Unicorn Caller Returns with Epic Lego Fortnite Minecraft Stream

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Hello everybody it’s your boy Richard unicorn caller here hopefully everybody’s having a wonderful day hopefully everybody’s chilling and Grooming make sure everything is working because there always something that’s going to catch on fire got to make sure everything is all good that’s working fine that’s working fine everything seems to be working fine question mark think we’re good yeah yeah I think we are Gucci going put save on

That playing some more fortnite basically fortnite Lego fortnite and it’s Minecraft pretty much I’ve been loving this game mode so far like no comments or no complaints this has been like really fun like can’t complain at all all right think we are ready to start so

I haven’t been on this world at least from in a while I’m really excited to see the chaos that you guys done also a little bit scared just a tiny bit scared but it will be a short stream doing some more streaming testing out the waters and uh

Yeah we’ll jump right into it I’m super excited let’s do this all right everything is set everything should work nothing’s breaking apart here we go I’m loading in I’ll make the lobby open so if you guys want you to join right in super Excited all right let’s see what y’all kids have been doing oh okay is anybody online I don’t think anybody’s online oh hey all right not much as Chan you guys been kind of D I like it I like the roof oh you guys made roofs oh my God look at

Many dude look how many chests there are dude oh my gosh so today we are going to be getting a bunch of uh basically wood that’s the main thing about this game is like you need a ton of wood hello all right and you guys got some

More soils or I think that’s been there let me see if I can find a real quick axe real quick oh there’s a bunch of broken pickaxes I might as well use these get some of that and then I need to find a uh pickaxe is there a pickaxe anywhere I I

Don’t want to look to anybody’s chest keep everybody’s chest to themselves um how do I make a pickaxe though I want to make let me see I’m AFK on Lego oh what’s up yeah no worries I’m just looking around I’m about to go get some wood bone

Granite yeah I’m about to go chop down some wood real quick I love what y’all did oh my gosh what the heck is this what the heck oh we got a little garage here in case we get some cars I can see the sky base is uh it’s

What in the world I got to see this I gota be careful not to fall I’m pretty sure there’s fall damage in this game would hate to just evaporate I got to see this oh my gosh what in the world oh this is cool oh God oh God oh God I almost fell

Okay oh that [Applause] is [Laughter] bro it has even been like 5 minutes yet I’m already breaking I I supposed to know that was going to work I didn’t not know that would break oh my God I’m going to put this wood in here what’s up

Hopeless I am putting some wood in here that is terrible oh my God I how was I supposed to know that was actually going to happen there was I was just about to take a nice little ride down the little thing I was I about

To I hope that’s easy to make I okay we definitely need to get some that’s going to be the mission for today’s stream is just Stack Up on wood that was terrible oh my gosh jeez you guys got so much stuff I’m not going to look through y’all’s chest I just need a

Um an axe just need to find me an axe probably have to make one oh my God how was I supposed to know that was going to happen oh my gosh I’m definitely going to clip that it’s definitely going in highlight reel you’re trying to get flexwood for the level three Health

Totem I think we got some health uh Health totems in some of those chest I think I have to make myself an axe because I I cannot believe that happened man that is absolutely insane and it looks like our thing is almost done upgrading which is pretty insane

Wow oh my gosh I did not know that was going to happen we destroy a chest with low durability tools what’s up kunai welcome to the stream man yeah I have to get a ton of wood because I was not expecting that to happen man that

Was I can’t believe it broke it just broke like that like so instantly man it goes back to full durability they might have patched that but right now I just need to find like an axe that’s what I need to do I need to find an axxe that is funny punch some

Wood I I literally can’t believe it broke I can’t believe that all right let me find a crafting bench real quick you found a bunch of corn at the house up North and marked it oh nice we’ll definitely need the uh corn Forest ax so I need a little bit of

Granite get some Granite real quick that’s kind of crazy how it just broke like that it kind of makes you want to be Fragile with everything oh I gotta post my stream on uh Twitter real quick gota let the Twitter people know all right here we go find the picture live playing Lego

Fortnite I spell fortnite wrong wait did I spell fortnite wrong no no way okay I’m about to say I really can’t believe that whole thing just broke I really can’t believe it that’s crazy I’ll definitely get you guys some wood I am on a wood Expedition right

Now oh no it’s raining oh no gota watch out for my hunger bar got to eat something yummy yummy in my tummy I really can’t believe that whole thing just breaks like that so I’m guessing what what the heck you got a my dude got a paraglider that is crazy yeah

You guys have been busy while I was gone well definitely have to keep playing some Lego uh Lego fortnite a little bit more now keep us up to speed with everything I think we’re almost done with the village I think we’re almost done think you’re at like probably near the last level I

Think I might take one of these take one of these guys um let’s talk jobs let’s explore now I got to find granite that’s what I need granite what happened to the house over here I thought there was like a house over here what happened over

There all right I’m GNA go get some Granite that that’s just crazy man don’t go to the snow area yeah no yeah I’ve learned that like last night when I was playing with my friend we were trying to like meet up with each other and dude the snow areas are insane someone destroyed

That maybe they wanted to uh refresh if anyone wants to join just add me on Epic it’s Sizzle RJ it can uh get you in now let me see what am I doing crafting that what is that noise oh oh that’s you in the parag glider all

Right I saw you on land last night no I don’t I don’t actually think I get any notifications when you guys uh join this world this world is practically around so I don’t even think I get any notifications for it I was having fun with my friend we were just

Chilling oh does a lord not have an axe um take this get the forest AE there we go and now I’m cold ooh it’s cold chopping down trees yeah we’re going to be chopping down a lot of trees this stream this will be the Lumberjack stream all right got that all

Right we are Gucci oh gosh it’s cold it’s cold all right oh no here here come the skeletons so you really can’t do much at night I mean the amount of skeletons is insane I’m definitely going to have to make sure I have a sword or

Something all right let me equip all of these uh Pickaxes and there we go all right we out we out y’all we out ofy got I get some wood I’m so mad I’m so mad I destroyed that whole like little Contraption up there I can’t believe it breaks so easily it kind of breaks like real late though so fragile all

Right time to find a lava cave oh no I don’t think I’m ready for lava we’re definitely going to have to stack up on some snow berries I can no tell it’s going to be real hot in there when I was playing on my friend’s

World we were kind of near like the snow area and we just kept dying like it was just this giant ice wall that we were trying to get to each other it was weird the north part oh you haven’t explored the north part yet oh North might be a little

Rough yeah North might be a little if I’ll definitely check out north maybe find another desert or a lava cave hey my Forest ax is already about to break yo that parag glider is dope hopeless I like that that’s dope you guys got some pretty cool

Loot now we can just collect that oh no I I just want to collect it there we go oh we freezing out here we’re actually going north might as well just go north I see like a light in the distance I don’t know if anybody else sees that I

See like a really faint light what is that yeah I see a light over here what is that this whole game is like an adventure to me I love it feel like a kid again I want to know what that is a chest is that what it is all the

Way from here I don’t even know I could see it that far not these skeletons man oh God these skeletons going run oh my I’ll let you guys do the fighting I all I have is the like almost broken pickaxes trying to utilize all the resources so far oh I see a

Tree there we go so far I got like 59 wood oh yeah I can’t hit that um okay I don’t have an axe so now we’re just going to explore a little bit dude there’s so many skeletons what is happen happening yo and there’s tons of Bones too I can pick up the

Bones absolutely insane getting these pumpkins though yo another Wiz tuber in the Stream really I didn’t even a see oh it’s Val oh my God Val what’s up Val how’s it going I was expecting you oh my God no no no no no

No no go away go away wolf no no no no no no no no no hey Val welcome to the stream why is it so fast go go leave me Al oh my God it’s chasing no oh my guys going to kill my my NPC dang my NPC killed in like two

Hits what the heck hey Val you ready to play lethal company oh my gosh this game is too stressful for me man they need to lower like the mobs there’s too many mobs in here look at that look look at that I’m not fight on pickaxe on get him there you go

Now you can check the chest is there anything in there bro you’re scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m the one that should be scared I was playing with my friend uh Chris and I didn’t know what to do but I’m going to tell you when you get into

Like the tunnels not the tunnels like the working area oh no no spiders oh no no dude there’s so many there like elen ring type stuff like literally I got my fist all right there anything in this chest oh no we already looted it yeah we can

Keep exploring North and just see what’s up here hopefully nothing too crazy we do got plenty of food though we got plenty of food the pumpkins are like my favorite thing to eat chicken hey Chicken going take that now I have an egg another wolf I am not touching no wolves I see a beach out in the distance like I see a body of water I don’t know if you can make boats in this game can you make boats in this game I don’t

Think you can oh maybe you can actually I’m just collecting any plant that I see that I can eat I’m picking it all up oh yeah he kind of can make boats yeah wow so this is like kind of like a Beach area picking up all this stuff oh yeah

The platform that uh magically broke yeah that uh that uh Railway um yeah about that you might have to make another one you might have to make another one like literally oh I can actually mine this oh wow big rock oh you broke it too like how is

Anybody supposed to know that like I did not know that it would just snap in pieces man Val I got to subscribe to I got to be like a member on your channel you got to enable memberships Val I got to be a member now I need more wood we need granite and

Wood just mainly wood in this game you need a ton of wood I’m down to my few pickaxes oh that’s a big tree right there I wish I had an axe oh you got wood okay good I’m still this going to get some extra wood though oh you don’t have to stream Val

You can enable your uh Channel memberships I think you should be eligible for channel memberships should definitely check it out I definitely can I not wait can I not mine it oh I can’t mine okay I can’t mine this big Hunker Hunker Rock oh I can’t okay I can’t mine it all

Right well what about this Hunker Rock oh yeah I can get this one I definitely got to give my Wiz two boo some gifts but but lately Wizard 101 been getting on my nerves everybody’s like this compensation sucks I love the boom box emote I love

It you guys got the best emotes I love it everybody was like this conversation sucks what in the heck yo yo what is this um what the heck what is this what is is all this and what is that noise I hear something and I’m a little

Afraid oh snap that’s the Gi Oh that’s a giant yo that’s a giant what even is this it’s just a random [ __ ] oh it just broke something yeah there’s a there’s a big boy over there I want to know what this thing is just nothing kind of wish it had some oh it

Is a Lego shark oh that’s cute oh yo guys this has uh slap berries I’m going to put a marker down oh my God that thing is starting to get a little bit getting a little bit too comfortable um I’m going to put a plant icon here so

We know that there’s slat berries that grow here I want to keep exploring this but H this this Goliath thing is going to be it’s going to give us a rude awakening everybody sneak sneak this game is too cute I don’t even see it I don’t know if it’s like

Invisible or what but I’m TR to keep moving big old Boulder right there yeah so this place has some slat berries just a bunch of beach sand what is that oh it’s a hermit crab ow what the when do hermit crabs attack oh my God what type of

A what type of hermit crab is that that attacks people what yo kill that hermit crab yo what I’m going slap it oh my God it’s like everything in this game wants to fight oh no no no no leave me alone I’m tired of fighting those ear Poli nope I am on a

Mission I am on a mission no I am on a mission I see wait I I see a campfire over here ooh what’s this is there civilization here that is the real question is there civilization nice little campfire all right it’s nice and roomy here is there any secrets here or

No oh there’s a chest up there now can I make stairs to get up here I knew exploring North was worth it it definitely was was worth it because now we know where the slap berries are definitely worth it oh you’re already up here I just made some stairs for

Nothing if you see any seeds I’ll actually pick up the seeds because we’ll need that to grow like plants and stuff like that we’re going to have a whole garden we’re going to have one stream dedicating to like making plants and all that stuff it’s going to be

Epic oh my god look look at the sky rail you can see it all the way from here that is insane oh God I don’t want to fall more stuff down there this is really cool man fortnite out here just making all these games I’m still in awe that they’ve made

This possible was never expecting this in a milli dude I I cannot stand those things I cannot stand them and they always do like five damage what is this I found a cave I found a cave ooh oh wait have we been in this cave before I think we’ve been in this cave

Before Oh I can’t even look at the map yeah this cave looks familiar we might have been here before oh yeah I think we’ve been here before Oh God mobs oh God no no no leave me alone nope I don’t even got weapons do I have like a pickaxe no just got

Going to beat y’all up with a axe beat y’all up with an Axe get them get them or get all right I want to use this time to get some marble because I know a lot of people are asking to get some marble so I’m going to go work on that like while down here I have this blue pickaxe I think

Somebody gave it to me oh oh I broke my I broke the stairs but that’s a lot of marble though I will take all that all right put one right here and put another one right here I like how it’s easy to kind of build this as supposed to like Minecraft

Minecraft it’s a little bit more technical but this is kind of nice you know it’s kind of relaxing it’s definitely easier for all audiences I will say that uh can I get that there we go all right up there we go breaking the stairs again and some wood

I’m a little hungry e some berries so you basically get the wood back from destroying your own like stuff that’s actually cool look for more are these mushrooms can you harvest the mushrooms wait what what I say you can harvest the mushrooms what is a slurp mushroom a cooking ingredient

Oh this is a cooking ingredient interesting well I’m sure we’ll have a chef on the island eventually interesting now wait oh I want to talk oh a pleasure look out for wolves I see glowing blue wait I’m coming to you oh yeah that’s the the um that’s the build the

Thing oh gosh yeah we still got to like finish this build but oh God let me finish it real quick while the chaos and Bruise come on come on it won’t let me oh I need planks that’s why oh my God I need planks going to destroy this whole

Thing oh oh don’t hand ples why are there so many skeletons why are there so many skeletons get off of them wait that a oh that’s that’s Nicole’s character this whole time I was wondering who that Avatar I was like who is that that’s Nicole’s character I think Nicole already know

How to play better than me she plays ton of Minecraft let me hop up oh no I don’t want to build it no I just want to make stairs I just want to make stairs I did not want to do that can I cancel a

Build is there a way I can cancel out of it I want to oh it doesn’t let you like cancel the entire build well what if I destroy it what if I destroy it there we go okay there we go I want to build stairs is what I want to do not

The log a lookout here it is oh there you go y’all y’all are so much better than me man um I know I can reach there we go almost there there we go let me see if I can reach that now how do I make a floor floor there way a

More see I got to be quicker with the build you guys already like are way above me I think we can get it from here it’s good that we we’re getting all this uh marble though I’m sure this marble will become uh useful to

Us I can’t get it I’m have to make like another set of stairs now I’m starting to get the hang of it can I reach it there we go and then if somebody has like an axe I think it has to be like a green or

Blue axe if you see any Flex wood you can also get some Flex wood I think somebody mentioned that we needed some uh Flex wood I don’t think our uh our engineer txg is online right now should probably give him some loot while we’re at

It let me see flexwood is from Cactus oh it’s from Cactus okay I completely forgot about that and what’s in the oh that’s not rout that’s in here oh okay do we need any more not rout you have to go back to the desert the desert Adventure was funny I’m not

Even going to lie that was funny we honestly did a lot on the very first live stream we did so much oh wait I hear battle music hear batt music a bone and they might want to bound might eat this egg might get these mushrooms these slurp mushrooms are really interesting

Though oh boy more skeleton yuck ah there we go I’m getting the hang of building a little bit I’m starting to get the hang of it all right uhoh my inventory is full now think I’m stacked on marble yeah I’m stacked time to start dumping some

Making some room let’s do an auto merge the one main gripe I do have about this game mainly is the whole like inventory and stacking thing I don’t like how it’s just set to like only 30 I wish it was kind of like Minecraft like 64 or something like

That but for a first time game though this is still fun nonetheless we want see some more mobile over here I’m just going to get as much as I can there we go and then stairs stairs can I not jump up here oh man I can’t jump up there let me

Try and then right there we and then make another set of stairs I’m TR to really get the heck of this look at me Building look I’m building all kinds of stairs look at that don’t to get the hang of this I said we needed Flex with so we

Can get the level three oh we definitely got to check that out I need I think I need an axe though I need to craft myself like an axe I have too much oh no I’m getting hungry again eat something why my character always starving you better I

Eat oh but the durability is low okay don’t worry about it how you can make us a crafting bench I don’t know we have the uh I don’t know if we have the materials on us to really make anything though let me see crafting bench yeah oh no we would have to

Upgrade the craft okay never mind okay that ain’t going to work we would have to upgrade the crafting Ben and all that stuff well honestly since we keep coming back into this cave might as well just make a crafty M here either way honestly my just make a base of

Operations around this place knowing that only thing that changes is basically the uh mobs but everything else it looks like kind of stays in the same place where’s the floors floors floors here’s floors here we go I got that oh can I not reach that yes I can come on there we

Go my green or this blue pickaxe is slowly going going its own way it’s about to be on his last leg soon well at least I can say we got tons of marble we’ll definitely get some flexwood in the desert after this though

Though um how do I bu I don’t know why I keep losing my train of thought oh can I reach no I need a I need a floor we all right I think this green axe has seen better days I Ed up a lot of wood in this cave but

You know what I am okay with that oh no can I I make it over there no let me in no there we go I think this ax is about to get destroyed yep oh no well that’s all the marble we can get hopefully we got enough hopefully we got enough oh are

These more mushrooms oo I’m definitely getting that yeah yall spiders nasty spiders let me use the other axe I’m definitely going to keep track of these uh mushrooms I don’t know what ingredient they’re used for it’s for like cooking but definitely might stack up on that all

Right all right so if there’s anything else you guys need in this cave I think we good for the most part all right so let’s head back to home base let’s gear up we’ll head out for the desert so we can get a lot more uh Flex

Wood yeah the desert’s right there and then home base should be close By oh gosh oh wait home base kind of far that’s kind of far I’m all it’s kind of a gon to be a little bit of a hike yo these are yo these mobs they got to stop I’m sure this will be a great place for you to use that uh parag

Glider no no no wolf no no no mind your business mind your business mind your business no no y or oh she fighting back yo let me fight back let me fight back come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we definitely know that we’re going in the uh the right way we see

This ginormous line above the sky so we definitely know that we’re in the right way just this giant Bridge definitely reminds me of uh Early times in Minecraft I would always build Sky bases man I think I might make a sky base in here for Old Time sake I make a

Sky base in here two wolves okay wow I’m telling you man they got to put some armor in this game besides the shield they got to make like iron armor diamond armor gold armor oh no I’m hungry I’m hungry I make all kind of stuff the big guy in the snowy area drops

Scales that you can use to make a fire charm oh that’s actually pretty cool well definitely have to check that out once I gear up we are back home after an awesome adventure now it’s time to gear up and get ready for more I’m going to eat some

Pumpkins at the dump out this entire inventory let me see if I can I’m going to find my own chest real quick um use lumber mill let’s make like a few planks now I wonder how do we make the uh I don’t know why I did a emote how do I show the Thing how do we make the chest so know to make a medium chest you need a marble slab and then you need not Roots okay we’re just going to stick to the uh the small ones for now that sounds a little bit more complicated now we got five and then we

Just need six and then we’ll just make a a random chest I can dump all the stuff in nice and then I’ll make another set like you see what I mean with the wood like you use up so much wood it’s actually insane all right I’m just going to use

Up all that I’m going to go I’m going to go get some more wood anyway you have 60 flexwood I knew we had flexwood like I was about to say I knew he had a somewhere uh oh I’m St oh oh I’m starving uh oh my character is always on the verge of

Starving himself good thing these pumpkins restore like a ton of hunger bars look at that all right um let’s see I’m going to make a chest right over here let’s see all right let me do a auto merge can I merge this real quick I don’t think there anything to merged

All right we’ll do the stacks of 30 I think it was uh I’m not sure who needed Flex wood I think it was nuclear bombs that needs it let’s see yeah nuclear bombs need the uh flexwood you can give it to him all right yeah you can give it to

Them oh yeah we got tons of marble man we are set on that yeah we’re set on that I get that take that now make another chest let’s see all right all right now we’re going to put Granite here why do I have 30 Vines I don’t even remember that and

Meat oh wait I also have flexwood too well who needs flexwood I’m going to drop it yeah you can take the flexwood um shell does anybody need shells I have one in here I’m not sure if it’ll be useful I’m going to keep the slip uh mushrooms in

Here honestly this going to be the like the food chest I guess that’s going to be the food chest what what can I put in here meat blast powder corn um wheat a corn kernel and what else raspberries slip mushrooms and yeah that’s pretty much

It hey I’m going to give you one of the uh I’m going to dump you guys this dump y that over here Put all that right there and then can I make another chest yes I Can now we’re going to make another chest right over here and then this will be the junk chest rainbow you see a rainbow it let to a llama it led to a llama they have loot llamas in this holy crap there is a wait what holy crap there’s a big

Rainbow I’ve never seen that before yo wow oh that would be a crazy thumbnail I guess we’re going for it wow that is huge there’s a big rainbow in the sky y’all look at that that is actually really cool okay that’s not cool the wolves are

Not cool we do not like wolves I wish yall wolves would leave me alone definitely going to get some more rasberries while I’m out here no no no no no no no leave me alone leave me alone wait what’s this this is like a little a little

M got one extra heart let’s go nice man nice dude I have like I have so many hearts I can’t even count I think I have like what three six I have nine I think I’m not Mis Counting oh this is insane I think we’re at the

Rainbow oh my God there’s a ton of wolves oh my gosh what is that what is that it’s like a little nimbus cloud what is that oh I don’t even have I don’t even have the resources you have 10 base hearts that’s insane what in the world is up here is

There a party going on up here what in the world what in the world is this game I don’t even think it will let us in I think the tree leaves are blocking us right now oh God he’s chopping down the tree it had to be

Done I’m not even going to ask what this is I’m I don’t know what’s going on what what is going on that is so cool oh oh oh oh they’re all going the way oh okay oh they they all left yeah I think they all left that’s really

Cool that is really cool that’s cute oh I took a big Landing ow that really hurts ow ow what was that what was that was that light what was that I’ll take a crossbow if you don’t want it what was that no man we got we got to get out of here

Man it’s getting a little crazy out here man oh I want to explore a little bit over here for a little bit when I keep trying to explore this map ooh snowberries that’s what I need I need the snow berries it’s a cloud dance party that’s actually really Cool get some snowberries only first I was uh chopping up wood now I’m just collecting some berries yo why are there so many mobs out here man why are there so many wolves a little a little toasty uh oh yeah it’s a little cold out here though oh no oh

Oh no leave me alone oh I see a chat oh we got some arrows that’s why I’m strapped now I’m strapped I am strapped yeah what come on you want some yeah I’m strapped now you don’t a got nothing on me the snowberries are really cool I’ve

Been using them uh last night with my friend the snowberries are pretty good they refill about uh let me see about two hunger board but two hearts and this is used to basically increase heat resistance uhoh I’m freezing okay wow I’m freezing I need to get out of here

Okay yep it’s time to go it’s time to go okay yep oh it’s to okay whoa oh it’s freezing out here oh no bro this is exactly how me and my friend died last night with the freezing okay I’m I’m definitely going to have to eat dude oh my

Gosh that’s why I never go in the Frozen lands man unless we have some spare spicy hot peppers that’s the only way I can think of oh that was wild is there anything in this chest oh ow you know what y’all are some yeah come on y’all skeletons really want to go come

On come there you go come on come on oh I missed ow ow it’s like I’m playing Call of Duty zombies all over again oh my gosh I keep Ming back up back up back up oh my God I keep missing everything no can I pick up the arrows oh my God I

Can’t pick up the arrows thank goodness okay why are there so many skeletons bro leave me alone yo yo I’m about half had it I’ve had it I’ve had it another one I’m going to snip got him yo nuclear bombs over here has 11 Hearts bro that’s

Crazy yeah we definitely got to get out of here these mobs are insane we out this piece I definitely got to lower the amount of mobs man I’m about to make it like a giant wall man oh my gosh might e some raspberries more skeletons no leave me

Alone are we going the right way okay we’re good if anybody ever gets lost always look up in the sky if you see a ginormous like a bridge just know that you’re close to the base or at least that you’re going in the right direction just know

That I’m just annoying these mobs at this point man these mobs got Yo oh we might need some more Amber yeah we definitely need some more definitely need some more am ow we definitely need to get more loot man dude these skeletons well at least we’re going to have a ton of

Bones hopefully we’ll never at a low supply of Bones because they got like 50 million skeletons out here oh more wolves more wolves nope no no no we have a whole chest of just bones well hopefully you don’t need any More what is that over there is that a house down there what is that and I got a little bunker in here bro that’s that’s what I need I need to make a bunker man and we are back I’ve got a gift for you when you’re back the base I’m back

At the base now I got to eat something got to eat something man it’s it’s crazy out there oh you got a blue blue oh this is blue thank you hey hey so now we have a blue and we can replace one of these with the greens oh

Snap if anybody needs the uh Health charm I’m going to drop it somebody can take the health charm um just miss follower yeah let you take the green one thank you so much all right I’m going to put some more stuff in here can I auto merge I don’t think so

We have planks we’re going to make another chest um where is it there we go all right we’ll take that we definitely need more Amber now we only have two oh my gosh did we really run through all our Amber what pickaxe Rarity do we need to

Uh to get the Amber because if one of you guys gives me a pickaxe I’ll definitely go out there and uh definitely get you guys some Amber now that I know how to build and all that stuff definitely going to get some more wood though I’m going to get some more

Wood um can I de equip that definitely going to go wood hunting and then once I have enough wood I can go out get some of that Amber can I hit that there we go there we go all right now how do we make a axe Granite which I have tons of granite

Wait wait what else Forest a not rout bounds all right it’s not too hard I just got to make a wooden rod how do I do that make three and then I need bones which I got tons of Bones is this realize the entire West half of the map is unexplored though

It’s probably because that’s where the ice biome is oh yeah yeah the ice biome is a little rough I’m not going to lie ice biome is a little rough all right so we have that dude we got so much marble all right now let me make this

Axe all right Forest axe here we go all right now it’s wood time it’s wood time now wait now wait while I’m doing this actually so we need B wooden rods uh let’s see Flex wood Rod wooden rod wait how do I I do oh I don’t have flexwood let’s See wait did anybody have bone you said we had a chest full of bone let me see some bones real quick no I need to find bounds I love how we have like so many chests man oh my gosh yeah I need 15 actually I ain’t

Going to steal y so I ain’t I ain’t one of those players I ain’t going to steal y I’m sorry is that a toilet they have toilets in this y’all put to y’all put toilets near my bed what the she didn’t even flush she didn’t even flush or wash her

Hands then she sits back on the toilet Bruh Bruh so yeah every time I sleep now I’m going to be smelling I’m pretty it looks like a toilet I don’t know if it’s a chair or what it looks like a toilet I’m no that

Is it can’t be it can’t be a toilet no it can’t be a toilet no it literally can’t be a toilet because why would they put a toilet in Lego Minecraft that doesn’t make any sense no no that’s that’s not no that cannot be right had me over here second guessing

Myself I was like y’all put toilets near my bed I was like how could you guys N I don’t care though eventually I’ll be making my own house but the are they actually toilets I think are they just chairs I could have sworn the chairs man they have to be chairs there’s no

Way a short sword I just need wooden rods for that all right perfect we can make wooden rods oh they actually to they put toilets in this game that is so awesome that is literally awesome I actually love that you know what nuclear bombs you’ve been

Promoted I wish I could promote you in this game that’s awesome make you like an admin or something that is so awesome I didn’t even know you can make that kind of stuff I was not expecting that all right so we can make a short

Sword so this short sword is going to be good in case we ever see like a uh Whatchamacallit like any monsters and stuff like that you know actually let me use this real quick let me talk take that we’ll take that and we got that

We got a shield got a bow all right we out all right y’all I’m going to go get some wood wood time there we go some raspberries this is going nice this is going very nice chop up some wood while I’m chopping up some wood I’m

Going to check out see oh wait I can’t I gave my I gave my phone to my baby sister I gave my phone to my baby sister you have a blue pickaxe nice you can keep uh you can keep that blue pickaxe I don’t think I need it right

Now I’ll definitely need it though if we need to harvest like any of the other rare materials I checked the uh Village and it turns out we need like obsidian I don’t even know how to get obsidian in this game like I have no idea but yeah you can hold on to that

For now oh now you have two oh snap that’s what’s up I don’t even know like what to harvest with a blue pickaxe is there anything specific I can farm for oh the Amber wait a second I can get the Amber with it can I oh I can definitely get the Amber

Well I see a nice tree over here there’s a beautiful tree I kind of want I kind of don’t even want to chop this tree down it’s gorgeous not too bad this is a gorgeous tree uh-uh nope nope I see that let me equip this sword real quick nope get out of

Here I am not for the gimmicks man I am not with it nice getting tons of wood and then if this a if this uh this axe breaks I have another one I’m The Lumberjack yeah it’s just absur to me how much wood you need in this game like it’s astronomical it’s actually

Insane definitely going to be making a sky base once I get enough get some raspberries honestly kind of glad I uh gave my phone to my baby sister honestly the YouTube comments were getting on my nerves today man it has been a whole thing with the uh compensation thing

Going on from the whole Wizard 101 being down thing all the whiz head you know kind of went feral you know when video games go down everybody gets all feral about it they’re like go this is this sucks you know honestly I kind of find it amusing though I kind of found it

Amusing looking at some of the comments though it kind of made me chuckle a little bit definitely a great source of uh entertainment but uh that was funny definitely going to keep getting all this wood oh that’s a big tree up there oh my gosh kind of feel like I’m doing

Deforestation right now oh my gosh hey welcome back hopeless oh my gosh this thing is huge dude this thing is huge now I have a 100 Wood oh my gosh I want to see how much wood it takes to to build that big log cabin place that I saw what was

It Pleasant park that’s a house oh my God yeah jumbo Lodge 218 wood oh my so just aund more definitely not even close wow oh I see a sheep can I pet the Sheep hi little sheep no no go away wolf go away no okay it’s two wolves okay hey

Back up back up back up back up oh you got 60 wood oh that’s what’s up I don’t want to take your wood though I don’t want to take your guys’ stuff I feel bad taking y’all stuff see the Wolves every time I pull out a sword the Wolves just kind of want

Ow you nah n n yeah n n n n it’s it’s personal now it’s personal now come come back here come here no don’t no I’m tired of y’all running away from me no come back just literally running away from me I love this come on come on tired of y’all

Running away from me oh my god get bro you about to get cliped you are about to get col you about they get clipped oh my gosh I thought you were an enemy thank goodness they don’t got friendly fire in this game hey hey

Hey oh man well if you want to help me I’m just uh I’m just mining some wood yeah I’m just collecting some wood right now oh gosh that thing just smashed everything 124 oops did not mean to steal your wood my bad and I mean to steal your wood uhoh I’m hungry I’m

Hungry gu some raspberries again get that h ah H oh all right here we go yeah this thing is going to break yep woohoo broke right on time wow that was perfect that was actually perfect all right so while that’s breaking I’m going to equip all this other stuff

Here put that right there and yeah we should be good all right I don’t know there’s something about this game that’s like I don’t know it’s so peaceful to me you know at least during the daytime it’s nice but at night it kind of gets like chaotic but I don’t know there’s

Something about it that like sooes the brain like it’s very soothing I don’t know what it’s about I’m excited to see like what kind of future updates they have for this especially if there’s like millions of players already playing this all right now it’s getting dark now

Okay yeah I see I see skeletons y’all be careful actually I might go form some skeletons for some bones now that I think about it oh wait can we kill the skeletons with this like can we just roll this to them oh my God wait we could wait we

Could oh no they didn’t get the way oh man let’s push it together oh my God wait a second I just no this it goes by faster if we push it together interesting okay wait what if we all roll this up to the house can we

Actually do that oh my God this would be such a cute YouTube video oh no it’s stuck no it’s stuck push it push it push it okay that’s actually cool wait a second let me eat something hold up yeah have all three of us can push it

Up to the house that would be impressive come on bro no bonai it’s a piece of log it’s from a tree anyway welcome to the live stream we’re actually doing it holy cow that’s actually cool we’re actually doing it I think we got to try and spin this around

Maybe see if we can get in a good angle oh I saw something big up there all right wait I’m doing wait all right here we go that is so much fun oh y go he broke the L dude he broke out L dude oh my God it’s not the same man

It’s just not the same anymore it’s not the same anymore man no oh my gosh that would have been so awesome that thing smashed it into Oblivion no oh I’m actually sad I got to save that though it’s still going in the Highlight Reel that is awesome I’m tired of these wolves

Man that makes me so sad I think I found another one oh yeah there is another one but I don’t know if I I don’t even know if I want to push it again after that hey Richard just came from work I’m doing good txg it’s nice to see you

Again I saw you join the party we’ve been over here getting some wood went into a cave for a little bit but mainly just been getting some wood right now you didn’t really miss anything oh my gosh I saw the railway and uh yeah I might have to make a new uh Railway

System or yeah might have to make a new one ah my sword broke I guess some more more trees I don’t even know how much wood I have I probably got a lot yeah I got a lot they definitely have to update the stacking for this game I think 30 is a

Little bit too low made a working one but someone broke it earlier I wonder who that could be I’m telling you you guys have been doing an amazing job on this world I mean this is awesome I can’t get it uphill yo sure you downloaded some game oh nice

Zach we definitely got to play some games Zach I play all kinds of games especially dauntless man I like dauntless I got to go downstairs and get some chips oh I think the moon is going down oh wow look how fast the moon go yo you should download fortnite

Yo fortnite dauntless all of those free games are awesome you need to form a ton of blast powder now I could have sworn I saw some blast powder in one of my chests let me see oh yeah it’s right here I see a air drop

Guys yeah I see a air drop right over there I see an air drop oh blast powder sweet I’m going to go give it to uh I’m going to just drop it somewhere I’m going to drop it here actually let me drop it over here here I drop the blast powder right

In the middle so you know where it is all right I’m going to go downstairs real quick going to go downstairs real quick a for for okay I’m back I see you’re making more toilets around me you have done well I still don’t believe they’re toilets I think they’re

Chairs there is no way they put toilets in this game man I refuse to believe it oh my go all right oh snap txg I see you bro I want can’t wait to see what type of crazy inventions you make today I’m going to go get some more wood oh you

Dropped wood over there oh wait how do you ping in this game is there a way you can ping hey I’m going steal all that who needs the rough Amber though here I’ll let you guys deal with the uh amber so now I think I can build oh my

God oh my God this thing is huge what in the world oh my gosh this thing is huge oh my gosh okay hold up I’m going to have to find a place to put this in wow wow this thing is M this thing is massive dude

Oh my gosh where am I going to put this thing BR this thing is huge no wait that’s the other one where’s the the jumbo Lodge let’s see um right here no that looks weird wait is that way I can lower this wait let me see if I can lower this

Oh God I don’t want it I want it to be like in the ground want to be in the ground dude this thing is huge man I don’t even know where to put this this thing is massive oh wait this is a perfect spot y’all oh perfect

Spot oh my God this thing is going to take forever to make oh my oh my God this thing is going to take forever wow okay let’s do it jeez rustic floor um yeah already I don’t even know what I’m doing what all right let’s do this one

First all right now we have thin snap mode where is it just at CU one I just saw it where does this go oh does it go over here wait no it doesn’t oh it goes over here I’m so silly this is how you know I never played with freaking Legos

Man one two three four five six and then over here all right now we’re done the foundation and oh my gosh there’s more okay of course was is more obviously but wow got a door right here what in the world I like how it shows you like the

Outline of this like I can never do this without the extra outlining nice you know it’s crazy like during this whole time we’re getting levels for this game and I kind of forget that they even have levels like in fortnite you know I kind of just forget about the whole leveling

System all right got that like just on fortnite or Lego fortnite alone I’m already like a level 30 or something like that I can’t remember exactly but it’s just been fun all right put that right there and right here that’s one of the pillars or corners we got some

Stairs this is coming along quite nicely I’m really happy with this got that I’m definitely going to be making everybody their own little log of cabins especially for the uh new viewers if new viewers do join definitely going to make their own houses because uh this is awesome mainly the law cabin

Houses since I love collecting wood I don’t know about any of those other houses you got to remake your daance character Zach no no Zach I think you have to link it to like your epic ID or something like that like you have to like connect it it

Might be on your epic account I think I think that’s what it’s on you should still be able to have it hopefully you don’t have to start from scratch that would suck go from here wait will it not let me put it here yeah it’s been a while since I’ve

Been on da Dawn list last time I’ve been on it it’s really fun it’s a really fun game definitely a game I recommend rather than a Wizard 101 because Wizard 101 is G I can’t stand that game oh it was on a PSN account oh yeah I think it’s still some somewhere it

Might be Somewhere oh you play it on PS4 I think you still have it though I think you you should be able to still find it somewhere hopefully you managed to find it it should be somewhere maybe in the cloud or something hopefully got to connect that okay this

Is looking pretty well guys this is looking really great um here we go dude you need so much wood for this this is insane so now this is the flooring all right we got that over here oh man there we go nice we’re still going still going this thing is huge

Oh my goodness this thing is massive um I think we got to put that around here right yeah put that right there nice oh my gosh how many steps are there there’s 26 steps oh my God there is 26 steps guys I’m going to be here for a very long time

Just wait till you see without making another one oh gosh now I’m afraid oh gosh hopefully it’s not a toilet I think I’ve had enough toilets for one day I don’t know where this is supposed to go to like where where is this supposed to go this is a half

Wall does it go around like here I was going to make a mansion on a hill LOL oh by all means go for it I don’t think I can make that yet oh why can I make that wait what let me see okay here we go that’s one

Set there we go oh that’s where the half wall is I didn’t see that nothing like the Lego fortnite Stream so much better than yeah honestly man and as much as I would love to load up my laptop I get tired of my laptop so much

Man I don’t got the energy for whiz right now too many whiz heads online man and these are the pillars where does this go oh this goes right here I see it there we go wall wall and then dude this thing is insane I am whizzing right now hey let’s go B

Kai what you whizzing and you farming for gear or anything I got to form a little bit of Walo I got to do some side quest before my membership expires why did my controller shake for a second why did my controller Shake dude this is insane 12 out of 16 steps

Oh we have to jump down for this so these are the corners fire power fire power where does this go it goes over here dude this thing is massive uh uh can I reach up there there we go yeah I really wish the uh ending fight was a little bit better I was

Honestly kind of surprised about the ending fight I thought it was going to be uh anything like I thought it was going to be something more crazy did anyone get more Amber I don’t think we did legalize after I’m done this house um I will definitely get some Amber for

You wait how do I swap this um there we go definitely will get on to that um a cover where does this go oh there we go oh txg has a stack of raw Amber I don’t know if you need like regular Amber or raw I’m still going to go get some Amber

Though every new world’s last boss is always an ad for peace Z it bro Zach it’s true Zach it’s true like it’s literally true they just want people to play Beast Moon not that there’s anything wrong with beastmen I actually quite love beastman last week was pretty fun for

Beastman bro the elf pack oh yeah no no yeah I wouldn’t recommend the uh new elf pack I was going to do a video about it but I was like I don’t feel like it I didn’t feel like doing a new video about the elf pack you guys know me I

Don’t really do the uh packs as much I don’t really open up packs unless Wizard 101 is giving me free crowns then but yeah that was funny there’s been a lot of funny moments in whiz lately this 12 days of the Spiral just like feels so empty I don’t know why I

Don’t know if it’s just like because the downtime happened or what but like this 12 days of the Spiral just feels so blank like I don’t know even even with the free codes it just doesn’t feel like anything is fun anymore I’m like huh let me see dude this is this is

Going to be an insane build 49% fishing luck that’s a lot of fishing luck I’m not really much of a Fisher myself so I can’t recommend the pack but I guess if you go fishing it might be a really good pack to get the pack is mostly yeah pretty much

Yeah I saw the uh actually the funny thing is I saw the uh Whatchamacallit the spiral uh what was it 12 days of the Spiral the full calendar and then tomorrow we are actually getting a free Yol tide pack it’s the new Yol tied one

The upgraded one so we’re going to get a freebie of that so expect a free code video tomorrow expect a free code video then going down for a whole day and make it worse on the weekend oh yeah yeah that downtime was kind of crazy what’s up S welcome to the stream welcome

Back yes z i remember you I think you were in here like yesterday I think welcome back I’m building a huge Log Cabin I think we’re finally done oh my God we’re still going I don’t even know where else to put this at oh my goodness where do I put this

At I think I got go all the way up top of here yeah oh my gosh oh that is high I unsubbed I got to sub back oh wait well you the guy asking for Subs I was getting a little suspicious I think it was somebody in here that was

Asking for Subs back then that’s what I got suspicious I was like H I don’t know I don’t even use the YouTube app though quite honestly oh dude there’s no way I can get up there who put all these toilets at my Lo y’all with the toilets y’all with the toilets oh my

Gosh y’all are so silly wait how’ you get up there how did you get up there oh are you finishing the build oh he’s finishing the build oh thank you oh thank you txg my house has 27 stages of building yeah no I Cann never do

That oh you use the parachute hey that’s smart I’m still going to get up here that’s actually really smart I got the roof right here I got suspicious S I usually don’t subscribe to people I’ll reconsider the sub though I’ll reconsider the sub but if I get sus though if I get suspicious

I don’t know man I’ve seen people lose a YouTube accounts that way I’ve seen people get hacked I will think about subbing back though I will think about it right now my baby sister has my phone so I don’t have my phone on me right now but I will

Think about it s I will think about it but if I get a little sus Vibes though then I don’t know man oh God it’s Pitch Black in here I can’t see now how do I make a uh Whatchamacallit I can’t see nothing oh my God that’s so pretty oh my god oh

Thank you txg for the extra help are you underground wait where are you at are you under ground oh you’re just grinding Subs okay I believe you s I believe you I’ll sub back to you br don’t worry I’ll sub back to you dude where in the world oh what

The yo what the heck what the heck no there is who is that bro that’s a skeleton that’s a what in the world did a skeleton get that’s what in the heck is happening what the heck what a skeleton just pulled up are you no he’s not weird bonai leave s

Alone I used to grind Subs too back in my day shoot we all start somewhere I used to have like 10 subscribers back in the day bro I can’t believe skeleton the skeletons just walked into my home I didn’t even know they could do that oh I’m closing all the

Doors I can subscribe to all of you as long as y’all don’t as long as y’all don’t hack me shoot I’ll subscribe to all of you guys as long as nobody hacks me shoot My Wizard My Wizard followers need me they need them free codes I can’t get hacked now

Man all right where how much wood do I have left over is the real question oh dude I have tons of wood tons of wood oh my gosh well does anybody else need a h wait what is that wait what the what the heck we need free

Codes we need free codes man I think we get a a free code tomorrow if I looked at the calendar correctly we should be able to get a free code I don’t know heck what it is no don’t worry s you’re fine man I love this L cabin house if anybody else needs

A jumbo Log Cabin let me know as a matter of fact s you should come play with us s come play with us this is Fu what did you txg what in what bro [Laughter] bro how did that even look to same 26 stages 26 no 26

Stages oh my God I fixed okay I figured it out oh my God yeah we got to emote after that we got to emote after that make sure y’all subscribe to txg bro he’s like a little engineer over here we definitely need to place like I think like torches around here or

Something like that I don’t know can we put like torches up on the wall or something like that yes I knew you could find it Zach Big W indeed man I’m glad you got the account back and now I’m not gay this is like the 50th time I’ve had

This comment I am not gay even even though I sound like it though I do appreciate the compliment but no I am not gay I swear I get that comment like 24/7 now it’s funny because back in the day when I was a kid right everybody

Made fun of my voice like my voice sounded weird to like all the kids back in the day they would be like oh your voice is so weird but never did I think that my voice would sound gay now I don’t know if I should take that as a

Compliment or take that as an offense but I’m going to take it as a compliment man we’re all a little yeah honestly we’re all a little gay rather it doesn’t matter how straight you are we’re all a little fruity everybody’s fruity you should see me in my Discord server by

The way join the Discord server but I’m a very fruity guy I’m not going to lie man I’m very fruity whose Little Shack is this I don’t want to destroy this Shack but if anybody needs another log cabin I can get some more wood and I can make y’all another log

Cabin actually you know what I’m actually going to do that oh my God what the heck what is happening over here hopeless what in the world over here making a mansion bro holy crap bro it’s like a mansion in here bro do you need help building I can help

Build yeah I can help build I don’t know what I’m supposed to do I like how you can help people with their building oh just just be careful of txg though he might get stuck in the ground and and tear it up no I’m just kidding I’m just I’m just kidding with

You I’m messing with you I’m I’m messing with you all right so I don’t know what else to do for this build it said we need to place the thin floors I don’t know where the thin floors are at are they up top I think on the last

Floor oh you know it might be on the roof it might actually be on the roof yeah we have to get up on the roof this is the part where you have to make a ladder let me make you a ladder um here I make some

Stairs yeah you got to get up on the ladder over here oh you got the little parachute Little Wing glider there you go you’re booting up the character I bet I had enough wool to make like two more parir shoes but someone took it no well if I find more wool I’ll definitely

Let you know um I don’t know what to start with oh you already got that part quick little Builder man txg unsubed why’ you unsub txg why you do that where do this one go over here oh my god dude this has 27 stages oh my gosh um

Um Granite I luckily I have Granite hello I need more Granite no I think I have Granite on me right now I can help you uh I can help you do this where did this go oh it goes right here yeah luckily I had some Granite on

Me okay now okay now I’m running out of granite yeah I’m running out um yep I’m down to my last one you should come play with us s this is a pretty fun game you should come play some Lego fortnite with us okay yeah now I’m at a granite now

I’m seriously out of it if I find more Granite uh I can actually go get some right now I’m in bro level 14 let’s go Zach we’re going to be crushing it on dauntless bro I’m in wanting to play dauntless with someone bro like I try to

Get my friends on it which ironically my friend Chris he was like yo we should try out donl it’s a free game all right I tried it out we all tried it out then they got bored of it and I was like bro this is a fun game like they give out so

Much free stuff unlike Wizard [Laughter] 101 unlike wizard they just give out a bunch of like freebies that you can do it’s a little grindy though like you have to grind a little bit but it’s still fun it’s a very fun game yeah we should get back in

Dauntless guys there’s a bunch of funf free games out there honestly a lot of fun ones hit that hit that hit that and I think dauntless is from the same people that made fortnite epic games ow ow ow I’m not sure if it’s made by epic

Games or not but if it is that’s awesome ow that spider do I have another pick I don’t oh no oh no oh no nope no dude yeah it’s on Epic Games it’s a free game yeah epic games is awesome man we love epic games

Ow ow this thing you know what I’m going to use this thing to my advantage yeah there we go I’m going to make this thing just like Crush everything how do you join fortnite that’s Lego uh you just joined me on the the fortnite

Lobby it will be uh c i z o RJ basically sizo RJ that will basically be like my epic ID and then you can just join in the lobby and it should just let you in all right I think I got enough uh Granite for you hey get off my buddy get

Off my buddy get off my buddy get off my butd yeah say RJ I wish I could type it to you but my baby sister has my phone right now let me win nice I need one Amber does anyone have Amber I sadly do not ow ow you know what

Yo I’m so tired of y’all wolves man I’m so tired of y’all wolves man oh wait someone pinged the Amor all the way over there it’s so nice everybody’s working together you know fun fact about me for you kiddos right back in the day we used

To live stream um Minecraft a lot like back in the day oh my god there was some fun memories but the funny thing is the viewers would never like play with each other like somebody was stealing someone’s like diamond armor that was a whole Fiasco we had some funny moments

On Minecraft honestly man those are some funny times man I think those kids those kids are probably older now man that was so much fun that was funny man I missed Minecraft man man that was funny a funny moment all right I have some Granite for

You and some pumpkins so I can help you out with your house if you still need help I’m definitely going to make more uh log cabins around the base so that why if we have like you know more people that join they can already have a house for themselves you

Know I wonder if we can build like more log cabins or is that it I think that’s it yeah the jumbo Lodge is it takes a lot of wood to make which I like all right I’m coming all the way back yo this house is pimping yo this is a pimping house

Man all right so now we need the rooftop again oh you already got it oh I can’t jump did you do it did you build it it looks nice dude yo this is a crib this is pretty nice yeah hopeless this is dope my man this is dope oh God I’m

Hungry nice house friend request I got you bro and then you should be able to just join right in I wish I could give out more of the uh Keys like the little share key thing yeah I wish I can give out more keys oh wait a second maybe I can like

Temporarily remove the keys and stuff like that yeah I can just temporarily like remove people’s keys and keep swapping back and forth nice little Hut over here yeah we are kind of pimping guys like this is looking like an actual like base I think this MPC is like

Glitched yeah I think this NPC is glitched you got all your OG outfits you got the OG outfits oh there we go we UNG glitched it all right sweet oh actually this NPC is like but wait what is wrong with this NPC it’s like spazzing out yeah every time it moves it’s like

Spazzing out is that a glitch yeah it’s like sping out four people can live in your house hopeless yo that’s what’s up bro oh speaking of that I should probably make some beds that’s a good idea bro I should make some beds wait how do I make the other bed ooh a

Drowsy bed ooh that’s a cute bed you need I need two wool we need to get some wool anybody find some sheeps need to find some sheeps we’re definitely going to put a bed in here somewhere um well I don’t really know I guess like up here I don’t

Know I don’t really know where to this bed at probably in the corner I guess in the corner oh yeah I could put it in the corner okay that’s cute put one right here yeah honestly I’m just going to make as many beds as I can just so like

Everybody has a place to sleep at you know I saw a disco groovy guy with pink wait what that sounds cool yeah I’m G to make a bunch of beds over here can you go through this too now what else can I make I want to make some furniture um traditional

Counter some stools some chairs ooh a couch ooh I need wool fabric though dang we really do need some wool to make some toilets you really can make toilets that’s how you make lights okay bright core I have no idea how to get a bright core um edgy

Bookshelf oh that would be so gangster if I can put the bookshelf like underneath the stairs that would be so gangster I put some bookshelves around here I guess I guess this can be like the bathroom I am assuming I don’t know I’m not really the best at

Decorating kind of want to put the bookcase like right here put it right here put another one right here oh we got Sky over here gems is there a way to shear sheep because when I killed sheep yeah um when you kill sheep you just have a chance at

Like basically getting meat I think you have to pet the sheep first hey what’s up I see you bro I see you looking good bro hey you looking good man all right let me get you some stuff um hey you got a emote you got a

Emote look at you got the emotes bro yo I love it bro bro I got to get you some loot bro I don’t really have any much loot on me here I guess you can take some of this I’m going to makeing your own house bro I’m going to make you your own

[Laughter] house we got a whole like gang over here bro it’s looking great there’s the moon let me see let me see can I give let me uh take this uh give wooden axe hey he grooving he grooving he grooving he is grooving all right um what am I going to do

Now I don’t know what to do now I’m definitely going to get more wood maybe kill a few skeletons oh no I should make some more axes oh you figured it out with the Sheep nice let me see that’s just somebody’s bed right there I definitely need to like make

Some torches or or something like that might put a campfire around here yeah yeah I need some wood though I need some wood there we go I’m make another campfire I’m going to make a camp campire like right here and a little bit brightness I love how the house is just

Filled with campfires I love this place nice I got a little bodyguard with me so if anybody tries to pull up I got a little bodyguard with me let’s see I’ll definitely give you a a g Karen I’ll definitely give you a key though 12 Hearts okay that’s a lot of Hearts

Dude you’re cracked all you’re absolutely cracked here I’m going to give you something I’m going to give you a uh an axe I’m going to give you this wait where you at I here you go uh here we go yeah take That got some pumpkins too oh where is that I gotta feed you Karen hey I gotta feed you man I get you some food oh no you got food you got food Everybody has a torch except me I feel whoa what was that oh now it’s getting a little Breezy I see a big tree whoa oh wolf woof wolf oh snap you want to try and push it again oh God that is heavy oh God I don’t even think we

Can I don’t even think we can push this we’re all going to have to push it or destroy that works too there’s a lot of wood in this area definitely make sure you chop down the uh Big Trees I think the bigger trees have the most oh be careful y nobody get

Smashed there you go yeah I’m definitely going to give you a key though can just kind of cycle through the keys ah um play is not prob be okay there we go I really like the key system in this game I do wish they add like more keys

Or like you can buy more keys but I do like the system they have where like anybody can kind of play on your world without you having to like be online I think that’s really cool legalized nuclear bombs this is brought to you by the shadow government Shadow wizard Money Gang we

Love casting spells that’ be funny if uh Wizard 101 did a uh collaboration with Shadow wizard Money Gang that’ll be funny we got tons of toilets here just just keep sitting on the toilets just keep on sitting on the toilets I don’t really need subs yeah same I don’t really need

Subs I just need free codes I need the codes need me some of them free codes I’m definitely going to make you a uh Log Cabin though Carol all right so now now how much to make another jumbo Log Cabin let me see let’s see wait can you make another one of

These oh oh wait can you actually make another one of oh that is interesting wow so you can actually make another camp Oh wait but the distance is far though oh wow you can’t build it anywhere the distance is too far wait how far away do you have to be from another

Camp wait how far the you have to be to another Camp wow so you have to be that far all that’s not that’s actually not too bad that’s actually not too bad I’ll definitely think about that that’s not too bad I thought that’ be worse but that’s not too

Bad subscribe told me nothing nowadays you can make another one but it’s going to be uh level one I think oh okay yeah I would imagine well we’ll definitely have to make a uh another one of those maybe one next door this is looking great guys I just want to say

That this is looking amazing all right let me see oh this is pretty I don’t know what this is this is cute you guys are awesome you guys are very creative I love this little Railway we got here I promise not to break it this time I’m I’m not going to break

It let’s see what am I need what do I need all right let’s make some stuff inside so a crafting bench oh wait can we make it underneath you okay that’s the gangster yes love that and we need literally one Granite literally one granite should be around here dude there’s like

No rocks in this area we should make a second village a little closer to the desert area oh my God hunt that is such a great idea dude I totally didn’t even realize that yeah we should definitely do that once we get some supplies and all that stuff we should definitely do

That we can probably put a camp in like all the places I see you with that emote I see you yeah you can watch a car we can have one in the Ice Area the desert area that would actually be smart definitely interested in that this game has a lot of like

Possibilities man a lot of possibilities we can do it in the snow once we have a stable Supply like the chil yeah like the Chili Peppers yeah yeah that that cold is no joke that cold is that is no joke with the’re cold all right now I’m going to make a

I want to rule over the ice kingdom you can be the Ice King Zach you can literally be the Ice King all right um I think I just put it right here all right we got that now yeah I definitely need to get a lot more wood that’ll be the main

Priority is basically to just get wood so let me me see do I have skeleton bones yes I do um yeah we all agree that was a good idea definitely in the desert I wanted I just wanted to see like how far it actually goes but like the distance is

Crazy you have to be real far away let me see so I can make a regular Forest axe then I can make a green one I just have to make some wood wooden rods let me see I get some wooden rods I’m going be wool farming to make you a

Parachute oh thank you txg yeah I don’t know how to make a parachute at all but they seem really cool probably a lifesaver too when making that Railway you like the desert for this explosive I still remember when one of you guys exploded somewhere else that was funny

Oh my gosh all right I’m gonna craft one of these and another one I’m honestly just going to craft like a bunch of this a bunch of these how much wood do I got I got tons of wood hope exploded me I remember that all right good night bonai thanks for

Visiting the live stream and I hope to see you again soon let me see oh that’s how you make a glider flex rod wool fabric silk fabric a testing phase gone wrong yeah it it was it it did go very very wrong but respectfully respectfully it went wrong for testing

Purposes that is funny though how you can kind of like explode other Legos I can see how chaotic that’s going to get want like a big bucket of like TNT and just toss it everywhere man this is a really cool base guys like we’re just chilling man

We are chilling reminder if anybody else wants to join into the uh fortnite world just uh send me a friend request and you can join in on the action dynamite dynamite Black Dynamite you a that I been to watch some Black Dynamite again I love that show that show was

Funny welcome to the but be love the emotes look at Red Bro he jam it red jam it D all right I got some more wood how many all right I got enough got that one I got some food no I’m actually going to make more I’m going to make way

More I’m going to keep getting wood for y’all I’m going to just make keep making a bunch of random log cabins everywhere oh by the way one of you guys oh what you got something you got something one of you guys needed Amber do you guys still need

Amber I wouldn’t mind going to the uh that place oh I can make wool thread oh makes some W thread all right what else do I need rods definitely you can take those rods if you want you can take that here we down to the I’m actually

Going to make some more uh more rods real quick if anybody needs rods you can check out the lumber mill I love the Emote emotes are amazing I wish they allowed more of the emotes like I could even use like pretty much 90% of any of my emotes some are just like locked away for uh some of the experiences now I think I have some seeds I’m going to start planting some

Seeds um where is it if anybody needs uh marble there’s a ton of marble in herebody needs that wait can we plant the mushrooms I don’t think we can you can’t plant mushrooms wait can you actually eat the mushroom I don’t you have all right let’s go plant some seeds plant

That we’ll plant that oh wait can’t oh someone put soil in here now soil we’re keep that put that in now we’re good and then go back to these junk chests that I have over here oh I got some planks I’m going on an adventure to

See how long I’m going survive oh God Zach be careful Zach be careful out there hey if you need help let me know man I can always help you out be careful out there sometimes you might be freezing or hot cold yeah it can get kind of crazy down

There all right going to put all of that stuff in here and now we are set all right let me go back over here um can I just not take all of them remove all I just want to take a little bit guess I took all of

It um oh wow I need melons I put my melons in the chest I see you out there I see you out there Zach all right got some bones this is a weird NPC like this NPC like every time it moves it’s like bugging out a little

Bit I don’t know what’s up with that fix that there we go now I got tons of axes oh yeah I’m G be stacked with the axes man where was my phone SW I saw my phone somewhere oh well I don’t need it all right let’s do this look how many axes I

Got guys look at that I’m loaded I am about you found a llama yo Zach over here is getting lucky my guy I followed the shiny thing he follow a shiny thing oh gosh peely oh my gosh that’s peely all right now I’m off on the on an

Adventure to basically get a bunch of wood yeah I’m definitely going to be uh spam building a bunch of log cabins just watch when you kids are offline I’m just going to have like 50 log cabins on the entire Island just watch man just watch all

Right chopping down some wood and I got a little bodyguard slh helper so we chilling come on down to the there we go oh knocked us back see there’s the wolf see it just runs away oh yeah you can give it to me yeah

You can give it to me if you want I I’ll take the pickaxe oh god oh yeah I’ll definitely take the pickaxe if you have one come on down to the but ball where I’m at the chest is guarded by Halloween dudes I’m lagging a bit though oh

No stay alive Zach stay alive you can do it hey thank you all right if I find any amber for you I will definitely let you know we definitely only keep a lookout for that come on down to the butter ball little Lumberjack over here I’m just going to keep chopping down wood

Till all my axes are broken another Wolf Man the Wolves whoa that was big ow don’t y’all wolves want to hunt something else like a rabbit you don’t want to hunt like a rabbit or something like what in the world what the what happen what is happening with this NPC oh my God

What’s wrong with this thing no Zach no Zach no oh my God this NPC is broken no that is fun okay it’s getting dark so I might go back over there oh boy oh Granite I’ll take that Granite no no get away from my glitched NPC get away from

Her actually I’m might still get some wood how much wood do I have now I’m still down to like my first axe oh dude I got tons of w will you be in the Lego fortnite after the stream H probably not nuclear I’ll probably just uh probably log off after

The stream is over and you know let you kids wander around maybe I’ll Linger on for a little bit maybe but my my NPC right now I don’t know what’s going on with this NPC this is funny though I don’t even know if you guys can even

See this for yourselves in in game like this is funny spider distracted the Halloween guys I stole their loot bro bro Zach over here is being a thief Zach over here is being a thief hey he did it oh you got some silk I don’t need the

Silk blast powder if anybody wants some blast powder man this is really dark out here without a torch I wish you can have like a torch on like your back or something oh that house looks pretty I see a skeleton oh my God this NPC is oh I

Fixed her I fixed her all yeah I have a gift for you Richard all right I’m here all right give it to me I think I know what the gift is hey I think I know what the gift is GRA my Shar Grandma wait what is Sky doing over here what the heck Sky wait what is Sky doing at my door what I SAR these NPCs are bugging out oh God I got to climb all the way up there oh boy okay here we go oh boy if anybody climbs up here uh be

Careful oh boy oh gosh this is oh boy this is scary watch me just fall off okay I made it here oh we got some we got some new recipes we got some new recipes you didn’t make it oh that’s okay man uh-oh there’s a skeleton oh crap there’s a

Skeleton oh no there’s a skeleton nobody fall off no don’t break the stairs don’t break the stairs oh no no no oh my kneecaps oh oh my kneecaps oh oh oh my kneecaps oh Zach with the emote Zach with the emote oh my God I have a glider

Yeah we I have a glider thank you txg oh my gosh how do I equip it oh I got equip in this slide oh that is so cool so how do I use it oh oh that is so cool yeah that skeleton there almost oh

That is so cool oh my God it’s like that is so cool oh my God how do you make a glider I definitely want to make that for everybody else that is awesome wait I want to make that for everybody else wait I want to know how to make

That let me see how I make that um okay so we need Flex wood Rod I can definitely get that wool fabric silk fabric oh my gosh dude I can definitely make those and in order to make the flexwood uh we need to go into the

Oh we need to go into the thing oh legalize nuclear bombs follow me yeah you annual games I already made one for me in hopeless earlier well here here take this here take that wait oh yeah we definitely got to get you some more uh flexwood some flexwood hey good evening

H how’s it going welcome to the stream yo G yo H you should play with us we got some Lego Minecraft going on man you should play with us this game is fun man all right I have 105 no you can keep that you can keep that glider you can keep that

Glider I’m get off fortnite it was fun yeah it was fun Zach thank you for playing with us I gave you a little uh fortnite key so whenever I’m offline you can still load up this world for yourself and play around if you want

That looks like a cool game it is H it’s really fun dude it has been really fun you should definitely try it out with us bro oh [ __ ] they have a bunch of other games on uh fortnite yeah of course anytime yeah I got tons of w I’m going

To make so many log cabins I’m gonna make law cabins around this entire Island all you’ll see is law cabins everywhere going to start looking like a a huge little law cabin Village in a minute man but that’s going to wrap it up for this live stream I need to tend to my

Baby sister she’s all over the place jumping off the walls so I’m going to end it here for the live stream thank you guys for visiting yet again another fun day of Lego fortnite absolutely love this game absolutely love it this is like 100% like my new favorite addiction

Now this is 100% way better than was a 101 man but if anybody else wants to join just send me an epic ID friend request and I’ll get you added into the world but thank you for visiting everybody thanks Sab everybody else txg hopeless everybody nuclear bomb s

Everybody thank y all for visiting and uh yeah make sure to get some sleep and I’ll see you in the next one peace out guys peace out txg peace out y’all one last emote before I go love the emotes of this game man love it peace out Zach

This video, titled ‘We are BACK! Lego Fortnite Minecraft Chillstream’, was uploaded by Richard Unicorn Caller on 2023-12-13 05:02:37. It has garnered 88 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:58 or 8398 seconds.

Short Lego Fortnite Minecraft Chillstream on PS5. Enjoy!

#fortnite #gaming #minecraft

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    😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods For You (1.20.1 to 1.18.2) For Forge & Fabric’, was uploaded by Minecraft TGK on 2024-05-03 10:30:19. It has garnered 983 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods For You (1.20.1 to 1.18.2) For Forge & Fabric Witness the transformation of your Minecraft world as you integrate these cutting-edge mods, each one designed to enhance the core experience in its own remarkable way. Embark on thrilling adventures, construct intricate builds, and delve into the depths of enchantment – the opportunities… Read More

  • Join me in SL! Building mansion in Minecraft!

    Join me in SL! Building mansion in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 Building Our New Mansion in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Play with me in Second Life on 2024-02-25 15:10:47. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:01 or 901 seconds. Visit me at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kryophelis/185/31/41 [ No Copyright ] Soft Piano Music For Relaxation | Snowing Background | Relax Music Meditation https://youtu.be/DRnyxlaqqLk [ No Copyright ] Coffee House Jazz | Calm Jazz Music | Relaxing Music | Relax Music Meditation https://youtu.be/5mgYnwhM4eg Please help: https://www.patreon.com/Charles_Brobst Please like and subscribe. Hit that RED button! Then ring a ding my little bell…. Read More

  • TurtleWorldSMP S2

    TurtleWorldSMP S2Create mod based server with a ton of other mods Enjoying Modded Minecraft together Open to all that wanna play with others to have a good ole time Read More

  • Torrent Network: Lifesteal MMORPG, Survival, Creative, Quests, Boss Fights

    Minecraft GANG Lifesteal Server Announcement Attention all Minecraft players! A new custom Lifesteal server has just launched. If you’re wondering what makes this server custom, let me tell you, everything is unique. From terrain to skills, advanced enchantments to boss fights, regenerating loot chests to custom structures. You can even start a team, betray your friends, and start a war! If this piques your interest, join us at torrentsmp.com on any version, Java or Bedrock. For more information, join our Discord at https://discord.gg/torrent. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder

    Minecraft's Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder In Minecraft, the most useless item you’ll find, Is the golden hoe, not worth a dime. It can’t till the land or harvest crops, Just a shiny tool that’s a flop. But fear not, for in this game so grand, There’s always something new to understand. So keep exploring, keep digging deep, In Minecraft, there’s always more secrets to keep. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness!

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness! “When you accidentally build a house in Minecraft that looks like Spongebob’s pineapple under the sea and now all the creepers are showing up thinking it’s a Krabby Patty stand.” Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Episode 11

    Sneaky Survival: Episode 11 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Challenge of Construction 🛠️ Izazov Gradnje: In this episode, our Minecraft adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress. Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition 🌲 Šumska Ekspedicija: Venturing deep into the forest in search of rare resources, our team explores the most efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Perils of the Dark Caves 🌌 Napast u Tamnim Pećinama: Delving into the dangers and rewards of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT MOMENTS with OnlyAfro - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #5’, was uploaded by OnlyAfro VODS on 2024-05-20 10:52:31. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:22:25 or 19345 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/onlyafro Read More

  • Minecraft Geometry Dash Fusion – Epic Gameplay!

    Minecraft Geometry Dash Fusion - Epic Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Geometry Dash + Minecraft!!! Come hang~’, was uploaded by girloffthecob on 2024-05-01 03:10:35. It has garnered 178 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:23 or 11183 seconds. Nothing wrong with the classics 😉 I HAVE A DONATION PAGE NOW (if streamlabs is working)! Absolutely not necessary but if you enjoy my streams and are able it would be so appreciated! https://streamlabs.com/girloffthecob/tip #geometrydash #fireinthehole #rhythm #rhythmgames #music #hardcore #gaming Read More

  • 🌋 EXPLORE LAVA in Minecraft! Build and Conquer! #LavaFun

    🌋 EXPLORE LAVA in Minecraft! Build and Conquer! #LavaFunVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 Unleash the Power of Lava in Minecraft! Explore, Build, and Conquer! #Minecraft #LavaFun ⛏️🌋’, was uploaded by Kunj Ujjwal on 2024-03-21 06:01:43. It has garnered 13874 views and 286 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. 🔥 Unleash the Power of Lava in Minecraft! Explore, Build, and Conquer! #Minecraft #LavaFun ⛏️🌋 In this video we’ll walk you through: #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecraftbuild #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftskins #minecraftps4 #minecraftcreative #shorts #minecraftshaders #minecraftworld #minecraftmods #minecraftgamer #viral #minecraftanimation #minecraftyoutubers #minecraftfunny #kunjujjwal #shortsfeed #shortfeed ABOUT OUR CHANNEL Our channel is about Kunj… Read More

  • Insane Tricks for Easy Modern House Building!

    Insane Tricks for Easy Modern House Building!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Simple Tricks for Modern House Building easy Tutorial’, was uploaded by Fevel on 2024-06-06 03:00:28. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:41 or 1481 seconds. Support me to complete 1k🙏mambers❤️☺️ #minecraft #house #starter #survival #house →Minecraft: How to Make a Modern House – Tutorial →Thumbs up & Subscribe for more =)https://youtube.com/@Fevelyt →Interior Tutorial Video: Minecraft: Large…=)https://youtu.be/OVHBVg01Kek ▼More House Tutorials▼ 👉https://youtu.be/rpWKd79v1Ao👈 👉https://youtu.be/OVHBVg01Kek👈 👉https://youtu.be/cUBUYgjadlc👈 👉https://youtu.be/9AZZbnUuIRY👈 _________________________________________________ MINECRAFT _________________________________________________ Minecraft is a highly popular sandbox video game where players have the freedom to build and create their… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5

    Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Beating BloxFruit with only guns #5 1000 – 1300 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-04-09 17:11:20. It has garnered 470 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:01 or 13201 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!

    SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive lol’, was uploaded by Fair Rose on 2024-05-28 02:34:25. It has garnered 360 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:43 or 10183 seconds. #fairrose Hive With Viewers 😀 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Description: I play Minecraft with viewers, Minecraft Hive with viewers, Survival with viewers, and many other games with viewers. (Sometimes Pokemon :P) Hive is a fun Minecraft bedrock server with tons of fun Minecraft Pvp game modes and non Pvp gamemodes. Join the community, have fun vibing in streams and playing Minecraft. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 🌍SOCIAL: Xbox Gamertag: Fair r0se (zero) Minecraft Java… Read More

  • INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!

    INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skyblock #012 / German / 4K’, was uploaded by TaublerTV on 2024-06-01 15:45:49. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:45 or 1845 seconds. About the game ✒️✏️ Minecraft is a sandbox computer game that was originally developed by the Swedish programmer Markus “Notch” Persson and the company he founded for this purpose, Mojang. Mojang and the game have been part of Microsoft since September 2014, which bought the company for 2.5 billion US dollars. Minecraft was first released on May 17, 2009 as an early access… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft War – Watch till end 😱

    Insane Minecraft War - Watch till end 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 9 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-12 04:00:08. It has garnered 3311 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!

    EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft FNAC Season 4 – Two Sides – Episode 193’, was uploaded by Pretty Depressed Productions on 2024-03-22 20:30:01. It has garnered 5861 views and 629 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. ✪ Remember To Hit That Bell And Subscribe! ✪ Social Media Links Discord Link – https://discord.gg/MHzDB5RkHj ​​✯Behind The Scenes✯ ​ Thumbnail Artists – Pluless https://bit.ly/3qfCcvt DamienCandle https://bit.ly/35KgOmP Editor – SpookyPooky https://bit.ly/2VaCMdK ✯People Who Were Here✯ Dylan (Dylan and Candy) https://bit.ly/34Ru34k KainaBunny (Circus Baby) https://bit.ly/2IhY06d Steele (Blank) https://bit.ly/358s78U HandfulJake (Red and Wilford) https://bit.ly/3eQlHyN Keldo52 (Blue) https://bit.ly/32nwHi4 Pluless (Yellow) https://bit.ly/3qfCcvt… Read More

  • Skeletanarchy RLCraft

    Skeletanarchy RLCraftWelcome to Skeletanarchy Minecraft! Which includes RLCraft on rl.skeletanarchy.com, Better Minecraft 1.18.2 [Forge] on bm.skeletanarchy.com, and Vanilla Minecraft on vanilla.skeletanarchy.com:25569. The servers are all Anarchy, there are no rules. The players do whatever they want, whether it’s creating communities, building amazing structures, or bands of griefers destroying everything, or literally anything rl.skeletanarchy.com Read More