WaterishPuppy – I Survived 100 Days In a DESERT DIMENSION on HARDCORE Minecraft

Video Information

In today’s video i have to survive 100 days in a desert dimension i have three objectives one build an epic desert base two raid a barbarian camp and steal all their supplies and three defeat a pharaoh that lurks in ancient pyramids of evil so here’s what happened spawning in the

Desert dimension i am greeted with a sandstorm right at the get-go i find some bushes that give me sticks and stumble across a big cactus so like any sane person i start punching it turns out it isn’t a cactus at all and it is a dead tree and

Something comes out to attack me and already a spooky man emerges from the sand and he doesn’t look like the type of person that wants to help me out so i run for my life and it looks like he has friends because i ran away from them as they shoot

Arrows at me after making some distance i grabbed some more wood and well let’s just run these guys are absolutely relentless and will not stop until i am dead luckily i find a dead forest and have enough time to make a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe the blocks in front of

Me happen to be limestone which i can use to make limestone tools also make sure to grab enough to make a furnace the storm had cleared up so i grabbed some more wood and just in the nick of time as more bandits showed up and well there was a whole bandit camp

Just around the corner after a lot more running i began to run out of food but i was able to find some desert quails they didn’t like the idea of me trying to eat them only one of them gave me any meat so i slept on my crafting table crafted up a

Furnace and began cooking who knows when some bandits might show up while i cooked i grabbed the coal nearby which ended up being a pretty big vein now that that was done i ate my one and only piece of meat and also i could eat the bug i got from the dead trees

Packing up my items i headed out while being shot at yet again i ended up stumbling across some ruins which had a spawner so i broke that real fast and looted the crates around and also grabbed the crates for storage next i found a camel which ended up

Dropping some meat and his friends also dropped some nearby there was a village so i decided to go and explore turns out the bandits just roamed freely through here so i set up a little base on top of one of the villagers houses and cooked up my meat

While that cooked i broke into the house and transferred all my items in the bandits ended up going away just enough that i was able to get some sleep now day two i looked around outside just to get shot at with arrows anytime i opened the door i would get

Shot with arrows so i did the only thing i could start digging not too far down i found two iron ore i smelted this up and made the best counter to arrows i can a shield with my shield in hand i ventured out to teach these guys a lesson

I was able to kill two of them which made me pretty happy about myself so for the rest of the day i went around trying to clear up the village from these nasty bandits which i did a good job since i ended up killing one of each kind yeah i ended up doing

This until the sun set now day three i looted some crates and found some linen that basically acts as wool i found a little market area that had some loot and also a spinning wheel which i could use to turn my linen into string so i made a bow and just like that

More bandits after killing a few i decided to go down in the depths since there was just so many of them i ended up finding a cave and went back up to craft some torches since it was so dusty yeah that helps a lot in the cave i found some more iron

Lots of coal and a bit of gold that i couldn’t get just yet i went back home and day four i smelted up my iron crafted an iron pickaxe and made some armor back in the cave i grabbed the gold some lapis and a bunch more coal

I found some water so i crafted a bucket since i would need this for crops at some point i ended up spending the entire day and night mining through the cave and found lots of oars but the best find had to do with these fossils which ended up giving me a rare

Pickaxe that has a chance to turn iron ore into gold ore which was pretty neat the fossil oars dropped all sorts of dirty items as well in the morning i was out of the cave and here’s all of my findings i used my water bucket to place some water and

Clean off all my valuable items and also the water can break it too after waiting a long time i had enough iron to make a full set of tools i ended up waiting for the rest of the day for my oars to smelt and gave myself

A fresh set of iron armor i went outside to do some vigilante justice but immediately was overrun by bandits retreating back to base i almost died the bandits literally set an assassin after me i found this one hiding surprised he didn’t attack me outside there were still bandits

Everywhere but i was able to take a short bow from one of them running low on food i ventured out and found some quail i ended up getting sidetracked and began looting some of the crates in the village one crate had a pyramid explorer map bandits quickly found me and i had to

Fight them off once i was done i found another crate broke a spawner and got some more loot and had to fight off more bandits not long they began to overwhelm me and i started to panic luckily i’m a minecraft god not really though and i was able to fight them all off

These guys though i have to be super careful of is they take half of my health bar away with just one swing not wanting to mess with that guy i ran off into the desert in hopes of finding food besides this one rabbit i got one of

These guys and the sun was setting so i ran back home really don’t want to see what spawns in the desert at night in the morning i grabbed some camo meat cleaned off the items i got from the bandits and organized my inventory since there were so many bandits outside

And they will literally send assassins after me if i kill too many of them i’m going into the caves and finding some diamonds also it looks like dates are basically apples and you can make super op ones after a bit of strip mining i found my very first cluster of

Diamonds i brought these straight back home and well it was night time no way i’m giving phantoms even a chance to spawn now day eight i crafted up a diamond pickaxe grabbed some obsidian and continued my strip mining which led me to a few more diamonds nothing can beat that beautiful sound

May not seem like it but that was two old pickaxes of mining so i threw my iron i found in the furnace and went to sleep day 9 i learned that i can make books with scrolls which i can make with papyrus so i need to find papyrus after some quick organization and

Learning i can make a weapon that does 15 damage with this stuff i head out in search of this papyrus plant with my new club and realize it’s night since i spent all day looking at recipes day 10 i head west into the desert passing a nearby bandit camp

I find some ruins next to some weird terrain generation and begin looting where i get another map seeing camel armor makes me wonder if you can tame and ride camels after journeying into the desert i find some quails and get interrupted by a desert wolf and

Holy crap some of these dudes are huge and then i run further in the desert while bandits do banded things i end up going pretty far and before i run out of food i decide it’s a good idea to return home on my way back i find a little abandoned

Archery tower thing that has some loot getting back to the village i find the bandits haven’t spawned yet so i decided to start raiding the houses for as much supplies as possible not long after the sun is setting and i return home day 11 i find that piles of fertile

Soil are pretty valuable as they give you very good potions and soil for crops so i venture out to find some more of these and well the bandits had a different plan in mind everywhere i go there are bandits so i lock myself in the base

I end up staying in there all night long since that’s how long it took for them to go away next morning i start off by making an extra furnace and grabbing some coal i go out to find either papyrus or fertile soil i do find some camels which

Give me a good amount of meat and i stop to steal some stuff from the bandits after leaving i find some more camels and begin cooking the meat i got a few done and run off into the desert good thing these bandits are terrible with their

Boats in a ruin i find some feather falling four boots and another map also found another one of these which had some soil in it after running for quite some time and having a bit of luck finding that soil i decided to return home when a dust storm kicks in and a

Banded archer squad emerges from the dust as the sun begins to set i decide to go to sleep in hopes of the storm clearing up it didn’t luckily though when it did clear up i found this big cliff again and instantly knew where i was i

Might have ran past the village if i didn’t stumble across this returning back to base i throw the meat in the furnace and well i find out that i need nine soil to make a solid walk already getting dark from that long journey i go to bed

Day 14 i set my sights on finding an oasis and for whatever reason the creatures of the night are still out and about i end up finding one of these archer tower thingies and it doesn’t have any loot but i did spot something even better finally i found myself an oasis

And yes that is papyrus now time to grab as much of this beautiful soil as i can apparently bandits like this place too after dealing with them i have a few stacks of soil and head back home since it is like the only semi-safe place around here now

I make a bunch of soil blocks and build up a little farm underground skipping ahead to day 20 i spent the last five days here working on my farm i also did some fishing which i got a bunch of the skeletal fish which might come in handy

Also got some emmer and some flax with the skeletal fish i can make dusty bones with these dusty bones i can make full blocks of dirty bone blocks and then with these dirty bone blocks i can make bone meal what i’m hoping to do with this and

It doesn’t do what i want to do like you guys can tell it’s been five days and this is how much stuff i ended up getting eight papyrus six emmer and three flax this stuff grows very very slow i also did throw a little bit of sand in here to get

Crystal glass which could come in handy when i want to do some building so now what i want to do is i want to take my saddle and also if you’re wondering what this ectoplasm is used for we can make potions of invisibility and we can smelt it

To make slime balls which is pretty cool i ended up getting this from a phantom when i was out in the desert and it was still nighttime so my plan right now is to use this emmer and i saddle to hopefully try and go tame myself a camel i guess we’ll have

To take care of these guys real fast and it looks like we’re having a dust storm as well it looks like i found a ruin that i haven’t explored yet break the spawner see if there’s any good loot nothing overly good but we did get a naboo torch

Which is good for going in pyramids later on and wow the sun is already setting so let’s get back to base we will just go to bed real fast and now day 21 we are back at it to go search for some more camels stopping by and

Checking this crate real fast i found some desert wolf armor and another pyramid map and here we go i found a bunch of camels hopefully we can actually uh train one of these bad boys up okay so they don’t eat the emmer alrighty so we got this guy tamed slap a

Saddle on it let’s let’s uh get it’s really really slow let’s take these guys down real fast wow yeah there we go okay so they’re not that fast oh my goodness how many bandits are gonna show up on me come on i’m just trying to tame

Some camels guys i’m kind of in a bad predicament here they broke my shield these guys are tough wow but i’ll take them down luckily though i got enough shields that i can make my own and i already got a billion dudes on me again well i’m just gonna call today and uh

We’re gonna go back to base because this is how many bandits are all over here no thanks oh my goodness i just found a person that will trade me paper this person will give me paper and it looks like the sun is already set so let’s get ourselves into bed

Now let’s take all 48 of our coins and go find that paper lady and here she is literally take like all of my money oh my okay that’s oh that’s i i didn’t okay okay i didn’t want her to actually take all of my money but uh

I thought she was gonna run out of trades a lot okay well there goes all my money now with all those paper we’re gonna make a lot of books and it looks like we have to go out and get some more wood so let’s do that real fast

Well i’m hoping this will be enough we have enough for 12 bookshelves which is just short all right let’s just grab a few more logs and we’ll be good to go and there we go we have 15 which is enough for full enchantments and we even have an extra

Book which ends up working out absolutely perfect to make our enchantment table guess i’ll just come on down here and we will make a temporary spot now that we have this little spot dug out this will do absolutely perfect all right i think i’ll go for the solid

Soaked touch and see what it gives us so touch and efficiency three all right so my next pickaxe is on breaking three which is pretty good i would want that on my diamond pickaxe so real fast one i’m gonna go to bed two i’m gonna grab three more diamonds and we’re gonna

Make another diamond pickaxe i’m gonna take this diamond pickaxe and we’re gonna throw unbreaking three which gives me efficiency four which combining those two together will almost have every single enchantment that i will want on it next best enchantment is silk touch on my axe which also

Gives me efficiency 4 so why did i put that on an iron one what do i uh no that’s that i’m not fortune 3 that’s just what i need okay seeing how there are just so many bandits around all the time i’m thinking that i should make an

Xp farm i have a design in mind and i’m going to start creating it and i will show you guys when i have a good thing of it done holy crap this see you see how dangerous these dudes are they literally one shot me and they sneak up for me behind

Back to base and don’t worry i made it back safe all right so i have everything set and ready to go in my inventory for the xp farm but however though it is getting nighttime so i do need to go to bed and i’ll let you know in the morning what

We’re gonna work on now day 24 the plan is very simple we are going to turn this barbarian camp which has spawners in it into an xp farm we’re gonna do some big brain ideas here so real fast i need to run through this thing and

Loot it all and make sure all these are all well lit up so nothing can spawn one thing i need to do is i need to block off all the walls around this thing pretty much what this is going to do is it’s just going to keep

A bunch of guys from just spawning all over the place and trying to kill me okay my inventory is completely full and i’m kind of getting surrounded so i am going to head on back to base really fast and look at how many dudes are around here

It’s literally insane they got a whole army after me oh my goodness real fast let’s take care of these guys and well it’s already getting nighttime so i’m running back to base because i don’t want to be sworn by these guys like i already am here we go look how

Many heroes are in me all right so i ended up getting the majority of this thing sealed off i’ll flip it all i’ll have to fill up all the cracks and also just loot the rest of these crates that i missed now all i gotta do is break a bunch of

These blocks and build a big long tunnel alrighty so now i have this big long tunnel and all i got to do now is return back to base drop off my items and come back and finish this thing up for you guys so the xp farm is complete i built this

Little upstairs area you then come down this ladder and this is what it looks like in the inside so we got one two and three spawners and then water trails that lead down into that hole right there then coming down this ladder they all collect into this room well you know i do

The fun stuff of getting lots of items and xp so for the next few days i’m gonna afk this thing until i have a lot of xp here we are on the 40th day and this is all the coins and arrows that i’ve gotten this crate right here has all the items

I’ve got and i have 60 levels it ended up taking so long because this is how many dudes are outside the building obstructing my spawn rates absolutely ridiculous now that i’m back to base it’s time to do something extremely satisfying which is that since i am running out of

Food i need to make myself a corn with this corn i can grind up my emmer which will give me emmer flour so i just have to sit here and i have to spam click this thing as fast as i can for a while and it’s not very fun

Now that that’s done i come down here and i just have to turn all this flour into dough then i throw this dough into the furnaces and i get emmer bread now that that is all cooked up i have 24 and it’s time to go to bed

Today’s goal is i want to make a librarian villager to get a mending book there were some villagers that got trapped down in this hole so if i come on down into here and here they are oh my oh my goodness there’s a lot of them down here

Now i just gotta start the fun process of transferring one over and over again so i ended up finding something very unfortunate and that is uh all of their trades are already locked so i can’t just cycle through them so that’s a big bummer let’s see if these fossils give me

Anything cool just some coins so i guess the only thing i have left to do is to go back in the base and just strip mine until i get all the items i need well here’s what i’ll be doing for the next few days so i found some emerald but most importantly i

Found this ore right here which is a very very very good ore so this is nebu or nebu ore which you use to make drops and then the drops turn into ingots and with these ingots you can make a god forge which sounds pretty dang neat

Finally after two pickaxes i was able to get a few diamonds luckily i ended up finding a cave which had a few more diamonds waiting for me on my way back to base i ended up finding this dude which was very very strong took three hits with the 15 damage weapon

Once fully back at base i decided to craft up a diamond chest plate back at the enchanting room i was able to put protection 4 on this and that is why i made it which ended up doing exactly what i wanted to and i got a fortune 3 enchantment for a pickaxe

As much as i don’t want to i’m making a third diamond pickaxe and that is what i’m putting fortune no did no no i did not click on the second one on accident did i no way guess i gotta make another pickaxe found some more diamonds big boy vein

And i’m getting 17 from that i guess fortune 2 isn’t too bad after all found some more of these beauties and well apparently i’ve explored all the biomes now so now back at base i’m smelting up all of my ores and total we got 50 diamonds and this many

Like dirty items so let’s go clean those off real fast So with my 50 diamonds i would say we should make a full set of diamond armor now let’s see what kind of enchantments we can get So i am currently out of levels so i’m going to travel over to the xp farm and quickly get a bunch of levels and come back in for instance chanting and i’ll show you guys what that looks like here in a second it is now day 60 and i have protection for

On every single piece of armor i also have two diamond swords and all of my tools pretty much enchanted i also have four diamond pickaxes and two bows that i’ll need to combine and an extra pair of diamond boots the goal right now is to get a saddle some iron camo armor

And we’re gonna venture out and get ourselves a camel because we are moving the storm’s not really the best time to go find ourselves a camel but i’m sure we can do it and well not too far along we’ve got one now we just gotta sit here and get him to like us

That didn’t take too long i could throw on my camel this guy looks pretty nice with that armor on so now we gotta return back to basin as you can see there are two little crate images so i’m guessing we can put stuff in there in order to transport more items

Gonna try to build a pen real fast to keep him safe well that would have been nice to know we could walk through two wide doors well now it’s time to start packing up all of our valuable resources get the enchantment table too also since i have a silk touch pickaxe i should

Just be able to grab all the soil completely which is kind of nice so it turns out that these three maps are exactly the same so therefore i can get rid of two of them which then perfectly leaves three slots open and it’s weird seeing a camel full of so many valuable items

After a lot of organizing it is now day 62 and i have my inventory completely filled up with stuff and also the camel is completely filled up with stuff i was able to save a few more slots by using these right here pretty clever so now it is time

To take our camel and we are heading out in the desert i wasn’t able to get everything i wanted so i will have to return back one more time for a final trip who knows what we’re gonna find out here after a good day of traveling i spotted some palm trees

Which ended up leading to the biggest water pool i’ve ever seen in a desert this could potentially be where i want to build an epic base what ended up sealing the deal is there is a village directly next to it i’ll just take my camel and i’ll just shove it in someone’s house

This little child’s like what the heck are you doing i just gotta lay out all my crates to store all my items now i just need to return back to base and grab the rest of my items i will say the xp farm will probably be the greatest loss but we can always

Return if i need more levels and i probably won’t bring my camel because he’s really slow holy crap inside of this village there’s literally a bandit camp what all right let’s get rid of all these already we’re out here cleaning up the village hey hey you get away from me

Yeah that’s what i’m talking about oh we sent the third one this time being sneaky i see nice there’s a map in here and it goes to that same pyramid i hate how many bandits are in this place that’s like my number one goal for building a base make sure there’s no

Bandits well i did get some fancy stuff so let’s go wash this off from the oasis not too bad well time to get in bed and find out where to build the base tomorrow holy crap and our troubles killed my camel i decided let’s just use this map

And go look and see what’s around here oh it looks like there’s a really big green spot up here okay looks like it’s another oasis kind of tucked away down in here this is this is a pretty neat little spot two things i could do this one i

Could take a bunch of this fertile soil and go move it over to where the water is or two i could flatten out this whole area and build my base down in here this is what we’re looking for this right here is the pyramid oh this thing’s sweet gonna have a lot

Of cool items in there so what i’m thinking i’m gonna do is i’m gonna grab a bunch of all that green fertile soil and then i can fill in all this spot like right here and i can build a big house right in here which would be really cool

Because then i have all this water that i can use to make crops and then i have the village right here in the pyramid just not too far away now let’s begin the building montage Welcome everyone today 95 and here is my massive place that i built and yes it actually did take me that long because literally every single time i have to leave i get bombarded by these guys quick little tour around here you know we got a little spot for my camel a

Little bit of storage you come down this walkway aisle looking thing and that leads you straight to the house that has a kitchen and then i have a little indoor farm here papyrus is supposed to go there coming up the stairs we just have a little work station area

Up to the third floor there’s just another little storage area right up there and then coming this way there’s just this long little kind of balcony area with some chairs to chill on and over the edge there’s my enchanting room see what are you that’s what happens every

Single time i walk anywhere but now it is time to start raiding some pyramids we are going to be a grave robber so first thing i want to do is i want to make as many golden dates as i can in order to prepare for these

Battles i need to find my brewing stand happens to be right here with this brewing stand i need to make some potions and well i forgot that we need blaze powder to do this and well we uh don’t have blaze powder no potions we’re not doing

Potions i guess since we don’t have any potions i’m gonna get our good pickaxe here and i’m gonna try to go get a few more gold ores so we can make more dates it is now day 97 that took two days for me to go get all that gold and get

Completely prepared this is all i have and i think we’re good to go 16 golden dates might do the trick time to travel to the pyramids luckily the first one isn’t very far away at all so here is the entrance which you can’t get in until you place these torches on here

Which then opens up for you all right let’s get on to it so this is the main room right here first thing i want to do is i want to go around and try to break all these uh these things all the spawners i can’t think of what the heck they’re called

I’ve knocked back two coming in clutch what these guys can’t drop me some blaze rods or something like come on boys grab all the loot absolutely terrible absolutely terrible let me guess absolutely terrible wow all right so down in here what we have is a maze

And we have to find a cool little spot it also is filled with traps so that’s kind of nice well it turns out i actually walked past it like three times so already there’s just there’s just traps i can’t avoid is there any good loot in any of these things no there’s not

There’s not any good loot in anything oh this right here this is the room this is the big boy room i’m pulling a smart one on these arrow traps come on they’re so smart all right let’s get this thing over with um you’re supposed to spawn

All right all right all right all right bro all right all right all right don’t you sit in the corner are you kidding me you’re just throwing these things back and forth to me we’re just doing a little dance oh yeah how do you like this i’m just

Gonna i’m just gonna sit here and do this oh my gosh okay he’s almost done he’s almost done he’s almost done i can do it i can do it he’s almost done two more hits just one more come on one more one more yeah there we go

Get the heck out of here boy king slayer kill a pharaoh kill one of each type of autumn undead okay so they actually give you like the good the good item so in here is just oh and that guy was tougher than i thought he’d be all right

What does my little necklace do nice when you die you will keep your equipment and your active items thanks thanks game just just what i needed and let’s get this party started so they they all shoot something ridiculous at you all right we’re just gonna go over here

Ah you guys quick this guy’s real oh no you can’t you can’t do that you can’t come up here guys way more difficult than the other one all right here we go this is a good spot this is a good spot this is a good spot

Finish him off finish him off finish him off finish him off finish him off he’s almost done one more there we go we got him okay oh my goodness what do you give me the legs of ra so they actually got something cool well guys it is now day 100

And that concludes our journey thanks for watching and i hope you enjoyed You

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In a DESERT DIMENSION on HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaterishPuppy on 2021-06-10 12:00:19. It has garnered 1283721 views and 37171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:00 or 1620 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days In a DESERT DIMENSION on HARDCORE Minecraft In todays video I have to survive 100 days in a DESERT DIMENSION, I have three objectives, one build an epic desert base, two raid a barbarian camp and steal all their supplies, three defeat a pharaoh that lurks in ancient pyramids of evil! Can I survive 100 days in this harsh HARDCORE DESERT DIMENSION? Lets find out! #100Days #HardcoreMinecraft #Minecraft100days

Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/atum

Credit to @LukeTheNotable for 100 days video format

Music: World Music OFCL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Cf21ahxlbODHpQkrBtVHw/featured

OvalMusic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-uTzs_5eDa_ED8jX_Veq-A/featured

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    Crafty Clash: Minecraft Rich vs. Muscle Poor In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Rich vs muscle poor, a story untold. The battle begins, with diamonds and gold, Who will emerge victorious, brave and bold? The rich with their riches, shining bright, Or the muscle poor, ready to fight. In this epic showdown, day turns to night, As the players clash, with all their might. But in the end, it’s not about the loot, It’s about the journey, the thrill and pursuit. So let’s all join in, in this Minecraft salute, For in this game, we all find our truth. Read More

  • Sweetberry Farm in Minecraft

    Sweetberry Farm in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating a Sweetberry Farm Embark on a journey to create a sweetberry farm in Minecraft, a perfect starting point for your survival world. Explore the intricacies of farming in Minecraft, including the use of redstone technology to enhance your agricultural endeavors. Setting Up Your Sweetberry Farm Begin by selecting a suitable location for your sweetberry farm. Ensure that the area receives ample sunlight and has access to water sources for irrigation. Plant sweetberry bushes in rows, leaving enough space between each bush for optimal growth. Utilizing Redstone Technology Enhance the efficiency of your sweetberry farm by incorporating redstone… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Top Mob Squad: Solid and Sassy!

    Minecraft's Top Mob Squad: Solid and Sassy! In the world of Minecraft, mobs roam free, But one stands out, as solid as can be. The Iron Golem, strong and true, Protecting villages, with a heart so blue. With arms of iron, and a head of stone, He’ll defend his people, never alone. Against the dangers that lurk at night, The Iron Golem stands, ready to fight. So next time you see him, give a cheer, For the most solid mob, with nothing to fear. In the world of Minecraft, he’s a true delight, The Iron Golem, shining bright. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Zero to Hero! Ep1 One World!

    Ultimate Minecraft Zero to Hero! Ep1 One World! The Ultimate Guide to Starting from Scratch in Minecraft! Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the series “Apenas Um Mundo” where the player starts a survival world using one of the best methods available – utilizing villagers to create future farms within the game. Utilizing Villagers for Success One of the key strategies highlighted in this gameplay is the use of villagers to establish farms. Villagers can be a valuable asset in Minecraft, offering resources and trade opportunities that can significantly boost your progress in the game. By creating a sustainable village with various… Read More

  • Unleash the Demon King in Minecraft! New Update Ultimate Skill – Gingershadow vs. Solo Leveling Mod!

    Unleash the Demon King in Minecraft! New Update Ultimate Skill - Gingershadow vs. Solo Leveling Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘A NEW UPDATE ULTIMATE SKILL & A DEMON KING TO BATTLE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 31’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-05-11 20:00:13. It has garnered 2777 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:57 or 2157 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyZ0Eihh8Q&list=PLgBu0fvAd3cvSxMfnY7Emj9CYgRTXkX9g&index=1&t=17516s Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awj1cVLl49Q STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs A NEW UPDATE ULTIMATE SKILL & A DEMON KING TO BATTLE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 31 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Tricks

    Unbelievable Minecraft TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Kolby Marshall on 2024-03-03 08:24:30. It has garnered 10 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:03 or 8823 seconds. Read More

  • AKIRA: The Ultimate Free Minecraft Cheat in 2024 ?

    AKIRA: The Ultimate Free Minecraft Cheat in 2024 ?Video Information This video, titled ‘IS AKIRA THE BEST FREE MINECRAFT 1.8.9 LEGIT / GHOST CHEAT IN 2024 ?’, was uploaded by Visioner on 2024-05-21 18:30:39. It has garnered 84 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. IS AKIRA THE BEST FREE MINECRAFT 1.8.9 LEGIT / GHOST CHEAT IN 2024 ? ❗DOWNLOAD LINK IN THE COMMENTS❗ injection ghost legit cheat client HostadamPvP Zefew Zylowh CameronAOB TheHidingSlayer Thrintios Zigy MeeZoid Laser Finup lolitsalex PainfulPvP DJTasty Forrestbono Protaclicker vape cheating custom bypass veltpvp abyss arcane velt exploit stimpypvp serenity massacre / vape mushway / vape… Read More

  • Insane Modern Minecraft House Build! 😮🏡

    Insane Modern Minecraft House Build! 😮🏡Video Information This video, titled ‘Small Modern House Tutorial In Minecraft! 🏡 [How to Build] 😍’, was uploaded by BusyBuilds on 2023-12-22 11:15:05. It has garnered 991 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:11 or 551 seconds. Learn how to build a small modern house in Minecraft with our easy-to-follow tutorial. Our step-by-step guide will show you how to construct a sleek and stylish home using gray concrete blocks and Nether quartz. Perfect for Minecraft players who want to create a modern and minimalist home in the game. ____________________________________________ If you interested in this video, do… Read More

  • 🩷Shocking Twist: Pink Girl and Crew Chaos Obby

    🩷Shocking Twist: Pink Girl and Crew Chaos ObbyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Obby Chaos With the Crew’, was uploaded by 🩷Pink Girl🩷 on 2024-03-08 04:00:33. It has garnered 390 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:16 or 556 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #pvp #trending #combo minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Charity Stream w/ Warden in a Cage! 😱🚨 #survival

    EPIC Minecraft Charity Stream w/ Warden in a Cage! 😱🚨 #survivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘SWORDPIXEL Legend -Minecraft [026] Warden im Käfig !? CHARITY STREAM #minecraft #survival’, was uploaded by Boubous Klötzchenbande on 2024-05-08 09:18:53. It has garnered 96 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:42 or 8022 seconds. Donation link for the ALL-IN-ONE Gamescom package for MIMIKRIDRAKE: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=GQ6L43LJRWTN2 Here it is again, the 3rd edition of Swordpixel – SWORD PIXEL Legends…. Welcome to the chaos. I have a very special role this time, if you want to know which one, then be sure to check it out. We are playing in 1.18.2 and it is… Read More

  • Alenka Inventra discovers strange anomalies in Minecraft SMP!

    Alenka Inventra discovers strange anomalies in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】MEMBUAT PROYEK MANGKRAK DI ANOMALI SMP!’, was uploaded by Alenka Inventra | DigiKagi on 2024-05-29 12:50:35. It has garnered 5397 views and 680 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:55 or 13015 seconds. 🛠️Now you can buy Alenka’s voice pack here! https://sociabuzz.com/digikagistore/shop 🛠️ SUPPORT ALENKA You can support Alenka by using the platforms below: https://trakteer.id/alenkainventra/tip https://halu.app/star/alenkainventra 🛠️Listen to me singing! 【COVER】GETCHA! – Giga & KIRA | by AstraxAlenka https://youtu.be/3U2TsppbKq8 [COVER]IDOL – YOASOBI | by Alenka Inventra https://youtu.be/DSbdxo74MU4 【 ORIGINAL SONG MV 】 Penawan – Alenka Inventra https://youtu.be/MRO8rWCEBmI 【 ORIGINAL SONG MV 】 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Server to Cure Boredom!” #clickbait

    "Ultimate Minecraft Server to Cure Boredom!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Le meilleur serveur Minecraft pour ne plus s’ennuyer ! #shorts’, was uploaded by EASYCRAFT on 2024-05-19 12:15:03. It has garnered 121210 views and 8615 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #short Read More

  • “Insane Dance Battle in Minecraft with Anton!” #shizoClickbait

    "Insane Dance Battle in Minecraft with Anton!" #shizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘on Anton #minecraftanimation #minecraft #edit #minecraftmemes #funny #meme #dance’, was uploaded by Nawang on 2024-01-09 10:55:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HamiumSMP Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20+ Crossplay

    Welcome to hamiumSMP! At hamiumSMP we aim to provide you an excellent experience. Join us to have a great time! Why hamiumSMP? New and Fast: Paid hosting with proxies in Asia and North America for minimal lag. Vanilla: Only Vanilla Tweaks datapacks and a few essential plugins. Helpful Staff: Experienced staff ready to assist and resolve issues quickly. Well-Managed Server: Proper anti-cheats, moderation plugins, LuckPerms, and more. Mod Support: Xaero’s Minimap, JourneyMap, Dynmap, and Simple Voice Chat. Documentation: Community-maintained wiki for seasonal information. How to join? Join our Discord server: Discord Invite Link (or visit our website: hamium.xyz) If you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Steve says he found diamonds ㅤ

    Looks like this meme rolled a critical hit with a score of 61! Read More

  • Diamonds in the Rough: Mining ‘Til They Shine

    Diamonds in the Rough: Mining 'Til They Shine On the 5th day, still no diamond in sight, But we dug deep, down to the deepslate’s might. We’re on a quest, with no end in view, But we’ll keep digging, that’s what we do. If you had fun, give us a like, And hit subscribe, take a hike. Instagram’s where we post our fun, Join us there, we’re not done. For tracking, check the link, For Max Payne2, that’s our brink. Paper Please and The Forest too, Thief Simulator, we’ve got a clue. Internet Cafe Simulator 2, we’re on a roll, In this cave with pink walls, we’re… Read More

  • Skibidi Toilet: The Hot Seat 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Skibidi Toilet: The Hot Seat 🔥 #minecraftmemes Why build a regular toilet in Minecraft when you can have a Skibidi Toilet? Just make sure to do the Skibidi dance every time you use it for the full effect! Read More

  • Make Money as a Minecraft Player?

    Make Money as a Minecraft Player? Ganhe Dinheiro Praticando Esportes no Minecraft! No mundo do Minecraft, os jogadores têm a oportunidade de ganhar dinheiro de uma forma única e divertida: praticando esportes! Em servidores especializados, como o Projeto Futuro, os jogadores podem se envolver em atividades esportivas e ganhar moedas virtuais do servidor, que podem ser usadas dentro do jogo. Esportes no Minecraft Entre os diversos esportes disponíveis, o futebol se destaca como um dos mais populares. Os jogadores podem escolher entre diferentes funções, como jogador em campo, técnico responsável por treinar e taticar o time, ou até mesmo empreendedor que administra seu próprio clube… Read More

  • HE LOST HIS MIND!!! 🤯 Seankle’s Reality Crisis

    HE LOST HIS MIND!!! 🤯 Seankle's Reality CrisisVideo Information This video, titled ‘Losing My Grip On Reality Today’, was uploaded by Seankle on 2024-05-01 03:32:49. It has garnered 65 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:30 or 7230 seconds. this is real #gaming #funny #relatable #minecraft Read More

  • From $1 to $1,000,000: Insane Minecraft Toilet Challenge

    From $1 to $1,000,000: Insane Minecraft Toilet ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘$1 vs $1,000,000 SKIBIDI TOILET Build Challenge In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-03-17 14:18:26. It has garnered 6860 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:30 or 2370 seconds. $1 vs $1,000,000 SKIBIDI TOILET Build Challenge In Minecraft Today Daxx,Xoe and Knox are building $1 vs $1,000,000 SKIBIDI TOILETS In Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • Lifesteal server live: JOIN NOW for 2k special stream!

    Lifesteal server live: JOIN NOW for 2k special stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘lifesteal server live 2k special live stream | come and join server for free’, was uploaded by low editer 999 on 2024-06-08 02:01:17. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:54 or 8634 seconds. Minecraft server live with proximity voice chat open forever that exist for 7 years now. JAVA + BEDROCK + PREMIUM + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.20.6 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at least 2045 Blue mc java-play.bluemc.fun:25631 bedrock ip-play.bluemc.fun port-25631 Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Guide: Build EPIC Castle in Minecraft PE

    🔥 Ultimate Guide: Build EPIC Castle in Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Build A MINECRAFT CASTLE 🏰 IN MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION’, was uploaded by MedhMINE on 2024-03-06 10:12:08. It has garnered 223 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:48 or 288 seconds. How To Build A MINECRAFT CASTLE 🏰 IN MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION Don’t Click This – https://www.youtube.com/@MedhMINECRAFT ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Suggested HashTags #minecraft #ytshorts #gaming #mcpefarm #minecraftpe #mcpe #minecraftpefarms #ytshortsindia #longvideo #ytshorts About Video – In this video I am going to show you how you can make my own maked beautiful castle. Material Used In My This Video… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Shader Guide for Mac

    Ultimate Minecraft Shader Guide for MacVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Install Shaders On Minecraft On Mac – Full Guide’, was uploaded by GuideRealm on 2024-01-12 20:00:14. It has garnered 13499 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:22 or 322 seconds. Learn how to install shaders on minecraft on mac in this video. For more videos like this then please leave a like. Host your own Minecraft server with tons of features such as 24-hour hosting, modded servers and instant setup with Apex Minecraft Hosting! https://apexhost.gg/GuideRealm GuideRealm is the home of technology-based how-to’s, guides & tips Equipment & tools I… Read More


    EPIC FAIL 😂 | SIDHU GAMING 9 TNT Run GONE WRONG! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-05-10 13:32:00. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100… Read More

  • Unbelievable Creatures on Ceres – EPIC Minecraft Saturday!

    Unbelievable Creatures on Ceres - EPIC Minecraft Saturday!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 The legendary Minecraft Saturday’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-09 01:59:55. It has garnered 105157 views and 9971 likes. The duration of the video is 03:41:35 or 13295 seconds. I will work on the tree and not memorize pi ✿ Artist Credits ✿ Thumbnail: https://x.com/0sashal/status/1797101518891667698 Thank you so much!! 💚 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) OptiFine MOD Author: sp614x and the OptiFine Team URL: https://optifine.net/downloads Complementary Shaders Creator: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders ✿ Hashtags ✿ LIVE: #faunline ART:… Read More

  • “INSANE NEW Minecraft Mods in TecnoMods! 🔥” #minecraftmods #minecraftsurvival

    "INSANE NEW Minecraft Mods in TecnoMods! 🔥" #minecraftmods #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘TOP Minecraft Mods Pt.48 🔥 // #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by TecnoMods on 2024-02-20 20:22:11. It has garnered 101 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Top Best Mods For Your Minecraft World PART 48 🤩 #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival Read More

  • Insane Hack: X99999 Lava Boss Legacy Stickman Miner!

    Insane Hack: X99999 Lava Boss Legacy Stickman Miner!Video Information This video, titled ‘X99999 STICKMAN MINER – HACK STICK WAR LEGACY’, was uploaded by Lava Boss Legacy on 2024-05-05 03:45:02. It has garnered 2133 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. Hi Guys Like And Subscribe To The Channel I Love You Guys Tag stickman animation, animation vs minecraft, the virus, animation vs animator, stick man, the showdown, alan backer, stickman animation, ava shorts, stickman vs minecraft, stick man dance, stickman fight,Stick war movie,alan becker virus, avm shorts, animator vs animation 4, animator vs animation 4 reaction, animator vs animation 5,… Read More

  • Minecraft VR Chat Indonesia

    Minecraft VR Chat IndonesiaThis server is full of people that i meet in vr chat, but feel free to join my server cvar1984.my.id Read More

  • Torrent Lifesteal Network – Lifesteal, Creative, Survival, MMORPG, Custom Models

    Join an EPIC new Lifesteal MMORPG Server! IP: torrentsmp.com Discord: dsc.gg/torrentsmp Torrent Lifesteal is a fully original PvP enabled MMORPG server with unique features: Crates Ranks with perks Custom structures and bosses Regenerative loot chests KoTH battles Bounties and AFK pit Custom gear and enchants Unique McMMO skills Custom terrain in Overworld and End The server launches officially tomorrow at 12:00 PM EST! Join early to explore and gain an advantage! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Genius: Flint & Steel TNT Combo

    Well, at least this meme gets a high score for creativity! But I’m not sure how much it would help in a real Minecraft survival situation. Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Skibidi Toilet’ Clock Man Team vs Herobrine

    Ultimate Showdown: Skibidi Toilet' Clock Man Team vs Herobrine Why is the Skibidi Toilet Clock Man Team even fighting Herobrine in MineCraft? Did they run out of toilet paper and blame him for it? Read More

  • Surviving Day 1 in Minecraft

    Surviving Day 1 in Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Boundless Possibilities Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. From abundant clay to the soft dreams of a builder’s imagination, this game offers a unique experience like no other. Abundant Clay for Endless Creations In Minecraft, players have access to a vast array of resources, including abundant clay that can be molded and shaped into any form imaginable. Whether crafting intricate structures or simple designs, the possibilities are limited only by one’s creativity. Visions of Creation in a House of Hope… Read More

  • Digging to Bedrock in Vanilla Minecraft

    Digging to Bedrock in Vanilla Minecraft The Epic Journey: Digging a Staircase Down to Bedrock in Vanilla Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure as our intrepid Minecraft player delves deep into the earth to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface. Armed with nothing but a pickaxe and determination, they set out to create a staircase down to bedrock in the vanilla Minecraft world. The Quest Begins As the game loads, our player takes a moment to harvest crops and prepare for the arduous task ahead. With mods installed and controls adjusted, they begin the monumental task of digging their way down to bedrock. Unearthing… Read More