Watch the Queen Ceris Dominate in Rainimator’s Fractures

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What’s fine set sail to the Gloom peninsula home of the unclaimed crystals what if someone else already crash that party think what we can achieve with that power purple Reaper we could travel to A Whole New Frontiers don’t you all want an adventure That’s the spirit but what good is a journey without a shanty come on sing with me Soar look at the stars they guide our way and soon the whole world will speak of our name Fun shall rise with magic at my hand they’ll be far stronger than dwellers that land They shall fear the power I bring the void to the void we sail through the Stars through the Dragon’s Den you have a blessing of life never ending Strike through their veins Men let’s give them a reason to cower And fear as we bring the terror their hearts will surrender How it is I am here you’ll have a blessing of life [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I’m sick and tiredness I’m really tired of you thinking I don’t care enough I’m sorry if it’s something that’s true you must admit we got a lot of that we shouldn’t ignore so give me some more you can’t deny that it won’t ever come but it’s not like before it’s not like

We fall you must admit we got a lot that we shouldn’t ignore so give me some more you get to know that it’s one of a kind but it’s not like before it’s not like before It’s something that’s true Foreign Yeah nothing’s forever Wait and see because Like you I remember the drive that we had to take remember the miles that made my heart shake I remember the feel of laughter in the air remember the sight of you everywhere Insanity killed me and I never let it go no I’d ever let it go like you’re nothing’s forever I love we waited guys Thank you oh it’s time to find all About oh it’s time like me like please Foreign foreign Moving around me that we start to criticize The sun here I come here I come better stay far away I wanna see foreign The world is Cold as ice So much [Applause] [Applause] Oh welcome home princess my fiery passion should soon Blaze the nether reaches you’ve gone for a while The Horde they question your Humanity as I see not fit to command the Army Challengers to the throne await you and then I’ll accept the challenge my battles in the Overworld prove I am not

To be underestimated there’s no time for this I know how princess you are yet to absorbed another star do not make haste I will train and prepare you for the coronation tell me again Know Who You Are I am the long-lost princess heir to the throne of the Nether King

Teach me the ways of this blazing realm then challenge me with the fiercest Warriors you have I will prove my worth to The Horde Foreign Some reason Again You know what was cage Show the world before People reborn again look Sierra you have to return this to the Bastion the pigland king is vengeful and it won’t be long before you’re hunted down no no I worked hard to take that let me keep it I do not say this lightly do you have any idea what the

Piglets could do when they’re angry I’m not returning the loot it’s the safest choice you have it’s either that or you get killed soon as you walk out of here it’s not worth risking your life for riches you won’t even be able to spend in your lifetime I

Know what I’m doing don’t be threatened the pickling King is one of the most powerful figures in the nether rumors say he’s under the protection of the nether princess you don’t know who you’re Crossing I’m done you’re not some hardened Thief who can slip away say from consequences

You’re not a one-man Army Sierra stealing from the piglands is not necessary there’s a reason the netherbane isn’t fighting them please drop the axiara just admit you’re in danger who are you talking to right now what is it you see I am one of the best assassins in the

Netherbane and I live up to my name I could easily wipe out their species if I want to I have my own reasons for doing this but it’s not something your cowardice can grasp now let me clue you in I am not in danger Kane I am the danger

You think I mere prey for the pigland king no I am the one who hunts me At night out the face Thank you Gently if I’m awake they’ll come and get me so I pray I’ll never find myself alone my eyes I hear the screams Thank you Driving down I yield I yield you have chosen death treading into my territory I only came here to save her let’s forget this happened and we will go home your friend just murdered innocent piglets under my care oh the irony the princess who leads a war monger and race lectures me about

Killing Innocents shut up you’re not tired of this pointless violence Among Us I have a proposal today missile a truce between my clan and the nether Kingdom I’m listening Lance the Rogue Ender mage not even the nether generals know about him let alone his name

Why are you bringing this up how do you know this so naive dear princess I can’t tell you that you’ll need my help in finding them I I’ll just kill you right now and this netherbane nonsense kill me and you’re going to leave a martyr the

Nether Bane is an idea you cannot wipe out listen to me what do you propose Lance will invite the nether Kingdom to redeem himself let us go and I will keep your crown safe the netherbane will avoid your domain but I don’t want any more pigs going to my Tavern so

You agree to my terms fine this truth favors both of us you know how to use your cards I will play your game but mind you I’m only doing this for my kingdom this is not for you whatever floats you in the lava princess meet me at the nether Bain Tavern and

Lend me a horse will ya we ride to the swamplands [Applause] no Don’t you know you’ve gone so far from home [Applause] Take them Some things [Applause] Cause you’ve gone so far from home [Applause] Crazy So long ago So long ago Good morning I guess this is where we part ways princess hold on I need to talk to you about something what is it I I’ve been having dreams for months the nether star prophesied the coming of other demons like me I had a dream about a feral demon a can

Of the coven witches one who will be a threat to all Dimensions if her power grows promise me you will stop that Beast I’m not clear what you’re talking about no one like that exists are you afraid horrified you have my empathy but our deal has ended I’m telling you about the future

Just be vigilant goodbye kid always speaking in riddles wait do I get to keep the horse oh I get home yes I’m walking I should buy horses for the Netherland Arsenal but expand our Expeditions further horses oven which is she talking about they’re all extinct anyway some burning skeleton

Wipe them clean off the mystic forest ah this is gonna be a long walk home you know they’re coming we can hold them off my Lord they have a dragon in their Arsenal and they have United with the under watches all your fool will fight their army in an open field

How do you propose to stop them send their event to the pig King it’s time To die and I’m feeling so high all these days Fears a day I throw away any chance to take this all the way needless to say we’ll see how it turns out Bad blood again Danger Foreign Everybody thank you we are the danger What you are Dr Fix My Broken Heart lost without my baby think I need a react with drop from this love God When You’re Gonna Come Back Foreign Like a heart attack just so you know you can have anything you want you can have all the love you want you can take all the time you want what you could ever everything you want you watch why Don’t you know Just all you know Just so you know anything you want To take [Applause] I found the wither skeletons Camp our army is yours to command no our villages will be vulnerable I lost a lot of gunmen out there what do you propose then my Lord the pig King and his horde lay dormant a well-planned attack will decimate the

Undead forget cannot send any more soldiers to fight those monsters we shall rally our fiercest Bandits and Mercenaries the criminals how are you certain they’ll obey the bandits and I have come to a bargain they’ll fight for the right price in line with the scores of War now they

Still have the eye certainly and it’s the last one we have very well send the last side to the underwatchers they shall March That you always roam to the same old places that you always go see the same old faces you already know in the same bad places that you’ve always known said the same old messages What I believe Time to step it up it’s time to shine trying to set it straight so easy Goodbye say goodbye Foreign [Applause] Like This is You’re going to the floating Isles alone have you thought this through none of you can go with me it’s a death wish to fight there without wings only I have the tech that proves useful in that terrain but it’s far too dangerous you underestimate the might of the nether

You underestimate my power ah we can’t risk losing you and we can’t risk letting them invade us I’ll take the fight to them before they take the fight to us Mankind Liberty I’ll store this alone because I must I’ll take our Victory to the skies [Applause] I hear the clouds With wings Of salvation Foreign Take to the sky [Applause] and no good comes from this firing but a Bloodshed of Our Own what now my Lord good let them underestimate us they know nothing of my ties with another princess one shutters to imagine what power I can forge with another star born from her death

The Pikmin are yet to see our true power when we strike when their Journey Falls everyone shall bow to me as their new king I will restore the nether back to its former glory Open wages [Applause] I know Describe Fly out My money soon then you’re ready to go what happened how did everything turn so we can talk about it till I’m turning blue in the face Let me tell you something that you better not forget Inside you You got Netflix [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] Forest houses the coven a clan of witches with prowess for the Mystic Arts we’ll go there to purge his curse you’ve heard of nothing from them since the Undead Rain therefore isolated and the danger that awaits you are known we have to take this risk and save you again what are

You without a dragon dragon Tamer silence you speak like zombies are an obstacle but I alone have faced far more powerful foes than these walking corpses you speak of don’t worry about her sire ah your call but this time I’ll be held responsible for whatever happens to you Dragon Tamer

You better get back here say we will get back here safely see you soon How many wounds is too much How many scores will it take how many battles can I survive taken you’re taking you take a little more now my own heart doesn’t feel anymore we’re searching I’m searching I’m searching along for something to cure my weather my weather [Applause] [Applause] Tell me Help me I need a Lifeline The soul where’s my balls down Taking you taking you take a little more now my own heart doesn’t feel anymore we’re searching I’m searching I’m searching along for something to cure my weather my weather now with her heart [Applause] Help me I need a cure Taking you taking you take a little more now my own heart doesn’t feel anymore searching I’m searching I’m searching along for something to cure my withered heart the nether thousand strong marched toward the strongholds the Envy raised to a blazing ruin I only wish to protect the artifacts

This war is not ours to win hope lies not in the ashes of the end City but in our successor in the Overworld the last Ender watcher we only buy it for time One does not simply struggle against fate I Dare Challenge this fate we are all that stands against this Mighty

Oppressor and we are to meet our Delights and we shall do so as one together we will fight boundedly to the last Enderman Come to remember Enemy Time to remember [Applause] Everything is I have to be A good time Thank you shouldn’t we go back and help the ball Enderman he wants to stall whoever’s hunting us down then let’s fight back hunter gets hunted no the Nether King will find us that and we don’t want to die with him the end is raised he has nothing left to live for

His dying wish is for our safety matters now is you and me the fate of mankind lies with us the end dancer’s Noble sacrifice will not be in vain together we will carry the torch of the under watches Let It Go Where you’re gonna be you should take it slow it’s not jump ahead you could watch You should take it slow Myself I know everybody Questions You could watch Thank you Hey I don’t wanna watch you slippery You fade away I don’t wanna know that you’re falling I don’t wanna watch you go away I want you fade away I cannot know that and I know that you Told me I don’t wanna watch you slip away [Applause] I don’t wanna know that you’re falling friends soldiers Brothers in Arms today is the great day to do Brave Deeds today is the day that we shall stand our ground and Crush Savage horde in our doorsteps as the end has now fallen to the nether the fate of the world hangs in the

Balance Scouts reported that the nether is unearthing an ancient portal in the far Plains the factions in the front lines fight with all they can however it’s impossible to make it there in time as reinforcements so prepare to Fight Against All Odds then what’s the point

Of saving this raised land we can’t we have to contest that territory and cut off their Mobility indeed we have to slow down the invasion by any means necessary this is insanity even the other waters couldn’t defeat the mighty nether horde you’ll send everyone to their debts for a mere strategic Point

Are you suggesting we sit out this fight thousands out there have died stopping this Invasion while you complain about not wanting to die behind the safety of these walls we are the last line of defense it’s now or never there is no shame in fear there’s only shame in letting fear rule you

We are the frostborn proud vanguards of the Overworld in these dark times we have to act as the last Bastion of mankind we fight not only to advance the Fallen but for the survival and the future of our people I dream Explain I will go insane living life in the wrong Price I don’t care Feet it can feel like the world is nothing more than disease I don’t care Cold as ice cold as ice cold as ice Cold as ice foreign But it never came away be afraid be afraid Me Ant for hell no one ever Right now side and wait for Paradise [Applause] be afraid be afraid Thank you It’s about time you return home During their last stand against the Nether King the Ender Watchers spread the crystals across the Overworld stopping the nether from controlling the portals we’re on a journey to reunite these crystals before the Nether King gets to them why would they do that Dragon table here is the underwater’s chosen one

Yeah why put us in a race against the Nether King they could have just given them to me King Naya sent Hunters after you because he thought the end Queen would give you the crystals it was wise of the Watchers to deviate from the prophecy is it also

A prophecy for me to turn into a demon uh actually well anyway what are we supposed to do now Zack never told me about the Crystal’s locations he spent his final moments stopping my demonic corruption where do we even being for the crystals how pathetic that clown saris and her circus called the

Ender Watchers have fallen to the nether the end which used to be a great Empire has been defeated by Primitives shame I am regrettably powerless in this form but I will do what I can to get the end back to its True Glory now you the so-called Ender Stone

Crusaders do not make the same mistake the crystals carry great powers and the Watchers refuse to use their full potential because they were nothing but cowards listen to me saris and I have had some history I refuse to deny that if you truly know her she’s very predictable

The Nether King is just Oblivion Oblivion I know exactly where she hid the crystals each and every one of them that frog just took so if what the frog says is true then the pigland king holds one of the end crystals we’ll go to his castle grab it

And go this would be an easy Quest because the netherbang knows the piglet Kingdom inside and out any questions huh why does there never have two kings I thought King neus already United the whole never under his Banner the pigland king and his faction are independent but they run supply lines

For the Nether King in exchange for protection we may have to deal with them along the way then that means if their Kingdom Falls it will the nether supply lines that should slow down their Invasion and give the frostborn the upper hand in the war yes I’ll kill the pigland king

Sierra please we’ve talked about this but I’m ending what I started this isn’t just about the end crystals this is between the netherbane and the pigland kingdom you already died chasing the piglet King once we’re already on dead Kane we can die as many times as we want without the nether princess he’s

Helpless now it’s time to finish the battle I started years ago this time he will not Escape Mother lives am I alone Thank you One thousand voices [Applause] turn on all this time [Applause] My Scouts report that the nether is Flushing Northwest capturing every small town and Village on the way their Advance isn’t stopping anytime soon huh even with the Nether King gone they can still mobilize their armies maybe he’s not as dead as we thought who was leading this attack they call him hogsworth

Emperor of the nether Empire very well let’s put an end to his happy little Conquest Commander it’s too dangerous to face them given our small number her Outpost is just an obstacle they will easily plow through shouldn’t we give this place up and regroup with the main

Army no we can’t let them push any further it will endanger our people Lord Patrick is sending in reinforcements we just have to hold long enough and pray they arrive on time but Commander we don’t stand a chance what if we lose the Outpost before they get here don’t fret

I have a contingency plan my dear lyria a blizzard is upon us soon it’s our key to turn the tides of War blizzard Commander I don’t get hell that’s any good for us if anything our army will starve or even freeze to death you have much to learn

We are the frostborn we’ve called the snow biomes our home since the dawn of time the biting cold is our way of life while our oppressors are spawns of fire who will crumble when the weather becomes freezing stare them down as you thrust your weapons into their flesh reminding them

That this winter land is not theirs to take to the mega Empire [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Guys [Applause] [Applause] If your eyes open look ahead [Applause] For where you dress warning lights happening [Applause] with regrets [Applause] we Leave [Applause] [Applause] Thank you [Applause] on my way feels like a thousand years Hey be honest with me was another princess really your girlfriend whoa that was out of nowhere why do you ask oh just gossip around the netherbane wanted to know if they were true can’t imagine how hard this was on you though killing someone you had affection for right I’d really rather not talk

About this I’ve already moved on even after her death she still bothers you doesn’t she she’s like a lost Spirit haunting you reminding you that you’re still in love with someone you killed long ago you’re treading on thin ice Sierra I know a broken-hearted man when I see one

You want another netherkin girl buddy may I suggest hurt no I haven’t even moved on from I’m conflicted okay listen my word of advice fellow Undead to another revisit your memories with another princess go through everything one last time except that she’s gone from this world and only then you’ll find peace within

Yourself I I don’t know what else is there to remember only you can answer that Dragon tamer this is as far as anyone can guide you the rest is on your hands good luck and I pray you’ll be free of your burden soon maybe you’ll find love again [Applause] [Applause] Are you world s [Applause] Never Never [Applause] [Applause] Be [Applause] where you were [Applause] normal waiting for things [Applause] [Applause] I’m sorry you had to go this way but at least now I know you’re in a better place be safe Abigail we can both finally be at peace now [Applause] Now I know the reason why you were gone every night Looks like clear skies [Applause] Let’s try this one last time where is the Nether King Question pork chop your army falters as we speak the end crystals are within our grasp and there’s nothing you can do about it it’s over Hog’s worth you’ve lost [Laughter] you just don’t get a human my job here is done I was only bidding for time keeping chained or execute me if you

Want stop what’s gonna happen next what what happens next you’re not making any sense oh darling this world it’s not mine to conquer it never was our great king will soon rise [Applause] wanna go down go there but your mind goes astray My friends Again Insane Foreign But you can’t say the words Again no too late any idea who took it this place is Untouched by the Nether and bandits are not interested in this stuff there’s also only one settlement nearby we traced this back to only one culprit revisiting your old friends are we hello To see me cry I guess I’m stuck here with myself you’re not welcome here is this how you agree an old friend we were never friends you have something I need this Crystal is Who’s us Already day Last chance to give off the crystal Klaus it doesn’t have to be this way you want the crystal that’s badly Um and get it Already days Kane this wasn’t part of the plan we’re supposed to take the crystal not destroy it plans changed Sierra it was him or us we may be on dead but his Maja could have killed us for good but we need all the crystals to properly fight the nether King’s armies what now we’ll just

Have to work with what we’ve got that’s not how magic Works Kane oh dude teach me how magic Works Grand sorceress come on let’s go home you can discuss this with the demon witch whatever wait what about me come on let’s work out something I I can

Help you in this nether War whatever you call it it’s almost night time and that blast must have lured the undead to our location you can’t just leave me here hey easy now zombies you’re not going to eat me right over there in that direction tasty humans oh dear they’re getting closer

Please beyond the Lush caves is the deep dark and ominous biome of unspeakable horror and Crystal must be there possibly in the hands of the wardens these blind but powerful creatures have been around since ancient times lurking in the depths and thriving in total darkness Untouched by the petty squabbles of the

Surface World despite our good intentions they don’t care about why we need the crystal to them we’re Intruders who must be purged so it’s best we tread lightly and avoid conflict any questions yeah for a species all about isolation how exactly did they get their hands on

An artifacts not even native to their Homeland what are they gonna do with it maybe the end Queen sent it a trial to find out if you’re truly worthy as the last Ender Watcher a successor who will one day save the realm from the evil nether Kingdom

Do you find yourself worthy Dragon Taber [Applause] Sometimes I feel so loud Right here with you Grace Grace I don’t I don’t write [Applause] Sometimes I Have to let it go someday must be Foreign Crystal as promised can I please go now you’ll pay for this nether skull yes yes you are not going noticed the frostborn we’ll hear about us soon and they’ll be prepared good let them know we’re coming with this the Nether King wants us to keep the end Crystal Out Of

Reach of the frostborn why would you bring it to them I don’t care about what the Nether King says this Crystal is our Catalyst for vengeance against the Blue Angel it’s it’s very risky dear sister their troops are far from home fighting against the nether armies as of

Now they should be desperately scraping by recovered defenses they can gather against us they’re doomed let no trust you dear sister gather our forces we’ll assault the frostborne main castle and soar where the nether armies have never been to the skies will soon be ours once more [Applause] bright City Light another night to die and I’m feeling so high all these days last year [Applause] everybody [Applause] Everybody So all right you can handle this go get the crystal amazing [Applause] you can’t even fly like the true aeromancers yes you call yourselves the wings of Salvation did you really think you’re taking out much ancient Magic [Applause] I defeated your kind once and I will gladly do it again [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] priority [Applause] thank you I nearly burned in lava getting the princess who hired us for this job again he claims to be an old friend of hers the Nether King stashed her in lava to be revived in the future our client wants us to get her out of

Reach of the Nether King and his Necromancer friends how does the client even know about this lava thing yeah beats me I heard that even Lord zarcos doesn’t have the resources to do so it would take a lot of power that’s for sure like the combined energy of another star

An end Crystal just to get her heart beating again the paglin king had an end Crystal why did the Nether King just borrow it is he stupid maybe the piglet King didn’t tell him but aren’t the Allies well he could have other motives the princess saved his life maybe he

Wanted to return to favorites yeah must have been the magma serpent come on let’s push forward the what now relax it’s not like it’s gonna eat us it has no appetite for piglets dude it’s a giant monster what does it eat if not piglets I don’t know Soul Sand quartz

Relax you’re overthinking it does it even make ah forget it I don’t get paid enough for this job

This video, titled ‘All Minecraft Series From Rainimator “Fractures” Full Series’, was uploaded by The Queen Ceris on 2023-08-06 13:00:09. It has garnered 232068 views and 4386 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:27 or 6447 seconds.

All Minecraft Series From Rainimator “Fractures” Full Series =========================== 0:00 Intro 0:05 To The Void 4:20 1 of a Kind 6:25 The Struggle 10:20 Cold As Ice 13:51 Begin Again 17:41 Nightmares 22:37 Poison 29:50 We Are The Danger 33:05 Just So You Know 36:07 Goodbye 40:07 Wings of Salvation 44:07 Hard Pill To Swallow 48:18 Wither Heart 52:24 Ender Wish 56:30 Wishing Dead 1:00:28 Falling 1:03:08 Cold As Ice [The Remake] 1:07:26 Be Afraid 1:12:48 Eternal 1:16:53 Gotta Get Outta Here 1:21:58 Clear Skies 1:27:19 Back into Darkness 1:31:41 Already Dead 1:35:54 Preach to the Choir 1:40:58 Were are the Danger XL 1:47:18 The End =========================== Rainimator Animation • “To The Void” – • “1of a Kind” – • “The Struggle” – • “Cold As Ice” – • “Begin Again” – • “Nightmares” – • “Poison” –

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    “May Optifine unrest in distress, but at least this meme is scoring higher than my GPA.” Read More

  • Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands

    Sponge Hunt & Star Trader: Minecraft Ocean to Badlands In Minecraft’s world, where blocks reign supreme, I craft my tale in a rhythmic stream. From ocean depths to Badlands high, I seek adventure, reaching for the sky. In search of sponges, I dive deep, Through underwater fortresses, secrets to keep. Then to the Badlands, where terracotta stands tall, Building a home, trading for the ‘Star Trader’ call. With each achievement, my journey unfolds, In Minecraft’s realm, where stories are told. So join me now, in this pixelated land, Where creativity thrives, and blocks are grand. From ocean to Badlands, my quest takes flight, In Minecraft’s world, where dreams… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ “Why do Minecraft boys always have to show off their fancy builds to impress the girls? Meanwhile, the girls are just out here mining diamonds and slaying creepers like it’s no big deal. Who’s really winning in this game?” ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraftgenderwars Read More

  • Nikku’s Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure

    Nikku's Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure Minecraft Parkour Gameplay: A Thrilling Adventure Introduction Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with parkour gameplay that is both challenging and exhilarating. Join friends in conquering 25 stages of parkour maps, all while enjoying copyright-free gameplay that is perfect for sharing with your community. Key Features Experience the thrill of parkour in Minecraft with friends, navigating through intricate maps and obstacles. Test your skills and coordination as you jump, run, and climb your way through each stage. With no copyright restrictions, you can freely use this gameplay in your own content creation. Exploring the World… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Add-On World

    Ultimate Minecraft Add-On World The Ultimate Minecraft Add-On Adventure Exploring the World of Minecraft Add-Ons In the vast world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. With the introduction of Add-ons on Bedrock Edition, players can enhance their gameplay with a variety of mods available on the Minecraft Marketplace. These Add-ons bring new features, items, and experiences to the game, allowing players to customize their worlds like never before. Adding Chaos to the Mix In a daring experiment, a Minecraft enthusiast decided to take on the challenge of adding every suggested Bedrock Add-On to a single world. The goal? To witness the chaos that… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft wins – 50 in one stream!! ๐Ÿš€

    Insane Minecraft wins - 50 in one stream!! ๐Ÿš€Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด50 Minecraft Wins! | Hypixel Bedwars and Bridge with Viewers! [YouTube Shorts]’, was uploaded by KenDokoDa on 2024-05-26 07:12:56. It has garnered 497 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:44 or 12404 seconds. Use channel rewards over at Donations ๐Ÿ™‚ Playing Minecraft live with viewers! We are playing on the server Hypixel. To join you must have a Minecraft Java account and join the server to play. We are playing bridge, bedwars, and many more games with the rest of the gang! Join the twitch stream to control… Read More

  • Unbelievably Cursed Memes Compilation

    Unbelievably Cursed Memes CompilationVideo Information [ู…ูˆุณูŠู‚ู‰] โ€qui This video, titled ‘Cursed images #shorts #memes #shortmemes #discord #funny’, was uploaded by Cursed Memes on 2024-03-14 12:00:41. It has garnered 93 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. cursed images, cursed, memes, shorts, minecraft, images, cursed moments, minecraft shorts, vaazkl, cursed phub comments, memes for youy, cursed comments, minecrfaft, cursed phub, cursed memes, meme, the most cursed images, cursed image meme, debunked, creepy, explained, cursed images compilation, funny, cursed images meme, cursed images mii music, funny cursed images, cursed images scary, cursed images creepy, cursed images hilarious, callmecarson,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets in Minecraft and Granny! Watch Now!

    Unbelievable Secrets in Minecraft and Granny! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Hello, Guys! Welcome to [GamingSyclone] – Let’s Explore Together!”#Minecraft#granny#games’, was uploaded by GamingCyclone on 2024-03-18 17:20:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Meet [Gamingsyclone]: Introducing Myself!” Description: Welcome to my YouTube channel! In this video, I’m excited to … Read More

  • SECRET: Real Tears of Obsidian Found!

    SECRET: Real Tears of Obsidian Found!Video Information This video, titled ‘Collecting some obsidian tears’, was uploaded by Definitely Not Animated on 2024-02-03 00:13:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft Additional tags (don’t pay attention): Minecraft, Minecraft animation, Minecraft realistic graphics, cursed Minecraft, odd … Read More

  • ๐Ÿฑ Meowzz purr-fectly dominates Minecraft Multiplayer ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿฑ Meowzz purr-fectly dominates Minecraft Multiplayer ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer’, was uploaded by Meowzz on 2024-02-24 14:38:46. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:34 or 514 seconds. Read More


    GRINDING BEDWARS TIL MY HANDS BLEEDVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] okie dokie you guys we are live I need to open up my chat on my phone which I’m doing right now um bro okay hold up one second do that bro don’t you just love it when you got your windows open and your doors just swing open that’s what I really don’t love um but why am I not showing my game okay I should be showing my game now tigo’s eating and throwing popcorn in front of me where’s my popcorn where is my popcorn guys… Read More

  • Intense Skibidi Toilet vs Minecraft Battle!

    Intense Skibidi Toilet vs Minecraft Battle!Video Information 3 2 one go [Music] [Music] need This video, titled ‘SKIBIDI TOILET BATTLE – SKIBIDI TOILET 14 VS SKIBIDI MINECRAFT 14’, was uploaded by Skibidi Boom on 2024-06-14 11:00:06. It has garnered 555 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. SKIBIDI TOILET BATTLE – SKIBIDI TOILET 14 VS SKIBIDI MINECRAFT 14 Welcome to my channel Skibidi Boom! I add voice acting, effects and analysis to all popular videos and deliver them to you. If you like my videos, click like and subscribe to my channel! skibidi toilet Credits: @DaFuqBoom Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers – Who Will Win?

    Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers - Who Will Win?Video Information great and whoever has the least amount of points at the end gets egged by the rest of us man what no no but now over at the castle things are heating up we have three piglin war machines going up against 200 villagers who do you think is going to win I’m going with the tanks I’ll go with the tanks too I’m going with the villagers This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle: War Piglins vs Armored Villagers, Who Will Win? #shorts’, was uploaded by Block Buddy on 2024-03-22 03:00:18. It has garnered 2669 views and 72… Read More

  • Insane HeroBrime Minecraft Animation Edit – Must See!

    Insane HeroBrime Minecraft Animation Edit - Must See!Video Information [Music] why you always in the around ain’t trying to tell what to do we trying to play cool baby I am play This video, titled ‘#viral #minecraftanimation #mc #edit #herobrime #minecraftvideos #minecraft #beyblade #amv’, was uploaded by @proarmy75 on 2024-01-07 07:29:15. It has garnered 9 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Lords Jungle Pixelmon

    Lords Jungle PixelmonServer Pubblico Pixelmon, basato su un server fisico in Italia (Milano). Server con plugin aggiuntivi per rendere il tutto piu’ carino e divertente. Server PVE Read More

  • Prism SMP, Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Discord.

    Welcome to Prism SMP Community! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Our server is family-friendly, maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. We regularly host community events open to everyone, including thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is simple – just click the link below: Join Prism SMP Community FAQ:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I mean… creeper gonna creep

    Minecraft Memes - I mean... creeper gonna creepWell, I guess that meme is really mining for likes! Read More

  • Destroying 16 Minecraft Servers in One Click

    Destroying 16 Minecraft Servers in One ClickVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Crashed 16 Minecraft Pay-To-Win Servers With One Click’, was uploaded by 6x9c on 2024-06-14 21:58:54. It has garnered 1974 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:05 or 425 seconds. Watch as i crash 16 minecraft pay to win servers this video was insane and very old so pls like ๐Ÿ˜€ —————————————————————————————– if you have any questions or if i said anything incorrect dm me btw pls join my discord ๐Ÿ˜€ discord: —————————————————————————————– this is a very old video so the method probably doesnt work anymore on most servers. this… Read More

  • Veggie Tech: Minecraft’s Auto Farm Score

    Veggie Tech: Minecraft's Auto Farm Score In Minecraft, we built a farm so grand, Automatic veggies at our command. Carrots, potatoes, wheat, all in a row, Harvesting them all, watch them grow. The farm is massive, the work is tough, But the results are worth it, that’s enough. We toiled and labored, day and night, To bring this farm to life, shining bright. Now the crops are growing, the farm is complete, A masterpiece of automation, oh so neat. So tell me, dear viewers, what do you think? Of this farm we built, in just a blink. The next episode, what should it be? More… Read More

  • Minecraft slays Roblox ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamerhumor

    Minecraft slays Roblox ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamerhumor When you can’t decide between Minecraft and Roblox so you just end up playing both and neglecting all responsibilities in real life. #gamerproblems ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽฎ Read More

  • Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10

    Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10 Minecraft Survival Series EP-10 | IRON FARM! Unlimited Iron Glitch In this episode of the Minecraft Survival Series, the player showcases an impressive Iron Farm that promises unlimited iron production. The farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, making it a valuable addition to any player’s world. Building the Iron Farm The video demonstrates the step-by-step process of constructing the Iron Farm, highlighting key components and strategies for optimal functionality. Viewers are treated to a detailed guide that ensures successful replication in their own gameplay. Special Reward To keep viewers engaged, the creator teases a special… Read More

  • Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38

    Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38 Minecraft Episode 38: Collecting Gold and Quartz Blocks in the Nether World Survival Series Minecraft, a game of blocks, creatures, and endless possibilities, offers players the chance to reshape the world and embark on epic adventures. Whether battling monsters or building magnificent structures, Minecraft provides a unique gaming experience that can be enjoyed solo or with friends. Returning to the Nether World In this episode, our protagonist sets out on a mission to collect gold and quartz blocks in the treacherous Nether World. Armed with determination and a hunger for resources, they delve deep into the fiery landscape in… Read More

  • MERMAID FALLS IN LOVE with JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft!

    MERMAID FALLS IN LOVE with JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft!Video Information hey everybody this is JJ I got a new car I bought it for $100 I’m surprised it can even keep working for that kind of money it’s the engine that makes so much noise and heat and in general this car drives like a total Turtle I think I can drive to my garage and figure out what’s causing that loud noise I hope this engine doesn’t blow up my car how slow it’s going oh my God I thought I was going to drive this car like some kind of cool racer as usual I had… Read More

  • 51 Items Minecraft Will Never Add

    51 Items Minecraft Will Never AddVideo Information this tool makes building a breeze and this is a mirror that can duplicate any item and these are 51 insane items that Minecraft needs to add like this building Gadget this item revolutionizes Construction in Minecraft helping to significantly speed up the building process and while players can instantly build in different patterns and sections with the help of these items they can also copy cut and relocate whole builds with ease like this upside down Bridge even if the only way to cross it is with this awesome new slime armor it offers unique traits and… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Building Skills – MUST WATCH

    INSANE Minecraft Building Skills - MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘#chill #minecraft #building #comment #rate #content #gaming #contentcreator’, was uploaded by Lulival on 2024-02-26 21:47:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Discover Insane Trolls in Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update in Belgium!

    Discover Insane Trolls in Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update in Belgium!Video Information hey guys welcome back to another video on my Channel today I’m going to be showing everything new in Minecraft 1.21 we’re going to start with the big obvious features and then we’ll cover the small minor features at the end now I’m not sure when this video will go live but the update is scheduled for June 13th so I’m planning to upload this either on the 12th or the 13th the first feature and this is the biggest feature is the trial Chambers this is a new structure inside of Minecraft 1.21 that spawns in the… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP: Thanatos 13 EPIC Cringe Fest!

    Minecraft SMP: Thanatos 13 EPIC Cringe Fest!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cringelad SMP season 2 Ep 6’, was uploaded by Thanatos 13 on 2024-01-14 22:06:04. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:59:15 or 17955 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • bambe – Another Day In Minecadia Arcade…WTF

    bambe - Another Day In Minecadia Arcade...WTFVideo Information yo what is going on guys Bambi here welcome back to another video on my channel as you guys can see we are already at the arcade so it’s going to be an arcade video but I hope you guys are enjoying like the PvP videos uh but like I said if you guys want something new comment down below like what should I do should I do uh you know pvps or stuff like that but yeah uh let’s go for a like go of 50 likes guys hope you guys do enjoy today’s video and let’s… Read More

  • Shocking! TV Women Hide Secrets from Milo Kucing! #viral

    Shocking! TV Women Hide Secrets from Milo Kucing! #viralVideo Information Wah ada Karu nih oh aku punya ide aku putusin a jalannya Biar dia gak dapat Oke aku pakai batu ini Yey aku dapat hartanya yang banyak loh tapi gimana cara aku balik jalannya udah hancur Waduh tolong Waduh Woi tvan tolong aku bikinin aku jalan tolong bantuin dia gak ya guys Kayaknya dia udah jahat Guys kita gak usah bantu dia guys like like like lah guys biar kita gak usah bantuin dia biar dia terjebak di sana oke Guys Terima kasih yang sudah like aku enggak mau bantu kamu mending aku pergi ke sana no gimana… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft JET Streams on 5/12/2024!

    Insane Minecraft JET Streams on 5/12/2024!Video Information [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome to the chat stream hope everyone’s having a good day today and uh Happy Mother’s Day to the all the mothers out there uh say I know I play play Minecraft last week but I decided there was something I wanted to work on so I’m going to play some Minecraft today as well uh maybe next weekend we’ll do the Sims if I play on Sunday we’ll play it by year uh anyway I guess we’re just going to jump right in here [Music] are on Kennedy’s realm again excuse me uh… Read More