Unleashing Hardcore Chaos in Minecraft

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action let’s go we’re live think I’m might have to jump you for that there we go I’m have to I’m GNA have to jump you for that it’s so interesting I know okay send the message and boom there I got I got all my I got all my stuff figured out there we go yes okay we’re good we are ready G is is your stream all set are you already I’m good to goomie okay I just need to just need to make sure yours was live because without you yeah we good oh get my slogan in here hey hey everybody G blast [Laughter] here we have a new member for the hardcore series here Mr Mr move out of my way you big bird anyway we got Mr Sexy Man giga let me take my helmet off sooch him real good oh here allow me to help anyway oh my girlfriend I hope she don’t see this hello I mean what keep your harder big boy yeah we got listen gig gig there’s only one thing I can say careful of that one it’s a minor a oh my God I put them to work what you talking about get back get back in the caves where you belong while you’re at it pick the cop didn’t say that last part I didn’t say that I did not say that one got a voice model me on all right all right all right so we got Giga joining us here now um he is the newest member of our little uh Mary bendit team if you will um thank you thank you we’re GNA no he’s he’s going to be uh permanently joining the series hopefully as as long as he doesn’t as long as he does die we we’ve somewhat equipped him with some set of uh protection working on it I’m going to I’m going to go jump into the [ __ ] caves though um here you can sleep next to me come sleep next to take Fig’s bed okay don’t mind me I move around at night take your bed to the roof of um but yes with Giga joining us um we’ll see how long he survives as well he’s also streaming so uh there’s there’s two people streaming on here now which also means I guess uh double the uh double the luck hopefully that that’s our that’s our hopes here double the luck double the content you know I probably should have added you to my like um [ __ ] hashtags and whatnot oh my gosh you didn’t think to do that oh my gosh I can’t believe did you did you put me oh you did put me in I’ll put you in the description you know not exactly a hashtag okay you know what I’m sorry I’m sorry okay gosh I’ll kiss you later hold on okay thank you that makes up for it okay hold on let me grab your [ __ ] stream and put it in the uh updated thing there you go or not your stream your just your channel yeah my channel information down below we’re if I make sure if I make sure I heard this right so I’m in the basement right uh yeah I like the basement the basement is my favorite place you going be living in a tower no let’s see get this all mined out so so so exactly hold on I’m going to tell you how like what exactly we’re doing in the basement okay so that I can um so that I can uh because we’re using the basement for more than just your room we’re going to be having a storage area down here too so what we’re going to do is we’re going to Branch this out and then we’ll we’ll have the main area room for something probably just like other [ __ ] I assume we’ll probably just store extra like armor sets and whatnot down in the main room and then we’ll have another room that probably branches off either like on one of the sides or straight ahead where we have like a storage room and then we’ll have another area that branches off in your room something like that okay okay that’s what I’m thinking for now though we need to get you some more gear and further the ghost is back oh yeah come look at F’s grave oh let’s see this this is the’s the first person to die on here hold on hold on I need some I need to do something my name is Con Android from cyber life so we so the so there’s a little bit of lore behind uh oh hold on you doing it’s my offerings your offerings your offering seeds okay so let me tell you the lore behind uh further here who’s been slain so basically further was slain by the Archer Queen the Archer Queen is also known as Tuki Tuki Tuki is just known as the Archer Queen because like she just she’s just uses a bow a [ __ ] like okay so be scared of Tootsie yeah TI Tuki likes using a bow and if you [ __ ] with her enough she’ll kill you like she killed further further is dead cuz of well it’s perfectly fine because I’m gay oh different way oh I oh I guess you oh oh my no oh no oh all right I’m going anyway I really hope my girlfriend doesn’t see this I hope she does I’m sorry I meant to tell you sooner I’m stealing her man I’m stealing her man okay so uh Tuki speaking of Tuki she did a little uh off camera uh stuff um shut up did some offer stuff and um I didn’t realize that it was going to be um I didn’t realize that it was going to be like it wasn’t a ton but it kind of was a ton it’s it’s very essential to what we’re doing basically I need to get a villager from [Applause] here by uh oh [ __ ] I got two okay so what we’re going to do is um I’m going to break the boat one of you can just run free the other one is going to get back in this [ __ ] boat cuz I told you to get back in the boat okay cool um as for the other villager uh G where’s that other villager uh right here uh can you like like block him in somewhere and like kill him where the kill him where the other villagers can’t see him oh no because if they see if they do see him then we will have an issue called um villagers will give us High hey buddy get back in this cor no no no I promise it’s it’s a lot more than me killing you no no no don’t no no he’s going to heaven you’re you’re not welcomed you’re not welcomed into heaven you hav’t accepted Lord Jesus Christ into your life you seem like deal with some uh you seem like you’re dealing with some problems Buddy Buddy Buddy please listen listen I just want to tell you about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ come on no no he really likes this person I think this is no there there down here down here no not tra no no sha you’re the the hell is happen there we go trapped him okay uh yeah I need to okay hold on this block below me is causing issues just got to you’ll never get out trying to get out stuck yeah you’re right I am stuck I think I got this I think it’s this block and I think it’s well no it’s because of um the path oh you’re on a pathway oh no yeah um how can fix that oh hold on let me see if I can push him in oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m oh I got out okay got him got him okay he’s trapped he he’s trapped I got him now he he he’s stuck down here oh let’s go I did it okay now I just got to get this boat to the place okay uh don’t worry about it okay uh I need to row this boat about [ __ ] hold on can I oh [ __ ] um I got you man here say it should be it should be big enough I’m exploring is there anything need this this one needs a shovel we need a shovel like scoo I have to go build a shovel man I have to like I don’t even know where to get wood here here hold on I got this hold on I got this it’s okay guys it’s okay I got this a wooden spoon wenon oh my God just like SC behind like man behind the slaughter there we go break you free here be free okay you know what this works yeah okay finally I can take this villager to the place where it needs to go Giga you might want to make a boat actually if you’re I want to break this bridge oh you’re like give me that [ __ ] did you grab the crafting table oh yeah that I thought you grabbed it already all right no no no I have an extra one but that one you can just have never finish M got me working I’m at it just there we go just yeah break the spoon there we go did some off camera things and by off camera things I mean Tuki was um cooking Like Walter White come with me guess I can introduce you to the uh the little project the projects oh I’m used to living there yeah let’s see this a beautiful River I know to the right yeah it’s it’s going to be up here and then we’re going to go to the left as well once we break out of the uh Little Valley here basically Tuki did a nice little farm off camera raid Farm um and basically uh we we don’t have the uh effect for it right now but if we go to the coordinates that bird grabbed in our last stream uh for a Pillager Outpost we can get the bat Omen effect and we’ll have a a farm but we also need to max out a villager for um we need to max out a villager uh not for that not for that but uh for name tags so that we can f so that we can keep the farm constantly going so basically what we do now is we bring the boat up in here we make sure the Villager is in a good spot which right now it’s not so we’re going to back it up back around we want we can realistically leave this guy in the boat if we wanted to so it really doesn’t matter I feel a Tim feeling I and boom I’m going to take the boat though because uh I want it and now that guy’s stuck in there have fun stupid all right so now that he’s just going to aimlessly be there for the uh for the rest of his day you guys need Cactus or can you guys need Cactus or no we need to go back to the Village I’m exploring right now so I’m finding goodies all around down the river goingo I’ve been I’ve been watching these Speed videos I I know how to do these 360 stuff now oh [ __ ] oh no no there a drowned I got to run away run away I’m scared of everything I mean I’m not scared of nothing but I’m I’m I’m I’m slightly scared of everything just a little Len all I’m saying is technically you have you potentially have three lives because you have the totem and then if you die you lose that life and then chats get to vote whether or not you get to come back the chat gets to vote I’m going to assume it has to be your chat no it would be a it’s going to be a collective between both of ours so we’ll compare percentages all right so my seven people watching start saying Giger right now the one person that says shown it’s probably going to be Chloe or something like that well basically basically um both of our chats we get to vote Yes or no uh between you know each of our streams so we put up a poll let’s say that you die right um then basically we’ll we’ll have votes go between let’s say there’s 40% of your chat that says uh no right and then like 20% of my chat says no and then we’d also have to do that between like how many votes each of us got like on our sho got it so basically if I threaten my entire cast with removing their characters from my series they they they’ll do it got it no no no we’re not doing it like that oh okay so no monarchy like that okay no threatening noarch yeah no see there’s only one type of democracy on this hardcore series and Y do democracy hey no it’s the Democracy of voting whether or not someone gets a second life in this wretched [ __ ] world that’s like so modern further further got voted back in but bro [ __ ] died so there you have it folks basically is promoting that you don’t vote for him I died for a stupid reason but I’m alive bird died and got pity voted back in fad this is while bird was somehow wearing diamond armor yeah bird was in full diamond armor by the way and [ __ ] died bro I minutes inam armor oh yeah I should probably get to the mines to get you some extra gear n I’m good I wear socks and I got my underwear hat on yeah underwear hat on my underwear hat so I’m fully protected oh so we need to we need to get um we need to gather more materials between like iron and uh diamonds I’m going to we need to we need to get more um we need to get more villagers going like trade wise uh is there anything you want from the village I’m at right now uh from your current Village no I have nothing in mind as of late um Giga what what are your what are your plans currently I grabbed the belt let me think so I guess objective one for myself is to get get a a bed so I don’t have to share with fig objective two well G you’ve already done two of those things so thank you thank you sh up I guess objective three would be for me to try and see if I can well basically scout out where I can fit myself I’m a bow wielder uh more so than I am uh with my tower Tower I love living in a towers and then I love putting on my wigs and then saying oh I wish my man will come rescue me one day I’m just so lonely up here Rapunzel let down your hair bro who wants to be Rapunzel I can be Fiona right now and have a dragon like I’ll have a pet dragon sure hair is nice but further was this your bed in the basement yeah was this was this your bed this was fur’s bed oh my god oh crap so sorry oh oh no no book for you that’s fine but I want a book further your bed’s now an extra I’m not I’m not putting at your grave because you’re dead you don’t need to sleep deal with it you’re an infinite sleep yeah bro is an eternal sleep he doesn’t need to sleep any okay get to this yeah I need to go I need to go I need to go hit up some caves to get some more diamonds for our newest uh little little I’m just a little guy guy I can do it I promise you just give me the chance put me back in coach I swear I can do this I just need another chance so so am I allowed to Chom down trees as long as I replant them or something like that oh yeah you’re fine if they’re by if the CH trees by the house yeah it oh I was going to go Fu out I got explosives I mean if you want to go further out who wants explosives well depends what can I explode with you’re explode me if you know what I’m saying oh yeah I see what you’re doing there advertising can we need string string string yeah get string String’s really nice string gunpowder and Bones I’m want to make like the most epic bow I’m going to show y’all my my my Pro Archer skills my bow has mending and breaking three power four punch too me and I’m a fisherman well now I’m feeling very defeated right now it showed us well hour I don’t need a bed I will just be spooning Giga when he sleeps that’s crazy what hey don’t worry I’ll make room for you I keep the bed warm at night but Giga what about me oh don’t worry I I’ll include you I’m very inclusive that way dang it there we go dude this is I’m I’m currently at the mountain in which I found the ancient city like me and big found oh yeah at the place where we found that so reway spooning about all that oh my God what’s my luck with finding desert temples I just my third one a lot of side pieces in the Stream I mean well when gig is around I’m I’m his side piece you know put this whoa I didn’t plant that one down oh I guess it was already here yeah some some saplings already planted and their like data is like yeah we’re ready to grow now because it’s just been sitting there and the second you chop a tree down he gets the chance it’s like okay I’m coming in now oh no it’s coming in I mean what whoa whoa all right now I got lot of oh my gosh dude I actually found like like the male version for that uh take and it it sounds awesome I can’t remember who was the actual singer of it was like want to say it’s like Jay or something but it sounds awesome I’ve been listening to it like crazy G do you feel like you’re welcome here let me think put being put to work being being being given the the weakest equipment of the entire game bro I feel SpongeBob right now I I feel great all right good cuz if you said otherwise I was going to have I feel like Alaska when they said yeah we’ll we’ll we’ll attempt to incorporate you into the United States and they’re put at the very [ __ ] top left corner if Canada comes and invades Alaska the United States is like you know what you got this and then Hawaii just down there saying bro at least you have land there on [Laughter] shipy let’s put you there there took to [Laughter] sh going to tear down this yeah there’s not there’s no democracy here you learn no we demon what democracy democracy that it’s a fake democracy I I am the dictatorship that’s what they don’t want you to know it’s a fake democracy they hold an election just to I see you sound like you’re already just like shoot three [ __ ] people right now like are you good bro I see sounds like the smartest person in the room but stays in the back corner make sure no one cheats cheats on the test like I’m that one hurt that one hurt it’s okay don’t worry I bullied the nerd in school too I’m just kidding I was a bullied yeah I can’t imagine a bully actually playing Minecraft that’s that’s accurate dang it I do further being the bully so votes on if further is actually a bully or not there you go guys if you just want to continue bullying just vote for vote for further wait bro I’m the best car salesman of all time I mean I will make something I will make something up just to make it sound good will you I could probably actually I’m not going to go there but but yeah got 24 cylinders it’s got it goes to it goes from uh zero to 60 and 3.5 like oh by the way it’s powered by potatoes so you know just grow grow potato get a tater Farm going and and it’ll run run for good you know I heard that they’re trying to invent this one car using cuteness you know I just threw Kitty in there and just thought it would be a good engine right however when I went to go check to see where the kitty was it was completely gone all I found was just like dust looking stuff in there but but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t him he probably just escaped yeah apparently when you car i’ like to buy yeah apparently when you put a ters in an engine you can have baked potato when you’re done with it yeah yeah yeah I like my beard and have have you tested this well um yeah actually my my my my PA he bought me a car my PA got me a car uh and I and I was rarely new to the internet at the time and one person said you know if you hook up potatoes to a car it’ll run just fine allow me to show it and then there was this really sketchy part where it looked like it was transitioning to a completely different car but I couldn’t see it looked too real and uh and then they started it and and it looked just fine from my perspective I mean I didn’t think they edited the video at all even though it says edited by filora but I’m just pretty sure they just had to put that in for the the the resolution thing you know what I’m talking about so so so when I actually went to go watch the video and try it and well I broke the engine yeah but I mean I had to bake potato yeah you got your baked potatoes out of it though so paste at the end at the end of the day who’s really winning exactly I had a baked potato and I lost a car so I am when win exactly exactly see gig is a smart man I’m I’m very smart I come from the south so uh I know my stuff oh my God I I know how to print a computer screen all I got to do is um what what what what this key do I think I think you I think you have to hit alt and then F4 oh you’re absolutely right let’s see alt f4 there’s been times where I’ve accidentally clicked it just [ __ ] around you accidentally click F4 alt f4 oh got I love I love when creepers try to blow me I mean blow me out um you could have stopped that blow [Laughter] let’s see I see there’s a bow in here that’s poorly poorly uh oh I’m fishing right now so I could probably get you a bow and a yo what spoon do this boy have he had an iron efficiency to spoon I don’t want your spoon so this is my first time playing like regular hardcore I played for I I did like a 100 day challenge where I was Hardcore in the nether but I never recorded it and I wasn’t going to edit it because I don’t know how people are actually able to edit 100 day videos unless they pay somebody else to do it I just don’t have the patience for it but I do it oh my gosh it took me like 13 14 different tries on a world to try and get a perfect spawn any other spawn you get was either the Soul Sand Valley or the basalt depth it just it just [ __ ] sucked you a fan of flame bows at all flame bows I actually do like flame bows okay you know that that would actually be a crazy like like type of series like imagine doing a hardcore series right where like originally it’s just a hardcore series where you in the Nether and you have to get out and that’s literally all it is it’s just getting out and then once you get out to the open world there’s actually a whole other group of people in the Overworld and then there’s another group in the dimension yeah that’s what I’m saying like imagine like it transforms from that I tried to do an S SMP with uh my group but there like the server costs 20 bucks so it’s like if it didn’t receive a lot of attention I definitely was not going to uh invest in it for a second season but it’s like right it it it didn’t do good back then but now it’s but now people are requesting it and you’re like well now I’m broke so I can’t do it but at the same time I wouldn’t mind doing it but if we ever were to do like a server like that I’d have to cut it down significantly honestly I’ve been thinking about doing stuff like that myself and if blood moon season 2 does good enough I can realistically just ask my server uh server provider to give us another server for it where I’m sure he will uh we don’t have a exact cave we just kind of go out and find a cave then jump into little I’s got a little mines area below his house I was about to say if you’re good with it I thought I was I could make a like a cave in the basement as well if you want to yeah just make sure it’s um make sure it’s in like an area where we can just easily like cover oh yeah yeah I can do that from a jungle huh what were you saying something from a jungle anything from a jungle uh I mean we can use a little bit more bamboo uh we have a go to my side go to my area oh did you already plant it yeah okay then never mind I Three Stacks in the chest as well okay yeah that’s fine I just want to make sure that we had a decent fit but no there’s nothing from there 31 unless you want to get some bamboo saplings only other thing I we lost a unicycle yep I’m coming back the UN cycle has fallen Into the Depths oh yeah yeah my Wi-Fi is very stupid sometimes I’ll be like in and out and stupid all the time yeah let’s see I have to like I’m too lazy to go check like the connection honestly I think it might be because I’m in my room right now if I’m in the basement it doesn’t disconnect as often but could the router down there let’s see holy [ __ ] the boys are jumping me me again I’m getting raped well thank you icy I appreciate your services now [ __ ] off Le YOLO do I have do I have leather need oh yeah Giga by the way if you’re about to die I I have one rule for you if you know you’re about to die scream YOLO YOLO got it yeah yeah oh wow speaking of bamboo I just found a bamboo for let’s see I need Panda I need to steal a panda grab sticks we just like a panda can get you a bow in a little while um oh by the way I have enough diamonds for your set of diamond armor now oh sweet I got 21 currently on me which one was was that talking earlier was that um bird the boys prob get you a Max bow like I yeah okay that get you a Max bow in like a little bit okay I have a power for mending bow and a curs of Vanishing Unbreaking flame power Coro that I can combine so I like the get the vanishing the The Vanishing on it then uh yeah you’ll have the Cur of Vanishing no matter what actually it doesn’t matter if you die you die yeah well I mean there’s always a chance for getting buted back in so yeah slightly annoying but I can get them back relatively fast are you able to get rid of uh the FL not FL the you can’t get you can’t get rid of curses okay what do you think they called curs actually I thought you could get rid of curses by using the disenchant no really I always thought you could oh I have a single um fishing rod that just has Cur of Vanishing on it just so I can just remove everything I need and just have one thing that can just go with it so get off me y have you played um have you played the Dead Island games Dead Island I don’t [Music] recall they’re basically um there’s zombie games where uh basically there’s a story line of course and you go through you do missions and you get better gear you can uh add like certain upgrades and attachments to your like melee weapons and whatnot and basically it’s just a game about slicing through zombies IES okay of course there’s a story line that you can follow and what not but um The Game’s main purpose is literally just to slice through zombies sounds like fun reminds reminds me of my lovely days back in Call of Duty they I’m playing their uh most recent one I just started playing it like yesterday I think I started bro I watch I watch this one guy called nerdrotic and and and one of his uh one of his um videos was titled apparently video games are not meant for gamers and I went wait what so I I went to watch the video and appar and then they played a segment in the video where it’s like it’s a bunch of Call of Duty people doing the the oh yo mama is going to get [ __ ] t i or something like that it’s like it took me back to when I was like 9 years old sitting sitting in the living room listening to all these people talk smack about whose Mama’s getting [ __ ] tonight J said God sounds so wrong it reminds me of the days the gamer chats I remember the good old days when you load up into Call of Duty Lobby and they they just curse you out and talk about screwing your mom good day good times good times the good old days oh my Fells why is majority of this map uh what’s it called AAA bro I used to say Nintendo a lot further like every single day I would talk about Nintendo it it’s rare because now all I talk about is PC let’s see got to get cherry blossom sitting there yo guys I found I found uh two more veins of diamonds nice a zombie luckier than I do finding stuff I I don’t know’s crazy when it comes to Diamond I’m sure has like a diamond finder up like he just puts his seed into the world and goes oh look guys I just happened to dig in the right direction yep exactly with the with the immense amount of diamonds like this [ __ ] that’s happened on stream you would think oh another V diamonds you’d think it’s Ed this is what I’m saying [ __ ] keeps getting Diamond here here hold on let me just update my netherite app so show what’s the SE uh the seed is I’ll send it [Laughter] D I’m really good at hiding my cheats let’s see um oh shoot oh oh shoot text oh well that didn’t sound like Kobe or YOLO well I know I I knew I wasn’t going to die but like it scared me [Laughter] still yeah I grew up the with the Nintendo Wii as well bro the wi menu back in the day who here just created a bunch of useless M yeah oh my gosh I love doing that my dad would be pissed off every time I do that though but I remember playing a lot of Wii Sports oh my gosh I loved Wii Sports boxing was my favorite there’s a guy who did this video where bro I remember when I used to have a Wii and we played the [ __ ] like bowling and [ __ ] oh yes bowling my God I broke because we used to play on the we used to play it on these the old ass [ __ ] like box TVs that’s a good one as well and I [ __ ] you not bro I threw the Wii controller on accident and smacked it right into the [ __ ] TV screen no it didn’t break the TV cuz it was one of those old like [ __ ] box TVs that were just like they were almost [ __ ] indestructible those things were about as durable as a goddamn noia flutter flutter cupcake go ahead but I [ __ ] you not I broke the [ __ ] controller that [ __ ] hit it pulled it Inward and I heard like oh flut flutter cupcake uh said that she still has one from 200 sick and it’s still working I’m like oh my gosh that’s awesome flutter I need you to package that and send it to me so so you have one from the year that I was born whoa wait sha you’re a miner oh crap I really don’t need to be no I am not no I am not unfortunately no no no because I identify that I am older and then it just so6 yeah you’re 17 no I’m 18 February 16th 2006 oh so just now wasn’t a minor okay so how’s it how does it feel to be to be a full grown adult now to be to be at the big boy table Yeah to be the big boy table oh hey guys more diamonds [ __ ] let’s see bro I keep forgot I keep forgetting where we were at on mountain side so now get digging deeper I’m G dig deep into you big boy oh my shoulder hey guys hey guys hey guys you guys won’t believe it another V of diamond oh my telling you guys it’s it’s in his phone right now the funny thing is this is the prime reason why I only give myself one life and it’s because of my Insane luck like my luck is so [ __ ] insane I can’t even comprehend so you have the no totem of undying rule no no no I mean like I I can use totem of UND dying but I mean I only have one life as and like I don’t even get doesn’t get to vote me back in or whatnot cuz my Lu is just that [ __ ] wild it feels it feels unfair for me to get a second life because of how lucky I I’ve done that as well that hit that hit me hard and breaking oh no okay now I know that’s a fantasy yeah that’s that’s that’s so unrealistic all I’m saying guys all I’m saying is I smack Giger really hard in his ass and it broke his ass so like sh up we said we wouldn’t tell them I thought this uh bro I’m just going to casually add the cave dweller mod until like one of the mod packs oh my God and you’re going to go you’re going to go into a [ __ ] cave like all right guys and then you’re just going to see the [ __ ] thing you’re look get and just going to start bolting at you like this is why I check the mods no no cuz you can actually just rename a mod and it’ll still work the exact same so I could just title it like Ice and Fire whatnot and then just boom I’m just going to have to start doing like a play through of each mod pack I get sent now just be like so what’s supposed to be different here and then all of a sudden you just hear the sounds of the cave dwell and you go oh no no no it’s not even oh no it’s oh I’m almost spit into my mic more diamonds yo sha I found diamonds too actually sorry how many diamonds do you have zero I just imagined how many diamonds you got no no gig how many diamonds you got let’s see eight + 7 15 okay y oh more diamond time to get to mining jumps to Lava oh no but I do actually hear a spider nearby where you at Mr spider soda I feel accomplished in life I found a spruce oh no no there’s lava it’s coming from above no dying bro if you actually die in the Stream that I join in I’m going to be so much bad luck right now like hey guys hey guys hey guys not to be that guy but I see Uno do three three veins of diamonds right now hold on I’m looking for another oh my God I see three uh you are the diamond ho but that’s why he brought me into this yeah gig gig you’re you’re my hoe that I’ve enchanted with loyalty that’s four veins of diamonds right there good God flutter says what about adding the windigo wind to go oh my [ __ ] God if we get a wind to go up in here I’ll quit I just I don’t know why just the would to go is terrifying for me bro the one time I played any sort of horror mod was by myself on Halloween and I went I was like [ __ ] around like I saw something and I was like who it’s like yeah who’s the boss now [ __ ] and then I look and I see something and it just starts running at me I’m not it I’m not it and I get [ __ ] brought down to like one heart I like that was just me don’t worry it was icy that’s just me bro you to that guy not to be that guy I see but if that was you you’re kind of I mean you’ve seen me so you look fine you look fine I oh hey guys two more Vans of diamonds sh shut up sha oh three more van oh wait hold on yeah three more Vans of diamonds I shouldn’t have accepted this offer oh four more Vans of diamonds bro I mean it I mean it you you hook me up with a diamond pickaxe and I’ll go get us netherite I mean I I’ll go straight for it I’m I’m I’m Temptation when it comes to that stuff well the thing is that even if you get us netherite we can’t actually use it yet wait we can’t even oh wait yeah yeah we need we need the templates we need tempat I hate that part I mean I love it because of the difficulty but I hate it not even not even the fact that we have to update because in 1.8.2 netherite does exist it is the fact in which we have to actually um like get the templates and whatnot wait a second we won’t have to get the templates if we have to downgrade well yeah but we’ll get we want we’ll only downgrade once we’ve done like everything that we can do in this bro I will beat the Ender Dragon with iron downgrade I presume you’re you’re GNA like transfer all our stuff over or try uh well when we downgrade it’ll transfer all of our stuff over regardless the only difference is certain things like our house will no longer exist another van diamonds um wait our house won’t exist yeah because like at least uh if it’s made out of Cherrywood yeah because uh in the version we’re going through Cherry stuff wasn’t put in the game yet so anything that exists will any Cherry any Cherrywood stuff will basically this is why I’m not making my house out of Cherrywood what with Cherrywood and I’ve been here since the first day of Minecraft Bro Cherrywood is perfectly fine in fact true men wear pink exactly I know I’m not saying anything about the wood actually I went to I went to prom using hot pink U my prom date wanted to do like this this blue pink kind of thing so my brother wore this uh this baby blue and I got to wear hot pink and you know what I look pretty damn good not going to lie no capat wait so I’ve got about a stack and a half of diamonds I don’t know if that’s good enough yet I see more diamonds though stack and a half yeah I’m still getting more diamonds guys yeah you should do better because I mean that’s that’s actually kind of newbie not going to lie you’re so right in fact for the rest of the series you just stay down there and just provide us until we’re satisfied you should be like SpongeBob for meat Canyon shut up I don’t want to 10 over almost 10K blocks away yeah too bad walk back I know you shouldn’t have you shouldn’t have W so far guys I got another diamond found spr finally here I know how to make the time go by just say that you would walk 5,000 miles and and and then by the time you’re done singing that song on L do we need berries do we need berries we have blue berries uh berry bushes we we could use like if you’re talking about like regular berries bro I will make some awesome natural defenses I can grab them that’s why don’t worry guys I don’t know how deep this okay that Lava Pits not nearly what’s up asking if you want me to bring berries with us bring it back uh sweet berries we need yeah we need sweet berries yes okay I’ll bring them back with me I’m Fox uh I am the fox I’ll be your G I know I’m good with pickup lines I mean why are you like growling shut up I know you’re sleep in night bird what [Music] all right time to go home now what our cor 2,00 5,400 how did we not how did we not which Goin our own home cords I have the home cords – 2,100 5,400 let’s go found a mine okay Bet this up break this okay explore get my surroundings that’s it let’s go I like this uh What uh look at Discord is that it said that it was no 5,400 okay yeah that’s good okay yes Ender I am making a bunker in case we have nuclear war I have to be the only Survivor you know if that were to happen I’m the only one who lives here bro that Alex’s caves mod has a n nuclear bomb and you can actually nuke an egg and get Godzilla oh dang there is diamond oh oh let’s go diamonds let’s go listen guys all I’m saying is I got a stack in 52 diamonds I don’t I I don’t know if I’m done yet though okay sha we get it you’ve wasted your life on Minecraft guys hey guys another vein of diamonds guys he guys hey hey guys I got another vein of D my one Diamond the ve I think I think I’m just a lucky charm or something like people have me come into their Minecraft world just because I find them diamonds they go bring them oh sugar where F page for that yeah just I will find you diamonds bro I will [ __ ] blow you get out of my way all right boys job’s been dealt with going up here oh I got gold and Lapis up here what do you I’m going to do when I get back to base is it fine if I just work on my base or kill yourself yeah I think think I think what Giga recommended would be great you know we could always use another person rotation right about now oh my God it’s just a personal desire all right I’m just gonna work on my house then Okay cool so basically what we’re going to do gig is we’re going to leave this TNT mine cart under bird’s house bro actually majority going be above ground oh hey guys hey guys another vein of diamonds I don’t like God sh stop getting diamonds no don’t say that uh yeah sha that’s that’s pretty cool but I mean it’s not that impressive right you’re right right I need more I need like four stacks of diamonds I’ll come back to surface when I have that yeah I need to make all my Diamond Golems because apparently copper Golems have been suggested but Diamond Golems have not been so just just saying Hell even the Sal Golems have hey guys guess what you found gold holy crap that’s awesome I found another E I want butter man I don’t want diamonds I want the butter armor with the with the butter pants Diamond I’m gonna I’m gonna touch your buttery nipples gigga get over here how’d you know they were buttered I’m inan your closet there’s no one in here I mean there there’s no one in [Music] there check again bro I’ve been just staring into the eyes of this totem of undying and I think we have a connection he’s just he’s looking at me and I’m I’m looking at him but but he’s looking at me but I can’t help but look at him uh neither further I would not pay for either would you wait what I’d pay for neither yeah why pay NE those are my liking what you saying would you pay for ofor men.com I have no idea what that means me neither good you don’t need to now a little too much l more coal bro I don’t I think I may have found a I’m so lucky dark oak oh oh no everything I need in life I’m satisfied dude my girlfriend needs me to get I’m I’m going to burn all your [ __ ] down my girlfriend needs me to get like every single piece of wood in order for her to do her survival building it’s crazy the most one that she recommends is mangrove uh you know the most the most type of the most type of wood I recommend is uh you know Giga the wood that you can supply yourself oh Birch got it I’m assuming he took it in a completely different way I guess yall don’t know why I like Birch oh my God it’s a [ __ ] orphan Oh I thought I thought he got the joke but never mind no for those of you who can get the joke of why I like Birch I mean I maybe I do understand the joke uh maybe I don’t I’ll just I’ll just say this way whoever can leave a comment down in the comment section or in the live chat of what I mean by I like Birch the most well I think I might know is is it dirty minded oh no that’s what I that’s where I’m at I’m I’m in a dirty minded if if not then uh you know uh you didn’t hear anything I’ll put it this way it’s not accepted by social standards yeah bro I’m getting [ __ ] jump I will be right back someone’s blowing up my phone’s blowing shh it’s me you guys sh don’t say it out loud he won’t know guys it was Giga he did no he’s lying there’s no proof honor your honor your honor I I walk I walk down to a hole and I see three veins of diamonds just I bet you locked onto the hole you pervert Yeah fur there’s just like how bro is watching me just walk around in caves aimlessly and then just coming across veins of diamonds is um is a fire charge useless a fire charge I mean to me all right yeah I I have two stacks and a half of diamonds I I really don’t think I need anymore son of a gun like as much as I want to keep the joke going I’m kind of done this game well actually I go for some iron there yeah you fight each other you dumb ass yes gig I’ll fight him it’s fine ah perfect perfect reality of exactly what I wanted don’t worry gig I’ll fight you in the sheets I mean what woo oh hey guys more diamonds guys my favorite color is about to be red here in a moment why why why might that be Giga make you think keep that between us e that quot bro they don’t call me show to man The quota man for nothing oh look it’s a zombie you know Giga that’s actually my name and my uh lethal company server oh is that right yeah my nickname is sh man the qu man cuz we like playing lethal a lot I hear it’s a really popular game like I’ve been seeing it a lot on my feet as a recently even Random Encounters did like a song for it what’s up he’s got drip okay never mind he’s dead dude oh this must be okay somebody else is in this cave with me cuz I found someone’s torch Trail um you’re probably an icest thing because icy is the only one who lights his caves out with torches oh probably yeah there’s there’s there’s a lot of stuff just not harvested here yeah you probably found the area where uh up hey guys I found another vein of diamonds let’s see what’s where’s the oh it’s redone I’m like this Shader pack is so weird okay guys I found oh never mind that’s four veins of diamonds yeah if you found my Cave System probably you’ll find a way up eventually let’s see if I can find you let’s see what’s down here so um I currently have like no food left so I’m going to have to like resurface I got seven Cod to my oh wait never mind I have hay bells yeah there you go just SL away away I got I got all the stuff I need it’s fine no you don’t yeah the stuff you need but not for the rest of us so yeah you you need keep going listen listen further honestly I can’t really it has a lot of grows bro I stay still for a moment every time I hear skeletons you just he like who the [ __ ] who’s getting a boner who mined down this way punk me it was me I really shouldn’t go down here but I’m going to I love jumping zom more Diamond um will you have to neuter me first I’ll make you m honestly oh hey guys honestly guys I think that I’m going to have to steal Giga away low key like let’s see oh hold on I’m maxed out on diamonds for the moment hold on I can spider eyes out there we go okay bring back like five diamonds and he’s just like bsing this entire story bro I found another vein of diamonds I found another vein of diamonds I found another vein of diamonds bro brings back like five or six diamonds sorry I meant clusters my bad if you if you count um four stacks and 16 or yeah no three stacks of 16 diamonds as a uh you know four I mean sure yeah well sh I must be near your cave system or something because I just saw skull in my area locating skull in your area located skull no SK in your area you dirty [ __ ] what’s going on Oreo I someone’s calling me again I will be right back y you know if you’re going to live in your mama’s house you better at least answer her calls with politeness bro I’m not scared of a Creeper of all things that wasn’t me that was you no birdie you need you need stop trying to impersonate me good job suar don’t die I’m not dying I’m just I’m just I’m just like don’t mind me dudes I’m just [ __ ] dying I’m not dying I’m just not staying alive 100% difference staying alive bro every time a mom approaches my like FPS drops are your FPS or is it the like gears in your brain trying to register the fact that there’s a mob walking towards you you know what I haven’t really considered that I keep blaming my PC for everything but it’s not their PC’s fault sometimes F and I just have to accept the fact that my brain is just too slow sugar like me on God yeah that’s why my ex left mate I’m just kidding I already know I have to delete this by the end of today they they’ll catch me oh hey guys I was just mining some building blocks and I found fur I I I I didn’t know you you went through a name change I further I I I don’t know what to say I’m just I missed you I’m happy to see you I missed you we were brothers once and then we were more than Brothers then we were brother and sister and then we were cousins oh God then we were [Music] neighbors and then we got closer oh dang there is a lot of diamonds nope back up back up a lot of diamonds where well I I’ve I just came down here and I’ve already collected Four Diamonds Four Diamonds you go you’re doing things hey I’m I’m I’m rocking life right now bro this skeleton’s on [ __ ] heroin bro just bro just super speeded past me for a second I’m like where are you going dude he’s like see you later like hey DOTA I got one question for you what when’s the when’s the next stream we’re doing a stream next stream uh that’s a great question uh I don’t know we’ll do one tomorrow or not well let me know because I want to go to the end you want to go to the end just go ahead and bomb rush to the end yeah everybody so I hope you enjoyed the series it’s going to end in like tomorrow yeah no I I’m anticipating the end well if big decides that we’re going to the end and I agree with it then we’re going to the end and there’s nothing well all right guys so tomorrow’s episode will be titled the end Z all right cutie bro just give me an iron axe and I’ll scotl them forever this crap [Music] [ __ ] what I I didn’t even bro’s phone did not like pick that up properly I didn’t I didn’t get to hear what he I didn’t know if he said woodsies or the other thing or thought I said I thought he said I thought I said [ __ ] I I wasn’t sure either honestly let’s see what’s over here he called us cat guow I’m going on I my little roip okay that was a little too close for comfort oh get me out I’m out of here I’m leaving let’s see what’s on down here nothing okay nothing nothing all right hold on I need to do something real quick so I guess I will I hate these things I got a buried treasure map you got a buried treasure map let’s go you’ll get eat nothing but I my inventory is full so I’m debating if I should just go get it actually no I’m already in area oh I found a ladder that isn’t mine in the mines oh I wonder where it leads totally not into this big old cave that I have going on down here good luck you’ll be stuck there for at least a minute or two I know my way out I know my way in and out of each cave I got a message from somebody oh never mind nope I Ain it let’s see I got to catch up on my chat here let’s see if they made a raid Farm sustainable lives here yeah yeah I think I think J actually already does have a raid Farm actually under oh oh looks like this from under it looks like this is from under J’s house oh no you found it the secret layer the exit where else will it go oh shoot where where did that come from know that there’s two ways in now exactly if you want to take the very complicated route because you know women just go that way zero damn I got to light up this little area here it’s not that I play Minecraft too safe it’s that I play safe with Minecraft 100% well sugar dang it you son of a gun I bet that was further who did that one which [ __ ] did that it was further I bet you yeah I don’t know why I got scared I was on the ladder I was about to say I was the one getting scared I’m looking around going where did that come from oh wait I went down here I have close captioning on so oh you’re with bird so you happen to not play a sound effect you’re absolutely right useful I can’t find the chest anywhere I can’t find it uh go 3 Dees South okay um there you are I I got no shovel either your delivery oh thank I down let me see I what’s up is the ghost allowed to help me find a chest in the sand [ __ ] no yeah you’re going to have to search for it you got to work for it man I’m looking actually actually you know what I want to make a wooden um W guys I’m the greatest asset to the company you’re the greatest ass you know it got to get up this ladder real quick bro I got I got so many diamonds man like I’m I’m going to put everyone to shame when I when I show you this stuff now this time I’m safe because I’m on a ladder so that one didn’t affect me as much let’s see what else do we got vampire gaming what’s up clo the cupcake how you doing let’s see what else we got Stefon that’s going on jeez all right so I’ve got some resources but mainly I went down there so I can get a lot of cobblestone deep slate so that way I can follow y’all’s little Trend here yeah let’s see where is okay so y’all got a furnace in the chest I’m cave oh never mind I’m at the surface I thought I was going to be watching my screen right like you’re you’re near me right the ghost further the ghost further further the ghost further the ghost just that up can you do kind cold or no no no you’re not getting any you’re not getting any help I’m searching because what’s it called the um you knowas map they’re [ __ ] dude yeah they they’re never accurate further no stop it I’ve never like been able to go my leg honly be hilarious if F just leads boat in the wrong direction that’s what I think he’s doing that’s why I’m going opposite what he’s telling me it doesn’t mean anything bro that means he helped you though you went the opposite way exact opposite he told me the exact opposite that mean he helped you you knew how to you know how to bait him oh no sure have banned him um start start being serious in you guys no I just I just kicked him from the server that’s all back I just banned him for all eternity oh of course of course naturally uh do we need a heart of the sea should I just gra it uh yeah we’ll need one oh yeah I can’t wait to use the heart of the sea so I can use the non-existent conduit that I ever do within my non-existent SE base my my plan is just using it because I’m a fisherman so uh wait a second how do I make wait a second am I doing this wrong yep how do I make stone brick uh deep slate bricks um cuz I just smelted I just smelted deep slate stone I thought that’s how you do it you just need regular deep site I believe and you just put it in a [ __ ] cutter polish deep you don’t need you don’t need you son of a gun I don’t even need to smelt it a shoot get get get these out of here get get get these out of here oh my God man I didn’t even have to smelt it no well I just feel stupid now oh look what do you know bricks yay I’m smart all right time to slave away oh lovely breaking I got a singular diamond from that thing hey let’s go singular diamond on that hey it’s one Diamond that contributes to a diamond armor actually it probably won’t it’ll probably be framed away and saying don’t touch this too much diamonds already that’s what I’m saying it’ll be stowed away and say don’t touch this diamond this diamond has the palms of a deceitful person on it you know gig you’ll fit in just great here I’m so glad I can tribute um I I really did get a message was just posting cords of a m shaft I have no inventory space to go check it out but I have I I have no use to check out a m the only shaft I have interested in checking out is G I mean what what’s going on I know big big reveal let’s see I need to put this in a crafting table here no there we go cuz I don’t like my house is looking ugly is it okay there we go does it look ugly gig no not yet you sure let’s see um going to break this bro I like my pink cuz at first I really hated the update I mean I I actually really hated this update but the more I played it I just actually slowly started taking a liking into it are you are you specifically talking about the caves and cliffs um no no no tales and trails at first when I when I was playing it I is that I don’t even know what it’s like what even gives what what did it do it it had some nice ambient stuff I mean nothing that contributes to a game change but I mean I just like the subtlety of it especially what what was the whole update it was like it was armor trims for Cosmetics it was Pottery shs um so you could do archaeology or whatnot or attempts to but they did add one thing that I’m probably going to get flagged for but I voted for the sniffer man I know we could have gotten like cool hideand-seek game mechanics but the sniffer is a dinosaur man like you just I wasn’t going to vote against it valid plus its name was so sus and it just fit the it just fit the dynamic of Joe Biden so it’s just like I had to vote this Neer honey I’m home I was so scared too because in the past couple of updates anything blue was voted into the game or that was like the the meme so I’m s going no the sniffer has to win the the sniffer can’t lose it’s a dinosaur there’s too many young kids on here that will just look at and be like dinosor I’m going to vote for the dinosaur you can get uh you can get seeds all right I say I can say the only like thing that I’m like kind of like upset about like not being added in had to have been what I found a a jungle temple I haven’t seen one of these in a long time go take a peek there’s a secret room with um chest isn’t there like traps in here no there’s not just just dig straight down you’ll be perfectly fine I don’t have inventory space for this don’t worry the what’s up oh yeah here you go my bad oh my gosh that that took a while all right let’s see I mean it’s cool man I mean I can make a helmet and some like some some some uh wet socks but I mean that that’s about it man that’s here I’ll give you I’ll give you I’ll give you my socks and my underwear helmet so does the jungle temple even have anything good honestly maybe the trims and that’s about it I I never go into a jungle temple like maybe when I was I haven’t even seen one in so long when I was 8 years old I was like jungle temple I’ll get what’s it called the um I’ll go back for it later I just saved the cords cuz I don’t have inventory space for it sha I must have your eyes present I need you to appreciate me oh hold on I’m 2,000 blocks away I’m on my way home sorry gig I’m a little busy appreciating the food on my plate son of don’t you know I’m fasting too so you just so you just had to bring it up so is this is this are you actually I I I appreciate stuff but not that much I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t like starve myself unless I absolutely was commanded by the Lord to do so and then I would do it and even this then I’ll struggle I ain’t Jesus I temp 2 3 1 2 3 one 2 3 1 2 3 bro I’m about to make you a tricycle you better stay on next time there we go told you bir I I literally said before I started streaming bird’s going to be crashing like every five minutes let’s see what’s this is this a block no it’s just a slab oh it’s to cover that up oh by the way Giga you can keep those other Diamonds oh good I already planned on doing that but thank you for giving me the option I plan on stealing it right from your hands and just never giving it back to you is that right I know I’m a thief in Disguise but I mean if you absolutely want the diamond it oh no sha don’t cry don’t don’t cry sha don’t don’t cry who’s your tiger Crouch with me Crouch with me jot it you leaving you went to go get milk you’re faster than my [Laughter] dad that’s crazy what the hell oh here my turn Ro I got to get these I got to put these socks up there you sock that’s funny Jesus CHR yeah bro I’m like a kid on crack like sometimes when I go to work the bosses have to pull me aside just to make sure I’m not doing crack like a kid on crack or you are a kid on crack probably am but I just don’t even know know it you know I was expecting you to go next question but you know to well I mean I’m sorry to just next question okay go in now that’s more life surprised Cody has lasted this long well fudge you in particular Ender [ __ ] you and you and you and oh especially you make sure you get right between the legs dare shoot I’m mining with why am I still doing this why am I I need did we have like a trash can or something um no cuz I got to throw myself in there you can put it in sh’s house he didn’t understand the joke did not understand a joke did not understand the assignment let’s see where did not understand the assignment just going to throw this stuff in there yeah you should just get better actually just just just go ahead and leave like I mean you can’t even fit to stay on bye sha like you should like on God just like go away now you should uninstall now like the only thing that comes good from your life is probably your mother and that’s about it MH I’m sorry bird I didn’t mean to offend you you’re not very nice I’m sorry I’m sorry you know too old for this stuff I’m just I’m I’m at that age where I just don’t care about life anymore just don’t care with my body we need a ton of coal that’s right I’m about as average kid as you can get damn it my pickaxe broke back up the ladder I’m on my fifth desert temple iy get your ass back in here if you don’t have a hot mom what are you doing with your life you know I’m still trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life oh wait shoot I guess I just said that out loud didn’t I oh never mind I I did go through this desert temple already or someone did well guys I hope you enjoy this video being ladder simulator as you can tell still climbing if y’all want to skip ahe go ahead and just click the arrow button just just click next on the video there we go yeah whoa what the hell why am I hearing spiders I hear speeder here speeder oh son of a I see I just want you to know opened the door too like that was so oh my gosh I see I just want you know the second you logged I came into your house and I started looting your [ __ ] I seem like it’s okay I’m used to it at this point I just I just try to stay friends with people I try to I try to stay neutral I hate that you actually pinpoint in my life you it’s okay buddy I understand I’ve got an entire friend group just like you oh oh sh they’re sit here watching this video now probably flipping me off silently no not yet let me see can I get a middle finger in the chat real quick I I need AIT bit bit of middle middle finger in in the chat just somebody send Aid middle finger and if you can do that if you can take a picture of your Thanos glove and just send a middle finger to me there connected to bro I know what to do now I’m Batman under this crap I could just steal from here like I’ll just steal the food from here again 2.5 right what I was asking how much bread gives like 2.5 bars right I want my Cod please um yeah I think you’re right I think it’s like two and a half all right still dropping my fish E I don’t want salmon why not salmon bro Salmon’s like the best man you must have no taste buds man’s a hater on the salmon oh so Giga what are you implying about yourself then you have no taste buds which is probably why you like to suck di I got taste for you get over here big boy I’m at least you shut my door did did I shut your door my laging now no see I told you like like anytime it end came by it just rendered for me like it it my frames just dropped for bro bro bro I just disconnected broon bro oh my gosh bro I just I lost my progress and now I got to do that again bro oh bro that’s such bro great now I get to I just have to redo this part now bro bro my gosh bro I’m just sitting here having to redo do the work I already done bro there we go I fixed it we’re all good you know what they say happy show to happy [Music] life jokes on you oh you got in water [Music] sh what are you doing upstairs are there Phantoms in this yes there’s Phantoms and they pay ass I bet you like it that way though thank you bro I appreciate the let’s see whoa somebody hit the Bell bro there’s somehow a villager nearby bro further must be like like like a god or something like bro he’s just like controlling the soundboard yeah yeah if you go down there sh there’s like a huge huge mine that’s connected to somebody’s F God of War going to build this here what you doing I see what you doing bud what you doing bud huh how you feeling how you feeling I get off my door you stupid [ __ ] yeah only I’m allowed in here no poly stuff up in here okay yeah no doors for you sir I’m home [ __ ] I don’t think so I don’t think you’re home I see I see there we go build that around are you ready to die M my boy you’re trying to kill my boy YOLO YOLO you mass in the people you can’t do this you you the kill in the M if you kill them then you have no one near to kill you have to be reasonable with your people you put them in your place you show them it isn’t it isn’t right to play in this kind of thing they they got to they got to whip it out and then they got to ttin then they got to tinkle in the toilet and then they put it back in and then they make sure that they wipe the side of the toilet and only then can you flush I see how how are your doors doing butd I see how are your how your doors doing let’s see there we go so far living have been the best part this how are your how are your doors oh outside world I’ve never seen it before it’s so colorful like such a beautiful place I guess I really do need to build down hey buddy hey buddy hey I see it’d be such a shame if you died right now wouldn’t it be such a shame we never see you for the SE movies hello are you icy I’m actually pretty damn high oh okay well in that case well in that case I’ll just send the police over sorry I had to eat I was hungry I’m going to place oh wait I’ve got you H are you now AC I am at one heart okay I was about to end your whole career with right behind you all right come on iy I’ll give you your do back so what if I were to just accidentally accidentally I do say uh shoot icy I said get your ass back over here boy so like if I were to just accidentally draw this this curs Vanishing boats did you make bro well if I were just to accidentally pull on this thing right now come on let’s go back to house where you sh I have a um a uh light turn for you turn let’s say was to accidentally Miss need sword enchant guys I is trying to run away he’s trying to run away I’m going to kill him I’m going to have to kill I I’m gonna have to kill him hi hi I was told to kill you I know look at this you think you’re going buddy where do you think you’re going yeah I see I have better than you I don’t know where do you think going bud you think you’re going I don’t know I do you think you’re going I hear fa in the wind y gig what I where you going bud what come back to the house I see you can’t leave us you can’t leave us totem and a golden apple oh look a TNT happened to be placed down right underneath Sha’s base oh look it’s it’s blocking my location what if I were to L shoot one of these with a flame T I’m I’m going to add you I’m going to add you to the graveyard I oh I see I see I see sha don’t come back to the house it’s currently in pieces but don’t worry I’ll try to fix it it’s just going to cost you a was F5 but it was def my house no it’s icy fault he placed the TNT down yeah man I’m just trying to escape see he admits it too see icy the thing is is that after a while the prey that you’re chasing slowly over time it will get tired and eventually eventually I see giving me a slight nice adrenaline rush because the caffeine isn’t working for me anymore so zero get this all built on the side here there we go sweet slick little bastard get back here howo are you icy how you feeling buddy well he hasn’t said yellow yet so he’s perfectly fine yeah you’re probably right you’re probably right you see I see what you didn’t know YOLO is that I actually I actually am catching up to you right now you see actually I used to watch a lot of anime back in the day and it’s just so unfortunate for you that I happen to be an anime training Master with of course a lot of love for Goku and and all those other Avatar every other episode things Bakugan oh yeah I’m a pro I hope I hope you know I see I’m coming to kill you so you better keep running so you have the death can you not be murdering and actually do [ __ ] I I did things I did things I got a bunch of hey it’s me Goku [ __ ] bra look guys it’s me Goku from the de you’ll run out of water eventually I see and when you do I’ll be right behind you well sugar this thing just keeps getting lower and lower I go to the world water yeah there’s no way in hell you chase me to the world B no I saw somebody’s name tag for like a second it’s listen it’s okay you won’t make it to the world border hold on I I swear I thought I saw someone’s name tag for like a a second down here I see what are you what are you doing over there bud bro you know what would be another fun uh fun concept showa it’s like one person’s in creative mode and the rest are in survival and we have to appease the creative God in order for in order for everybody to be blessed with certain things and if those who don’t obey they get cursed oh my God they get a pumpkin on their head with curs binding we’re going to have sha with just Mr Beast content up here so um C what how’s it going because I’m going to be on the run for a while on the run for a while just so you know I see we are 1,000 blocks out from base D my God my my goal is just to stall this as long as possible you know I see all I have to do is wait for a big land MK to surround you and then I just have to cut you off all I got to do is wait for Ma I would they show it with a bow though oh never mind I’m blind I see a bow never mind I he a bow icy where you going buddy where you going who had the soundboard I’m it’s who I hope it’s further because if not I have to owe somebody a huge apology get over here I you you see am I working on as if you didn’t notice gotten a lot closer to you already got you I’ve covered quite a bit of ground I see I mean that’s oh I see I think I think our little game is slowly going to come to an end here soon no no that’s what an organm is called I’m good you don’t think so you don’t think so yeah didn’t you try and Hunt me before and how did this go oh it went smoothly very pleasant no I mean you had to tell Point me out to actually get to me well that’s because I let you run C 5K show of cheating this this time I am right behind you and as I see land is appearing everywhere eventually you’re going to run into a dead end actually there’s a big open area in the water that’s over 10,000 blocks of water oh yeah well we’re nowhere near that we uh what’s aord uh we are currently going into the positives in the first coordinate here soon oh then never mind actually no close if the negative like over if the negative is going closer to zero then you are in the yeah well we’ve been going straight for quite some time oh he’s about to get cut off get back here get back here I see he’s going to get cut off going build down here there we go I see and there’s already sapl I see man’s blood first today God damn you’re dying I see you’re dying damn boy you got some blood one I win the fight that’s the thing let’s see I see will show to ever kill I see see you next time on Dragon Ball Z dead end him dead end him oh yeah never mind is no dead end yet dead end this little [ __ ] [ __ ] kill him get the I see I see where you going buddy you are blood you will be trial for your P Dirty Bastard you’re looping you’re looping usually peoplehood the is because I have no more room left to run see I’m going to get I’m just waiting to find ice like okay I’m waiting for you to make a mistake well first you have to wait until he gets a girlfriend yeah uh that’s not I see I see I see look how close I am look how close I am now I see no don’t turn around I see you cannot run from Destiny yeah I see you can’t run I see I was just trying to kill holy [ __ ] I was just trying to chill and then I was trying to be friends but then you dirty bastard get back here oh I see I see you [ __ ] up now you [ __ ] up now bud you [ __ ] up you [ __ ] up I see I see you [ __ ] you now you [ __ ] up now you [ __ ] to shoot and I’m pretty sure I have like five more boats do um no this is turned into a manh heart um bro we should do this man’s doing though I think we’re going to need a replacement for Icy thing oh trust me we will let’s see is trying to escape communism so I have to catch oh my gosh on a fishing trip and this is what happens are you trying to go I see you’re trying to leave does it seems like you’re trying to leave I’m just going to throw this stuff in here ha back to the main ocean all right Sha I’ve gotten us a small a small storage room in the works working on making it bigger but this is just what I got right now okay I don’t know if yall do the Sorting stuff or not so I’m just going to for now I can do it oh shipwreck over there look guess I don’t really need the shield okay I gotta get off I’ll be back in a little bit does any got feathers I see I see there should be something in one of the chests um no I know I’m how is this I got to get a chicken farm how does this always happened me ending up running away from The Madness of that just says love right there for you my friend I see I see where you going buddy where you going actually where you going don’t I have the inventory room yeah yeah I see come up come up the surface I [ __ ] dare you I [ __ ] dare you I see come up the surface yeah I see yeah I see come up the surface here we go put that there and we’ll just SP it there that’s I see how low are you looking looking a little low there I just popped a enchanted golden apple so oh my gosh you you popped a golden apple for a chasing I see come on bud wrong I guess I’ll put the heart of the scene there where’s my we’re do we’re doing we’re doing big things out here doing big things where is all these enchanting books Bingo grab these okay just making sure that’s regular chest just remember I see yeah bud and I’ll put I’ll put enchantments where you going where you going buddy and now we’re going to grab the blocks damn stairs I was really hoping I you didn’t getting that bow back dirt more blocks more blocks more blocks more blocks more blocks blocks for days and pop it here Bingo yeah I see where you going damn I got that much okay fine I’ll just have to make more chest yeah I think I’m good here I see I see I I hear if you believe just long enough all things will happen yeah I see going buddy you’re welcome unfortunately sha believes too much in his heart that you’re going to die so you just might as well accept it now you see you might just want to accept it because uh that Golden Apple effect seems to be running out on you bud we’re going to lose another member oh yeah Show’s like but that’s the whole point of the fun losing people and finding more people that’s just that’s just reality you lose things you find things and then you kill things oh whoopsies that’s just for me but you know it’s all in the fun put y there bingo no what you doing buddy all right now doing there buddy now I need my torches now you really look like you’re hurting a little bit thereby nah that’s just speculation yeah I see where you going where you going I see get back here get back here I see looks like you’re out of boats there we go I see it seems that you’ve run out of boats haven’t we check Moote I am from the United States of America I’m I’m a proud red white and blue oh I see you want know how I got these you want to know how I got these subscribers you see there was a person his name was shoda and he recommended an idea to me he recommended that I use hashtag in the related video section and then my videos boom they don’t blow up it’s because I have to go further back to say that it was actually fig who recommended that I do five nights at animes which was a nice idea at the time but I see you look like you’re hurting there I have a nice accent well thank you very much I do appreciate I do just appreciate about every single thing that I can do at the same time so I I’m glad that I could delegate my accent to your day let’s see I’d have laughed if it’s like Hannah’s alternate account something going I hate you for once I thought someone actually was appreciating me let’s see um well dang that’s just putting my my my my building to shame thank you further I’m glad I can have some support in this in these Hard Times bro we got an iron golem let’s go oh his name’s further Junior wait further Junior I see come on fight me fight me I see further do you have some explaining what you’re done you’re done I win is it doesn’t matter I it doesn’t matter postmortal I still win I still win I still win I still win totem where you going where you going IC see trying to get out looks like you’re trying to escape I see you can only run for so long oh okay okay further than I forgive you get over here I see where are you going there were no women so a man’s got to do it a man’s got to do they got to birth out [Music] people chat this is what I like to call luck um let’s see I’m going to grab my I’m going to go ahead and enchant one of my armor pieces I got 10 10 XP points which is it’s okay it’s not good but it’s okay what y’s levels enchanting at you’re done you’re done I see you’re done keep in mind this is with a very far difference in armor I got to come in here and mind you you also an enchanted golden apple this fight would be over and it’s over yes there you go I dead and left Shoulda killed that I did that I did I’m not in spectator so oh yeah hold on the server’s a little buggy right now so yeah I finally win well chat that’s that Ming efficiency you know what’s crazy I see my armor is still almost full durability that’s because you put mending on it what XP would have he had gotten from that you put Unbreaking four on it uh Unbreaking three is Max Unbreaking three you put like I only have Unbreaking three on like one piece of my gear and that’s my legs didn’t you also have protection four yeah I did everything yeah I put protection four on very much I only had protection actually I don’t think I had any protection four I think I all had Protection One prop one prop one prop four on the chest piece prop four on the leggings ah everything brought one no other enchantments let’s let’s see what icy’s uh fishing rod for told me I think it had um like Z3 Unbreaking three manying one let’s go W Dam W the chat it’s crazy CH I I don’t even know what I’m doing in here CH all right time time for me to put my pole together the thing is you ain’t gonna fish I already know that all right so I’m on the lookout for chickens hting me some game well um yeah bro where’s all the where’s all the mobs at there we go there we go revive me revive you think I’m G to have to swap my Shader back I’m I’m gonna have the they get to vote the disrespect by leaving my see shaders let’s swap [Music] to choic it’s fine I wasn’t worried about the items I just want to kill them well this this feels weird sorry I had some I had some blood lust I need to I need to deal with it wow this looks even more weird okay time to go home vibrant when you’re killing the chickens well um safe to say oh there’s a cow profile the black ones it’s going to take me a while to get that yeah you’ll be fine uh yeah definitely not lagging now I’ll have to fish at all I enjoyed our little man hunt though yeah gave you how many minutes of content um enough for me to be satisfied with you I got to start practicing my uh MLG mace skills over here when I jump off high blocks and make sure I hit an entity yeah because that mace is going to be op once once I master it probably gave um Shota versus Giga I honestly after that fight I’m pretty sure I know who’s winning also Giga has like no gear bro bro don’t don’t don’t just pre- assume man just pre assume yeah don’t pre assume just because you have full diamond Enchanted armor and I like just got his basic diamond weapons and a basic Diamond suit of armor doesn’t mean anything it just means you have more experience that’s all and experience means nothing apparently I’ll say it’s a fight for what I had chickens it was a good fight but you wasted Golden Apple yeah and I also wasted L Chien just as chicken oh well I mean we have a totem farm so it don’t matter bro bro the chickens holy shot I got chickens oh I have two of those so it doesn’t matter just keep giving you make me a sandwich well chat am I going to be revived CH it like chat do we revive icy uh say yes or no oh yeah do we want to do revives for other players and whatnot too just between like both polls or just online sure I’ll do I’ll do a PO Poll for further Chad should we bring further back to life no no we’re not bruck de for a reason good one buddy well it was worth a try sorry chat no chat don’t don’t chat no no chat no don’t don’t I’m sorry chat I got abs absolutely no yeses for further it’s all right further you’re loved by you have parents [Laughter] right you know pardon me was hoping that after that fight they would have just been like denied but also I’m like yeah I don’t want icy voted out 11 feathers now I just need grab I if I get voted out I end up getting voted out next time on total kind of the reality of it and no one’s died for a few streams so it’s all good so it’s bound to happen the further you’re part of the chat yes you can vote yeah you can vote you can vote yourself sweet I’m going just see one I’m going to see one no vote pop up in my pole now cuz right now you have all yeses oh y y yeah there you go fa where is my honestly I did the best I could for hardcore and that is impressive for me compared to last time hey that’s what I say if you believe hard enough everything will come true Just sh have believed more than you did oh yeah see when I the G the way I operate is when I want something done it’s getting done whe wait is this the tower you were talking about earlier like in the very beginning of the stream I don’t know somebody said I could be like part of their wizard tower whatnot and come yeah yeah there’s a big ass [ __ ] Tower or there’s a tower slowly being constructed Tower of water now sha how much PVP have you practiced um I’ve been doing well for keyboard and mouse I don’t practice any sort of PVP but back on Console let’s just say I’d been pvping since the ever since the uh Hunger Games for since they added that safe to say I was up against someone who knows PVP and had better armor I’ll take that I don’t know PVP for [ __ ] with Java though I’ll be real I mean nonetheless I mean I will say I will say I did I did send you to [ __ ] Jesus and back with how like I had you in a combo in the water while you had a shield too and I just gave zero fck tip swinging oh my gosh you know there was a point where you had me on like four hearts and I just kept swing and then you swam away yeah if it was if it was 1.8.9 I break out my auto clicker that’s my expertise I purposfully have like a like drag clicking Mouse just for stuff like that so about about to start [ __ ] bro these Phantoms are hitting me from behind I’m not liking it all right well I see you are getting revived but uh yeah I love how I love how the only deaths this like like at all right now currently are just the [ __ ] deaths of us killing each other out of boredom that’s sad that is sad well no bird well yeah bird died to a creeper but I mean honestly that was 10 minutes into the stream I don’t really a creeper Walling diamond armor yeah that’s fair it’s okay it’s okay icy we’ll bury your corpse somewhere nice you respawn as [ __ ] instr you kill you just bye have a great time okay chat should sha do that show to do what should I should I just insta kill I I’m actually we got to vote for that chat all right CH should I show INR me be INR if I should live let’s see I’ll put this I’ll put this up for de for debate I’ll do a full on this I’ll put it up for debate I I’ll let chat decide your fate your full fate you’ll take your eyes you’ll take your eyes just like you took your friend’s eyes chit yeah definitely would agree that the combat update is nice because it isn’t just Spam clicking now but bro you’re one of those players it takes um a little bit more practice n it takes skill to spam click man like you don’t even know you may you may actually be in favor of chat here oh 67% is winning with no ooh 67% oh 5050 now it’s 5050 now this is getting fun I know iy’s just sitting here to his legs no my adrenaline rush is actually going off I like this let’s play Let’s play some high stakes here after if it’s eventually going to become dou nothing like dou nothing give it to the next person next person that logs on gets killed twice yes oh [ __ ] 60 for sentes yes I see oh oh it’s back to 50/50 oh wait hold on it’s back to no don’t worry people are still Humane I love this I love this because the funny thing is this isn’t this is gambling with my life but it’s an instant crit to kill that’s where the fun part comes in oh shoot I’m actually getting excited for this you know what it’ be funny if I don’t tell you when I’m going to crit hit you so you could be on Parts when I just pop out of [ __ ] nowhere you’re not allowed to wear armor that would be hilarious my archery skills you do pulls up you do it right after the um Ender Dragon everybody’s yeah I’m like hey hey you remember uh you remember stream five in my mind I’m just like no no you you should tell the people in your chat to go over my stream and vote chat make sure that you go over to his stream and and vote to make sure if icy decides to get insta killed or not yeah you have to click on my link in the description below it’ll take you to show’s channel in which you can vote vote there I put insta kill it’s just a [ __ ] crit it’s a crit randomly I’ll give I’ll give icy a crit hit randomly ion it won’t tell him when but it could be this stream no come on I’m better with the bow than that there we go in that fight with um I see there I used all my arrows except for like five yes I depleted you on something your resources have been dealt with now you must face the true consequences of your actions Sho so I see let’s make this clear it’s not killing you it’s just critting you randomly at some point right yeah so therefore if it’s an instant or do you want it to be death because like it’s decide that as well well right now I have it on insta kill that that’s the that’s the vote right now now yeah chat you’ll have to vote like 20 other things there’s there’s uh there’s it’s kind of like I’ll I’ll let the next vote decide this so everyone who’s voted keep their [ __ ] votes where they are next vote decides seriously Point Blank dang I got worse with the bow the the next vote oh wait oh I’m already back here aren’t I wait that fucker’s got a try give me that [ __ ] CU I want your [ __ ] run your pockets run your pockets CU and my Wi-Fi is back on yeah I got the Trent let’s go that’s almost dead but I can get okay okay let’s see further back in as well I don’t know about all that um you know what we can make this actually no I’m not even going to say that giving in more ideas huh yeah I’m this is just me being a gambler so let’s see gambling with my fate I see this next boat decides your fate on whether or not you live or die that’s really fun if nobody decides on the vat I’ll start calling people I know and ask them like I’ll see if I can get yes no oh yeah you know what just say yes or no don’t even tell what for just say yes or no y that’s beautiful but so mean and I love it dang it [ __ ] pig there we go well in the meantime let’s see what Giga is doing oh no I’m not doing anything yeah just killing pigs with a bow that I gave you yes I know thank you further further a dead man only lives at most here yeah further dead he sounded so happy with it you know if if you were happy with staying dead it’s perfectly baby zombies you know I’m just wondering like who’s going to take icy’s spot if I he dies you didn’t plan this far ahead well I mean KN I know somebody who can die fast enough that’s wild this is still 5050 yeah it’s still 50/50 I’m waiting if nobody votes within the next couple minutes I’m going to you’re going to tilt the vote in your favor no I’m gonna call someone on Discord randomly and have them decide this is getting really come on come on Boom there we go I haven’t lost mytp icy Silver Phoenix sgame mode survival I see Silver Phoenix hello all right so I’m going to toss you your [ __ ] for now until the vote has been decided oh is that the wondering Trader there’s your I’m not even going to put the armor back on all right what power level is it oh it’s power five oh I’m going to climb up here all right once once that timer goes to 8 minutes I’m going to I’m going to go and call someone okay you’ll volunteer hello not in someone who’s not currently in chat BL d a bucket of a tropical fish you know what I think I think I might I think I might call Grim actually I’m going to call Grim that’s who I’m going to call I like to shake why is there a cat all the way out here okay I’m ending the poll it’s on a 50/50 meaning I’m GNA call someone real quick let’s see um sweet Grim grimy oh all right oh my gosh seriously I used to be so good with a bow now I suck at it let’s see over here nothing nothing nothing oh that’s the tower okay so chat how are you doing as this might be further but I’m missing you yeah where are you I see are you in front of me yeah I’m just okay give me give me a second I’ll be right back into the VC I need chat to hear Grim confirm okay okay let’s go I I got talk for a bit actually Chad can’t even hear us at this moment oh um can so oh yeah further my my stream can still hear you what are you doing mute yourself whoever had this Tower I’m sorry I stole all your feathers all I’m saying you can he in the chat you know what let’s also go and take his chat no don’t type in gigas chat well look who we have here what if you were to die again how much xp do you have on you no no actually [Laughter] [Music] nothing so I’ll just take the XP just take your [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] rod [Laughter] an honorary of of of I see here I leave you his boat oh my oh my God all right oh you can see me trying to get out like Cobble right there one hit that was funny whoa who the roof is broken up here there he goes I might have did that no no no no get out of here get I got to I got to get out got to get gift I gave them I gave them a pet fish and they are and they just still have so so wait are you dead I see I am dead yeah a [ __ ] um I’m probably get my final last words in showers chat and then went like this was the sound blood made then I’m probably going to peace out let’s see yeah I got to head off too so going do it on my nice homemade couch here I mean I don’t really have to head out at all but I mean no I do I gotta go do workouts out yeah I work out on my only a few requests yes that was amazing all right let’s see what show is saying all righty then guys that’s going to be it for today’s episode of streaming and things of like that I hope you did enjoy this new style of content with some of the homies that I’ve been hanging around with if you did enjoy please please do make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more content like this do be sure sure to check out Sha’s channel on his page and make sure to subscribe to him as well while you’re at it anyway guys that’s going to do it for me and this is giga blasto 2 signing out see

This video, titled ‘Playing Hardcore for the First Time [Episode 1] #Minecraft #Survival #Hardcore’, was uploaded by GigaBlast 02 on 2024-03-21 12:59:21. It has garnered 125 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:36 or 7716 seconds.

Hey hey hey everyone, Gigablast02 herer, and welcome back to a brand new series featuring Shota and his bunch. Today is all about getting to know the crew as well as aid Shota in his mission. Be sure to pop on in and say hello! Make sure to check out Shota’s channel down below! If you do enjoy this form of content, make sure to leave a like and subscribe for more content like this! Anyways God bless yah and have a great day!

Shota’s Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@ItzShota

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    50 Ways to Die in Create+ Deleted Scenes Minecraft’s Propel Plant: A Deleted Scene from 50 Ways to Die in Create+ Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, filled with surprises and challenges. In the realm of Create+, a popular mod for Minecraft, players encounter unique elements like the Propel Plant. While some scenes may not make the final cut due to various reasons, they still offer insights into the creativity and humor within the Minecraft community. The Propel Plant: A Quirky Addition The Propel Plant, a feature within Create+, adds a touch of whimsy to the game. This plant propels players into the air,… Read More

  • ColonyState SMP modded, MineColonies, Whitelist, 1.20.1

    ColonyState SMP – Modded Minecraft Server Looking for a refreshing modded server? ColonyState SMP is a welcoming server encouraging all abilities and types of players. Join us now and grow your colony at your own pace! Server Details: Custom modpack based around MineColonies Light, semi-vanilla pack suitable for low-end devices Includes mods like Iron’s Spells, The Graveyard, Create, Farmer’s Delight, and more Rules: No PVP without mutual agreement No stealing, griefing, or duping Server aimed at players aged 15+ How to Join: If you’re interested in joining or want more information, please DM the head admin on Discord: TimeLordVampire#2140 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Net loss on the mining mission.

    Looks like they were mining for diamonds but ended up hitting rock bottom instead! Read More

  • Oldroot’s Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle

    Oldroot's Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, Oldroot’s puzzle, with codes and clues untold. Researchers on Reddit, a journey they take, To solve the enigma, for the truth’s sake. A dark figure, a SoundCloud link in disguise, Leading to clues, hidden in the skies. Riddles and codes, a message to find, In every step, the truth intertwined. From Kuzgun’s whispers to a Tumblr blog, Each link revealing, like a dense fog. A steve’s image, a new dark sight, Guiding researchers, through the night. Morse code signatures, a message to decode, Each step taken, on the hidden road. A… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Mining in the Custom Dimension!

    Crafting Chaos: Mining in the Custom Dimension! Thank you for joining us on this episode of Minecraft Encrypted Underscore. We delved into the mining dimension, crafted custom tools, and explored the world of modded questing survival with Nik and Isaac. From building a smeltery to generating lava, we tackled various challenges and set the stage for future magical adventures. Stay tuned for the next episode where we dive into the realms of magic with mixing cauldrons, mana, and artifice. Mahou Tsukai awaits us with its mystical wonders. Join us as we continue our journey through the encrypted underscore mod pack. And remember, always know your worth,… Read More

  • Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser

    Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser Minecraft Storymode: Youtubers vs The Wither Storm Part 2 Sneak Peak 2 A Mysterious Return In the world of Minecraft, unexpected events can shake even the bravest of adventurers. The return of the Wither Storm has left our heroes in disbelief. The once-thought defeated command block seems to have a new lease on life, causing chaos and confusion among the Youtubers. A Race Against Time As the Wither Storm wreaks havoc once again, the Youtubers must band together to face this formidable foe. With time running out, they must uncover the truth behind the Wither Storm’s resurrection and find… Read More

  • JeromeASF’s EPIC Minecraft Cookie Camp Factory!

    JeromeASF's EPIC Minecraft Cookie Camp Factory!Video Information all right let us play video games all right mate all right what what you said all right and it made me think of all right terrible I love ah yes everyone’s favorite mini game in Minecraft cookie cam his named after my pet rabbit look how adorable she is you should see how much she poos it’s a lot oh that this is where we figure out that drum’s just been covering for cookie the entire time yeah yep y well that’s the whole point of the game you have a rabbit named cookie in this box… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Guide

    The Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock GuideVideo Information okay so I think we’re live me slide this down looks like it’s going yep that girl is probably more entertaining than me how you doing tonight sir oh two viewers I am popular Pro streamer is not in my future I’m afraid there’s a lot of work involved in that that I do not want to be all right so can you hear me all right by the way I did have to just configure the mic for the Minecraft settings an OBS and so hopefully it’s doing okay my volume okay too quiet too loud too… Read More

  • Intense PvP Legacy Battle: Twicher Dominates 3v1

    Intense PvP Legacy Battle: Twicher Dominates 3v1Video Information This video, titled ‘PvPlegacy Battle 3×1’, was uploaded by Twicher on 2024-03-31 20:26:38. It has garnered 60 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:25 or 685 seconds. PvPlegacy Battle 3×1 https://discord.gg/3bUSt2y5 TAGS – IGNORE Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server… Read More

  • Gmod Squad Time Travels to 2024 Minecraft Stream!

    Gmod Squad Time Travels to 2024 Minecraft Stream!Video Information and we’re back and we’re live and we’re back uh doing an early todayand early uh welcome everybody back to Minecraft we’re going to get some stuff done hopefully without any internet problems uh if you watching the V on YouTube than on the video hope you enjoy it if you do like comment subscribe check me out live right here on Twitch all of that fun stuff being said let’s get into this so we’re going to Adventure a bit we’re going to do some stuff and and so it will go so we’re on the constant… Read More

  • EPIC Calcite Cube in #Minecraft 1.21 + Funny Moments!

    EPIC Calcite Cube in #Minecraft 1.21 + Funny Moments!Video Information benino si offre a bar da guida per la città Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Praticamente il meglio di santafè Petro Petro Petro Petro Fidati di me Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Praticamente il meglio di santafè Pedro Pedro P This video, titled ‘So exited for #minecraft 1.21!! #calcitecube #minecraftserver #server #funny’, was uploaded by Calcite Cube on 2024-06-12 17:24:17. It has garnered 463 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Lily ROBS OMZ’s Limbs in Minecraft?! – Parody

    Lily ROBS OMZ's Limbs in Minecraft?! - ParodyVideo Information oh gosh guys take me to the hospital I can’t feel my body I can’t walk what who stole my limbs where my hand and leg oh my God help us good morning and wait is today the day I think it is it is today is the day we’re going to the brand new amusement park they opened a new roller coaster I can’t wait this is going to be the most fun day ever we got to go quick though because I want to be first first in line so let’s wake up Roxy Roxy wake… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Manhunt Clutch by HyperlinkLuna!

    Insane Minecraft Manhunt Clutch by HyperlinkLuna!Video Information oh guys guys he’s he’s getting out of the cave come back to where we were I think it’s because we just outed hey man [Music] hi This video, titled ‘Full video on channel #minecraft #viral #gaming #manhunt #streamer #clutch’, was uploaded by HyperlinkLuna on 2024-03-19 04:38:22. It has garnered 446 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Art 95: Insane Sand Art (Ghost 4)

    Minecraft Art 95: Insane Sand Art (Ghost 4)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 95 | Satisfying sand art (Ghost 4)’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-02-12 14:00:42. It has garnered 7719 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft yeni bölüm,minecraft polat alemdar,polat alemdar minecraft,minecraft parodileri vs,shorts,#shorts,house cat,pets,cats,scaredy cat,ie offbeat,cat costume,domesticated animals,inside_edition,meow,inside edition,animal encounter,kitty,kitten,animals,black cat,funny video,viral video,family friendly,ie animal kingdom,funny video,funny videos,funny video 2022,funny fail video,funny videos 2022,funny fails video,funny fail,fail videos,funny fails,funny,funny moments,sapna… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft Royal FF Hack 🔥🔥 #viral

    SECRET Minecraft Royal FF Hack 🔥🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral hack 😳💖 #shorts #tranding #viralshort #minecraftshorts #viralshirtvideo #gaming #tot’, was uploaded by ROYAL FF on 2024-02-15 12:02:32. It has garnered 2877 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 😊🙂!! | #shorts #minecraftviralhack34 🙂🔥 #minecraftshorts #gaming #viralshort #ttanding #gamingshort #subscr VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 😊🙂!! | #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25… Read More

  • Elidia

    ElidiaServeur skyblock en cours de développement, n’hésiter pas a envoyer un message sur discord pour venir aider. Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.broomstix.net Discord: Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map: Check out our online in-game map Features: Backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version Bedrock and Java cross-play Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with leads Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes, player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server shops, public market, tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Optifine Drama: Mayhem Unleashed”

    “May Optifine unrest in distress, but at least this meme is scoring higher than my GPA.” Read More

  • Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands

    Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands In Minecraft’s world, where blocks reign supreme, I craft my tale in a rhythmic stream. From ocean depths to Badlands high, I seek adventure, reaching for the sky. In search of sponges, I dive deep, Through underwater fortresses, secrets to keep. Then to the Badlands, where terracotta stands tall, Building a home, trading for the ‘Star Trader’ call. With each achievement, my journey unfolds, In Minecraft’s realm, where stories are told. So join me now, in this pixelated land, Where creativity thrives, and blocks are grand. From ocean to Badlands, my quest takes flight, In Minecraft’s world, where dreams… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥😂 “Why do Minecraft boys always have to show off their fancy builds to impress the girls? Meanwhile, the girls are just out here mining diamonds and slaying creepers like it’s no big deal. Who’s really winning in this game?” 😂 #minecraftgenderwars Read More

  • Nikku’s Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure

    Nikku's Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure Minecraft Parkour Gameplay: A Thrilling Adventure Introduction Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with parkour gameplay that is both challenging and exhilarating. Join friends in conquering 25 stages of parkour maps, all while enjoying copyright-free gameplay that is perfect for sharing with your community. Key Features Experience the thrill of parkour in Minecraft with friends, navigating through intricate maps and obstacles. Test your skills and coordination as you jump, run, and climb your way through each stage. With no copyright restrictions, you can freely use this gameplay in your own content creation. Exploring the World… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Add-On World

    Ultimate Minecraft Add-On World The Ultimate Minecraft Add-On Adventure Exploring the World of Minecraft Add-Ons In the vast world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. With the introduction of Add-ons on Bedrock Edition, players can enhance their gameplay with a variety of mods available on the Minecraft Marketplace. These Add-ons bring new features, items, and experiences to the game, allowing players to customize their worlds like never before. Adding Chaos to the Mix In a daring experiment, a Minecraft enthusiast decided to take on the challenge of adding every suggested Bedrock Add-On to a single world. The goal? To witness the chaos that… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft wins – 50 in one stream!! 🚀

    Insane Minecraft wins - 50 in one stream!! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴50 Minecraft Wins! | Hypixel Bedwars and Bridge with Viewers! [YouTube Shorts]’, was uploaded by KenDokoDa on 2024-05-26 07:12:56. It has garnered 497 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:44 or 12404 seconds. Use channel rewards over at https://www.twitch.tv/kendokoda Donations 🙂 https://streamlabs.com/kendokoda/tip Playing Minecraft live with viewers! We are playing on the server Hypixel. To join you must have a Minecraft Java account and join the server hypixel.net to play. We are playing bridge, bedwars, and many more games with the rest of the gang! Join the twitch stream to control… Read More

  • Unbelievably Cursed Memes Compilation

    Unbelievably Cursed Memes CompilationVideo Information [موسيقى] ‏qui This video, titled ‘Cursed images #shorts #memes #shortmemes #discord #funny’, was uploaded by Cursed Memes on 2024-03-14 12:00:41. It has garnered 93 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. cursed images, cursed, memes, shorts, minecraft, images, cursed moments, minecraft shorts, vaazkl, cursed phub comments, memes for youy, cursed comments, minecrfaft, cursed phub, cursed memes, meme, the most cursed images, cursed image meme, debunked, creepy, explained, cursed images compilation, funny, cursed images meme, cursed images mii music, funny cursed images, cursed images scary, cursed images creepy, cursed images hilarious, callmecarson,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets in Minecraft and Granny! Watch Now!

    Unbelievable Secrets in Minecraft and Granny! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Hello, Guys! Welcome to [GamingSyclone] – Let’s Explore Together!”#Minecraft#granny#games’, was uploaded by GamingCyclone on 2024-03-18 17:20:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Meet [Gamingsyclone]: Introducing Myself!” Description: Welcome to my YouTube channel! In this video, I’m excited to … Read More

  • SECRET: Real Tears of Obsidian Found!

    SECRET: Real Tears of Obsidian Found!Video Information This video, titled ‘Collecting some obsidian tears’, was uploaded by Definitely Not Animated on 2024-02-03 00:13:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft Additional tags (don’t pay attention): Minecraft, Minecraft animation, Minecraft realistic graphics, cursed Minecraft, odd … Read More

  • 🐱 Meowzz purr-fectly dominates Minecraft Multiplayer 🎮

    🐱 Meowzz purr-fectly dominates Minecraft Multiplayer 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer’, was uploaded by Meowzz on 2024-02-24 14:38:46. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:34 or 514 seconds. Read More


    GRINDING BEDWARS TIL MY HANDS BLEEDVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] okie dokie you guys we are live I need to open up my chat on my phone which I’m doing right now um bro okay hold up one second do that bro don’t you just love it when you got your windows open and your doors just swing open that’s what I really don’t love um but why am I not showing my game okay I should be showing my game now tigo’s eating and throwing popcorn in front of me where’s my popcorn where is my popcorn guys… Read More

  • Intense Skibidi Toilet vs Minecraft Battle!

    Intense Skibidi Toilet vs Minecraft Battle!Video Information 3 2 one go [Music] [Music] need This video, titled ‘SKIBIDI TOILET BATTLE – SKIBIDI TOILET 14 VS SKIBIDI MINECRAFT 14’, was uploaded by Skibidi Boom on 2024-06-14 11:00:06. It has garnered 555 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. SKIBIDI TOILET BATTLE – SKIBIDI TOILET 14 VS SKIBIDI MINECRAFT 14 Welcome to my channel Skibidi Boom! I add voice acting, effects and analysis to all popular videos and deliver them to you. If you like my videos, click like and subscribe to my channel! skibidi toilet Credits: @DaFuqBoom Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers – Who Will Win?

    Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers - Who Will Win?Video Information great and whoever has the least amount of points at the end gets egged by the rest of us man what no no but now over at the castle things are heating up we have three piglin war machines going up against 200 villagers who do you think is going to win I’m going with the tanks I’ll go with the tanks too I’m going with the villagers This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers, Who Will Win? #shorts’, was uploaded by Block Buddy on 2024-03-22 03:00:18. It has garnered 2669 views and 72… Read More