Unleash the Power of the Elemental Dragon in Minecraft!

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Oh hello Tina where did you guys go oh gosh I got completely lost in the jungle and all I have with me is this little banana I hope this thing can keep me alive Mr little banana wait a second Tina look down there I found out some food do I smell a

Delicious meal wait a second who in the world wait Monga did you guys just turn into elemental dragons how in the world do you know us huh we’ve never heard of a turtle before yeah are you a Dragon Hunter in Disguise wait what no I’m not

Any Dragon Hunter or anything at all I’m you guys’s friend remember no we don’t remember come on Tina let’s just eat him yeah let me just take a little nibble stop it stop it no don’t bite me please guys come on you remember I’m your friend wudo you know the green

Turtle you guys would have to eat me please I’ll do anything you guys want me to we didn’t have a friend but did we have a pet turtle or something I don’t remember anything like that you know but he’s saying he’ll do anything we want okay well maybe if he proves himself to

Be useful not a weak little human then we’ll keep him alive yeah that’s a good idea sure sure I’ll do anything here I’ll even give you my soul banana I had left oh Goodbye Mr your banana we don’t want your banana you’re going to come

With us wait what no give my banana back no stop it all right little turtle boy as you can see this is our home I know it’s not the best place ever but we’re going to need your help with that yeah I mean we’re kind of good at hunting

Things and killing things but we’re not that great at building oh I see well in that case you need someone who’s really good at building to help out which happens to be one of my very good talents and after I’ve done building this can you guys just not eat me don’t

Get too happy depending on how the build looks we’ll make sure we don’t eat you or not but you need to build us two dragon dens one for me and one for Tina and they better be themed according to our elements or we’re going to have Turtle stew tonight two are you kidding

Me I was going to build one giant and for you both oh whatever fine I’ll build you both a dragon Den ew I don’t want to be in the same Den as him you better build us two dens oh by the way I forgot to mention you only have 2 minutes so

Good luck wait that’s too many 2 minutes oh my gosh okay fine fine fine just make sure you guys stick around so you can tell me what to do okay oh gosh I’m literally so nervous right now but luckily these dragons are too dumb to

Know that I have a little trick of my sleep I just need to type in the special Command right here and I have the special mod which helps me build it ah what are you doing I’m trying to make space for you kid oh my gosh okay jeez

You don’t need to make space for me with all these fireballs and stuff I can just use my little tool okay let me just go all the way down here select this go back over here and use this command and voila check it out I just cleared out an

Entire area for you guys what in the world is that some weird human magic are you a magician no I’m just a normal Turtle guys I’m mudo your friend but since you guys don’t remember me I guess I’ll be a magician for you guys whatever let me start by building the floor of

The ice side Miss ice dragon what would you like on your side actually I’m not an ice dragon I’m a water dragon get it straight oh my gosh okay okay I’m sorry jeez are you trying to poison me what’s your problem I was just asking oh

Whatever and I’m a fire dragon so build me something nice okay yeah I knew you were a fire dragon buddy you can chill out just hold on let me just set this entire ground to water real quick using this command and then what I can do is I

Can select this block over here and this block over here and I can turn it into glass so that you can see all the amazing water under you hey let me in there I want to take a bath okay well if you’re talking about a bath I can

Totally make you a bath but hold on let me also build the Fireside too I’m just going to go over here and search some magma blocks there you go and I am going to set the entire floor to the side to fire don’t you like that Mr fire

Elemental Dragon very nice very nice I’m so happy that I’m going to do a little dance um what in the world that dance is a little bit weird but okay whatever there you go the floors are now set up now what I’m going to quickly do is just

Build a little wall for you guys just to make sure none of your enemies get in here because I’m sure anyone as dumb as you guys will definitely have some enemies and there you go what did you just say little human you better watch your mouth or we’re going to eat you

Yeah you better take that back before I use my Fireball oh my gosh why’ you do that okay fine fine I’ll be careful let me make a roof too so that you guys can you know not accid break any of that stuff and using the special command just

Like this I can remove all the fire from the air there we go it didn’t work my fire is way too powerful okay well then could you please remove it yourself so that I can build oh my gosh these dragons are so annoying even though they

Are my friends hey I heard you anyways hold on guys let me start by building the stuff inside the water side Miss water dragon what would you like in your little den oh you know just like a festar restaurant and a hotel a big luxury bed a throne a bunch of humans

For eating uh what else I can’t do exactly that but what I can do is build you a very nice bed and my specialty is extra extra extra extra extra large beds so there you go I’ll literally make your bed half of this Dragon Den so you’ll be

Comfortable no matter how you sleep who would ever be fat enough for this kind of bed oh whatever it is pretty comfy you you would be hey hey Turtle don’t listen to the water Elemental all I need is a simple bed okay just one little one in the corner and I’ll be fine

Okay then I guess I’ll just go do that let me go ahead and grab an orange bed so it looks like fire and uh there you go but you kind of sleep like a homeless man don’t worry I’ll just be sleeping okay anyways this water Elemental Dragon what else would you

Like me to build In Your Den well it’s so dry in here can you build like a fountain or something a waterfall maybe oh okay sure I could do that let me just go ahead and grab some water and how about I build you a very nice water

Fountain right over over here it’ll be a mix of like a water fountain and a waterfall which should look really really nice there you go oh nice now I can be in water all day while being right next to my bed here you go I’ll

Even put some Stone down here too so you can literally feel like you’re actually in the jungle and I’ll even go ahead and grab some Vines and decorate it even more too now it looks like a real waterfall okay maybe you are kind of useful human Turtle thing what are you

Exactly I’m a turtle change your tell I’m your best friend Tina yeah I still I don’t know how you got my name but uh are you done no I’m not done yet cuz I have to still build this guy his building wait what what are you doing

What do you mean what am I doing this is my pet have you never met him before oh so you’re telling me that you need someone to push your little pets I guess so you better be nice to him he doesn’t really have a name yet oh okay well you

Can name him fat mcfarty what that’s a horrible name why in the world would you name it that do you want to die no no no I don’t want to die okay you know what how about everyone in the comments decide if you have a name for Pig

Put it in in the comments right now but I think FY mcfarty is a pretty good name it better be a good name or I’m going to destroy everyone with a fireball ah okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry how about I do this okay let me just go ahead and grab

A nice little fence that I can give your pet as much room as he needs in your fire Den here we go just got to build this one right over here and um I’m sure he feeds on lava because he is a Magma Cube after all so let me just put a

Bunch of lava in the middle here so he can drink as much as he wants and um I think that looks pretty good if you ask me yes that’s good thank you very much there you go here let me also go ahead and grab him a little toy as well those

Don’t look like toys let me just go search plushy real quick and how about I put some turtle plushies I’m sure he lovees some turtles Right hey we hate turtles around here oh my gosh okay even though manga turned into a fire Elemental Dragon he still hates Turtles

Oh whatever okay guys you know what I think your dragon looks pretty nice is everything good now can I please leave and make my way out of here uh I’m a little hungry though my stomach is making noises yeah are you like a five star Chef or something five star Chef no

I’ll take that as a yes how about we have a challenge to see who can catch food the fastest yeah if you catch more food than us then you win but if we catch more food we’re going to eat you wait what in the world no that’s not

Fair guys I’m a turtle I can’t go and Hunt things oh it’s totally fair come on we’re leaving oh gosh oh my gosh Shea look over here there’s so many pigs I think they’re migrating to another country right now oh my gosh that’s a amazing come on voodo get on it show us

Your skills wait what pigs don’t migrate guys what the heck whatever okay let me try and hit these piggies in oh my gosh I can’t oh yeah those are my pigs wait what in the world did you just do that yes I did look there’s still one

More Pig left over there though you can kill it faster than me I don’t know he’s so cute no you can’t oh my gosh what the heck is your guys’s problem are you crazy look it’s just our predator in Instinct okay I don’t expect you to understand yeah

You’re dealing with Dragons right now kid listen we’re going to try to go find some more mobs you should do the same come on Cena let’s go over here there’s probably some more over here we’re totally going to beat this Noob okay well as they go over there and start

Destroying everything what if I try and make a little Escape come on I see some pandas over here I’m just going to take a panda so I can ride you later and we can run and escape this place come on Little Panda hey what do you think

You’re doing over here oh my gosh what are the Mario did you just kill my Banda yeah cuz you are running away dude I didn’t mean to do that I was just trying to find a new place this thing you kill my panda what’s wrong with you what are

You even whining about come on did you catch any food no I didn’t catch anything you just killed my food he’s useless so we’re going to make him do something else come over here oh gosh no this is bad what else do I have to do obviously you don’t know how to fight

Cuz you didn’t get any of the mobs so what you need to do is build a little fighting arena so we can teach you you and it better have the right elements this time I’m not an ice Elemental okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry jeez fine let

Me just go up here and I guess I can build the arena on the very top of this mountain let me just go ahead and grab my special little wand over here and I’m going to clear out this entire Forest hey before you start remember make the

Arena super cool and have a bunch of weapons for us to fight with and have a place where people can watch us sweet destroy you okay okay look guys I just destroyed this entire Forest I’m sorry for doing that but I have to make this

Arena before I die so let me just go over here and select these two blocks in the corner and let me start by setting the entire floor to Stone so we have a little bit of a foundation that we can work with perfect perfect this is

Exactly what I like to see all right and now that we have that I guess what I could do is I can split this down the middle and have part of it be water Elemental and part of it be fire Elemental all right but you better work

Fast you only have 1 minute okay okay jeez I’m sorry let me just sit the entire ground to ice there we go I guess that looks like water enough because if there was water it would melt everywhere hey what did I tell you kid okay I’m

Sorry jeez but I have no other choice let me just quickly go over here and I guess I’ll set the floor of this all to the magma blocks there you go and wo now you actually have an Ice and Fire arena platform guys all right but this is a

Whole lot of nothing come on there has to be other stuff in the arena yeah where’s the fighting part and the weapons I need to see some weapons okay okay jeez jeez jeez hold on guys aren’t you guys concerned about if you want to have people watch your battles

And stuff like that you need a little seating area don’t you yes so hurry up and build it okay okay I’m sorry I’ll build it right now let me just go ahead and grab these stone blocks over here and I’m going to build some stadium seating just like this there you go and

I’m going to carve out this Stone going down one level every single time so that there’s enough seating for everyone in all of Minecraft to sit and watch you guys fight hey what in the world are these ugly seeds you need to use a different block right the second oh my

Gosh we getting five with block you going to use use something super cool and goodlooking like gold okay fine I’ll make golden seeds for you jeez let me just go over here real quick fix this mishap you guys made on my beautiful seats go over here and I guess I’ll just

Use this command to replace all the stone with gold blocks and boom there you go you have gold seats are you happy now no you’re missing some yeah plus are you showing me an attitude little boy no I’m not showing you an attitude I promise stop showing me an

Attitude okay I’m sorry jez don’t strike me with lightning hold on a second let me just select these blocks and turn these into quartz and okay does that look like fancy CD Now is this good oh yeah this is perfect I’m just going to sit right here okay anyways uh if you

Guys like that then what I can do is just quickly add some walls to the edges and make sure that you know you guys don’t accid destroy the entire world while you fight because you guys fight like cray cray hey is that supposed to be a roast no no I’m not roasting oh

Roasting like the roast Turtle you’re going to be tonight good one oh okay I’m sorry jeez I don’t want to be Roose Turtle guys hold on let me just go ahead and find these strongest bars I can and yes reinforced iron bar should be perfect let me just set it like this and

Oh gosh I messed it up oh no hey you better not mess anything up again okay okay I’m sorry dare jeez now we have some extra r Force walls on the edges you have your little fighting area and you know what I think I’m ready to sit

Over here and watch you guys fight go ahead you little dragons wait what you forgot to add the weapons plus what are you talking about we’re not going to be the ones fighting it’s going to be you wait what what am I going to be fighting

Exactly oh you know just us wait what I can’t fight you guys and what are you doing here well I’m just setting up the place where I’m going to cook you after you lose the fight no no no no no please please please I don’t want this I

Don’t want this I don’t want this okay can you guys just have a battle real quick so I can see which one of you the tougher Dragon oh my gosh why do you want to see us fight huh because you guys are actually cool H right take this

sneak attack wait what Tina you think you can really beat me take this boom Oh My Gosh Marina I just built this you destroy the whole thing get over here I’m going to drown you Tina I didn’t know I was that powerful maybe I

Need a place to show my power oh well I deserve a place to show my power too so that people can come from afar and work sh me neither of you guys need anything to show your powers okay you guys showed your powers enough my entire build is

Destroyed hey shut up you’re following me kid come over here oh gosh no why are you guys see me now listen over here do you see this big desert kid I want you to build me and Tina a huge Temple so people can see how truly powerful we are

And it better be huge if it’s small then we’ll put you as the offering to the gods us okay okay fine guys I will build you a temple but that’s a very last thing I’m building and you guys have to let me free after that okay only if it’s

Good if it’s not then uh we’ll put you in our stomachs okay okay jeez I’m sorry let me just go ahead and grab my wand real quick and I’m going to build another flat surface to build on okay guys and while you’re at it can you guys

Come over here and stand still so I can build your faces for your temples ooh statues of us I like it I’ll stand right here yeah I really wish I didn’t have to build it but I kind of have no choice let me just set the entire ground just

Like this there we go and come here Tina let me with your face first all right you better admire my beautiful features okay so it looks like we need some blue blocks and some skin color blocks okay I think I know exactly what I need let me

Just go ahead and grab some blue wool just like this there we go and then let me go ahead and grab some concrete all righty there we go I think looks good now Tina if you could just stand still again in front of me real quick okay so

You have your little skin over here so let me just make your little face and then you have your eyes which I can build a little bit higher wait hold on tin you got to move real quick you told me to stand still seriously which is it

Okay I’m sorry I’m trying my best all right so let me just go ahead and put some more white wool over here and start making your blue eyes and U oh my gosh I’m not going to lie you kind of have a double chin Tina what’s going on there

What did you just say drown I was kidding I was kidding okay stop it no oh my gosh are you kidding me hold on let me just remove all your water real quick there we go and um let me just start making your hair all right Tina all

Right but you better not insult me again okay okay I’m sorry I apologize just don’t eat me all right there you go I think that looks good let me just go ahead and make some hair on this side too and um where are my beautiful eyelashes oh your eyelashes okay let me

Just go ahead and grab some of this black wool over here and make your eyelashes we have some bushy eyebrows I’m not going to lie there you go those aren’t my beautiful eyelashes I will drown you and no one will ever find your body okay I’m sorry s what the world fun

Let me just make you a nice little mouth real quick I need some pink wool and I need some red wool so I can make a little tongue over here and um okay Tina there you go I don’t even have words to describe how disgusting this build is

I’m going to destroy it can you help me no don’t destroy it don’t destroy it okay fine let me just go ahead and grab some ice real quick so I can make this all water them in the background okay hey don’t worry Turtle I actually think it looks kind of good oh

Really thanks finally someone understands how amazing my build are well then I’d like to see you build and let’s see how he likes that well I’m super handsome so there’s no way it’s going to look bad that’s absolutely facts anyways let me just go ahead and go over here and run

This command to set the walls to ice just like this and Tina you know what I’ll let you choose something that you want inside your temple what would you like I don’t know maybe a better statue of me yeah I can’t do that sorry but

What I can do is I can build a giant water droplet to represent your elements wouldn’t that be cool yeah I guess that’s okay okay whatever all right here we go I think that looks like a water droplet just like that and boom here you go you have your nice little elements

Right in the middle that looks about as much of a water droplet as you look a turtle and by that I mean it doesn’t look like a water droplet wait are you saying I don’t look like a turtle I think I look like a turtle why are you

On two legs then whatever just fix it okay well you know what Tina how about I build you something a little bit better to satisfy your demands I’m going to go ahead and place down some treasure because I know that you dragons absolutely love treasure o shiny things shiny things

Shiny things shiny things yes yes yes my plans are all going as they should be I’m going to basically bait Tina into taking all these diamonds I’m going to blow her up as a little trap what are you talking about Turtle I’m just admiring my shiny things oh uh

Yeah I was just talking about how amazing all these diamonds look for you Tina now um could you just let me use the bathroom real quick I’ll be right back there is no bathroom oh whatever I don’t want to know all right there we go and I’m just going to seal myself up

Underground and now what I’m going to do is I’m going to build dig out this big area over here so I can place down some TNT and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to blow all this TNT up when I get the chance and once I blow it all up

Then I can escape and and Tina will be able to bully me his dragons anymore this is so genius now what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and make a little bit of a redstone signal so let me go ahead and grab some red

Stone just like this and I’m going to connect the Redstone going up all the way to the surface yeah here we go just need to make a little bit of a staircase going here and now I can seal it all up so that nobody can tell that this is

Here oh my gosh this is such a genius plan I’m so evil wo are you done with the bathroom you’re taking forever oh yeah sorry Tina this is just a really big poop now what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ins spectator mode make sure all this

Redstone looks good yep everything looks good and it’s right on top of the diamonds that Tina’s going to be sitting on oh oh hey Tina I’m back what kind of massive poop are you taking I’ve been waiting for you to keep building I guess it was a really big dragon poop but

Whatever here you go now that I made all your little diamonds and stuff are you happy now not really I kind of don’t want you to build anything else for me you’re kind of bad at it so you can help that guy over there okay sure I’ll help

That guy manga what would you like me to build for your temple come on dude you know what to build already build me a fire temple that looks super cool okay let me just go ahead and grab some brown wolen just like this and I’ll make you a

Nice little fire temple right across from Tina’s Temple it’s just going to be a little bit of a different color but I’m sure sure you’re going to understand why that is let me just go ahead and place some of this brown wool over here just like this why does my temple smell

Kind of funny no it doesn’t smell funny mango it just looks okay all right it’s starting to look really good oh yeah I’m sure it looks really good to you buddy I’m sure it does let me just go ahead and place more of this wool down over

Here just like this and oh don’t you like the shape of this looks pretty nice don’t you think oh yeah it looks amazing oh yeah okay let me just go ahead and put the curly part over here I don’t think manga realized I just made him a poop

Emoji M smells funky too oh yeah I’m sure you like that mango and uh let me just go ahead and grab the Final Touch real quick I’m going to add a little bit of magma blocks over here so it has a little bit of a fiery touch I’m going to

Also grab a flint and steel as well and do the same thing over here ah there we go now the giant poop emoji is on fire and Monga has no idea manga what do you think looks pretty awesome now huh oh yeah look looks super fiery all right

And then what I’m going to go ahead and do is put your eyes down there okay mango so let me just go ahead and grab some white wool and some black wool just like this I’ll go ahead and grab some pink wool for your mouth as well there

We go and let me just put the eyes over here just like this he looks a little bit crosseyed but it’s whatever and there you go mango how does your Temple look wo I didn’t think you could make it any more beautiful wait what what you actually like this mango oh yeah it

Looks super amazing it’s like an RP peace okay anyways let me just go ahead and make the entrance back here then and what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and grab a little bit of a calm Brown block just like this it’s not too

Brown but it’s lightly brown which should be enough for me to make the walls of his poop Tower Temple as well so let me just go over here grab some more blocks stack it all the way up and then after I’m done building these walls we can make a trap for

Too wa woodo you’re even adding a background that’s amazing yeah I know looks great now come on inside how about I give you a bunch of treasure courtesy of my own money does it look amazing all this gold it looks really really awesome I didn’t know you were

Such a nice guy maybe we can be friends wait really wait Manga why are you acting so different I act that you hated me no you’re making me an amazing build and I’m happy oh that’s awesome okay well then come over here manga I have

Plenty of treasure for you to sit on top of okay woodo thank you so much all right now Mongo’s sitting right right over there which means I can go use the uh quote unquote bathroom I’m going to be right back okay I got to use the bathroom oh take your time buddy all

Right there we go now we’re sealed off in the bottom again so let me just go ahead and grab some more TNT and Redstone and finally I will be able to blow up and Tina for being so mean to me here we go I’m just going to play

Some TNT all around just like this oh yeah this is a ton of TNT which looks perfect now what I’m going to do is I’m going to build a little bit of an Escape Route on The Edge there we go cover this all up and now I’m going to place down

The Redstone going all the way over here and I’m going to finally connect it off when I put some Sandstone on the top to hide it ah yes this is looking absolutely perfect now what I can do is take this Redstone lever put that there

Oh gosh why is it invisible let me just refresh everything there we go and now I can go over here put the lever to this too and okay guys what do you think of your temples oh yeah it looks okay I guess I do like all the shiny stuff o

Okay I like that you like that Tina and manga how are you liking your fire poop build man I love it I think I might just like crying that’s how amazing it is oh yeah you guys just sit tight okay now what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Blow up Tina first in T minus 3 2 1 yes blow up blow up blow up I think I heard the TNT come on keep blow up wait a second what’s going on my temple ow yes okay blow up now I’m going to blow up mongos too and gu the TNT

Activated come on come on go blow up blow up blow up and what’s going on yes yes yes now they’re distracted I can fly away Escape yay wait a second Tina I just remembered this green guy is the one that always did breaks on us wait that guy we don’t

Like that guy how about we blow him up wait what take this wo die oh gosh no they found me I got to run please princess please give us Elemental Powers yes we need it as the princess here I decide who gets the powers are you too worthy woodo which

Power would you want I want the fire Elemental the fire power is the greatest power on the entire Earth please princess Dina please give it to me fire is the worst Power please give me some ice powers I beg you wait what ice powers are so lame manga what are you

Talking about they just melt off so weird dude fire is the thing that melts the fire so whack what are you going to be hot like no one cares about that bro silence you two need to stop arguing in front of your princess I’m so sorry Princess Dina please please I’ll do

Anything for you to give me this Firepower what if I do a silly dance oh okay amuse me with your silly dances this is funny enough for you princess Tina oh it’s funny how desperate you are I need you two to prove that you really really want those

Powers well do anything please tell us what we have to do oh well if you’ll do anything I want you two to build the greatest Elemental castles based on your favorite element all for me wait what you’re giving us the ability to build any of them but wait a second when are

We going to get the elemental powers well whoever builds the best castle for their princess will get their dream elemental power but I warn you I will judge you harshly oh gosh well in that case I need to build the best elemental fire castle ever it’s going to be way

Better than that thinky guys no it isn’t woodo ice is the best take these snowballs hey hey stop it stop it oh and I whoever builds the worst Castle I’m throwing off the world forever no look Princessa even made it rain this is so scary oh gosh I better start building if

I want to build the greatest Elemental castle out of fire blocks I better grab some things related to fire so how about I grab some Netherrack some Nether Bricks some nether W blocks anything that I can get to prove that the fire element is the better one and then what

I’m going to do is I’m going to angle the castle this way and I’m going to start building the interior just like this oh woodo my snow castle is going to be way better than yours Noob wait what how is his already so big gosh okay you

Know what I need to go get my special tool which is my fancy wand and I’m going to go all the way over here and I’m going to try to make my castle even taller than so it looks cooler woodo it looks like Mongo’s way ahead of

You oh gosh no he’s not look princess I just have to do this command just like this and boom check it out my castle is already two times taller than his Lane Castle hey there needs to be a rule or something where you can’t build it that

High bro what in the world this looks like a prison anyway not somewhere Fit For A Princess wait what oh my gosh look princess Tina I will definitely make it look a lot better just give me one second okay I’m building the entrance right now to the amazing castle that

Will be yours well then make it better because I don’t like how it looks so far okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry look you see how manga has a stick thingies on his castle I can do that easily too let me just break these blocks just like

This and boom there we go stick thingies are on the way you can make as many stick thingies as you want Udo but it won’t change the fact that your Castle is boring and gray what no it’s not gray it’s red what are you talking about oh

Princess Tina you’re right and look I even have snow golems guarding the castle woo they’re so adorable do they move yeah of course they move whenever you want them to princess Tina okay well make them move princess Tina I bet you they will not move at all oh yeah wo

Well watch this 3 2 1 look wait what you just spawn in a new one she said to make those move oh my gosh did Princess Tina just burned alive I am displeased how dare you trick me I’m sorry I won’t do that again that’s right say to it that you don’t princess

Tina is so scary oh gosh I better get to building the rest of these stick thingies hold on one second here we go this is looking good I’ll finish building them in a second but for right now I need to start decorating it maybe what I should do is take these magma

Blocks and build a giant tea that stands for princess Tina oh well that’s a pretty good idea woodo but why are you building it from such ugly blocks wait what are you talking about these are fire blocks aren’t you a fire Elemental yourself look Tina well yeah but my

Favorite color is still pink not orange oh my gosh okay fine then what I’ll do is I’ll grab some pink blocks as you request and I’ll put pink on the outside of it is that okay thank you my loyal servant am I getting bonus points with

You right now princess Tina maybe I will actually get the fire elements let’s go Oh no you’re just catching up from negative points hey what oh my gosh okay fine whatever princess Tina I’m even going to double layer it just to make you even happier look at how many pink

Blocks I’m putting down isn’t that amazing I guess it’s all right good job keep working on it I’m going to go check in on Mango okay now while princess Tina is working on that now I have the giant te for her and the entrance and now I’m actually going to start building the

Inside of this Castle but hold on a second what do you usually put inside a castle of course you need the most important thing which is a throne so let me just go over here grab some pieces of gold and I’m basically going to replicate the throne that she has right

Over there because that’s her throne and if she likes this Throne that means that she’ll give me the bonus points so let me just grab all these blocks real quick and go inside and make my Throne oh princess Tina yes my favorite Royal servants I just overheard wudo say he’s

Going to copy the throne over here and not make a new one of his own hey what M what are you doing how lazy of you I can’t believe you would stoop to imitation oh no I’m sorry okay fine princess Tina I won’t do it I won’t do

It okay forget it I won’t build that out of gold let me go and find a different block I can build it out of better be amazing because if I see anything like that Throne over there I am instantly disqualifying you and you’ll never ever ever get powers okay okay fine I’m sorry

Look this fire Coral looks really cool maybe I can use that but oh gosh it just dies I guess I’m just going to have to make it out of these nether W blocks instead so it’s nice and red and fiery and of course I’m going to surround the

Throne with fire so that it looks as fiery as possible so let me just put these blocks out just like this there we go uh princess Tina how does this look as your throne let me see this is pretty plain but I guess the shape is all right

Okay okay wait hold on a second what if I go grab a flint and steel just like this and I start surrounding it with fire do you feel the fire energy coming to your elementaless princess Tina wo it’s so warm and cozy you should put more fire now okay okay I’ll put more

Fire whatever you demand princess Tina princess Tina I don’t know if you saw this but wo’s Throne literally has two toilets underneath I think he’s using your throne as toilet storage that’s not true all put those under there are you intending to poop under my Royal Throne is this treachery are you

Betraying your princess yeah and why would I put them there we all know the rules are I can’t build on this side wao whoo wao no no no no this is false news okay prina please put that thing down I know you want to kill me right now but

I’m telling you Mongo’s lying oh well do you have any proof no there’s not really any proof in Minecraft but I’ll delete the toilets there you go is that okay nope I must delete this whole thing no oh my gosh princess Dina now I have to

Work even harder to put that back oh my gosh princess Tina is the meanest princess ever wow princess Tina that was a very good punishment for a criminal like him hey hey I know for a fact that you did that too and I’m going to go get back for this after I

Finish fixing my Throne hey don’t to snitch the princess Tina you’re going to get Revenge Hey Hey Hey listen buddy if you’re going to keep snitching I will beat you up get out of here oh you’re not going to do anything buddy oh my gosh Mango’s just making fun of me I’m

Going to cry okay the last pieces of my Throne are down and there we go that’s looking pretty good maybe the next thing I should do is grab some orange carpet because it looks like fire and then I can make a fiery carpet just like this so that princess Tina’s pleased with my

Builds can’t you build anything warmer what do you mean princess Tina I want the ice elemental powers yes but as a fire Elemental this place is too cold it’s unbearable to be here okay fine I’ll change the floor can you change everything while you’re at it okay okay

Yes well princess Tina is getting mad at I should pull a prank on too maybe what I should do is build a toilet but make it an explosive toilet so hold on a second let me just grab a pressure plate real quick right over here I’ll

Grab some TNT and then I’ll get the toilet and then I’m just going to sneakery go over here inside whatever this room is go in this oh it looks like a bedroom okay okay this is perfect I’m going to put the toilet right over here

But right in front of it I’m going to put a pressure plate with three blocks of TNT right underneath so that the TNT blows up when Princess Tina tries to take her royal poop oh my gosh I’m such a genius here we go just like that here

The pressure plates oh uh Maro look princess CA look wo is trying to plot against me just like I was telling you why would you do that no no no no princess Tina um I was just uh trying to make sure that the plumbing of this

Royal toilet was good you should go take a royal seat no wait a second what what’s underneath these blocks nothing it’s just Plumbing guys stop clicking those blocks come on princess Tina take a seat oh no I insist that you take a seat first oh no I don’t want to take a

Seat princess Tina come on you take a seat come on here you go take a seat right now or I’ll blow you up okay I’m sorry I’m sorry JZ I’ll take a seat right now I don’t want to blow up I don’t want to blow up please don’t blow

Please oh wait a second W you just blew up my entire base this was a plot against your princess how dare you wait what no I didn’t do that I promise it was he was planning on killing you princess Cena and I have evidence I told

You before it even happened no no no no he didn’t he didn’t he put he messed up the pluming so it was all explosive and now I’m super sad because he blew up my base and I have to build it all over again I think he deserves a punishment

Oh there there all right you too come here let me grab this and put this on your head to properly punish you hey hey what are you you doing to me Princessa stop it stop it and um what the heck why is my underwear on my head very fitting for a punishment princess

Tina yes yes I could never let this stinky Green Turtle punish you my favorite Royal servant thank you thank you no way are you kidding me now Mongo’s totally going to get his ice elemental power and I’m just going to look like an Dumbo with this underwear

On my head I don’t look like a cold fire elements at all listen woodo between you and me I may not have liked your build before but Mongo’s built is way too cold build something nice and warm for your princess won’t you okay okay fine fine

Fine maybe if I do this I’ll actually get on our good side again so what I’m going to do is I’m going to grab an armor stand and then I’m going to grab some really really cool armor because I know that princess Tina loves to dress

Up so let me just grab this armor over here just like this and I think these are the coolest armors and now what I’m going to do is I am going to make a dressing area so let me just go put these armor stands over here then I can

Put the armor on top just like like this and oh my gosh princess Tina is literally going to fall in love is there any other armor that I should put on here and H I guess I can get her a little beach outfit too because it is

Kind of getting hot in here so let me just go over here and grab a bikini I’ll give her a little Straw Hat I’ll even give her some other hats as well to choose from and ooh there’s even this fire armor that looks so cool I’m going

To grab this too now let me just put all the outfits over here just like this with the bikini and oh my gosh princess daa princess TAA come and check it out I just built you the greatest wardrobe you have ever seen in your life with the

Coolest outfits just for you woo these look super powerful too good job my Royal servants wait so can I have my fire elemental power now please I want to breathe fire on Mango’s face do you really think a few Alpa changes would be enough to win you this contest yeah I

Mean you did say the best elemental Castle yes keyword Castle this is one corner of a castle woodo oh gosh okay well well in that case I definitely need to get stronger for the princess if she doesn’t just want clothes then I got to actually train myself up to become a

Fire Elemental and what ridiculous thing are you wearing on your feet nothing to worry about it it was just some leftover armor okay now hold on let me just go and grab some fences right over here and then I’m going to grab some weapons like a sword just like that and then I’m

Going to grab some of the strongest lava mobs ever like magma cubes and also blazes because I’m going to prove to the princess that that my firep powers are going to make me even stronger and let me protect her even better than can so this is going to be the little

Training area let me just grab a little bit of lava so I can build some lava pools and now that I have this giant cage set up let me just go grab some fence gates right over here just like that and now I’m going to go inside and

Start spawning in the mobs like a couple of magma cubes just like that and then also some of the blazes oh princess Tina come over here what is it this time did you make a new bathroom no I didn’t make any bathroom at all I just wanted to

Show you how strong I would be the fire elemental powers so I built a little training area where I can train it to be the best fire Elemental ever doesn’t it look amazing princess Tina oh new pets I’m going to name this one fluffy and this one can be um blazy princess Tina

These are not pets I’m supposed to kill these things with my diamond sword see don’t you dare hurt blazy these are my Royal Pets and you will respect them oh gosh wait what I was going to fight these things and okay whatever you know what if princess Tina wants to use them

As her pet then so be it she can have them as her pets I’m just going to start working on the backyard now oo a backyard what are you going to build out there well princess Tina given that you do like to have a lot of fun I want to

Come out here and build a place where you can have as much fun and wait what hey Princessa Princessa Princessa come over here I need to show you something huh what’s going on no no no princess Tina princess CA I need to show you something has placed this down

Right over here he’s trying to ridicule you princess look over here I found wudo creating something as I was checking out his build to make sure he wasn’t cheating again and look at this no no no Princessa this was not my doing this was he just did it secretly outside my

Base oh what an adorable head this is the perfect decoration no but Princessa there’s a sign that says goofy isn’t that like a synonym for the best ever yeah sure you know what Princessa is is and as a matter of fact I’m going to grab your head and I’m going to decorate

Your head everywhere so that everyone knows that this is your Castle see that’s right this is the best decoration I’ve seen yet nice try manga you dumbo trying to ruin my chances of becoming Elemental would I’ll get you back for this get out of here okay okay okay now

That I’m finally alone without any distractions I’m going to start building some really really cool stuff and the first thing I’m going to do is I am going to build a Jacuzzi so that princess Gina can relax outside and it is going to be an extra large jacuzzi

Because I know that princess Tina likes to chill from all the hard work that she does um she doesn’t really do any hard work but she does apparently do a lot of hard work which is why I’m still going to build it so let me just grab some

Campfire so we can heat it up and then the water and even though I don’t want any ice or water in my build I kind of need it because it’s a hot tub but there we go just like that now what I’m going to do is use my fancy little one select

These two blocks and then I’m going to set it all to water there we go the jacuzzi is all set up Princessa what do you think of this I was just making a name tag so I could rename you no Princessa please don’t rename me how

About you come over here and check out what amazing thing I built you you are going to love this so so much all right what is this blob um it is a Jacuzzi come on you’re going to go in the water and it’s going to be nice and

Warm W that’s so cool can I join you guys no Monga you’re probably going to poop in the jacuzzi I don’t want you to be even near it okay oh yeah well how about you guys come over here I need to show you something oh my gosh manga what

Did you do now princess Tina there’s a book over here I wonder what it says woodo when did you write it wait what there’s a book I didn’t do anything and wait reasons why I hate princess Tina she stinks Turtles are better no no no no no this is not my doing did

This while I was working outside burn this book don’t be silly we all know woodo can’t read or write wait what yeah but princess Tina why in the world would I write turtles or better you know I don’t like turtles I don’t know one of you must be lying and I’m going to

Figure out who it’s not me it’s him wait what no it’s him all right then I think you should have a dance off to prove who’s the real liar a dance off no no no this is bad I’m going to sit on my throne and you two can do whatever

Humiliating dances you may know okay I’m so going to win this oh gosh okay well in that case um does does does this dance look good look I’m a p wedding P ballerina yeah oh yeah yeah well look at this dance Princessa it’s called the

Warm oh yeah wait what no my dance is obviously better Princessa come on please please mine is better please and I call this all around the world no please I changed my mind you’re both incredibly lame I’m leaving wait what okay fine good leave my base so I can continue building jeez you’re

Distracting me you better watch out woodo I have some more traps ready for you oh gosh okay well while tries to trap me I guess I’m just going to continue building my outdoor space for princess Tina I’m actually going to build something really cool outside that

She is going to love and all it needs is some black wool just like this and then I can grab some speakers and I am going to build Princess Tina an extra large movie room so that she can watch all my videos and if you haven’t already make

Sure you subscribe so that we win and subscribe in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing what are you talking about about subscribing I have something more important to tell you uh is it more important than this giant TV I’m making you princess TV yes because I just

Realized you don’t have a cat room a cat room wait what about your fire Elemental do fire Elementals really like cats of course fire Elementals like cats do you not like cats yeah I guess I like cats I like whatever you like princess Tina I’ll build you a cat room oh perfect so

Um just make it 3,000 blocks wide with about a million cats inside make sure they have plenty of food and water and things to play with hey yo what I’m not going to build that much stuff princess Tina but I can build you a giant TV instead o doesn’t this Ley look amazing

Can I watch cat videos on it yeah you could watch anything but I would prefer if you watch some woodo videos woodo videos don’t tend to have that many cats so I don’t want to watch them what no okay fine Princessa you don’t need to watch them geez whatever but I’m going

To enjoy this TV though and while I sit and enjoy this TV I’m also going to grab some food because I know that princess Tina loves to eat and what are some fiery Foods how about I grab some fiery noodles just like this and let’s see are

There any other fiery things that I can grab too ooh this soup looks spicy and there’s Lobster um I’ve never had Lobster before but that sounds pretty hot and fiery maybe I can have some mushrooms that are hopefully not poisonous and I guess I can grab some

Pizzas too that should be good and then I can put all this food all over the place let’s go I got the lobster I got the red soup I got the pizza and the pasta whatever princess Tina could ever want in her dreams I have it for her

Here we go I’ll even add some mushrooms all over the place and now princess Tina is absolutely going to love that I built her basically a mini kitchen outside so that she can watch her favorite movies and eat any food that she wants Tina princess Tina come over here wait what

What’s going on and wait why are there so many wolves here look at wo’s base he spawned in a bunch of wolves instead of cats what no I didn’t do that did that I wasn’t even inside my base I told you to build a cat room and you put dogs

In here how dare you don’t worry princess Tina I can save you come over here I need to show you your new pets oh what are they are they kitties yes it’s actually one kitty and this is the world’s largest cat in the world wait what so cute you’re going to become my

Royal Ste no way how did you do that oh my gosh this is not fair I’m leaving this as you can see I got Ed the world’s largest cat there’s only one of them and woodo got you a bunch of dogs what do you have to say about that

Princess Tina no no no no no that’s ridiculous I’m to do something even better for princess tin now hold on a second let me just go over here I’m going to grab a giant fence just like this and I’m going to grab another lead and I’m going to give princess Tina two

Giant cats because I know how did it let me grab this lead just like this and then let me just grab a cat’s spawn egg and what I’m going to do is have these cats and oh gosh no no they’re burning no no no no no I’m sorry kitties

No excuse me do I hear the sound of cats dying what’s this I swear I just heard a cat die no no no no no you guys didn’t hear anything okay um I’m just setting this area into grass blocks just like this there we go and then I’m going to

Spawn in the kitty cats just like this and then I’m going to tie them up to there there we go and now what I can do is I can use a special command where I can scale them up just like this here we go and boom giant kitties woodo you’re just copying

Wait what no I’m not oh my gosh fire is way too dangerous of an elemental we need to have ice powers in this world no no no no no it was just a mistake okay look um I’m going to fix it right now there we go now they’re nice and safe

Clearly this isn’t a safe place for cats yeah can you explain to me why you’re using nature blocks for a fire build woodo um um um well sometimes you need a mix of Nature and fire right guys well if you just want to cheat by making cats

Larger then two can play at that game wudo wait why what are you talking about Princess Tina what are you going to do to me I don’t want to be punished anymore punish him punish him oh yeah wo will take this oh gosh wait what’s happening

To me um guys why am I short right now and why is this cat so humongous bro is 411 what well I know you’ll never be able to build me a castle like this wudo goodbye no way you guys made me tiny that’s not fair now I’m like one block

Tall and we only have two more minutes left good luck voodo I’m definitely going to win this is not fair okay okay you know know what there’s only one last thing that I could do to really impress princess Tina and that is building a giant volcano maybe if I build this

Giant volcano big enough she’ll be so shocked at how cool it is that she’ll give me my fire elemental powers so I need to make the base of the volcano nice and Tall just like this here we go and now what’s going to happen is I’m

Going to make the volcano turn into a cone and make it shrink just a little bit more just like this and now that we have that done let me just grab some lava and now I can make the lava pour out the volcano wo check it out this is

So cool I actually have a lovea volcano right in the backyard of Princess Tina’s castle and I’m going to make sure it’s very safe and away from all her cats so she doesn’t get mad at me again and wow this is so cool now I have giant cats

The giant volcano I hope princess Tina is really happy with what I built here because I really want my elemental powers now all that I’ve got so far has made fun of and had my underwear put on my head and turn really tiny but I know

I’m going to get manga back for this oh Princess Tia what is it my least favorite servant well Princess Tia my build is done but I guess Mongo’s build is done twin hey yo what is wrong with him um anyways should we go take a look

At the castles now and see who is worthy of their elemental power oh sure but keep flying because it’s kind of hard to look down at you when you’re standing oh my gosh okay princess te I got it you’re just making fun of me whatever let’s

Look at this garbage guy’s base oh hello hey there wo the one who’s most likely not to get his Elemental welcome to my build okay here we have a giant army of snowman that princess Tina can use at her disposal these snowmen don’t even move Look they’re Lally just

Solid rocks can you believe this he wanted to give you fake solders so you die in a potential attack princess Tina bro I literally showed proof that we can make them alive what do you mean no they’re fake they’re fake you’re right woodo these snowman have no value to me

Oh my gosh you just blew them up oh brother not this again whatever well as you know I have an ice throne for you and I also have your amazing giant cat that was my idea not wo’s idea this Throne is so chilly I hate it princess

Tina May I also remind you that made this Throne three blocks high is he trying to say that you’re a short person should I be more than three blocks high no if anything it means you’re a tall person wood why are you trying to bring your short Antics into this no no no

Printin he’s trying to make fun of you you should have burn this entire Castle down no I don’t think I will besides it’s not bad to be short unless you’re you woodo oh gosh okay fine well can I show you my Casta at least Castle’s so boring that was it boo I

Feel like I’ve already seen enough but sure I’ll let you give me one less tour look here’s the giant te for the princess Tina and then you go inside we have my training area of course because I’m going to be the strongest knight ever as a fire Elemental and then if you

Go over here I have all my Elemental clothes like this so that can look really powerful with it on check it out princess Tina well princess Tina why in the world would he keep such dangerous mobs in the base and look he’s putting on all his armor to flex on you silence

Don’t question that these are my Royal Pets but wudo I did think this armor was for me not for you well no it is for you princess Tina which is why I give you set of armor too look it’s all yours I don’t want to put on Armor that you’ve

Worn disgusting oh gosh okay fine well whatever I’m still your Royal Knight after all anyways princess Tina why don’t you you come over here and check out the backyard I already know I told you I made you the jacuzzi but if you look at this your giant TV now is

Included with a bunch of hot food oh fantastic food that’s going to give me stomach problems wait why why are they going to give you stomach problems who doesn’t love eating pizza look at this Lobster it looks alive no it looks so cute it’s alive wait what what are you doing

Why do you have a bikini on I’m just chilling cuz I know I’m going to win okay well anyways princess te look I did have your giant cats over here but I guess took them away of course but they were standing next to the coolest thing of all and it is this lava

Volcano well princess Hina I think that the giant cat jumped on top of the lava volcano and died what no they didn’t are you saying that voo killed more cats that’s right that’s right give me my Powers all right you two I think I’ve seen enough to decide who’s getting

Their powers oh tell us Princessa whooo please please please look I’ll go to your throne and I’ll beg again please even though I’m super short please I’ll even take off my armor please after a lot of careful consideration I’ve decided neither of you deserve any powers and I’m going to destroy you all

Wait what what in the world walk what do we do goodbye my Serv she’s blowing it all up no oh gosh I’m so stupid why did I decide to go on a treasure hunt by myself now I’m lost at seeing all these sharks want to eat me oh

Wait a second what’s that noise that sounds like my friend and wait what in the world is that is that a giant boat coming towards me of course it’s a giant boat what are you doing on that tiny raft woodo wait guys you’re here to

Rescue me thank you guys so much no buo we went on our own treasure hunt and guess what we found a super cool wand that gave us super powers check it out we have elemental powers now wait a second so you guys aren’t here to rescue

Me hey I was going on that same treasure hunted you guys got the treasure first you really thought we were going to rescue you woodo good luck surviving the Sharks oh my gosh that’s so messed up guys ouch I’m bleeding now well we’re going to leave you now goodbye well no

No guys don’t leave me don’t me hey what’s that what’s going on oh gosh who is that and wait a second you’re a wizard you’re not or Tina that’s right woodo I am here because I saw your friends bullying you and I decided to come here so I can help you

Well first things first can to get me off this raft I don’t want to be here anymore well here’s the thing I can’t get you off the raft but I can’t help you get elemental powers wait and if I have elemental powers that means I’ll be even better than and TAA that’s

Right here let me put you in this game mode real quick and now you’re going to be able to build whoa what I’m in creative mode well what am I building for you Mr Wizard I’ll do anything for you to rescue me well in order to get

Elemental powers you need to build the greatest ele Elemental builds that I’ve ever seen with the following elements water fire and Earth wait really those elements sound sick okay I’ll do it Mr Wizard and I’ll prove to you how tough I am so that I can get every elemental

Power good luck woodo okay but where did my friends going a who cares about my friends anymore I’m just going to throw away this treasure map on their boat there we go and now what I’ll be able to do is build something super duper cool and get rid of this poopy little raft

First things first let me grab my trusty wand and what I am going to do is I’m going to build the foundation of my belt which needs to be really really big and then using this command I can set everything to barrels just like this and

Wow there we go this could be the perfect Foundation of our Elemental boat raft thingy I guess the first element I want to build with is lava because lava is one of the coolest Elemental blocks ever so let me just grab some lava nether type things like a lava bucket

Some Netherrack I’ll even take some Nether Bricks and stuff and okay this is already looking looking pretty good now let’s see what’s the first thing you think of when you hear fire oh I know a volcano so how about I build a massive volcano on the edge of the boat and then

I can use it sort of like a lookout for watching out for Monga and Tina but also to watch out for sharks and any other weird things that come through and it’s also going to look really cool because I mean heck it’s a volcano volcanoes are usually super duper tall but I think

This volcano looks the perfect size now what I’m going to do is flow some lava in here just like it’s about to erupt and I’m even going to let some magma fall to the side or is it lava I forgot which one it’s called when it comes out

The volcano but regardless it looks super duper sick and then I can add just like a little lava pool right over here so it doesn’t flow all over the place oh gosh wait hold on hold on come on and a there we go I caught it just in time and

There is our massive volcano and it’s literally so big it already is taking a quarter of our entire build area but don’t worry we can always make the build area a little bit bigger but now I need to get to the actual challenge part I think what I’m going to do is actually

Spend out this entire area all the way across here and what I’m going to do is I’m going to fill it with lava now you might be asking yourself well woodo why are we setting everything to Lava well I’m going to tell you right now because

We are going to build some lava parkour so let me grab my Nether Bricks just like I said I was going to build with and now let’s add some really really difficult parkour jumps for my friends to get across if they want to complete my fire challenge so we can make some

Two block jumps just like this and ooh what if we spice things up a bit and grab a ladder just like that and we add some ladder jumps which will go right over here and what that means is that you need to actually jump on top of the

Ladder if you want to make it across to the next jump just like that then I can add a super duper hard diagonal jump just like that there we go and then I’m going to add one more jump all the way up here that involves some ladders and I

Know it isn’t super FY but I’m sure the wizard will let it pass I’m also going to add a slime block jump right over here so when you’re at the top of this ladder just like this you have to bounce off the slime block and then you can end

Up on a block right over here so let me just extend out these Nether Bricks just like this and now let’s see will it be high enough for me to make the slime block jump if I do this and oh wait I messed up let me try one more time and

Boom it does work and then I’ll add one more jump over here so you can jump from this part to the very tippity top of this volcano so you can Overlook the entire ocean but I’m still not going to take it easy on and Tina for what

They did to me so how about I add one little extra room to my fire raft and that is a mob battle Yes you heard me right I am going to make them fight some sort of really scary lava mob if they want to make it out so let me just add

That floor and then what I’m also going to do is give myself some barrier blocks just like this and with with these barrier blocks what I can do is build a wall surrounding the mob battle area just like this you know just so the mobs can’t escape or anything like that and

Then what I can do is summon in my first lava mob and that is going to be hold on hold on watch out it’s coming right over here it is a lava monster and these guys look super duper scary look his entire mouth is made of lava and I’m sure

Mango’s going to poop his pants so I’m quickly just going to grab a dispenser just like this and and some pressure plates and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to have antina drop down here and I’m going to have a bunch of lava monster spawn eggs in the middle so

They need to fight them to the death if they want to make it out now what I’ll do is build a little extra parkour to get across to the inside of the mob battle area and there we go it is perfect now we have a mob battle some

Lava parkour and a super duper cool Mega volcano I’m even going to make it even cooler and decorate it a bit more just like this this and wow that is looking sick I guess the very last thing I need to do to make this a real boat SL raft

Thingy is to put the captain’s wheel just like this and oh gosh it’s a little bit off but whatever I guess this works oh wizard where are you w did you summon me wa Mr Wizard you came out of nowhere yeah obviously I summoned you check out my amazing fire

Elemental boats what do you think wo it has a bunch of lava and the boat can be driven with a volcano know you know what that is pretty cool woodo I think you’re worthy of the Firepower what do you say wait I am okay okay give it to me we

Take this oh gosh here we go oh gosh what did The Wizard do to me and oh my gosh check it out I have fire wings and fire eyes no way I was worthy enough of the fire element this is so awesome now my friends are going to be

Totally jealous of me but I’m still not done I need every single element so how about I make a brand new raft sitting next to the fire raft and now this one is going to be the ice element let me grab some snowy blocks just like this a

Couple of snowy decorations of course I have to grab some ice there we go and that should be good for starting the foundation but hold on a second because this boat is going to be so icy we need to use some Icy blocks to make it work

So all I need to do is run this command and ooh check it out we could do a bunch of combinations of snow and ice but you know what I want a little bit more snow than ice so what I’m going to do is customize the command just like this and

There we go that looks amazing and look I can even keep spamming the command and it makes it different what in the world okay okay you know what this one’s pretty good and now what I’m going to build for the centerpiece of my amazing ice Elemental boat is a giant snowman

Because who doesn’t love snowman now let me grab some wood so I can build out his fingers just just like this a what a cute little snowman and now I can start building the top of a snowy little head let me just make it a little bit of a

Cylinder just like this and now I’m going to add the walls to his face and last but not least I need to build the top of his head check it out here we go just one more block and now we have a cute little snowman but let me give him

Some eyes with this black wool and then of course we can’t forget about his carrot nose so let me just grab that there we go and then here’s his carrot Nails oh my gosh and uh wait a second he kind of looks like a duck but you know

What that’s fine we like ducky snowman okay so now that we have our snowman what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to make this the starting place for our ice boat race Yes you heard me right because boats slip and slide so

Easy on top of ice why not make it into a racing challenge to get to the bottom with me and my friends so all I need to do is make these ice blocks go all the way down like this and then I’m going to make some extra extra hard ones as well

Watch look the ice just dropped already like a couple of blocks and then I’m going to make a super duper narrow and twisty turn to throw my friends off because if they miss the fall they’re going to fling right into the ocean it’s going to be hilarious there we go then

Afterwards you’re going to have to come down here and slip and slide right underneath Mr Ducky snowman’s arms and once you’ve done that you’ll finally make it to the bottom and then you’ll be able to survive my Elemental build that’s awesome aome as a little surprise

As well what I’m going to do is I am going to build an ice cream stand so my friends can enjoy a little bit of an icy dessert afterwards so I’m just going to build it up with fences just like this there we go and now I’m just going to

Search some ice creams grab some ice cream trays just like that and oh my gosh check it out this is going to be the most delicious looking ice cream you have ever seen in your entire life OMG looks so good let me put this glow Berry

Ice cream this Choco chip this apple ice cream and wow I mean who wouldn’t want to eat that ice cream if you want to eat some ice cream with me then all you need to do is subscribe so subscribe in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing now you get

Have some ice cream and enjoy your time with a couple of little fox plushies and I think my icy Elemental build is now finished oh wizard oh hello W it’s so cold here oh wait Mr Wizard you came here kind of fast uh yeah welcome to my

Icy Elemental build I have my nice little snowman over here who has some duck lips but um don’t worry about that and then when you come to the top of the Snowman you can race all the way down using some ice boats just like that and

When you make it to the very bottom you can have ice cream as a dessert wow this snowman is so cute woodo he looks just like you wait what he doesn’t look just like me what are you talking about I’m a fire Elemental now and I’m going to have

An icy elemental power now right yeah I think you deserve it here wait really oh gosh what happened to me why do I feel so cold and check me out oh my gosh I have fire wings and fire eyes but look now I have icy hands and I have icy

Legs let’s go now I’m only one more element away before I have all of them and now I need to get the nature Power by building a nature raft there we go and now that I have a nice big raft I probably need some blocks that would

Make sense for a nature Elemental so let me just get some grass and I guess I’ll grab some some saplings as well and O I can’t forget I should probably add some flowers just like this and there we go you see the nature element is very very

Simple and peaceful it’s only a couple of things that I probably need to build in this but I know I can make them really really cool so how about the first thing I do is make a giant maze using these flower blocks just like this

And now that I have a whole chunk of these leaves what I can slowly do is carve out a little maze oh my gosh I’m literally like a sculptor right now but I don’t want to make anyone just complete amazed when and Tina make

It to the end I want them to enjoy a little bit of fun time with me so let’s see if you can guess what I’m going to do to make them happy I’m going to grab some chairs and I’m going to grab this thing called a campfire oh wait a second

Are you getting what it is now I’m going to put the fire just like this I’m going to put the chairs all around for me and my friends okay are you starting to get it now let me also get a chest right over here and I’m going to fill it with

A couple of supplies like some raw beef and stuff like that so we can cook it on the you know what it is if you know what it is right now comment before I tell you let me just put the raw beef in there is there anything else that I can

Get and hm maybe we can get some raw fish because we are on the ocean and you know what now I’ll tell you I am building a campfire so me and my friends can go camping overnight on this boat now let’s see I’m going to make this

Maze as complicated as possible so let’s add some dead ends that go to the right just like this and of course I need to make make it go both ways so they get even more confused so we’re going to make the left side actually progress

Them a little bit here we go and I’m even going to add some one block really really confusing tight Corners just like this to really throw off my friends here we go and right when they think they’ve make it I’m going to make it turn all the way back around and now they’re

Going to have to go backwards because they went the wrong way here we go I’m also going to make some of them go backwards which would be so dumb if they actually go through them but now what I’m going to do is I’m going to cover

That piece up a little bit and then I’m going to add one last little piece over here that is actually going to let you go through to the campfire so let me just expand this out there we go and now the eggs will be right over here so now

My friends can go on the campfire and wow that is kind of a confusing maze but it’s not dangerous enough I want to make this maze a challenge for my friends so I’m going to grab some more dispensers another pressure plate just like this and I’m going to grab some simple mobs

You know like a zombie and maybe a creeper too so I can really spook them now what I can do is add some pressure plates just like this there we go and then I can fill them up with Mobs like the zombies can go over here and then

I’ll put their pressure plat so when they step on it they’re going to get trapped in that corner I’ll put a creeper one right over here too but I only add one so it doesn’t blow up too much stuff and last but not least I’ll put one last creeper and boom there we

Go our think our amazing and our little Campground looks super amazing so Mr Wizard where are you hello there woodo oh Mr Wizard you’re back it’s so nice to see you guess what I have finished my nature Elemental boat so now I have all three elements but hold on before you

Give me this element check out how cool it is I have a maze with different mob traps in a bunch of super confusing turns but when my friends make it to the very end they will be rewarded by a pleasant camping site H amazed that’s a very good idea

So does that mean I get the third element and that means I become the most powerful Elemental ever uh no I don’t think so wait what just kidding here you go wait no way hold on a second why do I feel so lovely and wait what do I have hearts on

Top of my head oh my gosh that probably means I love nature and now I have every single element and hold on who’s driving that boat oh wizard where are you we’re looking to woodo and we want more Powers wait what in the world you guys want to

Kill me hey wait what woodo where did you come from oh uh don’t worry about it guys it’s just me voodo with all the elemental powers wait what seriously how’ you get all of those yeah who gave you those W you were supposed to be a

Noob oh yeah well guess what I’m not going to tell you guys I’ll only tell you if you guys come over here and finish my Elemental challenges your Elemental challenges W you built buil all this woodo exactly guys and the only way that you guys are going to be my

Friends again is if you guys beat them so come on you noobs let’s see if you can get across my fire Parkour in my fire Elemental raft oh gosh but I have the ice Elemental there’s no way I can do a lava parkour yeah and nature Burns

In fire oh that’s too bad guys come on I know you can do it unless you’re like me and have every element okay fine look I’m completing a wood see this isn’t even that hard okay there you go just don’t slip on that ice watch out and oh look you made it

To the top of the volcano oh but Tina did it Tina be careful the volcano is super hot whatever guys I can just fly out of here okay wait wait hold on you’re not flying out of anywhere yet you guys need to complete this mob challenge over here

Let’s see how strong you Elementals really are lava monsters Mom battle what in the world wo what is that thing oh oh look you guys are getting attacked by the lava monsters no take this lava monsters you’re so going down this is seriously scary woodo how did you become so cool

Okay listen all right you guys kind of cheated by defeating these with lava uh songa you can stop now okay I get it you have water ice powers it’s cool whatever whatever okay yeah well I had to use them so I can survive against your stupid Monsters woodo okay look manga if

You think you’re so good at that then how about you try my ice Elemental build check it out I have a super cool duck Snowman and on the top we can do a boat race come on wa no way this is definitely screaming my name okay look whichever one of you

Two finishes this boat race first will win ice cream at the bottom so come on go what but you put my boat facing the wrong way get troll tin oh gosh wa you guys both suck hold on a second let me try it out I’m going to go in my boats

And I’m going to be very careful oh gosh wait this is actually really slippery and slidy come on and o o I’m drifting down I’m drifting down come on and boo yeah I made it how did you get so much better at every everything than us woodo

Oh what’s wrong Tina you were bullying me for being such a noob and now that I’m more powerful than you you guys are jealous oh well I guess this ice cream is all mine now yes let’s go wait what you promised me ice cream mudo well yeah

But you didn’t win manga because you’re a loser oh gosh okay whatever can you at least put in a good word with the wizard for us maybe but that’s only if you guys complete my last Elemental raft and that is the nature one it is a giant maze so

Don’t cheat go down right now wait what an elemental maze okay fine all right there you go you guys are activating the traps that is perfect oh gosh there’s a creeper manga watch out I’m going to use my water powers to make it so it doesn’t explode okay it looks

Like Tina’s getting a little bit confused oh my gosh look at you guys you guys are running around like chickens without a head is there even a way out of here oh yeah it was just dumb yeah see of course there isn’t oh of course you guys had to cheat again but look

Guys I have have a campsite for us and we can take some raw beef and raw fish and we can cook it and we can have a campfire forever let’s go so what do you guys think am I like the coolest element or what yeah I guess

But where’s the wizard woodo we want to see him so he can take away your powers wait what you want the wizard to take away my powers that is not happening guys you guys better get used to me being the coolest Elemental ever no excuse me Mr ice cream could I please

Have one scoop of chocolate chip of course wo has one scoop all you want yes please let me just get it for you just like this here you go oh chocolate ice cream I love my chocolate ice cream so so much hey hey everyone put your hands

Up right now I’m robbing the place a what in the world why is there a robber here you green kid sit on the floor right this second okay I’m sorry I’ll sit on the floor oh gosh I just wanted to eat my ice cream listen here Mr ice

Cream I want all the ice cream you have okay fine just take it Mr ice cream this robber is kind of dumb why would he want money hey you stop talking give me your ice cream too okay okay I’m sorry fing get out my chocolate ice cream can you

Just let me get out this placee chocolate ice cream my favorite wait no you can’t get out sit on the floor right now okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I love chocolate ice cream oh man I wish someone could save you from this ice cream Rock Rober what am I going to

Do in here hey don’t steal innocent people’s ice cream who in the world are you do you think you can really stop me I’m going to enjoy my chocolate ice cream sit on the floor right now oh you think you can bully innocent people well

Then have a taste of My Fire magic wait what what are you talking about oh why am on on fire oh gosh you know what I’ll get payback for this oh gosh it hurts wait what in the world just happened wao who are you you’re all fiery and stuff

And did you just burn that robber alive that was so cool oh yeah he deserved it my name’s Lana who are you oh I’m a woodo are you here to rescue me of course I’m here to rescue you I’ve been watching to make sure you don’t get into

Any trouble but you need to be careful okay wo that’s so awesome and you look really pretty too oh you really think so I have to go but make sure you don’t get into any more trouble because those robber’s friends are still out there and I think they’re planning something okay

Fine I’ll make sure to be safe little Lana girl I guess wait a second before you leave do you want some ice cream oh no I’d probably just melt it goodbye wait a second Mr ice cream I got to go follow that girl she was really really

Cute you got this one I believe in you okay okay maybe she’s hanging out my house I’ll be right back okay Mr ice cream hi oh hello Lana are you anywhere here hello he know this is perfect all we need to do is blow up this tante and

We can steal his diamonds come on come on go before he notices wait what in the world is going on why is there t being blown up outside my house let’s go I just took his secret diamonds and now we can run away let’s go wait he’s

Right there come on go go go go go wait what they stole my secret Diamond chest are you kidding me Tina get back here right now and oh gosh are you kidding me all I have left is a stack of diamonds and now there’s a giant hole

Outside my house how in the world am I going to fix this this is ridiculous woodo what’s wrong wrong I came as soon as I heard you screaming wait what Lana you’re back there you are oh my gosh I was literally trying to find you at my house and right when I

Came back I saw Tina blowing up TNT to steal my diamonds and now there’s a giant hole here my house is completely Ru what are you saying your own friends did this to you yes they did and now all I have left is one stack of diamonds

That’s not even enough to buy lunch nowadays that’s horrible Udo your beautiful house but don’t worry I can fix this wait you can Lana and hold on a second I just realized you’re not all firing stuff anymore you’re like some sort of nature elements oh yeah I switch

Elements that will I have like h four or five something like that wait what that’s so cool so you’re going to use the nature element to fix up my house I’d love to see it Lana all right just sit there and it should be fixed right

What no wait what just happened and Lana you fixed everything with your m no way there’s no more hole here anymore that’s so cool of course I did someone as kind as you deserves it but you should stop hanging out with those friends of yours wait really why because they’re super

Mean and disgusting and now I have none of my diamonds I definely got to find a better place to secure these right Lana exactly but woodo I have an even better idea I got you a little something a little something no way oh my gosh I

Have a crush on this girl right now she’s so awesome what is it Lana just come over here I teleported this gift into your house earlier what a gift just for me no way not even my friends give me gifts Lana okay let me just open this

Real quick wa what’s this Lana an elemental rain just came out of it it looks super cool too exactly wear that everywhere you go woodo and you’ll be able to summon me whenever you get in trouble are you kidding me I can summon you whenever I want this is like a dream

Come true I’ve never had a girlfriend before I mean I’m not seeing you’re my girlfriend but it kind of feels like it well I am your guardian and I don’t want those friends of yours messing with you any longer so be sure to use the ring

Okay woodo woodo are you home woodo open up oh gosh Lana I think those are my friends actually right now look they’re at my door oh no I can’t be here I’ll see you later woodo but don’t forget about the ring okay Lana I won’t forget

About you let me just go answer my stinky friends come on Jimbo hello woodo where are you oh my gosh you guys are so annoying mangoa what do you guys want we’re here to take you mining dub exactly do you want to join us on an awesome mining trip wait what do you

Guys want to go mining with me after they just stole my diamonds are you kidding me oh whatever I mean I guess I do have this Elemental ring now so you know what okay fine Anda sure I’ll go mining with you guys as long as you do nothing suspicious oh don’t worry we

Found all the diamonds in the world when we went mining woodo we have the best luck so follow us come on wudo okay if you guys say so oh roodo just follow us over here trust me there’s so many good diamonds what in the world how did

You find a diamond mine this big there’s so many Diamond doors yeah I’m so awesome but woodo you have to be the one to mine them come on oh my gosh that’s so awesome hold on a second let me just grab one of these there we go and

How about I I grabbed these ones over here M go they look even shinier oh yeah woodo just keep mining the diamonds don’t pay attention to us yeah don’t look this way okay there you go wait what’s that noise guys well why did you tell me not to look this way and

Boom wait what M what just happened ow ouch what the heck was that did I just fall into a hole oh that hurt really bad get pranked woodo again no way he fell for that Tina first we stole his diamonds and then we pranked him inside

Of the cave he’s such a loser loser wait a second did you guys just set up that trap for me to fall in this hole again no way guys you can’t just keep breaking me like this we can do whatever we want woodo just stay being a loser down there

While we finish mining all the other diamonds no way are you kidding me I can’t handle this anymore I need to summon Lana right now Lana wood wood what is it you called wait what did the elemental ring actually working Lana there you are thank you so much for coming to my

Rescue and Tina are up there right now laughing at me because they pranked you with the diamond cave except there was gravel and they made me slip and fall I can’t stand those friends of yours how can they be so mean I know it’s so messed up can you please uh get

Some revenge for me oh yeah I would love to get some Revenge I’ll be right back wait what where are you going right now come on Tina let’s go the rest of these diamonds and wait a second who is this person oh red loser get smacked in there what’s

Happening what in the world that hurt really bad check it out Mara you guys just fell in the same hole that I felling how’s that pranking on yourself huh Monga wait a second is that person flying who is she woodo is that your girlfriend oh yeah this is my Elemental girlfriend

Guys her name is Lana I mean it’s not official yeah right Lana but like we’re kind of dating now when did you get a girlfriend that doesn’t matter I’m not done with my revenge wudo take this wait wait wait hold on wait no Tina run get out of here this lady’s insane

Hold on Lana can Le rescue me out this hole first and then we can mess with them even more oh yeah sorry I forgot Udo come on let’s get you out of here oh my gosh L you’re the best and now that we’re outside this cave right over here

Come on come on come on give me something I can blow them up with something you can blow them up with well I’m sure your friends love creepers so take this oh wait a second did you just give me creeper spawn eggs come on Lana let’s bring them back omongo Tia creeper

Tag wait gosh what are the world is going on come on get the creepers you guys everyone of you is going to die stop it woodo seriously that hurts no Tina forget him him and his new girlfriend are evil we need to get out of here come on yeah let’s run oh my

Gosh Lana this is the best day ever and you’re the best elemental girlfriend I could ever have I know woodo but first let’s get you out of here we need to make sure your friends don’t mess with you anymore oh yeah you’re right Lana

Come on we can get back to my place all right woodo and here we are back at the playground safe and sound oh thank goodness Lana you really saved me back there oh I know but woodo your friends are so mean to you why don’t you just

Move away and never talk to them again wait what move away and leave my friends are you kidding me Lana I can’t do that they’re still my friends but you know it does really make me upset because all they want to do is prank me see that’s

What I mean you shouldn’t hang around people who make you miserable wait a second I see and Tina right now are they going inside of Mongo’s house come on Lana we have to make sure they’re not trying to prank me again maybe they’ll have some big apology and

We’ll make up everything I seriously doubt that come on Tino wo’s so dumb even though he messed with us we still got got all the diamonds in the cave true here let’s go stash them underground we he’ll never find them wait a second Lana did you just hear

That Monga kept the diamonds that I lost because I fell in that cave oh I heard everything all right we have to get in there Rood we need your diamonds back you’re right come on let’s just break through these windows cuz I’ve had enough of come on come on come on

I think he hit them right inside of his lap but it’s down here are you ready yeah don’t be worried let me just carry you down oh no no no no don’t worry about it Lana I think I can do this myself and get manga back personally see

You in a bit okay little good luck okay okay here we go and wait a second there is a chest surrounded by diamond blocks right in the middle could this be my diamond hold on a second let’s just sneak over here make sure no one’s

Looking in oh my gosh are you kidding me I knew it m were’re stealing my diamonds this whole time and check out how many diamonds I had and oh wait a second what was that woodo what do you think you’re doing down here oh gosh with M I thought

You weren down here oh yeah well how did you know we stashed your diamonds in here I mean our diamonds yeah you better hand those diamonds over right now voodo or there’s going to be Punishment No no no no this is so bad I’m quick Lana where are

You I’m here woodo what do you need oh my gosh wait what Lana you look crazy now you’re all electrical what are you talking about woodo and wait it’s this girl again stop messing with wudo or I’ll make you pay yes finally L come on let’s electrocute

These guys what are you going to do to make me pay huh this is my lab and I have a sword your soul going down yeah get out of here crazy girl quick Lana look I got the diamonds now let’s get out of this place and blow them up let

Me just take care of these two first Escape Hood wait what OU OU oh gosh what’s going on OU ouch out look mon are getting electrocuted Lana come on we just have to press this button we can escape go thank goodness we survived that woodo are you okay yeah

I’m totally fine Lana what should we do now to get away from those people oh I don’t think we need to get away I think we need payback here take this oh wait are you giving me TNT that’s such a smart idea come on let’s blow Mango’s

House up with your lightning Lana he’s going to regret ever messing with you oh my gosh this is so awesome okay I’m placing a bu of blocks just like this now come on Lana blow it up blow it up are you ready woodo stand back all right

Here goes nothing Lana go go go go and boom oh look at it Go the D is blowing up Lana stand back stand back and oh my gosh that was beautiful everything just blew up Lana oh the sweet sight of Revenge okay okay come on though we got

To go secure my diamond somewhere even safer now let’s go back at my house all right now I’m in my bedroom which means I can just just store the diamonds inside my chest just like this and no Monga will never be able to mess with my

Diamonds again oh woodo I see you found a place to put your Diamonds oh yeah I did Lana and hold on a second why do you look so much cooler now you look all icy you really think so but yeah I do have ice powers no way are you kidding me

That is so awesome I’m glad you think it’s awesome woodo I did want to ask you a question though wait you did what you want to ask me oh well it seems like we’ve gotten to know each other a bunch over this past day and would you maybe

Want to go on a date with me wait what a date are you kidding me what the coolest Elemental Girl in the entire city of course I want to Oh yay I’m so relieved I have a great place in mind if you want to follow me yeah come on take me there

Take me there how about I just fly you oh my gosh Lana you’re the best let’s go all right Ludo you can look up now I can look up and wait what where did you just take me to Lana is this the water park yeah I heard humans really like

Playing at the water park no way how did you know my absolutely favorite date spot you’re absolutely the best girl ever Lana come on come on come on let’s go have some fun oh but I did expect this place to be a little more exciting wait what what do

You mean exciting oh I get it since you’re all icy you thought it was going to be a little bit cooler and all elementally stuff yeah maybe but don’t worry I can fix it we’re going to have so much fun wait what how are you going

To fix it Lana look woodo I can turn everything to ice wait what in the world you’re ruining the entire water park Lana but at the same time you’re making it 10 times cooler what the heck come on turn everything to ice it’s so much

Cooler now get it cuz like it’s icing oh my gosh Lana are you kidding me you’re like the most funniest girl ever but um now that everything is been turned to ice what in the what are we supposed to do exactly have a snowball fight of

Course ouch wait what my screen is all cold and stuff Lana that hurts oh I’m sorry woodo was I too rough oh yeah just a little bit well we’re going to be a lot rougher with you woodo yeah we’re here to crash and ruin your date woodo take this wait what in

The world M teer here with snowball kid it’s l what do we do don’t worry woodo stand back I’ll protect you give me some Stow boss let me get Mongo’s head real quick okay take these this is serious business all right Lana are you ready we

Can take these guys down with the little snowball launchers come on hi hi oh gosh wait wait a second why am I freezing you can’t give up come on we got to ruin a state okay let’s do it come on Lana use your ice powers make

Them icier give me more snowballs oh I could use my ice powers but I’m just getting so angry wait what what are you talking about angry Lana I’m just feeling like burning everything down wait what you’ve done it now woodo friends I’ll make sure you don’t leave here alive wait

What wait what Lana did you just start firing burn burn that’ll teach you to treat Woodle like that oh gosh didn’t we need to run ouchie my butt hurts yeah let’s get out of here she’s a psycho come on Lana keep sh stall at them ouch get out of here and never come

Back oh my my gosh Lana I can’t believe we didn’t look Monger running away we just saved our date oh yeah I guess but that’s it woodo I’m not letting you hang around with these people ever again come with me wait what yes woodo you heard me right

Come here let’s go sit down and talk talk talk about what are you going to try to marry me now no I guess that depends on what you say I’m giving you one more option right here and now an option option for what well I hate watching your friends step all over you

Everyday woodo I’m either going to let you stay here with them so they can prank you every day or you could come with me and become an elemental wait what you’re going to let me become an elemental if I stay with you Lana are you serious yes but only if you never

Talk to your friends again and you have to move out of the city with me wait what I have to leave this place and I can never see Mong or Tina you know what Lana let me just think for a second and okay you know what thinking is completed

So you’re going to with me well Lana if I’m going to be honest I do think you’re you know kind of cute and you are really really cool too and being an elemental would be super duper fun but you know even though my friends prank me all the

Time I still really love them and because of that I think I’m going to have to stay here Alana a I had a feeling you might say that wudo okay well I can’t pretend I’m not disappointed to hear that but I get it so does that mean we can still be

Friends no I can’t stand to be around those people any longer but I’ll always be thinking of you woodo wait you will be no Lana please come back goodbye wudo have a good life no Lana I want to have my family with you and have elemental

Babies oh my gosh are you kidding me oh I didn’t even ask you for a ride home now I’m lost in the forest oh gosh this was such a bad idea to go on a boat ourselves now we’re stuck in the middle of the ocean in a giant storm buo why in

The world would you be me with you I could have been home sleeping right now dude it’s not my fault oh gosh there’s L lightning everywhere dude what if we die here and ah shark attack what in the world is going on oh M I think our boat

Is starting to sink what the heck is going on oh it’s so over woodo out yeah the boat is gone oh gosh now we’re super Colden wait what there’s more sharks in the water ah we got to run this is not good wood they’re going to

Eat Us Alive dude D someone need to rescue us please I’m going going to die in two seconds help someone please help us I’ll I’m drowning don’t worry I’ll save you too wait what who in the world is that is that a mermaid a mermaid

Those things are real wo I have no idea but I think she’s killing them right now no way that is so awesome who in the world is that you two should be safe finally I’m the great Elemental mermaid not just a normal mermaid you know wait

What that is so cool but oh gosh Mr mermaid can you come up to the top of the water I’m kind of drowning down there oh I forgot humans were so weak anyway what brings you to out here well this guy wanted to invite me to a

Treasure hunt and now we’re stuck in the middle of the ocean and we have no way to go home can you please help us that’s very unfortunate let me think well I could turn you both into mermaids but mermaids wait what I want to be a

Mermaid yeah let me be a mermaid please please please pleas all right I don’t normally do this to humans but take this what oh gosh what just happened to me and wao wait a second am I an actual mermaid right now look at my feet I

Don’t even have feet anymore I have a mermaid jail wait Bo I’m a mermaid too but I just realized we’re not like a super cool mermaid like her we’re just regular mermaid yeah wait a second Miss Elemental mermaid how do we become a cool Elemental mermaid made like you you

Look so sick oh you want to become as cool as me and learn to have powers like this wait what what type of powers are you talking about and are those Fireballs what what she’s so powerful wudo dude I know I want her powers please El mermaid tell us how well what

Kind of powers would you guys even want to have I want fire powers I want ice powers cuz ice powers are way better than fire manga what are you talking about no fire is the coolest woodo what are you going to with ice freeze people that is so whack uh yeah obviously and

They can’t even move anymore all right I’ll Grant you elemental powers but only one of you will get them and that’ll be whoever makes the best build of their dream elements what I’m a way better Builder than wo so I’m so going to win uh no I’m the way better Builder

And I know that my ice Elemental build is going to be like 10 times better than yours I guess we’ll see about that then guys I’ll see you later good luck okay let’s build right over here in this nice open ocean area oh gosh it’s

Kind of cloudy in here but now that my eyes are adjusting as a mermaid n can start building something super duper cool and all I need to start is grab my wand just like this and I can select this entire area and turn it into

Amazing Sandy area so I can build on it that is so whack wo look I have an entire magma surface wait what a magma surface sounds so lame long ago oh and I remembered because you’re fire k can’t even build in the water who cares fire is way better than

Whatever you are wudo uh that’s not true at all your base already looks 10 times more boring than mine does cuz mine looks absolutely so cool and now that I put all this sand down just like this I have an amazingly flat surface that I can build on using all these

Different types of icy blocks like blue ice packed ice and normal ice and I got all these delicious icy things but let’s start off with the most important thing and that is deciding what exactly are we going to build and I think we should start off by building a huge Icy Tower

So let me just select these ice blocks just like this and I’m going to make the ice go so high up the water it even is going to have a little viewing point so we can watch mango build his trash little build an Icy Tower woodo that is so

Whack Look I’m building an entire volcano bro uh a volcano sounds pretty lame anyways let me just go back in the water over here and build a little entrance because the only way that you’re going going to be able to get inside of my tower is going through

The water and because you have to go above water for can you even consider him a mermaid he’s such a garbage mermaid of course you can consider my build a mermaid woodo you don’t need to be in the water to be a mermaid that’s why they have tails they

Can go on the surface too goofy yeah yeah yeah whatever mango I’m sure no mermaid cares about that fire base anyways but now that I have the entrance to my icy base all build out just like this I can actually start building some of the stuff inside so let me just

Select this block and this block block and set the amazing floor and now let’s see I wonder what we should start building inside of here I think we should start building our very own statue of something that we can cherish as mermaids and as an ice mermaid we

Need a giant snowman so I’m going to build one right over here you know what woodo I’ve had enough for you I’m raiding your base with lava cuz fire is way better wait what you’re raiding my base with lava and hey M go no don’t do

That that’s so mean hold on a second let me just press this command real quick and haha mango because I’m such a building professional I just erased all your stinky lava what that is so not fair bro I’m going to come back with another better plan next time okay you know what we’ll

Have to sabotage as well but hold on we actually have to get to building this giant snowman because this is really important if we don’t have anything to cherish as ice mermaids the what’s a purpose in life nothing so let me just finish building this snowman over here by building a little extra

Temples just like this and now we can build the snowman face so let me just grab some black wool just like this I’ll get some brown wool for the sticks and I’ll grab some orange wool for the little carrot that’s going to be on its

Nose so let me just expand it out over here for its head there we go and now what I can do is put down his little eyes just like this there’s his nose right over there and then come on let’s just put his hands out just like this

And oh my gosh this is literally the cutest snowman I have ever seen before and I’m sure the elemental mermaid is going to love it oh me that looks so cool okay okay you know what now that we have the Snowman all completed and whenever the mermaids enter our Icy

Tower they will cherish it after that they can go up to the next level hello hello hello wait what what’s that noise um hello who’s there hello down here oh gosh wait who’s that in uh what in the world why is there a turtle here hello I’m just a fellow Turtle walking around

The sea oh interesting I didn’t know turtles have tails all of a sudden especially red ones yeah uh don’t mind that please I’m here to look over your build and make sure it’s safe for construction in the ocean um okay well as one of my turtle Brothers go ahead

Okay well taking a look at this build I think we need to change a few things actually wait what what are we changing hold on just one second I need to get rid of this one over here just like this what hey just wait one second I’ll show

You okay there you go I just need to change the eyes over here to these just like this what do you think of the new eye sir uh These Eyes kind of suck who in the world are you well uh as you can see I’m going to change the mouth to

Your mouth as well and now look it’s a cute snowman this is the ugliest snowman ever and uh by the way I know it’s you your name is literally right there what how did you know okay you know why had enough hey hey hey hey hey stop it

Stop it no no no you’re not allow to do that M stop I’m going to inject you right now I’m going to explode the entire thing leave me alone wudo no stop it stop it you’re going to ruin my build MAA what’s your problem oh my gosh are

You serious you know what I’m going to come to your base in just a second here you better ride yeah you’re not doing anything buddy I’m going to win this bill challenge okay you know what let me just fix my snowman real quick and there we go now our little

Snowman is all back to normal and I can finally get back to building what I was actually going to build so let me just select these blocks over here and set it to this blue ice which looks amazing there we go and now what I’m going to do

Is build a little entryway up here and add some water just like this and now let’s see what in the world can I build up here and wait I know what our icy Elemental mermaids are going to want we’re going to want some ice cream so

Let me just grab some snow over here and make the entire ground covered in beautiful snow that looks super duper amazing and now what I can do is go over here grab some fences just like this and we can build a little ice cream stand because who in the world doesn’t of ice

Cream and let me just grab some wool as well that looks pretty nice like this light blue wool I’ll also grab some normal white wool as well and now let’s place this down right over here just like this fill up the little sticks and

Now I can put the roof of our little ice cream tent as well so that anyone who comes inside of here can get as much ice cream as their hearts desire let me just put on some item frames and now I can finally get the ice creams as well let

Me just search for the cone and wait what there’s only B ice creams okay you know what what whatever I’ll take those and I’ll take these cones and I’ll just put them right over here just like this and we have so many different flavors like mango vanilla strawberry and

Chocolate if you like ice cream then I want you to comment your favorite ice cream flavor right now and if you haven’t subscribed already make sure you subscribe too and then I will be happy to give you any one of these ice creams that you want once you become an

Elemental mermaid but just for now let me finish putting some snow in this area to make it nicely decorated oh woodo oh gosh what is it now manga what is it buo I would take a look outside your base right now if I were you wait what why

Should I look outside my base I don’t see anything incoming attack from the Fire Nation hey yo what why is there fire being shot of my bill boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom okay you know what that’s ridiculous I need to start building some

Defenses as well so let me just build a nice little staircase up here that goes up just like this because we need to take down the Fire Nation because he is being way too much of a bad ruler there’s no way you’re going to take me

Down wudo yes I will let me just go ahead and grab some more ice up here so that I can make a second floor grab my trusty Wand Over Here select these blocks just like this and come on come on come on now let’s think what can I

Put over here as a defense against stinky I know what I can do I can grab some more dispensers just like this and then what I can do is also grab some Redstone and then I can put these blocks over here and now I can go on the other

Side place down these dispensers connect the Redstone to it which should just be like this but hold on if I make the Redstone like that then they won’t All Connect so what I’ll probably need are some Redstone repeaters just like this pointing to every single one and now it

Should actually work if I just expand this wool over here connect all the Redstone pieces together and let’s see what should our Target Choice be wait I know we can shoot snowballs at that stinky fire build so let me just go inside these dispensers and I am going

To shoot a bunch of snowballs directly in manga face here we go just like that and now I can grab a Le just like this put this block over here and mono there’s a snowball attack wait what your snowballs don’t even reach me woodo I’m just going to

Hit you with my Fireballs hey stop it no I’m going to stop the fire with my ice ra muro’s not doing anything matter of fact since you want to be such a tough guy take this wait what what is that did you just throw a fireball at

Me stop it and your defenses are gone boom what oh my gosh that is so messed up dude I worked so hard on this build sorry not sorry bro I’m almost done with my build oh my gosh you know what let me just try to quickly repair

This as fast as I can and we’re going to start building some other stuff that I need my icy Tower I can’t wait to snitch on manga once that Elemental mermaid comes back and tell him what a mean mermaid he’s been wait what wuro did I

Just hear the word snitch no no you didn’t hear anything mango you do realize that snitches get stitches right oh gosh okay you know what I’m just going to start building the next part of my build let’s just add another staircase over here so that we

Can add the next floor and now let me think Mongo’s been messing with us this entire time so what’s something I can build to get back at him oh I what I can do I need to assert my dominance against him so that he knows who the absolute

Boss is so what I’m going to do is I’m going to grab some golden blocks just like this and I am going to build an icy Throne just to show how much of a boss I am let’s just place out this gold just like this for our giant throne and

Then what I’m going to do is expand these Gold Blocks going up just like this and even when the elemental mermaid comes back I’ll tell her this is her throne and she’s going to absolutely fall in love with how amazing it looks there we go that’s looking awesome and

Now what I can add is some ice on the back of it to make sure I’m nice and cool whenever I’m sitting down on the throne and ah there we go I feel like the real leader of an icy mermaid Nation Oh mango check what I have over here um

Muro did you just build a throne yeah does it look amazing no because I’ve already had a throne and it’s super duper fire themed uh manga your throne looks like it’s kind of garbage and what are you building over there I’m building a giant nether portal because the nether

Is the best place for us fire users um okay anyways that sounds kind of weird but you know what I don’t even care about that guy what I’m going to do is I’m going to actually grab some speakers over here so that I can blast out some

Very funny messages to manga but they’re not just going to be funny messages I’m going to blast out as many messages as I can that prove how the Ice Station is way better than the Fire Nation when it comes to being an elemental mermaid let’s just put these speakers down here

Just like this and oh my gosh what is that loud noise hello if you can hear me right now I am broadcasting messages over to the Fireside to let you guys know how poopy you guys are oh no you better stop that you know what Fireball attack incoming boom boom

Boom boom boom boom boom uh mango your Fireballs are weak remember this is ice and ice is going to prevent fire from getting through oh yeah woodo should I use my ultimate Fireball again uh no that was completely messed up okay I’m going to stitch on you for that well snitches get

Stitches wo I don’t think you want to okay okay whatever buddy maybe you want to hear my singing instead would you like to hear my singing no I don’t want to hear any of that all right let me just go ahead and grab a microphone stand and put the microphone right in

The middle over here and hello mango oh my gosh I’ve heard enough take this boom oh my gosh M you destroy my speaker system this cost like 10 what is wrong with you don’t care oh my gosh are you kidding me whatever let me just fix

These speakers real quick and now I will build the very last thing that I need in my Elemental base before things get a little bit too scary and that is going to be a bathroom because one thing about us mermaids is we like to take very very

Big poops so let we dis place an entire line of toilets just like this there we go and now I also have to grab some toilet paper to make sure I have plenty to wipe with so that you know I can take care of any Elemental poops that I might

Take there we go that’s looking awesome but just in case my poops get too intense I may want to evacuate and I need an emergency escape plan so what I’m going to do on the side of my base right over here is I’m going to build a

Giant ice boat that manga will not be able to see from where he’s standing right now so that I can escape whenever I want it’s the best idea ever so let me just grab some ice make it over here just like this nice and solid very very

Nice and now what I can do is add the little front part over here and what I can also do is I can add a remote throw so let me just grab some gold blocks just like this place the golden blocks right over here there we go and now I

Have a mini Throne over here so that I can still rule all the icy mermaids from wherever I am in the world just like that there we go that’s looking very very nice and U I guess what I I can do is also add an emergency toilet too just

In case I need to you know go poo while I’m on this emergency boat right over here that’s looking very very nice and um I can’t forget about my ice cream too so let me just grab some item frames and I can also grab some ice cream there we

Go and now I’m going to place the ice cream on the floor so that I can eat it at any moment’s notice whenever I want hey guys are you done with your builds yet yes I’ve been done for 100 million years oh gosh wait what she wants to

Come see our builds already um okay Elemental mermaid yes I I am ready for you to come see my build good you better be done because my patience is running out anyway what do you have to show me um how about we go ahead and look at that stinky guy’s build first cuz

We have to save the best for last you know Elemental mermaid all right I’m not convinced it’s actually better but what do you have human okay well if you come over to my side I built you a little house over here so you can go to sleep

Mermaid you have your little bed over here oh ow hold on a second my tail is burning on this fire it’s so ow really this feels nice and warm and comfy to me wait what exactly wuro you need to like fire to be on here it’s not for ugly ice

Users like you oh my gosh whatever mango and look at this bedroom Elemental mermaid doesn’t this look garbage it’s like a little shed look the doors even look like jail doors it is pretty tiny what else do you have here well if you follow me over here I have a giant

Throne for you to sit on at any time and just so you know wuro has a throne too but I built my one first oh yeah thinks he has a Throne let me just go in my inventory real quick and grab some toilets and I am going to sabotage him

All right this is pretty nice let me just test out my powers from up here wo those lightning are so cool um um um Miss elements of mermaid I think this was a trap actually look manga put a bunch of toilets here am I sitting on a toilet that’s disgusting wait what I

Didn’t do that buo did you play around with me no no uh Miss Elemental mermaid he’s trying to ridicule your power he just placed down all these toilets so instead of sitting on that amazing Throne he just want you to take big fat poops and be disgusting and dirty ooh I

Can’t believe it I have to get rid of this build oh yes blow it up no no no forget about the toilets come over here look there’s a hot spring for you to enjoy a hot spring what well this is pretty nice but I’m still mad about the

Toilets ooh you’re in trouble you don’t have to be mad look I have a little volcano over here that you can sit down and watch all day wait what a GI giant volcano who wants to sit and watch a giant volcano all day it’s not even a real volcano you just placed

On lava yes I have a volcano about 1 million times the size in My Kingdom why would I want your tiny volcano oo your build sucks oh my gosh fine take a look at the nether portal it’s so amazing and you to go to the Nether and

Enjoy some hot weather well if you think this build is sufficient then you can spend sometime in the nether cuz it’s not good please don’t put me in the nether I’m sorry I’m sorry okay m your poooo bill sucks come on go in there Manga you deserve to go in the Nether

And die in there oh my gosh you know what w I’ve had enough come over here miss mermaid I’m going to show you my ultimate line of defense and we’re going to take down Wood’s base hey hey stop it stop it no this is messed up he can’t do that he

Can do whatever he wants I technically didn’t specify you guys couldn’t destroy each other’s builds oh my gosh okay well you know what I’m destroying this for sure how about you just come over to my base Miss Elemental mermaid cuz it is 10 times better all right but I have to say

My expectations are kind of low at this point don’t worry look the entrance to my ice tower is right under here where you are first greeted by my Elemental icy snowman mermaid a that’s kind of cute actually hi mermaid a isn’t it so amazing manga doesn’t have any of this

Because he’s a stinky loser I think the snowman looks ugly I’m blowing it up what no stop it m there so messed up my snowman you get negative 1 billion points for doing that what you just said there was no rules about us destroying each other builds yeah but I like that

Snowman okay okay whatever just come up here miss Elemental mermaid in this next area I built you an ice cream stand okay but I don’t see any ice cream or anyone behind it yeah I don’t see any ice cream instead I see dirt over here oh my gosh

He’s trying to feed you dirt Miss Mermaid wait what no Mongo’s trying to sabotage me he just destroyed all the ice cream he placed that dirt there I didn’t do it no he did do that you have to believe me please I do do believe you

And this is a grave offense I’ll have to burn everything down no please I’m sorry M elal mermaid look how about I just take you to the next floor okay I’m sorry you better be really sorry or none of you are getting Powers okay okay look what I built over here instead of

Mongo’s trash little fire defenses is some ice defenses where we shoot at snowballs Miss Mermaid this defense literally sucks it doesn’t do any damage to any enemies yeah let me just get rid of that for you so you don’t get embarrassed wait what no snowball the number one thing ever come on die

Um they’re not affecting me at all wo snowballs are super weak oh my gosh are you kidding me fine whatever how about we go to the very top floor Miss Elemental mermaid where I have one of the cooler things that I need to show you it is the ice Elemental Throne what

Do you think it’s pretty nice but why are there two microphones here because I actually added a bunch of speakers over here on the back as you can see and you know what we can do these speakers what you can sing and broadcast it to the annoying Fireside go ahead and

Try okay I have been told that singing is a talent of mine go on go on please we want to he you sing Miss Elemental mermaid if you insist oh my gosh that is horrible I need to blow it up what you didn’t like my singing did you just destroy my

Entire base yeah that was absolute garbage I’m sorry okay well guess what Miss Elemental mermaid who’s going to get the element of powers me the amazing ice Elemental or the trash fire Elemental um well Wood’s build doesn’t exist anymore so I guess I’m going to

Have to get the powers what the heck he just destroyed the whole thing well let’s see today you’ve humiliated me with toilets and dirt you buil terrible builds that anyone made child could have built and I kind of regret saving your life so I’m giving neither of you the

Powers what wo it’s all your fault no boo it’s your fault let me just grab a giant big Fireball and shoot you with it ra thank you guys so much for watching this video If you enjoyed then watch another video on screen and subscribe bye

This video, titled ‘Playing as an ELEMENTAL DRAGON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2023-12-31 13:00:35. It has garnered 23981 views and 467 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:57 or 6897 seconds.

Today, Wudo is lost and alone in the jungle! Now, he needs the help of an ELEMENTAL DRAGON! Will his best friends Mongo and Tina get him the elemental powers he deserves? Watch to find out!

#Wudo #Minecraft #WudoAndMongo

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    Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City - Day 2 Exploring the Minecraft Gamepass Challenge – Day 2 Introduction The Minecraft Gamepass Challenge continues to captivate audiences as players delve into the intricacies of this virtual world. Day 2 brings new adventures, challenges, and surprises for participants to navigate. Live Streams and Events The action unfolds on Twitch, where viewers can tune in to the live streams hosted by TheGuill84. The channel offers a mix of gameplay, commentary, and interactive events that keep fans engaged and entertained. Platforms and Social Media In addition to Twitch, TheGuill84 maintains a strong presence across various social media platforms. From YouTube to Twitter,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay on Weekly Live Podcast!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay on Weekly Live Podcast!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Weekly Live Podcast Stream (Featuring Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Hunger’s Entertaining Let’s PLays on 2024-06-02 08:18:42. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:14 or 9374 seconds. Not for kids! I’m not here to babysit children, this stream is intended for older viewers. I’m playing Minecraft with my friends in our Private Realm. Please Don’t Ask to join, the realm is full. Please be respectful to each other in the chat. Donation button is available, please don’t give money that isn’t yours or money you can’t afford… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Horror Seeds!!

    Ultimate Minecraft Horror Seeds!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Darkest World Ever !! 😨 | Minecraft horror seeds | Z Army #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Z Army on 2024-02-23 13:27:57. It has garnered 22478 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:12 or 372 seconds. Minecraft Darkest World Ever !! 😨 | Minecraft horror seeds | Z Army #viral #trending . . . . .hello, ‎@Mralpha13  pls don’t give me any copyright pls because I want to only enjoy on YouTube plssss 🙏 Read More

  • Shocking! Gang destroys entire village on Minecraft!! #shorts

    Shocking! Gang destroys entire village on Minecraft!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘destroy village house #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Underworld gang gamerz on 2024-01-18 02:07:05. It has garnered 2500 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. destroy village house #minecraft #shorts my Instagram id :-https://instagram.com/underworldgang_gaerz?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ== Minecraft techno gamerz beast boy shub chapati hindustani gamer minecraft but live insaan minecraft challenge minecraft house minecraft gameplay minecraft in hindi minecraft manhunt minecraft mod minecraft mods minecraft speedrun minecraft speedrunner minecraft videos shorts smurfs the lost village demi lavato smurfs the lost village rainn wilson the smurfs song ujjwal #minecraft #short my… Read More


    🔥 TREASURE IN SURVIVAL - KING VS KILLER!! 🗺️ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND TREASURE MAP IN SURVIVAL SERIES 🔥 !! MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18’, was uploaded by KING AND KILLER on 2024-03-23 14:52:09. It has garnered 116 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:23 or 743 seconds. I BUILD IRON FARM IN SERVIVAL SERIES 🔥 !! MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #17 Hii EveryOne and Welcome To Our Channel KING AND KILLER. Don’t Forget Like , Share & Subscribe. ABOUT :- KING AND KILLER Is A YouTube Channel. Video Creator And Gamer. Follow Me On Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/king_and_killer_yt/ Join Whatsapp Group :- https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va8cfWgAO7RLHbKhan3i DISCLAIMER :- The… Read More

  • EPIC! LegendSmehoo Faces Deadly Peril in Soggy Swamp

    EPIC! LegendSmehoo Faces Deadly Peril in Soggy SwampVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons – Soggy Swamp ( A Perilous Potion)’, was uploaded by LegendSmehoo on 2024-01-14 13:54:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Green-haired Airi is BAAAACK! 🌿💚

    Green-haired Airi is BAAAACK! 🌿💚Video Information This video, titled ‘WE’RE SO BACK’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-22 23:38:05. It has garnered 936 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:35 or 8855 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. https://streamelements.com/airiviridis/tip Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me… Read More

  • From PVP to Mining – EPIC Minecraft Gameplay!! 🔥

    From PVP to Mining - EPIC Minecraft Gameplay!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘De PVP a MINERÍA #minecraft #twitch #streamer #gaming’, was uploaded by PoolSLive98 on 2024-04-12 19:00:28. It has garnered 4020 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Ending to Minecraft Project Ship on Nevergame.Net

    Unbelievable Ending to Minecraft Project Ship on Nevergame.NetVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Nevergame.net | Projekt Schiff Finale’, was uploaded by X Cross Gaming on 2024-05-19 07:04:51. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:43 or 4063 seconds. ► Support is not murder ✔️❤️️ ⇩ ♨️ You can find more information in the description ♨️ ⇩ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 General information about me: ➡️ My Discord ➤ https://dsc.gg/x-cross ➡️ Partnerdiscord ➤ https://discord.gg/dreamwyld ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 Did you like the video? 🔔 Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything 🔔 👍🏼 Feel free to rate the video, I would be… Read More

  • JonJon’s Shocking SpringTrap Revelation! 🤯 (Minecraft Roleplay)

    JonJon's Shocking SpringTrap Revelation! 🤯 (Minecraft Roleplay)Video Information This video, titled ‘SpringTraps Tales – Body Harvest!? (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by JonJon on 2024-05-06 19:30:01. It has garnered 1855 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:02 or 662 seconds. MERCH https://bit.ly/3lzGvPI DISCORD LINK https://discord.gg/xww3Er4CST NEW CHANNEL https://bit.ly/2Im24Co Second Channel http://bit.ly/2twu7rg SoundCloud https://bit.ly/34Jgape Twitch https://bit.ly/2F9lau4 Thumbnail Artist/Animation Boy https://bit.ly/3G07Xyl ✪ Remember To Hit That Bell And Subscribe! ✪ ✯People Who Were Here✯ Cryqtic: https://bit.ly/3lsaLfQ Fruit https://bit.ly/43XE1PE Corgi http://bit.ly/3UdXPrB SpringTraps Tales – Body Harvest!? (Minecraft Roleplay) 🎭 Immerse yourself in the captivating storytelling, as each character comes to life with a unique personality, adding… Read More

  • WorldCivs

    WorldCivsWorldCivs is a multi-world minecraft server that uses an Earth map for its main map. With countless things to do like fight bosses, unlock more worlds, and starting your own nation. Civs is a nation/clan based survival with strong PvP and PvE aspects. java.worldcivs.com Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Craze

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CrazeGreat Crafting for your information, this meme has a higher score than most of my test grades in school. Read More

  • Blind in Minecraft: Mob Hunt Gone Bust

    Blind in Minecraft: Mob Hunt Gone Bust In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, I can’t see them, it’s a challenge for me. If water appears, then it’s game over, But don’t worry, I’ll keep the fun in my endeavor. Follow me on Instagram, for more Minecraft delight, And on YouTube, where I showcase my might. Donate if you can, support is always grand, Join my Discord, where we all understand. Minecraft Indonesia, where the adventure begins, Survival mode, where the excitement never dims. Shorts on YouTube, for a quick gaming fix, Minecraft memes, building tricks. So join me in this journey, where rhymes… Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase Exploring the Latest MiniaTuria Mod Update for Minecraft The MiniaTuria Mod for Minecraft has recently received a significant update, transitioning from version 1.8 to version 8. This update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game, focusing primarily on decorative elements. From animal blocks to chest blocks, weapons, tools, backpacks, and more, players can now enjoy an expanded array of customization options. Additionally, the update introduces new building materials such as the golden series and rock texture series, providing players with a wide selection of resources to unleash their creativity. Key Features of the MiniaTuria Mod… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Demons and Humans Unite in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where Demons and Humans Unite in Minecraft Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating Minecraft animation titled “Demons and humans [Part1]” that left us in awe. The combination of stunning visuals and powerful music truly made this video a masterpiece. As we delved deeper into the music featured in the video, we discovered tracks like “Evolution” by Clarx, Debris, 3rd Prototype, Castion, EMDI, “Street lights” by Time to talk, Azertion & JJD, and “Top floor” by JPB. These tracks perfectly complemented the intense storyline of the animation, creating an immersive experience… Read More

  • Crafting Table Tutorial: Quick & Easy

    Crafting Table Tutorial: Quick & Easy Minecraft Crafting Table: Your Key to Crafting Success! One of the essential items in Minecraft is the crafting table, also known as a workbench. This handy tool allows players to create more complex items and is a must-have in your inventory. Let’s dive into how to make a crafting table in Minecraft and unleash your creativity! Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting a Table To craft a crafting table, you’ll need four wooden planks. Follow these simple steps: Gather Wood: Start by collecting wood from trees in the game. Create Wooden Planks: Open your crafting menu and turn the wood into… Read More

  • INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi Adventures

    INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk LPS Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cabbie’s Corner on 2024-03-30 10:41:04. It has garnered 104 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:25 or 12685 seconds. ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More ⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions &… Read More

  • Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1

    Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Rolling Fruit in Bloxfruit#roblox’, was uploaded by AKMO on 2024-01-03 13:23:33. It has garnered 2314 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #funny #comedy #mcpemaps #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #funnymoments #like #minecraftmeme #funnyvideos #horrorstories#horror#AKMO#horrorgaming#horrorshorts#mcpemaps#minecraft#minecraft #comedy#funny #minecraftmeme #minecraft#minecraftbuilding#minecraftmemes#minecarft_pocket_edition#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemaps#mcpemod#mcpesmp#mcpespeedrun#minecraftmemes#minecraftshorts#minecraftpe#minecraftsurvival#minecraftlive#minecraftvideos#minecraftpe1#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftplayers#minecraftbuilding#minecraftfunny#minecraftfunnymoments#minecarftgameplay#minecraftmanhunt#minecraftpc#viral#videogames#video#myanmar#myanmarminecraft#funnyshorts#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#fun#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#comedyshorts#comedyinthecity#shortsfeed#videoshort#videos#videoshorts#videogame#gameplay#games#gamer#gamers#gamingvideos#gaming#vidio#subscribe#subscribers subscribers#yputubeshorts#youtube#youtubevideo#youtuber#dance#day100#day#dayz#zombiesurvival#zombieanimation#minecraftsurvivalwithfriend #drawing#dancer#dream#entertainment#trending#youtubeshorts Minecraft Day 100 Myanmar #mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog#mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog #funnyvideos#minecraft#minecraftbuilding#mcpemaps#mcpeservers2020#motivation#music#memes#meme#motivational#maxpreps#mobilelegends#minecraftmemes#minivlog#midzy#minecraftshorts#mindset#minecraftshorts#mix#mindfulness#minecraftpe#minivlog#mini#minecraftanimation#mine#minecraftmeme#minecraftlive#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecrafter#minecrafters#minecraftedit#minecraftedits#minecraftespanol#minecraftersonly#minecraftepicmoments#minecraftep1#minecrafteggwars#minecraftepisode#minecraftepic#minecraftepisodes#minecraftepicseeds#minecraftpocketedition#minecraftpe#minecraftpc#minecraftpvp#minecraftparkour#minecraftparty#minecraftps3#minecraftplayers#minecraftps4#minecraftpetips#minecraftpeserversip#minecraftprzygoda#minecraftproject#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisma3d#minecraftpremium#minecraftpremium#minecraftprotips#minecraftprobuild#minecraftprisons#minecraftpemulriplayer#minecraftpeserver#minecraftpelivestream#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftmeme#minecraftmods#minecraftmlg#minecraftmaps#minecraftmultiplayer#minecraftmanhunt#mcpemaps#mcpeaddon#mcpehindi#mcpemlg#mcpehypixelskyblock#video#viral#vviquestion#videos#videogames#videoshort#videogames#videoshow#videoshorts#videoediting#edit#education#edits#editing#editor#editz#editingtutorial#editorberkelas#view#viralvideo#viralvideo#viralvideos#funnyvideos#funnyshorts#fumetti#funnycomedy#funny#funnyvideo#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycats#funntvideo#funnyanimals#funnydogs#funny#comedy#comedyinthecity#comedyvideo#comment#comedyshorts#comedymovies#dream#sub#subscribe#subscribers#like#live#likeforlikes#likeandsubscribe#myfirstvlog#myanmar#myanmarnews#savetheworld#save_myanmar#minecraft#minivlog#minecraftshorts#minecraftmemes#minecraftbuilding#minecraftpe#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemaps#mcpehindi#mcpemaps#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemod#mcpemods#mcpeaddon#mcpeaddons#mcpeandroid#mcpeindo#mcpeindonesia2020#mcpeios#mcpemap#map#maps#maplestory#creator#creative#creepypasta#creepy#challenge#comedy#comedyinthecity#trending #cute #cat#inshot #cutebaby #comment#cooking#callofduty#technoblade#rip#technoblade#respect#mcpoze#minecraftanimation#minecarft1#minecraftmeme#mineraftindonesia#minecraftlive#minecraftlivestream#live#like#love#livestream#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecraftbedrock#minecraftvideo#mincraftvideo#minecraftnewupdate#minecraftmyanmar#mincraftnoob#minecrafthighlights #hardest#new#nevergiveup#funnyshorts#fun#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#popular#viral#views#view#subscribers#subscribe#sub#like#likeforlikes#likes#likeandsubscribe#comingsoon#coming#coming_soon#dance#day100#day#zombieanimation#zombiesurvival#zombieland#zombieshorts#zombietsunami#apexlegends#apocalypse#apocalypselatergaming#zombie_codmobile#zombieapocalypsegame#dance#dream#dog#တုတ်ကြီးတို့ရွာ#အတုံးဂိမ်း#minecraft #comedy #mcpemaps #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #like #funnyvideos #funny #minecraftmeme #minivlog#100 Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-05-01 17:00:07. It has garnered 4554 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts #fyp #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #fy #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #shorts #youtuber #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #youtubers #balkan #guinessrecords Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft videos Minecraft shorts Foryoupage Mc Shorts Balkan Bosnia Serbia Croatia Gaming RTX Realistic Read More

  • Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet Coaster

    Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet CoasterVideo Information This video, titled ‘CE PARC D’ATTRACTION VA VOUS ÉTONNER ! (il y a pleins de cubes) – Planet Coaster’, was uploaded by MColo on 2024-03-08 15:00:10. It has garnered 2794 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:30 or 870 seconds. Super destabilizing but impressive! Minecraft fans, players and nostalgic fans will enjoy it, and Planet Coaster fans will also love this crazy work done by Afrosheep! ✨ The best offers to buy games with Eneba: https://www.eneba.com/fr?af_id=mcolo 🚛 My simulation steering wheel: https://sites.google.com/view/mcolo/euro-truck-simulator-2/simulation 🎢 The coaster on Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1373725383 📝 Send your park so that… Read More