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It’s fine he’s eligible we can hear me in game uh yeah you say you’re not talking in game goose i can turn it up a little bit because i’m gonna be a little farther Uh who are you missing hyper used to do [ __ ] mario speed runs now he just sleeps for money you tell me if i pay hyper he’ll sleep with me for money is that what you’re telling me oh dude that’s what it is oh [ __ ] uh we’re missing two trolls zoomers here

Sometimes when it’s late at night i see hyper streaming and i tune in i go to sleep with them and it comes that’s nice dude they’re comfortable oh wait we’re missing goose and who’s the last person that we’re missing my [ __ ] settings different oh [ __ ] we’re missing terminal

Yeah this is listening to my popular opinion terminal was kind of like a map unless you were playing well snd was the main game type i like terminal the turtle was pretty good um i think by the way if you drop out of the game i’m going to start off my ovr

Drop if you drop out of the game you should be able to rejoin off anybody so in there i don’t think i have anyone else friended you don’t have zazuma or goose or anybody i don’t think so nobody wants to [ __ ] add yo yeah he is kind of [ __ ] annoying that’s

True [ __ ] soundcloud you’re dumb they’re roasting you bro they’re killing you right now okay all right uh hyper i think i can invite you to us squad i i invited you i don’t know if that oh yeah yeah i got it i got it let’s go okay

All right i think we can start and then whoever needs to join can join sound good practice game anyways yeah is my mic too loud all right we’re starting it’s just crisp well we’ll start with some tdm get everyone warmed up a little bit get everyone a little bit you know

Whoever bottom frags is a [ __ ] i’ll make sure the bottom frag your mom oh down under we were just on australia map wait what hello don’t shoot don’t shoot low-fi lo-fi don’t shoot don’t shoot i’m here bro i’m here you [ __ ] dumbass don’t do it don’t do it bro mother yeah let’s go

[ __ ] this what the [ __ ] i i think people are still loading in i think good [ __ ] oh it is tdm good morning you sponsor i didn’t my gun wasn’t loaded how do you open the buy menu oh [ __ ] pop out [ __ ] who’s the smart guy I’m not about anything by tvs There’s one guy over there who’s behind you i heard shooting this [ __ ] yeah i can hear you i can hear you i got killed What do you mean it won’t let you join i mean he’s kicking me out did you download the map yeah i don’t know what to tell you i’m hurt real bad no i’m good bro i don’t got time to bleed okay all right cover me let’s go up let’s go up there

Cover cover cover watch the plane i hear him down below i think watch out left he’s in the plane he’s in the [ __ ] plane wait that’s our [ __ ] teammate where the [ __ ] are they I’m breaching clearing up breach of clearing Fight some [ __ ] though how would you like some hoe straight okay [ __ ] okay the m16 kind of sucks i need to buy the m4 the m16 kind of ass [Applause] thank you all right boys together Careful to your left what the [ __ ] is that that’s you with the [ __ ] laser sight double left careful he isn’t playing he isn’t playing copy that i almost move your head off i hear [ __ ] dumbass yeah i heard one right over here who the [ __ ] hey pick it up he’s on your team

He’s got a [ __ ] weapon underneath the [ __ ] plane wait that’s our team that’s your teammate that’s our teammate that’s our teammate i miss every shot holy [ __ ] [ __ ] try to get his ass for a [ __ ] him up bro finally terminal terminal Wait goose is on my team isn’t he oh oh that didn’t do it i couldn’t shoot cool so what the [ __ ] that was pretty good do you want cody’s discord snow on the same team what do you mean i’m in discord mute uh well i’m trying to see if anyone

Needs like help oh okay okay that makes but yeah you do be right just just deafen mutant death in yourself no i won’t definitely keep it undefeated everyone but you yeah that’s what i’m saying yeah that works so [ __ ] i think you were in the [ __ ] train at one point or in the

Plane at one point snow and i was just like oh i’m firing and then you just killed me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it i’m like wait a second yeah you killed me i’m like isn’t goose on my [ __ ] team you can’t see names twice right off the bat

At the start of the round like maybe a little bit minecraft zombies i think yo-yo fell out if he wants to try rejoining we’re on a different map can someone in chat at yoyo or one of my mods to dm him and say we’re on a different map he should be able to

Join all right get on the server and teach you the game yeah that’d be great holy [ __ ] i’m going to be so blind i don’t know what the hell i’m doing oh wait really i got you don’t worry we’re all on a team this time we’re fighting minecraft zombies so it’ll be a

Little bit easier so if you see a minecraft zombie with detox over his name make sure to shoot him really yeah he’s an enemy he’s the boss that’s actually yeah like i got minus seven because i killed my team what how do you look at how many kills

You had how many friends uh it says at the end of the game what up android android can you do me a favor can you message yo-yo and tomorrow on a different map if he wants to try and rejoin i [ __ ] told this kid to download the maps i

Assume he did but i’m not sure i already did all right thank you thank you good old pavlov loading what do you guys see oh you guys okay Everyone calm your guns are not loaded what do you mean your left hand is a flashlight oh it is what is this emerald wait there’s an emerald down here guys where okay for those of you that are new to the game look okay when you hold your gun down you sprint

Oh yeah okay just keep that in mind yeah you stabilize weapons if you stabilize your weapon it’ll be more accurate like if it’s a big gun otherwise it’ll fly out of your hands what happened do you guys know how to reload why are you so tall

My quality is a bit [ __ ] it’s probably because we have so many players someone teach them how to reload if they need if you need help reloading just come to me i’ll show you yeah wait is anyone else’s hand backwards wait what like the little wave 1000

Points is upside down on my left hand not for me why is mine upside down nice there’s a little zombie dog here patreon sword oh you got to be a patreon patreon bro you can turn up the brightness guys so i can see a little better there’s a brightness thing

There’s a brightness thing over here by spawn if you want to turn it up so you can see can i make it like daytime uh yeah so you can eject your magazine by pressing buttons some magazines don’t auto eject like some like mags like ak’s don’t auto eject but some of them like

The pistol you can shoot it out and then you grab to reload whoa that was a skeleton [Applause] i’m just going to hang out i’m just going to chill and vibe yeah why is my wave thing upside down who threw a [ __ ] grenade can oh i can open this for 9.50

[ __ ] throwing at me that’s why you play video games out i’m out of [ __ ] ammo nice good [ __ ] dude [Applause] these green things are guns like you can buy these off of the unique bow aero system you can get them by killing the sad villager or the pyramid king

What the [ __ ] does that mean grab a sword you want i can grab a sword for in like a hundred dollars i don’t know if i want a sword though there’s dude i just don’t i was always okay these rounds get harder i think so twitch subscriber only that’s pretty

[ __ ] smart dude you have to be a subscriber to his twitch channel to use the sword that’s kind of hard i think you will you can grab this one i don’t know if i want a sword like i feel like a sword is not as good as you think it is

It’s not that great yeah i’d rather dog round guys group up there’s dogs everyone grouped up my guns not [ __ ] good [ __ ] everybody do we want to open some of these [Applause] gun it’s a shotgun do you want to go upstairs not what we want to say money can i fix this

You run up any holes [ __ ] trying to kill me we good we good chuckling guys if you run up and hold the trigger you can fix the windows like that [Applause] does anyone have enough money to open the upstairs hyper do you need a do you need a weapon

You can buy an mp5 here if you want for eleven hundred not too bad there you go i think the pistol’s infinite i think the pistol is infinite i haven’t ran out yet right there right there right there i don’t know what that is what the [ __ ] was that

Wait this is open here what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] guys if you have a rifle there’s a rifle laser over here and a grip in the village you can buy stuff from the villagers that’s sick yeah you can’t buy it [Applause] i don’t know what to get i kind of want

To wait for a better gun a torch 3 500 for the [ __ ] cave you bought a suppressor they’re coming over here they’re coming up back it up back it up back it up [Applause] i’m on my way i’m gonna have to buy a weapon soon uh boys

I need a new [ __ ] gun real bad how [ __ ] hyper died i don’t know do you want me to open this cave or the room upstairs in the pyramid [Applause] okay i i really need money though i really need money so that is a lot yeah i’m going to open it

How do you open it squeeze the other trigger put your hand in and squeeze the other trigger either the trigger or the back trigger flip the arrest you have enough money yeah i have forty one hundred how do you open the door i’m scared to go there it costs a

Fuckload yeah i have a [ __ ] love thought have more money me oh my god guys time suit time suit watch out watch out okay i’m gonna open the upstairs then go this way upstairs upstairs upstairs i have 4 800 i really need to buy a gun how do you open a door

I think it’s just triggered i got it i think it is grip ak 74u [ __ ] that [ __ ] guys are you alive yes why are you guys [ __ ] leaving right okay they need help but spun [ __ ] revive him i’m down yeah i think it’s stuck i’m down i think i think we how do

I [Applause] that’s weird why’d you spawn there maybe if you if you die again maybe you’ll not respond there that’s weird uh we can try and defend here do you respond with your points at least i’m out of [ __ ] find you behind you guys we’re being overrun run run run

Get that get that watch behind you goose you animals repair the [ __ ] windows repair the windows [Applause] did he respawn again okay he’s in a good place there’s an ak-74u upstairs let’s go up this is a dwarf day at the bye hyper come this way where’s this we’re one into the caves

This right over here i’m waving at you upstairs there’s a 4 000 door upstairs uh i’m at 3 400. i’m gonna use my pistol at this distance you can open it Where are you uncomfortable can you open this shay i got it vector thompson a revive we got this ak do these cost money how do you [ __ ] add this to your gun oh my god anyone i’ll leave it here i’ll take it on my back and give it to anyone who dies right

Let’s go downstairs let’s go downstairs and help him let’s not get trapped up here trey are you good watch out man but we must [Applause] max ammo does anyone need a weapon we’re going this way we’re going outside we’re going outside we’re going outside okay never mind we’re not going this way Okay this cave like i don’t know if you can open it i don’t know if you can open it because it’s red i think we maybe need to restore okay he got it never mind they’re coming through they’re coming through [ __ ] that’s just funny someone watch behind someone watch behind

Let’s move up did i get shot one of you shooting me make sure someone’s watching the behind yeah what is it what is it zombies zombies are spawning zombies are spawning guys we’re gonna have to move come this way come this way push push this way push this way yep oh [ __ ]

Shoot it shoot it why is my gun not [ __ ] loaded shoot it let’s go revive go about go back rest rest resume I’m resin you i mean the other guys everyone keep a position okay good [ __ ] we need new guns these guns [ __ ] suck hey i have a p90 who wants it here you go p90 take it as a backup why does it not give me a mag in it

We need to find a more defensible spot Oh my god everyone good everyone good morning okay we gotta are we going down below can we turn power on a new gun i have seven grand i can’t lock a door oh [ __ ] that’s a good [ __ ] i’m opening the cave up i’m opening the cave up [Applause] [ __ ] is the assault rifle

How do i use this all uh there’s a perk here for speed boost there’s a perk here i’m fast i guess i threw that away okay we need someone to watch the cave entrance they’re gonna be coming from there right now go get some red dots

I would also like a red dot how much watch out right side right side right side right side Make sure someone’s watching behind make sure someone’s watching behind we good holy [ __ ] is everyone okay push up push up push up where’s the [ __ ] red dot is there a hollow anywhere this side this side right there I don’t even know if i can put this on a gun i might have [ __ ] up [ __ ] dude i have a red dot who wants it never mind it’s gone can i not put a [ __ ] hollow on this gun Oh man are you guys good how do you [ __ ] equip this why’d i buy a [ __ ] famas there’s red dots here if anyone wants them wait a minute enough money yeah probably max ammo all right we go you guys want to go further down i’m pushing all right we’re pushing

We’re pushing into the cave we’re pushing into the cave back it up back it up back it up they’re being overrun does anyone have a name we’re being overrun we’re being overrun why is this not [ __ ] shooting who’s shooting me cut that out if anyone wants a free smg

If anyone wants a free smg on the floor who dropped it that’s mine do you do you have a secondary do you have a secondary okay did anyone die don’t run into that nether portal does anyone here not have a secondary hybrid jade do you have a secondary uh yeah

No no like a secondary primary put that on your back just in case you run out of ammo there’s another portal down here guys they’re [ __ ] coming out of it i kind of want to buy this m16 i think they’re getting [ __ ] up over here You guys need help watch behind watch fine What why’d they give me a shotgun that’s not [ __ ] loaded why would they do that How do you [ __ ] [ __ ] it up and it’s running in place how do you it’s a spaz how do you oh i found it nice there you go that’s the one from jurassic park it is we just watched jurassic park last night ooh love fire we shouldn’t be up here we

Should rejoin the others grab to buy a torch i need help what does the torch do with me with me with me oh [ __ ] watch out we got a backup we got a backup we got to back up back up here back up here back up here what the [ __ ]

Yo thank you for the sub [Applause] all right you guys want to go to the nether yeah let’s go we’re going to go to the nether first pipe are you good yo big i’m gonna swap this for a [ __ ] m16 i can’t [ __ ] stand trust me this shit’s fun as [ __ ] maybe

Next time i want this m16 what the [ __ ] are we going in there [Laughter] no man i need my guns there we go Yeah i just realized it says nether is deadly at the top i just [ __ ] saw that actually huh weird weird whoa boys all right someone don’t get in front of each other get those [ __ ] skeleton [ __ ] they’re pushing keep moving keep moving is anything behind us okay i think we’re good yes

You know how awkward it is don’t actually like equip it with your left hand yeah why are you using a [ __ ] bow because the one shots two shots if i can hear them if i can hit them it’s very good at close range trust me i should have got a semi-auto shotgun

Not a [ __ ] spazz reloading it like i should have got the drum shotgun because i needed like a single [ __ ] thread back there all right let’s move let’s move boys let’s move let’s get more perks and [ __ ] why am i not loaded that was weird what does revive do oh

Okay my gun is not cutting it back it up trey they’re doing damage they’re taking hits let’s move forward so i think the guns have tears like this oh [ __ ] guys there’s some underground [ __ ] down here we move move down towards the nether portal keep moving keep moving yeah zuzuma has it

Behind him find it behind him i hit him a little bit keeps walking in front of me there’s an rwp i don’t know what that is hey which one keep running keep running back keep viper this way hyper this way two left oh [ __ ] can we get him can we get him

Let’s share jay are they close okay see if you can crawl towards us Keep backing up keep backing up i got him i got him cover me cover me sewer sewer steward sewer back it up back it up stop come on all right sewers back it up back it up coming up yeah we’re going further in the sewers i got it right there

Keep going keep going down why is my [ __ ] never loaded who keeps unloading my guns chat who keeps filling my pockets with empty magazines this place is kind of [ __ ] sick isn’t this pretty cool for a community made map yeah it’s huge dude this is like the next level nazi zombies

Okay they spawn here so watch out oh also i don’t think you want to fall down i think it insta kills you i don’t think you wanna fall in the water such intensity sorry i’m not reading chat there’s like a lot of [ __ ] going on you guys know what it is

Being in what the [ __ ] five grand oh my god wait wait legitimately So are the weapons tiered like is it galil [ __ ] i saw diamonds i i think they’re tiered like i think it’s a cobblestone there’s like diamond tier weapons that do more damage [Applause] whoa water breach my bow is falling off and damage if i find the diamond pick i’d

Love it hey we opened it up here we opened it up here so we gotta we got to split up look there’s two doors there two doors there and then this [ __ ] big-ass hallway yeah someone help me cover the front i’m pulling my pants up skinny jeans are not the move

I got those tack skinny jeans i just don’t shoot each other make sure you call out if you’re be you’re so [ __ ] tall dude you’re [ __ ] getting the water break that’s where we’re going yeah it’s gonna cost a bit uh 48 48 yeah i have no attachments okay i’m

Not going to shoot i’m going to back so i’ll let you build a point so you can buy that door well make sure you shoot because we might get overrun i have a feeling like a big wave is gonna come from maybe down there from somewhere right they have to here they come

That shot sure would be make sure someone’s watching behind yeah what is that what is that here come the skellies go grab that go grab that they are spawning behind us i can’t grab that there’s no way boys we have a problem okay okay i’m running out of room to back up

I [ __ ] dropped the mag okay you can shoot through these i think am i shooting them or my [ __ ] crazy chat am i hitting them okay should have worn sweats eh that’s me i’m a viewer i’m at 79. is anyone has anyone got a lot of money i need to do it

So it there’s diamonds marked on your wrist do you see that yeah pyramid prison that’s how we escape i think once we got all of them oh that was awesome okay i think we’re dudes are you opening the water we might be opening the water you’re ready wait snow you can see the

You’re beautiful i love you boys jay we gotta move jay we gotta move jay jay jay jay [ __ ] idiot bro okay we gotta hold we gotta hold Crawl towards us jackass crawl someone push up keep your ears open bro okay someone else is down do we lose someone who is that that’s a [ __ ] finger he died why did he jump in the water [ __ ] dude guys he’s dead he’s dead the reviver’s

Gone he died so come back oh no it’s not no he’s still there are we gonna go for the rescue up we’re gonna have to get him from the spawn anyway okay Hyper we’re coming to get you we’re coming to get you bro maybe we go maybe we go the other way maybe we go the other way other way go around the other way go around the other way other way other way other way oh

Back up back back up now back up back up they are not they’re not listening yeah they’re not boys there’s only 36 zombies left let’s go let’s grab hyper we’re going back to the spawn why are we splitting up why does he think that’s a good idea that doesn’t

Sound like a good idea you got to upgrade your bow my guy i think we kill bosses this is a diamond i kind of want to get this but [ __ ] i really need to upgrade my bow i need to upgrade my gun like to some proper sights

I’m just closing my eyes the sights down here i don’t know if i can put them on though if you can take yours all there is no sight on my gun it’s just that i’m like i’m i’m honestly just shooting and guessing i’m not even looking down my iron sights like

I’d be getting hits but it’s just kind of annoying i’d like an actual hollow if i could find one there’s uh like i said there’s almost left down there i think there’s some hollows up here anyway what are the torches dude did they just light [ __ ] up do you need torches

More of a [ __ ] it’s not big of a light though like i think you maybe open [ __ ] with them or who knows maybe it heals okay here we go these are free right yep so then you look like there you go i’m gonna grab it’s nice that attachments are free dude

That’s [ __ ] hype wait you want a red dot on it makes it a lot better yes yeah it’s actually that one wow that’s actually beautiful wow that’s amazing yeah that’s so good where are you hyper died we gotta wait for the next round he died i i can give him my spazz

Hyper i don’t know if you can hear me i can give you my spaz when you come back we gotta get him and we gotta get the [ __ ] out of here though that’s what it is final door we didn’t go all the way

Up in there we did not go all the way up in there and that’s like i feel like the most dangerous place if bosses have been spawning and dropping things for us we really should be like this thing it’s still one shot skeletons it’s actually legitimately good

All right kill the final zombies let’s get a hyper let’s get out of here i might have had him do it i might have had him hyper hyper wait i don’t have it where’d my spout drop okay okay let’s go let’s go let’s go they’re gonna come running at us so make

Sure you’re turning around and i can’t see anything if you need to buy another gun goose [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you guys okay come on come on we’ll fight i’m good love fire no fight ride you mind you’re fighting me i need to reload i need reload i need reload got him

No matter what i kind of want to try the bow but i feel like i want to i want to shoot guns i want to shoot a gun did you hear this on the radio no no you unlock the boss right now this round you hear that i heard a wolf did

Don’t fall in right there i wonder if the dogs are glitched like maybe they’re stuck on the geometry because they spawned up there with us i can go jack you definitely shouldn’t go alone they sneak up on you pretty quick i’ll pick you up wait wait won’t be fun

Hey can you guys hear us does the radio work i hear you do you hear me i can hear you try are there any dogs down there no no you need okay we’re gonna why’d you bite me okay we’re looking for the last dog go with wubby go with me make sure [Applause]

Go around on the right side go around on the right side [ __ ] in front in front you see it good [ __ ] where am i in my [ __ ] room keep moving keep moving no [ __ ] [ __ ] cover me move back move back move back move back keep moving keep moving

That was awkward i lost the pistol I may have lost the pistol but we’re good should be definitely somewhere in here Watch out they’re going to spawn in front of us that’s going to be the toughest part right here right here let’s move forward all right so right there call out call out keep moving keep moving am i not [ __ ] loaded keep moving keep moving keep moving

Guys we need to back up we need to back up like now i’m pretty sure you can shoot through these bars i can’t cover you i’m reloading movement they’re all running down the middle yeah we going to water water water water water i’m moving i’m moving don’t shoot him

Don’t kill him don’t kill him we have 10 enemies left let’s go water right or left right what’s it looking like what’s it looking like guardian you guys ready cool is everyone ready everyone right on right in the waterworks right door right door is everyone ready everyone ready

Right okay two people watch behind make sure two people watch behind they’re still zombies let’s try and kill this boss sound good destroy the cube to get the mythic stun what does that [ __ ] mean there’s arrows here someone watching someone watch the outside someone watch the outside Dude this is [Applause] there’s a water bucket for 4 500 oh [ __ ] big big watch out watch out train them fight them he’s going to [ __ ] hurt he’s going to hurt His [ __ ] [ __ ] what is that dude that looks crazy okay can i grab any of this no all right bucket yo wait wait it says we need this water bucket later can anyone afford this can anyone afford this it says we need it later i spent my money on the door

You can buy it see if you can put it on your person maybe on your chest or something put it on your chest let’s go okay all right protect hyper at all costs let’s go i want to see you use that [ __ ] sword man holy [ __ ] it makes ice sound you’re [ __ ] crazy

What do these torches [ __ ] do you can drop them in areas they’re kind of useless good [ __ ] everybody watch out stupid [ __ ] dog i got a gun what is he doing oh [ __ ] wubby’s in there he’s schmoovin you can shoot through the fence you can shoot through the fence This is where we have to go we have to go to the pyramid the nether in prison so i think prison might be the other direction from the cave the pyramid is where we spawn but let’s try and go let’s try and open the other doors in

The cave see if it leads to the prison all right save your money we need to open doors we’re doing really well Trey i’m coming up behind you guys you good y’all your street’s headed Guys watch out they’re still on you oh my [ __ ] god he died chuck i crawl over here [ __ ] why did you guys walk that way i think he auto dies i don’t know if he can he go up [ __ ] i don’t think he can make it

Why’d you guys go in front of the spawner jackass come to the wall we gotta move chugga we’ll get you back at spawn did he drop a weapon can you get out of there can you get out of there no [ __ ] would have been you know can you walk out of this

This [ __ ] kid dude see if you can walk out girl throw it throw it throw the gun throw the gun chugger throw your gun throw your gun he’s dead he’s gone he keeps not ruining us just throw it just throw it just throw the [ __ ] gun i i’m leaving he you

Is so stupid oh god someone’s down this is not going to be good why do people why did they walk in front of the door why do they walk in front of the giant spawny door why don’t you run in front of the door whenever there’s also uh people shooting it

Are we missing anyone we good hi bro hi bro you good i’m here we’ve 86 left so there’s a whole wave somewhere oh my [ __ ] what come on those skeletons are fast why’d you no okay we’re good i’m i’m losing tracking i’m into these are starting to take a lot of

[ __ ] shots i’m almost out of [ __ ] ammo or is that a 14 or a seven hyper hyper it’s right on me it’s right on me wait we should check these doors look mine shaft like where does this lead check this out guys we missed doors over here we missed [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] i need to reload i’ll grab this bucket what the [ __ ] behind you no the [ __ ] disappeared [ __ ] oh you got it no it’s right there right there oh i’m dying i can’t [ __ ] see i’m so hurt why are they all up there i thought we were opening these doors

What the [ __ ] are here guys come back in the mine shaft come back in the mine shaft there’s [ __ ] been attachments here the whole time son of a [ __ ] ah [ __ ] how do you swap like okay so everything and pad except finger just don’t have a finger uh trigger

So literally your thumb on your movement pad hold your gun near whatever you’re doing like [ __ ] it yes i got it where’s my hollow beautiful love that i don’t know okay guys are you down here is that who are we missing what are we missing what up white fox diamond sword

Who are we missing where are they oh mother i need a reload there’s dogs we might get [ __ ] here i don’t know where everyone is what the [ __ ] do torches do they have to like slow them down or heal or something right okay we got some doors here we got death bridge

Yeah and death bridge look 5 000 that’s bridges 5k Behind you behind you jay behind you jay is it insta-kill oh god who the [ __ ] shot me jay’s about to get [ __ ] again your side got you i’ll get him i’ll [ __ ] get him for my gun yeah me too uh we can go to this death watch place what does revive do

This revive someone just give you a quick revive what does it do it revives people everyone who died in that round oh okay i think i need to buy speed again i don’t think i have speed potions are empty i think when you go down you lose your perks i hey yep yep

Wait wait grab attachments if you need them we’re coming we’re coming we’re resting Oh [ __ ] back up back it up back it up we can resin we can res him no [ __ ] dogs watch out i’m pushing it i’m pushing it ugh let’s go is there anything up here pack a punch there’s a [ __ ] pack-a-punch wait for wait for it okay did you do it

You gotta grab right here you gotta grab right here hurry they’re spawning that’s funny there’s a pack of punch over here there’s a pack of punch there’s a pack of punch guys it’s a pack of punch weapons what the [ __ ] is that thing guys it’s a quality [ __ ] dude he’s not taking damage

Okay i’m gonna try after they pack a punch their weapons i’m trying to there’s a pack a punch down here if anyone needs it hurry up because i want to pack and punch the sword i don’t think you can pack the weapons the special ones i think i can i’m built different cases

I don’t have enough money i can pack a bunch of weapon for you but i can i can’t [ __ ] it won’t let me pack a bunch of these try to pack a punch oh wait wait hyper put your gun down put your gun over here oh okay and then grab that [ __ ] gun that’s a crazy scythe what the [ __ ] why is that the ruby scythe or whatever is it that looks like this that’s stupid that’s so dumb who would very much like to pack a punch this please let me punch this listen we gotta hurry up can anyone open the death

Bridge can anyone open that not yet can you open the death bridge when we’re ready real quick four thousand four thousand to upgrade that okay death bridge death bridge can anyone open This thing [ __ ] slaps okay this thing is sick dude this thing is hyped oh [ __ ] what you worrying about bro right can you open it we open the death bridge we open the death bridge we have opened the death bridge watch out i’m reloading they’re being overrun they’re being overrun reload [ __ ]

Is anyone watching behind anyone oh [ __ ] you get shot by someone no i shot him all right you guys got this covered [ __ ] dude administrator room 12 grand wait let me try this thing out we’re missing seven who is next you like that this is kind of funny is it like

I think you press trigger right i think that’s how it works doesn’t have like an aoe we can actually what does that mean the box is gone wow mystery box was [ __ ] 40 minutes this way what yeah jump right through that’s not my [ __ ] gun this is not my [ __ ] gun

This is a [ __ ] spaz you [ __ ] why did you i’m [ __ ] mad dude i’m [ __ ] mad what the [ __ ] dude why did i insta die no i don’t want your [ __ ] [ __ ] gun look at what i have a spaz you know how long it takes to reload this

This is a world war ii [ __ ] gun do i look like i use world war ii guns maybe the pistol it gave me was something [ __ ] dude [ __ ] dude this gun [ __ ] sucks i have no [ __ ] money too i watch your stupid [ __ ] lg don’t [ __ ] talk I guess i’m using the sword what’s the map called if you go to the workshop it’s like one of the top downloaded mods it’s called like minecraft something or other it’s like one of the highest downloaded ones yeah what up heaven raven stop dropping your gun yeah i’ll try

Who is shooting you shoot you in the back want to kill all of them dude holy [ __ ] wait we didn’t go down there why didn’t we open all the doors down there wait there’s also more doors all the way in the farm [Applause] why are they going this way why are you

Guys going this way [ __ ] dude behind you behind you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] behind you behind you low five behind you low five okay the sword’s kind of high okay this is god melee it’s kind of hype this [ __ ] idiot oh my god guys we’re at the pyramid

I’m sticking with you because i think you and me can hold off really well like do you hold down the trigger like the entire time or how do you do it nope i just literally hit them with it i just hit them wait is everything No i i did shot me in the [ __ ] head and i insta died he literally ran up to you and just [ __ ] game she [ __ ] talk to me there’s no point in even getting this they’re not [ __ ] pack a punch and i don’t have enough money to pack a punch They’re coming i wonder if the trigger does an aoe or something this one i don’t think there’s anything special when i press trigger it plays a sound i don’t know what the sound is i did see the halo trailer someone’s [ __ ] dead what are they doing all the way down there

Does anyone have money to oh anyone have money to open the thing upstairs the door it’s 8k who’s why is everyone so [ __ ] broke why did it give me a spaz when i [ __ ] died [ __ ] is this someone else’s gun who’s [ __ ] zombies right here grab yours we leave [Applause] right

We probably should have done it already to be honest yeah i don’t have a gun so i’ll hold the entrance i’ll hold the entrance oh you got it oh they [ __ ] suck dude run run you idiot [ __ ] do i go around guys they’re dying up there you dropped the boat goosey drop the

Boat it’s in the ground i can’t see it if the bow it fell on the ground there’s like an egyptian bow see if you can grab it [ __ ] dude there’s nothing there it might have just fallen through the map he did drop a bow though so it feels bad

Some doors and mystery boxes need power lmg okay [Laughter] i can try and See it down there i i get like a weird glitch maybe if you go under is it where is it like up here or beside me what is that what the [ __ ] he has a ray gun stop shooting me guys the door open down here this one right here yes

Door open down here door opened how is this the wrong way ah there’s the prison behind us we’re supposed to go to the goddamn prison no train up here up here what the [ __ ] is that this way this is the gun you gave me what are you on about

You lift this up from here yeah put it on a new mag put on a new mag then lift this up you lift the top up and then you you pull yes the top opens up chuck are you [ __ ] stupid oh boy it doesn’t work give me your gun [ __ ]

Take this take this for a sec take the gun what you trigger look you trigger and you open it like this you see we need to move we need to move we need to move all right oh oh i hit my [ __ ] desk your [ __ ] i [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] dude Okay we need to move now this [ __ ] dumbass doesn’t know how to reload an lmg do you see do you see how i open it up look trigger do you see that and then you and then you pull the the magazine over and then you close it and then you [ __ ] it

Okay do you want it back now or no here’s your one well you can keep oh mother where’s my sword where’s my sword is my sword on my back you killed him kill him quick quick come back jay come back why didn’t he [ __ ] you’re shooting me you [ __ ] i [ __ ]

J i could really use that sword if you back it up you need to back it up you’re gonna get cornered and die why are you backing up oh my [ __ ] god dude i want i want to commit team kill so [ __ ] bad you son of a [ __ ]

You [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] stop shooting me stop shooting me stop [ __ ] shooting me cut it out server’s not open now You’re fine god i wish i still had my pack-a-punch gun what are we doing what’s the next door what’s up here we go we were just there we have all the emeralds oh you’re right what do we do when we have all the emeralds wait this one says do not open

Where the [ __ ] hey let me pick it up it’s [ __ ] invisible for me this [ __ ] thank you let’s go that’d be crazy it’s an admin room that can crash the server the do not open right it drops everything on your body yeah when your team [ __ ] kills you by

Shooting you in the head with a revolver when there’s no enemies and you drop your pack a punch gun and then it gives you a pack of punch spaz 12 that you didn’t want or ever pack a punch do i want a what you want no

[ __ ] am i going to do with that i still i guess i’ll take it is it good yes yes it is do you want do you want a spazz oh you already have i’ll give it to someone else trey trey trey put this on your back [Applause] you [ __ ] someone the [ __ ] pack a punch pistol [ __ ] this pistol back up your right side can i have that back [ __ ] door [ __ ] this pistol [ __ ] [ __ ] it i’m dying i’m dying i think [ __ ] died you okay can you hold i’m gonna go over here what the [ __ ] is that

Are you guys okay water bucket water bucket goose needs some help goose back it up back it up dudes back it up back it up back it up back it up back it up no no just back it up we’re trying to find out what’s happening back it up come over here

Oh [ __ ] yo what up yo can i have it since my pack-a-punch weapon got taken from me can i have that You can buy it right up there it’s what oh you can buy it it’s literally uh never mind is there anything else here what happened did he drop a water bucket what’s going on where to next monster which is like some sort of grenade launcher needs water he’s fighting the minecraft villager ammo

Okay keep them alive keep them alive we need to open this portal wait there’s water here there’s water in your voice is it open what do you mean it’s open so one of you dropped an ak where’s the portal oh we’re we’re in the portal i opened it don’t kill him

You [ __ ] son of a bit i don’t need this anymore do i i think i need this congratulations minecraft zombies Wait can you make it here what the [ __ ] is upside down did you fall someone take his bow wait what’s in here what’s in here someone take this water i don’t [ __ ] need it there’s nothing here do you want to do some pvp because we’ve

Been doing pve for a while we can swap to uh ah you [ __ ] [ __ ] why are you shooting me do this here train you [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] dude why are you not [ __ ] dying bro why aren’t you [ __ ] dying okay i bought it to end match goose

Uh button on the left controller and trigger like the the menu vrc button [ __ ] sons of [ __ ] we need more than half the lobby to vote what is that i get it okay we need like two more people minimum who the [ __ ] voted no you stupid [ __ ] i’m so sweaty

It’s an insta kill nice eo thank you so much dude love you bro should we do some pvp now oh how long did that take fish yoyo left love that guy man couldn’t connect to terminal and then left feels good feels good my pavlov is struggling all right pvp let’s go

Yeah uh i’m going to turn bots on i guess right maybe not maybe box no no bots we have two open slots i was gonna i don’t know do we know anyone that has the game all right i’m just going to start it and if i don’t know one of our friends wants

To join i’m just going to do random teams yeah could you get it please hold on oh [ __ ] android do you have pavlov i think you hate pavlov what up cap that minecraft map is over a gig it’s pretty big dude i have a [ __ ] dmr oh [ __ ] [ __ ]

You have a shotgun you’re you’re mr chief let’s get into warthog how do i jump should i get my own what should we drive together nah let’s drive together i got you all right all right hop it get on the other side and press grip get in my whip

Oh it’s kind of [ __ ] up how do you drive what the hell oh god i can’t move i can’t move are we moving wait this one might be glitch this one might be glitch this one might be glitch let me try this one let me get it okay

Okay get in get it get it yeah get it get it hyper hyper grip on the left grip on the door side right what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] can you get in there let’s go let’s go i’m in the back all right we got this boys i love halo All right get ready those enemies get ready there’s enemies we’re going in you dirty i got you tray vehicle how do i get out tray grip grip the [ __ ] gripper you got in grip oh [ __ ] he has the [ __ ] sniper i got his ass what the [ __ ] is that

Oh i got it i got it i got it oh [ __ ] nice get on baby let’s go quick careful there’s going to be a sniper checkers on the [ __ ] i see him i see him i see him i see him we’re going up for him oh [ __ ] head down bobby head down

Where am i going oh it’s [ __ ] us up it’s [ __ ] us up i hit weird geometry there’s really weird from here all right i’m getting the [ __ ] i’m getting the [ __ ] out too let’s go serpentine serpentine can you jump i wish you could jump keep hitting them okay bobby there’s a hit

You [ __ ] [ __ ] think i don’t know how to [ __ ] halo yeah [ __ ] later [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Got his ass i’m [ __ ] sick at halo and vr halo i’m the [ __ ] best i’m the best i’m the best it’s me ah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] missed huh let’s [ __ ] go [ __ ] [ __ ] dude okay it’s a little bit harder than it looks close [ __ ] this [ __ ] map is awesome

[ __ ] halo ring let’s go it has a acog scope on it too oh [ __ ] dude this guy has a [ __ ] turd or something [ __ ] dude oh you think you can snipe huh is that what you think trey our team at i don’t [ __ ] know it’s a 4v4

Yeah but i’ve i literally haven’t seen nova or wubby like hey what have what have you done to the cars why are all the warthogs upside down you did some [ __ ] dude look at these shits this warhog is not supposed all of them trey why are they all upside down

Nobody did it every time he got a new vehicle he played he’s in the smg live holy [ __ ] the [ __ ] he’s an smg at long range bro why are you doing that i’m not i spawned with this thing can we flip that is that what that is what is that i don’t know

Okay maybe maybe we walk i think we walk back oh [ __ ] i hear some [ __ ] for the sale no it’s all right i’m getting [ __ ] i’m suppressing we have infinite am there’s another one right there on our left they’re pushing up they’re pushing up hmm this [ __ ] over here dude I [ __ ] got him let’s go oh there’s a br2 This is [ __ ] sick someone shoot me what the [ __ ] how do you reload this this [ __ ] is not a [ __ ] dmr I’m i’m getting on hold on go go go go go i can’t [ __ ] see all right just drive us up there let’s drive us up hyper hyper give me your claws let this go oh yeah true hold on i move really slow oh you’re good all right let’s go bring me to them

Sit down Oh [ __ ] you use the thumb stick and then the triggers there’s a sniper up there be careful for that keep moving i’m on a [ __ ] ammo you like that okay i didn’t hit a single shot that that thing is hard to aim you’re doing so well Round three round three round three three times just the one this is the one [ __ ] you trey you like that you’re a [ __ ] you’re a [ __ ] all right we got it we got it [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] what am i supposed to do with the [ __ ] smg i don’t even like odst ah can you change weapons here dude look at this let’s [ __ ] go there’s nades there’s a teleporter upstairs that you can take dude this map is really good starting [ __ ] red

I can’t [ __ ] aim this thing i can’t aim that thing it shoots up yo thank you for the cheer [ __ ] [ __ ] fight me you [ __ ] nice give me that ah ray you reloaded in the top ah [ __ ] i’m eating long range i’m getting lag rage boys

Where the [ __ ] am i supposed to aim with this thing there’s no iron sights how the [ __ ] do you aim this jesus [ __ ] christ god damn it oh this also has sick what the [ __ ] is this This mod is [ __ ] amazing what [ __ ] okay wish i had different guns how the [ __ ] do you reload oh you reloaded on the side don’t you holy [ __ ] dude this is a tight mod pavlov is so sick holy [ __ ] there’s maps with jumping and energy

Sword i think i saw we played on um lockout long time ago i didn’t have any gun mods though try i got you covered let’s go he’s right behind that rock up there i see his [ __ ] ass am i not hitting him oh goose get [ __ ] head shotted What the [ __ ] [ __ ] heard someone screamed so that’s a smoke for you nice big head [ __ ] are you new to pavlov we play pavlov every once in a while i want to say we’re new to it i’ve been playing on and off for the past three four years

Um we haven’t played it in probably like eight months though minimum so oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s a gun dude the sniper is awesome it it shoots so [ __ ] fast where they at i got a sniper piper you got a sniper on your back rocking the middle i’m gonna [ __ ] lit up

Don’t forget you have nades [ __ ] try try try it tray try it oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] all right [ __ ] heads i think you’re clever huh okay can’t aim can’t aim that i think this is actually like pretty good i think this is an ar not an smg

Like i i swear it was almost like an epic movie scene but then you died too yeah i was gonna hand you the sniper i just wish the map was a little smaller yeah there’s gotta be more halo maps we can play can this thing do some [ __ ] damage please

I feel like we just have a lot of damn health you want to run in that [ __ ] cave want to rush the guy in the cage i’m getting shot i might die got his ass oh [ __ ] dude Hey piper just ran him over Why they vote fail a vote is already in progress but come on come on one more first there we go okay yeah let’s check out some other maps that was [ __ ] awesome though we have some more maps to check out but that was [ __ ] sick that was

All i’m saying is great game like cool map and everything fix your shotguns those the fact things i could get an lmg that actually [ __ ] worked like george’s that’s [ __ ] amazing to me yeah that dude the fact that you can get we got in the warthog and like it was it

Was janky and it flipped us but it was so funny we were just driving know what hits a bump and like flips up in the air and we land upside down we’re all freaking out and screaming all right so this is this is like a 1v1 style arena i think we go in

And then we choose who 1v1s i think okay so just insta kill everyone yes like i think there’s like a lobby and then you choose who you want to be one you walk into the arena and then the rest of the people watch them like i think yeah like overwatch

Not nothing like overwatch what are you talking about dude overwatch is actually a hero uh shooter it’s a tactical team actually there’s rp there’s rpg elements and rts elements it’s kind of hard to explain it’s a racing game have you heard of the new crossover between overwatch and the hit game

What up fire halo meta of eating grenades left and right playing corpse party i’ve never played corpse party i’ve just seen some of the art we’re all naked look down you’re naked my dick’s out wait is everyone else here where where are we are let’s [ __ ] go

Oh this is yours it’s right here snow look it which one okay why is this all mine clown wait i can’t see it no it just suits you not enough cash i don’t see my cash amount i think we need to win cash in the game all right let’s go back to the

How do you go back to the mini how do you go back no this is like okay how do you go back we’re [ __ ] up we’re [ __ ] up vip maybe vip we can’t go in there oh god green greg frank maybe where did we spawn i was for free grenades [ __ ] two

I don’t know what happened we just we [ __ ] died though don’t go into skit shop yeah you get you get lost in the skin shop get lost on the side who wants a revolver 1v1 me i don’t know where we go is everyone lost they’re in here i don’t know

Okay what he’s doing oh can i be fred i would like to be fred how did you get back here what is this look skin shop and then you can pick no we went to skin shop but then what zone is this this is orange let’s try and get everyone back to orange

Or everyone orange or everyone to skin shop skin shop seems like a decent place there’s no money we don’t have money yet to buy um dude if only we didn’t have underwear okay so how do you what is this hello this is [ __ ] dude wait he has a [ __ ] ar dude

Son of a [ __ ] you had a [ __ ] ar oh not you someone else out of that you want a 1v1 sure okay are you ready i think we just stand here you had attachments bro why can’t i do all right can we go to orange um

Are we gonna well you just respawn in a random color i was just wondering orange oh we can go to orange i walked over all right so all right let’s make it so we re we come back here and there was another one where you could watch them when they

Fight that one was kind of cooler oh no private queue what the [ __ ] i don’t know i want to watch people yeah you just step into that goose rematch me you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i don’t want to what the [ __ ] [Applause] well well well trey what do you want what guns

I i just have this thing all right let me i’ll fight you you’re gonna [ __ ] die dude you’re so bad at pavlov what the [ __ ] did you say to me why do you have a pistol where’d he go luke you want a 1v1 oh [ __ ] dude that was hype that was sick

Dez you wanna what’s up okay take all my [ __ ] [ __ ] stop taking the [ __ ] dude says you want to go at it no way he got me no way [ __ ] he [ __ ] me up what if we do snipers but this one like the [ __ ] one first lost dude

Meet me there first lost my ass first the first one i had a pistol into the [ __ ] ar first lost his as he popped me around the corner what do you want to snipe fight me but the shitty one not the opp yeah yeah well i wanna do no scopes that’s good

That’s one more fun okay yeah actually you’re right like elephant gun that’s kind of higher okay all right what what what what the [ __ ] is this legend of zelda [ __ ] shotgun that’s we meet me what’s that me and [ __ ] wubby we’re gonna do just the sniper no scope and then i spawn him

With chugga with a full automatic shotgun hiding a quarter you want to know scope fight me you [ __ ] [ __ ] sure doing this one yeah all right ready at the same time yeah yeah what what hey hyper grab grab the sniper okay it’s the bottom one this one yeah and then just come over

Here like that all right check out i was trying to do snipers and you shotguned me all right no i didn’t get it i didn’t get a scope let’s just do no all right there we go all right let’s see if i’m out there we go sick [ __ ] [Applause] let’s go

That was pretty good yeah yeah chugger well that’s the one hit snap grab this one down here you have this one let’s go i think we can private cue you’re here hopping hop into this with me tracker hop into this all right all right let’s do it one second one second um

Let’s go no no i didn’t use one dumb ass does it have look stupid oh just grab a new one just you [ __ ] buffoon oh my god you’re rude this kid oh this gun is weird to reload hear me out the revolver guy the revolver man we’re going in

It’s a left-handed gun no it’s not you idiot the bolt on the wrong give me the gun give me the gun dumb give me first of all you have no ammo okay first of all why is the bolt on this side you gotta reach that’s all snipers you idiot you’ve never played a

Shooting watch ready why can’t take your hand off the trigger to load it how did how do you reload this i’ve never actually reloaded two three four wow this is actually kind of okay watch watch watch i’m watching look at my own why can’t i shoot it

If i’m in left-hand mode right i can yeah i don’t know how to reload this thing there’s something like no watch watch charcoal where you’re at watch it’s right-handed why can’t i shoot i can’t shoot in this room okay well you shoot you pull back that’s how all snipers work that’s not a

Left-handed gun you idiot that’s all snipers this guy just said it’s a left-handed sniper no it’s [ __ ] not it makes no sense to go with a trigger hand to reload the gun yeah it’s a sniper it’s a sniper why would you have your trigger hand on a sniper

It’s a bolt action sniper rifle because technically technically you’re supposed to be doing this [ __ ] you’re supposed to be doing this yeah because he wants you to when you lay a sniper down you put it on a bipod you don’t want to move the bipod right lay down and shoot wait

Does anyone want a pistol 1v1 me uh yeah i’m done okay yeah that makes more sense but it’s still terrible because look at this i still have to reach over my left hand no you idiot sounds like you what do you do what do you mean you reach over with your left hand

See if i have to re that makes no sense let me teach you how to hold a gun because you’re [ __ ] stupid you’re holding it look you’re holding it like this why are you holding it on your left shoulder you hold it on your right shoulder are you right-handed

If you’re left-handed then isn’t this easy for you this should be but it’s okay wait when you’re left-handed it is easy you just take your right hand off that’s what i was saying why are these guys left-handed it’s more you’re so [ __ ] stupid i want to hit you dude

What are you saying you want to piss the 1v1 mj revolvies i have four revolvers on me you’re [ __ ] you’re done buddy you’re done you’re done you’re done get in private cue i’m gonna [ __ ] you up right now yeah yeah [ __ ] ah this guy’s a [ __ ]

This guy’s using a set why are you using a semi-auto you know who is this this one not me i just got here you want a revolver 1v1 game was using semi-auto pistols it didn’t count this man actually had a 1911. just take as many as you want

Are they even loaded yeah they’re all loaded they’re loaded okay i’m gonna reload all of them and spin them over your shoulder once you get the higher oh [Laughter] let’s go let’s [ __ ] go should we vote to end why can’t i vote to end oh i might have to remake the lobby

Guys you say to me i might have to hey i i can’t vote to end can you vote to end i don’t even know how to do that to start with you have index you know the menu button on your wait wait guys guys don’t go in here don’t go in yet

All right can anyone vote to end it’s not letting me vote to end game uh won’t let me yeah i might have to remake the lobby for us to change game types okay can you guys let people know that i’m remaking the lobby yeah okay whatever we get in with all right

Let me leave and then remake lobby easy he’s stacked i’m a little bit stacked preparing to defend my ukraine play online create pvp lobby what map hmm what’s one i downloaded dual og this is the [ __ ] one i should remember that for next time um maybe hijack hmm blood gulch dog green sector

Pistol playground forest night bastard world war ii d-day i think this one sounds cool oh are we rejoining uh join me join me oh hold on [ __ ] join me join me can you let them know to join me uh yeah i can’t but i don’t see you online

Oh does it say i’m playing ovr uh let’s see can you search friends in browser or something that says you’re playing ovr drop here i’ll end ovr drop okay all right you can join on snow now guys have you been listening to vice city it dropped on spotify right we’re going to

Join us now hello hello uh can you guys join off me uh let me see it says oh yeah no i got you hear me in here yeah yeah i can hear you i’m gonna mute this is a search and destroy doesn’t have a ow [ __ ] i heard that you’re alright no you

Didn’t hear [ __ ] bro uh this is supposed to be a rush game mode but it doesn’t give me a rush isn’t it push yeah but it doesn’t give me that though so should i should i just try world war ii tdm definitely try the world war ii

[ __ ] the world war ii [ __ ] looks dope i’m imagining if you do team deathmatch yeah no maybe maybe Maybe it’ll just be tdm i don’t know maybe you can’t hold the rush server but i wanted to try this normandy map out i thought it’d be fun are we missing anyone oh chuck i don’t think i think luke was here right can luke join

Let’s not rejoin no i don’t know if they got the memo was instead just going into 1v1s and killing people while they were afk nice um i was trying to tell luke but they just killed me i was like i can i can just start it and they can join in

Progress let’s let’s try it might the map might not even work so we might have to swap it i always do a gun game on rust true i could do classic ass gun game on rust um factual factual facts spitting facts hyper is your picture of the [ __ ] fish from fortnite

I don’t know what that is i thought that was mr frog’s like cousin i think it’s i think it’s the orange fish guy from fortnite like his face and eyes on an orange square maybe i’m wrong maybe it’s just i just bought it from like the steam plate oh the steam is

Selling it oh it’s probably some random [ __ ] then yeah okay i don’t care too bad you can’t see like my little one that’s a [ __ ] are you saying to me [Laughter] you don’t want me to stomp you out with these clown shoes hey bro you got them size goofies all right

It’s cool good size if it doesn’t find a server should i just try and switch the map probably i know sometimes just takes for [ __ ] ever usually at least has this load the map i haven’t been able to do any of the tank [ __ ] has anybody played in the tanks

The push maps are like uh a lot of them i try and load into and it gives me failed like errors i don’t know if you need to be rsvp’d for them like in a discord or something i don’t i’m gonna try and cancel the search okay let’s try and change the map

Up uh shall we do this and then whoa i just realized we started super i was like god it’s only it’s not even 12 o’clock world war ii tdm tdm if it works for that matter let me stand up so i don’t like stand up and i’m

Gonna sat down i should probably stand back up yeah i feel like if i sit down if you get in game you’re laying down your height will be all [ __ ] up you’ll be like floating around and you can’t reach the guns on the ground it could be

A [ __ ] [ __ ] he hasn’t done that that’s crazy stupid-ass [ __ ] train i don’t think his stand-up height is the same as his sit down hide his stupid [ __ ] [Laughter] he said trey stand up and he said i am standing uh would you try out corpse party isn’t corpse party just a shitty weeb

Game i don’t think it’s isn’t it like a visual novel the only visual novel type game i’ve ever played is um danganronpa but i feel like a lot of a lot of like anime games suck ass like they’re [ __ ] trash like not good at all

You know have you played you know a cat car in titan what the [ __ ] is this i have a shotgun you want to see something [ __ ] crazy oh what i almost killed you almost so like where’s our we have infinite are they still load they’re still loading in

I think some of them haven’t downloaded the map like i told them that’s a welding torch you idiot what do you mean it’s out of ammo oh there’s no fire no i think you need to go up to something oh dude this is like world war ii

Yes this is world war ii why’d i put it in my dick hole do you see that don’t touch it don’t touch it yeah i’m dropping this i want the stg maybe i should grab maybe i should grab a [ __ ] sniper actually hey luke what are you wearing i think we’re the batteries

I think we’re the germans we look kind of german i’m a french jew i just happened to be here i don’t think that’s how that works all right hold on i can see it let’s push up don’t look at the details do you guys see anyone

Let’s split up let’s split up so we’re not all clustered up is this like three on three uh people are still loading in let’s go in the house and see if they’re hiding anyone in the floorboards all right chill out and turn my chat back on the [ __ ] is that

Oh [ __ ] we’re in win win boys what the [ __ ] this map is huge oh [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] Let’s go [ __ ] yeah you like that doesn’t have any nades on them huh get out of the [ __ ] tank native native natum oh [ __ ] chuckle kills he’s on my team okay there we go now we got some anti-tank this this game mode’s [ __ ] cool sorry chad i didn’t put my

Chat back on my hand so i can’t see what you’re saying i hope you’re all behaving this is a cool map though lou where are they at nice oh [ __ ] you’re [ __ ] bad I don’t have a [ __ ] bayonet right in front right in front they’re on the mark oh [ __ ] Got him shot in front in front in front in front [ __ ] dude i need a better gun this is a sniper i think i like the stg yeah i’ll keep this on my back in case we run into any the grenades help did you grab a grenade off my [ __ ]

Chest i think you can carry like four no maybe just three okay okay yeah let’s do it let’s [ __ ] him up i think we gotta capture that l point this is kind of fun i think we’re it’s 4v4 okay let’s see can we go far right or something on the left

Oh no way [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it bro damn it [ __ ] it was a good try should really use these nades more [ __ ] dude i’m gonna try and sniper out let’s go far left right left for left let’s try far left i wish the map wasn’t as big what the [ __ ] is that

Why does that always happen They’re far side their far side i can’t get up this [ __ ] i’m in a bad spot We gotta move we gotta move we gotta move we gotta move if we can they’re pushing up right in front good shots without being punished i’m stuck i’m gonna go right how do you oh my god i headshotted him from so far away [ __ ] dude nice come on come on [ __ ]

And they’re just covering out [ __ ] dude that was kind of cool yeah it was dude when you guys got in the tank and you were like [ __ ] screaming that was oh my god that was cool um have a good night soft oh [ __ ] what time is it i

Was very annoyed because i was trying to tell luke to stop shooting and then he kept shooting me and i was like he can’t hear me uh there’s a star wars zombies they’re like we can just do like regular star wars zombies is extremely glitchy fun because cool guns but extremely

Glitchy we can also just do regular search and destroy on like the james bond map i’m kind of like zombied out after the minecraft thing yeah what was the james was it bunker i think this is the there’s light we should try it at some point um

You can kill you fight sith lords you kill them and you take their life bosses lots of bosses so random teams yeah okay good luck boys good luck everybody good old search i love all of you i will we’re gonna i’m oh [ __ ] chill chill chill chill hey we’re on the

Same team snow actually this is just the pre-game lobby [ __ ] oh what the why why am i up here get out of me man get the [ __ ] out of me luke get off me i can’t i can’t i just want to stuck you up wait is the

Map broken is it counting down it’s loading it says getting ready oh [ __ ] okay clicked in the right stick to buy weapons oh [ __ ] looks like this is the pistol round boys okay i hear them i hear them over here they might have gone for the other bomb

I don’t know what this stuff is though there’s two bomb sites they’re planting over here at eight we gotta get in there and defuse in the hall got a little bit [ __ ] up up why do we spawn in the ceiling i don’t know okay remember this uh

Shotguns are pretty good ars are pretty good you can also buy armor if you can afford it okay all go to a someone go to b look there’s arrows on the ground someone go to b i’ll go to a all right be quiet Grab his gun no [ __ ] i was too slow yeah good [ __ ] though good [ __ ] hey okay i’ll go to again i’ll go with you okay i’m gonna reload let’s do the same thing So look around hyper i don’t see them yeah remember to buy a helmet and stuff you can also buy like grenades okay oh my god what he’s so low oh my god trigger you want to play kill him no way chad no way i fumbled it oh my god he’s planting

Get in there this isn’t the same thing all right cool i just said just all right no you need to arm it like you see the hollow ghost outline like look at you see the yellow thing that’s slanted you see how it has an outline on it that’s where you put the bob

[ __ ] fighter no it’s not you didn’t even you need to take it you see where the the outline the silhouette of the bomb is stupid again i don’t like [ __ ] playing with they’re kidding mad you guys want to see some funny behavior i’m gonna buy two sawed-off shotguns

I’m gonna just run at them lego so dude i hate this game [Applause] hahahahahahahahaha dude reloading these is such a [ __ ] [ __ ] he’s gonna be hiding that same [ __ ] one’s coming up right on the left right on the left got him got him another one downhaul on hey boys [ __ ] out of here

Boy he’s coming in they’re so mad fellas we can’t let them win i would actually okay okay i’ll kick up the heat again kick it up a notch all right let’s go they come down the same place every time right right here yeah yeah this way this

Way down the hall wait right here right here behind you got king’s off [Laughter] yeah reloading those is a [ __ ] m why is there someone not moving i have to say you guys are we have a hyper and loot on our team but they’re they’re playing real bad you guys are so angry

We can’t [ __ ] kill zezuma he literally just doesn’t [ __ ] take damage he’s dead now I don’t know if he knows how three three you idiot press three three again nine one nine six three let’s go yeah that was high i’m so proud of him i have 8 000 [ __ ] money i think i’m gonna buy a sniper no no one grab that that’s mine

Went the wrong way entirely can you watch we need a backup says watch behind you packing’s [ __ ] up are they [ __ ] damn it dude i’m sorry no it’s all good they went the other way [ __ ] [ __ ] dude why oh [ __ ] to the shotgun to the [ __ ] chest does

Not die tell me how that’s bad i just cleared out like three boys they’re getting cocky we can’t let them win all right i’m buying an actual gun make sure you buy a helmet under gear okay listen they always try to come from the point so we always need to be aware

No way dude what and he just doesn’t take damage [ __ ] off don’t take it literally any damage is assuming you don’t think you understand how infuriating he is that like we don’t get anything i [ __ ] throw three shells into your chest no no nothing happens straight at your

[ __ ] head yeah that’s awesome you got the kill anyways but most of us are at least hoping we can at least hurt you for the rest of our team to kill you no it just doesn’t [ __ ] happen dude that’s just pavlov for you that’s that’s just pavlov i shot chugga like a

Million times and he’s only half half we shot the exact same he just got a lucky head shot yeah i can’t fly through the doors that’s kind of obnoxious make yourself big by gripping like you grip and then pull towards yourself with both groups oh what

Yeah you can wait you can gr yeah if you grab both grips you can make yourself huge you guys are like multiple times right below you [ __ ] idiot anymore they’re a little upset Yeah i’ma buy a [ __ ] deagle i’m a man i’ll take it i’ll take it i’ll take it i’ll take that spare pistol okay with me with me with me let’s all go left they’re going long they’re going all the way watch this [ __ ] corner hmm oh my god Three times it’s a deagle what what this kid actually [ __ ] this is insane i know right how did he not die how did he not die what that’s insane i shot him point blank with the deagle what that was [ __ ] stupid i have no [ __ ] money now

No that’s fine i’ll i’ll take a sawed off i’m good that was so dumb all the guys by the way if you aim and then walk slow it doesn’t make noise you got to be stomping around too much yeah Right behind me oh [ __ ] i have two guns i have two guns who wants them two guns here aka is pretty good all right okay remember be careful when you stomp around let’s go this way he had two pistols why right push push forward push forward oh [ __ ] god

By the way i shot you so many times last round when you clutched like you have no way you have no reason to talk about zuzuba god damn it i always get my sawed off for corners actually i’m just going to rock the sawed off i’m just going to do that

Piper you want me to have the bomb yeah sure all right let’s go so go down the hall dude i’ll take a third shotgun might as well in here oh [ __ ] i just gotta reload him good play good play everyone they’re a little bit angry i think we’re destroyed

Yeah dude they should just be better right Oh god [ __ ] seth has long range don’t peek him Oh we won [ __ ] i don’t even get to play we lost you guys should have just cheesed i don’t know what to tell you good old good old cheese a little bit you guys are so toxic [ __ ] chugga you literally walk in front of my bullets was that you with the shotguns

Because he’s sitting there saying [ __ ] nothing go now you can’t blame your teammates or the enemy team for being too good that’s all i’m here you took so many shots nice defuse thanks i’ll catch you later i straight sorry i don’t have my chat up i was trying to

Make it when they lag out of the match it’s if i have my chat up it says i’m playing ovr drop and they can’t draw oh [ __ ] [ __ ] how do you reload [Laughter] holding it with one hand he’s holding the lmg with one [ __ ] hit [ __ ] dude okay

I’ll beat 2v1 block my big 2v1 he’s [ __ ] capping me no man he has a [ __ ] rpg that’s weird someone’s screaming don’t you [ __ ] die when i’m shooting you Got it [ __ ] No way there’s so many people trying to shoot me almost almost [ __ ] dude the sniper man no man please i need a kill please oh he’s beating me now no way man [ __ ] i need to get lucky [ __ ] they’re beating me nice oh [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it you’re [ __ ] kidding me that’s mine

Oh [ __ ] the bolts no no man holy [ __ ] bobby i don’t get it you have a [ __ ] shotgun Come on do something what stop stop everyone’s [ __ ] [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh my god everyone’s taking my [ __ ] kill i hate this game everyone took my kills oh my god that’s so [ __ ] chat you know i’m just gonna kill 98 didn’t never switch my gun like every time i shot the bullet they died it was like it looked like i had the final shot

On them One in the chamber what is that yeah you shoot somebody wants it if you miss that you have to run it on the knife that sounds kind of funny the thing is you get one bullet and that one bullet can kill someone if you kill somebody

Yeah i think i remember it it’s free for all right if you kill more people then if you kill someone you get a bullet right i think that’s how it works should go right back into your gun it should be [ __ ] up for all i know you guys like hijacked

Isn’t that oh yeah it is black ops 2. we gave it away revolvers chad are you sweaty i’m sweaty i’m a little bit sweaty [ __ ] I thought you shot already well i got a kill but i didn’t get a gun you don’t get a gun you got a bullet what i killed him though did i not i didn’t someone stole my kill or something nice [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] come here [ __ ] don’t do it don’t do it

Oh my god you’re getting shot at [ __ ] i’m bad at this dude i suck at pistols what oh [ __ ] hey hey don’t do it don’t do it stab him stab his ass that’s [ __ ] hard this game [ __ ] sucks i’m so bad well no way dude that’s hoax advantage or something

What did you do big step bro [ __ ] wow [ __ ] you [ __ ] you’re camping come on come on no way man chad this game is rigged i’m doing [ __ ] no [ __ ] shot i’m taller than him i’m [ __ ] taller than him he crouched under me like a [ __ ] mid you [ __ ] [ __ ] come here

Why did this game suck ass chat oh Well [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah i hate you hey hey over here okay is such a [ __ ] no dick bro zero dick oh [Applause] how’d i not kill him like that again this game [ __ ] sucks dude this game [ __ ] sucks dude you know how hubby has [ __ ] killed

Because he’s two feet tall and when i go around quarters he’s knee height to me dude that’s [ __ ] small dude why is he so small hit your shots i was i was charging [Applause] comes at me like that [ __ ] with the knife and he’s fully standing up i’m

Just like what the [ __ ] also i don’t think i won a single knife fight that game i’m gonna be 100 i thought throwing the knife would have gotten me that i’ve tried throwing knives a million times it does not work on that that’s a little i mean you can but it’s

Gaming it’s like impossible or something i don’t know um that’s all for me gamers goodbye all right how many are we doing you want to do one more sure countdown is fun yeah one more um one more one more game make it good i don’t know that’s a lot of pressure

I might not come last this time you better not come at all you just want you guys just want to do you guys just want to do uh free-for-all where’s free-for-all yeah death match matches can you make it so it’s like snipers only or something uh

Can we just agree to you this is not the sniper that’s like it’s under pistols okay okay let go let’s click in the right thumbstick to buy why you click in to buy some [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up tray this kid dude kill them all i’ll try i don’t know what i bought

I’m out son of a what the [ __ ] do something else dumbass sugar’s using a [ __ ] like We just [ __ ] said the rule chugger [ __ ] how many [ __ ] watch out i hear you [ __ ] no and i have nothing in my possession when you respawn click in the stick and you can buy a gun clicking your right stick yeah yeah but that’s not a revolver we’re gonna pick one up anymore

Yeah you can when you buy what are you saying here take this he doesn’t have a [ __ ] revolver okay well [ __ ] i’m like han solo right now [ __ ] who the [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] i can’t trash anymore chris tris which yeah trey i got a special delivery for you

Wait children you’re not tr you’re not trying to start where’s trey where’s trey i have a special delivery for him which one of you trey not me help me help me find them oh trey are you trey stop stop shooting over here trey trey special delivery nice dammit

Wow you want to keep using those is there a there is no rpg i’m missing don’t do it don’t [ __ ] do it not running you killed him oh my god i’m trying to kill myself hold on it’s not working [ __ ] here we go hey give me my [ __ ] knife back hey trey

He’s over in the corner still hey he’s [ __ ] over there dumbass not me hey don’t you thought of your friends hey hey come back i got a present for you this isn’t what i wanted what is that nice this works don’t do it i’m [ __ ] crazy i’m [ __ ] crazy

I don’t have any weapons i don’t have any weapons i don’t have any weapons oh [ __ ] i actually did not see what happened i’m glad i didn’t come here why am i at the bottom of the board because you’re bad trash cause you’re [ __ ] trash i don’t know where you got that grenade

From chugga ran at me with the grenade i use my only knife i pick up his grenade i tried pulling the pin on i’m like huh and then he kills me but i didn’t know what he was doing until i heard the click of his grenade

And then i realized that it was too late all right i’m i’m gonna end there thanks for playing everyone that yeah that was fun it was fun gg everybody good good games all around right peace out everyone chat thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed i’ma be ending there we’ve been live for

Three and a half hours uh yeah i’ll see you guys again i’m not gonna do movie night tonight uh i will see you guys again tomorrow thank you so much for watching i’m gonna go find someone to raid thank you so much for stopping by i hope you had a good time

Thank you for all the subs all the follows i’m sorry if i didn’t reach out too much in vr shooting things but yeah i’ll uh i’ll see you guys next time thanks for hanging out i’m gonna go find someone to raid peace out everyone join the discord can someone do exclamation mark links

Join the discord youtube videos coming out next week look forward to that i’ll see you guys peace out see you tomorrow bye enjoy the discord so you

This video, titled ‘VR MINECRAFT ZOMBIES CO-OP GAME’, was uploaded by SNOW SOS Highlights on 2022-02-14 23:00:04. It has garnered 240 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:32 or 13112 seconds.

Snow’s main channel: https://www.youtube.com/snowsos

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/snowsos Discord: https://discord.gg/w3b52gF Twitter: https://twitter.com/SNOWSOS1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/snowsos1/ Merch: https://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/SNOWSOS/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/snowsos

#minecraft #vr #pavlov

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    Insane 4v4 Parkour in 3D Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information qué voy a hacer perd qué horas son me gusta la moto me gustas tú me gusta correr me gustas tú me gusta la lluvia me gustas tú me gusta volver me gustas tú me gusta marihuana me gustas tú me gusta colombiana me gustas tú me gusta la montaña me gustas tú me gusta la noche gas qu voy a hacer yo no qué voy a hacer yo no qué voy a hacer je suis perdu This video, titled ‘#minecraft 3 dimensions Parkour #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shadow4v4 on 2024-04-15 10:24:59. It has garnered 449 views… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Epic Gaming Secrets! 😱 #shorts

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Epic Gaming Secrets! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft satisfaction (pt 1) 🤯#minecraft #shortfeed #shorts’, was uploaded by Block wave gamer on 2024-01-07 06:17:41. It has garnered 6146 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft shorts gaming youtube shorts trending shorts short trend skibidi toilet viral shorts mr beast entertainment shorts viral ff minecraft satisfying shortsfeed entertainment satisfaction sand art respect sand art timing satisfying minecraft cars ultra gaming shortfeed techno gamer satisfaction memes asmr asmr shorts ff shorts ultra realistic realistic shorts tmkoc bts promo minecraft sand art minecraft drop reverse minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods MADNESS! PART 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Mods MADNESS! PART 5Video Information all right Minecraft part five um this time we’re on the bed in my room even better anyways let’s get back um I found the mod that broke the crafting table thing and it’s gone now hopefully it doesn’t screw up um the world but it probably won’t it’s fine I don’t think I use any of the blocks in anyways yep seem look fine also hope there’s less mobs is that uh that last time was a little little intense wait to all right we’re good let’s get back to Minecraft thought buttons were insta break I… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival Miracle!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival Miracle!Video Information we are these pe oh where’s me house [ __ ] where is me house I’m thinking maybe I go on like a detour around ah me oh no what oh no what do you want [ __ ] hell hey if I maneuver yeah I can get them to hit each other ah I need to kill him don’t I what do you want I’m not hurting anyone ah hello see this is why I need to create a villager trading Dungeon Because I need a bow and and I need some Enchanted uh weapons and [ __ ] I know there are… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: OG vs BetBoom | Game 1 Playoffs 2024! #csgo

    Epic Showdown: OG vs BetBoom | Game 1 Playoffs 2024! #csgoVideo Information pretty much I think b boom they they need to dominate with this Keeper of the light from the mid lane this hero is sitting at 60% win rate right now and every single time I watch this hero play it’s pretty much the same as Zeus the insane amount of damage comes online super quickly his earn of Shadow Spirit vestel the boots of travel makes him pretty much a global hero very difficult to catch not sure if they’re going to get the value out of this Underlord I’m a little bit concerned about the pick… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Server: Middle School Wanderer Builds Lobby!

    EPIC Minecraft Server: Middle School Wanderer Builds Lobby!Video Information [Musik] yo alri guys welcome back again to as smoke channel guys ya Asep Minecraft sih kalau zaman sekarang guys itu kenapa selalu ingatnya asepinmoke ya y Waduh ada sudah berdatangan orang-orang ini Apakah kalian libur hari ini coy hari pertama lagi yang ini ya mengikuti pemerintah coy Jadi di sesi kali ini Guys kita sudah ini ya kalian bisa lihat Widih Anjay kita sudah punya server sendiri Bro sekarang bro dan server ini lagi kita build ya guys ya ini makanya sudah ada beberapa bangunan dan temanya adalah ya temanya adalah medival guys jadi tema zaman-zaman kuno… Read More

  • enlightenmc

    enlightenmcEnlightenMC!! <SMP> <SKYBLOCK> <SKYWARS> Great Community, Fun server. Why not join Today!!! enlightenmc.net Read More

  • CarbonCraft Network 1.20.4 | Claims Economy Jobs Skills Free Ranks

    Welcome to CarbonCraft Experience adventure like never before with our SMP and Skyblock game modes. Join us now to explore unique features and enhance your Minecraft experience. SMP (Survival Multiplayer) Team up with friends to conquer wild landscapes, build towering structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. Explore hidden caves and experience custom enchantments for added strategy. Skyblock Start with a tiny island in the sky and expand it into a bustling paradise. Overcome challenges, gather resources, and unlock new dimensions of gameplay. Compete for monthly island payouts and showcase your creativity to claim the top spot. IP: play.carboncraft.xyz Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t forget your Skulk, or else…

    Minecraft Memes - Don't forget your Skulk, or else...Looks like someone needs to skulk back and grab their information! Read More

  • Haunted by Herobrine: Minecraft’s Spooky Site

    Haunted by Herobrine: Minecraft's Spooky Site In the world of Minecraft, Herobrine reigns supreme, But have you heard of Herobrine.com, a site that once caused a scream? From a Chinese blog to a screamer, it took a twisted turn, But now it’s just a sunset, a lesson we must learn. The mastermind behind it all, a man named Sunzhen, Spreading fear and shock, scaring kids again and again. But as time went on, his focus shifted to a different plight, Air pollution in China, a battle he had to fight. So now Herobrine.com is just a memory of the past, A reminder that even legends… Read More


    ¡CALIENTE! SI TÚ QUIERES ❤️💢❌ When you accidentally hit your friend in Minecraft and they respond with “❤️💢❌”, you know you’re in for a world of hurt in the virtual world! #minecraftproblems #watchout #minecraftdrama Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “Build a small modern house with Minecraft 🏠”. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taking your creativity to the next level as you build your own modern house, just like in the video. At Minewind, you can join a vibrant community of players who share your passion for crafting and building. With a variety of game modes to… Read More

  • XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP!

    XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP! Welcome to Killadis SMP: Building an XP Farm in Minecraft Survival! Welcome to the world of Killadis SMP, where players embark on exciting adventures in Minecraft Survival mode. In this episode, our protagonist is set to build a new XP farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling endeavor! Building the XP Farm Building an XP farm in Minecraft is a crucial step for players looking to level up quickly and efficiently. Our protagonist is ready to tackle this challenge and create a farm that will provide them with valuable experience points. If… Read More

  • Unraveling dark truth in Garden of Grind – GTNH Skyblock

    Unraveling dark truth in Garden of Grind - GTNH SkyblockVideo Information hello and welcome back to G and grind this is part 11 and I’m D Ros props and as you probably expected yes I’ve been grinding away and uh basically being AFK is I say is because this mob farm is oh my God one of another I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a mob farm like this before it’s awful but it’s good it’s a strange one okay you could basically be AFK is and what I mean by is is you’ll just randomly hear massive explosions and then you run to your computer you’re like… Read More

  • Legendary Corruption: Cursed Egg SMP Trailer

    Legendary Corruption: Cursed Egg SMP TrailerVideo Information let’s see [Music] milia up mer [Music] power [Music] n This video, titled ‘Cursed Egg SMP: Where Power Corrupts, and Legends are Made! (Trailer) #tranding #viral’, was uploaded by KIND_JAY on 2024-03-02 08:44:51. It has garnered 116 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Cursed Egg SMP: Where Power Corrupts, and Legends are Made! (Trailer) #tranding #viral . . . . KEY WORDS :- Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, Parrot, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, HermitCraft, Grian, I… Read More

  • SKIBIDI Toilet v19.1 UPDATE in Minecraft PE! 🚽💥🔥

    SKIBIDI Toilet v19.1 UPDATE in Minecraft PE! 🚽💥🔥Video Information [Music] for the F if you want to play and want to hate this show up and make a statement I don’t have SL up no I don’t take I got no love but the if you want to play [Music] and everything I do so instinctive and so passionate every word I move so descriptive [Applause] likea after I gots over facts over tracks n SP slow spitting fast I a roast I can gas think I’m Al last but I don’t don’t know if that can erase all the past and the pettiness a reflection of… Read More

  • Zachcraftone’s Insane Q&A + Minecraft Madness

    Zachcraftone's Insane Q&A + Minecraft MadnessVideo Information we need to do more stuff related to changed maybe I know that’s why you want to do the role play well not just that I don’t want to be reliant on that but there’s other topics I’m trying to get into that are popular well what are furry topics that are trending first seats I don’t know try to do a video on first that’s what I’m G to do okay well how do you know what is trending like in the FY Community Reddit or just Reddit Twitter I don’t [Music] know the random stream so… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥” #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥" #shortsVideo Information [Music] to in your wow go go [Music] go cuz you turn This video, titled ‘leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by TonyBT05 on 2024-04-12 00:30:25. It has garnered 302 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts subscribe 😄 credits: @Reedop_Gaming IGNORE TAGS 😭 #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 – You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231

    World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 - You Won't Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231Video Information servus meine Freunde und willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft in der 124 sind wir jetzt angelangt und endlich hat das Optifine auch wieder mal geschafft ich habe ich habe eine Optifine Version eine priversion von der 124 habe ich am laufen übrigens ich habe mir auch noch mal erlaubt ein Andes Texturepack zu nehmen das heißt folgendermaßen majestica oder majestica und ja wir machen da weiter wo wir das letzte Mal aufgehört haben das mal gar nicht mal gewohnt dass wir hier Shader nutzt so wir waren letztte mal hier beschäftigt mit dem Bau undon diesen… Read More

  • EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!

    EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello Mr over here thanks for thanks for stopping by bird so hello welcome but today we are playing Minecraft instead of you know instead of instead of inest game we’re playing Minecraft with voria so I think he doing the intro things right now but yeah I’m just I’m just hanging out yeah but we on hisor Minecraft server I don’t really I’m not uh I don’t I have no idea what’s happening around here I I I I know things exist I I’ve just I’ve just joined the server I don’t… Read More

  • Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23

    Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23Video Information for for hello everybody and welcome to the stream there’s very very very calming Minecraft music today apparently we’re starting extremely [Laughter] chill but hello and welcome to Minecraft Monday hey midnight how’s it going welcome to the Stream [Music] I was going to leave if you were more than 5 minutes late well thankfully we’re all caught up in the warehouse and uh I can get back to the streaming schedule that I want to maintain but I believe you missed last week’s Minecraft Monday uh which is unfortunate because you missed some important details you’re telling… Read More

  • Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadness

    Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information smoking with you in the the in the yard with your the [Music] wind I spoke with you cuz you me to to in your living room no This video, titled ‘Fireball Fight! #minecraftpvp #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by injamine on 2024-04-06 18:25:57. It has garnered 827 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Subscribe ! #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars #shorts Subscribe for more Minecraft videos Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords… Read More

  • The Dovan Domain

    The Dovan DomainWelcome to The Dovan Empire. We don’t offer much so far right now but we will soon expand into something big. The server has already been started by me and my friends and we are ready for it to grow with the building support of fellow players. My server ready to have a loving community with many good people to boot. If you also want to talk to me and my pals you could consider joining my discord I am mostly active and so are my mods. I hope to see yall soon. P.S. The only way to join the… Read More

  • PokeClash Cobblemon Modded Custom Plugins NOP2W

    Welcome to PokeClash! A small-time server focused on fun without paywalls. Join us for a simple and enjoyable experience! IP cobble.pokeclash.com Cobblemon Version: 1.4.1 Fabric 1.20.1 Features Non-PTW Dex Ranks Custom terrain gen Cobblemon Competitions Skills, Mega Evos, Mega Raids Shopkeepers, Land Claiming, Homes PokeDex rewards, Pokehunts, and more! Server Links & Info Discord: https://discord.gg/pokeclash Mod Packs Modrinth Modpack: Link CurseForge Modpack: Link Technic Modpack: Link Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – You have been roasted!

    Minecraft Memes - You have been roasted!Why thank you, meme overlords! I will now graciously accept my crown as the ultimate meme king. Bow down to me, puny mortals! Read More

  • Crafting the Secret Logic: Minecraft Memes Unveiled

    Crafting the Secret Logic: Minecraft Memes Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, From redstone circuits to mobs all around. Join us on a journey, deep dive we’ll take, Uncovering the logic, for goodness’ sake. Crafting recipes, village trading too, Enchanting mechanics, all for you. The intricate systems, we’ll explain, In a playful tone, with a rhyming refrain. So grab your pickaxe, let’s explore, The hidden mysteries, we’ll adore. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t delay, For more Minecraft fun, come what may. Got questions or tips, drop a line, In the comments below, we’ll be just fine. Let’s unravel the secrets, in this blocky land, With… Read More