Villager Trading Hall! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 65]

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Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you guys are having a good day and today we are gonna do something about this complete mess of people who have a lot of villages in here that I want to do something with I

Want to lay them out in a more organized format look at a t-bone Walker over there just hanging out in his gold armor yeah we’re going to we’re gonna organize these villages into a set of trading cells a kind of trading whole set up that we’re gonna make over here at the

Foot of this mountain right by the iron farm and we’re going to lay them out in a series of little cells that we can go up to them and trade with them to our hearts content and even sort out some of the villages that have better trades

Than the others that’s gonna be the idea so I’ve actually set up one of these little village of trading cells ahead of time so you guys can see what the deal is here and there’s a pressure plate in there a redstone lamp in the floor and

When you walk on top of the redstone lamp a sticky piston activates underneath it pushing it up into place which means that if anything is standing on here a villager an animal a creeper whatever it will kind of be locked into place and that they won’t be able to

Escape at least to blocked all mobs won’t be able to escape and the villagers count among those now I’ll show you the Redstone for this in a minute but one of the other things we will need to do to make sure that these villages are zombie proof at least for

The time being is put either a fence or a trapdoor or something on top of that redstone lamp to make sure that baby zombies can’t get in I’ve also kind of taken out the corners around the back and we might have to put fences either side here because even if there is

Something on top of that pressure plate which there will be if I yeah if I throw that redstone lamp on top you can still get to the villager from the side there so that’s kind of the thing that we want to avoid here is having the villagers

Damaged by zombies at all and I think yeah well it will create a set of these trading cells we might create some kind of large building for it in the fullness of time but for now I kind of want to stack them up in different rows and just

Have them accessible to us whenever we want to do some trading so hopefully all this is going to involve is running a minecart up to this hopefully picking up a villager through the glass that’s not something I’m a hundred percent confident will work right so we might

Have to recheck a little bit of this around here maybe put some full blocks in here so that they can be picked up from a corner with the minecart but then they’re just gonna run all the way down here and we’ll redirect this rail as we

Need to they’re out once again there are ways to automate this that make things a little bit kind of smoother for everybody and kind of lines the villages up in a nice neat row but personally I don’t necessarily need to do that right now and I think that’s something we can

Save for the future if we want to do a slightly more sophisticated look at the villager trading hall but I think for the moment what we’ll do is run a bunch of mine carts into here and for that I brought a bunch of iron will probably

Reclaim the mine carts one at a time where we can we just have to make sure that we don’t end up suffocating our villagers in blocks in the process so let’s see if this one works first of all no it is gonna get stuck there I thought

It might I had a suspicion but there we go no we are getting one of them at a time so we can kind of manually do that if we need to there we go villager took a little bit of damage on the way in but he is a

Librarian with a paper trade and a LoyaltyOne book that’s gonna be useful for that trident that we still need to enchant not too bad okay so that guy is safely in his cell here and like I said we’re gonna set up a trap door over the

Top of him I think maybe what we’ll do is we could put a an iron trap door like so on top of the glowstone on top of the redstone lamp and then I don’t think baby zombies will be able to get up there anymore we can as a player but

Most mobs can’t actually climb up anything higher than a block which means the trap door makes him a little bit safer but we will have to put fences on either side here so I’ll break out some some wood to do that in a little bit for now though we can probably reclaim

This minecart as long as he doesn’t jump out of it too high let’s see if we can get the minecart hitbox here and swipe oh no here’s jumping out of it okay fair enough I wondered I did worry that that was gonna happen so looks like we all

Have to avoid using that particular tactic for the moment let’s see if we can get him back in the minecarts there we go just roll you in like so and it looks like we’re gonna have to lose a few minecart in this process but that’s

Fine we’ve got an iron farm not a big deal so we’re gonna redirect the minecart rail to here and that’s where we’re gonna set up our next trading cells so they’re gonna be quite compact they’re gonna be in a very close range of each other and let’s see if we have a

Little bit more dark oak that we can use to spruce this up a little bit so now I can demonstrate exactly how this mechanism works it’s all going to be very very simple all we need to do is come down here and place a piece of redstone dust we’ll have a

Stone brick on top of that and that’s where our pressure plate is going to go so you put a pressure plate of any kind there it doesn’t have to be a wooden one but I’m using a wooden one for the time being then we’re gonna take our sticky

Pistons of which I’ve made a huge number at this point that needs to go down there next to the redstone dust and you place a redstone lamp on top of it and badda-bing it’s all gonna work just like that which means it’s time to get our next villager let’s grab another

Minecart from here and see what we can get so hopefully we should get a decent spread or village of professions here I’m looking for farmers and librarians a lot of the time but hopefully we will get a few others as well there we go we’ve got a blacksmith of some kind

Maybe he’s gonna be a tool Smith or an armored ax they’re gonna be a useful trade to have there you go in you go fella sorry you’ve not quite made it all the way there fantastic he’s in till Smith with a decent coal trade I imagine there will

Be a few more tools in there that we can grab from him and it’s always worth getting a few tool Smith’s as we go did his tool Smiths are always gonna have different trades much like librarians having different books the enchantments that appear on the tool Smith’s tools

Are always going to be slightly different each time so it’s gonna be worth getting a few of these guys in here and maybe seeing who has the best trades for what type of weapon or armor or tool whatever it happens to be now I’m gonna make a few more of these

Villager trading cells kind of side by side along here and we’ll redirect a few different villagers in here and we’ll see how we get on okay that is our next set of trading cells all set up all I need to do is make a bunch more mine

Carts will make as many as we basically can I’ll throw a few things on the floor for the moment let’s see if we can get ourselves a different type of villager there we go got a white apron guy going in butcher or leather worker yes looks

Like he’s a butcher fantastic we all box him in and I’ve made a few trapdoors so that we can pop those on the top here as well we’ll probably replace this iron one just for the purposes of you know symmetry and we’ve got a priest of some

Kind going in there we go let’s see what kind of traits you have 40 rotten flesh that’s not gonna be the best but you never know he might have another good trade down the line you never know until you start trading a little bit more with

Them so let’s see what we can get next another white apron guy looks like we have another butcher yep looks like we do not to worry we’ll deal with him in a second another librarian or perhaps a cartographer we will see yep it’s a cartographer 35 paper trail again not

Ideal for what we have a right now because I’ve already found wooden mansions and ocean monuments cartographers are not ideal but yeah we’ll we’ll see if we can deal with him in just a second hopefully this priest has a slightly more favorable rotten flesh trade let’s find out for tea again

Well you’re basically exactly the same as the other guys so we’ll wait before dealing with you and this guy is a Fletcher which is gonna be fantastic to have a Fletcher with a 16 string trade around here especially considering the spoils we are getting from our spider

Farm so there we go we have our first row of villagers in and now let’s take a quick look at what they’ve got for sale I think this librarian with the early paper trade being quite good is definitely worth keeping likewise the tool Smith because we don’t really know

What other tools he’s gonna be selling let’s trade a little bit of coal and find out if we can unlock anything good from back here because sometimes these guys will have a really great enchanted diamond gear a little bit later on down the line we can probably trade you some

Of the iron once again we have an iron farm so I’m not that fussed about trading the iron efficiency to unbreaking to pickaxe for 15 emeralds is really not too bad if we ever need to replace diamond tools we just Chuck a bunch of emeralds in this guy’s

Direction you guys know I have a ton of emeralds from trading with some of my other villages and we’ve got basically unlimited supply of diamond tools we would never need to go mining for a diamond again even if we didn’t have mending on some of this gear so that’s

That’s really worthwhile we’re gonna keep this guy he is worth having likewise this butcher seems to have a pretty reasonable rate for raw pork chops compared to this guy who has 17 this guy only wants 14 raw pork chops so if we end up setting up some kind of pig

Farm to trade it with that guy then he’s going to be pretty much ideal next up the cleric with the 40 flesh trade I kind of feel like we want to get rid of him because he is not really doing much for us a36 rotten flesh trade is the

Ideal we already have some guys back at the house who will trade rotten flesh for us so i think we can probably get rid of this guy now when it comes to disposing of villagers most people will tell you not to kill them outright because this damages your reputation

With the village and if you have a village that you’ve actively kind of sort out in the wild or one that you’ve created yourself using a up with doors then it’s usually a good idea not to kill villagers outright because if any iron golems happen to

Spawn in the area then they will become aggressive to you if you’ve got your reputation down below a certain point and every time you kill a villager I think it deduct three from the total reveal reputation and every time you kill a villager child it deducts five I think killer killing the villagers

Iron golem also deducts a significant amount of points but they will never actually stop trading with you because trading is the only way that you can you know bring your reputation back up again so the only thing you really need to worry too much about is iron golems not

Only that but there is a kind of mourning period that takes place whenever a villager dies to something that is not a player or a mob so there are certain things that can still kill villages like lava and cacti if they walk into that that kind of stuff maybe

I think potions of harming might count if they get attacked by a witch or something like that I’m not entirely certain but there is a mourning period that takes place after a villager is killed by something that’s not a player or another mob that means they won’t

Breed for about three minutes and that’s kind of not what you want especially if you have a villager breeder set up nearby so I generally recommend killing them outright with your sword it really doesn’t do a huge amount of damage to your reputation with the other villages

Around here and right now we don’t even have a village around here because the village of breeder doesn’t have any doors in it so really it’s not tracking that reputation in any way and as such it is pretty safe to kill these villages there shouldn’t be any repercussions of that in fact the

Only thing around here that actually registers as a village is the doors up here in this iron farm and if the iron golems would spawn and became aggressive to us that wouldn’t matter because they’re just falling straight into lava anyway but I think as it is the villages

Up there because we built the iron farm up in the sky is far enough away that it’s not going to affect anything and these villages sure certainly shouldn’t count towards the villages taking place in that iron farm so we should be okay just to take care of some of these

Villages this way likewise I don’t think we will do a whole lot with this butcher or this cartographer I don’t think we really need any of their trade so we’re going to take care of those guys return the minecarts to us and it grab a couple more villagers out of the breeder this

Cleric I think we might keep around just in case he has a really good trade bottles of enchanting or anything like that sometimes clerics have good lapis and redstone trades as well so it’s worth keeping them around occasionally and this flexure we are definitely keeping so let’s bring in a few more

Villagers over here in fact this is actually gonna be a really fun way of demonstrating rail switching to you guys because I’ve got a track leading up here and it Forks in two different directions and right now with the way this is set up obviously the track is gonna curve

Around this way and it will end up on this block which is going to transport a villager into this space but if you place down a lever next to this or powering the block that it is set on it will actually change the direction of the track when you flick the lever

Meaning that we can set up a track like this and have the villager redirect here it’s not just a lever either it’s any kind of redstone power turning on or off will switch the track in different directions which can actually be very helpful when it comes to creating certain redstone contraptions for player

Transport or mob transport further down the line if it’s the kind of thing that you can use with mine carts then that’s going to be a very helpful thing to encourage the villagers to gather in this corner I’m actually gonna flip up with that trapdoor because that will

Mean that they can push themselves over here nice and easily there we go we’ve got another priest coming in let’s see if he has a slightly more favorable rotten flesh trade this time 39 I mean slightly more favorable like I said probably not ideal though so maybe we’ll

Consider replacing you in the fullness of time but now we can flip that track move back over to the villager breeder and see if we get another guy now we’ve left that a little bit wide open right now that shouldn’t be a huge problem especially whilst we’re around here and

Monitoring the situation come on can we get a farmer or something in here I would love to get a farmer no it looks like we’re just getting priests all the way down today let’s follow him in here and 36 okay that is a lot better the gold trade leaves something to be

Desired though but nobody’s perfect huh having this many clerics around has kind of made me wish I had a zombie farm and I know we’ve got one over by the slime farm that maybe I could do something with in the fullness of time but it would be really great to get a double

Zombie spawner somewhere in the world I know they exist I found them in the past before it’s really great to get a ton of rotten flesh and traded with clerics that way but there are better trades you can actually do like for example the pumpkin trade is probably one of the

Better ones because you can carry around stacks and stacks of pumpkins and you’re only ever trading them like eight at a time which means you probably get the maximum amount of emeralds for the stuff that you can carry in your inventory of course it does require you

To set up a pretty large scale pumpkin farm but I think our pumpkin farm is on the verge of overflowing right now so I’m really hoping that we can get a decent set of farmer villagers in here that are going to give us some good prices on pumpkins now an armorer

Is not something we’ve had before so that’s probably one who is worth keeping in here for the moment until maybe we find a better armor now you are basically a duplicate of this guy in fact you’re just a little bit worse than this guy so I think this cleric is

Probably gonna have to go as well and the villagers aren’t getting mad at me for killing the others they’re not gonna increase their prices or anything like that we don’t have to worry too much about the reputation side of things at all another white coat guy who could be

A leather worker and if he’s a leather worker I think we might keep him around note looks like he’s a butcher and still has worse prices down the one we’ve already got this guy’s a leather worker though and to be honest that’s not the best leather trade I think I think we

Can probably get a better leather trade than that but we don’t have a leather worker yet so I guess we’ll keep him for now so these guys are all locked in now and I think they will probably stay there for a little while let me go and

Quickly make some fences that we can dash on either side to make sure that nothing can attack them through the corners but I think aside from that we are pretty set up with these and the redstone lamps also do the work of lighting up the area a little bit better

So that we have fewer chances of mobs to spawn in this general vicinity so there we go we’ve got one two three four five six seven eight villagers in this row I think it’s time to start row number two I’m actually gonna build the second row

Up here on top of the first one we’re just gonna open up this area put sticky pistons on basically every note block that we see here and we should have a decent row of trading cells just along the top there and then all we need to do

Is run along the wall along here and we can trade with the new set of villagers when they’re in here so that’s gonna work out pretty well I think and I think now that I’ve explained the theory behind this I can probably bring in my camera account and do this whole next

Section in the form of a time-lapse Welcome back folks hope you enjoyed the time-lapse and we’ve got a bunch of villages here the weirdest thing is happening though and this is not something I’ve ever seen before in this kind of setup probably because I didn’t normally leave my villages like in a villager breeder for this long but

They’re actually passing carrots to each other or trying to at least between these little trading booths and I think this is just kind of a most adorable thing not least because it means that I can just trade them straight back to the farmer villagers who are up here this

Guy here has a trade for 15 carrots which is not too bad he’s also got a really good melon trade so I’ll definitely be taking advantage of that this guy I have not unlocked the rest of his trades yet so I’m probably going to start trading until I can take a look at

The pumpkin and melon trays to see if we get anything good from this that’s 11 that’s still not all that great you know I was really hoping for one of these farmers to end up with a melon trade or pumpkin trade rather that was like seven or eight or something like that because

That would be really really useful but unfortunately yeah we have an eight melon trade here a seven here that’s not so bad and I was I figure we’ve got enough pumpkins at this point that it’s not gonna be a huge loss if we end up trading away a whole bunch of them look

This whole system is like completely backed up and it’s overflowing now so yeah I really feel like we should probably start excavating some of these pumpkins and melons and trading them in with the farmers over here so I think I’m gonna do that for a little bit we’ve

Also got a bunch of stuff that we can trade to some of the other guys and for the most part I’ve been a little bit more judicious about the people I put in here but there are some people who are sticking around just for the sake of it

Like this leather worker down here trades 12 leather for an emerald I’ve got one up here that I think trades for seven somewhere there’s ten there and then it’s one of these guys yeah this one’s got a nine leather trade and this is another one with ten so I’ve got a

Lot of leather workers in here and not a huge amount of leather but then again I don’t have a huge amount I don’t have a huge amount of uses for leather right now so chances are I will be able to trade a bit of leather with these guys

But I’m gonna grab a shelcha box of pumpkins and a shulker box of melons from my little supply in here in fact I’ll probably get a different shocker box at for these I might just use one that’s not even related I’m so I’m so bad at that I always want to use the

Same colour for the for the the pumpkins and melons I want to use like an orange in a green Shilka box but it doesn’t really matter the end of the day does it so I think I’ll probably grab some of these melons out of here in this

Pink shelcha box we’ll put the orange the pumpkins in the orange one and yeah we should be able to do a fair bit of trading with these we’re always just gonna get more pumpkins anyway there’s one now in fact so it’s not gonna be a

Huge problem if we if we trade them away to like 11 pumpkins per emerald as opposed to you know nine pumpkins per emerald at 8 it’s not gonna make a huge difference and after trading with these guys for a solid five minutes I’ve gone through my entire stock more or less of

Pumpkins and melons and that we have six stacks of emeralds and three left over that’s pretty incredible that’s close to having a like another bro of these and we would have a full stack of emerald blocks just out of these two farmers alone just out of the people who are

Trading for pumpkins and melons we have so much emerald now and that’s gonna be enough to buy us some pretty decent weapons and armor if we trade with thee the armor is and the tool Smiths that are down here on this level we’ve also got a cartographer here you can trade us

An emerald for a compass which seems like a bit of a raw deal because you have to craft these things but then again you get armors and I think some of the blacksmith types that will actually ask for like eight iron ingots for one emerald so having a cartographer that

Will trade you on for what there’s basically four iron ingots and a single piece of redstone it’s really not that bad of a trade when you think about it I’ve got two Fletch it up there and a fisherman down here who will trade us for string we’ve also got a bunch of

Librarians aside from that one cartographer who actually got a pretty decent paper trade as well we have this librarian here with a twenty five paper trade we have a few along the top that sell different types of enchanted books and I think that’s what I’m gonna go for

Next I might actually try and weed out a few more librarians from the village of Breda because just having one or two of the professions as long as they’ve got a decent trades is not a bad idea but librarians are the ones you probably want to have the most off because there

Is a huge variety of enchanted books within the game and right now what I’m after is a librarian that can trade me a channeling book because that’s one of the things I need to get on the Trident now that we’ve decided we’re going to be putting loyalty and channeling on it and

I don’t have access to a channeling book right now I think I have a loyalty three book that I managed to enchant just offered the enchanting table and I’ve got enough levels that I could probably do a massive enchanting session but it’ll also be a great idea to get a couple of

Books out of these guys as well if I can get it that easily instead of having to waste all of my levels and so forth on enchanting stuff I can use them for repairs and renaming items and all kinds of other things as well then that’s what I’ll do

I’ve been trading the paper that I’ve been making out the sugarcane farm for a little while we’ve actually been trading this off-camera with the villagers that are in my house for a little while but we still do have a decent amount left over here because this thing is

Constantly running in the background so we’re always gonna be getting paper out of this and I guess we can trade that with some of the librarians we’ve got over here now that we’re getting better trades out of that and we can even see if they have any books that are

Worthwhile a little bit further down the line it’s always best to unlock a librarian to their fullest before you decide whether or not you want to keep them around because you never know they might have that one book trade at the end of the trading queue that kind of

Surprises you it comes out of nowhere and that’s where you can find your really great mending trades a lot of the time and those are always worth keeping around but this is just the beginning of what can be accomplished with a trading hall with a full kind of set of villages

Just laid out like this for you to be able to trade with it makes everything a lot more organized and you can even start to add signs along the top here indicating which villages have which trades to remind you that this guy has the 25 pay per trade and will sell you a

Pretty decent fortune 3 book whereas another guy up there might have mending or looting or fortune or anything like that we can can very easily spot which one is which by labeling them with signs or maybe even items in frames that kind of thing but that is all I wanted to do

In this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide so thank you so much for watching my name has been pixel rifts don’t forget to leave a like on this episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now

This video, titled ‘Villager Trading Hall! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 65]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-01-30 11:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how you can transport villagers into simple, protected trading …

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    Declare Towny War on! IP: 🌎 Discord: 🎮 Bedrock: 19132 | Java: 25565 mcMMO – Towny – Raiding & WARTIME! – Voice Chat – Discord Live Chat – and more! Play Your Way: We support all survival play styles! Whether you prefer intense PvP battles or a peaceful SMP experience, there’s something for everyone. Event War: Declare war on your enemies, raid their loot, and defend your town during Wartime. Buildings and blocks regenerate, so your progress is safe. Claim Your Part of the Wilderness: With Towny, stake your claim in the wilderness and build your dream… Read More

  • Demonic

    DemonicWelcome to Daemonium – where your adventure transcends the ordinary and dives into the extraordinary! Our server is brimming with exclusive features that promise an unparalleled gaming experience:🌟 Crates: Unlock extraordinary rewards with our unique and exciting crate system.🔮 Custom Enchants: Empower your gear with powerful custom enchantments tailored for thrilling gameplay.⚔️ Custom Items: Discover, craft, and wield unique items that will give you a significant edge in your adventures.👹 Custom Bosses: Confront and defeat fearsome custom bosses, each designed to challenge your skills and reward you with legendary loot.🏆 Unique Ranks: Progress through distinctive ranks, each offering exclusive perks… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Traveling to Hell in style!

    Minecraft Memes - Traveling to Hell in style!Finally, a faster way to travel in the Nether that doesn’t involve accidentally falling into lava or getting lost in a sea of pigmen! Read More

  • Armor Morph Madness: Yes Steve Model Tutorial Pt. 5

    Armor Morph Madness: Yes Steve Model Tutorial Pt. 5 In the world of Minecraft, a new tutorial’s here, Showing how to make armor animations clear. With Blockbench in hand, no more invisible gear, Transforming models into cats, oh dear! Check out the item tags, a helpful list to steer, Like and subscribe for more, have no fear. Yes Steve Model shines, with each update near, In the realm of Minecraft, creativity is premier. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze 🔥😂 || #shorts

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze 🔥😂 || #shorts Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 💥😂 #shorts Read More

  • TNT Cleaning Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 37

    TNT Cleaning Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 37 Minecraft: Building Creativity with TNT in Episode 37 Minecraft, a world of endless possibilities, where blocks are your building materials, creatures roam freely, and adventures await at every turn. In Episode 37, our protagonist embarks on a new creative series, utilizing TNT to clear the area and pave the way for something extraordinary. Unleashing Explosive Creativity With TNT in hand, our player sets out to clear the land, creating a blank canvas for their next masterpiece. The controlled chaos of explosions adds a thrilling element to the building process, allowing for a fresh start and endless opportunities for innovation…. Read More

  • “INSANE! Pizza Goat Survives Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft” #funny

    "INSANE! Pizza Goat Survives Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft" #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘”What is this the Walking Dead?” #minecraft #funny’, was uploaded by Pizza n’ Goat on 2024-06-08 16:00:26. It has garnered 451 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Those @PizzaNGoat boys get their bit interrupted by the Walking Dead. You can watch the full video; as well as, our whole let’s play on our channel. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Noob vs Technoblade vs Dream!

    Crafting Chaos: Noob vs Technoblade vs Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs TECHNOBLADE vs DREAM in Minecraft 🤔 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Livee Crafts on 2024-04-13 18:48:09. It has garnered 30965 views and 828 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. NOOB vs TECHNOBLADE vs DREAM in Minecraft 🤔 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft videos, minecraft hardcore, minecraft live, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft animation, minecraft avatar, minecraft asmr, minecraft arg, minecraft armadillo, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft addons bedrock, a… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL: 100 Days in Hardcore Badlands – Hindi

    INSANE SURVIVAL: 100 Days in Hardcore Badlands - HindiVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In Badlands Only World in Minecraft Hardcore ( HINDI )’, was uploaded by MrGamerAK on 2024-02-20 14:40:15. It has garnered 915 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:53 or 1373 seconds. #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecrafthardcore #minecraftoneblock #minecraftbut Toady I Survived 100 Days in BADLANDS Only World in Minecraft Hardcore ( HINDI ) and it was hilarious & to dangerous . So it was a hard challenge to me, but I enjoyed it a lot. Hope you guys enjoy the video. If you guys enjoyed the video so make… Read More

  • 🔥 GLACIER GUCCI’s EPIC Minecraft Build! Mosque Construction Madness 🤯

    🔥 GLACIER GUCCI's EPIC Minecraft Build! Mosque Construction Madness 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Collecting Resources To Build Mosque In Minecraft Day 3 Part 2 |road To 200 Subscribers’, was uploaded by GLACIER GUCCI OFFICIAL on 2024-01-09 19:01:30. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:06 or 8226 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip GLACIER: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂… Read More

  • Mysterious Minecraft #shorts Challenge: What is this block?

    Mysterious Minecraft #shorts Challenge: What is this block?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nie zgadniesz co to za blok Challenge #shorts’, was uploaded by vertios4 on 2024-03-18 19:26:43. It has garnered 16436 views and 2061 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. you probably won’t guess what block it is #funny #minecraft #challenge #gameplay Read More

  • INSANE STEAMPUNK MODS in Chill Minecraft EP 12!

    INSANE STEAMPUNK MODS in Chill Minecraft EP 12!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft – Steampunk Modpack EP 12’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-05-09 02:22:19. It has garnered 87 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:02 or 7022 seconds. Today we’re going to the Nether!! Relaxing play in the Minecraft Steampunk modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Haydentha3rd’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure with POOKIESSS

    Haydentha3rd's EPIC Minecraft Adventure with POOKIESSSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT WITH MY POOKIESSS’, was uploaded by haydentha3rd on 2024-05-19 12:49:44. It has garnered 27 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:39 or 14379 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Uncover The Mind-Blowing Secrets of Aver4ge’s Modded Minecraft Stream! ⚡ (2000 SUBS!) 🔥

    Uncover The Mind-Blowing Secrets of Aver4ge's Modded Minecraft Stream! ⚡ (2000 SUBS!) 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Secret Modded Minecraft Stream.. (2000 SUB GOAL) 🔴’, was uploaded by Aver4ge on 2024-04-13 19:32:54. It has garnered 85 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:46 or 11326 seconds. Aver4ges is playing Minecraft LIVE! Follow for more 😀 STAY CONNECTED: Watch my streams LIVE: ️Twitter: ️Instagram: ️TikTok: ️JOIN THE DISCORD: Ignore these Tags: #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Friendship Sparks Chaos! 😲💀 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Friendship Sparks Chaos! 😲💀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Friend 😂💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-01-11 14:00:41. It has garnered 2999 views and 100 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • Oceanrealm

    OceanrealmOceanrealm is a 1.18.2 Skyblock Server with some of the best features you will experience! We aim to create an extraordinary feeling in Skyblock as we introduce new and better features every season! Stay tuned for updates by being a part of our community! Read More

  • 50×50 factions, factions, pvp, semi-vanilla

    Join 5050 Factions Server! Experience intense PvP encounters, wars, and raids on a 50×50 chunks world! Features: No /home or /sethome commands for more challenging gameplay Safe zone spawns for trading and interaction Medieval Factions plugin for a unique experience Nether and End dimensions also 50×50 chunks Custom spawn builds and explosion durability system Season 5 starting June 1st! Will you conquer this low-resource world? Join our Discord: Read More

  • KrakenSMP [ Realse Today }

    DISCORD: is a bustling Minecraft server, a vast digital realm where adventurers, builders, and creators converge to embark on a shared journey through blocky landscapes and endless possibilities. Nestled within its virtual confines lies a vibrant community teeming with diversity and creativity.Upon entering KrakenSMP, players find themselves immersed in a meticulously crafted world, where sprawling cities, majestic castles, and quaint villages dot the landscape. From towering skyscrapers reaching for the clouds to cozy cottages nestled in verdant forests, every corner of the server is imbued with the ingenuity and passion of its inhabitants.At the heart of KrakenSMP lies a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft is life

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft is lifeWell, at least you know your computer has a sense of humor! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Newbie in Green Field!

    Crafting Chaos: Newbie in Green Field! In the world of Minecraft, a new player tries, Exploring Green Field under the bright skies. With mods like GeckoLib and Structure Gel API, The adventure begins, reaching new highs. But wait, a crash with the Aether dimension, Causing quite a commotion, a new intervention. With mods like The Aether and AzureLib in play, The player must navigate, find their own way. From Call of Duty’s Raid to Biomes O’ Plenty, The world of Minecraft is vast and plenty. With mods like Cave Dweller Reimagined and more, The player explores, seeking to score. So leap into the verse, no… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Troll Face Meme 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Troll Face Meme 🔥😂 Why did the Minecraft troll face go viral? Because it mined its way into everyone’s hearts! #miningforlaughs #trollinainteasy Read More

  • Unbelievable! Insane SuperFlat Hardcore Minecraft gameplay #minecraft

    Unbelievable! Insane SuperFlat Hardcore Minecraft gameplay #minecraftVideo Information we haven’t done it for a while I say a while it’s been like two days but it’s fine we’re going to get it done my camera seems really bright I think just my oh it’s that o interesting anyway welcome everybody how are you doing hey log welcome you changed your number change your little uh change your little icon interesting I too like to live dangerously sir right multiplayer no not multiplayer wrong single player hardcore let’s go right we’re ready we’re locked in we’re loaded I need to refresh that chat cuz that chat’s not… Read More

  • Taking Over Dakorca Minecraft Server! Watch Me Dominate!

    Taking Over Dakorca Minecraft Server! Watch Me Dominate!Video Information [Music] play let’s play [Applause] n [Music] play [Music] n [Music] play let’s [Music] [Applause] play [Music] aome let’s [Music] play d [Music] [Music] play let’s [Music] play [Applause] [Music] e let’s play let [Music] play n [Music] I just realized I made that I did that wrong no I have to update my [ __ ] thing again give me like two seconds how’s everybody doing how are y’all chilling today how are we hanging hopefully we’re not hanging like sori give me a second while I fix this I did it backwards H hiccup memory challenge… Read More

  • Unveiling the Hidden Secret of Pithony Server 😱

    Unveiling the Hidden Secret of Pithony Server 😱Video Information this player abused a hidden feature that no one knows about you see on the Minecraft server life steal most players climb to the Top by killing each other in order to gain better Loot and more Health but there is a much faster way when you run the command SL D it duplicates the item that you’re holding so you don’t have to grind and that’s how This video, titled ‘Secret feature on this Minecraft server 👀’, was uploaded by Pithony on 2024-01-16 01:22:59. It has garnered 3793 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • EPIC Bridge Building in Minecraft! CRAZY Adventure & Hilarious Moments! #AD

    EPIC Bridge Building in Minecraft! CRAZY Adventure & Hilarious Moments! #ADVideo Information [Applause] [Applause] I This video, titled ‘Minecraft KÖPRÜ YAPIMI 4 #macera #komik’, was uploaded by Benvedat on 2024-01-14 17:14:43. It has garnered 512 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. My priority is respect and love. MINECRAFT is a creativity game that I particularly like. We will have fun together with it and other different games. Everyone is invited to my minecraft city, which I tried to make myself. Inside, excitement and adventures, houses made in different styles and everything are waiting for you. My priority is respect and love. MINECRAFT… Read More

  • 🔥🔥UNBELIEVABLE: Summon Diamond Ore NON-STOP! 😱💎💰 #Minecraft

    🔥🔥UNBELIEVABLE: Summon Diamond Ore NON-STOP! 😱💎💰 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and BBE that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit that haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I plan to… Read More

  • Mush battles On1can1 in epic hive collab! 🔴🎮🔥

    Mush battles On1can1 in epic hive collab! 🔴🎮🔥Video Information no it’s CED no it’s working I just struggled to hit a button is real quick okay I can I press the button are we going to be alive or no I am alive actually wait I just got to check how I oh you are are we good yeah I’m live who also uh tell much blue says mush is smelly Dam that’s crazy that hurts man that’s actually c a little thing [Music] look I’m so excited man I’m so excited I’ve been waiting all day yeah same also it’s kind of huge uh but also… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft! 😱🔥

    Epic Showdown: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft! 😱🔥Video Information yo This video, titled ‘Gojo Fights Sukuna in Minecraft [MINECRAFT X JJK 😈🌳] #edit #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by EpiKo on 2024-05-07 17:49:36. It has garnered 11239 views and 428 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Characters From : Jujutsu Kaisen Music: DJ FKU Vinganca Super Slowed #anime #manga #gojo #mc #fyp #jjk #jujutsukaisen #fypシ #mangaedit #sukuna Read More

  • 🔥EPIC PvP Texture Pack – Icynutella 9k Review!

    🔥EPIC PvP Texture Pack - Icynutella 9k Review!Video Information [Music] two kids with their hearts on fire who’s going to save us now when we thought that we couldn’t get higher things started looking down I look at you and you look at me like nothing but strangers now two kids with their hearts on fire don’t let it burn us out think about what you believe in know am I someone you cannot live without cuz I know I don’t want to live without you yeah come on let’s turn this all around bring it all back to the bar downtown when you would have let… Read More

Villager Trading Hall! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 65]