Unleash Chaos in Minecraft with Every Mod!

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and we’re live actually this time I just went live on listed on accident cuz I’m an idiot let me pull up chat now that I actually can because it’s it’s public there we go so I’m playing modded Minecraft with all of the mods 9 and my experience with modded Minecraft is very very small so there’s a great chance that I will be very confused this entire time and not get very far but I’m excited I’m excited to see what all the mods have to offer I played for like 2 minutes and I’m like oh yeah I want to stream this I collected a peach from a tree and I found some like Sky Blocks something something called like Sky stone or something and then I that’s all I did but welcome to the chat everybody we got two trumps in the chat this time but what’s good peeps Vince in the chat Elon Beast Skull Kid I am reading chat yes I’m the rler I doubt that all right single player let’s go I’m ready lots of loading in Java Edition it’s good that I played for a couple minutes before I streamed because I had to change a lot of settings and the settings menus are all different with the mods so I had to like comb through them and try to like refind where everything was it was a nightmare world name [Music] H it really doesn’t matter okay uh seed I’m going to do what I used to do back in the day I’m going to make the seed my sub count I used to do that all the time whenever i’ to play hardcore all right I just refreshed so this is accurate 85 023 all right let’s get into it my friend pulls me friend pulls little girls interesting what’s up black and yellow welcome to the chat we’re playing modded Minecraft for the first time I’ve played modded like very sparingly throughout the years but it’s been years and uh it’s never been more like I I’ve never played a mod pack I’ve always just created my own mod packs so I can like see what every mod does so I’m sure there’s going to be a ton of mods that I’ve just never seen before like I saw it was installing biomes so plenty I’ve played with that before I’m pretty sure everyone has that literally is my sub count and it’s going to be the best seed ever because of that it’s going to be a fire ass seed a fire ass seed just watch I’m not going to spawn freezing to death in a in a cold biome I know that’s a mod is that in this pack I don’t know maybe 8 4K Bots and you it’s true true all my all my Subs are Bots actually what you want ranga don’t spam this does take forever we’re still waiting to get into the world oh where’s chat at chat’s Hidden hang on why is it not displaying on the stream we have 16 viewers by by the way that’s incredible welcome everybody it’s frozen I can’t leave this tab I’m stuck here there we go Pock has reached the goal Easter oh I love this biome it’s so cute okay hang on let me let me let me um the chat box should be working actually I don’t know why it’s not oh there it is I’ll just load it at once okay anyway new tree what is this that looks fancy as hell what what the hell is this that’s the fanciest log I’ve ever seen it says FL what the [ __ ] oh no flashing archwood okay hopefully that lag isn’t consistent ranga yeah I I already said don’t spam chat don’t spam my damn chat I read it all you got to do is say hey pocket once I already said what did I already asked what you wanted too I saw I saw it the first time you said that I’m like what’s up you never said anything or I didn’t see it which is entirely possible I like this wood by the way I like this color quite a lot it looks like uh Crimson wood from like terrara but with a super fancy log like holy [ __ ] is this log fancy as hell it’s like flexing it’s just it’s so it’s so drippy gold chains I’m just I’m just talking words get a bunch of this wood though make my first house with it not the logs cuz I don’t think the logs would be excellent for building unless you’re making like walls out of it like a fancy Palace or something that would be cool but um I’m not doing that I just want to build a house oh I see they have the mod where it shows saturation that’s nice that should be in vanilla also these leaves are also very nice I like I like the yellow leaves it’s fancy how getting Bann I don’t know what you mean block vent so you can spam not blocking vents the Pug mask green screen kids are coming I think they gave up already oh what’s this what 700 blocks that way is nothing why would you put a sign sign up and not specify what it’s pointing at okay can lanterns do that in vanilla no way that that’s that’s a vanilla thing I I did not know that if it is but if it’s not it’s a very strange thing to mod in you you see where I’m coming from let’s go ahead and get a get a pickaxe I’m going I’m happy with this we got enough wood let’s get these last three last four okay I want this and then we’re going to travel 500 blocks this way and see what we find we got onion seeds as well and industrial hemp seeds o I like these this is what I’m excited for like a new sense of Discovery in Minecraft I know Minecraft like the back of my [ __ ] hand like inside and out a golden egg party meal ingredients to cook there’s cooking that’s cool I’m excited I’m really excited what’s happening I’m new to the stream we just we just started we’re playing modded Minecraft I barely know what’s going to be in this I have no idea what to expect we’re we’re exploring together basically oh I need to change a control real quick where is F5 bam damn okay what is this biome what is this um grass land or yeah grass land I like the different shades of grass it looks it looks nice it’s hard to see though it gets tall as [ __ ] look at that it’s like five blocks tall lot of coar dirt too I see a birch Forest I want to find structures I want to explore I want to come across ooh a red tree new wood type let’s see let’s get some Stone actually while we’re right here cuz we’re going to need that inevitably right oh God who who is wait who was spamming if you deleted message it won’t let me ah ah what the [ __ ] what even was that oh what are you I was just going to the red sh leave me alone a lot of damage oh [ __ ] they’re still out there oh some spawning zombies ooh a thing let’s go there [ __ ] I want some coal and [ __ ] too while I was here at least enough for some torches [ __ ] nope oh it killed me immediately great oh it tells you where you died that’s cool oh and there’s grave mod I think yeah new Grave okay oh oh oh nice nice nice I like that I like that wait I can fly for 2 minutes 150 okay I like that that’s awesome it’s like I just respawned and I get like a little buff I read chat I’m trying to read chat more and the first time I actually go to read chat I get attacked by a demon skeleton wait how do I lose the I lost my buff how’d that happen it said 2 minutes what is this reward I placed it and nothing happened grave dust is that what I got what is this oh my [ __ ] back I had a bunch of wood is he still here oh it’s spawning zombies oh [ __ ] just go just go just go just go just go we can get our [ __ ] we get our [ __ ] yeah we got it we got it go go go go just get out of here [ __ ] the red tree don’t don’t lag on me please oh blue trees oh a bunch of a bunch of new blocks what is this I like this a lot I like that block a lot I want a lot of that this looks sick what is this veridium [ __ ] leave me alone I want to going farther away from Spawn too when does it stop chasing me yo thank you black and yellow Productions holy [ __ ] I got to oh my God it’s still shooting at me thank you though $2 sub I like Pockets videos thank you absolute goat okay I like I like this a lot this is pretty I kind of want to keep running though I’m scared I can still see me with how far away he was shooting me from let’s get the meat let’s just’s keep running for a little bit what is this Sea Oats spawns on the beach I guess what is this this looks like the same oh no it’s not the same shade of wood that is much lighter I don’t like this very much oh no I like it a lot actually I quite like that there’s so much to explore I’m so oh what is that what is that it’s a little flying a a whir a whir of spring I love these guys can I tame these I want to tame one they’re so cute what is that it’s a water penis can I make a what is this jackar boat oh he’s still here what the [ __ ] bro we rip my crafting table what is that is that an underwater dungeon or something it it’s made of a different liquid oil that’s threatening I thought it was obsidian all right let’s just let’s just go across the ocean [ __ ] that SC skeleton guy piece of [ __ ] what is the X I already I already got my gravestone I get rid of that oh I have a mini map I’m just noticing that how did I not notice the giant mini map another Oil Spring big tree biome let’s go there that’s just the big Spruce biome now I want to find new biomes what is that oh that’s more Sea Oats I think what mod pack am I playing this is all the mods nine and like I’ve said my experience with mods are very uh very limited so I I don’t know what that skeleton guy was doing that was annoying hopefully he’s not still beining at me after me he’s like the the [ __ ] snail he’s always chasing me what is happening to the water get out of my way what is this new ore I keep saying this is Cobblestone this zinc what can I use zinc for let’s make let make a stone pickaxe yeah kind make a zinc pickaxe do I have to smell this raw zinc yes I do let’s collect some of it bro people are getting timed out today we made an ALT what is he saying nonsense yeah just nonsense oh I make tools with think for now we need to get shelter and probably mine so let’s let’s for looks for a cave this isn’t a real cave this is a fake cave a stupid fake cave this however is not a real cave also they’re all fake caves I don’t like this I’ve already been attacked by [ __ ] skeleton men let’s just go over here back to the zinc a little hole in the wall we got some coal for some torches oh we have a lantern actually we just place that down and maybe make zinc tools I don’t know I have a mod like too many items I don’t know if it’s still called that or not this where like I can check recipes here right yeah but I can also right click and see what everything is used in so like if I go to zinc I can go to the zinc bar and then right click and it tells me everything that I can do which doesn’t seem to be any tools repair kits zinc block zinc gear what is this okay doesn’t see doesn’t seem like I can make tools with it give me that put the lantern down whoa wait you hold the that’s cool I appreciate that let’s make a let’s make a door out of this new this new wood that’s awesome I like that a lot that looks really cool for like a cave door ooh let’s go ahead and start smelting the zinc let’s get some cobblestone normal Minecraft stuff it’s not a new I thought that was something new it’s not oh what can I do with this how do I is it like R it is R wow copper Essence and stone Essence great yep I I know how to do that understood zinc see we can do zinc and then uh I don’t want to go too far cuz I haven’t set spawn yet left S gear material left control what the [ __ ] what does all that mean why are there so many words remember me how could I forget you enzone purge you made videos about me [Music] too you went back and watched all my [ __ ] videos smells like you farted that’s mean [Music] Master chees we are playing modded Minecraft and I don’t know what’s going on what is this a zinc be I want a zinc B oh I need a sweet bee and an iron bee of course how could I forget the the essence of a of a zinc bee got to figure out how to get a zinc B why am I using this I have a stone pick so wait can I not make can I make a zinc pick nope what was that something splished I don’t want to stay here okay smelt this and then we’re going to go look for a cave or something is cullin getting an upload schedule I highly doubt it I know he’s got a banger video coming out soon I’ve already seen it I see all of his videos early CU we’re just chill like that like he we we we both see each other’s [ __ ] early all the time I’ve seen his next video and it’s fire wait no keep smelting keep smelting uh keep going I keep crafting more planks like I don’t have any just finish yes okay take this take this take that eat who I have a two Easter eggs can I eat these I can Epic all right take the door with me even though I have two others and let’s go hopefully we don’t get jumped by a [ __ ] something I don’t even know something malicious I know it’s out there waiting for me like that skeleton who’s still crossing the ocean waiting for his chance to strike that’s a cute flower I want that one my G froze I’m looking at the mini map now and I see a lot of red and I don’t like it just keep going what’s all the the other ones is that like animals the white the white blips I was hoping to find more structures I’m not really seeing any another ocean thank God I took my boat oh my God my game is not running stop o That’s peaches I’ll take it I’ll take food yeah [ __ ] off thought he was a little bit farther away than that [ __ ] yeah now you’re stuck in the water what is that that’s chisel stone brick Oh there’s try zombies here uh this is no [ __ ] you there’s like multiple of them I think it’s just vanilla anyway I don’t care about vanilla [ __ ] I want modded [ __ ] look at how many mobs are on the mini map right there holy [ __ ] was a ton of those my game is completely Frozen it’s running decent but then it gets like huge lag spikes let’s just keep on swimming I would like day daylight to come now preferably lots of zinc ooh a house ooh wait stop freezing I just heard a noise I didn’t like it this isn’t coal this is what is this dark gem I think it was called evil Stone welcome’s the evil craft okay that’s not very on the nose there it is there it is go to it go to it go to it where’s the door no no not not now yes okay hopefully there’s no evil wizard in here what is this chipped Gem of the com of the com combatant competant I can read flawed solar gem this is Magic [ __ ] cracked lightning gem there is an evil wizard here no bed I wanted a bed God damn it I don’t care about any of those evil gems of the night or whatever I don’t even know how to do basic [ __ ] yet a red tree oh that’s a pretty Leaf hang on give me a second okay get bitched what what did you just give me infernium essence miniature Red Heart does this like heal me that’s that’s kind of cool I love that leaf a lot oh [ __ ] they drop a bunch of [ __ ] dark gem oh this is just Oak I want Oak hang on okay anyway oh he’s back he’s back oh more of this green stuff that I want I want this [ __ ] leave me alone let me get my green rock he’s right there he’s right there he’s right there he’s right there he’s right there he does so much damage ah he’s still shooting at me I told you he was still coming at me look he spawns a bunch of dudes I hate him he’s got to drop something cool though right he’s still shooting at me what is this what is this what is this box site mine it okay I’m safe in my little hole stop freezing I need to get some kind of performance enhancer okay I want all this mystery ore immersive engineering that’s the mod it’s from I wonder what this model what this material will be useful in all right we got out the box site coal I’m not minding the rest of the Boog site I have a strong feeling it’s not even going to be useful can I like yeah there’s a map can I get rid of that X where’s the X I don’t even see it want to get rid of it is it a zombie a world of spring oh hi I love those guys oh another Easter egg okay here we go here we go what’s with the [ __ ] Easter eggs [ __ ] is is that zinc that’s zinc why is it in deep slay we’re so high up why I have so many Easter eggs eat them get them out of my inventory get out of here here I only have three coal iron yes I need armor bro every time I look down a chat there’s a bunch of timed out messages filthy spammers finally some good coal what is that oh evil Stone more dark gem what can I do with this R I can make a dark block okay wait what is the dark oh [ __ ] Are reload shaders apparently uh wait what what can I do with this is this all that dark gems are good for is making a block that’s kind of silly all right good coal more iron what is this Shale interesting my pickaxe is about to break so go let’s go ahead and uh let’s go and get an iron pick and also throw away [ __ ] that we don’t need like this flour even though I liked it lemon I can eat that probably a full bow I don’t even know how I got that we’ll get rid of the seeds for now the flowers except for these I like these combine an inventory what what the [ __ ] whatever there’s so much [ __ ] to that I have to learn there we go might as well let of finish make some more some more torches over here I should probably make a sword those usually come in handy okay that’s a door I’m dumb that’s a big old hole what the [ __ ] is that the skeleton guy again God [ __ ] damn it I hate this game this is pretty there’s so much there’s so much that I want to collect big pie my inventory is only so big what is this 10 this comes in all the yours what is that thorium this is a different mod pack I want to find an ore that gives me like new armor and [ __ ] there’s a lot of this stuff so it must not be very good also [ __ ] that scared me no way Oh I thought that was wait is it it is that’s cool I don’t know there was a mod for that it’s like the Bedrock bridging anyway thorium collected why is there a jukebox playing you hear that there’s a jukebox playing it stopped I was going to follow it what is this zinc [ __ ] that bastard still over here dumb asses let’s go ahead and create an escape plan in case you [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me no [ __ ] skeleton dude oh my God this is ridiculous don’t shoot me now don’t shoot me now I’m leaving this cave is too broad taking more coal with me though you you [ __ ] no I’m out of here I don’t need the coal weave yeah that’s I burn oh wait do baby’s not burn in Java there he goes [ __ ] yeah I heard him die lemon uh Easter egg here we go now we’re here oh we’re going now we’re going the right way what is this huge Clover pedal oh I just realized there’s probably Dimension mods as well I want to go to a new dimension what is that another drippy ass tree look at that vexing archwood it’s the same [ __ ] this is flashing archwood this is vexing archwood yo that leaf is dope I like that a lot I don’t have shears though ooh a thing I’m going to that next what’s up James Hagen what you want was an XP orb ow Free Beacon no way CH this block what are you environmental accumulator from Evil craft I placed a torch on top of it I want you h I don’t know ah [ __ ] I need more food wait is this I’m not going backwards I can just check the map yep we’re going one straight line ooh another Tower I’m just realizing that we never came across what that 500 sign was referring to what was that about this is another one 300 blocks that way okay let’s go to the tower real quick I need to heal though I need food bro I don’t see no food oh I hear food is there more are you food I want to eat [Music] you I see a building over there oh more food more food more food more food oh my God he’s back he’s going to kill me if he hits me let’s go inside what are those what is that what is that what are those [Music] noises [Music] H okay there’s a crafting table on this one food food [Applause] yes bro just keeps joining with all counts no life [Music] hang on [Music] eat okay what is what does this [ __ ] [Music] do complicated [ __ ] wait 10 where’s the furnace can we not smelll tin I’m going to [Music] try take the short way wait uh 300 blocks which way did it say that way is that the little house I was referring to what is that is that the skeleton guy oh is that a village oh it’s a village oh [ __ ] yeah meat all right bet that’s what I need this is a big ass Village I’m still [ __ ] lagging sir fredward has awoken nearby excuse me who the [ __ ] is Sir fredward iron colum I need you bro don’t let sir fredward get me please what are these tiny ass pathetic little houses oh oh it’s a goddess statue who what yo it’s Zelda it’s literally Zelda how do you get how do you get Spirit orbs is there like what are they called what are the little dungeons in breath of the wild called The Brick does not fit the rest of this Village what’s in here what we got campfire a blank Banner a bed yes emotes encryption disabled interesting you’re weird ass out of place house that’s pretty I might build my house in like that biome all the purple is Sir fredward still a threat do I have to be worried about that where where am I getting shot from oh can’t get [ __ ] many arrows do I have I have a bow I have no arrows anything new with you wait what is this what H I don’t know I might need some help I have a friend that plays the mod pack I might get him on call later and ask for assistance cuz I don’t know what’s going on and there’s so many things that I’m going to have to learn I hate how out of place that one house is doesn’t fit anything else H what is that organic compost don’t care about that let’s go build that’s that’s something I I know how to do [ __ ] I have two left don’t need this [ __ ] let’s go build a little Hut in that biome next to the Village maybe I’ll set up a little villager trading system going I could make a quick iron farm if that still works which it it could not build it right here just a basic little house it’s a lot of seeds let’s get rid of this I don’t know what that does yet I need some inventory space it’s more important let’s build a little Hut a little area to come back to oh [ __ ] [ __ ] one more okay make a little door Hole uh um place down our [ __ ] let’s go ahead and start smelting something there and [Music] then I’m almost out of the planks and we can’t find this tree again so the floor what is that where’s that coming from something directly under me there’s a mob under me I don’t want to find out I I’ll just keep vibing I’m quite the Vibes this will be the floor cuz why not wow that tree destroyed fast what the [ __ ] okay floor whatever you do say we’re far away from Joe and Endzone what’s wrong with Endzone he’s chill are think they were from Joe and you were talking to Endzone I don’t know this looks nice together I like this I want the corners to be this yeah [ __ ] let’s go ahead and a bundle I don’t know how bundles work yet or how I got that I’m live what’s up do you have a scanner like to scan like a piece of paper and you can use an app for that download okay sorry people people be people in uh I need chests oh that makes the same planks okay good this would be my chest full of [ __ ] that I don’t know what what what what it does like all these weird ores and seeds and plants put the Easter egg in there dark crystals bundle and let’s make a shovel I appreciate the music by the way thank you mysterious creature making the music you are appreciated by the way you you’re probably evil or something okay now we need more of that wood I wonder if that’s where the music is it stopped am I just too far away yeah there it is finish the front for now we’re not going to have enough still God damn it unas actually probably more than one cuz I’m going to make the ceiling out of this too I like how the leaves just vanish it’s so nice we have bones let’s use bone meal beautiful oh I made a big one that’s annoying of course I place three blocks for nothing was that it clearly not it’d be destroyed by now oh I see it yeah beautiful anyway we have enough now let’s go ahead and [ __ ] you finish this need some sand and a new Axe can I make a tin axe what is tin used for I can’t I don’t know this will go in the chest well as well as this and this and this all we need some sand we need some doors how do these doors look ooh that was sick doesn’t really fit very well though I feel whoa that’s cool they open together okay now there’s two tracks playing over each other that’s less cool doesn’t that reset it it does all right let’s use these doors were cool I already had some bam all right we need some sand over there still have no idea where that music is coming from found a nice cave to go exploring later sand that’s bloody what is this Limestone I like this see we can do with Limestone another cave iron can I get some quick iron what is this uranium that’s got to be good whoa I need to fall probably shouldn’t have destroyed it but I I didn’t want to wait wa wait wa wait wait wait wait wait a broken spawner can I like reuse it whoa what the [ __ ] armor uh I don’t know what to grab and what not to grab gunpowder wooden gear a backpack wait what left shift of view contents huh oh cool it’s like a Sher box oh I got four of the spe orbs potion of Mana regeneration Enchanted voodoo doll compressed iron ingot what the [ __ ] do I take rope sure loot capacitor sure that looks cool can’t place it don’t it does doesn’t do anything it seems these chests were yellow before right click to teleport don’t understand thing word scroll I don’t know I’ll definitely take not of this and come back to it though I’ll take all the dark steel ingots or whatever that is as well I guess condensed blood bones origins of Darkness obtain my feeding darkened Apple to a mob and quickly throwing a book at a resulting anomaly what what gunpowder more uranium kind of uranium I don’t know let’s just go back where some coal go and finish the corners or I’ll never do it okay uh glass boom take some white stain glass even doing CH ashes and Bones what does that mean oh kill 10 under creatures is that is that a normal achievement I don’t think it is is it on PS5 no oh look I got another gift a reward doesn’t give me [ __ ] I like you to teleport to your respawn do I not have a respawn point one more boom all right right here there’s a lot of zombies outside there we go now we have a real house it just needs a lantern where’d it go and like a torch over here there we go good enough all right now we need to take a bed from the village nothing perfect can I make dye out of this change the color of the bed I can is that a brown chicken that was a brown chicken there we go let them burn wish I can get rid of that I have shaders but I don’t think the game would run with them nor do I know how to turn them on Shader packs make up Ultra fast what is this do that come with the mod pack it must oh wow this looks terrible looks so fuzzy this is what I usually use in my vanilla World which which usually runs better my game can just completely freeze that works too there we go this what I usually use but it usually runs better than 40 FPS I forgot I how to armor now compressed iron armor what is that oh that’s the X breaks with the shaders yeah I’m just going to keep them disabled so my game can run and then it runs way worse immediately after I turn them off of course it does there we go okay I might take a break and play later when my friend is on and ask for some help because I’m assuming there’s a bunch of new crafting tables that I need to get and I don’t know what any of them do let’s go mining a little bit let’s get a little bit of iron before we go cuz so far we’ve gotten like no iron come on what the [ __ ] oh silver I’ll take silver can I like silver tools I doubt it at this point just take a little bit and see what it does iron yes where’s my torches did I use them all I guess so there more it’s hard to see I can’t see [ __ ] let’s go back till I can see again wait that’s iron right here I didn’t even see this bet I’ll take it what is this Jasper oh quk I know quk I used to use Quark has a bunch of building blocks and quality of life [ __ ] little things house is this way I want to see what silver does I’m curious oh also this this is reinforced iron dark steel can I make no can I make tools with the compressed iron stuff I can make armor with it I can’t what is this I didn’t even realize this balance grid rotate grid that’s weird is there a sword inventory button who is this oh Jesus Christ cosmetic armor that’s cool like [Music] terraria what can I use this for can I make silver tools I cannot seems like none of the ORS actually are used to make tools but instead are used for other complicated things how much I can craft with this stuff see I I don’t know what any of this does this is what I need help [Music] with pockets nuts die you don’t have to ban the green screen kid as long as he’s not doing anything [Music] inappropriate getting so many Easter eggs I don’t know what these [Music] do very [Music] confused there is a bunch of new there’s not there’s a few new sorts and then all these nether oh nether quartz sword that’s cool seems pretty weak though sword glowstone sword ooh I need whatever this is automated packing to get refined glowstone using refined glowstone nugget which you get many different ways but I’m assuming there going to ore for it don’t know what this [Music] is [Music] uh all the modium pickaxe really [Music] that’s that’s really on the nose Okay well I’m get off for now and I will play some more tonight if my friend is down to help me if not I’ll figure it out I might just stream again alone and figure things out myself or maybe I’ll go watch a I I’m going to go watch a YouTube videos on this mod pack and kind of see how to do things that’s that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to do that and I’m going to learn and then next time I come back I’ll have some things ready to do right that’s it for now guys thank you guys for tuning in in it’s been fun uh I’ll probably stream again tonight it’s still pretty early and I woke up super late today so I’ll be up but uh thank you guys so much and I’ll see y’all later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft with all the mods’, was uploaded by Pocketnaut on 2024-03-22 12:43:42. It has garnered 360 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:46 or 3886 seconds.

Go drink water 🙂

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    Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft In ancient times, I traveled with Minecraft in hand, Dug a water pit, infinite water at my command. Block by block, I built my world so grand, Every adventure, every challenge, I withstand. With each update, new features to explore, In this pixelated world, I always want more. From crafting to mining, my skills I hone, In this virtual realm, I am never alone. So join me in this journey, let’s play and create, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no need to wait. Dig deep, build high, let your imagination fly, With Minecraft by your side, reach for the sky. Read More

  • 10 Sneaky Minecraft Interior Design Hacks

    10 Sneaky Minecraft Interior Design Hacks Exploring Cute Interior Design Ideas in Minecraft When it comes to creating the perfect living space in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From cozy bedrooms to stylish kitchens, players can let their creativity run wild. Let’s delve into some cute interior design ideas that will elevate your Minecraft builds to the next level! 1. Cozy Living Room Retreat Transform your Minecraft living room into a cozy retreat by adding plush sofas, a warm fireplace, and soft rugs. Don’t forget to include decorative elements like paintings and potted plants to add a touch of homeliness. 2. Chic Bedroom Oasis Create… Read More

  • Secret Redstone Memory Trick

    Secret Redstone Memory Trick Minecraft Redstone Portable Memory – Unveiling a Hidden Gem Redstone portable memory, a concept often overlooked in the vast world of Minecraft, holds a simple yet intriguing allure. Despite its simplicity, there is a surprising scarcity of information about this fascinating element of the game. In this Minecraft Redstone video, we delve into the realm of Redstone portable memory, akin to a Redstone CD player, exploring its design process, the underlying secrets of Minecraft that enable its creation, and a tutorial and showcase to showcase its potential. Exploring Redstone Comparators and FSEs Before delving into the intricacies of Redstone… Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft Pirate Ship Build & Review

    LEGO Minecraft Pirate Ship Build & Review LEGO Minecraft 2024 The Pirate Ship Voyage 21259 Complete Build & Review Introduction In the world of LEGO Minecraft, adventure awaits with the Pirate Ship Voyage set, number 21259. This set, provided by the LEGO Group for early review, promises a fun and engaging building experience for fans of both LEGO and Minecraft. Build Preview The set contains 166 bricks of various colors, shapes, and sizes, including two minifigures. Players can construct a small beach with a dock, a llama, a squid, and of course, a pirate ship using the bricks provided. The parts are conveniently grouped into three… Read More

  • Noobs Go Wild in Minecraft Bedwars!

    Noobs Go Wild in Minecraft Bedwars! The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedwars Introduction Minecraft Bedwars is a popular multiplayer minigame that combines elements of strategy, teamwork, and fast-paced action. In this game mode, players must protect their bed while trying to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a thrilling race against time and opponents to be the last team standing. Gameplay Mechanics In Bedwars, players start on individual islands with a bed that serves as their respawn point. The goal is to gather resources, upgrade gear, and eliminate rival teams. Teamwork is essential, as players must coordinate their efforts to defend their bed and… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21: Fingees Strikes Again

    Minecraft 1.21: Fingees Strikes Again The Exciting Possibilities of Minecraft 1.21 With the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update on the horizon, players are buzzing with anticipation for new features and enhancements. One dedicated Minecraft modder has taken it upon themselves to create a unique mod for this upcoming version, promising an exciting twist to the beloved game. A Glimpse into the Mod The mod, created for both Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, introduces a range of new elements that are sure to shake up the gameplay experience. From innovative mechanics to quirky additions, this mod is set to offer players a fresh perspective on the… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: Tricky Trials News

    Minecraft 1.21 Update: Tricky Trials News Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 – The Tricky Trials Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready for an exciting journey through the latest update – The Tricky Trials! Packed with new features, mobs, weapons, and more, this update is sure to keep you on your toes. Let’s dive into the details of what Minecraft 1.21 has to offer. The Crafter One of the standout features of this update is the introduction of Trial Chambers, where players can test their skills and face challenging puzzles. These chambers offer a unique gameplay experience that will put your creativity and problem-solving abilities to the test…. Read More

  • Discovering Creepy Abandoned Minecraft Worlds

    Discovering Creepy Abandoned Minecraft WorldsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Weird and Empty minecraft servers’, was uploaded by 617semaj on 2024-01-12 08:16:56. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:31 or 9571 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/semaj617 Read More

  • Insane new Halloween PvP area in Minecraft Smp

    Insane new Halloween PvP area in Minecraft SmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘ñew pvp area in Halloween smp #minecraft #gaming #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Yh_gamer_01 on 2024-05-29 13:02:44. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Power Moves in Monster School

    Unbelievable Power Moves in Monster SchoolVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Skibidi Toilet và SpeakerMan Làm Chủ Sức Mạnh -Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Queen TV Girls on 2024-01-10 08:58:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. monsterschool #minecraft #animation Monster School : Skibidi Toilet and SpeakerMan Master the Power -Minecraft Animation. Read More

  • Join Paul2Craft for a wild Minecraft party!

    Join Paul2Craft for a wild Minecraft party!Video Information ah da haben wir doch Audio Freunde auch sorry ich laber hier seit 5 Minuten und und keiner keiner sagt dass die Audio aus ist na sollt auch merken Leute was geht willkommen hier zum ersten Livestream auf Youtube seit 6 Monaten mit im großen change sind wir zurück ja mit Videos Shorts und Streams hier auf Youtube Videos und Shorts B suboptimal aber vor allem Streams ja einmal im Monat bin ich ab sofort offiziell wieder live schön dass so viele da sind was geht was geht Hex herrafterat play TV TZ oder real Henry willkommen Stream… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods Guide & FREE Download!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mods Guide & FREE Download!Video Information hello and welcome to all toy reviews so hello uh parents Minecrafters Gamers whatever you want to call yourself today it’s your pal o and today we’re going to be doing some uh something a little bit different there’s no toys around this time of year it’s always like a quiet period so of and I’ve rediscovered Minecraft I don’t know about you guys but it seems like every 4 to 6 months I kind of like feel like playing Minecraft again so I boot it up and I I have a lot of fun and suddenly like… Read More

  • DOMINATE NOOBS on Hypixel with Grotex!

    DOMINATE NOOBS on Hypixel with Grotex!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to destroy noobs on Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-23 06:08:47. It has garnered 304 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz… Read More

  • Endermine.de

    Endermine.deErstmal Danke für das zahlreiche Feedback, ich habe die Beschreibung noch mal kräftig überarbeitet/Neugeschrieben. Und ja, ich werde wirklich MC-Accounts vergeben, hab ein paar auf Lager. EnderMine.de Read More

  • Robo’s World SMP Whitelist Semi-Vanilla Java Bedrock 1.20.4

    Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our small, whitelisted community for a semi-vanilla SMP experience without map resets. Robo’s World is inspired by Hermitcraft SMP, focusing on collaboration and no stealing or griefing. Come play in survival mode with like-minded players who love vanilla Minecraft. Apply on Discord today to join the fun! Discord Link Read More


    Sphinx | PLUS13-VOICE-CHAT-REQUIRED-ORIGINS-LORE-SMP.+* Sphinx *+.SPHINX IS A PLUS13-VOICE-CHAT-REQUIRED-ORIGINS-LORE-SMPHello there stranger. I’m Fox, one of the two owners of Sphinx.Underneath this message, you can read a few facts about the server and decide if it sounds like something for you. If it does, please use the Discord link below :)The player base is mostly between 15 to 21.The server is mostly active around the weekend.There are normally around 2-6 players on worksday online, and 15 to full, around the weekend.This isn’t a lore server, however, we encourage player lore.If joining; you’re required to be able to use voice chats.The server uses proximity-voice-chat in-game…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Beginner base flexin’ in Minecraft”

    “Looks like I should’ve gone with the ‘Build a dirt hut’ tutorial instead of trying to recreate the Taj Mahal in my first go at Minecraft.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 25/100 Quest

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 25/100 Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Boom_CRAFT brings explosions in every episode’s vibes. With 100 videos planned, each one a delight, Subscribe and hit the bell, to keep them in sight. In video number 25, the action takes flight, With builds and explosions, a true Minecraft sight. So join the fun, in this creative land, With Boom_CRAFT leading the way, hand in hand. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations!

    Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations! Minecraft Marketplace Map Review: MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP Introduction MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP is a Minecraft Marketplace map that offers over 50,000 armor combinations for players to explore. Priced at 830 mine coins, this map promises an exciting adventure filled with unique and powerful armors. Exploring the Map Upon entering the map, players are greeted with a captivating environment, setting the stage for the epic quest ahead. The map features a variety of armor sets, each with its own special abilities and designs. From the menacing Spider Armor to the fiery Blaze Armor, players have the opportunity… Read More

  • INSANE BASE SETUP! 🏰 RIGBYTE’s EPIC Prominence II Adventure

    INSANE BASE SETUP! 🏰 RIGBYTE's EPIC Prominence II AdventureVideo Information [Music] hey what’s going on everyone this is oh that’s a little bit too loud hey what’s going on everyone this is me your St B and welcome you all back to another stream I hope everybody is having a fantastic day so far welcome back today we are here with some more uh Minecraft over on the uh prominence 2 uh server that we were playing with a bunch of friends uh today’s going to be a lot more fun we going to be doing a lot more Shenanigans uh messing around here and there you know… Read More

  • Jax Kidnapped and Kissed Pomni – Digital Circus

    Jax Kidnapped and Kissed Pomni - Digital CircusVideo Information finally we were able to gather all together for a picnic and relax yes it’s so great that we finally got out into nature and made such a tasty carrot thank you guys so much I really love carot stop why did kmo decide to fall asleep right in my tent honestly I don’t know maybe he’s tired hey kmo what do you think you’re doing guys try not to bother me I’m tired of being a villain and today I just want to relax that doesn’t sound like him but let’s not disturb him yeah we wouldn’t… Read More

  • Unraveling the Secret Origin of Minecraft’s Deadly Wither!

    Unraveling the Secret Origin of Minecraft's Deadly Wither!Video Information m में विदर आए कहां से विदर m का वन ऑफ द मोस्ट पावरफुल मॉब है जिसका वॉर्डन के बाद सबसे ज्यादा हर्ट्स है एंड इसको हराना अभी भी काफी लोगों के लिए डिफिकल्ट है पर सवाल ये है कि ये इतना पावरफुल मॉब आया कहां से m में विलेजर्स से पहले एंसेट बिल्डर्स रहा करते थे जो वक्त से काफी आगे चल रहे थे उन्होंने काफी सारे मॉन्यूमेंट्स बनाए एंड अपनी प्रोटेक्शन के लिए आयरन गोलम को बनाया पर उन्हें लगा कि आयरन गोलम उनकी उतनी प्रोटेक्शन नहीं कर सकता है इसलिए वो नेदर एक्सप्लोर करने चले… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Twist in Minecraft Game – She was shocked!” #gaming #minecraft

    "Unbelievable Twist in Minecraft Game - She was shocked!" #gaming #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘She didn’t see it coming #gaming #funny #minecraft #minecraftdungeons’, was uploaded by MixtSpoon on 2024-03-19 22:28:37. It has garnered 101 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More


    EPIC ENDER DRAGON SLAYING in Minecraft SMP PT6Video Information H trs2 says drop one in do loric key says FK trs2 says chewe trs2 says go [Music] go trs2 says TF [Music] man sh [Music] [Music] sh [Music] TR rs2 says up TR RS [Music] say exp trs2 says me trs2 says LVL 68 trs2 says ha haa do loric key says good night trs2 says no [Music] hit This video, titled ‘Friends SMP Survival in Minecraft PT6 | Slaying Ender Dragon | TRS2’, was uploaded by TRS2 on 2024-03-06 12:23:36. It has garnered 46 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:22 or… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Crazy House in 24 Hours! #MinecraftShorts

    Insane Gamer Builds Crazy House in 24 Hours! #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starter House Trending Shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftchallenge #trending’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-04-03 04:43:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft animation shorts herobrine minecraft but ethobot minecraft funny daisy minecraft meme … Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Encounter with Jax and Smiling Critters! #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Encounter with Jax and Smiling Critters! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jax and Smiling Critters #Shorts’, was uploaded by Captain Tate on 2024-01-05 14:00:01. It has garnered 47201 views and 810 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Jax and Smiling Critters #Shorts Smiling Critters in Minecraft Subscribe – http://bit.ly/2kQEzGa MERCH ► https://bit.ly/3u0X2kn Twitter ► @Captain_Tate Instagram ► captaintate21 Read More

  • Unlock Ultimate Power in FlexMC with 3X BUZ, 1X ZEHIR, 1X KAN, 1X GÖK

    Unlock Ultimate Power in FlexMC with 3X BUZ, 1X ZEHIR, 1X KAN, 1X GÖKVideo Information [Müzik] Yeter artık naza çekme kendini Bana bir teslim et be Senin o güzel yüzü suyu hürmetine ama deyim emrine Yeter artık naza çekme kendini Bana bir teslim et be Senin o güzel yıı hürmetine ama değim [Müzik] emrine asla yerine birini koyamam asla of Düştüm Aşka tadın dilim hadi ya gel kalbime yatı vallahi öldüm sana Hadi ya gel kalbime yatı göremedi kimseden fayda Sen Mecnun ol ben de ley destan yız Olum kara sevdaya ifet olsun Aşkımız tün dünyaya bab hadi yael gel kalbime Yatıya neler olacağını göreceğiz hadi ya gel kalbime Yatıya beniim arabama bil… Read More


    INSANE Minecraft FUNNY MEMES with ANDI MANDI SANDIVideo Information जो भी मुझे मारेगा अंडी मंडी संडी मैं मार सकता हूं This video, titled ‘✟ #theboys ANDI MANDI SANDI #minecraft #funnymemes #funnyminecraft #shorts ✟’, was uploaded by Hee Gaming on 2024-03-24 10:47:36. It has garnered 790 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #theboys ANDI MANDI SANDI #minecraft #funnymemes #funnyminecraft #shorts #memes #meme #funnymemes #funny #dankmemes #memesdaily #lol #dankmeme #dailymemes #memepage #comedy #dank #memestagram #lmao #edgymemes #fun #humor #offensivememes #memer #follow #instagram #like #tiktok #love #funnyvideos #anime #instagood #ol #bhfyp ✟ 🤗 SERVER ADRESS IP & PORT FOR JAVA / PE… Read More

  • Coralplus

    CoralplusWelcome to Coralplus the ultimate server experience featuring lag free gameplay and multiple different gamemodes. play.coralplus.net Read More

  • SweetVanilla SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist 18+ Hermit Like Reset Soon

    Welcome to Sweet Vanilla SMP! We are an 18+ tight-knit community that enjoys engaging in a drama-free Minecraft world. Make new friends, create, and hang out with us! Player shops, events, and collaborative projects are all encouraged. We use quality of life add-ons similar to HermitCraft to enhance multiplayer gameplay while keeping it vanilla. An optional resource pack allows players to submit custom models, hats, and items for minigames and events. How to Join: Fill out an application on our Discord to join us for the upcoming 1.21 season. New applicants will be whitelisted after the world reset planned for… Read More

  • MagicVanilla SMP

    A 100% Vanilla Minecraft experience! Unlike other “Vanilla” Minecraft servers, this is actually no mods at all. Join the Discord server to apply today! https://discord.gg/xEAEUTMjy6 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft base upgrade complete!

    That’s a pretty high score for just a bunch of blocky pixels! Read More

  • Block Xuan Beats: Minecraft Sound Bonanza!

    Block Xuan Beats: Minecraft Sound Bonanza! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks do talk, Fangkuaixuan brings the news with a playful walk. Animations that are funny and convey pure glee, Child-friendly content, for all to see. With every update, with every clip sound, Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a joy to be found. No pirated videos, only originals here, Bringing happiness, spreading cheer. So leap into the verse, with a grin and a spin, Crafting Minecraft news, let the rhymes begin. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a place to be, For all the Minecraft fans, come and see! Read More


    TNT BLOWS UP FROSTMAW! 😂🔥 TNT: “I’m gonna blow you up, Frosty!” FROSTMAW: “Oh please, I’ll just chill and let it go.” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 40

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 40 Day 40 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft: A Forest Adventure 🌲 Hello, fellow gamers! Today marks the 40th day of the wood challenge in Minecraft, where our dedicated player creates a new world every day to gather more wood than the previous day. It seems like luck was on their side today as they spawned right on top of a lush forest, making it easy to gather the necessary blocks. Greetings to the Community 🌟 Our player took a moment to send shoutouts to some of their loyal followers. Special mentions go out to Mauricio Acevedo, Marcos Morales,… Read More