel like cuz I don’t really remember how where I was I mean I have the coordinates so it’s not like impossible but it’s not going to be fun

Oh I already seen another hog what are these stupid Hogs why are they everywhere I hate it you usually ride horse but you don’t want to fail oh well I don’t feel like horses have anything to do with that you just don’t need any nuts easy easy

Win I have not eaten any nuts this month I win hi to welcome uh that’s what she said oh there’s a lot of things that she could say I don’t know which one this refers to but you’re probably right H I don’t like hog uh I think I’m in a

Worst like Island right now than I was earlier actually H okay I think that’s a different biome right that doesn’t look like hog biome anymore oh it’s puppy man I thought it was hog for a second I was losing my my mind I just want XP Please thank you I don’t need the quartz I just want XP okay okay careful careful okay well is this the biome that could have a nether fortress guys how do I find it can it spawn here I love the big sound in makes whenever you reach a new level on it that’s

Great so who here likes country music not me but I don’t hate it either like sometimes I can Vibe with it also 5,000 points spent what like Channel points did you redeem something wait one sec I don’t have my redeem screen open uh Honey Jar Honey

Jar sound alert oh you turned me into plushy ah I didn’t see I’m sorry why don’t you just tell me if I don’t see it ah if you redeem something and I don’t see it because I only have the screen open like like half the time because

It’s wonky with restream just say it just say it I’ll I’ll do it for you I just didn’t see it I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry Gamers okay okay let me just H pull up Minecraft I have the screen open now so if anyone redeems something I see it

It’s just that anytime I Tab out it closes so sometimes I don’t notice that it closes I do try to keep it open for the most part but but yeah this biome nether yay uh nether fortress yay or nether fortress nay what do you guys think is it possible possible huh cuz my

My I have pause don’t throw stuff no you can throw stuff at plushy plushy is really soft plus she does not feel pain you can throw a lot of stuff at her she won’t mind ow ow okay actually did it hurt it did hurt stop don’t throw things ow ow

It did hurt I said I thought I thought about it don’t do it anymore I realize that it does hurt oh is that a fossil over there for bone meal that big bone thing over there now I’m kind of vibing with the nether you know I’m having kind kind of a good time

Here getting lots of quartz you know just like hanging out living my best life now that we’re out of the hog biome it’s really really chill you could say I’m a professional Minecrafter I’ve been in the nether countless times and I’m still alive oh my God almost attacked this dude for no reason

Is this another one of those biomes or is this the one that I came from please tell me this is there’s not another one of those I feel like I don’t I don’t think that’s where I came from hi dude I’m sorry for mining your Earth that you live in but I need

This I’m leveling pretty good with this I already MADD s her Discord to light mode did you did you really I did not see it when e but proof or it didn’t happen no no honestly if you did I’ll check later I have the logs of things that people

Redeem so I I’ll definitely check right now it’s just kind of a bad timing because I’m in the Nether and I’m don’t want to die but uh I’ll check later I did not know that I did not see that what do you mean why would you send my Discord to

Light mode do you hate me or something is this is this a way to say that you hate me oh in your dreams you redeemed it got it why does stuffy so small I mean it’s a stuffed toy it’s not supposed to be huge right just a little plushy it’s just a

Baby is this bone Block Please tell me a sorry I didn’t mean to moan it’s I it’s just it’s the best feeling in the world to find so much bone meal and finally get my cows breeding even though I don’t even need [ __ ] leather anymore sorry

Sorry sorry I try not to curse this is a stress situation for me um it is new for all of us let’s try to be patient me at myself I will try to be patient Maddie thank you Maddie balls it’d be like that sometimes and I mean

A I didn’t know there was stuff here sorry for the random Russian my dog is defending me thank you dog there’s a gas what do I do what do I do about the gas guys I’ve never fought one I’ve never fought one literally I think if I don’t attack it

It’s going to leave me alone surely right looks like a chill dude okay it’s it’s making weird noise in Goose duck yesterday and you said shoot and then you were killed damn that’s what cursing gets you guys don’t curse kids it’s bad for your mental health or something I don’t [ __ ] know

I don’t care you can curse do whatever you want so the gas does not attack fire his balls back I don’t know how he’s not throwing balls at me he’s not doing anything you sure some of us prepare to watch Maddy cursing mad and panic no I’m fine I’m fine

Look it’s throwing stuff at me what do I do what do I do how do I throw it back how do I freaking throw it back ah my dog is on fire how do I throw it back Chad Chad how do I throw it back what do I do do I

Need to use my shield do I need to use my sword how do I do it punch it are you sure hit the ball with my hand with my sword feel like that’s what I did ah okay I punch it gotcha my dog my dog is still alive good

Good good eat this oh [ __ ] can you give me a sec I’m trying to feed my dog like this right a okay think I was holding up my shield instead where’s the gas gone sword with looting dog Dogg is fine I gave him some raw meat he’s okay he

Just got a scare he got a scare but he’s okay man there’s a lot of first times I’m having today first time fighting for my life against the ghast come on doggy let’s let’s destroy him where are you going bro why are you running why are you running bro he was

Running for what he attacks me and then he’s like never mind I’m scared huh huh anyway gas loser ghast was scared of us so it retreated it’s not like I was like scared of the ghast and ran away it’s cuz the gas was scared of me it’s cuz I’m incredibly intimidating

Obviously scared of the dog no dog scare skeletons yeah skeleton tries to lure me into an ambush imagine like I walk there and suddenly there’s like seven skeletons popping up how dare you you know I have a dog right my dog likes bone likes your bone okay that sounded a little bit

Weird not like that he just really likes to eat them hello there hi Georgia hello hello sorry if I’m like ignoring chat a little bit I’m just trying to focus on the nether cuzz I don’t know how to do it I don’t want to die by accident it’s

My hardcore world so I need to keep it alive first of all let’s eat until we’re full wait let me pause for a sec just to like reload my normal model I never heard any players cream like Maddie I’m sorry it’s it’s it’s dressing me it’s dressing me it’s

Dressing me I have never never played like this okay I’ve never been in the nether by myself and actually done things in there it’s really stressful to me that’s why I scream it may seem ridiculous it maybe it is even a little bit ridiculous

But the dream of going to the end is so far away from me right now hi boys you want to trade what do I get for it what’ you give me ah potion okay ooh crying obsidian really really these guys not giving me anything good wow

Wow okay we don’t want to go into this biome because it is um extremely scary but in this biome there was a gas which biome is the one with nether fortress that is good for me amus AO so we know a teddy bear only fears a ghast

Exactly look out a gas I don’t even see the ghast can it be scary if if I don’t see it no if I just pretend that I do not see it nothing can hurt me why I do not see you trying to run from me ridiculous these skeletons don’t know what’s good for

Them attacking me like that when I have a Fearless evil dog with me trying to protect me huh ridiculous I’ll just go in in this direction and try to Yoda can you not jump on my arm when I’m in the freaking nether you know how scary that is you’re

Scarier than the game Yoda get off my keyboard sorry cat you know how scary that is guys whenever you’re just trying to survive and then a cat jumps your keyboard you know what I don’t think I can die from this fall damage that’s right that’s right baby

Thanks for the Applause I I appreciate it yeah yeah yeah that was a cool drop that was a cool drop I know that was a sick drop it was sick feel like a gas will spawn and throw fire at you yeah one of them did it earlier but it’s gone

Now Yoda’s also punching her like tail against my mouse and trying to click the button which is also not very pleasant if you think about it so when Chad told me to just make food sources they didn’t tell me I can just eradicate all cows on the server and get

Food that way cuz I got so much beef now from killing all the cows that I could find hey there’s a lot of bone block structures so I’m definitely going to have a lot of bone meal C going forward which is great I mean going forward um

Of course only applies to if I survive this trip so we’re still this is this is all speculation but if I do survive this it would be great let’s fight that skeleton am I in the right biome at all for the nether fortress I know I’ve

Asked it a couple times but I don’t think anyone has told me yet oh is this the nether fortress hello I was looking at something [ __ ] I see some structure here is that what I need loser what is the structure is that the Bastion or the

Fortress Bastion do I need Bastion or do I need Fortress I’m sorry I think you guys explained it to me already but I don’t remember I don’t Remember Fortress has blazes oh and we do need blazes we don’t probably don’t need the Bastion but there’s loot in the Bastion right so maybe it’s good for me oh my foot fell asleep it’s so uncomfy oh guys I need a better chair someday I can literally feel my body

Like getting wrecked from this chair can you not I used to be like deadly scared of skeletons but now I realize that they’re just big losers if anything Minecraft right now is teaching me that I was scared of skeletons for no reason whatsoever cuz they got nothing going for

Them Corin redeem plushy oh one sec oh my God that was already 5 minutes ago that’s crazy thank you for telling me I even had the screen open but obviously I couldn’t look at it cuz I was focused on the game we plushy launch the plushy the plushy has

Been launched hello hello she’s right here one sec I put the window back up thank you for telling me thank you thank you okay so so I I’ll just go there and check it out you know what’s the worst thing that could happen don’t say death don’t say death it’s not going to

Happen we’re going to survive and be extremely happy and extremely lucky and nothing bad is going to happen ever okay I already see a pig at that Bastion so that’s not very good I see a pig over there how how do I get in there without getting murdered hi Tak hello hello

Welcome pigling brute hitting you with you with its ax disabling your shield and the rest beating you to death wait the piglin brutes are enemies I thought they don’t attack me when I have armor when I have gold I thought they’re my friends that’s shocking to learn that they’re not my friends at

All I guess it’s different piglins we’re talking about huh let me check it out mommy mommy there’s a pig dog we’re not staying here we’re going up dog dog dog we’re leaving what do I do the brutes ignore gold ouch that’s not good is he trying to get to me

Dog there is also the the big pigs here which is what actually scares me more big pigs scare me more than Little Pigs yeah I don’t feel like I don’t feel like this is good what is the loot that I could get here I saw a chest piece

Down there I wonder if it’s good enough I also want to try and fight them cuz I kind of feel like I could probably do it you know is it just like random loot from random chests Maddie fight them you sure I mean I could

Try I just don’t want to fight the big pigs you know thanks for the follow thank you thank you why do they ignore my armor like when I obviously when I’m wearing gold I’m signifying to them that we’re brothers you know why do they not like accept me wello there’s way too many

Here I want to lure them one by one but I don’t think I can do that hey bro you want to fight hey hey hey hey hey hey hey you see me you see me come here come here coward come here I’m the coward I call them cowards

But I’m the coward I’m too scared to attack I’m too scared to go in I’m the freaking coward wait till big pig swallows Maddy hole now I haven’t died yet but I’m about to I’m in a Bastion and I don’t even need this to do the Ender Dragon I’m so

Scared hey hey pigs hey hey hey hey anyone want to anyone want to like fight hey pigs hey hey hey pigs they don’t want to fight I don’t think well that’s that’s unfortunate guys I tried you know I I tried they really they are just such peaceful and nice peaceloving

Creatures they really just did not want to fight at all can you imagine that mission fell we get oh my God that scared me so bad I thought it was like something in the game I killed one need to eat I can’t eat they do way more damage than

Expected yeah I don’t think I don’t think I’m doing this guys I’m sorry mans was doing a lot of damage for something that I don’t need this is questionable receiving so much damage for for something I don’t need I I don’t know I don’t know if it’s worth it

Ah find survival first exactly survival first going to try to get out of here I don’t know if the guys with the axes are more dangerous than the other ones but I’m just going to bro why is it not is it that slabs or something is it stupid slabs that like

Not letting me do this also my neck hurts to an unhealthy amount it’s really unpleasant right now I’m just going to I’m just going to go up here I do not care my dog’s going to teleport after me hello there hello there hi welcome T Tado hello hello oh my God okay

Okay I don’t know where the heck I’m going up on right now but it’s whatever I hear monster sounds well I found a Bastion I know what a Bastion looks like now I never want to go to one ever again thank you for teaching me guys

That was awful I hated it I hated every second of that a sorry guys we’re in colors does not work on the plushy I’m so sorry it does not work hello from Russia hi hi from Germany welcome oh my God my my neck hurts so bad probably cuz my monitor is like

Angle to the side so whenever I stream and look like in my Monitor it’s on the left it hurts so bad let me switch to my Model A Man TT thick disconnected because of like the color changer was wasn’t going to work either way because it disconnected oh no

That’s the wrong MADD Kuma model sorry that that’s old Maddie that’s old Maddie that I put in the trash this is the real Maddie hi Skater Boy hi from Brazil hi from Germany welcome welcome hi Nitro hello hello hello welcome you guys are seeing a pain bear girl fight for her life in

Minecraft right now hi welcome is my tracking dge my tracking is so deed sorry guys whenever I have to reload this bottle like be whenever I have to use a different model it’s it’s a little wonky but it be like that it’s not a big deal how’s Gerald you mean

Alfred my horse he’s good what which Gerald do you mean Oh you mean in the in my in my community server oh he’s good Gerald is great the sniffer right no no he’s good he’s just been sniffing his life away very cute and very happy but yeah I’m playing hardcore right now so

I’m not on the community server I’m just uh hi puppy you made it you didn’t get eaten by evil pigs I’m so happy well at least I have enough XP now to to level Up a there’s a tree okay that means I’m out I think I don’t like all the sounds that are coming out of here hi boys you guys are not evil Right just running so that just in case there’s the big Hogs I’m not close to them okay we’re out of the Bastion let’s go easy oh my God know it’s not so easy getting out of this stupid Place I just want I just want to fight the nether fortress so I can so I can I can go into the end I just want to do that is it too much to ask you have a Discord team a team I have a Discord server if that’s what

You’re asking I don’t have a team on Discord though I don’t know what a team is yeah that’s right run for my dog he’s going to rip the Bones from your body coward yeah go coward go yeah you try to attack me me and my dog are going to get

You in walking speed cuz we can’t can’t run on this stupid sand we’re going to get your ass that’s right if you’re a skeleton any skeletons in chat watch out I have a guard dog and he’s going to take care of me right puppy yeah tell me if you guys see another

Fortress there’s so many like bones here which is great but also my inventory uh hello hi Doom welcome hello hello you have a cold sore that sucks I’m sorry cold sores are not pleasant they’re not the worst thing ever like people act like they’re awful but they’re just like not

Pleasant I only get cold sorce when I’m like really sick when I have like a fever and stuff that’s the only times other than that I’m pretty oh my gosh there’s so many [ __ ] pigs there sorry for cursing so much today I am in a stressful

Situation guess I have to go down over these blocks or maybe over here oh [ __ ] why is he on fire though ah yes well that does not seem to be the way down your animation is so good it was rigged by remas Suri yes he’s a great he’s he’s really good at

Rigging I love my rigging as well I love how it turned out it it looks it’s so smooth and nice you join my Discord server pogers when do we get a swear jar soon anytime the swear jar is full I have to buy you guys McDonald’s from

It tell me if you see that like nether fortress we’re looking for all right I’m starting to believe it does not exist guys our Nether Fortress Is Real have you guys been lying to me to like keep me in the nether I guess it do be sometimes rare to find them

Right which direction do I go in I don’t even know where to go to be honest I guess I’ll go this way never mind there’s a lot of lava down there I might die if I go that way let’s go this way come on doggy we got this hi

From Brazil hi hi to Brazil from Germany welcome welcome ah medicated chapstick see Maddie did you ever realize that in all your Old Worlds your pets are still waiting for you great great yeah I’m not going to sleep tonight cuz I’m being wrecked with guilt my poor

Pets I’m fine guys I’m fine don’t worry about me ah ah what you have to remind me oh no I hear a gas well this will be our first gas kill ever let’s do it why does the gas sound like an anime girl low key what’s the lore behind it

Oh my god he has a drip look at him saw my dog huh you saw my dog my dog ain’t going to play around with you thanks doggy I appreciate it okay let’s try wow okay I know how to do it now God damn so how do I actually hit the

Thing one sec I’mma eat something doggy can you not be like in the way for this a I hit my dog how do I aim for this thing how do I aim for the go goh how do I aim okay I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m

Done I’m done I’m done we’re going we’re leaving we’re leaving we’re going I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done dog dog we’re going dog don’t stay in my way how do I aim how do I aim turning British in desperation guys I can’t do

It anymore it’s too much for me I can’t hand handle it anymore it goes where your mouse is pointing okay my mouse is pointing to your mom sorry that was uncalled for I’m stressed okay leave me alone just randomly you’re moming you for giving me

Advice give your dog food or it will die can it eat cooked food I thought it only eats raw meat puppy where are you hey puppy you want some meat hey hey hey hey get over here get over here stinky aw okay it’s fine don’t fall down there

Puppy I guess I’m going to try to go up there seems to be oh [ __ ] okay round two round two try to point at the gas almost almost [ __ ] hell okay we’re leaving we’re leaving we’re leaving we’re leaving puppy puppy puppy puppy is like human you really suck at this I’m sorry but

Why oh God it’s here it’s here it’s here it’s fine we can escape stop making disgusting anime girl noises gas please okay it’s not that disgusting let’s be real guys it’s it’s not working it’s who’s it There anyways thank you guys for watching my stream I’m going to log out here and um you know next time when we come back to this I’m just going to lose my mind what if I were to log out right now what would happen would the thing despawn you guys think would it

Despawn when a dog tail are straight it’s on full health ah thank you good good to know so what do I do about this situation like if I run I run to guest i’ cry I’m crying a little bit this is my hardcore world that I’m like about to lose

Um yeah I’m I’m at a loss for words really what can I tell you guys um do I try to fight the piglin guy maybe I can beat him ah there’s two in my mouse there disconnected my mouth literally disconnected hi G I’m dying right now that’s what’s going

On running for my [ __ ] life is what’s going on right now yeah it’s so jover guys it’s so [ __ ] jover right now okay it’s not entirely jover you know what just let me go back to my portal let me go back home I’m tired this biome is kicking my butt I

Was so unlucky that I even spawned in this in the first place one sec I need to pull up the coordinates – 46 oh it’s not that far actually it’s in this direction minus 4 six oh okay there is one direction that I went into that’s really wrong okay wait

601 601 okay we have to go this way like really far like 600 blocks this way okay comeo don’t swear this is YouTube I’m trying regular you know how much I’ve got my butt kicked today today I’m literally ready to liee down in bed and sleep for like 3 days straight from

The stress okay that’s how stressed this game made me feel today I think I’m going to have to go over the bottom side need to go this way just double checking Yep this looks about right we are need to go much further this direction hey somehow I survived the encounter with the big

Boar easy peasy am I right there’s more there’s more or should I say there’s more oh there’s B I’m losing my mind I hate this biome I hate this biome so much I can’t believe I can’t believe this biome exists I can’t believe who made this who decided this was a good

Idea who did this who did this to me oh my God I thought it was a boore I thought it was over for me my freaking dog my dog being my worst enemy right now actually that’s not true doggy was always there for me during this stressful

Journey doggy supported me when no one else would well to be fair no one else can this is definitely a single player world so you know uh yes puppy I like you you’re a good boy thank you for being good and maybe the doggies hurt actually it’s making like sounds are you good

Wait are you good come here there you go he was kind of hurt oh my goodness oh my goodness I still have to go so many blocks uh we’re like halfway right now I’d rather chill out with a skeleton than with a gas though uh my shield was definitely up but

Okay anyone else shooting me okay I think I remember this point I remember being here I don’t know how I got down here okay maybe we go back up maybe we just go back up hi Maru welcome hello hello you should hate the nether entirely I hate everything about the

Nether at white 120 you’re just pretty much tunnel through everywhere not that exciting though I mean I’m okay with not exciting in since this is Hardcore my only goal is to live really feel like this experience is definitely making me into a better Minecraft player because I’m learning

How to survive on so many levels wait which direction was I going to no uh this one okay we need to go this Way howdy bro okay I like these guys cuz they don’t attack and kill me I hate these guys cuz they shoot Fireballs at me and do try to kill me oh my God I killed a guest ah I did it oh my God it only it’s a one hit they’re that weak

Wow I didn’t expect them to be that weak what a loser am I right this yeah this this is literally my training Arc I’m learning how to craft and mine in this this guy thinking he has a chance against me the Minecraft pro player that I am

Now look at that fool what a fool okay I really hate the Soul Sand cuz it’s really slow but it’s whatever do people have like nether boots that they only wear in the nether cuz like with the enchantment on it oh my God let me walk Fireballs are coded to do massive

Damage to gas the bigger damage the biggest damage in game without mods the bigger damage in game without mods I see so the fire charge is good or just like the fireball that they throw at me I guess the fireball that they eat at me

Huh I know what you want from me you’re not getting it you want my ass okay he disappeared he wanted my ass but he didn’t want it that badly he realized I have a dog on me he was like okay you win this time Muma okay F aund okay we still need 100

Blocks this way and then should actually I don’t know how yeah okay probably upstairs yeah we need to go way upstairs let’s just mine up oh actually wait while we’re here since I’m leaving the nether pretty soon at least we’ll be able to enchant my bow and stuff like that maybe we can

Even get infinity on that Infinity on a bow would be so op for me right now especially for the Ender Dragon obviously obv that’s what I would want it for but maybe it is not yet my time with that let’s see I know there can be Lava at any time

And I’m not worried about it I literally already fell in lava earlier and I was was fine I I don’t I don’t know why I’m treating this as a flex because it’s not I’m almost at the level I’m almost minus 52 wait oh we’re almost there

Okay um can you get out of the way please doggy look at him he’s like I want to hang out with you mother the one you reflect I see you got coffee hi Dale not really do you want some coffee I’m sorry I can’t provide you with

That what I need right now is a sleeping medication and a bed very comfy very warm bed now in an hour like um someone is coming to visit Rema Oh I thought it was a oh my God I was so scared for a sec okay it’s somewhere around here the

Portal for sure Yoda Yoda please please be respectful of my wishes as right now to to not interact with You [ __ ] do you see it anywhere guys – 22 we need minus 46 okay this Way not this way no okay this direction and a bit further down is it maybe down there Somehow okay no it’s definitely like somewhere on this level whatever let’s just build there we’ll get There 30 – 37 and Then minus 40 okay good enough which direction which direction do I need to go to To I guess it’s this direction wait one sec sorry I’m mathing okay I’m mathing in my brain yeah it’s getting smaller okay okay okay it’s like over there I do not give a [ __ ] fighting for my life only goal for today is to get back we have some stuff

We have some levels at least I can enchant something it’s not awful it’s not awful we got a lot of bone meal we can meal some bones or whatever Boop the snoot wipe everyone last one of them from the P place of the planet you mean like cows I’ve already done that

There’s no cows anywhere other than the ones in my pen cuz I’ve been like destroying their lives I’ve been ruining their lives it’s not my fault they just have leather and delicious meat it’s not I it’s not like I’m doing it out of maliciousness it’s just survival really A I can’t math either Dale no no no you’ve got no coffee you’ve got nothing I require from you I’m so sorry bestie guess I can’t help you today guess we can’t help each other okay where the heck am I now four okay 40 blocks this way and we should be

There in a sec this is all me just trying to get to my portal okay it should be here somewhere hi bro I have shoes I have shoes just like you we’re friends we’re friends we’re Bros you’re my brother oh my God I made it home I survived I survived oh my goodness

Where’s my dog I’m not leaving my dog alone in there I’m not there’s no way guys come on puppy puppy come over here come over here good job see I’m not leaving him alone in there hi espie what weird dream did you have what’s up sit down you’re my favorite dog you

Will you you here you go I love you sorry that dog just needed some more appreciation nobody can do it quite like that dog that dog saved my ass it helped me with so much stuff that dog is my favorite oh my God dualingo is owning your ass cuz you’re not not practicing

Japanese SMH SMH you need to make him happy you need to make him happy oh my God dingo has a math section I was interested in the Dual lingo music section like knowing the different tones would be really cool I think but I don’t know how well it teaches you that kind

Of stuff hi Vader sorry Mommy is really stressed right now don’t stand on my keyboard when I’m stressed what is this you think that’s socially acceptable of you to Do I feel like I’m pretty like I I I wouldn’t say I’m playing great but I got pretty far for what I did Unbreaking three that’s it this is the most disappointing moment of my entire life oh my God should I unenchant and try again uh what is it called um

Stone guys what is the unenchanting stone called again what’s up man hello what’s up how you doing just finished the Lego Infinity Gauntlet oh I think we have that one too remma made it one time I died in my dream and ended up waking up with decent death anxiety oh I

Feel the death anxiety every day I feel that grindstone thank you oh it’s not letting me it’s not giving me the recipe for it why not one sec I’ll Google the recipe grindstone Minecraft tutorial it is ah a stone slab okay so I need to bake Cobblestone I guess let’s bake some Cobble

Stone I don’t have wood not burning my dark oak wood Albert bake Cobblestone yummy bake Cobblestone or make cobblestone we’re baking it we’re baking the Cobblestone so that it turns into delicious real Stone like not that it’s not real Stone but you know look we’re baking it in the

Oven it’s going to be delicious see Stone it makes Stone very yummy very yummy I wonder if the recipe will show up Now grind still not there is it maybe like a smooth stone slab that you need one sec is it smooth two sticks one stone slab No it should be it should be fine I’m so confused maybe I need to make the slab first a my mouse keeps disconnecting

Again can I do now I can do the grindstone why do the recipes only unlock Vader can you not be stinky for like one second are you hungry is that why you’re being annoying right now are you being annoying cuz you’re hungry yes you want a kiss kiss right

Kiss kiss fall in love don’t sit on anytime my character jumps it’s not cuz I’m pressing it it’s cuz my cat is pressing it right now stone is in edible okay maybe to you everything is edible at least once I’ll have you know you want to see me wink there you

Go there you go I can wink well my model my model lets me wink really well gaming cats yeah oh give the dog a name tag I think I’m just going to make him a blue collar see this is the easiest way the easiest way to commemorate my special

Doggy it was this one that’s close to the portal there you go there you go that’s my special doggy go a go yep Vader stop sorry Stinky cat again again as per usual again he cannot be normal he needs to be stinky at all opportunity okay let’s put the grindstone

Outside my bow enchantment went pretty bad honestly only Unbreaking three like please flame power is flame good on a bow I don’t know hi William welcome is it impossible to look up at your forehead while pointing your tongue at your toes SP are you trying to make me do an AA face you

Know I am a SE so YouTuber how dare you you’re from Brazil hi to Brazil I’m from Germany flame is decent okay it only has flame I’m going to cry can you double enchant them like please no I need levels yippee I guess breeding animals gives you levels too

Right and I happen to have a lot of bone meal to breed a lot of cows let me just I know you don’t breed cows with bone meal here hear me out you need wheat for it well actually h no I’m not going to use the bones I’m just going to

Use the bone blocks who that’s so much bone meal oh my God this is the best feeling in the world wait these are ready right these are done ah what do I do with this stuff okay let me put the cocoa beans in the composter there you go what I still have

Some okay very cool I will place this block so it’s not in my inventory start the destruction baby instead of between we want regular seed and we want regular seed here don’t worry guys I’m a responsible animal breeder I would never hurt them once I out it’s a loot face skill

Issue oh for sure 100% so much skill issue for Real come on you can breed better than that come on chickens yes yes yes yes good good good good good good good that was not even half a level you can do better chickens you can do

Better I’m going to go in and check no more XP for me huh nice well you suck surely the cows will do better what is this lag of XP I’m going to Cry guys how do I best get XP sip a thank you for the hydrate I appreciate it who invented this kid talking to you Kuma I don’t know my mom I think that just cat love love both of mine thought they’d help me out fill a medical questionnaire oh my God walking

Over the paperwork yeah cats are so cute I love them for it take a seat in off hand and bone in right hand and click both Mouse button take a seed in one hand and a bone in off hand take a seed in off hand and bone in right hand it’s nothing

Happening there’s nothing happening sorry it doesn’t work oh bone meal it’s not happening it doesn’t there’s nothing oh on Farm ah huh oh you just mean like grow it and then replant it or whatever Like this I suck at this ah problem with breeding your animals for XP is that you need to wait till they’re ready again they are not always ready and fertile let me see if there’s something else that I can do first of all oh my chests are so incredibly unsorted it’s painful

Actually painful to see h H Albert me puts a whole ass horse in my house also me complains all day long about the horse being in the way like damn could have told you that Maddie what are you thinking what was I thinking putting a horse in my Home that was an unfortunate way to place this chest I realized that but I’m also like not in the mood to change that so there you go yeah these horses are too the the animals are too close too too slow with everything you just got to play the cow

Some smooth jazz that’ll get them ready heyo wait how do I make a note uh uh a jukebox diamond and wood that’s it Yahoo I can do that you know what give me them some dark oak locks I don’t even care at this point Juke box cuz I have a couple discs I have cat wait I need to turn off the background music to hear cat properly and then you probably turn on the game in-game music as well um music and Sounds wow no pigstep is in Bastion chest pigstep is one of the best no pigstep is one of the best play seed and then bone meal break it and repeat one form blog yeah that’s fair that’s fair I mean I I have a bigger farm so it doesn’t matter but I could do

It with just one block yeah and then I also have another disc but the second disc was really bad like cat is okay I I think I have C13 13 I think 13 was really bad like listen to that it’s awful the newer one oh ancient City I

Think I know what you mean ancient city the one with um the wardens yeah I don’t think I well actually I could go there I if I find one I’ll go there because it’s actually pretty easy the ancient cities are not as hard to clear as you’d think I’ve

Been there in a couple and it’s been actually pretty chill so I’d be down to going there again let’s see if the animals want to do more stuff yet Okay where the heck are all my SE I’m stupid where the heck are all my seeds literally in my hand R 30 bastions got none oh man that sucks yeah I don’t like the Bastion I was not about to fight those pigs I gave up on it instantly deep dark was

Actually pretty easy as long as you’re really quiet and deep dark it’s kind of easy to escape from the warden especially if you like later get the enchantment for your boots it’s quite easy okay chickens have a decent libido it seems libido how do you say it

Okay it’s way too slow way too slow way too slow okay what is it just cuz I’m like close by why are they suddenly so like willing to F what’s going on what’s with the animals normally they take ages like they have a super long cool down and

Stuff I like how loud it is is that the cat Cat dis is like I’mma blast you madine being an animal pimp in Minecraft exactly people are speculating whether Mojang activates the portal in 1.21 but I don’t think they will do anything with it now or ever wait which portal the one at in the in which

One 10 minutes oh my goodness I’m not going to wait another 10 minutes probably five honestly honestly I would play more but I’m really really freaking sleepy and I think I need a break from this game and soon we’ll have someone visiting our house so I can really like

Stay alive cuz they don’t even know I stream and that’s not something we want to tell them so um nice shades Maddie thanks you like them they’re so cute aren’t they how are you champ exhausted I was in the nether so much today I’m actually exhausted ah the portal in the ancient

City okay okay I think I know what you mean I think I’m going to end stream soon just because like I was in the Nether and it was exhausting it was fun I think I got a lot done despite like barely getting any materials out of it

But I got my I got my enchanter done so that was really really good and I got my farm going a little bit how this is how you can tell that I’m getting tired I just don’t want to risk it that I um die soon by like being

Not careful so I’d rather just just end stream and do it next time you don’t look the part I don’t look what I don’t look what like a winner like I’m alive ah rude rude you may be right oh tired oh I’m I’m really tired well my model she always looks

Happy and uped wait I I’ll make it I’ll make it look tired how about this is that better is that better is is this better like this I’m so sleepy guys gray he gray mean I know a YouTuber who often do hardcore challenges and dying never bothers him oh yeah fully it’s

Fully part of it but this is like my first time I ever got this far so of course I don’t want to die you know I’ve never gotten this far in Hardcore Minecraft never ever ever so messy hair got I mean this is the the only well I

Have another hairstyle here but I don’t have a hotkey for it I I’ll make I’ll put a hot I’ll put it on a hotkey for next time oh you thought tired hair was gray e no that’s old people hair bestie you got it all wrong that’s old people hair not me it ain’t

Me yeah I think I think I’ll probably end it here you guys can you guys think of anything else that I still wanted to really like urgently do free cow a I don’t need to kill that cow I don’t even need cow meat anymore it’s it’s just

Like the evil urge to all cows whenever I see them I’ve been I’ve been decimating them those aren’t tired old people are very tired yeah they are those whippers snappers with cracking ankles jumping over the street all day is this how they refer to young people I’m not old so I

Wouldn’t know oh yeah by the way those of you who haven’t seen my background yet do you like it I got it off of um Booth it’s so cute right my favorite part of it is your name they said they would customize it but they never responded to my message so

Now it just says your name it’s cuz I’m a big fan of the movie your name you know I think it’s pretty cute room it’s so cute look at it it has a bed it has other stuff it has your name there I love the your name yeah it’s

About me it’s my name you know it’s the movie it’s my favorite movie you know of course I need to put it there can’t blame you for killing cows after what them and chickens that to Japan now what happened no I I just I don’t even

Hate cows I just want them for leather I think you’re getting it wrong I’m not doing this out of some weird like ideological reasons I just want to kill them ceiling Windows is insane how are you going to clean that me me I’m going

To force the mods to clean it what do I look like do I look like I would clean my own stuff for you I I don’t even know how to do that that I’m I suck at that no no no no for sure not Hi Spider-man fans sorry I’m

About to end stream actually I’m really really sleepy and we have like guests coming soon uh but we’re going to rate into another Minecraft streamer so make sure you check them out well Minecraft streamer they’re streaming Minecraft right now is what I’m trying to say Cow

And Chicken dro the big bomb Oh a South Park oh sorry I I I Rema is actually watching South Park a lot currently but not me Frozen turns 10y old today happy birthday to Frozen uh I just wanted to tell Frozen that it should um grow big and strong

And do Frozen things you know have a good night everyone thank you so much for hanging out I had so much fun I hope next stream uh we can continue I will be back for you guys on Tuesday I don’t have any IRL plans next week other than packing my bags of

Course but we can do that like really really slowly and chill and you know I’ll just have a nice like month or something wait is it the 20 oh it’s not the 20th yet tomorrow I’m getting a new phone card yay I just remember it sorry that that has nothing to do with

Anything thank you guys for hanging out thank you thank you we’re going to have guests soon so I’m going to end now Byebye

This video, titled ‘[VTuber] MULTISTREAM – bear girl vs. hardcore minecraft’, was uploaded by maddiekuma on 2023-11-19 16:27:07. It has garnered 194 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 04:47:19 or 17239 seconds.

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also live on twitch right now 🙂

social links: twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/maddiekuma twitter: https://twitter.com/maddiekuma clip channel: https://bit.ly/3JRBCem VOD channel: https://bit.ly/3H8P90f tiktok: https://bit.ly/3r2RQKT Join my discord: https://discord.gg/dKbH8yEPJgt

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  • Animal Instincts: Transform in Minecraft!

    Animal Instincts: Transform in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, a new addon is here, With the power to transform, no need for fear. Just click the link, and download with glee, But beware, low RAM may cause a spree. Morphing Bracelet, a magical tool, Turn into any mob, that’s the rule. Supporting version 1.20.73 and above, For Java users, it’s a treasure trove. Riyon’s dynamic lighting, torch in hand, Left-handed players, now take a stand. Explore Minecraft in a whole new way, With morphing bracelet, let your imagination sway. So dive in, Minecraft fans, and have some fun, With this addon, the adventure’s… Read More

  • Minecraft Modding: Full Armor Effect Tutorial

    Minecraft Modding: Full Armor Effect Tutorial Enhancing Gameplay with Full Armor Effects in Minecraft When it comes to modding Minecraft 1.20.6 with Fabric MC, the possibilities are endless. One exciting feature that modders can explore is the implementation of full armor effects. Imagine giving players unique advantages based on the type of armor they wear. This not only adds a new layer of strategy to the game but also enhances the overall gameplay experience. Unlocking Full Armor Effects With the Full Armor Effect mod, players can enjoy a range of benefits when they don a complete set of armor made from a specific material. For… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

    Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies! Celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary with Free Party Supplies Addon! 🎉 Are you ready to throw the ultimate virtual party in Minecraft? Look no further! To celebrate Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, you can now get your hands on a special party supplies addon completely free of charge. This addon includes unique decorations, party supplies, and more to take your in-game celebration to the next level. Keep reading to find out how to access and use these special items for your own virtual party! How to Get the Free Party Supplies Addon To get your hands on the free party supplies addon,… Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of hardcore survival gameplay in Minecraft? Do you enjoy exploring secret bases and uncovering hidden treasures? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a thriving community of players and a wide range of unique features, Minewind offers an exciting and challenging gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your own epic adventure. Build, explore, and survive in a world full of surprises and mysteries waiting to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod Pack!

    Insane Minecraft Mod Pack! The Exciting World of CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi in Minecraft? RSmoody has compiled an exciting mod pack for all Minecraft enthusiasts to enjoy. Let’s explore what this mod pack has to offer! What is CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi? CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi is a unique collection of mods that add a whole new level of excitement to the Minecraft gaming experience. From crazy creatures to epic adventures, this mod pack has it all. Get ready to embark on thrilling quests and encounter dinazors, all within the world… Read More

  • Teacher’s Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan’s Class Clash

    Teacher's Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan's Class Clash In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. Pirated copies, beware and take heed, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel is the only one you need. Original content, each day a new delight, Subscribe and follow, keep happiness in sight. MC Funny, Classroom Series, and songs to sing, Fangkuaixuan’s creations, joy they bring. So join the fun, in Minecraft’s world so grand, With Fangkuaixuan, happiness at hand. Read More

  • Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft

    Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft The Loyalty Trident in Minecraft Are you looking to add a unique and powerful weapon to your Minecraft arsenal? Look no further than the Loyalty Trident! This special trident offers a range of exciting features that can enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore how you can create your very own Loyalty Trident. Creating the Loyalty Trident To make a Loyalty Trident in Minecraft, you will need to combine a trident with the Loyalty enchantment. The Loyalty enchantment is a rare enchantment that causes the trident to return to the player after being… Read More

  • Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you tired of fake backgrounds and looking for a genuine and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about creating and exploring in the world of Minecraft. With unique gameplay features and a dedicated player base, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling experience like no other. Connect now by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure today! Let’s craft, build, and survive together in this dynamic and ever-evolving world. See you in the game! Read More


    STEALING IRON in MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures: Day 1 – The Quest for Iron Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a thrilling day in the world of Minecraft! Our intrepid player, Contxt, is on a mission to find iron. Armed with determination and a trusty pickaxe, the adventure begins. Setting Out As Contxt ventures into the vast, blocky landscape, the possibilities are endless. From towering mountains to lush forests, every corner holds the promise of discovery. The hunt for iron is on, and nothing will stand in the way! Challenges Await Exploring caves and tunnels, Contxt encounters a variety of challenges. From hostile… Read More

  • Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can’t be a Dad! 😱🙈

    Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can't be a Dad! 😱🙈Video Information This video, titled ‘Mai kabhi BAP nahi ban sakta 🤣😭 #comedi #cartoon #funny’, was uploaded by SSD Bhai 99 on 2024-03-24 06:42:26. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. sada shiv skibidi toilet cameraman cartoon spider- man aur iron man toilet bhoot wala cartoon make joke comedy minecraft aayush poppy playtime chapter 4 animals movie camera toilet granny gulli bulli herobrine iron man ishq bhi toilet nagin videos one more time shorts superheroes minecraft ye jism. hai toh kya 390 duke aalu mota bhalu aayush poppy playtime chapter… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT glitch: blocks break around me!

    INSANE MINECRAFT glitch: blocks break around me!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT but all blocks around me BREAK!’, was uploaded by Spl1ce on 2023-12-29 19:55:22. It has garnered 7805 views and 186 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #speedrun MINECRAFT but i DESTROY CLOCKS MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN CHALLENGE MINECRAFT but I destroy the blocks around me! ⭐ALL MY SOCIALS!!!⭐ Kick: https://kick.com/spl1ce Twitter: https://twitter.com/Spl1ceYT​ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@spl1ce?lang=en​ Discord: https://discord.gg/f2ThUnrU​ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/spl1cetv​ ⭐PC SPECS⭐ Keyboard: https://amzn.to/41DDnpo Mouse: https://amzn.to/4azxnlH Headphones: https://amzn.to/41GpR4z Webcam: https://amzn.to/3vdG8Sl Microphone: https://amzn.to/41HhWnA Microphone arm: https://amzn.to/3vf6fIC Mixer: https://amzn.to/3TDxUND Monitor: https://amzn.to/3vjJNy8 Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • DazzerPLays – VIP in F7 DUNGEONS! Bones galore! Skyblock Giveaway?

    DazzerPLays - VIP in F7 DUNGEONS! Bones galore! Skyblock Giveaway?Video Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & GETTING BONES 4 DAYS!!! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:54. It has garnered 1056 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:25 or 7825 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVSdzPNOMhbkkwclfnb4HLQ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ swerve – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane survival tactics in minecraft w/@Tecno72!

    Insane survival tactics in minecraft w/@Tecno72!Video Information This video, titled ‘Survival video in minecraft @Tecno72 @minecraft’, was uploaded by Tecno on 2024-01-13 01:32:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like … Read More

  • ObsidianMC

    ObsidianMCObsidianMC is an emerging Minecraft Network that provides a delightful experience for its vibrant community. Join us to explore our incredible gamemodes! Gamemodes: – Practice – Prison – Parkour – Bedwars & many more… WHAT KIND OF play.obsidianmc.club Read More

  • Safe Survival SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6

    Join Safe Survival Server! Server IP: mc.safesurvival.net Discord: https://discord.gg/Rt6CwDa Come join our SMP server with land claims, KeepInventory, sethome, and /tpa commands. Explore spawn with random teleports, shops, and more! Join our community and chat on Discord about builds, server updates, and more. See you there! Read More

  • Spirits-Network | JAVA & BEDROCK

    Spirit Network is a Java and Bedrock Compatible server focused on Fun and layed back Minecraft play. We have a HUB that will let you choose the Minecraft experience you want! So Join Today !! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Icy path chillin’ with Frosty 🥶

    Minecraft Memes - Icy path chillin' with Frosty 🥶Why did the creeper start wearing a scarf? Because it heard winter was coming and wanted to stay frosty! 🥶 Score of 10, baby! Read More

  • Kickin’ It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight!

    Kickin' It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight! In Minecraft, I kick everything for a hit, Every block, every mob, I don’t quit. With a swift kick, I break it all down, In this game, I wear the crown. Join me on Discord, for more fun, Instagram for photos, we’ve just begun. Editing is my own craft, Collaboration with eryksonek, a blast. Support this channel, for bonuses galore, Minecraft facts and rhymes, I’ll always explore. Stay tuned for more content, that’s a promise, In this gaming world, I’ll always be honest. Read More

  • “Spicy Tips for Mob Making” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Spicy Tips for Mob Making" 🔥 #minecraft #meme “Step 1: Give them a cool name like ‘The Fluffy Butt Brigade.’ Step 2: Feed them lots of virtual snacks. Step 3: Watch as they wreak havoc on your virtual world. Congratulations, you’ve successfully made a new mob in Minecraft!” #MinecraftLogic #VirtualChaos Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 6

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 6 The Minecraft Wood Challenge – Day 6 On the sixth day of the Minecraft Wood Challenge, our player found themselves in the midst of a spruce forest, making today’s task quite easy. But the real question is, how long will this streak of luck last? Let’s dive into the adventure! Exploring the Spruce Forest As our player navigates through the dense spruce forest, they come across an abundance of tall trees with lush green foliage. The peaceful ambiance of the forest provides a serene backdrop for their wood-gathering mission. Challenges Ahead While today’s task may have been straightforward, the… Read More

  • 2024’s Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick

    2024's Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick Minecraft Duplication Glitch Unveiled in 2024 In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new tricks and glitches to enhance their gameplay. The year 2024 has brought forth a new multiplayer duplication glitch in Minecraft Java 1.20.6 that has the community buzzing with excitement. How Does It Work? To execute this duplication glitch, players need to utilize UI Utils and the /printer command on the server. These tools work in tandem to create a seamless duping process that can significantly boost a player’s inventory in a short amount of time. Step-by-Step Guide: Install UI Utils for Minecraft… Read More

  • “Mushin Aigen reveals secret to catching rare Ignis” #moddedminecraft

    "Mushin Aigen reveals secret to catching rare Ignis" #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Catch An Ignis #moddedminecraft #minecraft #vtuber #malevtuber’, was uploaded by Mushin Aigen on 2024-05-06 23:23:46. It has garnered 427 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I use Ars Nouveau’s magic to capture and cage a boss enemy for later farming. Original Broadcast Details Title: DawnCraft: Ignis Catcher (With LardLarry) Category: Minecraft Date: March 14, 2024 Platform: Twitch Title: DawnCraft: Ignis Catcher Part 2 (With LardLarry) Category: Minecraft Date: March 21, 2024 Platform: Twitch Read More

  • Ultimate Redwood Ashlands Gameplay Reveal!

    Ultimate Redwood Ashlands Gameplay Reveal!Video Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #9: Redwood Ashlands’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-02-24 10:00:26. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:04 or 3784 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please ignore; modded minecraft, modded… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mining Challenge Win + FREE Giveaway!! #HypixelSkyblock

    Unbelievable Mining Challenge Win + FREE Giveaway!! #HypixelSkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mining Challenge + BIG Giveaway | Hypixel Skyblock #minecraft #shorts #hypixel #hypixelskyblock’, was uploaded by 60Block on 2024-03-06 17:56:41. It has garnered 423 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Modded Battle: Pokémon vs Minecraft! #Cobblemon

    EPIC Minecraft Modded Battle: Pokémon vs Minecraft! #CobblemonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pokémon Vs Minecraft #minecraft #moddedminecraft #cobblemon’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-01-31 18:00:08. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, some 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the future…. Read More

  • Aphmau Soccer Mirrored in Real Life 😱🙌 #aphmau

    Aphmau Soccer Mirrored in Real Life 😱🙌 #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘⚽🤣When REAL LIFE MIRRORS Aphmau’s Minecraft (Watch the Rebound!) #aphmau #aphmaucrew #soccermemes’, was uploaded by Miss Moon on 2024-04-06 12:46:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When Aphmau’s Minecraft Mayhem … HAPPENS FOR REAL! (2 Down@End) #aphmau #aphmaucrew #soccershorts In these … Read More

  • SHOCKING! Accusations in The Vampire’s Bride

    SHOCKING! Accusations in The Vampire's BrideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Accusations – The Vampire’s Bride (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Queen Kat Productions on 2024-02-18 23:00:26. It has garnered 8231 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:37 or 1117 seconds. It’s daring to make accusations with no proof… ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ Subscribe! Please. I’m lonely. Join the Discord Server! – Discord: https://discord.gg/csE3sZbQcx Check out Merch! – https://queen-kat-productions.creator-spring.com/ Viceroy_ (Machinima God) – https://twitter.com/Viiceroy_ Demon (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/DemonUnderBeds Sleak (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/SleakRL Inga (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/IngaPotejto Cora (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/coraliacries Kiwi (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/kiwi_artz Eden (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/edenfinity Damien… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Anime Music 🪼 Arcanum Squad

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Anime Music 🪼 Arcanum SquadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HARDCORE 🪼Neues Projekt🪼Anime Music Abend🪽Arcanum Squad #minecraft #hardcore #live #tinix’, was uploaded by Tinix on 2024-02-25 01:09:19. It has garnered 51 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:52 or 13372 seconds. Welcome to my hardcore project! Immerse yourself in a world full of possibilities and adventures in 1.20. ↓↓️ More information ↓↓ ️ ···················································································· Spotify Cherry SMP PLAYLIST https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3br7ZXFKxsijHZtfRC38UP?si=89d4c3ae926e4521 ···················································································· SOCIALS Discord: https://discord.gg/AKgnPHpnrw Instagram: https://instagram.com/tinix_tv CHANNEL: @TinixTV @tinixVOD @techtinix ···················································································· SHADER Complementary Reimagined: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-reimagined TEXTURES ····················································································· PARTNER Arcanum Squad: https://discord.gg/AKgnPHpnrw PixelGHG https://www.twitch.tv/pixelghg1 OmegaCat https://www.twitch.tv/omegacat_ TacoEnte https://www.twitch.tv/tacoente LordMeloneHD https://discord.com/invite/MFTpR65 @LordMeloneHD ····················································································… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Dog vs All Minecraft Mobs!

    Ultimate Battle: Dog vs All Minecraft Mobs!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tamed Wolf vs Every mob in Minecraft (Java Edition) – Minecraft Dog vs All Mobs’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-05-09 08:10:00. It has garnered 435 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Tamed Wolf vs Every mob in Minecraft (Java Edition) – Minecraft Dog vs All Mobs #minecraft #memes #meme #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane 2D Comedy Animation! ASA Axom

    Insane 2D Comedy Animation! ASA AxomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sweet 😋 #2danimation #animation #comedy #spongebob #minecraft #jokes’, was uploaded by ASA Axom on 2024-01-11 08:59:44. It has garnered 9652 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Crystal SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Technical, Version Climb, Shared Resources, Whitelist, Carpet Mod

    About Us: We are a technical Minecraft server exploring the game in a semi-vanilla way. Starting from an early version, we progress by collecting cool items and features while encouraging players with different expertise to come together. Current Status: We are currently running a 1.8 snapshot (14w26a) to obtain illegal blocks and a second exit-end portal. Updates are on the way for more exciting content. Features: Upon reaching modern versions, we will implement the Carpet mod for optimizations and quality of life features like flippinCactus and accurateBlockPlacement. Join Us: We are constantly developing new things as we are just starting… Read More

  • OVClub – 1.20.6 | Java & Bedrock | Semi-Vanilla Survival | Events & Tournaments & Shops | Crews

    OVClub - 1.20.6 | Java & Bedrock | Semi-Vanilla Survival | Events & Tournaments & Shops | Crews🎮 OVClub Minecraft Server 🎮Rediscover the essence of Minecraft at OVClub ! Immerse yourself in a pure vanilla gameplay experience with a few knacks. Join a tight-knit community of players who appreciate classic Minecraft in its truest form.🏰 Thriving Economy: Engage in a player-run economy where you can trade resources, shape the marketplace, and witness the dynamic interactions of our community — Currency is Sponge 🧽.🛍️ Player Shops: Create your own shop in our server shopping mall and showcase your products. Let your entrepreneurial spirit shine as you attract customers from across the server. 🌟 Unique Monthly Events: Experience exclusive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Groundbreaking interior design”

    Minecraft Memes - "Groundbreaking interior design"“Who needs a fancy designer floor when you can just mine some dirt and call it a day? Efficiency at its finest!” Read More

  • Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina

    Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Odo Potatoes and Levina Vina, brave and bold. Their adventures in animation, a sight to behold, With each frame, a story, beautifully scrolled. From the depths of creativity, they rise, In Indonesian animation, they mesmerize. Kulpi Semungku channel, a place to subscribe, For funny, unique experiences, they prescribe. So join the journey, explore the extraordinary, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are visionary. Support with likes, subscribe with glee, For Kulpi Semungku channel, where animation is free. In every upload, a week’s worth of creation, With characters like… Read More

  • Hot Nether Portals: Minecraft Edition

    Hot Nether Portals: Minecraft Edition I tried using a diamond portal once and ended up in a realm where all the creepers wore top hats and monocles. It was quite the fancy explosion! #minecraftmadness Read More

  • 10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together

    10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together The Power of Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft has revolutionized the gaming world with its multiplayer feature, allowing players to connect and collaborate in a virtual world. This innovation has propelled Minecraft to the forefront of online gaming in the 21st century. Building Communities One of the key aspects of Minecraft’s multiplayer feature is the ability to build communities. Players can join forces to construct elaborate structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in epic battles. This collaborative element has fostered a sense of camaraderie among players, leading to the formation of tight-knit communities within the game. Shared Experiences By playing together,… Read More

  • Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure

    Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure Welcome to Cubed Chaos SMP Server! Welcome to the exciting world of Cubed Chaos SMP server, where Minecraft adventures come to life! Join NastikCraft on a thrilling journey as they dive into a new Minecraft community network reminiscent of the popular Hermitcraft server. Cubed Chaos offers a vibrant and engaging community that promises endless fun and excitement for all players. Establishing a Strong Foundation As NastikCraft sets foot in the Cubed Chaos world, the first order of business is to establish a solid foundation for their adventures. Starting with the basics, they gather essential resources such as sugarcane for… Read More

  • BobbyBoley’s Insane Minecraft Horror Adventure!

    BobbyBoley's Insane Minecraft Horror Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nightmare SMP_V2 #minecrafthorror #minecraftmods #smp #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by BobbyBboley on 2024-04-29 07:37:55. It has garnered 7259 views and 203 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #herobrine #herobrineinminecraft #scary #horrorgaming #weird #forest #fear #entity303vsherobrine #entity303 #mod #nightmare #demon #gameplay #gaming #game #gamer #minecraft #minecraftworld #minecrafthorror #scary #horrorgaming #minecraft #zombiesurvival #apocalypse #endoftheword #minecrafthorror #backrooms #weird #nightmare #demon #survival #minecraftsurvival #vhsrecords #vhstapes #vhsrecording #playthrough #gameplay #game #gamer #film #scary #horrorstory #horrorstories #creepy #creepystories #foryou #foryoupage #weird #strange #unknown #monster #creature #gameplay #playthrough #fullplaythrough #gameplay #gameplaywalkthrough #fullplaythrough #zombiegamingchannel #playthrough #horrorgaming #game #gaming… Read More

  • Minecraft: Psychological Horror Game Live

    Minecraft: Psychological Horror Game LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But It’s A Psychological Horror Game.. (Live)’, was uploaded by ItsFilsFR on 2024-05-11 06:43:12. It has garnered 239 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:06 or 4986 seconds. Minecraft But It’s A Psychological Horror Game.. (Live) SUBSCRIBE linktr.ee/itsfils https://discord.com/invite/3DjSeANrVN Read More