Unorthoblocks Season 3 Live Event: Epic Resource Hunt

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For all right I think I did it I think I’m good maybe I have no idea oh right okay oh it’s dark hey spider how are you let me know if anything’s too loud not loud enough uh I got to get some of this stuff put away

Doing great things perfect glad to hear love to hear it makes me happy when my friends are doing good oh we got to do that too everything sounds fine perfect first try uh no the Anvil has to go over to the new building that I can’t show

You you’re probably going to see it eventually but uh spoiler alert I made so I just made a building and I’m not going to tell anybody what it is uh the anorth crew I think might know but they might not but I made a building and it required two

Anvils and I so I crafted two anvils I didn’t actually realize that I have 58 of them sitting here because of uh a silly mistake that I made um with the shift click and of course everybody knows how shift clicks work in Minecraft you shift click once and you

Get thousands upon thousands of stuff Okay oh the door um generic couldn’t think of anything uh to name like all this extra Stone stuff that I just I really have have no use for um one thing I should do on stream um is put my money away oh you can see the building uh put my monies

Away oh look at this I am rich who knew who knew nice sweater thanks okay miror it’s not it’s probably wool I’d say it’s wool it’s itchy itchy sweater um yeah who knew moss moss is welcome by the way uh it’s Erie to the stream Moss is the is the

Seller that’s the that’s the ticket to success right there Moss who knew uh I’m going to put this in here as well and try to hide it I don’t think I need any more of that I will probably need more more uh of

Those yes so I am out I am out of stock I’m out of stock of everything um y Moss I know he who who knew that Moss was going to be the ticket item but I only got two left of those and it’s one for two so I

Still have stock I got none left of these one for two and I’m getting people are buying Moss left right and Center so something I would like to do I believe in I believe you Moss is great Moss is great um one thing I’d like to

Do cuz obviously like this is out of the way and we do have like a shopping area uh in spawn Valley which is just on the other side of that Cathedral um is actually moved my store over there for convenience sake um not convenient for me I left it here uh for my

Convenience but it’s kind of out of everybody else’s convenience um except for those in the surrounding areas so we have Sunny spacecraft there I think Rogue is on the other side here if not he’s also building that that guy which is uh you can’t see CU I don’t know if

That’s spoilers or not um and then I got the bearded teacher uh over that way and somewhere around here too I think spider you’re around here are you not I could be wrong I could be ate the lunch but that’s something uh eventually I would like to uh to

Do how are the tunes getting into the Christmas spirit got to go to this building uh yeah me too Sunny’s floating islands she’s something else underrated I I was talking with um teach yesterday and we were talk about how underrated she is um but like those are un unbelievable

I’m not going to go over there just yet um I don’t have a lot of I don’t know like who’s got spoilers and who doesn’t sorry I got to talking with my wife as well um but yeah she is definitely an underrated Creator and I think anybody watching the stream or the VOD

Later um should be uh should be subscribing to her channel uh so what do I got not a lot uhoh huh saying my thing is uh my bit rate is too high I think for the stream I have as long as it’s working great that’s all I care about this is silk touch

Uh actually instead of using this oh excuse me um I think I’m going to an earth BLX is very enjoyable oh thank you that’s what we strive to be is just enjoyable down toe folk that uh just you know plays plays Minecraft together some I mean some I say together

Uh I’m horrible for being able to actually play with people um the only the only person I have I I have two Co collabs with people on my channel so far and um the one is the bearded teacher go check out his channel and the other is uh Spider

Hearts who showed me uh where the villager trading Hall is and I haven’t been able to leave there since um and that was months ago like beginning of the summer and yeah it was a it was a good time so we’re going to go in here I

Think we’re going to risk a lot yeah cuz I need I need a shulker full of uh Stone and I need a Shuler full of cobblestone oh my Lord why can’t I get out I should have brought shulkers with me ow ow ow oh

Okay oh I he had a little bit of a panic I thought somebody came and stole my stuff she really does she really does that’s good though that’s a good thing there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that so I’m using my son’s iPad as my second screen and it’s really hard to see like

The whole I guess I got to go down here the whole screen and it’s yelling at me it’s saying that the stream’s bit rate is lower I I don’t know I can’t see the whole screen because chat’s in the way which is fine like I don’t oh let’s pop a

Chat let’s restart chat I don’t know I don’t know uh oh it’s just saying it’s lower than the recommended bit rate which means we’re doing all right I’m new I’m new to the streaming ooh a little bit of latency there yeah I’m I’m I still I I like I

Like streaming I think it’s a lot of fun I don’t do it very often mainly because I had a full-time job now that uh I was recently let go to not to try and gather pity points but uh I have a little bit of time so I might as well

Utilize that time and try and grow my uh my community right I don’t even know what this is obviously I was here before Cu uh I don’t collect don’t collect that stuff any let’s Stone it up now I’m going to use cheaty cam cuz there’s a reason why I wanted to come

Down here versus uh versus just using my stone generator um I am horrible for lighting things up ooh oh no I already collected that I like the cow site so I wanted more we could do this later too the uh I think I was already down here I think this was

Me but obviously there’s some not lit up well look these are my tunnels and uh I’ve collected some some stuff oh there’s one over there too cheaty cam don’t use it I guess yeah that we’re on YouTube so uh any any viewers in the chat make sure

You give the stream a like get the algorithm working for us I hate me too I also hate that kite’s not renewable but I guess that makes it I guess that’s kind of the point and what makes it a a desirable block right like I I could

Care less about Stone and its variant I don’t have any torches God what I could do aha now I can see but yeah I guess that’s what makes it um desirable right it’s not renewable you actually do have to go and search for it oh I as you can probably tell by the two buildings that I did show I really

Enjoy calite blocks and I do use diorite I don’t I don’t care what I anybody else says dior’s great should put that on a t-shirt dior’s great lagging a bit uhoh my music stopped too that’s not good what’s happening oh No oh no I don’t think I can change my bit rate it just paused on me I don’t know why oh well it is what it is I yeah I so I’m not a fan of die right by itself it has to be with something else I would rather much I would much

Rather see a dirt Hut or a house made out of dirt than a house made out of diorite actually you know I I’d even rather see somebody just build an Emerald house um than to watch somebody build something at a diorite and it’s done nothing to me I

Think it’s just like a lot of people just try to now I hate to say it but I think just a lot of people’s opinions about it are skewed um just based on iscal iscal 85 now I could be wrong I could be at the lunch who knows but I think that’s

The I think that’s just the uh the reality of why so many people hate diid cuz it is the Polish diorite is a phenomenal block I use it frequently know what block I am excited for I’m excited for for the tough bricks and all the tough variants iscal 85 he’s a

Hermit um he’s the one that created Vault Hunters he’s Swedish the of Doom guy there’s a lot of green anyway he’s good yes tough bricks I I want the tough stuff just something to rival stone bricks and chisel Stone and sandstone and chiseled Sandstone like just something else I’m so so excited for

That I’m all I’m excited for all the the copper stuff too um like the copper Gates the copper trap doors um all of it as well I’m actually just excited for the trial Chambers and I know they’re in snapshots but I don’t like to play snapshots I I’d much rather

Be um I’d much rather be surprised and shocked the first time it’s released now I haven’t been excited for a Minecraft update since the nether update until this one just because there’s so many new blocks coming in and we haven’t had a whole lot of new new

Blocks or at least I don’t think we have there’s a lot of torches in here somebody spammed don’t think it was me uh bam let’s go oh well if I need andesite I know where to go ah that’s not a good site I play on uh beta sometimes but I

Like to wait for the full releases too A lot of people like betas and snap shots to give feedback yeah yeah yeah yeah and I’m not saying like nobody should play them obviously because the developers do use the community’s uh recommendations and stuff speaking a die

Right uh what do we got not a lot one whole row maybe I should actually collect some of this now that we do have copper stuff coming and we don’t know if we’re switching yet have it hidden the ouch o a torch shaders are great I can’t even deny the fact I use

Shaders frequently not in any videos cuz I I feel like my computer is just going to like take take flight with the how fast the fans are going but I have I have M set up pretty good like look at that shaders now my shaders settings do no

Justice down here but when we’re upstairs outside it’s great yeah I kind I forgot that they were um they were bringing a bunch of java mod stuff to bedrock cuz you’re going to have a rendition of Replay mod you’ll have Shader capability somewhat uh what else was there there

Was something else there was a cool thing Too that looks like a death hole feel like in my Village City thing I should put like something that is normal for me cuz I see the the granite there and I usually I try to do realistic looking builds versus the fantasy medieval stuff now obviously fantasy medieval

That was realistic at some point in time but uh right now can I do can these be silk touched no that hurt my feelings this hallway looks dangerous but it isn’t they hear spiders wrong one ooh iron nice maybe I’ll make a goal for this stream maybe if we can get 10

Viewers in the Stream I’ll spoil the build I just built I also wished they behaved more like moss oh that wasn’t the right block that wasn’t the right block either oh well I like andesite okay how close are we uh not very all right um oh look one more not dangerous up here

Either though I guess if go looking for dangerous things you’ll eventually find it Just going to say I’m probably proper lost now oh that’s another block I’m not the biggest uh biggest fan of is the I don’t even know what they’re called CHP stone block oh no oh goodness gracious uh-oh oh I’m not ready to be down Here that’s right you missed why am I doing things ah I can’t see where did I fall from also thank God for elytra if I didn’t have that on I keep hearing things and my game audio is like super low nope uh options oh that’s not the one F well all

Right not much more I can do there hi you have a block which means you’re not going to despawn which means you got to go come on come on back I didn’t pick up a ball see yeah yeah that fall was uh that fall was scary uh I can’t help

Myself even the the the Bas Sal the bassol whatever you call it love it too do I have a shovel I do somebody was down here before and I don’t think it was me okay how are you I’m stuck um yeah I don’t know if anybody on the

Server is actually looking for bass salt there could be I don’t know it’s not something that um has been communicated with me c ah yes and the that’s an Overworld biome right the Stony Peaks that’s where my brain lives is at 20 I am almost out of

Coffee which means I might have to get some more nope well it looks like somebody whoever was down here before lit that up already uh I near looked him in the eye a no jeez you’re too far down is that where I fell from looks like it That was close oh jeez okay I think we are not where I want to be however I can make this um with my other pickaxe of course I think I have an ectra on sometimes it’s sometimes it’s what you want other times not so much so if I had a chest plate with

Blast protection then we would have been a okay there’s another creeper there let’s get the give him his space um so there’s the Enderman there which is fine um what I want is Dam check that out efficiency you do it quick you get out okay uh I don’t think that’s where I

Fell from it looked promising that’s pretty cool deep slate I have zero use for deep slate okay ah I have zero use for this block the drip so yeah it is very it’s kind of kind of why I did it yeah you ready oh no oh come on God I don’t yeah I think I need to uh just chill I’m so stressed oh goodness no that is my torch but that that can go there yeah that’s uh that skeleton is a bit of a dick paron the language but it has to be said oh I worked hard to get up that

High where did I get shot from must have been the one I just killed nice you know what even the the worst part is is I don’t know what coordinates my uh oh I don’t know what coordinates my base are hello this seems like the safest place right now big old

Stretch time where we at 11 13 I can hear skeletons some more H wrong screen um I can but I try I try not to do that oh I was literally right here was I not if or right here yeah this is Aha think if I go this way long enough I will get to that tunnel maybe yep put that away AJ stop cheating yay now that my inventory is full also do I have enough to run this I have enough to run that okay

Yeah yeah I do I mean I I have it it is what the purpose of it is is like I’m sure the developers of it were like yeah no use it to try and get yourself out of sticky situations might as well do just that oh nope that wasn’t what I wanted aha

Yes don’t think I have a a home for that my odds and ends box is getting full string string string string uh empty Sher we can go in there I can go in there that can go in there b do I have a Bassel box Moss quarts

No well that doesn’t belong there that has its own box it’s right there Iron has its own over here and now that I have uh some torches I’ll just put those away too all Right no what do I have okay Ah that’s the empty one see I I do keep some Overstock of things that is not enough oh well it is what it is let’s turn that off before it overflows cuz I need those need those those mine mine mine mine mine mine mine

Mine mine mine M and then they can go up in here ah this is redstone fun ouch of course I do oh my okay now what do I do um forget about no forget about that for a minute and we’ll go back to collecting or stuff and

Things so actually how how many spaces do I need I keep putting down the wrong one first I need 1 two three four five six yeah okay actually I should check uh do the the thing with the thing always make sure you do the thing with the thing

So some exciting news I’m hoping that after this all of this uh resource Gathering cuz I need to grab some Spruce and stuff um understandable yeah absolutely which part uh but once I’m done with my resource Gathering as I was saying I will have a new video normally Wednesdays I try to make

Wednesdays my upload day obviously today’s not going to be that day because I went live for you instead and some things must get DED always I don’t care what anybody says your mom might tell you different or your dad or whoever some authorative figure but they’re wrong things got to get

Thinged but yeah so uh I’m hoping new video by Friday which is usually like my secondary day if I can’t make Wednesday work I try for Friday um and it will spoiler alert it’ll have four new buildings in my city in my Village whatever I want to call it

Actually it has a really cool name too and I keep forgetting what it is let’s check the Discord cuz I put it in there I’m no YouTuber but I know that I wouldn’t you’re blocked by my thing here wouldn’t be able to have an up upload day um

So yeah it it’s hard it’s hard to keep up with um deadlines especially if you work full-time or you’re not used to it um my old job consisted a lot on deadlines so I’m just I I have I have mastered the skill of time management and

Uh it’s helped me a lot in creating content and making sure that it’s uploaded at the right at the right time um on time you know it’s it’s it’s a skill that not everybody has but it is one that can be worked on and it’s just a it’s a disciplinary thing

Um I I if you have enough self-discipline then you could just you just tell yourself listen you got to get a video up uh Wednesday at X time and then you just you put your head down and you do it now I’m not saying I’m perfect obviously I just said uh I don’t

Have um I won’t have a video out today uh I do have two kids and a wife and family time to me is very very very important uh I I require well yeah I require time with them as as they require time with me and

Um yeah I just like to I like to spend time with my family so that does uh sometimes that does get in the way and I shouldn’t say get in the way like excuse the terminology but it does um it does stop me from from making my goals sometimes not every time but

Sometimes now that said um I have two kids and my house gets messy a lot and by the time they go to bed I’m exhausted so I can’t uh I I can’t justify cleaning it when I’m like too tired to even function um so sometimes that real that

That that chore Falls in during the day where I’m where I’m home my wife’s at work U excuse me my nose is getting all plugged up uh it’s December and everyone should slow down for a bit so like in general or content wise hey casy how are you welcome to the

Stream yeah everyone should slow down for that um yeah just give me a little context of what you mean cuz it’s one thing to say that everybody should slow in general I think okay so in general I I agree with you um everybody should slow down it’s a

Holiday season spend time uh with with your families yes um just kind of relax and chill it’s it’s it’s supposed to be uh a time for with family right so now that being said on the content side yeah everybody should start slowing down meaning all the bigger people that um this is their

Full-time job and and they stop making content this is the time for us smaller folks to actually speed it up and get that stuff out of there because people are looking for stuff to watch still and that doesn’t slow down at all um no I’m not saying that method is

Uh I’m not saying that method is like Flawless by any means I don’t think it is why okay my music keeps pausing on me H I had to blow my nose Stone there um yeah so how how everything is KC pumpkin I don’t know what’s I don’t know if I understand

The the context to why they’re calling you pumpkin to me it just is KC I guess I didn’t really need those great one done one to go which means we got to put silky boy away for a little bit and and use um our Fortune Feller cuz now we’re on the Cobblestone

Mossy cobblestone that’s the that’s the real ticket to success right there is mossy cobblestone my nickname is pumpkin pumpkin casm UB Discord okay understood I get it and you’re studying for exams what exams are you doing just curiosity you don’t have to tell me

I’m an old fart so I don’t I don’t I don’t get to do exams anymore not that I’m complaining about it cuz when I was in school I used to get like real exam anxiety to the point where like I um I fought with my uh professor in college um oh

Calculus well you’re already doing better than I am I couldn’t do calculus to save my life but yeah I so I I went to trade school uh I’m a licensed automotive mechanic and to be licensed obviously you have to write an exam now I failed the exam twice uh simply because I like

Stressed myself out and was like oh my God it’s going to be so bad I’m going to do awful on it anyway um so I told my they’re not really professors they’re just kind of like because a lot of them are are old mechanics that just can’t do it anymore

Because their hands are all messed up so they teach um so I I was telling the teacher that I don’t have to write an exam to tell you that I know how to rebuild uh brake calipers or carburetors or alternators you know the the the whole nine yards

Um like can I do a practical one and they’re like yeah no so little a little inside scoop of AJ’s life what happened to the tunes that’s fine okay luckily now I don’t actually have to write exams anymore given my um my position in the military

Though I do administer them I give good exams all the time but anyway good luck on your Calculus exam I hope you do what do I think of Teslas I heard they kind of suck they do now it depends on the person so if you’re a big EV fan

Um and you don’t care about build quality then yeah absolutely Tesla is the way to go but if you’re like me and you’re very particular with how body um the body panels line up and how everything like how doors close how doors open like I’m very particular when

It comes to that stuff so for me I think Teslas are trash absolute garbage and it has nothing to do with the fact that they’re an electric vehicle that’s a whole other topic on itself uh but I just think the actual quality of a Tesla are garbage

Now the reliability of a Tesla the the electric motors and such um doesn’t even compare like nobody can compare to to Tesla uh elon’s doing great things with with the brand so but as a whole I think Teslas are garbage or trash just be just based on their build quality

I I I want to say I like EVS I I don’t I don’t um for many reasons the biggest one is the push for them uh I don’t think there so there’s a lot of incentives to have for for manufacturers to have full EVS by X date and I just think that’s

Unrealistic but not only that EVS are more more costly to build therefore they’re more costly to buy and with staggering economies it’s just not um not feasible to to have fully fully EVS all over the place saying hi from a junk F yeah okay cool hi Sunny how are you

Uh I’m an Elon hater so my well is kind of poison okay well um I I honestly I don’t have anything against Elon uh but I mean I’m I’m not going to I’m not going to get into like politics and stuff on stream um I just I I don’t care

He’s not like he’s not going to do anything for me personally so what he does with his own money so be it and that’s usually kind of my view on a lot of things if it doesn’t affect me personally and it is a selfish selfish

Way to look at it but if it doesn’t affect me personally then I don’t care you do you this one’s actually actually a Christmas tube I I yeah I still am a Twitter user I I I still would rather use Twitter than use threads see I have more of a problem

With like Mark Zuckerberg than I do uh Elon Musk like I I just find Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t have an original bone in his body no I I can’t say much I don’t either um but I mean threads is just a direct ripoff of of Twitter Facebook he stole the idea of it and

I mean after Snapchat released stories and Facebook had stories that everybody else had stories I don’t know it’s just uh I I just like originality and I I feel like the zuck’s got uh none heyy that’s water what’s up here we don’t know can’t see it oh dear what time is

It no even going over an hour this is a long stream for for AJ I am getting hungry though and I do have uh I I have physio for my shoulder at uh in a couple hours so I do have to cap stream we’ll keep going for now but uh just

Yeah I used to I kind of feel the same social media Instagram used to be a photo app it’s just a bad Tik Tok rip up I agree 100% but even well I mean he bought Instagram but um so that’s not even his idea either

So now you can’t say that he stole it obviously because he bought it but yeah he’s got zero originality which is fine I mean I don’t know he’s still got more money than I do we have a Discord notification and I don’t know where it’s from oh it was sunny 10 minutes

Ago hyp in the Stream oh no I didn’t want to do that oh well having more money does not mean you’re no I agree of course I think all people with more money than me are Mor odds I’m just joking because there’s a lot of I have a lot of friends that make more money than

I do and they’re not more odds well currently I make uh zero doar an hour so there’s that but again not collecting pity points cuz I still I still have work I got a long way to go yet oh there’s a hole uh being born rich like he was kind yeah oh

Yeah I agree hey T how are you welcome to the stream we’re having in a discussion about uh the rich and the in the social media owners just got home that’s good so yeah I’m just collecting um materials now for uh my MTH store and then I got to collect

Materials for the build now I said earlier um yeah I said earlier that if uh if I can get 10 concurrent viewers on the stream I’ll spoil my next uh my next build a little not my next build but like the one I just built for my next video that’s coming out Friday

Hopefully right now we’re at three which is fine when was T’s last stream I think I was there I think I said hi Arie knows everybody T Sunny spider pumpkin I try to be in everybody’s stream that I can if I’m not in there uh in the chat I definitely left a

Like I I like to be everybody’s uh cheerleader uh I was there for a little bit okay perfect I’m glad I’m glad I was there my last stream was a bit a week ago oh yes I remember that yeah yeah yeah it was last

Week stopped in to say hi and I think I left y on in the background and I was playing with my kids after that it’s always fun seeing you around well you stop it no I I I enjoy your company as well T I really do I watch a lot of small

Content MC creators I mean that’s a good thing that’s a good thing we need to be more recognized I mean that that’s the goal is it not oh coffee is delicious oops wrong button that’s the second collect small creators that’s the second time uh that joke was made in the

Stream never ceases to make me laugh though coffee yeah I do drink tea as well don’t don’t think that I don’t tea for me is more of a um if you have a really good dessert like a good cheesecake I well I mean I love cheesecake anyway so it doesn’t even

Have to be good uh it’s a good dessert beverage excuse me H are We Done Yet no cheesecake is the best it’s so good it’s not there’s no comparison it’s the best kind of cake coffee is an everyday thing it’s more I now it depends on where you live but I find

It’s more social more of a social drink cuz I mean like where where I live like me and my buddies all the time like hey let’s go let’s go hang out we’ll grab a coffee or something like we’ll go to we’ll go to Timmy’s and no that was Timmy’s not

Timothy’s y good old Tim Horton Canadian trademark classic that has God awful coffee it has to be very sweet I drink my tea and coffee black with a little bit of sugar or with a little bit of milk sorry I used to do like one milk one sugar like a a little even

Even uh but I’ve since dropped the sugar cuz my mom actually just was um she found out she had diabetes so I don’t know why I got scared but I was like maybe that’s enough uh sugar and sweets for me live in Brazil half by oh yeah isn’t that where like coffee was

Invented no Colombia Columbia is the big hot spot for coffee beans never mind Brazil though that’s cool I’ve never been and I say that like I’ve been to a lot of places I haven’t I’ve been to the states and I’ve been in Nepal I’ve seen Brazil locations in like movies and stuff looks pretty cool I like my coffee looking like chocolate or lighter and tea with a bunch of sugar because I don’t really like the bitter taste of both enjoy winter dude it’s hell here but I think our winner is on the

Opposite side of the spectrum our winner sucks like right I mean right now it’s not too bad right now we Are uh minus 6 Celsius but with the windshields – 11 so I’m on the east coast of Canada so just the way that like that CU there’s like a climate bubble right so the way the climate bubble works the east coast of Canada and the west coast of

Canada we’re not as cold as central Canada we don’t get there so like w western Canada like British Columbia they barely see winter we do see winter like there’s snow outside right now um it snowed all day yesterday and but we don’t get as cold as like Northern

Alberta I really hope I don’t get addicted to coffee it’s so cold once I step outside I turn into ice so I mean like today I go out with a sweater today mineus six yeah that’s Sweater Weather I wouldn’t wear shorts I know people that wear like shorts all day like all all all year rain snow Sunshine freezing like sub below doesn’t matter they will be wearing shorts it’s like how do you manage say at landish to me that snow is a normal thing for some

People yeah like white well no the sun’s out now so I would I I shouldn’t say it’s powdery because it’s kind of like iced over um but yeah no i s everybody I so there um when I was in grade school I went to school with a girl from uh

Louisiana and it was her first year in Canada and she’s never seen snow before in her life so when the first snowfall of the Season hit she like lost her mind in the middle of class it it was quite funny um cuz we were all like what is your problem like

It’s just snow chill uh not none of like and we’re like this is grade five so we’re like 10 11 maybe uh so like old enough to be like what is your issue but not really old enough to just click in like oh yeah right she’s from Louisiana they don’t they don’t get

A lot of snow I see people wear t-shirts and shorts those people are nuts I wouldn’t do that like I I if I got to throw like some garbage out yeah sure I’m going to wear a t-shirt I’ll wear my t-shirt outside cuz just cuz my garbage can is just outside of the

Door but the people that like um the people that just wear for the sake of wearing it like I don’t understand I would just stand there looking up so yeah snow is just it’s no different than rain it comes the same way and just when the air temperature is

Colder it turns itself to snow but I guess I mean it’s not it’s obviously not the same as rain it falls a lot slower and then then it it blankets the ground so don’t I get it to like my kids my kids get excited for snow with my oldest

He just he’ll play he’s one of those crazy ones so he’ll go outside in his shorts and t-shirt and just jump around in the snow I I agree snow is very pretty to to look at when it’s falling we had the good snow too yesterday when it was falling cuz it it

It coated all of our trees now like we have normal trees like Oak Burke Spruce blah blah blah um and uh but so like the Oak and and Birch and and uh all those trees they they lose their leaves so when it um when it fall like when when the

Leaves fall it just kind of covers the branches so it looks really cool next time it does that I might uh I’ll take a I’ll snap a picture and I’ll I’ll post it on my on my on my Twitter or Community tab whichever one maybe I’ll do both

Um so I I do share a lot of like what pictures that other people take on Twitter um from an account called to uh welcome P welcome to Pei or something I think um which is obviously where I live did you get whales I’m like Coast uh this time of year that’s pretty

Exciting yeah uh I I’ve so the main the main body of water around us where I live is the Atlantic and we see I see whales a lot in um in the summertime not so much this time year but we get it all we get whales uh sharks um crustations a lot of

Crustations but we get those all year like crab and lobster the whole nine yards we better light this place up over here all right that’s uh that’s a full shulker of cobblestone so we got to go and uh turn it to mossy cobblestone um shoot wh whales are scary though I I

Hate if if I’m on a boat and I see a whale I’m immediately panicking because that whale can turn that boat like it’s nothing and that scares me like a lot uh to disappo but I do have to get some homework Done so I gotta go if not it won’t get done no worries TSH thanks uh thanks for stopping by it’s always pleasure to have you around enjoy homework you probably won’t but I’m G to I’m going to wish you the best anyway hello there did I do it right hey Jam how are

You so it’s not even that so okay I was on a fishing boat one time and we were just mining our business we we cast lines out and and uh see you later T um yeah so we cast our lines out we’re mining our business nothing next thing we know this big blue

Whale not blue whale uh just they look like a blue whale maybe it was a blue whale um they they just swam like right next to us we didn’t even realize blew out their blow hole and we’re like okay we got to go so we took

Our lions in didn’t catch any fish and then immediately like yeah we got to go so like yeah we we we obviously we want to keep our distance but when they sneak up on you and they do then then it’s scary cuz it’s like all

They have to do is just tap us and we’re going over now um something that’s really like an animal that’s really like uh um marine animal that’s really fun to have around are uh Dolphins another one that’s kind of scary to see come around orcas we get a lot of orcas around um

All year and like they’re vicious like they’ll eat you for nothing just for sport they probably won’t but um I’ve just heard a lot of scary stories of what they do to other other animals so I’m just like yeah it’s uh let give them their space they deserve

It I don’t trust Dolphins if I’m alone well you shouldn’t trust any animal if you’re alone they have minds of their own and they don’t care how are you jam good to see you thanks for popping in you didn’t log in did you no you didn’t normally it’s me and Jamon not

Today I’m going have to run my machine all right that’s one um run this for a little bit go up to the surface all right I left my bed somewhere hello you’re invisible huh uhuh who do you got you got Shin uh bezilla oh I’m getting a phone

Call give me a minute please h Huh h Huh mhm h h h Mhm H uh Uh hey yeah uhhuh uhhuh mhm uh uh huh huh Huh yeah I did I had a phone call and I had to answer it um going back to my old job at my local hospital casual work so I still get to make content and stream and stuff I have to huhh transfer some pH H the the wandering trador is pushing me

Around and it’s scaring me a bit every Time okay we have to go back to to over here and have a sleep out Okay good morning good morning oh I have some St okay uh the other Shuler am I blind does anybody see did any anybody see where I put my bed no okay I can’t remember ah now I collect beds like their Infinity Stones I lose beds all the time I get embarrassingly amount of

Bits so if anybody on anorth block sees a and bed it’s fine it’s just that simple it’s mine it’s nobody Else’s the real bed was the friends we made along the way that’s deep it’s deep deep deep I should make another one for them make another uh Stone C so I need one iron three what no Way oh it’s regular Stone I’m silly a crap all right new plan taking this One let’s put some other stuff away andesite can go away um coal can go away now that I have some look at that I didn’t have any coal by when I started the stream and now I have all kinds okay ouch my face oh it’s getting

Full I keep getting messages on my phone all right I have physio in an hour which means I will soon that’s probably excuse me that’s probably going to be let’s yeah no wrong block we get it and my stone cutter did it again I need silky boy huh that guy go aha

Okay this is so tedious though Moss made me Rich on the server so I can’t really complain about it oops done store can be restocked it’s raining oh so we got a squid head a be’s head and a shin Head yeah mhm sweet full and not full okay and then I got to oh maybe we’ll condense actually I’ll condense into the center H H that’s where people buy okay so I got to group them into threes it’s three for a diamond perfect and that should still work out Excellent and then we’ll go down to hour excellent all righty then mhm um one of these days I will get through a door while I open it and flying at the same time one of these days I’ve been practicing I’m getting better getting closer I should put all this stuff away

I’m not going to do that right now I’ll do that uh on my own time all right so ladies and gentlemen I know I said I was going to spoil it if we reached uh 10 concurrent viewers which we didn’t uh but we have reached 15 total uh for this

Stream which is awesome thank you all so much thank you everybody for stopping in saying hi um I will fulfill a promise that I did make even though we didn’t make the goal um just simply because I didn’t get to do what I was set out to do oh

Son which is hey there’s some uh camels which is spoil the next video with this uh blacksmith building now I have um this building here I’m planning on expanding out in a different video here and and then uh this video coming out there’s something going there and uh

Probably in this Square here but yes this is my I forgot to forgot to put some stuff there oh that’s okay but this is my blacksmith building it even has an interior I feel like I’m walking slow the rounds son stun me for a bit it’s just yeah it’s it’s a data

Pack but yeah oh look a bed yeah there a cozy little home for a Blacksmith yeah looks looks good switch the block pallet a little bit went from the calite to the uh mushroom stem so so if you’re in that palette of or color palette it’s kind of kind of a spot that you could go um but uh yeah for now I guess let’s just throw

Rockets looks pretty nice thanks I appreciate it I appreciate it so much um yeah so uh I mean I guess that’s that’s going to conclude today’s stream uh I had a lot of fun um thanks Archie for uh keeping the conversation alive oh the mushroom is good it is good isn’t it

A um yeah but thanks Archie for the conversation spider for stopping in Jam T sunny I know you tried but you could use bone blocks if you’re yes yes don’t worry bone blocks will be used in this in this Village that’s kind of the the the block palette is like the spruce SL

Whsh kind of idea so bone blocks will be used just stay tuned for the for the coming videos um but yeah no I mean uh I I had a lot of fun I I will I I I I need to stream more I need to stream more I I enjoy

Doing it it’s should try to find the time and and the the the guts I guess to do it um because it it takes a lot for me to be like yeah I’m gonna go live and talk to people in real time anxi social anxiety and all you

Know it’s not that i’ not that I actually have it it’s just I don’t know maybe I do anyway enough rambling on thank you all so much for stopping by and um I guess I’ll catch you in the next one bye mm

This video, titled ‘Unorthoblocks Season 3: Live Event for Epic Resource Gathering’, was uploaded by EhJay on 2023-12-07 04:50:00. It has garnered 23 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:59 or 6779 seconds.

Hey everyone, it’s Ehjay here, and we’re gearing up for an epic adventure on Unorthoblocks, the ultimate Minecraft SMP! Join me for an hour and a half of non-stop resource gathering, where we’ll explore, mine, and conquer the unknown together.

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🎶 Music: @StreamBeatsbyHarrisHeller

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Don’t miss out on this action-packed livestream – hit that notification bell and join the Unorthoblocks adventure with me! See you there, fellow Minecrafters! 🔥

  • Breaking Bedrock & Reaching Nether Top – Minecraft 1.21

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  • Insane Creeper Farm Method in Minecraft – No Cats, No Redstone! | RoninCraft SMP

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  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Kaela vs Villager – Who will prevail?!

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  • Insane Minecraft One-Shot Warden Kill 😱🔥 #shorts

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    CRAZYLAD plays Minecraft: EVERY BLOCK TURNS INTO AIR! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥Minecraft but! Every Block You touch turns into Air #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by CRAZYLAD on 2024-04-20 02:29:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft but! Every Block You touch turns into Air #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • Just Survival

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  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

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  • BlazeVR [BRAND NEW | VR | VOICECHAT | HIRING] Bedrock + Java

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: Last Minute Bakkalamca TikTok Adventure

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    MINECRAFT MEME BIKIN PANAS!! 🔥 #101 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #101 😂🎮🤣 Read More

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  • DO NOT attempt the living armor stand challenge in Minecraft!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft V29 gameplay by Hasnain 9T9!

    Unbelievable Minecraft V29 gameplay by Hasnain 9T9!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft V29’, was uploaded by Hasnain 9T9 Gaming on 2024-05-22 07:47:53. It has garnered 54 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:05 or 245 seconds. Survival Mode: Players must gather resources, craft items, and build structures to survive against monsters and manage their hunger and health.Creative Mode: Players have unlimited resources to build whatever they can imagine without any threats from monsters or limitations on resources.There are also other modes such as Adventure, Spectator, and Hardcore, each offering unique gameplay experiences.Minecraft’s open-ended nature allows players to construct anything from simple homes… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft gameplay LIVE NOW! 🔴

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft gameplay LIVE NOW! 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE 🔴 Minecraft!!🐐’, was uploaded by 2sa on 2024-05-25 19:12:12. It has garnered 27128 views and 198 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:26 or 6686 seconds. My Cloak (Advertisement): Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft glitch – Elia Stellaria’s legs are hurting!

    Unbelievable Minecraft glitch - Elia Stellaria's legs are hurting!Video Information This video, titled ‘my legs hurt【 MINECRAFT 】’, was uploaded by Elia Stellaria【V-Dere】 on 2024-06-06 23:35:50. It has garnered 2627 views and 493 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:25 or 12385 seconds. Hi! Welcome to my stream! 【V-Dere VTuber Group】 【Schedule!】 【Merchandise】 【Streamelements Donation】 【Throne Gifting】 【Fanarts】 Tag #StellARTia 【Twitter】 ~~♡~~ 【Opening BGM】 【Background BGM】 【Ending BGM】 ~~♡~~ Rule 0: Be Kind Rule 1: Take care of yourself Other rules below – No spam or self-promotion (If you see spam or trolling, don’t engage with it. Please… Read More

  • Terrifying Encounter with Creoh at our Minecraft Campsite!!

    Terrifying Encounter with Creoh at our Minecraft Campsite!!Video Information This video, titled ‘He crashed our campsite!! #minecraft #minecraftscary #minecraftmods #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Creoh on 2024-05-13 22:50:55. It has garnered 738 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More