Unearth the Secrets of the Deep in Minecraft SMP!

Video Information

Yes yes okay guys welcome to whatever number far side up said world doing we are going to find he knew a microbus the underwater one we’re in the latest app shot and we are gonna go killer what’s it cold I think the car Guardians yeah Guardiola Guardian yeah isn’t it is not

The thing off halo though I mean that’s really sad guardians a really common name each one is that way so we’re gonna head this way okay all right the way we’re at my mushroom base yeah okay a wandering looks Pakula koo beans I know it’s in a boss level film Jim hmm I

Began like that I doesn’t have the health like the end dragon all the weather so dope ya later though a boss like that but it’s kind of like a mini boss I guess yeah just lunges why is everyone present at me mmm wait because I don’t know we’re going to polenta

Minecraft bro any when you both yeah i I’m hearing a lot of heavy stuff hey all rights the basement we could do we’re all gonna head off in slightly different directions and try and find something in the unexplored ocean out this way north oh it there’s one right here yeah dude

There’s a serial yeah are you real Oh what um how many are there is there actually one I or is it just a little fish I see two other quantities Guardian guys night vision so good to see through that yeah do this is I don’t see one

Boss seal the mob so there might be wondering okay good i might just be spawning out here i mean they might not actually I guess you’re up no yo drop about dropping out drop about oh ho I anyone above I walk okay okay I’m oh God

Its all full of the beams also these guys go shoot at you if they don’t have line of sight okay so Oh are they wrong I know I think you up there are literally hundreds of these things under yeah its crate is I don’t wanna spawned

Out in like the random ocean areas I guess I saw people with older worlds can actually get these muli cow there are a lot of and there is that’s crazy I mean okay okay i’m heading north by the way so I’m headed wait oh we’re still looking for

The dungeon yeah well yeah I was gonna look for dungeons not like no Sun Koreans without don’t fire sure I thought we were gonna kill him oh I know how boat or yeah I asked to release I said yes three times oh you did just

Didn’t hear me oh oh I’m sorry yeah the frames and not really gonna be that good both on one on one I found like if you go and straight north i’m making a platform above the water and I see you guys that’s nice yeah I have come I mean

I do bring an inner chest my bad dang it yeah I think that’s all I want just tweet what is that not the end of the chest something I see in the water oh my my night vision special or borrow you why is like one wow these are pretty cuz

It’s locked right right there the surface basically yeah well you have to have night vision or else is so hard to see otherwise well you can see them you see the glowy bits right here I don’t have night vision on I can see just fine okay of them have coors one more time

Guys 3250 that’s the X yeah then 1002 whoa did you see that what’s to know oh did I pass it across the screen oh yeah that’s an effect that the yeah I know as faster doing it I’m sorry I’m really hard oh I see you guys I see you guys oh

My god that looks so freaking cool oh my boat just went okay I’m gonna go what could we find Fargo if I close in that direct fire you needs a head yeah he bases he swimming in or see a boat swimming it now I give me a boat I could

Use a snap oh if you’ve got it only got one extra boat I’ll give me gay [ __ ] oh yeah yeah I’ll go to Fargo oh god I just really what i thought was gonna happen was we were gonna pass by a forest now she’s gonna chop down some trees real

Quick I’ll sting in the ocean Adi I didn’t expect you can I see some help here yards Stephanie I’m a glitch note you know it’s a good thing I didn’t misplace any of this obsidian because I don’t know about you guys but I don’t really want to cry and break up Sydney

With mining fatigue 30 I got the whole like you happy that me oh oh my god that leave that skinny little crap out of me you see me for away yeah why do you have the t20 53 because because the boss mob over here does that wow wow it does this

Thing where flashes over your you scream like its face you get three for like five minutes yeah if you actually drink milk to make it go away but I forgot to do the crisping milk milk I have a wall bouquet by don’t even have mushrooms I

Have you yeah you never even have extra buckets on me wait drop some fig what the hell did you drop do you see that yeah they drop uh what are they dropped they dropped you I am Chris Marines shards which you can use to craft prism

Erine which is the blocks that did this thing is made out of oh really yeah I hang on let’s see if I snow huh you can also use it to uh oh wow looks for the cool oh you get attacked goes will use it to make like underwater life is like

That ouch but this is yeah if you buy it with like a certain kind of crystal that you can also get from them yeah make like fish oh my gosh so many I know right smokes others imagine actually having this in like UHC is something though that will be pretty cool babe

Like it would be a big risk it will I be I don’t even really have ranged attacks is their chests in here or something that we could possibly em hell no go away go away go there’s actually like eight gold blocks in here that’s right

There’s a lot of gold mine oh and I just wanted some of the blocks and then I can’t even destroy it would I can’t destroy any blocks you have to take out the box before you can go oh my god yeah wait on the boss Warren there you have

Money fatigue though right protect him how about that we’ll just protect him nice also know what do you see at a dr’s one after me dude oh no behind you all right I am blocking this off so they can’t get to me okay drop / cool and I

Read Oh God takes forever to my own ear at the TV this feels kind of like the freaking have you seen her is it piranha 3d weather all trying to keep the prontos up the bow uh-huh shoot them and then this is the random fishing rod why

Are we okay to come down then oh but cute yeah you can come down if you want sure you know what I forgot to do I forgot to take a water Braddock water-breathing potion I wish I poor the poor old so mad so uh variegated round

Oh there’s the entrance is on this side but I cannot we go and sorry I need chicken man I’m gonna break you for the top screw it I’m trying Freddie me like crazy oh my god that’s the big one warily oh my god it poked through the

Top I don’t like this it poked through the top in focus to me right now would listen analyst little one it poked for the top eight did I didn’t break any blocks but he poked through the top oh my goodness oh god that was a scary streaking thing and we tried to get

Where I hurt you I don’t see you Jesus Christ oh god I don’t like this all right who’s gonna get forever to get in here is your another entrance that we can under 50 we should party and T that’s not gonna help your daughter yeah you know what L but we’ve had enough

Blocks we can make it err err blah i see the big one I see the big one Jeezy and do you get inside I’m in sorry are you going to pluck it you buck it off completely cuz if you booked off completely I don’t there’s any other way

We can get in with the mining fatigue Oh bit softer siii press your finger in oh oh oh I take it too hard yeah oh you bout Norley walked it off got him he’s dead oh you did what oh come on well that was there that was for you guys for

Watching rate comment subscribe bucks one another one oh here i need torch I mean people can just come watch my video at youtube.com s user / editor macros LOM random blocks dang it I got a sponge block okay I yeah he’s early I’m try money for DS gonna

Wear off in a minute here cuz I killed the boss right unless is another one in here I don’t think so well apparently they can be like three of them really I think so I’m stuck in this one by one did about you you’re it well I can’t I

Can’t I can’t mine cuz i need my [ __ ] I can’t get a block and mining fatigue and my over jigs gone for another minute yeah I wanted to see the big guy like Oh crows and pursue I got ya I will find another one yeah yeah I wanted calico

Block this is a cool material every time he does that thing work as a room and the hey shut up freaks me out okay yeah okay do you bring mini building blocks Eddie dang you I have some cobblestone you know this was not my smiles play

That’s how i got coronation and his team AHA found it found the other big guy well we did go kill dil khile I want to see I want to say i want to say it um is there a hole and if you go to the big

Room I don’t know if you found a big room and then you go around the sides it’s like a side hallway you can take I tried to kill a bunch of little guys around here so try make it easy to get in here yeah I’ll company loads a little

Guy around here is there a hole into the base you don’t know to have to dig my it all got the freakin thing happened again it’s quezon let me [ __ ] on me that I’m gonna die Jesus Christ no die no guy I really won’t know so many of them oh my

God there’s so many of them they’re gonna freak wreck me oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god hahaha okay these guys are a lot harder to kill in it kind of snuck you die in the game you back forever I’m you die in real life oh I

Have a spat instant health potion would drink uh what was the Z coordinates again you sir uh um oh yeah I got a little air bubble sweet I’m give you doing that not trying to like it is this I’ll go but you just tell me out I’ll sign it then uh I’m

Approaching something that looks really weird ok I think it’s temple yeah she’s a temple ok oh yeah do you get the boss yet I don’t want to see little house before i’m waiting see you guys get to me if you are trying to AH hit me in the

Face oh my goodness this one what where is he right where’d you go you’re I’m by the entrance of the temple what doing what try it in blocks of a door oh wait wait now I gotta never fair area now sweet oh yeah q well good I was done we

Are so professional it’s unbelievable wait where’d you go how’d you get there how’d you do that right ok where’d you go you ready for no above you you’re bugged me elbow you Liz water up here so mean to so dude wait if key Kayla we

Have to kill a pairing what if we did this I’ll oh stop Frank adding but if you do this like so dude I could just go kill the thing right now and we could get the money four teats go away yeah we can find another one I guess no that’s

Too easy yeah let’s do more blocks yeah okay um could I have a few it Burleson normal sin yeah I can see fun oh there we’re almost in this is what’s good yeah Hey Oh what kind of ready ha yeah I just shot it oh oh you killed it yeah it was

The sky [ __ ] finger of the zoo oh alright where the gold blocks get to Feliz will find those things don’t we all the luck yeah now something protecting us from the TNT blast uh yeah I don’t go on I don’t have a Harvard I don’t oh god I have you been you guys

Took us along alright that’s fine we’re blowing up in the role fire the hole so will the mighty batik now I’m good it should go away now block block block molested another one I’m gonna do you think yeah oh yeah is there another one still there

Cub don’t know we’ll find out in a minute well imma I’m on two minutes like 25th mining fatigue so I’m on a minute and 10 seconds so if you get a sec and Bachelor of money patike this in the warm somewhere but I’ve run around quite

A bit of this already and I haven’t seen another one there’s actually one of the coolest temples in Minecraft man I got it again I got fatigued again Oh what are you serious other one yeah kind of wonder if I’ll be able to see it from outside here somehow whoa whoa there’s a

Drop floor here it goes straight down I’m scared but if you come to me where I am right now I’m on shifting there’s a drop down I don’t really want to drop down there because uh the boss might be there that would suck I could just imagine hearing and green you know what

Why is I’m coming to me cuz I’m out of both potions know what yeah hey Belle wait rolling uh I’m scared I want to drop down from scared do it BM up on it alright and if I die I’ll laugh my head off oh I please come back Apple there

Tiffany oh how hard is it to kill the boss uh n with trouble but I don’t know if that says did you find out here I only have a sharpness wine Reno and a week bow would you have one that’s what I keep saying it’s like how we are it

Might be down here yeah I don’t have car fun oh god what was that no all right i’m basing on my armor up I’m trying to protect you with so many of them you guys should come to where I’m at cuz there’s only a drop down I don’t know if

You guys been in this drop-down go fish go back here these fish are actually made pretty well I’m for me can we come to me can point to 91 subs I came for subs in the past hour can I get a hell yeah oh yeah yeah this has been

An expensive trip out here because I used up so young it costs like I was know about of water breathing coming yeah I’m completely out of everything at this point yeah respiration also i can make torches on the walls I need to I’m actually been doing I don’t even have

Water baby I’d hate to leave the job unfinished over here well we can we’re not too far with your base what if i don’t think i have a boss is literally under me I quite and check it out okay I’m probably gonna die here we go I mean

I was just coming over here I was like oh this far go in what happened I finally decided to drop down to the section that I opened a hole in and audie ones right at me he’s already there does the mining fatigue hit me in

The face again scared the crap out of me is it went down there there no no I haven’t seen him so if you guys tried breaking in from the top they’re hungry oh I don’t have Flint’s I have a button right what can we do you have a button

What the heck didn’t give me all right I don’t want to blow up your thing girl which thing the sponges oh oh oh I’m breaking this block I think I see him what it clear it oh yeah he’s right down there okay on here is he underneath it

I’m gonna yeah he’s writing like the top room right there okay I’m gonna set this up to a a blowhole come in here with me what are you doing ya hear me I’m gonna do an explosion so we go down but you can just go in there from right there

What no we have that explosions oh hi leaving why welcome it who denies explosions look I’m just gonna killem oh dang it um I’m not sure how this week not sure how effective a piston thing would work actually because the things I found him ya know yep yeah yeah yeahs

Scope lion yeah good work teamwork oh that’s getting away all I’ll falling down to my death or something ok so the petites gone now I still got still gotta wear off wow this hit anything stop hitting not cool I contributed is yeah ah or else Morgan good job I did I give

You the special effects explosions in fact when you kill them that’s what causes explosion you see what I did they do this Oh are they took my sword sharpness one yep oh god oh god oh yeah that wasn’t dead because it’s like I look at the guy to

The fire but then I land on the water Oh money please go on I’m gonna get my stupid sponge bag wow that literally took like two hits yeah I could dig everything now holy crap I really can dig everything is great I’m gonna go start mining else in this temple so I

Want these blocks good idea Dan tan tan tan good yeah I’m sugar gold on the gold it’s mine no I wants me cool it’s all mine I took everything in here I took all the sponges I killed all the Guardians I got all the gold hey you wouldn’t let his coverage you wouldn’t

Give it a chance i smoke uh I was just too pro you guys were too slow

This video, titled ‘Farside – Minecraft SMP – Episode 41: Deep Sea Exploration’, was uploaded by Atyrum on 2014-06-21 20:00:02. It has garnered 157 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:52 or 1192 seconds.

Welcome to Minecraft on the Farside server! We’re a Youtube SMP server currently in our second season. New members are added by invite only at this point.

In today’s episode, I explore one of the new underwater dungeons with a couple other Farsiders!

Yurit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChebyXR4xY-alwrjPWongsg Fargo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWRg66GOP5jcAF0-_kGSSew Sugarpuffzz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN8BefETpDlrMa9Hi3MO9Rg

To find out more about the Farside server and its members, head on over to our website: http://farsiders.enjin.com/

…or the server thread on the Minecraft forums: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1877237-farside-%100-pure-vanillayoutube-serverfresh-map247hard/

Thanks for watching!

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  • Experium SMP Vanilla SMP Whitelist 1.20.4 New Season Hermitcraft-Inspired 18+

    About Experium SMP: The Experium SMP is a whitelisted 1.20 vanilla server that just started a new season on June 1st. Join us for a fun and dedicated community where everyone is included. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4 Edition: Java Difficulty: Hard Host: Apex Hosting Server Location: California Member Requirements: Discord with voice chat Active participation Experienced Minecraft player Good building skills Age 18+ English speaking Server Rules: Respect all members and creations No griefing No resource stealing No cheaty mods/hacks No duping Lag-friendly builds Datapacks: Multiplayer Sleep AFK Name Display More Mob Heads Player Heads Wandering Trader Armor Stand Statues… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Farmville with Villagers

    Minecraft Memes - Farmville with Villagers“I’ve reached my villain arc because those baby villagers just won’t level up fast enough, it’s time to take matters into my own hands.” Read More

  • “From baby blazes to senior ghasts” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "From baby blazes to senior ghasts" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, the nether portal is like a mysterious gateway to another world. But as you get older in the game, it’s just another annoying chore to deal with before you can mine some more diamonds.” Read More

  • Kroberto’s Epic Hill Destruction

    Kroberto's Epic Hill Destruction Minecraft Adventures: Destroying the Hill Duo SMP Unveiling the World of Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players embark on exciting adventures, building, exploring, and conquering challenges. The thrill of discovering new resources, crafting powerful tools, and engaging with fellow gamers creates an immersive experience like no other. Exploring New Heights As players delve into the game, they encounter various terrains, from lush forests to towering mountains. The thrill of conquering these landscapes is unparalleled, with each new discovery sparking excitement and creativity. Resource Management and Crafting One of the key elements of Minecraft is resource management. From… Read More

  • Talking Villagers in Minecraft!

    Talking Villagers in Minecraft! The Advent of Real Talking Villagers in Minecraft Imagine a world where Minecraft villagers come to life, engaging in conversations with players in real-time. This seemingly impossible feat became a reality thanks to a resource pack created by a talented developer. The pack introduced random sounds to Minecraft villagers, transforming them into chatty companions for players to interact with. Bringing Villagers to Life Upon witnessing the potential of this innovative resource pack, a content creator decided to take it a step further. With the help of a developer friend, the creator successfully implemented a voice chat mod that allowed… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft’s Hidden Secret – Incredible Marketplace Pass!

    Unveiling Minecraft's Hidden Secret - Incredible Marketplace Pass!Video Information 2 2 super f f again r [Music] M hello everybody and welcome to the bonny’s a channel I’m Bonny Z and today we’re going to be playing Minecraft because it is Minecraft Monday but before we get on to that I have some really really exciting news to share my test order for the t-shirts that are on my store for all you gamer moms out there arrived how freaking cool is that get my hair out the way I’m so excited I’m obsessed look at them okay okay so there on the Bonny Z store.com the… Read More

  • Hunting for Mumbo on HermitCraft

    Hunting for Mumbo on HermitCraftVideo Information any luck today G no she’s the oceans oh wait speak of speak of the what we got what’s that okay impaling for Fortune 2 but I have a pick here with Fortune 2 on it perfect I brought you some luck the sea is providing today um speaking of providing I was hoping you could help me provide some death this morning mhm I uh hold on it’s a bit precarious cuz if I get caught right now it’s the game’s up i’ I have to kill Mambo today okay okay I must I’ve set a trap… Read More

  • 🚨Viral Minecraft Scarecrow Hack! 😱| Shizo Clickbait

    🚨Viral Minecraft Scarecrow Hack! 😱| Shizo ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral scare crow hack | #minecraft #youtubeshorts #short #shorts #ytshorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by ANAYAT YT MC on 2024-04-29 18:04:00. It has garnered 554 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft viral scare crow hack | #minecraft #youtubeshorts #short #shorts #ytshorts #shortsfeed Discover the art of crafting the perfect Minecraft home with our step-by-step tutorial. Learn essential building techniques, explore creative design ideas, and master the use of diverse materials to construct a cozy and aesthetically pleasing abode. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player,… Read More

  • EPIC Elevator Build in Minecraft! 😱 #viral

    EPIC Elevator Build in Minecraft! 😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Elevator 🛗 Build Minecraft 😲 #shorts #trendingshorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by YT GAMERZ on 2023-12-15 03:30:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Elevator Build Minecraft #shorts #trendingshorts #viralshorts. Read More

  • Insane Faction Playz in Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) – Day 01!

    Insane Faction Playz in Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) - Day 01!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) – Day 01’, was uploaded by Faction Playz on 2024-02-10 13:17:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) – Day 01 ◇ Game/Edition/Version – Minecraft Pocket Edition Developer – Mojang Studios … Read More

  • Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft!

    Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft!Video Information very unusual closed basements today let’s take a look at them subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the new basements unusual closed we have here five characters good and bad we’ve got a racer here the man outside the window that’s SpongeBob next up Captain feeds and box aboo well let’s get started support with a like And subscribe to my channel don’t forget well we’re off so the first character yeah let’s go from the very… Read More

  • Discover the CRAZIEST Toilet Dance Ever! 🚽💃 AverageHarry’s Skibidi Toilet Escapades

    Discover the CRAZIEST Toilet Dance Ever! 🚽💃 AverageHarry's Skibidi Toilet EscapadesVideo Information most of my people strugg stress political corruption SK the toilet hey hey Chloe Rogue thank you very much for the two months in the show or IRL I think in the show I don’t know I saw a tweet I saw a tweet exod think for the 10 months as well you like the shirt Chad do you like the shirt do you like the shirt it’s like towel oh I don’t know why I went there to rub it it’s like a towel towel material guys my Raven cosplay came today does anybody want to see… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!🔥 Join Raptor Gamez in Hive NOW! 🚀🌟

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!🔥 Join Raptor Gamez in Hive NOW! 🚀🌟Video Information and I should be live Gamers how you guys doing hopeful you guys are having a great day very cool we’re playing Minecraft again however most likely Friday will be either Roblox or fortnite very cool W going to start am I not started uh hello hello hello hello can you guys hear me H hi how you guys doing hey Zula hopefully you’re doing well Mr glaze very cool what the SLO that’s kind of sussy sloth wait is that the real sloth or is that big sloth oh he is a Rolla okay um I was… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Chara Virus 19 Causes Chaos

    Unbelievable: Chara Virus 19 Causes ChaosVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh how what This video, titled ‘Chara Virus 19 (Full Screen)’, was uploaded by Бирс Neo on 2024-02-28 07:15:02. It has garnered 54 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. ТЕГИ, НЕ ЧИТАТЬ #funny #chara #charavirus #minecraftshorts #minecraft #mcpe #animation #mod #monsterschool #minecraftshorts #undertale #shorts #villager #addon #pokemon #tutorial #world #mods #edition #pocket #minecraftanimation #luckyblock #creeper #meme #app #ios #free #dinosaur #car #guns #download #editor #fnaf #herobrine #hack #dantdm #addons #minecraftpe #planet #tutorail #pixelmon #plane #tank #alieninvasion #maker #creator #furniture #pack #decoration #blocks #furnicraft #crazycraft #map #bedrock… Read More

  • SpongeCraft – Semi-Vanilla, Community, Towny, Slimefun, Jobs, Teralith, SMP 1.20.4

    SERVER IP: PLAY.SPONGECRAFT.NET What is SpongeCraft? Towny & Resource World – Two worlds, one with Towny claims and another with custom generated terrain and villages Toggleable keep inventory with a small death tax if enabled Slimefun plugin with various addons for machines, magical items, space exploration, and more Custom enchantments and relics to upgrade items Various ways to acquire goods – player shops, auction houses, server shop Events, parkour, and minigames for entertainment Unique ranking system with personalized perks Jobs with custom level-up perks Survival and vote crates that can be acquired without payment Friendly community and staff to assist… Read More