Walking From Russia to America… In Minecraft?

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Hello I’m if yes click at and I recently found one of the craziest minecraft servers I’d ever been on it was a geography themed server where you could start your own country and invade an annex of a country’s territories it was a really goofy concept that I was sure wouldn’t exist

Ever again but as it turns out I was wrong about that it turns out there’s a small community of geography minecraft servers with the biggest and oldest one usually been considered to be Earth MC so today I wanted to check out the earth MC server because what you sing in the

Background right now is not like a pretty accurate view of the satellite earth instead no this is a minecraft server that recreated the earth at a 1 to 500 scale this means there’s even more detail even more accuracy to the earth with even more area to explore

Which is why you can see there’s many more political boundaries many more cities towns etc and it’s really interesting because this kind of acts like a social experiment and not the sort of social experiment where you kiss your sister the YouTube views the soft social experiment where you give people

A you know map of the world and you let them make their own boundaries for towns cities and then countries and you see what they do and as it turns out you get a pretty close to accurate view of how the real-life afters work so for instance looking at Europe there’s a

Bunch of different towns and cities very you know closely packed across the entire continent with a lot of different countries on the same area also the UK has invaded Ireland again so you know bad UK for that but again accurate view of what happened in the real world then

You can see like okay what’s going on with the u.s. oh yeah big population centers on both the coasts and then a few in the Midway but for the most part it’s just like sparsely populated and then lots of stuff on both the coasts you’ll see the same thing happens when

We look at Australia for instance oh yeah all around the coast this stuff and then in the middle there’s pretty much nothing and it’s crazy just how accurate this is to real life partly because people are building from real life but it’s also this whole thing that makes me

Just have to go and check it out so today we’re going on up emceed net and we’re seeing what it’s all about so this is a MC or of this is the queue to get into the server f MC because it is a very very busy server especially

Recently there’s a lot of people joining it and therefore it takes some time to get in so we’ll just have to wait a little bit also for some reason there’s a giant Pepe the Frog and February the Frog is built just a little way out from the

Center so yeah you can either buy priority or you can do some parkour and get to Pepe sure why not so yeah this queue is seriously long I’m a hundred plus people into it so we might be here for a while I guess might as well do some more

Parkour well that didn’t go up it’s the first server I’ve been in see where you can die in the lobby so that’s like interesting by itself so I just also on in chat how long the line usually takes and the answer was the queue takes two

Hours them out so yeah we might be here for a while because I am the fake toy cat wait maybe this is useful if you ever do meet me on a server somewhere and I say I’m me then it’s definitely not I always pretend I’m a fake person it’s just easier that way

Position 99 yeah we’re in the double digits now just a little bit to go you can’t leave by the way if you go FK you get kicked so you have to like actively sit here for two hours and wait so that’s that’s great fun so I’m now

Ranked 85th which is good progress right but you can also see there’s a few people getting suspicious like and they’re like that ain’t it’s like cat or like you know like you see a lot of meshes in here toy cat is fake there’s lots of stuff so yeah it looks like I

Joined the server at the wrong time so I finally spawned into the world I have no idea where I am but I’m officially playing FMC there was a long wait to get here so I’m gonna have to make the most of this we have resistance so we’re probably near a beacon or maybe

We’re just in some neutral zone where we’re protected and yeah the cool thing about this is if we need to know where we are and instead of just like guessing based on this or trying to make a map or whatever what we can instead do so there’s so many people playing on the

Server that it’s sometimes hard to pinpoint exactly where you are especially when you see how many towns there are in Great Britain for instance like there’s so much going on there but it seems as live spawn in a random plot somewhat near Lithuania or Vilnius Lithuania as well as Grodno so I guess

We’ll check out Lithuania first I mean makes the most sense to me at least okay so I finally found my first country this is Lavanya it’s a small town oh it’s meant to be their capital better it’s a pretty small town but even here you can see there’s a lot that’s been

Done in just this one place we’ve got those nice cobblestone stairs there from Locksley and furnace filled up there and then we’ve got this rather nice house which I’ll just assume is their capital house today so yeah the cool thing about this being left winger is we’re right near

The edge of Lithuania we should be able to hop from here to another country in not too long so let’s let’s get a feel for how long missus so looking at the map you can get a feel for what’s actually nearby it you can see how like

All of Lithuania set up in two different towns which is surrounded by lots of again parts of a country which doesn’t have a name it seems but yeah like this is suspiciously close how look it’s literally at the edge of one is right into the other so there’s lots of

Countries next to other nearby countries here which is interesting I assume maybe they’re independent towns because they’re a different colour but yeah over here we then have a Rensburg choose a pretty huge settlement robably the biggest one nearby and so you see this one which is

Blocked full and that’s the place I want to be going it’s somewhat near toilet or the Tom’s just this sad little toddler just like simply one sad building oh it seems as I’ve been invited to join Gdansk so let’s go there I guess I’m worried that there’s only one plan you

Can accept somewhere oh and Centrelink er as well so yeah the plan is to just accept an invitation to go to Gdansk again I love Gdansk and or Danzig and now we can just t spawn but here I am in Gdansk look at that oh there’s a nice

Polish flag here because it is a pape Poland now I guess it’s pretty offensive that I could at Denzil kill it then bite me into their home and then I call it the former German name what a great friend I am but yeah this is good Dan we

Got two giant lion statues it took a few seconds I was like big dogs but like actually these are pretty impressive lions like they’re too pretty ugly blocks by themselves but they combined pretty well if nothing else but yeah look how develop Poland is on the server

This is just one of their cities you know what do their poor cities – but you can see just how big this place is it’s got a giant lighthouse some giant statues we’ve got like a whole town slash City going on over here it’s pretty impressive given that to

Actually start something you need 64 gold that’s like the minimum requirement and then they gathered all these resources and then go love this stuff going on it’s it’s pretty impressive right so I’ve had requests to join New York which is apparently the best city so let’s try and head over to New York

Different continent but everyone is saying you’ve got to join there and I worry that it’s like a troll or something oh the maximum number of residences reached there is 50 people in New York which I mean when you scale that down to a minecraft server of just

Hundred people that’s a huge number so something interesting I’ve spotted because it’s kind of interesting that I’m in Gdansk right now which is very much Poland good job Poland but then I looked a little bit to the west and suggestion I can’t say that like it’s it’s too many characters in a slightly

Hard order but the Polish city options education is actually Danish and this is a true reverse of the last place we’re on because it means it means that Denmark is not only independent and existing but they’ve also gone pretty far down they’ve got Hamburg it looks like they’ve got a fuse different cities

They probably shouldn’t have a hold up and this makes me need to check out their capital Copenhagen look at the size of this thing let’s go to Copenhagen right now apparently Copenhagen does not have its doors open to everyone ask them there or an assistant to join well apparently that’s

That’s a tricky thing well let’s let’s go to another Danish city so I found Malmo Sweden it’s not Danish but they have a direct bridge over to Copenhagen so let’s sneak in via the back door there’s some real world analogy to all of that okay Mamo is also not open to everyone

So yeah technically I’m in Denmark right now all I have to do is catch a boat from here to here this little Polish island and then from there over to Sweden and then from there I can cross into Denmark have you ever been in a server where you’ve had to traverse like

Half of Europe this is this is honestly my first time gonna be an experience I guess but we’re in the wilderness where apparently pvp is accurate activated so as long as these people don’t catch me it should be fine there are some people who like feel a bit curious about having

Youtubers on the server because obviously when you’ve got a queueing system you don’t want people to know about the server so I just have to hope they can’t catch up with me I think it’d be a fun little story if like somewhere in Europe there was just a little Polish

Island oh yeah the guy what the guy wants me dead the guy always called death penalty the guy let the name is literally death penalty but I managed to escape that one just about okay he’s swimming after me okay we finally made it after a long voyage of a lot of

People who want to kill me too Sweden it seems so welcome to Sweden look how nice this here I can’t be killed in Sweden try try and kill me guys yeah yeah that’s that’s so you can do to me and apparently Sweden’s message is sub

To PewDiePie on stuff to T series I mean can’t argue of that right I mean that’s that’s like the number one thing people doing Sweden right I mean watch pretty play videos and don’t watch t-series videos so it’s worth noting that Mamo is a pretty small Swedish city

I think it’s like actually the third largest in Sweden but it’s well separated from the rest of Sweden both in real life and probably on this server sure let’s find out yeah look at the server you can see how most of Sweden’s like all the way up there there’s calm

There’s it’s like more northern cities oh no that’s Norland so yeah there’s like a few cities over here but now mo is just very separated and it’s basically Denmark again that’s that’s something you should not say to Swedish people but it’s something that has like

A little bit of truth right like I mean it’s right next to Denmark and you can get there faster than you can from Sweden therefore is it Sweden or is it Denmark that’s the question we have to raise no problem getting all philosophical about it let’s go into Copenhagen this is one of

The biggest cities in Europe apparently and yeah I don’t know you can tell that this is a pretty impressive little place a little laggy place as it loads in but like Jesus also um someone said in the chat that Somali will shelter me that’s that’s great yeah they really want me

Dead I’m not sure I’ll maybe they don’t we def maybe this is friendly maybe they’re gonna give my stuff back hey yeah here we go thank you friend oh I can’t pick up the stuff but yeah this city is absolutely huge like look how big this thing is there’s even they

Built a floating city in the sky this is this is Copenhagen in the year 2100 we’ve gone back to the fuel system which sucks but on the other hand we built a sky island so that’s nice like look at the beauty of this creation like they

Tore a giant hole in the centre of copenhagen to have a river below their sky city what is the point of that you might argue I’m not too sure I’m not too sure but it’s beautiful to look at and yeah just in general this is a nice little city

Oh here’s the crazy thing they actually have a railway system connecting up their capital for like other parts of it that’s a nice little touch that’s like the fun little detail so we’re gonna go to the never on this server just to see what it is because on the other server

It was blank maybe there never has some role in this like takes you to the moon takes you to okay then ever it doesn’t have a role someone just made a portal just because they thought it look nice again I mean pretty pretty anticlimactic end to an otherwise beautiful city like

Look at the beauty of this Copenhagen compared to the one from the last server and you realize that we found ourselves a winner with with Denmark right here and that’s before you start to realize there’s a huge town attached where people live and build their own law houses it’s cool

Stuff and they even built a metro as what like as well as the above-ground train system you know the S trains whatever they’ve got some metro trains as well and again I think that’s a fun oh never mind that it’s blocked up this is the saddest metro station I’ve ever

Been in it’s let’s wait for the trains to come oh it’s gonna be about five years while they’ve got the tunnel you know I’m patient I can wait it turns out that this train system I’ve been following for quite some time now it connects all of Denmark together like is

Then like just the best place oh and it’s not just the train system it’s a boat system as well oh yeah it’s a boat away I didn’t write this what oh it’s a boat where that ends the moment I realize it’s a boat away it stops being

One so that took me all the way down to Hamburg just to show you how long if a train ride that was on the map like look at it right here we went all the way from Copenhagen down to Hamburg from there all the way to here I’m knocked I

Can’t now apparently for some reasons but still that’s pretty good we could probably Europe in not too long if it’s only that far across so I guess my next challenge is to try it and get into the UK and although right now I’m in the EU

You know I could get there by legitimate means I don’t think they’re gonna accept me in there so I guess what I’m saying is we’re gonna try and smuggle ourselves into the UK on a lil bit of a boat so I’m heading in the direction of the UK

Now and I’m curious to you know see how long it is from Denmark to the UK in a Minecraft boat this is our first proper true long-distance you know this is a very even though it’s one to five hundred scale that still means there’s a lot of blocks to have Peter traversed

How long is it gonna take let’s find out as we go past this giant plus sign this all made in the ocean you know this is nice they built their own Long Island that’s a good idea we should just build our own better UK so I found something

That I wasn’t necessarily expecting on the way to the UK and that is the city of Atlantis the lost that you’ve met Lantis is a real thing in the server and I think that’s crazy cool I love the fact that this server is not just limited to like oh yeah

Past country’s future countries maybe even fictional countries but no you can make your own land down below the seabed in a random place east of the UK like this is where sea land should be but instead of sea land we have a lost city of Atlantis and that’s crazy

Look at the scale of this thing this is an impressive build by itself like to do something this big involving glass because it requires so many sponges right but so welcome something this big would already be impressive but to do in a multiplayer server and be successful

With it this is a pretty good little country right here so yeah this is the lost city of Atlantis we found it so now it’s the the founds that event lantus if you will so I finally found some land and it looks as though it’s either Carlisle in Britain or it’s Newcastle

Maybe it’s like yeah it looks like it’s the edge of the yo new course we’ve just found right here or we can head to Carlisle if we want to but still we’ve made it to the UK now we have to see if we get stopped by the border force it

Looks like they’ve came out a boat to meet me if I just sneak into his boat then he can take me to where we need to be this is this is how most border force situations go as long as you offer them a boat ride they’ll let you into their

Country legally that is how the system works so this is one of the most northern most towns in England or in the game it’s just a town in Britannia Again UK has got some problems with conquering all the pins around it I get it guys it’s a it’s a problem we have every now and then even on Minecraft servers but yeah in this particular case we we can walk straight over the board in Scotland I feel like you know there

Has to be a place for checking yeah we need to see London but first we’ll get a feel for the regions you know the parts of the UK that aren’t quite as good as London you know it’s true if you live one of them so Glasgow is to the left

Aberdeen is to the right I’m not sure what map leads to that being the situation but I’m gonna follow the UK flag this way and see where it takes me oh there’s it so there is a rail system going through the UK and I think it’s Ankara cos Carlo is on the UK’s

North/south rail system released the East Coast one so now we should need to find a minecart and we’re good that is easier said than done apparently so here you can see the case of the confused a density of Scotland like is it a country

Or is it a part of the UK yes is the answer to both those things but you can see it very interestingly here where like we go back and forth between like Scottish blacks and British flags all the time Oh what is this thing is this a

Cathedral like if it’s to scale I mean it’s obviously a lot more than to scale so it because this is a five hundred to one minecraft server I’m not mistaken every single block represents 500 meters so this is a roughly 20 kilometer to cathedral entrance but this is a door

For Giants this is taller than any structure on earth by a factor of you know like more than 10 and I kind of want to see what’s on the inside okay so they’re flattening out and making a town inside the Cathedral maybe I’m not sure

What I think of this there is so much time sunk into this you have to think it’s amazing like the seeing this much effort it’s always so cool but also seeing this much effort is always like oh god so much time man so much time now

We’re in the city of Dumfries which is one of the most so most towns in Scotland against well this place has always been curious about because it’s very different to the rest of Scotland I would love to go sometime if you’re from Dumfries hit me up give me a give me a

Way to get there a boat I’m magic oh it has like a the way in and out the city is like a proper giant gate and again there’s UK flags there make things a bit more confusing oh it’s I think they just kicked me out this

Like I wanted to go out anyway but the fact that I just got teleported out here I felt I felt like that’s a little bit rude because there’s a giant wall here I assume it’s Hadrian’s Wall that is trying to keep me out however unlike Hadrian’s Wall they forgot to make it

Tall enough to stop people just climbing over so now I’m back in Scotland what are you gonna do about that like it’s funny wait when you want to leave somewhere it’s like I can’t wait for the exit when you kicked out somewhere you’re like no let me back in there

Scotland and it looks like they’ve done that so let’s go back over the wall so this is Liverpool it looks like it’s been hit by a bomb so pretty accurate to real life I would say then we’ve got a pretty nice-looking castle over here I’m not sure there be a bit south of

Liverpool but I guess we can find out again it’s really interesting that like anyone can like name their towns as long as it’s like allied to the right country and it makes some sense than it’s there and now it looks like we’ve just entered Camelot again very much real place

I’m just so tempted to claim the town I don’t even need to I don’t even care that much about Camelot as a fictional place but I think it’s cool that they made Camelot inside Minecraft you know I’ll be honest having some four diamonds with me is an experience I would like to

See more so yeah there’s a there’s a few people that don’t like youtubers coz again brings more people to the server there’s a few people are nice about it thank you for the potions mr. Victini I secretly want to attack him just to see if the sword works but that might be

Rude she do it once okay it doesn’t work I was very rude I don’t know how this happened but there’s some weird shrine from it just as hacks in there somewhere so we got some latin-based shrine I assume going on here don’t know if that’s an okay thing on a server but

Apparently it is I think I accidentally went a bit too far south I think I found Brighton or one of the other like south bound you know seaside towns in the UK isn’t that nice so I was secretly wondering when I’d know I’d hit London but I think with that I have the

Slightest suspicion that maybe we’re in London right now what do you guys think do you think Big Ben and the house of parliament and like I assume some of the other landmarks do you think shipping that means were in London it’s hard to be sure isn’t it others they’ve built new lower

Restaurants and a chilling coffee bar isn’t that crazy it’s one goal for a complete meal I have to know what you get when you pay a gold so if you want this to be the true London experience then all we have to do is first of all complain about the price

Being way too high for any reasonable person and then we’re gonna pay for it bathroom M – W these are nice low toilets this is a nice restaurant are they’ve even got they’ve got like a sea turtle display in the restaurant that’s actually a really cool build idea like I don’t know how

You buy through tear like maybe we just go into the kitchen we can not go into the kitchen maybe we just wait at the bar and see if someone serves us eventually that is also not a good idea so yeah here’s another crazy thing because it’s just

Such a crazy developed part of the world they even have a store where you can buy any lights mop them at any time so again I don’t know if this is just one of the places to service like a private store or something but this is this is crazy

To see very very interesting true buy some things let’s buy some birch logs yeah it looks like you can just buy any of these items there’s even like a weird GUI for it tree just by our in-law house then Oh yet so this definitely isn’t the game store because they don’t have

Enough glowstone to sell me but this is crazy that like it’s a thing you can do you can just build a giant shop in the middle of your city if you want to make some money from like people popping in to say hi that’s crazy that is really crazy

So yeah London pretty pretty well city I would say it’s big not quite as big as I was perhaps anticipating but like big in the scale of like it’s big like – again if you want to convert that scale into real life Big Ben is like 30 kilometers

To half of Big Ben is in space which again actually matches real life quite well there and yeah now we know that London is big buff in real life and in the game now I’ve seen my city it’s mostly about like seeing war houses on the server just as a kirstie oh yeah

There is more to London it isn’t it’s just there’s like a big central place but beyond that there are way more houses shops and stuff like that but let’s look at the rest of the world and let’s see what there is around there by trying to join some random towns until

Somewhere accepts me so yeah if you’re of course dawn said that Somali was always willing to like shelter me from the rest of the world so we could go to Mogadishu mcadoo shoe that’s not a bad idea let’s go to look let’s go to Mecca

D shoe I do not okay I cannot join maca D shoe no matter how bad I want to see and I don’t really want to go across the Atlantic on a boat Eva I feel like that’s not gonna be a fun journey like it took so long to go from Denmark to

The UK on the surfer I feel like crossing the Atlantic that way no agree I did going to Africa on a boat again I’m a British person they’re gonna they’re gonna have some questions about that so instead I guess what we’ll do is we’ll just try and find any channel

Except me so here’s another reminder of the fact that this server is just absolutely bonkers between the English Channel in France you know between England and France there is just a floating island and so on spell nice little fortress on there so there’s no easy way to teleport across the Atlantic

It seems however I do have a person who’s gone in the boat and I guess the plan here is he’s gonna take us over there and it might take some time but we can look at the map while this happens so while we go on a boat ride to the

Americas one of the traditional ways of gangue there let’s look at the map and you can see just what a journey this is it’s taken me this long to get to this point just off France over there and we need to get all the way past you know the mid-atlantic islands like the

Transatlantic er we need to get past all these islands and we need to make it to Newfoundland which is the closest part of Canada or North America to the UK and it’s still so far look at this journey we’re moving so slow because the earth is really big fun fact there’s a reason

That we generally use planes to get around it and not Minecraft boats oh we found our first thing in the journey again this is some absurdly long journey but it looks like we’ve just found something over there oh yeah here we go look at this we’ve got ourselves a

Furnace city is this transatlantic er it’s not just build a bunch of furnaces and call that a city it looks like they did let’s let’s check it out I guess yes so there’s a few people when they cross the Atlantic they find this along the way and you get messages like needs more

Coal needs slight size increase what a delight till next time very cool this is the this is the craziest thing to find welcome to the world’s first bonus Island you know this is the world’s first bonus Island I don’t know why this was made but I am

Glad this exists so that was nice although there is two boats at this island so one person came here and then never left which is a little spooky yeah let’s get in this boat and let’s go off to America I really can’t stress what a long journey is to get to America

We’ve made it here now this journeyed across the Atlantic is gonna be like almost as long as going into the server by itself but we do have transatlantic Oh to look forward to in another ten to 20 minutes if that oh we seem to have come across a giant ice wall I’m not

Sure I’m not sure this is here for but I guess we should get on it see I really hope this is the right way but oh god oh god this is hard this is not easy oh gosh is this this is meant to be here I’m not actually sure okay so as it

Turns out this is a thing that I think was just put there now or maybe we only just found it but there is a way across the Atlantic if you’re willing to go for a little bit of trickiness there is a nice little ice road there this is like

The invention of the steamship like the the difference in speed we’re going at the site rather than going like oh yeah a little nudge every minute or so we’re like every few seconds we’re making another click across and yeah hey this is a reminder like it it sometimes is a

Loss to me just how far away like the East Coast America is from what you know Western Europe but it’s quite a lot of ocean in between the two and what fun fact when you fly across it there’s like a if the plane has an engine fire it’s

Like well we’re free hours from the nearest airport in Greenland most the time so hopefully seeing this represents the Minecraft is a good reminder of just how far you really have to go between the two places since we’re doing PSAs anyway I guess we should also remind you

That like oh yeah as it turns out writing ice boats is really tricky unless you get the perfect angle right away you’re probably not gonna get it eventually oh god we can do this we can do this oh no no we can’t if there’s so many boats

Lost along the way here Oh God this reminds me a bit of the the Bojack horseman episode where they build a bridge to Hawaii and yeah it’s kind of like a ridiculous thing but at the same time would be quite fun to go across oh yeah so yeah because the ice highway was

Just built by random strangers over I don’t know how long this must have taken them there’s just some people who put like detours here like why would you do this what why would you do this to Europe left to America right you know the more right

The more I’m on this Highway and the more I think this really is such a fun idea like why have we gone on this yet like it would cost billions untold billions trillions no doubt but would it be such a goofy thing I guess you wouldn’t be able to make it a highway

For cars because like there’s no way off the highway you can make like a train link between the you know the UK and North America even just like France in North America like the shortest point wherever that is all you need to just have guard rails like this and all of a

Sudden okay never mind but some nice friendly guard rails and suddenly everything works much better okay so it might have taken literally just under half an hour but we’ve crossed the world we’ve gone from Europe to North America so just to convert that to real time

Because we’re going 500 times as fast as we should be that should have taken 250 hours or 11 days so I guess that’s like pretty anchor for a boat trip from Europe to North America right that sounds about right as a sign as soon as

We get here saying P P Island is this way and who can resist a place with a name like P P Island like we went on such a long boat trip I’m happy to see anything at this point so let’s see what PP island is you know I don’t know what

I expected from P P Island but you can see how it looks a little bit like a P P but it’s also quite nice otherwise they’ve got some crops they got some stuff and they pride themselves on being the most autistic people on earth MC and

If you want to join P P Island they have their own discord I I don’t know how I feel about this as a like it’s just P P Island National Monument the P P I can’t be mad about that right you can’t you can’t even be mad you have to say good

Job P P Island good job so the nearest actual town isn’t just P P Island which again beautiful place whatever it’s actually Nova Scotia just over there I don’t know how far away actually is like after that Atlantic crossing everything seems closed so what’s the alan that

Takes us to go to Nova Scotia yeah even though Newfoundland is a pretty sparsely populated place in real life it actually has a lot of like forts and buildings in the Minecraft recreation so that’s nice I’m getting pretty excited for New York City now like after this

Huge journey it better be worth it like people are willing to cross that ice high school highway just to see this huge city that’s so full that you can’t even join it let’s see what the scoop is so yeah this is Nova Scotia it’s a shame that there’s not enough like Canadian

Provinces represented on the server you know we need more Canadians on earth MC clearly Canada shall rise again I imagine but yeah you can see there’s a pretty nice castle we’re actually like even for a pretty small place in the skeleton see you can see like the fact that this is

Small shows how big everything else is because this is still a pretty impressive Minecraft though right like you know it’s it’s missing a lot but the fact that it’s here it’s pretty good so yeah if we want to we can actually go via land from here to New York you can

See it’s not actually that far at least it doesn’t look too far but then when you look at the aunt row of like coordinates it’s like oh that’s like 2,000 blocks away so we go another long book right up ahead it seems I found the Cookie Monster and he’s looking at me in

A very suspicious way I do not like that at all so off for another 10 to 15 minutes of sailing it looks like we’ve reached the United States of America dude oh my god yeah I mean I could tell by looking at the map but apparently you

Don’t need to look at the map to know you’re in America I mean that’s true for Americans – right but yeah we are now in the United States and we’re in I think it’s Plymouth Rock right now but we need to get to Boston which is a little further up north because that’s

The first major city in the area so let’s go take a look so this right here is Boston it seems let’s go see what it’s all about let’s see what they have to offer a roaming cat that’s trying to see most of the world we have some

Pretty big skyscrapers and then next to the skyscrapers there’s this one right here that’s just like work in progress it’ll be a skyscraper there soon don’t worry about it all they have one of these nice little map showing where you are on their town and what there is to

See it cetera that’s pretty cool – and I think there might be a railway going south or a road I mean foot you have one of the – it is let’s go see what that’s all about and that’s also yeah this this looks like it’s a pretty

In progress like on the map it looked pretty big but in person it looks like some bad things have happened to and again I mean I I was gonna make a joke like exactly like real life but I like Boston real life it’s one of my favorite American cities as a protip

Just you know in case you’re there and you’re thinking like oh yeah I’d like to America one day but where I always recommend if you want to go to like a little Europe in America yeah Boston is just like Europe but in disguise like it’s it could be a

European city if Sean didn’t tell you you were using the US dollar and you know they were u.s. flags everywhere lie besides those two things it is just a European city so yeah it looks like I took the wrong path way and I’m going through the woods now instead so let’s

See what rural Massachusetts and or upstate New York is all about and the answer apparently is wallets in the dark pretty much nothing there’s very little going on here except a super fun cool house but cool kids fun I think I’m being lured in by a pedophile but you

Know it would be interesting so let’s check it out cool fun house but dusty ADA and hectic um so I mean I could steal some stuff from them but I’d rather do the opposite I’ll put some stuff in their pockets see how they like that see if they get confused by the

Bursts that shows up oh they have a bunch of birch already I guess they’re for because I gave them birch it’s okay to take some of their birch not stealing because they basically lured me in with pedophile like media I’m really doing them a favor by not reporting them to

The police which I assume is a thing that exists on this server somewhere so go me NYC or bust hey someone else has done the exact same journey as me I felt a bit like Amer I felt like I’m a pilgrim going on adventure it’s actually pretty cool so

Let’s see what’s over here there are so many random houses in the woods in upstate New York is that like again representative of the real place I’m not sure but they’ve got community farm they’ve got a community house where you can just stay as long as you like

They’ve got dining tables they’ve got beds they’ve got a basement apparently again actually not a little bit scary of me I’m gonna leave anywhere of a basement is not somewhere I’d like to be misters we head out the woods we find ourselves some giant Cathedral sample nice so I’ve lost track of where

I’m on the map even that or I’ve been removed from the map I’m now invisible so instead the way I get to find out what’s going on is we just kind of play it by ear we see when New York pops up and then we’ll know we’re there so

Welcome to what I assume has to be the outskirts of New York City this is the part of map everyone’s telling me was most impressive and we’ve got big US flags everywhere check one we got skyscrapers check two all we need now is an obnoxious district where it’s just

Skyscrapers endlessly and probably like Central Park we find those two things we’ll know we’re in New York yeah we’re in second Avenue Manhattan this is Manhattan Island it’s meant to be the most impressive part of the world according to people I asked and you know actually I think I agree with that this

Is crazy they’ve got like traffic lights they’ve got like the actual intersections on each Street there’s a lot going on here it’s in progress in some places but look at the size of some of these towers look what they’ve done here this is so absurd yeah I can’t get

Over just that how big New York City really is on the server and again this has to be all hand built this isn’t creative you can buy blocks but every block is hand placed and a bunch of people just came together or like you

Know we need to make New York a big city because that’s how it be in real life and I think that’s crazy absurd just as a fun fact before we in the video I learned this from some Americans I met Japan but New York City is such a big

City that if you took Brooklyn away from New York New York City would still be the first bigger city and Brooklyn would be the second biggest city in America like it’s it’s that bigger city compared to the rest of the US and now you know that yeah there’s a reason as to why

That’s a thing so yeah I had a lot of fun visiting the Serbs today I would love to spend some more time here in the future and that’s the thing we might do and also I learned today that the map view from this server is actually downloadable by anyone so I figured

Keeping that in mind even though it’s a Java map why not convert it over to bedrock and why not use it as the basis for our next round project so if you want to play this off map but you don’t want to join the Java server Evo cuz

Like yeah you don’t know like join in the queue and do all that stuff or you don’t want to like interrupt the server well you just don’t have Java I will be putting on my realm in the next few days and we’ll be the next realm experiment with an

Earth-sized map is that a good idea I honestly don’t know but I guess we’ll find out in a few days when that so is done so thank you very much watching this video I hope you all enjoyed seeing a little bit of the earth inside Minecraft we only got to go from Poland

I guess from laughs at Lithuania to Poland to Denmark to the UK over to the US and Canada but the world is so big that sing morph it on foot without teleports is really hard but I had a blast regardless I hope you did too

And I look forward to seeing you in the next realm experiment and off any other future chakra videos because I love that there’s just a subcategory of servers that are like this and yeah I think this one is definitely the most interesting when I’ve been on so thank you I’m

Watching and I’ll see you all next time good bye

This video, titled ‘Walking From Russia to America… In Minecraft?’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2019-05-01 17:30:01. It has garnered 4651067 views and 99235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:37 or 2137 seconds.

This is one of the most impressive servers, with one of the most dedicated communities.

Do keep in mind the server is currently very full, it is not recommended that you join until it has expanded. I will update this description once that has changed.

– The Previous Video(City Skylines): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MEtC7T2-qQ

– Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

– Curious about PILLAGE AND VILLAGE? Here is a playlist of videos on it! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpzQjCoeY5xo5H_ZOWu4rBoc

Update Adventures (Xbox Let’s Play): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpx5SUrbzQrqt_bwLkNxC9sD

– My Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibxtoycat – Follow for video updates and Early News!

– Recorded With an Elgato HD60: Buy in US – http://amzn.to/1DcpKgv Buy in UK – http://amzn.to/1KAjBwY

– Music By Bulby: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBulbamike

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  • YGcraft

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  • WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets planned 1.20.4 Australia

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  • Minecraft Knight: Code Delight

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  • Who Called Me in Minecraft?!

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  • Crafty Coffee Bar Seating Tutorial

    Crafty Coffee Bar Seating Tutorial Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas: Coffee Bar Seating Tutorial Are you looking to add a cozy coffee bar seating area to your Minecraft world? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will guide you through creating simple and stylish coffee bar seating and tables in Minecraft. Let’s dive in and get creative! Creating Coffee Bar Seating To start, gather materials like wooden planks, stairs, slabs, and trapdoors to build your coffee bar seating. Begin by constructing a base using wooden planks and adding stairs for the backrest. Use slabs for the seat and trapdoors for added detail. Experiment with different… Read More

  • ATM9 Live: The Drygmy Take Over!

    ATM9 Live: The Drygmy Take Over!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 16 Part 1 (The Drygmy Take Over!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-17 15:26:11. It has garnered 554 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:03:09 or 18189 seconds. Hey everyone! Stream is starting a couple of hours early but that’s totally fine because we have SO much to do today and I can’t wait to get started. Note – I’m going to add a little blurb here since I got asked this several times during the last stream and it’ll be easier to… Read More

  • Dweller Showdown with Nusunglus

    Dweller Showdown with NusunglusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Nusunglus Fights the Dwellers’, was uploaded by Nusunglus on 2024-04-19 02:47:57. It has garnered 117 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:16 or 10336 seconds. Streaming because for some reason my scary minecraft video got some views! Dwellers and shit I’m using: Pale Hound The Knocker Corpse Stalker Reimagined Cave Dweller Herobrine / From the Fog Creation.jar Goatman Read More

  • 𝗖𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 girl goes 𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖟𝖞 in Minecraft!

    𝗖𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 girl goes 𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖟𝖞 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘English Minecraft : 👍 Good stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by The 𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 girl ⚠ on 2024-06-06 07:29:22. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:43 or 1363 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Aaliya Thakur ♡ FF Lover 🖤🤞: https://profile.turnip.gg/62yVZh5JePcmRtDo8 Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with… Read More

Walking From Russia to America… In Minecraft?