Wipper – Minecraft Mods | MAGICAL STAFFS MOD | “Powerful Wizards!” | Minecraft Mod Showcase

Video Information

Hello there we’ll be here and welcome back to another mod showcase and today I’m going to be showing you guys a mod called these staffs and wizards mod which adds magical staffs into the game as well as a load of new mobs like mages and wizards which spawned by wizard towers

Believe it or not this is actually a wizard tower and it’s a pretty fun mod to mess around with and the staffs are pretty epic and overpowered and so much fun to kill mobs with and by the way guys if you can shoot for 600 likes for

This pretty epic mod that would be amazing but what I’m going to do is I’m just going to start by showing you this new generated structure that can spawn randomly in your worlds now these are quite rare so you’re not gonna be coming across these very often but these are

Crucial because they actually spawn the new variety of mob so on my hotbar here I’ve got the four new kinds of mob we’ve got a zombie mage a skeleton mage we’ve got a zombie wizard and then a skeleton wizard and they look the same as zombies and skeletons but they have special

Magical staffs of different abilities some of them have like explosive staffs and some of them have healing staffs and stuff like that and look at that one’s just spawned and you can see they actually have a particle trail that guy has some ender particles going into him

It looks pretty epic you have to admit and this is what the generated structure looks like it’s just a massive Tower of obsidian and if I fly up to the top like so you can see there’s a random loot chest here so if you climb these you can

Find a loot chest and if you open it there’s a whole host of crappy loot in here just like you get in dungeon chests it’s not really that worthwhile going to find these and that’s one criticism I do have for this mod I was hoping that have improved loot here so it’s actually

Worth your time getting up here and that guy just healed himself yes–you skeleton mage I see you there and below this is there’s actually a spawner and in fact there’s quite a lot of spawns down here that are spawning all of these mobs and I can just see hearts

Everywhere I think these skeletons are starting to love me do you love me skeletons I think you do but what I’m going to do is I’m going to pop down to the base of this Tower and then I’m gonna swap into survival mode where suddenly these skeletons aren’t gonna

Love me anymore because I’m going to start murdering them so let’s pop into survival mode I’ve got really overpowered arm here because I don’t want to die my idea is to just show you the effects that they apply to me in stuff and that guy wow that’s like a

Fire staff skelling look at that there’s like flames everywhere and he is he being healed I think he is I think these other skeleton mages just have like an aura of effect on their healing staffs so they heal all of the mobs in the area so we better kill these guys straight

Away otherwise we’re not gonna be able to kill the other guys so we’ve got a skeleton mage here who has a fire staff who’s firing like fire balls everywhere and setting fire to the landscape and got another healing one there’s so many healing skeletons we’re just gonna kill this guy now like

So and yeah he drops the normal kind of loot although I think there is a small chance they all drop his staff but it is a very rare drop and why is this guy doing he’s got like a snow or an ice oh damn you baby zombies girl hate you and

You can see this guy’s got like a ice staff and he’s firing snowballs at me doesn’t seem to be applying any potion effects to me but that is so annoying it’s like skeleton spam when they spam their arrows when you get really close to them but it’s a lot worse because you

Just can’t get anywhere near these guys especially when there’s two of them so annoying look at that I can’t get anywhere near oh and look at that guy just dropped his staff I’ll show you the staffs in detail later on though he’s getting healed isn’t he yet damn you

Healing skeleton so yeah and I haven’t had a single zombie made yet that’s really freaky you just have skeletons no zombies and maybe this actually not a zombie mage spawner in there I’m gonna have to spawn some of those manually and this sorry about this because it is

Going to be a very dark video because I’ve got a like start fighting mobs with my staffs and stuff so it can’t be daytime otherwise all the mobs would burn up so you’re gonna have to deal with the darkness of this video ha ha ha ha evil laugh and stuff no

Don’t blow up ok then so let’s just spawn down some zombie mages now let’s see what we get oh no not the babies on my mage you know how much I hate baby zombies don’t you game I just hate them they’re so pesky they just went straight

Up to you Wow oh dear I like overly attached children they just run around you and won’t leave you alone and that guy just had a poison stuff and he’s poisoned me for a ridiculous amount of time look at that it’s as bad as a witch

30 seconds of poison I’m so glad I’ve got this overpowered armor otherwise I’d be dead right now I’d be down to half a heart it’d be ridiculous please no more baby zombies okay what stuff is this guy got what even is that got like some kind of purple tip to it

Oh it’s another poison one another 30 seconds of poison much appreciated that’s so kind of you yeah I wanted to see if there’s any other kinds Oh what’s this one this is a nice ice staff I believe what this do is it gonna do anything at all what about

If I hit you oh whoa whoa my planet needs me I just got to fly up there Wow what are you doing zombie he’s a flying zombie I never thought I’d see the day it’s like he needs to go back to his planet urgently and his body just flew

Up into the air when he died I actually quite liked that one there’s quite fun to combat them I want another one of those oh we’ve got another one of those I’m gonna try and do air shot ready for this missed him oh where have you gone

Okay right oh damn I killed him I didn’t want to kill him I want to get another one of those yes I’m getting so lucky right we’ve gotta get an air shot now uh-oh ah missed him again this is so hard okay oh just just fly off into space again so

Get that just bounced off him that was a legit a bounce off him okay a shot and he didn’t dive for damage what shame yes a shot kill perfect those mobs are so fun to fight because they just fly up into the air and you can practice your

Bow shots although sometimes the arrows do seem to bounce off them which kind of ruins the fun I think I’ve shown you all of the abilities of the mages don’t you agree Cal I think I have to I’m surprised that Cal’s still alive but that’s quite impressive and but what I’m

Going to do now isn’t going to show you the m-more overpowered version of these mobs which are the Wizards they’ve got an upgrade they’ve got better staffs they’ve got more health so I’m just gonna spawn one of these dark guys down and look at that he’s gone upgraded ice

Staff actually no it’s not a nice stuff is it is is shooting diamonds of me which for some reason the sporting lightning strikes on me is like summoning the power of the gods to strike me down and smite me ah don’t kill me please I’m just gonna come up

Behind him and kill him oh my god there’s actually snow particles coming out of him Wow maybe is a nice staff but for some reason lightning a nice go hand in hand not really sure but it is seeming that way there’s particles everywhere I’m just gonna finish this guy off and holy

Moly what was that that was a lot of particles it was like 10 blocks of TNT going off but with no damage to the environment what was that it seems like when you kill these Wizards the gods aren’t happy with you and there’s like loads of oceans let’s just spawn down another one

Of these zombie wizards to see if we get one with a different kind of stuff oh my you are the chances of that happening I got a zombie wizard a baby zombie wizard spawning on a chicken up Wow you what the hell oh that was awesome but he

Had a fire stuff yep he’s got a fire stuff is he still in his sitting post no it’s not okay he’s running I was wondering if it was just like hovering around while sitting down like some kind of guru okay I’m gonna kill this guy oh another massive explosion that was

Pretty hilarious I have to admit just seeing a baby zombie wizard on a chicken what could be better Wow and that guy had a different kind of staff as well but now let’s move on to the skeleton version of the wizard so here we go final spawn egg let’s just

Spawn a skeleton wizard let’s get to a peaceful area without the all the mobs everywhere here we go final kind of mob and he’s got the same kind of staffs it seems like it’s just the same as the zombie wizard but their skeletons instead this one’s trying to smite me

Again but I’m going to kill you massive explosion oh yeah love that explosion makes it so satisfying to kill these guys just seeing that gigantic explosion whenever you kill them pretty awesome spawn another one oh this is different kind of staff it’s like gotten nether star oh wow he’s shooting wither

Schools at me oh do it’s like a skeleton wither uh-huh I’m gonna jump off this cliff and this guy is just gonna follow me now he’s firing wither skulls at me they’re so explosive I’m getting juggled around by skeletons right now he’ll open face creeper and I’m gonna go and kill this

Guy but he’s fight whoa what was that that was blood particles everywhere was not expecting that I wonder what that does maybe it’s like a regeneration ability or maybe he just has like blood particles when I hit him whoa I just killed him and yeah it seems like every

Time I was hitting him he had blood particles around him I’m not really sure if there’s anything to do like a regeneration effect or maybe he’s just like bleeding although skeletons have no like flesh or blood so why would a skeleton be bleeding doesn’t make any sense but yeah that’s pretty much all

For the new mobs that I added you can see they spawn with different kinds of staffs and stuff like that but they don’t spawn with all varieties of staffs and when you kill them there is a small percentage that you’ll actually get the staff that they were holding but now I’m going to

Move on to the actual staffs that you can craft in the game I’m going to show you in turn what each of them does is pretty epic and so much fun to use these new kinds of staffs die zombie so now let’s move on to these staff so that

This mod adds into the game so first up we have the fire staff and you can craft these and I’ll probably put a little image at the end of all the crafting recipes with these staffs instead of putting them like in time with which stuff I’m using because that’s just

Going to take too long so at the end there’ll be like a crafting sheet if you ever want to know what you have to use to craft these things so first up we have the fire staff and this one all you have to do to use it is just hold it in

Your hand and then right-click and you may notice I’ve got some potion effects around me at the moment and that’s because whenever you’re holding this fire staff you actually get applied to you a fire resistance effect so you can just go ahead and jump in lava for some

Fun if you really want to while you’re holding this stuff but then to use the secondary ability of this thing all you have to do is just look up or look down or wherever really and just right-click and if you hold down like mass burn you should see some fireballs shoot out like

So so I’m going to keep using it and look at that fire charges everywhere the landscape is being set on fire look at that I’m setting fire to the forest that’s probably not very good and yeah that’s how we can use it look at them fly off into the sky that’s really fun

To use but yeah so you can use this to set fire to mobs and stuff so let’s just head over to these cows here I’m so sorry cows but I want your beef so we can just fire it at the cows hopefully and did any of them get set on fire

No they just all avoided it well oh that cow yes that cows burning I want your beef you better not die in the fire that would be really bad okay good our look at that delicious steak oh yes okay so next up we have the snow staff and this one pretty much just

Fires up snowballs at mobs giving them a knock back slightly so you can knock them back and it does about 1 damage per snowball so it’s not exactly the most effective weapon in the world because you can have to use it so many times to

Actually kill a mob I mean 20 times for a creeper that’s ridiculous you just have to spam it all day long it a stupid weapon to use all the time but it’s very good if you want to knock back mobs that are chasing you and just get

Them away from you like spiders you cannot pack spiders that I am you know target you anymore get them away from you so yeah that’s one use for this weapon and I don’t think it applies any potion effects to anything so it’s not really the most useful weapon in the world but

After that we’ve got the lightning staff and this is the one that the skeleton wizard had earlier which fires out diamonds and then wherever the diamond lands a lightning strike comes down so I’ve just set fire to that skeleton there is probably gonna die of fire

Damage but just gonna finish him off now oh it’s so much fun to just summon the gods like wrath and just shoot down lightning strikes on the ground it’s just awesome so I can just fire one over there set fire to the tree didn’t really

Work but yeah it’s just so fun to just fire out diamonds and watch a lightning strike or bolt come down to the ground by cow yeah direct hit and it really is very effective against mobs it does so much damage on a direct hit and now we want

To Pigman yes look at that really good for transforming pigs into Pigman it turns out and we’ve got another one hello there Pigman friend oh well so next up we’ve got the air staff and this is the one that I saw the flying zombie have earlier on and all we

Have to do to use this one is just right click and hold down right mouse button like so to actually fly up into the air and you can probably hear at the moment there’s some flapping sounds which I quite like and I can just flap over here

And you can just keep using it until it’s durability runs out so ya can just fly over here if I wanted to but make sure when you’re in survival mode that you’re careful you’re still going to take full damage even when you’re using this and you can prevent it though by

Just using it just before you’re about to land and that kind of reduces the amount of damage you’re going to take yeah so yeah that’s one method of stopping yourself getting damaged but you’ve still got to be quite careful when using this because you don’t want

To kill yourself that’d be so derpy just dying from full damage using your staff but after that we’ve got the wither staff and this is the one which we saw again the skeleton have earlier which shoots out wither skulls which are explosive like the actual withers with

The skulls you can see it’s blown up the ground there drop some dirt blocks we can pick those up and you can fire it at mobs and it’s gonna like destroy them yes die care well they did one damage that was pathetic wow this isn’t

Actually as good as I hoped oh there we are it seems like you just have to hit them at the feet otherwise it doesn’t really do that much damage and that spiders not dying at all is it well now I was expecting it to be more devastating than

That they need to make it a little bit more explosive I feel but it does apply like a wither effect mobs I believe here it does 10 seconds of whither so isn’t all that bad but let’s just move on to the next one now which is the ghastly staff and this one pretty

Much makes you into a guest so you make this like screeching sound like a gas does when you right-click and it shoots out a ghasts viable or a fire charge a huge fire charge which explodes on contact with the ground or mob creating a fireball and also destroying a few of

The blocks so can fire at this em zombie here almost called it a skeleton it’s not one of those yet who will be in a bed twins have killed it but yes you can just fire it mobs and set them on fire pretty cool weapon and then finally for

This set of staffs we have the end of staff and this one just fires out ender pearls and wherever the ender pearl lands you get teleported to just like normal ender pearls but the advantage of using this one over just having ender pearls in your hotbar and then firing

Them out directly is that this one doesn’t take ammo you can use this as long as you still have it in your hotbar because of course eventually going to use it too much and it’s going to run out of durability and then it’s going to get broken

But now let’s move on to the second set of wizard staffs so next up we have the ender dragon staff and this one you use by jumping and then right-clicking and then it gives you a little boost so for jump and right-click you can see I get

Boosted off into the distance and you can use it consecutively like so but there is a like a cool-down period where it has a charge up before you can use it again so bear that in mind you can get about two jumps in before it sends you

Back down towards the ground so you can do that and then I can use it again and that’s pretty much the limit unless you’re jumping off a mountain or something in which case you might be able to use it three times in a row so it’s very useful for being agile and

Getting around everywhere but after that we’ve got the ice staff and this one shoots out some like snow particles everywhere and I believe it applies a slowness and weakness effect to mobs so let’s just go over to this Enderman like so and hit this guy and he’s just

Disappeared now I’m not going to have to test it out is that the same guy up here yes and you can see there is got a slowness and a weakness effect applied to him so that’s what this weapon does and it’s got quite a large range in

Front of it so I can shoot this creeper from all the way up here so you don’t have to be too close to the mobs and you don’t have to be in the danger zone so to speak but after that we’ve got the explosive staff and for obvious reasons

This is my favorite because pretty much what it does is it places down TNT when you use it three blocks of TNT this is going to be quite an explosion look at the size of this crater that’s going to be formed ah look at that it’s amazing so much devastation any mobs in

That radius would just be decimated and destroyed they’d have no chance so we can fire it over here I’m going to fire two of them get a really big crater and this should make a lot of devastation and that spider had no chance but the Enderman managed to survive good good

Guy and how did that skeleton survive I’ll never know maybe it was outside of the explosion radius so hiding under the ground or something and then after that we’ve got the poison staff oh and I forgot to mention that to actually fire the ice staff you’re going to need some

Snowballs and to fire this poison staff you’re going to need some spider eyes so now I’ve got some spider eyes as ammo I can just go over to any mob like this creeper over here fire at one of these spider eyes at the creeper using this stuff and this guy’s gonna get poisoned

For about 20 seconds so that’s probably going to whittle his health down right to nothing and it’s gonna end up dying so it’s really an effective staff and that just bounced off him but it’s still splashed and gave him the all thirty seconds that’s amazing and now I can do

It to her which give her a taste of her own medicine there girl look at that poisoning a witch that’s awesome so yeah that’s what this own poison staff does but then third to last we’ve got the glow staff and this one eye is a really cool idea because you know I’ve always

Wanted this feature in Minecraft where you can hold a torch and then the light will illuminate around you from the torch and you can just go to explore caves with album to place down torches well that’s pretty much what this stuff does you can see as I’m walking around

It’s illuminating the ground around me I think you can see that anyway so it’s a pretty cool one but it’s only going to last as long as this stuff’s durability is still existent because of course when it breaks you longer got to use it anymore so second to last we’ve got the

Health staff and this one you just right-click to use it you get hearts around you and it heals you I think it gives you regeneration too or something let me just check that yeah regeneration to for three seconds which will restore about two of your hearts so it’s not the

Most effective thing but you can use it consecutively to get loads of your health back and it can be quite a valuable tool in a fight although it’s not a very good weapon because you can’t really use it against anything it doesn’t have any like melee abilities so

It does like no damage and that guy’s just going back to his own planet again and hello there horse looking sexy today look at all those creepers on the beach wow there’s a lot of creepy there oh dear and then finally we’ve got the Earth’s staff and we can actually

Use this earth staff on these creepers so let’s just pop over there and right-click on the ground you see all those sand particles from the ground coming up and the creepers are being launched into the sky and that skeleton over there and it does about eight

Damage per time you use it and all of these guys have died now let’s just go into the pool and try kill these guys nope they’re not really being affected because they’re in water and of course they have to be contact contacting the ground otherwise it’s not going to fling

Them up so now it’s working and this guy’s going to take one more hit and it’ll die so yeah that’s what the earth staff does but yeah guys that’s pretty much everything in this mod just adds a load of like and staffs magical staffs that you can use to combat mobs

As well as a few new mobs like mages and wizards which you can combat when you find one of their monuments those obsidian things like one over there which is like a wizards tower and they’re just a fun thing to come across and try and defeat to get some crappy

Loot at the top but yeah guys thank you for watching if you’ve enjoyed this mod showcase please remember to smash that like button and I’ll be seeing you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods | MAGICAL STAFFS MOD | “Powerful Wizards!” | Minecraft Mod Showcase’, was uploaded by Wipper on 2014-09-07 19:02:01. It has garnered 23623 views and 692 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:59 or 1139 seconds.

In this Minecraft Mods Showcase, I show a Minecraft Mod called the Minecraft Magical Staffs Mod. This Minecraft Mod adds a wizards, mages and new magical staffs into Minecraft! 😀 “CAN WE GET 600 LIKES?”

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Mod Download: http://bit.ly/MagicalStaffs

Intro Music from http://incompetech.com

Music from http://soundcloud.com/odjbox

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    INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Alchemy | twitch integration enabled’, was uploaded by Mini Toast on 2024-05-14 09:10:50. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:33 or 12033 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io twitch.tv/minitoast_ #vtuber #smallstreamer Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shorts

    EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft best mlg, dream boy mlg, 🥰🥰😎😎 #music #shorts #shortvideo’, was uploaded by AB GAMER66 on 2024-01-11 02:40:00. It has garnered 2115 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. In the expansive realm of Minecraft, a subculture has emerged, giving rise to the Major League Gaming (MLG) scene. At the pinnacle of this digital sportsmanship stands the enigmatic figure known as the “MLG God,” often affectionately referred to as the “Dream Boy MLG.” This individual has transcended the boundaries of ordinary gameplay, elevating their mastery of Minecraft to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #short

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mc Gamerz on 2024-01-10 05:30:03. It has garnered 7932 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft Minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft shorts hacks,minecraft shorts in hindi,minecraft shorts trending,minecraft shorts ideas,Minecraft shorts,minecraft shorts video,minecraft shorts funny,minecraft shorts song,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts attitude,herobrine shorts daku,herobrine short video,herobrine shorts song,herobrine shorts minecraft,herobrine shorts animation,herobrine shorts in hindi,herobrine shorts new Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.4 Adult Community-focused

    Welcome to Solarion SMP Join Us Today: Discord About Us We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to potential members. Our Vision Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Thanks, Wither Skeleton, for the deadly lava bath!”

    Looks like that wither skeleton really wanted to send you to hot yoga class! Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps!

    Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We craft our skins with Skindex, where design survives. Navigate the editor, let your imagination soar, Design your unique skin, let your avatar roar. Save and upload your creation, let it shine bright, In the realm of Minecraft, your skin takes flight. So follow this guide, step by step with glee, And create a skin that truly reflects thee. Subscribe to our channel for more Minecraft fun, Join our Discord, where gaming is never done. AcanerPlayz, your source for gaming delight, In the world of Minecraft, where we take flight. Read More

  • “Spice up your love life with this Minecraft meme! 😂” #minecraft

    "Spice up your love life with this Minecraft meme! 😂" #minecraft When you send this Minecraft meme to someone special, make sure they don’t mistake it for a diamond ring and propose to you in the virtual world! #minecraftlove Read More

  • Crafting a Monster Bear Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Monster Bear Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious World of Minecraft: Creating the Monster Bear Portal Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, players often delve into the realm of crafting portals to explore new dimensions and encounter unique creatures. One such intriguing portal is the Monster Bear portal from the Zoonomaly game. Let’s embark on a journey to discover how to create this portal and encounter the fearsome Monster Bear. Unveiling the Monster Bear The Monster Bear is a creature shrouded in mystery and terror within the Zoonomaly game. Resembling a grizzly bear, this anomaly possesses a slender body… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial’s 2

    Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial's 2 Minecraft Horror Mods: A Terrifying Adventure Exploring the dark and eerie world of Minecraft has never been more spine-chilling than with the introduction of horror mods. Players can now immerse themselves in a heart-pounding experience filled with jump scares and suspense. Let’s delve into the terrifying realm of Minecraft horror mods and discover the best ways to enjoy this thrilling gameplay. Unleashing Fear: Playing Minecraft Horror Mods With the rise of horror mods in Minecraft, players can now transform their peaceful blocky world into a nightmare-inducing landscape. From haunted houses to creepy creatures, these mods add a new layer… Read More

  • 100 Days as Toothless in Minecraft… DID HE SURVIVE?!

    100 Days as Toothless in Minecraft... DID HE SURVIVE?!Video Information how to trade your dragon just so happens to be my favorite animated movie ever and if you love that movie as much as I do then you definitely love toothless which is why I’ve added toothless into Minecraft with all of his Night Fury powers and now my goal is to play as a Night Fury and survive 100 days in Minecraft oh and uh just to spice things up a little bit I’ve added three enemy Hunter dragons whose goal it is to hunt down toothless before day 100 and let’s just say they have this… Read More

  • Maximus60 Minecraft Horror Shorts

    Maximus60 Minecraft Horror ShortsVideo Information far apart so we don’t all right watch out it’s going there one hit me we going to push This video, titled ‘#minecraft #horror #shorts’, was uploaded by Maximus60 on 2024-02-12 20:25:49. It has garnered 705 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Full Video- https://youtu.be/sNwbfmy_UUM Read More

  • INSANE Gamer DESTROYS Competition in Minecraft?! #shorts

    INSANE Gamer DESTROYS Competition in Minecraft?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is He GOOD #minecraft #gaming#shorts’, was uploaded by NotLegendGamerz on 2024-06-01 07:17:31. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Please Guys Subscribe its means a lot Read More

  • Qwazar77 reveals shocking demise of Minecraft Dungeons

    Qwazar77 reveals shocking demise of Minecraft DungeonsVideo Information how Minecraft dungeons got abandoned Minecraft dungeons is widely considered to be the most successful Minecraft spin-off with over 25 million players and they 25 million is crazy a mod Day game kills for the opportunity to even just get 1 million but we’re we’re talking here an extra zero and multiplied by a couple of times wow widely positive reception Minecraft dungeons was set to be big after the game had a very successful update Reviving interest in it in October 2022 players were optimistic about its future but suddenly out of the blue after almost a… Read More

  • Boost FPS in Minecraft with this Mod!

    Boost FPS in Minecraft with this Mod!Video Information у вас лагает Minecraft и вы не знаете как это решить Ты подпишись я помогу тебе решить Это вся суть в новых обновлениях которые не оптимизированы для слабых ПК тут вам поможет эта сборка модов тут есть всё чтобы поднять твой FPS А что если This video, titled ‘Что делать если упал фпс??? #майнкрафт #шортс #мод #майн #minecraft #обзор #mod #моды’, was uploaded by CryLove on 2024-02-29 09:30:11. It has garnered 6556 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    Novayon - OMG I GOT TURNED INTO POPULAR BLOCK GAME CHARACTERVideo Information [Music] ch [Music] for why is the music so moody in this just Minecraft man come on this mod pack so edgy look at the purple but uh yeah hello last stream I did was three three weeks ago yeah three weeks ago and I was supposed to do another one last week but I was really tired on Saturday because last week I was making videos for this week and I’ve uploaded three videos this week so I was pretty Shattered by the end of the [Music] week but I thought well I don’t want just want… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT: BUILDING KINGDOM WITH FRIENDS!Video Information hum stream start stream stream stream 1 2 3 testando Bora lá hein demorou um pouquinho hoje mas e aí tá um aqui o que exatamente nós vamos fazer rapaz eu não sei nada desse mod você tá me batendo a Será que nós tem que achar a Vila primeiro eu não sei se tem um tipo de tutorial que a gente consiga manjar nada no i Tab nada pera aí que eu ainda não tô no jogo não vi Eu Tô organizando chat eu já iniciar a minha já esse trem aqui logo já P telefone carregar… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sofa Build by ALEX! 🛋️🔥 #minecraftmadness

    EPIC Minecraft Sofa Build by ALEX! 🛋️🔥 #minecraftmadnessVideo Information don’t build your sofa like this build this simple modern sofa instead that I’ve got please stay I want you you God take beautiful I’ve [Music] please don’t This video, titled ‘Cool Minecraft sofa #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ALEX on 2024-04-21 12:38:39. It has garnered 11602 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC: Help Herobrine Escape Prison

    EPIC: Help Herobrine Escape PrisonVideo Information [Music] nice huh huh help me huh go go go what p This video, titled ‘Help Herobrine Escape from Prison’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-25 20:39:14. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper survival -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft like server with about 9 consistently active players, but we are looking for more. If you are interested in joining a server built around community and trust, where members work together on builds, feel free to join. We are looking for players 16+ years old, but exceptions can be made for mature individuals. Our goal is to reach 15-20 active players. Join our Discord server here Read More

  • Aethro Minecraft

    Aethro MinecraftExplore the Worlds of Aethro Minecraft!Survival Server: Dive into our enhanced Survival server, packed with exciting plugins to enrich your experience. Enjoy features like Extra Storage, Minepacks, Crates, a Land plugin, Proximity Chat, and many more. Discover the full plugin list at Aethro Plugins.Vanilla Server: Craving pure Minecraft gameplay? Our Vanilla server offers a pristine Minecraft experience with just Keep Inventory enabled and essential administrative plugins.Join Us Today:Java: mc.aethro.net 25565Bedrock: mc.aethro.net 19132Xbox Users: Add Aethro2000 as a friend and jump in!Stay connected! Visit our website or join our Discord community for more information and to meet fellow players. See you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Get Wrecked, Noob!

    Looks like this meme is more popular than most of my high school essays. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled

    Minecraft's Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, we take a dive, Exploring the past, where it all did thrive. From Minecon in Vegas, to the Combat Update, Every detail shared, every story so great. The early days of Minecraft, so simple and pure, A game that would grow, of that we were sure. From bridges to dragons, the community grew, With updates and features, always something new. The Adventure Update, the Chorus plant in sight, Trading and temples, adding to the delight. The Pretty Scary Update, with the Wither’s might, Challenges and bosses, a true gamer’s fight. So let’s celebrate 15… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • World’s First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build

    World's First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build I Built a MEGA HEART as my Nether Portal in Hardcore SupNinjaz embarked on a monumental project in his Minecraft Hardcore series by constructing a massive Nether Portal in the shape of a heart. This ambitious endeavor took him a month to complete, utilizing over 10,000 blocks. However, as he neared the finishing touches, a chilling event unfolded, adding a mysterious twist to the project. Building the Giant Heart Nether Portal SupNinjaz outlined his game plan, dividing the project into four main parts. First, he meticulously crafted the external pixel units of the heart using black concrete to give… Read More

  • Orange Touch of Death in Minecraft

    Orange Touch of Death in Minecraft Minecraft: The Adventure of Avoiding Orange Color Introduction In a recent Minecraft video titled “Minecraft ama TURUNCU RENGE DOKUNURSAM VİDEO BİTER,” the player embarks on a unique challenge where touching the color orange would end the video. Let’s dive into this thrilling adventure filled with twists and turns. The Challenge Begins The video kicks off with the player surrounded by orange hues, setting the stage for a suspenseful journey. The goal? To avoid any contact with the color orange while navigating through the Minecraft world. Seeking Diamonds Amidst the orange landscape, the player’s primary objective is to find diamonds…. Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Magic in Minecraft! MUST SEE Witchery Expansion Addon!

    Unbelievable NEW Magic in Minecraft! MUST SEE Witchery Expansion Addon!Video Information apa lagi Uh oke Guys Langsung aja kita review untuk edonnya langsung aja oh ya BT sini juga sudah cosplay menjadi penyihir ya guys ya Oke Langsung aja kita ganti kamera guys dan langsung kita coba dari pertama yaitu ada black hole spell langsung kita cobain kayak gini guys Boom untuk Black hole-nya guys Wah berputar-putar kayak gitu guys ya Awas cuy Black hole-nya ini sangat besar banget si kita gak bisa keluar guys ya gila cuy Oh my God gila guys ya Black ho-nya sangat apa ya menyedot banget gitu guys ya kayak kita terserap banget gitu… Read More

  • Sneaky Start in Neon Minecraft UHC

    Sneaky Start in Neon Minecraft UHCVideo Information I just have the Sur as neon thingy I’m not white listed oh snap neon thingy is a good point okay try not to don’t don’t fight people until it starts please yes I’m tting you to yeah yeah everyone sit down I sent my name into the Discord hog yo what’s up boar 209 oh I can Whit list as well I forgot I have powers let’s go and do that real quick consumption of minerals did somebody say minerals I’m just going to use voice chat mod I’m going to leave this PC now all right… Read More

Wipper – Minecraft Mods | MAGICAL STAFFS MOD | “Powerful Wizards!” | Minecraft Mod Showcase