Wild Storytimes! You Won’t Believe What Happens Next…

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G capture all welcome welcome welcome welcome you open up the stream chat stream chat stream chat stream chat oh what up Marco how that boy always here first don’t make no sense just a little early morning stream what up Bryce early morning stream I’m F to be 18 tomorrow bro that’s crazy

I a g Li I was just played a whole another Gabe that Gabe was so F bro wanted to stream it but I ain’t have no thumbnail for it but I still might stream it y welcome AI damn ay I ain’t seen you in a minute my boy what up welcome back

Yeah going to be 18 tomorrow that’s crazy bro but that [ __ ] crazy to think about like I really been but I feel so much older bro if I’m being honest I feel so much older like it’s crazy but I’m 18 and I kind of uh I kind of feel like

I did but I didn’t but like I ain’t have like like the full High School experience for real but I can’t I can’t complain well thank you my boy thank you my boy uh drop a like in the Stream if you haven’t already and I’m about to

Turn on some type of music and you’re gonna get right I need some uncopyrighted music I was never mind but I’m trying to get this um I’m trying to get this webcam cuz I’mma just start doing webcam videos and all that cuz why not try to go crazy with this

Content no I did it I never hit a thousand where’s my where’s let me turn on this music so then I can play the game how’s everybody doing good morning you should try 1.9 PVP 1.9 I think I tried 1.9 before low key but I might try 1.9 non copyright hold up non

Copy right like I want something I don’t know I don’t know what I want to listen to for real what is this also can I be a mod if that’s cool how you just going to ask for mod whoa whoa all right let me just let me just put us up right a

Bit Tom as you know Herz leads the rental car industry and electric vehicles can you tell me how does electricity work bam hopefully it’s not too too loud I hate eggs a this is not that show but look at Tom Brady calling AUD w a new iPhone 15 but that amazing

Camera wish my family had them you’re an action star take action join T-Mobile this holiday at T-Mobile get four new iPhone something chill I just woke up for real Currently offline why is the server offline every time I’m trying to get on I’m trying to see what this like but um what we F to play today we keep trying to get a party once I get like a party and I’ll probably do some voice chat I’m probably going to

Get off stream and record a video do iPhone uh N I didn’t get I ain’t get no new iPhone what are you talking about I’m confused is that new iPhone we going to start it off see how and bro it always got me lagging all right I think this is why

Um I ain’t play Minecraft for too long there’s something wrong with my settings and it just makes me laugh the whole time I ain’t going to lie so what I’m going to do is reset everything let’s just do that we started from Scratch you got to start for Subs make log be like what you beat oh I’m stupid all I had to do is press that full screen why is it not going full screen all right bet okay was that dumb oh my God look at my game what is going on

All right now we got to remember all the settings pack name I got you it’s called pink D but give me a second I’m trying to set up my um reset up these settings because these are terrible for some reason oh I’m literally not lagging after just doing

That okay barely but I still feel it let me do a couple more things I don’t usually play with that uh oh I downloaded it yesterday for show Welcome to the stream my boy I ain’t seen you in the Stream thank you for stopping by a like would be greatly

Appreciated put me on for my little for for a little early birthday present tomorrow my birthday just drop a like that’s all that’s all I’m asking for now but um I need to download I’m getting a pack made right now as we speak and hopefully that turns out crazy

Because I’m trying to trying to go crazy with a new pack um can I should I go on fast or off I’m straight what about my animations all right bet we should be good I’m about to get into a game back this a little bit turn these off

Pleas I can literally kind of see the difference the fancy trees kind of look clean all right yeah let me yo it just feels off my my um did my sensitivity change no yeah these didn’t change all right so let me just hop into a game see how it’s

Going dud I bet the most search video is fre blew up nah I got a couple other videos they just took it down literally that wasn’t even the most viewed video like why are you taking down a YouTube a Minecraft Youtuber I didn’t even say nothing I

Didn’t even do anything they didn’t even tell me why they took down the videos I was so sad happy birthday for tomorrow thank you my boy thank you first game on all day so give me a Break oh my goodness I’m like why am I feeling like that okay I just turned Bobby on all right dang B you I just got on I kind of feel a little delayed GG’s I just got cooked I ain’t going to lie could I get you warmed up

I’m joining right now yeah it’s up to you I’m going to throw my thing in the Discord if you join classic right now you’ll get in cuz nobody else is queueing oh it just feels all off like I am just like kind of lagging Hey I might be I might be getting warmed up a little bit might be getting warmed up I got to fix all my settings though bro I I want everything fixed low key I’m not trying to Fancy with that we’re going to go something just feels off to me like every everything’s usually

Smooth oh this mounty from the shape I ain’t going to lie you’re you’re you’re either about to cook me or you’re about to get cooked just by your pain but but yo oh my bad was you ready you don’t got to wait on me either my

Bad oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m sorry bro GG’s bro that’s that’s cra crazy I I I I said it you was either about to get cooked dude wait Taco Sprint don’t work oh yeah there was only one way that was going either I was about to get cooked

Or you was about to get cooked but that was crazy I ain’t going to lie I don’t think you touch me one point oh I know I’ve been practi okay yeah I don’t I don’t play 1.9 this my name but I’m about to get in some

Bedwars then I only got I only got 780 wins that’s bad I ain’t going to lie that’s really bad especially for me I swe but I’ve had this account for I’ve had this account for at least what dang I I I’ve had this account for at least 5

Years this one dang that’s crazy at least at least wait wait wait let me let me think so I’m about to be 18 I was definitely 13 playing this but I don’t think I was on this account I remember getting my other account stolen all right this the last one and

Then we gonna hop into a real Game bro this is what I hate the most people that just ride back to back cuz I could do that too bro but I hate fighting like that like literally I could do it too but I don’t like fighting like this and my rod has no nothing taken away I

Know how to do it right I remember I figured out how to do that cuz everybody would have their rod for so long and I wouldn’t and I was winning bro I’m winning at his game and I just got on oh please please okay I’m getting cooked now oh

My okay now we got personal beef bro I can’t ride oh why does he keep riding bro I just got on bro oh all right I’m just trash and he got 10 P that’s why he’s not missing with his rod and I be playing other games yeah I’m not talking about it h

H bro why is it so laggy but I hate this game bro I ain’t going to lie this game is so Weird like bro I literally shouldn’t be lagging like what the [Applause] f Like bro I’m oh my God bro is he alive I’m so confused I ain’t going to Lie don’t even care Why did he how did he even R I don’t know these people are fast bro I don’t know I was just chilling too bro and then bro how does he rush me and then just not finish me where did he even go bro sold I’m going go here with it and then

I’m going go save the rest I’m going grab these two just cuz maybe one of these just CU I I play uh way better without a bed anyways that’s weird cuz I can’t build or nothing I’m just good at PVP oh my gosh wait this is ain’t you like 500

Stars I am am I stupid it was worth it I took his diamonds yeah I took his emeralds he’s mad but I sold I’m actually trash for that oh the chat’s too big huh I’m changing it All say no more dude you got to at least make a long video yeah I will but I’ll be streaming so I might like go to something else I might go to kick or something I ain’t going lie but I mean YouTube That’s I’m going keep the channel for sure but I don’t

Know but I’m about to get a webcam I might go to KI stream whatever game I Want oh bro I’m just useless bro I’m not lagging no more still going to have an excuse D garbage I remember I used to be good at this game are you going mid say no more and you’re doing it to duml never mind what the oh I wish I could just

Fly I’m F to start cheating all right am I going to White yes I’m going to White how should I go okay let’s just keep going come on so we can fight actually you got I will take that I’m straight yeah I ain’t going to lie not lagging helps a

Lot I used to when man I remember days I used to play on terrible computers bro and I used to be like bro if I just had a good computer I’d be good at the game stay that’s right like a good neighbor but I ain’t going to lie if I played

When I didn’t stream I hit her you’re weird oh God you’re weird void she’s going to void cuz she’s stupid of course she did actually she’s smart she got okay she got inone well I just sold and I don’t got Full Hearts oh my God this is garbage bro I ain’t going to

Lie what is your IGN yo hello remember Chad I think I do remember a CH but I remember you paa welcome back drop a like on the stream if you haven’t already welcome back is he rushing already he tried literally I can’t build [ __ ] for my

What am I doing all right okay okay that’s crazy bro we need to lower sensitivity or something hey give me a second I’mma uh get you in after this Game White’s gone anyways Okay where I’m going where I’m going where I’m going oh yeah this is a weird map so Diamond generators are over here I learned gbridge a no more hop on I’m just but I don’t even know really what know what a godbridge is if I’m going to be

Honest I just know it’s fast bridging is that Aqua is that Aqua oh yeah can I get two no not two just one for now I’m a slow Bridge bro I don’t care I don’t want to mess up and I always do no way no way I just sold that bro

I oh my God bro this is this is I have nothing to say bro I don’t even want to play this game no more cuz now he’s about to come get me bro what am I that garbage bro and he’s coming oh my am I really that garbage that’s that’s crazy I ain’t

Going to lie and he’s garbage literally he’s garbage and I lost him I’m sick all right say no more I’m coming back for round two get Back okay that was the dumbest stuff I could have ever did in my life why am I why am i trash what’s up James welcome to the stream drop a like if you haven’t already um yeah all right bet I’mma uh get you in after this game

What do I do I don’t even want to fight keep fighting him it’s not worth it but honestly I fa I saw so my High Ground oh my God I sold my High Ground wait he sold too he came back down to fight me he’s an idiot that’s all I can

Say I don’t got no he’s probably going to get me bro all right I I I quit bro anytime I try anything it don’t work anytime he try anything it work he thinks I didn’t know where he was okay that was the dumbest stuff I could have ever did GG’s

Bro I’m garbage bro I don’t even know what to do HP so sad H yo am I goat bro where’s my teammate bro come do something bro what are you doing like finish him off you ain’t even do a bad defense oh my God yeah he knows he’s not getting in the bed bro I rush so fast on I L key love this

Map how you got fast iron and you got poose together Maps oh yeah what do I get I should probably get sharpness probably shouldn’t get sharpness but I’m going to sharpness were protection hopefully nobody Rush us this boy went to Pink by himself Pink’s fighting somebody bro like our

Best thing to do is go M bro we have nobody on Uso we’re chilling bro we can St for real I wouldn’t even went for pink now we got a bridge right after or Green’s going to come for us one of them are going to come right after

Us but it don’t matter to me wait do because I have to take that bridge back so they’re going to kill me and get all my emeralds oh my gosh stack hey we both getting we both getting diamond armor the game just started we both getting diamond armor we’re

Stacked I looky want to get a diamond generator but I can’t be too greedy yep see he’s coming bro kill him please please please please please please bro they know if they kill me they’re getting all the loot or just distract them let me get back cuz if we can both get diamond

Armor we’re going to win there fight against them all right we straight what do I get I’mma grab diamond armor I’mma save the rest for you did you die oh yeah slide back oh my God she didn’t die w w come on man what are you doing diamond

Armor yeah oh [ __ ] here there’s three right there if you wanted test for I dropped it I can’t Sprint bro that’s why you still he still didn’t even die bro that’s a l bro no oh I just missed by an inch did he forget about me and that helped you how

Good job buddy I’m proud of you I don’t want to leave him to the base alone at the base alone you trying you talking about team he’s waiting for his teammate you you both can’t kill me right now I promise you it’s not going to work go me it

Told you I told you I told you what did I tell you I told you like you guys are my sons bro like like calm that Down help oh yeah we’re down for it I ain’t going to lie we waited too Long pink pink pink on is bad I got them both help I miss but just dip bro come here but bring blocks bring blocks please I have none we’re not going to we can win if you just come in you got to run from him though I ain’t going to

Lie I wouldn’t even I wouldn’t turn around and fight we don’t got no beds no more no more no more no more taking a risk Pink’s lucky and then he came to fight me you’re so you’re such an idiot I have no way back unless I go to

Pink So this might be my death right here and then yeah he knows that he knows that he knows that he knows if he fires me Fireballs me the game’s over with me what do I grab I’mma grab this you can’t beat me when I have these two I ain’t going to

Lie I can’t stress it too Much I swear I’d be feeling Invincible I’mma go get pink cuz they don’t think I’m like that I Guess smart idea smart idea I low key just sold it’s the only thing I could do uh item Shop oh I’m lagging bro and why is my hit not registering and he’s right in front of me bro I’m literally look bro I’m watching that replay bro I’m hitting him and I’m not hitting him that’s weird hell game CED Alex slow invited me to a duel you’re you’re

Garbage I’m just playing I don’t know who this is I got to play the DU but welcome everybody to the Stream if you drop a like or drop a like in the Stream for my birthday put me on please why is he saying hi bro I don’t know you

Bro or my bad if it this is somebody in the Stream but I you ain’t say nothing in the chat so GG’s though H invite Alex it’s it’s slow the streen going to go full setat so no more playing around Why are we going this way what are you what are you doing why are you following me and there’s two people rushing from other Way no bro bro this man is bro I’m not playing this game no more bro I got a fun game what game oh God sg’s fun like gu see or something I’m just going to keep playing random games I ain’t going to lie I’m going to keep

Switching I was trying to pick SkyWars but then I was like let just play SD Game survival games bro just the back to the basics I used to watch a whole bunch of SG videos them videos are probably like 12 years old right now like Stampy

Oh my God Stampy them videos are like so old I know they are like at least 12 years old that’s wild 12 years is bro 10 years is a long time bro a one year is a long time so just like that’s crazy I’m going night kick of

Course we can we can team I think I see you mi so I might I might follow you oh my goodness M bro you you loot so slow bro if somebody comes to me I have full armor for you I have full armor for one of my teammates why is this dude following

Me oh oh wait wait wait wait wait who are you I don’t know who it is bro oh oh oh oh GG’s my bad my bad hey hey yo yo yo yo yo here here BR I dropped you armor bro if you didn’t pick it up oh my God this man

Didn’t pick it up oh yeah you’re done for I Ain going to lie what did he Think who’s this there’s armor right here oh my God I just disconnected oh my God GG’s you can’t do that in that G I hate this game Bro what is wrong with me bro we can’t team a du bro but how many people do you see teaming every single day bro I was about to drop armor I hope y’all get y’ armor though that’s Sad all right bet GG’s um what are we playing SkyWars thanks I don’t play that game really so I had to think of a Strategy yeah is there anybody on world wars I play World Wars bro and I’m I want to switch everything up like I don’t I don’t want to just keep playing the same Thing Oh I’m not even paying attention I lowkey love this 32x I don’t even like 32x for real I guess it’s going to be one of them games definitely got to get like that I just seen that all right bet uh I guess it got to be one of them games oh

Complaining just get to work I’m really playing like this oh you’re so lucky I don’t have snowballs and you didn’t run across some reason my Pearl didn’t work yeah I think I it was because uh i Fishing rotted you I seen you come over here and then I started egging you and I

Don’t know what happened bro but then you didn’t I was like what I was confused bro is you stealing my Strategy is he stealing my strategy let’s see bro it’s steing my strategy n you’re weird now you’re weird somebody needs to kill bro yo bro took the Strategy I still have time oh I didn’t see anvils Actually dummy I had strength he had full diamond bro said bro had full diamond let’s go dubs oh bro was stealing my strategy Santa says but that was lowkey fun bro trying to play as sensea says we going to hop on That thoughts on fortnite it’s very fun yeah I play fortnite but that’s why that’s why I be so trash at Minecraft bro be playing other keyboard and mouse game so then it be messing messing me up bro like I got different sensitivities and all that and different everything it just be yo

Yo yeah I knew you was going to do that I knew you was going to do that I knew you was going to do that I knew you was going to do that I knew you was like see we can’t never get a break from from from kids like

This are you cheating is he cheating is he cheating where is he just like that he was about to fall off bro I’m so confused I just got cooked bro I’m not going to lie bro why do you still have full leather oh my God but you have no Hope m oh yeah give me a second I’m trying to do Something and then I got to Put bro the zombies not bro but leave me leave me alone H I I think everybody’s at my bad I’m over here trying to do Something I got to go to the bathroom Actually As soon as I get back as soon as I get back oh you lucky I was about to start the Bro do y’all all have the same skin bro are you Camping do it’s it’s up to you do whatever you want if you can play however you want bro it’s it it don’t matter anymore I Ain I Ain complaining yo Bro I can’t jump Oh fle yo VC nah no I’m straight right now n but did you add uh is you on the server right now why can’t you even why Can’t you join the server I already tried to Join Watch Me Yeah Yeah bro that’s crazy I’m really yeah I’m really 18 tomorrow I’m really legal like bro welcome to the stream lxt BR you still one bro after all that camping n but um flash H what we fa what do I want to do ATL warmups pck cops

Crime housing te TNT games I want to play TNT run one game one game one game one game wait TNT run or is it yeah TNT run winner gets uh winner gets a Cookie welcome everybody to the stream if you haven’t drop a like on the stream drop a like right now just cuz why not are you following me yo yo this man’s following me yo yo leave me alone bro but somebody get him bro bro stop chasing

Me bro ain’t no way this man’s following me what if I duuke him no oh you got a double jump yo why is everybody right here yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo you’re weird you’re weird no bro I hate this game Oho I just went down five levels oh my

God I’m hopeless they praying on my downfall bro why is everybody was everybody right next to me I know they prayed on my downfall leave me alone leave me alone weave weave mounty get from behind me bro like we’re not playing no games today bro just leave me alone stop

Chasing me oh yeah I’m getting you out you lucky you ain’t jump if you would have jumped you would have been done for oh oh no yo no I had a double jump I forgot I have double jump oh my God forgot I forgot I had double jum I so Master Splinter damn the whole gang died well it was a close one Um there’s nobody playing that nobody else be there’s one game mode I forgot I forgot about it oh my gosh where’s that game mode yo where’s that game Mode where is it what is this I can’t even find the game mode what is this though three people that’s sad okay okay okay I really wanted to find that game mode because it was Fun phoy arcade games maybe oh where was the game mode bro click to load what texture pack arcade games okay blocking dead okay we got Blocking Dead capture the Wo you start Go Party games then go go zombie apocalypse where is zombies where is this party games oh B Block Party dropper let’s play sock no let’s not play soccer what’s this okay Bad Blood the original zombie map is started the undead rising in the battle okay what is this

Bro br I be bro it’s game modes that I never knew was on This Server Like bro what is this practice gun get money and upgrade oh so it’s just like uh call of of Duty so it’s just like Call of Duty zombies basically

Huh am I WR yeah all right bet bet I have Call of Duty man probably should play it all right bet bet bet bro I wish it had it was like better bro I know a website that has like a really good bro it has war zone and everything we should we

I there’s a server I know it has war zone and everything and there’s like there’s like real guns is it it’s not laggy for me old sneak to repair revive can you can you hit him yeah this this a little chill game to play Just low keep kind of Fire oh yeah you can He what I get Quick Revive I got to open Up yo oh there’s other places you can go oh that’s where y’all are okay makes sense is that a mystery Box I was just rich now I’m broke is there a texture pack for this did I not put on the texture pack this this Tech this this garbage oh no texture pack all right dang My Stream there’s barely any stream delay my stream it’s the Kill Weir a zombies Though buy a shotgun oh yeah I’m still using this garbage gun I wanted to buy a rifle though oh I got two guns purchase gun at store or lucky test hold up Never mind I got a rifle He where you get the leather armor the bottom Half where everybody at He max Ammo Oh activated instant kill for 10 Seconds I’m not opening that what did you think this was I need armor for real unless it got armor if it got armor I Sh oh we got to turn on the power system okay makes sense I’m open this I want to open this one time Right click claim your item take one of your gun SL oh what the [ __ ] right click bro I’m over here trying to get my weapon bro this is Annoying SW Soo I was trying to get my weapon know yikes will you play bedwar after did I should I you should I don’t know I might get off stream or I might restart stream streaming something else I don’t know I think I just want to play something

Else like this new game that I got it’s pretty old but new to me he said don’t stand on ice and I was standing directly on I Oh where is The well I have a soccer Ball Yeah I think I want to play something El get get that ready don’t just ride the index seek to outperform it with Fidelity active ETFs learn more at fidelity.com active ETFs before investing in any exchang traded fund you should consider its investment objectives risks charges and Expenses that was big I ain’t going to lie that was big I’m not playing that game no more I Going switching up the game Sadly this what I wanted to stream in the first place I ain’t going to Lie So loud save my changes change the thumbnails I got to change the thumbnail real quick I what’s a good thumbnail it’s kind of hard all right bet let’s go back to here here edit video And for F All right I’m lowkey hungry bro and I’m hot let me take this off All brother h no Brother wait I got to move the stream or it might be straight he might just be straight let’s get right bro yeah right are you are you in the black community what is that that even Me um let’s go to options and and yeah I’m black what’s my Um hey let’s run some Benchmark settings real quick before I Start Benchmark settings see what is how it’s going keep going brother you’re going to hit your dreams one day peace Thanks SC okay average results medium performance adjust PC settings for better performance all right Bet textures keeping that was some blur turn that all Where they said they did say medium Settings slightly improve the performance turn it off GPU Run one more Benchmark Look A All right bet let me turn off one Thing I never meant you you coward we are at war with these animals you think you’re better than him you let the choker keep on killing you couldn’t save Lois or Jason or Anyone that’s enough let’s go but the inmates not today righty let me pause I got to go back I got to turn the dialogue Up at least 30 Oh I never meant to you coward we are at war with these animals you think you’re better than him you let the Joker keep on killing you couldn’t save Lois or Jason or anyone that’s enough that’s enough go but the inmates not Today It’s been years since the regime fell Superman’s Behind Bars Damien my own son is there with him but we can’t ever forget why we put them there we must stay vigilant I thought your goal was to reassure people Mr way you’re not alone in rebuilding Gotham and Metropolis

But if we don’t change some mind soon thought that’s why you hired that overpaid PR firm Lucius convincing folks to move back to these cities is a lot harder when they’re afraid someone’s going to knock them down again Superman’s never getting out I made that clear but Wonder Woman Black Adam

Aquaman they’re still out there somewhere and seemingly immune to prosecution I know you built brother ey to keep tabs on all those loose ends but the public doesn’t know brother I see Y is critical our enemies can’t fight something they don’t know exists well then at least follow one bit of advice

We paid those PR people so much money for what’s that be a little less Batman a little more billionaire playboy get out around town in the daylight and smile focus groups show people feel safer when they see you smile that would be your other job Bruce consider widening your circle of

Trust nobody wins all by themselves not even you not even you my boy okay okay nobody as a reception area this place needs a lot of work Dina Oliver thanks for coming on short notice you’re lucky we found a s My great-grandfather built the original Gotham underground but these days it’s the Batcave and this is brother I more like the eye of Sauron surveillance Hub more than that a Communications Hub licking every server on the planet it warns us when trouble’s coming welcome everybody to the stream

If you haven’t dropped a like on the stream drop must take a Real Genius to operate chill right now playing a single player game PhD whoever got the game Dina Dina’s hubby you sure came a long way a world away but the change of scenery is nice I was surprised you

Called Bruce things seemed to be going well so what’s up dismantling the regime created gaps in Global Security we’re covering them where we can but we’re stretched thin vulnerable harleen show them what you found righto bets gorilla gr everyone’s favorite talking ape he’s got himself a band of bozos calls them the

Society my mol and gorilla City says grod’s planning something big but what where when we don’t know one thing we do know scarecrow’s going to ship gr a buttload of fear guests from a hideout in Slaughter swamp then M good thing I packed my bug spray I

Need you three to stop that gas before it gets to grod not joining us for the party unfortunately I can’t leave Gotham without worrying the public don’t worry be with this crew on the job what could go wrong I know I’m the new guy but you really trust Harley she’s a different

Person since Joker died mostly can they move any faster I don’t need Gro taking my head off cuz your boys are too slow fear not Deadshot we’ll be ready for tomorrow’s attack tomorrow Cheeky Monkey fancy meeting you here keep them moving I’ll see what that’s about R I ain’t seen you in

Forever you here to take down these punks quite a catch Ivy red you’re with them your man Bruce was supposed to better care for the green all he’s done is remodeled the concrete jungles of Gotham and Metropolis where I sit there’s not much difference between him and

Superman you’re a few cones short of a pine if you think your new friends care about the green Gro will keep his promises or he’ll be my next victim oh red why are you making me do this let me get you out of here girl we

Can team up again drive all the boys crazy you know like the old day the old days were fun but these days days I’m all business oh my god do timing I don’t know her moves no let’s kiss and make up people ruin this World yo bet you love a good spanking tempting but no bottom of the night don’t look good for you Why am I Barbie literally getting good did I mention I’m poison I can still cut you sweetie hey no I’m cooked I’m cooked no I’m back oh I just got cooked bro welcome back days I’m all business I don’t know her moves I don’t know none of her moves down m

I want to try that downside down oh what is that Thing go I need to learn Her Moves low key I haven’t been a long time fan I been oh bro you keep asking you suck and this the first stream I seen you in okay I’m seven so many to kill So Little Time SN time boys oh we ain’t done playing

Yet we could have had something yes wait hun I’m cooked she cooked me right there I go now my sleep is for you than your Fears please I us to H this Stu for kicks then you’ll appreciate my new formula hey you have a high tance but everyone has something to fear dang [Applause] Panic is war oh he killed me first bro that’s what I’m saying bro this man is huge this man just took the whole thing

Bro the voices are bro this man this really my first time playing this game I just downloaded it and I know it’s like so old y yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo no wa stupid and he we that bro why is he huge why why am I just now noticing

That oh yeah get up out of you get up out of you get up out of you you I missed oh my God no I Missed bro I miss your fears come on come for a smart guy that’s a dumb idea I missed I no oh I don’t I’m I’m trash I’m garbage I’m garbage I’m garbage I’m garbage he supposed to be a small scientist like a Arkham bro I’m telling

You bro this man is but everyone has something to Fear come on bro I don’t know this girl’s moves Harley Quinn’s kind of garbage oh my gosh okay okay Harley Quinn okay okay boring he’s moama bro literally literally bro this man picked to be a a a superhero super villain instead of join the NBA like what are you doing oh can’t do

Nothing what yo yo yo yo yo yo bro there’s no way I’m just trapped this man is not oh yeah oh Yeah yo that’s sick oh my g you’re for a oh yeah you’re done oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah please sh your X Y I’m the doctor here x y b a x y it didn’t let me all right this man just came no

Bro oh my God bro what’s the moves bro at this point Ain’t No Way ain’t no way bro buto I swear this game’s rigged bro I’m literally playing I don’t even know what I’m playing on I just started bro but I’m I’m playing like medium bro and

I’m getting dead dirty okay we got that okay okay bro I was just playing bro I was just playing oh every time he get in this bro he’s about to get more H terrifying he’s about to get more HP oh yeah easy easy easy easy finally you give me

One I like her flips bro I ain’t going to lie I like her flips her flips is hard you got Injustice welcome uh VPR r hey not that boy came came through clutch I got to turn this background music off I was literally just about to end nobody re watching

This and my birthday’s tomorrow too bro so if you could drop a like on the stream be greatly appreciated all right what’s happening nah bro I’ll be gone I’ll be up out of there I ain’t going to lie nah I would have I would have been gone Joker okay look at

You such a big girl bro this man is a creep laughing in the B hear it nah this man’s a weirdo he what real you buried under the floorboards scratch scratch scratching to get out the one who cut her friend’s throats K and laugh about it Batman yo hey yo that’s my

Girl hey yo bro Batman don’t let him do this bro Batman Batman Batman please oh Harley always such a disappointment don’t do it Joker why do I bother oh yeah ain’t no slick fella with a cheap suit and cheaper grin telling me who I am ever again we had mad love once

Upon a time but now that’s over Mr J yeah I don’t want to hear none of that come on come on get straight to it get straight to it why you blocking everything dang hit him with nothing he’s cooking me I had to I don’t care I don’t care

But this man just started oh oh all right bro okayo he’s stabbing me bro oh yeah I don’t know what he thought stupid hold up okay I need to figure out the move bro I’m not going to get cooked again oh take that one too

Okay CH monkey brains are Del if I get more HP smart guy if idea BR that’s me bro come on this man just oh man’s cooking me magic with a knife okay so it’s one over there and then one over here okay okay okay okay it’s obviously not

Working okay am I learning something yo yo y nobody puts carene in a corner I’m him I’m him I’m him let’s go before it us away that was a clean little combo oh yeah then we straight up out of there stay oh well never mind

Oh my gosh bro more and more fights bro leave me alone this SW is protected this man’s huge too I heard you were dead I guard the Queen the plant life of Earth as long as it lives I can I am Groot weave come on now it ain’t us you

Want to bash we’re the good guys we’re good good bad I care little for Humanity but I do care when my swamp earns all right say no more say no more you giving me no choice I’m I’m going to have to oh my gosh let me oh my

God oh yeah yeah stop playing with me oh I’m really him bro I learned her moves now I learned the moves now oh bro get off me but there’s nothing you can do when he grabs you oh imagine a huge 6’6 guy grabbing you what are you doing come on bro stop

Playing with me you suck yeah had a fire arrow and those are gas yo hold up hold up hold up I can’t retag I can’t retag bro let go of me bro stupid freak I’m him I’m him I learned her moves she’s hard bro she’s good I ain’t going to lie she’s she’s

Fired mama always had those where gas tanks making it explode in Swamp man getting mad that blue oh my for realx gas right in your back making him get his ass beat by an abusive woman literally literally how are you getting beat up by me and I’m I’m 5’4 like what are you

Doing BR you’re huge for no reason nobody care about this dirty swamp if they return I will be ready oh I get it now I get it now you’re explaining what happened if one on the team we’d love to have you oh he’s he want to join the team after he get his

Ass beat should our interests align for now go this swamp must heal talk about heal get out get your mans car where were you just in the clouds listening if someone saw you how many times have we told you it’s too dangerous outside cond I spent decades Lost in Space stuck

In hypersleep until Adam found my [ __ ] bro hey yo bro why did I not see this sooner let Meo got the wooden G okay you’re done bro I ain’t going to lie bro somebody banned him this needs help nah but that’s crazy wooden gach is crazy I

Ain’t going to lie I’m going keep it a buck I was looking to the world hey let’s not talk about has eyes everywhere he can’t know about you before we’re ready I’m not afraid of some guy in a mask I deal with my bare hands so could your cousin

Well well what good are these Powers if I can’t even help call wouldn’t Wonder Woman Diana from oh my God the time will come oh my God and B bro I really need to turn this background music off bro if I turn it off make restart I want to turn off the best

Chance to stop is a preemptive stri I wanted to listen to the story for real try calling the Army just making you look bro I’m telling you to break up the regime we had to start from the ground that was the whole point so what they wanted you to St extradite Gro from

Under his entire gorilla Army’s their Alpha take him down and bro okay bro I ain’t going to lie I’mma do it I’mma do it real quick all right bro that’s not what I’m trying to do I’m trying to hurry up and do this real quick turn off this Music like bro why do I even still have this music playing and I’m trying to lock in not going to lie it shouldn’t be looking since bro bro so you still looking at the wait wait wait wait wait hold up we looking at the wooden Gap or we we we

Talk about the wooden Gap or we talk about the Wonder Woman let’s let’s get this let’s clear this up right now let’s clear this up bro both all right bro all right bro all right all right bro I got nothing else to say bro I wish you best of luck with the wooden

Gach but I ain’t going to lie if I see no wooden gach in real life I’m shooting I’m shooting my shot bro there’s nothing else to do except shoot like bro like I’m shooting from the three-point line I’m shooting from the half court line man all right Injustice opening back up I don’t

Know why I have to close my game just to turn it down like just to turn off the mute well yeah I kind of do know but come on let’s lock in let’s lock in my brother the wooden yach I ain’t gonna lie I’m F to start saying that now the wooden

Yach you sound like you would pull congrat congratulations you are now breathing manually you are now thinking but breathing bro come on bro well at that point bro just just just just um take yourself to the door and um walk out and then shut it behind you and then uh lock

It lock it because at this point bro you’re you’re done bro you’re done ain’t no coming back from that like what are you talking about manual breathing wh what what was my breathing before automatic like what but I ain’t gonna lie if we’re being honest I do kind of

Pull but we ain’t got to talk about that you feel me but I can’t lie to my boy no I I ain’t going to lie I do got a girlfriend though I got a girlfriend too believe it or not precisely that yes okay um honestly me personally this is

Just uh me though I don’t like manual breathing I’m more of a automatic type of guy but um yeah you hey hey everybody likes their own stuff you know that’s just not my cup of tea you know oh yeah who who boxing oh yeah oh

Yeah oh yeah get it on oh yeah Robin oh yeah Robin but she’s not messing with you bro it’s easy keep bro Robin’s bro Robin looks crazy I ain’t going to lie they both open crazy I’m joking still cool it might have a decade older that’s crazy I a going what decade

Bro I don’t know hey you know what they say the older the berry the sweeter the juice we ain’t going to talk about that let’s just start let’s just get back to where we were so I’m trying to see that one I’m trying to see Wonder Woman one more

Time 25 will be crazy I ain’t going to lie I ain’t going to lie but let’s not sit here and act like we ain’t never seen a bad 25 year old or a bad older lady like I’mma keep it a buck I went I was started going to this new school man

I’m telling you I started going to this new school it was this teacher is this teacher and I ain’t going to lie I wasn’t even looking at her until she started talking to me but like she was like an assistant teacher so she didn’t really have to be talking to me she was

An assistant but she was trying to like like uh it was my first day at that school so she was trying to do everything she could to help me she trying to but like she was bad bro I Ain going to lie the teacher was bad I’m

Like oh my God bro bro it’s crazy because the same thing happened when I was in first grade too but like the teacher was F when I was in first grade I’m not stupid bro when I was when I was a kid bro I wasn’t stupid either I knew

What that teacher was doing and the teacher was like a [ __ ] so she was my height on God I I think I was a little bit taller than the teacher in first grade and like she was like and I she wasn’t my first grade teacher she was the next door neighbor’s first grade

Teacher so when I was like going to um her class and everything bro I swear to God I was I was in first grade and she was flirting with me I but I was so shy bro it’s bro you know as a kid bro kids don’t be lying and just by their two

Feelings bro you could just tell like like you could tell they their two feelings you’re when you’re a kid bro you’re not going to lie if somebody ask you like say if you’re a kid and your and your mom ask you do I look pretty in this you’re and if she doesn’t you’re

Not going to lie as a kid bro when you’re a kid you do not lie and you don’t because you don’t care about how the other person feels and I’m telling you she was she was she was she was on that that’s all I got to say but then it

Was like and she was like making me nervous but no other teacher made me nervous but like she was she was smile she would look at me for long periods of time and like every time like my teacher so there was three there was three h room teachers for first grade sometimes

Like one of the teachers wouldn’t be there and then the other the the kids in that class had to split into our classes you know if that makes sense so it was one day my teacher wasn’t at school I went to school so we didn’t have a Home

Room teacher so they’re like okay we’re going to split half the kids half the kids are going to go to one of the teachers half the kids are going to go to the other one bro we I bro I’m standing the one was a boy so there was

Two girl teachers and a boy teacher my teacher was a girl and then but my teacher wasn’t there so then we got this teacher the teacher that was sluttering with me in first Gary and then we got a boy teacher the boy teacher I was on on

His side bro I’m telling you she talked to him and then she was like she was like you’re going to switch with him and she made me switch with somebody else so then I went to her class for the day when I was in her class for the day bro

She was giving me goldfish bro but but like look that that don’t mean no nothing but it means something when she tries to sneak it to you like it means something when she tries to go undercover CU she’s not cuz she’s wasn’t giving everybody there’s there’s there’s there’s 30 kids in the

Classroom when she comes to the brings me to the side be like do you want some snacks do you want anything but like she was like me it was crazy because she was getting married too bro it’s it’s crazy bro once I heard she was getting married I was like oh

Man how she going to flirt with me and she getting married I felt some type of way bro in first grade let me reach chat let me reach chat let me read chat it’s it’s always the assistance bro I’m telling you bro bro it’s the elementary school yes

Elementary School teachers that are bro bro I’m telling you bro it’s the elementary teacher School teachers that are fine bro I’m telling you I don’t care what nobody says in high school it might be one teacher out of the whole high school that looks decent but in

Elementary bro that’s when you find all the bad teachers but I knew how to do it at the age bro exactly like bro when bro you got to really think a lot of people be like oh yeah he’s too young he’s too young whatever but he’s

Not too young because you got to really think what were you thinking at that age what did you know at that age so then I put myself in that shoes and I was like and I be like I was super smart at 15 I was super smart at 13 I was super smart

I knew everything like I F not everything obviously but like I felt like I knew a lot of you know a lot of stuff especially at 8 N9 and 10 like bro that’s the years but uh I’mma Be Real my art teacher was absolutely built up if

You know what I mean for real bro my art teacher bro I ain’t going to lie bro okay though should we should we tell that art teacher Story Elementary art teacher story he it was a boy though it was a boy but but he also liked boys if

If if you know what I mean but it was a art teacher man in first grade I don’t know if I would have tell the first grade art teacher story first grade art teacher I’m telling you nah for real they they always do the one B yes bro

Bing over bro I think she bro I swear I remember her doing the drop the pencil but it was a pen she used the pen she dropped the pen she got bro oh my and I’m in first grade bro I’m like bro but she’s but I was tall like I was a decent

Height and she was short so I’m like a little taller than her so I’m like oh my God they always you got to use every ounce of strength to not look man I be looking I don’t care talking about not look man what what what man my whole my

Whole body will turn I’m what I’m looking and still do like what you thinking about sleep at eight SCH definitely taught us something yeah I understand the high thing I’m 63 yeah I’m telling you 63 is crazy I ain’t going to lie your ass is a giant what

The what are you doing in my chat bro yo why you not in the gym why are you not in the NBA like what’s going on now but U for real 63 BR I’m telling you that height thing when you’re taller than all the most other kids like the older girls and

The older people start wanting to mess with you I I I bet you be getting that like having a older girls be looking at you but because that’s really the only way to stand out if you’re in ninth grade and you go going into a high school there’s 12th graders they don’t

Care bro like they do not care about you but like if you tall they going they’re literally going to point you out and they GNA keep that in their head that’s crazy I’m 63 right now goddamn I was always taller by one or two but I’m Fluffy car so I pull I’m the

Tallest kid in bro bro bro this man got all maxed out badges got got a 99 overall what are you talking about this man got maxed badges he just said bro bro bro bro he just said he’s a 63 Edgar bro bro is that not maxed out badges

Bro fluffy oh my goodness bro is that not maxed out badges bro bro cuz most Edgars I’m Gonna Keep it a buck you could you could call it what you want most Edgars are not tall I’m I’m telling you this man is is is bro how are y’all 6’3 bro I want to

Fight one both y’all bro I ain’t going to lie we both got to fight cuzz cuz why let me let me get to the game bro I’m over here telling stor story times and stuff scarecrow and his goons you want they’re mixing toxic gas right in your

Backyard we can’t I have white he’s too bro okay I ain’t going to lie my badges my badges ain’t Mach out but I’m a 99 overall I’m going keep you the buck I give you the buck cuz uh what can I say what can I

Say I’m not too crazy I’m not crazy tall but if I was crazy tall bro I’d have maxed out badges I think that’s the only problem but I’m I’m not short either I’m five I’m I’m either 5’11 or 6 foot now I ain’t the last time I checked I was 511

But that was last year so 511 dark skin ha our interests I got I got grills bro I got bro I bought grills bro I bought grills bro I got a top I got top and bottom eight on eight white bro they diamonds bro they

Is I got a diamond Grill and I just and I got a chain I ain’t going to lie so bro and and them grills in the chain bro I’m telling you it’s it’s it’s a magnet it’s literally a magnet white teeth is crazy bro literally if I had bro either I was

Going to get braces or I was going to go grills and then I was like let me go grills first just cuz I wanted to flex for myself basically so I went grills then I’m going to get braces in due time when I feel like upgraded my grills if

That makes sense go put his uh skill points into too dangerous outside n these stories funny as face stuck in h on my ship and now I’m cooped up here how can we make you more this [ __ ] name is Hugo let me out Hugo you probably six by now I’m sorry

But everything out needs help your parents name people are so I’m telling you always fighting Hugo is crazy the world without Batman Can’t about you before ready Wonder Woman br mask I can Ben steel with my come on Wonder Woman you got to give me that number bro your cousin what is y’all

Talking about I can’t hear nothing but Gat what good are these Powers if I can’t even help Cel we will car just like you and I free Diana from PIRA the time will come literally got got the best angles literally will answer to us imagine seeing an absolute T chance to

Stop tho is a preemptive strike sounds more military than vigilante see try calling the Army yeah I ain’t going to lie Hugo to break up the regime we had to start from the ground up so what us three what is my name my name is not that bad I ain’t going to

Lie but nobody call me my name and the others will submit but be wary of running into other members of his Society they’re more coord at than we knew next stop gorilla City guess I better call The Sitter Mommy and Daddy are coming home

Late if this is more than you and ol are talking about I want to get the game bro talking about sold I can do this soon as you see time you have a family your family I really don’t care about none of this talking cuz I cuz I just started telling

Stories and now I’m on now I’m on a story time Ro me I I love when I remember my life bro cuz my life is wild bro crazy bro I need to start doing story times with face cam bro that’s how I can start going up bro face no face

Cam story time bro literally whole stream literally bro I got so much crazy story bro but it’s like yeah and then once you see my face then you can put like then like bro once you see like okay I remember watching story times and they they ain’t never put their face

In and it was always some gaming in the background that’s cool then you’re having to imagine like everything right but then when when you see that when you see see their face and watch them explain it then like you know what they’re like and you can just you can

Imagine them doing it basically it’s like I don’t know it help bro are you talking about the gorilla G oh my gosh no way no way no way gorilla Gat today we show the world that we are superior today we bring anyone who would dare

Stand hey yo bro run that back bro what AO was that I just seen like eight GS bro is crazy not that guy’s problem that’s a lot more than a few Society members it’s all of them they’re headed indoors out of sight from the soldiers Harley keep the jet warm when we signal

Bail us out I would love to do a face cam stream on my birthday bro that would be the funnest bro bro I promise you that would be the funnest stream bro I’ll be telling stories back to back be playing whatever game soers must be properly motivated literally I think I might have

To start telling story times is the perennial motiv I would love hey yo pause you would love to see my face on us I get it but like pause my boy co God God look this guy you mean as long as we follow your orders ooh is she

Kind of bad got the cheetah PR skin we’re ready to move out good dog now go to Good Dog good dog mon calling somebody good dog iszy SW hope your Silent Partner can still deliver why the man we would have had to fight maybe it’s time you spill the ID

Of our silent partner since we’re Catwoman look at Catwoman’s face bro like cat Catwoman just got it all bro first a few from the Brave and the Bold say I talking about G not g I have a girlfriend I’m the brave one right okay I’m enough disagree theur of Slaughter swamp I

Presume reasonable handle this but I mean that could also be the cover up you feel me hey all right say no more who choose to fight who’s who we fighting with oh my God Green Arrow oh my gosh a traitor again Selena I don’t know why Bruce ever trusted you

I’ve got nine lives din I’m only a traitor in most of them hold up pause pause it’s not pausing oh my controller is not working yo my controller’s not connected bro bro my controller is not connected what is going on it feels laggy and my controller is not okay okay

Okay okay pause what is going on imagine being feared because your inial powers being able to scream loud bro I honestly bro bro that’ be the most annoying like bro person that’ be the most annoying villain bro you got to really think well honestly really her the only well

Earplugs if you had some earplugs her power wouldn’t work oh why am I lagging and why is it like that hey yo bro what’s going on bro like is it cuz is it cuz bro like what’s going on S do you got a Discord yeah I got it

I got it I’m F to put the Discord in the in the pin comment right now I’m I’m getting it going to grab the Discord we F to get right Uh how do I do that I forgot I’m an idiot all right never mind I found it bet say no more I show you imagine railing and hearing that bro I’m telling you bro wait hey yo bro come on bro what are we talking about if you play on PC the

PC version of this game is ADD bro I’m already knowing bro I’m already knowing bro hey but it’s lowkey busting right now but it’s lagging yeah this is useless I’m not playing that I actually wanted to use uh bro the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles why is it it was just running

Straight that that’s the whole point like it was just running straight though oh did it what the hey yo all right I want to use a Turtle but ain’t no way just pulled out the ready for my face this man want to show me his face bro this man is so ugly bro he lucky got that he luy got that drip on where’s the turtles yeah wait Leonardo I can’t change Leonardo say no

More monkey versus who I mean turtle versus who turtle versus who talking about some monkey do I want to fight somebody tall who else is tall so this dude’s tall now I’m going have a tall fight next monkey versus I mean Turtle why do I keep

Saying why do y’all got monkey in my head what are y’all doing to me Bane Bane B but this man’s huge bro bang very what do we what do we what difficulty I ain’t goingon to lie I’m trash at the game so hard is actually going to be hard cuz

I was just playing medium and losing yeah so hard is reasonable Fighters approaching the Joker playground all right bet say no more boy I’m a turtle bro to win a class uh spend more of your super meter than your other okay okay okay okay okay for sure for sure going to run this

Back after the fight I’ll send it for sure begin no I wanted to hear that okay darn it see you bro I forgot bro it’s on hard bro he’s about to put in work yeah the intros are always good bro I just so okay oh please stop I was just

Playing I don’t even know how to block there is more bro this man just cooked me work to be done I’m just trying to learn those move bro bro weave weave bro this man this man don’t get hit yo yo bro I’m not playing this

Game bro I just got cook bro quick game bro I’m not playing some for some reason I just started lagging out of nowhere wait yeah I just started lagging out of nowhere let me go to desktop let me let me go to display display um what am I doing ad scene display display

Capture oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah who’s in here how many people in here oh yeah I don’t care that’s what I look like anyways I forgot about this I forgot this with my wallpaper got the got the grill in you feel me bro that Grill bro is a magnet

Bro I’m telling you it’s a magnet magnet for real now but let me go to the Discord real quick Um wait wait wait should we put it on stream should I open should I should I open it up on stream Discord yeah bro I need to get this Banner actually it’s kind of hard oh open up Discord come on bro you slacking we’re about to open it up

We F to see what this boy look like and then we F see what other game we f h on one we might get on 1 V one. LOL CU that’s gonna be fun oh yeah we might do that Discord tripping oh yeah that’s probably why let

Me go to um let me go to hide hide all right bet um what’s it called one One lol uh oh it’s just a website you don’t got to download it I never had to download it but I could have been playing this at school now that game’s lowkey busting I gotta change the uh title what should I change it to just chilling just chilling

Yeah I’m going to change it to just chilling uh did you see it oh yeah should I open it do you want me to open it on stream or no let me know nah all right bet nah but that’s what I look like Well yeah you probably I ain’t gonna lie you probably do really be getting [ __ ] tall as hell or what should I play now yesh but what was I going to change the title to yeah let me just steal a Thumbnail stain just robbed him all right bet why are so many Arabic I’m not [ __ ] Arabic no I’m just playing no but I ain’t what it wait what uh just uh chilling story times Uh why I’m going to be honest new Discord update is [ __ ] I ain’t going to lie I don’t even use Discord for real bro that’s that’s why there’s nobody in the Discord for real yo no bet say’t no more I forgot about this game this is literally fortnite but

Easier does that show up on screen it does it just shows up on screen all right bet say no more I guess I’m not changing nothing it’s not supposed to but thank you all right bet let’s get right let’s get right I’m going to show you how try

Hard I don’t play this game I I ain’t played this game in so long let’s let’s leave that yo I thought I had stuff yo what where’s my stuff huh huh hey yo is this even my account this can’t be oh it is yo where’s my stuff I ain’t going to lie that’s

Crazy cancel wait this a One V one yeah let’s play a one V1 real quick Oho that’s crazy yeah yeah I’m just play default and roll people wait you you play this game too and you play default settings bro Who Am I who are they putting me against

Look bro they putting me against cheaters bro come on okay okay well you got it but let me play a real game that’s the one bad thing about this game and I don’t know if that’s fun or something just to get your level up but

I swear they took all my stuff from me what is your age bro I’m 70 bro bro give me my stuff back bro like what are you doing like where’s all my stuff bro I’m heated let me get a good game at least bro put me against somebody my

Rank oh I had such good stuff this this might be the wrong account okay hold up hold up hold up hold up how do I go into the inventory I don’t know how to put I don’t know what I’m doing I can’t switch I’m not even him no more is you

Good my weapon is not in the right spot how do I change my weapon SP I don’t got no t Okay this this game Trash now bro what am I doing let me actually try to do something these can’t be my S bro I want to stream fortnite now I’m watch at

Fortnite oh me I can’t play default settings because I play fortnite that’s the only reason but but fortnite’s fortnite’s kind of hard now but I’m actually decent because I practice fortnite but because I do this is is throwing this this is throwing me off like I used I used to be good at

This but what was I about to say I’m trying to okay finally bro give me somebody that’s not a 100 times better than me bro I haven’t played this in Forever PR B to use emote though I need to learn how to switch this

Is I don’t want to look like a bot no more oh where’s all my stuff bro this is so weird you’re playing yeah bro it feels weirder now bro this it used to be it used to be straight bro I got to go back on my old

Account bro I need to figure out what account that was because this is not working I don’t know what’s wrong this this just feels weird and like where’s the sniper I thought we got a sniper what on Earth are you doing I’m so confused yo bro my shotgun is not in my first

Spot bro it’s not my shotgun is not in my first spot I don’t think he’s cheating bro he might just be lagging bro but my shotgun is not in my first spot so it’s throwing me upo and I Ain play no type of fortnite or nothing he been boxing

Up he just stays on top say no more I know how you playing now yeah he about to get clicked missed yo how did I hit that how did he miss yo what yo Sho bro I got to reload hold up buto this game bro yo bro let me reload

Bro y I’m lowy him bro I keep missing everything all right I literally was doing so all right all right all right I keep missing everything bro I missed every shot I missed every shot I literally boxed him like three three times and I missed every

Shot oh yeah I forgot I’m using a new mouse and I I ain’t played this with a new mouse yet so I might need need whole new settings but I just did kind of decent I just need to practice bro I need to practice with these settings

Real quick give me a a skin bro I’m I’m sick and tired of looking like a default matter of fact I’m going to embrace it come on I’m insane that boy going crazy yeah I’m telling you bro it just take a little bit of pract speaking of practice

I forgot there was practice rooms oh well I guess we not Jo in the practice room I was about to go straight to a practice room oh yeah come on let’s see what the new settings talking about what are you shooting at bud stop playing with me I’m him I’m him

Again oh I’m him again yo edit what am I doing oh my shotguns my shotgun is my first spot and not my this is so weird you got to get back to being him again bro I need to get back to being him us still love this game bro I used

To love this [ __ ] bro especially because my fortnite wasn’t running good back then bro man and this is literally fortnite practice oh God somewhat somewhat let’s get right let’s get right into the news oh yeah if you want to play Duos we can we can play Duos too yo okay let me

Cool br’s over here hiding for I’m so confused oh my God and I still missed and I missed again why am I garbage bro bro I’m trash too bro I’m good at building bro but I’m I’m trash bro I need practice bro I need to practice I’m I’m I’m about to get

Right somebody knocking what oh all right I hate that my shotgun is in my number two spot oh my goodness I’m sick he just got that shot okay yeah he’s just better than me oh why is my shotgun in my second spot bro this [ __ ] is annoying bro see all right and there’s

No way I can change That I’m good at building bro I’m trash at aim bro me something good yeah give me a skin right now equip now yeah let me know if you want to uh hop on um how do I go to zero builds yeah of course there’s zero builds ree

Build I’m G I’m going to just free build I hate that like it’s really it’s really I have to really switch these like that’s wild okay let me go slow then even that bro I can’t even yeah I think you can change the hot keys and

Settings right but the first one’s not a shotgun bro I have to change it like this then yeah I have to change it like this so then every time it goes to my shotgun first oh my God that feels so much better how do I keep phasing through

Dilds why do I keep phasing through yeah my mouse sensitivity is a little slow yeah hold up let me get the right s me go back to my 25 I turn the targeting now so 25 I’m literally just now learning that triple edit in fortnite oh my goodness

Am I getting the hang of it yeah I can’t even edit I kind of can edit he just feels I’m decent I’m decent kind of getting a h of video game I kind to get that a going again bro I’m the world’s fastest editor y y I’m here I’m here for e you

Ah all right bet I’m off wait hold up after one more F build and then I’mma uh get into a game yikes now I miss up yeah that would have been clean if I went fast St and I use Q for pick I use

F and I got two mouse two buttons on my mouse for building all right leave game let’s get into a real one ah I feel a little warmed up I feel a little warmed up okay uh let’s open this one I just practicing on there for

A minute what is what is that what do I what do I need a shotgun for yeah give me some of those give me some of those let me stack up my gems I should buy the battle pass I low key want to play this game

And I use C for wall yeah I use C4 floor oh no my my my settings are kind of weird what is my load out oh oh okay that’s how the game is so the game is Switched wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I didn’t change my settings so my

Settings was like okay I’m not going to change them no more just cuz I was just I literally just got used to them settings bro that’s annoying yeah give me a Mega Box bro give me something good I’m not upgrading none of that give me those all right now what are we

Playing yeah if we if I low key do want to start a party I should I need to put One V one low uh tags in the description huh yeah I need to put them tags in the description because everybody’s not going to know by the thumbnail in the

Title I should have did tags bro I just did free build aim trainer would be nice huh cuz my aim is really bad but we going to hop into some One V ones in then get into some games yeah bro let me know when y’all ready up bro

I’m trying to um I’m trying to get a little party in going get a little party going get a little party going all right bet this man ran into to the pizza shot yep I need that aim trainer that’s the only thing I need is that aim changer oh and I’m lagging

Because we’re not playing I’m not playing the right what I’m supposed to be playing I got to put the um I oh he’s so lucky well he’s trash Oh GG oh it’s lagging bad okay it is okay let me go back and let me let me let me do it the right way

Game capture it needs to be this game capture specific window One V one then close this one all right say no more uh where do I put chat though is the real question I’m leaving it hopefully I look ke he did just mess it up but wait you wouldn’t even be able to

See chat unless I did this all right bet um where’s chat going chat’s going right here bro you don’t got to show that much old so it can go like right here all right bet that looks kind of stupid I don’t care enable preview for real it is just the game

Everybody be cheating and [ __ ] but well I should have know open it I got to save my gems Locker I’m already level eight shop $25 $25 yo is that so they did they erase everybody’s account and then just make these new random stupid goofy deals nobody’s paying

That nobody plays this game that much why would you spend 25 wait wow oh dang that’s Petty this game’s garbage now bro literally literally hold up let me check the battle pass how much is the battle pass then 200 and 200’s what $10 the battle pass is

$10 or honestly you could get it for free okay let me let me stack up for the battle pass five bucks for a skin for a skin yeah bro I didn’t even see that but that’s that sounds so goofy to me like bro I just had I just had a

Stacked account bro I had so much stuff I’m mad as hell but it don’t matter it’s lock in bro let’s look in yeah but I like them ninja skins too but what is going on game so weird oh my cursor aimed at him oh we only have shotguns okay makes more

Sense I can’t go that way bro stop running you’re so lucky I had to reload oh this kid is so weird I got to re Bro how do you have how does he have a AR too and you didn’t beat me where’s my AR e bro how am I not hting this just 40 games 40 wins I’m going to take a break all right for sure [ __ ] I mean bu he got Miss pickax I’m still be

Watching though for sure for sure is the stream lagging watch out yeah bro the stream wait the fights be super laggy bro don’t they yeah the fights look terrible bro I be going crazy bro just for it to look laggy all right in that case we’re about to go back I ain’t

Gonna lie I might have to I’m about to try to fix the settings I don’t care I might end the stream come my might come back if you want to slide back you can slide back if you don’t it’s all good but still I need to figure this out let

Me go to my settings real quick cuz I think it’s my bit rate bro my my streams be looking so low quality bro and it don’t be making no sense at all bro Streaming I’mma put my bit rate at 10,000 would it change during stream is that what’s going to make it better because I feel like that’s what made it makes it better put it on Ultra is it going to work right now uh that’s the only two things I

Could do for the stream can’t change nothing right there I’m pretty sure all right let’s try it again bro and I did not want this display still showing uh where’s One V1 like bet yeah bro face cam would would get a lot more viewers I ain’t gonna lie it just makes sense like

Bro still look laggy though like it don’t makes it don’t matter it don’t matter what I do but it’s like actually not lagging okay yeah it’s a little better I ain’t going to lie this man is a try hard yeah I know he’s mad about them shot oh my God I’m breaking it

Down oh how do you have an AR I know he’s mad where is he though I am is it better no it’s still lagging Bro e okay it’s better than it was though so what’s like a good bit rate I’m going to turn it up way more then see if it works bro why do you have a AR bro how is that fair stupid dummy dummy head tap all right I’m lucky getting better

That was actually good fight wait actually it is way better than it was wait hold up should I try it one more time turn it up a little bit more it’s fine to watch uh I’mma turn it up a little bit more that lowkey did help my bit rate so my streams be

Looking like that too bro my normal streams every day bro I can’t keep letting that slide especially when it’s just bit rate 20K we going 20K bit rate on them and then we right back to it last one oh I have Discord open too so that could be just giving me input delay

Fls all right bet this [ __ ] it it should be super good right now should be super good now all right a little bit more on V ones and then I’mma hop into a real game even though One V ones is better oh yeah let me look at the stream still M actually

We won’t know till we get in the game yeah it’s good I hate how you can have a load out I hate how I don’t have no why am I lagging what I’m lagging now my stream’s not lagging you so lucky he was about to get Clipped all right bet we sure it’s all good yo yeah I’m actually I’m lagging now maybe that’s too much bit R I’m about quit actually let me finish the game Use 1,200 all right bet bet bet oh you’re trying to make it blow up he still got up oh I have no bullets oh stop running my shotgun literally bles off on accident every 3 seconds ay no way One V one L was ever whatever yeah bro One V one

Whatever that [ __ ] is bro I need to yeah change my I gotta change it one more time then I could really go crazy bro I keep lagging br why have I been streaming for three hours bro I need to I need to go do something bro uh okay let me change this

Back streaming output we gonna use 1,200 okay okay actually go back 12,000 I’m stupid Ultra fast super fast okay one last time H hop into a few games I’m going to go pee real quick oh all right all right I gotta go bu my teeth real quick I’m G do that after I’m going to

Hop into a game what up uh Banner maker probably lost access to random probably lost access to Rand Damn bro now the quality is quality is Ming is he I’m so confused BR you’re so lucky my shot just never Reloaded and you have a AR anybody got a AR But like why does my shotgun go off when I build that’s this lucky and you have a AR by the way bro I hate this game bro why does my shot going not reload and everybody else’s does but that makes no sense you see this

Game I don’t have none of my guns so I can’t do nothing man all right GG’s I’ll be back oh I forgot I was still streaming like what’s going on talking about man despawn not for real oh y’all been waiting I went to go brush my teeth to

Go do some a whole bunch of stuff took a shower just H oh yeah hold up give me a second um like 12 tabs open what talking about 12 tabs open M hey yo oh okay all right well be right back all righty all righty all the boy all right bro I keep tripping bro I was supposed to be making some money today bro cuz it’s my birthday tomorrow so what am I doing in that crib streaming like what am I doing like

What’s what’s going on shit’s about to get Wicked thank you my boy got a whole bunch of [ __ ] to do in a little amount of time for real bro usually bro I’m telling you bro I always plan ahead and for my birthday I I always need at least

Like 500 to a ban at least every for the past three years I’ve been like at least having like 500 to a band because I’ve been trying you know just just just you know always make sure I have something for myself so then on my birthday I’m not just waiting

For no presents or nothing or nothing like that bro because I never have a birthday party or anything so nobody so I can’t get no presents because I never have birthday parties or nothing so I don’t know I just make sure to always have [ __ ] for myself I just always make sure

To have like enough money just because for whatever I whatever I want to do on that day I’mma do it literally I don’t got to wait for nobody or none 90 is Crazy I’m over here tripping and I’m fa man my homies trying to bring me to the club tomorrow they said they got a VIP section and all that I’m like bro like bro come on now like yep we already got the spot and everything so I got to have some money for that

Too hey God God God hey but this about to be so fun bro I just wish I had my other team but it’s not here yet no headphones by the way no headphones by the way oh yeah you’re so lucky I got no headphones on though so I can’t oh he’s over here

Like come on now my wayy I can’t go to the club yeah I’m already know my 18 birthday bro I’m like e do I want to but it’s going to be with the homies so it’s different it’s not like I’m with people I don’t want to be

Around them bro they got money too bro that’s the thing it’s crazy bro where is he at like you’re actually weird man is actually weird guess I can’t pickaxe you I’m trying to reset the password to my Steam account and I can’t catch it damn damn yeah bro I’m pretty sure this not

My main account bro I’m pretty sure I made I started playing on a different different account because this got my settings and everything but it don’t got my skins I don’t think they that bro I don’t think you you could just I don’t know oh yeah I spin I don’t get no [ __ ]

I’m F to spin I don’t care buto I don’t I don’t get no [ __ ] bro I don’t care how much money you got if you can’t if you not if you can’t spend it what the [ __ ] is the point in having it the [ __ ]

I ain’t goingon to lie I spend I spend a lot that’s one thing that’s one reason uh that’s one reason I need to go be making some money right now because it’s going to be my you feel me like I need to go make some bread but I ain’t tripping though

Because I have been making some so I got a decent a little bit but you know but I spin a lot I spin I spin I spin and I don’t know if you in the Discord if you go to the Discord go to the general chat I got a I got a little

Custom that [ __ ] is so hard bro it’s so hard bro I ain’t gonna lie it’s a spider it’s like a it’s it’s uh okay so it’s white gold it’s a white gold spider and then in the middle of it is a eight but it’s the eight is in rose gold

And then on the bail on the um yeah on the bail is a spider web that [ __ ] just look crazy I don’t know man this that’s that’s going to be so hard bro I ain’t gonna lie I can’t wait but let me hop into a real game bro

I ain’t played a real game in at all Showdown wait I got another skin right no bro I’m trying to be this man bet say no more oh yeah I do have money on a card should I buy the back I I ain’t buying [ __ ] I could just I

Forgot all I do is need 200 gems then I can get right literally all I need is all I I need is 200 and I got you feel me so if I bought something I’d buy this and then what’s in the battle pass though charge and a chance 50 50 chance to win

An item that’s not a deal I lowke you want to try that but I don’t want to waste mine let’s get started man that’s crazy growing up is bro growing up is crazy bro bro I don’t know bro I don’t know why it’s hitting me like that but like I

Don’t know recently the past like today and yesterday and most likely tomorrow bro feel like I’m actually like they say 18 is like wait so you start off your weapons so you start off your weapons in this fair and this is fair oh why is this game like that I low key

So streaming for four hours is something ridiculous how to make 15K how to make 15K the easy way all right bet say no more um we back we back right here I don’t know why I’m playing anything else why is everybody I’m Che oh oh this man just got a free

Dub oh yeah that was Lethal he a like that one bu he ain’t like that oh nice hit course you pull out a [ __ ] SMG bro they [ __ ] weirdo bro I but that is so weird like where is my [ __ ] secondaries like why do you have to edit that like I’m [ __ ] ass bro this [ __ ] is ass why did why did they change the game like you can have [ __ ] armor off the bat how is that fair at all all

Right current set up locked okay it makes sense now what is this though 60 60 90 90 what is this got the Glock what is this how does it shoot now I’mma put the sniper at the last all right bet these men in them SMGs bro it’s wild and I missed got

Him don’t run now where did he go it didn’t even count as my win even though I should have got it no no is wi it’s way easier with one of these oh it’s way easier with one of these you still streaming when you gonna play MC I don’t even

Know that’s not hitting right now bro for some reason it’s just not hitting I got to get a haircut some tomorrow bro I got a what’s really the plan for tomorrow though get a haircut go see the homies that’s it put a haircut and go see the homies oh yeah and probably my

Girl damn that boy choked that boy choked come on now bro when I don’t play with headphones I’m out I’m I’m surprisingly good bro the same thing with fortnite when I don’t play with headphones I’m way better bro come on bro nobody nobody cares you can build on

One V one not both the same thing is fortnite bro I’m trying to fight not bu bro imagine getting cooked like this by me You don’t know what to do oh I don’t know what to do bro why does it never fully reload the gun For no died by Fall damage they used to re they used to redo the match if you died by St fall damage that’s that’s a l for oh my God I’m pe oh my gosh but I’m him bro I ain’t going to lie I’m lucky him with you that’s

Why is he running why are you running why are you running yo yo I’m lowy him I’m lowkey just playing around with him you so lucky you so lucky like what is he doing what did you think what did you think stop playing with me yeah GG’s yeah a him I Tred to run I’m Him H I’m lowkey hungry now run up in yo why am I good you can’t walk through okay that’s good to know yo how is this just going to keep me in between like that like bro let me phas through or don’t random free build o I should have

Shot I should have shot that would have been a clip of the Year let me just clip my AFK real quick oh you so lucky I don’t got my thing charged reloaded ever Iang going lie this might be last one that boy dripped out in the Wizard last one you got to go I got to go stupid I got to catch a clipp or too bro he left bro bro that means I should be good good at fortnite right now I should probably play fortnite

Too run this one time one time in one time and one time only St Oh I thought he was trying to pickaxe me I ain’t going to lie I just got cooked right there shouldn’t have got cooked bro if I lose bro I’m playing again e two really good shots so lagging

Bro what the [ __ ] is this game they no more I’m dead Oh losing my bots all right I’m getting off this [ __ ] this [ __ ] ass all right be smooth my boy uh thanks for watching

This video, titled ‘🔴 Just chillin… ( storytimes ) ❄’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2023-12-29 20:24:45. It has garnered 112 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:32:26 or 16346 seconds.

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  • Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed!

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    EPIC BATTLE: RayeMC GOD vs SUPER CAMERAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by RayeMC on 2024-03-12 04:00:26. It has garnered 432 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. I Cheated in a GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle There are a lot of popular characters you may recognize in this video! Skibidi TV Woman and Camera Woman for example! Keep watching to see who else shows up 🙂 Very cool people who’ve I’ve taken inspiration from – Jamesy, Nico, Cash, Aphmau, GEVidsTV, Omz, and Cobey! #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?

    Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?Video Information This video, titled ‘¿Por que razón me cayo un rayo? 🤣🤣 #minecraft #humor #minecraftseries #shorts #funny’, was uploaded by Burguir on 2024-02-13 09:01:42. It has garnered 2441 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!

    Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-02 16:31:55. It has garnered 629 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:32:59 or 23579 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Manbear: Escaping the Deep Dweller In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by idk someguy on 2024-03-12 15:39:35. It has garnered 164226 views and 10692 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:33 or 1113 seconds. Welcome to a new era of Minecraft! Introducing a new mod called the Manbear. I’ve been working hard with my developer to get this entity perfected. A side project that is less finished but already really cool-looking is the Deep Dweller. The Deep Dweller is an advanced, aggressive Minecraft mob. It always attacks you on sight and has the capability to… Read More

  • Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!

    Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘Computers Minecraft Addon Gives You Java Debug Screen Powers?’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-03-16 17:15:00. It has garnered 38966 views and 1097 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. This addon brings light level, biome location and more to your survival worlds. This can be done with the NEW Computers addon. ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=fd6e3c20-5a7e-4f95-ad16-cd2486d13ae5 Giveaway – https://twitter.com/eckoxsoldier/status/1768939195035193556 Discover… Read More

  • Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!

    Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-05-11 17:58:56. It has garnered 5169 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:06 or 6486 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing COMPILATION. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygaming

    NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE || 24/7 SERVER JAVA + PE || JOIN FAST #livegaming #friskyGaming’, was uploaded by Frisky Gaming on 2024-02-18 05:00:37. It has garnered 59 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:51 or 9291 seconds. Hi there Thank you for connectiong , hope you are enjoying our video/live, please subscribe and keep me motivated.. #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftlive #livegaming #friskyGaming for Ip and port join our discord TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7… Read More

  • INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won’t believe what happened!

    INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won't believe what happened!Video Information This video, titled ‘「MINECRAFT: PALLID SMP」| ’Nothing Happened! Right?’ | Episode 11’, was uploaded by Glitch Entertainment on 2024-06-03 22:53:34. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:50 or 12230 seconds. The Pallid SMP is a Collaborative YouTube Project within a Minecraft Realm! #PallidSMP (Arc 4) | Access To Power | With The Factions established all of the various civilisations in Pallid continue to grow, competing to become the most powerful clan on the server! Looking for a shorter version ⬇️ Pallid SMP (FMC’s Cut): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqhqAwPyX5VcCbg-p4ScbgYgWhqDvhuLP&si=jwhODjCwH814RA2n Other Creators |🎞️🎥| FAiTZ 0VERK1LL:… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!

    Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Story Mode Edit | Warriors – Imagine Dragons’, was uploaded by Moments Replayed on 2024-05-23 14:30:57. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:24 or 204 seconds. Welcome to my fan-made edit of “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons, featuring scenes from Minecraft Story Mode. I created this video to celebrate and share my love for this incredible song and the amazing story of Minecraft Story Mode. I hope you enjoy the visuals and the effort put into this edit. // Credits: Music: “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons Video Editing:… Read More

  • Wavey SMP

    Wavey SMPA new Minecraft SMP with plugins such as a shop and better world generation which includes new mobs and dungeons. There is a PvP and Parkour world coming soon! Our TikTok and Discord links are below TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJVrfo8J/ waveysmp.ddns.net Read More

  • Horizon SMP – Semi-vanilla SMP – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Horizon SMP! Hello! My name is Cookie and I want to welcome you to the Horizon SMP! We are a friendly, open community of players looking to have a good time playing minecraft together. Invite your friends! We are on JAVA 1.20.6, professionally hosted and have long time support for our worlds! (we are on our newest season, after nearly 4 years of operation. We have lots of history and are looking for new players! Join our discord via the code below. Discord Code: F6maNHMK Read More

  • Deep Survival

    Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What real veterans fear…in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - What real veterans fear...in MinecraftReal veterans fear creepers more than they fear enemy soldiers. Read More

  • Crafty Hearts: Minecraft Love Galore!

    Crafty Hearts: Minecraft Love Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Every heart shape in the game, makes me thrive. Adventures and challenges, all in a rhyme, Exploring new worlds, every single time. With Ademin and Ahmetin, by my side, We conquer the game, with nothing to hide. From building to fighting, we do it all, In Minecraft, we stand tall. So subscribe and join us, in this epic quest, For Minecraft but every heart shape, puts us to the test. Embrace the mystery, the thrill, the fun, In this world of blocks, under the sun. Stay tuned for more, as… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness! 🔥🔥 | Part 2

    Minecraft Meme Madness! 🔥🔥 | Part 2 When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. It’s like the universe’s way of saying, “You thought you were in control? Think again!” 🤯🤯 Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft Seeds: Java & Bedrock Edition

    Uncovering Minecraft Seeds: Java & Bedrock Edition Minecraft Seed Finder Tutorial Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to uncover the seed of your world to utilize it in a seed map? Look no further! This tutorial will guide you on how to find the seed in Minecraft for both the Java and Bedrock editions. Exploring Minecraft Seeds When delving into the vast world of Minecraft, the seed serves as a unique identifier for generating the terrain and structures within your world. By discovering the seed, players can share their world with others or revisit specific locations with ease. Java Edition Seed Finding In the Java Edition… Read More

  • 🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbait

    🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fallen Summoner vs Magician #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 金くれちゃんねる@お金下さい🍈👑 on 2024-05-19 15:37:34. It has garnered 109 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More

  • Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxVOD on 2024-03-08 22:02:53. It has garnered 818 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:11 or 6911 seconds. WaxFraud live stream on 03/07/23 https://twitch.tv/waxfraud we back Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!

    SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to join this public minecraft server? | minecraft public smp’, was uploaded by Shulky Playz on 2024-04-17 01:30:07. It has garnered 496 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Hi everyone , i am shulky and welcome to my channel i hope you enjoy this video😊 make sure to subscribe this channel for future updates my social media instagram- https://www.instagram.com/shulky_playz?igsh=MWQycGZsMDluZDRiZw== discord username – shulkyplayz discord server – https://discord.com/invite/wkruacCD also watch this – https://youtu.be/3iw-jC2F0yU?si=fqwH6DgNP6dpTIAI public server (shulky smp) ip address- ip – SHULKY_SMP.aternos.me port – 29986 _______!______!_____!_____!______!______!______!__ #… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD – Reaching the SKY! 🚀

    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD - Reaching the SKY! 🚀Video Information I’m at the lowest point in Minecraft and I want to reach the sun to do that I’m going to have to climb this crazy Tower of structures and complete challenges along the way here we are at the bottom of the world G Dude Looks Like I’m in jail or something all right there’s no time to waste it’s time to jump into the sun why do I want to go to the sun I don’t know seems like a nice place for a summer home or something oh gosh bad guys I don’t like that I… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Transform Minecraft w/Shaders

    Unbelievable: Transform Minecraft w/ShadersVideo Information I know you told your friend you’re not okay and tell me what’s WR why you never said you felt that way guess you’re trying to stay strong and fake smile until I look away but I’ve known you too long it hurts to watch your blue eyes Fade to gr as you fade away as you fade [Music] yeah I’m about to fade away cuz every time I wake up I feel like it’s Monday something’s going wrong with all the chemicals up in my brain all a sudden I don’t look at anything the same way… Read More


    "INSANE TEIVRIM CRAFT BUILDING IN MINECRAFT!!" #minecraft #buildingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Импровизирую на лету – строю в майнкрафт #minecraft #майнкрафт #bildings’, was uploaded by TEIVRIM CRAFT on 2024-05-10 03:14:53. It has garnered 5 views and likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:39 or 5739 seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, mine, shorts, in minecraft, compote, video minecraft, survival, games, compot, minecraft shorts, trolling, compote in minecraft, fixie, noob, fixie minecraft, trolling trap, minecraft animation, novel compote, Edison, trolling in minecraft, edison, minecraft but, mcpc, in mine, mcpe, air, fixeye, minecraft video, noob, minecraft server, girl in minecraft, minecraft pe, meme, domer, minecraft hardcore, steve, edisonpts, memes,… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft City Revival – No Talking!

    Epic Minecraft City Revival - No Talking!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Stream: City Renaissance Challenge Episode Twenty Three (no talking)’, was uploaded by Green Newbie on 2024-03-25 02:33:29. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:50 or 6710 seconds. Continuing our journey with the City Renaissance Challenge: https://grzi.github.io/city-renaissance-challenge-minecraft/ We worked on the bridge today and changed it from a dirt bridge into something a little nicer. Read More

  • “Insane 2B2T Minecraft Noob Builds Mega Base in 22Days!” #clickbait

    "Insane 2B2T Minecraft Noob Builds Mega Base in 22Days!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Noob Plays 2B2T ✅ Try Building MEGA Base ✅ Day 22 IRL #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #2’, was uploaded by MrDon on 2024-03-22 01:50:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Decided to try minecraft and it was more fun than i have always thought. Made me want to try build a mega base and a lot of the … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Drawing EnderDragon in Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: Drawing EnderDragon in Minecraft!Video Information तेरी बातों में ऐसा उलझा जिया बैठे ही बैठे मैंने दिल खो दिया तेरी बातों में ऐसा उझा जिया This video, titled ‘easy Minecraft EnderDragon sketch #minecraftshorts #ytshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Alok art studio on 2024-04-22 17:41:00. It has garnered 123 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Honeybeeks Public Anarchy MC

    Honeybeeks Public Anarchy MCA public hard mode vanilla anarchy survival server. While the server is anarchy, we aim to break the game, not each other. PVP and griefing is allowed with purpose, but discouraged without. Vanilla with plugins to encourage exploration and building. PLUGINS: Dynmap AdvancedTeleport SmoothTimber games.honeybeeks.net Read More

  • LanderYT SMP: Semi-vanilla, 16+, Whitelist, LGBTQ+ friendly

    Welcome to LanderYT SMP! If you’re seeking a hermitcraft style SMP, look no further! We are a community established in October 2021, and we’re on the lookout for new members. Our server has been customized with minor adjustments to better cater to our community. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested! Server Details: Server IP: notarealip.serv.nu (contact “landeryt” on discord) Read More

  • Earth Network

    Earth NetworkWelcome to Earth Network, the ultimate Minecraft server experience! Dive into our diverse gamemodes: conquer the wild in Survival, master the skies in Skyblock, and brave the depths in Underground Survival. Each mode offers unique challenges and endless adventures. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or strategist, Earth Network has something for everyone. Stay tuned for more exciting gamemodes coming soon. Join our vibrant community and embark on your next Minecraft adventure with Earth Network today!Discord: https://discord.gg/Twitter: twitter.com/earthnetwork Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro Forgot To Turn Off His Lava Tap

    Looks like Bro is helping flood the virtual world instead of saving it! Read More