Welcome to Paradise! Custom Cliffs on AutoCraft SMP 🌴 (Episode 01)

Video Information

I can’t decide which tree to punch down they’re all connected to other trees i went for the first tree that i saw i can’t believe you’re putting so much thought into the tree all the roses though not letting alpine get any of these whoa wait i’m too busy punching trees what’s going

On hold on hey everyone welcome to autograph season three uh how are we all doing we’re doing good you doing good mechanic yeah well i’m doing well keep my distance but doing well yeah good show anyways let’s go [Applause] So Hey y’all it’s alvin and welcome to i cannot believe i’m actually saying this autocraft season three after a ton of preparation and a lot of excitement we’re here this is the new season this is our custom seed that we picked out and this is starter town so welcome in

And if you are new here i’m so glad you’re here my name is alpine glow up i specialize in minecraft building and i’m playing on the autograph server which is a whitelisted creator smp where we do incredible mega builds we build technical farms and we all play together

And create content for youtube so of course please check out everybody in the description below they’re all worth it server is off to a great start but with any server launch comes its shenanigans and the one that i am going to figure bone with is mind storm taking

All those roses what is this girl supposed to do my thing this season is going to be roses you can’t leave me without my favorite flower and the funny thing is with this is rainstorm’s actually online right now and it’s dyed 34 times so those roses are long gone and i haven’t

Seen any in my immediate area so i’ve got my starter starter base here and it feels like i’ve got everything except roses but i’m going to double check just in case look like my inventory is looking so good for day three in this chest and ease and like no roses none there

And even my valuables chest has none for some reason it’s been a minute since i played early game minecraft i thought that mining diamonds and gearing up would get me closer to starting my face and it hasn’t i’m going with a really organic theme lots of reds greens and

Some other colors in between there lots of just the plants we’ve got these spore blossoms here which are spectacular this kind of vibe very wild overgrown and then we’ll have some interesting structures to go with it later on the flowers are essential to that so i’m going to start out by

Looking around maybe maybe we can pull out detective alvin skills here from season two and check this starter town i haven’t really gone off the island yet see if anybody’s just you know has some roses planted that we could we could ask about i’m gonna do a big loop starting to my right

Where i think death is like this is his plot but he hasn’t built here yet i’ll check for for any wildflowers but it’s not likely not looking good for us even here it goes over to birch forest wrong type of too high flower there and this is where lazy con’s at leasicon

Also has a estonia shore which it looks like he’s been making some progress on oh there’s like a thing i can walk through this this is fun there we go and then i think there’s a couple people who are surrounding our large cave in the middle which is one of the big

Reasons we chose this seed this view is spectacular i love it and i also love that people are taking advantage of it calvin’s doing some amazing work mindstorm has also started a base and a community enchanting area this is pretty much the middle here so that’s why we’ve got that there over to

The south it kind of turns into tiger so my flower prospects are looking less and less likely mechanic i think is over here he’s got some a few things going old man and minor will be back there and that beautiful mega tiger and then i think

That just leaves anki and rusty for now oh look i’m just been doing some building some planting i love i love when anki does this this like terraces i guess is the best way of describing it oh my gosh somebody please correct me if that’s not right word for it

I just really like the different levels i think that’s super cool and he’s actually super close to rusty who is building today i guess this little tour impromptu tour shows you guys like how close everybody is so rusty’s over here on the east side is he actually inside i think he has calvin’s

Building up there are a few people who are just getting settled over there and then right past that tree line is that cave so everybody’s super close nearby i love it and i think i’m actually gonna have to leave the island for the first time to gather some materials

All right so y’all i am heading east i’m heading really really far east i’m going past spawn and i think i’m gonna hit like four different biomes i’m gonna go flower forest dark forest swamp desert and then if i need it i’m gonna go to a mangrove i’m gonna grab some of these

Blue flowers here i i think they look amazing and i never use these enough what are these even called blue orchids how does this work can i put this oh okay that’s one of the things i’ll keep in the chess boat here so i traveled 000

Blocks to a dark oak forest to do exactly this so when you connect these two together it gives you this inner texture which is just amazing i’m going to soak that up for now but this looks like sand to me so this is going to be so helpful

This is the farthest i can go on water so i’m going to park my chest boat here empty out everything that i don’t absolutely need and i’m going to head over to the flower forest the mangrove and the desert okay that is some really funky generation over there oh look oh my gosh

I’m taking all of them you are all mine so pretty i wasn’t expecting there to be any sort of mesa in this desert i was just here for for gunpowder honestly i’m going to go through all the temples and and get the gunpowder because i’m too scared of creepers oh geez

No thanks not interested not interested no i do not want to go on the pressure plate golden apple bones one piece of gunpowder i need a lot more This one is fun i want to go inside like look at the mangroves the mangroves here have been awesome I think this one is going to be my last one here it’s oh no i like literally like physically shook there what do i do the concerning part oh geez there’s two of them the concerning part is that there’s two of them got it oh my god okay

I’ll leave it up to you guys what should we do with the golden apple or was leaving up to you guys a mistake do leave me a comment let me know i never end up using these in any minecrafting that i do we found a few more things in

The desert temple nothing really of note this is just me grabbing the tnt and then heading back to my chest boat where i could clear up my inventory and grab just a little bit more sand the sand i’m actually thinking about selling not in smaller quantities like this but

I’m actually going to get shulkers and shelters once we have another hub set up with that beach terraforming complete it was time to head back to starter town and think about terraforming of our own we have so many new exciting blocks that we have to put to good use

Of course it’s started to rain here but you guys i’m back and i want to show what i’m thinking um i don’t have my cross hair on right now but i’m thinking about taking a beach using those mushroom blocks and a few others from over by rusty wrap it around go into the

Cove here go back out maybe do a waterfall or something and then take this beach of you know varying distance from the actual cliff sides here i’m going to take it over by death space i’ve talked about it with both of them they said it

Sounds good so i’m going to have like a larger you know custom biome terraformed area and then a smaller area of like actual buildings i think that’s going to be my focus so next step is solidifying the black palette which we will look at in my creative world all right who is ready

For a grand reveal here i’ve done tons of thinking and i’ve settled on this settled i should not say that i am super excited to be using this black palette it’s going from the darkest browns all the way to an off-white color here with smooth sandstone inner mushroom block

Like we had discussed strip jungle and raw iron packed mud mud brick and brown mushroom from bottom to top there so soil slow sand drip stone in light gray terracotta stripped dark oak mangrove wood and oak wood and then the muddy mangrove roots on the end there it’s got this like nice

Rich tone to it when we’ve got the complimentary shaders on but i also want to show you guys it without you guys are worried that this is like a really like not smooth gradient if it has jumps in it don’t worry i think the only thing that

Like kind of jumps out of me mentally is the raw iron so i think we can use that sparingly since i’ve had this on my mind for a bit i’ve already started the resource collection process but i’ll bring you guys in for a few highlights i’ve decided that villages are the way

To go here i picked one out this may later become my industrial area so y’all keep your eyes out for that but i’m going for the wheat i should actually probably do this with my fortune pickaxe because when i combine wheat and mud which we’ll get to in a second

That creates the packed mud and the packed mud creates the packed mud bricks oh goodness my 119 knowledge is not good i don’t know if there’s a way to automate this so don’t kill me going one by one here and then i have a good enough shovel so rusty no

I’m back at the village after a rescue mission for rusty and while i was out and about i looked at a map and saw there’s three more biomes i’d like to hit this is honestly beautiful thanks to complimentary shaders but actually we’re not here for the savannah we’re here for the clay

Which i’m getting instead of terracotta all right enough hiding y’all i did go get an eliatra over the weekend we bought the dragon there were about seven of us there and then i went with mindstorm and old mannered miner and we went and busting and each of us have an elytra

Hope nobody is living back here because this actually fits three of my needs jungle wood dark oak and i even spotted some drip stone on the walls on the way in I am down to my last material so far it has gone really well gathering things from the overworld but i do need one thing from underground thank goodness it requires a fortune pickaxe because my diamond hoe shovel and axe are looking really rough so i’m gonna head to this giant iron vein that

I found at the bottom of the world dig that up and we will reassess on how much we get Is that rusty open i’ve been mining iron for like an hour i found like very little you know how disheartening it is to have a giant tower of iron over here really okay well that’s interesting because guess what i found a giant iron bait and

This is how much like cooked iron i have i have like 50 blocks and then like another two stacks of ingots so i don’t need this is basically what i’m saying so if you’re interested in it i i am interested in it but i i don’t have diamonds actually you know what

Oh my god i’m going to be flexing on you so bad if you’ve got something else maybe i’m looking for like experience i need to get enchanting with all my my tools and stuff so i don’t know if you know anything about that i i mean i could give you unlimited

Access to my skeleton spawner however when i was mining i also found a a spider spawner yeah where is that i i would actually i’d like to scope it out i can show you but you might want to put on some armor it’s not very well lit up i’m not gonna

Lie i am slightly lost that’s okay it’s i guess not gonna be your spawner after this point if i like it so at this point it’s far away enough that i’m i’m stronger that whether or not you’d like it okay can i just say that i’m doubtful that it’s over

No actually don’t no it is over here watch out for lava uh yeah oh probably going to make a a better entrance oh and i already looted this okay that’s that’s fine i like it it’s cozy look at this all right i’m in i’m in on the deal wait awesome

Rusty i’ve got the iron yo yay so nice being neighbors i can just like yell at you and and come over whenever i want and and make fun deals um do you see this or is it just me what what am i supposed to see exactly okay i just see a cursed

Open chest here oh okay i’m gonna make this into the blocks um so it’s 40 raw iron blocks and then a few extra oh that is about perfect thank you all right i’ll be around obviously we’ll be uh spawner neighbors too so oh yeah i’m sure i’ll see you around

I knew what i had to do i just didn’t know if i had the strength to do it so rusty coming along and asking about the raw iron was actually the perfect solution he got what he needed for his base which by the way please go check out his

Channel he’s been doing some amazing work on the autograph server and his first episode is absolutely spectacular so go see what he does with the raw iron that is not for us but that does mean that all of our resources are collected and we are ready for my favorite part of

Any episode a time lapse so sit back relax and enjoy and let’s watch these clips come alive Welcome back you all this is our beachside clip lift side beach i’m not sure this is it at night we didn’t get much nighttime footage in the time lapse so i wanted to show you guys now while nobody else is online and i want to add one more detail here because

I don’t know if anybody put two and two together here but this is the this is the beach that is heavily inspired by bachelor in paradise i don’t know about my audience between twitch and youtube like who’s familiar with the bachelor franchise if you are you’re amazing and

Let me know in the comments section but this is heavily inspired by a beach in western mexico so that’s where i’m pulling my inspiration from and i’m also pulling some inspiration from the the themes of the show one of them being roses which again are like my favorite

Thing i think we even get the sun rays now too oh this is gonna be gorgeous there’s one other thing i wanted to do which is actually set my spawn here make this feel like home because now that we’re in starter town with everybody and bills they’re popping up left right and

Center i want to make sure that i’m as involved with the amazing autocraft community and starter area as possible so there’s a little bit of symbolism i’m gonna try some sleep yes i can sleep i really can’t wait to expand on this beach in the next upcoming episodes

Y’all i’m gonna try to be more consistent with the youtubes i have fallen off with youtube so many times as a content creator and i don’t want to do that anymore so with this fresh start on autocraft season 3 i’m really looking forward to sharing every step of the way

Every big build every little shenanigans in between y’all i am so excited for this season of autocraft so you guys have to let me know um any constructive criticism again it’s it’s been a bit since i’ve been on youtube doing editing and recording so let me know all feedback is appreciated

And with that i am going to ask you a question i’m not going to wrap up the episode quite yet i’m going to ask you should i actually be banned from the server it’s going to make a lot more sense with this clip i’m about to show you but leave a

Like on the video if you think that album glow up should be banned from the server have a good one y’all i’m gonna leave you with this footage and i will be back with another episode shortly bye guys i think i think they forgot to tell you

Guys this is actually hardcore so you know if you die you do just kind of get banned just instant cool imagine if it’s just a surprise like you just die you go oh well you try and like respawn it says you have been banned for dying can someone come and rescue me

Where are you so i want to walk [Laughter] Let’s see yeah You

This video, titled ‘Welcome to Paradise! Custom Cliffs on AutoCraft SMP 🌴 (Episode 01)’, was uploaded by alpenglowup on 2022-06-21 23:15:00. It has garnered 282 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:36 or 1296 seconds.

1.19 is out and a new season of AutoCraft has begun! 10 Minecraft YouTubers start all over and play early game survival Minecraft. Shenanigans included!

This season, we’re building together in starter town and developing a shopping district on a nearby mushroom island. With an area claimed, I go out in search for building blocks and my coveted roses. I also make a few trades along the way! Be sure to check out the timelapse to see how mud bricks, packed mud and other Wild Update blocks fit into builds.

Join us for a let’s play adventure of thorns & terraforming! And while you’re at it, join the AutoCraft Discord for more updates from our members. https://discord.gg/9KJXVU4Xxx

AUTOCRAFT MEMBERS! CalvenMC: https://youtube.com/channel/UCojyeiMUcEPv8VsZMZAFgYQ Enki: https://youtube.com/EnkiMC Lazycon: https://youtube.com/channel/UCegj1zspB6nN3Q68SlLBhBg Minestorm: https://youtube.com/channel/UCW4FfIJf5jToXBnePIl-dyg OldManneredMiner: https://youtube.com/channel/UCJQZQzQhG5M5_mWV1jAmtVw RusticDragon: https://youtube.com/RusticDragon The Mechanic: https://youtube.com/channel/UCzDbQvTvYOiccGfGkaI9x5w RocketRanger: https://youtube.com/channel/UCHlRnAeWOzQVaaPLKVTMoPQ WavesyGetsGood: https://youtube.com/WavesyGetsGood

And this could be you! Are you interested in joining our community? Fill out the application here: https://forms.gle/99ECGxnRBJtNtspm7 SOCIALS! The Glow Up Discord: https://discord.gg/ZUeMPThPBt

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/AlpenGlowUp Twitch: https://twitch.tv/AlpenGlowUp Instagram: https://instagram.com/alpenglowup_ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alpenglowup?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlpenGlowUp

Business Email: [email protected]

MUSIC! Music by Vlad Gluschenko — Exploring the World License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en

Music by Scandinavianz — Sunny Island Link: http://www.soundcloud.com/scandinavianz

Music by Onycs — Edelweiss Link: https://soundcloud.com/onycsmusic

Music by Scott Buckley — Wanderlust Link: www.scottbuckley.com.au

Music by Vexento — Around The Fire Link: https://soundcloud.com/vexento/tracks

SOFTWARE! Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Texture Pack: https://vanillatweaks.net Kinematics: https://www.replaymod.com/ Editing: https://www.adobe.com/

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    Unbelievable!! Iron Golem's Epic Revenge!! 😱🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Iron Golem Revenge – Minecraft Animation 🤨 #minecraft #funny #shorts’, was uploaded by JONSENA AYUSH on 2024-04-27 15:53:17. It has garnered 50 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Iron Golem Revenge – Minecraft Animation 🤨 #minecraft #funny #shorts Read More

  • Insane Pride Modpack Test ft. TenkoBerry

    Insane Pride Modpack Test ft. TenkoBerryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft [Pride Edition] – Modpack Test 1’, was uploaded by TenkoBerry on 2024-05-30 23:33:27. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:40 or 820 seconds. This is Just a Homemade Modpack By a Stump VTuber (( Mods Used in This Modpack -: alexsmobs-1.21.1 – Apocalypse Weapons 1.2.9 – blahaj-forge-0.1.2 – cgm-forge-1.19.2-1.3.7 – citadel-2.1.4-1.19 – cofh_core-1.19.2- – CosmeticArmorReworked-1.19.2-v1a – create-1.19.2-0.5.1.f – FarmersDelight-1.19.2-1.2.4 – framework-forge-1.19.2-0.6.16 – geckolib-forge-1.19-3.1.40 – jei-1.19.2-forge- – Laendli_1.7.4b (1.19.2_forge) – MobCatcher-Forge-1.19.2-1.2.12 – NaturesCompass-1.19.2-1.10.0-forge – obscure_api-15 – PrideOres V1.2 MC 1.19.2 – StorageDrawers-1.19-11.1.2 )) Read More

  • SHOCKING: I hired TV woman for build challenge

    SHOCKING: I hired TV woman for build challengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I HIRED TVWOMAN IN A BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Daxx’s World on 2024-01-11 18:38:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I HIRED TVWOMAN IN A BUILD CHALLENGE (MINECRAFT MOVIE) More Daxx Videos! I Hired UPGRADED CAMERAMAN To … Read More

  • Gothic HITSYNC Songs of 2024!

    Gothic HITSYNC Songs of 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘Best HITSYNC Songs in 2024!!’, was uploaded by Gothic on 2024-03-13 04:01:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minemen #combos #shorts #pvp #minemenclub discord : ogothic Discord Server : https://discord.gg/3W6xMg9RYe … Read More

  • Liga Promise

    Liga PromiseWelcome to Liga Promise – the ultimate destination for Minecraft enthusiasts and sports lovers alike! Immerse yourself in a world where Minecraft and football collide in an innovative gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a Minecraft veteran looking for a fresh challenge or a football fanatic eager to explore new horizons, Liga Promise promises an unparalleled fusion of creativity, competition, and camaraderie. Get ready to rewrite the rules and redefine victory in the exciting world of footcube. Don’t just watch – step onto the pitch with us! ligapromise.lol Read More

  • Kosmosis – Roleplay PvP 1.18.2 Towny Diamond Economy Custom Terrain

    Address: Version: 1.18.2 Discord: Join our Discord Kosmosis is a Diamond Economy driven Towny Survival Server set on a map with Terralith Custom Terrain. Homebrew and eccentric Datapacks offer a unique survival experience, and a powerful server machine keeps the experience running smoothly. Custom Terrain Kosmosis makes use of the Terralith Datapack to bring you an exciting and epic world to build your civilizations on. Explore treacherous volcanoes and the peaceful Moonlight Valley. Diamond Economy Kosmosis utilizes a strict diamond-driven economy that makes your inventory your wallet. Start your own venture using chest shops to hoard the world’s diamonds… Read More

  • [1.16.5 Technically Industrial Legacy] -200+ Quests -Survival -PvE/PvP -24-7 Staff -LandClaim

    [1.16.5 Technically Industrial Legacy]  -200+ Quests  -Survival  -PvE/PvP  -24-7 Staff   -LandClaim“🔧 Gear up for an electrifying journey into the heart of innovation on our Technically Industrial Legacy server! ⚙️ Version 1.16.5 has never been more thrilling with this carefully curated tech and industry-focused modpack that will take your Minecraft experience to dazzling new heights. 💡Unleash your inner engineer as you harness the power of cutting-edge machinery, automate your processes, and revolutionize your gameplay in ways you never thought possible. 🏭 Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, our friendly community is here to welcome you with open arms and provide round-the-clock support from our dedicated admin team. 🌟Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Yanking Yourself with a Lead in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Yanking Yourself with a Lead in Minecraft"What happens when you pull yourself with a lead in Minecraft? You get tangled up in existential knots! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Villager Tinder Profiles

    Minecraft Meme: Villager Tinder Profiles Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor #gamerjokes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Vehicle Creation

    Ultimate Minecraft Vehicle Creation Minecraft: Crafting Adventures Await! Embark on exciting crafting adventures in Minecraft where you can build everything from cars and rockets to TNT launchers and planes. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the endless possibilities that await! Crafting a TNT Launcher One of the thrilling creations you can make in Minecraft is a TNT launcher. This powerful cannon allows you to launch explosive TNT blocks at your enemies or structures. Gather the necessary materials and follow the crafting recipe to build your very own TNT launcher. Watch as the explosions light up the sky! Building a Rocket… Read More

  • NEVER MINE at night in Hostel Of Time! – Episode 3

    NEVER MINE at night in Hostel Of Time! - Episode 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Do NOT mine at night! | Hostel Of Time – Episode 3 | MCTV’, was uploaded by TwistyPrideP on 2024-04-18 21:00:11. It has garnered 202 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:17 or 1637 seconds. Hostel Of Time is a fantasy MCTV / Minecraft Roleplay based around the common tropes of isekai concepts! Twisty’s note: 🙂 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits! Directed, Recorded & Edited by Twisty Thumbnail Logo art by Twisty & PeeblesMeebles Music/sounds used in this video: https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/ways-of-the-wizard https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/the-blue-nebulae https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/our-happiest-day https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/relaxing-ambient-scene https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/woodland-bunnies https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/illuminati-conspiracy https://www.purple-planet.com/dreamy https://www.purple-planet.com/playful ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actor Credits! Atlas: Twisty (you’re already… Read More

  • LostCircle2GMOD: My NERAFELL creation

    LostCircle2GMOD: My NERAFELL creationVideo Information This video, titled ‘My fanmade part in NERAFELL // hosted by : @kiyaless // #geometrydash #gd #minecraft #anime #top’, was uploaded by 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙𝕮𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖑𝖊2𝕲𝕸𝕯 on 2024-05-11 10:01:05. It has garnered 1024 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. ID : 105115815 song : crankdat – party all night (NONG) *TAGS* (do not read) : #anime #amongus #dora #extreme #vernam #geometrydash #gameplay geometry dash, gd, neiro, top 1, 4k, extreme demon, aod, impossible level, hell, hardest, 4k 60fps, бесплатно, скачать, загрузить, rtx, видео, good quality, asterios, fusion z, abyss of darkness, impossible demon, upload,… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT MOD: Restoring Sanity to Analog Horror

    INSANE MINECRAFT MOD: Restoring Sanity to Analog HorrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Added Sanity To Minecraft’s Analog Horror Mod’, was uploaded by Jamsteo on 2024-04-02 15:56:46. It has garnered 1105 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:55 or 13735 seconds. —————————————————————- Hi my name is Jamsteo! I Make Gaming, Comedy, Commentary, Trending topics, Challenges and anything I think is entertaining! I Hope you enjoy my Content C: follow all of these and I’ll kick your depression • Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/theofficialjamsteo/ • Twitter – https://twitter.com/jamsteo • Discord – https://discord.gg/ZcsWbf5cNd ——————————————————————– Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNOz2IjzHIGYD-GMuEb7AEw/join oh your still reading?… Read More

  • Secret to Ultimate Happiness Revealed! 💥 #motivation #minecraft

    Secret to Ultimate Happiness Revealed! 💥 #motivation #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘(हर इंसान ऐसा नहीं होता है। गलत है।)🥺Best Shikh Mood Happy 😊 Aalag Ho Tum bhi #motivation #minecraft’, was uploaded by ACHHI-SHIKH on 2024-03-27 18:38:34. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. (हर इंसान ऐसा नहीं होता है। गलत है।)🥺Best Shikh Mood Happy 😊 Aalag Ho Tum bhi #motivation #minecraft 1) Motivational video 2) Inspiring story 3) Motivational quotes 4) Inspiration video 5) Success story 6) Creative things Subscribe to my youtube channel grow and 🤦🏻🤦🏻🥺🥺 #motivation @smeditorsvsm @smeditorsvsm Read More


    MODULUS GAMERZ vs TECHNO GAMERZ: EPIC Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘🌍 TECHNO GAMERZ Destroy Our SMP Universe! 😵 | Epic Minecraft Battle for Survival 🚀 #TechnoGamerz’, was uploaded by MODULUS GAMERZ on 2024-03-07 02:32:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TECHNO GAMERZ Destroy Our SMP Universe! | Epic Minecraft Battle for Survival #TechnoGamerz … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Melon Showdown: NOOB vs PRO CHEAT in CATNAP Build!

    EPIC Minecraft Melon Showdown: NOOB vs PRO CHEAT in CATNAP Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: I Cheated In a CATNAP Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Melon – Minecraft Animations on 2024-04-10 06:47:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER! This has … Read More

  • INSANE Factory Build in SMP Minecraft!! 🤯

    INSANE Factory Build in SMP Minecraft!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Creating The Factory In SMP Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by TheTechnoJelly on 2024-04-09 08:36:58. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:26 or 7646 seconds. Trying to get Create with the Create mod! Almost at the point where I don’t have to mine manually anymore! Or at least not to much! So here we go! My Links! https://www.patreon.com/TheTechnojelly Twenty https://www.twitch.tv/thetechnojelly TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@thetechnojelly Twitter https://twitter.com/TheTechnojelly Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thetechnojelly/ VTCraft Members! https://docs.google.com/document/d/11C9s5j785ybhIEdgPAa7BNgXQoYm3UERDZvliYjyErQ/edit #minecraft #minecraftgame #minecraftgameplay #minecraftstream #minecraftlive #minecraftsmp #minecraftmultiplayer #minecraftserver #minecraftmods #minecraftmodded #minecraftmodpack #minecraftgaming #minecraftfunnymoments #minecraftmoments #minecraftfunny #minecraftletsplay #minecraftplays #minecraftvtuber #minecraftvtubers… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BASE BUILD!!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EASY SURVIVAL BASE 🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by GS GAMER ZONE on 2024-04-22 02:30:07. It has garnered 109 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Hey guys! Today I’ll be playing (game) and in this video I will be showing you free fire . If you enjoyed it, let me know and be sure to leave a like and subscribe! YOU CAN FIND ME ON : 1. Instagram: https://instagram.com/gs_karan_yt?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= 2. Maine channel subscribe here !! https://youtube.com/@gsgamerzone?feature=shared YOUR QUERIES – hello guys.In this video I will teach you how… Read More

  • 🔥 BLOODRÆGE’s Epic Transformation in Minecraft #shorts

    🔥 BLOODRÆGE's Epic Transformation in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sheep As Anime character #shorts’, was uploaded by BLOODRÆGE on 2024-01-28 08:54:09. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. so i did it Cursed Minecraft image created by ai prompt! Minecraft sheep as anime character hope yall stop with that weird contraption now 🙁 @youtube #shorts #ai #minecraft #funny Read More

Welcome to Paradise! Custom Cliffs on AutoCraft SMP 🌴 (Episode 01)