Uncharted Terrain: New Minecraft World Adventure!

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all good to go and welcome in everybody over on um on YouTube as well I appreciate you all being here hello yeah like Why didn’t it go off that’s so disrespectful I haven’t opened up as you guys can see you’ve been redeeming Gams and your little notification came out but your sound didn’t go off which is kind of insulting and I haven’t updated where anything located or anything like that so I’m not sure why it’s doing that but it’s okay let me custom entrance command this is bluma that’s YouTube yeah okay dams there it is I’m confused did I accidentally move the song no it’s right here [Music] I don’t know bluma that’s so weird why is it not working oh well that’s a problem for another day I’m not dealing with it right now oh I’m sorry that that didn’t work well hello hello hello welcome in everybody I’m so glad that you’re here um Everybody yeah rude exactly how rude that it just didn’t work for bluma oh my gosh s I’m going to turn the music down just a t yeah how was what’s a music oh my gosh I need to hear all about it I feel like I can never make it and it makes me so sad but um I really need to join in and like hang out and see this what’s of Music Vibes let’s have this said to celebrate slay I love it thank you oh let me where is it disable that perfect all right we’re ready to go um I have to think we could just do a regular gameplay but um it was good the new songs I hear and ones recogniz yes we love music we love music I think I want to duplicate my normal profile that I use cuz normally I use um just one that I created with a bunch of like just basic mods in it but I’m thinking about um copying it and adding in like a what is it called I don’t remember what it’s called I love bunnies welcome in how are you I hope you’re doing well adding in adding in adding in what is it called oh my gosh I’m going to lose my mind it’s it’s the cooking one I know it so my [Music] life oh [Music] yeah [Music] 6 what’s this farmer Delight that’s the one it took me a minute but I got there I got laughing a lot theme which was songs you you don’t want to hear in surgery oh no imagine oh I love that that’s so fun but yeah welcome welcome oh papa kiss with the 30% hello hello also the 14 or the 4,000 total points Domino for The Stranger Things marathon and lurker Pro with the three , 296 total points to the stranger things Marathon thank you thank you and Domino with the 6% welcome in welcome in I could I just appreciate you all coming out um everyone on Twitch everyone on Tik or not Tik Tok oh my gosh you do that every time everyone on YouTube Welcome in thank you so much bloa with a 10,000 total points contributed to the stranger things Marathon thank you so much okay I’m going to add Farmers Delight I think because I kind of want to 69 oh I could show you guys my cozy cozy game I added some cozy I know I say cozy but I added some cute like texture packs resource packs is what they’re called um and I like them a lot Farmers oh is it not a mod on fabric okay well then we’re not adding it because I’m not going to risk my mods okay that’s why we made a copy this profile all right let’s play this one I did add in this Zoom mod so we can like look at stuff from a distance kind of how we look at stuff in The Sims like in tab mode how you zoom in it’s kind of like the same thing which is super exciting I was looking forward to it make sure my skin is good perfect yeah I’m excited for today I love Minecraft I love it a lot and um I’ve been really enjoying sharing it with you guys so um yeah that’s that and Luna with the 56% yam how are you I hope you’re doing well oh I also have a large water and a large coffee you’re so sweet you’re so sweet Ren thank you so much I appreciate that thank you oh my gosh and this is my last stream before I leave leave you guys uh for a week that’s crazy all right let me switch over you’re so sweet thank You Ren hello how are you I hope you’re doing well let me switch to the game I think I got a properties Minecraft yeah and I just got to extend up Perfect all right everyone this is our game a we’re going to have a good time yes thank you I’m excited oh I’ve been buying clothes I’m going to have to like there’s this dress that I have coming in today that I’m really excited about it’s very cutesy I might wear it on stream when I get back but I’m I’m really excited for it to come in cuz I really want to try it on I really do okay let me go back to my other screen while I set this up a new dress yes it’s so cute and I don’t have um I don’t have a picture of it like we bought it on Amazon but with my fiance’s account and I don’t remember the password so um I’ll just have to like show it to you guys when I get back or send you a picture miss you a you’re so sweet I’ll miss you guys too it’s going to be fun I know that but it’s really just like a time to disconnect and just like rethink you know I think my fiance just rushed downstairs to grab it maybe or he grabs something else world name H I’m just going to call it Moon Club Farm sure yeah that works a coffee o ice chocolate almond milk shake and espresso that sounds very good I like that on world generator leave blank for a random seed that’s totally fine by me hold on to you of course of course of course make sure to get your lurk in take care of yourself cuz you did just get done being sick so make sure you take care of yourself create new world all right we’re loading in I have it on easy mode I might change it to normal once we get in and everything but uh I’m a little bit of a wimp so uh sir he threw it at me but yeah oh here we are we spawn on the side of a hill that’s a good place for us right this is the worst Seed where okay so I got some Oaks right I guess I can punch this tree get it out of my way but I need a sheep I got to find a sheepy I need a bed cuz I don’t I’m not about fighting anything you know not yet anyway where are we spawn I also have a map which I might pull up every once in a while but the keys oh it’s still in my way oh I got five let’s make this into some planks make a crafting table some sticks and we can make our first two tools got to make and a pickaxe and an axxe to help us get through W reading a book and after looking back on the pages I see how many lines I Mark marker anyone should see oh my goodness first oh no I hate when this happens how did I fix this for some reason the wooden an axe for me is like it just doesn’t work sometimes at least with a crafting table all right let’s get up here see if we can find any sheepies I don’t even know where I am okay I’m on a like ooh is that a village down there in the map Corner no I don’t know if that is oh I heard a chicky chicky chicky where am I this is like the worst spot ever where even am I right now okay well there’s some Stone here and some coal so I could grab those really quick and I don’t know what type of trees those are but I do see some hills and stuff okay [Music] [Music] just in case grab some of this coal in case we need to make some torches or something [Music] [Music] boom look at that already got an [Music] upgrade hello Luna welcome in how are you I hope you’re doing well I need to chop down another tree cuz I need a boat we’re going to have to travel a little bit oh there are bad [Music] guys where [Music] yes I don’t think anyone should see that oh my [Music] goodness what is this gravel is this the ocean the Stony Shore oh I forgot to make what I came here for all right crafting [Music] table boat all right we got some perfect now let’s grab our boat and head on our way that’s Spruce is that what is that up there is that a chicky a [Music] chicken River [Music] got it ooh ooh this is a an old Tiger cuz this is Mossy cble we got to get that masi cble old growth Pine [Music] tiger still no sheep though [Music] Lord oh there’s a burning tree that’s nice not for me though okay I’m not going to burn I’m just looking [Music] around so this is a good place to come back to but I need to find a place to lay low for a [Music] bit because I don’t [Music] have a bed yep that’s the word I’m looking for I don’t have a bed so I need to look for something but it’s nice that we got some Spruce I know I didn’t get any uh saplings but we can always come back there’s so much Stone here I spawned in like the worst area I guess I’m going to have to travel by land I don’t really don’t want to since it’s this dark [Music] outside I’m trying to get more comfortable playing this game I don’t know it’s just like I’m so scared of everything like I’m over here like oh what if I die when it doesn’t matter cuz it’s just a game you know what I mean that’s what I’m trying to think it is hard though do you guys ever have that issue with games where you’re just like but I don’t want to I don’t want to die cuz it’s always me about here where are all of the sheep what is this madness goodness I don’t want to stay on the water but I also don’t want to not be in the water like I don’t want be on land either maybe I make a dirt Hut and we just chill and talk for a minute goodness okay so there’s ice over here oh I just ran into ice that makes sense I am scared now all right we’re going to keep traveling it’ll be fine I’m fine guys it’s fine it’ll be okay we got this look a cow [Music] oo so many Cliffs this game is so pretty though that’s one of the main reasons why I like it so much is it just feels so nice to look at and I got these new shaders and stuff y’all know I love shaders I will I will kill my computer before I not I don’t use a Shader y’all know [Music] butterflies okay we’re in nighttime there’s so many we got this ain’t nothing to be scared of right I got [Music] y’all okay so we’re in a birch area old growth Birch Forest okay cool I don’t really like using Birch so we’re just going to keep on passing on by I’m still looking for sheep though sheep is uh I guess a priority for me I got to find a bed where do sheep spawn I don’t know if you guys know that but goodness are those sheep there’s so many there’s so many zombies and stuff around here though do I risk it no I don’t I don’t it’s okay it’s okay I will come back but I found I think I found some ples some PLS okay perfect cuz I kind of want to build on a PLS biome so maybe we can um build like a nice little cozy Farm or something is that a village there are so many things make a run for It Go you’re not running very fast hello you can get out yes I did it oh my gosh I just got so lucky look how cute the little villagers are though hello wait I’m going to take their bed that’s all all right well there’s still tons and tons of bad things around here which is great but we did find a village which makes me feel a little bit safer um I need I need to go back and grab my boat I from I’m already lost is it over here yeah it was over here ouch no my boat [Music] all right now my favorite thing to do which I feel like you guys probably would have seen this coming is go through the village and steal all of their stuff because why not I need things and they’re here so and they’re helpless so I’m just going to steal all their stuff if they don’t if they have stuff some of these houses are small these must be the unemployed houses I got to find the good ones in the [Music] middle yes this house is so cute oh I love it thank you I would love to come inside don’t mind if I do y’all don’t have any loot in here either how do this how does this Village live bye boat I picked it up it’s in my hands I think yes my Oak boat is that a pig hello this is so cute it’s a white Pig oh hello cleric villager man there is no loot in any of this bit okay well this Village was kind of pointless besides the fact that I needed a place to stay let’s go ahead and head on to a place to live I only looked in a few houses but ooh T Way Stone now this is a PLS biome which is kind of nice I really wanted to do planes these pigs are literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen tall grass but I don’t want to be near the village I’ve done that before and uh let’s just say I haven’t quite gotten to there yet oh oh this is perfect right here and there’s horses and donkeys and everything nearby what do you guys think cuz we could build like a cute little farm with a like a barn for some animals and uh a little Farmhouse it’s going to be cozy it is I’m excited ah we’re here oh what does this place look like on the map over here might be better cuz if we have this big old spot right here the only thing I have to do is terraform the ground and it’s pretty big space so we could build a pretty big base over here and it’s next to the water man I traveled pretty far but I do know that there is a little um old growth tiger forest in these areas so I can always go back perfect well I’m going to go down and around this Lake to the other side of the village and I think this will be a little bit of a better spot for us to be just weave it and then I need to start working on getting food because I think I’m a little bit [Music] hungry all right over here man there’s already like 15 million cows all right I feel bad about this okay guys I don’t want to hurt them but I need to for food so I’m sorry cows okay I think seven I do need Cobble though lur thank you so much Luigi for the L I really appreciate you thanks for coming out and guys I appreciate you all hanging out with me today I know I’m uh sometimes I kind of just like hyperfocus when I’m playing games so I appreciate your patience because I’m over here like o what do I need to do next you know oh this is like a little our own little personal Lake oh I’m using this I’m going to use this I’m just going to like over here really quick do some quick little mining to get some Stone oh here we [Music] go I only wanted Stone oh well oh perfect I got 13 now where can I set my house I need a a central location for the house so not over here I’m where am I I’m over here perfect yeah that’s pretty that’s far enough from the village I think maybe we’ll put our home like [Music] here probably here over in this more less messed up spot oh cute still a spot that needs to be terraformed for sure but oh I love but for now I want to put this down so I can make a [Music] furnace and then a bed oh my gosh thank you so much for the subie over on YouTube Hey I appreciate you meet oh I need one more cuz it’s a stack of seven for anything is what my fiance said there’s one I’m sorry stack of eight for anything with a piece of coal and if I want a full stack for one coal boom slay and now I got food started and then I can terraform all this get ourselves a little house going eventually I don’t know when I’m going to get the house going that sounds like a lot this is my respawn now I can’t go to sleep until the clock at the top of the screen says 1027 which is another reason why I have the map open we sleep yay we did it our second day finally I have a place to stay I almost got nervous there for a second [Music] cuz literally when we couldn’t find a place to live I was getting [Music] scared or like we couldn’t find any sheep for a bed and I’m glad we found this Flames biome with a village because that was just kind of really lucky I have sugar cane let me go plant that by My Little Lake [Music] there we [Music] go so I want everything to be level maybe with this level or I guess not everything because it doesn’t have to be like perfect [Music] I might fill it to this area here I do need a shovel but I want to get some iron so I might go caving which sounds dangerous but you guys are here with me so you’ll protect me that’s what I have you here for yes we are fed I need a a chest that might be a good idea that’s B just a hunch go UE Spruce I don’t have a lot of resources I’m not I will never say I’m a pro at this game even if I play it for a long time I probably will never be a pro at this game I got some sticks need some torches I only got 16 that’s great got that there I’m gonna put a little right where I’m at I’m going to do create a waypoint here so I can remember where it is so now if I like step away there’s like this giant blue line which is perfect for me cuz I’m forgetful and the amount of times that I’ve like started trying to play this game and then forgot where my base was and then just gave up because I didn’t remember where my base was it’s kind of funny but I’m going to go to a different area and mine there Unk welcome back Luigi welcome back welcome back I would love to find a Cherry Grove that amazing I’ll be on the lookout if you guys see one before I do please let me know I think right here I could do it all right what did I missed not much so far currently we are about to go mining which I don’t like doing but it’s okay you know we should look for a cave are there any caves around here I might see one over there no this is a pretty flat space maybe we go to the places where I just came from I kind of need my bed if I’m going to do that I guess I’m going to grab my bed and then we’re going to go go back to the Village or back to the ocean or whatever River we were on and we’re going to travel back to the little tigga Forest Area there were lots and lots of caves there and I really really want to just like find a cave and mine through it and there’s not a lot of caves in this area which I might go and look for caves in this area and let me go grab let me grab this too everything but my stuff everything I want to save I’m going to keep here these are important those are important I need to have all this stuff dirt Oak planks I should have some I’ll pick up some more when I’m on my way when I’m on my way out and then I’ll grab I’ll keep my sticks and a few Cobblestone just in case I need more tools but I do have my wooden stuff just in case my stone stuff does break and I got some food too so I’ll bring my extra two raw beef as well all right let’s head on out my goodness we are brave We are brave we are strong we are going to do this we are brave we are strong we got this guys we are brave we are strong and we got this he I wish I had a horse oh I thought I was going to fall wonder if the village has any Saddles probably not but girl can dream right cuz if we get a saddle we wouldn’t have to walk and that sounds amazing that’s smoth Stone we love Blast Furnace there is literally no chest in any of these homes is this Village okay I I feel like they’re not okay like how do they eat where’s their food I don’t even see a farm oh there’s the farm y’all got over here oh this is a big old house oh there’s a kid in here ah there’s a book some Oak saplings some potatoes and apples perfect I found one singular chest got some seeds I want to take all our seeds o a composter I will take that though I know that’s how they do their jobs or whatever but kitties I’ll be back for those it’s a large Cliff this is a very large Cliff but we’re climbing up all right I think I’m just going to go around it honestly at this point I’m already [Music] [Music] here ooh I think I found one [Music] oh this looks terrible all right I’m like hyping myself up a little bit like let’s go maybe [Music] oh that’s just water okay that’s not even cave like well it’s already time for a new day so we’re going to keep on going I see a cave probably very close because there are so many red dots in this area so I’m assuming that means [Music] cave what was that [Music] I don’t know I don’t know okay let’s go over here [Music] [Music] oh my gosh o lilacs pretty [Music] I just want like a nice open cave that I can just walk in maybe fight something even though I don’t want to but I will something over [Music] here ooh what’s that up there I’m sorry what was [Music] that let’s [Music] see ah [Music] yes not me doing parkour [Music] is that iron I want to [Music] know I got to know yes thank you thank you welcome in how are you I hope you’re doing well we’re climbing up a mountain or a hill I guess I don’t even know what this is is would you consider this a mountain I need more Stone anyway so we’re going to just chop some of that [Music] down please don’t fall getting close what is that if it’s not iron I’m going to be so sad I can’t tell yes it is iron I climbed up here I climbed up here for this okay yes beautiful I feel so happy about that I feel really happy about that how many did we get o four that’s not a lot but it makes me feel good better oh Lord I am not your mod P has Vin mining no I need to put Vin mining in it though I I literally I feel like I need it after playing in so many mod packs with it I’m just like always thinking I should have vein mining a man I didn’t mean to put that there I would think I’m G to die if I land on that tree now oh I only took a little bit of damage but it’s okay little bit is better than a lot I found one oh crap it’s fine just throw that on there oh Lord I do not like this grab a little bit of copper I do not like this I’ve been playing with friends out a world using all the mods n yes that’s the one that me and my fiance are playing right now is all the mods 9 it’s very good okay glow was that it I feel like I’m so scared of everything so I think there’s more up there or this way BBE what’s the best level to find iron I need to look these things up let me pull up my little browser best level to find iron Minecraft level 16 why 16 and we’re at y76 so probably not the best place to find [Music] to find iron but you know we Vibe I could dig somewhere no I found it I think I found where what we needed guys please be shifting oh there’s literally iron over there okay great the paraglider is so nice my boots in belt load out is bunny yes SL in a bottle so I can eat myself oh my gosh my fiance I think I don’t know if he added the mod in but there’s like the origins the one I always use is um the what is it like the elytron or something I don’t know whatever it is it causes me to never take take fall damage as long as I don’t eat meat like right so I’m just like slay I’m totally fine with this guys yeah I love it it’s like so handy oh my gosh it is so I’m sorry are there glowberries in there guys I think we hit the jackpot I do see little guys going around down there so we might have to fight something I think that’s a zombie but zombies they ain’t nothing okay we fought zombies in our time it just was in The Sims and not in Minecraft okay sounds like you need a water bucket yes I do but I’m just kind of going to work my way down uh the side like this cuz I don’t really have iron for an iron bucket oh that’s not safe yep pro pro Minecraft that’s what we’re doing today that’s what we do here run oh I love it we shall run oh it’s almost night time cuz I think there’s iron over there and over here and as long as I sleep I think it’ll just be that one zombie so I’m definitely going to be taking myself a little a little nappy nap and I’ll take out the one guy and we’ll be set we’ll be golden okay guys I got [Music] this I’m trying to stay close to this because this is a place I can put my bed like this is it not oh my gosh can I not put my bed here I’m going to have to put myself a little platform hold up uh-oh your bed is obstructed no I thought I was going to lose it okay let’s just carve out a little hole in the wall where we can sleep it’s getting late my plans are being ruined it’s okay if I die I die right that’s what we’re doing got it okay look at that success and I don’t think there’s many more guys down there so I say we slayed that good job everyone no no got my bed I wanted to put a torch there no Pro Minecraft is what we’re doing today yes oh this is a big one I’m going to have to get down to grab some of it but oh wait I shouldn’t be standing on that I’m so glad I thought about that cuz if I was standing on that and it just fell I would be like so upset what do I see is that a is that a spider what is that that is a spider multiple green spiders oh I don’t like the look of that it’s okay I’ll be okay everything is fine guys we’re fiveing get us some of this copper [Music] I can hear them I don’t like it I don’t want to hear them oh no no no no no [Music] no nope okay yep we’re going to we’re going to go oh no I’m stuck we’re going to go for now it was it was a good thought though getting the iron you know but the moment I see an Enderman is the moment I scattle okay it was a good thought though it was a good thought on topic of all that if you haven’t gone um into it yet you may want to change the serger confix for the never to make sure the flesh biome doesn’t load e that’s disgusting I’m not sure um cuz it’s my fiance server oh he runs it on his computer so he might have gone through and did all that but yeah no that sounds absolutely disgusting and as somebody who is very squeamish no no thank you well at least I know where that is I might I might come back when I’m more like ready to come back but I do have eight pieces of iron I did drop a couple but I wasn’t going down there once I saw that Enderman down there I appreciate that thank you thank you flush biome does not sound fun so I appreciate you letting me know we’ll head home for a little while I guess we could head over to a different biome I don’t have to technically go home I do I would like some sprues and I know where an old Tiger Forest is [Music] so maybe I’ll go there trying to wait for this tree to despawn but it takes so long for all these leaves to like disappear and I want saplings [Music] you know so I don’t [Music] know let’s head on home for a little while map where we at oh what is that I don’t even know so I am over here so if I just ride the water back this way I’ll get home cuz my home is here okay I can do that I have my boat [Music] B [Music] all righty making our way back home going fast trying to get back to my [Music] house is that cherry wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is so close to my house yes [Music] forget going [Music] home why would I go home when there’s a cherry biome right here yes all right it’s time for deforestation and depedal isation I must have all the petals and all of the leaves thank [Music] you definitely need to get some vein mining because this sucks having to do all [Music] this especially with these trees cuz like look at them they’re so long and big but they’re so pretty pink wood for a pretty pink house hey for a pretty pink house I see you in there come out here so I can get you I’m going to have to stick around for some saplings because I don’t have any shears I guess I could make shears hold on I brought my furnace I have no coal but I do have [Music] planks so just put those there and we can burn some planks okay just a few cuz I only need two pieces of iron for um for shears so I can cut some of these leaves and I can grab them for my own special being yes Cherry gr Cherry gr Cherry gr this made me feel so much better it’s so pretty here I love it I love a Cherry Grove [Music] this is close to ice and stuff so I don’t want to live over here but I’m I’ll definitely take the Cherry Grove to me you know I’ll take it to my house we’ll have our own Cherry Grove that’s what I did the last time I like in our last server server I built my own Cherry Grove basically oh and I just took a bunch of saplings and stuff I’m me only making enough oh that only did one okay get a seven in there so we can finish melting all of this so we don’t want floating trees but it literally it’s like it’s kind of like heart-shaped the way the tree [Music] falls oh my gosh it’s almost nighttime [Music] yeah we got ourselves a pair of shears which is like the most important thing to me cuz I love love love love collecting leaves especially Cherry leaves need some cherry leaves leave my bed right there oh that’s why this isn’t despawning there’s a whole another piece of wood [Music] there oh cha chaping saplings [Music] I love yay that’s all that’s all I needed to be happy in life was just to find a cherry biome now I am happy and content Cornflower some dandelion all of the [Music] flowers poppies [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yes this brings me so much joy I’m so glad I found this area ooh all of the saplings I feel like we have enough to go back home and uh use them I kind of want to cuz we have 22 saplings we have a stack for in 42 almost a stack of cherry leaves I do oh a hydrate thank you so much I actually forgot about all of my liquids cuz I also have a coffee sleigh okay ooh grab those I think I want to grab some more of these pink petals and then we can head on our [Music] way yeah cuz look now I have like almost four Stacks yes so many pedals you need a lot if you oh my gosh now I almost have five Stacks I was going to just collect four Stacks but then I went a little bit overboard you know there’s just so many I want them all 55 57 59 there we go stack and or four five stacks and one I think that’s good enough got a bunch of saplings and this area is literally let me just show you so this is here right and it looks like it’s pretty big actually so this is where the Cherry Grove is and this is our home over here so it’s like right across the water which is perfect for me cuz I can come over here and get any of the Little petals I want if I ever run out cuz I only touched like this small little corner right and there’s still like all of this I haven’t explored so very very exciting anyway let me grab my things pack my things away and we can and go home oh my goodness my inventory is full as well so it’s probably a smart idea for me to head home oh my inventory is full I literally just said that and uh I don’t I’m just going to throw that pink petal it’s okay it was One Singular anyway [Music] okay so I need to go this way between those two waters and then hold on so between these two walls and then probably dock about here okay cool let’s go is this a tight fit tight fit got [Music] it I’m going to grab some of this sugar cane um grab my [Music] boat oh no uh Oak saplings I’ll throw those no not into the water though here what about a wooden axe I don’t need that I don’t need that it’s fine oh my gosh we’re almost home I got so much stuff I got so much stuff we get to plant some cherry trees and we get to build with cherry which I don’t get I took a cat nap yes slay welcome back blo me we’re so glad to have you [Music] oh my gosh so many things we also got a book oh my gosh and some sticks some poppies and lilacs and all of the things a composter I’m really excited about the composter naps are beautiful how’s the Minecraft going good good I mean okay so it’s like a mixed bag okay cuz like on one hand we’re doing really well I found a Cherry Grove we get to like have all the Cherry that we want and it’s really exciting but on the other hand I tried to go mining for iron and I only got six so we kind of need to figure that out but um I’m not the best at the whole Cave thing okay and there was there was an Enderman and I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not not dealing with that okay so put that there where’s my bed o cherries yes and then we get to build like pink houses and stuff which is super exciting which means we’re going to have to go back to that old Grove uh that old growth tiger forest so I can grab some Spruce and lots of it that’s my next goal because I want to build with cherry and Spruce now that I have cherry I want to use Spruce oh I literally walked all the way over there and didn’t even grab my sugar cane so and then oh no not Enderman yeah not doing it not doing it I’m not ready to fight an Enderman and I have no armor so why would I fight one when I am not prepared it just didn’t make sense in my eyes so we decided to uh wait go little little torch I need to build another chest because I’m already running out of storage space and double chests are the best I need not the raw meat this meat to stay on my bar put those in there and this perfect respawn set and we can sleep yay I tend to play on Peaceful if I can maybe we should do a poll I will uh gladly go to Peaceful if you guys want me to go to Peaceful but I’ll also stay on easy if you guys want me to go on easy I’m also a scaredy cat I’m like the most scaredy cat of Scaredy Cats there are but I’m trying my best you know I I I want to like be that girl but I don’t know if I’m quite ready to be that girl yet see like I’m the type of girl that’s also scared of like stardew Valley the little jumping slime doohickey things I hate those things they’re terrifying and uh and I remember being so scared of the bugs when I started playing stardy Valley yes I’m okay appearing for my virtual life is yes exactly I’m sitting here like looking at all the little red dots on the map and I’m like o avoid that spot avoid there it’s literally me oh my gosh we should let me do a quick little poll cuz I will go to um peaceful if you guys want me to but I don’t have to because I am also fine staying like this go peaceful cuz we can go peaceful until we need to not be peaceful which is like when we want to like actually have like mob farms and all that stuff an iron farm that’s one of the things that I really want to build I know that it’s like it’s so inhumane okay and I hate it because it’s like you’re going to trap a villager into to be scared for the rest of his life yay or nay you’re to trap a village in to be scared for the rest of his life and just so an iron golem will come in and you can you can take out the Iron Golem so you can get iron and poppies like yes and no at the same time you know like it sounds awful but it is one way to do it Iron Golems are so friend shape it sucks oh my gosh I have this um I have the what is it called it’s this Cottage core style um texture pack right a resource pack and uh I was playing Minecraft I think yesterday and one of my iron golems just looked like a really swole um villager just literally the texture on him just did not exist and just looked like a villager who had like gotten really really buff do I have a photo oh my gosh if I have a photo I better have taken a picture of this no I didn’t how dare I not take a photo vote in the poll yes make sure you vote in the poll should we go peaceful for a little while I guess I should have put a poll in on YouTube but I forgot so it’s okay okay if I put poppies in here do I get bone meal I don’t know what that does hello what happens how do what how does a composter work oh that’s oh oh okay slow play chicken oh my goodness not chicken hey oh my goodness hold up let me pause hello chicken with a dailym of 32% in a stretch oh and a posture check I am postured and a hydrate [Music] thank you thank you I appreciate you coming in how are you I hope you’re doing well and a yay for peaceful so let me quickly just change to peaceful and I think since we’re in peaceful we can go back to that cave that we were just looking at if I remember where it is it’s over here isn’t it right here yeah create mine yes yes hi I’m good how are you we’re just vibing and playing some Minecraft we decided to go peaceful at least for a little while until I need the mobs or I feel comfortable cuz I’m not geared like look at me I am just an innocent bystander who found Cherrywood and is amazing thank you for the shout out for chicken as well make sure you guys check out chicken um who have I have recently gotten to uh get back into Minecraft as well so we talk about it literally all the time we’re like Minecraft buddies so make sure you check him out yes all right let’s run our little way over to I need a saddle I need to ride a horse this is too much walking for me if this was literally me I would not be walking I’d find any other source of transportation you know we could build like a a mine cart all the way ooh that’s just a hole all the way from our home to our mine make sure to set a Way Stone at the top before you go down to the cave helps you not get lost ah yes I shall thank you that’s a good idea I’ll definitely be setting a little way point when I reach the top and then cuz I’m just I just put one in the general direction that way I could find it but once I get there I’ll put one there and then we’ll explore the cave which I’m really excited about now that there’s not an Enderman sitting there waiting for me to come down and try to kill it I’m not ready for that okay I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for that oh I forgot my bed it’s okay there’s no bad guys there’s no bad guys I don’t need a bed I I’ll just walk in the dark which is also terrifying to me cuz I’m slightly afraid of the dark but if there’s no bad things in the dark how scared of the dark can you really be you know what I mean so that’s where I’m at with that anyway oh man did I get it right on the dot slay look at that right in the middle I know what I’m doing Pro Minecraft spooky leggy boy yes the spooky leggy boy I love that that’s so cute he is the spooky Ley boy okay so this is the start over here I’m going to delete this Waypoint yes and then over where I am I’m going to put a new one create entrance that way it’s like right here at the entrance of my staircase and I can just walk on down and all the juice who did was me it’s so dark oh just lost that torch it’s fine I didn’t bring anything oh my gosh I didn’t bring a y’all y’all let me walk all the way out here and not bring anything it’s okay I am the product of this okay let’s just grab some Stone really quick and make a couple Stone pickaxes I think that’s enough for two I want to have like three maybe four I’m going to go up and grab some wood too Alex how are you I’m doing good thank you so much for coming in and hanging out with us today me as the uh not pro Minecraft just uh trying our best Minecraft player that’s what I I would say yes okay got some wood stripped oh did I accidentally strip it I think I did it’s fine I hope it’s fine actually okay yeah no that’s good perfect and then use these for a crafting table my Togo crafting table put those in there grab some sticks I’m going to make all of these sticks that’s literally what I got it for and then put those there put those in here grab all those pickaxes because that’s what we’re here for and then the rest of the sticks will be for like if I get some coal is it your first streaming of the day oh how’s your day going it’s good it’s good um first stream of the day so like my first stream that I’ve done today I would yeah or I mean like first stream ever we’ll talk about it I almost just jumped off how crazy am I I didn’t save it’s fine everything is fine well I broke that one I think I have [Music] more okay slay we don’t have that far left to go it’s so dark and spooky in here small Supernova welcome in how are you I hope you’re doing well thanks for coming in it’s so dark in here guys oh my goodness let me finish up my staircase shaders tend to eat light like crazy yeah I see this it’s wild okay well we’re here Gravity down here so dark it’s spooky let’s just run in put some torches this yeah that’s water look at all this iron all the iron where we at [Music] yes also Granite looks so pretty I know it’s it’s like iron yes we have some but not a lot and this is just like beautiful but Granite looks so good even though I know it’s like that ugly red color it looks good right now okay gravel also dangerous beware of gravel jump o can I grab it yes oh and these I really like these because they obviously glow and that’s cool so we’ll grab a couple of those and there’s a big old iron vein up there and there’s some iron right here grab that love look at that this is why I was looking for more slay Okay cool so we’re at 10 I think we’re at 10 perfect I’m excited okay and we could make another furnace and start smelting it as we go too oh never mind I guess I’m not it’s night time okay well all right beautiful look how pretty this is like this is stunning truly so much iron we got 14 now hey we got 14 iron what’s that blue stuff down there it’s also glowing and there’s more oh my gosh I’m going to be in here for a while I think oh I don’t think there’s anything holding this up underneath it yeah gold gold I don’t think gold is as good but I think it’s good for the nether that’s what it’s good for I’m mostly looking for iron and coal I see some over here but oh my goodness all right setting up camp in the cave tonight slay Moss so much Moss oh my gosh I’m GNA be here a while I think there’s iron iron everywhere at this that’s stunning this is like the best [Music] cave gold gear like gloves and helmet have the pig gloves not piglins not to attack you perfect I’ll keep that in mind for if I ever go to the [Music] nether deep deep slate ooh I’ve never reached deep slate before Oh my gosh oh my gosh water water what’s that is that a bee oh oxal oh my gosh they’re so cute I need to smelt and suddenly we are drowning yes fellas I need to make a furnace right now so I can so I can make [Music] buckets little fellas clay okay let’s set this down on something that’s doesn’t make me feel unsafe putting it there okay and then do I I don’t have coal that’s important excuse me oh that [Music] there coal cool coal Coal where did I see that coal I lost it there is so much happening in this [Music] cave I do see the glowberries though y’all know right here slay oh man I should have cut those with uh my shears to get [Music] more know it doesn’t work that way unfortunately anyway Cole where you at Cole I just saw some we are at we’re at y5 so not quite deep enough for diamonds but we could probably get some while we’re out here Cole I see you in there [Music] [Music] yay all right now to find where I shoved my furnace oh it’s definitely down here somewhere no it’s not oh wait wait wait wait okay I found it slay so one two the song makes it feel like an epic coting hi hi pickley hi we’re so happy to have you here oh I want to get some of this deep slate too because it’s it’s good stuff okay I need what was it that I needed a bucket I wanted an oxalato a bucket uh so I can grab a little a little friend mhm they are not dying are they no why are you guys on land y’all are going to oh my gosh bucket fast I need water no you bucket of oxal yes we’ll put you right there [Music] buddy we have a friend we have a friend yeah [Music] deep slate is good though um okay so there’s iron like everywhere I just got to like go like little bits at a time oh I just fell fine right here deep slay iron ore I might make me an iron pick here very very soon go add in another piece there you do have 10 iron might as well got some sticks what about some equipment like a helmet and that’s all cuz I can’t make anything else look at me I am armed in dangerous bucket of friend I thought it was trying to tell me that my oxal died and I almost cried but that other one that was down here did which is really sad the bats are scary okay that’s all I have to say they’re scaring me will I ever see daytime again probably not not with all of the stuff down here that I can collect OMG she’s armed I have armor I am ready to fight the Ender Dragon and all I have is an iron helmet I’m confident now okay don’t come at me cuz I got you ooh look at that I just found me some more [Music] iron is this leg of Zelda basically I don’t know I actually never played Zelda so I’m not sure is it oh my gosh I am just an iron helmet and I’m ready to fight the Ender Dragon this place is so pretty hello [Music] [Music] Lord there is so much cave here so much cave I’m trying to use these stone pixes that I make I think you like it I probably would I mean I H like we have a Zelda game I’ve never played it [Music] though gosh is my iron done yes look at that 12 iron so much better not off the top of my head no I am spilling everything all over myself Pro I’m a pro not really but it’s okay have confidence and then you got to humble yourself you know I should grab some of this iron or not Iron Coal not coal either gold oh my gosh I’m losing my mind breath of the wild yeah probably I mean you and D seems like it a lot that’s the one you guys play right let me grab some of this deep slate I’m probably going to grab a lot more I want to have a bunch for like decoration guys we have all the pieces I need to like build everything I’ve ever wanted in my dreams okay more iron we’re getting so lucky I just dug down a little bit where are we at inventory spacewise we could do this forever I just wanted some deep slate righto yes that one does look fun I have thought about playing it [Music] I like the sound that deep slate makes it sounds nice it’s like a doop doop I like it so much Moss [Music] oh my gosh and I want to find sniffers I have a whole thing in mind here okay we’re going to live our best lives on our little in our little area oh my gosh here I go drowning again there we go no oh my gosh there’s a water source block here a fish don’t mind if I do why are there fish I’m so confused you want some Foodies do you like fish are you a fish you are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen I want another one of you so I can have friends like so my you know what I meant so my oxal can have a friend I know I’m like using all my precious iron but it’s it’s for a good cause it’s for a good cause got him I’ll just put you there get your floaties I have my priorities in check okay so we got some gold we got 18 more iron we can smelt two stacks and then some of moss some some glow some aelia bushes Let’s see we got some seeds some Cobble deep slate which I need to get some more I think probably some more Cobblestone too excuse me we’ll get well that will be our next go it’s just some more Cobblestone and deep slate very simple job also this Granite might fun to use even though it’s not this pretty um if you don’t have my mod my texture pack or my resource pack I still have it and I want to build with it I think it’ll be [Music] fun there’s clay oh is that lapis iron and guys I found [Music] diamonds oh my gosh did I really is there more [Music] I got my first diamond yeah we vibing okay we set [Music] slay more iron I don’t want tough I want deep slaves what level is it it’s like Y6 isn’t it I’m not going to go that deep right now but just thinking about for the future oh that’s clay goodness it’s okay we can use [Music] bricks like that click is so satisfying to me okay oh that’s terrifying my last torch I’m just holding it in my hand so I can see ooh is that gold I know it takes a long time to mine this with my little Stone pick but I have three more of them that I need to use so I’m just going to keep on doing it there we go so peaceful here we go into the iron vein we go got it perfect I’m having so much fun with this I’m just like minding my deep Slade and stone and grin it living our best [Music] life I’m sorry what was that what is that and why is it so spooky and ominous I hated that I don’t know if you guys could hear it but I need to turn on my sounds for y’all but it was like the spookiest thing I’ve ever heard oh my gosh let me diamond pickaxe unlocked yes I have three let me see if I can find my stuff and then we’ll probably head up oh wait no it’s night time we’ll head up in the morning we’ll finish up what we’re doing but I think I need to use the restroom so if youall want to give me like a few minutes oh my gosh I’m going to sit up here next to this iron cuz my game will pause automatically and then there is a m shaft over there that we need to look at later and everything like that but I need to use dress so I will be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] quick little side note my dress came in and I wanted to show you guys and then I’m going to go put my hoodie back on and then I’ll be right back okay liie [Music] Tada T yay isn’t it cute look at it it’s so cute I love it I feel so cozy and like uh I feel like I am the Cherry Grove you know it might even I love it I know isn’t it like it’s so fun and the sleeves are all puffy everything I don’t know why mix It Up’s not working but you know she she’s a mess and everything so I’m just obsessed a yeah I don’t know she’s she’s a mess but yes I’m going to go put my hoodie back on because I need to wash this but I’m glad that it fits it’s amazing though thank you look at it I’m still wearing my like pj bottoms but I was like it’s so fun I love it oh my gosh I’m so happy anyway I’ll be right back okay and um maybe I might wear it during a stream when I come back so so pretty I know what’s the print it’s it’s like these little flowers can you see them it’s like these these like it’s like gives Grandma you know it looks like strawberries though I thought it was strawberries at first so it’s like H it’s like my own little strawberry dress but it’s like little Grandma it’s giving picnic table and I’m kind of here for it you know so it’s a Vibe okay let me let me go put my hoodie back on and I’ll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right here we go [Music] back in Action let’s grab welcome back I’m GL to be back all righty I feel so strange like after that noise I’m like am I going to die me switch over over the sound cuz I didn’t realize you guys could hear it now you should be able to hear in-game sounds cuz y’all can hear that absolutely mortifying noise that I heard what is up with all the fish oh there’s fish in these Waters interesting the absolutely satisfying noises that come from this [Music] game all right there’s iron up here let’s grab it then some more of this granite my inventory is full basically so I should probably here in a moment start heading back up what is that noise [Music] oo lapis I should grab that while I’m here too cuz we need that if we want to enchant stuff and I want to try enchanting stuff so we’re going to definitely need it oh man my inventory space is full [Music] uh I guess I don’t need this glow stuff IR my only guess to what that noise is is maybe there’s like a like a deep dark or something but uh I don’t mess with none of it not a single [Music] bit this cave has everything though every single ounce of all of it so obviously we be back it’s still dark I’m not sure how dark though it’s still pretty dark there’s still this whole area I haven’t explored oh my gosh there’s so much iron down there maybe I should grab that that scared the crap out of me that squid over there oh my gosh I was like no please I don’t want to [Music] die what is this like I think there’s water [Music] there I’ll come back there’s still plenty of iron deposits I can come back and grab some more things what do I what do I have I need to get backpacks too like honestly having a backpack would be so useful about now more is it raining no but that’s absolutely terrifying I won’t stay here for very long my staircase is over here as the sun rises we get to go home [Music] yay that’s crazy there’s so much down there still I haven’t even gotten like a portion of it that’s how much stuff there is [Music] it’s cozy very cozy I oh no I want these flowers so bad it’s fine I’ll just accept the defeat all right let’s go home and we have three diamonds enough to make a diamond pick which is super exciting our first diamond pickaxe he he we’re gonna get a diamond pickaxe hi buddy little pig I would really love to avoid killing any other animal besides uh besides cows cuz cows I got to take care of for leather you know what I mean but uh every other animal we don’t have to like kill them for anything like sheeps we can just Shear them for their wool and Piggies we can just have them for fun you know cuz you know I I feel like we don’t need to kill animals yep that that’s it all right chest look at all this stuff my oxal I’m going to go put them in my little Lake I think that’s like the perfect spot for them these are my extra ones beautiful almost a full inventory that there put that there perfect but I could take these little guys and I have a little Lake I hope they stay in the lake because I don’t want to lose them but I have like this little water area that I could put them in look at you swimming you got got a little buddy they’re so cute I love [Music] them yay we have friendos I love [Music] it okay so I want to level out to about this layer probably I feel like this is a good layer cute I know are they [Music] adorable I think is just this layer right here so I need a shovel with all my iron also now that I’m home I can smelt all of my iron I found 38 I’m just going to shove all of my coal okay so 40 would be five pieces of coal eight [Music] 16 just take out six we’ll wait on those four put in four pieces of coal cuz we ain’t wasting we got to use every ounce and then with what I do have cuz I do have some I’m going to make me a shovel an iron shovel beautiful oh I should also plant my wheat seeds as well that’s another thing I need to do [Music] do off yeah only turn those on when I need [Music] him [Music] go once I get some more coal and stuff I would love to put some torches in that little cave area so if we do turn turn on um like the normal survival mode then you don’t have to deal with mobs in there but that’s a lot of torches so that’s just it’s going to be a minute before we get there [Music] [Applause] [Music] don’t you just love terraforming it’s like my favorite thing to do I’m going to leave that there for now we work on this [Music] side but we should think of like house ideas should we find one like a like a tutorial to follow like I normally do or should we just like try to build from the heart you know I’ve been trying to learn a little bit about building in this game it’s it’s definitely a lot different than building in The Sims but it’s still fun and I can still use the same like mindset when doing it it’s just it’s it’s a little bit different CU You’re Building more in like an active way rather than just building as like God you know what I mean so like I’m standing here on the ground terraforming where like in The Sims I’m floating above the world terraforming you know so it’s kind of different but besides besides that like that learning curve it’s basically the same type of idea like I put the house together I put a roof on it and then I just try to figure out how to decorate it and make it look nice and I already broke my shovel goodness this might take a [Music] while this might take a minute just a little my building style tends to be described as a functional rectangle I’m obsessed we love a good functional rectangle you know I love it honestly CU same I’m trying to add more Dimension and everything but sometimes the rectangle is just the way to go you know functional rectangle with maybe like a traditional roof on top if I’m feeling frisky very simple oh crap I just want that be m dirt mud mud mud mud mud mud mud mud mud mud mud yes just going to put this here sh sh sh oh my gosh oh my gosh this dang torch okay let’s do a quick little sleeps we’ll sleeps excuse me and then we’ll keep on going love that you sleep with dirt in your hand yes always we got to sleep with the dirt in the hand you know it’s so we can easily wake up and keep going with our task you know like my dirt ain’t nobody taking my dirt ain’t nobody taking my dirt Where My Rosemary Goes know like there oh I don’t know what I’m going to do with these [Music] let slay look at that 46 iron right there right there oh that’s not what I meant to do but that’s okay we’ll just chop that put a little dirt put a little furnace put a little crafting table up there perfect perfect like [Music] me excuse me this is what I don’t know what I’m going to do with I’m just going to leave it there for now honestly I’m not ready to deal with that we could just deal with it after the house build how big do I want this house to be I kind of want it to have a tower is that nuts probably as I’ve never built a tower before but you know YOLO right [Music] YOLO we can build anything we want to build got each one more stack of dirt there we go I might have oh I’m obviously going to have to go get more dirt but this a good start get ourselves a little place to have that and there’s just so many things I want to do with this plot of land okay I have so many ideas but first we got to get a house place to put our storage there she goes oh that’s not where I meant to put that there that’s all I have dirt for grab this oh right I don’t have a shovel that’s the whole reason why I stopped that’s fine I’m not going to use all of my iron for [Applause] why is terraforming like oddly satisfying but also like the worst at the same time got to show up and show out you know I just want a nice big old cloud of land because I feel like I always make my houses too small cuz yes I I want a starter home but I feel like my starter homes are like micro starter homes and I want like a like a starter home that could just be my forever home type of largess I’m going to have to put a lot of chests in there so maybe I should like use chest as like a like a basis on how big it is that’s like what I do in The Sims like I’ll put a bed in and see like if it’s tall enough or like if it’s big enough maybe I can use chest as an example this o I didn’t mean to do that one go that’s all the dirt around this mound but this is a rock so we’re going to have to mine through it mods that are using that have upgradeable chests I do not I actually have a very very minimal mod pack for this cuz one I’ve been trying to like learn Minecraft for what Minecraft is and like use it based game wise but also two my computer can’t run a big mod pack and a single player world and stream at the same time so I try to do like something very minimal this one has obviously the journey map it has the Jade just enough items and then that’s it like it it literally has nothing or way stones way stones is like the only like big big mod in here that like adds to the game I just try to keep it very small so my computer doesn’t explode you know just trying to make sure but I do want to play with more mods like there is not iron right here you’re joking that’s so funny oh my gosh there’s literally iron right here underneath this giant Mound that we found underneath our by our house so funny yeah very simple but I do want to play with more mods eventually I just think I need to either cuz I have this PC that I might use that we were thinking about using as like a a server PC so I either need to get that up or like get a server or something like that so I can do those things it’s just uh takes a lot to get started up you know nuh-uh that’s crazy there was just iron right here this entire time I love it love the energy I’m going to fill this in with dirt I was making sure um I never had a random solo once not in the village yes I probably should have grabbed the one that was in the village I’ll leave the one in the village no cuz you know like the village is close enough to my house where I don’t need it to be there but it might be nice if I find another Village I’m definitely going to yink it because I need a way stone for my house and like my little base that I’m building otherwise I might lose my mind trying to walk back here all the time and then one at the cave too so like one at the cave and one at my house so I can just like teleport back when I’m done down and I’ll call you oh it’s bedtime W I’ll probably finish terraforming this area and then call it there for tonight because I have some other things I need to go film for my trip oh and then ah I’m really just I’m going to miss you guys so much while I’m gone but once I come back we’ll be streaming hopefully on a normal schedule again like I’m not going to like cancel any streams or anything for a while like I plan on just being consistent that’s my NE my goal for when I get back I just need a breather I think I just need a break honestly not from like everything that I’m doing right now like not from streaming or anything but mostly just from like life cuz my job is a lot you know and I feel like once I like take a break you know and I’m making myself take a proper break like I’m not going to be checking anything the entire time that I’m gone um like a full proper break I think I’ll be set and I’ll be like so good for at least a little while and I I just think it’s what I need right now you know y’all know it’s just so sad like having to leave and not see you guys for like a whole week I don’t know what I’m going to do a couple mods I do recommend looking into the functionality sophisticated back yes I literally was just talking about that I’m like I need backpacks I need because I have like [Music] like I H I kept running out of space especially like in our little um little cave section that we found I felt like I needed a backpack so often I’m going to grab these sticks all of them and I’m going to I want to keep using iron but I’m scared that I’m going to use all my iron if I keep trying to make shovels maybe I’ll make two three okay fine three it’s fine though I need to terraform this II thank you so much for the lurk I appreciate you welcome in hope you’re doing all [Music] right what we building currently nothing I’m terraforming this plot of land so we can build a house um but um I do have to yeah right now we’re just terraforming as normal we have good terraform so many on my last yes oh my gosh I love the sophisticated loot chest and then like the backpacks backpacks are like a must honestly I feel like I need backpack right now you’re so right though one that I really like um in all the mods n is the botney pots because I don’t have to like plant trees and chop them down I can just like put a sapling with some dirt and a in a botne pot Hopper and then just like feed them into the chest and that like like saves me so much time cuz I hate going and finding trees in sap well going and planting saplings and like cutting down the trees and all that stuff my shoulder was like I’m going to build more storage yes we love storage we don’t like organizing our storage but we do love storage I haven’t quite figured out the organization system that works best for me quite yet cuz my fiance normally just does the the inventory system and so I quite kind of haven’t figured out like what sections work best for me in like a normal inventory system but we’re going to find out together all I have is this last little chunk and we’re good cuz I probably won’t do that little chunk over there I’ll probably just finish this little chunk and we’ll call it good and then I’ll have to like Reet terraform this to make it look better but not right now oh and then I want to fill this part in this looks like a lot I may not fill this part in today but at least this cuz then I can have like a nice space for for my house to go like it’s already looking a lot better on the maps and everything all the loot yeah like um we we just started a new server or a new world on our server and we spawn right next to this little village and they had the special loot crates in them so obviously we we both went around and we collected all the loot and stuff but also every they didn’t have torches they have lanterns so last night I went around the entire Village and took all their lanterns because I wanted them for my builds and I got like two or three stacks of lanterns and I didn’t have to spend any of my iron at all it was very nice but I mean the village is going to die of course because they don’t have anything to protect them from mobs now besides the Iron Golems but oh well I wanted the lanterns for myself okay I also tore down one of their houses it was pretty funny well cuz I wanted to see if I could Bane mine their house and I could so there’s [Music] that F7 light overlay just and plunk just enough for them yes F7 light overlay just give them enough light so they don’t die but it’s okay we’re probably going to destroy the whole village anyway it’s fine we’ll figure it out man I’m already at level seven that’s cool this is a lot of [Music] terraforming the pigs are so cute I cannot was this the section I said I wasn’t going to do cuz if so that would be pretty funny yeah it is but it’s fine um how cute why don’t I just like make this look a little bit more like a little less boxy add in some corners and dimensions there we go there perfect look at all this land we get to work with and now I can like go and brainstorm some ideas um since we have to get wrapping up here so I can get some other work done but I can look up some ideas and then when I come back we can come back to this and we can build like I really want to do a house with a big old um tower on it and I think that could be super fun but anyway let me switch over oh my goodness I guess I can just hang out hold on it’sing go yeah thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out with me thank you for the hydrate as well thank you so much for coming and hanging out I feel like this was this was a lot of fun especially after we turn out to Peaceful because I was a little scared of cat um and that definitely helped a lot because now I’m like ready to go okay thank you Raven and thank you for coming in um like I said I’ll be on vacation this next week from the 27th to the 5th so I will not be streaming that week um if you want any updates I’ll be in the Discord as well um so let me get some thingies here excuse me Discord Ain nothing but a heartache ain’t nothing but a mistake now number five W me you’re the best thank you for the 50 Bitties and I will I will try my best to have a great vacay okay I will be thinking of you guys I’m going to miss y’all so much thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh Okay so make sure you join the Discord for updates on my stream schedule when I get back I’m also going to try and update it on my twitch but um we’ll see cuz I’m forgetful I was going to do it this week too and I forgot so it’s just like whatever um and at this time I’m going to go ahead and end my YouTube Stream So if you’re over there thank you so much for coming and I appreciate you and have a great rest of your day bye and three

This video, titled ‘STARTING A NEW WORLD?! || Minecraft 1.20.4 LIVE #1’, was uploaded by Neptunewhims on 2024-04-25 13:00:39. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:51 or 9891 seconds.

🌙 MORE CONTENT Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/neptunewhims TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neptunewhims Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neptunewhims/ Discord: https://discord.gg/ekvAR9D7wD

🌙 RESOURCE PACKS 3D Skin Layers: skin-layers-3d” rel=”noopener nofollow”>https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/skin-layers-3d Better Leaves: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/motschens-better-leaves Mizuno’s 16 Craft: https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/ Gali’s Bushy Leaves: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/azalea-bushy-leaves-mizuno-s-16-craft-add-on/ Overgrown Flowery GUI: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/overgrown-flowery-gui/

🌙 SHADERS BSL: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/bsl-shaders Iris: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/irisshaders

🌙 STREAM SCENE CREDITS SunnyMotions on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1312207074/animated-twitch-stream-package-overlay

🌙 MUSIC CREDITS Music provided by TheRelaxedMovement. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRelaxedMovement © Henry Keate t/a TheRelaxedMovement. All Rights Reserved – – 0:00 Intro 10:11 Let’s Play 1:55:32 Break 2:05:55 Let’s Play

  • Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation)

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft facts slaps hard

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  • New Minecraft Pixelmon Surprise

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  • Unbelievable! Sapnap’s Survival in Minecraft Community by itsJanke

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  • GameBotPocket – I Stole EVERYTHING on my MC Server (JOIN NOW!)

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  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD – Who Wins? Animation!🔥

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  • LukeCraft

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  • Purgatory SMP – SMP Modded – Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting be like 🥵

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  • Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter

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  • Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition

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  • Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!

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  • Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #short

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  • Dominate Minecraft with Switch’s Ultimate Mod!

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  • “Insane Minecraft SMP with Friends! Build Bungalow Now!”🏠🔥 #Gaming

    "Insane Minecraft SMP with Friends! Build Bungalow Now!"🏠🔥 #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Bungalow in Our Universal SMP!🔥Minecraft Live with Friends! #Minecraft #LiveGaming’, was uploaded by ExArrowsV Gaming on 2024-01-16 20:17:53. It has garnered 27 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:35:19 or 16519 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to our epic journey in the Universal SMP! Join me and my friends as we explore, build, and conquer in the vast Minecraft universe. 🚀 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft enthusiast, this live stream promises action-packed gameplay, laughter, and unforgettable moments. 🎉 GIVEAWAY ALERT! 🎉 Help us reach 250 subscribers, and we’re celebrating… Read More


    EPIC GAMER DESTROYS BloxFruit with GUNS LIVE! ?Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Beating BloxFruit with only guns #12 2200 – 2350 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-28 18:58:43. It has garnered 258 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:56:55 or 17815 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Ohio Challenge: Circus vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob!🔥” #shorts

    "Insane Minecraft Ohio Challenge: Circus vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob!🔥" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Challenge OHIO😂 – Circus Pomni🎪 vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob🧽 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by TEXTIDER SHORTS on 2024-01-04 14:30:00. It has garnered 1139697 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. In this video I have to choose: Circus Pomni vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob x Grimace Shake vs Titan SpeakerMan, who will you choose? I make minecraft videos every day and the best support for me is like and subscribe))) #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #skibiditoilet #pomni #mrbeast #challenge Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Truth: Who Am I?

    Uncover the Shocking Truth: Who Am I?Video Information This video, titled ‘who am i’, was uploaded by standard on 2024-03-31 18:25:48. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. sedatives this mode was easy to improve in ngl IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster… Read More