Void Station — Let’s Just Finish the First Ring Already | Hardcore Minecraft Day 10258

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Foreign I believe we are uh live um I unfortunately still have to do the weird maneuver where I uh alt tab into the chat periodically to read it but uh I think that uh chat is like quiet enough that uh that’s not going to be such a big deal I don’t think um

So yeah a couple of you were asking um yesterday for me to uh streaming void station today so that is uh in fact what I’m gonna be doing um I just have some random stuff lying around here but um yeah I needed some quartz since as you can see this whole build is

Made of quartz so uh you know let’s get into uh procuring the quartz So yeah I don’t really care whether I get Quartz pillars or regular quartz since all of it can be turned into slabs which is uh what I uh need uh in the immediate future so I am just going to um get as much uh quartz as I can before I run out of emeralds and or get bored I mean I’m not going to run out of emeralds per se because they’re most a big chunk of those chests are filled with Emerald blocks but like um

Run out of emeralds in my inventory eventually and also get bored of this eventually so uh um there is start to watch out for definitely but yeah um I have decided that um since what really triggered the burnouts last time I worked in this world was like I really didn’t know what

I wanted to put in the final Tower of the first ring of void station um I’m starting to get some ideas actually for what might go in there um but um ultimately um I uh I think it might be best to just uh leave it alone for uh

For for the time being and uh and um go on to uh what I’m really excited for which is like setting up the second ring and uh really making voice station uh take shape so yeah that is the plan wait I hope I’m not muted or

Something that would kind of suck um no I am not muted okay um it’s just okay to concurrent viewers nice nice very hot um all right let’s just uh finish what you still have three stacks of emeralds that we need to convert into quartz books I thought I traded too early and locked

The trades but uh looks like you can still continue here and alas it is a tiny bit laggy I do not particularly look forward to uh trying to uh troubleshoot technical issues with streams I have a little or no clue how to do that um so I think I just won’t

Instead we will build some of this and Vibe and um listen to the cool Minecraft music and just try and make some decent progress on uh footstation I love getting the XP it’s so satisfying and I stopped just short of 725 levels that’s so annoying um

And that will carry my spare uh quartz then here we go to the fourth floor does someone ping me on Discord somebody did Ping me underscore it’s interesting um PS is abnormally low I mean it’s not usually great in void station because there’s just like so much here but this is

A whole other level I want to check the chat see if there’s anything nope but three concurrents uh welcome uh dear concurrent viewers whoever you may be um what if I ever run out of end rods I guess I better come here um yeah my storage is a mess it’s just like

Shulker boxes scattered everywhere There Rose in here for some reason all right anyway that’s enough of that um okay a new day 10 260. so yeah this was like kind of a mess very uninspired I have no clue where I was going with any of this I think it was

Supposed to be like Treasures but made of shulker boxes it’s did not turn out so hot so um Regina welcome to the stream um hope how’s it going hope you are uh doing well all right um let’s get some quartz slabs and uh we can begin by um we can begin by uh

Covering up um all of this um here because this is like that end of this floor or like the ceiling of this level We’ll have the like signature uh double slabs with like a top and then a bottom slab along the edges for opposite of symmetry and then like just bottom slabs everywhere else on the floor so that we don’t have to worry about the spawn proofing um

Which is nice most of the floors in void station are bottom slabs so I don’t have to like deal with lighting them up or anything in order to uh and over to um not have Enderman spawning everywhere but yeah I what I think I might want to

Do with this is have like some weird like uh Crystal things using frog lights and glass that are like sort of influencing the area into being very overgrown so there’s like just chaotic vegetation all over the place like uh um connecting up the crystals um if that makes any sense

Um but yeah I don’t know if I want to do that right away I do want to just like got the construction of the first ring over with maybe even like build the bridges out to the second ring and then come back and like do the first ring stuff

But yeah first things first we do have to like actually skip the architecture set up for the ring I mean for the for this Tower zero hello welcome to the stream how is it going hope you’re doing well oh now I can’t sneak for some reason okay here we go now I can

Sneak again if I if I did have like one complaint about this laptop it would be that the uh keyboard has been historically rather unreliable and prone to problems also tends to overheat that’s like a second secondary complaint but these are the only like major issues I’ve had all right

So yeah now we’re just like fill this in with uh bottom slabs and I think this is like the pre-pen ultimate levels there are going to be like two levels above this and then I have to do like the roof thing also literally just have an iron farm in

The end because I feel like it’s um over there um basically like the idea behind void station is that it’s like a self-sufficient uh Outpost uh where the Steve civilizer Steve’s can Retreat to in case uh the Overworld and civilization collapses in the Overworld nether like this

Is designed to be like the place where they make their Last Stand um so yeah it’s supposed to be like very self-sufficient which is why they’re so many random farms in here it’s basically like the main industrial hub with this world let’s check chat again see if there’s anything

Um glad to hear you are doing well zero um thank you um I am doing pretty decently myself I’m recently get I don’t know if you’re like new or not but if you are new I am recently getting into back into Minecraft after a bit of a Hiatus and uh yeah I

Thought it would be cool too stream my hardcore world again and uh I’m just like the old times and try to get some progress done because it would suck to just have this be unfinished forever egg though it’s like every version the performance gets worse so if I turn away the

69 FPS nice if I turn away the frame rate sometimes improves but there are also like lag spikes still imagine if I tried shaders how much of a laggy nightmare that would be I wonder if part of the reason for the lag is just how much the sheer amount of stuff that’s

In void station like because there’s a fair amount of stuff in here um rudra um hello um welcome um what is happening is that um I have uh returned after six months to the uh hardcore worlds um as you can see like I have not really made much progress since February but um

We’ll see I might be finally having the inspiration to uh continue um no guarantees of course that this is like a long-term thing but um it depends on how I feel like whether I enjoy streaming and all that which I am so far but um I am working on um

Finishing what I started with the first ring of uh void station just getting all the towers done I was supposed to have this done in March but as mentioned I did take a bit of a hiatus so yeah if I uh do return to uh playing like I once did then

This uh first ring May well be done still by the end of the year I can start working the second ring man that will be kind of Awesome place an absurd amount of quartz slabs in this build um yeah I do remember I remember you from like the previous from like the old

Old days like your name does definitely ring a bell so um glad to uh glad to know that you’re uh still around and interested in watching and I hope you enjoy the uh New Era of uh streaming on this channel New Era of streaming on this channel I mean like

Exactly the same thing as I have been doing have been doing all along but like new I wonder how many quartz slabs I have placed at this point let’s see um 131 000. and that’s of course not counting all the other like different kinds of blocks in this build there’s definitely like

Well over half a million blocks and void station at this point just like gotta periodically pause and check chat every once in a while this should be uh pleasantly quick getting this uh doing the rest of this uh ceiling in place foreign less than half a stack of uh

Slabs left until I finish the ceiling here and so I fix that the ceiling is finished all right Ceiling finished um let’s just get rid of the extraneous crap here and next up I think we have to uh continue the um continue these water columns upwards which will acquire um Stairs Of course I love how I like the crimson and warped Woods got new sounds in this update they sound cool

Okay no new chats to pay attention to just carry on with the building oops that is not where we were supposed to put that there and oh there’s my crafting table thank you so yeah basically this is this is how like you get around in void station like using these uh water elevators

There are actually not a lot of a whole lot of stairs and like stairs is in like stair stairs not as in the stair blocks but they’re not a whole lot of staircases and boys station because you usually just use these to move around there are a few staircases but just not many

Um okay let’s get all the signs we have I know there are some signs in the lower floors which helps to like the water in as you can see sticks which are good for making signs oh yeah there’s definitely a whole lot of spare signs that I can take advantage of here

Maybe some spare signs it’s just purple I think I’ll keep I think I will keep that a couple of the sulfur box art installations though because they look kind of nice and it would be a pain to take apart anyway so let’s just make a couple more signs here Foreign start putting in the ice like so Mr Anonymous says have you ever made Red Zone elevators um I can’t say I have honestly um I feel like in general they are like kind of slow and not really the most efficient way to uh gets uh

Not really the most efficient way to get to places like I feel like for like vertical transports um um for vertical transport like uh bubble columns are the most efficient way to um move around and then for horizontal transports I often just like you know walk um

Who just says uh I guess one of the reasons why I can’t play this world um I did not know he had a world download but um anyway I am uh sorry about the uh lag um if it makes you feel any better I can also barely Play This World um but oh

Shh I feel I want I could try turning down my render distance I feel like it won’t do anything but oh that actually worked I was not expecting that of course the uh downside is that you can’t really like see anything so you’re just kind of

Stuck here like you’re in a void but it is void station so that is not the worst ah okay I have a feeling it’s my keyboard that’s at fault here and not like all right or maybe it’s just like sneaking on Ice in general it’s hard

Or I’ve known I’ve noticed that like I like when I place a sign I like on sneak even if I was sneaking before that’s something I haven’t noticed before I think it it’s a new must be a new 1.20 bug s all right so the up elevator has been completed for this level

Um I think one of the reasons for streamline could be the CPU um let’s see um I like I said I don’t really know much about tech if I if you say it’s the CPU I uh believe you I also don’t really know how I would fix that but uh

But yeah that F3 screen I guess has all sorts of secret information about my uh laptop all right let’s get some more signs in here oh and of course I need like literally one more sign so inconvenient there we go on the bright side I can edit signs now

So like if I want to put anything on these signs later that’s entirely doable um maybe I will put some fancy stuff on them with like glowing like I don’t I don’t know there’s like lots of stuff to do I could put like subscribers names or just random messages or like arrows too

Indicates like uh um which way the uh water elevators are going like I could have like uh like this on the signs surrounding the up elevators and then like that surrounding the signs and the down elevators or something there’s like a lot of options here I don’t like that when I sneak while

Placing a sign it just unsneaks me foreign viewers that’s already like a record for August of 2023 . so yeah let’s just get this water elevator sorted and then we can uh just forget about like actually building anything on the fifth floor for now and just like uh move on to uh

Establishing like the sixth and seventh fours and then like the roof and uh the bottom of this Tower which are both gonna be a pain to build in their own right uh yeah the two chunk render distance definitely it’s different I’m gonna like it gets a little higher oh that’s where the uh

Lag is coming from my guess Of seven concurrent viewers nice nice very pot it used to not be a lot but uh it’s um by the standards of the current dates pretty healthy number all right let’s throw away these get these get some glass some trap doors at the ready oh no I’m not ready to go up yet

All right sea lanterns oh okay nice stash of sea lanterns some uh foreign we have some ceiling turns trapdoors oh we need stairs I have no idea what to do with those two random planks oh I know we can make some fences since I have a feeling you’re gonna need some of those

All right um glass where did I put all the glass there we go all right uh we’ll get us started for the sixth level I don’t need the ice technically so I’ll just like leave it there and all right let us begin the uh free penultimate level of this final

Tower of the first ring or no it’s the penultimate level not the pre penalty this down there was pretty penultimate getting my English mixed up only been in Finland for uh two months and I’ve already gotten my English mixed up of course I also my finishes in general hopefully mixed

Up so I just can’t speak any language I guess supposed to be a uh purple pillar I guess I can’t build either and these four quarts I have done this like several dozen times by this point so it’s uh routine sorts this is a very nostalgic sort of music like I remember like

Liking this when I first started playing Minecraft four years ago building over the void will never not be terrifying and it makes my pinky very sore after a prolonged period of aggressively holding shift this is very delicate and precise work but it must be done in order to uh

For void station to be properly built here we go mind you I have no idea what purpose any of these structures serve I only know that they must go on the towers that make up void station to a second layer like so I wonder if I could start adding like the

Once I once I like go out and explore the new 1.20 features I wonder if I could start adding like charity uh um cherry logs into the uh and cherry wood into the uh build palettes because it’s like that that purplish shade sort of feels like it would belong here so um

Maybe I will consider that for um stuff in the second ring I’m excited to get to the second ring though it’ll be like similar to the first ring and that there will be like a ring with a bunch of towers but it’s going to be like much much bigger so um

All right let’s Ascend and I’m not sneaking that’s not good this is what I mean by like my keyboard kind of sucks sometimes but all right there we go we have that that once again continue our Rhythm here I wonder how much magenta glass I’ve put into uh

Void station let’s actually check that um 51 000. now some some of that uh glass obviously belongs to like uh um enter Acres like a few thousand but there’s like still at least for 45 000 magenta glass that’s just uh part of void station so yeah when this is done no it’s

Probably going to be like three million blocks placed which is uh kind of crazy to think about foreign there we go now we need to go fetch some obsidian and crying obsidian and end rods as a matter of fact I think we should just bring all the shulkers of materials up a level

And the crafting table we can bring that too we also need to get the obsidian which it’s not down here unless no that’s okay there’s some obsidian some more magenta glass I can steal that’s where the obsidian was now what about the crying obsidian where have I been keeping that

Here is that pesky Ryan obsidian what those Enderman stop bothering me um and one of the shelters that I already have I quit something no there it is that’s what I was looking for All right um foreign need for like this layer so yeah these windows just go through the entire floor but the rest of the windows are sort of splits by this obsidian with a bit of crying obsidian to spice things up as well I wonder if crying obsidian here would

Have been a good design choice but um I was too late to go back and fix all of these so I’m just gonna keep it as like oh I forgot the uh trap doors I forgot the trapdoors around the sea lanterns down there so foreign sneaking uncontrollably now this is uh

That’s just somehow scares me like um going out over that stairs so I want to like down one level so I’m going out over the sea lantern instead I don’t know why that scares me less it’s like the same risk of like accidentally stumbling but life I suppose there’s like

A lot of weird things like that oh no I can’t sneak at all so fun yeah you can see why this is like kind of a terrifying place to be in hardcore extremely terrifying place to be like just makes my stomach turn looking at that it’s not the place

Building over the void is extreme paranoia fuel I’m gonna come back and fix those uh trap doors eventually I just don’t want to be like forced into sneaking in and forced into not sneaking and then forcing the sneaking I just wanna do the things that require sneaking

Before I do the things I require not sneaking also I remember once I was like uh um while I was working on void station I had this weird thing where I was like partly standing on Soul Sand and partly standing on a trap door and then when I like

Uh flick the trapdoor I like just started falling into the uh I just started falling for some odd reason that is like just barely over the void so I’m gonna any chances and well this is like not really taking any more fewer chances than over the stair it just feels weirdly

Safer for some reason all right um let’s All right let’s just carefully ease our way along and okay now I can sneak this makes me a lot more comfortable although not really because now I have to unsnake I know it would be a crazy MLG throwing in the light Trot into the void and then jumping after it’s grabbing it putting it on and flying away I mean I’m obviously not gonna do that but it would be like a higher Stakes version of like the

Water Buck fancy water bucket MLG where you like throw a water bucket off a cliff and then jump after it but it has it probably does not need to be stated that I will never attempt any sort of MLG in this world of any kind or well at least I will not

Attempt any sort of clutch where failing to do the clutch could plausibly kill me in this world um No matter how much someone wants to that is simply not a thing that is ever going to happen if it could if failing could theoretically kill me I will not attempt the clutch The Only Exception I suppose would be if inaction would have a greater chance of

Killing me like if I’m already falling wait oh that’s supposed to be crying obsidian okay I got this all wrong hold on hold on here why do we even have Quartz in my hot bar I don’t need it at this level what not obsidian it’s also wrong bye-bye obsidian you’ll be Nest sorely

The reserves of obsidian from like mining up the end pillars um for uh under acres are starting to run kind of low though so I don’t know what I am going to do when those run out I might have to bite the bullet and make it an obsidian Farm

Because obsidian is for some reason actually rarer than crying obsidian and then bartering so it’s not a good way to get the stuff end rods and defenses and a few more foreign we’re gonna have to like go down to the floor and put end rods under these fences but

We can do that later um Peace Canal welcome to the stream um it has been a long time since you uh got on my stream because it has been a long time since I have streams um but uh I am doing reasonably well I took a Hiatus from uh

From the hardcore world and almost a Hiatus from Minecraft in general but uh I do feel oddly motivated all of a sudden too return I don’t know how long the motivation will last it could be a few days or it could be a few years again but

Either way I am going to get as much done as I can while I am in this strangely motivated state maybe I can even get to like day 10 300 and have an excuse to make another short that would be pretty part I suppose but uh yeah I really just want to like

Uh get the um first ring of void station done so I don’t have to deal with it and I can Advance the second ring there are def there are a few areas where I have sort of like skipped skimped on the Interiors with the plan to like

Come back and do them later so this Tower is going to be definitely one of those although I do have some decent ideas for what I can put here if nothing else I do want to like uh finish the exterior and then go build enxo Force Tree Farm in uh

One of the towers over there um before I come and decorate this one all right so we are going to need stairs stairs placed the wrong way I don’t know how that made it back into my inventory but I’m glad it did All right to replace a couple more of these stairs I think two more to be precise one more now all right and now we go down here and get fresh materials um yeah um I hope uh thank you uh East Kunal I hope you are also uh doing well or have been

Doing well as of late yeah I also uh in the intervening time between uh um Stream So I did end up moving countries and going back to school so uh yeah that’s I guess an IRL updates uh let’s contrary to popular belief I do actually exist IRL I’m not simply a

Construct of pure Minecraft I believe that honor would go to someone like or linksy who actually don’t exist IRL and are just creations of the Minecraft Gods that’s these band rods in place and draws I better know their places I’m curious how many end rods have I crafted or placed I get or

Crafted I guess would be the optimal statistic to look at um 26 000 end rods wow of course a big chunk of those were for under Acres but there could still be like 15 or 20 000 end rods and void station okay that one’s already accounted for

Now we’re just gonna need a bunch more uh trap doors like there’s some crafting oh I picked up the crafting table okay doors let’s take a few more stairs as well okay what else is needed um grab some quartz it’s probably obsidian and crying up

City in a way I mean not throw it away but like throw it out of our inventory for now um these and then like a bit more so we’ll go down and fetch that random shelter of Harper that I should have I think it’s on the second floor

Oh no it’s on the third floor both of these two you can see how my store system is very fancy and organized just gets ridiculous amounts of pepper okay there it is slabs pillars pillars pillars actually I think that’s enough pillars right now all right so let’s place these these these these these

These these this is this I’ve been wondering if I should make like more uh shorter streams like instead of like doing long streams that I rarely have the motivation to do if I like do like one hour streams that I am going to be more motivated to do because like I feel like

Most of the activity um is like in when I do stream is in the first hour anyway and after that like people uh get bored which is understandable nobody should have to suffer from an hour of me uh rambling punctuated by awkward silences um apologize to anyone who has been uh

Subject to that against their will something definitely to consider going forward um feel free to uh provide Ascent or descent um in the chat or anywhere else for that matter although normally don’t sitcom IRL too suggest your ideas that would be a bit weird unless you were

One of the few people who also happens to know me um then feel free to suggest your ideas IRL I guess this is of terrifying this like void of course as someone who is terrified of the Void I have naturally chosen to uh build my biggest megastructure ever in the void

As one does how long have I been streaming for okay about an hour so far I guess we can carry on a little all right it’s time for the uh next layer after that this one we can begin wrapping up the sixth floor whoa whoops does not belong all right this is

Looking decent like all the other dozens of times that I’ve done this before yeah it’s looking pretty hot maybe I can at least finish like the uh sixth floor and get the ceiling in place before I Do any stream ending Regina says you think it would be the option what you like most and you usually chat much because you play Minecraft in parallel yeah that makes sense like I usually do things um like when I do watch people’s streams I usually am like doing things in uh

In the background especially since like with big streamers like uh it’s like screaming into the void anyway like I’m not gonna be noticed I might as well just like watch or listen but yeah I totally get that like no one should feel like they to chat like I appreciate anyone who who

Watches like um it’s uh great but yeah um yeah I do I do feel like um I do feel like uh I would probably stream more if I were only going for an hour as opposed to two or three so uh yeah perhaps I will um look into that

And it would also be like easier I think to keep a consistent schedule um if I only have to set aside an hour instead of like two and a half hours so that way I could like uh I feel like it would like definitely help build an

Audience if like people know that I’m gonna go live at a specific time instead of just like well I’ll just go live whenever I feel like it’s so uh it’s definitely something to uh consider and anyway Regina thank you for uh thank you for your uh suggestions they are much appreciated

Well I almost blocked myself and fell okay um anyway here we go almost done with this pinky is starting to uh be a little sore but okay there is uh the uh wait wait this isn’t right hold on hold on uh yeah I know wait this is completely wrong hold on

None of this should exist I went I went too high distracted so yeah we’ll just trim this off because yeah this is where like the windows are supposed to end and like where supposed to like do the pattern for transitioning between fours we’ll get rid of this

I forgot where I was going because I was like distracted by my own uh pontificating very relatable I’m sure I got distracted by the sound of my own voice and uh Builds an extra layer and almost created an engineering disaster like imagine if the ISS the engineers

Who built the ISS were like with astronauts Ago by ISS for like um just listening to their own voices and got distracted and then ended up accidentally adding like making the module like a meter too long caused Everything To Break um that’s pretty much what happened here um all right

Um so much we actually need here is chiseled quartz stack of that two stacks Plus 18. should be good for that um here we have loads of pepper pillars Let’s uh round out this level okay we don’t need any glass here just the uh just a chiseled quartz and the prepper pillars

I should experiment some more with like horizontal lines of purple pillars and like uh other things like probably in the second ring because like the uh template for the bridges between Rings is already pretty well established over there um but yeah in the second ring I am gonna get a chance to

Experiment with a lot of crazy new blocks and build ideas which is another good reason to push on to the second ring as quickly as possible I suppose thank you all right I remember what I was going to have in the second ring like aside from

The towers or like the the ring itself is going to be like custom biomes but it’s not it’s not going to be like vanilla Minecraft biomes I’m gonna like invent biomes or maybe I’ll ask chat gbt too doesn’t go there maybe I’ll ask chat gbt too invent biomes for the biome showcase

But yeah they’re gonna be like I think 24 custom biomes in the second ring and of course like uh either um 12 or 16 Towers which will many of which will have like farms and depending on all of that will be like 500 blocks across probably

But yeah I guess I guess the end goal of this will be to like um well the end goal of the Void station will be the B void station but it would be kind of cool if it ends up being like the biggest end base ever uh built in Hardcore Minecraft

Because the end is like I feel like especially like the outer end is not a popular choice for building but it’s like so cool because like there’s just like nothing that’s out here like you can make whatever right this is wrong there we go this is right I wondered what that was

Let’s see it’s just like the render distance anyway um we are almost done with this all right there we go and now we just need like lots of uh quartz slabs all right foreign Mr Anonymous says how do you like your new country um it’s uh pretty good so far

Um I moved to uh Finland in case uh you’re from from America in case like you’re wondering like what country that is but um yeah I came here to like uh do a masters um and it was pretty cool I have family here so it’s like I’m not

Totally alone but it’s like um definitely and adjustment and uh finishes a confusing language to learn though I can at least I’m making some progress thus far like like courses are thankfully in English my finishes not nearly good enough to actually understand people talking about computer science in Finnish but uh

Yeah I’m learning a little a little bit of a tiny bit of finish um anyway mind free gamer welcome back um I hope you uh enjoyed your uh absence and are now enjoying the stream um all right um also I think you’re new because I don’t remember your name but uh

If you are new then you probably haven’t seen void station which is what I’m working on it’s um it’s my uh main end base I guess even though we’re in the outer end as you can see from the uh coordinates it’s like the big end base here

Is just a temporary thing you can go and now we’re gonna place in the floors so All right so yeah we’re going to place these like double slabs because like you see the bottom slabs down there sort of like obscure half of the uh block um so that’s what I’m trying to do with the top slabs here but like I don’t want

The entire floor appear to be top slabs because that would allow us mods to spawn and also ruin the symmetry so I’m making a second thing with a bottom slap here which is going to be like what the main uh level of the floor is misplacing those slabs here we go um

Mr Anonymous says uh from what I understand computer science terminology and finish uses a lot of words from English I I think that is true for a lot of like uh technical words but the words in between the technical words are uh probably not lone words and uh like um

Will it would be difficult to have any idea what’s going on if uh courses were not in English so yeah I am uh rather lucky that they are English is hard enough like um as an native English speaker I uh I have had no idea what I am saying half the time um

But honestly I am uh just impressed that anyone ever learns any language at all even their first language because like to learn a language is like one thing but to learn a language with like no knowledge no prior knowledge of any languages and like how how how are people how do people do

This like if I’m struggling to learn English at 24. how the hell did I easily learn if I’m struggling to learn finish in 24 how the hell do I easily learn English at like one I don’t know um I don’t remember but I guess I did

Or maybe it wasn’t easy it took like many years to be able to read and write like several years didn’t do that until I was like four all right um forced to not sneak again which is weirdly annoying stupid keyboard fortunately I don’t really need to sneak

For this since I’m not close to the edge I’ve often wondered like what would void station look like if it were just like uh if it just like appeared IRL like um because it’s a pretty sizable structure and it would just be interesting too like see a render of it like in the

Middle of New York City or something I feel like I could do that with like blender or something if I really wanted to but I’m too lazy also fun fact Ender acres is still technically taller than uh void station by about 30 meters although obviously void station is like Broad and

Has like in a lot more complex it’s gonna get a lot broader once I like at the second ring which is gonna be like 500 blocks across or close to it all right remove that pillar it is not needed get as many slabs as we can to uh finish the slabbing

To finish the Great slabbing actually I’m also going to grab some water quickly I wonder why in the control panel there are like random hearts floating across the chat I didn’t put those there I don’t know what I guess you can see them on the Stream kind of I have

No idea what they’re doing but uh yeah Anyway um oh I need jump boost so I will just run over to near a beacon and then the nice thing about jump boats is that I can like jump from a bottom slab and place a block under me and it’ll like actually work and also like when building like jump

Boost is like very underrated for building like you can do like the double jump thing as well and even even jump up like two and a half blocks so like two blocks plus a slab which is you crazy although for that you have to like kind of

Um get your get the angle just so all right also it is day 10 263 of this hardcore world for those who are wondering foreign we are I think about halfway done with the slabbing now considerably more than halfway done this slabbing now I wonder if there will be like a million

Quartz slabs in this build by the time it’s done foreign let’s check chat again see if there’s anything nope all right let us uh thank you continue these slab placements sometimes it’s nice just to like look at the skyline of void station I guess you know a bass is like big when like

You talk about like when it has when it’s like has a Skyline everybody could just look out into the void and you see buildings as far as I can see all right so let’s get this done oh I need more slabs oops um Mr Anonymous says 69420 does it bear any

Significance to you or do you or did you just think it’s a funny member such is such a beautiful number you know 69 420 such a beautiful number Um yeah also bonus points if you get the reference but it is indeed a beautiful number possibly one of the most beautiful numbers which is why I reference it it’s also in my hoe for some reason but I mean that’s not much of a mystery why my hoe would be named 69 420.

It used to be named after my ex but I think she might have cheated on me but I uh decided to change the name a year or so ago that has been accomplished um now we just got a nice nice MLG um that’s an exception to my no MLG rules

Since like there is no way that that fall could have possibly kill me anyway um for signs and uh ice there we go oh and we also need all amount of stairs I think stairs dying is crooked I will I’ll just leave the Crooked side maybe

As an Easter egg or nah it I’ll fix it Foreign there we go the Crooked side there’s no more oh no no no no no no that was it there we go good thing there wasn’t like anything important uh flooded would be a shame if there was some complex Redstone that I just ruined All right Foreign At the right angle okay it’s also at a right angle the uh water but that’s another story all right that sign is off kilter there we go what no that sound is off filter too all right let us place these signs like so another line of signs over here

There is a disturbing number of signs of crimson signs and Wood Station I actually want to see how many of those there might be Crimson sign how far down is that actually not as many as like the fences or trap doors but 5000 signs and I’m pretty sure the vast majority of the

Crimson signs are in this Builder in here Oh so it’s like my time’s mind statistics for those who were wondering all right it’s downwards thing now we do the uh upwards science here oops where did that sign go oh there I have to end up there that’s weird I think it’s funny how like signs just can just float on nothing

Like so foreign what would happen if I like put the signs around the ice and then broke the ice but the signs would probably just break so uh it’s a shame though because that would be a lot cooler of an effect than having these weird like sign bases

I think the idea the ideal aesthetically would be to just have like a nothing surrounding these water columns but like unless I get into like really weird suppression stuff like there’d be no nothing to hold the water in so I have to have something so I feel like Crimson signs probably go

Best with the uh Aesthetics of the build while also allowing free entry to and from the uh water um Crimson fence gates would be like I think another option if you like put them in an open position but like they’re vulnerable to being messed around with a uh

Redstone and uh also they’re slightly more expensive all right now that is done and I need more chords honestly So yeah I will avoid trading clear up that pillar and we’ll try and come back with some more quartz Enderman keep spawning here so laggy literally slideshow it’s causing all the slag like are there like oh they’re like a thousand entities that I I got I guess a thousand entities might explain the

Lag serious if my electric didn’t even open I wonder if there’s any way to track down where the Thousand entities are coming from because I feel like that is an unhealthy amount of entities to have in any base it’s weird anyway so first we are going to get some uh excuse me

Some uh try and drop the render distance and see if that helps with anything strangely does at the cost of like um making the room look weird anyway let’s do some Emerald purchasing Regina says do you have lithium installed I do actually and sodium so it’s not like it’s just vanilla

Minecraft which like I don’t even want to think well the lag would be like then it would probably be like five FPS with uh vanilla but like I get like decent FPS like in other worlds so I think it’s I think it’s the bass’s fault honestly like void station is just that heavy

That’s of course a little lag can’t stop the uh building process so um we’re gonna continue to expand void station and make it even bigger and laggier just what got to do 725 levels I don’t know what’s the highest like level count I’ve been to I think it’s

Like 7 30 something or 740 something in this world but like I occasionally like lose tools and have to like re-enchant them would be cool if there was a way to like know what my total score was without dying because like I think your score is like how much experience you pick up

Over the course of like your since your last death so I think it’s probably around like 4 million something but I really don’t know for sure with like all the stuff I’ve Enchanted a name tagged and whatever if they ever patch like void trading I’m just not going to update because this is

Much too convenient to uh not have but I don’t think it’s going anywhere it’s been in the games it’s like 1.7 I’m pretty sure or maybe 1.15 I don’t know for sure 1.16 but it’s been around a while that’s the point it’s funny how 1.16 is like ancient now um an ancient version

Even though it was like the like I started playing Minecraft but while it was before it was like even properly announced I think like my very first hardcore world my very first attempt at hardcore which lasted like 15 minutes was uh in 1.15 like the snapshots hadn’t even started rolling out the 1.16. Foreign profits that were totally fairly gained through uh um effort and grinding and I’m gonna put half them into uh storage and uh get a Mason out of here all right now let’s uh get some quartz I don’t think I want the pillars since uh most of what I want is like the

Normal quartz box for the next level so I’m just gonna get regular quartz I’m just gonna take twice as long but oh well all right foreign I think it’s funny how like villagers just casually have act like Stone Mason villagers just casually have access to quartz or just from the nether like

It’s a little weird to think about we’re almost to another level 26 come on come on us Foreign like if I had no levels just see like how ridiculously fast my love account would be going up with this void Trading even though it tastes like an hour to get like a couple of levels at this point Thank you there we go it’s official 726 levels All right Couple more Stacks eight more trades seven trades six trades five trades four trades three trades an ultimate trade or no that’s the creep and ultimate trade penultimate trade and final trade it’s back I’ve got a decent render distance again even though that’ll up my FPS stuff here all right so let’s actually

Go ahead and uh put these boxes out and get fresh boxes and just is here so I’ll have like fresh boxes of carrots and potatoes next time we trade and apparently a box of potatoes and different shears for some reason this is okay enough there we go this is also not

High enough hold on there we go This is a cool like random area like have this thing here Tree of Life it’s also like uh let me go up in a second another tree up here I call this one like the tree of light there’s like lots of Lights themed decorations apparently chocolate box with lots of

Valuable resources I will take that I will just join kit I’m going to go down here there’s uh the tree of Darkness as you can see it’s quite dark and ominous oh I forgot that sculk sensors interact with redstone oh I am standing on this thing [Applause] as you can see it’s uh

Skull Shaker so it’s just like funny for funny effects I’m not sure why anyone would decorate with scope shriekers if they could summon anyway I’m just biting my time until day 10 to 65. which would be a reasonable Mouse Honda end the Stream but it does not seem to be arriving

Let’s go ahead and bring the shoulder the rest of the shulker boxes up okay my crafting table of course let’s not forget the crafting table all right Um let’s see what do I want to do now until day 10 265. I’m not except actually exactly sure like all right so add some uh stairs in for stabilities sake oh yeah this is like the seventh floor I believe so it’s like the last one

Before the roof so we don’t need like a water elevator going any further so yeah we are almost done with the exterior this hour well I say almost done but the roofs are going to be and the floor is going to be like a lot harder than that the rest of it because

It’s going to be very complicated and there’s going to be a lot of like weird contortions and like building over the void I’m missing I don’t have enough uh well I don’t even have enough planks to put that one in and it is day 10 265 so um

I think I am going to uh end the string here um So yeah thank you for watching and I will uh see you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘Void Station — Let’s Just Finish the First Ring Already | Hardcore Minecraft Day 10258’, was uploaded by Thete on 2023-08-26 03:55:09. It has garnered 190 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:24 or 6444 seconds.

Let’s try streaming again………………………………….will this be the last time ever, or will I return to a schedule again?

 This video is not to be confused with I Survived 100 Days In Hardcore Minecraft or I Survived 100 Days In Modded Hardcore Minecraft or any Minecraft But challenge. If I do use shaders it will be the Complimentary Reimagined Shaders. Other mods used include the Replay mod and Litematica. Hardcore logo by Zombified T-Rav: www.youtube.com/c/minczeta64 My discord server: https://discord.com/invite/NpdyYckRva Stream playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcea8OGZu_VlkX4BbrypwD1Y_WpZNTETO #Minecraft #MinecraftHardcore #HardcoreMinecraft

Stream playlist Music by C418 Alpha Biome Fest Aria Math Taswell Beginning 2 Dreitron

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  • Speddle

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  • SkyMata SMP – smp network minigames creative

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Memorable Gaming Experience!

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  • Blocknetto Commercial Parody | Minecraft Animation

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    Minecraft Tower House Build - INSANE!! 😱🔥Video Information oh This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft : : Tower House 🏠 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #ytshorts #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-02-14 13:00:28. It has garnered 5 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. How to build an tower house in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • Haunting Peppa Pig EXE invades Security House!

    Haunting Peppa Pig EXE invades Security House!Video Information [Music] H another beautiful day JJ H let’s go for a walk our village is so peaceful okay huh uh huh what’s that is that a crowd in our village huh what’s this about what’s with all the puppets should we run huh oh what’s this wait w huh oh no uh I couldn’t move at least hang on Mikey I know what they are these puppets huh what what are they JJ these puppets attack people when the Sun goes down really they’ll attack us yep what do we do during the day they seem safe but… Read More

  • EPIC! Craft Hunters Build Insane Patterned Carpet

    EPIC! Craft Hunters Build Insane Patterned CarpetVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build Patterned Carpet in minecraft’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-04-19 13:30:14. It has garnered 5009 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process of crafting everything… Read More

  • Top 10 Secrets to Unlock Ultimate Minecraft Fun!

    Top 10 Secrets to Unlock Ultimate Minecraft Fun!Video Information what makes Minecraft fun Minecraft allows you to freely express your creativity you can build anything you can imagine and this helps you de-stressed and just have an overall nice time Minecraft has no real end yes you can beat the game but there’s always more to do even if it’s something small like just killing a bunch of mobs or enjoying a nice sunset or sunrise and if you get bored of another Minecraft you can always add mods to make it feel like a new experience some mods even overall certain parts of the game completely… Read More

  • Ultimate Madness on Outlived SMP! 🤯

    Ultimate Madness on Outlived SMP! 🤯Video Information I’m going to start my stream just so you’re okay I mean like man was kind of salty not going to lie also I made an e chest it’s in our house so stashing a thing that you deem valuable in your in your chest okay currently I have five diamonds I’m trying to find some more Diamond I’m pretty sure they’re watching my Stream So me I just don’t go to our BAS I mean technically everyone our BAS yeah true they broke our portal but it was like so easily fixable didn’t even matter one block… Read More

  • The Ultimate Fire Devil Server – Non-stop Action!

    The Ultimate Fire Devil Server - Non-stop Action!Video Information This video, titled ‘Our new paid hosting server 24/7 active . BedWar,SkyWar, Skyblock,Oneblock,Survival,Headsteal etc .’, was uploaded by Fire Devil on 2024-02-04 16:15:19. It has garnered 316 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. ————————————————————————|————– Decord link : https://discord.com/invite/V9MjTkSXff Your search history, Minecraft Bangla, Bangla Minecraft, Minecraft gameplay, Bangla gaming, Bangla Let’s Play, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft tutorial Bangla, Bangla gamer, Minecraft building Bangla, Bangla commentary, Minecraft survival Bangla, Bangla gaming community, Minecraft adventure Bangla, Bangla commentary gameplay, Minecraft funny moments Bangla, Bangla gaming channel, Minecraft exploration Bangla, Bangla Let’s… Read More

  • Zels’ FIRST DEATH?! HARDCORE CHAOS @xpayr0 #minecraft

    Zels' FIRST DEATH?! HARDCORE CHAOS @xpayr0 #minecraftVideo Information me cago me cago en su madre corre corre si no me acabo de salvar de milagro estoy muerto eh No no no no corre corre corre su madre Cómo acabo de escribar eso no me cago en todo tío menudo buc que había ahí This video, titled ‘PRIMERA MUERTE CORRUPTED HARDCORE @xpayr0 #streamer #directo #minecraft #stream #twitch #videogames’, was uploaded by Zels on 2024-01-15 11:00:23. It has garnered 44 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #fyp #streamer #directo #minecraft #stream #twitch #videogames #hardcore #CorruptedHardcore #drownedminecraft #fail Read More

  • Is JustALINA Psycho?! PvP Training Madness!!

    Is JustALINA Psycho?! PvP Training Madness!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Maybe Psycho | PvP Training #4 | !zxAlinaTRRx’, was uploaded by JustALINA on 2024-04-13 12:48:18. It has garnered 213 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:34 or 9754 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a star streamer – https://get.turnip.gg/become-star-streamer 🎮 Streaming via Turnip… Read More

Void Station — Let’s Just Finish the First Ring Already | Hardcore Minecraft Day 10258