Unreal depths of the Deep Dark! 😱 Modded Skyblock

Video Information

What’s up everybody welcome back to another episode of agreeance guys – oh yeah guys so I’ve been doing some stuff off camera here and some of that stuff is draining or lava so I have processed a lot of material over here I’ve gone through a lot of gravel gone through a

Lot of sand and a lot of dust we have a lot of these resources now over here so we got to put some of these into the the dust block form but yeah we have the powdered stuff down here trying to get some of our resources going currently I

Am charging up a resident flux capacitor this is the highest tier flux capacitor you can make I did some upgrades over here as well it changed our hardened energy sell out for a redstone one and I also upgraded our lava power down here from the five lava generators we had

Into this times eight lava generator here this one makes 320 our F attic it does use more lava obviously eight times more than the regular one I made one too many I was just gonna upgrade it all into one of these but then I had one

Left over so that’s why we got that guy there as well so yeah we have been doing some stuff around here let’s see is there anything else No so last episode we made it to the deep dark and I have been whoops I have been preparing to go

There that’s why I made this resident energy cell of our flux capacitor I want to have power on the go in case something happens jetpack runs out whatever I would like to upgrade our tools as well to have RF power on there we’ll do that another time though let’s

See I have also been messing around with this a little bit more over here disenchanting armors and putting it on books and all of this so I did set up a filing cabinet to put all the books in since you can stack the same enchants on them I don’t have a proper sorting

System though unfortunately this is kind of just a temporary setup we’ll set up something more advanced later on should we need more chan mitts but I think we’re gonna have a good stockpile of everything that we need here let’s see we had some protection fors over here some I’m

Breaking threes the only other thing I really would like is a bunch of haste books but yeah we haven’t gotten any armors I’ve been looking we haven’t gotten any armors over here that had like more than haste one on them so all the haste ones that we’ve been getting

Yeah I’ve been disenchanting and all of that okay so like I said last episode we went to the deep dark I was looking at her quest book let’s take a look at this and a quest book says so we need to go to negative 877 151 999 in the deep dark

I don’t know where in the deep dark we spawned if it was at 0 0 or if it’s at the same coordinates we are right now in the overworld which apparently is negative eight ninety and 1001 yeah so anyway we need to make it to that part

In the deep dark plus I want to do a little exploration there I know there’s like structures and things that can spawn so yeah I want to check that out so we got some torches got some logs and some coal blocks we can make bond to torches I’m also bringing a magnum torch

Somebody suggested that we should use this that’s actually not a bad idea I’ll just drop the directly below our little entrance area on the ground so we can drop down from the ceiling and have a mob free zone that seems like a good idea so another thing I did check I was

Making sure because I didn’t want to destroy this thing took forever to build this is if we could break it and replace it and in fact you can so no worries there I’m just gonna set that background like that so I think we have everything

Set I do want to check out the deep dark day like I said so let’s go and do that alright so back in here yeah we should have everything said we got our jet pack foal we got that pass etre so we just need to come down here and kill all

These guys real quick and drop down that Magnum torch day day day today yeah there’s a lot of guys here okay so Magnum torch OOP that what tech that guy was like running all over the place is that is that a baby custom mom I didn’t know that there was

Baby custom moms apparently there is wait is that just Sasson clone digis hacen crazy I think that’s the first hermit crafter guy I’ve seen from the head crums mob that’s awesome who are you caveman films I think is what it said all right so we good anybody else attacking I think we’re

Good I know it’s really dark I can see some mobs off in the distance kind of what I want to do they just lay down some torches in this general area and just light this all up I see there’s a bunch of witches around yeah we want to

Get this all kind of lit up in our little spawn in area just so we have an idea of what’s going on and we’re keeping all the mobs away as far as possible from the start look let’s get this witch okay skeleton oh that’s spider junkie very good get another

Witch after us sketch yeah all right I think we are good yeah now we can see a little bit easier around us some spiders over there okay so now we got to figure out where are we we’re negative eight hundred and then nine hundred so we

Don’t have to go too far to find that location that it’s it in our quest book that we needed to go to let’s take a look real quick so that was negative eight seventy seven and then nine nine nine it looks like up in the ceiling perhaps aha so eight seven seven nine

Nine nine okay so nine nine nine is gonna be this way and eight seven seven so we need to go over here so we do have to keep putting down light and stuff like that look there is an aura node from thaumcraft here okay so that’s cool eight seven seven nine

Behind me it’s like a lot of mobs over in this direction for some reason I’m looking on the mini-map so nine nine nine then eight seven seven hey what I’m getting confused yeah eight seven seven so we’ve gone too far this way let’s go back know was right eight seven seven

Nine and nine okay then we need to go to you let’s take a look one more time 151 okay so we just have to go up into the ceiling so let’s fly up real quick we’ll have to drop a torch up here place it somewhere

Yo so hopefully I’m not going to dig up straight into LA because that’s gonna be annoying we can fall away for me if that’s the case you will have to place another torch here so 151 right here let’s take a look at her book is that

What we needed to go alright so it says we visited it so that wasn’t too bad I was kind of expecting there to be something here but I guess not there’s just a location in the deep dark that I wanted us to go to you what we

Were here not a whole lot to see that’s unfortunate okay let’s go back what’s that what is that over here oh there’s a nude there weird Oh yep gotta stay in the light they keep forgetting and you suddenly go off and explore stuff why is there so many mobs

Over there that is weird okay we gotta go check that out torch that is a creeper jockey I don’t know why there’s so many mobs over here that’s kind of weird yeah this is really weird I don’t know is that like the furthest that the Magnum torch allows mobs a spawn that

Might actually be the reason did I look at that in German sounds like he’s after me whoop we’re yeah oh there’s something over here I definitely want to check that out looks like some kind of a structure or whatever oh yeah that must be it that must be where the Magnum torch is

Allowing mobs to spawn okay that makes sense then let’s go ahead and make a few more torches here did you do torch making there we go yeah the Magnum torture was probably the best idea we could have done for the deep dark I don’t know if I want to spam

Torches everywhere that’s kind of what I’m doing right now just kind of lighting up the area just a little bit I also see there’s a spot on the mini-map rehear oh there’s like a cave or something down there no I’m interested it looks like there’s lava okay we

Should probably put hover mode on let’s go down here real quick squid ink okay so apparently squid can spawn in here look at this all the different origin stuff that we haven’t seen at all since we started because we’re in a void world yeah that’s awesome

Okay very cool so there is lava down here a little bit lapis and gold here an Enderman who are you orange Shing mushroom alright very cool and that goes straight down to bedrock it looks like awesome so I’m hearing a bunch of mobs and skeletons and things like that I

Think we’ll get out of here I do want to check out what that structure was that we saw on the mini-map just a minute ago though yeah this thing over here looks like it’s made out of bedrock with torches on it so no mobs are gonna spawn

On this oh there’s a chest okay so now we got some stuff in here eleven diamonds alright nineteen diamonds eleven emeralds some more coal torches mossy cobblestone sure we’ll take that stuff that is awesome and oh I did have room for the chests I thought I was going to drop something so

Is there just one chess on this thing is that all there is it’s kind of a random structure yeah it looks like that was the only thing that was here okay very cool it’s gonna remember stay the light in this area now is there anything else

Oh you know we could probably bring up the mini-map ooh there’s something over here okay and then this that looks a little weird doesn’t it is that just because of the way I place torches I don’t know might be so anything else on the map where the looking at zoom did

All the way yeah there’s something right here obviously that is something I want to take a look at so that is over at negative 900 and 750 okay that’s north which is north this way okay I think we’re gonna go ahead over there real quick and

See what’s going on a jet pack is doing fine you keep placing down torches every now and then so we don’t suffocate or take darkness damage or whatever it is okay so we got some structure here it feels like this isn’t lit up but I guess it is that’s really weird everything feels

Kind of dark what kind of stone is this colored stone brick white frequency huh okay so I see there’s a lot of mobs around maybe another Magnum torch over here would be a good idea oh yeah okay so that’s really dark in here I want to

Go down here a lot of doors oh this is zombie spawner just go and break that although I probably shouldn’t break spawners I should get a diamond dolly and then we can we got a bunch of scrolls and stuff near Stratos trading explore okay I don’t know what the title

Scrolls really do if anything but anyway like I was saying I think I should grab a diamond dolly take the spawners and we can use those for like something okay so this is gonna be a really crazy area probably you should just go ahead and break these doors just to show that I’ve

Been through them that way I don’t keep going through them over and over again okay so it looks like there’s more layers to this I wonder if there’s any good stuff at the bottom I think that’s probably what we need to find out right porch okay I’m hearing lots of stuff behind me

Yeah this is kind of cool I don’t think I’ve ever explored the deep dark into one of these structures before so I don’t really know what there is to expect in there if anything can I okay yeah I can break that stone that was just something that’s curious

You’re in a lot of mobs though so it sounds like the bottom floor or the least of four up there spider spawner that’s why I heard something like running up on me okay so I am out of torches but I think we should be okay to

Take a quick breather here and make some more don’t think anything else can spawn at the moment okay so there’s a little bit more torches don’t really want to break these spawner so let’s break the chest oh man there’s some stuff in there okay hold on let’s clear our inventory

See what we got net versus head mundane amulet I don’t know if that does anything seeker of treasure does this do anything I don’t know oh wait no we go to this one right here secret treasure I think that’s better than the one that I had right another control break click to

Link this in can I put this on okay so I have a mundane amulet on now okay that one is Crowley’s head all right so we have seen some stuff in here spider spawner wasn’t too dangerous there are some spots back here that still need to be lit up the mobs could

Spawn and so we need to go and take care of this real quick as well another door lots of doors okay I think we think we saw everything on this floor the only thing left to do is go down another floor I think seems great let’s go down

I think I see some mobs down there on the next floor down a two floors below how’s my armor doing I gotta make sure I don’t destroy my silver boots that’s the one thing I definitely don’t want to lose all right so I found another chest

Here let’s take a look at this yeah there’s some stuff looks like more heads and things like that we don’t really need cobblestone Black Lotus okay we’ll take that sips okay so there wasn’t really too much good stuff in there we’ll just leave all that other

Stuff on the ground to be spawned don’t really need that I’m gonna continue going through this area see if we can find anything else and yeah we’ll continue on exploring lower and lower and hopefully there’s gonna be like a great treasure at the bottom but yeah

I’ll see you guys in just a bit oh I forgot to do this chest to you underneath the spider spawner so we’ll go and pop that one open looks like Ethos head yeah ether I don’t know who that guy is anyway doesn’t matter so we got a spider spawner and a zombie

Spawner no no zombie spawner spider spawner and something some other spawner I can’t remember now on this floor but we will go down to the next one here and see what else we can get alright guys so I found another zombie spawner on this floor so let’s pop this

Chest and see what all we get looks like some bread and siblings head yeah and a piece of iron okay so nothing too green that one either well let’s continue down I think this is the last floor down here oh there’s a lot of zombies oh my goodness

If that zombie just move like really fast I don’t know that was kind of freaky torch okay baby angry zombie those guys are very dangerous good I think you might be good that looks like that goes out maybe maybe we were supposed to enter this thing from the

Bottom I don’t know yeah there’s so many mobs oh alright and we found yet another zombie spawner at the bottom it’s getting a little bit more quiet in here now so let’s check out what’s in this chest oh look so we got a potion or something

Some iron I’m not sure what those are let’s check this out oh and there’s it looks like an iron helmet over there I might pick that up so these are gem cutters tools from witching gadgets all right we don’t need that Philemon chanters constant tree all

Right I’m not sure what that is I think that’s it so if this has some durability on it I will take that yeah that looks like that is full durability I will take that over that thief’s cap that I’ve been wearing all right so we got a

Little bit more armor going on very cool just a little bit more of this to explore so I’ll continue on see if there’s anything else worth finding here and I’ll bring you guys back in I already found yet one more spawner so what’s in this one Oh looks like there’s

Some kind of a ring an enchanted book yeah there’s some kind of a ring over here let’s check that out zombie brain that this is at a parenthesis ring of Ignis so Ignace discount of 1% so we can go and put that in our bobble slot alright damage tree confusion once

For sounds like a zombies coming there’s some on the other side of this wall I think I don’t know they’re pretty close though oh you know what it’s spawning through the wall I bet so I should find out what’s over here oh that’s just the outside okay so I don’t need to worry

About that I do need to worry about these guys though yeah so that’s pretty cool damage three and then whenever the other ones work there’s a red heart I want that I want to get rid of I guess we don’t really need the string all right I’ll

Take that okay so yeah I’ll continue exploring I think there’s a little bit left of this place I’m not sure how much more there is but there might be another spawn or two so let me continue exploring and we’ll be back guys okay so I just got done massacring a whole

Bunch of spiders in here and then we got to the part where this opens up to the outside so I just put down some zombie heads hopefully that’s enough to keep everybody out sounds like this whole place has gone pretty quiet now except for maybe there’s spiders spawning on

The other side of this wall from the spawner oh there’s still some stuff going on so anyway let’s go ahead and open this last chest so we got a sword some more bread apparently we got some saplings over there from something I guess I must have popped out of the

Chest as well that sword though yeah this weapon hits like a wet noodle it can only be used for crafting so yeah that’s pretty worthless so I was pretty sure that we got rid of all the spawners and stuff in here but yeah those spiders and things that we’re hearing might be

On the outside I don’t know if I look on the mini-map I can see there’s like a whole bunch of mobs around me and on top of me so I don’t know if they’re spawning on top of this place or if there’s a big section of this building

That I missed I mean this place is really big Me’s I would like to come through here and clear out all these blocks so I can see where the main ladder is I don’t even know where I’m at anymore man I mean I can get out of here if I want

To just by digging great that’ll take me to the outside over here hope there’s a zombie I miss this spot okay and we’re out oh man what a crazy place ah there’s spider on top of the building what a crazy place and a skille you’re

Dead yeah I think the the mobs here in the deep dark I supposed to have like twice the amount of health as the mobs spawn in the overworld so they’re a little bit more difficult if we take a look at the main map do we uncover anything else there’s a little bit of

Lava over here I don’t really see much else here we got that crazy structure that we already saw I don’t know what else there is in the deep dark to check out so I tell you guys what I think we’re gonna head back to the overworld

And see what else there is to do oh man guys that was a lot of fun checking out the deep dark and fighting through that little dungeon area and all of that so I was looking at our quest book I claimed the rewards for mob hunters since we got

A few of those but it said that we had a quest with an unclaimed reward as like wait a second hold on what’s going on this one apparently we conquered I just saw this says a task where the player has to reach one or more locations I

Thought we had to get to all three of those but no since we went to the deep dark and we visited this one location that completes this quest so that’s gonna give us a title scroll and a reward bag let’s claim that reward learning the Skyblock is 97% complete so

Apparently there is another quest here that will be unlocked later at some other point or something but every quest that we can do has been done zero requests available for completion okay so title scroll straining explore what was that title we got before seeker of treasure okay I don’t really know

What those have any effect on you other than just this little information right here but we will put this one area here straightening explore and that’s our new title very cool so yeah let’s go ahead and open a reward bank it’s legendary I think that’s the first legendary reward

That we are going to get so hopefully it’s something amazing gold or berry bushes okay not amazing but I guess it could have been worse right alright guys well I tell you what I think we’re gonna go and wrap the episode up here today we definitely want

To collect a lot of resources from the deep dark but we don’t have like a large power supply to run like a quarry or anything so we’ll have to figure that out sometime in the future how to get all those resources out we might just wait until we get a way better power

Source I don’t know but yep that’s all we got time for for today thank you guys for watching remember leave a like on this episode if you did like it and we’ll see you next time thanks for watching guys bye bye you yes

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods Agrarian Skies 2 – DEEP DARK !!! [E30] (Modded Skyblock)’, was uploaded by Hypnotizd on 2015-07-26 13:00:10. It has garnered 29851 views and 955 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:19 or 1579 seconds.

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Minecraft Mods Agrarian Skies 2 is a Modded Skyblock Survival challenge map. Your mission is to rebuild the world from practically nothing! It contains the Hardcore Questing Mode (HQM) book to help guide us on our journey!

———————— We made a portal to the Deep Dark last time, let’s actually explore it some today! ————————

► PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLriprjos26pvTNDBYWP2NlzOzQIE49ZUH

► BECOME A PATREON ♥ https://patreon.com/hypnotizd

► LINKS http://twitter.com/hypnotizd_ http://twitch.tv/hypnotizd_ http://hermitcraft.com

► MODPACK/MAP INFORMATION Agrarian Skies 2 v1.1.7 http://minecraft.curseforge.com/modpacks/225550-agrarian-skies-2/files

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  • Hot Springs Shenanigans: Robot Chicken #10

    Hot Springs Shenanigans: Robot Chicken #10 Exploring the Minecraft World: Building a Spa and Horse Carriage Creating a Spa Inspired by Beitou Hot Springs Museum In this episode, the Housewife embarks on a new project to build a public bathhouse for her village residents. Drawing inspiration from the Beitou Hot Springs Museum, she carefully designs the exterior with red bricks, arched windows, and a faux tile finish to mimic the iconic spa’s architecture. Inside the bathhouse, she incorporates a hot spring source that powers a waterwheel, adding a touch of realism to the spa experience. The Housewife also includes a cozy tatami hall, a relaxation… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret of the Red Gates in Minecraft! Episode 6

    Uncover the Secret of the Red Gates in Minecraft! Episode 6Video Information my only class option support Mage nice I’m so sad I’m I’m just sick that’s you didn’t put no get no point none y that sounds familiar of all my classes I got support B I found a bus nice no I’m lit look at his demon yeah y i I punch him wait to that’s so [ __ ] God I’m sick I’m sick I I okay I became I’ve lit became a cleric I’ve became a Healer congratulations I’ve gained the heal and Power Boss skill wait really yes that is that is crazy the heal… Read More

  • Insane Redstone Build Challenge!

    Insane Redstone Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mini Redstone build’, was uploaded by AppVenture on 2024-04-12 02:00:33. It has garnered 47 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. Mini Redstone build @BBlocks @minecraft @MineCZ @TotalGaming093 @TechnoGamerzOfficial Hashtags: – #shorts #short #shortfeed #shortsvideo #freefirevspubg #freefirevsbgmi #official #review #freefire #freefirehighlights #djexoff #raistar #akashiff #freefireindiaofficial #aimbotfreefire #akashi #akashivsvincenzo #bestplayers #shortfeed #shortsvideo #viral #viral88 #top10games #toptengames #top10gaming #freefire #freefirehighlights #overpower #cand #candy #candycrush #candycrushsoda #subwaysurfers #subway #subwaysurf #subwaysurfersshorts #temidos #bgmi #bgmilive #bgmihighlights #bgmitipsandtricks #bgm #bgmimontage #bgmigameplay #clashofclans #ludo #ludoking #ludogameplay #clashofclans #mobilelegends #mobilelegend #mobilelegends #pokimane #pokemongo #pokémon #djexoff #freefire #game… Read More

  • Unbelievable MineCraft Gameplay – Must See! #minecraftshorts #funnyminecraft

    Unbelievable MineCraft Gameplay - Must See! #minecraftshorts #funnyminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by More Than A Game on 2024-05-26 15:43:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral Minecraft is a 2011 … Read More

  • “Waseem Khoso’s Insane Minecraft Farming Kingdom Revealed” #mincraft #mincraftnoob

    "Waseem Khoso's Insane Minecraft Farming Kingdom Revealed" #mincraft #mincraftnoobVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Harvest Haven: Exploring My Minecraft Farming Empire” #mincraft #mincraftnoob’, was uploaded by waseem khoso on 2024-02-08 19:59:24. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to a world where the wild roams free and every corner holds a new adventure. Join me as we embark on a journey through my Minecraft zoo, a sanctuary for creatures great and small. From majestic lions to playful pandas, our safari promises excitement and discovery at every turn. In this video, you’ll witness the beauty of nature come… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Mod Review by KaneLion LOL” #minecraftmods

    "Insane Minecraft Mod Review by KaneLion LOL" #minecraftmodsVideo Information hey you yeah you wait hold up the mushrooms can go in the helicopter dude you just ruined my intro get out anyways yo what’s up everybody today we’re on a pretty popular Minecraft seed the reason why it’s so popular is because of this Village and the surrounding area now look at me when I tell you we’re not here to look around and appreciate the beauty wait this helicopter is so sick this is the most satisfying thing ever yeah hidings for the weak let’s just take a minute to appreciate this beauty while I’m destroying… Read More

  • Get OP Items to Crush Gym 2 in 100 Days! (Minecraft Cobblemon 1.4)

    Get OP Items to Crush Gym 2 in 100 Days! (Minecraft Cobblemon 1.4)Video Information and I’m just going to plop one of these oh okay uhoh our health Cindy this is a skeleton this is Bones hey buddy speaking of water look at that the icebergs they’re melting H and people say global warming isn’t real SMH huh there is uh magnetic charismatic hello angry shoelace you ah don’t go away from me one second Lads I’m being chased by old people oh that’s so ah non-consensual back shots the hell are you looking at that’s a impressive looking cave damn boy Mother Nature is gaped damn not Meg you’re up okay… Read More

  • Insane KittenCrystals gameplay at 600ms! 😱 #cpvp

    Insane KittenCrystals gameplay at 600ms! 😱 #cpvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: your play on 600ms.. #cpvp’, was uploaded by KittenCrystals on 2024-01-14 03:16:41. It has garnered 2090 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #pvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #texturepack #pvppack #mcpe #minecraftshorts #mcpe #smp #minecraftserver #meme Read More

  • Shocking! 5 YEAR OLD NOOB on my Minecraft server! 👦

    Shocking! 5 YEAR OLD NOOB on my Minecraft server! 👦Video Information Me encontré con este chico que parecía recién estar comenzando me di cuenta ya que estaba haciendo su generador de piedra y por alguna razón este jugador lo hizo mal esto Me hizo sentir un poco de pena entonces le tiré un cubo de lava y agua nuevos en ese momento se quedó muy confundido pero continuó haciendo su generador y esta vez volvió a hacerlo mal Pero además de esto se terminó cayendo de su Isla Entonces le hizo una bromita transformando toda su isla en bloques de diamante Además le dio un pico para que pueda… Read More

  • Mind-blowing ENVtuber plays C418’s “Wet Hands” in LoFi style!

    Mind-blowing ENVtuber plays C418's "Wet Hands" in LoFi style!Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: c418’s “Wet Hands”, but played by a LoFi pianist…’, was uploaded by Impers!【ENVTuber】 on 2024-04-16 10:03:07. It has garnered 308 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:59 or 179 seconds. #piano #wethands #minecraft #lofi Herro! why are you reading this? there’s norhing interesting here… or is there…? maybe… just read a bit further… Femboy Tummy happy now? just subscribe already. Read More

  • Clouded

    CloudedWelcome to Clouded, the ultimate BoxPVP experience! Step into the arena, where you’re enclosed in a box, armed to the teeth, and ready to unleash chaos. Engage in intense battles against other players, strategize your moves, and upgrade your gear to dominate the battlefield. With a dynamic array of skills, levels to climb, daily rewards, quests to conquer, and a thriving economy, Clouded offers non-stop action and endless opportunities for glory. Join us and let the mayhem begin! mc.clouded.network Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! Looking for a new SMP survival server to join? Check out Shaded, the best SMP survival server in 2024! NEW! Lobster Pots. Purchase from Aaron the Angler at /pond. Land claiming and grief prevention. Custom gear from the Gear Merchant. Skills, economy, shops, and auctions. Free (vote) ranks, kits, and perks. Quests, events, and challenges. Shaded is cross-platform, regularly updated, with a dedicated staff team. Join today: play.shaded.gg Visit our website, discord, and social media for more information: Discord: Shaded Discord Twitter: Shaded Twitter Vote: Vote We hope to see you soon… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft anniversary nostalgia intensifies

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft anniversary nostalgia intensifiesPast anniversaries in Minecraft be like: creeper explosions, failed redstone contraptions, and accidental drowning in lava. Here’s to many more unforgettable moments! Read More

  • Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song

    Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With Liam and William, their story told. A friendship tested, emotions run high, As they navigate through the dark sky. Jurias and Ameyra, a chance encounter, Their paths crossing, feelings begin to stir. But trouble lurks in the shadows deep, As secrets and mysteries slowly seep. In the realm of Minecraft, where stories intertwine, The characters’ fates, in the hands of time. With each twist and turn, a new chapter starts, In this world of blocks, where creativity sparks. Read More

  • Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely!

    Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely! I would choose the cursed Nether portal that leads to a never-ending supply of diamonds and enchanted gear, because who needs safety when you’re decked out in bling? #minecraftlogic Read More

  • EPIC 15th Anniversary Build with Grian

    EPIC 15th Anniversary Build with Grian Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft with a Massive Real-Life Build For Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary, the community came together to create something truly spectacular – a massive Minecraft block in real life! The event took place at Alexandra Palace in London, where fans gathered to bring to life a series of Minecraft artworks inspired by the creativity and imagination of players worldwide. Reflecting on 15 Years of Minecraft Over the past 15 years, Minecraft has become a global phenomenon, captivating players of all ages with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. The game has seen incredible feats accomplished by… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️

    Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (11)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-13 06:19:20. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Sab & Friends

    Minecraft Madness with Sab & FriendsVideo Information for for for e all right who the heck I can play geometry Das all my controller this is actually so cool by the way I do not play Geometry Dash so I do not know how good I am going to be at this this looks kind of fun though it looked really fun though like on while I was watching other YouTubers play it and I just decided to down spend five on it and then just play it so I used to play it a lot on my uh phone though when I was a… Read More

  • Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter Quests

    Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter QuestsVideo Information on day one I spawned in as an awesome Warden ninja right in the middle of my Warden ninja Hideout but there were no other Warden ninjas around in fact the whole place was full of dread ghouls while several of them were standing at attention one of them was standing back and giving orders destroy everything my dark Warriors we are under orders to eliminate every last warden ninja we can find I didn’t understand why this was happening but I wasn’t going to take it lying down who’s giving you these orders you cowardly dread ghoul… Read More

  • Insane Parkour in Minecraft – Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPS

    Insane Parkour in Minecraft - Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPSVideo Information [Music] listen TR love [Music] is the must the must it seems [Music] bright smoking of for the pain J is all like a unicorn I step inside the club I see her on the FL a white designer dress is what she call I position and BRAC toen in my as she looks up I’m standing in the life I don’t know your name and you do not know I office but that does not matter at least for my office are let no to to the moov in the sky my it seems right toight [Music]… Read More