Video Information

Do um do hello oh why are beetle and king still here you don’t see him they might come in in a little bit um right now uh the stream info should be changed so we should be good now i have my coffee my digimon i i bought a digivice

This is big this is huge um and i’m gonna tell you why this is huge great okay you can play minecraft um anyways digivice very important very good because uh i mean just ever actually um oh really that’s good to hear i’m using um a little bit of a lighter setup my hdmi

Cord hasn’t been working so single player i don’t want that um But so um my hdmi cord isn’t working so i don’t have my second monitor so i’m just like kind of it right now excuse me as i change the um computer setup my stream setup i’m trying to figure out how to the best way to fit nyx in there

But so i have to do a smaller setup so i’ve got a lot less stuff running i need to close firefox as well hello oh two people in here okay some reason you guys aren’t showing up give me a second hey i’ve got my friends with me give me a second

Oh made it a weird shape minecraft there we go that works minecraft okay let me just add another browser source because it’s not letting me let them in why isn’t it letting them in i’ve been having so there we go there we go there we go okay

You can see my friends now so i haven’t been on the server in like forever so hold on i gotta edit this so that i can see in your home it’s okay i don’t blame you hi ghost okay there okay i’ve got it working you know yeah that works

Okay there we go there we go there we go and then let me change this just to make this better and then yeah now we can play minecraft i have not been on this server in a while you might have seen me in memory stream a few days ago that was literally the

Last time i’ve been on the river uh within the like past few weeks so i’m like blind oh my god yes exactly hello uh okay hold on i’m having some lag on my part why the [ __ ] am i lagging okay we’re good we’re good i need to turn my ui up though

Small ui okay yeah that’s just he’s making weird noises yeah okay um so the first thing is you’ll see i got a note the other day from i think i put it back in here no i didn’t why is the lag so bad oh god what is happening

Okay if you’ll excuse me i’m just going to turn my video settings down okay um back to minecraft that’s batterish um i got a maybe it’s in here where the [ __ ] did i put it i have a letter that moss left me moss made my house bigger uh there we go regarding house

Um mom’s the cat human person who does spells and things your house was small it is now less small so my house is less small now that’s update number one what the [ __ ] okay um i’m having a lot of computer issues this is weird okay i think it’s stabilized i just

Haven’t been on here in a while um okay or not yes yeah i’m in my house do you not know where my house is hold on you all are quiet apparently i’m gonna turn you personally up why can’t you hear my friends hold on why can’t y’all hear my phone

No it’s like you guys audio isn’t working okay let’s try this okay you should be able to hear them now can you guys talk okay looks like it’s working now and uh just real quick while i’m troubleshooting technical difficulties technical uh no there is not yeah you are very quiet king

Oh perhaps i should speak up you’ll excuse me as i go to my task manager and figure out what’s taking up all of my memory oh no oh you two are in the server okay why the [ __ ] is it lagging so bad oh my god wait what’s going on with memory and

Getting stolen hold on i’m so confused did you do a kidnapping not yet are you planning on it this must be a different memory stealing that you’re hearing about oh on my computer okay wait not yet so did task manager help you figure out the issues with your computer

No not at all it’s okay i’m just turning [ __ ] off what a shame performance okay it should be better now yeah i don’t want the sun huh well either way um you guys saw memory talk to me the other day but besides that i mean i really haven’t been out of my hole

Um i kind of hibernated for a little bit there i know cats weren’t supposed to hibernate but it was winter so well i mean the term cat nap can’t come from nowhere yeah but usually they don’t last like three weeks i wanted to show you guys though um on

My little exploration i found some more stuff um this has been something that we’ve been talking about moss set it up it’s really cool um this is the community center have you have you been here memories funny chickens flavored okay why thank you for announcing your location like that

And don’t act like i’m getting boxed by myself i’m literally just sitting here but do you want something the hell is this hold on i’m doing magic the [ __ ] is this you must hold it to activate it like so oh oh holy [ __ ] welcome thank you okay

Holy [ __ ] i encourage you i encourage you to learn this if you have not already uh no it’s lit up for me i think when i use the scroll it lit that up ah wonderful i am do right click it just in case though oh i did i would hate for you to

Not be able to leave welcome ponds to my castle this is big as [ __ ] that it is oh my gosh would you like a tool yeah sure this is super menacing it’s all like black it’s hard to see ah thank you for the compliments we will begin then with the throne room okay

Oh wow yes wow oh my gosh tall ceilings quite [ __ ] up floor this is a nice rug beautiful rug yes shall we be moving on with the tour i guess i’m looking at it on my mini map this [ __ ] is [ __ ] crazy okay this is where i’m going to be displaying my various

Sets of armor many of which are purely for display take a look at the view this low down in the castle you can still see some of the landscape oh wow what’s this a shortcut a way up but oh we won’t be taking that away all right if you would follow me

These windows are so cool yes ah soup say now then do you wish to go up or down uh you have elevators no okay all right um i get i guess up the ground we’re going down ah okay you see down isn’t this this is the lowest point in the castle

Wow through the very center a reverse observatory okay i mean a reverse observant but i can’t really see anything down there it it all just kind of looks like mush the sky a void we are so far above the ground that it is as if there’s nothing there

It it really does just kind of look like slush [Laughter] why am i going so weird fast is it your floors oh it’s oh yes this well this is concrete after all oh that’s funky okay nothing we shall be going very high up yes we can go down here if you’d like yeah

I’d like to that okay now we’ve reached the dead end this is it okay it’s just a viewing area let’s go up then yes up we shall go i made special care to make sure that this castle grand and mine as it may be remains accessible to those perhaps who cannot quite move

The way we do i believe you should follow me to the most important part of the castle as it currently stands the bar uh the only furnished part so far is this it yes take a seat it’s a the bell is purely there for aesthetical reasons it doesn’t work

Would you like some music you turned it off oh you’re trying to find a good vibe here i have a gift for you i do hope that you are able to eat these oh hell yeah jelly donuts ah sorry i’m shooting off lasers perhaps you should remove your gauntlet

For the tour oh no i can just take the laser part out it’s okay very well now this is one of two courtyards lovely is it not interesting choice of uh grass now if you will follow me over here another interesting choice of grass you’ll find something very interesting this castle

Very much intersects amongst itself yeah um this is i’m gonna be honest this is awful to walk through when there isn’t like any furniture or anything in here but it is quite large where did you go oh i’m here i’m here watch your step that was so mad

My chat’s coming this world’s biggest most confusing bar don’t don’t look in these don’t go up just go up the ladder go up the ladder go up the ladder all right okay ah this is pretty it is beautiful very uh like a [ __ ] up flying goth college campus

Well you will do all about goth college campuses is the only thing i know now on reentry to the spiral in the center you may notice something okay a decorative piece oh that’s just a straight up crap okay that it is adorned with a variety of gems and artifacts alike

Perhaps you would like to know the meaning behind each article the apple still on there if the apple is still on there hi sarah hi point point one of these out and i shall explain it to you which one would your chat like to know about first

Uh right now they seem a little focused on bullying you but sure tell me minecraft lord did you hit me green ah the emerald what kicks back with it all you see emeralds very precious for they hold within them a great deal of transmutable power and yet the villagers of this world

Trade them away freely for the most meager of resources something that i exploited to the maximum i cannot say that i have much care for villagers and i have no need for them anymore certainly but they are useful you’ve been harassing villagers not anymore i don’t need to Although i did trap a few in a house once we had some fairly equitable deals and i figured better than to let them escape so by exploiting villagers uh i mean you trapped a few of them but besides that do you just mean you did trade well one could call it trade

One could call it rigging their economy it’s really the same thing once you get down to it exploiting their kindness taking advantage of their deals you know the works hey can you hit me in a way that matters so that um i can eat this uh jelly donut you gave me

Not with a guitar i’m not wearing armor um okay let me let me try and get something a little weaker she’s like a [ __ ] stick here we go yeah that works thank you yes some some parts to regenerate you’re so kind thank you yes then are there any others you would like

To know about um what’s this what’s this over here i actually don’t recognize that why it’s a prismarine A prismarine shard a relic of the ocean um i didn’t know that they yes they line the bodies of those elder guardians protecting those sea temples they oh so dearly care about it is a reminder that i do not only rule over the land and the sky no

I must not forget the ocean that would be rude it would be rude um all right my chat wants to know about the rubies well they’re a fairly nice gem i thought they’d look nice on there they do you know it’s it’s it they’re they’re round they’re red it’s a pretty good color

You think i’d be sick of it with how much i hang around pandora but sometimes in the moderation it can be nice it’s not the worst color certainly um i forget the name of this thing i know i i remember what it is um because i play minecraft but the totem of undying

Also my chat’s saying that you sound really threatening but your armor um it’s kind of cancelled out by the armor the totem of undying it is rather a direct metaphor simply that i’m immortal and you shall never be rid of me no matter how hard you try not that you would have any

Cause to try would you now pause no of course not of course not so what else is there or more yeah or of the crown i mean of either do you have any more stories you’re itching to tell is the the last two are powerful artifacts the nether star symbolic

Of destroying a wither a trophy if you will and something with very powerful implications and of course at the top the enchanted golden apple you see an imitation a mere facsimile can be constructed if you simply coat your standard apple in gold but this this is no such fake this

Is the real thing a food item of immense power on with the tour nice catwalk well i mean i don’t know if you’re walking right now you kind of you’re kind of sneaking around but i’m hoping i don’t fall off there now it’s a catwalk speaking of am i kitty yeah okay i’m

Still kitty but of course it’s really menacing up here at night it’s very pretty okay thank you this by the way is the other courtyard down there snowy indeed i guess that’s what happens when you live in the snow you hey you gonna come back up or hold on there we go

No i’m sorry oh he’s going crazy running well all i’ve done now is get myself lost oh you know good question king what’s with this angel block up here hang on i’m fixing your accident it wasn’t even that big it was one block where are you uh hi hello

What do you mean this and these what’s with all the levers ponds in this singular moment can i be completely honest with you yeah yeah after the rise of a new day atop my castle and on top of the world i will tell you in full confidence

I have no [ __ ] idea i don’t know when things lovers got here but they did you know something tells me it was sarah hmm no it’s it seems like something you do could could you pons could you remind me who that is i swear i didn’t do it

Uh the the the the one who tries to give you pies not ringing a bell uh demon girl not pandora funny little cafe owner there’s a cafe yeah have you not been no well i’m sure it’ll come to me later this ponds the deal with this angel block this

This is the top of the world go ahead try and place something above this alchemical coal block oh we’re at the sky we are indeed i you can keep them if you like i don’t really need them well neither do i i could i could do stuff with them

Yes i also would like things this not only i’ll have uh souvenirs for y’all the very height of the world but it also signifies the very center of the entire castle this block and all in a line above and below it is the center wow yes i deserve this yes now then

Hey what is that are you what what are you what are you doing is this meant to hurt i don’t oh [ __ ] this that’s nothing this is nothing let’s try something a little easier try to knock me off here without pushing me oh yes i forgot that was something i could do

Isn’t that fun what was that did you just is that because you fell oh yeah the boots now then without my armor but with a source of healing try again oh it doesn’t seem to be working perhaps it could be because i’m immune to knock back not immune to frostbite he’s [ __ ] dead

That count as knocking you off the roof no damn well he fell just not off the roof Um you taking me i’m gonna get eaten alive now what makes you say that hello ow are you okay oh i have no idea it didn’t spawn your little [ __ ] thing above is still there for me the thing that lists out like your phonic affinities interesting

I will scout the area to see if it’s spawned nearby maybe it’s in here nope huh weird ah you are blind oh am i yes it wasn’t here oh okay okay okay oh cool i didn’t look up i i don’t know why or how but here we are

Now i will give you a five second head start well okay five four three two one i did was that everything no but well you learnt the waystone feel free to return and explore to your heart’s content in the future that sounds fun but watch out but watch out

Well i am terrified for my life so i’m not sure if i want to get another exterior shot for you guys but i will allow it okay i think i’m lost that is so cool wow is it like an upside down castle no it’s perfectly right side up it looks upside down

Cool it’s fine if you find it to be a little non-euclidean that’s to be expected it was in the design briefing after all wait so like if if i punch it it’ll go soft no that’s not newtonian perhaps you should revise your terms though i suppose there is one more thing

I can show you yeah what pray tell pawns is your render distance not a lot at all i was having uh lag problems because for just a moment i would like you to turn it up okay let’s say 21 okay can you handle that oh yeah i’m at 15 right now okay

There it is now follow me follow me i’ll lead the way yeah this is a game of psychological warfare he’s actually just trying to ruin my computer what a lovely forest is it not yeah and turning around even here you can see the castle that’s big as [ __ ] it is

Would you like to know the exact dimensions uh i mean sure 100 by 100 by 150 the length width and height wow yes what a presence polar bear down here doggy help doggy i got lost where are you you killed him i steed that was a little more than i was expecting

He was my baby boy and you murdered him how dare you i can’t get over this oh i don’t have flying powers i swear now i mustn’t come here yeah and now i have to fly all the way back to the castle are you getting attacked by a polar bear

There’s a man down here and he’s shooting me with a gun what okay that i am not doing this for you but upon further thought i think your darling viewers deserve to know one more thing follow me into the bar and check what drinks we currently stock in the brewing stand

Oh god you got both you got both but of course why don’t you have fish in your sink it it’s it’s for washing your hands doesn’t even have a novelty sponge he doesn’t even have fish in his sink would you like an ice cube sure i’d love an ice cube

Thank you i’ll take this for me yes it’s your parting gift that and the jelly doughnut from earlier thank you i appreciate the gifts you want to get ah i don’t know that there’s much you can give me but sure where’s king getting all nervous again

All right well i’m gonna get going then i still have people a lot of stuff to show around spawn indeed i too have work to do okay goodbye big goth bar goodbye king goodbye ponds ponds wanna come to my hole uh can i check the mailbox

Do your business and then come see my whole i will we love beatles whole so far away i think more people should love beatles hole beetle shows whole not clickbait real beetle shows whole not clickbait real ah my cough is bad today excuse me no oh okay

Yeah you’re mean to me and for what for what joy funny oh my god what a trek back from the castle that is so [ __ ] far away has king gone to menace oh is that mine or is that another no okay that’s it’s bleeding huh what’s bleeding the hand

Near me near me in memory’s house it’s it’s it’s bleeding oh [ __ ] i can steal that yeah i mean i’m not sure if you should take it it might be cursed blood and also it took some of the blood i want to drink don’t take too much stigmata

I i i’m not sure how much there is to take because it’s like flowing but yeah i don’t know if you guys saw this but okay well i’ll have to let memory now oh power power life froze cool well at least i’m cute when i’m frozen

Excuse me as i boot up my camera again it’s been having a lot of issues today i’m not sure what that’s about oh i’m just a block of white now congratulations thank you hold on i’m having issues maybe i’ll just be a png tuber for a little bit huh well

I think the um i think blood cursed me i can see myself fine i’m like moving around and stuff on parapara ah weird okay um i have a workaround that might work for now which i can always video capture horopara i’m here i’m just um i have a white background now

Oh look at that let’s configure the video okay hello yeah i’ve just got this background i’m trying to turn on transparent streaming but you’re covering me up i’m sorry i i can change the color of the background at least and then chroma key it yeah maybe can’t make it green bright green

What do i do now how do i make it go away then you go uh to filters and obs oh and obs filters and where is that uh oh wait i see it duh okay and then you choose chroma key and green okay chromo key chroma key chroma key i’m not seeing it

Oh wait i found it i found it we’re good ah i did it okay i just ate a human brain there we go i’m back it might be a little laggy with my voice let me just um mess around with this there cool that works okay now it’s just moving around without

Okay there we go back to minecraft oh yeah i didn’t get to show you guys the outside i also had this little back area so i’m going to have to figure out what i want to do with the upstairs i’m thinking i’m going to put my bedroom up here um

Add some nice bookshelves and stuff i have these windows it’s very nice i like it um then out here i’m not sure i wish i are there grills hold on oh my god i can just grill for god’s sakes well i’ll go back um i wanted to show

You guys before i got so rudely interrupted um not actually i really appreciated the visit first of all i guess the epcot ball um but in here we have a bulletin board uh we can decorate there’s a pig sole in here lots of signs for if anybody has anything to say

Uh printing prep that’s so cool wow cool have you seen this man more butts and then we have a little post office that got made and it looks like i have mail hi palms this is memory we’re neighbors i’d like to chat with anything huh i like your kitty cat ears i think

They’re cute fluffy i’ve heard you are a necklacer sometimes i hurt my leg and i don’t think that’s the same as dying but it would be interesting if you could fix that you know i probably could actually i doubt that but i’m just thinking out loud i heard

That you’re a megalophobia and i don’t think but i don’t think so that’s not skeletons you should come over to my cabin i would like to become closer friends that’s so sweet maybe i should write a letter and then is that ah thank you for the [ __ ] up evil soup

Yeah that was you yeah some [ __ ] up evil soup i will not read other people’s mail yes i will i’ll put it right back there aren’t any crimes in next oh this one’s funky okay about the um relics that have been found okay i need to dollars probably isn’t that

Interesting i was mostly interested in um shadow but then we have a little path we have this thing i have no idea what this is the epcot ball why why do we have an epcot ball um yeah okay i i i guess we have the app combo

We have a little path here there’s uh q’s village and then we’ve got this is such a cute little path i guess going to i think it goes to hold on bone chicken i want another one of you where’d it go oh there you are so moving on this way we have rambutans

We have um another cave and then mandalas farm this is a strange way to build a house i know this is a long path a really weird way to build a house um i honestly haven’t explored this way a lot i’m not sure what’s new and what’s been here and then

Uh sarah hello hello i’m on my way to build more uh path have you been doing this path yeah ooh it’s funky i like it i can’t do it at night time thank you so here we are in um one village looks like it’s been co-opted i haven’t been here since

Oh i wanted to look at the rift where is it um they covered it up i wonder how it’s doing i’ve been more interested since i found out about how are you it looks like it’s gotten really small actually they’re starving it i mean riffs like this if it’s the same

Rift this is a dimensional fracture so i’m not sure if it’s the same but flux rifts hi lindy flux riffs like this i think they feed off of flux and there’s not a lot of flux in the air it might just collapse soon hopefully apparently uh kids are rough at it last

Time though oh that’s right and then i guess it splits off from here let’s keep going this way oh yeah i wanted to show you guys um this it’s sarah’s cafe that me cafe in that u cafe it’s a really cool little place nobody’s here right now

But i might come back take a lucky egg or two while you’re there i will oh cool i got two gun power gun power i got two gun powder free emc free emc well that’s that um and then there was something else i wanted to

Show you i have to figure out how to get there you made like our moss made like a village for pam just kind of you can follow the path oh yeah yeah i found it uh so pam harvest craft the miss harvest craft herself oh my god

She is there so i have not been here yet i mean i entered this building and i think there’s a man’s in here but it’s just crazy how long did she spend on this i helped a little hello mr cambion herbert oh this is herbert yeah that’s herbert hello herbert

He goes huh he does go well i met herbert i guess let’s keep walking actually hermbert look at all of this though it’s so cool what’s this no i took some it’s beautiful honestly i love places like this and then there’s a tower here i guess this is just a really big

Storage area and then that’s pam’s house up there wow is that pam the pig oh hi pam it’s her beautiful house pam oh my god i love i love your place man wow cool i’m just gonna all right well have a good night ma’am i did not mean to shoot rocks

All right well that was the tour of everything that i’ve noticed that’s new um beetle are you around oh i’m in the nether i’ll come back oh take your time you oh [ __ ] i like it i think it’s fun i’m looking for trees that explode

Oh um if you get any saplings of them um well what was that you cut off if you have any uh saplings from me those trees i was just feeding my digimon that’s okay it just means you’ll get more saplings yeah i’m on a hunt i’m bored of my hunt i’m going back

Already yeah i have my spoils oh i wanted to check something out it’s right past the tree house so that works out hold on looking for ah any black dye i am now at my vacation home for whenever you want to come visit me oh right your vacation home my vacation home

Okay okay do i have your vacation home i don’t think i do i’ll have to find it on my own it is west of the treehouse just keep going west okay east i’ll go to the tree house and then i’ll pull west okay tree house and then we go

I love the tree house area so pretty i know my directions here we go oh i wanted to um check something real quick oh hi you’re gonna okay well i don’t think he even noticed you i don’t think so okay well over to um oh cute bridge

Over to the vacation home we go let’s go on vacation there’s a big hole in the water here like someone set off a bomb or something has anybody been messing around could have done that was it you no has anybody been messing around with icbm maybe a little bit

Okay i think this is i found your vacation home i think this is it right hello where are you i’m standing on a tree this isn’t your vacation home at all yo hold on what is this there’s there is a weird thing near my vacation home

Don’t know what it is don’t care for it is this okay um someone in my chat said that this is uh kethera’s spaceship ew you’re not into space you’re not a space person lowering my real estate value i don’t know it’s kind of cool whatever it is there’s a charge pad here

Wow four chairs one of them’s pink what’s more important is my house error a fatal error has occurred please restart the navigation system to continue on your route wow okay um hold on space shop i guess all right back on my way gotta find your house at least i’m close

Oh there we go hello hello what are these brambles i don’t know what yeah step on it step on it step on it step on it step on it you step on it you step on it no step on it step on it step on it stand up no no

I refuse for other people not me you refuse yeah you’re not going to step on it no i’m going in my hole what are you doing step on it no i’m powerful go i’m just a little guy i stepped on it before you got here

I promise do you promise i swear yeah i promise will you step on it later for me yeah okay that better be a promise or else yeah you know what will happen okay wow are those still the uh sky blocks oh oh that’s what happened i have the sky

Turned off so that my lag isn’t bad so it doesn’t actually look like the sky it just looks like just blocks this is a cool fountain honey i’m sticky you’re slow and sticky why’d you walk in it honey honey where well now and now i’m slow and sticky um one one moment

Do you want to come to the the bees in my hole hello oh [ __ ] luggage didn’t come with oh there he is hi luggage luggage is like about to die actually he’s immortal you can hit him if you want okay sorry i picked him up it’s okay

It just makes you the owner of mr luggage he likes to be carried so yeah this is my honey now you’re slow oh i tripped in it oh nuts oh now i’m slow did you get in the honey as well get in there get in the honey it’s very yummy okay okay

Enjoy it i will it’s sticky luggage is stuck he’ll be fine wait why do you have another one in your hand oh yeah because you have one he’ll be able to get out he can tell now we’re all sticky what who hit me i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m lagging so bad

No i can’t see yeah i can’t see no it’s okay it’s okay i’m done i’m done i’m not gonna hit i have a shader pack on and it’s making my life a nightmare i can’t um i’m turning it off you know i’m kind of i’m kind of sitting

On my pad you’re the only one that i can use my secret powers on why you’re the only one who knows it’s your burden sarah was right there and you were using your secret powers now it’s sarah’s burden sarah doesn’t know my secret you didn’t see anything what secret powers

Pawns has secret powers no i don’t what the hell are you talking about i don’t know where you got this idea from about your about anybody having secret powers you’re talking about your secret powers right here right now no it wasn’t your secret powers i literally don’t know what you’re

Talking about you have secret powers i don’t have any powers but they wouldn’t be secret i would do atrocities yeah yeah have you not already committed atrocities i did pick up the sky and put it in a hole yeah that’s um a little [ __ ] up not gonna lie

Nice honey cool flowing from the sky wow i broke minecraft what did you do hold on ponds you see i want you to give me a tour of the location that you got a tour of today oh really i want to see i mean that might be nice that might

Have to happen at a different time that’s okay wait oh i killed minecraft what’s in it for me um um um my friendship i already have that feather My where are all this i made you things i gave you gifts you did but i also gave you gifts what gifts i don’t have no recollection of the event dude you don’t remember the gifts that you gave me i gave you gifts yes i give you gifts

I have no reflection um i’ll give you a gift come here or are you are you still in my hole no i left your hole hold on i found an owl hello sir what are you um currently i’m looking for squids where uh around right now i’m near uh i’m near q’s village

Do you have squids i don’t have squids do you have ink i don’t have ink i have no use for you oh no it’s okay we’re friends i’m i’m just teasing you epcot ball dude have you not seen the app cap no it’s pretty epic pretty epcot where’d all the squids go

Oh i’m in it no i’m not um maybe i’ll bother king hello i need a book king are you here i don’t see him here he must be in his castle i feel bad for this guy not king yeah his king zone oh he’s having connection issues is what’s happening um ink

I literally can’t find like any Guys oh um actually uh just come over to my place oh okay how many stacks do you need i only need one i just want to make some books okay i have too much okay i also get some ink to make some books there was it was there was a

I have six stacks of it so much why do you have something yes pair of chickens oh garden i’m hearing you come here oh my god i’m going on a little adventure oh my god let’s have a little cafe day it’ll be so cute oh my gosh i couldn’t tell what

Direction was the front of you there’s another portal at that village you’ll never see me coming oh that’s the one that got co-opted Hello are we in the cafe are we in soup’s okay so i’ll show you the secret entrance to the cafe i think i’ve seen the secret entrance to the cafe but i’m in your home now hello ah thank you coming to my library hold on oh big

Oh your library okay i’m here i’m here sorry with all my books and stuff oh it took from me i’ll just click click on the tank part to get it back it’s like oh don’t take out all of it though shoot it sorry i had my orb still in

You hit me no it stole it’s all like three levels from you no no no no no no Now we have their experience sorry oh no i’m gonna put this in here i keep spawning in the dirt i brought you back i’m sorry you can get your levels back right here seven of them oh okay i took my levels back thank you i’m sorry about i didn’t mean to kill

You i just meant to hit you a little bit i deserve this so much violence okay satisfied hello oh i was inside king you’re back oh that’s who i am i haven’t even been i know i want you to explore the second before the library go oh it’s

Right there okay i’m just uh putting my stuff back on all of my uh all my tools all my items cisco there we go i’m trapped on it climb star okay you can do that i guess i like your cafe oh oh okay oh you’re saying wrong hello don’t hit me then

Are you guys going to order yeah is there a menu all right take c wherever you want okay i want to sit outside okay there’s also the upstairs balcony there’s an upstairs oh i want to see upstairs i want to sit on the whoa we can’t go outside there

Uh no kiss okay memory you just got one oh look at this this is so cute hmm you don’t have any coffee so much fruit do i not have any coffee on there apparently not you have a lot of tea you’ve been having coffee that’s okay when i wrote that menu

Yeah i only have tea okay and hot chocolate but ham ham ham yes uh can i get uh can i get a fish sandwich please uh with lettuce sure here you go i like your cafe it’s very cute and very cozy but not enough not enough meat on the menu

Have some real issues with it all right needs more put more meat on the menu thank you it took me 12 hours to prepare all this food for the cafe you’d better respect my friend sarah and her cafe work their cafe work i respect it but needs more meat

Thank you oh very fast service i can’t even hear this right now can you punch me punch me punch me more okay that’s good i’m vegan punch me again oh okay punch me harder okay there’s like blood all over the floor [Laughter] i need to eat punch me monkey

[ __ ] up how nix only lets us eat if we get punched this is beautiful though what a cute cafe i love it are you exploring yes you’re too tall for like half these doors i can’t see okay you can’t put in the ceiling what a cute cafe

I love this i did my best it’d also be a great space just to hang out honestly i think the server needs to have a party sometime in this cafe i agree that would be so awesome oh my god um [ __ ] magic [ __ ] holes uh let’s plan a party

Hello have you thought about i know you did opening in invitations but oh thank you for the cookie i need to get punched again there’s a cookie on the floor for you oh thank you i also need to get punched again but i will hold it for later or i’ll eat it

I’m so good at punching oh i dropped my blocks um as i was saying i know that you put out uh invitations for the opening of the cafe have you considered holding like an official opening party or something like that maybe it’d be a cute idea as long as you make sure that

Nobody gets hurt oh you have to turn like a magic thingy yeah no violence zone have you um invested in any force fields um i can’t say that word without hearing that like menacing laughter i want to try again force fields force fields oh okay

I think i need to write this note now what are you doing here who’s here oh you have a friend he wants to make things bad boy force field oh god it does i tried i mean i’ll try again later percy wait does percy think squids are monsters slash teasing

Just so first he knows i’m just teasing oh that’s so cute it’s good figurine squiggy rain what was i making oh i remember no so Um is there any way to hmm hmm i guess maybe it might be better to just huh well i guess i’ll just incinerate that okay either way that’s good to know um how to write books this might be the easier way to do things okay it should be right over this way

And i can just and after that i’m probably going to log off because i have somewhere that i need to go around 5 30. yeah [ __ ] twitch emojis ah now surely you don’t mean that ponds what do i mean [ __ ] twenty emojis you would uh disparage something as pure and innocent as

Kimono hype oh no no i mean the default ones like the smiley face i suppose then i would agree i’m glad we can agree on something no you can eat slime that’s weird just this once now i’m slow um I left mail i guess so oh you left mail me sir hello uh uh um excuse me sir well now that that’s taken care of i guess let’s check our mailbox and um i’ll come back tomorrow as well guys um oh that’s a lot of mail thank you for the letter you’re welcome

Hold on it’s very important urgent message i left you a letter oh okay i love to get mail thank you this is a [ __ ] up sign over here oh i’m out of books you will receive a response within the next 24 hours okay thank you do you need some ink no okay

Well i guess um for a little bit i’m going to do some building on my house yeah i’m going to do some building i want to fix up the upper room never mind i’m ending the stream there’s a little cat outside my window he sees me he sees me well then

Um i’ll wrap up for today i’ll do a longer stream tomorrow but i just wanted to do a soft reintroduction with what i’ve missed in the past week or two i hope you all have a good day bye-bye thank you

This video, titled ‘VTUBER SMP 6 – King’s Castle [ MINECRAFT NYXSMP ]’, was uploaded by Pons Grimhilde Ch. on 2021-05-03 21:48:30. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:54 or 6354 seconds.

king invites us for a tour of his newly-built castle!

i’m pons, a neko-mancer vtuber who specializes in horror and horror-adjacent content! i also play a lot of modded minecraft! my goal is to play all the old horror games i missed when i was young and afraid to play them! come check out my streams at https://www.twitch.tv/ponsgrimhilde​​ or check out my twitter at https://twitter.com/ponsgrimhilde​​ ! have a great day!

  • Rhyme Time on Tiktok: Live Stream May 28, 2024

    Rhyme Time on Tiktok: Live Stream May 28, 2024 Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where adventures and fun, in the game we’ll go. Join me, your host, with rhymes so tight, As we explore the world, in the day and night. First up, Goose Goose Duck, a game so grand, With Sad and Robert, we make a fun band. Then onto Minecraft, where creativity flows, Building and crafting, as the story grows. Missed the TikTok stream? Don’t you fret, I’ve got the highlights, so you won’t forget. Bean Mart expanding, with orders to fill, A gaming experience, that gives a thrill. Subscribe to the channel, for more… Read More

  • Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250

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  • Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies

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  • Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial

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  • Meowtastic Mobs: Custom NPC’s in Minecraft

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  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

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  • Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans

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  • Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song

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  • Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft

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  • Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans!

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  • Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!

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  • Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!

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  • NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygaming

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  • INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won’t believe what happened!

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  • Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!

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  • Wavey SMP

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  • Horizon SMP – Semi-vanilla SMP – Whitelist

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  • Deep Survival

    Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What real veterans fear…in Minecraft

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  • Crafty Hearts: Minecraft Love Galore!

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  • Minecraft Meme Madness! 🔥🔥 | Part 2

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  • Uncovering Minecraft Seeds: Java & Bedrock Edition

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  • 🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbait

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  • Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

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  • SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!

    SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to join this public minecraft server? | minecraft public smp’, was uploaded by Shulky Playz on 2024-04-17 01:30:07. It has garnered 496 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Hi everyone , i am shulky and welcome to my channel i hope you enjoy this video😊 make sure to subscribe this channel for future updates my social media instagram- https://www.instagram.com/shulky_playz?igsh=MWQycGZsMDluZDRiZw== discord username – shulkyplayz discord server – https://discord.com/invite/wkruacCD also watch this – https://youtu.be/3iw-jC2F0yU?si=fqwH6DgNP6dpTIAI public server (shulky smp) ip address- ip – SHULKY_SMP.aternos.me port – 29986 _______!______!_____!_____!______!______!______!__ #… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD – Reaching the SKY! 🚀

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  • Unbelievable: Transform Minecraft w/Shaders

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    "INSANE TEIVRIM CRAFT BUILDING IN MINECRAFT!!" #minecraft #buildingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Импровизирую на лету – строю в майнкрафт #minecraft #майнкрафт #bildings’, was uploaded by TEIVRIM CRAFT on 2024-05-10 03:14:53. It has garnered 5 views and likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:39 or 5739 seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, mine, shorts, in minecraft, compote, video minecraft, survival, games, compot, minecraft shorts, trolling, compote in minecraft, fixie, noob, fixie minecraft, trolling trap, minecraft animation, novel compote, Edison, trolling in minecraft, edison, minecraft but, mcpc, in mine, mcpe, air, fixeye, minecraft video, noob, minecraft server, girl in minecraft, minecraft pe, meme, domer, minecraft hardcore, steve, edisonpts, memes,… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft City Revival – No Talking!

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  • “Insane 2B2T Minecraft Noob Builds Mega Base in 22Days!” #clickbait

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  • Insane Challenge: Drawing EnderDragon in Minecraft!

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  • Honeybeeks Public Anarchy MC

    Honeybeeks Public Anarchy MCA public hard mode vanilla anarchy survival server. While the server is anarchy, we aim to break the game, not each other. PVP and griefing is allowed with purpose, but discouraged without. Vanilla with plugins to encourage exploration and building. PLUGINS: Dynmap AdvancedTeleport SmoothTimber games.honeybeeks.net Read More

  • LanderYT SMP: Semi-vanilla, 16+, Whitelist, LGBTQ+ friendly

    Welcome to LanderYT SMP! If you’re seeking a hermitcraft style SMP, look no further! We are a community established in October 2021, and we’re on the lookout for new members. Our server has been customized with minor adjustments to better cater to our community. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested! Server Details: Server IP: notarealip.serv.nu (contact “landeryt” on discord) Read More

  • Earth Network

    Earth NetworkWelcome to Earth Network, the ultimate Minecraft server experience! Dive into our diverse gamemodes: conquer the wild in Survival, master the skies in Skyblock, and brave the depths in Underground Survival. Each mode offers unique challenges and endless adventures. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or strategist, Earth Network has something for everyone. Stay tuned for more exciting gamemodes coming soon. Join our vibrant community and embark on your next Minecraft adventure with Earth Network today!Discord: https://discord.gg/Twitter: twitter.com/earthnetwork Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro Forgot To Turn Off His Lava Tap

    Looks like Bro is helping flood the virtual world instead of saving it! Read More

  • Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked

    Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked In my Minecraft city, a bank I did build, With timelapse magic, my vision fulfilled. From planning to finish, each step in line, Crafting a masterpiece, a sight so divine. Gathering resources, preparing with care, Every block in place, a grand affair. Step by step, the bank took shape, A testament to creativity, no escape. The final reveal, a stunning sight, In my Minecraft city, shining bright. Inspiration for builders, a joy to behold, In the world of blocks, stories untold. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t be shy, For more epic builds, watch me fly. Minecraft magic, in every rhyme,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme got me yeeted 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme got me yeeted 🔥😂 When Minecraft cuts you off, just remember it’s not personal – it’s just trying to keep your brain cells from getting too addicted to building virtual worlds! #MinecraftIntervention 😂🔨🧠 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft Minecraft Survival Horror Adventure: From the Fog Embark on a terrifying journey in the world of Minecraft with the mod pack “From the Fog.” This mod pack introduces a host of eerie creatures like Herobrine, Cartoon Cat, Siren Head, and many more. Follow along as the protagonist navigates through this spine-chilling adventure, encountering a myriad of challenges and dangers. Exploring the Terrifying World of From the Fog Step into a world reminiscent of Minecraft’s early days, with outdated textures and haunting sounds that set the stage for a truly immersive experience. The protagonist must gather resources, survive the night,… Read More


    SJIN'S INCREDIBLE WORLD-CHANGING SPELL in Hells KitchenVideo Information hello and welcome back to enchant the world all the mods 9 magic mods last episode we looked into growing crops and developed the colony a little bit check out the worly sprig Farm now we’ve put down loads more seeds and decorated it a bit and this place looks really h and bustling and also it’s generating loads and loads and loads and loads of crops for us the question we have now is what are we going to be doing with all that food and that’s why I’ve prepared an area over here which we’re going… Read More

  • Legendary Gamer vs Pillager Outpost

    Legendary Gamer vs Pillager OutpostVideo Information si tú quieres bailar jugar pintar cantar tú puedes venir a mi casa La idea es compartir te vas a divertir si quieres venir a mi casa quiero invitar a jugar a mi casa todas mis amigas y amigos quiero saltar bailar y lo que tengo compartir contigo Chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daa mágico mi dubi du Chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daba daa mágico mi dubi tú quieres cantar yo te voy a enseñar si quieres venir a mi casa y digo a mi mamá que diga tu mamá This video, titled ‘DESTROYING PILLAGER… Read More