Unleash Ultimate Power in Minecraft! EP 25 Blood Magic!

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[Music] welcome back to another episode of all the mods 9 I hope you’re having a wonderful day so let’s get straight into it shall we in between episodes I have made a new mob spawner for cuz we’re going to need it today um this is just spawning vindicators and they are being killed by the mob Crusher so this is a block from industrial fog going that pretty much does exactly what it says on the tin which is kills mobs um it’s pretty easy to make we’ve already automated the advanced machines so we just put this in the system and made a couple of them as well um put a range upgrade on there and I’m not sure if the processing does much but we had some so I put them in there anyway and we got Universal pipes on here with some ultimate pipe upgrades um I put a filter on here cuz the only thing I really want to keep from these is the emeralds cuz we’re going to need them and everything else go straight into the trash can uh and from this reason we need this is we get this Essence underneath here so we’re going to use this today because we’re going to go get into some blood magic and with blood magic at some point you need to sacrifice villagers or Slaughter the villagers with this Dagger of sacrifice which is always always better than hurting yourself um so to make the villagers we’re going to use a mob duplicator and uh what’s it called uh the imprisonment tool did I make a duplicator did so you need to supply this thing with power and Essence and a mob so yeah that’s what we’re going to get into so first off let’s go get ourselves a villager uh this one oh there’s a raid going on that will probably be my fault can we even here we go villager um we’re going to leave here before they start dying so we have our villager and we have our duplicator but at the moment we don’t need to do anything with them we’re going to get into the first bits of blood magic uh let’s not do that over here as usual we’ll just build this somewhere and then I’ll find a permanent spot for it later on but here seems like a good of places any so if nobody’s used blood magic before it’s well pretty much as it says it’s a magic mod and it’s all to do with blood so to start off here you will be using your own blood as you can [Music] see and we have a lot of health so yeah it helps um and then if we go down the quest line eventually we’ll get the dagger of sacrifice and we’ll do everything with the Villagers instead uh what we’re going to do first is we’re going to make a weak blood orb so tells you here you need two buckets of life and a diamond so if we get a diamond and we’ got four in here and I don’t oh there we go right click it and don’t just drop it on and that should slowly but surely transform I hope it’s using up the life Essence so it should do there we go and that is a blood orb and this stores life Essence and we get essence uh so if you put this in the altar it will start draining and it’ll store the essence eventually apparently so next let’s make our first slate so we’re going to need some Stone to make some slates so if we get some Stone out and put that in here and we just [Music] wait and there we have our first slate so 1,000 LP and that’s it and we just need two of these for the quest and to get them off you just got to make sure you’ve got nothing in your hand that didn’t that really didn’t seem to do oops uh blood yeah it didn’t seem to do what I thought it was going to do but oh I don’t think we really need it anyway and another magnet we get like magnets we get lots of magnets so now we can upgrade oh that looks funny we can upgrade um our alter to the next tier so for that we’re going to need eight of these we’re going to need eight slates and then think just that but that’s not working so let’s try that again what you need to do is just make sure you right click with it in your hand and make sure it’s uh got you as the owner and then it will work perfectly fine for making the rooms if I stop pressing the wrong button there we go like that so all we need to do now is make some more of the runes um I think maybe I need to reset the game to get these back up these pictures show you how to build the um structures which I don’t remember off my off the top of my head um do need to make some speed rooms at some point speed runes are are the only runes available besides blank runs of to Mi to so look at the speed runes okay so the speed runes will speed up this whole process which is worth it um so if we have a quick look speed Rune this uh so you just need Runes of sugar uh we’ve got we got plenty of sugar you just need to get some more runes so keep this going and make a speed Rune so if I remember this first bit correctly the first Al just looks a bit like this um you put blocks underneath just in the 3X3 don’t know if speed it’s going to work while the alter is not really built properly oh think I don’t think that makes much of a difference but the speed runes eventually will actually help us with um what we need to do as you can see there’s a lot of uh sneak right click in and it’ll show you things I think this book will show us the altars hopefully blood alter maybe oh there we go so that’s what we’re going for oh eight runes we don’t need the middle one uh Corners there you go tier 2 alter and you can visualize it as well which is pretty cool so all we need to do is just keep making some runes and building our alter so you need blank runes to make speed runes the speed rooms will come in handy and there we have it our alter is now tier two so at tier two you can have these ones upgraded but you can’t do the corner ones until later tiers uh now we’ve got tier two what we can do is make oh this want’s eight blank runes um we’ll make those in a minute we can make the dagger of sacrifice and sacrifice Village instead of our self so we need an iron sword what we got in here two buckets what did it say needed three that’ll do um so that will slowly do that but while we wait um to use the dagger of sacrifice we’ve got to kill the mob within two blocks of our altar so a usual thing is to build a system above it to filter down in so if we so what we want to do is spawn our mobs above and use water or something to push them down into onto the altar like so so what I’m going to do is just build it out of glass like that um don’t remember how far water buckets actually travel let’s just get some of [Music] those have a little quick look no that’s not going to help uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so we need to make this a little bit bigger oh this pickaxe is too quick um work I think I’ve done this anywhere near as big as I need to oh maybe maybe I have so the idea is we want the mobs to go to the middle like that see if we get some more water a quick look see if that worked it did so now they all get pushed to the middle I’m sure there’s moded way we can do it with like fans and stuff but this yes this L um instead of doing that why we get our wand out I got a year gust thing instead of a wand now that should work well we don’t need to build it that big but it’ll do do we have any more glass so did I just use all the glass that’s fine we can make some more uh so if we put this guy here I don’t remember the range it spawns at so it spawns it above range out on let’s have a look if this does anything I am pretty much just figuring this out as I go along cuz it’s been a long time since I’ve had to make anything like this I’ll do for now we got our gate we can stick on the side that gives it power we’ve got a mob which we can put in there and then what we’ll do is we will just pick up this Essence tank so let’s make sure we swap it with an empty one I made earlier there we go hopefully just go straight in and there we go villagers working as needed falling into the right place four buckets six buckets seven buckets there we go that worked perfectly um let’s not make too many villagers though so let’s turn that off for now that will do us um yeah so let’s make some more of the blank s anyway not that we not that we can really see what we’re doing anymore but if you look at your tool tip it tells you one times Stone one times blank SL so yeah that is the basis of it anyway um how much did we need for that let’s just make the basic ones where is our blood [Applause] orb there you [Applause] are just make sure we’ve got eight in our inventory and then we’ll complete the quests there we go and then we place some M door [Applause] thank you for your sacrifice wandering trer uh get rid of these those that that think that’s everything what was that reinforced SL and a black SL how did we make this oh okay we must oh we left the black slate on there long enough that it turned into a reinforced slate okay that’s cool uh so we’ve done that what’s that potentially get chickens for blood just totally chickens look magic loot box blank sleigh we got reinforced sleigh and a rune of sacrifice so Runes of sacrifice increase the amount of blood we get from villagers pretty much and we got black run so now we can make an apprentice blood orb which holds more Essence which is okay those are very annoying a block of redstone which well just make some it’s fine there we go uh get rid of those we don’t need those get rid of that get rid of that um let’s put that on there make sure we there we go seven buckets [Applause] this one takes a while there we go print his blood orb so if we look at at the moment it’s not registered to me and now it is [Applause] so we don’t really need that anymore we we’ll keep the stones um reinforce slate again ruin of self sacrifice That’s goes without saying that gives us more if we sacrifice uh tier 2 sigils so there’s Lo of sigs that can be used for growing and do other stuff life Essence we’re not going to get into those yet so what we need next is 28 blank runes which um we just need to make sure that we take this off in time and don’t let them get to uh the reinforced version so I’ll just sit here and make the blank runes and I’ll bring you back when I have done and we’re back and I have 29 blank runes now and the quest reward gave us some Demon which is pretty good cuz that means we don’t have to go get any if we decide if we need to get into the health fire Forge um so reason we’re doing blood magic is because we need to get into it for the ATM Star uh we need reinforced speed runes and the Ethereal slate which the Ethereal slate is a tier five blood alter so we’ve got to get in pretty much all the way uh and we need these weak blood chards which come from chemical reaction chamber and all this stuff so yeah what’s that that’s a saturated tow I don’t even know what that is Master yeah we’re going to we’re going to have to do some of that whatever that is um yeah if the plant matures while a mob is standing on top of it it will leech Health from The Entity say she is dark and goes in this way saturated talic okay so it’s a lot of interesting mechanics that aren’t in most mods um I may have made a mistake building this where I did uh we should have built this up a bit higher because the next part of um this is the tier three alter so if you you visualize it like this and then if you right click on the Block it’ll anchor it so now we’re going to be going down into the ground which is which is fine cuz um when I decide where we want to keep it probably end up building it inside the mountain cuz the structure above um yeah I don’t really like it I don’t want it visible so that’s probably what we’ll do um but for now if we just mine out the area we being careful not to destroy [Applause] everything then at some point between episodes I will move all of this depending on how far we get um helps if let if I actually do Del the blocks uh just make sure you get rid of this underneath as well and there we go it just about fits underneath where we want it to go so yeah we’re going to build this uh what we can do what I’m going to do is have Runes of sacrifices all around the side and I’m going to change all of these to speed runes now uh cuz that will help us craft faster and then we just need some stone blocks um which we think we have enough yeah I think it’s can’t tell if this one’s a stone block or not uh let’s have a look no it’s not that’s fine so pretty much just like this and then some glowstone or something on top so if we go with Glowstone so we actually have it can you see on and blocks it also tells you at the top how many more blocks you need to place so um I’m going to turn this machine back on get some more villagers and craft up a bunch more slates for us uh ignored there we go uh we probably might need some more Essence at some point I’m not sure how many villagers can uh so what what we got in here nine buckets 10 no it looks like 10’s the limit uh what we could do is see if we could get a villager egg but I’m not sure if it’s a real thing oh we can get a villager spawn egg that way we could just do it the same way as we’ve done this and skip out the essence uh if you know what I mean so we can just spawn them like this on top of us instead which could be interesting because this uses quite a bit of in fact we’ve got 94 buckets still doesn’t use that much Essence anyway I will craft up a bunch more runes um you don’t really need to see it however yeah I don’t think you need to watch like I said Runes of sacrifice around the outside and some more speed runes in the middle so I will get rid of these but not right now cuz we need them and then I’ll bring you back in and there is our tier three alter so speed runes around there and Runes of sacrifice um just in case I didn’t explain it properly earlier these blood orbs actually store Essence and each rank stores more I’m pretty sure you need to make sure that you’ve got some blood Essence in there to craft up these things uh not these sorry uh like the blank runes I think they need to have some Essence in so if you’re not able to craft them make sure you either sacrifice some of your own blood into them or you charge them up on the altar I don’t know if there’s a way to see how much is in it so I can’t really tell there’s no UI or anything which kind of sucks but in the quests it tells you this one says that holds a Max of 5K life points this one holds 25k this one holds 150k and that one holds a million so later on down the line you’ll probably want to have maybe more than one alter and have one just building up your blood for your blood Network which is what’s stored in your orbs um but yeah I’m not too sure I’ve never really gotten into this mod too much however now we’ve got a tier three one we can make the imbued Slate which requires in total that’s 5,000 that’s 2,000 that’s 1, 8,000 LP um so if we just leave this on here it’s going to take our entire alter to do it um and it just wants one of these uh and this is how we upgrade it to the next one so we do need to get to tier five and the Ethereal slate for what we’ve been doing um might have to do a little bit of oh there’s capacity this R increases the capacity the that’s pretty good um there’s also armor sets and all sorts of other sigils so yeah that’s that’s imbued uh which is was actually pretty quick you just need to make sure you turn your all or turn your spawners off when you don’t spawn too many cuz you they will like kill each other so um I had them crushing each other cuz of the mechanics um how much does this actually do got five nine so those are four buckets in total now per villager I believe so we got six 10 yeah so that’s what all our Runes of sacrifice are doing I think for the next one we will probably have a look into the um another run of sacrifice run of capacity which is it’s not that’s easy yeah so we’ll probably do run capacity what’s de placement uh and that’s blow in and out when pump into an external tank oh okay so um if we do have another altar just killing the villagers so I’m assuming there’s a way to set it up I’m not too certain we could pump the AL could pump The Blood Out Of The Altar and into a tank and then have it pump in into the altar to do our crafting um which I’m pretty sure most people do in the videos I’ve seen o that’s an interesting hat 5,000% look is that strange Christmas hat huh interesting um yeah this is pretty much the mod if we have a look in the book we can have a look at what we need for the next altar this one so it’s another layer on the outside let’s do the let’s do the visualize didn’t seem to work did it visualize there we go um and then if we get a blank hand click on here I’ll tell you exactly where it needs to be uh we run out of there we go run out of essence and that’s another layer so yeah I will do that um let’s have a look in the book that’s tier five what was it showing me Bloodstone bricks cap each pillow with a bloodstone brick so for these you’ll need tow fruit find via the edge of the Hidden realm ritual [Music] okay that costs 880,000 LP someone’s an inversion pillar tenuous gateway to the demon realm ritual div okay so this is um this is interesting yeah we got do this water runes fire runes what water R nope let’s just do that blood magic it doesn’t say anything that’s the inversion pill how do you even make these back back all it talks about automation Hopper um rituals ritual Stone we painted with the various Elemental inscription oh God this is a hell of a uh Rejoice you decorate your base with your favorite fire ritual stones to your heart’s content all right so that’s a rabbit hole um tow fruit so we’re going to end up going Tower fruit can be found in simple dungeons after it can be farmed being a native denn of the demon realm so we’ve got to make a portal to the demon realm uh to get what we want we might not get this done in this episode um yeah so there’s no point looking at this because we’re not going to be there for too long we’re not going to get there as quick as I thought we were um yeah so we need 80,000 LP that could be interesting so we need to go to the demon realm so we need to go into the the rituals with our T3 alter we can start performing rituals rituals require a mass ritual stone is that what we’ve made Master ritual Stone you know what we can make this magician’s blood orb can’t we let says tier three 25,000 LP uh how many villagers we got here not enough not what I meant to do um what was the orb Master blood orb nope not that one magicians right gold block so we’ll make this now turn this back on for a little while uh and we will do this right that [Music] should so we’re going to craft this and then we’re going to figure out these rituals um I’m going to probably do a little bit of reading and make sure I G know in a general direction on what we need to do um cuz we need to apparently inscribe our stones with different runes and yeah um I’ll bring you back once I’ve oh actually that was it crafted it look at that so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to stick that on there oh no no we’re not we’re going to make sure it’s mine then stick that on there and we’re going to charge this up with blood as you can see they’re dying because of crushing so let’s just make sure we kill a few [Applause] there we go uh yeah anyway I will do some reading and figure out what’s going on and what path to take and I’ll see you then okay so I’ve done a little bit of reading and I have a general idea of what we need to do the quests help pretty well so one of the first things we will do is make the ritual Stones um but let’s start with the ritual tinkerer I think no no we will not we will not do that go away Mr zombie um cuz that was tier four I don’t know where that came from we’re going to start with the master ritual Stone so we need more reinforce slate so what I have done is I’ve set up a little automation here this will just pull out the stone that I put in there okay you can put 52 Stone in the blood all um so the Stone’s actually in the AL and this will pull it out when it’s reinforced slate so that it doesn’t become imbed slate all we need to do now is turn this machine on and do the blood lots and lots of blood because this is empty [Applause] it’s not the fastest thing in the world um so I’m going to have to keep turning this off so they don’t kill each [Applause] [Applause] other I’m hoping this isn’t trying to do 52 stone at once quite possibly could be doing all 52 at once it is yeah so what we could do is set this to P one at a time maybe I don’t know okay I’m going to sit here and I’ll see if we can let this 52 go through cuz reinforced slate isn’t all that bad if not I’ll reset it um yeah we’re going to need we’re going to need the master ritual Stone and quite a few of the ritual Stone so we are going to need a lot of reinforced slate to do this um so I don’t know I guess I get a stack of uh rainforce slates maybe and hopefully that’s enough um and then we’re going to also make this which yeah we’ll get to that when we’ve done the reinforce lights cuz I think the structure that we saw is what we need to build um where is it ritual WS uh blood Alters did not mean to do whatever I just pressed that so tier three tier four we need the tow fruit which is Edge of the Hidden realm so we’re going to need 32 we’re going to need 36 runes so we’re going to need 36 ritual Stones yeah we’re going to need a lot of ritual Stones [Applause] um so I’ll be back when I’ve got some stuff ready for us cuz there’s no point sitting here and watching this um cuz it’s not that most interesting anyway so I believe we have enough ritual Stones now um just in case you’re wondering I did figure out a way to automate it so we use laser iron which we haven’t used yet um pretty simple to make and then you just need some item cards and in the so the item cards just going like normal and then if you right click you get this window this is where you change it to insert and extract and some other things but basically you need two of these set one to insert set one to extract on the insert one I have just put it as stone and you can change the number in this so I’m only inserting one that’s because we got this counting card in here as well so you put the counting card in there it will count how many it puts in which is also pretty easy to make so that puts in that inserts one stone and then you just make sure you put it in the right way uh you want to insert it into the blood alter which is there and if we look at the extract one it’s pretty much just extract and transfer one so I’m not sure if it’ try and put in more but by the time it if it does try and put in more by the time it tries to put in an extra one this has already got a blank slate in it so it couldn’t anyway uh so yeah and then just make sure you put the extract in there that seems to work we’ll just put stone in there and eventually all I have to do is kill the villagers to get some more life ESS um later on down the line there is a ritual that you can put underneath your tier five blood alter that will kill things that spawns and give the blood to the altar so we can get rid of this eventually uh what we’re going to do now is make a ritual Divine and this week activation Crystal cuz you need it for the lowle rituals so if we make this first first um all we need to do we got everything oops there we go lava Crystal so this requires 10,000 LP is good and it goes pretty fast that should be enough there we go weak activation Crystal so that’s that and then we’ll make this ritual Divine I haven’t had a look at this yet hopefully it’s not that bad so we need lapis block and that is for the water one what do we need for this obsidian else I’m assuming Blaze no Magma Cream let’s get a magma cream and the Airborne is a gas tier so if we start out we might need to turn a how many how many does this take a th000 we should be all right then so let’s start with the gust here there we go description tool air earth water and fire Okay so we’ve got that now and that should be everything we needed for the ritual definer this is not required but it’ll help us build them better so if we shift right click serenade and nether what we want is Edge of the Hidden realm oops and we just going past it this is changing direction interesting uh edge of the Hidden real all right now how do we use how do we use this thing uh to build a ritual shift right click in the air until you get it shift left click to go back start by doing the edge one selected with a ritual Diner right click on a master ritual Stone Okay so that’s the ritual so let’s just put this over here oh o unable to replace block uh maybe we maybe we don’t place this in the ground um let’s place this place this up here in the air oh look at that now it’s building okay and then what you’ll need a bunch of ritual Stones once your structure is built you can right click the master ritual stone with a weak activation Crystal did we have enough blocks know uh let’s see you feel a pulse but two are are too weak to perform this ritual right then what does that mean how do we perform the ritual just says use a weak activation Crystal if we read about the hidden realm in here 80,000 LP okay so what that’s telling me is we don’t have enough in our orb think if we put that in there awfully annoying that doesn’t tell us how much is in our orb I’m going to get rid these demon Wills cuz I don’t think we really need them on us uh let’s let’s make a few more [Applause] villagers so it said 80,000 that is that’s let’s go with that’s 10 that’s 15 20 25 and this is stopped so it must have filled up um so if we take this out hopefully hopefully this could work well that did something protect a villager from an undesired shock so do we just oh there we go uh Keys cool um yeah all our stuff still works now we’re here more demon well we’re looking for some tow fruit from chests we oh okay so we use keys to open those doors that’s pretty cool and there’s spawners in here so how it’s about we so spawners they’re invisible and they’re burning the room down uh Tower oil tow fruit cool saturated tow tow oil I don’t want anything else but I’ll take I’ll take all the tower stuff this is all Tower fruit as [Applause] well we have quite a bit of tow fruit now which is pretty good what are these ritual Stones just just in case we need some kind of a ritual demon Stone tiles and the whole place is burning down so what happens I’m going to just take all of these cuz that means we don’t have to make any more future what’s this demon eye or is a demon eye is this usable for anything no doesn’t seem so that’s fine uh let’s go into another oh this is all Blood Demon bricks more tow I really don’t care about the rest of the loot and there’s a zombie here okay cool living GMA upgrade to don’t know what that is but let’s take it anyway where are you spawning from from the books yeah awesome uh let’s get rid of some of this stuff I really don’t want swords we keep all this crap St Living Armor don’t know if we need it but we’ll take it tow oil tow through don’t need that we’ll keep that on us what’s this fire protection don’t really need it but we’ll take it Fortuna extract I don’t know what those are but we’ll take it lingering potion of invisibility and a loom is there anything else behind these no that’s an empty map uh let’s have a look in the last room we’ll take that we’ll take that too uh yeah at least I think this is the last room and we’ll we we we’ll take every all of the fruits and this whatever that is yeah okay uh I don’t think we need anything else from in here do we just go back like this yes we do U don’t know if we need that anymore definitely don’t want it staying there and there we go we have the tow fruit and saturate it you put a mob on top of it but we’ve got some saturated ones which is good um so that’s that done I think I hope we’ll just put all of this away don’t need those don’t need that get rid of Books Okay so that is that uh we’ll leave that so now what did we need for this Blood stone bricks to get we need Bloodstone shards so we need this thing which requires things that we never seem to have crafted and then we’ll put this in here and there we go alchemical reaction chamber thing magic what what do you need oh we got sauce there uh right right then if you make a blood thing we need this and we need a sanguine thing so we need a health Forge wow this is a rabbit hole in a bit we need a health Forge let’s make a health Forge then right now we’ve got a hell Forge um this is interesting looking you know what let’s let’s make these sour n oh okay string strings so if we do this it’ll unlock the other quests there we go that should yep unlock that Quest and we have the Hellfire Forge so let’s just pick that back up and let it detect it right reinforce SL so we need a weak blood Shard but we need this thing here to get this thing we need a tartaric [Music] gem I think so how do you get your first tartaric gem need lesser common greater Petty demon will okay so this is what we need to do see if we put that on there I’m kind of just guessing here uh we put that on there and we get that those demon Wills that we have somewhere 19 20 I don’t I don’t know which one we need the we’ve got 50s here so we’ll well you know what we’ll just take all of them um shift click them in maybe demon well stack up very quickly uh you create a new way to store tartaric gem Petty taric Gem Store up to a maximum 64 will if you drop any demon will you have in your inventory the gem will absorb it do we just throw it in oh oh look at that it’s doing something and then we have a tartaric gem so how do we upgrade this thing done that run of self sacrifice uh lesser taric gem do we want to just make all the gems we can make a Senti sword uh which is a gem sword sword an iron sword so if we if we put this in here put that in no so how do we do this heire Forge so if we put that in that one and put that in that one there we go how much will are you going to use nothing okay so now we have a sentient sword and some more will so the sword is 100% drop chance on the will cool um can we do anything special with this thing I mean that makes it no um yeah okay we’ll leave that for now we got a lot of demon walls um what we’re trying to make is this so now we can make this surely in fact we’re probably going to have to make another we’re going to have to make another gem aren’t we let’s use something that’s got less will in it so we’re trying to make the weak blood chard and that requires this from this which sh yeah all right so now we’ve got that uh let’s have a look at this so we go to here and we go like this should give us everything we need except apparently shears but that’s just iron where’s our iron there we go shears and then just shift click all of this in maybe Stone why have you put undersight in [Music] there not enough [Music] will okay what is going on this says it wants a common or a greater so I’m going to have to make okay we’re going to have to upgrade our gem so how do we do that to upgrade the gem we need a small gem with more Gem and some will okay uh taric gem Diamond let’s let’s do this then diamond Redstone lapis so if we throw this this this and this and put you in there and give you some will you’re not going to work if we throw you down on the floor and pick you back up you’re going to contain some will now will you work yes awesome so you need to do it like that which means now we’ve got a lesser gem which can store more will oh no that’s not what we’re supposed to do this is pretty good means we don’t have to keep it all on us and we got very lucky that we got these for Quest rewards okay so all right next gem we need a common so what do we need for a common diamondb slate and gold block was it gold block I hope it was gold block it might have not been Diamond we’ got slate and we need let’s just assume it’s a gold block maybe it wasn’t it was a gold block lesser need 240 oh there we go 239.50 is not 240 there we go there’s our common so now if we just ditch these two on the floor we now have a common can we make this now please we need 3 we need 350 World which we don’t have all right so we’re going to have to go do some stuff so let’s let’s go and enchant this sword first shall we I’m assuming it can have all the enchants let’s hope we’ve got mending in here we do have mending right we got mending let’s go for Unbreaking seven right what else can we actually put on this guy sharpness is probably a good idea uh SM no knock back no no looting do you think looting does anything sweeping Edge Unbreaking it’s a good idea magic Cipher nope apotheosis iio is there an enchant from blood magic itself no okay so we got break in we got men in and we got sharpness that should do us sharpness Unbreaking mending I’m hoping that when we kill some mobs now it works uh let’s go [Music] to let’s not use that let’s go to uh ATM pyramid maybe right what are we on 26 oh we can’t fly here forgot about that 26.4 27 okay so this shouldn’t be too hard what we got 284 okay so it’s very [Music] slow I’m not going to try and kill a pig glit all right uh let’s go to this place I mean it is working what dides it say we needed to craft it 300 will 350 all right so I’ll just kill all of that we need and I’ll bring you back in in a minute so we now have 463 will uh I’ve put the items in here already hopefully this works says it only uses 30 will here we go s sanguine reverter I don’t even know what that means uh let’s complete some of these quests more will awesome that might have been helpful to complete it’s only five and then weak blood Shard saturated throw you in there and throw you in there give me weak blood chard yay uh so that is the weak blood Shard to make bricks we just need to combine it with a some Stone I think y Bloodstone brick we’ve definitely got some graphical glitches here don’t know if we need all of these Master blood Master blood orb we probably don’t need anymore let’s not waste every single one you can stay there oh my God look at the block now that’s good isn’t it the shears he doesn’t like the shears interesting uh yeah okay so hopefully I don’t need these and uh don’t need all of this and we can get rid of some of this stuff where not going to do self-sacrifice uh Al the modium pick can go back in there and there we are okay so wound of capacity cool a block of diamond right uh so got the Run capacity that’s good now we can do this instead of a picture looking this and search for the okay let’s go back to this one oops nope click visualize and then right click onto here and there we go um yeah we’re going to have some Runes of capacity down here and we’re going to have some more speed runes I might do two Runes of capacity on the Sid um speed runes down there and de placement rooms on the other side so I’m going to craft that up uh cuz it’s just a bunch of waiting again cuz I think these need yeah these need imbued all the way to imbued for all of these yeah these need imbued slate and speed I craft the speed runes first blank slates we can put can put these on here so we’ll remove those and put some the black slate on there there um for two sets of speed runes and you’re going to be a [Applause] pain and this is yeah we can just crack those Corners off hopefully it doesn’t interfere too much with the thing with the thing oh yeah anyway I will bring you back in then cuz this video is getting pretty long and you don’t need to watch this so actually the video is pretty long ready so what I’m going to do is I’m going to end the episode here um I’m going to see if restarting sorts out that stupid block what I will do in between episodes is I’ll visualize tier five alter and what I’ll do is I’ll move our entire setup somewhere else um I’ll build something somewhere for it I’m not sure where yet I’ll figure that out um I’ll make it so it’s not in the ground like that cuz I don’t it doesn’t look very good uh and then we can continue on with some more blood magic maybe at the beginning of next episode hopefully it won’t take too long what I’ll do is I’ll Farm up a lot of the uh slates because I I don’t think so imputed oh in fact there is there’s more slates there’s demonic slates and there ethereal sites and this is a lot of LP um what I’ll try and do then is Farm up some slates may maybe I don’t know later on there is definitely a way to uh automate with rituals um and obviously there’s the master blood orb so tier four I’ll get us the blocks that we want for the tier four alter we can just use blank runes to get to it um yeah I’ll get the blocks that we need for the tier four Al in between episodes and we’ll maybe we’ll continue next episode if not we’ll do something else for the ATM starm just break it up a little bit uh don’t know there’s plenty to choose from we could even start at Astra we might do you know what maybe we’ll do some cataclysm uh go kill some bosses and then get back into finish the episode off with some blood magic uh we might even look at finishing off Banna uh and then at some point we will get into mechanism to get the antimatter uh there is a way now to get the nuclear waste bees with ponum pellets so yeah maybe we’ll I’ll look at we’ll look at that um although it needs antimatter pellets to flower so we definitely need to get some antimatter first which which comes from from something from this so we need this SPS stuff supercharge coils and things like that uh which requires more polonium so I’ll keep farming the paloni oh we need plutonium plutonium and water makes plutonium yeah okay we’re going to need an isotopic centrifuge to make plutonium instead of polonium all right so that’s yeah maybe I’ll leave that for now uh we’ll do some bits next episode so we’ll do the cataclysm and then we’ll finish off with this anyway I hope you enjoyed the episode uh I know we spent pretty much all of it doing blood magic but we did set up some spawners we did a little bit of adventuring and I hope that helped you out a bit um anyway have a great day and thanks for watching if you enjoyed the episode please leave a thumbs up if you know any way of helping out with uh the blood magic or anything else that you have seen just leave a comment and uh I’ll see you next time thanks for watching bye-bye [Music]

This video, titled ‘ATM 9 | EP 25 | Minecraft | Blood Magic’, was uploaded by TheMightyBlurr on 2024-05-01 07:00:04. It has garnered 105 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:36 or 4176 seconds.

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  • Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!

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  • Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine – Surprising Results!

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  • 1ifeStealerz

    1ifeStealerzBest Fair Life Steal Server ACTIVE STAFF AND HIRING MORE 24/7 online New Players Always Welcome And If Any Help Is Needed We Respond To Tickets And Chats Fast. 1ifeStealerz.minehut.gg Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong discord community and active players. No hacking/duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: simplyvanilla.net Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ What escaping spawn looks like: Watch video Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️

    Minecraft Memes - RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️I guess that villager really needs to rethink his commute strategy – maybe invest in a Minecart or something! Read More

  • Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch

    Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch In the world of Minecraft, Ellie Finch takes the lead, Using the game for therapy, fulfilling a need. With creativity and adventure, she helps young minds, Building safe spaces, unlocking what they hide behind. Minecraft as a tool, like a digital sand tray, Helping kids express, in a unique way. From castles to caves, the possibilities are vast, Bridging the gap, making therapy last. For those who struggle with traditional talk, Minecraft offers a new way to walk. Through grief and challenges, Ellie guides the way, Training others to use Minecraft, every day. From hospices to schools, the impact… Read More

  • Starman’s Minecraft Mixtape: Out of this World!

    Starman's Minecraft Mixtape: Out of this World! Why did the Starman bring a pickaxe to Minecraft? Because he heard there were diamonds in the sky! #miningforlaughs #starman #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Mining Mishaps: Duo SMP Adventure

    Mining Mishaps: Duo SMP Adventure Minecraft Adventures: Getting Lost in the Mines Duo SMP Exploring the Depths In the world of Minecraft, two players, Dave and the narrator, embark on a journey filled with surprises and discoveries. From exploring caves to finding hidden diamond spots, their adventures are nothing short of exciting. The narrator meticulously marks each diamond spot with torches, showcasing their dedication to mining. Challenges and Triumphs As they delve deeper into the mines, they encounter challenges like spider spawners and witches. Despite setbacks, such as losing half an amethyst block to a spider spawner, they remain determined to overcome obstacles. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Maizen: Creepy Iron Man Call at 3am!

    Minecraft Maizen: Creepy Iron Man Call at 3am!Video Information hey guys and tell us again how you saved the entire universe where do you get your superpowers all right guys one question at a time Spider-Man how did you get your superpowers I was just bitten by a spider and I’m strong fast and can shoot webs wao that’s cool and you’re the Hulk how did you get powers I don’t like you Mikey what what did I do wa what’s this hey Iron Man watch out look out wo what there’s of them hey what are you doing stop it what do we do what happened… Read More