Underground Jungle Mountain Base – Minecraft 1.16 Survival Let’s Play

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 16. ah you thought i was ending at the dragon fight no chance no chance we got stuff to do come on come on scooter that’s it so cute okay so i worked on a little bit of detailing off-camera and some of you

Are going to be very mad at me for this it was actually on a live stream not so much off-camera so you can watch it if you’d like to but we have a pathway huh okay so this is like the village side we’re gonna hide the entrances a little bit

Coming into this little mine area right here and then we get closer to the witch’s hut and it kind of opens up a little bit i’m gonna decorate this a little bit more um but just look at the color i’m so pleased with how this came out so then

It connects over here to our witches sets we’re slowly getting more and more details in this world and i’m really loving how it’s coming together let me take this scaffolding back of course i do have more stuff to do around this witch’s hut we’re not done here i need

To do some custom trees and mushrooms and kind of tuck it into the forest a little bit more but i’m really happy with this pathway and i like having the streams to do those little details on because we have big stuff to work on in the videos we don’t always have time to

Be doing these things but i can always tour them and show them to you i i love this look at the gilded black stone ah it just makes me so happy i’m really in love with this area all right so for today we need to work on a few issues

That i’ve been having first of all storage scooter you can sit there so let’s talk storage or lack of storage um this started out as a really good starter storage area it is good it can fit a few more chests and barrels if i needed it to

But to be honest i just think that we’ve outgrown it it’s chaotic it’s not good there’s not enough chests and room in here for me to like sort everything so we need a new space with having the lighter now it means that we can pick a spot that’s

Kind of anywhere we don’t have to just be able to walk there and i think i’d like to pick a spot that’s kind of central to these three points with the village the jungle temple and the tree houses okay i think we put the storage room right here

Right here this is the spot right on this cliff we’ll get some bridges connecting together a little pathway to the temple uh we already have the pathway to the village we can do another one and yeah this this is this will be good so if you’re wondering what i’ve been

Doing with all of the leaves that i’ve been collecting from constantly clearing out a jungle you’re gonna find out today and i’m excited so essentially the spot that i’m using it’s right here right next to this big tree so that tallest tree that we can

See is what we’re going off of here okay i’m also hyper aware that i might die during this project i have 65 levels so i feel like we’re gonna make our ender chest now and kind of get enchanting i swear i had an eye vendor that i brought home

It is in here somewhere oh this storage system out there ah got them okay i was just about to make more so using an eye of ender and some obsidian we can make our first ender chest i will go back in another and get the ones we’re missing but for now this

Will do let’s store this over here in our enchanting area i just feel like it’ll fit in over here right there ah brilliant so this is what we’ve collected let’s take the diamond stuff out and actually these leggings are better than my current leggings so i’m

Just put those on and use the iron ones my current sword this sword yeah it’s pretty good i don’t hate it it has knocked back on it though while we’re here i’m also going to make some shulker boxes our first ones oh my gosh this is going to be awesome so

Immediately today i’m going to use some of these for wood and some of these for the foliage things oh we should dye them wood and foliage brown and green i don’t know kind of just classic spending a lot of this episode just kind of running around in the beginning parts

But i feel like it’s necessary i do feel like it’s necessary just going ahead now and making a whole bunch of these tools or rather just one set with my diamonds so i can enchant them and get some more work tools always nice to have extra work tools

Start with the hoe efficiency uh let’s wait on that yeah that kind of sucks i am also going to take this diamond sword that just has smite on it and actually just recycle it so i could get that enchant back and enchant it myself all in all i’m pretty

Happy with what we just got these are pretty good enchants that one’s really good i like it brand new set of work tools i’m gonna go ahead and just put a bunch of these tools in my ender chest now perfect i love having it all stored here

Alrighty so next things that i need to do is just clear out this area shouldn’t be too bad maybe i’ll time lapse it Area is cleared i have a lot of supplies now but i’ve just remembered that my villager breeder has been running for a while i’ve not really paid attention to it because it takes a while for a villager breeder to kick in oh boy i really hope i’m not overflowing with villagers please

Okay so there’s definitely babies this is not bad oh we’ve overflowed on some carrots that’s okay oh we’re actually collecting some carrots as well dude you’re putting in so much work i appreciate it so much okay i don’t actually know how to turn this off okay so it’s definitely working

What’s really cool and what i love about this is the fact that we do actually have these jungle villagers i think that’s amazing that they bred in a jungle so now they have that it looks so good okay i’m not sure what i’m gonna do with those guys i

Definitely gotta turn off the breeders soon but yeah i’m happy i’m happy we can set up our hall soon okay back at the site for our storage center i’m actually going to create a underground storage system right here somewhere on top of it i’m gonna put a tree

So i think i’m just gonna just gonna work out a tree right about now probably like my fifth ever time building something it was a giant tree like by hand i didn’t know how well that it worked i just made a giant tree and

I just i love them so here’s my plan for this spot we’re going to have an entrance into this little tree here well it’s not that little it’s kind of like a normal jungle tree just customized we’re gonna be able to enter into the trunk here and immediately drop downwards into

A storage room hopefully this will fit with the theme quite well so what i’m doing right here is i’m simply taking four of these pillars on the circle part and kind of marking out a general chunk shape off of this i’ll be able to mark out a bunch of branches and that’ll

Hopefully get the main shape of this entire tree pretty much in place definitely gonna need a lot of scaffold for this good thing i have some the main thing about this tree that i want to get correct is definitely these branches they’re so important and if you

Get them right it makes placing the leaves which is definitely definitely the absolute hardest part of a custom tree really easy just got to get them all in the right position to give yourself a nice shape gotta make sure i’m dragging these branches in all different directions so

See how this one and this one both point towards the sky they go up i need a lot to go horizontal as well and a lot that are going to point downwards i like looking at real life trees for this to figure out kind of how they work and

What directions things would go in and the roots are of course very important as well oh hello kitty all right quick flight see what it looks like i’m curious and nervous hey that’s not bad so far needs a lot more branches and i gotta remove this tree

This is very much in the way hang on right trees out of my way ah that’s so nice yes i definitely want to go a little larger a little bit taller but that’s looking fantastic very very pleased i am however running out of blocks um it’s mostly because i’m changing the

Logs into wood but i kinda it’s just easier to build with the wood i’m gonna take down this tree and see if i can’t continue this project Are you guys ready for a tree reveal i think you’re ready for a tree reveal ready ready wait oh yes isn’t it just glorious oh my gosh it fits in so well it’s about the same height as the other jungle regular jungle tree that was there just a lot bushier

And it makes me happy and i like it uh let’s go over there so this is my storage room now you’ll notice the location that i picked out is actually surrounded by this like sheer cliff all the way around it’s a river in some spots like this is a river

But it’s like a cliff literally all the way around it on all sides so i’m thinking we have like maybe three or four bridges kind of draped off of this and some waterfalls and some different connectors to the different areas so that we can have this be sort of a

Central hub for all of our supplies makes sense given the storage room right oh and there’s a cave down there um excuse me oh this is actually so convenient wait all i got to do is dry this up this is the perfect storage room i hardly even have to dig no i’m kidding

I do have to dig but seriously what a bonus storage room is cleared out this is looking promising i really love this piece of land as well i’ve decided i’m going to open it up in some areas to build little bridges across our tree house area and kind of

Anywhere else that we need to go i think this is gonna be fantastic something that i do have to check on first though my villager breeder i’ve just i’ve just pressed start recording and i’ve realized that i forgot about it again and it’s not gonna be good there’s a

Villager on the staircase that’s good okay um all right you know what we can work with this how are we doing for carrots 26 carrots not bad little passive farm so the next stage of this is for me to go get a villager and then convert it

Into a zombie villager and then heal it to get discounts i think i’m probably just going to use that little shed for that um to be honest what else i’m using it for let’s just let’s just reuse recycle you know does mean however that i am completely out of rails so i’m

Gonna have to go collect the ones that i laid down to the village luckily on an electro flight this is actually really quick wait let’s see how long it is there’s the spot okay that’s that’s very very close it feels a lot longer when you’re trying

To walk through a dark oak forest i’m not gonna lie yeah buddy can you get in there oh you would go the other way wouldn’t you okay let me see how you’re doing where are you gonna go come on up the stairs up this way this way this way

You have such low iq please please yes that’s the one that’s the one thank you into the minecraft into the minecart yes yep that’s that’s it okay i do have to just quickly make sure these guys are safe while that guy goes on an adventure so just gonna like

Bar that up because we are gonna stay awake the next night and lure a zombie to come hurt our villager this seems real messed up that i’m thinking about it but it’s the process okay it’s gotta be done got some weakness i don’t know where my golden apples went i might have taken

Them to the dragon fight nope nope i have them okay i actually also have two more mine carts so maybe i can just do three villagers oh what did no no no no i don’t want you back here what are you doing get go jeez go on i’m watching you you gotta

We got stuff to do come on oh i don’t have enough oh i understand oh goodness night is falling night is falling i gotta be quicker about this it’s been 10 minutes of me doing this already uh jeez okay one more one more please please

Thank you right off we go go go all right three villagers three uh converting stuff okay let’s go find a zombie no zombie come on i have a mission for you and not you one zombie is going to be enough to handle come on

Oh geez no no no no no no one one zombie one zombie okay zombie is attacking me can you attack the villagers what is going on here you guys are like enemies surely you want me that badly really you’re the most useless zombie i’ve ever seen in my life you know that

I’m letting the villagers out kind of hoping kind of hoping that the zombie’s going to attack them this is the most useless zombie i’ve ever seen in my life why why me why did is there something i’m not understanding are we having a dance party now the zombies in the house and the

Villages are i hate this i don’t know why but i truly did not think it was going to be this challenging to get a zombie to hurt a villager they’re like arch enemies surely are you walking to my village i just let yourself in all right okay uh that’s my horse that’s bella

You’re a fisherman now um this is not what i had in mind for us today sir okay i have two villagers in there this time and i think that’s gonna be more than enough to handle my plan this time is to lure the zombie into a different holding container and hopefully take its

Attention off of me because for some reason they would much prefer to kill me it seems right so um this is our this is our villager converter center see sometimes you guys are like well if you want to learn it yourself why don’t you come up with a tutorial yourself um

This is the reason this is what i’d come up with the contraptions that are made for villager converting are beautiful this is not one of those beautiful contraptions if this fisherman survives this we gotta do something you know what you looked like a herald you’re gonna be a herald

Harold the villager the fisherman hopefully you survived the night hopefully i survived the night hopefully everybody here survives the night because this is not meant to be a killing machine come to me sweetie come come oh ouch ouch coming yes okay yes that’s correct can you continue what you

Were just doing i don’t know if it sees me like do i need to be over here oh did that work oh it worked okay can you do the other one please yes yes do it again do it again yes oh my gosh no you stopped keep going keep going yes that’s it

And you stole the cart oh and i killed it i meant to kill you okay this is this is not good but we did have mild success with this method so there you go i did it zombie doctor bam dude you lot give me a lot of trouble with

Coming in under these minecarts and i don’t like it get in get in excuse you ah there we go okay that’s fine oh my gosh these villagers are gonna be the end of me i swear okay dude you’re awesome you’re healed you’re all better next stage i have to get that villager

That has been healed up into the temple and safe okay so i’m actually just gonna take out a part of my staircase i’ll put it back but i i can’t go up the stairs and this is seems like the easiest and most straightforward way to get villagers up and down so

Yeah let’s do this i’m probably gonna have to make some powered rails to be honest don’t think i can push them that high what are you doing what are you doing harold harold owns the world now that’s it okay my fun little healed villager off you go on another adventure you’re going

Into the temple today it’s your big day buddy happy zombie conversion day it’s lovely okay so now all we do we bar off the entrance like so and with any luck that villager stays safe in there while we continue working sorry buddy i’m taking you out of the

Jungle for a little while your skin’s beautiful though you look awesome off you go go on okay so doing this one by one is definitely the way that is the answer we’re gonna do it again so in theory this should be no more complicated than the last time all i

Gotta do is keep you in that minecart far off this area so you can’t get out and lure a zombie into the conversion chamber which is right here hey hurt that guy please hello this guy yeah yeah this guy right here okay can we do some damage to him yeah

You guys are friends look you’re hugging oh okay now it’s just turning into a love story this is not good this is not good at all please hurt him are jungle villagers just immune like are you some type of mutant god villager what’s going on here this is not correct

I don’t like this no yes yes i’m hearing good noises this is good ah brilliant that’s what i needed from you okay shot to the head there you go buddy oh my gosh good job well done you as a reward for behaving so well get the heal

All right and at the end of the day there is a happy ending we have two villagers they’ve been healed they survived everything is fine this interior is ugly we’re not gonna deal with that today because i don’t have time but we are gonna just just give you guys jobs

You guys want some jobs yeah you want that can you so basically the plan is now i have to reset these villagers over and over again until i get the trade that i want so mending on one guy and a stick trade on the other guy

Not doing a very good job of picking up the jobs so that’s not it basically just gonna do this over and over again i’ll probably do it off camera and get it ready for next episode this seems to be taking forever so yeah let’s uh let’s go do something else

All right next up on the list of things to do i need to turn this little hole in the ground into an actual storage room shouldn’t be too hard surely uh we’re gonna start by just digging out an area right here for me to drop into

It’ll be water i feel like planning out the layout of storage rooms is always really really fun i genuinely enjoy it a lot just the little interior design aspects that you can get into making these rooms and knowing that i’m going to spend a lot of time in here this is

What i have in terms of decoration so far i am loving putting this together so we have an entrance here and this will be an entrance as well i put a little circle area kind of sticking out of the jungle right here which i really really

Like i think that’s going to look epic once it’s all hooked up then we enter and we have this sort of cave area i’m just trying to figure out how i would like to lay out the chest because i definitely need enough chests for myself um maybe a pillar here on each corner

Like so that could be nice we have an open area in the middle and then more chests maybe along each of these sides like maybe here and here that’s probably a good layout i don’t hate it i feel like i definitely would love to have some shroom lights go

Underneath all of these chests as well that would give a really nice glow to it i’m gonna put a torch there for right now just to remind myself that that’s what i want to do and simple little chandelier yeah that’s cute i think maybe some end rods on the

End of that as well to help it out but perfect centerpiece i’ve decided since this is a storage room i am just going to go ahead and make the bottoms of all my pillars barrels it’ll be extra storage and it looks really cool i mean that’s awesome

Right that looks way better do what it looks like from my jungle area oh my gosh yes look at that i love it i love it i love it once we get that all connected up it’s gonna be so good all right this is epic i still have a

Lot of dirt but i’m kind of liking it because you know what i am thinking we get a bunch of these and instead of covering up all the dirt we make it look like there’s roots and leaves and vines from the jungle kind of seeping in

To our storage room yes i do think that’s gonna be the look i love green green is my absolute favorite color and it’s really gonna dress up this area i’m excited and of course a couple of these jungle tree roots coming down definitely necessary there we go how’s this for a jungle

Storage room i’m really impressed so i want to use these walls here for different things like a shulker box wall maybe like here i don’t know i don’t have very many shulker boxes right now but eventually lining our shulker boxes up in an area and then our ender chest will also need

To have a special spot so we have to set that up but this is amazing a couple little areas like right here that i do have to just quickly fix up but that’s pretty good you know this path is a little bit messy and i don’t think my villager conversion

Center although although effective um it was frustrating so i’m gonna take it down it’s ugly it’s not good on the path we gotta fix things around here all right so heading out to our path we definitely need some light so let’s start thinking about how i

Wanna do this i think i like the polish granite for this and then maybe two fences on top of that that might be a little tall then over and then that okay that’s a little weird i don’t like that it has no top on it so grabbing some slabs now instead

Like maybe we do a slab and then that and then a lantern off that is that better or worse i don’t know it’s not bad let me do a couple of more and then we can decide what do we think huh yeah i think that looks great kind of

Alternating along the path to light it up that’s perfect ah gonna be so much nicer at night around here now i’m also gonna go ahead and pick up all this track it’s messy it’s unnecessary and i’m not bringing villagers along this area again for a while i am done

We’re going to convert them somewhere else that was a mess it wasn’t good i’m not smart i’m going to do it smarter next time let’s do a quick little reveal with some shaders on because they are so beautiful look at those lanterns swaying ah it’s lovely

What a glorious path this is even though we have the elector now i still think it’s beautiful to connect all of the builds together and be able to walk around here on foot and enjoy everything that we’ve done let’s take a quick look at the tree with the shaders on as well

The sun is setting on our lovely storage room tree look at that ah i think it deserves a flight yes yes this world is gorgeous look at our tree it’s perfect ah that has made me just so happy what a way to end an episode and look at what

We’ve accomplished i am so proud of everything going on in this world i think it’s coming together amazingly that is all the time that we have for this episode as the sun is going down on our world thank you so much for watching me today your support on the series has

Been incredible and i appreciate it so so much you’re all amazing goodbye everyone i hope i’ll see you in the next video You

This video, titled ‘Underground Jungle Mountain Base – Minecraft 1.16 Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by GeminiTay on 2020-08-11 14:51:59. It has garnered 681994 views and 16926 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:18 or 1518 seconds.

Episode 16! Today we work on an epic custom jungle tree! Under the jungle tree we create our main storage system and base of operations for building in the area! It has cliff house access, and will eventually connect with bridges! We also spend some of the episode working on our villager trading hall in the jungle, converting villagers to zombie villagers to get a good deal.

World seed: -3644733732363054338

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Recorded with Replaymod https://replaymod.com and OBS Minecraft version 1.16.1 Optifine 1.16.1 Shaders: BSL

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    Insane Noob Server w/ Eli, Monte, Sidney & Co. Must See! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘😂😱GEILER Noob SERVER mit Eli, Monte, Sidney, Willy & Co. Neuer Minecraft Server ist Fantastisch!’, was uploaded by Trymacs on 2024-01-05 11:15:05. It has garnered 192685 views and 11667 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:52 or 832 seconds. The new Minecraft server with Monte, Eli, Abu, Willy, Sidney & Co. is fantastic! ► The new Sony #INZONE headphones: https://shorturl.at/rvT57, H9: https://shorturl.at/pyX36, H5: https://shorturl.at/hwO34 and INZONE Buds: https://shorturl.at/ktG59 #advertisement ► LevlUp discount with code “Trymacs” https://bit.ly/38kgCjk * ► ESN discount with code “Trymacs”: https://cutt.ly/9woa0zac * ► Podcast with UnsympathischTV + Varion https://spotify.com/offline+ehrlich ► AMA… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Minecraft Armor Hack Revealed!

    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Armor Hack Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft armar build hack/Minecraft armar build hack Explained’, was uploaded by Tofikpathan-123 on 2024-03-07 07:45:02. It has garnered 491 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. The Beginner’s Guide to Minecraft armar build hack Minecraft armar build hack Explained Minecraft armar build hack Theory: Behind the Scenes A Chat About Minecraft armar build hack How to Master Minecraft armar build hack The Insane Story Behind Minecraft armar build hack The Insane Story Behind Minecraft armar build hack Minecraft first water bucket clutch@PAYALGAMING @Gamerfleet_yt #shorts MythoForgeYT @NoTRustyxD #Application #video… Read More

  • ResterMC Mystery: They burned, caught… No spoilers!

    ResterMC Mystery: They burned, caught... No spoilers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Спалили, словили и… Лучше вам не знать) Майнкрафт анимация #minecraft #resterplay #animation’, was uploaded by ResterMC on 2024-04-13 11:04:55. It has garnered 495 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. They burned, caught and… It’s better for you not to know) Minecraft animation Original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPwp2jPlaTA #minecraft #resterplay #funny #shorts #animation #minecraft #funnyvideos #animation #rester #rester #suddenly got rich #grandfather #nostalgia minecraft, minecraft, minecraft animation, animation, animation, minecraft animation, minecraft but, in minecraft, shorts, fixplay, monster school, creeper, tiktok, monster school minecraft, stupid guy, creeper, alex, steve, yuni, minecraft… Read More

  • The After Effect

    Welcome to The After Effect Minecraft server! This is a difficult survival pvp server in a world which is a wasteland. There is no grass, no animals, limited food, and dead trees. The nether is disabled. This provides an incentive for PVP and battles since certain resources are so scarce. Join for a fun time in a journey to survive the wasteland with your friends on The After Effect Minecraft Server! mc.theaftereffect.org Read More

  • Reunion SMP 1.20.X Chill No-Reset

    Server Information: IP: reunionsmp.com Discord: Join Discord Origins: This server is the sequel to Union SMP. It was created after the original Union SMP was shut down right before the 1.20 update. Union SMP was known for being promoted by Youtuber Salc1. Features: Community Decided Features Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item sellable to the server are diamonds ($100 each). Players can set up shops at spawn and use the money earned for transactions. An auction house is available for one-time sales. Ranks: Various ranks are available on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Farm complete, need pro tips?

    Wow, that’s a high score for a meme about asking for farming tips in Minecraft. Maybe the secret to meme success is cultivating a good sense of humor! Read More

  • Kerem’s Mafia Mishap: A Minecraft Mayhem Tale

    Kerem's Mafia Mishap: A Minecraft Mayhem Tale In the world of Minecraft, Kerem falls from on high, With the evil mafia, they take to the sky. An action-packed episode, full of thrill and surprise, Watch until the end, don’t believe the lies. Subscribe to the channel, for more tales to unfold, Join the Discord, where stories are told. All in good fun, with characters so grand, Imaginary worlds, created by hand. Using Blockbuster mode, for a cinematic flair, With music by Kevin MacLeod, in the air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news, shining bright in the light. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness 🔥 #viralLaughs

    Minecraft Meme Madness 🔥 #viralLaughs Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boomtastic Read More

  • 25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures!

    25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures! Exploring the Top 25 Minecraft Seeds for the 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! Embark on a thrilling adventure with the latest Minecraft Seeds that promise to elevate your gaming experience to new heights. These 25 exceptional seeds have been carefully curated for the 1.21 Tricky Trials update, ensuring a fresh and exciting journey every time you play. Discover the Diverse Worlds of Minecraft From sprawling landscapes to hidden treasures, each seed offers a unique setting for players to explore. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will captivate your imagination and keep you… Read More

  • 10 Sneaky Minecraft Interior Design Hacks

    10 Sneaky Minecraft Interior Design Hacks Exploring Cute Interior Design Ideas in Minecraft When it comes to creating the perfect living space in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From cozy bedrooms to stylish kitchens, players can let their creativity run wild. Let’s delve into some cute interior design ideas that will elevate your Minecraft builds to the next level! 1. Cozy Living Room Retreat Transform your Minecraft living room into a cozy retreat by adding plush sofas, a warm fireplace, and soft rugs. Don’t forget to include decorative elements like paintings and potted plants to add a touch of homeliness. 2. Chic Bedroom Oasis Create… Read More

  • Presidents Try Crime – US Presidents Rob a Bank in Minecraft

    Presidents Try Crime - US Presidents Rob a Bank in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft Part 15’, was uploaded by Presidents Play Other Games on 2024-06-13 20:00:09. It has garnered 5082 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:55 or 1495 seconds. The US Presidents play Minecraft, Donald Trump Joe Biden and Barack Obama explore a fascinating new world that they control. This video in its entirety is satire and is simply to entertain and for laughs. I am in no way trying to offend anyone nor trying to create false information. Neither figure in this video is real and what you can… Read More

  • Escaping Chucky in Minecraft at 3AM

    Escaping Chucky in Minecraft at 3AMVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE From CHUCKY at 3:00 am – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Manzel on 2024-02-07 19:17:29. It has garnered 2226 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:52 or 1792 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE From CHUCKY at 3:00 am – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • Insane NorthField Students Go Wild in Minecraft – Day 1 Stream!

    Insane NorthField Students Go Wild in Minecraft – Day 1 Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Stream Week Day 1! Let’s Play Minecraft!’, was uploaded by NorthField Students on 2024-06-04 16:13:23. It has garnered 90 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:16 or 12736 seconds. Welcome to the Stream! Hop on our Instagram @northfieldhsm to get the discord link! Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate Slimeball Key in Kitatcho Lab | Minecraft Map

    Unlock the Ultimate Slimeball Key in Kitatcho Lab | Minecraft MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Kitatcho Laboratories Chapter 3 #22 – The Slimeball Key | Minecraft Map’, was uploaded by FlavorHo on 2024-02-16 05:36:23. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:23 or 1043 seconds. I have obtained the slimeball key used for specific doors, and so I use the slimeball key to acquire the slimeball. The slimeball key and slimeball bring countless new possibilities for discovery and puzzles throughout the mansion. Join my adventure as I make my way through the abandoned test chambers and find out what happened to the… Read More

  • Sugaku – Epic Boss Creation on Public Minecraft Server!

    Sugaku - Epic Boss Creation on Public Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Creating a Boss on a RPG Minecraft Server | Public Minecraft SMP 1.20.4’, was uploaded by Sugaku on 2024-04-04 19:12:29. It has garnered 49 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:46 or 946 seconds. Server IP: play.darkstarmc.net Support the channel: Share, provide feedback, and subscribe to see more content! Tips: https://streamelements.com/sugaku-9138/tip Music provided by Epidemic Sounds: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ ———————————————————————————— Socials: ✔️Discord – https://discord.gg/TYHHH8v ✔️Twitter – https://twitter.com/Sugaku0898 ✔️Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/sugaku ———————————————————————————— Relevant Hardware (Amazon Affiliate Links!): Microphone (AT 2020): https://amzn.to/41v9pCY Analog Digital Converter (Foursite Scarlet Solo): https://amzn.to/4057Pql Graphics Card (GeForce RTX 3070 Ti,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Skins! Go Viral Now! #viralshort

    Unbelievable Minecraft Skins! Go Viral Now! #viralshortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new skins #viral #viralshort #game’, was uploaded by Monster Gamer on 2024-06-06 03:29:26. It has garnered 428 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Uncover the Epic Madness of Project Erdkern FitnaCraft in Minecraft! 🌟

    Uncover the Epic Madness of Project Erdkern FitnaCraft in Minecraft! 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘PROJEKT ERDKERN FITNACRAFT 🔥 !usoty | !dc !insta !yt | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft deutsch twitch highlights on 2024-01-18 13:16:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: https://bit.ly/3gCy2Ml … Read More

  • EPIC Low Self-Esteem Dragon Build – Minecraft Sky Map!

    EPIC Low Self-Esteem Dragon Build - Minecraft Sky Map!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Sky Map – Most Expensive Build Yet (257)’, was uploaded by Low Self-Esteem Dragon on 2024-02-22 06:00:19. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:05 or 2045 seconds. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the sky map. If you are new to my channel make sure to like, comment, and subscribe, also to turn on notifications so that you never miss a video or live stream. Sky Map playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDAGVaBnFH0Y-fNyeYFXZzOCwPiHGZLSD In this series I have to survive while my Minecraft world turns into the… Read More

  • Ultimate SpongeBob Adventure in Minecraft City!

    Ultimate SpongeBob Adventure in Minecraft City!Video Information This video, titled ‘Best DAY Ever with SpongeBob In OMOCITY! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-02-27 08:21:00. It has garnered 77738 views and 2091 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:48 or 1368 seconds. Maizen,cash,nico Parody Maizen Tagalog Best DAY Ever with SpongeBob In OMOCITY! | Minecraft FOR SPONSORSHIP AND COLLABORATION : [email protected] Minecraft Minecraft Pocket Edition Minecraft Bedrock Omocraft Minecraft Tagalog Oneblock Minecraft but Minecraft Pinoy Minecraft Java Minecraft Filipino Minecraft RP Minecraft SMP Minecraft hardcore Minecraft 100 days #minecraft #omocraft #mcpe #minecraftfunny Read More

  • Tugas Maniacos

    Tugas ManiacosBem-vindo ao mundo imersivo do nosso servidor Minecraft, onde a aventura e a criatividade não têm limites! Nosso servidor oferece uma experiência rica e diversificada, combinando perfeitamente sobrevivência, criatividade e minijogos. Explore um mundo amplo e personalizado, repleto de paisagens pitorescas, masmorras desafiadoras e tesouros escondidos esperando para serem descobertos. Forme alianças com outros jogadores em nossa comunidade amigável e vibrante ou desafie-os em emocionantes batalhas PvP. Liberte a sua criatividade no nosso modo criativo, construindo estruturas inspiradoras e pixel art. Com uma equipe dedicada garantindo uma experiência de jogo tranquila e justa, nosso servidor Minecraft é o destino final… Read More

  • Kuro Kraft modded whitelist ATM9 Meatballcraft

    Join Our Growing Minecraft Community! We are currently hosting servers for a growing community. We have a Long term ATM9 server and have just added a Meatballcraft server. Looking for more people to liven things up and have some fun. We’re preferably looking for ages 17+ as we have quite the wholesome community and wish to keep it that way. NO items will be banned from any pack we host unless it causes world corruption, bugs/glitches, or significantly affects the servers performance. We will always provide the world download of all the servers every few months or at the end… Read More

  • ✨Cobbleton Forever✨ [SMP] [1.20.4+] [18+] – A classic-style Minecraft server with a modern touch

    ✨Cobbleton Forever✨ [SMP] [1.20.4+] [18+]  - A classic-style Minecraft server with a modern touch🌐 https://cobbleton.com🗺️ https://map.cobbleton.com📖 https://wiki.cobbleton.com💬 https://cobbleton.com/discord⛏️ play.cobbleton.comCobbleton Forever has a graylist feature. You can log onto the server with the IP play.cobbleton.com and check it out. To apply, you can head to https://cobbleton.com/apply and fill out an application. We hope to see you soon!Cobbleton Forever features a suite of plugins, datapacks, and tweaks designed to make the gameplay experience unique and inviting. Some stand-out features can be found listed below.Quality of Life ChangesRotten flesh can be turned into leather by cooking it in a furnace, and into brown dye by putting it in a smoker.Stonecutter utility significantly expanded; stonecutters can now… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bastighg goes all in with Barcode scanner in Minecraft!

    Minecraft Memes - Bastighg goes all in with Barcode scanner in Minecraft!Well, at least now we know how Bastighg likes to keep his inventory organized – with a barcode scanner! Just imagine the chaos if he tried to use a QR code reader instead. Read More

  • Omnitrix Quest: Minecraft’s Rhyme Time

    Omnitrix Quest: Minecraft's Rhyme Time In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, S5João brings stories, both new and old. With his Omnitrix in hand, he’s ready to explore, Crafting and building, always wanting more. From Monday to Saturday, his videos shine bright, With updates and memes, bringing joy and delight. So hit that like button, and don’t forget to subscribe, To join in the fun, where creativity thrives. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter, and Discord too, For more gaming content, just for you. So leap into the verse, where the story sings, With S5João, where Minecraft brings. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Secret Redstone Memory Trick

    Secret Redstone Memory Trick Minecraft Redstone Portable Memory – Unveiling a Hidden Gem Redstone portable memory, a concept often overlooked in the vast world of Minecraft, holds a simple yet intriguing allure. Despite its simplicity, there is a surprising scarcity of information about this fascinating element of the game. In this Minecraft Redstone video, we delve into the realm of Redstone portable memory, akin to a Redstone CD player, exploring its design process, the underlying secrets of Minecraft that enable its creation, and a tutorial and showcase to showcase its potential. Exploring Redstone Comparators and FSEs Before delving into the intricacies of Redstone… Read More


    EPIC Cartoon Showdown: BASEMENT BATTLE in MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE BATTLE OF BASEMENTS in MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-05-28 09:00:04. It has garnered 456 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:56 or 1676 seconds. THE BATTLE OF BASEMENTS in MINECRAFT Read More

Underground Jungle Mountain Base – Minecraft 1.16 Survival Let’s Play