Vikkstar123HD – EXPLORING NEW LAND! – How To Minecraft #48 (Season 6)

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Is up guys welcome back to how to Minecraft another day another episode we got like a bit of a mini so today probably around 3040 minutes I love how that in this season is considered a Minnesota my minisodes of how to minecraft in like season one two and

Three used to be like I’m doing like a 1520 minute today I feel like people would riot do I fried that this season round which like I said yesterday has burned through hella content hella quick but yeah we got work to do I mean if you guys haven’t seen last

Episode go great that I must say that I must say so we’re kind of here assessing and repairing the damage we’re gonna go and explore the new area that was revealed in yesterday’s expansion and then we are probably gonna do a little bit of mining out on the outskirts of

The world as we know do not see here’s the problem right this is the problem because this is barely on here anymore and the other Josh I built this on the wrong side I said a boat on the other side because I’m speedy inside would be around to actually load this chunk and

Keep it loaded so these guys will actually plant their eggs and hatch the eggs I assume there’s no new scoops in the house now annoyingly so no scoop money in the balances oh that’s so good I it was more than that wait wait wasn’t it like 46 k

Then the last episode on demising that maybe I did imagine that oh no I think I’ve lost some more beds at the end well yes today we are heading out on an exploration mission so we don’t really need the boss sword there’s not much to be gained by killing the boss anymore we

Kind of have like max gear just a bit more money in the house when there’s new crates and custom enchants would be an agreeable thing however however I got to ask this question I gotta see if anyone’s wanted to a caste or any of any of the big bouncy

Boys I just I just gotta see it happen you know what let’s make sure we like I guess yet we gotta will our paws you know it’s gone buy some more golden carats for that saturate saturation of all food I have to pay respects to brawl

Eight or I don’t know like these sub to mashed carrots they don’t stack so you know actually arm can do I got hella levels I’m just gonna rename them wait what does that mean that’s restart I don’t know why I’m doing this you tell me they don’t start I Holly we’ve got

Nametags session soon oh yeah alright you know what am i doing that you know why I just wasted a tree I’m gonna leave him here I’ll leave another day I don’t know why I’m why I’m making a thing out of this okay alright let’s get some more golden

Carrot so take these I’m just gonna sell these and just convert them straight into golden carrots there we go do you sell yes you do okay we need a few more than that if we can sell some more to you without easy melons easy emerald easy golden carrot and the easy

XP along the way you know what I should also just get some listen in fact I can make little melons so easily so it’s so easily okay what is the difference between golden karat gold and her I am no idea oh I bought a combat key that’s

Where my money went wait so which of the real golden carrot the heck wait no those aren’t real so the oceans that there we go okay we got character set up all right let’s see I’m speeding inside while spikes I just got hopefully speed inside get on I can pitch my dueling

Request to them see if they pick up on that I’ve said yes no I think he said yes to another poker session and don’t think you want to deal we will pitch it to speedy inside before we got adventuring I should indeed get some more goodies on the way in you take you

See if we can sit we’re gonna do anything we can to pull this off here anything in our power so we’re gonna put these in we are if I ever loved one money in the casino I may even consider just straight up straight up buying some health potions but now

Wait that’s not how we do it where did the other I don’t even know why won’t we figure out how to brew that for a second you put the damn now the water in just you know a little PSA I am exhausted like I can eat I don’t know if you can

See can see like how my eyes are like that was just it’s been it’s been a very very hectic last few days Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday we did full dayside man shoes who shot aside my main channel video then to second Channel videos and we’ve been doing that every

Single day since Tuesday and I’ve been getting back and streaming or recording other gaming videos so your boy is pushed to the edge of existence right now so if I if I do dumb stuff that’s my excuse of the day there you go okay let’s see you and then we want to add

What is it glowstone and gunpowder and then we have six splash healing potions glowstone and gunpowder alright so that’s working its way through he’s Friday yeah very fried egg fried big fry and to call me big fry you know and I’m actually going out for dinner I didn’t say actually stuff the reason

I’m doing that Minnesota’s gonna going out for a dinner in approximately half an hour and I gotta make an effort for that okay alright let’s see if I can persuade the duel I’m also gonna name my staff just so I can easily get it back so let’s

Let’s name this staffing up good names well I’m what what’s happened here what’s all this about help me I really should have done this when I could actually think about it what am i doing what am i doing right now I said let’s get in the discord and see if we can see

If we can negotiate hello not much so basically I was wondering if you’d be interested in a cash duel to the death do a cash deal yes basically boys broke trying to find ways to to make money or potentially lose more money you know I don’t really know how good your gear is

Or not but I would like to propose a 2v1 duel a 2p1 deal yeah I’d like to propose what are the ramifications allowed or are we allowed to do other stuff or what are we looking at here um maybe we don’t allow potions just so we don’t have to

Brew and a full invent of potions maybe we say food and gavels and gear only I like that I think that’s simpler to prepare yeah and we just I can get down to that we just put like I don’t know if this is a good idea and I guess that’s

Why it’s exciting I guess that’s why it’s fun that’s why you know and what’s the what’s the money wager here because I see your poor people you like people you know well I’m willing to wait 25k on this 25k bill I’m down for that now for that cuz I feel like I don’t

Know like it’s your gear like what how would you describe you care I’d say my gear is is strong so that’s one teeny one not gonna show my cards here Vic oh you know what you know I’m just want to send it anyway like you know what is

Memes even if I lose okay and then once the battle officially start here um a shame Jericho’s not all like we can use his arena I guess we could just use it but I like I’d be down to just get it just just just just just get it going

I’ll just throw swords you want to meet over there in five minutes and more all throw down yeah perfect and you want to make that guy okay yeah we make it 30k okay we could whole i EK deal to v1 five minutes no potions food and weapons

Allowed and i shall see you that’s including apples are no variables um should we say no gabbles just yeah because well waste loads of gold if we say yes it’ll say no dad I’m trying to keep missing eco friendly fight you know yeah exactly it environmentally friendly

Um well I’ll leave you guys to your device is not jumped by my channel right sounds good know when ready alright catch you okay I don’t know what I’ve done but I did a thing I agree to a thing and a thing will happen I’m gonna

Try and get some more golden carrots do I bring drunk you know what if I feel like I need some extra juice maybe a yeah I bring the drunk three boots yeah you know what yeah cuz I can blast them off while I’m getting dizzy as well so

As I seen it advantage to no pass we said no pass but okay don’t guys guys keep that a secret I’m looking like I’m below the odds of winning anyway I mean it’s a 2v1 we have a little secret plan that yeah drunk is pretty matter right there so that could be our

Saving grace in today’s activities all right we’ve got 37 of those I doubt I’ll eat through those all right okay I get the drunk boots and I just time everything up nicely we could be on to a banger right here I hadn’t even thought of my drunk boots but where are my don’t

Lose my drunk hello my booty boot resources they are all right it’s even let’s cut it and I can I can drop XP to fix these up cool so we’ve got our boot two kisses um we’ve got a shield – okay wait my shield is do we even use the

Shield I guess but it doesn’t really matter what’s on the shield Seifer maybe bow on the I think it’s gonna be TV one we’re gonna stay single one my bow is loud I’m not gonna use all that though that’s like that would be so many shots I’m probably not gonna use my

Bow a whole lot because it’s only power five whereas my axes are significantly more impressive we’ve got the ninja blades where we get low health oh boy I need to change my stream tile I mean yeah I think this is all I’m really gonna out throughout everything I won’t

Need actually another water bucket just in case okay yeah so those are gonna be a good thing to pop on in the fight pop on pop off yeah we use those we found we worked hard to get and we got lucky to get them so it would make sense to use

Them got XP in the hotbar ePals if needed got some good food source well if the ender chest at home all of a sudden my episode title has changed significantly leave the torches here by porkchop she’s trying to like clean up my invent here the drunk legs why

Would I take the drunk legs when they’re not drunk three that’s the thing then legs and drunk doesn’t stack but I can’t get a higher level of drunk me I’ll show you look we’ve got drunk two legs did I put those on I get strength too I mean if I put them

On with the booze I get strength three it doesn’t make any difference whether I had those on or not I’d rather have my diamond that will repair themselves with hell forced over anything else so there’s no point having the legs and then we’ll probably maybe maybe switch

To these just for speed we’ll see how it goes I think maybe do what it’s gonna be tough to look at the durability we said no gavels oh okay the boots give me extra health and speed to use the legs even though they’re less strength I see

You’re thinking with that yeah you know what that you know what oh I wish I had drunk three you know what yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right use right you guys are right actually on that one and the beautiful break quicker okay so we’ll take the leggings we take

The leggings cuz then we can add the extra heart yeah no you right you right you boys right totems don’t work in PvP but yeah these four hearts could be the key you’re right you’re right okay what else do we need we said no parts we said no gavels just because

It’s just wasted resources now no gavels and no parts no pots no Goethals okay all right hmm take both still I mean I guess I guess once I’m outside of my heart see if I really feel like I need a strength boost I can pop those on might as well leave

My pickaxes at home leave my elide trillion my Trident we don’t need any of this stuff let’s just have PvP active items have those on to heal up put mending on the legs yes good call ha we are very low on the emerald days

Right now oh I don’t think I was bad my neighborhood do I like my number-one hustle I don’t think my village feels resat wait what can I trade them right now trade some glass balls actually and you know let’s just take all of that just cook up another load of this get a

Load of this guy okay let’s go and sell these two clerics to get emeralds to hopefully get a mending book and I’m mr. cleric or that’s not gone very well there has a we’ve got ourselves three emeralds ah Oh Oh what can I sell I should create an

Autumn nether wart farm to be honest do I have spare wheat I can trade in like I’m right on the ropes right now hubli I screw I don’t care about mending I do I care about mending I probably do care about mending I do have I let my beautiful emerald supply run out

How am I gonna get this many emeralds I’m mending in chests don’t think they like do unless I have it in the chest behind me I don’t think I do ah I’m just gonna go and fight I’m tired it’s like cuz I can’t tell anymore melons because I’ve maxed out those

Trades we fell absolutely here here here now I’m gonna I’m gonna do this right I’m gonna get weight but that’s gonna cook the I can get leather hold up and we get ladder and feathers let me get leather and feathers let me just quickly get this mending book you

Never know I don’t want to be in the position where I wish I’d have had it so here let’s just we’re ready Rick bear with me just a momento I I’ve realized my legs don’t have mending on some sort of quickly we have a mending book if you

Need one but obviously you probably have some as you don’t I’m pretty I’m broken all account covered our house real quick I’m spending on your summaries unless you don’t want me to see what you have that could be okay okay you know what it’s fine honestly

It’s very honorable of you to give to your opponent here need to be fair we went over to your house and stole like eight mending books one night so I mean oh that’s cute my stream shot told me to keep a trident on me to escape there will be no escaping here any

Escape is in death my just trying to charge you 30k for the book she kind of breaks the budget of it I could have a mint please oh yeah or do you remember I have the free combining if you just want me to do it nice okay little piece why

Do you want to show Vic your skin did what he’s proud to be one inch that’s the top seven side our skin read y’all know why she ever thought to hold stuff like that over their head oh I finally see it now thanks to that all

Right now I got my god just to clarify I know lava buckets that would be hella talk the most toxic okay uh I’ll meet you at Jericho’s a little Emporium of death and we shall do battle yeah this is oh wow you guys got bedrock ‘add that

Feels bad yeah we got bedrock bye Kenny I think oh we did it to you so we kind of deserve it okay oh boy so I’m just trying to work out did you spend that budget oh wait hold up okay maybe maybe you didn’t spend that we’re gonna we’re gonna spin it

Later when you’re having extra 30k on top we get down into the arena do we go to like Tucker’s modern place I think it’s in the back of the building that’s the stables in the back of the washer I forgot actually ie showed me how been

So long since we’ve been in there oh maybe it’s through a painting here I think it’s for a painting here and there’s one of these that kills you and one of them that’s safe oh all right you go first I thought the safe one I don’t

Love oh so maybe not what oh I found out yeah I think is this one oh my god you just straight up kills you ever hear of lava I don’t think the lava kills you but I don’t think it’s a good time okay does this go down no this goes off that’s correct

Oh bleep okay yeah I’ve made it okay cool well the step one was nice um all right until you want to get an audience for this um I say we just I mean I guess they come quick at least yeah that’s what I’m trying to think actually we should have pre-announced

It’s just nasan brawl oh no we just do it who’s that that’s just I’m done yes this is there I just got the I you guys my changing room and get site with all my team Bluetooth red squad okay we just sleep here just so that I can watch if

Like yes good idea I mean I don’t get an idea I guess we can’t sleep okay that’s what we get in the lava arena this is that this is it an honorable duel exciting it’s been a while since says that has been PvP in here so I’m excited

I’ll let you guys to use the quadrant you sir would desire what do we want sir I think we’re the I see boys there I see boys okay and get down to that series bouncy speedy on the Hogs okay all right Wow the opposite corner alright ready

When you guys I’ll count us in okay I don’t use that incredible voice I’ll go to one jeez some nice old lingerie you got that yeah oh you guys got the drunkest too drunk Drunk arena I’m on the haters JJ has no picture I just got another acrobatics increase I called it are you taking terrific now are you hard gears too strong eating side see the switches are on point Oh doesn’t want me so I do you want to you oh I think I’m dead sweetie

So I doors no dude it’s tough strong well hey doesn’t call them speedy for nothing fire oh boy yeah you had me on the ropes that you had me down to like like two and a half hearts when I got spear inside then oh my goodness that was it fine

That was a fine cheese let me take oh okay yeah I think we have the same legs maybe yeah I mean my gear is kind of kind of hella good so I appreciate appreciate how it did for me that everything well force everything yeah how far is everything

So that was a big for me there and then I had the drunk legs on I think if you’d have had drunk speedy I would have been toast oh you think so I was drunk legs as well yeah toasty bath to me although maybe that’s why I

Managed to kill side because it does give a lot less protection mmm interesting times Wow that was like really one-sided that was no it could have gone either way like a few extra Chris if your extra hairs do you have a bow and an axe I

Have an accent I do well geez guys sorry to a business with you guys about alright that we get we pay some of our money back yeah cuz I thought I was gone honestly I thought I was gone in the middle then I had my strategy focused on

With the last time and the more damage output I’ve got the one inside on Ted and then go for speedy on the way out and it worked just a charm woo your boy showed up I feel like I grinded this gear for something now because it’s it’s strong I didn’t

Actually expect it to be that strong but it’s strong my shed but this I feel like this needs to go somewhere different my honorary Lee where do I put this you know I’ll put it there that wasn’t that was a jij okay the gear came through thank you guys for recommending the

Drunk to because actually I would have died without the extra four hearts along the drunk too although maybe was drunk three I would have killed quicker but nah I think you guys made a good call from me there and my my tired brain so I appreciate you I think taking off the

Shield was good as well when I got my serrated strikes and my a thing in let’s actually do MC top axes see I have the same acts as a side let’s say so I oh they’re actually they have me beat in swords levels but I think it’s the axis

That really came through at the end there beautiful times okay all right the assassination shop I checked it and start this episode nothing new that I can talk about at least me so yeah alright time to gonna explore the new land time to explore the new land here

To hold on to the golden carrot haha okay alright let’s continue with the mission which is to explore the new land is I got 15 minutes to do a quick exploring a quick mind here we need you I may need you and you you are you

Almost get the loop give me the loop okay well I’m gonna make sure I do this time round is I’m gonna make sure to fill my fill my and the chest was stone at some point so we can bring it back so which way should we got an explorer I

Feel like again as usual ways are going like that way towards the beacon it’s gonna be the best way to explore so we’re gonna find the new land and then we’re gonna take all the diamonds from it for 15 minutes here alright here we are Elektra on oh my goodness wait it’s

Raining oh my goodness I’m not above the world right now holy moly alright we are we’re we’re full moon I’m full moon right now I was gonna stand out fire second look how high I am for a July’s do it with crazy speed let’s just

Get the most pace we can look at this even like at full pelt downward speed speed of this man so I guess it rains across the entire world all it wants perfect time to travel I mean ideally we’d like to find like a jungle so you can get Paris but oh my goodness

This is where the edge of the map used to be at this coral here wait can I go forward and play at the same time how fast am i moving right now aah I just head-butted the world barrier so fast it took ten hearts away from me [Laughter]

Could you imagine I wouldn’t have even been able to get back to get my gear I nearly took lost everything to the world barrier unbelievable oh oh we have a jungle I want what the Masters you’ve been Victor ground too hard I guess well no this isn’t a jungle oh now we’ve lost

Our I lost our rain so your boys exploring the new area all extreme hills new area extreme hills increased emeralds and diamonds I mean it’s not a huge one but we’re right there come on here you know this seems I can get a spot as any to mine in oh you

Thought I was just gonna fall Pelt it down Keio myself there huh not today oh wait I don’t have the right gear on and I have my mining gear yeah whatever we’ve got enough XP balls to last me a lifetime ya know we go take straight down yeah

I’m not afraid alright let’s see oh my goodness we got our ways down together okay so I sat on my inventory now just do like that much I know I don’t really care about the cobblestone as you I said I was gonna like collect all this didn’t

I minor levels as well oh that could have been a little bit out too he’s got accurate levels they probably came in key in that fight right there so I was running a hell of smooth right now there we go that’s the Emerald so we was

Talking about ye olde emerald s I’m like you’re gonna have to bow on me alright I want this put that way around the world border okay alright continue again we go let’s think don’t you want the resin or no okay what I hate you want to get 12 2002 more down

And here we go away we go diamonds be our mission I didn’t even bring a walk back with me last time did I nope okay let’s make sure we got the space for that the geld take all this out okay don’t know why I started digging in this direction but

All of a sudden we have get all the iron we can just work our way back up okay I’ve got to go in ten minutes so I want to make like at least 20 grand by then when MDM on tiems up extra gold sure thing I’ll take the emeralds as as flat

As flat stacks three emeralds from that having no more lurking up there okay and now we’re you know at the bottom of most caves seem to be at the stats oh I should make sure I’m getting all this just to get the XP to repair this pickaxe just that’s just to keep me

Going kind of vibes this is good pickaxe shreds and we get a lot of emerald so we’re not gonna say no to then we’re back business actually laughs is just good XP like just all the odds here again it’s nice having all of this let’s pick out goodness to be fair its

XP as well which means more double drops just gonna start making us good money soon well if we want to go even lower it down just so we can you felt a crack and most of these ore deposits quite nicely Let’s go like a machine we got the jump boots just to get us back onto the ten height keep us going all right all that HP that’s the iron imagine if I wasn’t like strip mining at the speed of light right here I would be annoyed because I haven’t discovered any

Real caves we can do a quick secure this all the HP oh my goodness this is healed up the pickaxe design destructor I don’t even need to dig into my XP balls been getting so much XP I guess it’s because I’m probably getting more XP wait I did

Get the know I got a thing that’s mark to be from mobs not from mining so I don’t know why this is repairing more I guess I’ve just been more active on the ores to be fair looks like we’re getting better rates of them give me all your

Iron apparently Pete rolled black on his first pitch at on his fast wizard enchant which is kind of unreal but hey we’re making the most out of ours that’s what matters the minor levels going up we’d be grinding had to ground for this view keep it moving keep the EM we’ll

Just trade for emeralds and sell them as you can tell emeralds to the server I’m probably a little bit although the diamond height that would be overpowered obviously people be able to get infinite money super breakers refreshed wait super breakout overrides the blasting John doesn’t it sadly we can’t

Be using that on this pick at yeah and keeping the repair work so how much time do we have two stacks already a respectable amount it’s not much easier to mine one that’s last people on the server it’s so much more stable well they’ll be cosmic skies

Today probably not something to be out for the evening I’m also out at you tomorrow evening so just a PSA know how to Minecraft tomorrow I’m going to a a concert or a live show tomorrow which is gonna be good fun so yeah that will be I

Mean unless I do cosmic sky early by an expedia outside get on early so I don’t know what the plan is I don’t know what the plan is I want to stream the new rocket league update they’ve done the strange of things update have you guys seen that looks so cool

I know it’s like nothing crazy good like new bat still might have to get some of my rocket League homies on it you stream some of that you know the boys and then thank you for the girl that’s out doing the most no diamonds huh no diamonds

Which is bizarre I think I’m gonna start mining at 11 I have a hunch that that will be oh my goodness look how fix my pickaxe is it’s full condition I see 12 screw now I’m doing 11 all right diamonds please got a really healthy amount of iron Matt no diamonds where

They are forced on height ow I think it’s gonna be one of the best why it’s gonna be the best upcoming game to drop close sponsor me high tail now I’m killing yeah I think it’s gonna be insane I’m really excited for high power no idea when it’s out I don’t think

Anyone knows they feel it very close to their chest yeah that the rate of ores in this place like not much diamond but we’re getting so much golden iron it’s like a consistent yield right here you’re not any extreme sales yeah I’m probably not in extreme Hills anymore

What my under under Plains but that’s the diamonds right on cue I could have missed those easily that would not have gone down well okay that was a lot of diamond let’s see how much exactly 18 diamond what the / – what is my double drop my double drops

Up to 27% – it’s almost more than fortune now which is kind of absurd so we just got to keep hitting fat you know let’s keep getting this red stone it’s good at expiry especially when you can multi break it 18 diamond dot okay or came it yeah I

Should just be mining everything I can as yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if lapis is really good XP just mine every operation mine everything operation get all the goodness and then that was like an eighth or of diamond we just got double drops four days alright laughing

Did five minute down that’s very quick so we got to stay at this height here isn’t it crazy how common rates doing it okay we’re stacking when the iron is that easily accessible we got it we got to get it coal is the one that I’m not

Gonna work for Wow we’re trying to switch me game ads like this guys getting too much Dimond put him back in survival mode you can’t be telling me songs mined here I never need to worry about mobs anymore because I just I just carry on running I’m gone so making sure I’m actually

Probably missing a lot of iron no mining like this so this means I can go mining and whatever gear I want Do you actually with Rob well he’s in Australia right now so I don’t know how well that would go see this is where you would find diamond if you’re mining normally but not today alright I got like two minutes left and then I gotta make maneuvers come on

One more I’m going to take out one more thing a diamond it can’t be much longer than two minutes right isn’t this crazy no I’m I’m mining so many blocks and I’ve only found one thing of diamonds like this if I wanted to mind away this many blocks without this super pickaxe

It would take me like an hour and I would have one package of diamonds to show for it crazy how the bad luck strike but it doesn’t really matter I mean look at my iron they’re stacked upon stacks of iron that money levels flying up oh boy

Did I burn the diamond I don’t know if I did or not oh boy okay no that was the wrong pickaxe how many downs we got two yet we should not be doing that all right let’s surgically make sure that these are not gonna burn it’s what

You always gotta do when you find the diamonds make sure that they are locked off and secured okay these are all good to mine I don’t have super breaker but I’m not gonna do it here cuz I’ll probably likely burn them up all right we got literally three we got one two

One on that and you know I used to write pitch actually I just didn’t get any double drops Oh cuz I didn’t super break maybe I should have seen four break then I said one more thing of diamonds but you know we go for another oh boy I’m

Gonna be late for dinner because I was mining for diamonds why always be like this diamonds in here I appreciate the amount of iron I really do okay come on one more thing of diamonds I will not rest until I have my extra diamonds you tell me all these

Lava lakes and now diamonds huh kind of a messy a.m. come on this is literally all these caves and not a single diamond are you kidding me this is a joke this is a joke to me game that dispels a rumor that diamonds spawn around lava

Doesn’t it oh wow I just went through some diamonds I guess it was just like one apparently I missed diamonds I missed some dance on the floor okay I can go back down my path that’s very easy to do diamonds on the floor by the lava where

Oh well seeing them beyond here oh okay good call 12 for diamonds you know what $800 that I lost it I last left there appreciate you guys being on job sorry if I doubted you at all it’s common for me to do okay all right

Let’s just uh let’s just go go go go go yeah I’m done for all this iron which is my mistake right now all this map might not be a bad call to be fair that we’re getting double smelts and double dropped nearly buried myself then trying to get

The gold okay come on I found more diamonds twice but I’m like I’m very invested what am i doing come on come on come on I was supposed to leave two minutes ago and I haven’t even processed all this stuff what do you mean I know there’s more out here

I’m making such a mistake okay I’m doing another 15 seconds when I said that Oh through the oars yeah it’s the good old okay it’s been fifteen seconds we found no more diamonds okay one last secret breaker super wrecky last four time well you know what we will take

Some extra stone with us I say I was gonna feel an enderchest with stone but I see be a stack that all back up get some extra stone for the road got the cobblestone alright and then I’m not addicted you are just there’s just gotta

Be diamonds in here what do you mean how could I find this much cave and there’d be no diamonds is there some in here some may may I call it I can’t turn this down there’s gotta be diamonds in here so hold down lava cave system could you

Imagine if you found this in well I mean found this in like your Minecraft world in those and it tried to tell you that there’s no diamonds in here if you imagine a minecart tried to tell you that like all of this all of this mine diamond height and you’re tell me

There’s there’s no diamond in here now this is impossible this is impossible well take AG Apple love that no I’m I’m lost in the sauce yeah you guys have found me to go eat now alright well you check this ground floor okay right I’m gonna process this and then I’m gonna go

All right it was it was it was a it was a solid solid effort there okay so we’ve got five stacks of iron call it one stack of gold oh wow we full up in the house okay so let’s see what we can do here we can

Fill the gap and here we can store the stone in here ready to trade away look at that I’ve ever need emeralds I just can do that just all the redstone ore in the chest red center on the chest stack of that in there stack of that in there let’s pull

That in there glass away in here the rest of this is just bonus for now we can smelt it up soon that means we’re doing five one two three four five we’ll call it yeah a stack of gold and then we just need the diamonds all right twenty-one diamond door what we feeling

Like we’re gonna get here I am feeling like there’s gonna be a stack of diamond out of there so I’m gonna end on 80 diamonds 80 diamonds is the dream wait is that it yeah I guess that is all right let’s end this off without your

Diamonds come on in fact right now super break who’s still not better than 14 once it gets above like 31% I think it’s bad but at the moment you break is at 28% right here we go or I was a off we’ve got 72 diamonds in that short

Space of time let’s get this as well two of these three we’re going to ten Hey I mean cool emeralds emeralds let’s go to spawn and sell this all out and see how much we got oh yeah once I get my mining level up a little bit then I’ll be able to

Super break it 65 197 oh that is not the command be a fantastic time to kill me right now there’s math this up I’m approximating this to be like 28g bang bang 23 jeez okay not bad no withdrawal that a man on the way back up

We started this episode with what 34 K we end it with 88 K so that’s 23 we made 53 grand in today’s episode with some smart play some good hustling some good times we head on home and yeah I will most likely be back day after tomorrow so on

Saturday with some more house in Minecraft thank you all for tuning in once again I’m gonna rush off to dinner going to an amazing restaurant I thought I was without saying what it is but that probably won’t be a good idea but I can’t wait thank you for tuning in once

Again subscribing new around here kernel notifications you can check out my other channel to other live streams and videos and games see you all next time thanks and good bye

This video, titled ‘EXPLORING NEW LAND! – How To Minecraft #48 (Season 6)’, was uploaded by Vikkstar123HD on 2019-10-10 20:14:33. It has garnered 242061 views and 5873 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:41 or 3041 seconds.

How To Minecraft Season 6. An SMP series. Enjoy! Series Playlist: Follow me on TWITTER:!/Vikkstar123

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Welcome to How To Minecraft S6! A brand new 1.14 SMP. This is going to be a private Minecraft Survival Multiplayer server made just for us to play on and enjoy the brand new Minecraft in it’s most simplistic form with custom plugins and more!

SMP is a great way to create stories, plots, enemies, friends, and interactions.

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  • Desert Shenanigans: Minecraft Zelda Adventure

    Desert Shenanigans: Minecraft Zelda Adventure Angekommen in der Wüste: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure as our protagonist explores a captivating map in this thrilling episode. Join the journey through a unique AdventureCraft Launcher experience that promises endless fun and surprises! Exploring the AdventureCraft Launcher Discover a whole new world of possibilities with the AdventureCraft Launcher, offering exclusive gameplay that is not available elsewhere. Dive into the action by downloading the launcher from and immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind Minecraft experience. Join the Community Connect with fellow gamers and enthusiasts by engaging with the vibrant community surrounding this Minecraft adventure…. Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft

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  • Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here

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  • Can a Home Still Be a Home with Too Many Openings? | Minecraft Ep6

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  • Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies

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  • Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery!

    Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery! In Minecraft, trees are key, don’t you see? To survive and thrive, plant them with glee. Different types to choose, each with a use, Find saplings in Survival, no need to abuse. Pick the perfect spot, where they’ll grow tall, In Survival or Creative, plant them all. Dark Oak trees, giants in the making, Follow these tips, no time for faking. Like and subscribe, for more Minecraft fun, Join the community, a new adventure begun. Plant those trees, watch them rise, In this blocky world, reach for the skies. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Minecraft Crazy Build Hack… #105 Description: 🌟 Ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, this video is packed with game-changing build hacks that will blow your mind! 💡🔨 In this in-depth tutorial, we’ll guide you through a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly stand out. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Like, Share, Subscribe… Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Are… Read More

  • Skyblock S.O.S.: My Minecraft World’s Close Call! #shorts

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  • Slime & Honey Make Weird Noises

    Slime & Honey Make Weird Noises Minecraft Biome Parkour Adventure Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the Biome Parkour series! Join the excitement as players navigate through challenging parkour courses set in various biomes. From lush forests to icy tundras, each level offers a unique and exciting experience for players. Exploring the Biomes Players will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of biomes, each with its own set of obstacles and challenges. Whether jumping across tree branches in a jungle biome or dodging ice spikes in a snowy landscape, the Biome Parkour series promises non-stop action and excitement. Collaboration and Community Looking… Read More

  • Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft YouTubers Unite! Join the adventure with a group of talented Minecraft YouTubers as they explore the vast world of blocks and possibilities. From epic builds to thrilling survival challenges, these content creators bring the game to life in exciting ways. Let’s meet the members of this dynamic group: Coleman Follow Coleman’s channel for creative building projects and entertaining gameplay. Talley Join Talley on thrilling survival missions and engaging multiplayer sessions. Solo Experience Solo’s unique perspective on Minecraft with a mix of tutorials and let’s play videos. WindSword Embark on epic adventures with WindSword as he tackles dungeons and… Read More

  • Spooky Encounter in Minecraft

    Spooky Encounter in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro got spooked #minecraft #scary #dweller’, was uploaded by Madi And Will on 2024-05-03 06:03:35. It has garnered 3799 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Crazy New Addition to Minecraft Server!

    Shocking Twist: Crazy New Addition to Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘that one friend joins the minecraft server…’, was uploaded by jimdoga+ on 2024-01-17 11:00:24. It has garnered 12148 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. that one friend joins the minecraft server… #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming #girl #vs #boy #funny #meme #shorts Read More

  • OMG! I ALMOST DELETED Minecraft?!

    OMG! I ALMOST DELETED Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Almost DELETED Minecraft!’, was uploaded by enbentz games on 2024-04-14 18:00:07. It has garnered 53 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:27 or 12027 seconds. This is the story of Glaedred, and how he almost deleted Minecraft in his quest to maintain the Balance within the Shroud. “Before anything existed, there was a Shroud, and in it was a magical, immortal being named Notch. The world we know today did not exist, but was created from His own magic. One day, Notch got tired and lonely from being the… Read More

  • FREE MMOItems Plugin Setup Tutorial | EP01 #mrrjay #minecraft

    FREE MMOItems Plugin Setup Tutorial | EP01 #mrrjay #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Setup MMOItems Plugin For Free Part 01 #mrrjay #minecraft’, was uploaded by MrRJay on 2024-03-18 06:02:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today Iam Gonna Be Show You How To Setup MMOItems Plugin For Free Part 01 #mrrjay #minecraft If you liked the Video don’t … Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: God King Mew’s EPIC Real Base Build!

    UNBELIEVABLE: God King Mew's EPIC Real Base Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Started a REAL Base in Minecraft (2024)’, was uploaded by God King Mew on 2024-04-15 20:00:34. It has garnered 124 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:11 or 18251 seconds. In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, join me as we explore mysterious landscapes, uncover hidden secrets, and embark on quests that will test our courage and creativity. From towering mountains to treacherous dungeons, every block holds a story waiting to be told. **Survival Mode**: We’ll gather resources, build shelters, and fend off mobs. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the… Read More

  • OP Mining Item Revealed while Eating! #1 Minecraft Stream!

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  • SahuPlays – INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplays

    SahuPlays - INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EDIT 😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays’, was uploaded by SahuPlays on 2024-06-03 03:32:28. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT EDIT 😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays Tags minecraft poppy playtime poppy playtime animation catnap huggy wuggy mommy long legs poppy 퍼거필러 번조버니 마미롱레그 bunzo bunny fancy refill 허기워기 파피플레이타임 smile critters critters 캣냅 poppy playtime chapter3 maizen pj pug a pillar aphmau aphmau games cash and nico nico cash aphmau aaron aphmau playing as minecraft aphmau minecraft mods minecraft funny… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Ignitor vs All Golems x100

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  • Doepiecraft

    DoepiecraftHello, this server is just made, we build a simple survival server to play with your friends on PC and Console. So its a Crossplay server! The server is just started so there are not a lot players yet! The bedrock Ip is: And the port is: 19132 Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    Ultra-Hardcore Minecraft Server One life to live your best life. DoN'T DiE! Ultra-Hardcore mining for 252 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters. Revive Competition If you die, you can earn a revive by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Team Competition Sundays at 12CT there is a special Team Competition, ongoing for 218 weeks. Prizes Prizes include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel. Server IP: or Goal & Score Goal: Stay alive and earn points. Score +1 per minute alive, +1 per experience point earned…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bunny Dies Chasing Carrot Down Stairs

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  • Minecraft Head Base Race: A Blocky Challenge!

    Minecraft Head Base Race: A Blocky Challenge! In Minecraft news, we take flight, Reporting updates with all our might. From head base challenges to new mobs, We cover it all, no need for sobs. Join us on Discord, YouTube, and more, For gaming fun that’s never a bore. AquaVerse is the name to know, For Minecraft facts that steal the show. So come along and join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve just begun. Stay tuned for more, don’t be late, AquaVerse Channel, your gaming mate. Read More

  • Blaze it up in Minecraft Lab!

    Blaze it up in Minecraft Lab! “Experiment 1: Trying to play Minecraft without accidentally punching a tree for 10 minutes straight.” Read More

  • EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs PRO Barbie House Build!

    EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs PRO Barbie House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BARBIE GIRL HOUSE Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Cobey on 2024-05-20 12:36:24. It has garnered 8531 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:11 or 1391 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: BARBIE GIRL HOUSE Build Challenge! This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker! This has lots of Minecraft Mods installed! Today we built Barbie girl house! We are inspired by MongoTV, Wudo, Omziscool, and Kory! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun…. Read More

  • JJ’s Diamond Ore & Mikey Escape Minecraft Saw Hands

    JJ's Diamond Ore & Mikey Escape Minecraft Saw HandsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Became Diamond ORE and ESCAPE From Mikey With SAW HANDS in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-14 20:00:11. It has garnered 94124 views and 401 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:49 or 3649 seconds. How JJ Became Diamond ORE and ESCAPE From Mikey With SAW HANDS in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain with Apalatu Craft – EPIC!

    HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain with Apalatu Craft - EPIC!Video Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain (Imagine Dragon – Bones) #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #fyp’, was uploaded by Apalatu Craft on 2024-01-15 08:28:21. It has garnered 180417 views and 11387 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #minecraftshorts #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #fyp #helpherobrine #herobrine #like #youtube #gaming #game #fyp #imaginedragon #animation #herobrine #shorts #tiktok #viral #trending #minecraft #saitama #like #gaming #tiktokgaming #gameplay #fyp #fypシ゚viral #hero #meme #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #challenge #aphmau #mrbeastgaming #tiktok #like Subscribe For more Video! HELP Herobrine Climbing With Heavy Weight (Imagine Dragon – Bones) HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain… Read More

  • Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

    Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘If You See Something Following You, RUN AWAY FAST…’, was uploaded by AA12 on 2024-05-24 01:00:15. It has garnered 2002 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:47 or 1907 seconds. Today, we play Minecraft but we play the scariest addon… This mod adds a lot of scary jumpscares in Minecraft PE! Watch till the end to see if we survive this scary Minecraft mod. If You See Something Following You, RUN AWAY FAST… The Haunted Herobrine Addon: Fearcraft Addon: Addon Creator: Thanks for watching! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!

    EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Raw Gameplay Part 1’, was uploaded by CtrlAltFun on 2024-03-27 21:45:01. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. Welcome to ctrlaltfun, where adventure, creativity, and exploration merge in the pixelated world of Minecraft! Join us on this exciting journey as we delve into the endless possibilities of this sandbox universe. Introduction: Welcome to the infinite world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, embark on a… Read More

  • Baby Monster School: Heaven or Hell Fate?

    Baby Monster School: Heaven or Hell Fate?Video Information This video, titled ‘Baby Cameraman Deserve Go To Heaven Or Go Down Hell?’, was uploaded by Baby Monster School on 2024-01-03 09:30:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Music: Sound Effects: #SkibidiToilet #minecraft #Cameraman. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Reaction! Play Minecraft on My Server

    Mind-Blowing Reaction! Play Minecraft on My ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Honkai Star Rail 2.2 Special Program Reaction + Minecraft on My Own Server’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-04-26 20:08:58. It has garnered 24 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:15 or 12075 seconds. This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: 2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE WITH VIEWERS! | 10k Sub Hype!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE AND GAMES WITH VIEWERS | 10k Subscribers?’, was uploaded by iitzDanger on 2024-04-05 16:54:21. It has garnered 1884 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:29 or 12989 seconds. 2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE AND GAMES WITH VIEWERS Other Socials: Minecraft Channel: Twitter: Sponsors/Partners: Use code ‘Danger’ for 15% off at: Use Code ”Danger” for 20% off at: Use Code ‘Adxpt’ for 10% off at: Use Code ‘ADXPT10’ for 10% off at fortnite,fortnite challenge,fortnite chapter 4,fortnite shorts,fortnite tiktoks,fortnite news,fortnite tips,fortnite memes,fortnite trickshot,fortnite battle royale,fortnite montage,fortnite… Read More

  • Deadly Showdown: Sonic.EXE vs Sonic Baby vs Amy Rose!

    Deadly Showdown: Sonic.EXE vs Sonic Baby vs Amy Rose!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sonic.EXE VS Sonic Baby VS Amy Rose | Minecraft & Sonic @Mtime4 – Piano Tutorial’, was uploaded by OCTOBER SHORTS on 2024-06-03 07:08:21. It has garnered 6268 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Original Video Creator’s Channel: @Mtime4 Original Video: This video was created for educational purposes, with the intention of offering a distinctive combination of music and humor. If the original creator has any concerns about the video. I completely understand. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at ([email protected]) . I will promptly… Read More

  • Friendly Pickaxe

    Friendly PickaxeA brand-new semi-vanilla survival server This server runs Fabric with the goal of maintaining true vanilla game behavior. 3 /home’s /tpa commands to teleport to your friends /randomtp so you can get started quick! 16 view distance Perfect vanilla behavior 20+GB of RAM Cross Minecraft/Discord chat & music bot We don’t take donations or reward players in exchange for votes Discord: Dynmap: Read More

  • BudderCraft Network – Bedrock Support – Anti-cheat – No toxicity – Survival – Skyblock – Prison – Parkour – KitPvP – Factions – Tower Defense – Mini Games

    BudderCraft Server BudderCraft Server We are an in-development/beta server dedicated to providing a variety of feature-rich modes, strict prevention of cheating, and fostering a friendly community with no toxic behavior. Development and Updates Our small development team is constantly working on re-imagining game modes. Updates may take time, but we encourage players to join, playtest, and provide feedback. Cheating Policy We have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating. Any form of cheating will result in an unpardonable ban. Mods are not allowed except for specific ones. Piracy is also strictly prohibited. Community Guidelines We strive to create a fun and friendly… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed itLooks like this meme has a perfect score of 365, must be doing some serious mining for those upvotes! Read More

  • Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft’s Anime Masterpiece

    Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft's Anime Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, a new mod has arrived, Jujutsu Kaisen fans, get ready to be revived. With sorceries and spells, your gameplay will ignite, Crafting and building, in a whole new light. Daosao Gamers, bringing you the best, In the realm of mods, they pass the test. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fun, In this anime world, where battles are won. Subscribe for more, turn on the bell, For updates and gameplay, they do it well. Like, share, and comment, show your support, For Daosao Gamers, the Minecraft cohort. Read More

  • Bro’s Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Bro's Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes Bro thought he was about to drop some sick rhymes in the Minecraft XXL 2016 Freshman Cypher, but all he could come up with was “Creeper, oh man” on repeat. #minecraftfail #notsofreshman Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed!

    Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed! The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Seed for Version 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure? Look no further than this incredible survival seed for version 1.21! Packed with diverse biomes, fascinating structures, and endless possibilities, this seed is perfect for both Bedrock and Java editions. Get ready to explore and conquer new territories in the world of Minecraft! Key Locations to Explore Here are some key coordinates to help you navigate this exciting seed: Village: 216 ~ -344 Shipwreck: 680 ~ 184 Ocean Monument: 760 ~ 168 Join the Community Looking for fellow Minecraft enthusiasts to… Read More


    EPIC BATTLE: RayeMC GOD vs SUPER CAMERAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by RayeMC on 2024-03-12 04:00:26. It has garnered 432 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. I Cheated in a GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle There are a lot of popular characters you may recognize in this video! Skibidi TV Woman and Camera Woman for example! Keep watching to see who else shows up 🙂 Very cool people who’ve I’ve taken inspiration from – Jamesy, Nico, Cash, Aphmau, GEVidsTV, Omz, and Cobey! #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

Vikkstar123HD – EXPLORING NEW LAND! – How To Minecraft #48 (Season 6)