Uncover the Hidden Deep with AbyssalKingLeviathan!

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Uh give me one second here I just need to do a thing real quick okie dokie hello Rachel welcome to the stream thank you for joining as always and by always I mean the other time that you joined which was one time I’m aware that there is a delay in my chat so I will give time for responses um I may have to repeat myself in case anybody else joins so I’m just going to say welcome to legoria the hidden deep this is going to be a Minecraft series exclusive to

Streaming because I want to be able to interact with people more and I think it’s fun that’s not how you spell hidden well let’s let’s add a coal in there just because so this is going to be a survival world difficulty is going to be hard I’m

Not going to have cheats on so if I get screwed over by something that’s my own problem um I have a very specific seed for this thanks to a very good friend of mine whom I greatly appreciate for finding this so I’m just going to plug that in here 9 0

3 1 5 8 9 2 8 9 1 7 9 1 Z and just to make sure that I have this absolutely correct because I don’t want to be thrown into another universe that I don’t want 903 158 928 917 910 okay bonus chest is off generate structures

On there’s nothing else crazy that I want to turn on so good to go I’m telling you right now this seed is absolutely wild it’s also going to have me quite set up it’s so quiet I hear horses I see horses horses are indeed here um I need to turn on coordinates because

I need to see where I’m going here because there’s a specific location so we need to go 380 by the way uh when I have uh I’ll make horse friends later uh when I have the coordinates up I won’t be able to see the text in chat very

Easily rather at all uh cuz it’s the way I have it set up is basically it’s my chat is a transparency over Minecraft so I can still play the game and see chat at all times without it having to interfere with anything I can see everything perfectly fine through it um

So we’re going 380 it’s already beginning here part of the reason why I love this seed is because of the cherry blossom trees and you will see that very shortly here ooh we have bees that’s good to know there’s there’s some things that I checked out in the seed in a creative

Test World previously just to see how crazy this thing would be and it was enough that I really wanted to play on it so oh you know I didn’t even discuss the main premise of this I need your meat uh the main premise of this series uh Loria is meant to

Be a you know I realize that while I have the coordinates up it’s probably all over the screen for you as well so let me just get rid of that for a second while I’m collecting food um the pedals on the ground can indeed be collected and you can place

Them in force but you can also rearrange them so if you look I got that one there that one there that one there that one there but if I do it here for example now the flower is in a different location uh but the whole purpose of

Loria is that this is going to be an all underwater or mostly underwater themed um series every single build that I do including Animal Farms is going to be underwater and it’s going to be crazy because I am crazy and that’s just how I like to do things so underwater building has gotten

Significantly easier believe it or not uh if you’ve been away from the Minecraft scene for a hot minute um I’ve tested this myself there is a new biome called The Mangrove swamp and it drops these seeds that you can grow more mangrove trees well the kicker is that these mangrove

Trees can be grown underwater and because they have roots that attach them you can basically create an immediate underwater base that’s functional so that’s honestly going to be the first task is finding a mangr swamp if I need it um it drops propagules that’s what they’re called um we are at 350

And getting hungry is going to be an issue we’re in a birch Forest fun fact birch trees in this game are my least favorite trees uh maybe 342 for my Z value which is very much not the way I want it to be this way well this is going to be

Treacherous but I shall do my best just going to check check okay nothing else has been said oh sick there’s a village already hello Mr be and don’t be offended if I call something Mr or Mrs it’s just what I do there’s a wolf I don’t have any bones for

You also seriously need to get oh hey that took a screenshot by accident uh I don’t want to fall that’s that’s another big thing falling is bad so I’m basically just going to raid the village well not raid it entirely but um if I can get armor right away or if I can

Get oh we are so close but also not um oh I should grab pumpkins what was I talking about I don’t remember I would like to get over there there’s a cave got to be very careful oh [ __ ] I just realized I’m on a timer cuz the sun where oh [ __ ] it’s already

Midday I got to get out of here quickly I probably have about what 5 minutes left I don’t like ruining natural land Cape if I don’t have to but we’re on a time crunch getting iron early is going to be huge I’m not stealing I’m just temporarily relieving them of their permanent

Goods I don’t think any of this has grown yet I am one to protect villagers I will go out of my way to like deconstruct whatever they have and build it into something that’s a lot sturdier just so I can make a raid beforeall them later and see how well it

Does oh okay cool oh yes potatoes the food of the Gods you know what see I I’m I’m a man that loves a good chest um I I go out of my way to specifically not waste chests when I see them but I might be able to just camp out

Here well that’s if I remember this Village is here that’s the other thing like look don’t get me wrong I’m all about you know starting a fair game and everything but this is free real estate right here if I can armor up this early without running into

Problems I mean I’ve already got a bed I’m not going to stay here it’s not the goal it’s not the end game everybody’s sleeping more food you know what I will plant these trees for them and I will put the flower in how about that couple trees there’s a flower I did

My job got an iron golem already too which is fantastic ex excuse me okay so if if I can’t okay uh sorry distur you um if if I have to defend the village I will okay this one should be fine cuz there literally a tree blocking the door

How okay well it’s just a village idiot so all right now we got problems I don’t I don’t want to kick anybody out but at the same time uh my survival is more important cuz the series isn’t about the villagers you know it’s about me building stuff which I’m currently not

In the process of doing and it may take a minute to get to that point all right all who don’t care about the village idiot getting kicked out of the bed uh raise your hand and say I uh you can’t see my hand being raised but I’m saying I so that’s one

Vote and uh my vote counts as two so if you’re the only person here then I’m kicking I’m kicking The Village Idiot out besides I’m defending them by turning up the heat on the zombies I keep forgetting there’s a tree in front of me all right realistically I need to get

Out of here there’s not a whole lot of good stuff here I I prefer I just heard an Enderman hello Jess thank you for joining the stream and welcome welcome to legoria the hidden deep this is a uh stream exclusive series that I’m doing and it’s going to

All be that’s free grass block uh it’s all going to be purely underwater building for the most part I mean it stuff can be sticking out the water water partially but um like including Animal Farms it’s it’s going to be that crazy I’m doing that thing where I get distracted and I start

Walking around and talking at the same time um so telling everybody to go home because I can there’s a cat I don’t have any fish yeah okay I need to stop getting distracted I need to get out of here and establish myself as soon as possible so I need to get toga 342

Oh I think that’s it over there maybe oh hey it’s a mat welcome to the stream I’m just going to go over this once again because you’ve also joined the stream um don’t leave you just got here uh so if you’re just joining Loria the hidden deep is a stream exclusive series

That I’m doing to interact with my audience better and because it’s fun to do so and I also like to share my crazy ideas because I’m a crazy person uh it’s raining now so that’s perfect um but the the idea behind this is that I’m going to be doing all underwater

Building as much as possible this includes Animal Farms if I do any automatic you know food Farms Farms or whatever it’s going to be crazy but this seed is nuts so it’s going to have me set up pretty well provided I can get to the point

That I need to be I just realized I should probably have been killing sheep along the way because not having a bed is going to be a nightmare but here we are the rain is loud is the the rain loud for everybody else as well cuz I can turn the rain down o

Pumpkin honestly o see this is this is the kind of stuff that I love like this is just outside the border of where I’m going so I can come back here another time Honestly though I’m not sure I’ll need to by the way if I start randomly singing

And you hear the words confounding peculiar or uh unusual please stop me because I don’t want to get a copyright strike um I don’t have a shelter I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to have a starting shelter well I’ll have something very basic I’m not limiting myself to the lake

Area it’s just going to be the focal point here we are ladies and gentlemen I have arrived okay now I just got to get down here the super duper Safe Way which is not at all going to get me killed not at all nope not going to happen sick all right um

So let’s do a little little lap tour here oh sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep cheat cheat cheat cheat I should have gotten wood for this so I could build uh sword and a crafting VCH but I’m getting too far ahead of myself come on give me two pieces of

Wool that’s one pieceable but okay oh the the shelter is definitely going to be in this area 100% this this is the final destination this is where all the building’s going to happen and you’ll understand why in a minute this may look like a normal Lake but this Lake goes down to nearly

Bedrock so we’ll just we’ll just do a little tour here real quick don’t call Peter they’ll be angry with me um getting my brain my brain is wandering again uh no don’t don’t call Peeta just don’t all right oh the tour that’s right so we’ve got the cherry blossoms are on the

Top apparently there’s glow squid in the lake which is sick I love glow squid I voted for the glow squid oh we already have sugar cane pumpkin pie let’s go I just need to get chickens we got donkeys donkeys are my favorite uhin aen however you want to pronounce

It creature because you can put chests on them and I like storage uh there’s a beehive here so honey is a thing uh looks like there may be a dripstone cave somewhere in the walls we got access to a savannah over here I’ll talk about the ruin portal in

A minute oh I can’t run anymore I should probably fix that uh we got a birch forest and an oak forest I’m not going to eat all the potatoes don’t worry potatoes are absolutely necessary because they’re potatoes no other reason why um so the ruined portal Down The

Beehive the ruined portal oh getting bees underwater is going to be nuts uh the ruin portal this basically gives me super early access to the Nether and you know why because there’s surface diamond in this water if I can find it um I’m actually going to see what’s in here real

Quick yeah yeah um I’m taking that absolutely take all of this I’ll leave up the obsidian for right now actually you know what this give me the whole thing Um yeah I think it’s a good time to set up that crafting table that’s not oh no what have I done oh it’s okay okay cool we can still make it in the wood we’re learning things all right crafting table uh no bed cool awesome I will cook my

Food when I cook my food I need Cobblestone do that look I’m just getting established all right so temporarily oh things were starting to spawn temporarily I live right on this corner by the portal just don’t forget that cuz I certainly will somehow one way or

Another uh yeah so cows and such are going to be spawning throughout what am I picking up I don’t know I left my crafting pouch behind absolutely Ely cooked potatoes are better I wanted to make this oh I can make two ingots that’s enough for not a

Pickaxe can use it for a shovel or a sword you know sword would probably be a good thing I can’t can’t believe I’m starting off with a golden sword for my first weapon it’s not going to last long I can tell you that uh let’s get some organization and just because there we

Go it’s prettier now I think there’s also a jungle not too far out from here at some point I need to make like a Stairway or an elevator so I can get up top easier because there’s no way to do that rather than climbing currently oh we got Vines yeah there’s

Jungle somewhere close by that is pouring in here cuz that’s jungle wood right there hello squid I dare not go in the water yet because I will drown very quickly I will show you as far as I can without drawning myself though cuz you need to understand just

How crazy this lake is I mean it’s huge first of all but I don’t think you understand the the the true depth but not intended um of this Lake all right so we’re back to a mix of birch and Oak do I have wood I do have wood why do I keep

Leaving my crafting bench behind if I’m being completely honest I would love to start off with a mangrove uh base because you can use mangr so let me start over here if you are new to Minecraft as of today you haven’t touched it in a while there has been a

Biome added called The Mangrove swamp and the mangrove swamp are I don’t well let’s pretend you don’t know what a mangrove trees uh basically they’re they’re giant trees that grow out of the water and they have massive roots and they drop these seeds called propagules that drop

Into the water and they sprout new mangroves well in Minecraft you can take the propagules and plant them underwater and they basically create an underwater tree housee and all you have to do is put some air pockets in it and you can survive but the thing is the mangrove swamp is quite rare

So I don’t think I’ll be doing anything with that right away yeah I know I’m making a second crafting table I’m not going to forget this one though it’ll also be fun to see how many recipes I actually remember what am I doing I don’t want that

Stick I feel like the wooden sword is going to last longer than the gold potentially uh I don’t know what a Brian tree is you’ll you’ll have to explain that um sorry I’m lost in thought here I don’t know who this Brian person is

I’m out of the I’m out of the loop for this joke hey just enough for a shovel it’s perfect for this fish cuz I am a fish I mean if you look at me I’m not actually a fish but I made this wait I made this skin myself years

Ago I used um the Mage as a reference and I just added my own little fishy flare to it watery flare put my pants back up did I just this has thorns too on it and I just not now notice this like there’s a slight Shimmer on it that you can barely

See how would okay I guess I guess I got to pay attention to that one all right um furnace I’m not a pigeon how am I a pigeon it’s because I’m picking up all those seeds earlier all right I’m M I’ll eat some raw mutton even though I really shouldn’t

All right I’m going to I’m going to give you a very basic look at this before I drown all right go back up go back up go back up I just did I just did make the noise of a fish though unfortunately it signified that I was starting to

Drown so I can’t go in the water just yet see that’s that’s the funny thing thing about this challenge is you know I want to make my house down there and I can’t do that yet so I am going to have to do some Exploring um like I said I really would love to find a uh a mangrove swamp to get some mangrove trees but I who knows where that could take me though it could be around the corner it just depends I feel like it would be safer to Mine by the

Bed I could build a boat the other issue with that is if I get caught out on in the darkness I’d have to worry about drowned because nowhere is safe in Minecraft anymore anywhere unless you have light and you’re in a house or or some sort of Walled

Structure a and it has to be two blocks high not three uh then you’re safe otherwise you’re not you’ve got drowned in the water you’ve you’ve got the um the Phantoms in the sky and then you’ve got everything else plus Enderman So you know boat for daytime though getting around instead of having to run around like a chicken with my head cut off that is a good idea and they also changed the boat recipe to I think not have to include ores anymore or the the shovel oh boy I definitely need

Food oh there’s a lava source right there I was already uhoh sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep NOP NOP okay so this is my house Now so uh yeah I got the I got the perfect perfect little hav right here I don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to jump in the bed as a creeper was walking towards me considering they don’t Des spawn in the daytime or die you have to kill them

Yourself and just about everything in the game avoids them at Le you know at least he didn’t destroy the flowers all right enough [ __ ] around I need to get cereal before I die as I can no longer walk or run I can all run and I don’t

Want to eat this raw food cuz I don’t really have enough to replenish anything there is a dripstone cave somewhere here actually having dripstone right here is huge that’s infinite lava ah man I cannot wait to see where this series goes and I plan on streaming this indefinitely for as long as

I’m excited about it um I feel safer mining over here I hear an Enderman so remember that part where I said that I wouldn’t forget the crafting table I lied um I could probably set it up as a server but it is Java so it would I

Think I’d have to do bedrock and then i’ I’d have to start it over again so I think I’m just going to have this be a solo thing also setting up server stuff is complicated and I don’t quite understand it oh oh my hello well I found the dripstone and some

Coal watery coal wow spooky we’ll check this out at some point later when I actually have some armor um if I’m being completely honest I’m always down for playing Minecraft with friends but strictly speaking with this project of mine I’d rather just have it be solo but I would definitely play like on

A on a realm or something hey now we’re cooking with coal oh I need a hoe I don’t want to chop down the Beehive ah uh I can’t cook the potatoes I need them can’t cook anything else though I cook a pumpkin no I’ve never tried um oh that’s right I have this

Chest I keep sticks on me keep dirt on me keep Cobble on me uh yeah we’ll I’ll split it in half put the coal back in that way I at least have something put one here one here one here and one here that’s the best I’m going to be able to do for

Now there we go I can run and I’m back to full I am on Discord I don’t want the jungle wood I don’t have a shield I need to oh that’s Underground ah this is all jungle wood isn’t it I’ll just replant they’ll probably end up being bigger trees anyways

You know what I might be able to force them to become the Big Trees now I think about it don’t remember if you have to have bone meal or if it can happen naturally a singular jungle s never mind okay that sounds good brain fart what was I doing with the oh I’m

Making another crafting table the wandering crafting table oh we did get another St all right trying to get my thoughts together here Stone tool should be the next thing just those two that have the gravel how much Cobble do I have 23 that should be plenty well let’s make a

24 now I got to make a 25 cuz I just I don’t like that it’s it getting dark already I think it’s just the spot I’m standing in um drink all this down break that Down Cobble sword I should really just do this pickaxe ax shovel and I said I needed a hoe I like to do the ah [ __ ] you [ __ ] that’s what you get Idiot shooting me in the back ah no no no no no no no I should also mention that because I am on hard mode and I did this on purpose uh the longer I stay in one area the more difficult the mobs will become wow look at all those zombies

Burning over there and skeletons oh that’s free bones that’s free bone meal that’s potentially carrots too oh I don’t know if you have to kill them for that actually or they have to kill themselves but eventually uh if I’m here long enough mobs will just start appearing in

Armor and other such things what I was going to say is I like to do things in rules of two for the things that I use the most so I have two pickaxes I’m not going to worry about the sword maybe I’ll worry about the sword

I’ll just put it the way in the chest I always like to have extra things on me because you never know how much you’re going to use them also I like my sticks in the top left corner I don’t know why swords uh I’m probably just going to burn this one for fuel

Honestly pickaxe put that there use the I’m probably just going to end up burning all of my wood tools but for now I have them and I also need meat oh leather that’s something I didn’t consider either there any more cows nearby I’m racking my brain because I’m questioning

If if we should go on an adventure and try to to find a mangrove swamp because then I could start living underwater but also I have like I have pants with thorns too on it you know boat wood potatoes potatoes it’s so quiet I want to figure out a way to put

Music on in the background for when it is quiet like this because the music doesn’t come in when you want it to all the time wait oh it’s too high just carve this out a little bit do it again I will have infinite potatoes which eventually I will will end

Up probably getting rid of this once I move make the move I can still build things out of the water like I’m not limiting I’m not limiting myself with building regardless the focus is to just it it’s a challenge basically to build everything under

Water but I don’t know if I have an idea you know maybe I set up a cottage or something maybe I make a giant beehive you know it just depends on what I’m feeling and currently I apparently just feeling getting nothing done and spinning around in circles

Pumpkins um I’m going to get rid of all of these pumpkins actually and the reason I’m going to do that is because because I want to have a bigger stock one wait one two three four yeah that work see Rachel that would be the smart idea and I’ve been thinking about that

Um one two three four I think if I put it here it might be hydrated and I’ll just put it here one two three four all right now I have to just make sure nothing Stomps on my food I need chickens that’s another thing actually you know what I might

Just build like a cozy cottage thing now because Savannah wood is not it’s not my favorite wood but it’s definitely one of my top favorites but also cherry Blossoms I like the I like the logs I’m the try LW some wood well at the moment I only have access to these immediate two trees so I think I’m going to cut down these no I’ll cut I’ll cut down the one and get the sapling as many saplings as I can and

Replant more of them pop that there sticks I think I’m going to need more wood than this we will see I’m actually going to take myself up on the cherry blossoms cuz I do like the logs and I think they would make a really neat outline for the main

Structure now this isn’t going to be anything super heavy duty it’s going to be very basic just to get me by ah well here’s the Savannah tree and another Village I will come back for the Cher lost and trees what is that oh two of those building some

Hay all the caves in the sides of the walls oh yes potatoes for days I’ll get my own chests I really want to take it I really do want to take it but oh no I got to make sure I’m not getting myself lost too CU that will happen very easily

The heck are you doing over here I interrupt something important apologies sir and our Madam because I don’t think you actually have any semblance of gender and it is getting dark I’m just going to run in quick oh boy let’s see if I can do this carefully

Oh you know I could also take advantage of getting the saplings and bring them down with me this would be a lot lot safer this is so dangerous hey I got a sapling okay uh oh oh no oh no well here comes the dangerous part uhoh uhoh we out oh damn

It it’s okay I’m not far ow I’m on fire hey my trigger I don’t remember planting that yep first death oh that’s a lot of creepers hey surface coal that’s a spider they won’t bother you though in the daytime unless you piss them off that’s a whole different

Story yeah that was a good reminder that I’m on hard modat so I want to do a thing where every time I die I plant a very specific flower it doesn’t have to be in the area that I die more like a memorial kind of thing sick okay now I can finish

Chopping on this tree o 12 saplings was not expecting that only nine logs bummer we got to reorganize everything Again this is the importance of putting your stuff away in a chest cuz if you die at least you don’t lose everything oh it’s going to bother me with that sapling is there it’s another thing when I when I play Minecraft specifically I don’t like to waste

Resources if I see the texture sitting on the ground floating there I’m going to pick it up because I can’t help myself am I ever going to actually use it I don’t know I’ll probably claim that I’m going to use it and then lie to your face not do it at

All I think that might be enough we’ll see I have enough to grow some on my own anyway where are my pants did they break already or did they fly off into the sunset aha they took like no damage because they shot me in the chest the whole time hey a

Cow more cow that’s not leather I still have like no food uh oh oh okay I think I think I’m safe I heard a skeleton I always I’m the most nervous around skeletons since they got upgraded they are just absolutely nasty I don’t remember how long ago that

Was the sooner I can get a bucket though the better going keep the I should eat the Apple apples have no purpose other than making apples in my eye so uh I have planted potatoes so I will cook these so I guess this will be the basement maybe yeah that’s

Fine um let me plant these Cherry saplings so I can get that going out of here that a stuck cow I See I keep forgetting that uh Java has different combat mechanics which is very important to remember separate you CU you’re not doing anything chicken curious chicken I need your eggs from you I got my own chickens I am remembering that correctly right pumpkin pie is pumpkin egg and sugar

I don’t want this tree here no thank you Matt for confirming hey we got a tree Already get rid of this get rid of this get rid of this I’m just going to go around the perimeter exactly as I see it this will be the basement H still debating on what to do with this so I mentioned to a few people recently that I’ve been into open concept

Building which is basically where I build something that seems like I shouldn’t be protected but I am like for example I could be able to look a creeper dead in the eye but he wouldn’t explode because he can’t actually truly see me so I’m probably G to do that

Again but with this uh I I say we get rid of the corners I’m going to have to make a decision pretty quickly and what I’m doing with the basement area I think I’ll just leave it open don’t want to use all of I’m just gonna have to get more wood I’m just

Going to have to accept this fact uh if I do this this and this and get rid of this create an Under the Stairs Area not too shabby I think I want a maybe a stone for for the basement though and maybe do aaal logs for the walls but how would the pink look that’s the big question see this is where I really start getting the getting in the building Zone that doesn’t look bad

What do you guys think is it too much too bright too bright and bright do you like the logs better I think I like this better personally cuz I felt like the the Cherry logs were too dark in contrast oh you know what I like that and I’m out I let’s get

More yeah I I think I’ll put the logs back now now that I’m seeing this uh put a torch here we don’t need to put them everywhere now got a nice tree right here I cut down oh this is a pretty nice tree though not going to lie this

Close I think I’m going to leave that one alone and go with the shorter one over here or both of these shorter ones a log where is it fake news now imagine this world but Amplified I don’t know if Amplified is still an option anymore but excuse you thank you that would be

Insanity I’m curious to see if it would be possible I don’t know if my computer would be able to handle it honestly it might watch it would be really funny next stream I start up and you guys are like what the heck is going on what happened to the little cottage you

Were building I’m just be like we’re in the Amplified version now I I think I’m going to kind of go not pagot style I’m trying to think of like not Japanese Homes I can’t maybe it is a pagot but they’ve got like the curved kind of little step thing I you’ll you’ll see I guess I got to figure this out so I’m going to close I guess I would close it off to here oh close it off to here so I’ll walk

Here so this all gets covered up I’m really liking this it’s kind of cozy I need did I get any Savannah saplings nope so I need to just grow all my trees down here I I have the perfect backyard for them here you look like you could use a friend over

Here have a tree Savannah’s up there I’m going to get this coal while I’m looking at it because there’s probably a good vein here I’m not by means a vegetarian or a vegan so if this upsets you please look away so the idea and while not guaranteed every single Friday but I’d

Like to stream on Fridays and I’m not necessarily going to be playing Minecraft every single time but just know that this series is going to be ongoing even if the others do not streaming in my opinion takes a lot of discipline because you have to keep to a schedule

That you can have a good audience for cuz if I just start sporadically streaming everywhere people randomly can’t make it it’s no fun it’s easier if people can find you than for you to find people and now I’m questioning why I just planted these all the way back

Here you know we all have our our individual busy lives with our own individual struggles and difficulties and breakthroughs and Inspirations dramas and what have you so not everybody’s going to have time for everything all the time so consistency is key gosh damn it that’s how you ruin an ice spee right

There just place a wood block on top of your bed so this should work nicely yes it’s a little cramped but I don’t care this this is meant to be like one of those basement basements it is a it is a basement and nothing else it is not

An entertainment area it is not a super cozy area it is just it is here not going to plant more ches hings CU I have plenty of wood right now going to start shaping the corners some more what is this one two three four one two three four five one three

Four one two three four five interesting that might have to go double doors or I might just put a single door on the side or maybe I’ll do both we’ll see I don’t like that I run out of cherry La so quickly yes utilitarian basement so this is the ground

Floor which means this needs to be a minimum of four blocks high I might might go five just so I can have a proper ceiling logs again though the struggles of Minecraft how else can you get bone meal other than is that a cow that is a cow how else can you get

Bone meal other than mining bone blocks uh what else skeletons composting composting is what I could Do they just don’t want to give me the other two pieces of leather that I want I know wasn’t he it’s the best after Christmas gift ever a new basement uh I have a lot of coal and I have a lot of meat so let’s have the two meet each other

Hello have you Grown I don’t I think it has one more stage damn it I think that just confirmed it uh who’s next to go probably this one back here I also realize I’m creating a lot more shades so that mean a lot more danger lovely it’s crazy to me how many

Saplings the cherry trees drop though I’m not used to the little recharge thing since I play Bedrock a lot so when I go to you know start using my shovel it doesn’t come up right away it kind of does that weird swing wow that disappears so fast

Saplings are always a good backup fuel source too if you get a lot of them but I could also compost I don’t know how to make a composter though come poster cool it’s probably because I’m not in a crafting mench right now ah it’s getting dark all right well I’ll just just work

With what I got right now that’s not going to grow you know I might take a trip seven wood slabs I got seven wood slabs at least I’m about to how do I get out of this oh upside down pants okay I don’t want to use my Acacia planks well I don’t know

Debating I’m debating on a multicolor scheme up here because we have seen the pink against the orange and it didn’t look bad but it didn’t look the greatest maybe I’ll just go with the acacia Logs cuz the graywood contrast pretty well these are the important questions I could also introduce Oak never mind let’s not do that actually I just realized what I wanted to do remember how we talked about open concept yeah I think we go Orange I’m going to use these though for the

Slabs one two three four five six seven there’s six there’s 12 H you set upside down pants thank you Matt I’m going to pop this over by the food know I’ll put it by our our pretty tree T can I use dirt no that answer is

That can I use see I don’t really know a whole lot about the composter I turned around and saw the the portal and I thought it was a witch for a second and I just about peed my pants Oh seeds not all of them but let’s see if it works actually all of

There’s no reason not to cuz look at all this grass yeah honestly where’s the sun I can’t see the sun anymore I don’t think I need all these Cherry saplings because I’m going to chop down these trees except for this one and I’ll have plenty more so

Yeah all right so why did I need a single piece of bone meal I can’t remember what did I I want to use that for I think for the acacia tree I did it Mom are you proud of me it at least it’ll grow a little bit faster

Now I think that’s how that works right I think it’s time to burn the old stuff the the wood stuff save a little bit on fuel uh this single stairway I don’t need that either and I don’t think I’m use these slabs either I’m not a big fan of slabs

Honestly I like them for roofing but I’m not using Oak really this time around and like I said there’s plenty of resources around me so I should probably go to bed I should probably go to bed what that’s right I already slept I Am A sly human being I think

That uh right I said orange and you’ve probably been on that Cliffhanger for a hot minute now so let me show you what I mean not bad oh that’s right I need to make the boat make the boat now I have a boat now um I don’t remember the recipe is it sticks

Aha I don’t have enough so this is what I mean by open concept these are going to be my walls you’ll be able to see through it but because it is a wall fences act as true walls so they won’t actually be able to see through it to

Me and creepers won’t EXP explode on me because of this reason I mean they still will if I’m outside of my house but so now I don’t need to even worry about the stuff because I’m doing this so this will give me plenty to work with all right have fun thanks for

Joining if you ever want to catch progress of things there will be a VOD up on my channel after the stream ends at some point Point um so just like that I’m out of stuff again I’m going to banish my bed for a second there we go

So now I’m left with a slight conundrum but also not really I need more logs realistically I only need one more log and then I need to figure out the uh the rest I do need some kind of door though I don’t think doors get along well with uh

Fences I’m going to do a door out this way put my boat in the water two two saplings that’s all you’ve given me oh there one oh Gra I am know the smarter thing to do would probably be to grow the wheat because I think the wheat would have a higher chance of

Giving me seeds back every time got the singular pumpkin dang it can’t tell if they’re fully grown or if I’m just getting unlucky this is a very chaotic Farm uh this tree can go for there we go I needed these pedals to rep uh to recognize the fact that they are

Allowed to disintegrate because they’re no longer attached is it seriously already dark again where does the time go I think I need to actually hike up my big boy pants and go egg collect wood like just completely go at it I’m not making a whole lot of Headway at the moment

At the very least I’m going to make some more stairs I probably should have kept that stair now I think about it my sticks keep ending up over here inventory is so disorganized I’ll fix it later I don’t need that right now that that that that food should always be on the hot

Bar Dirt should always be on the hot bar and I need one Cherry log I’m going to put up torches fences are expensive man uh so in order to do this correctly I think I need do it like this where’s that hole I don’t want to fall into it it’s over here isn’t

It yeah okay um I no I do think that’s it actually and then this would come out one more and then this would go over here so at least now I have a bit more ease of access still be more stuff though oh two of my trees grew and the other one

Grew they’re all starting to pop up my ax is seem better days that’s okay that’s why I have two You know what I’ll do is is I will try to get a juke box as soon as I Can I have to find this um and then make a redstone Contraption to just Loop it which I’d have to look up how to do that but I know it’s possible um I like two very specific mods but I’m not I’m not opposed um the Twilight Forest was my

Favorite mod for the longest time and then there was um a really popular one called the Aether twilight forest was my jam though I’d always start up a world just to go live there but then it got outdated so I couldn’t really play it anymore unfortunately see now we’re getting somewhere

I’m going to tame everything that I possibly can there will probably be a zoo an underw water zoo I mean would it be an aquarium though at that point even though it’s mammals mostly mammals under the Water or is it just a terrarium or do we need a new word Al together U I’m just going to I’m not do I want to use the acacia logs anywhere for any reason I think I do and it’s going to be to connect the pillars together I think I’m actually

Happy with this height so I need to go one block higher here here here they can but if I’m really careful I won’t have to to worry about it so totally fair if you’re questioning that because we already died once yeah I like that so I’m going to come in

Here and hope that I have enough logs I like this a lot it’s not going to look like anything just yet in fact I’m probably going to end up putting a stone roof on it I feel like a stone roof would make more sense in this scenario he’s Dorking here

I still have three torches all right now I’ll do one here and one here and I’ll do one for the back here temporarily so I need a bunch of stairs and a bunch of fences I should be able to use half of this at least C there’s a way to chunk it up

Better so this goes this way and then that way and then I think I got to figure out what this is going to look like before I add more stuff cuz this should start at the edge here the edge and then this can go like this yes oh

Hello yeah it’s it’s all coming together here it still looks a little ugly at the moment not going to lie it’ll change soon so I think I think we do a back door here which again I have figure that out let’s take a look at our door options real quick got Cherry door

Quador and I wouldn’t be necessarily opposed to Oak like it doesn’t connect except it also does that’s interesting I think we got to break it up a little bit just a little bit so these would actually be pillars for the door specifically I feel like we ought to have an outside door

Though like that I don’t think I like the pink though let’s look at the acacia I mean obviously the ACAA is going to match the acacia wood that kind of matches the style I’m going for let’s look at the Oak no I say we go with the ACAA and then continue with

This need more penes so then this would actually be pillars here and it doesn’t interfere with the main area be because I mean if anything gives me a little bit more room because like I can squeeze in here but it doesn’t interfere with the entire build because

Sorry this just caught my attention this looks weird being like this now I’m going to extend the stairs out by one so it’ll actually be like not like that feel like o o all right no we’re we’re sticking with it I like that yeah we we’ll stick with that now for

This since I don’t so I don’t fall what the heck think I wanted it this way so now I can go yeah and I have floor space and I can put something on top of here not too much but like I could put like a chest here if I wanted to

Uh it’s getting dark again if this doesn’t mesh well I will probably put some blocks as well there but oh I actually only need the one to open that’s nice Oh oops I did that Backwards wow it got dark fast you know not not terrible we’ll take a look at it from the outside and I still got to do the basement walls yeah see we still got oh you know I can turn this into a window by making it a fence gate or both of

These I can also live dangerously and just leave it like that which I’m not going to do don’t have more cascia wood though but I should have enough make one that’s okay the oasa trees grew anyways that looks weird is it cuz it’s not completely connected does it look weird

Though I think that’s kind of unique I crouch down look through here and it’s still treating the uh hit box for the fence I think I’m going to leave it I’ll put it in another one oh yeah we got to look at this um I’m going to put a pressure plate here I

Think yeah that doesn’t look bad from the outside hello tree you’re mighty tall thanks guys I do feel without the roof the orange I think kind of bugs me cuz it’s so orange but I think once we get everything put together more it’ll make more sense it’ll probably also look a lot

Prettier further away cuz right now it’s very boxy I think it’s part of the issue isue I think it’s why it’s bothering me so much hello just GNA just gonna yeah I see a creeper I don’t see the baby zombie and honestly I don’t want to see the baby zombie you’re not

Wrong it’s just I like to be I like to use the edges to my advantage and make it look like a doesn’t have edges anyways I think for my safety I should probably get those fence fences up first there we go I’m thinking I’m probably going to

Slab this top part so I have a bit more depth to the ceiling I’m G to make that pressure plate too while I’m thinking about it you know I actually probably could get away with using uh a cherry a cherry pressure plate I think about

It cuz we’re starting to tie the pink in a bit more I can just walk out I hate this though there’s no room that’s a little bit better oh um current objective is to get a bucket by the way though armor would probably be a good start too that’s going to drive me

Nuts cuz every time I go over here into the basement I’m going to step on that door I don’t want to do that I don’t think Rachel likes the idea of raiding Villages for iron they want to burn these doors on what I don’t know yet for now they live could use more

Sticks well that’s why you bring torches with you caves don’t have to be dark wait why do I even need I do need more oh I needed another fence gate that’s right so I just need to complete this wall and I don’t even need that many fences I could seriously use some background

Tunes right now there we go I got this slightly awkward window but just imagine you know I get the the spy glass oh I need to find Copper that’s going to be a must because I need to make a lightning rod so my wooden structure doesn’t catch on fire and burn to the

Ground that’s a serious threat that’s that’s more of a serious threat than a creeper exploding I’m want to get a I’m going to get a button for that door get a button for the outside you know what just just turn them all into buttons [ __ ]

It yeah I see the I feel like the pink works well as an accent piece not as a main uh color that might be enough just enough and I have one spare that I will use right here or that reason Al I don’t remember can I yep that was another reason why I

Wanted to play Java because I can torch and I can dig at the same time pretty cool I need to finish the stairway down here I think definitely need more stairs I’m playing this on PC I have Minecraft on basically everything though I have it on

PC I have it on switch I have it on Xbox I have it on PS4 definitely going to need more wait a minute is this this is off a whole stair and I did not realize this this should be here and this should be here and then this should be here and

Then this should be here sounds good to me how do I do this again for this side I just went inward so I took there and I went that way and that way can’t have that so then this go here and this would start up again oh I need to farm

There we go now the potatoes are done I’m going to actually move the potatoes I’m going leave the pumpkins to let them finish growing I’m going to take these and replace them with potatoes one two three four yeah that’s that’s perfectly fine at this point I’m going to start

Collecting the bone meal for myself so I think it’s there we having at the moment I think it’s the last thing other than the roof which to break up the monotony of that I want to use pink for the ceiling I think I’m just going

To start working my way on top and all these down that’s a biggie is what I might do is just save up bone meal to make a mega tree which I don’t know if that works for Cherry uh blossom trees but it’s a good amount of logs already

Oh I I did want a for the basement cat that’s not it’s not wood that scared me I am going to have to get a little bit creative with my torch pleas there never mind we’re good we are Gucci yeah this is this is pretty much

The house I just need to slap down the rest of the roof and the outside stairway probably level all this out so that the stairs end up meeting each other properly but I need more Acacia for that and look there’s plenty of acacia tree this singular Leaf caught my attention missed one I

Seriously could use some background Tunes but I’d want you guys to be able to hear it too that’s the thing I don’t know if I can do that it might be something that I have to set up off of stream first It’s it’s like it read my mind see You’d think a stack of 64 would get you so much stairs but it doesn’t Oops you would think 40 stairs would be plenty but you’d be Wrong so now this is going to have to start doing a thing here How does it do that I think it does it like I don’t know I think I filled this into early or did I now that this is down another step this this would technically No oh that’s right hold on a Minute there’s still a slightly bigger picture I’m missing so that goes like that so then this does this and then this side I haven’t even touched yet this’s goes that way that way that way that way that way and then that way that way that way that way that way that way that

Way these go in these go in and then I got to do I would say one last layer thank you I do too yeah this is going to get funky Uh this this thing be cleared out but do you get get what I was saying with like the Japanese style pagod like it’s not really a pagod it’s not a gazebo either I don’t know what I’m thinking of looking at it the blocks do feel a little out of

Place I think we just take them off to the ceiling and we can just leave that in the middle like that but as long as that is closed off yeah I like that better it feels more structured we’ll do the same on this side yeah that looks better

Cuz then we got the two open sides and we got the two slightly closed sides it feels like an actual home with the uh asymmetry of it I just got to figure out the rest of my stair situation here after this I’m going to take the

Boat out when it’s done because I just need to slap on the roof and uh we’ll see how it looks from further away yep Never Enough stairs Never Enough stairs Never Enough stairs never enough time so got dig this out now yeah this is just going to be a

Permanent structure I’m not going to tear this down at any point I think put too much work into it uh got dig this out I might steal those stone bricks over there for the roof I don’t know so this can go in that’s connected now this can go in no yes damn

It it’s all almost connected definitely going to have to do a bit more tering here my sh’s going to break soon I forgot I had the second one so I missed out of combining them but oh well it’s not like I don’t have the resources to make more so much

Dirt need a chest soon oh wait I have a chest I need to use it soon though I might just get a chest for dirt cuz dirt adds up real quick um let’s take out this tree excuse me no I think the I think the next objective is to get iron in general

Cuz I’m thinking about it more and there’s there’s a lot of things that I need iron for you know I’m debating

This video, titled ‘Lagoria: The Hidden Deep’, was uploaded by AbyssalKingLeviathan on 2024-01-06 15:38:38. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:03 or 10143 seconds.

It’s time for a watery adventure…in Minecraft! This wil be a stream exclusive series so I can interact with you guys more!

Thanks for dropping by! Lagoria Forever!


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    Looks like that birch tree is branching out into new heights! Read More

  • Koala Zoonomaly: Minecraft PE’s Monster Portal

    Koala Zoonomaly: Minecraft PE's Monster Portal In Minecraft, a koala Zoonomaly Monster Portal was made, With a white, black koala, a unique creature displayed. No fur, tail, or nose, just big ears and teeth, A mix of human and koala, a strange sight beneath. To support the video, just click subscribe, Like, comment, and share, keep the fun alive. Follow on Instagram and TikTok too, For more Minecraft creations, all for you. In the world of Minecraft, creativity thrives, With portals and monsters, in virtual lives. So keep on building, exploring, and more, In this blocky world, let your imagination soar. Read More

  • Minecraft fails that will make you scream #shorts

    Minecraft fails that will make you scream #shorts “When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the entire village wants to cancel you for animal cruelty #cursedminecraftmoments” Read More

  • Escape Plan: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    Escape Plan: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus: I Wanna Go Home Minecraft Note Block Cover The Minecraft community is buzzing with excitement over the latest creation from Logan Pettipas. The song “I Wanna Go Home” featuring LoganneDigmaVO and longestsoloever has been transformed into a mesmerizing Minecraft Note Block Cover. Let’s dive into the details of this incredible musical creation! The Song Breakdown The Minecraft Note Block Cover of “I Wanna Go Home” follows a structured format, with different sections highlighted throughout the song: Verse 1 (Jax): Kicking off the song with Jax’s vocals setting the tone. Pre-Chorus (Pomni): Transitioning into the catchy… Read More

  • 100 Days of Minecraft Adventure

    100 Days of Minecraft Adventure Exploring the 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you follow along with the 100 days challenge. Day 13 brings exciting developments as the player completes work on the ground, showcasing dedication and hard work. The journey has been filled with fun moments and challenges, making each day a unique experience. Completing Ground Work Day 13 marks the completion of essential ground work in the game. The player has put in a significant amount of effort to finish tasks, showcasing their determination and perseverance. From building structures to gathering resources,… Read More

  • INSANE SEED on Huggy’s Nightmare in Minecraft!

    INSANE SEED on Huggy's Nightmare in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘What’s On Nightmare Huggys SECRET SEED In Minecraft? (Ps5/XboxSeriesS/PS4/XboxOne/PE/MCPE)’, was uploaded by Drewsmc on 2024-02-23 20:27:43. It has garnered 2657 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:06 or 726 seconds. What’s On Nightmare Huggys SECRET SEED In Minecraft? For Minecraft Xbox Series S, Minecraft Xbox One and Minecraft Pocket Edition/MCPE Also Minecraft Ps4 edition and ps5 edition because all console editions are technically the same apart from the new xbox one bedrock version of minecraft which is different. ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Drewsmc1 ►FACE REVEAL Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/drewsmc1/ 🔥 NEW MERCH: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/33623440 SECOND MINECRAFT CHANNEL… Read More

  • Wild Live Battle Royale Fun

    Wild Live Battle Royale FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – PLAYING BATTLE ROYALE 👑’, was uploaded by W4CKY on 2024-04-21 17:27:48. It has garnered 229 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:20 or 4700 seconds. #200pumpedbtw #gaming #fnclip #fortniteclips #memes #ambient #ambient #fortnite #asmr #fypシ゚viral #robloxedit #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #music #dance #subscribe #support #robloxshorts #robux #sounds #drake #liluzivert #rap ##crazy #music #vbucks #eminem #juicewrld #fyp Read More


    BHAYVAH GAMER REVEALS 5 EPIC MINECRAFT MODS🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 5 MIND BLOWING🤯 MODS FOR MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION🔥BEST MODS AND ADDONS FOR MCPE’, was uploaded by Bhavya Hindi Gamer on 2024-05-05 10:00:12. It has garnered 391 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:09 or 369 seconds. TOP 5 MIND BLOWING🤯 MODS FOR MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION🔥BEST MODS AND ADDONS FOR MCPE 1.https://mcpedl.com/the-better-first-person-pack/ 2.https://www.mediafire.com/file/9xlodry8k7yva71/ElytraModels5.1.mcpack/file 3.https://mcpedl.com/raiyons-tree-capitator-addon/ 4.https://mcpedl.com/shield-corrections/ 5.https://www.9minecraft.net/the-ty-els-settings-overlay-ui-pack/ 6.https://www.9minecraft.net/damage-indicator-addon-mcpe/ how to use litematica in pojavlauncher 1.20.1 minecraft pe mods survival mods for minecraft pe 1.20 minecraft survival 1.20 minecraft survival gameplay best lag fix client for minecraft pe 1.20 best texture pack for… Read More

  • INSANE Mini Gamers in Pakistan! Minecraft Mayhem

    INSANE Mini Gamers in Pakistan! Minecraft MayhemVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft # Shorts’, was uploaded by Mini Gamers 🇵🇰 on 2024-01-04 18:53:25. It has garnered 607 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Medium Range Unlock Reaction!!

    Unbelievable Medium Range Unlock Reaction!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CW FLORUS T05 – XNX – LDC – POR | Me dan rango Media y pasa esto (?’, was uploaded by Faqu on 2024-05-13 04:05:25. It has garnered 235 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:27 or 627 seconds. T1 REY RECRUITS VILLEROS BIEN TURROS VISOR AND ADIDAS CLOTHING. . . . . Minecraft Server: MC.FLORUS.CC Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlorusNetwork YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FlorusNetwork Store: https://tienda.florus.cc/ Discord general: https://discord.florus.cc/ Ts3: ts.florus.cc . . . . Etiquetas (IGNORAR) #MinecraftHCF #HCF #PvP #CWS #SKILLWARS #DN ⛔TAGS IGNORAR⛔ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS,… Read More

  • Crazy twist in Minecraft story Part 4-3!

    Crazy twist in Minecraft story Part 4-3!Video Information This video, titled ‘#shorts 【#マイクラ 】マイクラオリジナルストーリー Part4-3 一部 その2 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #マインクラフト’, was uploaded by Kaz animation on 2024-01-14 00:54:15. It has garnered 538 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Check out the main story on my channel! If you find it interesting, please subscribe to my channel. I’d also be happy if you left a comment – A brief explanation – The mobs of the Nether are declining in power. Meanwhile, there is a Demon Beast Army in the Demon Realm, and the Nether Star is also targeted by the Demon Beast Army…. Read More

  • VR Minecraft Solo Stream: Epic Gameplay with Turnip!

    VR Minecraft Solo Stream: Epic Gameplay with Turnip!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : 👍 Good stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by vr gaming 143k on 2024-04-20 03:08:29. It has garnered 260 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:47 or 2147 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip vr gaming 143k: https://profile.turnip.gg/b3KacgFhCKb9ySqj8 Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See… Read More

  • Unlock MILLIONS of Orbs with OP Pickaxe Enchants! 🤑

    Unlock MILLIONS of Orbs with OP Pickaxe Enchants! 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST STARTER PICKAXE ENCHANTS MAKES *MILLIONS* OF ORBS! | Minecraft Prison | OPLegends’, was uploaded by RiverMC on 2024-03-27 19:09:43. It has garnered 1190 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:37 or 577 seconds. OPLegends Server Informations: ⛏️ Server IP (Java) ➜ river.oplegends.com ⛏️ Server IP (Bedrock) ➜ river.oplegends.com // Port: 19132 🎙️ Discord ➜ htpps://discord.gg/oplegends/ 🛒 Store ➜ https://store.oplegends.com/ MY LINKS: 📞 Discord Contact ➜ ralebu (without tag, new discord feature) 👥 Join my Discord Community ➜ / discord 📱 Telegram Contact ➜ @rale1122 🔴 Follow me on Kick (Live)… Read More

  • Daziz Gamez EPIC Minecraft Moon Turns Blue!

    Daziz Gamez EPIC Minecraft Moon Turns Blue!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ketika Minecraft Tapi Bulan Berubah Warna Biru’, was uploaded by Daziz Gamez on 2024-05-24 06:08:32. It has garnered 33752 views and 5674 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Subscribe and like if you like Comment and share if you are kind 😀 k Minecraft is a game for placing blocks and going on adventures. Explore the infinite world and build various things from the simplest like houses to the most magnificent like palaces. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or dig deep into the world in survival mode, crafting… Read More

  • OceanSMP

    OceanSMPThe OceanSMP is a new minecraft server that features a lifesteal gamemode, fully custom cooded events, teams, player bounties, and much more, come visit us at discord.gg/oceansmp or play the server at Play.OceanSMP.Com Play.OceanSMP.Com Read More

  • MCSugars SMP 1.20.6 – No Whitelist – Diamond Economy – Land Claims – Player Warps – Chest Shops – Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to MCSugars IP: mcsugars.com Bedrock: mcsugars.com : 19132 Discord: Join our Discord community About Us MCSugars is a SMP server with a diamond economy. Project your land, create player warps, and build your own chest shop to become the richest! Server Features Anti-pay to win system Free items with /free command NEW creative server available Access to worldedit commands on creative Resource worlds for safe resource collection Map-art world for creating cool map arts Server Details World border: 50000 Map size: 2,500,000,000 blocks Read More

  • DragonFruitSMP

    DragonFruitSMPAbout:DragonFruitSMP is a 1.20+ survival server featuring cosmetics, land claims, an auction house and more. If you’re looking for a new Minecraft server to join then you’ve found it! The first 30 people to join the server and Discord receive a free APPLE rank!Note: The server is currently in Beta. If you encounter any bugs you can report them on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Buddy can’t hide diggin’!

    Why not, but Yuta better watch out for those spooky haunted houses and creepy Endermen! Read More

  • Minecraft Night Fright: Stop This Horror!

    Minecraft Night Fright: Stop This Horror! In the world of Minecraft, when the sun goes down, The mobs come out, wearing a scary frown. Creepers and zombies, lurking in the night, Ready to give players a fright. But fear not, brave gamers, for you have the power, To survive the night, hour by hour. With your sword and your shield, you’ll conquer the dark, And emerge victorious, leaving your mark. So keep on crafting, building, and exploring, In the world of Minecraft, never boring. And remember, when the night is near, Face your fears with courage, never fear. Read More

  • Quắt Tờ Phắc: The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever!

    Quắt Tờ Phắc: The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraft #memes” Read More

  • McVincient’s Top 5 Mind-Blowing Scratch Games!

    McVincient's Top 5 Mind-Blowing Scratch Games! Exploring the Top 5 MIND-BLOWING Scratch Games in Minecraft 🤯 When it comes to creativity and innovation, the Minecraft community never fails to impress. In a recent video, a content creator showcased the top 5 mind-blowing Scratch games found within the Minecraft universe. Let’s dive into these exciting creations that push the boundaries of what is possible in the game! Minecraft 3D – A Visual Marvel Minecraft 3D takes the iconic blocky world of Minecraft and transforms it into a stunning three-dimensional experience. With enhanced graphics and smooth animations, players can explore their favorite Minecraft landscapes in a whole… Read More