Unleash Your Creativity with Modded Minecraft: FTB Skies Stream #6

Video Information

Welcome Captain all systems online hello who do we have here we have Shadow golden Sammy botrick and moldy mold’s first welcome in everybody oh I got to crack open my brucei just joking it’s not beer hey Terry holy cow wants pizzas here howy Cal welcome in I’m excited to show you guys the

Progress that I made over uh the weekend welcome in everybody just getting things going game’s loading up hope everybody had a wonderful weekend mine went by way too fast that’s for sure Where am I I’m right here I don’t have my light on oops oh well that’s fine that thing’s pretty bright thing is so bright hello I’m here I’m here I promise hey Eric how’s it going Eric did you give your um your game figured out the other

Night um let me is the music too loud me turn the music down just a bit there I am okay so that way you guys should still be able to hear it but um but it’s not too loud we’re right on top time 6:30 yeah hey Roger welcome in still working

On it man that sucks okay guys I made a lot of progress I made a lot of progress over the weekend um kind of stayed at home didn’t really go anywhere or uh go to we went to family on Saturday evening but for the most part Friday mostly Saturday and

All Sunday Monday I just played around locked out of Windows too that sucks big time it always takes a second to load up everything and you don’t know why though and having this thing off just like changes the whole color of everything uhoh you guys may have heard

Something I didn’t want to show up too much I’m going to look down I don’t want to show too much okay no no get away get away get away hey ruse I mean this thing can’t kill me it’s I’m so overpowered right now what did I get

Cloud in a bottle allows the wear to double jump what that’s pretty cool um so I got some extra um I got some stuff that I didn’t have last uh last stream one of them being I got uh an elytra so using my book my skull book I can fly around

Ohow um so yeah I can fly let me go let me go uh go to sleep real quick I downloaded this for Java I know I I’m I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it um I also got night vision goggles so it gives me basically um full like brightness

The uh hi Kack um every time I play um I got a witch’s robe I found a witch’s robe trying to figure out what else I found um I got an elytra actually I got a ton of elytra because the wandering Trader showed up and you can buy them from the

Wandering Trader so I just bought I just bought him out been playing Ad Astra and create uh well I mean AD asra is on on here um um asra yeah add Astra I mean this one has uh add as ra mod on it and create I guess has

Both that’s weird you couldn’t get it to go you’re going to build a moon base that’ll be so cool um I was able to get chickens uh I got one that like just spawned so once I got um one I just waited them to hatch eggs and then I got

More and I just I just repeated the process got my bookworms going um oh it’s raining this this implies that it’s raining the rain Shield’s protecting me um as you could hear I’ve got villagers but I also got these guys so uh these guys will trade me

All their goodies and I’m I’ve put it into a backpack with the um a bunch of Stack upgrades so I can get hundreds and hundreds and thousands of stuff so um that’s super cool actually I need to empty it um there all these books in here and I want to show something really

Cool about this setup I have here with these guys is that it’s a I mean it’s a manual process I have I have to do it at the moment um oh let me let me go to sleep sleep this thing away I got shoes I got sneakers that’ll give me um Step

Height I got sneakers so whenever I run it gives me a step height so I I don’t have to jump over things anymore um okay so this is not a true self-feeding um I could potentially turn it into a self-feeding system but these guys trade um gilded Blackstone right well gilded

Hello gilded Blackstone can be put into a squeezer and turn into nuggets which then I just turn into ingots and then feed it back into these guys so this this is a self-feeding a self-feeding system now so as long as I provide my combustion generator with power which it looks like

It’s not very full um this thing these guys have gold to trade with So that’s the only thing is like my lava is not keeping up fast enough with the um oh yeah and this this fire doesn’t hurt me Um so I think it’s because I have three machines hooked up to this one generator because I was trying to get liquid magma but I don’t know how to pull it out of the melting chamber like I have enough liquid magma in there but I don’t know how to remove

It um I also have a villager breeder so above here um above here I have a uh a farmer the farmer uh pulls carrots to feed to These Guys these guys breed to pull into babies into here then babies get fed into the incubator which then come out as full adults here so

It’s it’s a self another self-feeding system I guess so um I don’t have to worry about villagers I can just have an endless amount of villagers um this is my Emerald Farm um I just take this guy out let him reset his trades H and then this Auto trades

For me so I never run out of emeralds and then when that guy runs out cuz eventually he will lock his trade I just trade with this guy and just repeat the process bounce him forth and then I get I’ve got uh let’s see quite a

Bit you can pipe lava around too maybe that’s how I need to withdraw this cuz um I need to make Amber I need to make this stuff crystallized Amber and I need liquid magma to do so but it’s like how do I get liquid magma to put into the solidification

Chamber because I have the magma and I have the solidification chamber I just don’t know how to get the oh my gosh this is annoying I don’t know how to get this out and into there oh I’ve uh am I completely full yeah I’m completely full that’s fine

Liquid magma you mean lava well no you you you put lava in here and it liquefies the lava into magma I don’t know I don’t I don’t get it either I don’t get it either Eric um also um I wanted to complete uh a quest so I actually built a

Um a villager or not a villager what is this a uh a mob grinder oh I left my sword up there um this thing can run by itself if I need it to um and it just collects a whole bunch of stuff um so I can never I don’t need to

Ever run out of leather or anything like that again cuz I can convert rotten flesh into leather um and they do come down to a one hit kill I think for the most part um so so I got that going on you’re looking for dinner liquid hot

Magma oh gosh oh Shadow’s back do you have access to power cubes or flux do I boy do I ever I don’t know what is flux Mana flux field flux block block flux block flux plug flux infused Trident flux Storage I just need to figure out how to put that magma into here so I can make Amber cuz I need Amber um I was going to make I was going to make a disenchanter which is basically a grindstone for enchantments but instead it takes enchantments off of gear and puts

It onto a book so it’s potentially like I could get gear from you know whatever and and um strip it of its enchants a flux capacitor is that what I need flux controller FX storage 1.21 GW do I even have a flux capacitor is that even a thing did you guys just

Playing with me oh wait is that the flux capacitor looks like it rejection core blux projection core blux Crystal what the heck I mean I can make one of those I’ve got all that stuff what’s the what’s the point of this techno Babble I guess there is a a a flux capacitor interesting okay so maybe I need let’s see wait a minute maybe I’m missing something in my uh Quest book here let’s go to armor let’s unlock whatever this is where am I missing oh right here enchanting table Chronicles of Shadows oh gosh already

Got enough shadow to deal with uh Adventure blah blah blah blah blah okay I don’t need all this so let’s just put that in there um oh this thing is this thing is full Um I’ve been putting like all of my stuff in here and then just crafting it all at once then I just feed it back into these guys so it just runs forever Hey Einstein I’m on your side that’s such a good game Star Fox new Barrow roll okay so I just compress all the gold turn it all into inot and just feed it right back to those dudes just trying to make sure that it’s evenly spread out and just uh keep the thinging

Power let got two more minutes and we’ll feed it again do you have Auto Crafters I thought about that the chronicles of me I thought about doing an autoc crafter cuz then I could I could put this above them but then I’d have to figure out a way to

Pull I feel like it’d be a little bit complicated and I don’t I definitely don’t have the room down here but I’d have to be able to way to filter out the Gilded Blackstone potentially filter that out only if I could which I can actually do that with a modular router actually

Um oh yeah we have modular routers oh let’s go so I could add a modular router too here pull out just the Gilded Blackstone feed it to this system I just have to figure out a way to feed this with a constant supply of source or get it a more powerful

Generator but yeah I could potentially automate this whole process it’s just getting really cramped down here I don’t have a lot of room I mean I don’t have a lot more room on the island to be honest I was about to jump off to So um you’re done Is that what the flux does how do you so no that’s boty flux dust um metallurgic infuser I have that obsidian Dust how do I get obsidian dust block of obsidian I have to crush it a mechanical squeezer interesting so um let’s put this on our hot key over here let’s grab some

Flux dust um which means I need can I use my I need a metallurgic don’t I dang it [Applause] okay wait could I not convert it to let’s get some obsidian real quick where the heck is this obsidian anyway there it is oh I got a dog too

Wait could I used the crying cuz I think these guys trade me crying yeah okay oh well I mean that’s fine herey crush crush that a little bit please thank you okay so we got obsidian dust what else did we need obsidian cores so we need a whole bunch of no we have

Obsidian dust which means we need to now convert it To using an infuser um can I use oh it makes music whenever it whenever this thing goes um let’s make sure this thing has power using St it’s almost too much stuff at this point oh I need a lot more than that Holy Smokes okay I’m going to need a lot more

Obsidian um do I have any more obsidian oh yeah here we go 52 let’s go that’s a lot Let’s uh let’s move this let’s move that there we go I just needed more power We’ll save some of this Obsidian throw this back into the generator how much does it use every time okay so use 40 every time grab some blocks here um we have any sulfur let’s grab the sulfur let the uh let’s compact sulfur real quick um this workbench is a auto crafter essentially run that in there run the

Sulfur through here that way we can keep stuff smelting condense all that into block form there we go that powers it all the way up perfect we’ll keep the Redstone over here just in case we need more okay uh we need obsidian and an Ender eye pretty sure I have an Ender eye

Because I turned a bunch of stuff into ender eyes I thought what did I do with all those they’re over here somewhere my backpack y here we go how many do I need four okay um I need the obsidian too so it was this just like this right and then obsidian nope flip

These um there we go cores when the autoc crafter comes out I’m starting a new world yeah I feel like the autoc crafter is going to be pretty cool um but let’s see mechanical crafter I mean that’s essentially what an autoc crafter is kind of isn’t

It yeah use it for any auto yeah it’s essentially an auto Auto crafting system um okay so I get four with the dust we got all that we need one flux [Applause] block oh you know what I’m going to need tons of obsidian at this rate will it compress it can’t okay it has to be obsidian um how can I get loads of obsidian quickly H Blaze mesh turns into Obsidian lava and stone turns into obsidian um oh wait how does this work material generator material generator on crying Obsidian next no no energy will this work can I get tons of obsidian just from one piece of crying I don’t know what that lava Means take that um and we can use upgrade give my backpack oh I just need this um and I need to get a I need a um pedestal drop a lava source next to it I can do that that would be easy enough that would be easy enough uh

Pedestal where’s the rest of my pedestals at do I not have any more pedestals what the heck that’s my last pedestal okay I need to make more um I forgot is it Stone right I thought I grabbed my backpack oh no I guess I didn’t cuz I have a stone cutter in my Backpack so let’s Do couple of slabs um let’s make a pedestal real quick oh I need the tool which I believe is in my backpack Maybe maybe where do I put that tool is this it think this it no this is I need a linking tool this is a filter

Tool tool swap wait that’s not the right tool I need oh let me grab this keep those in with me oh my God my inventory is all over the place I need to bring um that lecturn down here and TI those bookworms to all these Le turns

Um what the heck oh I need a hydrate so my wh sprgs are also been running this whole time uh I’m been having to like empty it out um cuz I might have to upgrade this gold chest but like this is pretty much my source of wood and food and all this other

Junk um let me feed this to the um can I just turn off my magnet just throw this on the floor oh it’s going to take forever do I have a spare platform I don’t have a spare platform I need to make a platform real

Quick oh my God you’re so far it seems oh I’m so far I’m far but I’m not far at all it’s kind of weird um yeah I I’m barely scratching the surface of what I can achieve oh I need gold nuggets and a s remember folks technical difficulties like these or how

You know it’s 100% an authentic stream except no imitations what are we talking about what difficulties are we experiencing difficulties at least my internet’s Working um okay wait what was that what is this Maglite scon or Mage Light scon W mag light um okay Okay now that I have this I want to show you guys something pretty cool that you can do with a uh mycelial Source link I think that’s what this thing is called myal Source link so if we put this right in front of it attach a hopper to it and then just

Have all of our source berries in there it will pull the source berries into it and feed it over to the sourc drops ow ow ow ow so constantly keep it in in Supply no redeemed stretch oh did did the stretch not work it wants me to buts it wants to D

The D from myself what it wants me to borrow the game from myself oh steam is that doesn’t make any sense is it like set up as a family account or something because I know like whenever I try oh look I had freaking platforms oh I’m such a dummy whatever

Um whenever I like cuz we share a steam account um whenever I’m playing a game that is tied to steam they can’t play it until until I’m done which doesn’t make any sense either it’s so stupid thank you Papa sfy for the Triple punch I still need my uh still need my thing

Though is it in my pack here and I’m just overlooking it moral comat no no do you guys have it oh my God it’s so annoying why is it not like allow me to type this is so stupid allow me to type dang it it’s like I have to have nothing

Here then get into it then I can like start typing no which means it’s not in any of the ones that they are connected to which I think they are connected to all these ones essentially in this little area it’s like if they’re not if it’s not in

Here where else could it be oh I took this thing down because it was getting in the way and I had so many amethysts I didn’t need anymore I can always rebuild it if I need more but I don’t need anymore at the moment so I’m good for now I feel like I’m

Overlooking it cuz it’s really hard like to distinguish it from just a normal stick or an arrow Papa snuff is driving but he wanted to share some festive holiday punches this is Mrs Mrs Papa Snuffy hello Mrs Papa Snuffy appreciate it thank you for the holiday punches um bunch of swords

No W and Tribute am I going to have to make a new one I need to figure out a way to keep these like on me and this thing doesn’t turn into it upgrade tool tool swapper filter work tool cuz I need the linking tool H not in here not in here oh there it is Jesus man I need to like keep these on me at all times pedestal here we go I need to create a gold press or a material which just need water and lava gold press water lava boom boom

Boom this goes in my off hand you you click on that um okay take a lava source does it need power I’ve Got The Power how the how the flip do I do this what the Flip capacity okay I didn’t know lava plus wait Lava don’t get it what am I doing wrong here granted I haven’t linked it yet but it should still be showing that it’s processing what does it mean lava arrows pointing at the pedestal obsidian the default tool used in this but offhand inserting one can vastly do I have to like put in

A a tool um let’s see Let’s use the sticks that I always I always want to put them in in a in an angle hey stop it so off and and what do I click it uhhuh anybody know PDF thank you so it’s a diamond pickaxe now I’m confused what am I missing here it says energy needed zero

Experience needed zero dust needs zero does the lava need to be when it’s next to the freaking stick get out of here man Stick it to the Man how you doing PDF does anybody know more about pedestals and how to get a ton of obsidian lava hey look PDF’s over here too how’s

It going PDF 11 viewers six likes let’s go appreciate everybody make sure to hit the like button I don’t know much about the FTB skies I I know nothing about much of the oh you don’t know anything okay crying obsidian for Bedrock yeah I think it’s the same here

Um but how do you get it to like I have a pedestal on it but does it have to be like next to Lava like what does this mean here this lava pointing at like does it have to be cuz like it’s right there also it also goes through blocks that aren’t full Blocks crry obsidian below a pedestal really okay let’s see Yahoo Okay so 1,000 lava just lava the lava’s like like the you said you use mechanism to use it um let’s see which one is Mechanism create crate cyclic mechanism a combiner so Cobble deep slate gives me Obsidian dust which then gives me Obsidian H it looks like you approximately need someone who knows what they are doing that helps about me as that doesn’t help me at all almost forgot to like the stream oh eight likes let’s

Go well dang it I don’t get it power what does that mean do I have to like attach a I have to attach like a bucket of lava to it the heck just happened what so you could feed that’s not a good idea uh give me my Bucket um okay that’s not how it works um I mean this generates power but this generates um Fe power and um the thing looked like it used MB Power 1,000 MB oh I didn’t try I don’t even know what MB power is or what even creates creates MB uh generators any liquid is measured in mb so that’s not necessarily saying that it needs MB it just that’s how much lava has 1,000 MB but I don’t get what that means does

It have to be on the same level like maybe it has to be right next to it you know what I mean so like maybe the uh lava has to be right Here no that wouldn’t seem to work either I thought maybe it had to be on the same w level any way to put the lava in the pedestal like pour it right on top just pour it right on top of the Pedestal that doesn’t do any I don’t think that’s doing anything no nope I don’t think that’s that’s it H can you lava log oh like water log it no you can’t water log it lava log it I mean if the the lava can’t interact with the block this is just a test for

Science yeah it just delet it just deletes the lava so no you can’t have the you cannot have it inside H I don’t know maybe I’m just going to have to figure out a different way to get obsidian large amounts of obsidian I’m going to need a bunch of lava anyway

If I want to convert that or make a combiner and get it that way yeah there is spin three times and press left trigger what what game are you playing what’s the interface look like again for this here I don’t understand this lava cuz I guess some things require

Energy or experience or dust to be fed into the pedestal to get the outcome but in this case it looks like pipe it into It appreciate that shadow um what about a a combiner though let’s see don’t we make a combiner I have one of these um do these make uh where’s my stone at villager here okay he’s fine was this not one of the ways you could do it I guess not maybe

Not so we just need a combiner oh God where’s all this stuff oh my my gosh we need to make a bunch of circuit boards at this R I can just wait for lava to be formed from or obsidian from lava and just break it by hand jeez

Man welcome to me mechanisms oh my gosh I wish there was like is there a book for pedestals oh yeah you can color the um the pedestals if you want I guess filtering pedestals I didn’t know if there was like a book that I could read up on pedestals pedestal

Guide upgrade tool do I have one of those I Do was it not in this book in this one right here am I seeing a different book wait can I change It no maybe Not I just need to I just need to book then okay maybe this book will help me hugs of upgrades um generator upgrade that’s about it wish you had EMC what’s EMC told You Sammy you told me R capacity storage augments these are augments I’m it this is not going to help me kind of useless book is this nothing nothing nothing nothing okay okay well whatever that was a waste of time I guess I just watched someone well I mean but still how

It it’s still not clear how like what does this mean it doesn’t tell me what to do it doesn’t say use the lava to power something here that feeds it to the pedestal like this is not clear this this is not clear in any way this doesn’t make any

Sense so at this point I’m just throwing spaghetti at the wall seeing what sticks I don’t know and this is this is overtly Full oh look they’re all out of gold are you going to punch me in the face again don’t do that lava into the pedestal lava into the pedestal over crying obsidian with a pickaxe equals obsidian clear as lava oh it’s clear as day yeah no more like clear as lava Can they go lava can the lava go under the pedestal the pedestal has got to sit on something and it’s my understanding that it has to sit on it has to sit on the C obsidian correct Lava pointing into the pedestal on top of obsidian gives me Obsidian lava going into the pedestal how how is it going into it yeah it’s sitting on the crying obsidian pipe it like you would think they would have made a pipe symbol or a pipe symbol or

Something work laptop won’t uh run Java Skies [Applause] really so what I need to I need a I need a pipe mechanism we need to pipe it in somehow uh pipe fluid trash void that was so loud thanks Fisher thanks Roger thanks Papa Snuffy be jar hey oops it’s a lot of W’s so I need whatever those are hello who is it come in Do I even have any of this stuff here let’s see I don’t I need this um and I need this need my look up a heat generator oh that converts it into a okay um I need a gear crate gear casing heat Generator heat generator here that looks pretty cheap to make I have I have all of that I can make that right now if I wanted to okay so I need um um this I need Osmium what else was it wood and copper and a Furnace I just need wood your first generator which is not true I have a combustion generator down there okay what does that do what did powering up Drop It Like It’s Hot the heat generator is able to generate Fe passively by covering the sides with lava they produce even more than when

Placed in the nether you can also put lava inside to give it some additional boost okay okay so what do I put what’s that going to do I don’t know what that does there’s a mechanism that will create lava what you guys are just too much right Now yeah there’s like eight pages of mechanism mechanism is a pretty big mod pretty big mod pack fill it with lava H wait do I get the Lo the bucket back I was going to say give me my bucket back well this is just generating power though it’s not Generating so like this could keep my uh press going we still not generating this still not generating uh obsidian uh where did I put all my casings at I thought I had um let’s see isn’t there a way to create May no I need Wheels though right it what I I give up

Then so much common solution to infinite lava with a quick Google search is to pump it from the nether yeah but my nether is a Sky Block so there’s no lava in the nether unless I could just sit in the Nether and absorb the heat the ambient

Heat which I guess it could probably do I guess there’s a vertical gear box that’s what I was looking for wait a minute this sde casing doesn’t do anything unless it becomes a gear boox right and to turn it into a gear boox I need um let’s see thought it had a

Gearbox saved but I guess it didn’t so I need Wheels okay H uh what you need though I’m just trying to I don’t know if this is what you need I’m just trying to figure it out we’re on an adventure Samy figuring this out together fill it with lava again I’m just guessing Okay I feel like this generator though would be a lot better

Than the one I have down there anyway but I don’t feel like this is what would generate that so maybe I might have to do the other way um and figure out a better solution for my lava okay see I don’t get what this does though do I pump this into here

What oh it just generates it well how do I move it from one environment to another unless I move all of these guys into The Nether and then feed their stuff into it and then just yeah have a big loop what that means I can put this here now

Would that like just give it more Power 100K Fe [Applause] so combustion generator is better than a heat generator this is just if you’re around heat though okay so what if I put lava right here and like in case It is that what that’s saying basically or is that who I read it from you guys I think so look at that oh yeah it’s going up I only have to feed it lava you have to put lava all around that block and lava log it then pipe from that

Opening really and that’s how it’ll so all that just to get obsidian like that doesn’t make this this where does it say that at all that’s so confusing so confusing lava log it that’s going to be pretty tricky to do all that what shadow said that’s what I keep trying to

Say what am I ultimately trying to accomplish obsidian I thought I was trying to get obsidian this whole time yeah no I thought I thought we were still on the obsidian thing okay I mean that’s one way to keep this in power though to keep this thing fully charged up if I wanted

To what’s the obsidian for um all of this stuff all the flux stuff cuz I needed to make dust and dust components and all of this other stuff that’s why I was like okay how do I get a large quantity of obsidian well I could mine it but I can’t or I can’t

Use that mining technique cuz I don’t know what that even means I need to generate Power 20 Fe empty do I have to link this to like do I have to link them like do I have to link a power source to it or do I just put it next to [Applause] it I need generate power to get obsidian oh it’s it’s just putting the obsidian that

I put on top of it yeah cuz it it transfers what you put on it I don’t think it requires power either but I’m I don’t know I don’t get it guys I don’t know I’ll have to figure it out later I don’t I don’t know this spend too much time in

This it’s good to know though about the um about this one cuz I might potentially not need this one but that one this one holds so much more power than just this one cuz this one only does 64 this one does 640,000 which is that the same quantity wait 64k Fe 64

100,000 that the same why would it say energy if it doesn’t need I don’t get it Samy it’s so weird it’s makes makes no sense to me and I’ll figure it out Later I was really wanted to try and get that Amber though that’s the main the main thing I wanted which is trying to get that out of that liquid magma out of There hey get back to work I don’t want this back it’s 10 times as much yeah I would think 64k is just 64,000 so 640 640,000 is 10 times that much so this one clearly is more powerful than the heat one but the heat one

Is um can be ambient as long as I have a heat Source next to it it’s generating it which means I won’t have to constantly be feeding it lava if as long as I have a lava source next to it I guess it just depends on how I want

It to be done but these Tech I think it like uses like 400 I think RF every turn so o 13 viewers nine likes thanks for all the likes y’all you can’t pipe out of there into a tank and then bucket it from there so I need

A uh I guess I need a tank cuz I I didn’t figure out how to move it let’s see tank Um basic fluid tank that’s pretty simple is that all I need how do I buck like do I need the pipes um let’s see Redstone iron do I put it underneath it Oops Yeah it’s just a passive way to generate PDFs right gamble all search mechanisms on the basic pipes basic mechanical pipe Steel Ingot and a bucket oh hydrate oh sorry fluids I think it’s the one I need well heck how do I get steel ingots steel dust oh God enriched iron iron Oh freaking furnaces mean just make a ton of those guess it doesn’t hurt to have a whole bunch I put this on top what um red stone red Stone it needs RF too huh let’s take that let’s take that fully powered okay and that so just converts this into m mechanism can be powerful there’s uh make 14,000 things first and then finally this one thing yeah oops no it needs yeah you’re right it needs uh

Coal cuz I’m just making Redstone Hey listen what I’m Listening yeah uh I just looked at it wrong but I mean at least I got infused alloy now Whatever okay um coal dump it oh smokes okay sure okay getting some enriched iron which then we can convert into reactor glass no I don’t want that okay dust how much do we need let’s see I’m going to need a bunch more of this carbon you guys trying to scare me don’t do

That there go all right let that run for a bit we’ll get a bunch of enriched iron um you know what I I really do need to like re like centrally locate this oh you know what what if I is this where the generator like does it matter if it’s right next

To it cuz like what if I put the lava here what is happening right now make sure to like subscribe I need all the subscribers I need everyone on YouTube to subscribe to me I need 100 billion subscribers Okay that’s not nice so if I put that here oh stay in here rabbit that’s rabbit prison he can’t get up stop it there you go intake [Applause] output make sure to like subscribe and annoy me oh yeah you guys are good at that all right how much do I need

For how much do I need for the for a steel oh so I need nine dust oh I just need to feed back back here okay you I really wish I could put this on my back can I not put this on my back body

Ah can’t see anything oh I can’t put on my back I just take off my armor though oh well that’s fine wait did I lose a charm where did my charms go there we go Huh are you guys making me was that a DI jeez what you guys are I figured out something and now you guys are going crazy whoa I look over at twitch and that’s all I see are redeems just a bunch of redeems oh my gosh I’m going to have to go to the

Bathroom guys all this hydration Terry I just took a drink that counted that counted holy crap calm down okay I’m going to BRB guys so that’s a double HDE no okay I’m a BRB guys I need to go to the bathroom really bad h Hydration no don’t give a crap if the stream is start screaming yeah I don’t know about that 22p Gamble g2po okay I’m back I’m back thanks for all the likes guys let’s do a drop um are one of my mods available to do a Dicker drop Industrial Revolution what is

That Infuse iron with carbon and repeat okay so I just need a bucket dang I only need technically two iron I don’t know why I grabbed so much um a bucket excuse me sir you can go right in in here sir so this needs to be piped into here so [Applause] this [Applause]

Move the tank move the move the tank move it where you see 3PO is that what we’re doing you need a configure what the oh my gosh what why do I need oh my God I need all this crap con config smithing table Auto smithing table a miner Configurator this looks super complicated what’s an energy tablet something I can do what is happening right now you Guys okay so we need gold Um red Stone I need lais lazuli oh no I need another infused alloy dang it dump it so when I dump it I that means I waste it all is that is that what that means or do I get it back it just means I dump it I you it trashes it that

Sucks I figured I could keep it or something I don’t know Shadow knows more about it so I’m just letting him answer we’re learning together we’re learning together Sammy okay H well sucks we dumped it all okay configure everything craft a configur to change the settings of blocks do I have to

Like how do I how do I gather power Correct so be careful when you get up to Diamond and obsidian what does that mean how do I store energy into this thing hey agre a I was just thinking about you uh earlier today hoping you’re feeling all right checking in that I’m still alive barely this flu is kicking my

Ace U hopefully everyone had a good holiday that sucks man okay changes come on guys oh holy smokes it doesn’t take the full amount so wait so now I can oh snap I got a magma bucket it worked wait so wait okay so I need to

Put back down this thing cuz all of this is just to get all of this is just to get the um the Amber that I’m trying to get right right wait is it uh no solid solid solid something where’d it go uh the solid solid whatever what did I do with that

Thing oh I got to go to bed oh I’m only about to get attack check next to the enchanting table in that oh yeah know I found it yeah yeah yeah I took a big chunk of it okay so I needed magma in here do I just dump it

In here the wear becomes temporarily mean to fire damage when hurt by fire that’s a good the obsidian skull that’s really good do I need a full thing so uh fire charge I can make fire charge cuz these yahoos don’t sell it to me okay so I Need this what else was it gunpowder and charcoal or just Coal gunpowder do I have to spare gunpowder laying around Yep this this and this fire charge okay um and then it was red stone I have enough red red stone and what else was it gold have gold okay so now I should be able to make Amber um so we get this this

This please tell me I have enough oh okay so one bucket gets me two amber good okay now that I have Amber I can make crystallized Amber I forgot I needed another step damn it hover over the magma in the crafting table oh wait hover over the magma in the crafting Table well I got the crystallized Amber now I need the purple version I need the purple version which is liquid slime obsidian and I don’t even know if I have a Wither Rose but I can do it this way cuz I can get a amethyst easy enough what is liquid slime slime and

I need to withdraw all of this oh my gosh this is so much where’d he go here can I withdraw all of this God how do I get all of that out I didn’t can I break that somehow and it’ll just go away or should I actually withdraw all of

It well because now I need slime to convert it all of this just for a disenchanting table golly man um I wonder if I just break it cuz I have slime I have all the Slime um where I put all that slime Anyway my dog next to the heads oh wait uh I put this one too Spiderhead um slime slime slime so many slimes the rest of it’s not going to work on me I thought I had a ton of slime somewhere I collected a oh wait I know where it’s at Fisher said by Gathering Power I think it’s over here ow ow ow um yeah here we Go so I can put this into whatever this is right but I need to figure out how to get all the rest of this magma out of here um jees how much more lava or Magma’s in here I don’t know if I need that much magma really hates my bladder yeah I know Um so I just need to I have to completely empty it is what you’re saying no um let’s use a crafter on a stick might be easier let’s do there we go I put way too much lava in here to convert it to just make the tank break this the melting

Chamber or this one oh say okay yeah I know what you mean though I was like wait what why would I do that cuz I can just make another one it was like just wasn’t it just like iron and something simple this is going based strictly off of the memory from earlier let’s

Go cuz I memorize recipes okay um you better smelt that stuff so it should start creating slime perfect U I probably don’t need that much okay I got a bucket of slime all right slime goes in there and then we had the Amber um I need

Amethyst I just need one right and it’s takes four perfect so what was it it was aim at this uh gold and it doesn’t cost much you can make oh larger ones of the bottom one oh I was like what is happening see you guys are going to make me jump in the

Lava hahaa I blocked it um emerald and okay bottom um an emerald uh Emerald all of this just for this darn table oh this this is a slower slower one nice okay pressure plates and two blocks easy easy because I’ve already got pressure plates I got one pressure plate at

Least table I thought I had wait where’s the rest of my pressure plates did I only make one crying obsidian and a stone pressure plate um that’s easy enough so uh let’s use crying obsidian since I’ve got so much of it um let’s see pressure plates are no no

No how the heck do you make pressure plates how do you make pressure plate oh two okay a this expensive okay two pressure plates four obsidian or was it just two obsidian so now I’ve got three across one there um was it oh and then two Emerald

Blocks okay here we go oh this is Exciting I got the disenchanter oh my God that took forever um uh supposedly there is one recipe that make that takes 24 hours real time for the conversion to complete but I haven’t figured out in what in which machine oh gosh I don’t even know if I

Even want to figure that out okay so how does this work I got it now I don’t even know how it works Let’s uh let’s put it over here um if we’re going to need to put hey winning it needs power too for sake everything needs power for freak’s

Sake okay well I guess I could put it over here oh my god did that take the whole thing oh my God it drained it completely it’s pretty pretty expensive I guess okay now that now that I have it I kind of want to test it

Out um so let’s see what what kind of what do we have here what can we play around with play time’s over I can’t wait for you to do flux it will make your power life so much easier I’m kind of excited for it sweeping Edge three

Leech um see cuz I can start converting some of these swords and like disenchanting them let’s see what else do I have that’s Wireless power is a game changer hi Trinity welcome in hi hi hi watching during my evening commute hey r& D D did you get your uh triple spawner figured

Out your attack deals three that was loud three damage villager five Ming is this an iron cuz I could take I can disenchant this stuff um I need books I need books thank you for the loud screams jeez that’s a warper okay uh I’m going to disenchant

This so let’s see if we take this off and then put in book does it empty what’s the top one is it like have to be something that’s not uh something special I still need to figure out how to get the spiders onto the trying killer and probably

Have silly kids I need to figure out how to get the Trident uh spiders on to the Trident killer and probably will have to redo the skeleton bubble drop so they to magma and I’m getting their drops and getting their XP from the skeleton and

Zombies um is that this is on BMC you’re playing I might be able to jump on and help out if you need help trying to remember if there’s any other Unbreaking eight uh sharpness six okay cuz I think a lot of these swords that I have are like those special ones

And they might not be able to like I might be able to take some of these off vient refined glow Sword I thought I could disenchant anything I guess it’s very specific uh gear that I’m limited to yes BMC if you have some time we can coordinate with Discord yeah for sure wait yeah see I a bunch of the stuff I found so far um has been like this the weird like

Uh where it has names on it you know now that I think about I don’t even know if stuff I have down here has any oh you son of a get out of here oh see I can pull this stuff off I bet Mortal Combat Unbreaking jump multi jump Okay so

If we take this that was loud hey Fisher welcome in you should be able to disenchant anything but I think you have to pipe in experience are you kidding me it’s always something dude so wait I have to pipe in experience what does that even mean can it not take my

Own pip type in experience oh my God liquid experience experience confection and rotten flesh melting chamber oh let’s go I have a I have a lot of that I have a large quantity of that oh my God gosh how much am I going to have to make

Another I’m just going to have a whole bunch of like tanks stop it I’m like running out of room here dude this is modded if it was easy where would the fun be oh that’s true no that’s true it’s just I wish things were a little bit more uh

Like understandable I guess cuz like like with with the pedestal it doesn’t explain anything about what to do with the lava or how to get it onto whatever or this or that you know it’s like a little bit more explanation would be helpful you know that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying

Oops oh well I tried to fly with confection okay I’m trying to fly with something else so if we melt not fire okay uh can I no I don’t want water slime um I’ll just throw it in here with the rest junk slime water okay yeah I don’t like

That gosh how much is in there oh 50 m okay um I have to pipe it in you say so do I need another jar to pipe it into wait so oh wait will it still get power though if it’s I was I going to say what if it’s like connect straight to

That then it doesn’t give power um how do I feed experience to it you’ll take your vague poorly worded explanation and you’ll like it you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit what if I just pour the experience on it Pour The Experience on it oh

No we can also liquid your own XP and the XP drain Singularity tank with the XP drain stimulator but how do I feed it into this same same scenario here um do I take the uh these things can I pour no Can I take this and put this and just place it on top I don’t need a oh No XP juice liquid XP is there a difference from XP juice and liquid XP experien in a bucket XP juice I don’t know what XP juice is Yeah I think it’s the same thing right oh and feed it from the side yeah yeah H yeah says zero oh no is it stuck now what did I do did I get it stuck Look at the face go to the side you want to change so if I want to pull it into there oh it did it it did it okay so I just need to let’s fill this thing up let’s put like all of our confection in

It let’s do all that and just let it fill all the way up cool thanks Shadow granted like I’m getting a ton of books from these guys and these these books are pretty powerful it’s just fun to have something else I guess also I think I missed uh D

And Trinity and everybody else that was coming in Merry Christmas happy holidays everything hope you guys had a good weekend just let it keep going can I like drink this and like can I drink this and get experience oh I didn’t know if I could drink it like

Milk and like get experience from it is that a thing I’m trying to as helpful as I can via text and with a delay no you’re good I mean it works I’m just filling that all the way up you’re welcome and I have a ton of this

Confection which I mean I guess I could just eat really I mean that’s kind of what it’s for I just eat it and it gives me experience so and I have an endless supply essentially because oh gosh oops let’s throw a bunch of this stuff in

Here uh I will take a drink here in a second I forgot we have to empty this things every so often you know what to be honest I should probably put a backpack in here I’ll probably do that real quick keep these guys working all right let’s make a backpack real quick

Um we can just take one of these backpacks to be honest this is a netherite backpack a netherite backpack you guys hear that is that crazy okay um and with that we want to do a um an upgrade so let’s take uh let’s take let’s take a few base

Upgrades actually probably just take them all it doesn’t matter um and I think it’s blocks of iron so let’s do iron um and then gold I don’t know if I’m going to have enough Diamond to be honest I’m limited by uh the speed of this thing I have 18 plus whatever is

Here another eight so how many will that give me four three uh that’s fine that’ll get you know how many stacks of how many stacks I’ll be able to get with just a backpack the heck my where’ my book go oh here it is all right so if we

Uh break that put backpack down put all of our nuggets in here and then put all of our Stacks in here look at that that didn’t even take up one spot you said drink I did I’ll take a drink slurp juice so imagine how much I’ll be able to store now hundreds of Thousands hundreds of thousands and that’s not even all the full Stacks I could add every single top tier stack this thing’s not running out anytime soon Terry look at all those ghost emotes those are rip rip de emotes double check the recipe um I’m trying to not exactly if

You but if you use that tank I mentioned before you can gain XP oh the XP what was it called XP there an XP machine of some sort knowledge concentrator allows XPS to be stored and retrieved is it this thing is it part of um is it part of

Mechanism entity spawner XP drain Singularity tank holds 32,000 um Millie buckets I believe that’s what it’s called Millie buckets MB Singularity tank oh that’s pretty simple I can make this I have yeah I have all of this just glass and Iron oh yeah put an upgrade in here yeah that’s True um oh did I use that I used all of them didn’t I upgrade um let’s see put that there I I figured out backpacks are so much better so like this is what I’ve been doing just upgrade the backpacks and then just let it let it fill up

There so I might eventually upgrade to all backpacks oh uh this thing gives me sticks where all my sticks at I was like where’s that I got a uh Whatchamacallit guy up here uh let’s just take a stack of wood I thought I had sticks in here but I guess since I

Don’t have a tree it’s not making me sticks that’s fine um okay um I need string and iron let’s grab iron let’s go grab some blacks there we go so we’ve got now we can make a ton of these um what was it again this is going off with memory again string

Okay filter it all around let’s add more iron filter it around filter it around that’ll get a 16 that’s fine that’s more than enough um and we want an experience oops um put crafting up I’ve watched about 100 plus hours of modded gameplay has taken some research

To figure and remember all this modded is so much fun uh let’s do upgrade and we want to do a crafting upgrade so a chest and iron say didn’t I have a bunch of chest I wish I could move these around I have to like click them every time if I want

To put them in any type of order there we go Okay so let’s just make a bunch of crafting tables tons of crafting tables cuz why not um do these not stack what the heck these don’t stack what a bummer let’s just make one for everything I guess um backpack

Backpack um my own backpack I guess I was hungry okay and then here yeah so then I can just is that faster though cuz like I could just empty my inventory oh gosh it’s probably faster just to empty it right just like that I have to figure out how I could like

Feed this to them though if I could do that I’d have to rearrange this whole setup to do that to like somehow make this automated maybe like move all these guys below below here and then figure out how to have this backpack feed to an auto crafter which then feeds into these

Guys you know what I mean I mean it could work that is so loud I need to like figure out I need to turn that down that is loud thank you let me guess Terry yeah there Terry all right you got some you got some so I’ll let you have the rest of

It and then these guys some self feeding their own gold Supply oh my God I am out of power oh no I’m out of power I need a better supply of power especially cuz this thing takes so much of it I should really only use this for

Like whenever I want to strip stuff I should probably do that oh my gosh I forgot about this thing thing’s completely full now Big Stretch moldy that scared me now you’re thinking like a modded player yeah cuz then I could I could just automate this whole process and as long

As I have some type of power source I have to continuously keep my power source wait so this has liquid experience and power but why is it not removing I had to turn it on duh okay here you know what I think about this leather that’s what I think about that

So you said it it should work on anything okay where’s the other books that I had so if I put this nice so it’s working what was that oh redeem hydrate golly guys I have so many books now oh and I need to stretch moldy I’m sorry thank you guys for all the

Likes oh remember we’ve only got two more streams after this for the year two more streams it’s crazy all right that’s done that’s done that’s done that’s done got the Amber put these stuff back here just turn this into a backpack I’m trying to think of uh like the accomplishments for the

Channel I guess both channels uh twitch and YouTube got partnered on YouTube so that’s big I need to hit a thousand subscribers so um hopefully 2024 will be the full partner he is totally not sorry no not really Pia um with twitch I don’t know like we hit 450

Followers I know I guess the next thing for twitch um cuz I don’t know partnership is pretty high for twitch um there standards for partner and I honestly I don’t know if you really get like if it’s worth it um cuz like the only perk I guess is the uh

The twitch partner Lounge at twitchcon I me that’s about it redeem Sammy um so I think Focus on the YouTube side and trying to get YouTube Partner cuz I really just need a th000 subscribers um on YouTube to hit the full uh partnership on YouTube which will then honestly the only thing it

Would unlock for me would be um ad Revenue I’d be able to get ad Revenue off of my videos um cuz I’ve already got all the other monetization options available like memberships and whatnot so um yeah hitting 1,000 subscribers really is is the next step um can I just break

This and that should then did that flow back into it or did I just break this with I just lost all that power okay I didn’t know if I could flow it back into it kind of put this in there only when I need it really um and then does this thing draw

A whole bunch of power too only 64k and shouldn’t this thing be draw giving power somehow okay I’ll let it be um yeah trying to think what accomplishments I want to achieve for 2024 what goals I’d like to hit oh wait you you know what I could

Rip these off too and get Mana boost cuz I don’t know if are any of these Mana boost Mana boost one so getting a whole bunch of uh maxed out gear that’d be good um so I don’t know if I could stream more often uh probably wouldn’t be able to

With our current setup and uh schedules um but maybe try and work on more content try and get more more uh episodes out for uh the Modded Survival series and I don’t know maybe test around a little bit more with other um um other ideas you know with the

Content what do you guys see let me reach out to you guys are I know a bunch of us are a bunch of Watchers right now are mainly Bedrock players um but how do you guys feel about modded like do you feel like like even with bedrock like modded

Bedrock is is the new thing you know what I mean cuz I just don’t know how survival’s going to like Fair even with like 121 or whatever coming out I don’t even know if that’ll be a big like push to make people like get back into

Vanilla you know what I mean Tinker used to augment charge and fill items I don’t think this is an autoc crafter not in the autoc crafter way that I’m thinking so I’m trying to think of other content that could be good for Minecraft that’s not like 100 day survival you know what I

Mean modded what’s that bored it’s just a fad what is modded or modded as boring is what you’re saying well that’s not good I don’t like to hear that wait can I put can I put magma Buck buckets in here I could I could use all these magma buckets and put these into

Here to power these a small modded SMP seems to be a good way to go we might have to put something together shadow figure out a bunch of us and like get an SMP Going cuz I think that’d be pretty fun I’m down to me it is is boring I’m sorry so what about modded what about modded is boring versus vanilla cuz I feel vanilla is a little bit more boring because it’s not as much as modded you know what I mean modded like

Vanilla but it’s ups and downs in terms of views but I think it’s the direction content is heading in oh modded like vanilla has its up and downs in terms of views but I think it’s the direction Contin is heading gotcha very very small like three or four at

Most yeah I’d be down for that vanilla will stand the test of time it depends like there’s only so many things you could do with vanilla when before you hit a wall you know what I mean I feel like with modded there’s so many things that like it opens

Up right with vanilla there’s only so much you can do you can only achieve so much you can build you can build big things but you can only build them like I don’t know if that I don’t know if it makes sense or if I’m making

Sense moded is too complicated for me to learn to play even if they made it in Bedrock they do have it in Bedrock yeah well once everyone is doing modded Minecraft then Vena stuff will get more views yeah so like modded will become oversaturated and then people will look

For something that’s different from Mod Ed which will be vanilla but then I’m wondering will vanilla be too vanilla vanilla oh well PDF just said that vanilla is too vanilla at this point I’ll watch people and enjoy watching it yeah that’s also something that I really like PDF is

That with modded you’re not limited to you know you could go sky the limit and add all these different mods or you could just add Quality of Life mods you know what I mean modded is a fun Pastime before I figured out what I want to do but I don’t want to

Know wait modded is a fun pastime before I figure what I want to do but I don’t want to be known for it you don’t want to be known for modded content I mean what it I mean it’s Minecraft content right is is it is it a bad thing to be known

For modded or non-modded Minecraft modded is a very broad term that’s true oh what did Shadow say do you have a mob masher and a void Hopper you know I need a mob Masher um I was looking up cuz I can make suspicious dirt

Um I need to make a mob Masher um I have the things to make it um but I need suspicious dirt I need sus dirt um no not a suspicious carb pumpkin cuz I have chicken feed but I need to make cursed chicken feed so I can make uh cursed dirt or

Cursed Earth or whatever it is I don’t only want to be to do modded no yeah no I mean there are some people that play strictly modded um but yeah you can play whatever you want really modded non-modded Minecraft frankly if you’re excited to play I want to watch you play oh thanks

Iron de appreciate it I’m excited I like it it’s fun like I feel like it to me it’s like a puzzle you know what I mean I don’t know all these things so I’m learning as I go and like putting all the pieces together but then once I

Learn all the pieces then it just makes it more fun cuz then it’s like oh yeah I could do that and like it just exponentially makes the game more fun when you figure things out you know it I don’t know like this like the take the backpack for example like I was running

In it kept getting overloaded right well put it in a backpack and put stacks on it now now I will never run out you know what I mean I’ll never overload can you get a rotten egg uh I have a golden egg I’ll have to uh I have

To make the GM feed which now that I have experience buckets I can make it easily um I would just need uh buckets one two three four um I need spider eye and gunpowder and a Thing sorry to change the subject no it’s good um I just I just hope you guys are okay with like um cuz like obviously my content is more modded at this point than non-modded even my Survival series and um if I do go back to making you know uh vanilla

Minecraft or you know I’m just trying to get the uh a consensus of the community okay um let’s put this here bone okay spider eye too oh wait do I even have any in my backpack Back look at these these darn Enderman they freaking take my slabs and it just ruins the uh it just ruins the the farm stupid Enderman I mean I honestly only made this to get some of the material I needed once I get a mob Masher I’m I’m

Going to just will just be gone there won’t be any need for it um let’s see spider eye bone what else did I need spider ey flesh yep yep yep I need Seed ow see I’d like to play around with these guys too cuz these guys generate their own power power too look these guys are worth 39,000 like they’ve got power on them it’s probably these guys stealing all my power stupid sheep give me back my power

Sheep uh I need seed I need a seed let’s use a sage seed okay um can I make GM feed now oh I need gunpowder gunpowder here okay um but I need to figure out where to put my dirt cuz obviously once I create my dirt mobs will start spawning quickly

Uh sorry guys I’m also jumping to Notifications too those are some fancy barrels yeah uh moldy those are uh part of the metal Barrel um mod pack so they um they go up jeez so you can have um a copper Barrel iron gold diamond Obsidian Silver Crystal netherite so I haven’t played around

With a netherite I might have to make a netherite one to see what it is that’s that’s why I’ve got this thing going so I can get as much netherite as I can they look like diamonds they are yeah these are diamond barrels these are actually the cheapest ones to make

Relative to um the higher tiers the Diamonds the only thing about diamond or like the metal barrels is you can’t put stack upgrades like a backpack you can put the stack upgrades in it but with metal barrels it only gives you space it doesn’t stack so that’s why the

Backpacks are actually better better because they can stack items yeah um I want you to do I want you to do you if this is it for now I’m happy I just like seeing your content so do what drives you thanks Sammy that makes me feel

Good um oh gosh you guys are going I you got your okay let me see let me backt trck okay I got the r I’ll get a I’m about to get a rotten egg um it’s part of why I think Minecraft ended or hermitcraft ended recently

Views have been down for a while oh man they’re not getting millions of views anymore must be rough uh views have been down for a while so it was a good time to end the season and they could all take a nice break for the holidays yeah man must

Must be rough getting only hundreds of thousands of views instead of millions um I would love to have more mobs and maybe more block types more things to do and explore and people that play on servers together yeah that’s what’s cool about modded is that you can also change

Terrains and dimensions and all that stuff Vault Hunters all the mods looks like a blast as well yeah all the mods I think all the mods has a huge learning curve I feel so like if I were to jump into all the mods that would be a a real big learning

Curve Randy got me hooked on secret life I haven’t even watched any of Secret Life Lego fortnite which yeah I’ve never watched I haven’t watched really any Lego fortnite either my new obsession Lego fortnite I hear a lot of good things but I just haven’t watched really Lego any

Lego fortnite secret life was a fantastic idea by grean yeah I don’t know anything about secret life I don’t know anything about it all right so if we feed this GM cursed feed to one of our chickens if you guys are squeamish you might want to close your eyes oh no the chicken

Died but we got a rotten egg which creates a 5×5 of dreadful dirt so essentially it now we can make a mob farm using that Dreadful dirt um and if I do where did I put those spikes um oh I thought I saved the metal okay let me do mob Masher

Masher let’s do a okay where are my spikes are they in my backpack y see I also have nutritious chicken feed so I can make a golden egg if I need to there’s no way to turn it off that’s true it does light levels do affect it exploding chickens

I learned a lot by all the mods yeah ATM all the mods I know ATM 9 is out right now ATM 9 is a really fun uh series too for those that do watch any type of modded or would like to start watching more modded um all the mods nine is

Out pass on Lego moldy says moldy you your Channel’s been blowing up too with h fortnite stuff right but just regular fortnite secret life was fun yeah I don’t know anything about it I thought I made spikes where are my spikes at iron spikes did I not make iron

Spikes I feel like I did but I don’t see him now okay well we’re going to need to make a ton of swords and stuff then if that’s the case let’s grab cuz we’re going to need uh like mob pushers too as well if I remember

Correctly I was going to say where’s all my sticks um let’s Grab how many how many sticks do we need or uh swords so one two so two one two three so three 3 6 78 we need eight to total oh we need a lot of this cost a lot of iron holy smokes okay so let’s do this this how many we need eight

Right eight 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight okay um let’s grab some redstone okay so now we do need diamonds so let’s Make another Spike okay we need diamond oh I’m going to have to clean this up oh this is overflowing oh smokes wait why am I getting throw all this in here I’m going to condense a bunch of this stuff throw the uranium in there uranium fever that’s a good game series too um

Fallout okay throw all that in there okay good to go get all this sulfur let’s condense this sulfur s it in here there we go so this should all be running now cooking more stuff perfect chosen architect is doing at the all the mod series that currently

Yeah that’s where I I mean I’ve been getting a lot of into uh chosen uh a lot of chosen content I’m part of it I’m in his Discord too pretty fun my current Survival series is based off his his his uh chosen Adventure chosen modded Adventure okay what am I missing here uh

Let’s grab all my stuff do I have any mods in on Twitch right now want to drop the ban hammer Any any mods wait Fenix are you a mod yeah Phoenix is a mod on Twitch regular fortnite okay that’s what I thought moldy oh wait uh I still need diamond diamond yeah I got some diamond okay but I’m going to need fans for this right I’m going to need fans to push

These guys around I’m here but who am I Banning uh automod must have got it somebody came in here requesting like promotion or whatever he’s also a member of the Vault Hunter server he is yeah he makes Vault Hunters uh content as well the blocks are upgradeable with

Various upgrades power the block with redstone just be cautious not to get killed by it I need fans I need a mob fan how do I make a mob fan oh this is easy redstone and slabs don’t I have all that stuff Redstone and slabs didn’t I just

Make a bunch of a slab somewhere where did I put those um I wondering if it could be any slab probably not um oops slabs what else was it it was slabs iron Redstone I don’t know how many I’m need four suspicious dirt eggs and XP Jelly

Baby this food is not nutritious enough to improve your Health fan upgrades there are three fan upgrades for mobs you probably want to check them all out oh glad I got feathers Craig Durban merry Christmas happy holidays how you doing uh Craig do I eat these is there any point for these they don’t give

Much okay Craig I saw your uh uh I saw your short when you’re driving down the road were you able to find that part muffin went to the kids for the holidays yeah I saw it I don’t think I’m a twitch on I don’t think I’m mod on Twitch anymore

Wait did I wait what have you been a mod before moldy are you wait are you a mod on YouTube as well I forgot holy smokes display port to HDMI adapter on YouTube maybe are you on YouTube you can type something and see if you have the uh see if you have the

Thing okay so I need to be able to move um I need more feathers ehy okay let’s look at those fan upgrades one more time let’s do this one that one and this so I need quite a bit bit of feathers um feather block you know what I need to set up a

DMI Farm I should set up a dmy farm pretty quickly or as soon as possible cuz these guys are my only source of feathers at the moment [Applause] okay doesn’t these fans need power too right so let’s dig out a um let’s dig out an area over here I know

There was this space over here I might have to uh say goodbye to this bunny hey hey no I’ll just let you leave you get to live until you jump in the fire it’s a rough life being a bunny or it was I guess excuse me yeah I’m a mod oh what the Heck hey look you’re a mod now how was your holiday it was good it went by way too fast it went by way too fast okay if I remember correctly it has to be on dirt and it has be covered right um so maybe I want to get uh dark dark what

Is it dark Glass Tinted Glass Tinted glass that’s what it’s called um and then I need need sand which I have over here um let’s just grab a stack let’s cook it up real Quick okay so let that glass Go why does this cost so much oh because I have amplify on I don’t need so much amplification on there I actually don’t need any at all unless I’m breaking obsidian there we go so much better okay so let’s say we open it up over here so this will be where the mob

Crusher is but I think it needs to be dirt and I think it’s a 5×5 of dirt if I’m if I remember correctly you mother trucker get out of here so we’ll clear out all this oops test oh you’re talking a fortnite skin yeah there was a special fortnite skin um okay uh

Dirt so let’s grab what is it dirt here only need like a stack I think that’s more than enough oh hydrate thank you I’m almost out of uh so it’s a 5×5 right that’s a lot do we need a 5×5 5×5 let’s see um 1 2 3 4 5 [Applause]

I feel like uh a 5×5 might be Overkill like I could probably get away with having it it less oops cuz that’s a 5×5 right there one two 3 four five 5 by five why does it look uneven that’s weird says my lobbies are super sweaty there um okay

So how do these fan work I’ve never really played around with a fan before let’s see I know it needs Redstone signals so so let’s do what are you doing jez you need to recheck please why did that double I’m on Xbox controller fan at all

Oh I’m not an Xbox controller fan at all what am I reading what did I miss it happens the six P liit that’s six 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 five shut up shut up oops well I wonder if I could funnel them to right here then and put my

Masher right here that hydrate doubled earlier too is it doubling is it doubling now I didn’t change anything there that was for the double hydrate it’s all gone I have water though um okay yeah I was going to make some levers how do you make a lever oh there it

Is only need four levers um okay so let’s [Applause] do yeah okay Oops so it’ll push those like that and then oh can I get away with just one make remote levers too oh my gosh there a remote lever analog lever framed lever experience Obelisk scon lever why is Stu remote Detonator what the heck remote lever bind it with a lever in the

World right left shifter smooth stone and a button oh that’s easy yeah cuz then I can just turn them off and on um what was it a button and smooth Stone don’t I have some smooth Stone in my guess I can make some real quick

Uh no I don’t want vertical slabs I just want regular slabs uh I guess I only need to make four um and then what is it just a regular Stone button Stone button you need actual stone for that right can’t be Cobblestone um okay how many I need four of those

Okay so let’s pick this up see I hate that it doesn’t break what you’re trying to do um levers buttons knocking no that’s not right what the heck hello hey Einstein I’m on your side does Java have the same timing on buttons as bug Rock uh you mean like

Wood is slower than Stone and stuff I believe so yeah do a barrel roll oh let’s go leave not oh so I need to have for you I will find you and I will get you and I will kill you what that was perfectly timed who did that oh my

Gosh that was perfectly timed whoever did that cuz the thing went off right as the um winning everybody coming back over to uh everybody’s coming over to Twitch hello um okay so we need four more levers cuz we basically tie those two okay I still need to make an upgrade

Though and I think we need to make um with yeah we need a w a WID upgrade and my inventory is getting way over full let just bunch of bunch of this stuff away okay um I need one more WID upgrade right yeah I’m going to need a bunch of

Uh feathers at this point hey perfect so I need to have this one in the center with width upgrades of its own right cuz then uh well no this will push everything this way yeah yeah because then it’ll push it to the corner okay so I need two more

Upgrades which means I need to eliminate some chickens or try and find a way to get feathers I’ll lose them unless I renew twitch but oh uh emotes Craig I think she’s referring to emotes Sammy you don’t have to yeah the perks um how can I get more feathers hello grow up

Bird did those guys make a baby oh there it is it’s right there okay um do I have more feathers somewhere oh I do six um I only need two more right so that should get me enough I think that’s all I need yep I only need two

More cuz I think two total will work um which here here um so now if we turn them on that will blow me that way okay um so let’s do I guess I only needed two lever well whatever how do I do this like that oh look at

That so now if I put the fan back cool yep so no no matter where they spawn it’ll push them that way’ll constantly push them to this corner okay now I’m over here you just bouncing back and forth I just posted vid to YouTube but then I’ll need a knocking redeem on YouTube

Yeah I mean I thought I had a knocking on on YouTube um but I have to do it through streamlabs since YouTube doesn’t have a Whatchamacallit a way to uh okay I need to okay how am I going to how am I going to pick up all of these mob

Drops see I had iron spikes I knew there I had them somewhere so if I I never go to the website yeah I know that’s just that’s why I wish YouTube would like up their game and match twitch with the ability to um you know have have like fun stuff like

That I don’t want to die um and now I won’t need that glass and it’s all cooked get that amethyst how do you make the tinted glass is it glass surrounded by it like that yep okay cuz it’s got to be dark in there uh yeah I don’t need that but

Whatever don’t accidentally hit the masher and I’ll die I know is that a bot oh butt spot yeah yeah butt spot is funny I changed it from saying butts though to D’s so avoid Hopper oh jeez Yeah you mentioned that the heck’s a void Hopper void void prism JW void Anvil Kitty

Slippers creepers avoid the wear oh let’s go I need a void I need I need Kitty slippers void Hopper that doesn’t exist homie yeah I don’t have a void Hopper fluid Hopper wooden Hopper golden Hopper upper is a reverse Hopper B jar Chopper absorption Hopper vacuums up items in XP in a 7×7

Area can be configured to push out I need is this what I need an absorption Hopper I need an absorption Hopper which I can make that’s easy enough remove the torch I will I have to place down the uh the egg first oh I guess I don’t need this we can hide that

Okay that’ll be like the last thing we do um okay it looks like I made too many ban upgrades too right oh no I need them here did I take those out oh I guess so okay um I need an absorption Hopper cuz that’s what I need right

Flues will insert in tanks items into inventories ranges blah blah blah blah blah blah blah so I need obsidian which is why I need to figure out how to make the obsidian Hopper and an Ender eye or Eye of Ender whatever hey that’s not nice don’t do

That it hurts my feelings and you punch me like that Hopper I have feelings it hurts uh absorption Hopper oh was that a quest was that a quest absortion absorption radius the vacuum Hopper will vacuum all your items in a certain radius inside the guey you can select which sides are used for

Outputting items remember folks technical difficulties like these are how you know it’s 100% an authentic stream accept no imitations something nice uh I might have to figure out how to do that like cuz it would just be arms it would just be like arms embracing me instead of just

Punching celebrate getting off the highway by punching you in the punching me in the face well I’m glad you’re off the highway highways can be scary this can also be upgraded to increase its range oh wait it gave me an upgrade let’s go let’s go what wait so do I need

To probably put it into a backpack eh put it into a backpack eh don’t you know put it into a backpack don’t you know um I was looking for a string I was going to make some look I had some glass too I was going to make a backpack real quick Let’s uh

Cuz that’s really the the best uh best thing to do is make backpacks I did I not save I feel like I I should be saving these um recipes but I’m not and I don’t know why backpack um a okay so I need a

Chest yeah oh wait I have all that so I should be able to make a backpack um now we can upgrade the backpack and eventually put stack stack upgrades in it and then uh whoa um okay let’s do holy smokes this thing is oh my God this is way backed up

I need to uh need to clean this thing Out um no I don’t need that or these see I need an auto crafter no oh I hate I hate mosquitoes get out of here mosquito okay um let that run for a bit and let’s take our book and just break all this pick it all up are you guys making me

Crouch why am I why am I crouching okay there we go are you guys making me crouching stop it you’re confusing me okay um okay I needed to clear that out first so first we have a backpack and we need to make it iron so it’s an iron backpack and then

Um we can turn it into a goldap who said that thanks Craig appreciate that uh iron to Gold um gold to diamond diamond and then thank you then to netherite so now we have a netherite backpack that can hold oh wait uh sorry um for netherite backpacks you need a table

So Diamond netherite netherite backpack perfect redeem Kermit what’s that redeem smack oh oh man I’m so sorry your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries that’s not very nice um how much how much room does this have actually cuz I might put it like over here absorption Hopper um

Oh that’s way too big oh is it and it needs to go down she kit the Frog we just going to let it happen I’m not going to stop it okay um so this needs to be up down to there so I need it to be what golly I hope

You’re not making me walk into the lava please jump jump jump around jump jump jump up and get down okay it’s there there um and then can I make this smaller here I mean I guess that could work okay um and then I want the absorption Hopper to

Output um I want it to come out east I want to come out east um how do I offset it to go East item East there we go so it should now go in there so if we do this okay here we go y’all ready for this I’m excited okay can’t do two

Skills at a time uh oh on dixer yeah that’s right they fixed that they changed it that’s right so you can’t make me walk into a uh Whatchamacallit um okay so we got the Masher um we got the tinted glass fans are ready to go levers are good where is my where is

Uh where my where’ my chicken feed go did I did I put my chicken feed somewhere am I missing it what where did I put my chicken feed oh gosh how do I lower that that’s a huge area does that mean it it goes underneath it does oh gosh

Well that’s weird I can’t change the shape of it I can only move I can only move move it up and down well I guess I’ll offset it going up a bit then cuz it’s not going to be picking up anything below so that’s fine I know they did

They changed it and it’s lame now cuz like put the moner in then evil dirt oh good point if I could find it where did I where did I put the evil dirt or whatever um um wait no I don’t need the evil I need

The the egg I need the egg I don’t even know what I’m talking about rotten egg here we go okay okay okay guys here we go oh okay okay Masher okay oh look at that so they’ll just spawn in and uh is my magnet on yeah Magnus on am I getting

Um am I getting uh looting from this or no it’s going to be noisy oh my gosh I I’ll have to turn down my uh my mob sounds so is it nighttime no it’s not It’s working add sharpness and looting to the Mas too oh I can do that sharpness and looting how does that work oh wait um is it like a sharp a master upgrade sharpness oh this is did I get rid of them faster maybe oh this is easy stuff I can make

All of this fairly easy um let’s I wonder want to put the levers over here oh these little a-holes are going to be teleporting out of there aren’t they hey stop it oh my gosh what is happening see look they just that’s the only thing I need to

Worry about is those things like popping out of popping out of there um it was nuggets and like just rain bits Bob wouldn’t It blue do I have blue dye oh lapis duh I don’t need uh these anymore and your inventory backpack will fill up fast get the um insta kill on there or it won’t matter he’s going to die before he can even like really like too much damage on

Me oh wow oh what is this spoils bag what the heck um hey bud let’s grab what is it four four Swords okay is this Minecraft last time I checked um looting so I need lapis no four oh man that is yeah that’s going to get loud

Quick so how do I know what do I get looting one or looting Max of 10 so it’s it’ll just randomly apply whatever number between 1 and 10 I should just put everything on there yeah I might as well put every everything on here um rotten Flesh I mean they’re easy enough to make upgrade fire what is that I I can put fire on them is that a good idea uh I don’t want to beheading maybe that’s it each of those count as one level so you need to make 10 of them to get looting 10 or sharpness

10 oh I need to make 10 of them I can’t see go away go away wait so I need fine let’s just make a bunch of that cuz obviously we won’t fire looting so what we just stack it in there okay oh that means we need a ton of Swords

Then oh no it’s all on fire no you said no fire we don’t need fire go away okay thank you um Yahoo oh I need Redstone need more redstone Did I go overboard maybe so maybe just a little bit maybe not I need a lot more swords than that is it killing dogs no it’s killing a um a Wilden uh what is it a wild and Hunter or something I forgot what it’s called um it’s called a wild and Hunter and Uh like one of those guys where see I don’t want those guys that’s that’s going to be an issue what are you doing dude get on my get off my property get off my property bro you too get off my property get out of here they so

Annoying uh on my belt h I already have one of those I don’t need it do sharpness tin and they will stop being able to teleport oh good point sharpness 10 so I need yeah I need a ton more Swords Any need more gold oh hush I’m I’m going to take care of you here in a second I like they so they’re so like bossy okay load up that load up all the gold and then how many we have we have four down there now so we need

I don’t know whatever I don’t care that’s 10 right h okay oh I made one extra whatever okay looting T oh man they’re like dying instantly so now I just need looting can you make the area around the rotten egg tall Too Tall um I can’t change the the way it pulls

Stuff oh I need to figure out all this experience too and I’ll need to add upgrades and everything all of it I can’t change the shape of the I can only move it I can only move it up and down and around I can’t shrink it if that makes

Sense this thing’s been cranking it cranking away oh man it’s out of where are these guys at oh my God holy moly man they get throwing back come at me bro bro come on you guys are so annoying yes okay I get it throw yourself off the edge there you

Go set a tank on top of the hopper set a tank on top of the hopper no I was talking about the spawn area too short for Enderman but it seems tin is working um I mean I could maybe I’d have to lower everything oh I didn’t I kind of I

Didn’t realize this was only one block tall or one block Gap cuz they’re they’re bouncing up and then teleporting out that sucks it’s okay whatever uh you said put a tank on top a fluid tank fluid tank uh slime where do I put that oh Here well I guess I I mean I have this melt the the melter but I guess I don’t even need that anymore technically cuz then I can move I can move this tank over or the um the disenchanter over and connect it to this one so it’s constantly being fed by the mob

Grinder which means I guess I don’t need this here I’ll just need a source of uh Power um how much more okay3 okay um upgrad upgrades Let’s do an upgrade on this one real Quick it still seems like they’re not getting fully unived and uh they’re not getting unived fast enough and that could be a problem um is that is that doing that absorption Hopper up shouldn’t it put does it put the experience up or no with sharp sharpness 10 I mean it seems

Like they’re dying pretty quick I think so yeah what’s up that guy how’s it going welcome in I think it’s killing him pretty quick um it’s just I think they bounce and once their head intersects with the um intersects with the block up here they teleport

Out it for that Split Second they bounce in a block and then they teleport out of it and I think that’s that’s what’s the issue but hello hey love the content keep going thank you thank you dude why are you why are you like this here come over here come on over

Here yeah that’s fine he’s just giving me a hug that’s fine just to fell off the edge that’s fine yeah is it is it supposed to be picking up the experience or fluid XP holy smokes I’m Winning make a decorative floor above yeah I mean I could redo this whole area cuz I have enough room if I wanted to raise it up by one oh look mobs that are like see I don’t so maybe it was just yeah they’re they’re getting pretty

Quick what is this stuff do I have to open this whoa look at this stuff holy smokes what is all this junk hey that’s pretty cool I got another I got two more spoiler bags see and I can disenchant this stuff oh this is awesome oh I got cake let’s go

Forge Hammer lengthy refined obsidian taxle of the scholar 8,000 HP what the heck what is this is this an axe multi-tool I got a multi- tool it’s a multi-tool so what is it a a pickaxe and an axe use a new tank I think it’s XP juice versus

Experience oh no I need I need the bee a Baconator hold shift to see the contents I don’t know what a Baconator is come here be oh no are you stuck here give me your goodies use a new tank okay are you going to give me your

Goodies no you just going to hang out do a barrel there you go Force gem canyan flower Elemental Source heart oh another Force an egg see look they’re teleporting out an Ingot get out of here I can use this a here now so I got to figure out

Uh we got to figure out how to prevent them from doing that I guess and why is Okay juice fluid tank basic fluid tank so do we need like an advanced fluid tank let’s see fluid tank oh it’s getting late guys it’s getting late uh fluid tank creative fluid

Tank advanc Elite just holds more ultimate fluid tank infinite how do we make a creative that’s actually pretty cool what the heck are these Atomic alloy oh so each one makes the next one up gotcha I don’t even enriched obsidian how do you make that basic chemical

Tank so wait what do we need to make here do we need to make a different type of chemical tank I think you need a fresh tank you have oh gotch you got you so just another basic tank gotcha Get Wrecked nerds what was that somebody come in the

Door I’ve got so much stuff it’s I’ve got stuff all over the place I need to figure out a better a better solution here red alloy that holds a higher tank for sure so break this one add this one oh hydrate all right all right all right

Gotta oh smokes I’m almost out of water is it a different type of tank it looks like it’s not even absorbing anymore oh there we go oh there we go hello come in oh this is going to fill up way too fast man I’m going to need like an advanced one come

In moldy look Quivers I got tons of Quivers holy smokes man look at all these pearls okay um okay okay okay okay okay let just make a couple stack upgrades so we need blocks of iron uh we need some blocks of gold and see diamonds don’t produce very fast at all

Um so you know at best I might be able to get like tier two and maybe one tier one but with that many like stacked at tier two like it’s going to produce quite a bit yeah it’s going to produce a lot I know way to make it faster make it

Advance F okay cool thank you yes Sammy please um Sammy I’m probably going to be wrapping up here soon so if you w um if you want to connect on Discord about that FTB unless you got it figured out cuz I know it’s it’s already 10:30

What are we going on 4 hours whoa a 4 Hour stream guys let’s go um I have to play around with adding the um the disenchanter oh look I’m already out I need to add more see I need to figure out a better solution for my power

Dummy these guys are so so dumb get out of here get wrecked nerd I don’t want this out are you kidding me isn’t the likelihood of a endermite like super low and I was able to get one that’s crazy oh I’m in bed okay no worries no

Worries oh your old laptop won’t run in well that stinks oh yeah I need a different generator I’ll have to figure out a difference solution from my generator okay it’s going to be all my unstables is going to be my issue so I might have to like yeah like

You said void out a bunch of the uh bows and stuff it’s 11:30 yeah it’s 10:30 it’s I’m in Central Time Zone um I think I’m going to go ahead and wrap it up here guys then if that’s the case uh cuz it’s working we’ve got

Tanks connected to it we got I I’ll play around with adding the um disenchant here so I can disenchant like gear to get books and stuff um might expand and tear out this whole whole wall over here open it up and make just a whole another

Section um at the levers so I can probably don’t want to turn it off though I probably want to keep it on but yeah I’m going to go and wrap it I’m going to save and then yeah so thanks everybody wow that was so fun guys we figured it out I’ll have to

Play around with it more for sure um but we only got two more streams until the end of the year two more streams um I think I’m still what 15 subscribers away from 700 for the year um so I only need 15 let’s go I will see you guys back here for Thursday

Probably going to do some more uh FTB skies and then of course the last stream of the year will be fasmo so everybody have a good evening have a great week and I’ll see you on Thursday have a good night guys I forgot to go to this screen but now I’m done oh

This video, titled ‘Unleash Your Creativity with Modded Minecraft: Live Stream FTB Skies Stream #6 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Will Deez on 2023-12-27 04:44:50. It has garnered 56 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:53 or 14693 seconds.

Playing Modded Minecraft in Survival. Exploring FTB Skies Modpack!

Modpack by: FTB https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/103-ftb-skies?tab=about

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    INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by xperia_minecraft on 2024-04-09 16:00:43. It has garnered 1083622 views and 29192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON’T Believe!! #minecraftparody

    INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON'T Believe!! #minecraftparodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mine craft Funny Shorts #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftmeme #minecraftparody #meme #craft’, was uploaded by DRK FLAME on 2024-01-09 11:26:33. It has garnered 2444 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!

    Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!Video Information This video, titled ‘You Won’t Believe These Hilarious Mind-Bending AI Meme Transformations #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Gav on 2024-02-17 17:50:08. It has garnered 479 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #memes #music #fortnite #funnyanimals #comedy #minecraft #animals #cats #landscape #nature patreon.com/ParadigmaGav cats, slow mo video, funny animals, manchester united, man city, shorts, roblox, slow motion, the last of us, fortnite, the last of us reaction, family guy full episodes, cats, elden ring, velma, minecraft, world cup, slow mo, funny videos, funny video, funny animal videos, besharam rang song, overwatch… Read More

  • BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀

    BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘I became SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🗿’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-29 11:18:15. It has garnered 222057 views and 4150 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Roblox NEED MORE MEWING | SIGMA MALE in Roblox (FULL GAME) | ALL ENDING 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@AyushMore2?sub_confirmation=1 REACTION Channel: @AyushMoreReacts ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@AyushMoreReacts?sub_confirmation=1 🎥 WATCH FULL SERIES here:- MINECRAFT STORY Series ▶️ ➤ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG0LSiBEUY9GZArS85-FMr4DWcfk6FeYS… Read More


    🔴EPIC MINECRAFT GIVEAWAYS - LET'S CELEBRATE 15 YEARS ON STUNNING SERVERS!🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT CUMPLE 15 AÑOS Y REGALA COSAS !! VAMOS A JUGAR EN SERVIDORES GUAPOS !!🔴’, was uploaded by HandroH HH on 2024-05-19 06:12:18. It has garnered 1406 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:04 or 6844 seconds. Hello, I’m Handro and I bring you a new video, I hope you like it!!! Comment and Share This Video if you liked it and comment on how I can improve and what game you would like me to play. ^^ ======================================== ►VALUE MY EFFORT BY LEAVING YOUR “LIKE” ” 💚​ ►SHARE IT WITH… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!

    Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hololive Hardcore Minecraft 2024 Clips Reaction Stream (Pekora, Marine, Miko, Kaela, Subaru, Nene..)’, was uploaded by ExoticBankai Reaction on 2024-05-30 12:34:48. It has garnered 214 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:41 or 12881 seconds. Support me monthly and get access to blocked reaction and more: https://www.patreon.com/ExoticBankai Donate and request a video reaction: https://streamelements.com/exoticbankai-2425/tip 00:00 Start 6:35 Nene’s Adventure After She Become The First Person Who Dead In Hardcore Server https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3HNOnMOrYw 19:20 Shy Ina doesn’t realize that Pekora-Senpai can hear her desperate voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NADe4J5yhNw 29:35 No One Save From Uncle Marine… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.20.2 Whitelist – Age 25+ – No Claims – Smaller Community – Max Render Distance – 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ years old and looking for a vanilla Minecraft experience with a mature community, you’re in the right place! We started a new world on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. Here are some key details about our server: No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 10k blocks from spawn Average of 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty setting Maximum render view distance of 32 Chunks To join us, please introduce yourself on our Discord server before we whitelist you. We aim… Read More

  • Daddeln MC

    Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Server!Immerse yourself in a world full of unlimited possibilities and experience Minecraft in all its diversity. Our server offers you a variety of features and game modes that leave nothing to be desired. Whether you are a creative builder, a passionate fighter or a skilled trader – with us you will find exactly what you are looking for!Freebuild + FarmweltExperience the freedom of building in our freebuild world! Here you can let your creativity run wild and build impressive structures. If you need resources, our farm world is at your disposal, where you can collect… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My first meme – hope u like it! 🔥

    Wow, looks like this meme is really mining for some laughs! Read More

  • Crafting Laughs: Minecraft’s Best Timing

    Crafting Laughs: Minecraft's Best Timing In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, Inventory depleting, lightning striking all around. Trying to keep up with the chaos and the fun, But sometimes the unexpected can leave you on the run. With comedic timing, you faced each twist, Turning mishaps into moments that can’t be missed. But in the end, it’s all about the joy you bring, To your audience, who loves to hear you sing. So keep on crafting rhymes and sharing your game, Your unique style and humor will always be the same. And as you navigate through challenges galore, Your fans will be cheering,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale Conquering Minecraft’s Forever Frozen Night: The Epic Finale As the sun sets in the world of Minecraft, Coolguyapf embarks on a daring adventure into the End of Minecraft Iceland, where darkness reigns for 24 hours straight. Armed with determination and skill, he faces the ultimate challenge of defeating the fearsome Ender Dragon in this thrilling conclusion. Episode Recap In this heart-pounding finale, Coolguyapf navigates through the treacherous terrain of the End, facing off against hordes of Endermen and other dangerous creatures. With the help of powerful mods like Cold Sweat and Sanity: Descent Into Madness, he must maintain his… Read More

  • Diving into Minecraft’s Iceberg

    Diving into Minecraft's Iceberg Minecraft Iceberg – Unveiling the Depths of Minecraft Mysteries Embark on a journey through the enigmatic world of Minecraft Iceberg, a realm filled with theories, hypotheses, mysteries, and unexplained phenomena. As we delve deeper into the layers, we uncover a plethora of intriguing discoveries that challenge our understanding of the game. Exploring Layers 0-1 At the surface of the Minecraft Iceberg, we encounter a myriad of fascinating elements that pique our curiosity. From hidden secrets to cryptic puzzles, each layer holds a unique story waiting to be unraveled. The Author’s Insight Probot748, the mastermind behind the Minecraft Iceberg, has… Read More

  • 24 Hrs with SCARY Mods: Will Lonox Survive?

    24 Hrs with SCARY Mods: Will Lonox Survive?Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving 24 Hours With Every SCARY Mod in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Lonox on 2024-05-25 05:10:19. It has garnered 55910 views and 1262 likes. The duration of the video is 23:54:27 or 86067 seconds. Surviving 24 Hours With Every SCARY Mod in Minecraft.. Subscribe NOW! Streams – https://www.twitch.tv/lynixity Main Channel – @Lynix Hope you guys enjoy, go watch some more videos while you are here! Read More

  • EPIC Comeback: First Time Playing Minecraft in Years!

    EPIC Comeback: First Time Playing Minecraft in Years!Video Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft for the first time in years’, was uploaded by xxpromlggamerproxx on 2024-02-16 15:36:43. It has garnered 38 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:16 or 6316 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft’s MILK UPDATE

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft's MILK UPDATEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft MILK UPDATE’, was uploaded by Sjaspa on 2024-05-01 13:00:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Survived 100 Days on ONLY Milk in Minecraft Hardcore Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/8kj6UACJNh Twitter: … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Transformation – New Home, New Ikumi!

    EPIC Minecraft Transformation - New Home, New Ikumi!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 New Iku! New home!’, was uploaded by Ikumi on 2024-03-08 06:58:08. It has garnered 4479 views and 314 likes. The duration of the video is 04:47:28 or 17248 seconds. 【Hashtags】 ☆ Main: #Konichiku ☆ Art: #Ikumillust ☆ Fan Name: Guumies ༻༺━━━⁎∗..∗⁎━━━༻༺ 【Socials】 ☆ All socials & business contact here ▸ https://www.youtube.com/@ikumi/about I do other streams / more content so check it out! ༻༺━━━⁎∗.*.∗⁎━━━༻༺ 【Ad Guidelines】 ☆ If you’d like to support me and avoid watching any ads here & across all of Youtube (especially ASMR content), consider getting Youtube Premium. It really helps my… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Java vs Bedrock PvP!

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Java vs Bedrock PvP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java PvP vs Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by BitsMC on 2024-03-09 16:44:11. It has garnered 177 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:53 or 353 seconds. Subscribe! Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/sFk6hPATdW Read More


    INCROYABLE MOD CHIENS pour MINECRAFT! 😱🐶Video Information This video, titled ‘ce mod pour les chiens dans minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by royal Natoux on 2024-05-29 16:52:41. It has garnered 1633 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Read More

  • Watch NOW: Astrea Follick’s Epic Viral Gacha Edits!

    Watch NOW: Astrea Follick's Epic Viral Gacha Edits!Video Information This video, titled ‘#gacha #memes #trend #shorts #roblox #minecraft #viral #edit #gachatrend #gachaedit #fypシ’, was uploaded by Astrea Follick on 2024-01-12 13:39:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ever wondered what happens when a weird strict dad enters the Roblox universe? Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as we … Read More


    INSANE NIGHT WALL PVP MONTAGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PVP SHORT MONTAGE | HYPERSTEAL|’, was uploaded by NIGHT WALL GO on 2024-05-31 16:24:08. It has garnered 15 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. MINECRAFT PVP SHORT MONTAGE | HYPERSTEAL| #music #edit #firemc #minecraftlifestealsmplivestream #sigma #song #comedy #entertaining #funny minecraft,minecraft pvp,montage,cpvp montage,minecraft montage,minecraft crystal pvp montage,minecraft combotage,pvp montage,minecraft crystal pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,minecraft combo lock,minecraft sumo pvp,minecraft sumo,sumo minecraft,smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft pvp montage,minecraft smooth,insane minecraft,minecraft sumo 1v1,sumo 1v1 minecraft,crystal pvp montage,minecraft combo,minecraft hacker,minecraft sumo tournament,minecraft 240fps Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 – Balance of Power Ep. 27

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 - Balance of Power Ep. 27Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Balance of Power (Season two) episode 27 – The return of Ultra Steve’, was uploaded by DarkLight on 2024-02-15 03:29:39. It has garnered 250 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:17 or 2657 seconds. join the wolf pack Discord link https://discord.gg/P4wpnbA4UD Instagram link https://www.instagram.com/_itsdarklight_/ TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@itsdarklight_?lang=en Credit @ChaosProductionsYt @SpringStudios1 @kams3679 #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftRP #MinecraftStory #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftSeries #GamingRoleplay #RoleplayCommunity #MinecraftCharacters #minecraftstorytelling #minecraftroleplayseries #favremysabre #favremysabreart Read More

  • Imagine Pvp

    Imagine PvpThis is a 1.8-1.19.4 Minecraft server that will be releasing this summer. There are a BUNCH of cool and exciting features and an amazing PVP system. ImaginePVP.join-mc.com Read More

  • 🐚Hermit servers: SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Hermitcraft-inspired, community, Whitelist, Season 9

    👑 Hermit servers season 9 – New season! 👑 Best time to join – NEW SEASON Bedrock and java (including Playstation, Xbox and Switch) Hermit servers is back for a 9th season and is looking for members. We are a Hermitcraft themed server that follows many of the things they do. Hermitcraft inspired gameplay Shopping district, business district and more Mob/player heads Visual/fun add ons Major player events all the time Elected positions including mayor and king Tribal towns where players work together Player made mega bases Weekly builds Whitelisted server Active community that help each other For more information,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The true blocky heroes

    The true heroes in Minecraft are the ones who can perfectly execute a creeper explosion and still come out unscathed with all their diamonds intact. Read More

  • Hot and Spicy Minecraft Madness

    Hot and Spicy Minecraft Madness When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you blame it on your cat walking across the keyboard. #RelocoCat #MinecraftProblems Read More

  • Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery

    Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery Welcome to Mystery Place – A Private Vanilla Minecraft Server Embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft with the opening of Mystery Place, a private vanilla server. Experience the thrill of exploration, creativity, and collaboration in this unique gaming environment. What Sets Mystery Place Apart? Unlike public servers, Mystery Place offers a more intimate and exclusive gaming experience. With a focus on vanilla gameplay, players can enjoy the pure essence of Minecraft without any modifications or plugins. This back-to-basics approach allows for a nostalgic journey through the game’s core features. Free Gameplay and Community Interaction One… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I BUILT A GAMING ROOM IN MINECRAFT 1.20” by @Shreyu_is_live from Epitome Gaming. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it sparked a thought – the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. Imagine being part of a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on thrilling adventures. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a dedicated community… Read More

  • Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6

    Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Update Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 5 best seeds for Minecraft 1.20.6 – The Trails & Tales Update! These seeds are specifically tailored for Minecraft 1.20 Java Edition, ensuring an exciting gameplay experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the Minecraft universe, these seeds offer a diverse range of landscapes and structures to explore. Seed 5: Mountain Circle Seed ID: 19401855602 Discover the awe-inspiring Mountain Circle seed, where you’ll encounter a unique ring of mountains that will leave you breathless. Traverse through the rugged terrain and… Read More