wattles – How To GET ON TOP OF THE NETHER! | The Minecraft Guide Episode 94

Video Information

Hey everybody how’s it going it’s meet your boy Invisalign waddles here welcome to another episode of minecraft guide episode 94 that’s right I’ve got the right episode down this time I double triple quadruple checked and yes we’re good to go so we’re starting off down here in this

Mine area remember this place it’s been like a long time I just realized I forgot diamonds down here know that we really need those anymore but I came down here for actually obsidian I’ve been mining I have a stack it one more of obsidian that’s that’s a lot that’s

Probably the most obsidian I’ve ever had in in a while eh maybe not it’s the most we’ve ever had in this world that’s for sure and of course it would be nighttime right now it would be hey excuse me goddess due to that intro okay so today’s episode is it’s an interesting

One this is a fun topic and this is a topic that is very useful if you are into making mega farms in today’s episode I’m going to show you how to get on top with another and talk about why you would want to go up there and then

We’re actually gonna go up there ourselves it’s just just just for fun in this world now I think we should start off with materials and a little bit of a shot oh I’ve got to send a big shout out to blends craft a TV blends crafts TV has a short condensed tutorial for

Getting on up with another and it’s easy to follow it’s amazing but materials this is what we’re looking at for getting on top of the nether everything in the shell core box aside from the trapdoor and the stone so the stone is basically just a solid building block

Something like that and then the trap door is just a trap door you don’t need a jungle one you could use like an oak one or something like that the trap door does not matter but all these other things these do matter now you don’t necessarily need 36 torches

And you don’t necessarily need 16 under pearls or 58 ladders but you will want to have some ladders some extra ender pearls I recommend 16 and then some extra torches for marking things but these are pretty much the materials you’ll also to of course be able to get into the

Nether and that means you might need some extra portal and supplies if you haven’t gone there yet and then you also depending on how you’d like to access the thing if you don’t have a bunch of those materials you could probably just use another portal but we’ll talk about

That once we’re over into the nether so I need to find where I left a flint and steel like I can never remember still and then I need to slide over to the nether mmm flint and steel yeah that’s not looking I guess we’ll just make a new one

Okay so we’re in the nether and more specifically we’re at sort of the the nether hub that we have here or at least the the crossroads of the nether of the only crossroads we have now what well now we actually need to dig all the way

Up to the ceiling of the nether and and this this can take some time and it can be somewhat dangerous because yeah you know lava yeah that’s the thing in here so just be careful when you’re doing this now I recommend either just bringing a bunch of ladders and making

The ladders go all the way up or making some sort of spiral staircase or even just the normal scenario case that would be fine too but either way you need to go really really far up we’re talking like probably about two why 120 something I believe is where the roof of

The nether is so yeah you’ll have to start off by doing quite a bit of digging but after you get there it’s not that bad so don’t worry hah once you start seeing bedrock that means you’re in the right place so once you do start seeing it like kind of like

This it might be smart to just clear out of room so you can kind of walk around because now you need to find a specific block unfortunately you can’t just do this on any block you need a very very specific type of block to find the block

We’ll need our three screen so press f3 and look around we are looking for something that says looking at block something 127 something so I went ahead and circled the area that I’m looking at and what I’m talking about and the f3 screen it’s near at the

Bottom and our y-coordinate needs to be 127 now why well why well that’s because that means only one block in between us and the roof of the nether so this that spot right there that’s looking at why 127 we’re good to go so now we can go ahead

And place some ladders going up to that block and then we’ll actually need our ender pearls which I left in my shelter box all the way at the bottom so I’ll be right back and ER Pearl’s thank you and then the whole shelter box that is

Coming with me as well now you need to think about how you’re going to get out of the situation because once you get on top of the nether there is no easy way back in you are either going to a have to make another portal to leave so bring

Those supplies or be it make a machine to break the bedrock so bring those supplies or C commit bad nether so yeah you’ll have to go away if you don’t bring all that stuff so yeah just think about how you’re gonna get out because this is a one-way trip right here gamers

Now before we actually jump on top of the nether we need to do one more thing and that is write down the coordinates of the block that we are jumping through so my coordinates here are negative 159 127 and then negative 41 you could write these in chat you could just remember

That whatever it doesn’t matter but the coordinates of this block not the one we’re standing on but the one that we are looking at so usually looking at numbers but we write those down because those are very important now be ready to take a little bit of damage we need to

Go through this block right here did you that climb up on your ladder and continue holding up and then throw an ender pearl and boom you are on top of the nether that’s that’s literally it that’s how you get out not with another it’s that easy I I know it’s kind of

Crazy easy I used to think it was really hard but know that that part is really easy it’s getting back down that is a little more tricky unless you’re making a portal but those coordinates that you just wrote down now you definitely want to walk over to them and to place a

Torch wherever they are so we came up I think right here that block right there right yeah negative 159 negative 41 that’s the block that means this is the bot that we need to remove this isn’t between us and our ladder now comes this giant machine thing the thing

That you need to make so one more time here are the materials if you didn’t bring them well yikes for you make a portal get out of here or or you’re trapped pretty much anyways we need to figure out which way is north so use the f3 screen and a look

At the facing direction this way is north we should probably mark that so we don’t have to keep finding which ways north there we go now we want to turn around and actually face south and start setting up the first contraption the first step of this machine now there are multiple steps in

The building of this machine I’m gonna try and go through them in separate chunks because that makes it easier the the thing that we’re building I admittedly it is kind of confusing so yeah so this is the black that we’re removing the one with the torch on it to

Start go immediately over to the right of this block and a place of redstone dust then place the detector rail a normal rail and accurate or rail turning and then a powered rail just like that now we need an obsidian here and a city in there and then block of redstone

Block of redstone rail rail just like that that’s step one alright to start off set up number two out we need to remove this torch so the torch is not needed anymore then take a temporary block and place it on top of the obsidian that is right next to the

Detector rail now crouch and get right up next to this tower that you’ve made and place a sticky piston that faces downwards facing into the block that we’re going to break then place a normal percent right next to that like that and then last but not least remove that

Temporary block we don’t need that anymore now back up and tower up a little bit so you can see the top of these Pistons place some rails like that then place some redstone blocks there and then last but not least some rails on top of that

And boom step two is done now for step number three a we’re gonna need a minecart with some TNT in it this gets a little dangerous so just beware you have to be quick here so have your mine car with your TNT in hand we’re going to place it on

The powered rail in a minute but first just just be ready to back up so place it and back up it will blow up right away and now the heads of these pistons are blown clean off that’s that’s good that’s exactly what we wanted now we can

Actually go ahead and remove this part of the machine so the Obsidian those both both of those box and go all of the rails these redstone blocks this is not needed anymore all righty and this step we’re going to remove this piston right here and replace it with another piston that’s

Missing its head that is down here start by placing a sticky piston right on this block facing the block that you’re trying to remove and the sticky piston or what was the ciggy piston now go ahead and just remove that we don’t need that anymore it’s not necessary now go

Ahead and power this piston and the heads have swapped now we can go ahead and remove this piston we don’t need that one anymore thank you for your help now to finish off this step place the solid blocks or something like stone right there place the lever on top of it

Turn it on then go ahead and clean up this block we don’t need that anymore get rid of that you don’t need that and get rid of the rail on top of that piston all of that is it’s not necessary anymore now we are almost ready to do

The setup for the final phase the bed rocking step of this build okay elites here’s the final step so grab a sticky piston and place it right against this block right here this is like opposite the lever side now go ahead and place a slime block like that

And then a solid block right below the slime block now place a trap door on the sophistic arm and then go ahead and go into crawling mode and place a normal piston facing down into the bedrock then go ahead and back out of that and remove

The trap door we don’t need that anymore then finally piston right there solid block right there and then hit the lever and go ahead and remove this piston this piston and and look at this beauty right there we can go right through the nether now which is exactly what we wanted and

There you go that’s actually it it’s a little confusing well at least when we get to the machine but it’s actually pretty easy in the grand scheme of things that’s how it’s done so you can use this technique as many times as you need you on top of the nether to

Go in and out now I again alternatively if you don’t want to do that you could just build another portal up here and do things that way but that’s a whole lot less cool right like that’s that’s kind of lame now this whole bedrock removal thing this is permanent this bedrock

Will never come back in your world you can relog you can go in and out of the nether the bedrock is gone forever whether you play something here or not so yeah it’s it’s open always but there we go that’s our entrance into the roof

Of the nether not bad at all but now before we go home we should talk about why you would want to do this so you’d want to get on top of the nether to probably build some kind of huge giant crazy farm take a look at this place

It is completely empty there are no spawns up here which is really nice there’s no gas which is even better and it’s just flat and open this is the ideal place for some sort of crazy Opie zombie Pigman farm like you would usually build it way up in the sky

That’s the sky of the nether up there yeah that’s where you’d build something like that because spawns just they’re non-existent up here nothing spawns on the bedrock which is really really nice the but even those spots aren’t happening on this bedrock here if we build something in the sky obviously not

Out of bedrock spawns would happen up there and so that’s how you make a zombie Pigman farm technically you could build it right here on this floor like you could start placing blocks but that wouldn’t be very smart because you’d still be in range of the normal nether

And have a bunch of spawns down there that’s that’s bad big bad for sure but usually that’s why you’d want to get on top of the nether now another reason is maybe some kind of cool base or maybe some kind of custom biome that you’re trying to create oh

And to be clear I did that in Minecraft 1.14 2.4 but I think that’s actually about it for today so let’s go back to the normal world and talk about something so no comment of the day again today gamers I’m sorry big big sorry but

I’ve got a lot of things to talk about here at the end so this is episode 94 of the mind guide the Minecraft guide started back in April and it’s been amazing oh and by the way I’m literally just going to wander around I’m not showing off anything it’s it’s just me walking

Around looking at things but and the last episode on episode 93 the Emerald farming one I talked about right at the end of the episode kind of a concern of mine and just not knowing what to do and I got a lot of wonderful feedback from

From all of you and so I’m very excited to officially announce in this episode right here that a Minecraft guide is season 2 is going to be beginning very very soon so get hyped we’ll be in a brand new world in a brand new game version and doing some brand new things

I have big plans for that series so yeah seriously get hyped and I also plan on doing things a little bit differently we will be making some kind of different base I’d like to pace things differently I’d like to take on different projects we never got around to an under ender or

Like a crazy zombie Pigman farm so I’ve got big plans it’s definitely gonna be this is gonna be really really fun and I’m excited but I don’t think we’re completely done with this world we definitely have some things that I need to take care of first so I’m thinking

There’ll be two more episodes in this world after this one then season 2 will start soon after it won’t be long gamers so just keep your eyes peeled a brand new world brand new fun very bright new topics and it’s gonna be really really cool I’m very excited so

Thank you everybody for all of the feedback I didn’t think about going somewhere new in this world but it just it wouldn’t have felt the same right like I could ditch everything and go really really far and find the bees and that’s cool but then like at that point

Almost like what’s the point of having all of this stuff sitting around here right like if we don’t even never come back to it we might as well just be in a new world that kind of thought and streams those things are probably coming back with the new series too so big big

A moment – I got it – which it’s linked in the description so drop will follow if you haven’t yet now is the best time to do something like that but I think that’s it I think that’s everything that I wanted to say in our outro today’s so thank you so much for

Watching and I hope this episode helped you understand how you can get on top of the nether there are many other ways to do it though so that’s only one of the methods again big shout out to blends crafts TV dropping the video link in the

Description go over there drop a like on this video let him know that he’s in waddle they’re also big shout out to my patron Catherine Jade today thank you so much for the support thank you all for watching and get ready for the next episode though there’ll be a like I said

I think two more thanks for watching I’ll see you next time Elite goodbye

This video, titled ‘How To GET ON TOP OF THE NETHER! | The Minecraft Guide Episode 94’, was uploaded by wattles on 2019-12-05 18:53:50. It has garnered 67962 views and 2568 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:38 or 998 seconds.

Breaking the bedrock above the Nether and getting on top alive can be tricky sometimes, right? Wrong! It’s actually really easy to do. In this episode I show you how you can use an easy glitch to get above the nether for whatever projects you might need to do. I also showcase a way to break bedrock & get back down.

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  • Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your Dreams

    Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your DreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘These mods are TERRIFYING.. #cavedweller#minecraft #minecrafthorror #mcyt #minecrafthorror’, was uploaded by tacoz on 2024-03-17 17:00:50. It has garnered 2512 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Me and @kohexx made a youtube video and this is just a clip from that video. Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZvS7PpNgoU&t=3s IGNORE TAGS ———————————————————— #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #nightmare #minecrafthorror #cavesandcliffs #fyp #youtube #minecraftsurvival #horrorgaming #minecraft #epic #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy #scary #mods #modpack #memes #epic #minecraft #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #cavedweller #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy… Read More


    "JOINING DEADLIST SMP, EPIC SWORD ACTION! #viral" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i joined this deadlist SMP Sword SMP #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by FivemateYT on 2024-03-21 12:35:51. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:31 or 151 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Waterfall Discovery – Found Secret Treasure! #mindblown

    EPIC Waterfall Discovery - Found Secret Treasure! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thrilling Waterfall Exploration Uncovers Hidden Prize #minecraft #learningminecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Jamza313 on 2024-01-04 13:19:26. It has garnered 113 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. In this video, . Enjoy! Minecraft educational gameplay, Fun Minecraft learning activities, Educational Minecraft tutorials, Creative building in Minecraft for kids, Learning math with Minecraft, Minecraft science experiments for children, Exploring history in Minecraft, Minecraft coding for kids, Art and design in Minecraft, Minecraft geography lessons Read More

  • SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvP

    SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Tiki” | Minecraft PvP’, was uploaded by sxbaswhy! on 2024-02-09 22:00:07. It has garnered 43 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:36 or 96 seconds. Like y Sub (: https://discord.gg/EURUKe5MKW Tags hechos por Baifo: IGNORAR baifo, yipix, tomix leaderboards, clickero, sussano, daof, cdbs, jeremyasg, tahmn, shurroxd, shurro, top 3 minemen 0 losses, top 1 minemen, abif, woney, k0xar0, koxaro, vegard, tier s chilean, leaan vs staind, blackzide, how to beat leaderboard players, blackzide, jp2k16, ipraise, haxlux, staind vs marcel, potpvp tier list 2022, potpvp tier list 2021, potpvp tier list, potpvp… Read More

  • Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft Gameplay

    Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играй на самой лучшей Анархии FMC #minecraft #майнкрафт #анархия’, was uploaded by Swisher on 2024-01-07 12:33:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, in minecraft, mine, games, facts, trolling, compote, video minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    INSANE LIVE MINECRAFT CYBERGAMES 🔥 #LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 AO VIVO CYBERGAMES MINECRAFT 🔥 #LIVE #CYBERGAMES’, was uploaded by CYBER GAMES on 2024-04-04 19:43:47. It has garnered 343 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 09:32:47 or 34367 seconds. LIVE ON! #freefire #freefireaovivo #cybergames #aovivo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ lili.lilllili.lili. DEIXA O LIKE E COMPARTILHE ili.lillili.illi. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💥AJUDE O CANAL💥 https://livepix.gg/cybergames 🔴 LIVE EVERY DAY 🏃🏻 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (VIVI ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 VIVI: https://wa.me/558688637494 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (SCAMMER ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 SCAMMER: https://wa.me/553897579551 💥WANT TO KNOW WHO DOES MY THUMBNAILS?… Read More

  • “Ramix’s insane Minecraft bed trap!” 🛏️

    "Ramix's insane Minecraft bed trap!" 🛏️Video Information This video, titled ‘La trampa definitiva de camas en Minecraft! 🛏️’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-01-13 00:00:02. It has garnered 270746 views and 36950 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? ⚔️ Server I’m playing on → minelucky.org (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! → Twitter: https://twitter.com/NotRamix → Twitch: https://twitch.tv/NotRamix → Instagram: https://instagram.com/RamixMC → Discord: https://discord.gg/Ramix #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Circus Mod in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Circus Mod in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus Mod in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ZeroKing on 2024-03-06 08:52:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. the amazing digital circus, minecraft, pomni, minecraft the amazing digital circus, fuziondroid, mcpe, digital circus, jax, caine, the … Read More

  • HityCraft

    HityCraftHola a todos, voy a crear un de server de Minecraft survival con un montón de personas, Todo el mundo vivirá en una base donde estará su hogar y sus construcciones, También habrá clanes que seria como bases pero compartidas con varia gente (5 o 6 personas). Si os interesa entrar la IP es: HityCraft_Oficial.aternos.me Pero aun no podréis hasta el día 9 martes Normas: No está permitido hacer spam (publicidad de cualquier cosa) sin autorización de la administración. Usa un lenguaje correcto y educado, respeta a los demás y evita los insultos, ofensas y faltas de respeto, Evita escribir… Read More

  • MineVoid Anarchy – Semi-Vanilla PvP No Rules

    Welcome to MineVoid Anarchy MineVoid Anarchy is a new Minecraft server offering an authentic vanilla experience. We aim to stay close to vanilla gameplay and minimize Admin involvement. Join us on the server or Discord! Created on: 04/16/2024 Features: No Anti Cheat (may change in the future) Dupe plugin temporarily installed No rules, minimal Admin interaction Connect with Us: IP Address: Discord Invite: Join our Discord Read More

  • KUVERU NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20.x) ɴᴜᴇᴠᴀѕ ᴍᴏᴅᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇѕ ► ᴛɪᴇɴᴅᴀ.ᴋᴜᴠᴇʀᴜ.ᴄᴏᴍ

    KUVERU NETWORK (1.8 – 1.20.x) ɴᴜᴇᴠᴀѕ ᴍᴏᴅᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇѕ ► ᴛɪᴇɴᴅᴀ.ᴋᴜᴠᴇʀᴜ.ᴄᴏᴍ Read More

  • Trash Panda Triumph: 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft!

    Trash Panda Triumph: 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I embarked on a challenge, a trash panda’s dream. Surviving 100 days, in hardcore mode, With paws of determination, on this winding road. Spawned in The End, a place so bizarre, But I stayed paw-sitive, reaching for a star. Solving mysteries, with each paw and claw, In this wild adventure, with no time for a flaw. Join my discord server, where gamers unite, To create amazing videos, in the Minecraft light. Together we’ll conquer, with laughter and fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. So come along, on this… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft bromance 🔥

    Hot Minecraft bromance 🔥 “Who needs real friends when you can have a whole squad of blocky buddies in Minecraft? #FriendshipGoals #MinecraftIsLife” Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Pixel Art Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Pixel Art Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft pixel art like the one featured in the YouTube video “Падающий пиксель арта в Майнкрафт”? If so, you’ll love the creative community at Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the world in building amazing pixel art creations and exploring a vast virtual world together. Experience the thrill of survival gameplay, PvP battles, and unique events on Minewind without limits. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for Minecraft and unleash your creativity in a supportive and friendly environment. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server… Read More

  • Game-Changing Smithing Table & Hoe in Minecraft!

    Game-Changing Smithing Table & Hoe in Minecraft! Minecraft Snapshot 20w10a: Smithing Table and Hoe Finally Useful! A new snapshot of the Nether Update for Minecraft, the 20w10a, has been released! This update brings significant changes, making the smithing table and hoe much more useful. Additionally, there are new ambient sounds in the Nether, adding to its eerie atmosphere. Smithing Table Upgrade The smithing table, previously a redundant block, now serves a clear purpose in the game. It functions similarly to an anvil but is specifically used to upgrade diamond gear directly. This enhancement allows players to retain enchantments on their diamond gear, making it a valuable… Read More

  • Unleashing Dark Powers in Medieval Minecraft | MysticArorah

    Unleashing Dark Powers in Medieval Minecraft | MysticArorahVideo Information [Music] [Music] hey [Music] n [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] all right hello everyone my here and we’re starting with this screen here because we have um because we have Origins to choose and actually I already know what version that I’m going to choose but um if you guys have any if you guys want me to choose a different origin then I can but yeah so we got first off we have wood elf and then we got Goblin um Goblin and then we got arid which is spider um we got shul related to shers… Read More

  • Making a Flying Ship in Minecraft Steampunk

    Making a Flying Ship in Minecraft SteampunkVideo Information [Music] is [Music] welcome to a dream [Music] everybody ah okay so welcome welcome welcome jyz welcome Kyle I I got the ship in the air we’re like ready to go right now this second leave our home for a while we’ll be back it is our home after all not for a [Music] while he it’s some very small improvements to the base quickly over I added a wall here upstairs and made it a little more comfortable everything has a wall between some extra detailing the pond the furnace this is our emergency supply of fuel… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars gameplay with fans LIVE!

    Insane Bedwars gameplay with fans LIVE!Video Information [संगीत] यो यो न टक अब मी लाइक आ लाक लाइक थक अब मी आ लाइक द आ लाइक टक अब मी लाइक आ लाक आ लाइक थक अब ए आ लाइक आ लाइक मेरा मु निई तो भाई तेरा भी हाईलो लगी है चोट जिससे जाके थोड़ा साइड रो आया फम में आने वाला साइक्लोन ब्रो पता इने भी सब मेरे बारे खाने वालान में डरे बैठे सारे व कहानिया तो बहुत सही मारे बचे सब फ मेरे बजे गाने ये तो शुरू वाली हाइप है आ लाइक आई लाइक मेरे भाई सारे साइक है आ लाइक… Read More

  • Uncover Frozen Treasures in Nerdtles! | Minecraft Let’s Play Part 19

    Uncover Frozen Treasures in Nerdtles! | Minecraft Let's Play Part 19Video Information hey guys welcome to Shell and we’re back with some more Minecraft I think today is the day we’re going to go over and explore that mountainous region that I found whenever I picked up Normandy and then I think next episode we’re going to go looking for another Fortress we’re not quite to the point where I need the nether fortress but I will eventually need it and it may take us a while to find one so I’d rather go ahead and start looking um yeah I need way more ender uh ender pearls to uh… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Firelight Drawing Challenge

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Firelight Drawing ChallengeVideo Information Minecraft but you draw My World this world is completely flat but coloring The Village will make a village appear which means I need to draw my entire world back sorry if I paint this awesome looking sword my sword will appear what if I draw the biggest base in the whole world that didn’t turn out quite how I wanted it to what if I made the most powerful Warden ever a run what’s this a new brush wo this brush just made me a professional painter dinky I can finally draw myself some friends uh that… Read More

  • Ultimate Prank: Transforming into OP MOBS!

    Ultimate Prank: Transforming into OP MOBS!Video Information today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to ruin that by traking him as a bush of super op bses but first we’re going to be a super cute little penguin that is actually super dangerous don’t let his cute looks fool you because he’s going to absolutely destroy you so let’s see what Dino is doing so we can figure out what to prank as first oh but I want to catch super big fishies today and I don’t want to catch two I want to catch all of them he wants… Read More

wattles – How To GET ON TOP OF THE NETHER! | The Minecraft Guide Episode 94