Vikkstar123HD – ZOMBIE KING BOSS BATTLE! – How To Minecraft #41 (Season 6)

Video Information

Guys welcome to another episode of how to minecraft your boy is back in the building which is very good today we are attempting this solo boss fight of the zombie king as you guys saw us learn about last episode we’ve got our main weapons right here – looking at very out

Very ready for action we they’ve already proven their worth in bout we got some splash healing potions we’re actually gonna make some more of those who got splash the other one potions we got fire resistance but all the things we’re gonna need here okay what are we gonna

Need from potions weak a need another warp we’re gonna need glowstone and gunpowder okay let’s just make this stuff is so like tedious to make that is the slight slight drawback with the splash healing potions wait did I really make it how did I do this

Orkap potion how did I even make that even well oh wait now I wait do we miss the I can’t we mister I think we missed the watermelon in that white we have gold notes already hold on I mean we have no shortage of melon slices that is

A fortunate thing we could mass-produce that was a ton of this we’re auto craft we need them no we want to put that in there there we go and I’ll wait are we putted we put just a regular melon slicing that was smooth we want them

Like that and then we’re gonna have all the things that we need all ready to rock and roll so yeah one put mending on both of these I’ve got XP bottles to take with me this is fantastic stuff fantastic stuff indeed we’re using our chips now to buy mending books I should

Potentially give the villagers their beds back so they’re not all in the corner oh look at this the only one benefit we had from the Mitch Wagner the game-mode was actually big bit of it we had pandas I don’t know anyone else on the server even halftime this because we

Have two pandas and you know what I feel like they’re in this room this room is at home I don’t know how they survived the devastation that we we had but they did so that’s the important thing okay so this guy got the mending books

On deck we need another one of those you know I’m gonna eat around like I’m gonna treat myself right here and look we’ve got we’ve got extra bottles of XP I just literally logged on a whole bunch of times and just trade it

Out a bunch of those at a time so we can use those just to heal ourselves up if we ever need it’s just good these are good for healing armor so that’s just like the backup stalks okay let’s think about what we are doing here I came to

Get books but they’re not here they’re in this chest over here okay we need she’s got mending on those in mending on both of those the boat can’t have mending this or actually their stuff doesn’t have mending but how forged oh no it does not mending at the top that

Does not have mending and how thoughts I wonder if we need mending on it because it was pretty much flawless condition so maybe you don’t need maybe that’s you mending is wasted on these because how force is just so powerful I don’t know or maybe every little Hut well we’ll

Keep an eye on the durability to that helmet as we go through today’s activities all right what we got mister stop respawning let’s go to men in boats and look at level 33 that was the mining I kind of want to test out the gold pickaxe just to see how quickly it

Really does break a portable beacon that would be like a sick thing to get look at that easily acquired and easily acquired so I think we’re like almost ready to go we’ve got good heals we’ve got I don’t know why I’d need the Trident we’ve got ender pearls to get in

And out not the burgers sadly we’re gonna have the blessed act which is gonna take off the drunk the slowness effect from the drunk we’ve got a splash healing we’ll put on splash swiftness strength to come from those boots or anything but you know actually let’s bring some just in case don’t think

We’ll need any fire race is gonna be good one of those should be fine that keep us cold for 16 minutes don’t think I’m particularly missing anything else it’s slow fooling worth having you know what cuz apparently he eats you into the air slow falling could be worth having

Because I won’t take any falling damage if I put that on if I ever get eaten into the air and it’s better than an electric cousin alight would mean I can’t wear my diamond chestplate so that’s all good i smite sword to be fair ah you know what’s my tax is

Actually a really good show do what I don’t have anything even remotely you know what you guys are right it’s my tax would actually be the smartest thing to bring with me not although blessed I can get my slowness off so maybe that act is actually its

Sharpness 6 to be fair what could what would a smite axe might is two and a half per level base damage on an axe is what it’s seven so you could get smite five is next it’s nineteen damage you know what I think I need a smite five

Axe actually wait can you get smite five on vanilla I do not know all feather falling on those boots I mean sweet I’m gonna rock with this slow fallen but feather falling is something I need to put onto that anyway I think I may have a spare feather falling but we got a

Spare sharpness 5 anyone sells my five bucks that could be something well not that I have much money right now that could be something very much worth having did not think of that until now yeah just your everything he’s not that strong spring golden apples but I mean

If I can find a smite five axe it would definitely be worth going for keep blessed smite five attics hurts more than shot seven ax usually blasts hero to the drunk yeah you’ve blessed to get rid of the drunk then I’ll switch to a smite act let’s be fair there’s not many

People online right now so we may be working without smite to be fair yeah my gears pretty solid I have the feeling I’ll be fine regardless if I could easily get access to a smite book you can see what enchants we have right now cuz I do have

Bottles of XP as well just see perchance smite three it’s not bad I don’t know if speedy offsides village just have any smite I don’t think they do actually there is no Smurf and that’s just my fault I was nuts might for or for smite for would give your base

Would be a seven it’ll give you 17 and then my sharpness this is 12 and a half so that’s yeah sharpness six 12 and a half versus interesting so sharpness five to sharp missed six is only a fifty percent 5% bath interesting for now I thought it was more linear than that oh

There is my five boomer has a smite 5 villager you know I think I’ll be fine I’m gonna be fine maybe for future like if I want to grind kill the boss but I think I have everything I need here I mean smite would be nice if we could

Easily get it I also got this will allow me to disappear so if I get really low health and use that something to drink that drink that pop one of those I don’t think I’ll need those I’ll have these all on backup and my hotbar think we’re

All ready to go – smite which we can’t really get easily right now howdy smite does not work on the boss okay okay well even better and there’s no minecraft Monday today because people are at twitchcon axe base damage is 9 apparently is it no I feel like it’s

Like significantly lovin that water considering selling loaded diamonds just for monies random side note of the day be fair though it’s not gonna make me a crazy amount try get your health on the pit guys that something we need to think about okay I think it’s time to go guys

And that’s something getting something obvious here thinking it’s time to rock and roll ninja ability doesn’t work on the boss okay totem of undying yes you’re right I have a spare one of those yeah that’s gonna be way better than a shield I mean truth that I have two lives to kill this

Guy should be fine alright off we go to battle a mouse to be fair I got really good armor from the combat crate so I’m not I’m not particularly concerned going into this and that’s I just have like some really bad rng but Boston about I think you can place items

Down in this realm is like an adventure mode realm okay off we go off we go and will there be cosmic sky tonight you know what that probably will be a late night class I mean it depends looking at the team on I don’t like hopping on solo

To be honest with y’all all right the 5l ninja Blade the five liters of ninja Ness looting three books I don’t know what you do or not all right this is gonna be very very exciting stew for us here our first boss battle of the season

How to Minecraft all the way 41 episodes in and these episodes have been bumper episodes these episodes have been like an average of like an hour and a half well an hour and 20 minutes and that’s the longest of any season previous seasons have been like average like 50

Minutes so like when you’re adding it up like that Pete doing some grinding you killing the miners I think is one of theirs any bosses around just doing a little look he’s chilling it okay I want to chat with him this before we carry on

Yo dude I made a joke on my chat my experience bar is my round level like I’m playing cod zombies I’m on route 75 right now midway through you really are just grind and I think I’ve spawned some extras for you if you got a spare

Zombies men throw them in your all make good use up I got about 10 here I’m gonna try not to jump in yeah we stand you sweep are you sweeping edging them is that like the idea yes yeah the whole deal I’m giving them the worldstar yeah all right I think oh I

Nearly died come on these guys gonna push each other in here so you’re farming cosmetic gentlemen with me nice colors showing your farming cosmetic coins yeah yeah Kenny’s pants comforted though know what to do when we were when we were trying to kill each other his patent kept like falling around and

Blocking his hits so you can you can despawn your pet yeah he didn’t realize that at the time okay all right I’m entering the glitzy graveyard wish me luck brother like his wish big ascension over man hey I’ve heard light it’s Kay’s birthday today and you got a birthday gift for

Defeating that boss so oh right my birthday too right Amy potentially it’s our birthday today Vic I’m there’s a small chance you can check my books just if you want there’s a very small challenge somebody small klt chillin okay all right no worries right I’m gonna try hard mode okay all

Right let’s think about this I’m throwing on these boots and I’ve got the slowness I’m gonna hit all my pot with my sustain pot I need to have my hotbar saw it so we’re gonna if anything gets too intense we got the ender pearl out

So right now we need to drink that we need to drink that and then we’re gonna replace all of this and we need to splash one of these down we’re gonna replace everything with smell everything with water McCullough brain cells are active right live script we’re doing it okay here we go shrink

One of those doing one of these splash one of those down go for a high arcing ender pearl hopefully I didn’t overshoot that and we’re in okay I’ll wait do you have to rip tide in it’s not the only way in maybe you do I mean we’re probably gonna go super high here

How are you supposed to get in here always sit into here how are you supposed to get into here or do I just need to go higher um okay well what we supposed to do that okay this is a mystery I’m trying to work out unless we’re supposed to go through there

Oh okay I probably could’ve ended up that I boss battle there’s a go okay so yeah we already have a counter for its airborne attacks so blessed has not prompt yet interestingly enough we should probably sweeping edge these guys that fire I spoke killer’s minions so he

Just pulls me in hits me up okay my protection five doing the most here he hasn’t got much speed on him so and with the slow falling is great because I would have been taking so much damage from this from this lift up attack I

Mean this is the first oh he’s got some other abilities okay let’s just keep it on that health and this is good so blast is taken off my slowness okay if we just keep eating oh this guy so you can’t poison me all right you’re not a slow falling was

A big key here because again I don’t actually have feather falling on the on these boots but actually you know I only have eight minutes of this stuff you should probably go and the fire the fire resistance is great as well because I’ve been on fire for most of this

Alright weird wood we’re rockin and rollin that’s a little bit of damage that widows done a bit there just to keep me going efficiently okay oh he’s got some big hits there so regen plots would have been nice but I haven’t really been gassed hunting and he quite

Recently letting him hit you as a mistake I’ve quite a lot of reach on this Wow yeah we’re alright I should probably be using splash healing over I’m just gonna use one of those right now just if he critted me then potentially could have killed me yeah

Easy we didn’t even have to use any of our region slow falling was the key I’m glad I thought of that easily done okay some cosmetic coins he spawns every 10 minutes we got Springs one book that isn’t really what we wanted and we got the the wither slow-mo sword from him

And my gear is actually all good from killing a zombie friends okay I mean I thing that i realistically wanted from that what was it was I mean that super rare helmet would have been nice so I guess you can ender pearl in and out of here yeah you can ah you don’t

Technically need Riptide I mean I may as well farm up all these guys for the cosmetic coins I wonder if I can find one of those loot chests out here but yeah as far as boss battles gap we came into that very well prepared Scooter swords grinding here I feel like you can work with water somehow just to make it so the zombies can’t even hit you easy cosmetical coins oh no wait hope guys guys guys guys guys guys that wasn’t a prank wait wait wait obtain the full blessed set allows

Flight wait that’s wait that’s got implants and protection 7 wait hold the phone a minute so that will keep me hunger saturated and it’s got burn shield on it oh that’s a what what one percent yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo what isn’t that one or 3 percent chance what

Okay I need to learn what burn shield does yo guys it may be it may be the ultimate time for from me just to just start some fights on the server are you are you insane are you insane right now and look I’ve got the strength to and I

Like it looks like I’ve totally purged the oil with a Skelly is this got looting now it doesn’t I need to get losing on it but you know I’m feeling lucky out here feeling like I might just get the wither scholar okay yeah we need to get looting three badly

Um well I’m level 30 yeah okay so we’ve got a lot of XP from that I’ve mendax it’s gold yeah it did look like it took a bit of damage there hi well it’s a celebratory ender pearl there you know let’s take these boots off for now we don’t need them are you

If not Carl I can’t actually believe this actually happened what do you mean like that’s supposed to be the grind item that you grind that boss for ages to get I’m not you know after all the money I wasted on the on the whatchamacallit on the resource

Crate I feel scared so here what’s in this enchantment crate acquisitive wait I could buy blah I could roll blast so burn shield gives you fire reason when you put on so I’ve got permanent fire resistance checks born it’s a 0.1% brah all right it’s all a bit mad so

Visit the wisdom the task approach these various homes I cannot believe so I was like trade it for the god pick now not even were that thing’s the rarest item in how to Minecraft so enchant keys a 25k so you could I could get blast and how does a

White scroll actually work do we know so yeah- effects any slowness oh you know what is taking a lot of damage actually so maybe it’s not a PvP kind of set you know it’s because it doesn’t have hell forged so I may need to just work on

Getting the whole blast set for for a flight because I don’t think that is actually really good to know why it’s gold or why it doesn’t have like so that keeps it alive and what a white Scrolls do they allow you to protect items from getting destroyed I guess there is a

Destroy chance right magic fixing dust magic angel dust mystery dust I need to learn about all this stuff here but let’s look at other in Johnson we have yeah okay we we should travel all a block you know what uh what have I been going for the stupid

Resource crate I could have like rolled a blast one from outside and put that on my my own diamond pickaxe and it would be pretty sick to be fair all right new plan new plan we’re not going for the resource create anymore how much money do I have not enough we

Need to get a resource key I’m sorry an enchantment kit and charm and cranky and then destroy right wait the item the item being attack will break but you know what putting when we put in that we’ll put that on a pickaxe will get blast one onto a pickaxe then

Then we’ll add like we’ll combine it with another pick act also people send combine the swords Oh with that give me the custom in chance it I will see we’ll see if we can go check that out but yeah we definitely want to try and roll ourselves I think that we have a

Better chance of rolling ourselves a blast book 25k a pop like one in five whereas the others like one in 30 the other pickaxe one in five chance to get that and then we’re chillin okay all right let’s start thinking about this I know the pickaxe in the chasis blast

Tube but blast one done it doesn’t really matter I like with efficiency five your break blocks so fast that it doesn’t matter like if the 55 you can make break blocks at swimming speed so running speed we don’t really need a high level of blast isn’t actually more

Useful let’s see what would happen if I was to combine these two swords okay so we lose the smite wait so put the slow-mo in one hold up do we have everything there we have with a slow-mo Viper and lightweight ah problem problem we’re gonna we can only we can’t combine

Custom in chance that is the problem here you see that there’s no way we can keep with a slo-mo by Patton lightweight and I like Viper yeah you have to choose one or the other and if we do it this way we actually lose the smite and we’ll

Lose the the special ability so we can’t combine the ninja blade we’ve got to keep the ninja blade as its that’s still my best sword this axe I mean if there was an axe that had smite on it that would be good you know I don’t think

This is this is not a look at the durability too low it’s not a pvping or a slash blacksmith the blacksmith okay five / slow-mo lightweight aha wait but that’s not that still hold a phone I didn’t know that’s a command with a slow-mo Viper lightweight with a slow-mo Viper lightweight we’re losing

This might – what if we do it the other way around that has everything right we are losing sweeping edge in fire aspect or maybe they’re actually listed below I’m gonna check with the admins whether that’s a viable move down the line I’ll chat with the admins if that’s

A viable move we’ve got Springs one do we want a small jump boost probably not for now we’ll just we’ll leave that there for now I’m gonna leave that here because we don’t want that breaking okay so we know what we need to do right now

Just a bit of money I don’t want to go and buy one of those keys right now I’m gonna sell out a lot of my diamonds I’m gonna stealth sell a stack of diamonds I’m gonna go and tell all my screws and then we we can actually grind the boss

Again realistically there’s no reason not to I’ve got on my pot still going I may as well get my what was it I need the slope this low falling was very key slow falling and frezz we have like way more potions we even need it this sword

Will be better because it has smite two on it so that’s 15 attack damage on a sword where is that right now is 12 and a half on an axe so once we get the blaster proc we actually switched to them this sword and that’s just I’m not

Gonna need to disappear so this is our loadout and the puzzle gets in and out fine got XP to repair alright so we’re gonna go make some money by an in chat book then battle the boss again we’re going back to back on this sell some

Iron to be fair yeah I don’t need this much iron salt some of that too and I’ll actually leave some of the diamonds behind cuz you never know you gonna need diamonds Sal about that much iron to be fair we got a lot of this in the treasure chest

Okay and we’ll grab some scoots to sell as well and yeah we didn’t even pop our totem if I’m dying or even come close and my arm is all in perfect condition okay all right I came to get oh wait they haven’t have it no scoots in the house

We’re so close having a bunch of scoots these are all on the verge of breaking all right um sell away time get money that’s what I’m trying to do right now I need to get that blast book that is the new objective I’m so annoyed I bought those resource books all right

Sell all how much is that like 6k now let’s sell all those 9.4 okay I mean the amount of diamond I just sold nearly stack of diamonds and it’s like a one harvest excuse is worth as many more we at nearly 25k she’s needed a tiny bit of

Money so I’ve got yes I’ve got a slow falling fire s yeah guys I don’t know why you’re spamming me the same information over and over again like I get that the blacksmith’s and this thing but I thing but I want to make sure that it definitely definitely doesn’t cause

Me to lose abilities or anything I’m breaking action never break I mean that was getting durability damage you lose mending too but yeah I can put all that stuff back off take helpful offer spacious but you can’t take how foraged off stuff as far as I’m aware you need

Black scrolls for that yeah true the new soil has knock back we don’t want that we don’t want that on a PvP sword so that’s another reason not to combine can maybe make it into a grinding sword that’s PvP that’s grinding for now okay so you know with yourself some more iron

And then we’ll go and grind that buy one book roll it go and kill the boss again job done all right just born we go I think knock-back should be funks it looks like that that boss has like some hands knock back on him combine your

Gold helm with diamond I mean I mean let’s city slash blacks I’m assuming you I’m assuming you can’t three fellow I don’t know how they slash blacksmith work but I’m assuming yeah you can’t you can’t put in you can’t put a gold helmet with a diamond helmet why

Won’t those even go in I guess it has to have custom in chance to go in the blacksmith because what that won’t go in I guess it has to have custom enchants that’s what it’s designed for combining custom enchants that’s worth noting alright let’s go and sell this iron

Oh yeah even if you get the blast but you’ll need dust to make it a hundred percent you are not wrong with that sentiment so that means we’re gonna have to reconsider I mean that basically has our chances of it working out which means we’re at one in five but then

There’s a 50/50 chance no one in five times one and two so there’s a one in ten chance I get blasts onto a pickaxe using that I’m just gonna compare over here I mean that’s a 1 and yeah one in 10 versus others resource crazy in here

Versus one in 30 I’m getting I mean it’s a high-level blast but it’s just blast looking for a one in 30 chance on the resource crate now the differential is not three times prices 1.8% price increase for the enchanter Keys compared to the resource Keys so the theoretical

Best way to get blasts is within chanter keys which we’re gonna go and buy our first one off now role combat for boobs that is again something I would love to me but 20k a pop like the chance of that you know wait let’s go and check what

Percent that helmet is that helmet is insanity one that’s one in a hundred so somebody could theoretically kill the boss a hundred times or kill that boss 50 times and there’s only a 50% chance they would get what we got what other corrupt boots we don’t know the croc

Boots are they might be better they might be better than these boots at which point we’re living good and I’m breaking for which I don’t know what I would put it on yeah guess my weapons I don’t know but cool right let’s go and buy an enchanted book you need helpful

Isn’t your pickaxe I mean yeah easier said than done there’s no way to get helpful he’s off armor pieces as far as I’m aware unless I’m missing something if so let me know oh the pic has haste I mean it does it still doesn’t so yeah I mean it doesn’t

Really make much odds blast one on an efficiency 5 pickaxe it’s still gonna be just as efficient if not more efficient cuz it’ll miss hit blasts it will actually work at a rate that’s closer to the server tick rate meaning that you get more of the drops so in conclusion

We stand in conclusion we stand harder than ever alright I just have this ready all right because I don’t yeah I wouldn’t say that we need haste I would say the pickaxe was mining too fast previously hello he holds the totem for like he’s gonna space one with the tower

Okay let’s get to work over here I’m feeling I’m also feeling lucky so I’m feeling like you know I’m about to get and to be fair let’s see what the other enchants are like none of them of that trash see what we got we got planted okay that’s trash blast trash

Inquisitive is like fine to get Springs not really interesting been chilled weren’t you that she good actually I would be happy with bouncy because I just put that one of my armor pieces probably my chess player and then BAM instant fire rez so you know I wouldn’t

Be mad if I got that so there’s kind of two of five things that I won here alrighty our first enchanted key all of our money in I’m gonna have to get some money back so I want to do a casino episode but I need to get my coffers back up before we

Do I won’t do a blackjack episode alright here we go can we get some blast money coming in here put mending on the helmet we don’t need it was helpful is nothing gets damaged is insane alright here we go three two one go give me that blast we’re blasting off

Again we’re blasting off again Nope we’re sprinting you know why do I feel like Springs is more common in here I don’t know it doesn’t it doesn’t say what chances there are okay let’s see alright well uh more Springs major Springs alert alright let’s go and kill this boss again see if we can cut the boots

Imagine double soloing a boss in one day it’d be me Oh off we go off we goes in deedsy giant monsters yeah I want to find a like a hiding chest or like a a boss mob they’d be rare out cuz that giant head is has

Giant phantoms I guess it can spawn so just by hanging around in here with tab technically a chance of getting something good should be on the lookout for chests floating chests as weird as that is and hey we’ll get exp as well which is going to help us get looting on

The sword and all sorts of other goodies here alright a series back have you respawned has it been 10 minutes feel like it has been 10 minutes is he here so you tried to be tries to pull you in when he’s here yeah alright he just respawned look at that timing

All right slow falling up and thread up Oh fire ice doesn’t get doubled I don’t know why that is it’s fine okay here so diamond axe till we get blast and kill all these guys first ow You know what it’s good as well because if I didn’t have the slow falling I would fall straight back down into him I would fall straight back down into him and then I would be I would be like super scuffed because he would like [ __ ]

Me again and it gives me time to eat as well not sure how I feel about the knock back on this one wait actually why not just back up against the wall and then we can hit quite fast with this okay I’m withered just keeping up my health

Look at my arm Oh belly like brakes hell force is one hell of an inch and I guess you could say okay we’re hurting a bit their weather is always scary because I don’t know how much help I have safespot well we don’t even need a safe spot come

On stay here I just eat it the guy all right let’s heal up a bit more use Bo while in the air to be fair it’s not a bad call a bit of extra fire and life for him already imagine I get another one of those helmets then I’d be like rigged

All right can I just eat thank you for putting me up and that is can we get before he goes again that’s another kill there’s the boots and two swords okay well I’ve got I’ve got two Mike’s I might and the boots are ninja one Springs too

I’m breaking for protection five so we have all protection five everything we used to put mending on those Springs – is that a problem I mean it is with slow falling but yeah okay I mean I’ve got everything I feel like I want from this box use like a

Little introductory boss know kind of dungeon to raid or anything all right Wow that’s all gone very very successfully I have a little run around so you’ve got jump B’s – and health B’s wait is that what ninja gives you and then he gives you a health boost yo my

Loo is stacked right now I I want to go fight somebody like what do you mean although I mean to be fair am I not going to use the drunk boots if I’m fighting no actually if I’m fighting PvP I’ll just drink three minutes strength potions to be honest with you everyone

Saying black scroll health health force there is no black Scrolls okay the wizard doesn’t have them I checked if you scroll back to that betting stream you’ll realize that there’s no black Scrolls yeah at least that would be stupidly overpowered cuz yeah i yeah I get health forged on a pickaxe on my

Drunk boots it would just be unstoppable so I can kind of understand why that isn’t a thing right now I don’t want to get rid of this so fall in four minutes of it there but yeah we have a 4 P 5 I’m braking force at now which is very good

And three parts of it have health force do feather boots would be the combat crepe boots would be better because they’re how forged for how forms to which is very very key guys you’re telling me to kill people that aren’t on the server I don’t understand what kind

Of wizard you think I am use trident with the boots come on the two might swords I mean let’s see what happens I’m assuming the enchants don’t double so I put two of these in all they do with a three slam OH – ok interesting so the costumes do combine so

Theoretically I could get like with a three slime oh three but it is not bad I don’t know where does that put us like oh is this better is this worse I don’t know I guess I may as well no actually I’ll wait till I’m under level thigh you know

You got really good XP from grind in there as well that is for sure yeah we’re disgusting spawn naturally all right let’s go an inch on and then let’s try and do a bit of money-making all right Matt can we go I’m not killing anyone guys you’re all bloodthirsty are

You’re bloodthirsty aaf all right well for now let’s store away you let’s throw away let’s keep that on me oh my Mike’s emptied my bank account I might to be fair she I want these three back I’ve got a spare how fast as well maybe I can trade on that duplicate it’s

Their health or boots ok so these kind of boots are out of commission unless I can actually combine with these to get all the enchants I need all the way around too expensive because if I can see all the enchants I need on the east

Then now see you have to have so I got two pairs of these I can get ninja to Springs 3 I don’t I don’t jump boost has never been a nice one for pvping if I’m honest there it’s never been a nice one I do need to get mending on these but

I’ll get that now just before I forget about that the demand for mending books is all the way up should just buy you know I should buy a load to be honest with you be fair yeah I could sell some on one of the Mike swords because it may be

Significantly better than what they have so that’s like a little bit of merchants thing we can do next episode hopefully all right I need to give these guys beds even if there’s only one bed because I can’t find the right dude here is there more than one of them in this corner I

Even know he says plain what an absolute legend thank you for the $50 super chat degree and a bell and he says name the Panda Timmy the Panda please you know what that I can do that I can do for you right now so I have spent name tags

Goodbye 1 easily from here all right mending mending mending how much the new tech is 20 drop snare let’s just buy them up now because we constantly need these things another mending another man okay we’re out of mending or no as you were out of emeralds

Oh no yeah that we can’t some reason okay name tag that’s us named Timmy the Panda bundle bundle bundle amber it’s gonna be all in caps Timur watched himself part yesterday alright and this this is this is Timmy the Panda I’ve ever saw I’m

Look at him Lulu dude I love Timmy ha ha ha that’s legendary stuff thank you for the super chat my man appreciate it ok so this is the level of spring yeah if I had I mean this is kind of bearable but if I had more springs than this you’ll

Get kind of annoying so that’s utilize this to be fair again this is something I should do it right listen chomp books for now so you’re trying to get lootings my all sorts of stuff ok you know we’ll take the smite three loyalty you three yes yes iconic

Oh my goodness we have we have a super Trident holy moly holy moly this now has channeling mending piercing and loyalty what’s the one that makes it lightning however no combine you’re too drunk to boots to get drunk three holy wait a second wait do I

Have to purse no I I do okay alright once a I’m gonna put on my potions in here to just to the chillin and my war bottle of XP hold up hold out if we get drunk three is actually over for these gamers like it’s actually over for them well

That’s without a doubt the cop and I is that gonna give me strength three a people about to die I want to see how much damage I can do in one hit with that and my shops sakes act no one man should have all this power holy moly we also have channeling all

Right you know what we got it we got a we gonna do some weapons testing here I’m gonna see it be much around hello good sir I’m doing great I was wondering if we could utilize you for some some weapons testing that we’re doing here over in the war program there’s like you

Probably won’t die and you’ll be interested to see how much how much damage a max geared player can do you know this will try a lot you know we’ll share the findings of the research with you what I will do it if I get like got

Your PvE sword no no no I just thought I just want to like kind of like have you and your gear and I just hit you once and I see how much damage that does I see what my like max Diaries I’m not trying to like fight where you want I

Mean I can I can head by wherever to be honest if I likely won’t die watch I don’t know I actually don’t know what’s gonna happen so maybe not a good idea there is like a slight risk of death which if there’s nothing one hit that’s kind of impressive but also terrifying

That would actually love to help out is here maps all right yeah uh uh hello him networks he’s always keen at and helping out with the I like Yelp candy out murder okay alright I’ll do that Norris good luck with you and Johnny nothing else come back I got you okay Cheers

Hello maths I’m looking to do some sim like some high-level weapons testing it’s wondering if you’d be interested in getting involved for the culture Oh get involved okay I I will meet you at spawn in a moment I’m just gonna chant a bunch of things oh my goodness

Cuz yeah we just we just came across some new tiers of weaponry and the Vics our industry joining me as I’m like out front of spawn yeah I’ll be there alright I’m very curious to see how much the marsh we can do your weapon looks real scary not gonna lie oh it’s not

Just the laughing all right yeah I’m trying to like get to grips with all this like blacksmithing stuff no not yet that’s what what would be wild I need that I got the golden pig and it’s oh yeah yeah now I always thought I’ve got that as well I mean Josh Garry’s makes

It was useless essentially but yeah dude I lost my big papa – wait you lost it broke no I died in lava and I got a first try but sure it’s even more unbelievable yeah honestly I would feel the same way I’ve literally spent like two hundred grand trying to get that

Okay right I’ll meet you up front a spawn oh boy yeah I just I’m very curious to see like how much damage I can inflict in one one swoop of this new weapon combination you’re wearing light yeah I seem like decent gear oh yeah is that a trail yeah dude how many

Cosmetic coins was that thousand a thousand I’ve eighty seven coins okay I got work to do all right oh it’s actually a PvP and spawn okay all right so what’s your gear your gear is like what protection I kind of lost my gear to selling my helmet to

Prot 300 case use okay this is my heart a lot all right I can take it if I won bang you this is insane and I apologize all right ready I’m ready oh my how much seven hearts oh boy oh boy some people are in trouble here

Nope okay cool we have extreme firepower in the house Wow are you interested in buying a one of the boss swords or do already have one thus my sharpness 5 smite two swords in buying one yeah how much I mean I’m willing to do like like five grand

Oh I’ll take it alright cool cuz I’ve got three of them so yeah you know it’s so hard to decide what’s a good price like something even that’s an awful price that’s a fine person I think that’s a crime price I think I could have asked for a bit more but at the

Same time it wasn’t very hard for me to get because I just got it from the drop so yeah 5k and I can hook you up with this bad boy here yeah I wanted you to carry me through the boss fight I say I

Say I mean I can easy sell all the way protip slow falling potions very professional tip alright well I’m gonna go and try and make some more money but flash you’re testing oh well actually no I’m testing outside you don’t see how much this does actually you stand in

Front of me a little bit just and like on that bit there I’m just telling your practice yeah okay oh wait those are on one how is this like they’re haploid and then the big boy how’s that don’t worry and if I do this it’s got channeling why

Is it it not doing lightning I would say I’d be raining as to be raining that thing okay so that’s gonna do a lot of damage when it’s raining wait hold up wait did this did this come back to me automatically yeah wait oh wait you can’t even throw

That one oh yeah okay all right cool um can I also interest you in an hour light ray oh how much I lost that oh I mean I wasted so much money getting them in Christ 10 K let me go sell my diamonds all right cool all right let me

See if I don’t know why can we test this near water does it do the light in here no it doesn’t okay I know still sick I want to test your E I’m a scary dude right now I’ve been a solid everyday I’m also Lou oh yeah I should combine mysterious girl okay

Nice absolutely nice I got oh yeah oh you know the Oh 1% helmet yeah you got a race that’s actually like not even not even right I’m like I like I feel like I hacked that’s cheating lead straight to you I got Springs one no I got I got that from

The chest yeah I got Springs one from the chest when I did I think that has a higher percent chance and anything else I think they don’t show the percents but I think it does all right Joby’s come to spawn to do the trade yeah cool as you

Know what I’m gonna know I’m gonna knock 2.5 k off the price because you did die with the super pic that’s now feel bad so at least seven point five where you at right now I’m getting my diamonds to sell okay so yeah it’s hard to move without

Electress if I would it will do a 5k would do a 5k so it’s all geared in the hood I’m high I’m addicted to keys I’m doing everything I can goodbye more keys but at the same time at the same time you did lose oldest daughter

I just bought a key and I got the gold one day yes is it like unusable I might try and use the gold one just see if I can make it work somehow so em I take that bottles of XP with me maybe I might try it it’s too unusable

Dude really yeah wait how much 5 kt 5 face cool alright appreciate you well good luck hustlin yourself back I’m about a hustle hard alright and catch your own face Greg catch you later alright we’re back in the house we back in the house get the ninja blade again

And combine 2 2 2 2 2 2 a lot of you want me to help max kill the boss I mean like I would but I’ve already killed it like twice this episode if like in it’s like few episode you want some help doing it like I’m down but right now I’m

Trying to become the most powerful person in the world one trade of the time I we need to go and make some we’re gonna go for a little money mining mission wait blacksmith the hell forged gear so that I could get a higher level of Hell

Fort but do we need a higher level of how forged because realistically how for each tier it’s never even been like even slightly damaged so theoretically we don’t we do want to put mending on these but actually right now I don’t think we need a high level of how forged okay

What I don’t mending on these bottles on the Bhutto’s the toes and they’ve got I’m breaking for I’m protection five so they’re better then so this is like my current god set speed health boost then I switched into drunk three blasts off probably going with the sword holy how

I’m gonna hit like a truck yeah I could get a drunk helmet that’ll be nuts because then I have all that on the boots drunk on the helmet whoo okay okay alright we’re gonna go make some money first so you know what I mean take all

Right we’re putting on the mic how do we even need the mining set actually theoretically not realistically we’re just gonna go mining with this right now I should always keep those on me that’s like my key to winning any engagement I ever end up in the absolute like if I

Keep that on me I’m good with a three like maybe I switched between the two swords as well like I need a bit of breathing space I with a slow-mo life a lightweight I don’t even know what’s best here alright it’s time to go mining and make some money

And we’ve got we’ve got other try this we can like lightning striking from this guy for banter when we feel like it as well put that and valuables that’s my getting a realm so if I go mining for diamonds here what do I need with me pretty much whatever I already

Have I’ll bring the ender chest Rees any of that just I’ll bring that food will dig into that soon so this is gonna be operation mine everything I think it was my nd chest there we go as an enderchest freshest storage with the Shocker box is

In it already okay time to get mining again and whispering are a light ray and you know what here let’s keep the total the term of undying actually let’s leave at home I’m the bottles of XP that’s just repel your light true look at that easy heels

Ease it takes a while to repair that maybe it’s cuz I got armor on as she’s probably sharing it across all the mending gear let’s see if it repairs way quicker without that take the gold pick I guess we can test with the gold here alright how much does this do

Yeah okay we definitely to make sure we’ve got armor off I just wasted a lot of XP bulbs I mean I got it as actually I speak okay so alright it’s it’s time I still need to do that big water column so these will be really good for my next

I’ll let me run around fast got this pickaxe I take the gold one just for MEMS for the memes and actually we shouldn’t take fortune we should take silk touch which should be in one of these somewhere did it get lost in the explosion it just might have done so I don’t see

Myself touch pickaxe or did it died I think it died I think it did died you know actually we need to take the title helmet mining with us as well this is our mining helmet this forever underwater breathing so we’ve got speed and what breathing now very cool very very very cool

Let’s leave that in here fact you know I’m leaving on my god step set of stuff in here we’ll take that so we’re gonna put that on where we don’t need the Electra it’s got that pickaxe we’re gonna have to take the 14:1 mining with us then if you combine the swords the

Knock-back comes off what swords bottom left chest No I’m treating the chattin like none of us make it I will try the ender chest without it no yeah not in there so I’m just getting a lot of like misinformation in my chart that’s confusing me

Ah no I broke my under chest I did it oops you are free obsidian we need to get going here ah damn it this is annoying actually guys I’m not going to combine the two swords I have until I know whether the ninja sword will keep his abilities and

Stuff and to be fair I don’t actually know if I ever should anyway because I don’t want not back on my PvP sword especially when it’s got such a low cooldown so yeah that would be stupid to combine those two swords it would be wholly stupid cuz I did I mean let me

Check that that’s the case actually before I say that too loud blacksmith so yeah if I combine them both so if I do it that way I lose this might but I keep all the custom enchants which is not ideal because I want to have sharpness

And smite and then if I do it that way around do it that way around I keep the knock-back which I don’t want so it’s kind of like a lose-lose there to be honest but mind you having with a three and viper-two and slo-mo two and lightweight two could actually be Hugh

You might do it the other way around so maybe I do just take the Allan lose the extra smite buff back you know that actually could be a shout no actually I think if you guys are right that could be a big dub right there

That could be a big job because I can grind more of those swords as well to make them mob boss slang swords I think we do that although actually could I get slo-mo three if I grind the boss I guess I could mind that after put a smile on

Arthur’s I’m pretty sure you can’t do that just because it doesn’t compute with vanilla like you can’t do it in the blacksmith and you can’t do it here just forever after lunch you can’t it doesn’t work but that’s still actually that’s a sick PvP sword now so I’ve lost my smite

Bonus but that’s fine it’s got so much other good stuff and it doesn’t most damage this could be a weapon of destruction okay we need feather falling and dat stretcher on the boots darn it as you wait could I amble combining with my old ones the gear on the service dying the rate

That I’m trying to get things could I combine with these I’ll wait no yeah I would have to lose yeah I can’t combine them so I just need to get DEP Strider and feather falling on those don’t have a spare depth droid er feel like speedy inside have a depth Strider villager so

I’m sure they wouldn’t mind me using we have a spare for watching 3 put mending on the gold pick it’s worth a shot so we can make it work mending cost me nothing to get out so yeah okay so right I’ve got silk touching the villager chest the annoying thing being that I

Don’t have another efficiency 5 pickaxe to work with I should put that in my valuables just put all this stuff in here in here spare God gear and totem all right I think it’s time to okay try and get DAP straight and then go mining although without depth strata we can do

This hella fast dat Strider and passive swiftness is key though oh yeah I’m not even getting fallin dives from falling from these heights as well many isn’t worth it oh well appreciated until I forgot to bring em roads and stuff think think think think think think this is taking

So long doing all this gear practically out of time to get mining yeah we’re gonna do a quick one actually wait Wi-Fi grab the chest it’s been a long day guys it’s been along there did I ever even leave books in here I had meant to okay let’s go and get ourselves

Hopefully some doubt strata and then were people saying combine the ninja and drunk books you can’t combine diamond with chain it’d be a complex secured system I like we all to jump over fences to that much fortune punch Lou oh that’s feather falling maybe was fella falling they hadn’t not that straighter channeling

I really should get myself every villager in the game sharpen a five-block of a safe no depth Strider it would appear silk touch if I had a efficiency fire pickaxe to fam just gonna get my old one reinstated okay no no no that’s traitor have a default dance machine these guys are amazing

Lal I guess I set it off somehow that isn’t amazing that is amazing stuff true geniuses of the server alright let’s go home okay time to mine oh yeah I don’t think so that’s right it would have been I think I want the speed but I thought

Like no experi no you can’t get everything you need sometimes feel like the amount of times I’ve seen that spread and turned it down all right well it’s time to go I have speed with the Elektra as well I just head out to this back edge of the map here and just try

And get some diamonds oh my goodness maybe we don’t need a launch column that’s when I get good launches like that then we chillin we’re flying to edge of the map apparently Tucker made that what genius what an absolute genius holy hell I’m moving fast that’s the pillagers Lal

Move it is I can’t I can’t sell more to math okay III chat do I give maths a cheap price like I don’t know like two grand or do I just give him a stack for free what do we reckon his his fate is in your hand I’m lean I mean people are

Gonna be annoyed whichever I do here I’m leaning towards the two grand option cuz your boys trying to hustle here you know it’s not how to say handouts this is sick I’m just enjoying the flying oh when you only took some phone now is there this is like infinite migration

All right let’s try and find a cave here now let’s do a short spot of mining have we been exactly here before maybe to be fair you know what low-key don’t actually need that straight of the most I see how much we can make here we got this respiration so we can breathe

Forever under here it’s me fellow if I did have Daffy I’ll be moving mad fast right now so actually just mind tons of this stuff is this the key to success right now any diamond sir worth a shot make sure we’re picking up all the iron ore

And let’s put this in our offhand I was getting dragged down there to be fair he’s already paid me what like 50 10 K as chillin that’s what the chat consensus was oh yeah it’s the worst when you don’t lose your gear I can relate to that one will come real loop

By five five stacks five stacks is a lot like has like a lot of my stock two sacks for 2k that’s like a pretty budget price for them I would say anyway we’d be hustlin with the boy maps right here be hustling hard all right let’s

Find some diamonds I’m sick of this you mean oh actually no maybe the iron is the key they’re a little fishy is that puffer fish bite hold on was it just a tropical fish oh [ __ ] it upon fish I deal with the mass a bucket of puffer fish yes pranks are in the

House aha yeah bye boys own limit per customer is there a lower per customer creepers chill brothers why is she getting really good double drops on these so maybe just like mining normally it’s gonna be actually the key here look at let’s go maybe maybe let’s see I mean I can I can

Grind some more up make some of them on their back it’s probably take the electric off before I die you just barf in the mobs all right so need to find some sort of a good all right this is looking good so it’s like I mean how much iron do we

Need to get to make a decent profit here like not the craziest of amounts and I guess while I’m looking for diamond absolutely no harm in it this is like guaranteed cash whereas finding diamonds I’m kind of risking it for the biscuit and that we can breathe

Practically forever down here yeah I am be the key the resource I was missing out on just need that blast pickaxe and then we can just expedite this whole process don’t know if mine in the traditional ways were do we get all that no gonna make sure we get it all so what

Our stack of iron is worth like okay and we’ve got one stacks we made that yell at one point three K and iron it’s not amazing but it’s not awful a some diamonte ohms so I don’t want to super babies right now just break got six out yeah so two

Triples Thank You Cooper for not blowing up my day ah aha the pros are being able to jump far and do all the stuff far too ah man I want doubts trailer for this try the gold pick okay right let’s go somewhere let me just let me just search all these

Little bits when we were like out of places together and we’ll try the try the new pick got a good double drops then loving the tunes right now feel like there’s some diamond to weight in me let’s go shoot for breaker okay got all the iron or the gold pick

Is coming soon do not you worry checking all these crevices is this is like a diamond cable I ever saw one and I have seen him contrary to popular belief or back in there I don’t know where I’ve been and where I haven’t been anymore

Okay I call it a dead end right I see how bad this thing really is oh my god okay so are we need to all Mike is about to break wait so we then we put it in the offhand put it in the offhand here how quickly does it repair

That’s the question this is where the thing is this when you see the non mending armor three pieces are four pieces and mending off so you can recover it really fast without so maybe I need my like non mending set here to actually utilize could we get it to a

Sustainable point you know I’m gonna go home and get my other set and see if we can do that should not be rocking around here in their armor on okay let’s exhaust this and then we’ll get our non mending set on and we’ll see what we can

Do with it yeah I came here no armor I would have been dead that is that’s all don’t big damage it here yeah it could bring some XP bottles mining with it and if I do it right with the mending we could make it work as

Like a temporary fix I’m curious to try that out we’re taking this and we’re going home see if we can see we can strategize to get this working okay so diamond down here as we felt we have more of this stuff than we previously remember having why is that

Call them the top what’s happened here who’s done this who has done this okay store or you and here the final challenge awaits us okay oh I need to put those on those boots actually just do that now I should have done that before we weren’t well yeah no with the corrupted

Show airs okay so we got the golden pick which is nearly healed now we are going to we’ve got to give everything a chance here I just stole this stuff here for now as well as my mining set it is what does it live is this one

Yep that’s the helmet we need do we use the same boots as we’ve always had I guess we don’t yeah I guess we don’t have boobs that go with that slippery okay I can use my not I’m going go no boots whatever okay so we’re using this we’re making

Sure we get XP every third hit hashtag team red iconic staff what are we got there a legendary staff team red movements on cosmic sky that straighter acquired okay cool you know what now that I can have that straighter and speed it’s tag team red that’s sick

That is all twelve levels for that fortunately we have some good stuff in the house yes be fair we don’t have the craziest stacks down we can’t be giving them all two maps as much as he is allowed no we got some more in here you

Know what it’s not stupid to waste XP for fair looking at one – Oh T we used to realistically the way to level up is to ground it and the site is to grab the stone do melons did I get rid of all my stone I did

Let’s cook some more up that’s more XP as well don’t know why Michael isn’t in these okay that’s the way to get XP nowadays then find the farmer that is the Karma some of my villagers got like killed in the great problem times I haven’t got round to reinstating them yet the farmer

May have been one of them so I’ll have to get him reinstated to the world this guy’s just spinning on the spot cleric and he lost this good trade value but hey damn it oh wait unless you are library actually we can I can trade paper to these guys respiration and breaking channeling

Sharples sharpness and then you have cell types respiration okay so what we can do is actually trade paper instead of will get the farmer back do not worry still still recouping the damages from the terrible time one two three one two three one two three one two three one

Two three one need to get that cleric back to converted state I need to get my farmer villagers back we have not exactly made at all fortune here okay alright cartographer by all my papers geez he’s buying a lot today holy you just bought nearly all my paper and

Then get the rest of you I mean actually emeralds are so easy to make if I had more paper I could get even more I should be getting way better rates on those but whatever alright look at that level 15 and we got XP on top unbelievable stuff that’s how easy it is

To stock that up however even more I’m also wish me that emerald Chester designated ninja boots get a bit of you there we go actually we went way over the levels we needed okay we can head down the mining system that we had from before and just test out this pickaxe

Very briefly hello it is me I’ve come back for remainings thanks I do I just want to get away from this whole mess mash thing I’m assuming it ends here okay let’s see if we can use this efficiently so we have wait why is there mending on that helmet referring to your

Respiration why would I be mending on that I don’t understand that’s kind of scuffs everything we take that off let’s just take these off and you see how sustainable we can get it the things I have to find stuff that gives ectopy to keep it going like every

Third hit otherwise it’s gone I haven’t find a bit of coal oh wait someone’s put that there for a reason we won’t break that my accident come on some coal because it’s gonna burn through balls of XP okay so here like say let’s say I found some like this it’s repaired itself

So long as you have an XP source you can kind of make this work well why didn’t it hear all that time see that’s a bit bizarre fix hello all you’d have to go to okay now let’s go to this one she doesn’t have much durability maybe we recharge it like this bit

Tedious isn’t it oh the redstone does really good work on it maybe we use it to excavate and then we might everything else with the other pickaxe can we go back to it don’t know how I feel about it oh well I broke it honestly I’m not even

Mad that thing was too too too finicky to use well we had it until we didn’t it’s just not that loud she kind of regret breaking that I mean if it was quite useless it was useless whatever is whatever is no hard losses there all right

Back home we go we did some we did some good learning today that’s what we did that’s what we’re gonna say at the end of the day and we got some good stuff to sell okay let’s take this stuff back and you know we’re gonna leave that in the

Mining chest is the mining gear and so I think actually we just yeah used my own boots and I will use those when I get my own last pickaxe dammit I will have one I will have one one day extra iron in the health store store store store all

Of these things flying through colonies Russ goes in there and the chest lives in here this is like it’s so weird how many like old sets of gear I’ve got that is useless now we’re on the New Age stuff okay right well lots to keep working on

I think scoops are a good run here and then hopefully we can buy some blackjack tomorrow and I’ve just got to hope I get lucky off the start to give myself enough money to keep up with the gameplay of that sorry excuse in a second here you also have the puffer

Fish you know what we’re gonna do with it but it’s gonna be a cool with it spar main gear back on here those are just spanner this is the main set that is the stuff the good stuff make you one of those on me two of those on me we’re

Ready to fight anybody anybody who wants to use ones whose hands hello penguin I swim so fast with that Strider and swiftness big fan of this I am 21 scoot I was you know honestly expecting more there must be loads of little ones in there yeah waiting to grow up still all

Right well so you fed by put the drunk on I should be able to one-hit kill a lot of these guys there are probably too many of them in there wow we’re hopping around all over the place a lot of people send combined Alan for protection six or vanilla enchants don’t get

Combined with the with whatchamacallit with the blacksmith as we’ve previously seen geez this whole server lagging up a storm all right well it’s scoop farming season for me for next episode and then hopefully we can get some blackjack going I mean too bad this is four grand

It’s not the greatest we’ll try and stack the art more for next time and yes have the drunk boots just chilling in the invent all right we all good in the heard that is gonna be it for another hour to hard website that’s three hour and a half episodes in a row

Hopefully that makes up for me taking some time off lately for a little holiday hope you guys enjoy in another episode it was a lot there’s a lot of crazy stuff going on with all this new gear but it is a blast hat but we don’t have blast yeah Qian Qian thank you

Tuning in once again subscribing new around here turn on notifications you don’t miss any of these streams we’ll be back again tomorrow the usual time hopefully cosmic sky hopefully later tonight I can get there as a team on if not probably tomorrow thank you or again

Did it break yeah mouth it did broke it did broke thank you Santino Cuchillo with the fly pan super Chet said there’s only minecraft Monday it cost me Scott no minecraft Monday plus just saw the sidemen video it was lit it was lit indeed kha’zix guys are maybe and that is and

Thank You Bailey Hubie with the five pounds he said love the sidemen road trip can’t wait for the one abroad notice the video cassette released in 500k lights currently 678 has more than that yeah we’re still releasing it on its Saturday but we just wanted to get

500,000 likes for some hype Thank You Thomas [ __ ] with the 5 year you said you can I have one thing to save the envelope you stole my camouflage army jacket you can hide bro but you can’t run Wow Wow Thank You Tigre and album from both of

The super chats the big $50 and I will see you guys on the next episode no minecraft Monday May 7th at twitchcon see you next time thanks and goodbye

This video, titled ‘ZOMBIE KING BOSS BATTLE! – How To Minecraft #41 (Season 6)’, was uploaded by Vikkstar123HD on 2019-09-30 22:59:18. It has garnered 384227 views and 8034 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:02 or 5582 seconds.

How To Minecraft Season 6. An SMP series. Enjoy! Series Playlist: Follow me on TWITTER:!/Vikkstar123

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    Rhyme Time on Tiktok: Live Stream May 28, 2024 Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where adventures and fun, in the game we’ll go. Join me, your host, with rhymes so tight, As we explore the world, in the day and night. First up, Goose Goose Duck, a game so grand, With Sad and Robert, we make a fun band. Then onto Minecraft, where creativity flows, Building and crafting, as the story grows. Missed the TikTok stream? Don’t you fret, I’ve got the highlights, so you won’t forget. Bean Mart expanding, with orders to fill, A gaming experience, that gives a thrill. Subscribe to the channel, for more… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Start Your Epic Minecraft Adventure Today!

    Join Minewind: Start Your Epic Minecraft Adventure Today! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we’re excited to share with you a new journey that is just beginning in the Minecraft community. In a recent YouTube video titled “New Journey Begins 🔥 Minecraft PE One Block Survival Part-1 [HINDI],” we see a group of talented gamers taking on the challenge of Minecraft Pocket Edition’s One Block Survival. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does showcase the creativity and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. Watching these gamers, such as beatplayz, rosygamerz,… Read More

  • Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide

    Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide Revamp Your Egg Supply with this Easy Chicken Egg Farm in Minecraft (1.20) 🐔🥚 Are you tired of constantly running out of eggs in Minecraft? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll explore an easy and efficient chicken egg farm setup that has stood the test of time. Let’s dive in and revamp your egg supply! Why Choose This Egg Farm? Efficiency: This chicken egg farm is simple and efficient, making it perfect for small-scale bases where space is limited. Sustainability: Whether you’re a survivalist looking to ensure a steady food supply or simply a poultry enthusiast, this farm… Read More

  • Rare Spawn: Minecraft’s Mob Mystery

    Rare Spawn: Minecraft's Mob Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, There’s one that’s rare, a sight to see. The Ender Dragon, fierce and strong, In the End, where it belongs. Players quest to find this beast, To challenge it, to say the least. With swords and armor, they prepare, For a battle that’s beyond compare. So if you seek a challenge grand, Go find the Ender Dragon in its land. But be warned, it’s no easy feat, Defeating it will be quite a treat. So gather your friends, gear up with care, And face the Ender Dragon if you dare…. Read More

  • Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan

    Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No need to worry, it’s all child-friendly, Just sit back, relax, and let your mind be free. With funny animations and songs to adapt, Every video brings smiles, that’s a fact. So practice more if you’re new to this game, And let Fangkuaixuan guide you, it’s never the same. Subscribe to his channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft adventures that are oh so sweet. Join the fun, join the laughter and fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters

    Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters The Chosen One Faces Off Against the Hunters in a Fierce Battle! In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “CHOSEN ONE VS HUNTERS! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 32,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Chosen One and the Hunters in the world of Minecraft Animation. This episode, part of Pro Life Season 3, promises to keep fans on the edge of their seats with thrilling action and suspense. A Thrilling Confrontation The Hunters find themselves in a fierce battle as they come face to face with the legendary Chosen One…. Read More

  • 10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries

    10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries The World of Minecraft: Exploring lag3 on the Jamcraft Server Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft as we delve into a snippet of gameplay captured in lag3.mp4 on the Jamcraft modded server. Despite facing a ping of 283, the player showcases their mining skills in a challenging environment. Unveiling the Gameplay In this short clip, the player navigates through the server with a ping of 283, highlighting the challenges of playing with high latency. Despite the obstacles, the player engages in mining activities, showcasing their determination and skills in the game. Exploring the Jamcraft Server… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation Welcome to the Minecraft Community Server! Join the Bedrock Community Are you a Bedrocker looking for a new adventure? Join the new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, offering a fresh experience for all players. How to Join Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start your journey. Have fun exploring and building in this new Minecraft community! Music and Support All the music… Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Episode 11

    Sneaky Survival: Episode 11 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Challenge of Construction 🛠️ Izazov Gradnje: In this episode, our Minecraft adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress. Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition 🌲 Šumska Ekspedicija: Venturing deep into the forest in search of rare resources, our team explores the most efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Perils of the Dark Caves 🌌 Napast u Tamnim Pećinama: Delving into the dangers and rewards of… Read More

  • Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft YouTubers Unite! Join the adventure with a group of talented Minecraft YouTubers as they explore the vast world of blocks and possibilities. From epic builds to thrilling survival challenges, these content creators bring the game to life in exciting ways. Let’s meet the members of this dynamic group: Coleman Follow Coleman’s channel for creative building projects and entertaining gameplay. Talley Join Talley on thrilling survival missions and engaging multiplayer sessions. Solo Experience Solo’s unique perspective on Minecraft with a mix of tutorials and let’s play videos. WindSword Embark on epic adventures with WindSword as he tackles dungeons and… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Skyblock Shenanigans

    Sneaky Minecraft Skyblock ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘MİNECRAFT TEK BLOK SKYBLOCK (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) bölüm 2 #shorts’, was uploaded by Eyüpcan Emanet on 2024-02-27 09:00:06. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hello everyone, I am Eyüpcan and today I am here with the video called MINECRAFT SINGLE BLOCK SKYBLOCK (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) part 2. After watching the video, one block skyblock (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) If you liked the video, don’t forget to like it. Thank you for watching. discord link: Etiketler; minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft City Build LIVE! Epic Florida Theme

    Minecraft City Build LIVE! Epic Florida ThemeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Minecraft City Live: Building in Florida’, was uploaded by AlphaHippoGamer on 2024-03-03 07:12:49. It has garnered 311 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:51 or 17751 seconds. Description will be updated at later date minecraft,minecraft city,minecraft live,live stream,minecraft live stream Read More

  • SECRET Herobrine Pixel Art in Minecraft! 🎨

    SECRET Herobrine Pixel Art in Minecraft! 🎨Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art(‎@taha_iscool5617  ) 🎨 || #pixelart #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Herobrine Unknown on 2024-01-17 06:10:31. It has garnered 2980 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art(‎@taha_iscool5617  ) 🎨 || #pixelart #minecraft #shorts Profile from @taha_iscool5617 Ignore Tags: satisfying minecraft profile pixel art 🎨 || #minecraft, minecraft satisfying pixel art, pixel art minecraft java, pixel art minecraft pc, pixel art minecraft simple, pixel art minecraft generator, how to make realistic pixel art in minecraft, pixel art minecraft realistic, pixel art… Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Mob Head Secret!

    Uncover the Shocking Mob Head Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mob Head Secret Only Few Know!’, was uploaded by RealJayden on 2024-01-05 14:00:20. It has garnered 4265 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Mob Head Secret Only Few Know! Use Apex Hosting to host your Minecraft Server with Friends! ➜ ★Social Media★ Instagram ➜ Discord ➜ Sub-Reddit ➜ #minecrafttricks #minecrafthacks #minecraftprotip #shorts Read More

  • EPIC MINTOON CRAFT: Skibidi Toilet vs Mecha Boss!

    EPIC MINTOON CRAFT: Skibidi Toilet vs Mecha Boss!Video Information This video, titled ‘Get Ready For Action – Skibidi Toilet Titan x Mecha Boss Cameraman Bottle Flip Challenge #Shorts’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-06-06 23:06:00. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #MONSTERSCHOOL #MINECRAFT #MINTOONCRAFT Don’t forget Subcribe, like, comment and subcribe guys…!!! Welcome to the official “MINTOON CRAFT” channel! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft animations and Monster School adventures with us. Join us as we embark on epic journeys, explore new realms, and face thrilling challenges in the vibrant universe of… Read More

  • Government secrets revealed! #gamerfleet #minecraft

    Government secrets revealed! #gamerfleet #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘@AnshuBisht Ki Goverment #gamerfleet #minecraft #fleetsmp #jackbhaiya #herobrine #anshubisht’, was uploaded by Mythes on 2024-04-13 02:30:10. It has garnered 496740 views and 26857 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #payalzoneroast #gamerfleet #payalzoneroasted FleetSMP new Member🤣😂😂 Ballu Beta😄 @Gamerfleet hardest mlg 😍😯😳#jackbhaiya #anshubisht #gamerfleet Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss a video from us. CREATIVE INDIAN GAMERS in Minecraft 🔴 techno gamerz, bbs, mythpat, live Insaan, fleet, yessmartypie Gamer fleet vs Me MLG clutch @GamerFleet @TechnoGamerzOfficial #mlg #minecraft @YesSmartyPie is All in… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD – Sphere House Build Challenge

    Unbelievable Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD - Sphere House Build ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD: SPHERE HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE / Animation’, was uploaded by TEN – Minecraft Animations on 2024-03-24 19:00:00. It has garnered 4138 views and 79 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:40 or 1180 seconds. Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD: SPHERE HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE / Animation Welcome to TEN – Minecraft Animations! I am doing Minecraft Battle Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God challenge like monster school =) Subscribe and leave a like for more animation! #minecraft #noob #pro #noobvspro #noobandpro #hacker… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024

    ULTIMATE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days Survival 2024 / new,minecraft,100,days,survival,2024’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / minecraft on 2024-01-12 10:00:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days 2024 / Minecraft / 100 Days / 2024 #minecraft #minecraft100days … Read More

  • TrillEmpire

    TrillEmpireWelcome To TrillEmpire. We are a new server that has it’s own custom system where you can play normal survival and/or create your own adventure with a certain role you can choose to start your adventure with. Every role has different features that will reward you in different ways. You can also create your own kingdom with a few friends or members by using a special plugin and conquer other kingdoms. You can also build and defend your kingdom’s towns against other kingdoms or raid their towns. For more information on the server, join our discord Read More

  • TheCrib SMP – Java & Bedrock 1.20 – All Versions – Survival – Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server Details: Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft server shenanigans!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft server shenanigans!“Starting a Minecraft server with friends is like herding cats, except the cats can suddenly start building elaborate structures out of blocks.” Read More

  • Minecraft’s Rake Mod: Fear Unleashed!

    Minecraft's Rake Mod: Fear Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a horror mod we explore, Facing The Rake, a monster to abhor. With Sh460wYt by my side, we take on the fright, Will we survive the terror of the night? Subscribe to Swayle, for the inspiration we found, In this spooky adventure, where fear does abound. Like, subscribe, and hit the bell, don’t miss a beat, As we delve into horror, with humor so sweet. Minecraft mods, a world of endless possibility, But beware of The Rake, a creature of monstrosity. Join us on this journey, filled with scares and fun, In the realm… Read More

  • Blow up your problems with TNT in Minecraft!

    Blow up your problems with TNT in Minecraft! When you accidentally set off TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your house becomes a modern art installation called “The Crater Collection.” #oops #minecraftfail #artisticexplosions Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the recent special event celebrating 15 years of Minecraft with popular YouTubers like Aypierre, Siphano, Bichard, Fuze, and Mathox. While watching their livestream on Twitch, you may have been inspired to dive back into the world of Minecraft yourself. But why play alone when you can join a thriving community of players on Minewind Minecraft Server? With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. From intense PvP battles to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Gamemode Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Gamemode Hack Changing Gamemode in Minecraft Java – No Command Changing the gamemode in Minecraft Java without using commands can be a handy trick for players looking to quickly switch between creative and survival modes. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can easily change your gamemode using a simple key combination. How to Change Gamemode Without Commands To change your gamemode without using commands in Minecraft Java, follow these steps: Ensure cheats are enabled in your world settings. Hold down the F3 key on your keyboard. While holding down F3, tap the F4 key to cycle through the different gamemodes…. Read More

  • KYRSP33DY Betrays Friend in Epic Minecraft Mod Battle!

    KYRSP33DY Betrays Friend in Epic Minecraft Mod Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Our Friendship is Over! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 E10 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-04 18:17:33. It has garnered 40674 views and 1830 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:43 or 3583 seconds. My Twitch – Become a member of the channel: My Twitter – Discord – Modpack - Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Check out FocusFuel: Use Code “Speedy” I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Thumbnail Logo and Artwork by: Isaias IG: @shaboyturtleboy YT: Edited by Appreciator. Read More


    FLOPPY MINECRAFT SCARY BUILD HACKSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft scary 😨 build Hacks #ytshorts #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by FLOPPY__420 on 2024-06-03 06:21:17. It has garnered 9330 views and 270 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft scary 😨 build Hacks #ytshorts #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #viralvideo #minecraft Read More


    EPIC FLOATING ENDERMAN EGG HACK!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build Hack In Minecraft Pocket Edition 🤯🔥 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by PRINCE JOSHI VINES on 2024-04-19 11:10:00. It has garnered 65 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build Hack In Minecraft Pocket Edition 🤯🔥 #minecraft #shorts #pocketedition #princejoshivines #spooky Ram Ram Bhai🙏 About the Video:- In This Video I Show Tips And Tricks Of Minecraft. Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build hacks In Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 New Update. I Not Only Play Games But Also Used The Instagram… Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth About Minecraft’s Identity!

    The SHOCKING Truth About Minecraft's Identity!Video Information This video, titled ‘Is Minecraft Losing Its Identity?’, was uploaded by Techbot Gaming on 2024-03-12 18:00:28. It has garnered 5660 views and 351 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:36 or 696 seconds. Today I go in depth on whether or not Minecraft has lost its identity/personality!!!! ENJOY 🙂 If you enjoy this video, I would appreciate a like and subscribe to help me reach my goal of 1k subs! Wanna see more? Look Below! Daiazal’s Channel: @Daiazal Is Minecraft Getting Too Easy?: Why Minecraft Updates Aren’t The Same Anymore: Lethal Company Success: Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Server Hack in 2024! Shocking 1.20+ Java Method

    Unbelievable Minecraft Server Hack in 2024! Shocking 1.20+ Java MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make a Free Minecraft Server in 2024! | 1.20+ Java’, was uploaded by RealJayden on 2024-01-06 14:00:42. It has garnered 15845 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:40 or 340 seconds. How to Make a Free Minecraft Server in 2024! | 1.20+ Use Apex Hosting to host your Minecraft Server! ➜ Here is a quick tutorial on how to start up your first FREE Minecraft server in 2024 for 1.20+! Please consider leaving a like and subscribing as well! Thanks! ★Social Media★ Instagram ➜ Discord ➜… Read More

  • Unbelievable Hack: Dominate with Breeze Mob in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Hack: Dominate with Breeze Mob in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Breeze Mob in #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Apex Hosting on 2024-04-23 19:00:10. It has garnered 106 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:18 or 198 seconds. Learn About the Breeze Mob in #Minecraft With #Apex Hosting Get a Minecraft Server from Apex Hosting: 24/7 Uptime, DDoS Protection, Live Support, Easy to Use Panel USEFUL LINKS Breeze Mob in Minecraft – ——————————————————– CONNECT WITH US: TikTok – Snapchat – Twitter – Facebook – Instagram – Twitch – YouTube – Discord – ——————————————————-… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Dimension Explorations! Watch Now!

    EPIC Minecraft Dimension Explorations! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Uncharted expeditions (New Dimension)’, was uploaded by 4x4sunny on 2024-05-28 17:36:54. It has garnered 8495 views and 765 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:06 or 11706 seconds. If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love gaming, you won’t want to miss a single episode. So grab your pickaxe and let’s dive into the world of Minecraft together. Watch now and join the fun! DISCORD CONNECT- ———————————————————————————– 4x4gaming SHORTS-… Sunny’sVlog-… INSTAGRAM face revel- NOW MAKE YOUR OWN MINECRAFT SERVER ON BISECT HOSTING Use my code and Get 25% off limited… Read More

  • Steve Dweller Haunts Calvin in Minecraft!

    Steve Dweller Haunts Calvin in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘STEVE DWELLER IS TERRIFYING.. Minecraft: From The Fog S2: E15’, was uploaded by Calvin on 2024-04-15 21:00:30. It has garnered 810103 views and 35444 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:20 or 4220 seconds. LEAVE A LIKE IF YOU ENJOYED!!!! GAMER CHANNEL: @calvinsucks IN GAME CAPES & HAT LINK: tiktok: INSTAGRAM: CXLVXNS Read More

  • Insane Hide and Seek Battle with DJ and Monkey in Minecraft

    Insane Hide and Seek Battle with DJ and Monkey in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Found Portal Mikey in Hide and Seek Battle – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-03-04 10:00:35. It has garnered 37199 views and 225 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:14 or 854 seconds. JJ Found Portal Mikey in Hide and Seek Battle – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo Read More

  • Pixel Hut

    Pixel HutPixel Hut is a growing community focused on Prison and PvP, as a matter of fact, we combined these two gamemodes to create a unique experience. We build the server focused on players. We care about YOU Read More

  • TechCraftSMP – semi-vanilla whitelist

    TechCraftSMP TechCraftSMP is a vibrant, community-driven Survival SMP server inspired by the Hermitcraft series. Featuring a robust diamond economy, detailed world map, free build policy, and Discord integration, it offers players a true vanilla Minecraft experience. Key Features: Robust diamond economy Bustling shopping district Detailed world map Free build policy Discord integration Join TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 today! DISCORD: Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lit tunes for real

    Did someone say they were dropping a mixtape in the Nether? Looks like they’re bringing the heat – literally! 🔥 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Momazo XD

    Hot Minecraft Momazo XD Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #xd Read More

  • Becoming the Grim Reaper in Minecraft

    Becoming the Grim Reaper in Minecraft Minecraft: Becoming the Angel of Death Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where the player transforms into the Angel of Death. In this exciting gameplay, viewers are in for a treat as they witness the protagonist navigate through challenges and conquer obstacles in the virtual world. Unleashing the Angel of Death As the player delves deeper into the game, they take on the persona of the Angel of Death, wielding immense power and authority. With this newfound identity, they embark on a mission to conquer enemies and emerge victorious in the Minecraft universe. Mastering Survival Skills Survival is key… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE NEW Mods & Packs for Minecraft! 😱

    UNBELIEVABLE NEW Mods & Packs for Minecraft! 😱Video Information the 1.20.1 update of Timeless and Classics now rebranded as Timeless and Classics 0 represents a significant advancement in the world of Minecraft firearm mods this version has been meticulously crafted by a reassembled team of the original Timeless and Classics developers they have not only Rewritten all existing code but also remodeled and animated the Firearms enhancing both functionality and visual appeal furthermore they have expanded the mod’s features creating a more immersive and detailed experience in this latest update the mod boasts an expanded Arsenal offering players a selection of 14 distinct guns spread across seven… Read More