WitchCraft SMP: Goodbye Demon | Episode 7

Video Information

Foreign I finally found a tribe that check me in you know it’s but it’s been so long I don’t know I felt alone for quite a while but I think this is gonna work out it’s been a bit Rocky but I I think I can trust them

Only the home will tell I guess Hello how you doing I’m so happy to see I have something special for you hold on hold on wow look at you you’re all protected now look at look at you full of diamonds you look wonderful I’m just so happy to have my Powers again this is so fun honestly oh let’s

Try this trident actually Oh you’re hurt why did your hearts go down oh did I hurt you accidentally I hope not oh okay things are going wrong do you need some need some food to eat cod yes you do oh great see now you’re feeling better hello hello hello Sanctuary do you have anything to say

I so agree iced you are so right about that wow I feel like you’re always right it’s it’s very much a gift hello hi Turtle hello hi everyone they’re all so cute look at the little Froggies hello froggy adorable and the coral here is just beautiful it’s so nice to just be

Able to be in the water not be bothered by anyone I guess it’s time I’ve decided I don’t really want to take anything for granted I’m just so grateful for everything I have now and I’m gonna start a diary so this is really exciting I don’t watch when I document things in

Grateful form what’s going on in my life and all that oh I can’t spell dear diary thank you for giving me my Powers but I don’t really have a plan for today that’s true by the way I don’t really have a plan but I’ll just see what

Happens should I say see what happens I am so grateful for my tattoo what’s up and chat I don’t think I spelled that right there we go I’m going to try be grateful today yay thank you okay wonderful now I have my own little diary and I’m gonna

Document my life so that’s really cool hopefully I can keep up with it because I I actually have this thing where I start Diaries but I don’t actually keep up with them I think I’m tired from all the swimming uh let’s go back maybe have a nap or

Something like that yeah it looks like it’s getting a bit dark I should go you know go to sleep I need to regenerate you know the world is my oyster and I am the Pearl now I need to really focus don’t I I need to have a plan about what

Will help me become Supreme witch but first time for rest ah that was such a nice sleep but so now let’s think about what I will want to do oh What was that I I can’t be the only one that heard that let’s explore what is that oh my God oh my I have to follow it Sounds beautiful I feel like it’s pulling me in I’m just going far and Far I’ve I don’t think I’ve been this peaceful since like I can’t even remember I just I feel like everything oh I can hear more I I’m coming I’m coming wow is that who I think it is

Mom dad mom is it I think it’s my parents oh my have they come back for me I think they’ve come back for me mom dad oh my I’m so happy wow Mom Dad whoa I think that’s it wow I’m just so happy I think that there wow

That is just beautiful a pirate ship let’s go let’s go mom dad I mean back for me oh my God Mom Dad whoa this is just beautiful and so cool wow I’m so glad you could be here hello um is anyone there anyone um whoa

What is that my face why why is this so much of me this is creepy is that my head what yeah oh this is this is creepy I I don’t understand you hello yes what what are you stop laughing at me what is going on

Look at you what what do you mean I don’t understand why am I here I thought I thought I was here to see my parents you’re not my parents all parents don’t want you what do you mean what I’ve never wanted who are you me yes you worse nightmare

Don’t tell me it’s you oh yes you’ve been doing this to me the entire time why have you been doing this you’ve ruined my life oh please prison Arena cut it out uh you’ve been insufferable to live in I swear what do you mean goodness this whole time I’ve been deep

Inside of you I have a scripping me out I’m Gonna Leave because this is insane you will not leave here how’s it feel to be stuck what I can’t I can’t move why are you doing this I don’t understand I’ve done nothing but try my best oh honey I don’t care if you

Tried your best I don’t care if you tried at all the thing is Chris Marina um sadly you just aren’t what I’m looking for and so I’m looking to possess somebody who has a real talent and actually brings me something you you have been just a mess to live inside of

I’m trying my best I don’t saying this I’m saying this because I’m evil of course can we fix this I’m sure what do you want out of this I I there’s nothing no wait just get me out of here you can’t move no no please come on no

This is so fun this isn’t fun for me I’ll give you anything I’ll give you anything I just I’m sorry I want your power no I can’t I can’t do this again I can’t survive without my Powers you know this well if you’re not going to give them to me then I might

Just happen What take them myself no no you can’t do this prison Marina know me long enough now I can do whatever I like come on give it back to me give it back to me no no this isn’t funny this is so funny why are you talking about

The Supreme which gave me those to protect myself oh well they’re not doing a very good job right now aren’t they oh my yes yes I feel like I’ve got them back you are no match for me no well how dare you how dare you I can do more no I will sure

Now and there’s nothing you could do about it are you sure are you sure about that no no stop please please no oh I can’t get out come on Oh no I’m cutting my own no no this is not okay you can’t kill me prison Marina come on oh stop it no you’ll never Escape please don’t do anything do anything I already told you the only way I’ll let you go is if you give me your powers it’s as

Simple as that oh who’s doing that prismarina I I I I I I think I think I know who it is oh my God it’s burning the chef is everything no yes this is the last time that you will see me what do you want no

No it’s time that you get your match Did you get away I need to get away from the ship I need to get away I think I finally gotten rid of the demon I think I finally did it ready to go oh my God I need to go whoa it’s burning down finally finally gone I need

To go I need to go now there’s no more demon clouding my head I decided to really focus on my craft um the bewitchman hour is upon us alrighty so I figured out you know my little setup so before I show it to you I have thing I

Think I’ve got my next project I’ve been looking through the Book of Shadows and seeing what I can create and I found this it’s a prickly belt it’s a handy trinket able to Star status effects when attacked the wearer will receive positive effects and the attacker

Negative at the cost of me to add a status effect simply combined the belt with a potion so I’m gonna need leather Cactus and an aqua serate so I put in my Birchbox yes and then kelp and some tropical fish yay okay now I bottle it up yes there we

Go aqua’s array okay very cool okay finally I keep getting confused so I’ll put this in here leather you the cactus and my portion of regeneration and then I guess I just have to put it next to each other yes yes okay oh okay but it

Has only three uses I don’t know what that means either way though it’s still good I have a prickly belt I have a prickly Bell you can’t see it but I have a prickly belt I know I look awful with a mask I know but it gives me cool

Things I remember finding this Crystal Ball once I washed up you know back on the shower a few weeks ago so let’s test it out alrighty so let’s try because this is already charged so let’s just try right click it okay oh my God that is so

So whoa I love it so I’m gonna have to get multiple tag logs of people and my plan isn’t to curse them it’s just to find out information about them let’s see what Fortune it’s giving me you may need a rest soon yeah maybe but I’m so

Obsessed I’m so obsessed that’s so cool I’m gonna go do not suspicious things at all okay so I figured out um I tested out some curses and seeing how that works and I think you have to be on the server and Joey right now is

On the server so I’m gonna try curse him with that the curse I was doing last time Tagalog prison Crystal Belladonna acquisite now I just light it oh oh my God whoa okay well I think the curse worked no wonder Scott loves doing curses this

Is fun hello hold on wait I’m trying to kill you here I’ll help oh wait did you feel that oh what I didn’t get damaged you didn’t take any damage from that no weird okay are you like so opino or something maybe I am okay listen I hear around town that you

Know a lot about scepters so I was wondering you got anything maybe that could make my scepter more powerful wow potentially potentially are you tickling me I do have some that that would be very nice for you as well I brought a whole box full of books so

Maybe there’s something you might want from okay okay yeah okay go ahead take a look some of them are hard to read because they’re very large there are a few good ones that you have most of them but you you will take the ones I don’t have wait

I didn’t think you could take them yeah which one did you just take the Ring of telepop okay fine I don’t have the false field oh I actually want that one I want the fat I want the force field then why did you put it in in the shulker Box I

Was showing off fine I have the ring of teleported is now show me what you have this is your first one oh oh you have them Fireball what else you got I have create lava yes and and this freezing a bolt of energy that kills the Target and nearby enemies

I like that oh yes you’ve hardly given me anything I mean it’s not like I need it because I’m so you know powerful no let me see I might have something very special that I have okay follow me did you just walk into the wall I’m very fast I have speed

I’m very close what is happening why am I hurting oh um that was weird I’m drowning oh that doesn’t sound good what did you do to me what do you mean did something I did not have this before I was here what do you mean you are making things up okay anyways anyways

Oh um what was that is someone watching us um where did that come from I don’t know that was spooky was that lining on the inside yeah um someone’s watching us why don’t we have this discussion at yours I don’t feel safe um okay okay let’s go back down

Ow ow this bridge keeps burning me hello I’ve been waiting um did you see that sign up there oh yeah I did see the sign do you think the person who shot us with lightning is this person I don’t know man the styles are a bit different you

Know how people talk about like different ways of like of like killing someone like shows lightning and signs I think they’re just too different you’re right and you know what I saw a sign that said Bertha’s giving away therapy sessions and she said call 666. I’d recommend you don’t

Though don’t get a therapy session I mean mine was really bad so it wasn’t I don’t think she knows how to be a therapist she’s actually like made me feel even worse about myself anyways you were showing me something I want gifts this is an exchange what what are

You talking about why are you nothing what do you mean I thought we came here to escape yeah we did but it’s still a trade you wanted to look into your chests wait but you didn’t show me the extra special thing I couldn’t find lightning and I got

Scared wait was it down in the basement was it the summon a Golem thing um I don’t know I don’t remember I think it was like like a like a freeze free thing oh just that I have one of those okay well you at least give me a

Tall oh yes welcome this is fire tooth he doesn’t like you I don’t know why excuse me um could you explain this information he’s never done that before oh my God I was just writing it that looks horrid I’m so does it now should we race sure

This way oh well you gotta go to head stop you’re so slow where are you oh you know I can’t actually fly oh my gosh oh my God no you know what this is I call it this is where we play FireBoy and water go oh my God that’s the new series okay

Come upstairs okay keep going in circles okay whoa I didn’t take my floating ring usually I could take my floating ring I want to go for a dip yeah do you think that’s water down there I guess we’ll find out well I don’t take fall damage so yes I’m so hardcore

Well anyways thank you so much for the trades praise it wasn’t much of a trade you didn’t really I gave you a ring out you can teleport home with it oh cute nice so great how come you cursed me what I didn’t cuss you you cursed me you

Did uh I was about to leave I didn’t cuss you okay bye what a weirdo no puss I couldn’t right to head into the end to get some much needed materials that I’ve been desperate for for like literally weeks I was waiting for someone to open the

Puddle and looks like that time is now alrighty well I’ve been exploring with my Eye of Ender trying to find the dungeon and I have finally found it um yeah no I found it like in the middle of the ocean ironically it’s like it was meant to be so I wanna explore see

What’s in here and I mocked it I don’t know if I have ended to activate the end portal right now however the point was I want to find it first and then I can focus on kind of getting the Eyes of Ender right um okay let’s explore okay

Okay there we go this is where I was sick okay I guess it’s time to go to the end take me baby whoa I already see it inside all the beautiful things like mine whoa whoa wait this is so cool wow this is like so cool okay I should

Be able to be all good oh my there’s so much okay you gotta just watch out for that end the dragon gold why are they all yelling at me okay let’s mine this this raw thalassium okay well I will mine it no no I’m looking down guys I’m not

Looking at you no no please you can leave me alone I’m not hurting you I am all good I am being very nice you know what and and the dragon go do your thing you know yes yes yes yes okay okay this is good

This is good yes oh wow I am so ready to craft things get as much as this as possible okay they’re all screaming at me they’re all screaming at me I don’t like this can you guys stop screaming at me I just want your ender pearls I am

Going to have these materials forever I am slaying it in the end yes I am this is actually quite relaxing ah and there I go peacefully out I’m about to make the coolest things ever I want to make the end sword of course I’m a witch so I know I’ll be

Making other things but I want to make the end sword because come on it sounds so cool okay let’s make the end sword so have an End gobar Rod so that’s all good now I put these two in with the popped cars for you know the cars flower and

Like and I have my and gobaranga okay okay I definitely want to make this end salt is there anything else that I think I should make at that moment because I’m sorry I mean come on it’s 16 attack damage and that’s without enchantment and here we go my end sword yes yes

Please now time to enchant this come on give me something good sweeping Edge yes yes oh wow and I think there’s maybe if I have any other enchantments um but right now this oh 18 attack damage come on let’s go test this out um hello oh

I’ll be more powerful you might not be not because Marina but that doesn’t mean the next one won’t be

This video, titled ‘WitchCraft SMP: Goodbye Demon | Episode 7’, was uploaded by prismarina plays on 2023-03-17 00:10:39. It has garnered 22669 views and 1578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:39 or 1359 seconds.

It’s time to say goodbye to that pesky demon.. 😈

Check out the other Witches! 🧙‍♀️ JOEY youtube.com/JoeyGraceffaGames SHELBY youtube.com/Shubble CLEO youtube.com/ZombieCleo SCOTT youtube.com/Dangthatalongname TIFF youtube.com/ihascupquake ELOISE youtube.com/soupforeloise LAUREN youtube.com/LaurenzSide

Business email: [email protected]

WitchCraft SMP: Goodbye Demon | Episode 7 #minecraft #witchcraftsmp #prismarina

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    Ultimate Zombie Slaying Madness – Dead Target GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dead Target Killing The Infinities Zombies Horror Gameplay’, was uploaded by wasad Gaming on 2024-01-13 02:44:32. It has garnered 32 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. call of duty modern warfare warzone minecraft call of duty modern warfare 3 modern warfare 2 playthrough call of duty modern warfare iii call of duty modern warfare 3 gameplay gaming modern warfare ii modern warfare 3 warzone urzikstan walkthrough gameplay call of duty modern warfare 2 pc warzone 3 warzone meta ps5 holostars holostarsen vtuber call of duty warzone mw3 warzone… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SECRET Revealed: Weuo

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SECRET Revealed: WeuoVideo Information all okay and we’re livebe YouTube Don’t tweak okay what is good Tweakers and geekers okay what is good gangsters this is 30 yeah so we’re back I’m chat I’m gonna go the uh back with another stream hard there you I’m go get some yeah I’m so um what’s the game plan for today um well villagers uh just animals and a house I would assume mainly sheeps and cows we need those especially cows cuz if we get milk we can go L that Monument uh I do want to go show you do we have… Read More


    DEAMOPThe Best Ever Minigame Server, With Games Like UHC, UHC Duels, Survival, Build battle And Much More!! You Can Purchase Ranks and such at https://deamop.tebex.io/, And You Can Apply For Staff At https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfE-Ig43LuUT33hu2uZ8Hq1f9jy5I0yC1V-bNfzwS440-JY-w/viewform DEAMOP.minehut.gg Read More

  • Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla 18+ whitelist discord

    Welcome to our 18+ Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a new and engaging Minecraft experience, join our whitelist server today. Our community is thriving and full of exciting opportunities for adventurers and builders like you. What Makes Us Unique: Active Moderation and Dev Team Shopping District and Hermitcraft-style Plugins Frequent Events and Community Challenges Respectful Gameplay Environment Server Details: Hosted on a Paper server in the UK Whitelisted for 18+ players Freshly launched and ready for you to explore Apply now to join us: Discord Read More

  • ObsydiaMC

    Obsydia is a survival server that is community driven and community focused with dedicated staff and multiple plugins to enhance gameplay. There is so much more we have to offer, and we hope to see you here to try everything out soon! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – If only your trades didn’t suck

    Minecraft Memes - If only your trades didn’t suckLooks like this villager needs to work on their negotiation skills in the marketplace! Maybe they can offer some better deals, like a 2-for-1 special on enchanted diamond swords. Read More

  • Hot Dog or Hot Cauldron in Minecraft 💗🔥 #shorts #meme

    Hot Dog or Hot Cauldron in Minecraft 💗🔥 #shorts #meme Why choose between a dog and a cauldron in Minecraft when you can have both and create a potion that turns your dog into a magical cauldron-fetching companion? Minecraft just got a whole lot weirder. #MinecraftLogic Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern House Building Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house builds? Do you enjoy creating unique and modern structures in the game? If so, you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server! Imagine taking your building skills to the next level in a community of like-minded players. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, learn new building techniques, and explore different design styles with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on creating amazing and unique houses, Minewind is the perfect place to hone your skills and get inspired by others. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve or… Read More

  • Minecraft: Mastering the Basics

    Minecraft: Mastering the Basics Welcome to Minecraft: A Beginner’s Guide Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft? In this guide, we will cover all the basics you need to know to start your Minecraft adventure. From placing blocks to moving around and even some cool tricks, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to navigate this creative sandbox game with ease. Placing Blocks and Moving Around Placing blocks in Minecraft is as simple as right-clicking to place and left-clicking to break. With a variety of blocks at your disposal, the possibilities are endless for building and creating in this virtual world…. Read More

  • 1000 DAYS as TAILS in Minecraft! EPIC Sonic Battles

    1000 DAYS as TAILS in Minecraft! EPIC Sonic BattlesVideo Information on day one I spawned into the Aspen forest’s tails the awesome two-tailed Fox the best friend of Sonic the Hedgehog oh I’m a little baby Tails this is adorable still I can’t wait to get bigger and stronger but before I could even think about that I was hit by a crossbow bolt and wounded I turned and saw a big scary armored Vindicator coming through the trees towards me well well well if it isn’t Tails I’ve been searching for you you and your little Lo speed to have a friend have had it too good… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stream Experiments

    Insane Minecraft Stream ExperimentsVideo Information your Li deepface ands in the furnace this is your goal that makes it all worth it this is your your let’s go dos can keep you down pushing deep until your drown or they can keep you up strong focused on the now glass half full or has it been EMP out well that’s all up to you and your mind do you doubt anything everything not a thing make my thoughts work for me manifest what I need what I want what I see I could be anything I get trct all the things that I… Read More


    💔 INFINITE HEARTS DUPE GLITCH IN SURVIVAL SMP 😱🔥Video Information हाय गाइज कैसे हैं सभी लोग वेलकम बैक इन अदर गेम वीडियो सो गाइज आज की वाली वीडियो बहुत ही अच्छी होने वाली है क आज की इस वाली वीडियो में मैं अपने जो हर्ट्स हैं उसको डूब करने वाला हूं एक तरीके से वैसे व मैं करने हु भी सर्वाइवल में वाला हूं कोई एनी मेंे क्रिएटिव या फिर कोई प्लगइन वगैरह नहीं डालने वाला मैं सिंपल इसको सर्वाइवल में करने वाला हूं तो यह जाने के लिए वीडियो को एंड तक देखें तो सबसे पहले अभी तो फिलहाल मेरे पास 27 हर्ट है तो काफी ज्यादा… Read More

  • Unbelievable Piano Creations in Minecraft by John Hall

    Unbelievable Piano Creations in Minecraft by John HallVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Piano | Creative Minecraft Build Ideas’, was uploaded by John Hall on 2024-01-13 16:00:27. It has garnered 2722 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. 🌟 Dive into a whirlwind of creativity with our Minecraft Shorts! 🌈 witness the magic of building, exploring, and conquering challenges in the pixelated world of Minecraft. 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a newbie in the game, these shorts are packed with excitement, inspiration, and a touch of humor. 🔨 Watch as we construct jaw-dropping structures, navigate treacherous landscapes, and… Read More

  • Unlock the CRAZIEST new Minecraft weapon now!! 😱

    Unlock the CRAZIEST new Minecraft weapon now!! 😱Video Information Espera espera Espera espera Pero cómo Que Minecraft ha trabajado que Minecraft ha metido algo nuevo al juego me cago en la oficialmente Hoy es Día Nacional de celebración de Minecraft moan que ha trabajado ha hecho algo con su vida Y es que lo que ha hecho es meter un nuevo arma que la verdad que bueno es un poco a ver alegrarnos tanto por meter un nuevo arma es un poco rar uno pero bueno es que si nos vamos a la última snapshot de Minecraft y creamos un nuevo mundo con las actualizaciones de la… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT SMP ACCEPTANCE?!? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘My Minecraft Application The Best Smp [Warriors Smp]’, was uploaded by Glich527 on 2024-02-26 15:03:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS IS MY APPLICATION TO THE WARRIORS SMP I WISH I GET ACCEPTED ignore Survival Mode, Creative Mode Builds, … Read More


    CRAZY AMD CRAFTY MINECRAFT BLOCK! #21Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EPISODE # 21’, was uploaded by AMD CRAFTY on 2024-02-07 00:07:03. It has garnered 41 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:17 or 557 seconds. MINECRAFT MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK MINECRAFT SKY BLOCK FISH AFK FARM #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftbuilding #gaming #minecrafthouse #minecraftfarm #minecraftoneblock #minecraftmemes #minecrafthousetutorial #gamingvideos #gamingshorts #gamingcommunity #gamingchannel #gaminglife #gamingvideo #gameplay #games #gamer #game #gamers #gameshorts #viralgames #viralgaming #viral #vuralvideo #reels #reel #viralshorts #viralreels #minecrafthungergames #minecraftsurvivalisland #minecraftmods #games #live #gaming #amongus #gameplay #gametv #youtubegamer #livegaming #gamereview #gamecommentary #livestream #youtubegaming #gamer #ps #twitch #gamingcommunity #youtubegamingchannel #xbox #playstation #playfortnite… Read More

  • 5-Star Minecraft Map HACKS!!

    5-Star Minecraft Map HACKS!!Video Information Minecraft maps are getting kind of insane and nobody’s talking about it how do we go from this to this oh yeah in this video I’ll be testing five-star Maps throughout Minecraft history ah 2011 the world’s population just reached 7 billion people and Minecraft Beta 1.7 just added Pistons to the game this was one of the first Maps making use of them in a very creative way and I think we all know what to expect on the other side of this Temple door the question is is will I pass the test oh um hello… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Skeleton vs Peppa Pig! Minecraft’s Safest House!

    Ultimate Showdown: Skeleton vs Peppa Pig! Minecraft's Safest House!Video Information darling you have to see this look what’s here hey where are you and here you finally found you look what a castle let’s go to it let’s see what’s their interesting beat you and I found after all never been in such a thing and to be honest I’ve never seen anything like it before it just can’t be why are there locks here there shouldn’t be any let’s go in then who the hell are you people get the hell out of here right now do you realize what I’m doing right now do you want… Read More

  • ZuberCraft

    ZuberCraftCome join one of our 3 worlds with your friends! We have a survival, creative, and skyblock world that you can play on. Our goal is to build a fun energetic community! Occasionally we will play minigames as well and do server wide events. Join our discord to get in on all the action and join our community! Read More

WitchCraft SMP: Goodbye Demon | Episode 7