Unstoppable Search: Silence Armour Trim

Video Information

M m Hello my name is feed stones and today we are going to um try to find an armit the arat we’re going to trying to find is the silence armat because I have found every every single armat Tri in the game apart from the silence armor Tri um you can

See over here I have found and gotten a netherite set of each armor trim right here um apart from the armatur so we got like every single one bro all lined up on this huge armor stand so um yeah we’re going to try to find the

Um silence arm so yeah let’s move the camera down a little bit there we go um yeah welcome to the stream uh Candi welcome MCB welcome YT welcome buzzing welcome crafter welcome VY Bloom um welcome noat welcome soda pop welcome Abad uh welcome Bal welcome Burger welcome everybody to the stream so yeah

We’re not going to stop streaming until I either give up or um we find the armat which I think I’m probably going to give up at some point because I’ve already tried to look for it like 100 times now I’ve went out so far in my world to try

And find an arm Tri I just kind bro so yeah welcome Jack Adams as well um how’s it going bro how’s it going what’s up guys you husin how’s it going man welcome to the stream hope you all are having a great day can I get your insta

My insta is right here right here see yeah that’s my Instagram right there bro uh drop it a follow I po post one real every day but on my Tik Tok I post three Tik toks a day or I’m trying to anyway um so yeah hello Jo Victor G how’s it

Going man welcome to this amazing awesome uh live stream on the worldwide web sounds like a schol fe all right bro like good thing I didn’t ask you then buy all right you know what I mean hey Sean how’s it going dude how is it going

Welcome to this God awful stream on the worldwide web how how’s it going bro it is awful because I’m in it would you believe it yeah we’re going to need a lot of fireworks um it’s going to take a lot of flying you know so how’s your day Fe my my day

Is been um all right you know I just played a lot of uh just cuse 3 today I didn’t get to play any um Far Cry 6 there just not enough time in the day for me to play Just Cause 3 and Far Cry 6 so I just decided you know what bro

Let’s just play some just C tree and call it a day you know so I just SP well I woke up at like 4: 400 p.m. today um I don’t know why I didn’t really stay up that late at all last night so I don’t know nothing buy what thing what uh

Kindy Stone said hi Stone said hi uh hello to Stone how’s it going Jack are you are you um hung over let me know are you hung over man when Auto clicker wait I will just AFK in a game in with an auto clicker would that game be cookie

Clicker man let me know if you’d be on YouTube my upload schedule is one vid a year I mean you know it just takes dedication bro just takes dedication I remember I from the 12th of um December to the 24th I uploaded every day which

Might not seem like a lot but that was a lot man that was like that really took a toll on me bro I’m not even going to lie so I would not recommend uploading every day unless you have unless you bulk record it cuz I I did not both record

Those videos I recorded them and uploaded them on the same day so like I had to them as well I make the thumbnails for them oh man it was it was bad so I would not recommend doing that I’d recommend um bulk recording first and then releasing every

Day yeah um how’s it going Candi how’s it going let me know same with um same with you know what yeah you know what same with Jack Adams as well cuz he was drunk last night I’m interested to hear how he’s doing um I know what helps Cy um I’m playing dungeons

Wait um I’m just playing dungeons right now I’m still sad I can’t get any more items event items because Mojang stuff supporting the game ah I see okay I mean look bro dungeons was it was it was a lot more successful than um Minecraft Legends and that’s for a reason you know

Legends had like zero viewers at one point on Twitch which is absolutely insane I know if it still has zero viewers it probably does yeah I wouldn’t be surprised feeds yo below what’s going on man what’s going on um yes Jack did I really donate last

Night yeah you you donated like yeah you donate and then you uh give to the membership bro it was insane so thank you man unless you uh refund which in that case freak you man God dang it I’m going to treat you the same as Andy when

He refunded I’m going to say freak you freak you freak you I’m going to have a mental breakdown I’m going to cry I’m going to have nightmares every night that somebody else is going to refill I’m going to be like a also I didn’t loot this place yet D okay I’ll take the

Uh loot awesome um flipping epic man I would never thank you man I appreciate it dude but you know I I also appreciate the kind Dons bro kind well I say donos but it was it was I don’t want to scare you it was one donation so yeah which is

Great so yeah thank you man are you going to stream New Year probably not going to stream tomorrow boys I’m probably not going to stream tomorrow I’m probably going to hang out with the family uh to celebrate New Year’s that’s what I do every year so yeah I probably won’t be streaming

Tomorrow I don’t know maybe uh you donate $12 on membership that’s is true oh yeah the $2 yeah my fault how how could I forget the $2 donation freak man how how did I forget man um I’m not going to say candy don’t want uh a chat on what uh yes you did

Wait what I’m so confused school on Christmas break ends uh 10 million studies and 100,000 homework maybe maybe you never know your teachers could be like you know what we’re we’re actually not going to do homework anymore and we’re not going to do any more um studying either because we are awesome

Fe my phone broke get a new one I mean I can’t do the same you know I I know if you can do the same but I can’t do the same like if my phone broke I can’t just get a new one so I get you bro um it’s

Not just like I hate when people say that though like oh your phone broke just get a new one like what what the hell do you mean just get a new one bro you think I’d be complaining about my broken phone if I could just get a new

One like what the hell man what is wrong with you dude um see I guess you dude never mind just take back what I said about getting a new phone also boys please drop a like on the stream me please I got some ultra rare trophies

From some DLCs even when named avoid way avoidable where you have to where shouldn’t be reading chat while I’m in the nether shouldn’t be reading chat while I’m in the nether to be honest shouldn’t be reading chat while I’m in the nether God dang it man feed

The olders from my school we screaming on the third week of January this year oh this year okay I thought never mind never mind I don’t know what I was thinking um why why were they screaming was there school shooting or something what’s going on that’s the only

Acceptable time to scream while in school you know like that’s the only time you can actually scream and nobody gets annoyed um or maybe people get annoyed you know like maybe you scream in a school shoo and like people are like hey stop you know he kind know that

We’re in this classroom or else he’s going to Burge in and then it’s not going to look good so I’m sorry if you it’s my fault it’s all your fault Sean God’s sake man why would you make me die this is all your fault man you should

You should be ashamed of yourself you should be ashamed of yourself bro going to have wait Sneezy another woman has joined the Discord you got to give her mod what’s the other woman’s name let me know cuz it depends on her name uh hi Len how’s it going bro welcome let me

Set up my um ring light I am good man good man you know nobody kills stey and doesn’t say sorry you know B B I know name I know a person named baa like that spell like that but I don’t think it’s her cuz that’s like I don’t

Know I’m I’m like 90% sure it’s not here but I do know a person I roll named be um but again I don’t I don’t think it’s her uh sorry I’m doing pretty crappy but it’s okay um I’m sorry to hear that you’re doing crappy um how can I make it better where

Am I making it better by streaming who even knows I don’t know so that’s why I’m asking Jack the real is open what I mean imagine if it was imagine if it was um you should open the room I mean yeah like husin said the real is

Open hope you enjoy when I type smiley face on Discord I changes too I die I know bro I know why does the change [ __ ] stupid freaking actual emojis dude there’s a reason I didn’t type the actual Emoji you know what I mean feed has every right to be upset at me

Because my idiot self can’t kill a it’s fine it’s my it’s my fault bro it’s my fault for reading chat while in the nether screwed nether man hate this stupid Dimension okay now I got to do all that again I did this this like before the

Stream started and now I got to do it again God dang it freak man well I mean I could just dump my items on the ground it doesn’t really matter but you know it’s just it’s just better when it’s all sorted out in a storage storage chest but whatever man it’s okay yeah

Um how is everybody doing I am doing okay um I’m not doing bad so I guess that’s a good thing you know I guess that’s the good news I have doing bad but I would say I’m doing amazing I know my drun bur hit me last time that is awful actually see alcohol

Is one of the worst things a human can take I’d say look bro this is a controversial opinion but I think um alcohol sorry is um more dangerous than I’ll say most drugs you know like people say oh well you know cocaine is probably worse or

Yeah it’s worse for your health but I’d say lot a lot more dangerous is alcohol um and You’ only know if you’ve been around people that you know have drank a lot of alcohol um so yeah I don’t know maybe I’m wrong maybe you disagree but for me

And many others I’d say I am correct um so yeah ba yeah I’m trying to think of who that is like you know never seen him in chat don’t think it’s the person I know IRL so who could it be not even sure be if you’re in the chat let me

Know how’s my chat Frozen let’s see yeah boys we’re very close to um 10 likes So yeah thank you boys my chat was frozen God dang it man hey feed how’s your day being yeah just um yeah my day is been okay not bad but not great um while I was watching cooking

Videos with [ __ ] what um B said uh said like b i b okay yeah see because look bro I only said that cuz the person I know R can you can you tell them to come into the stream I want I want to see what their YouTube is

You know so I can actually say hello instead of them talking to why are they on Discord instead of the YouTube channel I’m so confused also she’s a woman that automatically makes your from F nope don’t I don’t work like that buddy all right I don’t work like that

Man all you guys meme on me for saying like Bro Look bro name all the women that have been on the channel on our mods okay you probably can’t name any cuz I don’t name I don’t make every woman a mod okay so just like chill out go

Outside and yeah should be good what’s JD vizer how’s it going man welcome to the stream so sir yo hi y TF wait TFG TFG I don’t know why I struggle with like saying different letters one after another I don’t know why maybe there’s something wrong with my brain uh Luna Axel Cy

Live oh my god well you know listen bro listen okay listen listen listen listen listen listen listen AEL got it cuz she made the new sord okay which is very nice um live got it cuz I know where IRL okay um and Candy I don’t know why she has it to

Be honest and then I can’t really explain any others because I just don’t know I don’t I can’t think of an excuse right now but just give me like a few more days I can really come up with soon I really can so just give me a few more days

Bro Wasing go outside go outside exactly bro that’s what I’m saying man he needs to go outside I’m not going to reat while I’m here because it is very dangerous and I died so I’m going to leave here immediately I’m watching a m we playing Minecraft Java ah I see Minecraft

Java why not Minecraft Bedrock that’s the real question because Minecraft bedor is not as great I would say but yet I’m playing it still why I’m not sure maybe because it’s a keyboard and mouse it’s just like unplayable for me anyway um life uh fun I wouldn’t say life is fun I

Would actually disagree I mean sometimes it’s fun um sometimes it’s fun sometimes it’s not you know what I mean um in my opinion I still blame myself for death feed it’s all good man don’t worry about it dude it’s my fault it’s just your message was kind of confusing and then I

Died cuz I was trying to figure out what you were trying to say and then oh man you can play Java with controler but like you need mods I would I want like actual like for real like you know support you know like where you

Just plug it into your PC and you can play whereas you can’t do that you got to like download a mod and like who wants to download a mod to play with like a certain kind of device not me bro so that’s why I’m not going to do it and

It really just angers me man it annoys me dude because I’m just like I want to play on controller well I can’t because I got to download mods and why would you want to download mods on a device where you should just be able to plug it in

And play it’s literally called plug in play but no you can’t plug it in play you got to download a stupid mod made by the community not even made by the developers of the game made by the community dude how stupid is that man I think that’s stupid so that’s why I’m

Never going to do that man really grinds my gears dude really makes my head explode um ooh netherite scrap I need uh I need this obsidian too so I’ll take it um ooh also I heard vti’s uh voice candy and oh my God you are you are

Lucky he has a nice deep voice is like yo what’s going on I was like oh my God for real I can play bar Rock right now good man good man I’m glad that you can play Bedrock right now I mean even if it was any version it would be fine I’m

Glad you can play it bro I’m glad you can play Minecraft about these voices Oh my bro he it is amazing um I know but do yall want me to speak French or English I mean fly English because I kind of understand French you know um andati was teaching

Me so many like German words it was insane um like alcohol is alcohol and uh you know he told me how to say um to be honest feed I stink and I haven’t took taken a shower in in years I was like oh my God is that based off truth and he’s

Like yeah it is actually I was like oh my God take a shower dude the hell is wrong with you so yeah then he has to stop teaching me German to take a shower and I was like man um the Minecraft console edition Halloween map still has scary music and

It haunts me still I can’t remember the music actually um so I guess I’m a disgrace to society in that case but you know it’s fine if I’m a disgrace to society then just know that I already knew that because I’m a Minecraft Youtuber it’s kind of expected as a

Minecraft YouTuber that you’re looked down upon um in society so yeah man just kind of sucks but it’s okay dude it’s okay man I was Wonder because uh in my house we speak French um uh much Korean fluent in French than English how does that even work I’m not sure but um it

Sounds good sounds good you know let’s speak French man let’s speak French TW each other um yeah uh M you said kind lie I’ve been losing motivation for Minecraft lately same here bro same here man especially with the S SMP CU I played it every day

For like a week or two uh pretty uh you lose the energy pretty quick especially if like loads of things aren’t happening at once like even if like loads of things are happening at once I L I lose motivation pretty quick so um it’s pretty difficult to like actually keep

That balance of like lots of things happening and not many things happen at the same time you got to keep it balance keep your you inspired and um I find that balance pretty difficult to keep uh so yeah in my opinion let’s take the obsidian radi all St typ in French no no

Please don’t please don’t we don’t understand French I say like we is in like you know me and myself and I don’t understand French and I will not understand you so there’s pretty much no point in you typing French at all hello Bob I like the name Bob what’s your story Soldier

What is your story um imagine mojing on Halloween uh makes cave wait cave sounds more scary I mean that would be pretty cool though I think that be pretty cool anyway I just need to find one ruined portal uh to find some like one block of obsidian can I

Find one block of Oban I don’t think so yeah I think it’s because I’ve played Minecraft for one year St yeah I I haven’t playing for like four or five years straight like even before YouTube I was playing it a lot um and now I’m playing it even more so

It’s like it hurts you know I once found two songs ARS uh in one ancient city my I found zero dude I found like 50 ancient cities and no silence armor shs at all at all dude not one okay so I’m getting very annoyed very stressed and

Uh you know it’s getting to a point where I can’t handle it anymore so I’m going out to look for it again for the 50th time and uh let’s try and find a like one an ancient city because that’s pretty hard to find anyway in my opinion but also a sing Armature

R AR okay I’ll take it girl can we agree that what happened yesterday stays in the past and today is a new day I don’t hate anyone I I I just got upset yesterday and I um got too aggressive and I’m sorry for sign up wasti I think that’s a good apology I’d

Say that’s a good apology um I accept it three hours H that’s snow cast what um MOJ kind of makes no sense sometimes where they add freak I miss it dude I’ve played MCB wait mCP since 1.6 I didn’t have money to buy it and when you downloaded you need a license it’s

True so you use like you PIR the games what you’re saying I’m going to have to call the FBI on on you at that point um because pirating is illegal um I’m sorry to say bro but yeah I’m going have to call the FBI on you man

It’s not a very fun process but I I know like you know it sucks like you’re going to have to be locked up uh for a couple years but it was your choice to like you know pirate the game so I apologize dude just uh you got to learn your lesson somehow

Man I had the worst Christmas ever because I got dumped uh I just played games or music to get over but my heart still felt broken and it’s been a few days but I think it’s best to not think about yeah I mean I’d say um obviously the

Heartbreak you know it’s good to have like to show that you care right show yourself at least that you care and you you actually enjoyed that person but at the same time I’d say it’s important to move on and just like don’t think about it again um and if you know deleting the

Photos that you have with that person or whatever hopes then I’d say do that you know there’s no point in keeping the photos unless you want to look back got memories and say like and beside again but I don’t know I play my RO for a year straight

And I’ve played Minecraft for like eight years yeah man it’s insane it’s crazy how you can just like you can play for that long and then realize oh well I don’t really have any motivation anymore to keep on going also I should have whoa where did he come from uh I should have

Brought more obsidian I don’t know why I didn’t bring any more I’m sorry up he say be like what is he pirate the game is that the person that PIR to the game I didn’t really read the name so you’re lucky because I can’t really

Report you to the FBI if I don’t have a name but you know it’s okay Jesus excuse me what the be was that bro I’m trying to find a just one one block of obsidian bro just one block of obsidian that’s all I’m trying to find so I can actually

Go to the overall and find one but can’t I can’t open around board I’m sorry to hear your board um the one who got D oh the oh yeah my apologies how you got Dum though um does suck but you know I say follow the advice that I gave you and um

Everything should be good I play Minecraft when it came out on PS3 same here bro same here the memories man the memories are insane I would say U just want to make sure the game G is offline that’s thought I saw somebody join I pirate because APK is legal on Android

Doesn’t mean it’s actually like you can legally download games on there it just means the app or whatever you used is legal but like it’s like saying you know stealing it’s a thing you can do but it doesn’t mean it’s legal you know doesn’t mean it’s legal crime is never

Legal I don’t believe um in any place actually I remember I start Xbox 360 edition then PS4 edition D you switch versions and everything how how did the um switching controls feel cuz you know the Xbox controller is different to PS4 a lot more different

Than a lot of people think it is bro where is the obsidian man I’m getting sick of this I need obsidian or like a room portal freak man why did I think of this I really didn’t think this true you need at least 10 felt funny at first but I just ah see

Well there you go I mean how would you not you know if you if you said like oh I didn’t really adjust well then i’ be like well then how are you still playing on there be a bit strange I’ll be questioning what’s going on at that

Point you know i’ be like is this guy really okay is this guy like seriously just like okay um finally bro oh my God Jesus that took long than expected I didn’t even want this to happen but yeah well I went to find the obsidian but I didn’t want to run out of

Obsidian before I could go home you know what I mean so I’ll take the obsidian though I’ll take all of it matter of fact just so I can go back home when I’m done with if I do find the silence return so I can go back home easily I

Have to stretch my hands for dual shock for dual shock really bro your hands are that small I’d say I have pretty big p pretty big hands look at my hands bro pretty pretty huge as in like not fat but like you know just big

Hands um so yeah that’s all I say back in the day I used to play a lot of Xbox 360 edition on PS4 Legacy um but I remember when I played on the adberg castle world oh yeah I think that’s when I no I started before that but that’s when I started playing

The um PS VA is on that t world right there pocket was first uh I played then PS4 edition and barck was like 4 out of 10 but console was an absolute 10 out of 10 um but you will say but most you be like better is better what you mean

Uh I’m like then you don’t understand what I mean exactly yeah um oh my God boing what the hell man boing you’re pile bro just like chill out man you’re a pile get out of here man no PS allowed in this sh okay no PS with imaginary girlfriends allowed

And that’s you that describes you man so you’re not allowed in the chat bro wasn’t what the freak yeah I said before that too yeah if you on uh it’s like guess painful after point I’d say becomes painful after a certain amount time um is my opinions on that but you

Know you could you could say otherwise you say oh I feels great but no I I think it I think it’s just painful after about an hour um I F in the Discord oh that’s who it is that’s who that girl is that’s who baa is or B

Sorry that’s who it is okay um or your AI girlfriend is in the Discord is that what you’re saying cuz if so that’s kind of sad bro where’s the flint and steel there’s one in my inventory and now it’s gone so I’m going to have to get this Firebolt Fireball

Thing I don’t even know uh congrats feed on what let me know congrats on what man I appreciate it though Jesus Christ I apologize he’s blind huh uh no my AI uh is replica I know so she’s fake dude she’s fake man I’m sorry to say but she’s not real dude I know

You saw the ads for like role play whenever you want but you know there’s there’s going to be where the replic CL ball is like down and then what are you going to do like your your girlfriend can’t go down as in like you know she

Can’t just shut down and then it’s like on your v wait your vid reaching 1 million views I mean I wish bro but thank you man I mean I guess this for the future if my if one of my videos does hit 1 million views but yeah thank

You man thank you for the congrats in the future um there’s a PL SE in your inventory oh there is I’m just blind yep yep yep shut up Elis shut up dude they will trust all of them all of them every single one that’s like 500

Million views oh my God that’s insane no wait that’s like 100 million views unless you’re talking about live streams as well is my real GF replica is my AI girlfriend I see is baa her real name cuz I can look up on um also we will not find an ancient city here

Because ancient cities will not spawn in the ocean or under the ocean me too also feeds when’s the Vlogs the Vlogs um I don’t go I haven’t went outside since like uh the 10th yeah the 10th of uh December so you know uh not for a while bro I you know

I’d rather go out with my friends and then like you know hang out with Dan what the freak I know hi feed miss me Cactus flips did you change your name dude bro you’re all right no bro no bro I haven’t went outside since then because I’ve been

Working on videos and you know you get paid double in December so I wanted to release double amount of videos so I’ve been like uploading a video every day like uploading recording editing making the thumbnail making the description the titles the tags everything all in the

Same day that I upload those videos yeah uh yeah what’s up B goats how’s it going bro welcome to the stream man welcome welcome welcome um best thing about Legacy is the match ups like Toy Story or even Steven Universe M and Soldier H I actually never played the Steven

Universe I think that’s the only one I’ve never played is the even universe Mar pack yeah it’s insane call me like crazy yeah for real for real bro I’m being I’m being for real you get paid double in December so why would I not like if you got paid if you got offered

Like okay come into work for 2 hours extra every day and you’ll get paid dual at the end of the month you’ll be like oh okay yeah yeah I’ll do that I’ll do that I think anybody would take the offer right um make a diamond hoe for

The fies should I do that right now bro should I do that just for you man um sure man sure I’ll do it once I reach this Village I’ll do it um I don’t know what these notifications even are but okay strange um Okay so we’re gonna

Make a diamond hoe is this under this is just uh my survival world I apologize dude this is my survival world cuz I am um oh my God he was floating cuz I’m I am a weirdo I’m a stranger cool thank you man also already had a crafting table in my inventory

Okay I mean I guess nope never mind can’t even make some sticks freak man got to destroy this guy’s house to make some sticks I’m sorry man just has to be done bro some guy in the chat is telling me to make a diamond hoe and I got to

Make one for his approval so I’m sorry man it’s just it’s got to you know you got to do what you got to do if you want to have a good time so here’s your diamond hoe he won’t mind I once he knows what it’s for and yeah oh another

Another black SMI oh my God hello sir keep on working nice thank you man thank you you I appreciate the nice comment I mean was it even a nice comment just saying nice is that would you count that as a nice comment I I mean maybe I wouldn’t really it’s just

Comment say nice now give it knock back too well that’s just like that’s going too far dude that’s going too fair cuz that’s not even possible at that point I don’t believe so I don’t know um I still remember how strange PS4 barck felt when I yeah man I played um I

I played with a I guess not really friend anymore but yeah not she’s not my friend anymore but I used to play with this person that was my friend Katie um that was the first time I ever played Bedrock I was like okay Katie hop on Minecraft we’ll play

The new Bedrock cuz we used play Legacy before better come on um I was like okay Katie hop on there’s a new update it’s a whole new version like really what the hell I was like yeah it’s insane and we played and uh we were completely like underwhelmed we’re like okay well this

Is like this this is stupid like we’re we’re we got our expectations like way too high like yeah it was a weird feeling but like at the same time he was like on no really knew was added okay it was just a new menu and it felt kind of

Weird that was it so I gave you loyalty ho and I wait season one I destroyed it yeah cuz it was it was a hacked item and I felt I felt very dirty with my hacked items so okay the cute one what there’s no cute Katie um that I know

Okay um unless Katie is watching which in that case I mean even then if Katie is watching you were never cute buddy okay uh you were just my friend that we played Minecraft together you know that that was all you were to me you were just a person that

I used to hop on Minecraft because I was bored okay I use you for when I was bored if you got rid of his dirty hoe exactly bro exactly she would I she was all used up and I was like I don’t want to play with you anymore because you’re

Used up you’re washed up you know I still wish they never removed Legacy Edition same here same here also I’m going to change the mode on my ring light cuz I realized it is the wrong mode but it could look better than the one yeah it is

Okay yo feeds what’s up uh from gtic G wait gtic phone later of course man let’s play some gtic phone gtic gtic phone very very very very fun game very very fun game if I do say so myself very very fun I am up for some gotic

Phone you go to the swamp to the swamp why is sh there did you see did you see Shrek why is there a bot there oh my God what is going on where’s the Swamp I don’t see any swamp C take in the Discord later sure man sure honestly Bedrock is getting better

But it’s nowhere near the Polish and quality of Legacy honestly I agree it is getting better I would agree okay it’s a lot more smooth um which I enjoy because my maybe because I’m on PS5 but on PS4 my world was extremely just like pretty much unplayable because of how laggy it

Was for no reason okay it would just be for no reason just like completely unplayable cuz lag I was like okay I need to change this so I you know my plan was to buy a PS5 anyway but I was like okay if so if like if I can earn

Enough money on YouTube to the point where I can actually buy a PS5 then I’ll do it and then that happened because Z Gamers yeah and then on top of that he donated another thousand so I was like okay I’ll buy a PC so that’s what happened I’m going invite you to a

Server okay bro no problem man I probably won’t join but you can invite me anyway all right so ancient cities spawn in mountains and Cherry Groves so let’s Dig Down bro started talking Indian Indian did I no the bleep I did not man no the bloody beep I did not

What the bleep are you talking about man I’m going to record my voice I’ll be back no problem no problem are you going to like sing wait I’m guessing you want invite for gtic phone gtic phone no no no no no he does not want any invite for gtic

Phone no no no okay let’s see if there is an ancient city below here or even maybe a stronghold if I’m lucky um I hope maybe but will I find one probably not no but I I hope to find one yes um okay what’s the lowest a ancient city

Can spawn so I know where to stop mining I don’t like waste my time one to why min juy W thank you man oh my God I’m back welcome back sir welcome back man how’s it going dude sometimes I wonder if dunes or Minecraft get their ideas from past

Updates or spin-off games I I’d say past updates probably but the spin-off games look bro I’m not even going to lie I honestly dislike most of the Minecraft spin-off games they’re just like not well done the only good spin-off game of Minecraft that I actually really enjoyed

Was Minecraft story mode um I did not enjoy dungeons I did not enjoy Legends I didn’t play Legends but I watched like two hours 3 hours of game play I was like yeah this isn’t for me this is not a game for me man so trimmed armor made me uh think of the

Order of the Stone like Gabriel’s armor and Jesse wearing other armor yeah man it’s insane it’s uh maybe that’s what they got inspired from who even knows on my old Xbox One S barck ran at 10 FPS he was awful yeah it’s bad like when you have a world that you really

Like or that you spend a lot of time on and it runs like pretty much unplayable speeds at that point it’s like do I even bother playing anymore and I’d say no I’d say just create a new world at that point or just like wait until you have enough money or

Like wait until Christmas to buy a new console uh cuz you’re just going to be hating every single moment of your life until that point um you’re going to regret everything you’ve done in that world until that point so I like you know Minecraft got better over time of

Course but also just helped to get a PS5 to speed things up anyway so yeah it was good a current Xbox series XS smoothly yeah I mean you’d hope so right you’d hope so um for I mean that that’s how bad it was bro that’s how that’s how bad it was

Minecraft Earth was like just so forgettable man it was like pretty much Pokemon go but you know Minecraft I do believe right I can’t get wait hold on bro one second man yeah I’m not seeing any um skull even so there’s not even any skull here have to move

Locations got some move host move caves and see if we can find a better one with like even just skull but even if it does have skull it doesn’t mean there just going to be an ancient city which kind of sucks but you know it’s fine I’ll take the iron no I won’t

Actually CU we don’t have enough space so we’ll just put some stuff away nice um okay not lie barrock is pretty optimized on devices Java is slow as freak I think Java is faster in my experience of playing it even with shaders on like better can’t even handle

Shaders whereas my Java can’t I don’t know why it’s quite weird incorrect blister what do you mean incorrect booster I remember when MC barck first released on PS4 it ran so bad yeah man was so bad but like that was because like a lot of people were on it as well

To like test it out um yo what noat welcome to the stream how’s it going dude should I get the $5 membership I can get it for free how could you get it for free but I think you should bro I think you should if you

Want um I mean if you get it for free but like it gives me money then yeah go ahead man I’m all for it but if you can get it for free and I don’t get any money then God dang it man eventually I’ll have wait I’ll have to get to PS5

In future cuz they’re going to shoot down older console YouTube premum oh really damn you can get memberships for free that’s actually insane no you do you got money I think thank you man I appreciate it dude thank you thank you thank you I didn’t think you got memberships for free for YouTube

Premium but I guess it would make sense right um be I mean I’d say Sean you don’t have to worry about that for like another 10 years I’d say at least for PS4 like they’re not going to sh down PS4 10 15 maybe 20 years like

PS3 their servers have not shut down yet so it’s quite insane you see from YouTube at that point do it um yeah I mean they don’t really need the money so it’s okay it’s okay man if I don’t talk I am still here I’m playing MC right now okay bur no

Problem man no problem dude oh my God that was a long flight that was a long flight man you should open real because of the cactus wait CU of cactus’s generosity I mean they haven’t bought it yet so we shall see bro we shall see I can’t uh

Not can’t sorry spelling is trash can I know what you’re saying so see I apologize I know what you’re saying Pokemon go Pokemon go oh yeah that’s what I’m saying okay I’ve recorded it please don’t judge the audio when I post it h i don’t have very good I have a very good

Mic it will only be posted for 20 minutes okay when I I don’t know when I’ll do it but I’ll post it in this stream okay let me know cuz I actually want to hear what you sound like that sounds creepy but like in the least creepy way possible I want

To sound like I want to hear what you sound like you know cuz you know what I sound like you you even know what I look like so it’s fine you know so like oh well I don’t even know what feed sounds like so he

Could be an old man for all I know you know I’m I’m the furest thing from an old man I would say so I just jumped by almost 20 witches that were Enchanted ones Jesus Christ how dude how how were they all Enchanted and how did you jump

P them on that makes no sense I I call cop dude I call I call Cap man that’s what I call dude I call BS you know what that okay there’s got to be okay there’s got to be an an city right here if there’s nothing I call BS

Okay I call BS if there’s no an city right here mCP kind of even run shaders because of the DB render Dragon yeah it’s like it’s bad bro is that your survival world this is my survival world yeah I got neite and everything so I’ve been on this world

For quite some time as you can probably tell so yeah it’s quite insane if he knows what I look like but doesn’t know what I uh hear like what you hear like I mean I know what your ears are like so you could have really bad hearing so I don’t know I want

Dungeons on apocalypse difficulty feeds oh you’re on dungeons okay my bad I thought you on Minecraft I was like how did you get past that many witches without dying also don’t judge my voice I sound like a kid I can’t help it um I’ll make sure to judge I’ll make

Sure to judge very harshly um same well there you go man at least you got someone to back you okay also what the hell why did my phone not ring what the hell man my phone was supposed to ring unless I I haven’t learned to post on Tik Tok at 9:00 p.m. every

Day and it’s not for every day Frick I didn’t say it for every day that’s why God dang it man okay repeat every day God dang it man I can’t believe I forgot about that you’re so mean feed bro it was a joke man it was a joke chill out chill

Out we know we all need to chill out and go IDE you know I’m just going to post something real quick on Tik Tok for like a clip I have a funny clip of the stream I don’t know I don’t know if I have any clips left to post but we shall

See somebody repost my video too let’s go uh I’m so M crafter at least you don’t have a man’s voice uh that is true he has a fair points you know that was a Fair Point M crafter if you sound like a man that would be more concerning if

Than like if you sound like a kid you know like sound like a kid it’s like whatever you know kind of expected as I have a young audience but like you know if you sound like oh my God or if you even sound like me I’ll be like okay well this is getting

Concerning I’m quite concerned about um anything that I’ve said to Candi at that point you know I’ll be letting um Wasabi know all about this is what I say I have family uh from Canada and they don’t really sound like that they do bro all Canadians sound and talk like this you

Know where it’s like if I don’t get support I’d have to get kicked out of the house you know it like it would be crazy yo Cactus flip got the membership Why didn’t it come up it didn’t come up on chat did you guys see it in chat I

Didn’t see it in chat at all but thank you uh Cactus I appreciate it dude thank you very very much um for the membership I got it thank you man it means lot wait which one did you get what level did you get let me know at 3:21 p.m. or a.m. let

Me know what time is it for you bro yeah thank you man I appreciate it dude thank you thank you thank you man we kind they already did a voice reveal uh she’s going to post it very soon also let me open to Total memberships you got us to

29 members bro thank you very much could we get to 30 could we get to 30 who even knows um where is okay it’s right here oh yeah right here uh $5 one uh PM I see PM well thank you man I appreciate it dude it means a lot

Man most expensive I could H get with discount but yeah that insane you got us to 29 members that is insane so just I want to say one more time thank you man this support is insane um no problem um I’m still 10 my D voice literally sounds like Satan no

Voice changer what do you mean your demon voice you have a demon voice how did you find out about this demon voice are you a demon who even knows um why is the side of my nose so itchy I don’t know please bro ancient city there’s got

To be an ancient city here please bro please man I don’t think there is I don’t see one I’m getting concerned I want to but I can’t because I don’t have the payment method required it’s all good man don’t worry about it bro it’s all good dude boys we are one member

Away though from 30 members which would be absolutely just crazy it’s actually half you know um so yeah it would be crazy but Cactus it’s weird that like you got it but like it didn’t show up in chat like you think it would show up in

Chat or like on streamlabs but I don’t believe it’s coming up on streamlabs either cuz what it would have popped up on screen um but yeah thank you man it did say I got a new member though so that is a good sign look my last comment not yet fatti

Not yet what exactly let me know let’s see if it come up on here um it didn’t but it’s all good it’s all good man yo go with the gifts and membership man thank you bro I appreciate it now we have hit 30 members thank you very very

Much man absolute Legend bro absolute Legend um it went to JD viser now you should hear the funky nice music as well um in a second we’ll play the funky thank you man I appreciate it dude we have gotten to 30 total members thank you to um goat for that man absolute

Legend bro absolute freaking Legend thank you very very much man how much is giting members uh it is5 per gifted which is insane like that is expensive so like that’s why it means so much for anybody to gift memberships because like you’re gifting a rich scrad out which is

5e a month so yeah W boys can we get some W goats in the in the chat cuz that is W from goat right there thank you very much man JD vizard is now a member so I hope you enjoy the perks bro also I’ve never heard this music before from

Minecraft this music that only plays when you’re in like a sko while cuz it’s like scary music kind of spooky uh W Feed who is uh booko booko I mean I just call anybody boo you know W go W goat man honestly bro thank you

Very much man and uh yeah we’ve hit Our member of 30 members bro that’s insane it’s crazy to look at 30 members right there so yeah thank you dude um and again thank you to um Haus as well um yeah just W’s all around man uh

But like L Minecraft for L Minecraft for not giving me an anci City so yeah w i I hope you uh I hope you enjoy your emojis as well um I think we can actually add a new one now that we have enough members I think I needed three more and I’ve

Gotten those three so today two today and then one yesterday so I can actually add um two more emojis I think so if you guys have any ideas for emojis or like an a thing you’d like to see as an emoji in the chat let me know I’ll add it bro

Um suggest in the uh Discord or in the chat I do I’m glad to hear bro I’m glad to hear you enjoy oh shoot did you he the news from Don a member of his gifted like 20 70 really 70 gifted memberships Jesus Christ man that’s expensive man

That is expensive 70 so I’m guessing he did it in like 50 and then 20 that is crazy yeah congrats to D for that one that is uh that a lot of memberships 116 Jesus Christ I had that one angry Emoji like the yellow guy also sorry if I’m

Just like doing the same thing I’m trying to get out of here in a safe way without dying I’m not seeing any way hold on am I seeing away yeah this is definitely like new music it’s got to be this is epic music actually he has 20 or so most less now

Yeah it’s insane like you can you can unlock a lot if you will gift memberships um so yeah GG s though your voice finishes changing at 22 so mine is not finished changing that is good because I’d like my voice to be a little bit deeper in my

Opinion um so yeah and most El air pay to win they air they literally air yeah it’s insane they literally also I’m going to post on Tik Tok now hold On Jesus that’s loud um okay let’s post on Tik Tok boys let’s post real quick I’m just going to post as quick as possible uh look at my last comment Fe you said honestly I want to donate at some point but I know if I can I you don’t

Have to don’t worry you don’t got to but if you do it would be greatly appreciated bro why is mus so loud the Wen is scary when he makes the screen go pitch black Yeah man cuz then you kind see a thing and then you don’t know

Where he is and I like come on um yeah but if if you’re a girl people will judge you because you might sound like a kid but you’re 16 I mean it’s fine I mean like bro if you make fun of women because they sound like

Kids it’s it’s weird because if you’re a grown woman and you sound like a kid it’s like should you sound like that but if like if if you’re an underage woman and you sound like a kid then I’d say it’s like it’s not normal like it’s not it’s

Not normal for any any underage person like not even just women like just underage person you’re going to sound like a kid cuz you are one you know you’re underage so yeah Tik Tok music is harder because it’s K music oh yeah let’s go man someone give me Members so it turns

31 I mean if you guys want to see that number take over to 31 you always can trust me it sucks it does but you know being a teenager anyway sucks so it’s like something you got to get used to s you know life is the most like bugged

Out game ever bro it’s worse than Minecraft Bedrock I would say um the music is oh yeah and most L I would say is like are pay to win you know they are pay pay to win it kind of sucks but I can understand why they would be

It’s like YouTube’s trying to get money then they’re trying to make you like hit a goal by pay so they make money but you also hit the goal so you want to pay more money and I was like oh it’s like gambling you know kind of in a sense I would say oh

Shoot excuse me come on bro just got to like there’s no oh my God there’s actually like no an city under this which is just insane the older girls in my school still sound like kids and one of them is turning 17 on New Year’s Day on New

Year’s Day so that means well February March is when they’re like released insane oh Maximus welcome to the stream how’s it going bro okay so they could be an cities kind spawn underneath um things like that I forgot what they’re called but like you know biomes like that with the flowers and

Stuff if you play like a certain like I think if you play other side on those things oh no it’s weird never mind I don’t know talking about bro I just know that they spawn under here sometimes so I need to look and see if once has

Spawned also who the freak uh would give me I mean like when you give the membership you can’t choose who goes to it just goes to a random person automatically sadly you can’t choose but I wish you could oh my God but you know I’d say somebody would gift to you

Membership if they had the option yeah I think like if you could choose who go to I think a lot more people would gift memberships because then you can choose a person that goes to instead of like say you don’t like a person in the chat

Then don’t you don’t have any risk of it going to them and be like oh I just waste one money on gifting a membership to a person I don’t even like um or a person I don’t even talk to in ch you know it’s like oh man well that kind of

Sucks there should be an option like let YouTube choose or let me choose you know that would be a cool option CU if you like obviously like if you’re gifting membership sometimes you can’t be bothered to choose like if you’re gifting 10 you’d be like oh I don’t

Really care who it goes to if if you’re gifting like just one you obviously you probably have someone in mind that you’d like it to go to um and the fact that you can’t choose who goes to kind of sucks but yeah uh you should open real because cactuses generosity goat was very

Generous as well so maybe yeah everything okay uh yeah everything’s good bro I’m trying to find an ancient city for the silence arm but is not going well at all at all who is him huh um is my stream lagging I don’t even know oh no candy I know a girl that has

A deeper voice than a boy on cubecraft um as she’s taller so we make fun of him what does cubecraft have to do with anything I’m so confused uh no okay my stream is lagging on my half I don’t know why but thank you for letting me know that is not

Lagging for you if you be off topic question but what is your opinion on Microsoft PowerPoints um it’s useful for school I don’t use it too much I use keynote but yeah um when I do use PowerPoint it’s it’s good it doesn’t really have any problems

In my opinion um so yeah it’s good that’s my opinions it’s good for school but I’m here H just drawing I see also I saw your message uh yeah you can do fer if you want um I just didn’t get to reply cuz I was right before I started

Streaming is when I got the notification uh I don’t know if you sent it then but yeah I got the notification after I start a stream so yeah you can do uh fart if you want that was fun um is there YouTubers that like don’t let you do fart because

If so that’s that’s so weird it’s like why would you not win fart it’s cool oh cool uh PowerPoint didn’t come out with my new pc so I’m currently using kind of a wait you you use PowerPoint for your thumbnails is that what you’re saying is that what you’re saying

Bro cuz if so I know how you use PowerPoint for thumbnails that is that seems quite insane yeah Cana is good I find cona to be very useful um it’s like pixel pixel oh my God I’m going to die Jesus okay I need to find a way how did I get in here

I don’t even know sorry my headset unpluged what you say I I said you can do uh F art if you want you can do F art of defeat someone’s Channel if you want or me just pause it right here and then draw it boom easy I used

To use word duck for thumbnails or just like for school that is insane nice yeah of course what YouTubers don’t let you use or like do fine art it’s insane like I can’t imagine like just saying no to Fine Art like that’s insane I can never

I’d be like I’d feel like a monster i’ be like okay this person wants to draw me but I’m not letting them like what the hell man read my chat what did you say ABC News welcome to the stream is this the real ABC news oh my God what the heck

What are you reporting on Minecraft youtubers what the heck so for some those that is insane that’s insane um imagine Minecraft could hear the microphone so every s you make in stream or city is game I think that would be a cool feature so like any sound you make with

Your mic um the warden would hear that would be cool so if you start panicking he go towards the sound of you panicking but like you could always mute your mic that would be cool Fox News very unreliable source of news I would say uh I tried to play

Online multiplayer with Minecraft year but my Microsoft account sign me out I’m I want to see what would what it would if you played online with friends while on minecra here it would be cool I know what it would look like I think it would be pretty cool

Though you get like a 3D view of you killing the other person in Skywars that would be pretty cool I wish I had a VR but I don’t and you might think oh we’ll just buy one are you are you serious just buy one bro you know how much a psvr 2 is

It’s like a psvr2 I’m pretty sure is 500 so you got to pay 500 for PS5 and then 500 for the headset like that’s 1,000 bro that’s you could just get a PC at that point and saveable for a better VR experience anyway at that point you know

Only 500 cheap I mean if you want to donate 500 and help me get to that then yeah sure but don’t be calling 500 cheap if you can’t donate that okay I’m playing I’m kidding I’m kidding ask Roy to borrow his yeah ship his from uh

Britain all the way to Ireland and then yeah it would have a good time yeah sure sounds plausible sure uh VR expensive it is man it actually is 500 is quite expensive for a VR set okay if you ask me okay maybe I’m cheap but I think it is I I don’t think

I’d spend 500 on AVR anyway unless I knew was like extra money that I knew I could spend you know disposable income if you will like you know it’s it’s easy to SP like five there 10 here 15 here you know but like 500 that’s not like that’s not even

Like Puget change that’s just like that’s kind of just like damn that’s a lot of money so um yeah I don’t know oh so I can’t fly okay now I can fly I don’t know what the hell is going what the hell is going on come on Minecraft wake

Up dude stuff’s slacking the job you’re slacking on your job dude which types of games do you like I like um I like Minecraft I like just CUA 3 I spent 110 hours on it um just CZ six I’m about to hop on that again it says zero minutes

But I’ve I hopped on it um on PS4 I think I have 100 hours on PS4 um so I like first person shooters I guess is the answer I PS4 VR but I would have to to once again create a Microsoft account and wait again and try to see what it’s

Like yeah I go ahead I’d say it’s worth it read my chat uh your chat is not coming up it’s just I think you might be saying a blacklist word maybe I don’t even know I say repeat it in chat but like in different parts cuz it’s not sending I don’t know

Why is that the village yeah I think it is that’s a village just been to okay they spawn below Cherry Grove biomes so I guess we’ll see what’s under here if there’s not one under here then I’m going to cry because I’ve dug down so much and haven’t even found one

So um moving we’re early I mean he’s British though so I don’t know he’s British man I don’t have the money to fly over and just like you know move in plus I’ll probably have to pay rent which I don’t really want to do cuz I’m already paying rent here my parents take

Some of my income from YouTube and use it for the mortgage cuz we don’t we don’t rent luckily uh cuz rent is too expensive so we just like pay mortgage cuz we own the house luckily fun fact Minecraft VR G down in September what did I

Actually if so that is unfortunate but I guess it doesn’t affect me my chat was Cloud skibby toilet rock your development um in your child development research psychology Angelina says that may be hurting American middle schoolers I mean I wouldn’t be surprised bro Tik Tok is causing at all which Speaking of

Tik Tok I’m about to upload a Tik Tok to my Tik Tok that’s a lot of Tik Tok right there but you guys can get it right you guys can understand what I’m saying I guess it’s yeah this one’s about this one’s a Tik Tok of me saying I hate children

Which is true I I despise children I hate kids they’re annoying what do they even do in life they just cry moan about things and they just take up a lot of space what do they do for this world not much so I hate children um okay

Next thank you next I hate kids that’s going to be the thing uh and then we’re going to do the tags but wait you got to go back and then put like the caption and then the woman the annoying Tik Tok woman saying why does

Bro hate kids wait is 10 still a kid or pre I’d say 10 is a kid um but you know just don’t take it don’t take offense bro it’s okay just it’s fine wait if it did then how oh shoot if it did then why do I still see

The micraft PS where below it then I don’t even know I don’t even know what’s going on researchers say sky toilet is making kids go into real toilets I mean bro I don’t think that’s even a skiy toilet problem bro that’s just like that’s just the kids having some stupid mental issue

Then you know it’s just that’s not even a Skiby toilet issue that’s just stupid kids bro wouldn’t you say bro would like if you were a kid okay if you were 10 years old right now would you like listen to Skiby toilet and then say Oh

I’m going to go into an actual real toilet and just full of feces and piss and just like sing the song SK or like whatever they do when they actually get into the toilet it’s just it’s just parents bro it’s the parents fault at that point okay you should be watching what your

Kids are on on YouTube okay it’s like saying video games cause violence no they don’t okay it’s just the researchers or the researchers AR aren’t even research they just don’t like video games they have something against video games and they’re like okay how can we get video games bonded

Cuz I don’t like them and I don’t think they should be played so how do we get rid of fun we say that they cause violence and then the government is like oh okay it cuse violence let’s make them more expensive or let’s ban them you know um

I think that’s the real issue hello Pro boys welcome to the stream dude welcome Pro boys are you a pro and are you a boy cuz if so then your name doesn’t lie um add text we’re going to add text we’re going to say what why no feed stuns hates kids there we

Go I do I do and we’re going to do like a laughing emoji um I’m back home backu um I’m a pro and I’m a boy well there you go um thank you for not lying in your name you know thank you for not lying in your name textas speech yep feed stuns

Hates kids yep feed stuns hates kids I do I really do they are the most annoying despise little things on this world you know on 13 years old I’m growing up with scooties s you should hate yourself you should absolutely just despise yourself I’m scared wait I’m kind of scared to press

Upload I mean let me listen bro let me let me listen what do you even say in the video like what do you even like you you talk in the video yeah but like what do you even say um if you were careful what did you when you dig down okay remember what

Happened last time in your this I don’t remember what happened dude what did happen all I don’t think I would ever watch anything to do with give you toilet in the first place yeah I mean same Here but if you were to I don’t think anybody would like jump into a toilet unless you have just awful parents that let you jump into a toilet full of poo and piss which my parents wouldn’t because they don’t want me to end up as like an infected zombie or

Whatever ooh please bro please tell me there’s an ancient city man please bro you should have typed in on the Tik Tok video this video has uploaded during a live stream I mean what why would the ad though would that get us more viewers maybe but I don’t think the video is

Going to do that well anyway cuz it doesn’t have a face cam or anything so use trunk base find HC I might actually have to bro cuz this is getting out of hand man I haven’t found one Jour this one hour 12 minute live stream I said

I’m not stopping until I find it and I just haven’t even found an anci City in the first place never even never mind like a a sence armate but like an ancient city bro it says I’m firstes candy this my voice I wish you all happy New Year it’s a good message good

Message let me know when it’s upload I want to hear it but I probably won’t play it on stream in case you don’t want me to um the D glitch don’t work on PC um what are you doing wrong let me know what are you doing wrong are you trying

On a single player world bro let me know are you trying on single player or multiplayer the one time I stepped in my toilet but the water was fresh why would you step why dude why why even do that man what cause you to do that and think

Oh man that was a good idea I don’t regret doing that at all bro ignore I’m not ignoring you bro I’d never ignore anybody in this chat okay if I miss your message it’s cuz I missed it it’s not cuz I’m trying to ignore you bro so please don’t assume that I’m ignoring

You because I’m not multiplayer well that’s why um sadly it doesn’t work in multiplayer has it has to be done on a single player world so I apologize but you can switch it back to multiplayer when you’re done the dup glitch luckily so yeah uh we’re itching

Me okay so you stepped in your soil sounds okay yeah um don’t play on stream okay bro I know I know I had the same reaction where I realized it didn’t it didn’t work on multiplayer like you can switch it back to multiplayer when you’re done uh the

Dup glitch so still yapping bro shut up bro it’s my job okay shut the hell up buzzing okay go drink more alcohol you stupid alcoholic man okay the only reason why kids are watching Scooby toilet because it’s the parents fault for giving the kids iPad

Um yeah sure I’d say so I’d say that’s correct I’d agree um so yeah I think you’re trying to ignore me I if that’s what you want to think then that’s fine but I literally just said that I’m not ignoring you so I’m not ignoring you bro um but if you

Want to think that then that’s fine I can’t be bed to argue and say that I’m not ignoring you cuz I just don’t have the energy to say that I’m not okay so if I’m not if I’m ignoring you then yeah I’m ignoring you but I literally just Tred to say

I’m not ignoring you so yeah um Sky toilet what what’s Sky toilet I don’t even know bro it’s some kind of disease I think it feels like it’s kind of it’s some kind of disease you know you don’t want to catch a dude you don’t want to catch just give you to

Uh ra you know disease it’s not it’s not fun and is it online now when you going to upload it bro upload it right now upload it right now you should why why why why you why do you feel so scared to like upload a YouTube video you know it’s probably not going

To get many views I doubt it’s going to get like I doubt it’s going to crack a million views you know and if it does then that’s crazy that’s insane but I doubt it would I have a different idea God dang it man God dang it you should have just

Uploaded it cuz this different idea is going to take longer and it’s just going to like people just want to hear you know once people once everybody’s heard just delete it if you want or not I don’t know um Speedy speedly toilet what how does the toilet make you

R it makes me no I’m not even going to have NOP no not even going to say not even going to say it was something that R it R starts with j it makes me do that but I was going to like then there’s K in this stream so I shouldn’t didn’t say

It no but I want other people here like three or four people that’s it I might want of those three or four people let me know I’m question my life on uh what could be a toilet you’ve never I can’t believe you’ve never heard of it bro

It’s a huge thing or it was at least a huge thing I don’t think it’s as much of a big thing anymore if I recall corly R was not even a word uh until YouTube came up with the word wait YouTube came I think it was

Tik Tok no somebody Tik Tok Proby can play the word and even if you type it it doesn’t show an actual word I think it is word it’s in the dictionary so I’d say it is an official word now um I mean look bro it’s literally in the dictionary same with

Um what else is there there’s a different word that like Lo who we use as in the dictionary now um Riz is definitely one of them though like I can’t believe we’ve gotten to a point where Riz is in the dictionary like that’s that’s just insane Sigma yeah Sigma is

Well yeah Sigma is in the dictionary as well oh my God like what the hell what do this world come to you know what I mean like oh my God this is insane this is insane for flow what also feeds what are you going to do for New

Year um probably not much at all I think we’re just going to I think me and my family are just going to go to a restaurant and uh call it a day so yeah going to go to a restaurant and um celebrate you’re serious yeah I’m being

Serious but RZ is in the dictionary see you somebody put sticky sticky notes all over my school this wall saying SK toilet R and that was going through my head I have lost fate in humanity yeah like come on man how do you even like

How do you do that and think this is hilarious everybody’s going to load this it’s so funny I didn’t even crack a small while reading that you know oh my yeah Riz and sigma like I think four other words that like everybody uses is like in the dictionary

Now which is just crazy like I feel like Gat is in there but I could be wrong like G could be in there but again I could be wrong I don’t know I’m not finding any in an City Bros I might have to I have to go into chunk base

Boys ow well have a good night um I got to go bye see there bro see there man have a great night man have a great night I’ll see you later dude thank you for joining the stream also boys please drop a like on the stream please drop a

Like it would mean a lot see you what if SK was added I don’t think SK toilet would ever be added to the dictionary and if it is I’ll probably just end my own life to be honest bro cuz I can’t like why why would they add SK

Toilet they’re normalizing the SK toilet culture which is not a good idea Sky um I’m just saying maybe Google it yourself to see if it was or not in the dictionary not trying to cause drama but honestly thought that Sigma and R were only from memes random words no

They’re actually in the dictionary like you can look it up bro you can look it up if you don’t believe me but uh RZ is definitely there in the dictionary so yeah they’re official words now um according to the world I guess I don’t know or whoever makes the

Dictionary they clearly think oh Riz is an official word now so let’s add it to the dictionary I know but uh if it happened I I would bro I would rockars is not going to advertise inappropriate stuff for people under 16 no but like that’s not how it works for cuz they already

Advertised women with big booties um in GTA 6 so they’re not like I know this is a deu and I just want to say bro like you come in and say the same thing over and over again it’s like man okay dude you know I’ve proved wrong so many times but

Yet you just say the same thing over and over again it’s like why you’ve been proved wrong so many times man I don’t know why you still come in here and say the same thing it’s so weird manom so weird all right so they’re going to show

They’re going to be like sorry guys these are real words now as part the dictionary I’m confused no like they just added it to the dictionary like look up R Ed the dictionary you’ll see it it’s not like an official like oh guys you know it this isn’t a word this

Is a word now but like they just added it you know let’s create a new word I mean what do you want what word would it be like I feel like there’s not many words you like it’s like trying to come up with a new color it’s pretty much

Impossible Al you excited for 2024 hopefully it’ll be better I I wouldn’t say I’m excited but um yeah I’m hoping it’s better I don’t know probably won’t be feels like every uh year since 2020 it’s just gotten worse and worse and worse um for me anyway you what are you doing I’m

Looking for an ancient city and then if I find it in ancient city I can find a silence arm Tri um that’s what the tot thil says I don’t know if it’s true or not but that’s what it says is that is that what’s going to

Happen probably not but I can give it a go what man base should be wait white man base should be in the dictionary um sure I mean why not about to do a c then I’ll do F work wait what’s what what do you mean c what is C what’s your seed my

Seed was made on Legacy um but I mean if it works on chunk base still then that’s why it’s making me not use chunk bases cuz I know if it’s going to work on chunk face commission ah I see you you do commissions I see I see I see

Um oh I hear a SK thing but yep just as my oh my God I just guess this dude skull okay but like there’s no there’s no City I want I want to die come on Minecraft Please give me an ancient city oh that’s wor that’s wor please I just W to find at least one ancient City please Minecraft please just give me An ancient city please um use a Tracker you won’t have a city on your thing what city or what tracker do you mean let me know what tracker do I use do you miss old Minecraft music or like I I missed I both bro I both I like

The new one but I miss the old one so yeah what that song uh wiya called I don’t even know what that what bro what I don’t even know what you’re saying bro I don’t know what that means Stone stream is wild what’s going on what’s going on Stone stream I didn’t

Even know he’s streaming to be honest um for real I know what’s going on bro Liz it could be used um when a wait Liz or RZ left handed went sa is oh I see okay it won’t work God dang it man I’m got to find one on my

Own making out of the cave with this one for real bro it’s fire please Minecraft give me a ancient city I just want one ancient city and I is what’s going to happen now yep wild Earth ah he does Earth on stream okay I see I see I

See yeah I’m not fing one bro God dang why did I do this stream what was the point of this stream bro I I want to stop right now I want to stop streaming but I can’t stop until I find an anci City or the s’s

Arm I meant the name of the song is uh Woody well no this the name of this song I don’t know what song you’re talking about but like this song is like what Stant I think I’m pretty sure this one is named Stant by Le R hey man yo hey

Maximus I got to go all good bro all good bro all good man see you later dude um you won’t find NC at all this stream are you are you serious you could also join my room for a bit I mean that is true yeah that is

True I need to find bro I just need to man that’s what this stream is all about I can’t find one if every time I go outside I just can’t find any City it’s like this is getting ridiculous this is getting ridiculous out of hand I would say there’s a leak

That war zone will have a rating system oh my so ABC News you’re also deu deu how many ALS do you have let me know how many ALS does deu have it’s so obvious to see like whenever it’s because he just says the same thing on every single all every

Single one he says the exact same cookie cter thing bro it’s insane it’s like bro that’s literal Insanity doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results like bro I’m not going to say anything different man I know it’s youu okay and everything you say is

Probably just false man like GTA 6 is not going to have an age rating system it’s going to be 18 and that’s APR bril okay they’re not going to advertise women with big booty and say oh well this game is also for children no bro it’s it’s never going to be for children

Okay I say the same thing over and over again because you keep saying the same thing over and over again that’s false information as well so it’s like come on man what else do I say man like oh my God that do you not get bored of the same

Thingu maybe go to like some other streamers stream and say say that I don’t know bro because maybe they’ll say something different I’m just going to say the same thing over and over again bro cuz you you keep saying the same thing over and over again I

Apologize uh you have a better chance to find any city under Snowy Mountains I know but like man I can’t even find one like that that’s the problem I can’t even find a Snowy Mountain uh go IDE I’m going to go UT right but yeah what’s up certified guide

Hope you’re having a great day man I’m sorry that you joined into that it’s just you know just a kid that comes into my stream every single day and just says the same thing on different alts every single time same thing over and over again I like you could just say ban him

But like it’s on multiple different accounts like I’ve I’ve counted like 10 or 11 right now um so far which is the same thing you just gave me an idea for a large scale project custom scho biome from anci City yo that actually sounds

Cool I want to do that now I want to do that so bad all I mean yeah I could do that but it just take a while um okay let’s just use di right sure youngsters youngsters um give me mod I’ll B him uh no it’s fine what do ALS mean like

Different accounts bro um thank you SC it’s just getting out of I told him so many times I’ve told so many times bro um I’m pretty sure looks gaming is also him um ABC News is him um um there’s lots of other uh accounts that

He has so many okay um let’s look for snow mountains like this one right here I swear we’ve just been under this one though right yeah we just went under that one no we went under that one but I’m pretty sure it’s the same cave um which sucks but you know we can

Still give it a go still dig under here I would we find an a city here I it’s under it’s going to go under an ocean which wouldn’t really make sense because ancient cities don’t spawn under oceans so I don’t even know bro get them out of here get them out of

Here man oh man let’s just give it a go bro what’s the worst that can happen we don’t find one and then that’s it you know it’s like oh my gosh get them out out of here it’s pretty annoying when people ask same questions or say the same same

Thing over and over again and again like please show up and say something else also not towards anyone here please yeah I mean it is pretty annoying though I can’t lie um especially when you tell them or you’ve responded to them proven them wrong so many times it’s like man

To a point it’s like it becomes insy it’s like why do I even bother replying to your messages anymore you know I’ve I’ve proved them wrong so many times cuz GTA 6 is just not going to have a age rating okay it’s just not the

Only a age rating it’s going to have is over 18s okay have you seen the women in the game oh my God huge booties bro huge um so that’s that’s why um anyway let’s try and find this bird there’s got to be one here or not I don’t know I guess no word

Word man word okay there’s not one here cool this is so demotivating I haven’t found one bro I haven’t found one ALU honestly bro I wouldn’t disagree this is so demotivating man holy shoot this is crazy not one not one ancient city I’m just having a drink also cheers Fe cheers bro cheers

Um I’m currently working on making my homepage on website as user friendly as possible I mean yeah you should um it’s not a bad idea you wouldn’t want it to be um against the user so I guess that would make sense that you’re making it user friendly okay Cherry B 14 likes

Already man we are slowing down on the likes boys what are we doing we are slacking on the likes boys we are slacking on the likes right now usually we have like 30 already but yeah usually we have 30 okay bro come on man there’s got to be one under here if

There’s not one under here I’m going to be very very very mad right here there’s got to be one surey man come on bridge biome uh made me compare iro what I’m so confused I had crush on a older girl at school her name is Gabrielle she looks

Like a grown woman but sounds like a kid her laugh sounds like a witch and skull hybrid I love her then tell her you know say to her what you said to me or you have no balls okay if you don’t say if you don’t express your feelings for bro

Then you have no balls okay no balls s crafter bone hair what what do you mean by that I bet you like I bet you five there won’t be an ancient city here no my luck bro knowing my luck there will not be is she your teacher no she’s a student I think

Bro freak it’s all the way over there um instead of calling her baby I’ll call her the older I don’t think You’ like that but sure bro go ahead man um okay oh what I don’t even know yeah what’s up Jack Adams what’s up Man there diamonds like I’m finding a lot of diamonds which is good you know I I don’t mind diamonds but I also just want to find an ancient city find silence and I can end the stream and have a good day Sweden be like this is the only song that plays in

Sweden it’s the only song that’s actually legally allowed in Sweden wait wait when you join my world and might bring back Soldier memories here’s hoping bro here’s hoping you know if that’s the goal then I hope that’s what happens when I join your world 100% bro 100% open realm for real open realm

Honestly I agree uh why does everyone hate on BR I don’t know I don’t know um it’s just not a great building block you know it’s like when was the last time you used Birch in a build like be honest be completely for real National Music exactly yeah that’s

A national anthem for Sweden it’s the music that the Army from Sweden actually plays whenever they like go to Wars or like training they have that in the background like remember boys this is what we’re fighting for we are fighting for the creative world of Minecraft no one likes blonds I used to

Okay I used to back when I was like 12 13 I was like oh yeah they are my they are my thing but now I was like uh not so much so I’m kind of like you know brown hair is for me I guess I don’t know um in my opinion background music

Exactly yeah it’s used as background music while they’re shooting up the target blocks that they have or Target stuff that they have I don’t know hi it’s ble Royal how’s it going dude welcome R also boys please drop a like on the stream we’re currently on how many likes let’s see currently on

Uh 15 likes boys thank you very very much for the 15 likes 42 votes on the poll not too bad is heu I don’t think so 50k likes let’s get to 50K likes boys you know bro let’s push for 100k likes okay honestly man I love Birch it goes so

Good with cherry blossom and jungle how’s it go well with jungle what the hell are you okay candy are you okay in the head I played the SMP and I forgot all my dogs for n years Jesus Christ man 9 years how dude how how and why how dare

You man and why you know how you know how loyal those dogs were to wait for you for those n years and you just forgot about that loyalty uh Stampy Stampy hello my name is Stampy and welcome back to another Stampy’s lovely world I know I never watched him I never

Watched Stumpy before I’m not going to lie boys I’ve never watched Stumpy I know that’s like a sin or whatever but yeah I’ve actually never I’ve never just like sat down and watched him before I don’t know like even though as a kid I just thought he was like kind of cringe

I don’t know why let’s get to freaking I me boys you know bro [ __ ] it bro let’s get to 999 billion likes okay why not man is the guy I time time outu I don’t think wait toilet roll what did toilet roll say yep that’s deu that’s deu for

Sure um that’s for sure that’s definitely deu right there thank you guys I didn’t even see his message um okay I don’t think there’s any ancient city down here so let’s dig back up boys I’m sorry if this is boring as hell like I I wanted to make this more

Exciting but genuinely like it’s actually just so depressing and demotivating the fact that I can’t find even one ancient city like never never mind like oh I can’t even find son’s amate like I’d be fine with that if I found ancient cities but I can’t even find an anci see not

One um I’m find diamonds so it’s fine I guess that makes up for I guess it’s Minecraft saying you know what Cy we’re we’re sorry but like man here’s some diamonds I guess to make you feel better I’m like oh it’s like you know if you’re if you if you got

Like five pairs of socks um for Christmas you like oh man this is demotivating this is depressing and this is sad but then like you know your brother turns around and gives you one of his gifts and I was like oh I was like socks

Like comier I was like oh thank you this helps out a bit you know uh how long have you had this world and is this your yeah this my private World um I’ve had it for about four or five years now um yeah four or five

Years now I’d say since 2019 2018 I think so yeah 2018 what was that six years ago I want to say seven years ago in um you should have done some like finding 50 aror trims yeah I mean that would have been a lot more exciting than whatever is going on

Here I’mma hack into your world and take over freak man give me give me the sence armor hack in s arm please and um then I can end the stream and I will be happy uh two wait 2818 was four years ago that didn’t even happen yet that year has not happened

Yet bro what do you mean 281 to 2,800 that is 800 years away bro 800 years away man that’s not going to happen in In Our Lifetime man for sure for sure bro for sure um at least I don’t think I’ll promote you if you add me to the room

You’ll promote me how will you promote me let me know what ideas you have cuz it depends on how you’d promote my channel I’m guessing you’re saying promote my channel anyway I don’t know how long do you have uh to keep it what do you mean how long do we have to keep

It I’m so confused uh oh yeah mhm mhm uh nice camera thank you Bob bro I appreciate it I bought her from wish it says 60 FPS 4k camera I was like oh my God only for €1 so I bought it and I came like this I was like oh I’ve been

Scammed so yeah I can tell thank you yeah I got scammed and I was like oh man I mean I wasn’t even sad cuz it was only 11 year old but like still s money on so I was like okay whatever dude so I just

Used it didn’t buy a new one I was like you know it shows my face it it works it’s fine can’t bored to just buy another one so I was like okay cuz I’m a very demotivated sad person that is not enjoyable to watch so you know you know what I mean

Bro it’s just like why even B how are pixels uh how do the pixels increase I don’t know I actually don’t know sometimes they increase sometimes they decrease it’s weird how long do you plan to keep the world um 6 years and no totem um yeah I mean I

Don’t really use a totem um if I die I die you know just like in real life I wouldn’t really care if I died I I’d care if I died in the world this world cuz then I’d lose all my stuff but if I died in real life wouldn’t really make

Much of a difference bro cuz I’m already dead inside so would it really make much of a difference if I die in real life not really bro you are a Minecraft character at this point with the amount of pixels I have I would say yeah I yeah maybe zoom out a little more

You leprechaun like this zoom out a bit more bro is this what you mean man hello sir um I don’t know there’s no like bro I can’t zoom out anymore it’s zoomed out to the max dude let me know if you need me thank you man I appreciate [ __ ] dude

Um I’ve been getting no sleep recently I’ve been getting no sleep so I think that’s why I’ve been so like such low energy like I I’ve been falling asleep at like 4:00 a.m. waking up at 2:00 p.m. or 400 p.m. like I I’ve been going to sleep

When a St I’m waking up when a stair and it’s like this is so depressing man this is so depressing cuz I don’t see the outside uh light I’m like okay maybe tomorrow and then tomorrow comes around I’m like okay I got school later on this week not

This week but next week I was like I just man why dude I just want to die man like I just can’t be bothered with school man school like I’ve I’ve been enjoying my life without School uh hello Jacob how’s it going dude is this jacob sorus stor I forgot

That guy name you already go on uh on musically forgot to name it in my the app but you know see I can’t even speak properly like that that that really just like pisses me off when I can’t even speak it’s like M freck dude just speak normally dude I I just I

Can’t um unod everyone but me why dude why are there so many mods on YouTube um actually I I don’t want this many mods but like people ask for mod and then they like they make me feel bad if I don’t give them mods so I’m like okay

I’ll give you mod and then when I give them mod it’s like people or like you know um why is there so many mods and I was like well people make me feel bad if they don’t give me mod and you know you know it’s just it’s a very devastating

Cycle um it’s going nice I’m glad to hear it it’s going nice for you bro I hope it keeps on going nice for you man um so yeah I’m glad to hear Jacob LOL well I never asked what do you mean you never asked you better not be

Talking to me buo all right buddy sismic dragon who’s oh that’s my friend okay very good very nice thank you man uh really nice of you no problem dude just want to check on your mental health of course um because why would I check on mine well I could check on someone

Else’s um yeah boys I’m so tired I don’t know I just didn’t get any sleep last night so that’s why I’m being so boring um I should probably just end stream at that point but this stream is I won’t end stream until I find the S arm stream I

Haven’t found a ancient city so that sucks that’s Bedrock Edition right this is inde the Bedrock Edition yeah uh don’t check candi’s last message uh if you look at my last message I mean being told two different things look at my comment on your mental health podcast

It’s amazing I did actually heard it yeah I I looked at it and it was very nice it was it was very nice to read and I want to say I appreciate it you know so thank you um for the message it was very kind so uh yeah hey feeds you are able

To join my world uh for a bit before you get off also you could get some rested though I mean after the stream I’m probably just going to go to sleep to be honest cuz this stream is not going to be ending for a while it seems like how old are

You if I’m allowed to ask I’m 16 years old see I’m 16 bro what about you man if you don’t want me asking how old are you sir cuz I am 16 o another blocksmith there’s two right here insane insane El stream you should play GTA 6 all right

Deu oh my God deu bro why why did you keep coming back on all my gosh H nice thank you what about you sir GTA6 isn’t out yet that’s true um hey feed the nukes are coming if wait it’s already too late to save you if

Nukes came over here and kill me I wouldn’t mind it I wouldn’t mind it dude as long as I die instantly then it’s okay like I’m 13 I have two channels over 1. 35k Subs what do you upload on those channels let me know but congrats bro congrats on um those channels with

The with the high amount of subscribers congrats 16 too young for me good good uh 16 too old for me you’re weird bro you’re weird man um yo Bob Mary with the member bro thank you man I appreciate it dude how come you become a member thank you

Absolute Legend bro absolute Legend bro thank you man um Bob Mary has become a m let’s up this to 31 members see now I’ve gotten a bit of energy now I’ve gotten a bit of energy cuz I’m getting paid but thank you Bob M I appreciate it dude

Means love bro thank you man thank you thank you thank you absolute Legend boys can we get some WS for Bob Mary um thank you dude see now I’ve gotten a bit more energy you know um memb only 99 wait 99 P I mean yeah if if

You’re British and yeah it’s 99p if you’re Irish or like wherever else uses cents it’s only 99 Cents yeah um W camera thank you dude is it because of the camera that you become a member because if so that is amazing that is just the best reason I’ve ever heard um

And I’ll I’ll I’ll continue to use this member U or this camera I mean not this member no problem thank you man um I hope you enjoyed the perks St come with with being a member maybe you do maybe you don’t um I upload exclusive member

Videos that not a lot of people like because you know it’s just me talking about my life what happened you know each week um and a lot of is is you know depressing but you know it’s it’s fine it’s not for everybody though but there other perks with that

As well so it was $113 for me what how dude I right even know how if you get a ball what do you mean get a ball this a lush cave I think I found a lush cave maybe not I don’t know um but what do you mean to get a ball a

Ball I mean I have two downstairs but that’s it like as in like downstairs like but like I don’t know if that’s the kind of ball you mean what do you mean like football or basketball cuz I have basketball I play a lot of baskball well with my friends but that’s

It it was 1 million rupees for me Dam man that is insane 1 million rupees I mean everything’s more expensive in India that’s for sure when was the last time it snowed at your town um I think I think literally like this time last year so yeah hasn’t snowed in about

A year I want to say merch actually I think merch was last time it snowed at my house so yeah we near my house anyway so that’s time out vti H my sibling and I completed dungeons in one day when we got it first wait when we got our first

DLCs well now I’m just playing by myself that’s sad but it’s okay bro you know happens to us all you know I used to play Minecraft PS3 a lot with my sister but now it’s just me and myself you know it’s lonely out here you know it’s

Lonely out here man so so it’s all good hi about vegan sausage roll welcome to the stream dude welcome back to another stream sir what you’re saying feed did that why I didn’t time out anyway cuz I’m not even in chat like I’m not even in chat on the right

Account uh you found anything I have not found anything yet man I’m going to cry dude I’m going to cry on which device do you play I play on a PS5 see I play on PS5 have I been here before yeah you’ve been here before

Bro do you not remember me man do you not remember me M you don’t even remember freak that hurts I’m back now by way welcome back bro welcome back man bro my mustach is itchy dude if anybody’s wondering I’m not picking my nose it’s just my

Mustache is itchy as heck I have memory issues me too bro me too don’t we all don’t we all I have dementia um early onset dementia so it’s okay bro it’s okay man but I still remember you being here before so so okay I guess dementia

Is not too bad today shave your feet I will I will genu like shave my mustache um if somebody donates for it okay because look bro it is there there is a mustache there’s a lot of mustache there okay you might think oh there’s BR mustache cuz far away it

Looks like there’s no there’s no mustache but I can promise you man there is a lot of a mustache to be shaved there so if anybody um wants to donate for me to remove it then um make me look hideous cuz I look awful without mustach

Bro so yeah rain got snow what rain got snow what do you mean I look bro it’s the worst when like rain when it rains before um it snows cuz then the snow doesn’t stick what’s the point of having donkey fur below your nose donkey fur

Yeah bro I think I think I think you’re just jealous that you don’t have a mustache okay you look better without you’ve never seen me without her bro okay you’ve never seen me without my mustache with my glorious amazing mustache okay I look awful dude all

Right I’m going to go I might come back later wish you all the best and happy New Year if I don’t come back by happy New Year if you don’t come back and um yeah I’ll see you later bro thank you for joining the stream and uh boys if

You haven’t already dropped a like please do it mean lot yeah 61 in Florida uh right now it’s 61 how is your Christmas my Christmas um not the best but it wasn’t it wasn’t the worst I got I got one present and I was sick so you know I was sick I got

One present it didn’t work so wasn’t the best Christmas but wasn’t the worst one either I haven’t had a worse Christmas yet um yet but I’m probably going to have a worse Christmas at some point I feel like everybody will have like a Christmas where they can say

It was the worst Christmas they’ve had um which I guess that one was the worst I’ve had but I guess like there’s nothing really bad about it apart from the fact I was sick and I got one present at didn’t work like I I only got one present um and that one present

Didn’t work it wasn’t like I got one present that didn’t work I have like different presents I no I got like one present I didn’t work so I don’t know thank you Jacob for the sub bro thank you man I appreciate it dude um that brings us

To 3,040 subs thank you guys for um that very very much got wait I got 15 inches of rain it Flo the train it floated the train that rhymes sometimes well what else do you want I mean I didn’t really ask for anything else that’s that’s the uh so

That’s my fault you know I didn’t ask for anything else for Christmas I only asked for one thing and that was extended storage for the PS5 and then you know it didn’t work so it was like God dang it so I have to buy my I have

To buy my own um and I got it you know I bought my own um it was right here storage extended storage right here so yeah um pretty flipping Epic Man um okay so there’s got bro okay look bro there’s no ancient city below here I’m

Going to rage quit okay there’s got to be one here bro it’s literally under a Snowy Mountain okay if there’s not one here then I’m just going to rage qu boys I’m just going to end the stream okay genuinely burger burger burger if you want to know the story behind the burger

Emoji um it’s because I called somebody a burger by accident I meant to call them like idiot or something I said you’re such a burger and that’s the story behind that have you heard of PC viewer exe hack exe I have not heard of

PC viewer exe hack exe um I hope I don’t have that um hack exe you’re my Burg oh yeah I also have a song about Burgers it’s like the if you know the PIR or the if you know the song um you make my earthquake Quake by Tyler the crator

It’s basically a PIR of that song but about Burgers so yeah uh to be honest I didn’t know about celebrating New Year’s at all cuz it was nice and fun but now it feels like crap cuz I also get sad about everything um I had to go through in

2020 2023 sometimes yeah man I mean for me it just feel like each year it’s just getting harder and harder which it is you know it’s not like just a feeling I think it is a French help you thank you dude thank you Dark Wolf do you want to

Help me find an ancient city that would be appreciated um it’s a line of code that allows me to view follows on any computer good M good M sounds like sounds like fun um if you to Follows of my computer if you want I don’t really know you

Don’t find much there you’ll find like a couple pngs of M Minecraft stuff cuz that’s the only files I have are Minecraft pngs and um stuff like that to make thumbnails so yeah why haven’t you been responding to me you you weed man what what do you mean bro I have been

Responding to you I swear feed weed I will not view your follows you seem cool thank you man I don’t think you could but um CU I I I feel like there’s not really a program out there to view any computer files but I mean I could be

Wrong because then you could just view like well some ordinary gamers computer and I don’t think you’d like that very much or many people would like that very much vti is not chatting in the chat till DDX gets uned I can see why I can see why I can

See why that would be um valid back back s Pop um M my lips are dry dude they only get dry when I’m stream like any other time they don’t get dry cuz they’re probably because I’m talking but yeah it’s within the database there is it’s just not public ah I

See he won’t tell me it’s true I’ll make sure he doesn’t um I’ll make sure he can’t actually matter of fact Cy when you po that video let me know U yeah how’s it going s pop there are thousands of them with Hocker groups database software I see okay well

That makes more sense yeah it’s like the uh Insomniac leak right there is that what it is cuz that that was pretty bad I don’t respect anybody that was in that League because like man like yeah you can expose like you know you can leak the

Game’s code or like whatever or like you know the also I don’t like the hood open doesn’t look great you can you can expose any of that but like when you get to exposing personal information from employees that’s that’s like come on that’s like too Fair that’s like that’s that’s when

It gets like scummy like really scummy you know um I have access to lots of the database that’s insane I feel like being like obviously Hocker is like a cringe word now like if you call somebody a hicker and it’s like g g you know but like I feel like being

A hiker would be pretty cool um but not very respected you know I hate when hackers leak too much information from other games and not to mention this happened to Sony two times before yeah it’s insane it’s insane um like how do they even like how does Sony let that happen like they’re

They’re a huge billion dollar company and they still getting hacked how dude how everyone hikers hack same here bro same here gosh on hikers hacking dude F name uh EXT view file documents PC I I see well I never knew that see and what can you do with that like um file name

Like what what can you do anything spooky I think I I I thought I got hacked like what was it two yesterday or two days ago cuz I downloaded like a file of the Minecraft Redstone book and my whole screen turned red I come up

With a bunch of code but it was just to like it it was weird it was just to view the actual Redstone book but online it was so weird bro it was so weird man um it’s hard to explain but I thought I got hacked for a second I was like it

Was a scar serous moment of my life I was like oh my God I just put a line of code into software and view the computers from workspace ah I see okay so like if you were to do that in like say a McDonald’s right and somebody else

Brought their like laptop or PC would you be able to do that would you be able to see what is on their laptop or PC let me know overwat 2 uh way better mate bro OverWatch 2 is not better than OverWatch one okay OverWatch one was better than OverWatch 2 okay yes damn

Bro how do Rockstar Games let someone hack them on a fire stick the TV thing I don’t even know bro I don’t even know man um funny thing is when I get to connect wa when I when to connect my PS and all of the sudden screen goes black

And I saw green something on screen I’m like what the hell just happened that that’s like the typical like hacker thing right it’s like green text on a black background and I like oh yeah you’ve been hacked but in all reality I think when you get hacked it’s just like

Loads of alerts on your computer telling you you got hacked but like it’s never anything like green text on the screen unless you want to be really cringe as a hacker and do that opening the terminal of the PC and we are going to rearrange all the code so you can’t use

It I could change the code uh to YouTube site to delete your channel well I mean yeah go ahead bro go ahead cuz I don’t believe you on that but I mean if you want to try then sure I mean look bro now I now I know

You’re lying okay now I know you’re lying cuz then you could like bro you could just go to any channel like that could just happen to IX toy or like literally any other streamer that is streaming right now dude what’s waitu what’s your favorite number uh one thing

In horror movies is uh not to do anything stupid by entertain wait entering the one dark web I saw it in movies I mean there’s there’s videos there’s actual videos of the dark web on video on YouTube that are not fake like if you look if you watch um some

Ordinary gamers he has some actual like real videos on that um that’s not what you think it’s not like what you think um everybody else says it is right right like I know people say it is like probably like dark web potions or whatever it’s just like

Loads of drugs and uh hit M websites and then some cor videos maybe so yeah uh do you have tot M and dying I actually don’t have tot and dying right now should I get one I’m probably fine I’m probably fine bro um I went to wait I went to St which

One like which site did you go into cuz you got to use like a tour browser I think get one I I can’t just get one bro there’s no way Woodland m is near me yeah that’s how you get to and D um who is deu deu some just some

Kid on this channel that just comes on to streams with different alts I says same thing over and over again gets very annoying you know dig down to minus 50 at least City’s spawn aroundus 50 all right bet thank you man where’s Nan I don’t know dude I don’t bloody know

Um I don’t think anybody has the power of deleting channels unless you’re a YouTuber um yeah it’s quite strange it’s quite strange minus 56 I think is the limit but I do you don’t though you don’t you just don’t dude I don’t believe it man cuz then you could just

Go into any streamer like anybody could just like get the code that you have right or learn the code that you have and then go on to any streamer that they dislike and then just like um delete their Channel I was like okay well anybody could do that and like

YouTube would have to fix it you know and I think YouTube would find out about it if anybody did have that power okay I see how it is I if you want to try to delete my channel then sure um but I don’t believe you can um you really don’t understand

Advanced haing bro you can’t just go into a channel and then delete it bro it’s not like bro I ain’t getting bom exactly you can’t just go into a channel and then delete it bro only the channel owner and you know YouTube can do that unless like you’re saying like youd like

M report my Channel or like you’d hack into my account and then do it that way like I don’t even know how You’ hack into my channel in the first place but um yeah cuz I got a Google key so you got to like actually have actually

Have the physical key right here um it’s under my TV we got to have the physical key to actually log in um and even then they’re not really 100% like reliable so yeah trim one oh yeah we got a trim uh cont um can you not um wait can you not

Share wait can’t you buy a share YouTube you probably can hey bro youy Gamers online welcome to the stream L Lucas that’s name I haven’t heard in while cuz he’s he’s Bond on his like his man cuz he’s being racist or whatever I think I don’t know why he’s

Back or how he’s back but yeah can you Lucas I never said I hack him idea what’s your idea what’s the big idea yo Panda what’s going on man I can’t hack ah Lucas respectfully sh up um fatti will also end his membership if

You don’t on my DX he DX even have mod anymore starting on the finer oh yeah let’s go dude let’s go that’s what I like to hear send it to me when you’re I’d love to see the F art it would be pretty cool to see respectfully though

Uh but I can’t wait I can’t just delete a channel it’s more complicated I see see what I mean see what I mean that’s what I said you can’t just delete a channel bro I feel like it would be it would have a lot more to it you know

So I guess I was right uh is it the Lucas wait is it Lucas the one that got B cuz he say yeah and it’s also he’s he’s racist so I was like yeah this guy is getting get this guy’s going to get banned you know pokman can delete channels she’s done that

To as a uh gundan gundan what a anent City please ancient city please I see what vti is trying to do how does ZX mod I thought I removed it I don’t know it’s a very um it’s very it’s very difficult thing like do I remove it is DDX okay

With me removing it cuz it seems like everybody else else is okay with me removing his mod I don’t know um vti wants to end his membership because of it which is kind of petty but okay I can see where he’s coming from I’m considering putting my hiking

Capability into money or some other technical database exe sort of thing um yeah I mean look bro if you want to do it for money yeah let’s say like if you’re skilled at it and you love doing it then you might as well put some money

You know might as well try and earn some money from it you know what I mean so i’ say yeah go ahead what did DX do uh he Ed out vti and buzzing for like 1.8 th000 seconds I was like for no reason it was weird yesterday cuz he like got into a

Fit um random users can hack servers by books and writing some scripts that’s true they can access on server and kick ERS to is operator it’s true yeah I don’t think he wants to be I don’t know if like he’s that kind of hacker he’s like I don’t think he’s a Minecraft

Hacker you know oh shoot like Minecraft tiger isn’t even like that serious you know whereas like I feel like vegan sausage Ro he’s like a different kind of like actual series one you know time out time out like twice then don’t tell him out again you know you’re making me lose members

Dude if I lose members Because of You DDX that’s not a good thing man it’s not good for me yo feed yo Stone H talk I heard you’re streaming dude I heard you’re streaming is it true we yeah 20 21 people in the Stream hope you’re all

Having a great day man welcome to the stream um we have not found one ancient city yet isn’t that insane it’s been 2 hours and 10 minutes and we have not found a single ancient city yet which just it’s like it’s so depressing man it’s so depressing like I’ve dug under

So many mountains so many Snowy Mountains it’s just I haven’t found one bro it’s insane not anymore wait not anymore what do you mean still mod um good on you Wasing did you get my voice reveal thing from vti wait what is vti giv that out bro are you not going to give

Out uh we don’t really give out mod sorry bro uh but if you stick around on the Chann then you might have a chance to get a mod yeah I mean that that used to be way but even if you stick around now it’s just like you probably won’t get

Mod cuz I feel like we just have enough mods you know we have enough mods uh I’m sorry if you want to become mod but you probably won’t get it cuz we have enough like we have way too many I feel like um but I appreciate you wanting to help out

In the community you know um it means a lot that you want to help out in the community enough to bewi you know but yeah I apologize who’s Candi you don’t know Candi bro how do you not know Candi she’s not going to like that question

I’m in a VC right oh wait wait with who let me know who are you in a VC with going to the M for cities is that actually how it works go down for yeah I mean I have been down here yeah I dug down here dug

Back up boys how do I find ancient cities bro how do I find the ancient cities right here in Minecraft because I’m clearly doing something wrong where’s the best area for in in City I’ve checked under Snowy Mountains Cherry Groves everywhere bro yeah Jack

Jack isn’t even in the oh no he is okay Lucas was here yeah Lucas was here I can’t hear you because I’m a VC with stone no problem dude no problem man drop a like drop a like use trunk base uh I might yeah but like the

Problem is that like this world was made in Legacy so it’s like it might not work um SCS band like five all say I mean good though like you know deu and his alss need to be B because he just comes in and says same thing over and over

Again um so yeah I know yeah does it work does do Legacy Works do Legacy worlds work on chunk base I don’t know I’ve never actually used chunk base before well I have but I didn’t really understand it but that was like years ago um looks on the silver

Screen she’s always making no way she’s always doing make believe something like that I don’t know I shall hacku oh my God uh you should get a full bright texture pack what is that can I get it on the store I’ll buy it right now if I

Can get on the store wait no I don’t know how much money I have on my card I don’t think I have much cuz I bought Modern Warfare remastered um again cuz you know it was locked I bought just cuz no I didn’t buy that I bought Far Cry 6

Skyrim and I bought a few more games um but I just didn’t download them yet y Christmas it’s good time 24 likes W thank you guys for 24 likes can we get to 25 let me know can we get 25 likes let me know boys let me know bye

Becoming a member wait no hold on by liking the stream sorry and you can also become remember if you want um you also be vman YT on a tree at 3:00 a.m. parking north how’s it going dude welcome to the stream freck okay let’s fly out of the hole I

Love flying out of holes it’s fun it’s a good time um okay let’s go to the Mesa let’s continue in this Mason I got work now you got work now no problem man thank you for joining the stream uh um I’m bonding deku’s alts it is appreciated sir so thank you

Um I don’t freaking talk about GTA 6 though uh it’s going all good M love you feed thank you man I appreciate dude appreciate the love it’s insane dig in the Mesa for cities I mean is that the best area to find am Mesa if you mind I would love to show

You my world SLR I invited you but would you consider joining for a bit or later sure bro yeah um I’ll consider joining very soon but for now I have a um I have a ancient cities F you know um welcome C to the stream on your

Alt um feed me El and C made some ages for you in DMS thank you man I’ll check very soon um I’m kind of concerned about what those images would be but sure bro sure man very concerning images probably I feel as if that would be the case um actually DX acts like

That oh no they’re funny feet ah I see okay so they’re not concerning they’re not scary they’re funny also my elytra is about to break so I got to turn on easy like bro if I did down here I can guarantee you I will not find a ancient

City because I haven’t found one when I’ve dug down from St like that I was like come on man not even one dude not even one if you go to ma are you sure are you sure I’ll find an ancient seor are you sure bro I’ve been lurking here since the

Start of the stream well I’ve already been here before D okay I I’ll dig on your anima but like I don’t think I find anything bro so like right here over here you’re you’re going like I’m going to find one I found an Mesa okay let’s see if I’ll find one bro this

Seems like a good enough Mesa for me to find one bro so let’s see man let’s see if you are telling the truth and nothing but the truth guess in the clay part or the clay part wait what do you mean what’s the clay part where is the clay part actually DX are

Youu um yes there single player world usually later uh than when I invite to show them yeah I see I see how it is bro the high part so op here okay God dang it man God dang it dude so right like right here okay so here I should be able

To find one right if I dig down I should be able to find one let’s see man let’s see if I can find one I doubt it but I doubt it man I doubt I’ll be able to find one anesa I’ve never heard this Theory before Oh

My God the amount of gravel right there let’s see if I’ll find a ancient city in this Mesa biome or under this Mesa biome I guess you could say um nope no one here um let’s see let’s keep on digging boys let’s keep on digging what was I think that wait vti

Sent me some on Discord seemed very strange seem very shush um let’s see yo y sponge sponges wait VII is that like is that six or five no five is is that seven what’s up uh sponges though hope you’re having a great day man welcome to the

Stream I think ancient uh SE spawn in hilly like Jagged Peaks yeah that’s why I’ve been looking under but I’m not finding any at all uh seven a I see okay so I was right okay I’m glad here see look there’s scope but it’s probably not

Going to be an ancient city like I doubt there will be one um it’s probably just going to be like a cave C skull you too man thank you bro I appreciate it dude thank you um how’s it going dude how’s it going man welcome to the stream sir you mind

If I request a song sure bro go ahead request a song request away um 7 it is 7 see I was right bro what do you mean you were right I haven’t found an ancient city yet bro there’s not going to be an ancient city here it’s just

Like I was right if anything cuz I found I said it’s just going to be cave covered in skull and yes it is indeed I made the song oh you made the song okay yeah sure bro go ahead sure if it’s a song made by you not

Named by you wait I’ve already been here how I already been here I don’t even know it’s called absortion wait absorption sponges 7 it’s on my YouTube all right burn no problem man uh hi Tyler plays welcome to the stream how’s it going dude do you like fortnite um I mean I

Don’t like it anymore I used to like it in like 2019 2018 2017 I haven’t played it since then but yeah I mean I don’t I I I wouldn’t really say I like fortnite cuz I haven’t played it in a while but see boys the

Diamond hoe did not go to waste okay we have efficiency 5 and Unbreaking three on it and now we can get lots and lots of XP for our elra to repair it so yeah isn’t that just amazing I play skib fortnite are you seven years old bro are

You seven years old I think the warden is going to kill your soon um no because I’m not in an ancient city so he won’t it’s okay you not kill me man um c c i no I I swear but I just like I don’t think he’ll kill me cuz I’m

Not even in a city right now see I’m not sure about your claim cin we’ll see I’m macking Pizza what uh do you mean Sky toilet what is there only seven-year-olds in my stream right now what the heck is going on okay there we go our stuff is

Repaired I mean by our stuff I mean like you know our elra and armor is repaired but you playing the song or not what is song even about is it like a rap song is it just music is it I don’t even know what to expect

Bro let me know I’m here you Monk yeah you’re here too yeah hello sir smelly noing I okay I I might play I don’t know um is it non- copyright I guess is the main thing to ask you know SP give be to that’s for sure I

Mean anything is still I mean I I know that’s you know it’s a it’s controversial opinion but I feel like anything is better than SK to it nonar m okay oh shoot the Wen better not kill me why I say the Wen the warden better not kill

Me what man what I’m just saying anything is better than skip you toil that okay what your me I am mocking Pizza you’re making pizza is that what you’re saying how old are you Tyler how old are you are you 8 years old is that what’s going on

Here what is this traa over here I the shat isn’t even that weird like C I feel like you’ve seen the chat get weirder than this the chat isn’t even weird right now it’s not cover thank you for not making a cover um is it your dream to become a

Full-time YouTuber I guess so I guess so or at least like you know um make it like a a full-time job um so yeah I guess that’s what you asked them um so yeah I guess it is yeah make a living from YouTube is what I’d like to

Do if you think these little kids should leave one I type one we’re all here uh like Toler at one point don’t be mean guys yeah we were all like talk you know but like man you know he just needs stop making a show of himself and stop saying he’s mocking

Pizza which he doesn’t even know how to spell cuz he’s probably 7 years old it’s insane it’s insane um okay hold on I’m just looking at a message I got from vti what the hell bro what how do I okay look Alo my phone’s

On 100% let’s go boys how do I show this I don’t know look at this bro hold on look at this vti sent me just a follow that says MP4 MP4 why would I download that like there’s nothing else it says that looks like a looks like a virus virus

File evidence is live oh my God I don’t watch evident though so what does it what does this information have to do with me not in a rude way but like I don’t I don’t even watch him be like um imagine playing barck imagine not having PlayStation Plus Avery stuns please play this

Song play this song for free what is a see my comments uh I’d rather not see your comments to be honest uh cuz you’re like 7 years old you know um yeah I’d rather not see any of your comments to be honest imagine having a world longer

Than me and still having less stuff Avery heck off man go pay for PlayStation Plus before you make fun of me all right you don’t even have PlayStation Plus stop y yapping M yo eliso go back to Stone’s stream all right buddy heck off man heck off lick my shoes dude seriously

Man STS play please for free bro you want me to play for free oh my gosh what is this what have we come to what world have we have we come to where we can just play songs for free what the heck I don’t need PlayStation Plus to play

Better you do trust me some self streaming go back to the stream bro go back to the stream all right uh back back bro welcome back man uh Li SK you to honest that’s what at least needs to do it was more fun than all your streams come

On that’s rude that’s rude dude that’s rude also that was my fault hey that’s rude man don’t say that again that that was offensive that was rude okay heck off man heck off dude also I think I broke my um ring light stand I think it’s broken I think it’s

Broken it doesn’t St oh there we go it’s not broken boys it’s not broken um I’ll be right back hold on one second boys one second I’ll be right back I’m back with a delicious juicy scrumptious cuine dut awesome from teamu I didn’t bro I hasn’t come yet this is from

Amazon this is premium dude this is premium from Amazon okay heck off man this is from Amazon dude it’s not even from teu yet hasn’t arrived buddy okay hi off uh can I join my VC real quick please uh for what let me know for while stop using these complicated as

English major words as if you understand them you don’t understand them that’s why I’m using them you stupid Swedish kid you’re a kid all right you’re a kid you’re like three years younger than me buddy all right heck off man you’re basically the same age as Andy bro I’m

Not saying something so heck off bro you don’t understand these words because you’re you’re young and you’re Swedish you don’t know what’s going on dude I have a question for you what’s the question can not ask her let me know 16 – 3 = 2 what like what this what

I mean bro this what I mean some kind of stup Psy bro only $5 for ring light no This was um this ring light was 15 from Amazon it was insane very overpriced very overpriced bro I couldn’t believe it I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw 10 million

Fireflies youngers I don’t know what you mean by that bro when you when you say that I don’t understand it I don’t know what you mean by youngers you know it’s not equal well yeah no [ __ ] you dumb [ __ ] all right I know that dud I know it doesn’t equal to

I wasn’t born yesterday dude all right okay I know that have you found it yet I have not found it yet I I might give up because I not even found one not even one ancient city never mind a silence armor Tri not even an ancient city bro

So I might give up bro I don’t know no don’t give up I found one bro not one man and why did you say that I’m the same age I’m saying you’re basically the same age you [ __ ] okay if you listen you would know okay you dumb idiot

Man so I went to several bro I dug down to minus 50 on every single one I just oh man holy you m Crafter that’s a good question bro I’ve never actually asked m mraf 1 is quite from far from two well let’s go let’s not go that far I don’t

Think an’s two years old cuz then how like I don’t think a 2-year-old could work out how to download Discord and then like go into my server and then you know I’m 16 CZ oh we’re the same age awesome awesome see me and stone Hedgehog oh I

Mean M crafter are the same age pre bro what’s the previous y I’m back back Cactus welcome back man we have still not found it if you’re wondering we have still not found an ancient city or silence arm what’s good what’s good bro what’s good

Man um good to see you I’m 14 see we’re pretty much the same age you know 16 you’re 14 um at least was 13 you know um M crafter 16 you know we’re all pretty much in the same age range o restone previous message you [ __ ] we W buo all right we W

Buo um what about you uh R if you don’t want me asking you don’t have to say what about you sir um okay so we need um we need some fireworks is what we need we need some fireworks let’s get some fireworks but how are we

Going to get fireworks if we don’t have go powder I’m not sure from fact agencies have a very high chance to be under Snowy Mountains the amount of snowy mountains I’ve been under is insane I’m send a stupid thing in your general booko God dang it man why

Dude I’m looking at your messages now I’m going to show your messages on stream M fact I can’t believe this happened don’t scroll I’m not even going to look at any of them it’s all just picture spam it’s all just so many pictures just spammed all

Together I’m new and I’m JJ uh mana’s little brother what’s up Angelito how’s it going dude welcome man hope you’re having a great day welcome to the stream yeah snowy mountains yeah I’ve looked under so many bro I’ve looked under so many it’s insane I just I can’t bro there’s no

Like ancient cities under the snowy mountains man I’ve looked bro I’ve looked under so many dude feed you [ __ ] shut up at Le okay don’t don’t call me a [ __ ] buddy all right you want to fight then come over to Walmart 47 Street on in CMI Florida 52 Avenue bro okay I play

In my brother’s room okay I’m Ser in though I sound like a 5-year-old ah fber your voice will drop at some point you know I I used sound like a little girl okay until I was like 13 14 no until I was 14 I used to sound

Like a little girl and people would actually ask me why do you sound like a girl and would be like oh man what the hell dude really did you just say that um Boo for chunk finders I mean does trunk finder work for legacy worlds I don’t even

Know that’s a real question does anybody want to okay does anybody want to use chunk f on my world I’ll give you the seed bro uh we’re making fun of you so hard in the VC thank you for letting me live rentree in your heads Sor right I’m living

Rentree in your head right now okay so I don’t mind I don’t mind bro it is awesome to live in your head cuz uh I have so much free room in your head cuz there’s no brain here all right cuz you’re stupid as [ __ ] um these are wait these are chunks

Bck chunks yeah these are bck chunks yeah waiting for real for real oh that’s that’s a shame I just played my little brother PS3 today not bad bro not bad sounds like fun um for real is that an HC no way no did I find

One boys did I find one right now oh my gosh no oh oh my God bro I thought this was a thought this was a portal and then oh my God whatever dude shut up man listen to your elders what do you mean your elders bro I’m

Literally older than you [ __ ] all right shut up shut up H then chunk base will work for them okay does anybody want to use chunk base for me please it would be appreciated uh find the nearest uh find the nearest thing bro the nearest ancient city in my

Coordinates oh I didn’t even show it oh my God Frick man send me the seat on Discord I I can show you right here what the see is one second bro so I can copy and paste yeah oh yeah you can okay um yeah I’ll show you the seed right here

Bro preed he Said I’m going to send a yeah I already read that I already read your previous booko you missed the missed three of my messages I did not I did not your messages are you’re not coming up or I read them already all right 21708 7893 I stream today my gosh my gosh bro

Insane absolutely insane okay let me send you uh this Alyssa uh and then Alyssa will tell me the coordinates to a ancient city and it is going to be amazing bro like ignore stuns what come on man what is wrong with you dude 217 08 7

893 there we go Fe if you ignore me one more time I’m not ignoring you dude you have not sent a message in a while okay um let me check where you add me wait somebody is in the door somebody’s at the door um just a random guy okay

That’s Kon uh we got be as well so welcome to the Discord wow that was the most cringe thing I’ve ever said but you know what I mean uh we’re going to check uh pick and vids send you something in Discord um let me check so all oo it’s the uh it’s

The it’s the art it’s the um it’s the thing the F art that’s what it’s called uh what’s my profile picture it’s a picture of you probably I think that’s a picture of you most likely I don’t know maybe feed our Channel um okay got to scroll

Down yo yeah that’s actually good should I show on stream should show on stream that was good man we got the Irish flag and then me with crown on by the way boys we a crown on cuz I am I am you know I am a king after

All yo I’m back welcome back Lego how’s it going dude Ro Exotics who the freak are you they are awesome dude they’re awesome man Discord uh wait did you send me a message bro is racist wait who’s racist uh you can all right let me show

You boys this right here okay this fer because it is amazing it send wait I sent you to the seed Alysa I sent you a seed already I sent you the seed Alysa see um King I a king bro I am a king how is that racist that is not racist so

Yeah um here is oh my God I I have a lot of DMS freck man um here is the finer it is pretty flipping Epic Man um bro I’m a king man I’m a king what can I say boys like how is this how is this

Not good okay how is this not good bro like come on man here we got me okay me with a crown okay cuz I’m I’m a king okay my Minecraft character with an Irish flag in the background but that good Ireland racist likeo what is wrong

With you dude heck off man heck off dude that is good man you can’t you can’t deny it okay it’s like an animation it’s cool right that’s W man let’s flip and go bro thank you very much um uh s pop very cool very cool so thank

You you bald H had to add yeah I mean freak man I don’t be balds yeah you enable me how do I enable you dude uh Fe the cities are one okay let’s go to the those coordinates see if we can find one all right I don’t think we

Will be able to but let’s see what is that photo it is Fan Art bro amazing fan art I’ll have you know um you should make that your Chann Banner that that picture I mean it would it would actually look good it would actually look good cuz I am indeed Irish

You know that is my Minecraft skin as well so should make me mod uh I have no idea what he’s saying you don’t know what I’m saying bro really how everybody else can understand me so how can you not understand me yep thanks heck off Le honestly dude I agree okay um Um okay so we’re going to go to um we’re going to go to Alyssa’s coordinates but we’re going to go to um M crafter’s first so yeah um let’s go to m crafter’s uh thing first and then we’re going to go to uh Aliss so thank you Alyssa and thank you

Um my crafter for this because let’s see if we can actually find an anci City now like still chance that we won’t be able to find one but I just hope we can for here all right okay yeah let’s go to Alysa then let’s go to Alysa first cuz

If there’s four rifles beside each here and that’s pretty flip and Epic Man my diet consists of chips seaweed seaweed what the heck uh crisps and coffee I mean that is that’s fair coffee I don’t really understand but you know tea is better so that’s why I don’t really understand yeah

If that one doesn’t have one there’s an in C okay let’s go to that one cuz that one’s wait no that one’s further okay BR I don’t have any fireworks that’s the problem so I don’t know what to do we going to turn on easy so I can

Get some goom powder at least I don’t know where I could get any sugar cane right now I have to look in this Coast here but I don’t see any so uhoh I’m hearing some Phantoms as well so that’s not good let’s okay wait is that sugarcane right there that’s ha this

Okay freak that’s going to be annoying why are you un peaceful cuz I’m scared bro I’m scared okay I’m I’m very scared yo Bros Irish for eating seaweed how how are you how are they Irish for eating seaweed is he how is eating what I’m indeed Irish let’s go

Man let’s go me too we’re Irish twins that’s what it is um if Fe being spoiled right now how am I being spoiled for being told coordinates to a structure that I’ve been trying to find for 2 hours 45 minutes right now how is that being spoiled I’m not

Sure um I don’t know who you are and I don’t care who you are I don’t care that you don’t know who I am is that towards someone else or me I don’t even know okay so we got to go to um I don’t at Le so I don’t really

Understand these coordinates I don’t understand you know it’s me yeah of course yeah I knew like you know quo you know that’s soda pop and then you know Soda Pop is quo same thing it’s towards Le a I see okay KN towards me cool cool cool cool

Um okay let’s see these images right here okay thank you thank you I appreciate it dude um so these are the okay these are very close these are closest to us okay so 5,400 so got to go this way and minus 900 so that’s this way okay thank you

Lissa I appreciate it dude don’t worry feed nobody would ever be mean against you you are mean against me dude uh send you sent you way more of course my love thank you thank you for um for the love um okay there we go easy since when bro

Don’t make me look back in shat man before I expose your ass all right buddy all right minus 900 5,400 if Elite no not Elite if Alysa actually gets us this um ancient city I’m going to be so happy man I’m gonna be so happy dude for real man it’s gonna

Be crazy your name is feed or stunes um feed you can call me feed bro if that’s what you’re wondering like what do what do I call you you can call me feed or Ste I don’t know I like how feed is missing any messages you’re missing my messages also

DMs I don’t know if I want to join the VC if you guys are just going to make fun of me bro I seeed indeed it is it probably is yeah 21 sounds right you know it’s got 21 at the start and uh 93 at the end that sounds right

So stop ignoring Stone I never ignore Stone by on purpose bro okay I would always ignore him by accident so yeah are you a cow cuz cow like feed I love scare why huh what I love scare why I’m so confused okay 9 wait 984 okay so that’s it’s like right

Here 984 yep right here okay so we just got to travel forward now and not move sideways tell about the game boys yo wait Waluigi oh my God W Luigi how’s it going man just asking cuz I remember you on his stream um yeah the game boys there’s a game

That soda is working on um and it is Epic Man it is epic um anybody that test it is going to be in the game murdered in the game um and like bro you should you should ask more about s PFF not me cuz I’m not making the game so yeah huh

What I’m so confused yall know what’s going on boys I’m kind of scared yeah let’s see if there’s an ancient city right here come on man we’re so close but we’re so close to what is supposed to be in ancient city right here so yeah no trim though there

Ain’t much in in M however there’s six Notch apples not bad not bad I’ll take six Notch apples yeah how’s it going wild Luigi W Luigi that was a terrible impression I’m sorry that was a terrible impression I probably just made you not want to be wild Luigi at that

Point um let’s hope that’s the seed I mean I hope it is imagine if we just stick down and there’s no ancient city here I might have to um just hate on um Alyssa for the rest of my life you know Dig Down we’re nearly there can’t dig down yet

But we’re nearly there man it’s insane you just missed two of my messages bro bro I’m sorry man I’m not trying to stop being Irish and read some’s messages no you sent me the seed well yeah I sent you the right seed then yeah okay oh wait wait it’s right here

Okay 984 sorry boys if I’m missing your message I’m focusing on some important business right here that is the point of the Stream okay there we go there should be one right at these coordinates okay minus 51 shame on you shame on me what was wrong wait if it

Was wrong seed my fault if if there’s no ancient city right here Alysa I’m going to be so mad all right I’m going to be so mad we don’t see your map there’s no need to see my map all right I’m off the map so it’s

Fine you were mocking you so hard and you see so why would I want to join if that’s what someone’s messages are about then Stone I’m not joining cuz I feel very self self-conscious as it is okay as it is dude so leave me alone it be finding chunk fighter fault

Wait it be chunk fighter fault maybe um El C if you need details about the game I can DM you so please do please do boys if you guys want some like let me tell you guys all right the um the name of the game is called um I do believe

Shattering oh my God Alyssa I love you Alyssa I love you man name of the game is called shattered worlds boys okay so if that’s not already uh interesting then I don’t know what it is Alyssa I love you man oh my God this is insane W me boys W Alyssa man honestly

Dude that’s crazy it’s a uh there’s okay so the game that um so of is working on is called shattered worlds okay um it is a psychological um horror game and there’s five chapters okay I heard chapter one is coming out very soon I’m telling this go ahead bro she doesn’t mean anything

To me anymore dude because I just found an ancient city H yeah man boys could we found could we find the ass on oh shoot I forgot to Ser on Peaceful can we find the s’s armor right now one near oh that insane this is insane um literally feed Lo by the way

They’re married what the heck am I reading could we find the silence armor today it could be very possible boys cuz if we don’t find it here then there’s always another on yeah it’s fine oh my God my ears Jesus Christ turn it down turn it

Down it’s off easy right okay good yeah I I nearly forgot to turn it to Peaceful that would have been bad I would have died let’s get some torches open here um okay should be good should be good uh don’t play on Peaceful bro I’m scared man I don’t want

To die I’m so many blocks away from home it’s just you guys were never even together so I don’t know what the freak you’re talking about exactly exactly that’s why I’m saying she meant nothing to me in the first place okay and what I say Elite okay I said

Don’t turn this like don’t use this in an argument in the future and you said okay I won’t I know you’re using it in argument so heck off man you just join I promise I won’t mock you you will dude I’m scared peaceful it is peaceful it is peaceful don’t

Worry feed is married to Alyssa I mean we’re not we’re not married but okay come on bro we’re so close man like I can feel I can just like squeeze I can feel the silence armatum bro it’s insane but like it’s yet like it’s just so far away like it’s there but it’s

Like not there I was like on God dang it dude yet no not no no no all I got to say is no I need to destroy the chest after uh I can just like I can I can squeeze it dude I can squeeze the s’s armateur it’s just

Like it’s not there yet I need to find it dude you know music arst yeah I know yeah cuz I’m sub to your channel so that’s how I’m sub to your channel and uh you made music and I found of one of the songs cuz I’ve only listened to one

Of the songs I think no I listened to two of the songs but one of them I was I was a big fan of you rejected me I would never I would never cuz you you found this so why would I like it would just it would it

Would be rude of me to if you don’t join now you ain’t join later that’s fine with me that’s fine with me mhm it is because Oh I thought I found it bro freck man freck I thought I found it oh man that that tricks me dude you

Tricked me game all right you hi me in the first half dude what if I make you an intro s outro yo okay I like the sound of that I like the sound of it man making me an intro/outro it’s got to be like a short one like four 4

Seconds unless you’re talking about a stream intro which in that case that can be like 2 minutes um what is going on um drink night vision drink night vision I mean is there any right here I don’t see any I got you all right tomorrow though no problem man no

Problem I mean the finer today was enough so you know the F art was actually really good I’m going to look at that I’m going to save the image and I’m going to look at it more and I’m going to save the image again and it’s going to just swing me into my

Full full ultra power mode of just going insane it’s going to start my Insanity where I just like download same image over and over again uh maybe profile picture worthy maybe yeah cuz I do need a new one I’m reporting all of your content for terrorism feed what the beep

Dude that is not fair four beside that one it’s not just saying though like there’s there’s four next to this one four um whose messages are you deleting oh to okay I I was like what the heck dude I’m going to look at that image

Though I’m going like oh my God his feet oh my God oh my God yes oh my God yes you know feed stuns oh my god dude are you serious man still still no sound IR boys blocked me from last live stream what who did uh it is cuz you threatened to unap

For my channel when did I do that LE is acting like a Pokemon will Bala what we need to build some sh as spawn we do actually need to do that yeah you know it it’s hard to build stuff fun you when like somebody named DDX is blowing

Stuff up like that you know blowing random stuff up like the the um if I’m not wrong um the the wedding area you I have an idea what’s your idea what’s your idea let me know you blocked me wait from last live stream I did not um I don’t know what

You’re talking about cuz I did not do that I wouldn’t remembered I think so yeah is Rome going to be open when is Rome going to be we open let me know I’ve been waiting for 15 minutes for you to join you said you were going to join but

You uh liar bro I didn’t know if I was going to join or not okay I’m sorry man liar Sons you block you from last live stream now please answer this I will answer but I did not block you from last live stream I can assure you cuz I would

Never do know for no like I wouldn’t block people from the live stream for no reason I don’t even know what blocking people from live stream even means dude so yeah not even going to lie you did how did I block you from the

Live stream let me know how did I how do I do that you just did for Terror what what okay I I guess I don’t know um okay let’s find this armateur boys uh maybe I give you some stuff for the game that’s going to be on the

Patreon but people buy a members get already I’m confused what do you mean do you give me stuff that would be paid but for free no I’m getting free stuff I’m getting free stuff you did uh you just did said so okay um I black blew up the weding with the

Wedding area buzzing even said himself in the game chat I only destroyed a freaking tree I didn’t even see that the damage so I don’t know to me it sounded like you blew up the whole thing but I don’t know I I still haven’t seen the damage it said mod AIR block

Me okay um sure sure uh cter it’s okay then because I don’t freak man I’m not going to find it boys I’m losing hope I’m losing hope like you know what’s crazy some people have gotten Silence armate from in the first like time that they ever found an ancient

City which is just insane destroyed that bit where the El was that’s still a big bit of it though if they buy your membership they get oh right okay y that actually sounds good are you sure you want to do it like that though like are you

Sure cuz that’s only benefiting me right where’s the benefit for you I guess them testing the game would benefit you in a way so yeah I’m down I’m down for that idea sure okay let’s go this way I take a CO you take a coat okay um how oh

Though let me know how would you take okay here we go um other side I mean might as well take it you know I have 208p if you open Real I’ll give you oh my god 208p boys I can make bank right now not going to lie pay for

My Nitro pay for your Nitro um but look so when people it depends on what membership they are though because when they become a broke SC that’s €1 YouTube takes 30% cut I get 70 Cent from that broke SC um whereas I get like three from the rich scow thing so you

$10 $10 for what though like a wait wait like get a mending hole with no so touch from there wait what do you mean is that why you got before wait I’m I’m waiting only 70 cents what a Brokey I know like at least shut up shut up get

Out of here SC sh SC out here okay SC um SC here what I have fire protection to iron leggings what the hell get out of here get out of here okay get a mending wait get a Ming Hoe from there with no silk touch any

Hoe just no so touch and mine scope that g me a lot of um XP yeah an insane amount matter of fact um I got all my hoes from the ancient city oh yeah I got a mending hole well not mending but I got Unbreaking five uh Unbreaking three

Maning five sorry ho from here so yeah um you’ll get so much xp I know it’s crazy it’s crazy um it’s insane you should do it look at this boys look at him out the XP it’s insane uh Unbreaking five what are you shooting hicker St no I I meant I meant efficiency

5 my bad dude my bad man okay I do believe there’s a chest up here if I’m not wrong yeah there’s chest up here this one will have um silence and then I can end the stream and I’m going to go I never play Minecraft ever again you

Left XP behind it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine come on bro there’s got to be silence here bro come on man it’s got to be it’s got to be surely surely okay yes most of you guys are okay that’s crazy no end wait end no end

Stream I should end the Stream right now is what you’re saying no I should end the stream right now oh no no more M Minecraft what a shame honestly bro what a shame dude I will miss Minecraft so much for sure silence is not here but there’s a good enchantment

Book death ster 3 sm4 power four okay um I’ll take it leave oh God Frick I love Minecraft $20 membership for channel perks Plus game perks okay I mean we only have one person like us yeah we only have one person and that’s goats um that is the $20 membership so it is

Very rare but yeah since I’m a DM you all right send me what your idea is okay send me your idea cuz I don’t really understand it but sure oh shoot that scared me feed you’re a jerk how am I a jerk dude what the heck this is

Outrageous this is outrageous man what the beep also had it on Sigman too I think I think s had it for a day and then something happened I don’t know I think he refunded it or something I don’t know it was it was weird it was crazy it was also

Weird had it for like a day I’m calling you a monk why dude you Lally said you were going to join if you I wasn’t sure if I was going to join plus I’m streaming dude I’m streaming as well I love Minecraft me too me too I

Think I don’t know I have a love hate relationship also I’ll take the Skool I will take the school gladly DM we’re crying so loudly in this VC right now wait are you still in the VC with stone see now I don’t feel as bad because stone is not in the VC by

Himself so it’s fine I thought he was in the VC by himself so I felt bad oo those tears are running because of L Stones I’m glad to hear I can make you tear up laughing every stone Hedgehog is the best okay um have a phone G yo why would I just

Join for like two seconds I don’t see the point of just joining for like 2 seconds bro I really don’t wait there’s under there there’s uh golden carrots golden carrot okay I’ll I might take it I might take it I’m not sure bro where can I find the S AR what

Chest bro also don’t have fireworks so that’s the problem it’s going to make it harder to go around here maybe maybe it’s going to make it easier I don’t know hey what up man it’s Ethan how’s life being yo Ethan man oh my God you’re here since before the uh

Since before I was using my mic it’s insane now I have a mic and a camera and it’s insane bro it’s crazy how’s it going bro it’s been well since I’ve seen you man those are tears uh of not happiness feep w w w w w w it’s okay oh my

God still oh my yo four from one chest okay I’ve never seen four from one chest that is insane that’s crazy he found the warden Tri I found the warden but not the silence arm Tri yep uh uh being depressed lately man wait how come bro what happened what’s

Been going on bro you good man same for damn yeah that that was a l that was a lot not a great camera but it’s a camera yep that is true I’m back welcome back Cy welcome back man um also uh soda pop I’ll check your message right Now oh Discord has to load first um oh my God these things need to shut up bro seriously man I’m going to slap the hell out of these things okay go up here okay chest okay there’s a part of the see that it did not explore yet I

Don’t know what part that is I’ve been in this VC for 5 hours not flipping joke I don’t know where I side or like if it’s dedication or just a lot of fun I don’t know I I missing out see I’m I’m not sure about any of those questions

I’m back welcome back fever oh no wait no you’re deu never mind not not welcome back you’re I don’t like deu not a fun person to be around at all um you’re missed out 100% awesome YT if you need help I’m here thanks man me too bro me too if you

Ever need help I’m here too bro what’s been making you feel down recently bro let me know I’m not a therapist but you know I could try to help um I’m nowhere near a therapist I’m doing good in college Delux gaming you are deu correct just be honest with me dude just

Be honest with me man yo Vi oh my God thank you man middle class SC as well boys thank you man these these memberships bro I know where it is but like December has become a member the like December thank you so much bro has been just like a great month for members

Um I don’t know why but thank you boys I just like thank you Vivid bro absolute Legend not even becoming a broke SC but also a me a middle class SC that’s insane thank you very much man means love bro absolute Legend thank you dude um thank you very much boys okay whoever

Became member today if you’re still in stream what made you become a member um like what made you like you know I’m going to look at the memberships I’m actually going to become a member right now like what made you become a member let me know I’d love to know like what

Makes people become a member so I can like you go upon that you know um go from there my R doesn’t let me play G I mean you seem pretty young so I I I don’t know maybe maybe that’s why these things need shut up Jesus Christ man I’m back

Yeah welcome back man welcome back feed you’re a mega monk what the heck dude what did I do you should uh give me member for free that’s not possible I can’t give you member for free I’m sorry man because I wanted to support you and your work easy thank you

Man I’m 14 oh I think uh I mean I think I started playing GTA 4 when I was like five or six it was crazy um you could you could argue L parents but I say do parents um yeah it’s insane um bro I don’t know where the S armor from is

Man I tell you what happened all right no problem dude yeah you don’t have to stay on live stream if you don’t want to you to stay in the ch um if you don’t want to you know if it’s like that private you don’t even have to tell me so

Yeah he’s too quiet right am I too quiet boys too quiet I’ll make my mic louder if you want feed be Mega stinky you’re saying this but you’re not telling me why um feed last message no wait what do you mean I’m so confused seven no uh last message you said read my

Previous my pre bro where is your previous one top top the m bro bro what you made me scroll up all for that man come on bro are you serious dude all for that man like what FTI is mod at you bro DDX is not mod anymore

Okay dude I don’t know why he’s modd at me dude he need to come to chat and then tell me his problems he’s stop getting people to come into the chat and he needs to come into the chat himself like a man you know be M and come to the shot

And tell me what the problem is cuz then we can go from there we can make a lot more progress uh I want everyone to know I’ll text you and say alloud all right no problem dude no problem man hope everything’s going good though also Alysa where’s the uh other

Coordinates let me know also uh so let me check the message so I’ll do 20 there we go I sent it in Discord all Right do you really only care about the money and fame and Views and money and dollars because I’m starting to think that um what do you mean do I only think of them is that what I only think of is that what you’re asking me where is that all I care

About uh for therapist what you should open Real due to generosity honestly I should will I sure sure um are you a therapist I’m a unlicensed therapist yes I was a therapist and they fired me from my job cuz I I said some some very rude stuff

To a person before CU they really just like their their their time limit was up and I kept on talking and I was like you know you got to wrap it up bro you know I’m I’m only here for 3 hours and like you know your problems don’t really

Matter anymore cuz 3 hours is up so wrap it up and I got fired so I don’t know I was like I was follow my job’s rules and then they fired me so it’s quite crazy um okay Alyssa let me check your message wait I’m studying to be a

Therapist that is very nicey that’s was very nice you because I think people need a therapist now more than ever um because of how crazy the world is right now like I think it’s weird to not have therapy right now um especially in this day and age by liar Sons my gosh

Bro not even going to answer the question terapist feed just giving out free therapy here boys maybe I should maybe I should should price the therapy or maybe I should be a nice therapist and just give out three free therapy free therapy last year for Christmas I got

New got new PlayStation and Ducks to money not bad BR not bad man not bad I could help anyone in here that is amazing I respect you for that uh free wait freed therapy boys you can get feed therapy if you would like okay I’m I’m

Going to go to to the next ancient city which is at 3,000 um 576 – 51 okay so like it’s kind of next to it it’s kind of like close not too close but it’s kind of yeah I think I looted all the chests there’s no silence armor

So I’m quite annoyed at that I’m not going to lie totally oo useless you for Christmas I got nothing what 3,500 wait 3,535 yeah I think that’s the one I’m going to so yeah I think that’s the one I’m going to um so let’s go to 3,000 okay so let’s

Go to one less so let okay so wait this way okay this way and this no this way and hold hold On this way and this way yeah this okay this way and this way okay are you okay I can help I’m going to start working on the game all right did you get my message let me know did you get my message um let me know oh those okay yeah I guess you

Listen now I guess you dude I sent you yeah okay that one’s better your stupid but Mark what the hell did I do bro so like what I what did I even do man I’m F man I don’t know how to explain it h I’m being called racist comments at school

What the hell man the hell Jesus Christ I did all right wa um oh yeah I see your message okay cool cool cool bye guys you know what you did what well I didn’t join the VC bro come on man give me a break dude give me a

Break um I have an an City in my world but has no tense and it’s unrated in my single player world then rate it bro rate it is what you should do um join the chat don’t leave read my last comment you said I know you want to help people but

Uh dealing with their problems uh will probably make yours worse it’s true it’s true you make a fair point make a fair point bro um cuz I’m going through some stuff bro I’ve been going through some stuff since I say end of November um oh man that was bad that was

Like I serve it was awful man Jesus Christ y but you can get through bro you can get true man I feel like I feel like that’s true you can get true bro you can get through that you go through that’s why it’s called getting through you know cuz you can get through

It it’s just it takes time all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go what would be easier what would be like what would take less time like digging straight up or just going like this I actually don’t know I don’t want to be a cool guy let’s go

Home uh wait let’s go help me feed have you been going through stuff since 1.20 50 release if that’s the end of November then yeah I have actually matter of fact so that’s insane um no it’s just like yeah just some stuff bro just some stuff has been going on

Uh and it’s it’s made me like separate from my friends a little bit which is bad um cuz my friends already understand and you know that’s my fault cuz I’m not I’m not communicating you know um what is going on or what’s wrong my my family don’t even know um I

Don’t know bro I don’t know it’s weird cuz I don’t know how I feel about tell my family about like so that cuz I feel like they’re just like worry and then they send me some like run thing I don’t know for your content mid uh thank you bro thank you

Man um he’s back it was end of November 1.2 2050 oh yeah I’m here to help there’s Cy’s help um yeah oh on my nose dude fidget content m i don’t even make fidget content dude should I make fidget content does prob know about your channel um yeah it’s weird because like every

Family gathering it’s going to happen again in in New Year’s but like yeah my family does know but like it’s weird because um and every like family gathering they’re like all right C so how’s the channel going or like how’s the YouTube going it’s like it’s going good it’s

Going good yeah it’s like you know uh people are loving new videos recently like oh that’s great that’s great uh you know are you are you getting any more followers I was like yep getting followers yep um I like yeah how’s the views I was like Yep they’re good you’re

Good thank you for asking U I like oh have you made a job yet and I was like no no no no no not yet but maybe maybe in the future um and they just like I over they ask me like the most random questions though like I don’t know it’s

Weird um like if if if you were a YouTuber it would be a like it’s weird it’s weird I know but yeah uh my family does know um most of my family that’s because like I think my parents told most my family um about my channel I was like I don’t think I

Wanted them to but you know it’s fine you’re a weird teenager um what makes you think that man let me know what makes you think that your content is premium thank you man I am premium I am indeed premium and um yeah you can be Premium Too by becoming a member isn’t that

Insane isn’t that insane and you can make this no number right here go up buy one uh your beard I don’t even have a beard I only have a mustache dude um so yeah I don’t even have a beard isn’t that saying can I get admin that is insane that’s

Insane uh maybe maybe you never know bro you never know nose my nose is itchy yeah my nose is quite itchy right now quite itchy let me just check something real quick boys um feed someone can’t get wait some people can’t get through things they might pick bad like uh abusing them

That’s true it’s true but I feel I feel as if nothing that you go through is like impossible to go through you can always go through like everything bro um obviously most people that do do some of that they feel as if they don’t have a

Choice but to go through or do that you know um and you kind you kind of hope that feel bad for those kind of people uh cuz they’re clearly going through stuff that you don’t even know about like it’s the same it’s the same when you’re opening real once I enter this um

Ancient city right here I will open the real see yeah Sally in the next like cob blocks minus 984 so like in the next um 100 blocks so yeah the older of my school have full beards well that’s because they’re older bro that’s why dig down I will dig down when I’m at

The coordinates 100% bro 100% man I will join too good man good man um be ready to join because the game might fill up I got PS5 for my uh birthday not bad bro not bad how do you how you feeling it or how you feeling about it not how you

Feeling how are you feeling about your PlayStation 5 Spider-Man version o that one as well damn bro damn it’s a cool version as well I love it good man good man it is a very good console I would agree uh you can get through everything but uh going through it might affect

Yeah exactly yeah um in a huge way I mean any decision you make in life will affect your life a huge amount in the future um even the simplest decisions will affect where you’ll be in the future um I you kind of like I think the toughest part about

Making decisions that people find is oh wait we’ve already been here already been this one um the toughest part about every decision that people make is that you can’t go back on that decision you can’t like you can’t just like oh no no I don’t no I want to go back on that

Decision no like it’s that that decision is forever I think that’s what people find the hardest about making decisions in the first place is that like initial part of making decision you know uh my name is Lego I’m Lego good M can I talk to you on Playstation per um yeah

When I’m off stream yeah you get 1.250 it’s free that’s why therapist exist yeah like even then that’s the decision that you could make that you might want to rep but you might you can R you can like be taken out of therapy you you you know you can exit therapy um

But you can’t you can’t always get that money back if you feel like youve wasted that money you know what I mean so it’s difficult for some people you know it’s hard um okay let’s go this way no wait yeah this way okay Fe there’s an an City 8000 wait m is

Minus 8,000 bro that’s bro that’s like 6,000 blocks away man that’s like it’s crazy that’s over 6,000 blocks away do you have your chat on in Minecraft uh yeah it’s right here if that’s what you’re wondering uh my birthday was yesterday happy birthday man I doubt it was but happy birthday dude because

Why um I sent you a message on in should I check right now I guess while I’m traveling here I guess I will okay I’ll text you I’ll text the problem I have there all right no problem dud no problem man happy birthday I doubt who his

Birthday okay this guy is full of crap man that’s what it is this guy’s full of crap okay let’s go going to Instagram uh JK I was ah I see I need to go to Instagram and posted for real so it’s all good bro it’s all good man I just post a

Real real alert major real alert whoa please stop what do you mean please stop the hell what did I do what you what I do okay um oh wait I went past the Cornus freak see me and Gabriella are born in the same year but she is born in January

And I’m born in October Ah that’s fine bro that’s fine then how are you born in the same year unless she’s born like the January before I don’t even know okay 589 58 96- 5 5 84 okay so got to move this way 584 so right here okay that’s my not

There should be an ancient city right under here okay if there is not in a silence stream here I’m going to give up okay I’m going to give up I’m going to end the stream it’s been 3 and a half hours okay and we’ve only found one ancient city so far

So like I think I’m just going to go for that point I was born in January 3rd not bad bro not bad happy birthday dude happy early birthday I guess yeah wait it’s your birthday very soon bro no way what a well yeah when I get to the

Um an City I’ll go to the real oh my God yo Jesus Christ there’s one Golden Apple here awesome very exciting I’ll take it before you end stream after you find it can you join the realm for a couple minutes maybe I don’t know I might go to

Bed straight after stream cuz I’m tired as hell bro I got no sleep last night so put us in different school years so she’s in college I’m in wait I’m still in school you’ll be in college soon bro soon enough bro if you’re if you’re both

Same age you’ll be in college in no time dude um no don’t end stream I have to end the stream if I don’t find the silence stream right here or even if I do so yeah basically what I’m saying is I’m not going to keep on looking I was born on December

29th I see F needs proof that the ex oh my God bro literally he’s just he’s not mod anymore bro I don’t know what I don’t know what else to say I really don’t know what else to say he’s not mod anymore so I guess that’s all I can say until Then that’s why SE I don’t know what else to send bro I know what to send as proof I really don’t know what son is proof bro why are you talking why like why does v want you to talk for him why can’t he just come in he’s a [ __ ] he’s

A [ __ ] vti’s a [ __ ] dude I swear to God like vti come into the stream yourself dude sh Lego um I don’t know I know also you should though what the heck you’re born a day before the day before that was a scam that game I’m pretty sure pretty

Sure it was a scam anyway I don’t know could be wrong that’s what I heard though it was a scam L you should L that’s insane that’s insane uh this year for Christmas I got PS5 games and new Ducks new Ducks what do you mean by new

Ducks what new Ducks is did you get I’m kind of confused by like what you mean by Ops against CDX of course uh just find him what do you mean okay let’s uh let’s go over here oo more diamonds I’ll take it the shoes ducks there’s duck shoes bro what the

Hell what do you mean I just I if I’ve already been here imagine if I already been here that would suck hope we get vti in the chat you show him that the ex mod how do I show him that he’s not mod though that’s

The thing I don’t know how do I prove to him that he’s not mod oh look at that that beautiful actually Minecraft has natural Sky things sky whatever that’s called sunbeams that’s insane that looks beautiful I’m going to take a screenshot of that for screenshot or for a thumbnail cuz that looks

Beautiful am I wrong or am I right that looks just amazing hell yeah man shut the wait show the mod list oh yeah I could do that you said it shouldn’t shut up dude shut up man okay let’s see your right here there’s a chest right here okay still no silence armor okay

Still two chests wait you should try the fre rendering I mean I know I have a PC to try it but I don’t know I’ve already tried Shad shaders on Bedrock man it lags so bad like even just like a new world it lags so bad so I don’t know

Also Jordan’s for Christmas not bad bro not bad though still no silence third chest no silence um and I wonder where the silence trim is where it is silence God dang it BR has a 1% chance of generating so like if I don’t find it that’s why

Cuz it only has a 1% chance of spawning in the first place so I’m quite scared about that one I’m not going to lie it’s quite scary when are you showing the mod list uh when vti decides to show his face bro in in the Stream when he comes into his stream walk Right oh it’s mixed with a um thing I foret what this is called but you know you guys know what it’s called um face what still no silence bro I’m losing hope I’m losing hope bro I really am you didn’t you know that Ancient City Tents only become a thing in

1.9.10 tents what do you mean tents quite confused ancient city tense I don’t even know there’s tense in here bro come on sh up you disappoint me wait that you disappoint me once again what do you mean f Bloom why do you have to get your

Girlfriend’s talk for you bro are you a [ __ ] you’re being a [ __ ] bro talk for yourself man all right don’t get your girlfriends talk for you all right come on come on bro be a man be a man talk for yourself all right talk for yourself dude quit being a

[ __ ] all right all right ooh there’s a pool wait what why why is there a pool do you guys know that there’s a pool in the in City still no s arm what’s by Smurf C Wait no that’s not the right music um that’s the uh coffin dance music hold on

Um freak bro I forget the music that see it’s been so long since I’ve seen the Smurf cap you know I said me and V dating same thing bro I say it three times same thing War got hot for what the hell am man he’s got one but I don’t come on

Man like what are you serious dude all right let’s check up here if sence armor is not here I’m going to be so mad we’re got a hot tub oh yeah man oh yeah son arm doesn’t exist in your version it does dude I on the newest

Version okay your camera is better than mine hey as long as it’s better than somebody’s then it’s all good bro God Dam I fell off [ __ ] um what’s the music go like again bro what’s the go like again uh but you need at least have easy

Mode I think go in creative and get it freak man keep falling off no I’m not going to go in Creative bro what do you mean this has no cheats man this world has no cheats okay do I have any extra blocks okay I do don’t fall off feed come on

Man don’t fall off no feed don’t cheat now I’m not going to cheat bro this this world has never had cheats so it’s all good oh my God bro no tricks me once again you made it toir I did I did okay you can’t get Sil in peace in

Peaceful I’m going to look that up you thought you got it wait I thought you got it same here same here oh for freak’s sake oh my God me and vti dating was a joke Fe no it was real bro it was real trust me it was real

Come on ignore my messages like all the others because you’re talk scared to freaking answer why you so mad bro what the hell is it because you realize like is it because you know you saw your relationship with kindly was real is that why you’re so

Mad bro like damn bro I thought we all knew it was a joke you thought it was real bro is that why you’re so mad the hell why is this guy so mad dude boing isn’t even that mad Frick man oh my God where is the love where is the love

Minecraft Minecraft you don’t love me that’s what it is you don’t love me man A C tens are blue wo oh those are T okay I see dude if you wait if you could freaking read my messages you would know why face bro your messages aren’t coming

Up that’s why I’m not reading them because they’re not coming up you’re saying B words probably I don’t know bro I don’t know that’s why I’m not reading them cuz they’re not coming up I just prayed for you thank you man let’s hope that your praying worked oh

Man your praying might work bro praying might work who even knows just put on easy bro I’m scared man so okay next next um next chest I’ll find next chest I find I’ll put on easy okay to prove to you that that’s not how it works but I wish that is how it

Worked I don’t think it matters what difficulty you’re on for the loot to generate but okay I we could test it for sure walk on W they don’t go off all right I okay so those like clumps of wool are hense okay I thought they were just like just clumps of

Wool come on man I keep sneaking yeah okay let’s go up high see where we have not looted I think we’ve looted over here yeah I think I L it here okay Oh no I have okay I have loot here where have I not loot bro anybody know anybody know where I hav loot getting spawn called by um by Stone okay stone is spawn calling me God dang it I’m head out M see see um Ethan see there man hope

You’re having a I hope you um feel better soon bro for real like you’re going through some stuff man you do you have Swift sneak I do not but wait no oh I don’t that’s going to be a problem but it’s fine it’s fine okay I don’t think I’ve looted over here surely

Bro I another hot tub damn does he do okay I’m guessing the warden does hot tubs transer I don’t even know okay so if we turn on easy okay let’s just turn on easy real quick bye awesome see it uh do you play fortnite

Um I do not play fortnite no I do not play fortnite I saw a chest I see two messages can help you incompetent little r open your eyes for once bro I’ll stop reading your message bro quit being so like salty man like actually [ __ ] off

Man like if you’re going to be like this bro just [ __ ] off man all right come on bro silence arm Trim in here God dang it man Frick um we’re going to do peaceful I’m leaving I might leave too bro cuz this is getting out of hand this whole song armor stre not

Being able to be found it’s getting out of H I’m getting sick of it bro I’m in eighth grade okay bro okay um all right there is a a chest up there have you heard of hot tub streams on Twitch I have indeed I have indeed vti yeah honestly bro vti I will

Honestly just like stop reading your messages if you just like keep talking like why are you so annoyed bro what the hell nice nice I think vti just like you know he’s told you know by by Candi just know that this relationship isn’t actually real it’s like freak’s sake man what the heck

The heck n okay um can I play real oh yeah I forgot to turn it off or turn it on freak man I thought that was it man God dang I thought I genely thought that was it can I join um this world is solo but

Some with the real then you no bro I thought that was it man God dang it dude nine nine oh fre okay bro this one has to be one bro there’s no other chest I don’t think sucks bro sucks sucks to be me unless there’s a chest over

Here nope nope nope nope NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP nope stupid game honestly bro this game is stupid give me my silence emate bro I’ve been scammed don’t scam me of my silence amateur I swear to God I kind of with the relationship H was real but why does the woman have to

Be the priced you can say the same about man if the woman ask out the man like what else would be the price you know what else would be the price the woman or the man cuz it’s a relationship no um I don’t get it what’s your what’s your argument okay

Um I’m not seeing any other chest right here I think I’ve looted the whole city if I’m not wrong that’s the middle okay so we go over here um I have I guess uh it’s German it means no I’ve missed some kindy X low What’s happen they wer actually together and

Now vti is like like bro vti is fuming cuz you know candi’s like and he said they’re not actually get her and vti didn’t know and now vatti is very very angry like he is very very angry like he’s fing not the woman is always

The priz go back to history women had to fight not plastic person what I think I’m too young for this conversation wait is this a whole different part of the ancient city I’ve not looted I think this is a whole different part of the city it is

Damn I’ve not been here I don’t think yeah I haven’t been into this SP City okay yikes I know like bro you should have seen what V was saying like V was saying some crazy things to me I was like shut the [ __ ] up man like shut up

Bro like don’t don’t take it out on me okay don’t take it out on me like he’s bro he’s taking out his anger on me what the hell did I do like what did I do bro what did I do it’s insane I was like what the

Hell um see him he’s not very happy I did not mention plastic while I B I know what what you’re saying bro I know what that means dude what’s that actually you mean um okay okay bro I thought that was it again man God dang it I got tricked Again by

Minecraft curse you Minecraft always tricking me dude curse you it means what the freak ah okay that makes more sense that see bro that makes more sense man it’s not here either bro where like I’m not bro I I genuinely think it doesn’t exist I genuinely think

The silence armor does not work like it it doesn’t work it it it doesn’t exist okay it’s not real I’m certain to genuinely think that just doesn’t exist I told you you just have to Enchanted Apple it’s fine it’s fine probably fine it’s probably fine y oh my god dude are you serious

Man no uh By the time to say this but are we going to do divorce under no I mean you’d have to pay a lot of diamonds for it you know like I’ll pick up any God Apple that I find but if I miss one then it’s

Fine I’m not going to be mad about it you know whereas if I miss like you know s stream then I’m going to be mad about that you know ooh Diamond wait kind float that’s fun that’s good to know that’s actually very good to know Okay buzzing pay to open the realm buzzing did not pay to open the realm but I will open the realm because um I’ve gotten some new members today so yeah I did pay what I didn’t pay yeah I was about to say you did not pay

L how does DX still have my bro I swear to God I removed it I swear to God I did bro the hell L feed I’m new welcome SpongeBob how’s it going welcome to the stream hope you enjoy your stay bro we went from 24 hit 11 likes what the hell

What the hell what the hell happened dude I’m so confused how do we go from 24 to 11 we literally went down like more than 20 or more than 10 uh went from 24 to 11 likes for that’s insane um but that’s okay can you read my comment can you stop vti

From me on sure bro sure there’s GTA mod for me what’s the GTA mod what’s the GTA mod bro okay is that diamonds nope it’s SK hey boys I think I’m going to end the stream here cuz I I just can’t find a I’ve done like five streams of trying to

Find silence amate hasn’t worked once um so maybe if I don’t stream it then I’ll find it but I don’t know um I thought streaming would give me a bit more luck but okay uh s drob didn’t you uh become mob boss I what Mafia Mob Boss look inside the

Tent are you sure there’s like a a chest in there I think there’s a chest in the T room um if I’m not wrong unless you mean above um I think so okay let’s just get some blocks and just like mine up or not mine up but like build

Up build up build up build up like build up build up build B oh my who even lik justtin Bieber anymore oh haven’t heard of him since yeah you got that yummy yum the yummy yum yummy yummy you know um do you know when you might be

Able to join our wait the real uh I might take it down soon but I don’t want wait if you don’t want to join that’s fine no I do want to join I just I know when I have time cuz if I’m on Minecraft then I’m probably just recording a video

Or streaming I don’t actually go into Minecraft to play it I used to but not anymore uh so I only go on to say stream or do a stream or record a video so yeah I know just be rep person imagine imagine must be a nightmare I feel like if you knew justtin

Bieber in real life like personally then that would be a nightmare I’m getting a mode in GTA 6 you are actually yeah I’ve heard from um somebody that watches named deu um they said you’re getting a mode in GTA 6 like a SpongeBob mode I was

Like whoa SpongeBob mode in GTA 6 sounds awesome you know what I mean when realm uh realm will be open very soon how soon I’m not sure yeah that is my hero Academia oh yeah I’m going go for now talk to you later see you bro

See you later man have a great night bro and don’t forget to drop a like on your way out man it would be it would me lost you and yeah I hope you have a great day man okay there’s a chest here I forgot loot I dropped like thank you man I

Appreciate it dude thank you we haven’t went up here okay I used to call J Bieber grandparents Grandma and Grandpa what bro you never met Just Bieber in real life you don’t know him personally okay you don’t know him personally buddy and my problem with not being mod

Uh is that if V is friends with one or more moderators uh then you can control why I say but I don’t care otherwise that’s fine I I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen trust me bro I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen and yeah bro you’re

Fine I’m glad you’re not going to make a fuss about it DDX thank you for not making a fuss about it I appreciate that bro uh greatly I do have his phone number are you going to call him or what call him bro call him you

Won’t call him bro now oh did I un Lo this I used uh to call justtin Bieber beavered beaver Beaverton why Beaverton interesting name no he’s never mind sure see you should you should call Jose Bieber and say please watch feed On’s stream he’s awesome and I like him a lot back

Welcome back s pop welcome back you should call him and just say like watch Fe sun stream he’s awesome and I like him a lot and he’s very cool I’m calling good man or woman I mean what you saying good Man Mrs Jessica Leon oh my God Justin beaver fell off he honestly did I haven’t heard any of his songs recently he said no bro I you not call like bro you don’t have any contact with justtin right let’s be honest bro okay okay you don’t have any like bro

You did not call Justin Bieber right I refuse to believe it I refuse to believe it oh de’s back on not anymore not anymore the rat has been neutralized buddy that was cringe I’m sorry um okay we got a stack of golden apples or not gold golden carrots so that’s

Fine bro I genuinely like just can’t find silence arm it’s just it doesn’t exist man I’m going to end stream here boys I don’t know what’s going on I just kind of find it it’s been 4 hours okay we’ve been streaming for 4 hours pretty

Much and um yeah just kind I can’t find it bro it I I think it doesn’t exist okay keep looking I just bro I just kind on cuz look I traveled 9,000 blocks to find one 9,000 wait 9 9 90,000 blocks travel back but I got home with

Son after 6 days bro it’s taken me since the update came out man I’ve done five streams since the of day came out I’m trying to find the silence stream I just can’t five streams bro five whole streams since the update came out I just

Can’t find it how did ibx to find it in an hour he found it in less than an hour man open real I’ll open around bro don’t worry you don’t have to keep ask around cuz I’ll open bro he’s done with everyone bro you did not call Justin bie BR

Okay chill out man chill out that’s no look bro I’ve been I’ve been streaming and trying to find it for four hours bro 4 hours would you not give up after not finding it bro I can’t find it man it doesn’t exist dude dude it just doesn’t exist I I don’t believe it

Man Warden appears I need to oh man honestly I wouldn’t even care at that point because I just on freak dude freck vti is doing everyone why dude DX isn’t even mod anymore tell them stop crying Dude tell tell about the stop crying DX isn’t mod anymore

And you know his relationship issues are not my problem and needs to realize that he needs stop taking out his anger on me what I do huh bro made such a fuss about me getting my roof and he get on the stream it’s insane it’s insane like what the heck man excuse me

Um hi what’s about J slap how’s it going dude is this um deu is J just going to magically start talking about GTA 6 let me know I don’t think bro is a wait I think bro is a crybaby maybe I don’t know I cannot find the s’s armor room God dang it

Man freak’s sake dude this is crazy this is crazy I found out that when I draw torsos they look like a cold symbol what kind of cold symbol are we talking ooh Mr chest and it wouldn’t have mattered anyway oh my God just look at the world record dump world record

Dump how long did it take you to take a dump bro what’s the uh world record for taking it dump let me know do you hold the world record uh diamond looking ah diamond ah I see looks like a diamond my torso looks like a diamond 3

Hours bro that is not world record bro I took a I took a dump in 3 seconds once bro it was insane I’m wearing I’m wearing a jumper right now but like now I look f in this jumper but I can promise you I’m not

Um I look F in this jumper what the heck man for longer dump I see like bro my my my torso is is a diamond bro okay my torso is a diamond that’s for sure it’s a female torso yeah mine is as well mine is as

Well bro trust me my my torso is also a female um torso so yeah um DDX you’ll be glad to hear um vti Bloom says if he SS give DDX his mod back I don’t give wait I don’t freaking care anymore I’m not paying your ass with

Membership and Views just to be treated like a [ __ ] and not even being listened to okay so here’s the thing right I think he was going to conso his membership anyway um I I think I think um I think vti was going to cons his membership anyway because he was

Trying to before um if I didn’t open Rome um so that’s fine uh I’m going to lose out on 70 Cent um which is fine it’s okay um but yeah I I don’t know I think he’s just uh a bit angry that Candi said his relationship is not real okay um I don’t

Know it’s it’s weird hey dude you’re also B Nathan CI can you try to come uh vatu Bloom down de says that SpongBob in GTA 6 will be GTA 6 game wait GTA6 kids mode there’s no GTA 6 kids mode anymore bro there never was and there never will be

From the realm when he left open DX isn’t even a op I don’t think he is so I don’t know but once his 99 back like I don’t know what it means by treat like a [ __ ] I didn’t I didn’t treat him like a [ __ ] what the hell I don’t know what he’s

Talking about I genuinely don’t know what he’s talking about when you going to wait you’re going to need a [ __ ] ton of suar boxes that’s for sure that’s for sure I should have brought some but I didn’t so I join uh VC uh if you want I mean I would but

Everybody’s muted there it’s like what’s even the point of being here you know if everybody’s muted so still looking at the ones from my chat I am um this is your one from the chat and I’ve looted the whole thing I can’t find it dude I mute all right bet sounds good sounds

Good well when he was op he was being a big meanie DDX man for freak’s sake dude are you serious s pop when did you join sh soda pop is an OG I feel like um I’d say I’d say so to Pops OG um I don’t remember I asked you this

Already I don’t remember if I asked you this already what what was your plan for your mega base if you’re making it uh in the S&P or in this world let me know in the S&P or in this world I’m an OG right yeah you I’d say you are yeah I’d say

So and just know I appreciate OG’s a lot U but also new new people but like you know OG’s too um this world um I mean I think I’m done with building bases because um I’ve already built my base already done a villager farmer or villager farm um I’ve done pretty much everything

In this world I just need to get this on arm and I will complete I’m not OG right when did you Jo when did you join bro let me know when did you join IM found it there God dang it that would be cool as

Hell voice real time I think it is I think it is uh so like do I get on my back now uh thatti has given up on that uh I I want to give it like a day cuz I think that was when that was how much I gave you I

Gave you a day to cool off I’m going to give vti bloom a day to cool off cuz I think he’s just a bit mad right now so I’ll give him some time to like chill and work on what he’s thinking about so yeah I don’t know uh yo yo um

See it Cy way is Cy going why a crafter oh right okay why wasn’t um by CI hopefully vti is not mad at you oh he is he’s pissed vti’s pissed man wait who’s going is CI going or is bzen going or is everybody going I don’t

Know um yeah boys I’m going to go um because I spent 4 hours 5 minutes trying to find this stupid armat Tri I still haven’t found it so oh B oh know oh I’m sorry dude I’m sorry why is he M vti or wait why is he M Candi Candi

Um I don’t know he’s mod that his relationship wasn’t real or something I don’t know bro it’s weird see why are Kandi and vti M you Candi is’s not mad at me I don’t think I hope not um and vti is mad at me CU his relationship

With with Candi wasn’t real he thought it was real so yeah I’m a girl crafter you’re a girl crafter wowow insane that’s insane I’ve never seen one of those before un offended I’m a girl crafter wait what you mean you mean how is that offensive what’s what I

Say that was offensive you craft girls yeah that’s that’s quite odd that’s quite odd I would say you craft girls is that what you’re saying December oo okay uh Z it’s just tragic it is it is no why crafter said that wait if you checked 50 ancient city chest you would

Have a 45 point 31 chance of getting SS it’s true cuz doesn’t have like a 1% chance of spawning until you find it or are you a Minecrafter d a girl I don’t even know what’s going on yeah um thank you guys for watching I’ll see you guys there thank you to all

The new members um that is insane thank you to uh thank you to goats for GI giting a a membership and uh thank you to two new members as well um today that is very much appreciated we got a middle class scle A a rich SC and a broke scle so

Yeah thank you guys for watching put a chest counter on stream I should have bro I should have you got to open bro it’s true thank you guys for watching have a great day and I’m going to go make some tea and eat in their donut because I am

Hungry I hungry I became a remember imagine imagine if you did man good man I’m in VC I’ll hop in I’ll hop in say hello and then I don’t know Minecraft is updating even more in 2024 that rhymes sometimes I like olders I like dollars I like dollars that’s what I like

Copy World okay comment please um he just SP kicks me what do I have wait do I join what what did you ignore last night’s message I sent you um I don’t know what message you sent me dude I don’t know what what message you sent me join join what do you

Mean the real ah I see yeah you can join tell me your Microsoft name nope C tell me your Microsoft name that’s the only thing that can get you to join see you can you vti op in a r uh try join if he kicks you then

Yeah b i onck yeah I am indeed onck so yeah broo did you know wait you were spam kicking me dude uh why you crying about it now oh snap same not bad bro not bad Smurf C I know I know it’s the coffin dance Mee but like yeah still same thing bro still same thing I called you hello hello I got my headphones um I’ll get my headphones and I’ll answer I’m bus okay you’re sing so from my base to me oh

Snap and you’re nasty icky c one second boys let me get my headphones you guys already know defeat st’s headphones right here insane feed stuns headphones I am back yes you remember me feed s of course bro of course so yeah uh boys I’ll see you guys

There thank you guys for watching have a great day uh Hey whisper guy how’s it going dude how’s it going bro um soda pop soda pop if you no what do you mean wait uh good man Jon good man uh you to thank you man thank you

Dude appreciate it is real open Real is open bro real is open man so yeah help me build Stu as one bro I’m not streaming the real right now okay dude nuh no um let me INR God dang it freak man type your Microsoft name in chop

Room I don’t really you want to be inviting people right now but okay type your mark self name in chat you got to friend me back and I can invite you CM join Discord VC can I be up no no cuz you’re my you’re already my biggest op bro you are

Already my biggest op okay no joke bro I need to take a piss I need a piss bro so bad I am boring bro boring should I build Gabriel Gabrielle song in the real yeah bro cuz I don’t know what that is yo what is that Laughing Man

Hey I’m new uh welcome whisper guy welcome whisper gy hello yo this is actually awkward is this soda pup yeah please please explain PS5 Minecraft 20 books it is indeed yeah it’s insane you should explain bro explain yourself right now or don’t um yeah alsoo bad a whisper guy where is this

Okay all right boys thank you guys for watching um have a great night I’ll see you guys later peace out thank you to all the new members I appreciate it and uh yeah see you see you guys later peace

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20: I Wont Stop Until I Find The Silence Armour Trim’, was uploaded by FeeDStunz on 2023-12-31 01:01:24. It has garnered 401 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 04:14:15 or 15255 seconds.

In Todays Minecraft Livestream, I WILL NOT STOP Streaming Until I Find The Silence Armour Trim (Or Give Up Lol)


1. Eyedragon | Gifted 10 Members | 2. Jack Adams | Gifted 5 Members | 3. David Fitzpatrick | Gifted 1 Member | 4. Maybe You?

💯THANK YOU TO THESE AMAZING PEOPLE💯 1. Zgamerz2: AED 8,981.18/€2,263.63 2. Stonehedgehog: $39.00 3. Sigma Man: €31.00 4. DDX: $25.00 5. Buzzing: £24.00 6. Jack Adams: £21.00 7. Sean Cassidy: €12.00 8. J00SHY2Z: $12.00 9. Twanner: $11.00 10. AndyPlayz: $11.00 11. Elitecereal: Kr85.00/€7.19 12. Adrien: $5.00 13. David Fitzpatrick: €5.00 14. SC Studios: £4.00 15. okPxin: $4.00 16. Pokegang: €4.00 17. Wildswayz: $4.00 18. Nicolas Fraley: $3.00 19. Hacksaw4859: $3.00 20. Nathan: $3.00 21. Rome Plays: $2.00 22. Bendyplayz23: $1.00 23. Cking: $0.99 24. Maybe You?!

#minecraft #Minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival

  • 15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft!

    15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft! Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Celebration Unveiled! Excitement is in the air as Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide celebrate the game’s 15th anniversary with a special event. Let’s dive into the details of this milestone celebration! New Features and Additions The anniversary event brings a plethora of new features and additions to the Minecraft universe. Players can expect exciting updates, exclusive items, and perhaps even limited-time challenges to mark this special occasion. The anticipation is high as fans eagerly explore what Minecraft has in store for them. Community Engagement One of the most remarkable aspects of Minecraft is its vibrant community. The anniversary… Read More

  • Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay

    Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay Welcome to Stone Mason Building in Minecraft! Music Free Gaming is a family-friendly channel that primarily focuses on playing Minecraft. In this stream replay titled “Going Solo 3,” viewers were treated to an exciting session of building and exploration in the virtual world of Minecraft. Supporting the Channel If you enjoy the content provided by Music Free Gaming, there are several ways you can show your support: Tips & Subs: Visit musicfreegaming.com to provide tips and subscribe to the channel. Merchandise: Check out the channel’s merchandise at musicfreegaming.com/collections/all. Wishlist: Fulfill items on the channel’s wishlist at throne.me/u/musicfreegaming. Engage with… Read More

  • Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival

    Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival The Mystery of the Ancient City in Minecraft Survival Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to some incredible discoveries, and stumbling upon an ancient city is a true testament to the game’s hidden wonders. These ancient cities hold valuable loot and unique challenges for players brave enough to venture into their depths. Ancient City Rewards Delving into an ancient city can yield a variety of rewards, including SCULK catalysts for farming other SCULK blocks, soul-related blocks, rare Ward and Silence armor trims, enchanted books, treasure items, and highly enchanted gear. These rewards make the journey to find… Read More

  • Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle!

    Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle! In Roblox, I crafted the Infinity Gauntlet so fine, With all the powers, like in Marvel’s design. Each jewel recreated, shining bright, In Build a Boat, a true gaming delight. From Discord to Instagram, I share my creation, With each update, sparking imagination. Join the empire, be part of the fun, As we craft and build, until the day is done. So come along, on this gaming quest, Where creativity and fun never rest. In Roblox world, where dreams take flight, With the Infinity Gauntlet, shining so bright. Read More

  • Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery

    Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery Welcome to Mystery Place – A Private Vanilla Minecraft Server Embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft with the opening of Mystery Place, a private vanilla server. Experience the thrill of exploration, creativity, and collaboration in this unique gaming environment. What Sets Mystery Place Apart? Unlike public servers, Mystery Place offers a more intimate and exclusive gaming experience. With a focus on vanilla gameplay, players can enjoy the pure essence of Minecraft without any modifications or plugins. This back-to-basics approach allows for a nostalgic journey through the game’s core features. Free Gameplay and Community Interaction One… Read More

  • Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft’s Secure Base Battle!

    Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft's Secure Base Battle! In the world of Minecraft, a battle did unfold, Between Dark Souka and a mutant so bold. With knives in hand and teeth so sharp, The mutant sought to tear the town apart. But Souka and friends were not afraid, They built a base, strong and well-made. With obsidian walls and lava all around, They stood their ground, ready to astound. But the mutant was cunning, he had a plan, He spawned zombies and baby zombies, a dangerous clan. But Souka and team fought with all their might, They took down the mutant, winning the fight. In the end,… Read More

  • Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS!

    Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS! Exploring the Perils of Minecraft with KiezelPlays Join KiezelPlays on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where danger lurks at every turn. In a recent video, Kiezel plays Minecraft and faces the ultimate challenge – the possibility of meeting an untimely demise within mere seconds of starting the game. Survival in the World of Minecraft As Kiezel navigates the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, the stakes are high. With survival on the line, every decision matters. Will Kiezel be able to overcome the obstacles and emerge victorious, or will the dangers of the game prove too much to handle? Quick Reflexes and… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is filled with mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Discover Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through a variety of creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly unique. Learn how to incorporate secret tricks and innovative building techniques that will set your structures apart from the rest. Enhance Your Structures… Read More

  • Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft

    Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks Step into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join 方块轩, a renowned creator in the Minecraft community, as he brings laughter and joy through his original animations and content. Discovering the Minecraft Universe 方块轩’s channel is dedicated to providing child-friendly content, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all viewers. With a focus on humor and entertainment, his videos showcase the endless possibilities within the Minecraft universe. From Funny Animations to Educational Series Whether you’re in the mood for a good laugh with… Read More

  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

    Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft? The Controversy Surrounding Minecraft and Microsoft Recently, Minecraft players have been expressing their frustration over canceled features, delays, and disappointments in the game. These issues have sparked a series of controversies, with players feeling that Microsoft, the owner of Minecraft, is making unwanted changes and experiments that are not well-received. Player Criticisms Many players have accused the developers of being lazy and have criticized Microsoft for exacerbating the situation instead of addressing the concerns. The constant stream of failed experiments and changes has only added fuel to the fire, leaving players feeling disillusioned and unheard. Is Microsoft Really to… Read More

  • Old Fashion

    Hello there!! Welcome to old Fashion, We are a server that is less severally and more community. We are just starting this community up and as we are putting things together we are in need of players to give us the suggestions that will make us the best place to come and play. Come on in. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Fish ain’t swimming, what gives?

    Minecraft Memes - Fish ain't swimming, what gives?Maybe he’s just taking a little fishy nap, let him rest and he’ll start swimming again soon! Read More

  • Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16

    Stitch & Switch: Minecraft Fabric Modding Fun! | #16 In the world of Minecraft, where tools are key, We delve into modding, with Fabric MC. Basic tools like axe, hoe, pickaxe, and sword, Crafted with care, in the game they’re adored. Tool materials, a crucial aspect to know, In Minecraft 1.20.6, they put on a show. From wood to diamond, each material unique, Enhancing gameplay, for players to seek. Join us on Discord, for more modding fun, Where the community gathers, under the sun. Fixing errors, tweaking code with finesse, In the world of Minecraft, we always impress. So leap into the verse, with tools in hand, In… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL at These Shorts!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL at These Shorts! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor #boom Read More

  • Epic Shizo Parotter in Minecraft 2024: Sans vs Let’s goooooooo!! 😍

    Epic Shizo Parotter in Minecraft 2024: Sans vs Let's goooooooo!! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘Sans & Let’s goooooooo!!! 2024 ep4 😍 Parotter Minecraft best funny Animation’, was uploaded by Parotter on 2024-05-01 11:30:24. It has garnered 68935 views and 1320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:17 or 1577 seconds. Please Subscribe😍& could you be my Fan??? Would you like to be my supporter?[YouTube Membership$1.99] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG6NHS34ujpuokyx008jgzQ/join ★This money will be used to fund my activities and purchase equipment. ★I will reply to comments to members with the highest priority. 💖-💖-💖-💖-💖-💖-💖 Insta https://www.instagram.com/parotter_animation/ X https://twitter.com/minecraft_paro_ 💖source My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJItalents→ https://www.youtube.com/@hololive https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji #shorts… Read More

  • Devious Creator Pranks with Fake Minecraft Updates

    Devious Creator Pranks with Fake Minecraft UpdatesVideo Information This video, titled ‘deleted minecraft updates #memes #minecraft #minecraftmemes #memecraft #experiment’, was uploaded by PerKing on 2024-01-26 17:15:36. It has garnered 3244 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Music: Holiday Weasel by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5517-holiday-weasel License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license and music by epidemicsound license minecraft is weird game Read More

  • ANARCHY base hunt CHAOS & VICTORY #Minecraft #6b6t

    ANARCHY base hunt CHAOS & VICTORY #Minecraft #6b6tVideo Information This video, titled ‘ИЩЕМ МЕСТО ДЛЯ НАШОЙ БАЗЫ АНАРХИЯ[2]#anarchy #grief #minecraft #6b6t #frainds #перемога’, was uploaded by MR Кавунчик on 2024-01-27 14:27:15. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:05 or 6425 seconds. #anarchy #grief #frainds #minecraft #overcome #6b6t played on the server[6b6t.org] Read More

  • Server Under Attack! Copystrike Chaos in Minecraft

    Server Under Attack! Copystrike Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Server Gets Copystriked – Minecraft SDMP #21’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-04-24 00:00:17. It has garnered 35765 views and 1493 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:21 or 7281 seconds. Hello and welcome to the Swimming Drake Multiplayer server featuring Multiple Sleep Deprived Players. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez SDMP Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZwuiLkP2vN7lCGFNT9lcMLH My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE SECRET BASE REACTION in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "UNBELIEVABLE SECRET BASE REACTION in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i make secret base in minecraft; then i relize…..#minecraft’, was uploaded by TOxBE8999 on 2024-05-12 13:51:20. It has garnered 5102 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. keywords LisicGaming StandaryPie Aastra Smp AstraSmpVideo AstraSmpVideoS1 astrasmps1 lifesteal smp minecraft headsteal, lifesteal smp loyal smp, lifesteal smp with shop, lifesteal smp minecraft server, lifesteal private smp, lifesteal smp applications open, lifesteal smp in aternos, smp minecraft lifesteal ip, smp minecraft server ip lifesteal, minecraft smp to join lifesteal, server like lifesteal smp, lifesteal smp with commands, drk limited lifesteal smp,… Read More


    EPIC MODDED MINECRAFT LAUNCH DAY | CYBERPUNK 2077 DAY 4Video Information This video, titled ‘MODDED MYTHICAL SMP MINECRAFT LAUNCH DAY | CYBERPUNK 2077 DAY FOUR’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-03-01 08:01:20. It has garnered 2003 views and likes. The duration of the video is 07:46:59 or 28019 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Shy Villager in Love MINECRAFT ASMR

    Shy Villager in Love MINECRAFT ASMRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aldeano Tímido Se ENAMORA [MINECRAFT] [M4F] [Strangers to Lovers] [Wholesome] #AsmrRp’, was uploaded by Stuey Asmr LATAM on 2024-05-31 20:30:06. It has garnered 1696 views and 179 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:03 or 723 seconds. #ASMR #ASMRRoleplay #aldeano Script by STU 😉 #Anime #Animeroleplay #roleplay #roleplayenespañol #asmrenespañol #novioroleplay #minecraft Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Golden C in Minecraft Livestream #16 – Too much already?

    UNBELIEVABLE! Golden C in Minecraft Livestream #16 - Too much already?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Connect – Livestream #16 – Schon so viel?’, was uploaded by Goldenes C on 2024-04-22 08:45:11. It has garnered 72 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:18 or 4338 seconds. – Golden C – My name is Cjay! I’m a YouTuber and I record videos about Minecraft! I experience strange adventures with my friends and travel to magical worlds! No matter what, it always stays crazy! Here is my Discord: https://discord.gg/YAddhTp Here is the ROBLOX GROUP of the magic team: https://www.roblox.com/groups/12828176/Magisches-Team#!/about Socials: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goldenercjay/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/goldenes_c Here to my friends:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE! Join Anytime

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE! Join AnytimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING MINECRAFT LIVE ! l EVERYONE IS WELCOME’, was uploaded by Jux on 2024-03-29 17:22:40. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:27 or 3267 seconds. 🔔 Subscribe to the JUX GAMING channel for more content! ————————————————————– LOVE YOU GUYS! Tiktok l https://www.tiktok.com/@juxyoutube Discord l https://discord.gg/48U97zDM #roblox #memes #robloxmemes #minecraft #meme #dankmemes #robloxedits #edgymemes #dank #bloxburg #fortnite #robloxgfx #funny #robloxedit #adoptme #robloxart #robloxadoptme #robloxgamer #robloxgame #offensivememes #royalehigh #robloxmeme #robux #lol #gaming #robloxbloxburg #robloxian #anime #adoptmeroblox #youtube #memesdaily #edgy #art #robloxroyalehigh #explorepage #freerobux #tiktok #gfx #funnymemes #gamer #dankmeme #rblx… Read More

  • TotallyNotSuspicious – Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 LGTBQ+ Friendly Hermitcraft-like Whitelist Fabric Java

    Apply here: https://discord.gg/vPqyu9dPJ7 (Applications are rarely denied unless there is a lack of effort!) INFORMATION TotallyNotSuspicious is an SMP established in 2018, focused on creating an environment where interactions between members are highly valued – the primary goal is for the community to be inclusive of all people. Every member is welcome to join with open arms; no one is judged here. Why should you join us? Servers hosted in North America, with constant 20 TPS Discord to Minecraft chat Simple Voice Chat integration Suggestion forums Ticket systems, answered immediately Diamond economy, no shop plugins Organized Dragon Fights and other… Read More

  • Modern Beta SMP | Beta 1.7.3 Recreated In Modern Minecraft! | Bedrock + Java Support [NO GRIEF] [NO STEALING] [NO HACKING] – 1.20+

    Modern Beta SMP | Beta 1.7.3 Recreated In Modern Minecraft! | Bedrock + Java Support [NO GRIEF] [NO STEALING] [NO HACKING]  - 1.20+Modern Beta is a recreation of the infamous Minecraft version from 2011, beta 1.7.3, in modern day Minecraft (1.20+) utilizing resource pack and server side magic. Beta 1.7.3 is widley recognized as the “Golden Age” version of the game due to its simplicity, charm, and lack of “forced goals,” so the only goal is the ones you make with you and your friends.Our mission is to create a vanilla 2011 Minecraft server experience where you can trust who you play with. We pride ourselves on not using any land claims or locked chests in favor of manual moderation via discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He actually beat it… EP2 MADNESS!

    That one guy must have been really dedicated to his Minecraft lets play series if he actually made it to episode 2! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep

    Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Glume Gamer is here to fulfill your gaming dream. Preparing to defeat the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode, With skills and strategies that will make your heart explode. Join the Discord server, for a community so grand, Where gamers unite, with controllers in hand. Follow on Instagram, for updates and more, Glume Gamer’s adventures, you can’t ignore. Business inquiries? Shoot an email their way, For collaborations and opportunities to play. So hit that subscribe button, show some love, For Glume Gamer, soaring high above. In the realm of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥 “Girls in Minecraft: spends hours building a beautiful house with intricate details. Boys in Minecraft: digs straight down and somehow finds diamonds within 5 minutes.” #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💎 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenges

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenges Minecraft: Exploring the World of OP Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with OP challenges that will test your skills and creativity to the limit. Dive into a realm where the possibilities are endless and the adventures are boundless. PC Specs for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Equip yourself with top-of-the-line PC specs to enhance your Minecraft gameplay: Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (12Core, 24 Threads, Up to 4.8 GHz) Motherboard: ASUS CROSSHAIR-VIII-Formula RAM: 32 GB G.Skill Trident Z Neo RGB DDR4 4000MHz Graphic Card: MSI GeForce RTX 3090 Suprim 24 GB SSD: 1TB Samsung… Read More

  • EPIC Ambi Boy vs Noob Witch Showdown

    EPIC Ambi Boy vs Noob Witch ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Witch Is Noob | Witch Cry | Ambi Boy’, was uploaded by Ambi Boy on 2024-05-05 01:59:00. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:34 or 814 seconds. The Witch Is Noob | Witch Cry | Ambi Boy Your Queries:- minecraft maizen minecraft funny milo and chip cash gaming maizen challenge omz nico cash and nico chip jj maizen mikey maizen minecraft mod jj and mikey noob vs pro security house maizen raft supercell clash royale squad busters no cursing milo maizen volcano roblox chip and milo wudo… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!

    Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!Video Information This video, titled ‘OPEN PACKS & DUEL BUT WITH A DUEL MONSTERS TWIST! Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-20 20:00:09. It has garnered 3250 views and 211 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:28 or 1948 seconds. My Brother and I started playing the YuGiOh card game over 20 years ago at the same time. Today we go back to those starting times opening packs, building a deck and duelling in some old school YuGiOh! MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE -… Read More

  • Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraft

    Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Created New Minecraft Private Server|| Can You Join Our SMP? || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Syntax Gaming on 2024-03-07 21:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read All To Join Our SMP ❤️ Step No.1 Create Application Video With His #ApplicationForStrongSMP Step No.2 Request … Read More

  • Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!

    Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!!’, was uploaded by Mine Smashed on 2023-12-29 19:30:01. It has garnered 247 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! ICT support – COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!! Checking out the new tech support villager in the latest snapshot of Minecraft and I found them to be very helpful for all your computing and redstone needs. Thank you again, tech support. @MineSmashed Read More

  • Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizo

    Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uhhhhh what do you mean yet? #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-29 21:45:01. It has garnered 449 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Having fun with Skunk and Jay on the AfterLife SMP when Skunk mentions his… dungeon :0 Read More

  • INSANE Pixelmon Server – BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!

    INSANE Pixelmon Server - BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!Video Information This video, titled ‘IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER?’, was uploaded by Impulse Pokemon Trainer on 2024-05-13 22:45:02. It has garnered 672 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:17 or 1757 seconds. #GRMPIXELMON #pixelmon #minecraft IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER OUT RIGHT NOW?? COME WITH ME AS WE EXPLORE THIS PIXELMON SERVER TOGETHER, ADN SEE IF THIS PIXELMON SERVER IS THE BEST SERVER OUT THERE! GRM PIXELMON IP: grmpixelmon.com LET ME KNOW WIN THE COMMENTS DOWN BELOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABHOUT THIS SERVER AND ABOUT THIS VIDEO. THE BEST AND WORST… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!

    Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!Video Information This video, titled ‘COLLECTING EVERY MOB IN MINECRAFT…again – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-09 09:06:14. It has garnered 608 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:41 or 4241 seconds. Watch the longform stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxl9Ct_tIMs ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Chazyyyboi/join 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: https://bit.ly/mobprices 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks3DUf4Emog ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to support me and keep… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Don’t Copy Me! Part 3 #shorts

    Insane Challenge: Don't Copy Me! Part 3 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try Not To Say The Same Thing As Me! – Part 3 #shorts #grasstoucher27’, was uploaded by grasstoucher27 on 2024-03-22 18:07:42. It has garnered 13630 views and 546 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. idk man minecraft @therealsubman Minecraft gameplay Minecraft tutorial Minecraft let’s play Minecraft survival mode Minecraft creative mode Minecraft mods Minecraft building Minecraft redstone Minecraft adventure map Minecraft resource pack Minecraft farm Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP (Player vs. Player) Minecraft mob farm Minecraft server Minecraft command block Minecraft speedrun Minecraft mansion Minecraft village Minecraft rollercoaster Minecraft underwater… Read More

  • EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!

    EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘FTB Skies: EP29 | Conquering the Castle in the Sky! | Minecraft 1.19.2’, was uploaded by TheAndrata on 2024-05-02 11:00:32. It has garnered 242 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:57 or 2217 seconds. Today we conquer the Castle in the Sky, just like in the movie! ✱ MODPACK INFO ✱ FTB Skies is a modpack that offers a unique and immersive experience unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. As soon as you enter this world, you’ll find yourself on a floating island, high up in the sky. With no land… Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon! PVE 1.20.4+ Java & Bedrock Mature Community Grief Protection Custom Features mcMMO

    Join Stormy Lagoon Today! If you’re looking for a unique survival server running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4, look no further. Stormy Lagoon, established over four years ago, offers a welcoming community and a range of custom features to enhance your gameplay experience. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.stormylagoon.com Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Discord: Join our Discord Server Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Check us out on Tiktok What Sets Us Apart? No Chat Report: Enjoy hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels: Get guidance on all server features Quality of Life Commands: Access… Read More