UnspeakablePlays – Hire a Pro Minecrafter for $5!

Video Information

Such a beautiful day not just in minecraft but it’s just a beautiful day in general i think i’m gonna start this world with just a good old simple tree wait wait how do i break a tree i don’t know how to how do i do i do i slap it do i yeah

How do you how do you oh that’s not it uh how do i get out of this how do i get out of the how do i no no oh no oh i got it um okay okay that’s that’s walking that’s backwards that’s okay this is

Tilting guys i think i forgot how to play minecraft i’m not even kidding i need someone to help me that’s all i need there we go i got it i i’m feeling lucky i’m feeling lucky i’m fit what is this i need like a like a minecraft teacher

No what about like a like a coach yeah i need a minecraft coach i will coach you on minecraft for five dollars sounds like a deal wait eighty dollars entire game i will play with you your own world until we defeat the ender dragon and the

Wither oh my gosh this dude is dedicated for 15 i can get one and a half hours on any minecraft server or my own world okay and for five dollars i get one hour of coaching okay um huh he will help me unlock achievements as well help me kill the ender dragon and

Get the electro wings oh snap all right i gotta do it i’m gonna go with the 80s i’ll go with the basics well that was easy let’s go ahead and order it yes [Applause] yes i did it all i have to do is wait five days

All right so it’s been a couple days our fiverr contestant has replied or or should i say our minecraft coach i have this guy on skype right now and i’m literally about to call him i’m also about to send him an invite so he can join my world

I need some help on my minecraft world like i don’t know how to break trees i don’t know how to fight the inner dragon i don’t even know what the inner dragon is here’s the thing i have changed my skin to this because i don’t want this guy to know that i’m unspeakable

I don’t want him to recognize me because it’s going to ruin the prank and i’m also going to change my voice and i’m going to sound a little bit like this hi um my name is unspeakable and i like tacos hopefully my voice isn’t too annoying

But honestly that’s the only voice i can do i’m terrible all right all right let’s give this guy a call i sent him the invite to my world first i’m going to see if he joins i don’t even know this dude’s going to join me this is the best prank

Ever by the way guys i’ve never talked to this kid in my life i have no idea how old he is i i don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl i don’t know he just said he’s gonna coach me on minecraft

And i paid money for him to do it now we’re gonna chill him play my okay let’s do this can i call you on skype where is he he’s not reading the message he’s just playing minecraft oh he said yeah okay all right here we go hello what’s up

Yo what’s up bro give me a second i’m trying to set up my my headset no you good how’s your day going pretty good that’s good oh are you on are you on pc yeah i’m on pc that’s lit okay so so real talk real talk real talk

How many people actually play i’ll pay to play minecraft with you uh i’ve gotten like i don’t know like maybe like eight orders i’m not sure i’ve been keeping track so you make like bank off that don’t you it’s not much yeah it’s pretty cool what what are you gonna do with the

The money that i gave you to play minecraft with me and help me in my minecraft world probably gonna save it i was trying to buy an xbox one soon so i could play with my friends oh that’s good bro that’s good all right so i need big help with minecraft i’m new

To this game um and i do like i don’t know how to do anything i need you to teach me all right so like i don’t like like i don’t know like i i know the basics like this is a grass block this is tnt because it says tnt on the side

And then this is uh leaves and then that is oh what what did i do did you what are you doing what are you doing no don’t blow my world please my island i love my sheep why why are you doing why are you doing that what are you

Doing no i’m outside the world okay so i figured out how to break wood but what do i do with wood after i get it how do you get wood you go no i taury no like what do i what do i do with it like what do i make

I don’t get it you can make planks what is a plank it’s a wood plank oh well you use the use of wood planks to make uh other things like a crafting table sticks this is oh my gosh oh my gosh this is so cool what is that wow

Oh look oh come here come here where you going come on come here come here come here you run for me i’m a master a master of paw paw what are you what do you want come on come on come on come here come here come here where you going

Where are you going what do you think you can run away from me oh you’re pretty good you you quick oh okay so uh what do you want to do i don’t know that’s a good question i don’t know um so it said you’re gonna help me get better

At minecraft and help with achievements okay yeah yeah you will coach me for one hour what wait we’re gonna play did i buy the fifteen dollar one or the five dollar one i think i think about the five dollar one we can play more if you want though

We can play for hours and hours and we can do we can become best friends and we can become minecraft but what other games do you play do you play fortnite sometimes oh ho ho ho you want to teach me on fortnight too and then i don’t i don’t i don’t play

Fortnite as often whenever i play with my friends they kind of destroy me my friend aiden he’s really good at building yeah that’s pretty cool all right so here i want you to do something so i am going to go so i would can you are you good at building

A little bit and playing a lot of like building stuff that means you’re good at building right i guess yeah thank you all right here’s what i want you to do i’m gonna give you some blocks and i was wondering if you could build a house

All right a house yeah like i’ve been mining for a really like i’ve gone through 15 iron pickaxes so here i want you to take all this cobblestone if you must go ahead that’s a lot of cobblestone yeah hang on hang on i got a lot more where that came from

Oh yep there it is oh yep yep it’s still going more yeah i still got more i still got more you want me to build a house with it yeah if you could that’d be awesome if you can’t build a house i mean i could try my best i could try and help

You but i don’t have any more cobblestone so that’s a problem yeah i kind of gave it all to you oh you borrow some of this cobblestone okay thank you i love it so this is not our house this looks like garbage let’s go over here

I think we should build a house in this dry hole and we can call it the the crater crib the crater crater yeah that’s pretty good name personally i like my house is very tall i think this will this could you help me finish this house by the way

Yeah i’ll totally help you finish this house sweet dude okay so i want this house to be 57 stories and i wanted to have 37 bedrooms are you good bro is 57 bedrooms too much okay we can do 42 i mean if it’s really too much like we can do 42.

You good bro oh holy moly you were gone for like an hour yeah i’m fine i’m fine you’re good okay cool well i’m working on the house here with you if you go okay so this right here where you’re standing can be the entrance so we can make this really fancy

I want it to be like this level though so like don’t dig down this will be like the floor level and uh so are you cool with 57 bathrooms and 42 bedrooms or is that like a no no go no we need more bathrooms what about 150 bathrooms

And 10 bedrooms that sounds good that’s a bet all right cool so oh this is gonna take a really long time all right i’ll work on the walls i will slowly work on the walls how’s your day going oh it’s going pretty good you know i just i just woke

Up like a couple hours ago just oh that’s pretty lit bro this is so cool we’re playing minecraft together i like minecraft is like such a popular game especially on like youtube and stuff like these tnt blocks we can use it for defense that is true can we build

Uh a canyon i don’t know i don’t know if you have the right blocks for that i don’t know i think you can do it i think you can do it i think if you really put your mind to it you can do it you put your mind to

Anything you can do it yeah that is very true i like your motivation i like it it’s inspirational leo knows so i got a question yeah yeah yeah i forgot oh that happens to me all the time when i’m in class yeah i just i don’t know i just oh wait huh

No i forgot you watch youtube yeah yeah i watch you too legit who do you watch maybe watch the same people i watch like uh some minecraft youtubers you want minecraft youtubers into me yeah that’s pretty lit yeah sometimes who do you watch maybe a guy named uh unspeakable gaming rage elixir

And like i don’t know that’s pretty lit that’s super lit dude how’s the house going oh the house is looking great what’s your favorite video from unspeakable well i don’t know i watched this video recently it’s pretty good it was like uh what was the video i don’t remember was

Called he was like playing and then it was uh it was like everything was like a dream and he was playing this map but then he was like gluing eyeballs on his mic it was pretty cool that’s pretty sick how long have you been watching his videos i’ve been watching for like three

Years i’ve recently stopped watching him three years legit nah that’s pretty cool i used to watch him a lot more and then you know i went away from him for a little bit and then i was like you know what i’m gonna make this fire thing

Because my friend and me and aiden you know you play minecraft a lot and i was like playing we should do this thing i started watching my minecraft and i was like you know what go back to this guy that’s super lit bro i like it i like it oh oh

I swear i didn’t do that it’s only gonna make it i swear on my life i didn’t do that i swear i didn’t do that i swear it wasn’t me it was you what are you doing i blame that on the creep it was the creepers they did

Bro i blame it i i um i don’t know man i don’t know you got any tnt in your inventory no none yeah you got a tnt no you let me see your inventory come here come here come here come here come here you come here no you come in you come out

Oh wait we both have tnt oh my gosh we both did it oh my god what do we do now um i don’t know we should go to that island out there but i think we’ll both drown yeah this was a pretty oh my gosh oh look at my chest

Wow that is so cool look at it it’s looking like this dude i don’t know honestly like a man i don’t know i’m just gonna i’m just gonna cover it up because i don’t i just there we go we’re good all right there we go we’re good

You totally didn’t see anything and you totally i totally did not get this tnt from okay you know this is pretty fun let me ask you what do you oh i dropped my headphone what do you want to do now the possibilities are endless with this game

Very endless very hang on i’ll be right back hold on all right all right all right that’s a lot of experience [Applause] all right i’m back okay uh so what do you want to do now your skin is epic my skin is epic i know it’s unspeakable

Is that so cool i got to show you i just figured since we’re both unspeakable fans i had to show you you know isn’t it cool i know it’s epic what’s even better is that your gamer tag says real unspeakable yeah that’s like this really weird i

I didn’t i didn’t know that that’s something that is really weird yeah it’s pretty epic just be like a really die-hard fan like even your skype is like unspeakable you know yeah it is you know my skin i don’t know what my skin is what is it my skin is bob ross

The greatest pain are alive that is lit he’s one of the greatest painters alive and i did not notice that what if i was to tell you all of this is just a big old prank we still have to build the house this is just a big prank this is a big

Prank come on you want to get 200 bathrooms no bro i’m not building 200 bathrooms okay if you really want to i’ll leave the room open and you can do it i just want to let you know that this is just a big old prank dude it’s so hilarious

I know man don’t bro you knew from the beginning let me let me ask you this how did you uh where did you find me because uh last last time i was in the video was with another youtuber rage elixir when he so i made it a little bit more convincing

That i didn’t know it was him because his fiverr account was named rage elixir so i was like oh that’s probably him and then then i saw his video and i’m like yeah i definitely use him yeah all right well uh dude you’ve been pranked i i saw your fiverr ad

I needed some help in minecraft i just wanted to mess with you but um yeah so you um wait are you actually watching speakable legit sometimes yeah yeah that’s so weird well okay to be be honest with me how like when did you think you knew it was actually me

When i thought i knew it was you first of all when you just entered i instantly knew because like your voice i don’t think anyone talks like that unless you’re like i know i need to get a legit voice changer that’s what i’ll do

Bro is it cool if you’re in a video yeah yeah yeah all right if you got a youtube link toss it to me i can put it in the description but that’s pretty much gonna wrap up this video um i’ve been recording the whole time

So it’s just kind of yeah your link in there is all bro i’ll throw it in there and people can buy the 80 premium and they can play the whole entire minecraft game with you all right dude that’d be epic all right well uh thank you for playing minecraft with me and

Coaching me and uh i will um actually here you can do the outro you’re better at this than i am you gotta do the we gotta stand here in f5 okay yeah and then look have a safe and fantastic rest of your day that’s it watch more of unspeakable gaming and subscribe

Like the video buy the buy the 80 premium package thank you guys for watching [Applause] You

This video, titled ‘HIRING A PRO MINECRAFT PLAYER FOR $5!’, was uploaded by UnspeakablePlays on 2018-10-27 13:00:00. It has garnered 5779450 views and 96220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:06 or 1026 seconds.

HIRING A PRO MINECRAFT PLAYER FOR $5! w/ UnspeakableGaming 🚩 SUBSCRIBE to UnspeakablePlays – https://goo.gl/KxX4c7

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Music from Epidemic Sounds http://www.epidemicsound.com/

Intro – https://soundcloud.com/subfermusic

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    Insane Minecraft Hero Trap by Vezalius BandageVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Heroes】Building a trap for heroes・ヒーローを引き寄せる罠を作る!【NIJISANJI EN | Vezalius Bandage】’, was uploaded by Vezalius Bandage 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 18:39:56. It has garnered 15784 views and 1204 likes. The duration of the video is 05:20:24 or 19224 seconds. It’s time to execute my evil plan to lure heroes into my trap hehehehhe 😈 【Streamlabs Donations】 https://streamlabs.com/vezaliusbandage 【June Bride Voice Pack】available until June 30th JST https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/news/76msaa-nw9mm ✦✧✦ ✦Thumbnail art: https://x.com/Thd10042/status/1792616936251052356 ✧Thumbnail logo: https://x.com/Nicreator_0v0/status/1792636847622926465 ✦✧✦ 【Chat Guidelines】 ✦ Don’t spam or troll. ✧ Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. ✦ Keep the comments… Read More

  • World Craft Domination

    World Craft Domination[Survival] [PvP] [RolePlay] [Vanilla] [Towny] [Economy] [Player Shop] [Geopolitical] – World Craft: Domination is a survival based server with nations, towns, trading & politics. Who can be the most powerful nation? Grow your empire, ally with others and even declare war on other nations! play.wcdmc.com Read More

  • Alberram – Fantasy Roleplay Server SMP Whitelist

    Alberram Fantasy Medieval Roleplay Server Details: Java | Vanilla | Version 1.20.2 | 16+ Join Us: Discord Invite Link About Us: Alberram is a fantasy medieval roleplay server that offers creative freedom with a simple lore that sparks imagination. Key Features: Completely Free: No donations or subscriptions for unfair advantages Caring Staff Team: Transparent, honest, and responsive staff members Dedicated Playerbase: Active community ready to create unique characters and stories Whitelist Process: Quick review of character sheets to ensure fairness and lore compliance Unique Plugins: Enhancing races, towns, cities, and geopolitical roleplay Lore Snippet: The world of Alberram is a… Read More

  • RoyaltyRealms SMP

    RoyaltyRealms SMPRoyaltyRealmsRoyaltyRealms is a semi-vanilla Minecraft vanilla server. We always strive to be on the latest version of Minecraft so that our players can enjoy new Minecraft updates. We offer custom textures, models, and UIs to make our server different. All artwork and 3d models are custom and specifically for this server. RoyaltyRealms gives players the ability to decorate their homes/builds with furniture models. Players may also customize their Minecraft character with cosmetic items. Join us for a fun adventure on RoyaltyRealms.Connect at: play.royaltyrealms.comJoin our Discord: Discord.gg/royaltyrealms Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty flexin’

    Well, looks like this meme is really flexing its score on us! Great job, meme, we’re all very impressed with your high score. Read More

  • Minecraft Escape Room: Epic Fail or Genius Plot?

    Minecraft Escape Room: Epic Fail or Genius Plot? In the worst Minecraft escape room, I did play, But it was so bad, I escaped in a day. With failed puzzles and obvious solutions in sight, I crafted my way out, with all my might. In a Bedrock turret, I began my quest, Using F5 to see, I gave it my best. Threw an ender pearl, to the next room I flew, Crafted a boat, and sailed through. In the next room, a two-block jump I faced, With stairs, lava, and a fishing pole to embrace. I crafted my way out, with planks and sticks, Using my wits,… Read More

  • “Hot diggity Minecraft memes!” #minecraft #memes #shorts

    "Hot diggity Minecraft memes!" #minecraft #memes #shorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #shorts Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Food Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Food Mods! Minecraft Food Mods: Enhancing Your Gaming Experience! Hey everyone, it’s Rakkooii! Most of you that play modded Minecraft are aware of the vast variety of mods that make up a pack. Within this assortment is a genre of mod that is very popular within the cozy gaming community. Food enhancement mods! But, what really are these mods, and why are they so popular? Let’s dive in and explore the world of Minecraft food mods! Understanding Minecraft Terminology Before we begin, let’s cover some basic terminologies: Minecraft: A 3D sandbox game that allows players to craft their own unique experiences…. Read More

  • Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21

    Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21 The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Netherite Mining Guide Mining for Netherite in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but fear not! The ultimate Minecraft Netherite mining guide for 1.21 is here to help you navigate through the process. With detailed methods, tips, and strategies, you’ll be on your way to acquiring this valuable resource in no time. Understanding Ancient Debris Netherite, also known as Ancient Debris in its raw form, is a precious item found underground in the Nether dimension. It typically appears in chunks of 1 to 3 and can only be mined with a diamond or Netherite pickaxe…. Read More

  • JJ & Mikey: Tragic Maizen, Alone in Minecraft

    JJ & Mikey: Tragic Maizen, Alone in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] ah good morning everyone how are you doing oh there’s no JJ here I guess he’s on the first floor let’s see the weather looks so nice today I’m so happy and let’s go to the kitchen maybe JJ is cooking something ha oh no where can he be he’s not in the kitchen he can’t be where’s he gone let’s go outside and see what’s going on there’s no telling what could be going on oh my God what are we going to do now it’s going to be bad for us with without JJ how… Read More

  • Minecraft PrinceMJ Live Let’s Play

    Minecraft PrinceMJ Live Let's PlayVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello everybody what’s up what’s up wait a minute wait a minute you guys before we get straight into the game play wait a sec wait a sec my do do you know okay hello foxy Zer we have uh kuna we have light flamish here let’s [Music] go all right I don’t know if you guys will say the same to Minecraft Legends in the future I I don’t even know maybe let’s just see if Minecraft dungeons back then were was kind of look like was kind of look like as… Read More

  • INSANE Bedwars Combo – MUST SEE!! 🤯 #trending

    INSANE Bedwars Combo - MUST SEE!! 🤯 #trendingVideo Information I This video, titled ‘Combo Edit 🔥 | DVRST – Close Eyes | #bedwars #minecraft #trending #hypixel #shorts #entertainment’, was uploaded by RaahimClips on 2024-05-08 13:36:04. It has garnered 510 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020, fps boost 2021, hypixel, cheating on hypixel, hypixel hack, minemen club,… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of the Jungle Temple Lever Puzzle! #minecraft

    Uncover the Secrets of the Jungle Temple Lever Puzzle! #minecraftVideo Information here’s how to do the lever puzzle in the jungle temple go into the basement and inflict these two levers and then flip them back up next go up the stairs and drop down the pit and open the chest mine had three diamonds This video, titled ‘How to do JUNGLE TEMPLE LEVER PUZZLE #minecraft #viral #minecraftshorts #mincraft #jungletemple’, was uploaded by 35th Street Productions Shorts on 2024-03-14 01:04:00. It has garnered 4325 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Guruji EXPLODES with Zennith Life Steal on Public Server!! 🔥

    Guruji EXPLODES with Zennith Life Steal on Public Server!! 🔥Video Information द स्टर्स अ नाइट लाइक दिस कनवर रिवाइंड कैन यू र द वल्फ क्र आउ टू द ला अ नाइट लाइक दिस शाइन सो ब्र सो टेक कपल स्टेप्स बैक एज यू यर मी स्टार्ट टू ह टेक अ कपल स्टेप्स बैक व लूज अ कंट्रोल वट इट एंड आ विल ट द बक ों य ट स्टप मी दिस इ द हो ऑ द प् [संगीत] सो टेक कपल स्प्स बैक एस यू र मी स्टार्ट टू हल टेक अ कपल स्टेप्स बैक वन आई लूज अ कंट्रोल वाच मी टन इ टू अ एंड आ विल… Read More

  • Uncover spine-chilling creature in MINE KRISH 😱

    Uncover spine-chilling creature in MINE KRISH 😱Video Information ली सीरियसली ब्रो हमें जेल में बंद कर दिया एलेक्स कहां है ब्रो एलेक्स कहां है एलेक्स को कहां बंद किया बताओ यार एलेक्स कहां चला गया यार सीरियसली भाई जेल में बंद कर दिया गाइस हमें बताओ यार हम आराम से इतना हम किसी का कुछ बिगाड़ा भी नहीं था हाय एलेक्स देख भाई हम दोनों कहां पे बंद हो गए और और और इतनी गहरी नींद में सो जाए जिसे पता भी नहीं चले कोई भी उठा के ले जाएगा ओ यार ी दो दो वाला जो बंदा है य भाई ये बंदा भी नहीं है… Read More

  • 3 CRAZY WAYS to PASS exam NOT WORKING?! 😱 #minecraft

    3 CRAZY WAYS to PASS exam NOT WORKING?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information [संगीत] भाई मुझे गवर्नमेंट जॉब नहीं करनी क्यों नहीं करनी गवर्नमेंट जॉब मुझे अपना बिजनेस पेपर ही क्लियर नहीं हो रहा This video, titled ‘Govt job exam ❌ business ✔️ #minecraft’, was uploaded by AHSRAV GAMER on 2024-05-05 01:45:00. It has garnered 809 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Facebook page link:- https://www.facebook.com/ahsravgamer/ Instagram link:- https://www.instagram.com/invites/con… Youtube channel link:- https://youtube.com/channel/UCqHsSsNJ… Email📧:- [email protected] #freefire #freefireindia #freefiremax #impossible #ahsravgamer #gamer Ignore tags:- Let’s Play Gameplay Walkthrough Playthrough Gaming Commentary Game Reviews Gaming Tips Strategy Guides Game Highlights Multiplayer Games Single-player Games Game… Read More