Unleashing Chaos on the Hive Server! 🐝

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] came into my room to check that I was okay I just can I can I [Music] just ever tell you I’m boring I I realized something Eli your your name is like an is like a acronym you know English language and [Music] interpretation blood so much how long have you spent thinking about my name that’s a bit weird actually no that’s just a that’s just a now realization bad is having a sensory [Music] overload me I’m about I’m just about to tell you that I already promoted you so um yeah yeah listen Eli Eli you are way too kind for your own good you are way too oh you’re still on your starting soon screen you’re still on your starting [Music] screen am I am I supposed to like uh am I supposed to get on na mhm how does that I know what I’m hold up let me switch to my evil voice what do I explore what do I exp suppos to do Mr I should just AC as myself is that what I’m suppos just put no but I can just do Ian thead that’s that’s a lot just be one of the [Music] Assassins I’ll just every my play is Ian the lad even if he’s not an option on the character screen I just pretend really hard you just pretend that you’re Ian the lad [Music] am I supposed to get on na or euie doie can I can I just say how’s everyone doing welcome to the stream I hope y all are well to the stream’s plural thank you for that being in the thank [Music] you of appuse crying and puking as we speak like there was V down my chin I’m socit casy that was gross I have a request shut the [ __ ] up I can be as gross as I want to oh oh my bad my bad my bad I to be I request you know doesn’t like the naughty word I am struggling to hear what’s up I’m going to get the nathy corner again God damn it I Adella I request you get me a a baby kangaroo a baby kangaroo I request that you become an [Music] assassin I I have Ian the lad and wait okay okay well if you’re going to be SkyWars wrong portal Ian the lad you have to put on the skin version guys guys guys guys we can’t do SkyWars the wrong portal I I don’t it’s it’s 10 p.m. I cannot do the evil l oh no that’s fine oh my God we’re going to go into SkyWars and even like who are you guys who are you guys you like in the bathroom how long is the stream going to be like an hour okay give me like half an hour and I will rejoin without conditioner in my hair and I’ll be able to play can I just say why great big up whatever you whatever you do right just big up on that you know what I mean thanks baby girl will just starting soon good goodbye my adoring fans I’ll be back in 20 to 25 business [Music] minutes where’s a I’m trying to explore I’m trying to explore a castle or something I know I know this place you know way better than the Hub why is there like holes in your skin there’s like it’s me can I get it doesn’t show up on [Music] Java mhm before you start read that the quote that someone that the guy said in chat just just read that you minute war will always po man was war waiting for him the ultimate trade waiting ultimate practitioner War what you seem like me you you’re going to eat me you you I’ve ready for the last like 10 minutes yeah well I already gave my chat the so yeah you don’t yell I mean you’re sure he’s committed I know okay oh hello who are you did h Hello uh my name is my name is y thead and I’m a native of the hive sir as you can see we have a massive sign there commemorating and and signifying the the high well well not really a kingdom per se but I mean if you I guess I mean if you have a castle then yeah it is a kingdom I guess so um well we have a king however their presence is not really um well known uh they go by the name [Music] of Mr Mr King Mr Mr what was your name again Mr for we we our King our our King is is known as the mystical king m is on VA your mic isn’t on on your mic isn’t oh okay we’re up good job so guys take a shot every time we break take a take a shot you know what I will take a shot of coke water we have Megan get a get a Jack Daniels while you’re at it I hate Jack Daniels oh my God how even you dare suggest that to me okay oh yeah also if you guys like if you guys want take one R I blame me lot no well okay we’re we’re going to take it back but also I forgot to mention earlier if you guys find a way to like tell people to go watch kingdoms take it like this you talking about kingdoms we should go watch kingdoms right R anyways I like all right back oh yeah by the way if you guys just want to pop and do it whatever yeah we’re just going to start from the castle this time and the rockberry walk you guys walk isn’t it better to start from the I don’t even know where I’m going to be honest I don’t know where I explore explore your way to the castle right explore oh look it’s the lucky okay okay let’s anyway I kind of I am the king of this Kingdom now this Kingdom alongs isos Mr King Mr King we have a we have a we have our own King he he’s not you know a physical you may have your own King but is he sitting on the throne no well he he looks above he he’s he’s like God you know he he sees all uh he his name is the is the name it’s a very mystical name it is it’s it’s SPL his name is no no but our our King the the king of the hive he he controls the place oh hello hello welcome to Welcome to the five okay that what I think it is oh God no is everything all right I got to go wait hey wait what’s going on Mr Dante Mr King why are you chasing after the the nice lady over there Len like we can talk about this we can talk we can talk when everybody calm down get on pull up a chair every Everybody settle down pull up a chair if you could is happen in here why can’t wait um wait fair is very fun guys but I’ll help you esap so uh I’ll see you later I’ll help you escape on my I know can always count on asft to not be able to do anything properly great she says that I’m still behind her in the parkour woo wait wait hang on hang on everybody calm down everyone stop we got guys I’m not run this much since I’ve played death run you know ever since I MA oh oh that’s kind of funny fair fair lady oh hello hello hello hello hello listen how about we all sit down on a nice comfy chair yeah get your own shair Mr King yeah if that 5 minutes ago we wouldn’t have been in the situation where you were chasing me but it’s fine I mean um oh his head’s empty that that explains a lot so is yours yeah everybody everybody calm down is this normal what I don’t know everybody Cal down what what is this Ruckus that what is this do you have a chair wait this is this is one of the this is one of the magic stuff I’m you also have a chair as well every everybody has a chair it’s called see we have this shiny magical egg everyone has it wait wa yeah this egg has has many many creatures and and and and things that can it can spawn oh look you already pulled up a chair even that’s kind of cool but it’s also creepy I I don’t really like this uh I’m Lily oh hi Lily um M no oh my God that’s kind of funny actually so are we again oh hold on maybe there’s something in this Li are you are you all of you from the same area or I don’t know who they are I don’t know who you are I know them because they tried to Mur my mother so uh oh yeah kind of um not very nice people they’re not very nice people well listen listen listen here everyone The Hive is a nice server where everyone can come together and play some fun games and and hang out with all of our friends so how about we all try to get along uh do you guys want to M him together yeah if we can’t beat each other in our wit of battle and how about which be each other these games yes uh there there’s plenty to choose from a very hot recommended game now it is it’s a game called SkyWars it’s it’s a it’s a gruesome Game King ofad is already in the game apparently he’s he’s transl into a different world kind of oh okay wait there’s a portal like the nether uh no not like the nether it’s a different it’s a different world that is in the Overworld but it it’s it doesn’t have too much land it’s it as you can see it’s in the sky cuz it’s skyw Wars oh hello oh you came back from now you may be asking like how can we all play well we have a system uh if you click on the Honeypot at the end uh it you can create a party and this connects us all together in the same uh same New World okay s interesting this interconnects us all all of us together just like I can watch all of us together if you to watch kingdoms oh yeah kingdoms that’s a thing that’s in my it’s the first link in my description for my chat anyways oh yeah we should probably we should probably have that pin in my chat too probably let me do that also can I just say the skin are looking very very um fancy mint I I wonder who made them you like you like you like hat the Halo head oh yeah yeah [Music] yeah I just got are you all are we all in the party uh I don’t think you sent me oh oh you did send an invite okay all right now M Mr Aben uh what you have to do uh is click on the little Compass there and you can choose sorry sorry I did me chat earlier because it was being we they were being weird it’s the English lady oh there we go okay just pressing okay well I’m ready to go oh yeah real quick uh user we when we ended up chasing when we end up doing the chasing it was funny the Sonic Mania Chase song came up oh my God the Eggman came oh my God I hate that that’s too what are you doing anyways all right back in we’re ready to go uh hold up real quick what’s happening I don’t actually know what we’re doing I don’t know either figing out figuring out how work okay uh the stream is playing Hive as our kingdom characters yeah that’s okay one problem Casey is probably absolutely go-to at every single video game and I oh I say so that they do seem like be goto to that kind of thing yeah oh and also Mr also Mr Dante this is this is my pet here it’s a it’s a be it’s a be a look at it that follow you a it’s a be look at it look at it buzz and fly and blink what is in this Treasure Chest I have ah so this is where you have your your your your um items where you can and your clothes oh look at the spin yeah so we use those costes yes oh Mr Mr am I frog no no no don’t worry just get off get off get [Music] off no we use them for for for masquerade parties you know we we do plenty of them around here on the hive and and a lot of cs’s as well wait what is yeah under the P don’t don’t don’t I rule the world who who who aome who what why is it upside down why do you have a small pirate ship uh I don’t know red oh yes the red I know the red family they were quite vicious back in the day it seems that a few chromosomes have fallen off of that tree well well okay um now now Mr Mr Dante would you like to try and get us in a lovely little game that’s noton that’s the why why haven’t we asked the most pressing B in the room why are you a duck um well listen not here on the hive anyone can can be anything and you know I’m yeah see I’m I’m a you were just a frog listen I am a MC duck as you can see I have the drip um that’s that’s what we say you don’t have you don’t have as much drip as king of so on the you can anyone can be anything Yes sounds disaster not exist no I agree with that oh so right I don’t want to be who invited the child child huh who are you let K say your business uh uh uh uh I’m I’m fre Freya um and and I’m I just uh was exploring this area uh you know um this interesting Kingdom I don’t know where I am though which kingdom this is it’s it’s very fascinating you know the child seems socially anxious don’t and and weirdly short like I’m normally short like look at how much taller I am not short I’m not I’m not short you were to to would be abysmo oh what are you what is abysmo um uh I I feel very crowded right now I feel like we’re getting recognized I feel like we are I I I do think that some your legacies might preed you in these parts you there Mr how do we go to that other world you spoke of so so this other there are many other worlds actually uh they are different games that we have um you click on the compass and and you choose any game what is you mentioned SkyWars yeah SkyWars that’s a very very popular game oh oh where [Music] he Mr B where are you I’m going to try doing I think there were issues when when getting into this this new world hello there’s the duck I think we’ve got to press the compass probably what what oh that okay like a like a NE that makes sense so so this is this is a different world this doesn’t take you to the nether I do want to say that this takes you takes us back to the to the original World no no and oh I don’t think he’s a he doesn’t sound like a smart King I’m going to be honest excuse you on the from I I want to tell you I I want to tell you something this feels very I feel like we kind of you say something like that again I will show you what we do to the dock back hi don’t let me tell you they end up being on our din Fleet the only kind of dressing that they have is R how about how about how about I show you how about I show show us show us around duck so so this is the SkyWars Hub we call our world’s hubs right cuz this is a hub for for all things SkyWars and as you can see we have these these statues of of our faint claimed Heroes and when you punch them they they transport you into into the game um and now each of these games have different modes as you can see uh they they have different modes for their different respective uh things and then around here this is a a new uh a hub as you can see made up of old tiny uh homes and and Greek palaces as you can see because we we honor our our history quite extensively history yet there’s nothing of issues well I I I haven’t I don’t know about an Asos before but oh I mean to be fair like no one was told about Asos until you uh what about Rasberry I wasn’t told about rry either until yeah but you you only asked because you want to make yourselves feel better so uh who’s really losing right now um so M Mr Mr King abadin uh would you like to to try out one of these fun old games sure which statue do I press well I mean since we have a large party we should try and go for some SkyWars Mega perhaps a it’s just like I just like I remembered it’s just like as if it was yesterday Kingdom Sky Kingdom yeah yeah it’s a it’s not it’s hello where are we where are you this this is the game well everyone everyone calm down this is the game so so let me explain what you guys do you see all these precious ores around right you you mine the the the ores and you also see these chest you can also take stuff in the chest the Redstone gives you extra life yeah the Redstone is magical it gives you more Hearts um some people use those hearts how how does how does your world world work I mind a diamond or I got a diamond chest plate our world is is is extremely magical magic runs through our veins and blood uh and along the gold sword yeah yeah it does it’s it’s a fire sword meaning that if you if you hit someone with it it it makes them on sets them on fire come here no no no it no but but no no we’re on the same team oh yes the Ender Chest have valuable items oh watch out for the boxes they they have some magical magical pots that you don’t want to mess with there’s people watch out for hey duck man I have a chest plate if you want it oh I would love to very [Music] I have a book called The spell of Life what does that do oh no I died what I got this fish what do I do no I I should have fish hello what is this no I should I should provide a a passive a warning uh incredible important warning uh there is a man above in the in the sky he he is somewhat known as as he he’s kind of known as the kingdom like the god of the of the SkyWars land and you don’t want to mess with um his name is is RC uh don’t don’t don’t say his name don’t don’t say his name it’s it’s a name that mustn’t be uttered and should not a name that’s not meant to be said yeah he’s he’s a but you just said it yeah but do not do not utter it like many times in consecutive oh no those him he he is he is he’s the almighty uh powerful god of the Skies he’s he’s got many terrible how can we portal Link in the how can we kingdoms not not Sky R so if you want watch kingdoms the child the child was slain the child has nice um mrck yes yes Mr I have something called a knock back Nemo ooh those are our special items see when you hit someone with that fish it sends them flying yeah but but when you hit someone it sends them flying it’s a very powerful fish wait don’t we have [Music] enchantments what is this what is this sorcery yeah this is this is our our our very own enchant that we view for our games to make them a lot more fun I thought I thought I thought only rockberry was the one to discover enchantments well we we have we have had enchantments for a lot longer than than maybe some of your kingdoms if if these are for enchantment well you have no you have no actual proof of that so you can’t say that we at least have historical facts you don’t even have access to I don’t know what we don’t know what neite is we don’t know what that is no is that just something you made up cuz it sounds like you would make it up I can’t lie well you’re just too dumb to know seems that the book W isn’t all too smart because there’s no actual thing called Metate yeah you’re literate a I have uh what was it I can read more books than you so books you may read more but I’m the one that’s killed them all yeah but killing is another thing yeah but screen don’t fil we don’t have any confirmation of that yet anyways guys guys I need to take a shot bro Petty B oh yeah no it is hilarious I’m I’m loving it yeah oh well whose kingdom fell damn that that was that was cold that was cold abandon abandon is we’ll just have to wait we’ll just have to watch kingom part two to see if you know the kingdom watch of a sassy mother mother okay I actually I actually saved myself there where are the other people the other people they they’re they’re hidden around the the the outer Islands um they they they’re doing a strategy called camping now you don’t really necessarily condone or appreciate camping at all so please do take care of these Mis creat with great pleasure uh well I have a track in the right dire here’s here’s a here’s a tip Mr Mr AB sir uh there there is in these chests we have something called a a tracking Compass I just said I had that if you were listening to a word I was saying wants to listen to you you know what guys I I can to yourself there B I’m not going to entertain your ideas anymore I can I can some some tension between both of you says he tried muring my mother enough earlier M Mr abden how could you well I’ll tell you everything in Kingdom part to yeah King wow wow now Ian now Ian now you act like you understand why I old I CAU that on stream s I now you act like you understood my reasoning oh insert me telling you my reasoning oh that sounds sick I can’t find this person where are they my my just spilled his life guts yeah that’s sick bu is it funny where is everyone I may may not know I don’t know I I’m just I’m B any K two k two where is this last person I genuinely cannot find them again use your magic comping suspicion I mean they’re definitely somewhere here but I don’t know if they’re down or up my compass poting like here where is here you’re being very destructive oh here we are oh yo I found them let’s go really quickly Veron just said in VA chat I don’t know if you saw General but I they secur the special guest let’s go let’s go that deserves you guys that in celebration you guys should go watch kingdoms do it right now do it right now.com gummy studiio or if you’re feeling a bit Hive related go watch Sky Wars on Portal but watch i’ also watch the bloopers as well lot SK go watch SK wrong Kingdom hear me curse yeah Sky wait what sky wrong Kingdom this is the wrong Kingdom we’re playing in the it’s the same movie just with the kingdom what do you what do you think about my my Chariot Ste that I’m uh sitting on top of I’m naming him Sparkle face what an interesting name like he’s so un serious but he tries to be like ah I murdered a bunch of people L anyway Sparkle face yeah yeah he did your kingdom fell and what I think he’s trying to cope with that has not been you just some Ruthless People part two some Ruthless People you know I’ll say that much some Ruthless People trust me have not seen this now is there anything else you would like to know about the our highest uh Kingdom the scar well see we use special magical enhancers that make the right huh oh the the king oh the king died oh no the it’s supposed to be the other way [Music] around they’re all more geared than I am am behind you let’s go Dante why can’t I break anything Dante do you see me how no how can I still hear you I’m right in front of you don’t behind you now I’m standing on your chest you can still see them they they’re just listen they’re just they’re not dead they’re just out of the game uh if that makes sense you know uh they’re just yeah you can fly you can spectate but you can’t do really anything to to to to change the the game I watched him walk off the edge that was kind of hilarious things what is this blue ball I think we’re all dead anyways oh wait no don’t go never mind oh longer yeah I got to say so that anyways should we so what other games are there potion that that takes us back to the to the hub the let me let me give it a try yeah please that horrible you weren’t supposed to drink it you you just shake it around then and it makes a MAG portal and it takes you here well I didn’t expect you would drink it one I drink it well we have a well here if you want to if you want to if you want to what you put in the potion how does it how does it work it’s just a magical concoction you know or magical enchantment now we have a we have a different games as well oh uh that yeah this this oh yeah what is this Mr Mr this this is something that we have it’s called parkour uh what that is is basically you you train your your your legs and your arms and you have to jump on these little little platforms to get to the end Island uh real quick breaking work on sh I love the fact that if this stream was Cannon it would also make it would also make time travel back like 2,000 years Cannon too because sky sky wars wrong portal takes place thousands of years before kingom nice I mean Ian’s an old man I the old yeah let’s go what other games he’s canonically older than the rest of us well we we have we have other fun games some are much more uh friendlier towards towards uh the younger age group this one has a skull on it I’m playing it oh that’s that oh this game oh this is death run this is you have a cave now what do what do you do it seems like in this this game we you have to run to the end without dying oh are you leading us to our death maybe well well we have to watch out they’re traps so much be that that’s that’s an that’s an enchantment that we have on everyone to make sure that you can see when you play the game now just run run run run oh one of the FEA is this one of your feathers Mr duck uh well yeah I I’m a magical duck and have some and these are my feathers I’m taking back with me to as house the these these feathers have enchants to make you to make you jump like like a like a frog not again wait you’re a duck how can a you said that were your I’m a magical I’m a magical duck I’m a magical duck all right now last one there is a is a a last one there is a member of rockberry oh I got this well I mean that’s [Laughter] accurate yep that’s what is this blue ball do uh this blue ball takes you to the next game yeah and also I don’t know if if you all seen this if you click on this piece of of parchment of paper uh you can choose which map you can play which which wait I just saw ver chat message aand is baby girl inside oh I read that earlier no skon oh oh hello hello Mr Mr B so so you have the privilege of of setting off the traps if you click on that little SL this is going to be good he’s just going to go for me oh god um yeah that does tend to happen here when you’re playing death where friends do go after friends but I mean I guess I guess enemies too as um yeah for me this is stupid Please one there is a rotten egg well technically is he not a rotten egg cuz he can’t actually finish us techically there a lot there’s a lot of tension between you two like like I understand there’s a lot of history about that but we we can go for PE about I fell into the water and it caught me first place damn it what is this Compass this oh I’m I’m back with Abad and um get the I forgot I forgot the princess’s name the princess name I don’t Lizzy no oh the only reason why you able to win this is because you had the feather without it you would have died yes my magical feather is always that’s been using my two brain cells that I have more than you anyways yeah well your kingom so far that has no against that your brain as [ __ ] it’s just so funny cuz he’s like every time I have something to say he’s like yeah but you’re Kingdom F like that has I like how he just uses I have a point though same stupid excuse VA promote kingdoms too I like that died I to be fair every time you you get every time you say I get to promote Kingdom part to so we should keep going with that should just just say that yeah where your king king part two watch part two or else falling Fallen Kingdom anyone Falling Kingdom we we have a we have a falling kingdom here if you if you would like to experience it Fallen Kingdom sure yeah Kingdom now watch these tricky discs you know they they’re they’re they’re smart they are not all the time really not all the time but sometimes they they they know they know they’re we we’re technically more well well read than you because we actually had a library shown in the in the film words you didn’t so wait I yeah I was about to say I was I was about to curse but I was like I I don’t think that’s quite L like so um I won M Mr donke was that a gunshot or something I think I think my truck would have been better there oh why is there coming music playing why is the weo music playing what is a we store what first time store w i store okay I was running that’s a different thing yeah why is it music playing in my ears well uh why is it so soothing it almost makes me not want to fight [Music] anymore oh my God you have a change of heart guys check things guys guys guys a breaking character for a sec check check the Ping I’m checking right now all you guys are getting the BLB screen her [Music] [Music] right that really awkward silence we need to we speak again where where’s that where’s that where’s that frog where’s that frog duck where where is heck the Frog duck he said his feathers are like a frog or something here hello I’m still here what this is what what else do we have what what other things does your beautiful kingdom uh star oh why are uh explore child what are you so Adella I don’t know what am I what Adella you’re now a de you have to set off the Trap oh oh oh you you can do harm on on on anyone now be careful cuz cuz some of these traps are not you know they’re not safe are you I was so you sleep that’s unfortunate I’m just what are I I would say watch out for this uh Adel this U fre yeah who is this ad from no I oh I the the Slime it didn’t do it actually didn’t tell watching for the spinning clock it’s gonna hit you with still having to call me music play hold on no fre up ah yes smashing windshields what it’s the name of the song that is got oh all right now again these are now we have another game that everything here seems super industrial yeah this is one of our this is our our our industrial district that we that we take care this is how we produce most of our our our needs for our our resources for the castle um for the castle yeah for the castle well I I don’t I I think you do need to like you can’t just take over our castle like oh yeah who’s going to me that Mr sper is where is he he Mr sper but he’s not here to stop me froming his kingdom he he’s he’s off duty he’s a busy he’s a busy life one type the king is off duty from his own kingdom well well hold on B you say he’s off duty then aren’t I doing him a favor of controlling his kingdom for him oh usually usually there are other people that you know take control of the of the Kingdom they’re they’re called they’re not there are they well well no they’re around they they have a secret name they’re called the the the hive YouTubers or the hive content creat YouTuber years old well they they make a they they make um content for for for the high what is content it’s I mean I guess to put not content with the content to put it simply I mean it it’s something that like shines a light it’s it’s like you know how you have like a nice song or a or a or a drawing of a of of your kingdom it’s kind of like that mhm interes that’s what and they and they do that all well not not recently not as much but they they used to oh look look Lily and and Dante got second and third look it’s all of us see e why is the duck first is he a sweat that’s me sweat what is a sweat like is in what sweat means like well this proves how illiterate you guys are but uh according to a book I found like they they um they have an increase in you know sweat we’re not illiterate you are perspiring very much you should get that taken care off yeah that’s what that’s what I was saying he looked very s you don’t say that he no if you say that he is a sweat that means he is a single drop of sweaty in po tell that he look very sweaty today and bet he should get a check M Mr AB became person we we have many words that we use in our in our lingo in our in our language that uh that mean different things um well they’re stupid well are you acquainted uh uh uh with with the word g GG it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a phrase that we say it it’s a phrase that we say after every every game to to all I I know that one grave Gathering because we’re talking people no no no no no no no no no uh it means good game it’s it’s a way of sportsmanship it’s to tell people that they played a good game to them that means hello oh he Med them I mean this could be a future queen of of of of as shots you know my gu think whoy and run like I said he has like I I don’t see brain cells in his head yeah your mom got captured cuz M got Atomic L is this is this king of even though I tech oh still know that just in the after is this king of yours always this this this frail what sorry I am not frail bad asexual King oh no new head Cannon I was gonna say new short titled the real reason why there’s no queen of a shows to seual guys we’re making lore even when Veron isn’t talking about us Mr Mr bed are you are you acquainted with the term being a you know you know what the lore is the lore is that we have you got to watch kingdoms to find out anyways yeah true the say speak for the trees pick we go watch kingdoms or Shad oh the the person just change the skin they’re no longer they’re off don’t worry about I I I still like the title one I ne yeah that’s a so the these titles here uh they they you get them what does mine say I the undead no Undead oh true no listen Mr Mr Mr Dante if you want to you can also change it in your in your Lo in your chest thing and you click at the bottom and and these titles these are special titles that we get them by doing various achievements and tasks even levels I found one that I found one that Queen Isabella can’t say what a good one king of wait yeah oh I have one I have one for [Music] you cuz you did a runner whenever Oliver probably attacking you yeah well you sure well oh can I also I I I I noticed that all of you have a a crowns right um yes we do yes all of us I also have a crown see okay at M than mine you look like a you look like a crown that children wear no it’s it’s an actual crown you can touch it see you can see my ball well I have different crowns too see I can make it I can make it a different color and I ah so so they is this ducky oh oh this oh oh this oh just look like a version of the duck what don’t miror I don’t I don’t know if there’s there’s mirrors around I mean you can look at the water yeah and I’m finding a way to get third person why am I a duck uh well you put out the costume it’s it’s a very handsome costume it it represents a very handsome person as well what’s a costume that I have are they’re over here Royal Cy yeah we have different weak you’re a dog in a in a in a k what your world confuses me our world has many different Warriors and kings and queens and heroes and we have many of them they come from all walks of life none of them are sitting on the throne well see we we we like to think of of our of our kingdom The Hive he does he does that don’t worry oh okay what what am I doing the bouncing around hello see see Mr Mr we we here at the high we we have a a unique Kingdom where everyone here is is a hero is there a king yeah or a queen sounds stupid oh oh wait I wanted I want to ask you a question about your lingo is you called what do you happen to call Queens here is there any other word uh they’re called Queens don’t hey new lingo for new lingo talking about a queen your mother’s a flag because she got captured oh that’s not that’s not very nice thank you for what is thiss oh this is this is a ner game see this is more of are you also dead M who got you I don’t know I was I don’t know I was just kind of kind of like um I was exploring this uh really interesting structure with my friend um and we we looked at this really we like Gateway thing the floor and then we got oh my Lord how does the child not understand when I’m saying shush shush all right so in this game you so what what you have to do here right you see this swag here right you have to make sure that the other Kingdom doesn’t get it this is this is if if this see see you’re trying to protect the flag from being taken yes now M if if the flag gets taken it’s like you know how like like a king dies like if you take the if they take the flag like the king’s going to die if they take it back home so you have to make sure that doesn’t FL just like I got an Isabella you know you know Lily you captur the flag more or else you would have been better at def your mother this is have my own problems to deal with unfortunately yeah like one of them being not having a mother I was going to say something that I realized it’s like no I can’t say it so you should you should type it you should type it out of character no cuz uh it because it’s not something that is known yet no no I meant no I’m just like you could type it in like like in the Discord what is the Discord no I’m [Laughter] talking that was that was cool hey guys make sure to go watch go to your YouTube search bar and type in gummy space Studio yeah I mean just watch just watch kingdoms just to do just do it listen what are you doing here go watch kingdoms no go watch kingdoms after you okay I go watch now who has the flag and who is offending I have get get the I’m kind of alone where I am oh it’s the it’s the duck frog thing I forgot what it is I a I’m a mid duck thank you very much looks like we’re going to have to work today I got the flag go go go anyway I was I was thinking this what what if we can try and have peace talk set between you know you know your absolutely give you peace if you surr understand that’s a good deal well we can we can try and come come up with a solution right yeah solution is they surrender if I was the ruler which I’m not obviously but if I was ruler I would I would try to compromise but um unfortunately I’m not in that position of power and um I making decisions [Music] help this duck is a fierce Warrior you’d be great Edition I don’t know where that is from what I’ve seen it sounds like quite a [Music] scary I think I mean oh I got most kills uh I don’t know I don’t know if you guys noticed but I said oh wait walked up so only so only I was on screen on the podium a show again you’re making a bad so petty well I’m better at reading lines than I am to than I am improving that guys also it’s YouTube I got to watch what I do oh man I just want toing if if we were if we were say twitch different I just want to say real quick that it’s oh yeah this thing is is our invention so so M does anyone want to try it out so so basically it we have a chair and and it shoots you into this guy where’s thisy there is noair there’s no chair they have to wait for the magic to make it come back here it go oh byebye Mr B there’s someone coming up here by the way oh oh watch out for them Intruders see them let’s kill him oh they’re scared of [Music] us L what was that I hate you so much I hope you know that I actually hate there’s someone there’s someone there’s someone and this isn’t L speaking this is this is not it’s not really saying it it’s not really saying it you are flying be happening oh God yeah watch it it is it is a lot of fun people love the [Music] chair the chair watch out we have Intruders I’ve been saying that this whole time well Mr Mr Mr King you don’t you’re not a good King if you didn’t in if you didn’t announced it earlier to your army we’ve beened this entire time oh oh [Music] byebye yeah I I did say it as well I kind of just sitting [Music] there clb up this way don’t oh there got one after me oh they killed me oh I got one on me wanted one already no don’t guys buy some stuff at the at the shop they they offer fun fun things to to buy shop worry about the people that are here no no no we I have I have I have a way I have a way we smoke them out game upgrad here look we we use this magical box of Boom at least smok us see there’s intruded on the way seemed like it worked well for you you guys take care of them I’m going to go buy some weapons we should probably plug up this hole PL up the hole the so they can’t get through the hole they’re coming been watch out watch out what cover up the hole cover up the hole cover the hole cover the hole we need to cover the hole Yeah but so they can’t get up more people coming like this yep like this okay yeah going to try and shoot it be careful oh and now they’re just going to hit their dumb little heads on the on the surface us do these do these do these people of Hive not know how to as well uh no they’re they’re not that that SP so so you don’t know how to read you don’t know how to I know how to read I’m one of the I’m one of the better ones better one guys can you there’s people trying to get offline can you distract them so I can actually try to go get their because I to get the flag oh God fre off cuz you guys they keep getting killed and they keep respawning and killing me just like can I go hit [Music] him yeah that’s why Mr Lily help me where are you oh I’m behind oh you right behind me yeah if you could a little bit of an issue I’m knowing near you oh well wait wait over there for the next flag I guess we uh Mr Mr Dante Mr I’m falling from behind just try to keep running Mr B I’m coming home with the yeah we’ll need to oh I need to go from here now go go go I’m coming I’m coming well they’re done one is going to go through the hole that I need to put in the flag yay [Music] there you go I have the flag go go bring it home you pass me I’ll I’ll make sure they don’t come for you oh we got some [Music] here going the flag I don’t think he oh I’ll just break out of we just plug up the hole plug up the hole oh open it open it get [Music] up here Mr Mr Mr rante y see as and Rosy can work together see you know what you know what Rasberry you’re still bad if you want to say that and go ahead okay you’re bad all right what other what other games are there let’s use the potion get tired getting a big tired okay let me see I think we have guys can we guys can we recue can we recue please can we recue we left oh good yeah where’s the I was going to say um you said you were feeling a bit tired like you same it is that’s the if that’s the case we can do like one two games or something and then call it yeah that’s that’s cool okay then Mr will tell us how to get back home yeah then Mr yes I’ll let you okay so what what game is next well well well um H well we have some party games I mean I’m guessing what’s that chicken over what’s what’s that chicken over there hide and [Music] see yeah so it’s a what is that it’s a chicken a chicken what is this a chicken this seems like a home house are we invting someone first no is very mod so in this game you have to hide or if you might have to seek who knows rasberries go to hiding I make sure you choose an appropriate block pleas I’ll have to see if I test very I also be open where am yeah so don’t panic Don’t Panic don’t panic jumping do you see me no I don’t see you I’m in a yellow box hi oh no he’s in a yellow box what’s don’t don’t panic you guys are just blocks that you’re not you’re still you’re still humans blocks what yeah but but but you got to hide from the from the scary scary humans you know they they who’s the scary human apparently now uh you’re the the king of Asos yeah I don’t think I don’t think he uhoh I also if you if you if you’re hiding you have a little uh emerald in your uh you can click on it and you can uh have a balloon [Music] [Music] saw something around here [Music] earlier join me D ow join me okay that just hurt really [Music] bad what if this hiding doesn’t work out um well then and [Music] fight now we’ll see the sneakers aren’t the brightest tools in the sh I say that much people not talking to we people not tools fell so you say we’re not the brightest yet you’re a Seeker too well I I I I wanted to help you know I didn’t have a few left that also I do know I I I mean I’m I’ve played this uh this map many times I know where all the hiders are just have to trust find them I’ll find them then no oh I found one there you go we got there was like there was like 10 or like there are six different people who came into the the same hiding spot as me and none of the like only like two of the two more than were bookshelves Russ will like leaves and like um the stairs and I was like why are they hiding here like they’re clearly going to be found out like I I think they’re all gone yeah we definitely got them all here I I question your son sometimes [Music] genuinely oh a dance I made up don’t worry about it I mean Freya freya’s been found yeah I found Freya they were trying to drive this contraption yeah I I don’t know how to drive there how how do you drive what is this big circular machine uh this is a ferris wheel huh oh didn’t realized think that’s a wheel can we go on the ferris whe very big try I don’t think it works try yeah it’s like a chariot it just goes in a circle see it goes in a w you get I as opposed to going in a square like everyone they must you play this game a [Music] lot oh man do we take this potion to do we do another game because after this game you better tell us how to get home [ __ ] I will let I will tell you don’t worry I guess we shall play hide and seek once more yes and next time when you come back here I will show you the other fun fun things we have we have a choice to come back or leave how did we even get here in the first place yeah schol it’s because we haven’t watched kingdoms make sure to go watch kingom make sure to Tye gumy space Studio on the YouTube search or go to H youtube.com gumore Studios sorry whoa I’m tired as just I am I am theer just just just hide I am the I am the Seeker this time oh uh oh [Music] uhoh D oh wow Dante is a really good assassin oh why he is my best [Music] [Music] man no oh oh victory for Asos whenever like four people died immediately that I did not pick a good hiding spot cuz it was right next to like where you all spawned well [Music] then where’s the rest of them where’s the child where’s the Explorer [Music] H I’m hiding I’m I’m hiding I’m doing a thing that you have to do in this game which is hiding apparently I’m also getting stabbed by my sword so you should do that you do what get stabbed by my sword it’s painless trust me don’t don’t I can tell you it’s painless I don’t really want to do that I think but what if you did [Music] don’t convince him do [Music] it how is that meant to convince someone yeah like a really Weir strategy well it works for other people what other what what what other people have done it and it’s actually worked for them people that are in my Army oh oh uh may may I ask Mr B do you have a mother mother what moving on moving on oh I’m sure he doesn’t want to get into his person life CU like yeah that’s why would he waste time he first grade it all started when I was born everything starts from that point on I existed can I just say uh Lily you know you were very close to that one point right over me in me what are you duck what block are you I’m I’m I’m a block I’m hiding well yeah but what block I’m just going to walk past him again I’m what block are you you’ll find it out we have a minute left oh no uh-oh oh uh-oh no get away Mr no don’t you no no no keep Jing [Music] us what does juking mean does Juke I see I see a a Mr do you know what Juke is like a a royal juk wait who do you see it’s like a messa I see I see a king of abden close near on he said I will pass him at some point and I see I see liily as well and yeah no no no no no no oh yeah they’re not anymore that I found a really good hiding spot I’ll set off a balloon just to make it easier I don’t really think it’s going to looking in the right I everyone has walked past me I’m the greatest where is the childo the tri the trial does only this game because of how small they are oh it’s this direction I’ll give you 10 seconds to run they have 3 seconds where are they I thought they were this direction cuz I saw no you w you you guys walked past me many times which wasd everyone everyone take the potion all right Duc tell us to to get home uh well well um I mean is there a way to get I mean there is one way are you the we’re here I have a helicopter or or we can get on we have you know what you know what I think I think we just go to bed and we just wake up I think this is a dream what what like actual realistic world would I ever get along with YouTube or you can tolerate yourist this is just some weird this is just some weird shared dream like like how like how am I how am I even here yeah I mean got a point Mr duck are you a figment of our imagination is that why you can duck not again not again not again oh well he’s off don’t oh well then I guess we’ll putting on separate way it was good to see you again king of it was good to see you too Dante you stay safe wherever you are well you dead and you there hold on I will I will take you your it was nice meeting you because you’re not with rber so yes you have a good one on your exploration of uh you too oh yep and you do you spit at me you just spit actually know he spit out the all is that’s kind of mean I mean well he he doesn’t know how to treat women right soly it’s time to do the it’s a head Canon now it’s a head Canon any it’s time to do the thing that we always do talking forever you know Ian you’re the one that’s not streaming here why don’t you do the whole like ending stream talk I get the yeah do the outro subscribe to no subscribe to you just Kidd I was going to server mute him for fun but I can’t even do that don’t Ser let him talk let him talk he’s doing the outro I know he’s doing the outro I want while he do the no don’t just let him do it he gets bulled enough I think he’s been muted yeah someone server muted him huh oh I that iwe like I said um it’s Studios make sure you check out like I said the link thank you were server muted what I you someone server muted you it was not I swear to God do do the outro again do the outro okay anyway let me switch songs real I got songs I hope everyone has enjoyed the little song dance and little show in tell that we did just now from the past hour and a half and uh I hope everyone enjoyed the the streams on the multiple channels make sure you go watch the fame to Acclaim CT classic that is kingdoms and uh on the gby studios Channel and be sure to look forward to kingdoms part two big one coming out summer 2024 am I right make sure you keep on that subscribe button click that click that click the click the bell and and leave a little like and all that anyway this is don’t worry any sorry this is z andad and Company Sig byebye byebye [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘🐝| LIVE Playing on Hive (Kingdoms)’, was uploaded by VA on 2024-04-26 10:44:52. It has garnered 38 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:39 or 5079 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft Potion Trick! 😂 Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘potion using right way 😂 Minecraft moye Moye moment 🤣#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Ultra Gamer on 2024-01-15 13:10:26. It has garnered 6747 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. potion using right way 😂 Minecraft moye Moye moment 🤣#shorts #minecraft#trendingshorts#pain Minecraft potion use Moye Moye i hope you will enjoy this video please make sure subscribe and like friends 😉 Read More

  • 💥💥 Epic Chaos in Minecraft Earth SMP!

    💥💥 Epic Chaos in Minecraft Earth SMP!Video Information mic gaming I beg of you to still at paper 1.4 what the [ __ ] oh my goodness I got to go all the way back and I got a [ __ ] around with a new installation because I’m a stti I thought it would solid is not making me Rock Solid right now you gone mental I beg of you to work sir dark you D yo it’s toxic Maniac this this Maniac is quite toxic not going to what uh toxic you know you can join the Earth SMP right it’s bedrock and Java… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Base Tutorial – Luxurious Underground Survival Build

    Insane Minecraft Base Tutorial - Luxurious Underground Survival BuildVideo Information if you guys do want to build this you can use the stream to build it I kind of stood at the top here so if you ever want to come back you can just pause it there see the block layout it’s like saved in or it’s like colors so you can see block by block your eyes are confused it’s an optical illusion all right you know what I reckon we’re just going to get started right now been live for about 3 and 1 half minutes see there’s seven viewers what must I say sorry… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hypixel Live Stream by Maxwell Gamer!

    Insane Minecraft Hypixel Live Stream by Maxwell Gamer!Video Information yo we’re back welcome back everyone welcome everyone welcome back sorry about that we’re ready now I’m pretty sure it’s fixed um we’re just going to continue doing doubles cuz doubles was actually really fun hello all right this is my teammate mr1 he’s already bridging over there wow I’ll actually do this then well he attacks the other bed I’m going to defend it I like don’t really know how to do this defense but I think it’s like that and then you like there you go oh he fell off really bro oh Red’s coming over… Read More

  • Sam’s INSANE WOLF IQ Skills in Minecraft! 😱🔥 #shorts

    Sam's INSANE WOLF IQ Skills in Minecraft! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybe that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit cuz that makes meain haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that… Read More

  • Azure Network

    Azure NetworkA Bungeecord Network Proxy Chat Enabled via forge/ fabric Earth, Survival, SkyBlock/Oneblock, Creative and Backrooms What was originally a one server survival world for anyone i gave the IP to play on spiraled into a network of 6 servers and soon more. was looking for a small playerbase. azuremc.playit.gg Read More

  • SkyGens PVE 1.20-1.20.5 Custom Resource Pack Skyblock

    Welcome to Skygens! Features: Custom Enchants: Acquire unique enchants through quests or enchantment tables! Minions: Customize and upgrade minions with more skins coming soon! New Server: Enjoy frequent updates, ensuring fresh content! Free Ranks: Ascend through the ranks simply by playing! Staff Needed: Join our team as a builder, developer, or moderator! Pet System: Collect and train pets to assist you on your island adventures! Join our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/jr4bSrPpBD Play on our server: play.theblind5.com 1.20+ Port: 25565 Read More

  • BrunhildMC

    BrunhildMC[​v1.19.4] ʙʀᴜɴʜɪʟᴅᴍᴄ is a FREE TO PLAY Minecraft server-multiplayer that features FREE Ranks obtainable by votingupgradable Skillspayable Jobsplayer Shops, Crates, Economy, Minions, Casino, Gacha and more!NOTICE: Server is still in development but it is playable. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine’s downfall: It’s time for payback!

    Minecraft Memes - Herobrine's downfall: It's time for payback!Looks like Herobrine finally realized he can’t hide from those update patch notes forever! Read More

  • Minecraft: The Hottest Meme Ever!

    Minecraft: The Hottest Meme Ever! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #funny #shorts Read More

  • Minecraft Creepyfasta: Unveiling the Spooky Secrets

    Minecraft Creepyfasta: Unveiling the Spooky Secrets The Mystery of Minecraft Creepyfasta Have you ever heard of Minecraft Creepyfasta? This mysterious element in the world of Minecraft has intrigued players for years. Let’s delve into the top four Creepyfasta of Minecraft and uncover the secrets they hold. The Haunted Mineshaft One of the most chilling Creepyfasta in Minecraft is the Haunted Mineshaft. Players have reported hearing ghostly whispers and seeing shadowy figures lurking in the depths of these abandoned mines. Dare to explore the Haunted Mineshaft and uncover its dark secrets. Key Features: Ghostly Whispers: Players have reported hearing eerie whispers echoing through the tunnels. Shadowy… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the chaos with a new Minecraft adventure

    Join Minewind: Escape the chaos with a new Minecraft adventure Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today we have an exciting update for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. While you may be busy with your own projects and solo survival games, there’s a world of adventure waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With an epic survival game experience and regular Minecraft mod updates, Minewind offers a vibrant community for players to explore, build, and conquer together. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why not take a break from your solo adventures and join the fun on Minewind? Connect with like-minded gamers,… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Power Moves

    Mastering Minecraft Power Moves Minecraft: Herobrine’s Quest for Ultimate Power In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new adventure unfolds. Herobrine, a mysterious figure, is on a quest to gain ultimate power and rule over the Minecraft universe. This thrilling journey is captured in a short trailer that promises excitement, challenges, and the ultimate showdown. Herobrine’s Ambition Herobrine, with a menacing aura, sets his sights on achieving unparalleled power. His determination to conquer Minecraft and establish his dominance creates a sense of impending conflict. As players delve into this narrative, they are drawn into a world where danger… Read More

  • Insane Money Grind in LIVE DONUT SMP with Viewers!

    Insane Money Grind in LIVE DONUT SMP with Viewers!Video Information all right so just need to change some settings I think actually no they’re good all right wait why is my mic so far away from like where I am all right there that should be louder now oh wait all right there we go hello four watching already so last time I streamed I was at 600k I did a little bit of grinding obviously I got donated a bunch of money too but yeah all right so is that mending yeah that’s mending just class nine and I think I need six levels and St oh… Read More

  • Upside Down Minecraft Prank on Friend

    Upside Down Minecraft Prank on FriendVideo Information I’m turning my friend’s Minecraft world entirely upside down but at any point he dies the video is over hey buddy sit buddy oh oh yo dude hey what’s up dude what’s up dude what are you doing oh I’m about to ruin your day well not entirely listen dude dude dude that’s not how you say hi to somebody you’re going to tell them you’re going to ruin their day oh sorry okay put it this way if you do not die with the challenges that I have set in place for you I’m going to give… Read More

  • Intense Hardcore Raid Prep – Minecraft History 1.14 #27

    Intense Hardcore Raid Prep - Minecraft History 1.14 #27Video Information [Musique] bienvenue en 1.14 alors l’ point la version pardon 1.4 s’appelle la village n pH update voilà donc qu’est-ce qu’il y a ça qu’est-ce que ça a rajouter et bah les villages ont été améliorés et nous avons maintenant les pillage et donc tous les fameux mobs qui viennent défoncer nos nos villages avec des raides alors plus particulièrement quel a été les ajouts je prends mes notes bien sûr et je vous dis ça tout de suite déjà dans un premier temps nous avons eu le bambou qui est apparu d’accord donc les pandas également il… Read More

  • EPIC OIL REFINERY & CRUCIBLE – Minecraft UniversIO!

    EPIC OIL REFINERY & CRUCIBLE - Minecraft UniversIO!Video Information hey hey hey everybody welcome back to some more Universe s hey Universe episode Universe iio universe. hey Nick how’s it going universe doio doio is becoming more and more of a popular domain I feel like it’s been yeah it’s been it’s been trending for a while man you know people have been yeah everyone’s in a oh my Lord a is the one that’s really freaking up and coming now man have you little bit of uh inside baseball oh yeah a domains are really like the minimum price is like $200 wow for a a… Read More

  • Stumble Guys Server Glitch – Mind Blowing! 😱

    Stumble Guys Server Glitch - Mind Blowing! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘*NEW* SERVER GLITCH IN STUMBLE GUYS 😱’, was uploaded by Gamerz Alii on 2024-05-30 13:15:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. NEW* SERVER GLITCH IN STUMBLE GUYS ABOUT MY CHANNEL :- I AM BOY AND A GAMER. I PLAY MINECRAFT … Read More

  • 🔥WITHER KING SEEKS REVENGE!! 😱 | aFrostGod Minecraft Adventure 🌟

    🔥WITHER KING SEEKS REVENGE!! 😱 | aFrostGod Minecraft Adventure 🌟Video Information first there was fire then there was smoke then that Preacher Man was hanging by a rope and then they all fell to their knees and beged that drift and begged him pleas as he raised his fist before he spoke I am the rightous hand of God and I am the devil that you for God and I told you one day you will see that I’ll be back I guarantee and that hell’s coming hell’s coming in Hell hell’s coming with me hell’s coming hell’s coming hell hell’s coming with me This video, titled ‘The Wither… Read More

  • Mind Blowing TikToks – Overwatch 2 or Minecraft?

    Mind Blowing TikToks - Overwatch 2 or Minecraft?Video Information this video by saying that I think OverWatch is going in a great Direction new DPS hero Venture is awesome the new battle pass changes like getting coins in the past Heroes no longer being locked behind the pass are cool as hell there is one singular aspect of OverWatch 2 that I think drastically needs changing the tank roll tanks and OverWatch 2 Face a lot of problems counter swapping getting focused by debuffs but I think the biggest source of the all of these problems is the passive or tank the tank passive is basically just… Read More