Unicorn Survives 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

Hi friends welcome back to the channel or if you’re new here welcome it’s baby unicorn 184 and today we are jumping into a 100 day hardcore superf flat challenge we are diving head first into the scary world of Hardcore superf flat Minecraft where one wrong move could

Mean game over no respawns no Second Chances so grab your favorite snacks get cozy and let’s conquer this silly block game together will I make it to the nether build a cozy base kill the Ender Dragon only time will tell don’t forget to hit that like button subscribe if you

Haven’t already and let the challenge begin all right friends here we go Day Zero began with me sprinting as fast as I could to a nearby Village I checked in all of the Villager houses to see if there’s any chests to see if there’s any food I could grab anything

That could help me get started this first Village didn’t really have much in it for me so I quickly sprinted over to the second one to loot it as well I was so excited that the second village had a blacksmith because the blacksmiths are so important in super

Flat worlds they can give you obsidian and diamonds and really good armor so I was so excited to get two diamonds and some obsidian and boots and piece of bread and then decided to punch some wood on the floor as a way to get wood

Cuz at least I was safe inside of a house but then I was like why don’t I just go punch a tree so I hung out with a horse and punched my first tree after I got that wood I crafted my first crafting table and then made a few

Tools so that I could gather a little bit of cobblestone and some more resources after crafting some stone tools I helped this Iron Golem out with a few of the slimes before then taking on the iron golem to get myself a few iron ingots I then saw two more villagers

Close by so I decided to Sprint to the next closest one even though the sun was setting I just wanted to grab a few more resources before taking our first sleep the next day was technically day one and I decided just to pick a random Direction and start running and I ran

And ran and ran before before finally I saw another Village I managed to loot a fair bit of food from this Village which was really helpful and I was grateful for that I was hoping the leather worker would have a saddle I’m going to need a saddle to obviously get a horse and

Getting a horse is going to make traveling around a super flat world so much easier so I that’s definitely at the top of my priority list I couldn’t leave the village without killing the Iron Golem of course before moving on to the next Village and looting and killing the Iron Golem all over

Again I then had enough iron to make a chest plate so I did that before then Gathering a little bit more wood and having a little nap to sleep away the scary night day two started the same way as the day before with a bit of looting and

Iron golem murder which meant I could then craft some shiny silver leggings day three rolled around and and I killed another Iron Golem and then murdered a whole bunch of animals the early game of Minecraft really does consist of a lot of murder as I sprinted to the next Village

I could not believe my luck I found the stronghold already I was in shock finding a stronghold is vital to success in a super flat world so I set up shop by placing all of my items in a chest in a house days 4 through 7 I spent building

A really big fence around the village to keep all of the mobs out so that took a little while for me and I also started tearing down a few buildings in a neighboring Village to gather some extra wood and Cobble just as resources to have on

Hand on day eight I started a little farm to get some food going and then I also had to spawn prooof any slime trunks that were inside my fence by turning the dirt blocks into path blocks on Day N I finally went to a nearby

Village and got a horse there was a few to choose from so I installed a horse St mod to see which one was the fastest and then I rode it back to our village day 10 was super productive I started off by putting some beds down so the villagers could breed and then

Smelted up some wood to make charcoal for torches to light up our area around our village and then I also got lots of resources together so I could go up into the stronghold and bring around between the floating ruined parts of the stronghold I was glad that there was a

Fountain water source for me to climb up but I was so scared I was going to fall and hurt myself I know it’s safe to land in water but I’m not very experienced in hardcore and didn’t want to mess it up I was then even more nervous bridging

Around so high up in the sky I’ve never held shift down so hard in my life strongholds are important in super flat because they obviously have the end portal which we need but they also have easy access to loot that you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else as well as

Lots of books in the library and also some easy lava to get early game um in the stronghold room which we will need to make a nether portal I decided to sleep the night away at the end of day 10 so that no mobs could spawn and knock

Me down from all the way up here on day 11 I bridged over to the portal room and quickly destroy the spawner cuz I did not want to deal with the silverfish and then checked how many um eyes ofender were already in the portal and I was

Happy that there was already three in there I then put down a water source so we could get up and down to the portal room a lot quicker I then spent the rest of day 11:00 and part of day 12 getting the rest of the loot from the chest but

Besides some iron it was all pretty underwhelming I then went down our water source back to the Village once I was back home safe I put down some job blocks in like the Town Center so I could start doing some villager trading I woke up on day 13 and decided

It was time to build an iron farm so I dug a hole to be the Villager prison and put some beds in it and then I slab that bit off so the zombie can’t get to the Villages and then was starting to work on the top part before realizing I was

Doing it completely wrong and had to tear it all down day 14 I continued to work on the iron farm and then took away some of the village beds so that when Nightfall came they would go and sleep inside the village of breedo I spent day 15 putting the finishing touches on the

Iron farm and by the time Nightfall came I was ready to trap a zombie in its hole I then quickly slept the night away so all of the mobs would burn in the sunlight the next day I picked up some of the drops from the dead mobs and was

So excited to have bones for bone meal and then went back to the nearby Village to gather the more Cobble and wood day 17 I chopped a lot of trees to turn into sticks to trade with my Fletcher to then start leveling up my weapon Smith to unlock his iron trade

Days 18 and 19 I expanded my little veggie patch did a lot more villager trading for emeralds and then I realized I might need to fix my iron farm when I saw this happen the next day I decided to build a pond to use for fishing so I dug a hole

And filled it with water before realizing I didn’t have any string so up to the stronghold library I went Then I spent the rest of the day fishing before I got too afraid of the dark on the way back to bed I accidentally did this oh no oh no oh no run I started day 21 by breeding my cows and used my bow for the first time to kill a

Creeper after a little more fishing and a lot more villager trading I couldn’t see any cats nearby so I popped next door to tame my first cat they told us show I will name Rosie after my childhood cat I was hoping if I went to

Sleep with a cat that would give me a phantom membrane for potions of slow falling but this would prove harder than I thought day 22 was pretty uneventful just more chopping trees down for stick trades I did T another cat a ginger Tabby named chip and when I brought him

To bed he and they gifted me string the next day I leveled up my armor or some more and bought my first pair of diamond boot I then mured some Iron Golems as they were popping up absolutely everywhere I finished the day off by buying a pair of diamond leggings so I

Was feeling good day 24 and I was finally getting around to building a cobblestone generator but first I had to get a bucket of lava from the stronghold on my way back I decided to kill an Iron Golem but had a close call when I peel it up in the wrong spot

I decided to build the Cobble J near the iron farm so it would be in range and running while I mine Cobble as there is no stone to mine in super flat Cobble J like this one are so helpful once I get a silk touch pickaxe

I can also mine smooth Stone to trade with some uh Mason villagers as well which will really help me get some more emeralds days 25 and 26 I worked on getting some librarian Villages for some enchanted books Librarians are also the only way to get glass in super flat so I

Would need some for building and also glass bottles for enchanting I was also excited to have easy access to lanterns the next day mostly consisted of doing chores like breeding cows farming and grinding for even more emeralds I bought my first diamond pig as I was starting to get ready to go

Into The Nether and would need it for mining the obsidian day 28 I woke up and got started on my nether portal after realizing I had no idea how to do it the speedrun away I changed tactics and just turned the lava into obsidian in my pond and mined it with my diamond

Pick after I finished building the portal I had to use another bucket of lava and some wood planks to light the portal as I didn’t have a flint and steel I then went off to do more chores while I waited but got so distracted and completely forgot about the portal I

Even bought the last piece of diamond armor I needed the next morning I woke up to the sound of fire and ran over to my now lit portal after grabbing more food and Mining more Stone to take with me it was time to go through the portal and see

Which biome we had spawned in after loading into The Nether and realizing I was in the Soul Sand Valley I immediately began Panic placing blocks to protect myself and my portal because I’m a huge Baby W in the in the nether I decided to dig around in

Tunnels as much as possible to reduce my chances of death because I was so scared of falling in the lava I was making this bridge twoo wide but then ran out of Cobble so I had to run back home I woke up on day 30 and didn’t feel like going back into

The nether just yet so I started the day by mining at my Cobble gen I then went up to the end portal room for more obsidian so I could craft an enchanting table I decided to put the enchanting set up outside but realized I only had

One bookshelf so I had to chop some more wood to craft More that night I took a bed outside and made three cats come to bed with me because I still hadn’t gotten any Phantom membrane but when I woke up that only left me a rabbit Hide the rest of day 31 I spent adding an anvil and grindstone to my enchanting setup and then I had to level up a cleric to buy some lapis so I could do my first enchantment I was so stoked with how the bow turned out I am never this lucky

However I was kind of bummed I bought infinity books now though as I didn’t need them Day 32 I finally got around to looking in a farmer with a wheat and carrot trade after spending some time at my Cobble Jan I decided it was time to head back into the nether I felt Heap safer now that I had a good bow on me as well

I continued to Tunnel and Bridge around in what felt like an endless Soul Sand biome but could not see a fortress anywhere and it was making me stressed and grumpy so I headed home day 33 I was basically just wandering around and procrastinating in by farming trading with their Villages

And stabbing slimes for XP I decided to spend all of the next day and night just relaxing and fishing at my Pond I plan to not sleep for the next few nights to try to get Phantoms to spawn as I was confident no Hostile Mobs would spawn in my Village day 3 I leveled up my cleric crossing my fingers that he would sell me ender pearls and I was so excited when he

Did I then killed a few more slimes to get over level 30 so I can enchant my second pickaxe with silk touch after adding a stone cutter to the Villager training area I then spent the night at the stone gen but when I realized it was raining and the Hostile

Mobs wouldn’t despawn I panicked and went to bed to clear the weather Day 36 I leveled up off a mason so I could trade some stone for emeralds and gain access to building blocks other than Stone and Oak Wood I also bought the final ender pearls I would need for

The Eye of Ender in the end portal I ended the day by giving my pond a little makeover and making it a little wider and deeper in the middle as I hadn’t gotten any treasure loot yet and would love some enchanted books or fishing rods day 37 was pretty uneventful mostly

Just farming and trading with villagers with the odd Iron Golem murder sprinkled in the that night was my third night of no sleep so I spent the night at my stone genen and also fishing waiting for Phantoms to spawn as the sun came up the next morning I had the realization that

Phantoms wouldn’t spawn because I was below sea level so I would either have to peel it up to positive 64 or get one gifted to me from one of the cats I decided it was time to head back into The Nether and get blaze rods I stocked

Up on more steak and a whole bunch of Cobble after bridging across yet another Lava Lake I finally found a fortress and staircased up around one of the pillars to break Inside I put with the safety bars everywhere and used some torches to mark my entrance before slowly exploring the Fortress I killed off some wither skellies and got my first Blaze Rod by sniping a blaze I grabbed some Nether wart to take him as well find a blaze spawner so I had to

Wander around taking out blades that spawned in the Halls once I had seven blaze rods I decided that was enough and ran out of the Fortress as fast as I could I grabbed grabed a few more bone blocks on my way back to the portal and when I got home I realized it was day

40 I spent the rest of the night fishing and managed to get some good loot like an enchanted fishing rod with mending day 41 I went up into one of the stronghold libraries to break bookshelves down into books to help level up my Librarians to get their

Glass trade as the sun started to go down I went up into the stronghold and pillared up until I was above y level 64 then as I started building a little safety box Phantom started spawning and scared me to death looting on my sword came in really handy but I figured while

I was up here I may as well stay a while and collect a few more day 42 came around as I was getting down from my platform in the sky it was still raining so I jumped down and sprinted as fast as I could to safety I then brewed up my first slow

Falling potions making sure to upgrade them to the max 4 minutes day 43 I decided to build a bigger and better wall around my Village so would keep us safe and also look look prettier so I started the day off grinding for stone I then jumped onto the Minecraft circle

Generator website and did my best to figure out what size the wall should be I probably shouldn’t have YOLO the placement of the circle as you can see in the time lapse the placement is not ideal and I ended up having to tear down several buildings Also please ignore the fact that I messed up the circle multiple times and I think it still ended up wonky I tried my best and that’s all that Matters by the time time I finished the circle it was day 47 and I was tired the next day I spent tearing down some of the buildings and fences that were outside my wall later that night I move all my chests outside in preparation for knocking down the Villager house to

Build my own base it was then day 49 and I was still tearing down houses outside our brick wall this was taking longer than I’d hoped as the slimes kept trying to attack me and then also demolish the house I’d been staying in to make room for a new

CUA base I would eventually get around a building day 50 there was a thunderstorm early on in the day so I slept so my villagers wouldn’t turn into witches or my Village Catch Fire the next day I set up a new pen for my cows and had to lead them in with

Wheat from all over the village I totally forgot I could craft leads I then started some new crop farms and even added an extra composter to get a second farmer I also added a bunch of lanterns hanging from my tall trees so I could get rid of some of the torch spam

Plus I thought it looked pretty lastly that night I tried to make my stone genen look cuter but would come to regret this later day 52 I noticed the new roof of my stone genen was on fire so after removing all the wood I then traded with my Mason for some quartz

Blocks and replaced the roof with that I then also made a second stone cutter to see what interesting blocks we could get from a second Mason day 53 I made a paved Town Square area for the town Bell and I would eventually move the Villager

Job blocks over to this area I also had to color a few Iron Golems as they were getting in my way day 54 I finally started on my base I was really hoping I would have seen a Wandering Trader by now to have access to another wood type but I would

Have to work with what I’ve got I was inspired by a Basse tutorial I saw Here on YouTube but changed it to suit my style and the blocks I had to work With By the time I finished the exterior of my base it was day 57 so I spent all day decorating my interior and trying my best to organize my messy chests even if the organization wouldn’t last long I was really happy with how cute and cozy

The base was starting to feel day 58 I felt like a change of scenery so I got on my horse and rode off in a random Direction I looted any Villages I came by and also killed a few animals for extra meat as I went there wasn’t too

Much exciting loot but it was fun to get out and explore day 59 I found a spot that had four Villages really close together as I was looting them I found some more horses and using a horse stat mod I checked to see which was the

Fastest I was going to miss my old girl but with the horse being the only mode of Transport I needed speed I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the wandering traiter spawn in the background as I had waited so long to find one I was getting pretty overwhelmed

Trying to teame my new horse while dodging slimes and not letting the trader out of my sight once I got to the Traer I was so excited to see dark oak that I bought a sapling I then immediately remembered I needed four saplings to grow one tree

And panicked as I didn’t have enough emeralds with me I managed to find a few more emeralds before nightfall to buy a second sapling day 60 I was trying my hardest to get a few more emeralds by trading with a farmer but this was not

Going well as I had no bone meal and the crops were growing way too slowly and I managed to get one more sapling but was panicking the trader would despawn before I got the fourth the next day I put the trader in a boat to hopefully

Keep him from despawning while I rode to a nearby Village to try and find more emeralds I found this sick chest in a blacksmith but honestly would have been more happy to find emeralds of course none of the chests I looted had emeralds but I did eventually

Find a Fletching table so I grabbed that and rode back to the Village day 62 I was relieved to see the trader was still in the boat I got started on chopping any wood I could find to trade sticks with the new FL once I got my fourth sapling I also

Bought a few of the rest of the items I was especially excited for the pumpkins after saying goodbye to the wondering Trader and finding my horse that had wandered off I set off on a journey back to our base day 63 I grew my first dark oak

Tree and chopped it down for wood and cross my fingers I would get all four saplings back I also started a little pumpkin farm I decided to enchant my hoe to hopefully get Fortune to then ho the dark oak leaves for even more saplings I had to roll the enchant but got fortune

On my second dry using the hoe I got 19 saplings I was super happy with that I used some dark oak trap doors and my new blue orchids to make cute little planter boxes outside my house I then had the brilliant idea to run to my

Portal outside my walls in the dark and got attacked by so many mobs once I made it into the nether I grabbed some gravel to make coarse dirt to decorate my paths when I got back from the nether it was day 64 and I spent the day expanding my

Pumpkin farm and building a second Little Pond next to my base just for decoration and like Good Vibes I spent all of day 65 farming and leveling up my Farmers I thought it might be best to stock up on golden carrots for food during the ender dragon

Fight I did a little more decorating around my base then made a garden bed of sorts for our Nether wart so we could Farm it easier day 66 I moved all the Villager job blocks over to the Town Square so they could hang out near that

Bell I then decided to make a second little round garden bed and filled it with the poppies from the iron farm but what I was most excited for was moving the nether portal to inside our walls for some reason I decided to make nether brick fences to surround the portal and

It took like all day just cooking up the Nether Bricks so that night I dug up a bit of a crater replacing the dirt with Netherrack before building a new and even bigger portal and surrounding it in fence day 67 I lit the new portal hoping

It was close enough to link up with the old one it didn’t but I was playing it cool and pretending I didn’t care I then went searching for either a warped or Crimson Forest so I could silk touch some nyum to take home to decorate my portal I first found a Crimson Forest

And was so scared of the hoglands that I just grabbed the nyum and ran home as fast as I could I spent the rest of the night and some of the next morning putting the finishing touches on the portal area and was really happy with how it turned out

I love that the Crimson fungus trees can add more color as well as height to our area the rest of day 68 was filled with lots of little things like swapping out more torches for lanterns bone Milling the ground for grass and flowers farming crops and trading with

Villagers the next day I decided to build a little shelter for my horse as she had just been wandering around and I could never find her when I needed her I used campfires for a little sloped roof stacked some hay bales in the corner and even added a water trough

Next to it even though this is a small build I think it turned out really Cute Day 70 I was trading with my villagers when a wanding Trader spawned so I went to see what he had to offer I wasn’t super excited about jungle saplings but I bought some anyway he didn’t really have much else to offer so so I gave him a little whack and that

Made his llamas mad and one accidentally spat at an iron golem which was pretty Funny I then tamed the surviving llama and gave it a cute pink blanket I planted some jungle trees just for fun and actually got so excited when I realized I could get vines from Them days 7172 2 and 73 I spent trying to get beehives to spawn by growing oak trees that were surrounded by flowers but I was seriously having the worst luck I also had to color a few Iron Golems but then I was back to Bone meing

Trees over and over again day 74 and most of day 75 I forgot to press record and of course that was when I got the bees so here are my beehives and the flower garden I made for them that night I also started getting organized for the

Dragon fight and brewed up some strength potions the next day day I went slime hunting for some XP to try to get a better enchantment on my chest plate but ended up with only protection three so I rerolled it and got protection 4 an Unbreaking only to realize I’d messed up

And now had two protection 4 chest plates and had wasted my precious levels day 77 I continued working on getting better enchants and grinding for levels to try to be as powerful as possible for the dragon fight I was getting pretty sick of fighting stupid slimes and hearing their stupid Sounds by this

Point I also have no idea how my llama escaped day 78 I was still struggling to get enough levels to enchant everything I wanted so I did lots of villager trading and then decided to try and unwind with some fishing when I found an iron golem

Stuck in my pond which I thought was pretty funny day 79 I went to the Village nearby to bring the two sheep there back to our farming area and think it’s got a little dicey when I was trying to be cute with my sheep I then made the sheep and llama

Their own pens in the farming area I bred the Sheep to make a little baby dyed one pink and the other white so they looked cuter I also bred a baby llama but she was a bit shy with her mama day 80 I started the day adding a

White cat to my collection and remember there was a Jelly Cat nearby so I went to tame it also another wandering Trader spawned but I was pretty that he was still selling jungle saplings and not something cool like cherry trees I still bought a few red mushrooms anyway as well as the coral Blocks I then grew a giant red mushroom just for fun because it’s cute day 81 I did a fair bit of farming and added a third farmer hoping to get a pumpkin trade and luckily this guy did I then thought it would be funny to try this

Last stew he was selling and got poison and jump boost so that was fun I then was was totally not procrastinating instead of doing the dragon fight by starting a new large project like building a path and moat all the way around the circle but that was exactly what I was

Doing this project would take me way longer than I was expecting mostly because the slimes would get in my way and while they don’t do all that much damage they are just so annoying I was also not game to go outside my walls at night because of just how many hostile mobs spawn It ended up taking me 10 days to finish and on day 90 I finally filled in the last of the water that night I brewed up a few night vision potions to take on the dragon fight mostly for you my lovely viewers so please like And subscribe to my

Channel as it would really help me out so so much the next day I decided to procrastinate further by trying to get the last of the two farm animals for my collection so I rode back to the Village by spawn where I remembered seeing chickens and tried to collect some eggs

To bring back to our base I put the chickens safely in a pen and bred them before sleeping away the night day 92 I was just hanging out waiting for them to lay eggs but it ended up taking too long so I rode home with only six eggs as I didn’t want to

Waste too many days this close to the dragon fight I did not get a single chicken from the eggs I spent the rest of the day finally getting ready for the dragon fight I organized my inventry made sure I had everything I needed and I was probably

Being over cautious with so many items and Potions but I’d never attempted to fight the dragon in hardcore so I wanted to be Prepared day 93 I fin finally set off for the stronghold only to immediately turn around as i’ had forgotten a carved pumpkin so I quickly made one and then headed off once again I was so nervous to fight the dragon in hardcore but I was trying to be brave I made sure I had my carved pumpkin on and took my potions before running out to take her on I was stoked to get the first Crystal with my first shot but let’s just say

The rest didn’t go that smoothly the first bit of damage I took scared me so I ate one of the golden apples I brought the last Crystal was on the tallest pillar and I was having so much trouble getting it I tried pillaring up twice to try to get

A better angle and eventually got It I I took my time and did my best to avoid taking damage and eventually was able to wear her down and deal the final blows I was so excited that I survived the fight I grabbed my egg as the trophy and headed back through the

Portal I had to take an extra minute to show off the egg because I was so excited to be home safe I decided I wanted a little egg Monument near our house so I tore down the enchanting setup and moved it to a free space near the Nether

Portal Day 94 rolled around and I wanted to make sure our village was as pretty as possible before our 100 days were up so I bone maed a lot of the ground to get more grass and flowers I also swapped out more torches for lanterns to help with the Cozy

Feel I then made a little Mossy pillar to use as the dragon egg monument and added some candles to complete the build day 95 I grabbed all the seeds I could from my farm and rode back to the village that had the chickens a breath chickens up one more time using the

Seeds I had to turn the baby chicks into big girls there was so many slimes here and they were so annoying I slept away the night so no baddies would spawn the next day I bred the chickens up again and was killing slimes killing time when

I grabbed a few more eggs then realized I had over a stack of 16 and was about to leave when they laid a few more when I got home I threw all 22 eggs and only got three chicks but that was all I needed that only left me with the pigs

To get so I rode my horse to a nearby village where I knew there were some I probably just shouldn’t have killed the two I had in the first place day 97 I put the pigs on my horse on leads and ran back to my base as quickly as I

Could dodging the slimes I made the pigs their own little pen between the sheep and llamas I then did a bit of farming and made a juke box just to flex day 98 I continued making my Village look as cute as I could adding more grass and flowers I spent a bit of

Time removing the paths outside the walls before giving up because there was too many slimes that night because I had so many slime balls I decided to do something random and I basically made a trampoline so here is me jumping on that it was then day 99 and I spent some

Time with my villagers making sure all their trades were unlocked after I said goodbye to the villagers I visited all my cats one last time and then took a swim in my Pond I then reminisced in front of our egg monument and said goodbye to my horse I spent the rest of the night relaxing by fishing at my pond and then as the sun started to come up on day 100 I went to the top of my tower and

Watched the sun rise over all I had achieved in this 100 day hardcore challenge If you’ve made it to the end of this video I just want to thank you all so so so much for watching and thank you all for your support and please if you have a second like the video leave a comment and let me know what you thought of this it took

A long time to put together so I’d really love to hear your feedback thank you so so so much and I’ll see you all next time Bye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Superflat Minecraft’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2023-11-30 17:00:46. It has garnered 1184 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:30 or 2430 seconds.

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I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Superflat Minecraft

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    Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined Minecraft: A Return to Fear and Excitement Embark on a thrilling journey back to the world of Minecraft, where everything is scary again! In this exciting gameplay experience, players are thrown into a world filled with danger and excitement at every turn. Let’s dive into the heart-pounding action and explore the spine-chilling features that make this Minecraft adventure truly unforgettable. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft As players delve into the game, they will encounter a heightened sense of fear and suspense that keeps them on the edge of their seats. From eerie mobs lurking in the shadows to treacherous terrains… Read More

  • NOOB vs PRO Building Battle Trolled with ILLEGAL Mod! – Minecraft

    NOOB vs PRO Building Battle Trolled with ILLEGAL Mod! - Minecraft Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO Building Battle with ILLEGAL Mod! Are you ready for an epic showdown between a NOOB and a PRO in Minecraft? Get ready for some intense building battles, hilarious moments, and unexpected twists with the ILLEGAL Mod! Meet the Players: Adem’s Channel: Watch the NOOB in action at Adem’s Channel Ahmet’s Channel: Witness the PRO’s skills at Ahmet’s Channel Don’t Miss Out! If you don’t want to miss out on the thrilling Minecraft entertainment, make sure to turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss a new video. Subscribe and Connect: 🟥 Subscribe for Free: Join… Read More

  • Mining Success: Minecraft Skittles’ Low End World

    Mining Success: Minecraft Skittles' Low End World In Skittles’ Low End World, mining success is the goal, With mods galore, the adventure takes its toll. Crafting tools and armor, iron in hand, Facing mobs and challenges, making a stand. Coal and iron, the treasures we seek, In caves and tunnels, so dark and bleak. But with luck on our side, we find what we need, Tools and armor, a warrior indeed. From spawn to caves, the journey unfolds, With each step taken, our story molds. Facing challenges, with courage and might, In Skittles’ Low End World, we shine bright. So let’s keep mining, exploring the land,… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s New?

    Minecraft 1.21 Update: What's New? The Exciting Features of the 1.21 Minecraft Update As the 1.21 Minecraft Update draws near, players are buzzing with excitement over the new features and additions that are set to arrive. The first Pre-Release of the update has already been released, giving players a taste of what’s to come in the Tricky Trials Update. New Biomes and Environments One of the most anticipated aspects of the 1.21 update is the introduction of new biomes and environments. Players can look forward to exploring lush forests, mysterious caves, and even underwater realms filled with unique creatures and resources. The addition of… Read More

  • Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots

    Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots: Flying with Chickens Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to new heights? Join the Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots (CTS) and get ready for some exciting new features! Developed by Jeb, these snapshots are a fork of 1.16 and offer a unique gameplay experience that you won’t want to miss. How to Join CTS If you’re ready to dive into the world of CTS, follow these simple steps: Check out this tutorial on how to download CTS: Download CTS Tutorial Learn how to join CTS from version 1.20.1: Join CTS Tutorial Join the Nexia… Read More

  • Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing

    Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Industrial Foregoing and More! Exploring the world of Minecraft with a selection of mods from version 1.20.1 can be an exciting and challenging experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, the possibilities are endless. Join in on the fun as our player delves into the realm of Industrial Foregoing and beyond! Mastering Industrial Foregoing Industrial Foregoing is a mod that introduces advanced machinery and automation to the game. While the learning curve may be steep, the rewards are well worth the effort. Our player may still be struggling at times, but each setback is… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_Gamer

    Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Survival Series Part #1 @Combo_Gamer’, was uploaded by Combo_Gamer on 2024-04-20 03:25:00. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. Survival series Part #3 MINECRAFT Survival Series minecraft survival series minecraft survival series 1.20 minecraft survival series first episode minecraft survival series cookie god minecraft survival series ldshadowlady minecraft survival series pe minecraft survival series multiplayer minecraft survival series bedrock edition minecraft survival series thumbnail minecraft survival series duo minecraft survival series best house minecraft survival balkan minecraft survival series best seed minecraft survival… Read More

  • Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!

    Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager civilization survive from zombie apocalypse #minecraft#shorts#minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ZombieMattyClips-Minecraft & Roblox on 2024-01-10 09:08:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe to Zombie Family:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-NZUADhEnrOGvMSmms4-0Q Subscribe to Zombie Matty: … Read More

  • Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱

    Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Chaos On The CBSMP’, was uploaded by Cryospace on 2024-03-11 19:00:23. It has garnered 3519 views and 132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • “Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!” 🦆💙😱

    "Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!" 🦆💙😱Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #2024 #подпишись 🦆💙😑’, was uploaded by утка@24 on 2024-05-23 04:37:41. It has garnered 340 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 – The Wither Storm ep 10: The End… or is it? 🤯

    Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 - The Wither Storm ep 10: The End... or is it? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The wither storm ep 10 The End Or is it….? Part 1’, was uploaded by TheMinecraftStoryModeEditor🔥🅥 on 2024-03-24 21:37:37. It has garnered 45 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:41 or 221 seconds. welcome everyone today your on the minecraftstorymodeedtiorchannel a channel that does minecraft gaming and editing and fun stuff like modding minecraft and playing every minecraft game and minecraft story mode and etc anyway’s hope you have fun on the channel see ya my friends and enjoy your time here #virtualreality #vr #augmentedreality #d #gaming #oculus #oculusquest #ar #technology #vrgaming… Read More

  • Camdeeno’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!

    Camdeeno's HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!Video Information This video, titled ‘The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…’, was uploaded by Camdeeno on 2024-06-01 14:16:37. It has garnered 151413 views and 2952 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:29 or 989 seconds. The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… Today, I present to you, The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… This video is similar to my other videos on fake speedrunning, like “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” “The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns…” The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns…” and finally, “Hilarious FAKE Minecraft 1.19 Speedruns…” This video contains some… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!

    Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!Video Information This video, titled ‘Reviewing Every FREE Mod For Minecraft Xbox / PS5’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-02-23 17:07:31. It has garnered 367859 views and 5962 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:30 or 2010 seconds. I downloaded every FREE Mod that Minecraft currently has Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:32 – Add-On 1: Spark Pets 6:24 – Add-On 2: Hiker’s Friend 12:42 – Add-On 3: Dragonfire Lite 17:56 – Add-On 4: More TNT! 25:29 – Add-On 5: Gravestone 28:03 – Add-On 6: All The Wool 28:37 – Add-On 7: Another Furniture 33:05 – Outro If you liked… Read More

  • VitalCraft Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 +20 whitelisted Survival Towny Economy Mature No-Reset

    VitalCraft VitalCraft Server Information VitalCraft is a +20 Minecraft community server with extensive towny/economy plugins that enhance gameplay. Launched on May 10th, 2024, we focus on a SMP style with unique jobs, roles, and more for a real society experience. Community events are organized on our Discord server, everyone can contribute! To join, whitelist and apply on Discord: Join Discord and go to #Town-and-Nations channel. Server Address: – 1.20.4 Java edition. TL;DR – What we’re About: Mature community of adults, accepting anyone +20 Constantly introducing new ideas, goals, and events Super friendly environment Brand new gameplay Features: Dynmap Discord… Read More

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

    Emerald Hunt: Day 1 - Digging for Treasure In Minecraft, we dig for emeralds, a quest so bold, With iron pickaxes and torches, we’re ready to unfold. We’ll dig and dig until we find that precious green, In this blocky world, a treasure to be seen. Join me on this journey, as we mine and explore, In this pixelated land, where adventures galore. Like and subscribe, support the cause, As we delve into caves, and break all the laws. I’m Ali, the cave dweller, shooting videos for fun, In this pink-walled room, where the day is done. Let’s walk together on this YouTube road, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet!

    Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet! When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that you start seeing creepers in real life and trying to mine diamonds with your toothbrush. #SigmaBrainrot #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank

    Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a unique sandbox experience where they can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft has something for everyone. Building Masterpieces In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, the possibilities are endless. With a wide array of blocks and materials to choose from, players can let their creativity run wild and create stunning masterpieces. Exploring the World… Read More

  • 100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin

    100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin The Haunting Adventure in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a spine-chilling journey as you join a brave Minecraft player surviving 100 days in the scariest cabin in the woods in Minecraft Hardcore mode. This thrilling adventure will test your survival skills as you face terrifying monsters and uncover the mysteries lurking in the haunted forest. Surviving the Unknown Our protagonist, accompanied by a friend, finds themselves in a cabin deep within the haunted woods, where they are not alone. The Evolved Cave Dweller and The Silence are just some of the monsters that will haunt them every night. As they… Read More

  • 🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥

    🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by TeeVee on 2024-04-24 11:00:39. It has garnered 31487 views and 982 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:53 or 2753 seconds. Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft! TeeVee slowly becomes the Zoo Keeper from Zoonomaly and needs to find a cure before its too late! 📺 The video is inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash, Nico, Ethobot and Slime Block! TeeVee is a channel rated E for Everyone, making funny Minecraft content such as Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft animations and more!… Read More

  • Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in Minecraft

    Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Collab】Minecraft【PRISM Project】’, was uploaded by Meno Ibuki / 伊吹めの [PRISM Project] on 2024-03-08 06:39:03. It has garnered 779 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:16 or 12016 seconds. I’m IbukiMeno! Nice to meet nyo~! 🐉 Welcome to my stream! would you like to be one of my precious collections? https://schedule.prismproject.jp Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/menoibuki/tip Please follow these rules to ensure a safe and fun stream: 1. Be nice to other viewers. Do not spam, troll or argue with each other.🐉 2. Do not engage with spammers or trolls. Please block and report… Read More

  • “Dronio’s Minecraft World – EPIC Surprise Await!” #drone #minecraft #surprise

    "Dronio's Minecraft World - EPIC Surprise Await!" #drone #minecraft #surpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Канал A4 в Minecraft – блестит улыбками и радостью. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 15:15:02. It has garnered 851 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Adventure with Dylan&James!

    Insane Minecraft Server Adventure with Dylan&James!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring My Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by Dylan&James on 2024-03-19 22:04:25. It has garnered 475 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Read More


    SECRET FIRETANGLE ALEXA MINI GAMES in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mini Games Minecraft murderer mystery Bed wars’, was uploaded by Firetangle Alexa on 2024-04-26 18:00:16. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Read More

  • Fufiworld’s Ultimate Skyblock Adventure!

    Fufiworld's Ultimate Skyblock Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Trial and Error” | SkyEggSaurs: Create Skies Above #3 | Minecraft Modded Skyblock’, was uploaded by Fufiworld on 2024-03-15 17:18:11. It has garnered 108 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:13 or 6313 seconds. Ello! We bring you our newest series called SkyEggSaurs: Create Skies Above. This is a Minecraft modded Skyblock using the Modpack called “Create Skies Above”. Hope you enjoy the video/stream! Consider becoming an EGG by Subscribing and being part of the Scrambles Community! We’re just a VTuber Couple gaming for entertainment and laughs! Like and Subscribe for… Read More

  • “Minecraft Survival Live Stream with EPIC Builds” #minecraftlive

    "Minecraft Survival Live Stream with EPIC Builds" #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival || Live Stream 🔨 #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by MrNexxt on 2024-05-15 07:40:00. It has garnered 46 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:44 or 9824 seconds. Minecraft Survival || Live Stream 🔨 #minecraft #gaminglive #chillstream #relaxinggaming #adventure #livestream #gamerlife #virtualescape #communitygaming #onlinegaming Description: 🎮 Welcome to our gaming universe, where the action never stops and the excitement is contagious! 🚀 Join us for an unforgettable gaming experience as we dive into the virtual realm and conquer epic quests LIVE on YouTube! 🔥 Live Stream Highlights: 🕹️ Engaging Gameplay:… Read More

  • Insane CubeCraft Strategy: How to Make BANK!

    Insane CubeCraft Strategy: How to Make BANK!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cubecraft Live Until MONEY’, was uploaded by Cubes on 2024-04-06 23:47:47. It has garnered 365 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:01 or 8821 seconds. Playing Cubecraft Live with Viewers and BEDWARS on Minecraft Bedrock with NEW MAPS. I FINALLY Reached VIP Level 30. Including Eggwars, Skywars, Bridges, Capture the Flag, Minerware, BEDWARS etc… with viewers. This challenge is difficult because of all the combos and clutches and learning to DRAG CLICK! MY LAST STEAM UNTIL IM MONETIZED (hopefully) Watch my terrible speedrun skills for FREE! Can we hit 2000 Subscribers… Read More

  • Watch Steph Noko’s AI Destroy PC in Realistic Minecraft!

    Watch Steph Noko's AI Destroy PC in Realistic Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Destroy your PC with Minecraft! Steph AI reacts to Realistic Difficulty Minecraft’, was uploaded by Steph Noko AI on 2024-01-12 01:30:09. It has garnered 25 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. This “mod” makes your Minecraft like real life (probably blender animation)! Watch your woodcutting dreams come to life! Complete with tiny explosives to seal the deal… ~Credits~ Original Video by Alexa Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UxMSSQoV-8 Music by Toby Fox, extended by Elu Tran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcamjcoRmrQ Art by Deva or @pawtoonstudio https://www.fiverr.com/pawtoonstudio Read More

  • Just Bucket! SMP, McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments, SkyBlock

    Introducing JustBucket Minecraft Server: Where Community and Quality Meet! Are you tired of searching for the perfect Minecraft server? Look no further! A Home for Every Player: Join our active and friendly community at JustBucket. All players are welcome! Endless Possibilities: Rise through the ranks and find your place as a builder, redstone expert, or entrepreneur. Unparalleled Gameplay: Experience seamless gameplay on our lag-free server. Choose between survival or Skyblock. Economy and Beyond: Trade, set up shops, and earn in-game currency to enhance your gameplay experience. Constant Evolution: Stay engaged with new features and exciting events on JustBucket Minecraft Server…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The ultimate Minecraft companion!

    Minecraft Memes - The ultimate Minecraft companion!“The best Minecraft pet? Clearly, it’s the diamond pickaxe. It never runs away and is always there when you need it.” Read More

  • Crafty AMA: Architect Player’s Minecraft Mastery

    Crafty AMA: Architect Player's Minecraft Mastery Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft scene, Where creativity reigns, and dreams take wing. In this AMA, we helped an architect player, Crafting builds so grand, they’ll make you say “wow” later. From towering castles to intricate homes, We worked together, no need to roam. With blocks and tools, we shaped and we built, Creating a world where imagination is gilt. So join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore Minecraft, day and night. Subscribe to my channel, for more fun and more play, And together, we’ll make each and every day. Thank you for watching, for… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava bath in the Nether!

    Hotter than a lava bath in the Nether! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraftrelationshipproblems #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers

    Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a domain creator in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original and humorous Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter among audiences. Unique Content Offerings With a focus on creating original and entertaining content, 方块轩’s channel stands out as the sole official channel associated with the creator. Any videos related to 方块轩 on other channels are unauthorized reproductions and lack the creator’s endorsement. Viewers can… Read More

  • Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide

    Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide Minecraft Tipped Arrows: A Powerful Battle Tool Are you ready to take your Minecraft battles to the next level? Tipped arrows are a game-changer when it comes to combat, offering a variety of effects that can give you the upper hand against your enemies. In this quick guide, you’ll learn how to craft these powerful arrows and unleash their full potential in the game. Ingredients Needed To create tipped arrows in Minecraft, you’ll need the following ingredients: Arrow: The base ammunition for your tipped arrows. Potion: A potion of your choice to add the desired effect to your arrows…. Read More

  • Ultimate Power! Alchemist Crafts Crystal Balls in Minecraft D&D Day 26!

    Ultimate Power! Alchemist Crafts Crystal Balls in Minecraft D&D Day 26!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fade Streams: D&D Minecraft Origins Day 26! Crystal Balls & Mystical Flowers!’, was uploaded by Rogue Alchemist on 2024-02-23 16:00:41. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:15 or 6375 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/fade_alchemist Sassyrogue- https://www.twitch.tv/sassyrogue483 Bewitchment Reforged is a 1.19.2 modded SMP Featuring The Create Mod, 214 Origins, Botania and Bewitchment! I, Fade_Achemist (link above), and my Wife Sassyrogue, Stream this Weekends and Mondays! Come join our adventure! The story so far: The previous world, having been subjected to a realm-breaking… Read More

  • Ultimate Shulker Box Hack for Minecraft #shorts

    Ultimate Shulker Box Hack for Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Shulker Box Hack #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trendingshorts’, was uploaded by CMG GAMERZ on 2024-01-11 23:58:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Shulker Box Hack Tags minecraft,minecraft hacks,minecraft shulker box,minecraft shulker,minecraft duplication glitch … Read More