Unleash Your Coding Powers in Minecraft!

Video Information

N Everyone is talking about AI so this year Minecraft hour of code will teach you how to create helpful AI but getting your AI to work well requires thoughtful coding and being responsible Minecraft education invites you to apply this useful technology to a fun set of puzzles solve problems using code and

See how AI can make our lives easier and since AI is all about rules help it follow directions and play fair you can code with our fun simple blocks or use Python like a pro all with the trusty agent by your [Applause] Side hi everyone welcome to this year’s hour of code play along we are so happy to have you all my name is Nadine ebry and I am the education Community manager for Minecraft education and hi everyone my name is Susie tinker and I lead customer experience in Minecraft education we are

So excited for today’s event Computer Science Education week is always my favorite time of the year and I can’t wait for you to all experience this year’s lesson which is all about responsible AI well so as you’re engaging in today’s lesson we would love for you to share

All of your videos we cannot wait to see what everyone around the world is doing you can share either reactions you can share yourself engaging in the lesson so just share your experiences today and don’t forget to also comment on other people’s videos as well uh we’d love to

See the collaboration and so you can share it two ways you can either scan this QR code or you can go to aka.ms h23 video yes us at Minecraft education can’t wait to see all of your videos and see what you’ve learned from today’s activity okay well we’re almost ready

For our amazing streamers to start playing through the hour of code with you all but before we do lla our game producer and the creator of this year’s hour of code lesson is going to walk us through a little bit about the activity before we get started over to you Yla hi I’m Lyla Bulman and I’m on the Minecraft Education team and I build all of our computer science cyber and AI content and lesson plans and I’m the producer of the hour of code including this year’s hour of code generation AI let’s get started it’s so much fun so

This year’s hour code there’s something wrong with our AI our artificial intelligence projects they’re missing responsible AI principles and it’s up to us it’s up to you to fix them so what are responsible AI principles in the first place essentially responsible ai ai principles are the rule rols in

Artificial intelligence that make sure that our AI is safe and fair and kind so in this year’s hour of code we’re going to go on an adventure we’re going to go back in time we’re going to find our projects that are missing the responsible AI rules and we’re going to

Actually retrain them we’re going to fix them with code there are four AI guides that will help us find our way find our projects and it’s up to us to fix them so what is artificial intelligence and what isn’t artificial intelligence well first artificial intelligence or AI

Isn’t Magic it’s just code so when we’re coding AI we’re teaching the computer essentially how to think and learn like a human which is why it’s so important for it to be safe and fair and kind and it’s used in so many things that we see

And use every day all around us and it’s going to be used even more in our futures we see it in our smartphones we see it in our smart watch we see it in our classrooms we see it on the Internet it’s really in so many different areas in all the things that

We use every day which is why it’s so important to learn how to use it in a safe way and learn how to make it in a safe and kind way so what will we learn today I like I will statements so I’m going to read them because we’re going

To learn this together at the end of this year’s hour of code generation AI I will describe what artificial intelligence AI is and where we see it in the world around us I will identify and explain the rules for using AI the right way I will use

Coding to think like a computer and solve puzzle step by step I will learn how AI choices can impact people and I will apply what I have learned to understand more about careers that use Ai and computer science what does that mean we’re going to learn a lot today

And the big things we’re going to learn about what is AI how we can use those rules the right way of course is our of code so we’re going to be using coding and solving puzzles and we’re going to see how AI choices the choices that we

Make in coding our AI can impact the world and the people around us so let’s get started let’s play very first thing to do is go to new and featured look at how cute this is and then we’re going to go in new and featured we’ll see that we

Have all of these hours of code and we’re going to select hour of code generation Ai and the next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to actually go and click create world so now it’s initiating the world template and generating our resources and we will be able to Begin hello and welcome to a very special Minecraft education hour of code play along with me Michael a teacher and stem educator on the Microsoft Ireland dreamspace team I’m also joined for this very special session with Monica and Nam josi and Monica Nam how are you guys

Getting on we’re good how are you we’re good I am fantastic we have the brand new our code World open up here in front of us generation AI I think I’m ready to get Stu are you guys ready of course let’s do it okay cool so I’m just

Going to right click on my little splash page there we’re going to get welcomed to hour of code 2023 generation AI uh I lean towards keyboard and mouse what about you guys keyboard keyboard nice let’s do it uh so uh as with all of the recent Minecraft

Education Worlds at the very start we have this really cool tutorial that kind of gets us familiar with the Minecraft controls especially now that I’m working on key keyboard and mouse so I’m just going to complete this tutorial it’s just going to practice moving my mouse and cursor around the screen as I’m

Doing this n do you want to tell us a little bit about your journey with Minecraft education sure so I was back in grade four when I used to play Minecraft for fun but in grade five I realized that students in my class used to find it quite monotonous and boring

To read from the books and understand the concepts uh was kind of difficult for them so um there was a workshop once conducted in my school where I got a chance to teach us about Minecraft and that’s when I thought that Minecraft could be escalated to a higher level so

In grade six I made my first uh educational lesson about the Egyptian civilization and I asked my teacher to use it so I got the you know result instantly that students were more engaged they were asking questions and that is what inspired me to make you know lessons in Minecraft so till date

I’ve been able to create 100 plus lessons with Minecraft and 500 plus lessons like a viral library of them which are available online that is so cool am and I I’m Blown Away by that a 100 plus lessons me as a teacher if I had a student come up

To me and be like let’s learn a Minecraft i’ like I’m in and also well done on coming up on all the lessons that’s so so cool thank you as you were just talking there Amia I was just kind of going through completing some of the block Ling task just getting familiar

With the Minecraft interface I’m just going to build myself a little Bridge here as well to get over this Gap as I’m doing that Monica do you want to introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about your journey with Minecraft education yeah so I’m working as the it

Head at SLE mid school and you know the journey with Minecraft has been very adventurous with me so back in 2018 uh I was looking how to learn Minecraft like and I saw once namia playing Minecraft on my laptop stealing my laptop and playing on it so you know

I I was like wow I was looking look for somebody to teach and I was you know asking help in the global community and I I said yes I found my teacher at home from whom I can learn and she can help the other teachers in our school you

Know to use this game based education in the classroom so there like she said the first lesson she made in history the Egyptian civilization we use that and then uh there was never looking back and you know we are using get in our classroom with integrated learning with

Computer science and a lot of other things so yeah that’s that’s unbelievable M well done for being kind of open to that kind of brand new learning Tool uh I’m sure a lot of teachers out there are just like that and similar to you in that kind of

Position of being new to Minecraft testing the waters and then kind of just going all in on it it is brilliant uh just what we just did there folks in our gameplay we actually just went through a nether portal I know Nami used to be a little bit of afraid of the nether

Portals back in the day of course like I used to hate the sound because used to give me Chilly Vibes and of course in the ender portal but now I’m all in like exploring to different dimensions and like i’ also heard about an amethyst portal so I’m just waiting for that to

Come through someday one day one day okay so what we are greeted by is actually my NPC so I mean I think me and you when we were talking about this it’s so so cool that they’ve actually put my own skin my avatar in there H it’s welcoming us

Giving us a good morning morning and it’s actually us talking to our fish Gil as well so I’m excited to meet Gil in just a moment H but I’ve just woken up in my bedroom and I have my first instruction this on the bottom there

Just above my hot bar in that kind of yellow text interact with computer so that’s exactly what I’m going to do and I have my little uh notification over my computer there noting and telling me to kind of right click on it h but I’m just

Going to want to say quick little hello to Gil before we do so I’m now going to interact uh with my computer whoa we have a mysterious guest I think we recognize that guest Nam and Monica don’t we agent and here’s the guest uh but for the time being in this

Story in this hour code it’s just mysteriousness right so hello is that you you look different okay by the looks of it we don’t recognize our agent just yet and we are flabbergasted talking computer that’s crazy uh so we’re confused what is AI what is artificial intelligence I’m pretty sure this robot

Has came from the future this Ai and it’s back to us when we were younger before we’ve actually understood what AI is and looked into it um so what is AI okay well uh artificial means something created by people uh not natural or not real uh and then Ai and in artificial

Intelligence is a type of thinking or smartness that humans have made for machines or computers it’s not exactly like human intelligence but it’s made to act like it in some some ways and that’s the perfect entry point to this year’s hour of code and this year it’s all

About AI it’s all about artificial intelligence it’s all about that generation AI uh so that’s what I am an AI creator with the TOs and ideas of humans really cool right okay so as we can see we’re flabbergasted we don’t really know what’s going on this robot’s

Telling us that it’s we’ve programmed it however we don’t recognize it so maybe there’s a little bit of time travel trickery going on here uh so let’s keep going and keep progressing so the AI that I created is missing some principles of responsible AI namia Monica tell us a little bit about your

Kind of first off your history with artificial intelligence and what do you think responsible or the principles of responsible AI are of course like I’ve been uh you know using different tools of AI but like the most famous that everybody really loves to use is chat GPD we can basically you know what

Usually people do is get the homework done in just a couple of seconds but I’ve learned so many different things like how to create your own bpds how to make your movie scripts how to make your work scripts and different things so basically I always believe you know

Working smart not hard so if you have to you know get the base ready of course AI will help you a lot but the most important thing is that we must use our own creativity to enhance that so it always helps in time management but of course the creativity always and the

Human touch is what we require to add to our own work and responsible AI again it also means to you know basically when you’re being alert safe online and at the same time you’re able to create safe spaces for others as well if you know want to be safe online first be the

Person who creates those safe spaces I love that great sentiment namia and I completely completely agree it’s what we tell students in dream space all the time as well and we’re actually greeted by our first principal of AI because our mysterious set us off on a little Quest there to find four core

Principles of responsible Ai and the first one we’ve encountered here is fairness and inclusiveness really important when we’re talking about Ai and the impact it’s having on our day-to-day lives right now we need to make sure everyone’s included and make sure the AI is fair as well there’s no

Bias built into it right now mon it appears we’re traveling through time through like falling into a pit rainbow P it’s like a rainbow p I don’t think I’ve seen one of those in Minecraft yet so far um but we have one of our responsib AI principles coming up here

As well and saying do you remember this place appears we’re in some kind of a lunchroom talking that we buil people are quite hungry yeah you’re spot on you spotted the emojis over there now yeah so it appears we’ve kind of built this little bit of a tool that uh it’s an AI

Solution that can detect what a student want for lunch and it can deliver it to them as you can see with with the happy and love heart emojis popping up over their head they’re well satisfied satisf uh and as you saying n it’s kind of speeding up the process it’s giving the

Workers the lunchroom more time to be creative with their food and make what they want however something’s gone wrong there Monica what happened there I think that’s a person with a special disability so that person is sitting on the wheelchair and the scanner has not scanned it

Properly so we have to fix that error I think so too so uh it’s given us kind of a prompt now because obviously this is our code we got to do a little bit of coding H it’s prompted us do we want to do make code blocks or python

Now I’m going to go make code blocks folks uh that’s the preference I have and just because this is kind of a beginner tutorial let’s go for Block based coding uh which is what we like to do as well a lot of the time when someone’s brand new to code you know

That language we use to communicate with computers uh so we’ve spawned in here to our lunchroom and we’ve kind of once again gone back in time these two poor students have haven’t had their lunch just yet uh so what we’re going to have to do is we’re going to have to code our

Solution and to do that and to open coding in Minecraft education we’re going to hit the H Key C on my keyboard just here and what’s going to pop up is make code uh from Minecraft education which is going to be excellent but it appears we have some kind of custom

Blocks that we have to scan through uh Nami can you talk us through what are we looking at here sure so we have a loop like on start while lunch time we have like it’ll do scan horizontally if student found then serve lunch and then wait for the next

Student nice very good so where do you think what we noticed there was that a student in the wheelchair they weren’t able to be scanned appropriately so their food and the AI solution didn’t work it wasn’t really inclusive there what do you think we’re going to change

Here in this code to kind of get that solution well I see scan horizontally and there’s a drop down there let’s check if we have some other option okay so we have horizontally or smash I think smart is always the solution so I’m going to hit play and let’s see what

Our code can do this time I suppose a lot of people join us as well is probably thinking what does code have to do with AI well really code is how we actually give the rules and the parameters of how AI reacts and its behaviors uh so we just told it there to

Be smart when it’s scanning and here we go this is the Smart solution uh excellent okay brilliant and lunch is served to that student as well and we got that love heart emoji as well I love the Emojis on the top they’re really really good um so excellent we have learned the

Principle of fairness and inclusiveness and now this knowledge can be added to your AI Let Us return this is brilliant so what’s happening here is I’m pretty sure we’re like powering up Our Mysterious AI uh with like new powers and new principles as we go uh so they

Can feel the fairness and inclusiveness coursing through my wires I love that I really like this mysterious Ai and now that my power has increased I can help you reach the next AI guide by building a bridge cool so we’re going to actually build a bridge this time using Code H so

Once again C for code on our keyboard press C that’s going to pop up our coding editor uh and now what we’re going to do is instead of us having to place that block we’re going to have our agent to place the blocks for us so what

I’m going to do is I’m going to hit play I’m going to have our agent Place those blocks uh but now me and Monica take note what’s kind of gone wrong there well I think less blocks uh I mean the less code blocks so that’s why it just

Stopped and I think it repeated just twice so we might need to add a few more yeah okay let’s try that okay I’m going to go see for code open that back up we’ve tested our code we’ve kind of found a little bit of a bug it’s not

Working the way we want it to work um so I think you’re on the right track now I think we have to include some more blocks of code to have our agent board and have our agent place down a few more as well so we had three of them let’s

Add four more few more four more okay let’s do that so that’s one um that’s going to be two okay perfect because remember folks the sequencing of our code is really important here it’s going to move forward then it’s going to place down then it’s going to move forward then

It’s going to place down that’s two H this is three and remember make sure your agent’s placing down we don’t want any blocks floating in this hi true yeah uh and then time to test it out here we go can do it co agent okay success we have Bridge built okay

Brilliant I’m gonna walk across my bridge do a little hop over my agent and we’re going to meet our next responsible AI so this one is about reliability and safety it wasn’t easy to get to them uh and they’re asking us to again once again travel back through time so let’s

Follow follow them but not too closely right so they haven’t learned about safy just yet so let’s keep our distance until it learns a little bit more about how to be responsible AI uh we’re traveling through our our rainbow portal again I actually love this portal what

Do you think Dam amazing like I think the portal are really cool in this world I think so too so we traveled back in time and we’re home excellent and our AI is telling us about the time we invented a smart Mo okay cool I’m going

Hit next check out what our smart mower is up to our smart mower is dedicated to mowing you can say that for them anyway but unfortunately I think it might be mowing more than just grass I they think it breaks something yeah oops your parents were not happy with that test

Run okay so it seems like our sprinkler system we’re already we’re also kind of getting H cut unfortunately with our grass there so we’re in our garden here’s our our smart more uh that’s our room I hope Gil is getting on okay back there so what we’re going to do Monica

Am I’m going to hit C and we’re going to check out the code for our smart more and see is it truly smart right is it actually being responsible uh for what it’s doing so oh straight off the bat we have something new here we have a repeat

Block this is an example of a for Loop that allows us to repeat instructions a specific amount of time in our code um but are you guys spotting any kind of glaring obvious bugs or issu that we we see here I do it says only cut grass but

In our toolbx we have cut grass if no sprinkler so if there’ll be no sprinkler I think it might not you know break the sprinkler okay first things first let’s get rid of these cut glass blocks I think they might be causing some issues so I’m going to right click on them or

If you’re on touchcreen devices you can longclick on them uh and then I’m going to replace them where they cut grass if and only if there’s no sprinkler no sprinkler I think so too uh Monica would you how would you feel now if namia came up with a smart Mo and started wrecking

The garden yeah so you know I’ll tell her to fix the problem and she has fixed it with this code first she told me of course that’s every mom and every dad you gets folded folding and then we’ll tell her now you have to repair it that’s exactly that’s the reliability

Feel like yeah I think she’s not that mad at me as well uh great stuff so we’ve now learned the principle of reliability and safety here which is excellent our AI Our Mysterious AI is getting powered up one more time and what I liked about that

Was our smart mower was smart but it was up to us as the creators of it to kind of make sure we worked with the AI and had to actually uh miss those sprinklers be responsible and obviously be safe as well CU that can be quite dangerous if

It’s just cut grass and it’s hitting sprinklers you never know what it could kind of run into as well so a serious AI is saying my powers are growing and I’m surging with safety and reliability okay great stuff I love how enthusiastic my mysterious AI is the next AI guide

Awaits you on the pillar ahead but because our AI is kind of getting stronger um we now have the ability to do loops I believe because we encountered four Loops in that last kind of problem had just there as well uh so what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Press C for code once again and this time Nam what are we looking at we don’t have all those yellow blocks this time we actually have a Green Block wrapped around it what are we looking at we have a repeat Loop to repeat three times and do agent four move forward and agent

Play up so I remember that we had placed uh agent move forward and agent play down seven times so we can change three to seven and instead of agent place up we can uh change it to AG plays down excellent okay great stuff so all

Makes sense to me and just to note folks with code and especially with block based coding H make sure you just read through it and does it logically make sense that’s how you’re going to be able to find books oh but brilliant yes I think we’ve made it yeah okay excellent

I think we have made it once again I’m going to do a little hop over my agent uh or my mysterious AI I should say and we have met with another principle transparency and accountability okay this is a great one so let’s take a trip

With them uh ready to see how I ended up this way H let’s go and make sure H there’s something you can do to fix me okay cool I like this we’re kind of going on this journey we’re meeting these responsible H AI guides we’re also helping them and we’re kind of traveling

Through time I love a good time travel mystery as well and time travel story um so going back through our portal and let’s see where we are now whoa what do you think’s going on here folks I think the birds dropping the banana peel whatever it feels like it’s

Not dropping it in the pin yeah okay so that’s no ordinary bird there TR it’s an AI trash collector part of project PR of very smart H your plan is to clean up the city okay so we created this AI again so once again it’s

Up to us to fix it um but obviously he dropping banana peels on trucks and all over the place not working the exactly way we want it as an AI Tech solution so we have our mission in front of us investigate control box so let’s walk on

Over to our control box just here right click to open it up we had our prompt overhead overhead showing us that’s where we had to right click and it’s going to boot up our tutorial for us okay time to solve some coding Mysteries OnStar while search for one one one 01 okay

Uh folks I love coding and I I’m big into coding but I’m not sure if I can understand this binary code just yet I don’t think there’s much we can do here exactly yeah yeah7 very good uh okay so this code is a black black box so that basically

Means that uh the code is working there but it’s hidden and it’s hard for us to understand so we need to look more into it let’s see if we can find some of these birds and as you can see on the right of your screen we have those kind

Of that binary code let’s see if we can figure out and decipher and fig uh figure out what they meant so take a close look at that bird okay come here to me robo bird uh okay we’re scanning from yeah exactly yeah uh okay perfect so we’ve deciphered that first one trash

Great job you figure out the first part of the code brilliant okay so if I work the first time I think it’s going to have to work a couple of times after that we have to chase that pigeon C that pigeon don’t F away not yeah

Exactly uh okay so once again we see the birds dropping rubbish randomly time to scan it okay four gets away let’s see what do you think is going to be deciphered into this time first one was trash this time it’s going to be dumpster dumpster okay great stuff that

Makes sense we figured out the second part of the code uh let’s keep tracking those bitrain birds hope nobody ever calls me bit brain okay that bir uh okay cool do you guys have any guesses what do you think that third piece of code we have to decipher is we

Had trash dumpster any guesses what the third one is trash Dum let’s check the first three letters and then let’s see what the word okay okay another one Let’s scan it all right we’re going to scan it one more time scanning deciphering okay here we go let’s see

Trash dump rele release oh release now I wouldn’t have guessed that I would have guessed like bin or something I would have thought it was more in the line with trash and dump okay yes that’s it you’ve cracked the code brilliant it’s no longer a black box let’s interact

With that control box one more time see what we’re looking at this time okay booting up our tutorial so now it starts to make sense okay now I can understand it and it’s not just the robo Birds who can read this code uh on start while search for

Trash do if trash is equal to True Okay cool so this all makes sense have a quick scan of our toolbox I think something that’s jumping out me is that there’s a couple things here like flly to dumpster and release trash that isn’t being used in our code just yet so I

Suppose what we need to do is find that dumpster okay okay here we go I think I actually caught it in the corner of my eye earlier on so I’m going to walk over interact with my dumpster interact with dumpster is probably not the best mission to

Have it’s not a problem you always want to hear okay H we have the dumpster location data excellent so time to check out our control box one more time and let’s solve this thing okay brilliant so so we have found the dumpster location data and that

Actually gave us two brand new blocks in our toolbox so namia what are you thinking what’s our solution here well we were seeing the bird just dropping off the banana PE on somebody’s car and that is not acceptable so let’s remove move trash and we can add TR to dumpster

And then it can release trash in the dumpster and release trash hit play hopefully this has got our birds back on track yes success you’ve learned the principles of transparency and accountability and now this knowledge can become part of your AI excellent so that AI is getting even more

Superpowered fantastic project PR is away look at them go whoa okay no more no more banana peels on trucks I’m sure I’m sure those truck owners are going to be delighted but they’re not slipping all over the place on the road out of okay I’m accountable to being completely transparent with you

I love that this mysterious AI great way with words um so we will no longer have to input code because our AI has powered up so much so it’s kind of acting like generative AI for us right now because what we’re going to do is instead of

That we’re actually going to prompt our Ai and so instead of writing code we’re actually going to work with our AI input what we were looking for and it’s going to Output what we expect as well um so Monica what kind of bridge would we like straet

Let’s go straight nice and simple namia what material wood wood let’s go wood and then I’m going to go Goldilocks just right and then it’s going to generate our bridge for us I believe whoa no more coding for us now we just need to hop along yeah that’s

Great great prompting okay so this architectural Marvel uh is going to show off our engineering and also our design as well which is really really cool I think what Our Mysterious AI was kind of getting at there is about um prompt engineering so that’s all about kind of

Writing the perfect prompt to get the expected output that you want and it still kind of showcases your creativity just like you mentioned earlier on N so where do you come from privacy and security they’re a little bit scared because they haven’t learned about security just yet it’s time to see if we

Can kind of fix that privacy security obviously going to be really really important principles when it comes to artificial intelligence cuz is going to play a big role in our everyday lives whether it’s um at work or at school or even kind of just with the entertainment

We interact with and the life around us so what are we looking at here Nam what’s happening well I think there’s a family that’s enjoying a lovely feast and now they seem angry because Somebody’s knocking at the door and they’re trying to sell something I guess and then the they like

No I don’t want anything go away so he’s going away yeah I would feel the same if I was about to sit down to a nice cooked chicken and someone’s knocking on my door being like do you want to buy something an encyclopedia by I be like

I’m just hungry mate come on they’re about to eat steak I guess and now get somebody knocking at the door they’re like why are you troubling us every time we have dinner the frustration of it okay what are they selling this time what they that in this time what is that

Beacon yeah it kind of looks like one uh okay I like that we’re kind of slamming the door on them like we’re getting back to our dinner okay so now we’ve traveled to the point in our lives where we’ve invented AI Tech locks so this is going

To be kind of like a security Tech solution and it seems we have a notification on our computer so it looks like you got an email exent so I’m just going to check my computer uh and it’s actually about customer support so it’s that person who is actually having that

Chicken and having that steak talking about those sales people coming at the awkward time so they’re kind of questioning how do they know where home is it something to do with our lock system on our door so time to check our door obviously we’re the ones who came

Up with it so we have to be very much accountable for this just like we were talking about earlier on about one of those principles but now we’re looking at the security here and I can see all the comings and goings of that person in that house obviously very valuable

Information uh Monica how would you feel about if your security system was telling everybody when you’re coming and going from your house it’s really unsafe you know it has to be uh private to me only it’s I mean like everything is all open and which is not safe

Also yeah 100% H so I’m working with crafter my AI assistant and I’m reporting a permission issue so it’s just going to quickly scan for issues scan for bugs opening the code now okay so let’s check out the code I found the problem oh it’s to do with the access

Report code uh so time to code our solution so I’m going to hit C it’s going to bring up code Builder once again folks uh and this time we’re going to be looking at the code for our AI Tech lock solution as well uh so Nam

Talk to us what are we looking at here it says onart while human detected to and then we have if Loop user authorized then check user permission if user permission is equals to anyone then enable L doing as disable so basically that anyone who’s coming at your door

Can check when you’re going coming so we must change that to ad admin admin oh yeah we don’t want any other user we want the administrator of the account to know so that’s perfect so let’s test that out that makes sense it’s going to process our code uh

Fingers cross that solves it because it does make sense you only want your admin oh hold on check the door let’s see in this instance I don’t think I have admin permissions ah so I’m locked out of it this time okay makes sense makes sense great stuff so uh I think

We’ve solved it cold crafter that’s fixed it okay I do love the the name cold crafter AI assistant as well that’s great uh bug was a big security risk you’ve learned the principles of privacy and security obviously such an important one now if my math is correct folks I’m

Pretty sure that was the fourth AI principle the time to kind of see that payoff of our family enjoying our meal no will there be a knock on the door oh still in the attention yay big relief okay when the person gonna come to knock on the

Door yeah exactly uh welcome back you did well identifying and fixing the problem okay great stuff oh and this time mysterious AI is actually called responsible AI because they feel complete that’s brilliant um whoa what is that a bite uh it’s a scooter still pillar left far beyond it’s a scooter I

Think you’re spot on Monica time to interact with the scooter hang on tight Nam as a Minecraft expert have you ever seen a scooter in Minecraft before no I’ve seen mods of cars and all but actually not in mine edication it’s really cool this is awesome okay we’ve traveled

Through time and now we traveled to space on the back of the scooter which is something I didn’t think I was going to say what’s going on oh one more time we’re going through a rainbow portal excellent oh oh it’s not a rainbow portal this oh no it is a rainbow portal

Okay getting head in there for a sec because I do enjoy the rainbow portals um this is quite interesting this is your final challenge you must take what you’ve learned and use it to teach us okay will’ll do oh all the pills it’s not fair to exclude

Us we’re ready to learn okay you don’t feel to Safe we’re counting on you okay here we go I think it’s our final mission folks okay we have teach the a oh you owe it to us to be honest come on now finish what you started okay privacy and

Security we will remember the principles we are ready you are ready oh I feel empowered what about you guys of course I think let’s solution and we need to find you know where each of them fit so have fairness and inclusiveness so that basically means I

Think the balance that we have and that goes for the first one let’s try that yeah okay great stuff so we’re saying our red that is going to be fairness and inclusion and that’s our balance isn’t it yes so I’m going to hit play let’s check it out I think we have all

Together we’re doing them all at the same time okay great stuff next of all we have our privacy and security which is our green where do you think we’re going then n lock we’re going to go for our lock which is if we follow it down make an AI

That hides any information that you wouldn’t share with a stranger okay privacy and security so this time I’m going to go green and I’m going to go uh lock okay cool I’m going to close out of my code uh and then reliability and security where do you think we’re going

Then reliability and safety will go with the she Shield icon with a tick okay Shield icon with a tick let’s hit C Shield icon with a tick okay excellent oh no okay she like with a tick and then last but not least we have a thumbs up thumbs yes and that is going

To go towards Thumbs Up Add a way to be open with your code okay excellent let’s try it out um and we’re going to go give us a nice big tons of brilliant we have our scenarios at the end of each one of those piles as well yay huzzah I think we’ve done

It okay great stuff look at our responsible pillars being built right here in front of us you did it you taught us the principles brilliant okay here we go where are we now I thought our mission is complete whoa where am I this is your your work your creation welcome to

Generation AI so cool okay so I think our responsible AI is so powerful now it can actually create and generate an entire world for us so um where do you think I’m leaning towards flower Force what do you guys think of course H and then what time a day Monica

Sunrise sunrise and what do we want built there Amia Monument monument and then and with whom do you want to share this with Nam it’s your call animals only okay just animals and I’m going to go creative mode and I’m going to keep it nice and

Peaceful yeah yeah I think we deserve a nice peaceful uh world after we traveled through time on that Adventure yeah and what’s happening now is our AI is so powerful it’s generating an entire world for us look at them glowing there I love it yes it’s Neon okay so we’re in our

Yeah exactly kind of reminds me of the rainbow portals we fell through as we traveled through time uh okay we’re in creative mode and we’re in peaceful it is done your AI world is complete thank you responsible Ai and here I am in front of my monument

In my Forest uh uh flower forest biome completing this year’s hour of code Monica and namia thank you so so much for joining me on this playthrough did you have a good time of course it was we really enjoyed a lot playing this R of cod with AI

Challenge I absolutely loved it too and folks this is just the beginning you can check out this year’s hour of code generation AI right now and Educators and teachers be sure to check out all the other resources that come accompany it to help you deliver it in your

Classroom and engage your students but for me Michael here in Dublin thank you so so much for joining us and see you again for the next next Minecraft education Playr wow naen that lessed was incredible I think it’s safe to say that this is my favorite hour of code lesson yet remember continue to share your videos with us on the flip page we’d love to know more about what you learned and what you liked in this year’s hour

Of code event if you’d like to keep learning and coding and Minecraft education check out all of our other lessons in the computer science subject kit in our in-game library or you can visit aka. mscomputer science I agree Susie I am completely blown away this was this lesson was

Amazing so if you are just as impressed as we we are and you want to continue this conversation go ahead and join us in the Teachers Lounge uh this Lounge has over 7,000 Educators ready to collaborate with you so if you want to share different pictures from the lesson

If you want to collaborate or if you just want to ask some questions go ahead and join us we cannot wait to hear from you so there’s two ways that you can join the Teachers Lounge you can either scan this QR code or you can go to

Aka.ms MCU Teachers Lounge so we hope to see you there to continue this conversation thank you so much for joining us yes everybody thank you so much for joining us today and happy coding happy coding

This video, titled ‘Hour of Code: Drop Everything and Code!’, was uploaded by Minecraft Education on 2023-12-07 13:54:57. It has garnered 1650 views and 135 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:40 or 2740 seconds.

Join classrooms worldwide on December 6th for a live play-through of the new Minecraft Hour of Code: Generation AI. Your students will navigate through time, innovating with AI-powered inventions alongside Minecraft experts and streamers!

Generation AI is available through the Minecraft Education in the in-game library and for anyone as a free demo lesson at aka.ms/hourofcode

Teachers need no prior experience with Minecraft Education to participate; simply makes sure your students have access to Generation AI on their devices, stream this live event in your classroom, and let your students dive in and play along.

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  • ManaRush

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  • HomiezClub SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java

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  • Minecraft Memes – Real crafty creeper tactics

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  • Troy’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

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  • Viral Parrot Hack in Minecraft! 😯🔥 #shorts

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  • Jerry Summons Herobrine in Curved Portal!! #Shorts

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  • Ultimate Bedwar’s Tournament on Infinity SMP

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  • Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can’t be a Dad! 😱🙈

    Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can't be a Dad! 😱🙈Video Information This video, titled ‘Mai kabhi BAP nahi ban sakta 🤣😭 #comedi #cartoon #funny’, was uploaded by SSD Bhai 99 on 2024-03-24 06:42:26. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. sada shiv skibidi toilet cameraman cartoon spider- man aur iron man toilet bhoot wala cartoon make joke comedy minecraft aayush poppy playtime chapter 4 animals movie camera toilet granny gulli bulli herobrine iron man ishq bhi toilet nagin videos one more time shorts superheroes minecraft ye jism. hai toh kya 390 duke aalu mota bhalu aayush poppy playtime chapter… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT glitch: blocks break around me!

    INSANE MINECRAFT glitch: blocks break around me!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT but all blocks around me BREAK!’, was uploaded by Spl1ce on 2023-12-29 19:55:22. It has garnered 7805 views and 186 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #speedrun MINECRAFT but i DESTROY CLOCKS MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN CHALLENGE MINECRAFT but I destroy the blocks around me! ⭐ALL MY SOCIALS!!!⭐ Kick: https://kick.com/spl1ce Twitter: https://twitter.com/Spl1ceYT​ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@spl1ce?lang=en​ Discord: https://discord.gg/f2ThUnrU​ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/spl1cetv​ ⭐PC SPECS⭐ Keyboard: https://amzn.to/41DDnpo Mouse: https://amzn.to/4azxnlH Headphones: https://amzn.to/41GpR4z Webcam: https://amzn.to/3vdG8Sl Microphone: https://amzn.to/41HhWnA Microphone arm: https://amzn.to/3vf6fIC Mixer: https://amzn.to/3TDxUND Monitor: https://amzn.to/3vjJNy8 Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • DazzerPLays – VIP in F7 DUNGEONS! Bones galore! Skyblock Giveaway?

    DazzerPLays - VIP in F7 DUNGEONS! Bones galore! Skyblock Giveaway?Video Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & GETTING BONES 4 DAYS!!! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:54. It has garnered 1056 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:25 or 7825 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVSdzPNOMhbkkwclfnb4HLQ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ swerve – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane survival tactics in minecraft w/@Tecno72!

    Insane survival tactics in minecraft w/@Tecno72!Video Information This video, titled ‘Survival video in minecraft @Tecno72 @minecraft’, was uploaded by Tecno on 2024-01-13 01:32:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like … Read More

  • ObsidianMC

    ObsidianMCObsidianMC is an emerging Minecraft Network that provides a delightful experience for its vibrant community. Join us to explore our incredible gamemodes! Gamemodes: – Practice – Prison – Parkour – Bedwars & many more… WHAT KIND OF play.obsidianmc.club Read More

  • Safe Survival SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6

    Join Safe Survival Server! Server IP: mc.safesurvival.net Discord: https://discord.gg/Rt6CwDa Come join our SMP server with land claims, KeepInventory, sethome, and /tpa commands. Explore spawn with random teleports, shops, and more! Join our community and chat on Discord about builds, server updates, and more. See you there! Read More