Vault Hunters Live : 9 : FIRST ARTIFACT!

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to another stream hope that this went too long how long have i left it nearly six minutes i’m sorry everyone i needed to get a drink and everything i’m sorry how is everybody today is it working am i a pro today can you hear me

I think you can looks like you can oh hang on i need to send the sound up tired oh you can hear me though i’m guessing you can because you said tired it’s early today everyone i don’t know who’s gonna be around and i’m opening a coke because i can

Yeah everyone get your relic booster packs we’re going to open them later i need to take a jumper off one zik actually i don’t know why i’m saying one sec it’s not like i’m listening into the headphones oh white sky where do you live if it’s evening

Where’d that be other side of the world australia i’ve done so the australians are here yeah and some uk peeps they’re the people that are working from home right i don’t know out of europe who’s working from home as well everyone i believe now i’m too hot i put the heating on

Because i’ve walked into my office and it was absolutely freezing so i put the heater on and now i’m boiling i can’t win belgium sweden germany uk essays that south africa or the tennessee what time is it there that’s ridiculous anyway everyone welcome back to vault hunters

I’m doodling today we’ve got a lot of um vaults to get through and i can go there straight away i’m a little bit scared i’m not warmed up i haven’t logged on before i’ve done no off camera work since last time because i’ve not been feeling too good that’s why

You know it’s still today 3 a.m blimey 2 a.m i’m in bed by like 10 [Laughter] right i have no excuse to be tired though today on monday our last stream we had a bit of boo-boos who was here on monday on our last street i think it was monday

I had some boo-boos with some botania stuff and it sucks um i’ve now removed it some of you were i usually stream it’s free yeah well it’s it’s morning for me now so it’s much better i’m more awake in the evenings i’m usually tired right so anyway everyone last this is

Our this is our box but last time we had tom of the diva tom of the diva is a boo-boo never use this if you ever play it when when vault hunters is downloadable for everybody don’t use this in the vault okay it’s bad i was not able

To kill what they’re called the vault boss things um oh god what they call my mine’s gone blank the big geezers the drop inscriptions anyway they charm them and then they go back to full health it’s absolutely useless oh yeah that but with the um snowballs and the

The uh the gaia fight i’m wondering if it was snowballs and the charm of the diva because no joke when i fought it last time i killed it really easy took no damage or anything then she just wiped me out i was like what’s going on of course this happens on the stream

Vault guards that’s it yeah the vault guards kept getting back to full health and we’ve worked out in the end it was because of this so the two ones that i did last time and i couldn’t get any inscriptions well i did but not from well not from them

Okay so anyway what i’ve done is i’ve um i did have a white list on these then realized if i whitelist them then that don’t work but we’re going to go in with our cloak of virtue um bobby a very early stream still at my stream oh still at work frown i got

I forgot i put the voice on i’m like who was talking to me [Laughter] that freaked me out i’m not gonna lie i thought everybody’s got these talking voices i want some talking voices i choose a bloke though everyone’s got girls i’ve got a bloke so i’m gonna give the bloke’s gonna be

Talking to me it’s welsh i thought let’s try out we can always change his voice we’re gonna try out a welsh geezer for today if we don’t like a welsh one there are australian ones um americans um there’s loads of them are we gonna try them out anyway body thank you so much

For the 25 let’s why is that not going in there why is that not highlighting that’s weird don’t they usually highlight i’m chrissy you’re a world geezer this is like a very robotic welsh geezer but i wanted the welsh one oh yes bonnie you sell more emma trying

Thank you so much for the donation that is incredible so when when eventually my terrace deal is going to be exceptionally bad because one day it will be i’m going to have to use the amaterine so that is amazing because i don’t have a of that thank you so much

Yeah if we don’t like if we don’t like our geezer then we can change him but for today we’ve got him but it did freak me out why does google make the welsh accent sound like an alien invasion i’ll have to listen out next time we uh he talks

That’s hilarious right are we gonna go straight into a vault today oh i got these i forgot um this school gave me this for oh what was it he’s been doing a lot of vault crystals and i’ve been helping him out with letting him do stuff and i gave him some gas tears

And stuff so um he gave me these protection fives um so i think i want to put them on these um you know what’s gonna happen didn’t you i’m gonna die i’m just gonna die instantly and then i’m not going to have them anymore but let’s let’s go for it anyway when we’re

Going uh yes this one do i get the runes i i yeah they’re in a chest and all i got those i’ll have a look in a sec um i need to uh just quickly get some levels just do this and then we can head on

Uh oh god these geezers are gonna be loud then we can head on straight into a vault i’m not going to beat about the bush today i’m going straight in she says 15 minutes into the stream check geezer chests develop bet the disguise so well not that i’ll do better than his

Squad he’s he’s a lot better than stuff tonight oh look these have changed i forgot about that oh and there’s a trash can okay um yeah he’s a lot better oh god that is 35 levels man yeah i’m hoping that um i can do good today

I’m still a lowish level i think i’m the lowest level out of everyone because i’ve been doing more stuff off camera than i have actually been streaming but that’s why i decided to go earlier today so that i’ve got a bit more time break the boss crate why

After watching you realize how unlucky it is what does that mean okay thank you hayley well i’m not being funny i did it last time i got so frustrated you could probably tell if you watched the last stream so frustrated that oh god i’ve just got so much uh um

Shut up oh so fast no i want that uh last stream and i just couldn’t kill those blokes i was like what am i doing wrong but i’m glad that it wasn’t my fault it was the stupid my charm was started running oh come on

This is so slow i need to get a spawner key so i can make this faster you’re too slow but it’s because i can’t obviously they’re not affected by light so they’re always ready yes because of the stupid charm the stupid charm just ruined everything for me but i’m thinking

I think i’ll do a warm-up but do you know what right at the moment i think i’ll do a warm-up i’ll do a normal vault i won’t take anything in with me hi honey thank you so much for the five gifted subs thank you oh what did i get oh god that

Was lucky we’re in it aeon aeon aeon aeon i’ll i’ll i’ll pop i’ll pop this um here uh i’ve got some anderson yes thank you i had on site the other day i literally had to sit there for ages using my botania to i think change diorite into andersite i think

That’s how it is thank you so much for that gift all right i’m 35 let’s um put you on now yes protection five that should be oh and you’re 35 and all okay whatever i’ve just spent my whole life sitting here murdering these zombie pigmen or zombified piggling nowadays

Ask yourself around for the key they’ll do it yeah but i think it’s what i think everyone’s got a key now right oh come on geezers poop out quicker Yeah make sure you say thank you to ariani those of you that got gifted a sub and remember you can always come over and join the discord even on a gifted sub unfortunately when the gift runs out you will be evacuated unless obviously you decide to carry it on yourself

Why are dropping emeralds they are dropping emeralds because on this i have prospector iii and that makes them drop emeralds oh yeah is this too loud i didn’t think you got it the same loudness as me i believe you can have the horrendous noise just as much as i do

I’m so kind like they are you lot go in there and you can all be removed from my inventory i’ve got far too much of you oh my god oh come on mates this is where i’ve been getting all of my gold from anyway everybody i sit here i get all of the

Gold poops make them into the gold ingots and then turn them into stuff and then i have no gold left again my hands are cold now i i can’t win i’m like the fussiest passport ever timeless moon thank you so much for gifting five subs as well

Say thank you to everybody and now everybody say thank you it’s timeless moon that’s what i mean no no not timeless moon say thank you to everybody more and science seriously i better get underside now thank you so much for the uh the gifted sub

I need to get some more remotes as well everyone i think i’ve got like zero emotes how many have i got like seven i think i don’t know what i’d have though i’m trying to think about what i would have as an emote oh i could get a sub thing that’s true

Thank you for saying that juliet what block would i be gold knows what block i’d be something useful i don’t know an observer uh i don’t know gold knows yeah or something pink on magenta the problem isn’t playing modded right now and there’s so many nice blogs like the sand

Then the sandstone then oh what is the other one is it the sandstone that people poop nowadays i might say oh my god um some making boo-boos i did the wrong thing if i put two protection fives together does that do six or am i going mad i’m going mad okay that’s good

That’s good to know there we go we’re done we are done it’s because i was too busy looking at chat i’ve got i’ve got distracted stop dying i love it sometimes when the little piglets come up are they they’re people and say aren’t they the little zombie five piglets

When they come up and they’re on a chicken and i’m just sitting there murdering them and then you just hear well you just murdered the random chicken i don’t know why that makes me laugh but it does oh and then i just get a bit of chicken

And a feather in the inventory i saved them all though oh all right let’s put our andesai in the doodah stones yeah look i’ve got no underside oh i had i had one here that’s all the underside i own which ain’t a lot [ __ ] blew something thank you so much for the

Prime thanking you thanking you remember everyone every time there’s like a sub see the 34 that goes up with it just in case you didn’t know Okay right i think oh i didn’t leave me do dad’s there i think i’m now there’s an orange one yeah look here’s all the orange things because i’m putting them on my helmet all right i think i’m now ready to go into a vault so scared i’m such a wimp it’s unbelievable

Right you lot going there is there a bucket in here no apparently i’ve kept that bucket okay right if we go what vault what fault we’re going into that’s what i want to know i have this many i have these three that are um no exit for sure

I don’t know where to do that now oh i forgot as well there’s doodahs there’s no doodahs there’s a looting doodah where is it critical strike oh lou ah should i take lu r i want you to take another in resistance oh that’s six cara carapace adds extra damage

Reduction on top of your resistance okay yes the doodah i wanted to do lua because the way like i could do all these defense ones but i’m still only a low level how much is it for an extra heart one yeah i think i want to go lower and then

My next one i think i’ll go for an extra heart lua yeah that’s what i’m thinking should i go i’m gonna go luta yeah because all of this obviously the oblique inscription skill instance and skill shards well doesn’t it increase why doesn’t that work okay okay um

Plus one plus two plus three okay yeah yeah i’m gonna go with it i’ve done it yolo oh all right so anyway i got distracted didn’t i do i go into a normal vault to uh warm up or do i just go straight in for it because i have got three inscriptions

So i only need one but i need to warm up but again obviously these have the chance of me not being able to get out yeah do i then not take the obelisk inscriptions because what if i get locked in and then i’ve got no obelisk inscriptions with me

This is what i have to figure out nowadays it’s stupid why is some of them non-exit no take a normal raffle yeah i’m doing the normal raffle i could go normal and then see what the loot is like on a normal with luta bring them just in case oh yeah can you

Imagine though if i die oh my god all right if i do normal what does that make the boss sharpness sharpness yes sharpness okay then i still don’t have the uh i need to put this in fight mode rather than hmm go you got me got though stupid gut right okay

Let’s just take everything apart from the food because i have food so now put this all in the right place um you say my inventory you go there there there there i’m getting myself sorted magnet is enabled i need to the thing that i had problems

With last time as well was the fact that my inventory just kept getting filled up with all the junk i have a paxil the ischool made me but i don’t have the mod unlock so if i lose the paxo then i’ll lose it just don’t die i’ll try not to die

I don’t want the um nathan yeah i don’t want the uh the extra speed because i’m worried i won’t know how to use it i look like a bookshelf how dare you a bookshelf with a big bogey on the middle of my forehead [Laughter] this um this uh this cloak

Um it’s kind of like parry i suppose i can miss a um a hit that’s incoming right oh no that is everything oh no i didn’t want that sword i don’t want no i don’t want that sword you can go um the bucket i decided to put there didn’t

I we wanted you there oh where are the blocks i don’t have the blocks are they ain’t my botania i look like an empress going to war that is the point um magnet i think can still be there right it doesn’t have to be in the hot bar

I think fire resistance i want to take instantly that’s got three left i’m going to swap that out uh swap that out for now then we have strength and i think i should do resistance first yeah i tried to look how to god knows what’s wrong with my throat hang on

Ill yeah i was trying to have looked see how you did the cloak i thought it was the um dark was it dark something or dragon something we have to get the dragon breath but then i thought it’s funny i thought you know very um ott okay

All right i think i’m ready then my hands are too cold i’m not gonna do predictions today everyone we can just predict within ourselves i feel like it’s too much of an added stress for me right now i’ll do what i can do i’ll do what i can do i’m going to normie

Straight away because i’m hard oh don’t give me nothing now no more booster packs for a bit yeah um nice sorry school nice school it’s all right honestly all right what is with my throat hang on i’m gonna mute myself one second have a proper cough right now one sec

Stupid throat maybe maybe some coca-cola will cut through right we’re off are we off i’m so scared i have everything i don’t have that many apples i have my strength five i have my other helmet i want to take this as soon as i go in i’m actually going to take that

Now and then you there and let’s uh go in we’re in coke makes voice worse of course it does now i just took some drinks something that took some hello hey i can get out pro peru how do i oh my god i really despise stupid um where’s the okay am i

Um isco just just the thing but i think i’m stuck I think i’m in a broken did full esco i can’t see anything to get out oh no my disco it’s all good i’m all good i’ve gotta go down why is that doing that now hello oh i hate all right what why am i going down multiple times okay my god that’s stupid

Hello all right we can’t go straight so i’m gonna have to go to the side oh i know that that’s a way down this is the way i’m being what is this this is d death this is west hi um is there no mobs in here well i’m complaining um

Really not complaining but i don’t think there’s any mobs in here all right so i can hear one can hear one oh hang on hello no did i where how did i how did they not go in i’m heading straight i don’t see any what is going on why is there no mobs

Again i am not complaining why are there no bumps it’s good i think something’s broken dude someone broke did my toy okay something’s killing me oh i can hear a mob why are there none here he’s trying to find out what’s wrong do you want me to stop running it you want

Me to go back a free loot no i’m probably gonna have to give this loot back right there’s these mobs this girl but nothing else as she says still running around like free no i can’t keep running really mate get off my buttocks oh they sound awful can i not get out

Here anywhere okay keep running all right i’m keeping running yeah there’s those little geezers but there’s nothing else i don’t know then if that’s gonna okay this this is a dead end this is this is the easiest fault that i am run ever gonna run ever ever ever gonna run in my life

Yeah the music is scary we need to add oh there’s a boss room uh this is so stupid i feel like i’m cheating i feel like i’m cheating oh my god this is not good it isn’t my fault i swear did everything i was supposed to do

Yeah the thought will catch up and then i’ll just get murdered i could just do the boss room and get it over and done with your school should i do that so i’m not looting anymore oh now the minecraft music’s uh kicking in I don’t know why this does this like i have the minecraft okay this way is the uh boss room where did i come from this way i think we have two different types of music playing i’m sorry about that horrendous bit of singing there oh look the retro room

Stress greed are you having a giggle i didn’t i didn’t ask for it to be like this there’s another boss from so how’s everyone’s diving are we good I’m not bad for yourself you know just logged on chilling having a good time [Laughter] oh the the vaults wanted to be nice to me today because they felt sorry for me for last time that’s what it is all the mobs are too scared of me i’ll go the other way I can ask for a better vote did i close the other way off this isn’t the air It’s stressful did i oh i placed that didn’t i right so that way is a a boss room or multiple of them there’s a there’s a bobby school i found one where did i come from oh hello do i come from down here why did i not

Leave i think i did because i headed to my death why did i not leave a marker like a noob Hmm i’m exiting everyone i didn’t say anything so ischool couldn’t say anything in chat i couldn’t do that anymore that was too cheaty i didn’t say that it’s going to say anything in chat i have to play i have to be no i can’t everyone it’s

So bad i know you’re gonna go no no but i can’t we’ll go into another one hopefully ischool can work out what is uh [Laughter] wrong with it i just felt too cheaty i’m not gonna sit here and cheat again when it’s not how it is

Even though he said to do it i think i went in i got enough loot that i need you to get for that i didn’t need to do any more well some of the boss on the next ones definitely because now i have enough stuff

Let’s um let’s get rid of the uh the stuff that we took in with us quickly i just didn’t feel right it felt very wrong to go around and do that everybody very wrong bolivian here to support this gorgeous volt hunter xd thank you so much thank you so much go

Let’s put you in over here hang on let’s get this out of my hand what do you what do you sell oh a mystic tomato nice thank you so much and i’ve got some guild for that now thank you thank you so much um all right let’s i i just need to get

Rid of all of this so that i know what i’m doing um and then this can stay like that and like that and that’s everything right i think okay all right well that didn’t go um quite as we had uh had planned but not really much we can do about that

Unfortunately yes a welsh voice he’s cute ready not really much we can do about that hopefully escort can work out what’s wrong Um is looking into it but we can see what lou we did get it definitely went better i was definitely a pro in that one let’s go to sleep the rainbow room on the elytra oh my god what does that even look like okay

Before we do that i need to look at what the rainbow room looks like is it where is it i know i have one somewhere is it in here this one what is it going to look like in my light char oh my god that is cute why does it not shine that

Uh pink though look how pink that shirt oh magenta i haven’t got enough anyway all right i’ll have to i’ll have to save up for that one let’s put you back in here right well we can see what we got from the uh from the vault shall we oh dude bless it

All right shall we see what we got did anyone see what we picked up was it a lot i don’t know if we got what we got let’s have a look are we ready okay oh got bitten i’ve got a bit of lemon that’s handy there’s some middle that oh that’s when

We fortitude went i saw that i’d lost that i think alabaster will get you back out all right so we’ve got two router dying we’ve got one key piece we’ve got two key pieces here the router diet we’ve got two gold a lemon i need to empty this anyway a horse spoiled egg

Some oozing pizza sheep zombies and more of these which is what i want for my farm two pig spoons that’s that’s incredible so so happy for that one and bees oh so let’s uh oh how am i going to empty this um let’s put the good stuff over here

And then i can empty it okay all the good stuff goes in here look how many look how many key pieces i’ve got i haven’t even made that key piece thing yet um the thing that you make that thing what’s it called um oh man the little anvil looking thing

Why don’t i know the names of things i get on my nerves sometimes okay we didn’t do too bad you know then what about the other one that has nothing in it all right so this is our loot oh dear what’s the book i’m breaking okay we don’t need that right now

Because our stuff takes mana um what was i just doing okay i was putting this in wasn’t i but not there i don’t want it there you can go there oh these are all the books i’ve already collected from there okay i’ve already got that have i got water thing

Key anvil should i make that can i make that key anvil oh my god i don’t think i can make that i don’t have never right i don’t think oh three there didn’t i just didn’t i just have some where did i put it

Why did i put it in there no i’ve got i haven’t got enough to make that thing oh stupid addy thank you so much for the tier one all right let’s um empty ourselves then another conduit i don’t know why i’m keeping all of this on me bits where’s my bit bag

Put you in there you go back just use the eagles key thing yeah i kind of want to make my own though i think i have enough to make a key i don’t know how to need a cluster right nowadays nowadays we need a cluster i can make this

Yeah maybe we can make one to go to the revel no i’ve used them all i think all the traders that sell never right unless we’ve got any new ones uh oh another emerald apple oh and more amma trying oh and another when how did i forget about all of these

A bit of lemon oh we got we’ve got um maddie cells maddie sells never right i don’t know how much that is though oh we need a blank key as well okay uh what’s up doing everybody bag call me names don’t call me names how many of these can i get

One are you having a laugh one oh it’s better than nothing never write money no no has one ever gone near the right mining i don’t think so um one sec everyone um just looking at stuff so that we can fix this um i think i need to go i need to

Put we need to downgrade because this isn’t working so one second uh okay no i’m so excited for today’s job there’s no traps in those stupid things but now we’ve got to downgrade to the traps we got back no not downgrade back we’ve got a back track

To old vol volts right hang on um i need to find is it is it one point is it 1.2.9 i think it is ah hang on everyone so sorry about this i think it’s this one um is uh where’s this school we’re probably gonna have to have a

Server restart which means i’ve got to reload my game but wait a second everybody thank you for being patient let’s uh all right i have to now let’s right don’t do anything don’t send anything don’t claim anything because i’m gonna have to uh i don’t know i don’t have an in between screen

So we’re gonna have to go to uh paul sir we should never hang right in there i don’t even know what i’m talking about right now right do not do anything do not send me anything everything is off i cannot do anything um i need to now completely turn turn down my pack

That’s totally what i need to do i need to reinstall something so one sec um i ain’t the best at doing this stuff i need to delete this okay delete that and then put this in okay and then reload okay i’m doing it [Laughter] oh i know i can’t believe that i’m gonna

Have to do this stupid traps i suppose i could make is oh look there’s two i would put chat on the side and that clever do you even notice that oh yeah we could have something called the waiting room yeah that’s true all right well at least we’re doing it

I should probably go and fill up my wall whilst we’re doing this shouldn’t i do your mind i i will be back in the in a moment oh someone said tea should i make myself a cup of tea no i probably shouldn’t now take ages um oh hang on a sec

Antonio streaming as well hello everyone technical difficulties and all right everyone don’t go anywhere a minute yeah you’re not allowed to you’re not allowed to remove your buttocks from whatever seat you are sitting or remove your eyes now you can remove your eyes from the screen right the server can’t be restarted just

Yet because we’ve got to wait for um antonio who is also right i’ll be back in a minute i’m going to make myself a drink and hopefully it sorts itself out sorry everybody sorry i’ll be back in a minute all right don’t know if it’s working now looks like it is

Can you hear me again i hope so just like right i’m back yeah okay antonio’s done as well yeah i did message him did i didn’t they realized that he was uh streaming as well oh logan and mr prime thank you so much and ali i think i missed yours as well

Did i thought i said yours or anyway thank you so much for yours as well oh okay all right i think we’re back in says antonio let’s try this again right i forgot i was still wearing all my gear all right well are we ready again to go back in

Now that it’s sorted it sucks i’m glad we didn’t use a rare one that would have sucked all right i need to now sort my stuff out again backpack there you there pink alabaster where did i put the pink in here i should probably get some more alabaster oh come on computer cool

Oh no no no no i haven’t i haven’t done it i haven’t done it i haven’t done it oh hang on i need to i need to redo that there we go why isn’t it oh okay here i give this so my monthly to an even number

Why does it say that underneath or something oh the top donation is that what they i don’t know what you mean here like if i’m just gonna call you game yet or what is it you were a polar bear man just gonna call you polo bit man thank you for that oh

Right i’m all thrown off now let’s get back on track i noticed oh i was so happy to not have the traps but there’s nothing we can do about it it’s nobody’s fault something’s just obviously gone wrong somewhere and when they fix it then we can

Um get back on track but until then all right well i i have some more inscriptions so that also makes me very happy um right we’re gonna go in and do a boss now because we have the stuff um that goes in my thing i want then that then that

I feel like i just put these different way around yes like that um i feel like i’m missing something i’m missing the thing i think i’m gonna go and get some more apples as well that’s not the thing i don’t have that many apples do i

As we’re fighting the boss i’m going to take 14 in with me if we’ve got any left over let me have some left over i’m going to take two emerald apples as well probably not the best thing to do does that look good though oh yeah the tramps oh

Yeah well at least we could roll back though it could be worse they could like be a thing where we wouldn’t be able to roll back and then we would be suffered absolutely stuff it did empty backpack did i not do that am i a noob

Oh thank you so much who said that i missed it ally thank you so much oh man oh my god how could how just how comes into mind i’m just i’m just gonna dump it all in this chest over here and then i’ll sort it out off camera

There’s no point me stressing about that now hmm um let’s just make it even uglier there we go sorry i did get some with the roses as well not that i need those i suppose all right now we’re sorted right did i just get rid of my backpack

Where did i put it back in here yes i just sawed all that at all didn’t i all right let’s let’s try again what are you strength i want there because that’s not the one i want to take um sharpness i’m going there i don’t have it i only have

Well i have smite five actually that’s good right i don’t know what i’m thinking you go over there you go here don’t want five of those right now i’m sorted am i i believe i’m now sorted all right don’t send me anything more now everybody leave your reddit booster

Packs till when i get back and we are going to go and do a vault that we’ve been meaning to do in absolutely ages uh oh as you’re here we’ll do you yeah polar bear man shall we fight you if i get there that is

Oh i need a dank or something yeah i don’t have a dank um i have a little mini dank but i’m not gonna use it i think i’m all right with this saying that i have got loot and it’s a rare do i have any more backpacks i could probably take another backpack

With me i do have extras in here and i’m hoping not to die if i do die then i have still extras so i’ll just take an extra backpack how’s that sound good that sound good let me check the white list is off it has auto pick up

Like this off because i’m a noob and didn’t realize how that worked whitelist off okay all right it looks a mess probably shouldn’t have it like that but it’s the only way i can think of how to do it yeah it’s better than normal i have no keys at the moment

And i kind of want to make my own anvil to be honest i think and i still have was it two rare left i think is it two or is it one that’s wrong i still have two rares um yeah all right i can’t make keys yet now i can’t right

Let’s put you in oh it’s a yellow one my heart’s just started going now i got i’ve got my snowball got snowball on and i’ve got my helmet that doesn’t have snowball all right are we ready everybody are we ready to go in oh i’ve got then you know when you get

Nervous and you stretch or is it just me oh you get all nervous like oh god i feel like i’ve got a stretch a bit just to release that energy okay we’re off i’ve taken the magma skin going in this is no exit vault i have to find a boss

We’re not doing predictions everybody we can have our own little guesses all right i think this is the the first one i haven’t had to exit i don’t know oh you haven’t gig i think that’s my room oh okay i forgot about that it’s my room is that good look at what

This is home that pick up everything it did cool there’s a chest there hello get off my buttocks didn’t i see a chest here what am i going mad don’t answer that i hear yeah i hear him okay well where did i come from everybody just so i know

Is it this one hello why can’t i go up why can’t i go up okay that’s um well i come from that direction which is south south so we want to go north but why can’t i go up am i going mad i’ve done it wrong again there’s the chest

No i don’t have my lighter on i just tried to use my light trough it’s hilarious i don’t know why that’s not working i’m not gonna go into my head decided where are the things on the floor here and continue north oh i didn’t see him am i going off uh north

All right so i’m going north i need to head south everyone yeah can you remember that oh whoa okay i can’t i come from this direction i want to go north can i go north here hang on i don’t want to get lost oh man i’m already lost

What the hell’s just happened to me why is it this way i just want to find a boss room that is my goal boss room so geez out no we love her i’m in love i’m in lava it’s time to learn how to pre-hear everyone did it now where did i fall down

Here what is this room how do i get out of this room is there no exit all right i’m just gonna go back the way i came then stuff this oh i just jumped over him oh no i need to i do have this just want a stupid room i just want a

Stupid room oh god this is stressful okay is my backpack full not yet okay all right hang on i’m lost already i do not want to get lost i can see the things on this on the screen okay oh mate get off my buttocks there’s two of them

I don’t think these are oh i actually know a lot why are you still spawning i want to mark out where i’m going i’m leaving I just want a boss room that is literally all i want just want a boss room i need to go home this way not that i can go home why am i why am i doing that everybody why don’t you tell me i don’t need to do that i’m stuck on stupid things

Oh there’s a person unicorn i just killed you in one here where did that chest go did i not just see other ears okay am i running out of blocks that’s not good ah that’s the way home let’s go straight forward i can’t believe that chest is hang on if i

Can i do this this time i can oh is this a description in there hello okay okay this way please just give me a boss room again that is all i want it’s a bus rent ah in the water you can be safe in the water or not okay i

Just won a bus room then i can leave i saw like what to do literally oh hello creeper oh no i don’t have the stupid enchant okay let’s just go this way all right if there’s nothing this way i need to go back there’s a hi That looks like his school what does that look like in school all right now i’m going east i i don’t know what i’ve done here i’m completely just all over the place i think my my ah is this a boss room yes i’m doing it now everybody

I’m sorry i may disappoint you in that but i’m doing it now get all the loot first what else is shooting at me right is that everything out of this room is that everything out of this room zombie there’s a chest here right let’s um need some lava resist i can take that

Now resistance strength one two three four oh what have you done today yes did i get it where’s the crate is it good in my bag oh my heart yeah the smite on that oh i feel like i’m a bit op i feel like i’ve got ott under everything oh man oh

My heart my art oh yes we did it everybody we did it and i’ve got over four inscriptions we did it yes oh that has brought a big smile to my face yes didn’t even munch on the emerald apples ah yep polo verman i killed you rip ears yep

Sorry everyone i’m going to celebrate when something good happens okay if that means rip ears it means rip ears it also it means rip my throat [Laughter] yeah i know i should turn my head away i’m sorry oh man i’ve got the shakes in like every part of my arm right now

Oh god okay all right oh we did everybody we actually did it amazing with smile thank you bonnie thank you so much what did you give us let’s go let’s go and put you in your gorgeous little worm thing and you go just little thing i’m not

Looking so i want to see what you do i looked away from the screen right are you ready what do you what do you do bonnie thank you so bonnie bonnie bonnie is that not you bonnie why are you not going in bonnie oh you’re so why does it say 1705 okay

Fighters binding that’s what everybody’s doing everybody has what just what happened there who was that i’m so confused i don’t know what that was oh what was it oh it’s a mistake all right i’ll change it then bonnie i thought it might have been there we go now you’ve got fighters binding

I was watching what do you mean is school did you throw something at me i’m so confused oh oh game catch up oh okay all right well we did good oh you was in my base all right all right thank you for that for the bits again bonnie

Well the bits in game the donation nice all right so we have a look and see what we got my um what was i dumping oh we got two backpacks what was i putting in here my bit bag i did i just do i’m going mad

Then absolutely mad let’s put all of our stuff in here just so that it’s hello i just duped you again yupped duped all right that’s all of our vault stuff so out of the good stuff let’s send another chest good stuff and bad stuff good stuff yes yes yes yes

Yes yes yes yes amazing oh i need my bags what’s an idiot i need them they’ve got me stuff in them all right what did we get well we got the boss crate yes the new boss crate looking gorgeous feather falling i don’t need that at the moment but i will do

More golden apples yes there are definitely a skill shard skill essence another key piece more never right uh diamonds um i just saw the apple oozing pizza these i won i think i think that’s everything that’s a definite need at the moment right oh there’s another rainbow roon or is

That the same one i think that’s everything that i need need teeny thank you so much for the 500 bits dhl thank you for the t1 and ko2 thank you so much for the prime thank you there’s a gorgeous bits let’s put you in there for now gorgeous bits there we go

All right so that’s all the decent stuff out there that’s now oh let’s now put the stuff that i’m not that interested in can i put any of that in oh man i’m gonna have this okay now i see why it’s good to have a uh

A sewing system but i’m not gonna waste my points on the salton system right now it is not worth it for me okay first one is empty second one we got more of these more runes another skill shard oh my god eight shulker shells black opal i think that’s the only or

That i saw what books i’m breaking efficiency looting and looting ah in another protection um oh we got a hype train uh francesca it was a great run d in the polar beam and got wrecked hope i give you a good trade that voice i just can thank you for the

T1 and bobo cactoni thank you so much for the 25. let’s put you in let’s see what you do and someone actually got a bombo cactus i think and it’s mumbo’s skin oh my stick tomato that’s for the stew right that’s what we definitely need thank you

All right let’s see what else we’ve got oh i just want to say as well everyone eventually um on this island i’ve decided that i’m going to move all you lot over so i think i’m going to do like a building or something i want to move all

Of these geezers because i’m not really using them at the moment but i want to make a building for you all just just in case you think oh she’s just dumped me over there there is a plan for you i promise all right well we got three blaze spawn eggs um

I think that’s probably it again in that one so let’s put oops how many skill shards we’ve got now two okay and ski oh we got four ski lessons i wonder how many skewers i have in total that’s gonna be uh interesting oops oh man this is going to be effort

To sort out it why are there hoes in there just like just asking why are there hoes on the loot table all right well that one’s filled up let’s just make more of a mess i’ll sort all this out of screw uh off screen off stream right last one has nothing in

It all right well we did good there i think let’s now take all of this we could open our boss crate this is this was a rare this was a rare i completely forgot oh does that mean i might get a um i might get a thing an artifact

It’s better vods right oh look at these key pieces we’ve got six that we need eight of those to make um one hang on how many is it recipe no i don’t skew essence to make a skill shot okay so we need a nine of these

Sorry to make a skill shard all right which i have two of right now um never right i was putting maybe i should put never write in did i have more than three right five here and one here yeah i should put never right i think over here now

I think it’s more useful over here which fault was it it was um polar bear man’s and the common backpacks more vault gold look at that shulker shells and then the enchanted apple doesn’t go in there it’s a space station thank you so much for the 500 bits

Uh am i doing this correct everybody oh no hello oh i need to forgot the um thing i can’t upgrade the stupid backpacks now because they need things i don’t have i believe the backpacks the recipe has been changed oops backpack yeah pog two pogs

I think i have one pog ischool gave me one the other day for something probably probably even make another one probably even make another one yeah the boss crate’s huge right we’re gonna open it now we aren’t going to open look at the size of it actually the sleepy buys first

Let’s sleep you guys first all right oh please please please please give us an artifact can you imagine if we get an artifact how cool is that gonna be do we think we’re gonna get an artifact oh okay we’re ready free turn the drum roll i’m just going to count down a thing

Three oh no i can’t do it though ah i could have plugged my drums in and did it anyway we ready let’s go no we didn’t oh we got nothing right yes this is amazing the book’s not incredible but look at this this is amazing i think we i think we

Can make our anvil now but they’re too rare i think we can make our anvil we can make our anvil incredible hamburger yes we’ve got a hamburger let’s go and put polar bear man over here see what they poop in our gorgeous little area no look at yo where’s this hello squiggle

The throat hello why is it so why is the hip but why do we not see it when we go here but i have to like look down i’m very very very happy about the diamonds everybody and the bits whilst we were waiting for polo bear man

To poop should we do the legendary treasures the rare ones hey am i wolverine again soul’s critical heel boost souls critical hill boos critical boost what does that mean sulfus are gauntlets clad with great gemstones each containing a powerful soul i can’t see it under me outfit

But okay all right hit something with it i’ve got nothing to hit with it all right let’s go for the next one oh it’s armor oh it’s armor oh it’s a good armor 50 no 15 chance to negate hit so it’s like a parry really right

It’s not very good though it has six this has eight and the good thing about mine is the the dog bag reduction look at that four plus four knockback resistance anyway this looks cool though right should we should we see what polar bear man poops white sheep metal oh yes this skull

Oh did you know you can put multiple of the modifiers in your hair no i haven’t got many of them now though yeah i know the little green things hang on i only score i’ll go and have a look at what i’ve got thank you so much um for the for the um

The the poopage that where do you go up here oh that is cool oh you have to oh okay yeah yeah all right so everyone if you don’t know on my hat you could the little bogey that i’ve got sitting on the front it’s um it gives me if you see the

On one two three four five the sixth and the seventh flying down says critical hits heal for a portion of damage dealt and critical hits pierce through armor they’re little green things that i won from be in the um The gayer no the gaia why don’t you say his name wrong magaya and i put them on my helmet i don’t think though that i have them on the other helmet i think it’s just on this helmet so maybe i should put something what am i

Doing maybe i should put some on the other helmet i don’t think i have that the gaia guy a guy a guy a guy a guy a guy i’ll get it right right one day i don’t know this does have critical hits hill for a portion of damage dealt

Don’t think i have the pierced through armor um because i need to now um kill the boss a lot more which is harder to do now much harder to do because the um the ingot is harder now oh look at that that is disgusting never used to look like that never used

To look like that so yeah that’s very difficult for me to make i need to run a lot more vaults until i can do that yes is school no i don’t oh why do i why do i need that oh i’ve got a legendary trick i’ve got one of these i

Haven’t opened yet because we counted how many sparkles crafted before the nerf where did he go did he go ott on it all [Laughter] oh that’s funny well that’s cool then yay nice gotta love this rebalancing stuff at times oh look at that by the bits and our diamond

Needs to be equal for all yes of course of course we are in alpha that is correct i know everybody we’re in alpha fault burgers i don’t want to eat here thank you thanking you do them now do you remember what happened last time it was awful last time absolutely awful

I can try it again where’s the other helmet but last time oh my it just it went so bad and i’d been doing it so well i was so upset i was like why is this not working for me i think it and i’ve said it’s because of

The charm if it ain’t now because of the charm it will snowball yeah so i’ve taken the snowball one off yeah i was just like everything if if you could say what can go wrong for someone on vault hunters what could possibly go wrong everything went wrong

Oh all right well should we do it now then snowball was the problem yeah if we use what is she is she undead or should i use my sharpness let’s take them both i need some arrows that might be helpful i’ve got food i shouldn’t need any

Golden apples but let’s just take a couple where are they like it was so easy last time but now i’m worried about it because it just went so wrong last time it isn’t a specific mob type so then i’ll use me um maybe i should color one of these should

I color should i color one green because then it signifies the undead no yes no the undead is that right why am i now brain farting there’s loads of lime that i think is quite like there’s a green one here smite should be green there you go so smite’s now green oh

That’s cool all right well let’s try them not wearing me snowball my other hat can go in here oh do you know what i did use though last time i have to admit i did use strength too and resistance i’m not gonna need that am i why do i have that even

We’re not doing the fault yet we’re gonna do the guy gay gaia oh my god i’m now even correcting the right way that i say it the necklace i’ve got my necklace on i don’t think why am i pressing i for inventory what was this again yeah regen me jam

I’ve got i’ve got speed on you sharpness concern let’s see if she flashes my pants again now I think it was snowball that did me over last time though oh well it’s much easier than last time she tricked me oh this is uneventful come back seriously love i feel really slow there you go oops oh nice dark oh my god it’s just cottage thank you overslept i can’t see

My soul just melts through them all why is it taking me so long to do love diet oh hi hello i’m hitting you with my thing where’d she go man what is slowing me so heavily right now come here get one quick to the face where is she

That was so that was so overly just long for no reason oh that’s hilarious i was slowed i [Laughter] all right what did i get uh critical hit faces through armor nice i’m glad to pick this up oh dig it up fast i am is school it may have been broken three minutes

Ago oh that’s fun oh no nice early stream night definitely a nice early street that i don’t know who said that hang on i will look in a video oh i need your bits back give me those back hang on everyone i i will see who that was in a sec

Mini panic right now how did that who why like i don’t even know don’t know what happened there tumbling thank you so much yes it’s definitely an early stream now i can see who who no i could see you send it thank you so much for the bits and

The trader i’m not looking at what you do i’m not looking i’m just placing you all right well we got some more spirits where did the others go yeah and those let’s put them in there right we got this epic shader thing it’s that i don’t know what these do

No idea we did get this though i’m very happy about this i’m going to put this on my helmet which i don’t think costs anything pretty sure it doesn’t have it right critical hit hills yes nice so we’ve got pierced through armor now as well perfect perfect

And then we have our dice let’s see what we get oh my god i got the od i’ve got the odin i’ve got the odin i’ve got the odin i’ve got the odin oh my god i’ve got little tears in my eyes no way look at my hearts

If i die though i lose it so i i have it for now if i die it’s gone forever i cannot get another one ever again oh man that is so lucky like beforehand oops that’s not right beforehand i had got these uh no not that these three

Did i get something else as well i can’t remember but yeah i’ve got those three before oh man that take good care yeah i’ve gotta not die if i die then it’s gone but you know again if i die then i die and you know there’s nothing i can do about

It but i’m happy i’ve got it for now at least right tumbling let’s go and put you in your new home or at least temporary home i don’t even think i look to what you did did i compress block of underside i swear we’re getting all the outside trades today thank you

So much yeah a third of a chance because then i duplicates here yeah well i’m i’m uh i’m happy about that um bit bag put you in now bits go in there perfect okay nice well we now have the the piercing through armor on this oh my

God i can’t believe how many hearts i’ve got oh the skin is horrendous isn’t this the one that is is this the one everyone’s going on about or is this another one anyway that was fun that was very very very fun oh i needed to get some more blocks

Whilst i was over there um because for some reason i’ve put them here i don’t know why all right well the backup boxes are still looking good right what i am gonna do is i’m gonna quickly what is missing here there’s three things oh it’s the backpacks one backpack

And the apple all right so it’s just i just want to put some golden apples in that before i forget oh yeah it’s fire resist i completely forgot that it had extra stuff other than the hearts oh man that is perfect nice you watch i’ll die

I’ll die now next next floor i’ll die oh so i don’t think i have very much full damage at the moment anyway because of oh hang on where’s my mana ring oh the mana ring’s looking a bit hang on let’s see if i can feel the mana ring up

I don’t know how much i have at my botania it will all get sucked to me hello sucked me i have none oh look you can see all the ones that’s going towards me all right we just need to drop it in there no you’re not giving you are not giving

Are you giving no aim properly oh my god there we go that one is giving nice get some more mana in that beast so that my armor can repair itself it’s already repaired let me set that helmet off i think this one’s giving as well yes nice

Oh i’m sorry there’s trying to poop cakes and i haven’t i haven’t traded in a while so i think yeah it’s empty so i’m not making any botanica at the moment botany manor making any manner that’ll do all right um this helmet on i’m going there should we go and do another one

I feel like we should do the um i think sonara was first but i think i want to do shield vans because this being a rare one i should get more inscriptions to then do sanara’s one i think that’s what i’ll do because i have four i think that’s the plan

Apples i don’t do i need i don’t need fire resist or anything right what does the odin give me and let me just google it see if i don’t need does it give you any strength or anything i don’t think it does right phone wake up i need to get a new phone

My phone is on its last legs um i don’t know why i’m not searching on my computer but you know make keys yes i’m pretty i’m gonna be pretty useless at finding the keys though i know that all right so immune to suffocation drowning fire lava starvation and full damage

Okay so i don’t need to take the magma skin in but i will take the strength and the fortitude the resistance don’t need the enchanted golden apple okay don’t do keys as it’s no exit yeah i forgot about that as well it’s a no exit so i have to find stuff

Where did i put oh no wherever i put my where did i put my thingy what is it oh that’s my ender thing oh it got knocked off i have no idea where i’ve put it let’s just take this one oh my god love what are you doing right

So it i have my smite sword i have shield man i don’t know if shieldman’s here i haven’t seen them in the stream you can you make the golden crown in botanic and it’s like a totem what does it do does it fight for me like i place it down

Oh okay it’s like a it’s like a um thingy right um i don’t think i have anything in my head either it gives me another life but it dies oh that’s interesting how’d you make it i’m scared to use stuff recently though because of last time when my thingy didn’t work

But i could make one i could try it do you want me to try it what does it have is that just leaves around the bottom i don’t try it unless it’s uh is it not called golden is it not in here we’re going mad there isn’t one there isn’t one everybody

When is it added i think it’s old it’s removed everybody it’s been removed it’s an old version it’s an old version yeah i lose the odin ring if i die all right are we ready to do another fall oh my sword kind of like matches now not that that matters for anything you

Know i think we’re ready we have the obelisk inscriptions we’re just literally going to go in for looting and the boss um i would really really really really really like to get um some more skills um which i need i need a lot of this but i

Need a lot of this as well because i don’t think that’s gonna happen no there’s no soul bound on this when you lose stuff in the vault you lose stuff in the vault right everyone i’m gonna go and get a quick drink because i’ve downed my water

Again then i’ll be back and we will be ready to go in the vault we’ll be ready i’ll be back in one second okay don’t go anywhere okay i’m back everyone good anyone seen how long they’ve followed oh yeah if you haven’t followed make sure that you follow

And then you won’t miss i’m thinking actually no i know that i’m gonna stream at this time every friday because i’m definitely a lot more awake right now obviously so yeah so if you follow then you’ll get notified obviously people want to bet if fiscal’s in chat

Then he said he’d do it for me is he online it’s gone let’s see if not i can do it i just need a bit of i need to get onto my twitch channel oh he’s done it okay he’s done it there we go do that then and then his school’s

Gonna sort it out for us i don’t know what the prediction is though i can’t see it will stress monster survive the i can’t read the rest of it oh i tell you what i’m still gonna get that thing up though let me just get the

Tab up though so that i can see what it is will i survive the vault okay thank you i still think i want the thing up on my there’s a pop out that i can get i should have really done it am i going to hear myself double time now pop out

Get rid of me aha perfect oh there’s six six five four three two one remaining on the vault thing choose outcome okay no i don’t choose the outcome i don’t have any vault keys and i’m not going to make them yet because this is definitely a an out one

A non-out one i have one more vault crystal left the red one and then i’ll take some keys in you’ll bet that i’ll get out alive i can’t see anything so i hope that i do you all proud that’s only stress from that right okay so i have the fire resistant so i

Don’t need to take that okay that is the wrong thing love are we ready everybody i feel like i feel stressed yeah i don’t have any keys at the moment it’s going to take me a while to make it up and i don’t really want to spend time

Doing it i want to go in so we’re going to go in oh don’t send me nothing now send nothing my way okay we’re all good i have everything on i haven’t changed we have our odin okay let’s go let’s go it’s another why can i not see anything

I get that it’s a dire exit right let’s wait for this to catch up thank you news there we go boom you scanned me this is home peeps right so we’re going west if there’s anything west there is something west and it’s this way Nice oh my god mate this is stupid smite isn’t going to do anything because i did something right oh what didn’t click that rude okay well why was i heading to my death so d which is west that’s weird chest over there gonna get that chest first which was here right

That’s my thing working okay oh no this is stupid oh is this room i hate this room there’s a baby mate i saw iskall’s pro move the other day with the um what’s it called the builder’s gadget yeah i know i can just swim but i need to at least you know

Get away oh i don’t know why yeah i don’t need to get back do i need to eat i should have used the other binding thing i have okay oh i haven’t seen this room yet i know that there’s things that attract oh geezer of course he was tanky

Um i don’t know what chess i can open am i just sitting around things are light right now that is um oh lag all right let’s just continue west can i go where go west i don’t think that i can let’s go back home come here i’ve got five inscriptions

I don’t know what’s trapped what isn’t that is trapped that isn’t oh i blew up the chest that sucks okay i need to go back the way i came is it this way no this way all right i’m changing direction then i have to just build this beautiful walkway what way this way

We’ve changed from go west and we’re now going south oh i didn’t bring any time things with me what if i don’t find a way out i should have bought a time thing with me i’m a noob i’m an actual noob what noob does not bring a a time extender in this noob

Change backpacks okay just want a boss room can’t go this way oh my god this is stressful okay okay i can go this way just want a boss room respect the be the beast respect the beast so ischool nearly got one shot by one of these geezers the other day i thought

That’s fun this is where we’ve been you’re stuck in there oh is there a way out in a ahead of us i’d like to really go to the the one ahead of us really there isn’t i don’t think okay let’s go back there’s no chest down there let’s eat wherever gone

Is this the way i came in yeah no this is a different way all right let’s just go this way still have ghost ball carp i can’t see a thing oh maybe i think i’ve just gone around in a circle i’ve been here right unless that’s not

Got a chest yes i’ve been here okay let’s go back i just went around in a big loop-de-loop like a noob baby baby baby no no baby no where did that come from then oh it’s a chest go this way oops okay oh man please i just want to find a boss

Room that is all i want from life a boss room life all i want is a boss room please just give that to me oh i need to mark i’ve been there hi hello is there any more chests in here i swear i just saw a way out

Yeah this way any more chests i’ve got 16 minutes i really need to find a boss room i have no idea if i’m going around in circles right now but oh my god oh what is this i definitely haven’t been here right pretty sure i haven’t been here

Wow my reaction speed’s there though looking like that was kind of quick all right so there’s definitely a way south there’s but there’s a way forward so i think we should go forward and then if there isn’t any then we come back and we go south i’m more bothered about finding a boss

Room than i am loot right now oh oh hello there’s a baby behind me it’s it is high this is no it’s not boss room this is not a boss room but it is a good room um where’s that tapping noise chest is there no testing am i going to be

Able to get up that thing again yeah go east yep why can i not get up this thing everybody right so i need the way i came was this is this is this isn’t good i need to waste my blocks jumping up because i can’t get through the elevators

If you stand on it you can stand on it i did stand on it though it didn’t do oh my anything well it just makes me go down because i can’t like i’m trying to press that’s what i’m pressing is it just because of my jumping theme maybe i don’t know

Hello oh my god i’m getting very concerned that i can’t find a boss room right now oh hello works now right well where did i come from that way oh there’s a creeper look i’m on it see it doesn’t work for me okay please give me a stupid boss room oh nosy pops

Um oh 12 minutes we’re still doing okay get rid of him out my way he’s got my knock back oh my you are you i hate spiders oh no this isn’t another room i’m getting running out of blocks as well all right let’s head this way please a boss

No you must die in that block needed to head this way doesn’t come from that way but there is nothing so i need to i need to do with these so that my brain can function hello is there no way out of this room I can’t put those backpacks in there’s no way out of this room this way yes there is okay i feel like i’m going around in circles though and i shouldn’t be doing that i should probably go back but this let’s try at least baby okay what did i just see there anyway

No stupid why has that now been changed okay where did i come from i feel like i’m gonna foul this i genuinely feel like i’m gonna fail this right now how long have i got nine minutes still got a while i don’t want to lose my odin i just got it

Is this a boss room oh no this is not a boss room go back up oh my god i’ve got seven blocks left okay i’m gonna have to go this way oh am i just going around in circles everybody oh my god i don’t want to fail

Yeah so i think i’m doing everything that i’m trying i can i’m trying to head in one direction oh i’ve been here damn it so i have gone around in a circle all right let’s go this way hey i need to mark that i’ve been this way

I have to start marking with something else that i’ve got soon i’ve been here as well okay let’s just see if this is the room that i’ve been in i’m pretty sure it is and then i can cry yeah oh no oh okay last way that i haven’t been what i

Am heading east i haven’t been here i need a i need a block to thingy with now five minutes i can’t loot anymore let’s just go now oh oh no been here i can’t get up please give me the i can’t get up this stupid thing come on please no

Please just give me some blocks my god straight see i’m going straight east no matter after ignore you know i needed to do that but it gives me a maybe it’s speed i think i found one i found one i found one i found one i found one i found one everybody

I found one i found one i found one i found one four minutes left what is going on why can’t i do anything oh no way oh my god i feel like i could cry right now please right it’s just empty my inventory empty inventory get everything out

Okay i’m just gonna go for everybody just gonna go for it there’s some think what i need to take let’s have um one two three uh this this then this here um and then change my thing okay go go sealed man just you and me mate just you and me Oh i really did i really really really really really didn’t think i would find a bus Oh god i genuinely didn’t think i’d get a boss from there finally i see you online as well good luck with your vault runs today oh wow thank you so much silent foxy that with your big head your big head i’ve got the shakes everybody oh let’s

Just shake my arms about i need to i need to get rid of that energy wow thank you so much silent foxy that’s incredible you you’re very you’re very big headed right now i’m gonna go and put you in straight away oh man thank you so much

Oh we did it everybody we actually did it with a diamond apple that’s incredible oh i can’t believe it all right let’s let’s just have some water let’s take a breather oh goldens dodgy steve thank you so much for the prime 68.2k go to something

I don’t know what that is oh that was another rare one oh you want to predict if we get an artifact ischool can you do that will i get an artifact wow wow wow wow wow that was incredible absolutely incredible cannot believe that genuinely cannot believe that that was close and awesome dear

Thank you so much bonnie predictions up everyone thank you so much buddy what did you give us oh a poisonous mushroom then the new street things as well thank you so much bonnie oh my god i did to everybody i did yes ouch i just hit my knee ah

Shield man was you here nice what’s a relief gorgeous stress i stood no chance love heart i did i didn’t even see that he was his shield man thank you so much shield man i need to get you your own vending machine i haven’t sorted everyone out yet so

At the moment everyone just goes in here thank you so much shield man would you never start yes i never start good job bonneville we all believed in you thank you for the chase oh man oh you came late okay yeah i didn’t see you so i was like oh i don’t

Know if you’re going to see me fight you that’s incredible thank you for the chase what did you get oh for the chase she gave us a gorgeon eye that’s my gem that’s perfect thank you so much right should we go through i know iskall’s got to go in a minute so

Do we want to do the boss crate actually let’s see what we get first and then we’ll do the boss crate all right well we definitely got three obelisk inscriptions that’s perfect where’s my bit bag bit bag go through the loop first yeah i will i will okay put that in there

Oh man i took a beat in look at that stop duping like that drooping why do i keep saying dupin all right okay well we got common bags one i put stuff in so look at that oh my god oh i’ve got an intimate spawn egg i’ve got an enderman spawned egg oh

Shield man thank you so much for the 20 gifted sub shield man thank you big hog to you as well as col great run stress oh my god thank you shirt man thank you so much for the 20 gifted subs if you’ve got a gifted sub

Make sure to go and say thank you to shield man that’s an incredible thing to do thank you so much and silent foxy we have another hundred did you just give me a hundred that’s mental thank you so much silent foxy the billio tight gym gems are very very very very very important

Right now that’s that’s crazy thank you so much for that that is yeah thank you oh man a proper spoil and i right let’s put that down i haven’t opened it um all right so we’ve got uh i don’t really know what to do let’s just go through and pick what’s good

At the moment put my bit bag oh it’s in there all right oh i’ve got open i’ve gotta open the gift curb yes skill shots oh my god i can get a skill point everybody look oh my god we are doing that in a minute

We are doing that in a minute that is incredible there’s a two percent chance for that shield bad you just gave us a two percent chance of something incredible and we got it from you right what are you poops your pam let’s put you around this way oh my phone is going off

Are you on a sick okay sorry about that let’s get this out in the end because that is rather not hang on that was rather annoying then i just put it in the thing right shield man what are you gonna poop what are the what are the chances the um

Shield man poops out the diorite again i swear that’s what like shield man’s my best diorite pooper right now are we ready like you ain’t pooped yet here here’s shieldman’s diorite poop Ready oh light gray alabaster i ain’t got that yet thank you so much your man where can i put you you can go fight um you can go oh no i’ve already got one of you over there let’s put you here oh did you go in my backpack again

You did all right let’s put you here and this is what you poop oh that guy’s really nice next to the prismarine didn’t it sorted all right now we can look at our loot yes now we won’t we won’t do the uh oh can i do a prediction choose prediction outcome

We’ll stress good oh there is a prediction going on at the moment we’ll stress get an artifact out of this crate there was one you maybe missed it because it’s already finished and i will finish it when we do it okay right yeah it’s already written i can see it

And i can i can choose the outcome all right so what did we get this what did we hang on let’s uh what did we get um this this oh my god this oh my god look at all that skew essence three more key fragments larimar thorns i’m breaking smite

Yes look i’ve got two spots two smite sixes two smite sixes that is incredible wow i can’t believe that nice that’s all the colors divide right now that was nice take them let’s fill that up um the rest oh those we didn’t want those the rest i don’t think well it’s useful

But not right now all right that’s that one done this one oh we’ve got a trade another trader thing i need those skeleton silver fish pig more golden apples let’s take them another blaze efficiency thorns thorns another smile no way no way that oh and painite so painite and

Larimar were the two in there let’s take that as well even though we’ll actually i will be sorting out oh my nose has just started running sorry everyone if all you can smell with sniffs wait everyone i’m not ready yet i’m not ready i’m not ready i’m not ready

Oh hang on i didn’t check to see if there’s any fruit in there wait everyone not with the bros yet um oh another skill shard uh two thorns there not as lucky there more apples more painite i think that’s it right from this one as well

I have got to empty these though haven’t i i’m going to put these in here actually no i haven’t got to do that all right i’m gonna open it i’m gonna open it let me just check to see if nothing else went in any of these

Gonna open it i’m gonna do it let’s put the backpacks in there saying that my i needed a lot for that didn’t i i’m doing it i’m doing it all right everyone ready did we get an artifact 27 say yes 73 say no go yes yes the answer is yes

The answer is how do i choose an outcome choose outcome it is a yes everybody yes i got an artifact well done everybody are you sure you want to choose yes i am sure that i want to choose yes done oh we got artifacts what is it

It is where is it where did it go tell me it went in one of my backpacks where did it go oh we got this one with a creeper and a skeleton we’ve got one i don’t really know where to put it right now let’s put it over here look

Yes omega pogba’s well deserved love heart thank you so much shield van can you believe it look it’s me next to my artifact i’ll make a wall for him that way i have to make a room i’ll have to make a room but for now everyone coming into my base

Are gonna see that and they’re gonna be like let’s stress that’s about a fact and i’ll be like yes stress has an artifact the stone from captain sparkles got last night oh cool nice you won’t be able to break it oh i’m sure we can fix that if i can’t break

It thank you so much shield man for the donation what are you now pooping hopefully something amazing yes alexandria gem thank you so much your pan and they’re only four well i’ve got 12. so i don’t know if that’s good or bad thank you so much your van which what

Was it it was a rare it was just a rare i don’t even know what the chances are for a rare artifact in revolts aren’t a myth no they’re not a myth you’ve seen it here you have seen it here look i have a thing through me apparently i think

Congrats on that or symbol run and an artifact you didn’t panic that much you are vault queen thank you so much thank you oh my god shield man i’m not going to see arena am i oh oh a school would escort would in a minute thank you so much um

For the trader that’s incredible thank you and shield man for the 20 gifted subs and what’s going to be what do you do oh yes yes what am i trying when our terrace still is not useful any longer we are going to need that oh thank you so much as well shield man

For the more 20 gifted subs that is amazing thank you what do you poop yes gold i got eight for that eight gold okay i really need to empty this what do you poop now shield man eric thank you so much for the two months saying happy friday stress happy friday

Hope that you’re good oh dear should we just wait for a sec oh god i can’t i genuinely can’t believe that we we have cleared well technically free vaults today is it including the booboo one i think it’s three yeah three is it three yeah and then we got an artifact

I’m so happy oh no lt einstein oh we’re good we’re good we’re good thank you so much for the 10 gifted subs i think we’re going to the arena we are the first arena of today all right we’re we’re fighting starmute let’s do this everybody where are you all come on loves

Oh look kimmers is here i’ve never seen kimmers in chat kim as you’re the only biggies oh no and and bonnie bonnie’s kind of kind of big and shackles also kind of big come on everyone have him gone just tap him a few times he’s beating you with a hoe he has a

Golden hoe and he’s wearing granny armor no god oh kimmers i see kimmel’s keep doing the damage with that axe gone right in the buttocks nice climbers do it good killers good killers you got these clippers go on cameras have him go on cameras you can do it [Laughter] that’s incredible

That was amazing that was absolutely amazing oh my god where did it go oh it’s here it’s who’s here is who is here that is incredible that’s how you’re supposed to do it you need to distract with the little ones and then a big one just comes and just

Whacks them in the backside that’s what we need to do thank you lt for the the gifted subs there and shield man’s now pooping out gray die we don’t have grey dye oh man that was funny do i do think we’re going to win that for a minute and then just kimmas comes

In does it nice oh thank you so much and what do you give us lti sign yes kiwi nice i need to remember to take those now now you’ve revealed your strategy it’s a different game now all right let’s um let’s continue looking through what we got though i

Don’t i think i was just over like happy about the artifact because we got look at all this never right we got as well we got phones that’s not so great but we’ve got the vault gold we’ve got some more treasure we’ve got an apple and we’ve got some bits

Now that is what i call amazing all right let’s put all of you in there and what i think i’ll do is put the kiwis in there so i remember um let’s put some hello hello there’s more bits there i’m ready boosters oh that’s so cool look

All right what do we get in our legendary treasure capoei oh more armor oh it’s got life steal though and it i think that that’s that um knife thing is maybe attack speed do you think maybe yeah no i can’t use it it’s not great for an epic is it hello hello

Nice all right let’s um put you in there yeah look how much vault gold i got now um oh we didn’t have any of the painite or or any of the uh larimar or Okay i need to put these on my sword so i’m going to keep these in my inventory then we’ve got the never stars how many have i got now i’ve got six never stars and all of this never right now oh my god it is so worth going into vaults

I can’t believe how how how much it’s worth that’s not this my english has just gone wrong i can’t believe how no i can’t say it my my brain’s far in right now the english not working okay let’s see what’s in the arena vault make a skill yes i will arenaval go

Efficiency ah ah all right it’s good though let’s see what kimmer’s poops let’s put that there uh efficiency i don’t i don’t really want right now yeah i’ll make a skittle i will let’s just see what kimmers does first gaining volts isn’t great great getting out is op yeah

Look at you kimmers i hope kim has watches the replay of this you forgot your vault pooper in the crate did i how did i leave my wallpaper behind what’s a noob what’s an actual noob i did one idiot i did all right let’s see what kimmer’s poops first then sorry shield man

I left you in there i left you alone what do you poop him as volume is too low what do you mean ready nope not yet ready nope not yet okay let’s just put another chest down hip-hop let’s see what’s your plan poops yeah it’s the second coke second coke

Ready but okay i’m not gonna grumble about birch logs because i used all of my wood right where did oh oh there’s no space left sad face if you could see my face um oh no i didn’t think we’d fill this room up um um

Um okay i’ll have to put i’ll have to put kimber’s up here for now i can’t do that because that torch there we go kimmers pride of place there look at y’all give me that torch give me that torch give me oh stupid thing fine there we go that’s what kimmer’s poops

Shield man what do you poop great eye did you just do light gray diet i swear you just did like you did you did you did grey dye and then light gray dye that’s funny all right there we go i don’t really know what to do about

This now i didn’t think we’d uh fill this room up well we haven’t so much on these sides but yeah i don’t know yeah i haven’t unlocked the packs all yet that’s why i’m not taking it into the vaults or anything okay nice yeah at least it’s not pink dye

Isn’t that isn’t that just all that you poop in uh escorts one pink dye okay let’s put you in there remove the gift one second from the end out of the arena one there have i done that have i have i just made boo-boos oh i have what’s a plonker

How did i do that and then i didn’t even notice all right that means i’ve got to um move all the stuff oh my god kim is faster pooped more by now i can’t believe i just ah never mind all right so we need to remove poop from the tops hang on

I’m gonna confuse myself right now is it this one oh she didn’t poop more okay i’ll have to just do that for now actually no i’ve got i know what i’ve got i don’t know why i can’t use the elevators in the thing but i can use the

Elevators here i need more than that it’s really frustrating that i couldn’t use them okay and then where did there’s kim is now okay salted she definitely didn’t poop in any of those i also need to do This one here’s the light gray where did i put the other one oh oh this is the stuff that i mean i absolutely love this pink um smooth stone it’s the stuff that i’ve used actually in this where did i put your other paper there’s a light gray alabaster

I think this would look really cool it look it looks do you know what it looks like it looks like cyan clay didn’t it i can’t remember where i put the other shield man oh actually yeah he’s over here isn’t he i thought i’ve put him over here

What did i not oh my god i’m so behind on all of this the problem is like obviously i’ve had to do vanilla for this i don’t know where he is maybe i’ve already done it oh no i didn’t okay now i see it okay

Oh yeah and these i’m gonna have to yeah i’m gonna have to do some sort of like i don’t know factory or something but use these blocks oh it looks really really really good with this sandstone the yellow bass always looks like budget terracotta concrete yes well

I don’t kind of like it you know oh is that where i put kimmers all right saw it cool now we have space well we don’t oh no i’ll get there in the end everybody you can color the sheet metal no you can’t sharp you can [Laughter] how do you color it oh

Oh my god oh my god hang on i need to ah oh my god at least color there now where is my magenta i have one bit perfect i can’t crafty because i don’t have the thing oh that sucks all right well we’ll just have to use the silver stuff

I completely forgot that mods were locked i don’t know how i forgot that i’m going to do my skill points in the second everybody i’ll do them in a sec give me one minute i just needed to sort that out because i know what would happen i would just leave it

And i would never do it okay mitch yes i got one i got a relic no yes a relic no an artifact artifact i got an artifact okay so let’s see what we can do with the skills now i’ll show you what one i got this one got this one

If i capitalize the name in your trader your skin should change was you the last one in here okay capitalize the s still doesn’t work still unless you’re steve i sleep add the c did i get rid of the c i’m sorry yeah everyone if you have channel points use them up

Now send us the things through did have i got there is the c capitalize the c as well like this i don’t think it works still there we go everybody send them all over i’m gonna put those in there all right whilst you’re sending the booster packs over

Let’s have a look and see what we can do here we have these we have these we have these i think that’s all we have looks like it oh we’re gonna make door shots but that’s only one skill right oh look at that but we do have one i’m gonna eat it yum

[Laughter] i have one on spent skill point what did i want you to take it on an extra heart but now i have the odin thing i don’t think i’m gonna do that when i lose the odin thing then i think i’ll uh concentrate on the extra heart

I can’t take another one in um the r that sucks unbreakable makes more gear i don’t need that whilst i’ve got terrorist thing oh a chance to passively land critical strikes when attacking i wonder if that’s uh i wonder if that goes with my things oh parry yes

But i have my cloak at the moment which is kind of like a parry um i’m wondering though it says chance to passively land critical strikes right so what i’m thinking is is that then going to Um thingy with this critical hits deal for a portion of damage dell reckon is still written under the same thing and critical hits pierce through armor like it do you think that would then mean that or not i have no idea parry the thing is with parry i have this thing

And this thing um if i was to get a hit in it’d be like parry anyway and it has a 10 second cooldown i’m thinking that maybe i want to save it for the lure because then we get all of this stuff which is what we need with basically we need inscriptions we

Need skill essence and skill shards we need that everything else i don’t really need at least at the moment whilst i’ve still got my botania stuff so my my thing is yeah my thing is if we save up for the up the upgrade which is three points

I wonder how much um i want that i think i want that that’s what i think i want we have one point already do i then want to risk going up two levels now to take luka i don’t even know either way we’ve done really well with that look at this as well

Oh should we make the um the anvil now i am gonna have to quickly go and get another drink of water though because i have coke and water i don’t like drinking just one stay there i’ll be back in one second okay i i watch red stream and i’m getting

Sick of the word inscriptions okay i’ll um i’ll say um boss doodahs [Laughter] then you’ll get sick of boss doodahs yeah remind me when i get back i’m going to do the anvil because i’ll probably forget in that time i’ll be back in one second everybody don’t go anywhere okay

All right i’m back i’m back oh you’re talking about what i need to do full gets harder every five levels what are you talking about we’ve been talking about whilst to be gone oh capitalize s and x okay i will do that for you now enjoyed your dancing bogey on your face

Yeah bless it oops all right so this is a capital and then this oh my god why is that doing that this is a little one oh no i think it’s still the same is it i think it’s still not working s oh hang on was it sc x name should be

Scofie capitalized oh god it’s gone with the s and the x that’s what i did though right yeah is it java scofie it hates me it hates me stupid thing all right my geez has just bought me a sandwich there’s three of them in there though i don’t think i need that many

How do i open this thing i want her sony i’ve got that song suck in my head now which i can’t sing on stream it works at wren’s if i hang on let me open a sandwich blt oh let me just triple gazillion checks that’s how you spell it right

I hope this is good this sandwich you have to sit there and listen to me i’m gonna eat i’ll mute myself we must be steve forever um so hungry sorry everybody i’m not gonna mute myself i’m not gonna eat with my mouth open i’m talking my mouth open though okay

Can’t talk when you don’t open your mouth no i had food in it that’s really good the mayonnaise in it is amazing right we have two more vault crystals left i think i want to hmm oh vanquisher that’s disgusting let’s do them i’m a little bit worried about doing them now

I think i want to do this one i need to empty on my stuff first though thank you what does everyone think about giza that talks thank you so much jeff what do you do compressed sand nice i’m very happy about all these blocks after i had to go and get and decide

No yes no what’s the other one granite we’re not going just vane wine granny man that was effort thank you so much for the compressed sand thank you everyone who’s donated and subbed and just been here today i didn’t think many of you would be here

Because it’s during the day it’s not my usual time now i just got chocolate and a coffee i just got coke though oh man it’s getting all the food i am just picking up out some ranked looking stuff logan thank you so much for the bits no message logan

Thank you so much for the bits i’m so hungry i’m so sorry i was hungry and all hmm i’m wrapping a method logan thank you so much for the bits i’m gonna see what you do when i’ve got the crumbs off from where my mouths are oh is A gem nice we’re probably going to need these gems now because we are making the anvil i forgot about that you didn’t remind me i said oi remind me we have to make the anvil i’m going to squiggle swaggle these away first as well getting everything everywhere

Just a bit of cleaning up you know part of everyday life having to do it she says not really cleaning up am i i’m just throwing everything into a chest that i’ve got clean up some other time i’m glad i took three backpacks in that time though

It’d probably be better to try and upgrade these but i’m i’m just dumping them all in now i’m assuming then i have to use well i have to use the pog don’t i so kenny do it come we’ll get the squiggles in the front now oh good luck antonio that’s the first

One i’ve seen him go in right i should probably say good luck actually good luck logan thank you for the bits since i messed up here are some bits i’m glad i finally made it to a stream did you mess up you didn’t mess up did you logan thank you

So much for the bits that’s what i’ve emptied i should probably do this it’s a space station so happy to catch you live thank you so much yeah so it’s a different time i usually stream in the evening but i can do a lot longer during the day um at this time

Didn’t you put the message in the first oh didn’t put the message in the first one again okay hi this is ender crystal 101 we are all watching d-pog for artifact ye stress the super queen oh i’d already changed it look and your skin’s so cute oh my god

Oh look how cute she is she’s just as cute in real life yes there we go thank you and yeah we got the artifact look i got my first artifact happy about that all right let’s just continue to empty out this mess and make where did i put the chests am i going

Mad dance that one there they are i can’t believe the mess i’ve made don’t do this in your in your stuff everybody it’s a mess ruins everything oh no i want you here is epic good luck trader may as luck brings you great loot in your vaults quack quack [Laughter]

Thank you so much doc from hell oh love the name what do you do duck from hill let’s put you in here oh my god more never right no way no way i need all the never right everyone all of them never riot that’s amazing thank you

All right let’s put all this all the bits in the bit bag now because i’ve made a completely not a mess of everything there you go bits and bit back nice all right next um what was i doing thorns and loot in i want those in there

Put you in there next i wanted to where did i put my doodahs everybody we’ve gotta do the anvil ah here smite six this is gonna be so expensive to put on yeah let’s do the um let’s do the thing first delve right thank you so much for the

Bits you can use the little arrows in inventory to transfer everything from top to bottom this thing ah does it take everything from here though oh man all right thank you oh what a noob that’s handy thank you for that okay let’s go here yes i haven’t sniped one if i Sound like racing called wait i didn’t check to see how much it was no oh oh i have 35 levels how did i get 35 levels okay it’s very strange dale right thank you for 100 bits shift click for arrows to only transfer matching items ah all right you know i’ll forget that

Though right i’ll try and remember it i promise thank you so much for the bits i just put that back on all right well i don’t know why that said that and then i had it main main island all right let’s put the bits back in there thank you news

Let’s put those in there um i’ve got so many of these to open all right let’s put the helmet in there for now another bite masani all right so next i want to make um the anvil this one i wonder how antonio’s doing in the ball yes okay anvil

Um oh man why haven’t i made a mess here everybody no hang on i need the key thing don’t i this ah no great legs girl yeah you did i got it Stupid i don’t have that okay well we made the anvil oh my god though just randomly taking all of the stuff no i’m joking i’ve got so much rotten flesh it’s coming at me is all right oops i’m ruining my sandwich I’m eating everyone that’s why i’m quiet no way how did you get these yeah i’m quiet because i’m eating don’t worry what keeps happening with my the baker thank you so much for the five gifted subs thank you for the gift bomb i has farm no way

That is cool thank you so much if you’ve got a gifted sub make sure that you say thank you and give some hearts because you now had the hearts the stress hearts complete yes a full diamond nice original thank you for gifting a sub as well okay so um

How many of these can i make i feel like i’m eating louder now everyone the care of eating on cameras left my body four i can make four that’s all mine ever right okay hello geezer i did i forgot we have to use these all right we can make three that’s still

Good though all right obviously we’re gonna make some gorgeous nights oh no we have to make the clusters don’t we forgot about that no uh block of diamond we should have that now yeah look at that well then we should make the streamer ones because they’re all diamonds

Look our first key it’s all good tonight keith i’m gonna put it in the end oh we can’t yeah we can look there’s my key everybody the first key we’ve ever made get yeah black opal key why black opal ain’t no aren’t they supposed to be bad luck that’s what i thought

I like a bookshelf no i don’t what bookshelf do you know that spikes coming out of its shoulders and a head popping at the top i look more like the wardrobe out of um beauty and the beast yeah all the crumbs there’s crumbs everywhere i’ve just wiped them straight onto my floor

I’ll get the little over out in a little while once i’m finished okay i finished eating now everybody apart from there is a chocolate basket next to me it’s screaming my name um i think i’m gonna make the two um the sparkle tine and the renium because they’re cheaper to make oops

Hello oh they don’t lock okay sparkle time i’m readying nice it’s good thank you so much for gifting 10 subs look at all those names in chat make sure that you say thank you for your gifted sub you lot you’ll have hearts now let’s see some hearts for

His school’s giftage so oh my god i am so close to 35 and then i can get the allure if i get to 35 no i ate my skill i ate my skill so i can’t get to 36. i wanted to take the loot of three

Oh he did it to get me to level 35. oh yeah they’ve got loads of booster packs should everyone do the release boost packs wood 64 no nice spruce wood i have i have another never right cluster left oh yeah yeah boost the package yeah i

Will do that now i’ll do it now i will need lu r okay i say everyone keep keep sending them through i want to take um what am i reminding myself right now oh i need to oh oh it’s okay oops all right hello how are you today you’re in

My area yeah you die okay what was i doing now i’ve completely lost my train of thought oh no antonio oh he needs some better gear oh antonio i wonder where how he died right should we pop these relic booster packs let’s see what we get we’re gonna go up to level 35

I don’t know it’ll get up to level 36. we went out we got i think we’ve got this dragon’s foot he died to sub yeah that sucks by the way i still don’t have a relic so i don’t have extra time oh i don’t have that one i don’t have that one

Oh this is loud i don’t have that one either oh my god i think we might have done one i think we might have done one i don’t know how to make them know if i’m honest oh here we go that’s it thank you everybody right well we’re nearly halfway to 35.

Let’s pop this oh my goldens that’s slow birds and chains enemies get you in there all right relics how many is it that i need oh no i don’t oh no oh what’s this one minus set ah why are you missing from the minus set then

What is it that i’m missing oh the stupid lantern thing duplicates that sucks yeah i’m going to take some fake burgers and all where did i put them two i’ve got i don’t think they do that much nope all right shall we do one last fall

I’m so worried now that i’m going to lose my odin re brownie because i haven’t been streaming that often so people didn’t have the points um is there anything that everyone’s selling that will also help me in the vault i don’t think so i’ve got these fighters binding things

Maybe i should have cuz i’m not using my shield or i can or i’ve got the other one didn’t i lcs sharpness i got the other thing didn’t i i think i’m going to uh i think i’m going to take that no the skills i want to save i’m saving

My skills i want luta on this so i need um half a level that’s all i need oh my god is school he’s trying to get me to the 36. that’d be amazing if we got to 36 before we went in thank you so much for the 25 this school

Are we ready what did this school give us oh yes some more gems perfect perfect perfect perfect thank you so much this girl we’re still not there yet though still not there yet all right let’s see what you poop is no man oh hello give me oh my god why do i keep

Getting stupid things all right let’s go what you’re gonna poop yeah make sure that you um give some hearts in chat for escort if you’ve got yourself a gifted sub full stew i don’t think i have all the stuff for fall stew come on this school i have a poopsie jacket thanks Oh it doesn’t difficulty increase does it 36 i think everyone’s down there really oh sand nice you poop sandy school thank you there you go you can go oh no you’re already over there let’s put you here there we go i think everyone have you all done your relic booster packs

Oh my god oh my god we’re so close look how close we are cme thank you so much for the twenty and called me five thank you so much for the five rank and randy thank you so much for the tier one we are so nearly there everybody thank

You so much for the gifts oh i i just got a dupe i think yeah i’ve got duplicate um what happened there thank you so much you two for the gifted subs remember say thank you everybody for your gifted subs yes we’re up to 36 i could take glutar

My god that happened quick oh my god all right let’s see what you poop oh yes an apple amazing let’s see let’s see oh no you you poop twice see him there you haven’t got a thingy but you look pulled just up there thank you so much for the 20

And corby more apples yes if if i lose my odin ring i’m gonna be so upset well i’m gonna i’m gonna eventually lose my odin ring let’s be honest it’s gonna go at one point i think that’s incredible thank you so much let’s put the helmet there and then

Let’s go and see let’s see me poops oh let’s spend our point let’s spend our point yes you lot did this look at two it’s plus two chance to get decent loot oh i love this looter as soon as i saw that easter had done it i was like i want it

The baker the baker thank you so much for the 25. my god my fault’s gonna be hard isn’t it is my fault gonna be really hard thank you so much the baker what are you doing oh yes more never right nice all right what you pooping um chimney

Gray die that’s our second grade i have today thank you so much then then the baker oh no you don’t go there love you doing now there we go let’s see what you poop baker thank you so much again everybody for all the gifted subs you’re all amazing

I feel like i’m going to run out of space though soon still got a few more left this side oh see him can i can i change this one i can is it a little c little c that here oh that’s going under when did did i put underscores there oh no

There we go there we go there you are the baker do you have a skin as well you are pooping nothing yet more die what is it the diet today [Laughter] now i need to find a use for diet oh i know what i use diet for by tania

Yes i do have the anvil all right i think they’ve been ready to go are we for the next one are we ready to go for the next one i’m a little bit scared oh you can’t scroll that down all right let’s sleep first why they pooping diet i thought it was

Updated i don’t know i thought i didn’t think they were changing pooping diet oh no hang on didn’t we is it because he rolled it back because it won’t work i don’t know i don’t know right we’re going into a normal crystal that’s not how i have this set up is it

Or is it no let’s take apples my helmet don’t be scared you got this i hope so i feel like i want to go and charge this up before we go we’ll take our obelisks we’ll take our rod where’s our bucket oh no i was gonna do

Um i was gonna do the off hand where did i put it here i was gonna do the offhand um hang on let me do one thing at a time what did i just say that i was i needed to do there’s something over at botania

Oh god why is my brain like this what was i gonna do oh i was gonna do my my thing fill up my thing more yeah i think the backpacks are empty yeah yeah they’re empty oh my god so that’s doing that i’ll get some blocks i’ve ran out last time though

Didn’t i do i take more my inventory is just getting more and more and more filled up which is a little bit worrying oh god went in again didn’t it that’ll do i think for now then my binding i want to do don’t know what to put on it oh what happened

Sniper did you just give did you just stop and then we went into the arena oh no i got snowball on we’d have to stand up here oh no i can’t see it no snowball no go on everyone we’re looking from afar girl allison’s jewel wheeled in

Oh no he had a stick a second ago oh no you’re saying oh no it’s looking good good who’s doing the most damage my ace fire not everyone dodge and weave dodge a weave everybody you’re doing so well oh i think we’re gonna lose it go on little geezers

Have him the damage does damage the damage don’t even get an attack in oh my god it’s so close go on what is that you did are you all dead i can’t see from here you’re always out of the render oh man do you see how close that is

Oh there’s one little giza left oh oh no two oh it was so close awesome she did the most damage oh oh kimmers you’re here kimmers you have to watch the replay givers you have to watch the replay you weren’t here earlier yeah oh my god some amazing stuff happened earlier

Hang on then right let’s do mending and uh i’m breaking on it do i have any levels is it okay oh god i’ve put all the stuff in the inventory for the thing let’s just hold that and that for now i didn’t touch her oh everything’s gonna go in my backpack okay chill

Oh it might be the burning actually no die for my sword okay so let’s do i’m breaking mend in let it go i’m breaking mending and then what should i put on it sharpness i just woke up on a little schedule to replay now that is good killers i swear

All right what was i putting on it sharpness i’m gonna put sharpness on it eight because that’s what the other thing had on it’s on i’m radiant i don’t need radiance though i’ve got um thingy i suppose we could put it under i’m gonna forget to use it still so i don’t

Know why i’m even bothering but okay let’s have a look radiance probably should have put those books together but never mind all right yeah i’m gonna do another vault another rebel see what we get okay so it put you down you there you can do oh oh that hurt my eyes then

Freaked out is that all the stuff that i’ve got off of them okay let’s get out of here oh there’s a sword okay put that on booster pack let’s pop you right so now we have an offhand all of that backpack bits can go in here right apple’s food

Let’s take two of those just in case resistance and strength i could put all these over here um is that all i need arrows i think that’s all i need i’m gonna take the inscriptions in just in case i don’t need arrows i’ve got um infinity on my bow

How do you make a pog again i think i want to take another backpack um can i remember oh it’s all of them yeah i think i can make that though don’t take all the keys why not one two three four five six seven eight nine

Oh no i need i need more than that though don’t i no i’m not gonna do that then i just remembered i can probably go to oh i can make a gold one i have a pog all right let’s make a gold one go upgrade one that i already have that we found

If you find treasure you can’t bring them all back if i lose them all now then i’ve lost everything anyway and i don’t really i don’t really care it’s fine if i lose them then i’m i’m gonna be you know yeah then i’ll just go in again and try again

But there’s no point in me making all of those things and then not taking them okay backpack in you go all right we’ve made one more backpack it’s got more space as we’re going into a uh a rebel i’ve got no space in my inventory look at the state of it

Oh you love you need to go over here um right don’t send me anything now everybody i’m going to go in did you grab your yeah here’s my mannering still wearing absolutely everything that i own had the keys in the pack well everything should technically be picked up right now

So it should be good technically picked up oh yeah can you bet is iska around i don’t fiscal’s around anymore all right ischool’s doing one then i don’t have a dank everybody right whilst that’s getting set up i’m just going to pop to liu everyone i’ll be back in two secs

Make sure to do your prediction my all right i’m back everyone donnie it looks like everyone’s done it well i survived the fall oh man that gives me that makes my makes my heart go okay so we have everything i don’t know what this does but i can use it

All right should we look our map then i saw people saying that i should look on mac i don’t know how to do it anyone know how to lock your map oh you don’t send me anything anymore i’m going in going in all right never mind let’s just remember where we came from

All right one thing i’m asking you all to do is remember where we came from that’s what’s important right now i press y and then what lock to north am i going mad do i not see that oh there’s a next am i am i oh there you go okay i see it

I see it okay good are you trying to get used to that then all right cool j thank you so much for the three months good luck stress thank you so much we’re going in oh god if i can do this okay i’ve got the right saw jess sharpness

I’ve done it hey i can exit what’s this why does it look like this oh look straight into my room okay so why are we going west hello it’s quite disgusting how i can just ignore these oh hello love i thought you died that’s made me worry a bit

It’s not as good as my smite sword is it what waves are going where did i come from right so i’m going this way can i use this now hey it worked okay someone else says cool joy again love give it a break okay

Oh that was lucky oh my god i hate that did i not see any okay stupid creeper oh ghost walk on nice ah i cannot wait until these traps are gone i’ll tell ya i didn’t each year i can’t go that way i think hi

What the hell oh is hitting me it’s not going to work is it strange all right can i i can’t get through though oh mate i can get through here is it through this thing is it is there a treasure in here i don’t think so let’s just go up here then

Oh oh i can eat with that thing where did i just come from everybody oh no come from here okay going this way oh i see something’s clearing what’s on Creeper oh no no way oh i’m gonna have to go into this room stupid room i need to change my backpack he’s gonna is there anything this way it’s a chest there oh my god this room i don’t think there’s anything this way no there isn’t damn it I want to get out of this room anyway this room is awful oh there’s a geezer how am i supposed to fight this geezer hi Did i get a thing no ah no i don’t like this room how do i get out of here why did i come into this room okay well there’s nothing in this direction oh grab the switch let’s go is this a room what is this i don’t really understand what this is oh

All right we’re gonna have to switch directions in all right so now we’re going south so we went south what was everybody the way home be south east there’s a treasure in well in here stupid creepers i don’t see no treasure room i’m just going to keep going because i don’t see

It and it’s wasting time i’ll keep an eye on the cam on the camera oh cool you’re everywhere love am i stuck on i’ve got no loot this time oh oh man why is everything just all right oh man right what way was it that we came out

There’s only one way for me to go right now so i’m gonna have to go that way i ain’t got a choice in there then is this the way they’re home yeah oh my god i’m right i’m going back that’s the ice room again i’m going back i’m having to detour

Myself detour no that’s not right word i’m gonna go with it back track on myself that was the word um is she healing him because she’s throwing stuff for him get stuffed [Laughter] all right we’re going back the way we came i i’m unlucky this time round oh man is that baby

All right not this way then right what way did i come from was it south i come direct didn’t i came directly here for that way so let’s go this way what am i stuck on right wow wow wow wow that was that’s cute i’ve got nothing this round do

This is the way home all right well at least we’ve got some more lou oh there’s an inscription in that i don’t know if it were yeah when they’re nice okay so this way oh you don’t have not back uh there’s a treasure room here oh savage if i didn’t have that amount

Of hearts then i would have died massively there i think there’s a treasure room here is it not i don’t think there is actually right oh yeah please give it a break i don’t want to be sitting here fighting mobs i thought i was i thought i’d seen a thing treasure room

I need to learn to print better this is why i thought i’d take the crit damage because i’m so rubbish at printing okay somewhere new why am i heading north my thing’s full hey there’s no way out of this one what i thought i swapped him

Why can’t i not swap these over are they both full how okay all right well that is that that is not a way out so we have to change the direction again now we’re going east come on please oh i don’t know why i can’t use those just me being stupid

This is no way either up up step it oh my god they’re all they’re all thingy they’re all dead ends oh hello loves this is rough this is very rough they didn’t i’ve come at you with some false don’t they get off my buttocks thank you all right this is a dead end

So i’ve been i came from this way oh no i’m lost i think i there’s a is a treasure in here somewhere i’m genuinely lost right now is this down or up here i haven’t got a scallion one okay how did i come down where’s the hole where is the hole

Why is this not going in is this not in oh i pick up it is that’s weird all right all right so the way it home is definitely that way i’m just gonna go and have a look this way because i’m a little bit lost i know that i’ve left things but

For life me i can’t remember how i got here oh right so now we’re going ah everyone anyone know what why i came from i said remember i hope that you remembered dodging weave oh love that’s nasty i can’t go straight again i just need to mark where i’ve come from

I haven’t done that yet There’s another boss i’m not going to fight him actually i probably should hello you have put full arms on blacklist so we’re going to backpack have i where no i haven’t they’re on whitelist aren’t they what have i done something wrong i’ll sort out when i’m done

Have i done something wrong it’s school okay yeah it’s fine i think it’s because i put stuff in the white list right oh hello i didn’t i don’t know how to use the backpack so i was just doing what i could okay so this is the way that came from so

This is the only way back i’m gonna start heading back actually i didn’t see the time oh i saw them as well come on please it’s the way back this way i didn’t get much loot in this one i feel i don’t have time to fight him i don’t think

Well why is the way home though little geez up little geezer stand still please blow up creeper my god right so that way it’s blocked off where did i just come from damn it everyone where did i just come from this is bad this is bad i think i was

Going this way was it going east oh my god yeah i definitely can’t come this way i think this is the way home who’s hitting me sky hope love you’re always on my buttocks no i’m going out i’m gonna go up please i think this is the way home i think i’m

Home i am have i missed any tests in this room oh i got five minutes left though oh five minutes left so i’m going in my head i’m gonna get those diamond blocks hi i didn’t realize i had a chest in here all the diamonds

Do i have anything on top of my head just a cake there’s a chest there four minutes left let’s go get this chest oh am i gonna be able to hi e can i land on that i’ll find out i suppose can i i can place thing down can’t i

Hang on how do i place down again like that perfect oh well that was totally worth it that chest so glad i decided to uh do that yeah i’ve done something wrong on this but i’ll find out after 100 bound we did it we did it we did it we did it yeah oh man and we let four more obelisks i didn’t get any keys or oh wow keys or anything we did it everybody we did it we didn’t beat a boss i i i

Felt like there weren’t a lot of loot in there i really felt like there wasn’t that much loot oh we did it though we did it let’s take all of this stuff off i’m happy about that um i can’t believe we did it i’m very happy right now

I’ve i started to panic so i don’t know the way out uncomfuzzled um all right it’s called trying to explain to me but you can explain to me later i can’t i can’t concentrate on that midstream that is too confusing for my brain that one come from the vault that one

That one come from the vault yeah i had looter too i don’t know what happened anyway should we see what we got from this vault let’s just make more of a mess shall we this is our good this is the chest where we want to keep things

All right oh did we get another backpack we won’t have a backpack perfect put you in now more booster packs thank you everybody right let’s see what we got on the apples i hope we got some good stuff i’m nervous to see what we got oh right well it’s three

Things worth but let’s have a look in here we’ve got diamond that’s probably it right an orange daisy let’s plant that one as well oh i’ve got an orange room for my other helmets that came from the vault that one thank you everyone for the booster packs

All right so yeah that was the last one anyway wasn’t it all right next one yes we’ve got another never star more of these more skill essence a painite oozing pizza feather falling uh i don’t really need that right now i will need it eventually though golden apples

Um oh yeah did we get that that was the one we got the black ice from that was awful anyway oh that ain’t great is it considering um it’s cool can you do the uh thing the uh thing please more golden apples more oozing pizza four key pieces that’s what we want the

Kiwi the diamond or these the ones i had i can’t remember maybe the ones i already had unless i dumped them in here oh no they’re not nice uh cow the cow spawn egg yeah i think that’s all from this one as well right yeah all right and then the last one

More key pieces more skew essence gold diamond another never star more shulker boxes a lemon diamond apples a reddit booster pack another trader i think that’s it again right i think that’s all the good stuff oh what about the books uh sharpness yes i’m breaking i’m breaking

Nice so all of our good stuff again all of that more key fragments that’s what we need or keep what they call key pieces that is what we need oh and we’ve got this silver furnace i don’t know how good that is but you know i picked it up anyway

That’s definitely your weight yeah there’s another flower there we’ll take that one yeah very happy about that obviously we’ve got the wither things as well the wither things oh all right you’re gonna go there that’s not where i wanted to put it i checked the books didn’t i did i check

All the books yeah they’re further falling and looting feather falling looting and breaking and breaking yeah they’re they’re not things that i need now but i will need them eventually i will need them eventually i need to go and make some manner that is ridiculous right let’s pop our relic boosters nothing

That sucks i can end the prediction i’ll do it uh what was it will stress survive the vault uh choose outcome yes i did survive the ball complete prediction yay they go over one who believed in me there you go everyone who believed in me oh nice well done everybody

Yeah remember do the bet the relic booster packs i’d love to get ready more vector plates was there in this one i’ll find them when i empty everything everyone i’m gonna have to go through and uh oh yeah here you have to go through and just sort everything out because everything’s

Just a mess a good state of this that’s it everyone keep chucking oh yes we’ve got another thing another jewelry dual wielder that’s perfect i i feel like i actually used my dual wielder that time i haven’t used it before but i definitely weren’t using the shield so

I don’t know if that actually did anything but yeah shield can go bye-bye didn’t use the shield at all no point in it nice all right then everyone i’m gonna call it there for today we have done a nice longer longer longer stream today and we’ve done what how many four volts even

Though the first one was a bit mucked up but that’s fine yeah we’ve got one vault left which is sonara and i need to get working on this i need to make myself a little snowman a snowman farm so i can get this but i work at

Getting most these done before the next stream um and i think i have five here i’ve got five volt rocks so i need to uh sort that out well let’s see is antonio still streaming i need to do the raffle here everyone um yeah is this muted or is it gonna no no

Yeah no there we go um yeah we need to do the raffle what’s the f6 are we ready for the raffle who is going to be my next new dot and hopefully it’s it’s other than a normal let’s hope it’s something other than a normal if not it don’t matter but i’d like

Something other than a normal shield man it’s you again shield man what did we get it’s a dolby it’s a dormie never mind alright so so i remember we have to do them in this order next time but that is that’s it for today everybody well done thank you everyone for being here

It went a lot better today than it did the other day but i just couldn’t kill anything ridiculous but thank you everyone for being here thank you for all of your subs free subs bits donations everything but i can’t remember everything else thank you for everything that you’ve done today everybody

That’s what i’m going to say from now on there’s so much to stuff to say but thank you all for being here um we are going to hang on can i do hang on one sec okay i can do that let’s now um how do i do this can i do

This on my doodah hang on hang on i might be able to see somebody raid channel hey i can there you go all right everyone thank you so much and i will see you all in the next live stream make sure that you follow and i’m putting

When i go live underneath the the live stream thing on my about page so make sure that you um check that out alright so you don’t miss me alright see you later everyone bye you

This video, titled ‘Vault Hunters Live : 9 : FIRST ARTIFACT!’, was uploaded by Stressmonster Extra on 2021-02-24 17:00:11. It has garnered 1100 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:14 or 15014 seconds.

Vault Hunters Live : 9 : FIRST ARTIFACT! Vault hunters livestream. Vault hunters is a whitelisted Modded SMP Minecraft 1.16.3 server!


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    Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java In preparation for the update, I’m on the grind, Crafting fire-resistant gear, exploring the Nether to find. Nether fortress and Piglin fortress, my goals in sight, Growing sugar cane faster, a challenge to ignite. No bone meal for sugar cane in Java, it seems, But with patience and care, I’ll fulfill my dreams. Expanding my village, setting up a new base, No time for devices, just exploring with grace. So join me on this journey, as I speed up my days, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity plays. 6/13 is the date, the update is near, Let’s dive… Read More

  • The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂 “Quando você cola na prova e ainda assim tira nota de Minecraft: 100k em criatividade!” 😂 #escola #shorts #viral Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded Minecraft

    EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP63: So Many Artifacts! – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 155 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds. I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition. Playlist for this series: Follow me on Threads: Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like… Read More

  • Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOX

    Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOXVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IN ROBLOX (Voxel)’, was uploaded by Blorp on 2024-05-16 20:15:00. It has garnered 14894 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Today I play Voxel! A game that looks very similar to minecraft (MC) but in ROBLOX! I’m excited for the future of the game! Game: Song Used: Suggestions – Wii Party I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox! What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More

  • NuCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.20.6} {Crossplay}

    Welcome to NuCraft! A new Minecraft adventure awaits you. Explore, build, battle, and make friends in our friendly community. Join us for an unforgettable journey in the world of NuCraft. Let’s craft a new world together!CrossPlayJava IP IP Port: 25608Basic Quality of Life/homes/rtpand much morePremium Plugins⭕ Lands⭐⭕ AuraSkills [​Formerly Aurelium Skills] ⭐⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐AuraSkills: Now features “Jobs” so do /skill or /skills to gain all jobs, unlike other server they only provide you 3 jobs, On NuCraft we provide all “11” jobs to gain more profit for other needs in the server.This is a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I don’t get the hate 🌶️

    Well, apparently this meme is doing better than most of us in school! Read More

  • Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024

    Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024 In the world of Minecraft, a new portal’s in sight, Cocomelon-themed, shining bright. With songs and fun, it’s a joyful sight, Bringing smiles and laughter, day and night. Crafting blocks and melodies, hand in hand, Exploring new worlds, across the land. With each step taken, a new adventure begins, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity wins. So gather your friends, and join the fun, In the Cocomelon portal, under the sun. Let your imagination soar, let your dreams take flight, In this magical world, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme

    Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme When you can’t decide between playing Minecraft or Brawl Stars, so you just end up looking at memes about both instead. Priorities, am I right? Read More

  • Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Giant Fish Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you dive into the mysterious world of the Giant Fish Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. This unique feature in the game offers players a chance to explore new realms and encounter exciting challenges. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating Minecraft phenomenon. Discovering the Giant Fish Portal As you navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, stumbling upon the Giant Fish Portal can be a truly awe-inspiring experience. This portal, with its intricate design and mystical aura, beckons players to step into a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More

  • The Ultimate Friendship Story

    The Ultimate Friendship Story The Story of True Friends in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the latest trailer from MineMixeGaming1. Discover the power of true friendship and teamwork as you explore new lands and face thrilling challenges. Join the Adventure Step into the shoes of brave adventurers as they navigate through treacherous terrain and encounter mysterious creatures. With the support of their friends, they must rely on each other to survive and thrive in this vast and unpredictable world. Key Features: Collaborative Gameplay: Work together with your friends to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Exciting… Read More

  • US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft Maps

    US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps 1-3’, was uploaded by Presidents Universe on 2024-03-13 16:57:03. It has garnered 107326 views and 2026 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:54 or 9174 seconds. US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps DISCLAIMER: The following video contains AI generated voices of several real people. These voices are fabricated for the purposes of entertainment, and the depiction of these characters do not reflect their real life counterparts. Read More

  • Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!

    Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft house 🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by Br craft on 2024-04-24 15:10:09. It has garnered 3314 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO Xbox

    🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO XboxVideo Information This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Кирилл Чернов on 2024-05-01 07:21:49. It has garnered 38 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. anarchy minecraft minecraft server for phone bedrock review of the best FMine server on Minecraft Bedrock version 1.20.4 – 1.20.80 and higher! Come in quickly, we are waiting for you! IP: / 19132 Website: htts:// VKontakte: Optimization and tags, do not read! funtime, fantime, minecraft anarchy, minecraft anarchy, funtime anarchy, minecraft, pioneer, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft survival, vulture, funtime… Read More

  • EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | Nighturz

    EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | NighturzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode: 05 GYROCOPTER? This Helps! |Modded Minecraft 1.20.1 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-01-05 06:45:45. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:56 or 12236 seconds. Finally got a decent way to travel during the blood moons! Never flown a Gyrocopter before, this should be fun! Read More

  • Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥

    Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[ Official Trailer ] Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Fantasy Made | Fantasy Studio 🔥🔥🔥🚨’, was uploaded by Fantasy Studio on 2024-01-12 01:00:08. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. _____________________________________ VYREZ SMP OFFICIAL TRAILER PRODUCER : Fantasy Studio ANIMATOR : @finzch-asli SCRIPTOR : @fannsst —————————- —————————— 🚧🚧 | OPEN MEMBERS | 🚧🚧 🚨 HUB : 085755018076 ________________________________________ MEMBERS JOINED 1. @finzch-asli 2. @fannsst 3. @VilanD1 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft Client

    Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got partnered with the best Minecraft client.’, was uploaded by merryway12 on 2024-04-30 14:00:49. It has garnered 1506 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. Exciting news – I’ve partnered with the best Minecraft client for bedwars! Join me in this video as I share all the awesome features and advantages of this amazing client. Let’s dominate the game together! ———————————————————————————————- discord server: ———————————————————————————————- Details: silent client: ———————————————————————————————- Title:I got partnered with the best Minecraft client. Sub Count ✨: 1091 ———————————————————————————————- ⚙️ In-game Settings ⚙️ ・FOV:… Read More

Vault Hunters Live : 9 :  FIRST ARTIFACT!