WOOL COLLECTION SYSTEMS! | The Minecraft Guide – Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 117)

Video Information

Good morning gamers welcome back to the minecraft guide sheep farm sheep farm last episode was a good one we finished all of the sheep farms that we had to today is a big one the farm at the end of the last episode it’s basically done but

It’s not done at the same time there are a bunch of things that we need to get done today so then by the end of the episode the farm can actually be up and running today we’re gonna set up the item collection system we’re gonna figure out how we’re gonna color the sheep

We’re gonna start the farm and then maybe big maybe we’re gonna do the inside or at least some of it before we get into today’s episode two things thank you so much for all the love on the project the videos of this project have been doing super well and it seems that you

All have been like really enjoying the project which is great because it’s a really fun one i’ve been waiting to do this for so long so yeah also like go 10k likes highly advise you check last episode if you haven’t yet because a lot of the stuff’s not

Going to make any sense how do these farms appear here well watch last episode and you’ll figure out how 48 sheep farms at the end of the last episode i post a question do we expand the farm questions still open let me know what you think expanded not expanded today we’re gonna

Set up a collection system for everything that we have so far to set up this collection system these are basically the materials that you’re gonna need you’re gonna need rails the amount depends on how big you make the farm not just normal rails though no way that that wouldn’t work

Of course not obviously you’re gonna need powered rails too we’re probably gonna need a lot of powered rails so i’ll make that many to start you’re also gonna need a mine card but no no no no not just a normal minecart it actually needs to be a special minecart

A hopper minecart so i’ve been thinking about how i want to do this i think the best way to do this is going to be probably with five separate mine carts i’m not too sure but i thought about trying to like string these things together over here we could

Make like an elevator for the minecart it goes down and gets them and and then down but honestly i feel like it’s gonna be overly complex just simplify it all we need to do is have a mine cart that goes down bounces off the wall and just comes back

Over here drops everything off in like a hopper elevator and the hoppers go down and take all the items to the ground where we can like pick them up maybe i like the back of the build is what i’m thinking so that’s gonna be one mine cart for that floor

One for that four one for that floor and then over here we could string them together but it’s gonna be a bunch of different sheep like with different colors so one over here one over here that’s gonna equal five hopper mine carts are so slow to craft too like what like that’s painful

Chest you’re gonna need chests the chests are gonna be for storage hoppers you’re gonna need hoppers the hoppers are gonna be for putting the items inside of the chest for the storage you’re gonna need to come up with a way to power your powered rails i’m gonna

Use levers i think levers are gonna be the best way and then if you wanna do some kind of minecart unloading system you’re gonna need a few more redstone components so these are going to be the components down here i’m actually not going to grab them

Quite yet uh we’ll set it up after we set up most of the farm i think i want to stop the mine carts and have them drop off all of their wool into a chest and then let them go and pick up more wool because wool is going to clog up a

Minecart really really fast so for the most part those are the materials that you can do for the collection system if i forgot something i’m sorry but now it’s time to set it up so i think we’re gonna start over here this is gonna be like an easy side to do

What we wanna do is start by creating basically like a basement over here i think i’m gonna put the floor at the spot uh like down here it’s gonna be like a cramped basement for sure but if i if i dig this whole area out like from this spot right here

All the way over to the other side in the same exact spot so like down here then it’s gonna be a whole lot easier to work we could easily set up a minecart rail line over there one over here hoppers and everything yeah it’ll just make it so much easier time to dig

Oh man if it wasn’t for all of the sheep and my lack of explosives i totally would have used explosives in here this was so painful to dig check it out the basement is clear from this side all the way over to this side

And now we can easily set up a red light in here and then hopper systems linking everything together we’re good to go all right so i like to run my rail lines on things that are different right so like i i know what it is always today today i’ve looked into my

Stockpiles and they just aren’t what they used to be it’s tragic but they’re not so what we’re gonna use is cobblestone and it’s gonna look amazing it’s gonna be perfect cobblestone it is there we go so what we’re gonna do is set up a rail line running right underneath the block the

Sheep are standing on i’ve done my research i looked at the blocks uh this is where the sheep are standing so that means we skip a space for the mine cart and we do the line right in there now uh we’re gonna have to work in here it’s gonna be a little

Bit tricky but you wanna see a life hack for working in tight spaces if you ever have to work in like a cramped spot like this one in here i need to get in here and actually put rail lines in there trap doors right here

Uh there we go and now we can just crawl right through this thing hey it looks a little weird for sure but we can crawl right through this thing get to the back of it and lay the rail lines so this item collection system is

Going to be kind of similar to some of the other item collection systems we’ve done we’re going to start at the back wall right here with a couple powered rails so we’re going to send the minecart down it’s going to bounce off of these rails on the wall

And then come back the other way we have a solid wall block down there to make sure this works a couple of powered rails then we’ll go i don’t know uh three four five six seven eight i mean we don’t need to go overkill with a powered rail so there’s eight

Then maybe we’ll do three more and then one two three four five six seven eight uh there we go another eight and then a couple more powered rails and we’re actually at the end okay perfect now all we need to do is power them so down here we’re gonna have

Powered rails right there we’ll power that can i take this block out oh yes i can i can okay perfect actually you know what you know what we might as well right i don’t know how i didn’t think about that that’s perfect now that that’s all

Dug out we can come down here at any time we need to like work on the farm make sure it’s running and actually work on the farm and make sure it’s running so with the rail lines in here’s the amazing part we dropped the mine cart on the rail line it’s

Going to bounce off the wall and then it’s going to go down this way and then because i didn’t put anything over here it’s just going to stop so this item collection system is going to be pretty similar to some of the other ones that we’ve set up however

We need to make sure this mine cart doesn’t get locked so we have 12 different sheep here and most likely it’s going to be like probably like 10 or so different colors uh maybe even 12 different colors just depends on how i do it there are five slots instead of a hopper

Mine card this is gonna fill up really quickly if that’s white wool this is like gray wool this is black wool uh that’s green and wool and then that’s blue wool uh this is blue wall it’s full if the hopper mine cart is full well it’s gonna

Sit on the ground and start piling up and that’s not gonna be good we definitely don’t want wool piling up sitting on the floor and then this minecart never being able to actually catch up and in case i didn’t make it clear that’s why we’re using separate mine

Carts it would be so easy to actually string a singular minecart like over here we could wrap it down have it jump over here and then bounce off and come back and that would be nice but uh that might be too much for the minecart i think it might fill up

So to finish this thing off here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna do two more blocks like that and then we’re gonna do a temporary block right there and a temporary block right there we’re gonna break that block place the hopper right there facing into this block i think for now what we’re

Gonna do is move all of our items to the back of this building honestly i’m not too sure how i’m gonna do item storage we have to flip the hoppers direction around later and maybe do something out there like a separate building that would work too that could be pretty cool

But for now i guess we’ll just move everything to a central spot like like over here on the back of the building because it’s going to be big and open oh you know what you know what because of how we have the setup the the floor is lower

We’re actually going to have to move this all down just a little bit but down okay this should be better here’s what i’ve done instead of having this go straight out i’ve dropped it down two blocks hopefully we’re gonna have enough power to climb back up here if we don’t

We could readjust it but we’re gonna go down two blocks like that and then i think we should be able to put a powered rail right there on top of that hopper now coming out of this hopper you’re just gonna have to imagine it for a second we’ll get it in a minute

But we’ll have more hoppers like stringing together all connecting and like going down this way to this one and then looping over to like a central spot and then we’ll have other hoppers on the other side doing the same exact thing going to the middle okay so we’re gonna have to test this

Out for sure but remember i was talking about the hopper minecart filling up uh well yeah we need that to not happen definitely not to prevent it from filling up instead of having it come down and drop one item off and then bounce back and pick up more and then

Come back and drop one we’re gonna hold the minecart here and have it unload all the way then let it go back out to do that simple circuit we placed a comparator facing out that way into a building block we’re gonna need to clear out a little bit more space

This building block is gonna go right here we’re gonna put a redstone torch on it right here we’re gonna put another building block right here we’re gonna put a repeater and then finally another building block right there that’s gonna power that and now finally uh moment of truth is it gonna work so

It goes up there it bounces uh off the wall yep yep okay it’s gonna come back down and it’s gonna bounce off and it’s gonna go back okay okay now let’s say we had like an item or two in it so watch this it’s gonna come down here it’s gonna pick those up

It’s gonna stop and that’s gonna go okay okay so we might want to add maybe another powered rail like right there maybe that might help it out let’s see okay i forgot to put items okay there’s some items so take those you’re gonna stop and drop those off and then you go

Okay it works perfect there we go that mine cart is gonna run on a loop forever and then when it hits down here it’s gonna stop unload all of the items however there’s one thing that’s bothering me about this and that’s this uh this needs to sit on like a different block

You know so if i’m digging and i don’t mess it up yup okay moving on so to be honest i don’t know how much i’m actually gonna ever come down into the basement if i ever even do honestly but i still would like to keep it pretty clean and

And clear so that’s why i put all these torches down here in like a pattern and then over here i want to leave all the redstone exposed i like the idea of leaving the stuff like this so then if there’s ever like a problem with it i

Can come down here and look at it and it’s really easy to see and i can say oh like the repeater it’s messed up right there you know so anyways side number two this side is going to be identical we’re gonna do it exactly the same oh

It’s nighttime okay we’re gonna do the same in the morning don’t redstone at night right that’s how it goes right okay so down here is where the farm ends i’m pretty sure uh yep that’s definitely where the farm ends so that means we start with the cobblestone right there we’re gonna go

All the way down with the cobblestone now uh this time because i cleared out all that space we actually don’t need to do the whole crawling thing even though it was pretty sweet so i think i’m gonna do it again anyways trap door right there trap door right there

We stand here boom we’re crawling now now to be honest i i know you’re gonna say it i know somebody has already said it i’m over using powered rails i don’t need that many powered rails it’s too much power no it’s not it’s fine i have a giant

Gold farm so yeah i’m not really worried about it one two three four five six seven eight however thank you for your concern i do really appreciate it all right if our measurements are all correct we’re gonna have the same thing right there perfect

Then we set up the drop we set up the small circuit we set up the minecart and the power and well yeah everything else you gotta make sure the angle is right because if the angle is off then it’s going to sound wrong and people are going to take the

Wrong way and they’re not really going to like you and it’s going to be a problem but i have to say it anyways this project takes so much iron like it’s painful it’s painful don’t get me wrong i’m grateful that i’m doing this project look at this it’s overflowing i haven’t checked this

In a minute yeah that’s my bad i actually have to add a chest down here too it’s the first time in a long time but i’m out of storage space well it’s nice to see the poppy farm is running perfectly thankfully i finally have a use for all

Of this jungle wood i need so many hoppers for this project and the jungle would it perfectly it perfectly works okay so for now this is what i’m thinking we’ll have all the hoppers just go down this way and we’ll probably end up digging like a hallway over here or

Something have it go down and then just like right over to the middle but yeah a string of hoppers all connected time for another one of these circuit things so comparator going right there into a block with a redstone torch with a block and another block right

There and then a repeater right there that’s all good then we need a power rail right there the normal rail is going to go right there and what’s wrong ah that’s what’s wrong there we go it works okay so minecart number two there we go that’s gonna go and run forever

That’s good everything is good okay so we’ll come back to that bit in a minute now let’s move over to this part so this part is gonna be basically the same thing i think so here’s what i think we’re gonna do we’re gonna have the rail lines

Running on top of the light blocks obviously it’s gonna come down and bounce off right here on the end when i’m setting these things up usually i like to have the minecart go a couple blocks past the wolf arm and that’s kind of what happens here there’s only one block this time but

That’s fine i want to keep things compact but it goes past the black so if the wall is like all the way over here for some reason uh then the hopper my car still picks it up so that should be good we have to go down bounce off of that and then over

Here at the other side i think we’re gonna have room to set up the same circuit like uh this small unloading circuit we’ll have it unloaded into hoppers but then this time the hoppers instead of going like off to the side will go straight down and we won’t

Change anything at all the wiring is exactly the same they go straight down into the ground and then they wind over here to the same middle spot i think that’s it should work however i didn’t do it before and now i have to do it and it’s painful i have to dig

Back to digging again uh i and i have to be really careful this time um that was really bad i need to not drop the sheep down in there uh thank you me yep don’t do that all right so this is gonna be a little bit

Interesting so if we have this come down and then bounce off of this spot right there that black would be exposed uh to get around that i think what i’m gonna do is just raise the ground up all the way from like side to side i mean we’ll probably end up

Building a wall right here to cover up this stuff anyways but yeah yeah to get around the block being like shown off on the surface we just raised the ground not that big of a problem so i dug out all the space there’s a small space down here this time

Uh next is the cobblestone we’re gonna wire this exactly the same and then after the cobblestone we’re gonna do the same exact thing with the rails we’re gonna do three then we’re gonna do eight then we’re gonna do three more powered rails and this time we’re gonna be over here because it’s shorter

Um you know what no we’re gonna adjust it instead we’re gonna do three at the end then we’re just gonna fill in all the way in the middle with the normal rails then over here at the end we’re gonna have spot for another normal rail and then finally we’re gonna have the whole

Hopper system so hopper facing down or see i want the hoppers to be on the same spot so 74 when i stand on that hopper okay that feels really high up actually and then 76 so yeah yeah we wanted to go down uh like two blocks so facing down

Perfect and then on top of this hopper we’re gonna have that again a couple levers in here to make sure all these rails are powered and last but not least that redstone component so building block right there comparator that goes into that block right there oh this might be

A little bit tricky so thankfully this is the back of the build this is what i was afraid of so we could try and come back things down even more it would be possible or we could just use the back of the build and and say it’s fine which is

What i would prefer to do uh but we’re gonna have like little holes on the back of the build yikes yikes yikes yikes how do we fix that um we could probably just fix it with trap doors or honestly we might be behind the tree for the most part

Uh so we might be fine i see we have the comparator to the building block to the torch to the basalt which is the building block this time uh to the repeater to the building block and then if that wasn’t there yep that would be powered okay that should be good

I could move it in though oh you know what oh you know what i didn’t even think about this look uh here’s how i’ll show you uh the big problem uh yikes so we’re gonna just start setting up the other one again so that goes there and then i’m gonna

Need way more normal rails but that’s fine because i have so many more over here i still even touch this other stack so there we go we have the rails in now i still don’t know what i’m going to put in front of the light block so definitely something so we’ll put the

Power on the back and that should be fine the machine shouldn’t get messed up the power is far enough away i think as long as we don’t have a block right there uh that might not even mess with it we’ll just leave it alone moving down over to

This side time to set this thing up so because this might end up being exposed we’re gonna do like a like a nicer looking block so like smooth stone then we need to come in here and have a hopper facing down because that’s how we did it and

This is the problem right here so the hoppers they could kind of string down and maybe the mine cart would like move them along like in the system but i don’t really want that to happen so i think what we’re gonna have to do here

Is uh it’s not that big of a deal it’ll be fine but we’re gonna have to string a couple more hoppers than i really wanted to in here so what we could do is have this whole thing go down still like the hoppers face down so we start

With this thing facing down still that’s fine but unfortunately because of this rail we can’t have hoppers like connecting each other and i don’t really want the minecart to move items around it might slow it down so instead this is what we do we move it down

And then we move it over to the back then we move it down then down here i have a hopper facing forward so then everything ends up in this hopper right there so like uh check this out we throw the dirt in there it’s gonna go through this thing

It’s gonna go over here and then it ends up right there then this one will continue down and we’ll move it over and connect it it’s gonna make it a little bit more expensive for the hoppers which is a bummer for sure but i i think it’ll be fine so anyways this

Black goes right there then we have to dig this out and we have to put a redstone torch right on this block right uh right there uh there’s gonna be a hole but the tree’s gonna cover that up then these blocks can go back redstone repeater right there solid

Block right on top of that and then one final powered rail right there layer two is good and it fits kind of all right well with that figured out that means there’s only one more layer to do that’s gonna be this top layer right here so three right

There three more powered rails down here lever lever plane rails extra block that goes right there more normal rail hopper facing down oh you know what maybe this isn’t the worst thing in the world after all maybe this is actually kind of nice because uh check this out so we have the hopper

Trail going down we have to pop it back over and we could curve it there or we could just have this go like straight down like just tower it up all the way oh that’s so nice that’s actually like perfect so then we still have a hopper tower

Just transports all the items straight down that way should be fine i think we’ll test it out all right so let’s put jungle trap door in the top one and then it should end up right down here yeah perfect it’s so quick too okay cool that’s

Perfect it works the last thing that i need to get in is this final circuit up here and look at this this is gonna be perfect i i mean it’s like right below the trap door i guess it could be one up which would be even more perfect

But we could easily pull like another trapdoor right there and nobody would suspect a thing that’s gonna be perfect so uh what goes back right here i i think that does oh no no no i swapped these okay okay let’s try that again comparator right there repeater right there

Block on top of the comparator and then finally final oh i’m out i’m literally one short powered rail goes right there okay that’s kind of crazy one powered rail off but there we go there’s the final powered rail so now it’s mine car time we’ll put one right there uh we put

One right there and then finally at the bottom one we put one right there take the item out of here and it goes these mine carts should be good there’s lots of power in here they’re gonna bounce back and forth forever definitely looks like it okay that works

So now all i need to do is string more hoppers over to the middle not a problem at all that’s actually insanely easy set up a chest over here in the center maybe two maybe i’ll do like a double chest for this side double chest over here and then we have to dye

The sheep and that’s literally it okay yeah so this is definitely not gonna be the final way that we end up doing the item storage this would fill up like really really quickly we’re gonna need way more chests and we need something better the farm this build definitely deserves more probably like automatic

Sorting system that would be really cool but for now this is how we’re gonna do it so this one is super easy couple hoppers going like that one turning right here and we’re one short again nice i was saying one turns right there that goes right there those go straight down

Now this time boom we’re good however i want to change this so since this goes straight down i might as well just have this go straight down too it doesn’t matter i have a lot of extra iron we’ll have this hopper tower completely past this hopper right there

We don’t really need to have it go through there if we had to go through there it might turn on and off randomly so there we go the tower goes straight down to the bottom now strung up to a couple more hoppers i guess i could make it a little

Shorter save one hopper right in here but it’s fine honestly not worried about it at all this side though oh man this side this side is even easier it’s just a literal l with hoppers there we go that’s connected all the way up to the chest that’s

You can’t see it it’s over there it’s all the way connected up now i just need to figure out how to get out of here i did it i got out of that hole now it’s die time so we have to get every single die in the game

Times three we need three of every color three red that’s good three yellow that’s good um not need the rest honestly i think this should be pretty easy especially if we just go like color by color i’m pretty sure we have everything that we need inside of the jungle or inside of the

Storage building to make every die in the game i don’t think it’ll be hard it’s just kind of like a process orange is next we’re good actually orange is before yellow my bad green lime is so easy we have so much green dye blue lapis light blue oh man the tricky one

Cyan dye oh never mind it’s not tricky we have everything purple already had it okay i can never remember how this works but i’m pretty sure one of these flowers is magenta and then the other one is pink right if i take a gas i think it’s magenta from the the peony right

Um no no that’s pink okay magenta from the lilac this isn’t pink too right no that’s magenta okay okay perfect i feel like it should be the other way around to be honest i feel like the lilac is more pink maybe there’s like a reason behind it i don’t know okay so

Brown dye i haven’t made brown eye in a long time i’m pretty sure it’s just cocoa beans right like we literally just put those yeah yeah yeah that’s probably and we’re basically in the home stretch now all we need is bone meal and ink sex to create the rest of

The dyes so we’re gonna need three whites so there we go we’re gonna need three a dark gray so there we go then we’re gonna need three light gray so how do we do that like that like that and then three black dye as well we have all the dies now i’ve been

Thinking about how i want to do this because at first i thought it was gonna be kind of tricky to be honest i mean we have a section of 12 we have a section of 12 and there’s 16 colors in the game total but actually it’s not going to be bad at

All the only question is can the sheep get out of this thing i don’t think they can i i think they’re too big but at the same time i don’t really want to take any risks so we’re going to do this one by one and go as quick as

Possible we’re going to start with red right there oh you know what i didn’t even think about this we might not actually need some of these colors some of the sheep are already dyed so maybe if we’re lucky we’ll end up with like a sheep that we actually don’t

Have to re-dye that could be pretty cool here’s what we have now red orange yellow lime yeah it actually looks like either the sheep just don’t care about getting out or they can’t fit out i know for sure that the blocks can’t be placed lower when i was getting some of the

Sheep inside of the fence like the grown up ones i tried to put the blocks lower and it didn’t work here’s what we’re looking at now roy jabov the final four we’re gonna go with purple then next we’re gonna go with magenta that’s gonna look cool after that we’re gonna go with pink

Perfect and then after pink we’re gonna go with brown so there we go we basically have the whole rainbow of sheep right here it actually worked out perfectly now the four that we’re missing easy it’s gonna be white light gray gray and black dye on the

Other side we’re gonna do the same exact thing we’re gonna start with red then we’re gonna go to orange then we’re gonna go to yellow then we’re gonna go to lime and look i don’t even have to dye that one green cyan blue light blue purple magenta pink and last but not

Least the brown one so there we go we have double rainbow rainbow sheep on that wall rainbow sheep on this wall in perfect color order now this wall this wall is gonna be so easy so what i think i’m gonna do is start with red somewhere

Like maybe we start with red right there we have ketchup then we go down this way then maybe we wrap up this way just like that so now all that we have left are the black and the white tones so what we’re going to do is start with black

Then go gray light gray white then black gray light grey white white light gray gray black so we have like a perfect gradient on the top and then we can see all of the colors right there it’s simply the best way to do it the only way to do it wait what

Wait wait wait what that’s not no no no that’s a glitch that’s a glitch it’s cursed scaffolding i wish we could leave it there we can’t leave it there that’s not meant to be there wait it was never real all right so when we’re done with this

Thing this is what we’re gonna end up with on the top perfect gradient on the next layer oh that’s where this extra glass came from i was wondering about that next layer part of the rainbow last layer the rest of the rainbow that looks good every single sheep inside of this factory

Three times over there’s one thing left to do it’s sheer time it’s finally time to start getting shears inside of this farm now this is going to take an absurd amount of shears what i think i’m going to do to make sure this thing is like good to

Go just good for a while is two pairs of shears inside of every single dispenser here so that’s going to be 48 times 2 amount of shears and now that we start actually getting the shears inside of this farm it’s going to start running as soon as these sheep

Decide to like eat the grass or or the grass updates like that like that perfect it couldn’t be any better the grass updates uh then it’s running and look at that it harvested twice already that’s probably like five blocks of cyan wool even better it’s the first blocks

Of cyan well in the whole world the sad part is once we get all the shears inside of each one of these dispensers uh the sheep are gonna lose their colors so we’ll never get to see the colored sheep like once this farm gets running they’ll never have their wool again so

Big rip and you know what now that i think about it that means that it never mattered we could have put literally any color sheep in any farm and once it gets running you don’t even see the color okay well i didn’t think about that one

That could have made my life way easier but at the same time we know it’s our secret it’ll be our secret that all of the sheep are perfectly organized in order of the rainbow all of the shears are inside of the dispensers now so now it’s time for this

Farm to just start running now this whole wall has been running for a while it looks like some of the sheep just aren’t eating for whatever reason but let’s check this out big moment of truth okay okay that’s insane that’s insane okay all right i like it and even more 11 already 13

What okay this is crazy this is crazy i knew the rates were gonna be good i knew they were gonna be good for sure but this hasn’t been running at all like like literally not even at all and look at all of this look at all of this this is insane

That’s so much wool like like of every color that’s insane oh this is good this is good we definitely need an auto sorter for sure wow the rates of this thing though the rates of this thing already they’re insane episode 117 comment of the day it’s one from our slash waddles

Rail around the jungle basically iguana king alright so i gotta say this idea is beautiful i’m not going to read it all uh you can read it if you want but it’s beautiful it’s basically a concept for a monorail rapping all the way around the jungle base like looking at the temple

And everything maybe going through the underground by the nilem farms really just wrapping around the jungle so we can get a good view of everything and that idea is so amazing so there are a couple more big projects that i have planned in the jungle one of them that i think we’re

Gonna probably do really soon but the idea of a rail line like when we’re near the end of the series uh to like look at everything that we build i love it that’s such a good idea and maybe hey maybe maybe that could be like one of the final things that we do

In the jungle like to finish everything off but good news i don’t think the series is going to end anytime soon i have to think about it a little bit more i’m not 100 certain but this world actually might end up existing into 1.17 collection system done dying the sheep

Coloring them all it’s good start the farm we’ve done that the interior all right so just like the caving trip that we’ve been pushing off we’re not going to get to the interior of the build today however i would like to talk about it a little bit we’re gonna do it very soon

Uh but the no blocks i’ve been thinking about them i think what we might end up doing is pulling the ceiling down like like making it level uh like around the edge like on the walls not the actual ceiling putting noteblocks up there maybe we leave the faces exposed we could

Probably just cut off that top row of sheep it doesn’t matter we can’t even see the colors anyways and yeah like finishing that section having that go down we still might stack more farms in here so if we stack even more farms i honestly i don’t know if

We’re gonna need to but if we stack more farms in here uh then they’ll go higher up and then we can keep the ceiling like really high in this bit the floor a while ago on my instagram story i put a question asking you guys about the floor

Almost everybody said some type of gray block so i think that’s what we’re gonna do for the most part in here i’m still kind of unsure but yeah some kind of like gray factory floor and then the raised up bits maybe like raise them up with like wood molding

Around the edge or something like that i have big interior plans is what i’m saying but we’re not going to do them today maybe next time thank you all for watching minecraft guide 117. i’m pretty sure i’m in love with this factory and honestly i if we want to include the item

Collection storage system we’re probably only halfway done with this project like this thing is crazy anyways though big shout out to glaivers my patron thank you so much for the support thank you all for watching as always all my links are down in the description remember to leave a like subscribe if

You haven’t yet it’s been me your boy i’ll see you next time You

This video, titled ‘WOOL COLLECTION SYSTEMS! | The Minecraft Guide – Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 117)’, was uploaded by wattles on 2021-05-26 17:57:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In the last episode we set up the wool farms, auto minecart collection system today. This item collection system will help us collect …

  • Slime & Honey Make Weird Noises

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  • Sneaky Survival: Episode 11

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  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardest Minecraft Mod – Part 3

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  • MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan

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  • Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft

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  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure

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  • Piglin vs Hoglin: Unboxing Battle Royale!

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  • Top Minecraft 1.20 Mods for Vanilla Fun

    Top Minecraft 1.20 Mods for Vanilla Fun Exploring the Best Mods for Minecraft 1.20 Vanilla Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience with some exciting mods? Look no further! Here are some of the best mods for Minecraft 1.20 Vanilla that you can download and enjoy right now. Horizons Mod Horizons is a fantastic mod that adds a whole new dimension to your Minecraft world. With stunning landscapes and unique biomes to explore, this mod will keep you entertained for hours on end. Download the Horizons mod here. Minimap Mod If you’re someone who loves to keep track of your location in Minecraft, then the… Read More

  • Unbelievable MineCraft Gameplay – Must See! #minecraftshorts #funnyminecraft

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  • “Waseem Khoso’s Insane Minecraft Farming Kingdom Revealed” #mincraft #mincraftnoob

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  • “Insane Minecraft Mod Review by KaneLion LOL” #minecraftmods

    "Insane Minecraft Mod Review by KaneLion LOL" #minecraftmodsVideo Information hey you yeah you wait hold up the mushrooms can go in the helicopter dude you just ruined my intro get out anyways yo what’s up everybody today we’re on a pretty popular Minecraft seed the reason why it’s so popular is because of this Village and the surrounding area now look at me when I tell you we’re not here to look around and appreciate the beauty wait this helicopter is so sick this is the most satisfying thing ever yeah hidings for the weak let’s just take a minute to appreciate this beauty while I’m destroying… Read More

  • Get OP Items to Crush Gym 2 in 100 Days! (Minecraft Cobblemon 1.4)

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  • Insane KittenCrystals gameplay at 600ms! 😱 #cpvp

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  • Shocking! 5 YEAR OLD NOOB on my Minecraft server! 👦

    Shocking! 5 YEAR OLD NOOB on my Minecraft server! 👦Video Information Me encontré con este chico que parecía recién estar comenzando me di cuenta ya que estaba haciendo su generador de piedra y por alguna razón este jugador lo hizo mal esto Me hizo sentir un poco de pena entonces le tiré un cubo de lava y agua nuevos en ese momento se quedó muy confundido pero continuó haciendo su generador y esta vez volvió a hacerlo mal Pero además de esto se terminó cayendo de su Isla Entonces le hizo una bromita transformando toda su isla en bloques de diamante Además le dio un pico para que pueda… Read More

  • Mind-blowing ENVtuber plays C418’s “Wet Hands” in LoFi style!

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  • Clouded

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  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! Looking for a new SMP survival server to join? Check out Shaded, the best SMP survival server in 2024! NEW! Lobster Pots. Purchase from Aaron the Angler at /pond. Land claiming and grief prevention. Custom gear from the Gear Merchant. Skills, economy, shops, and auctions. Free (vote) ranks, kits, and perks. Quests, events, and challenges. Shaded is cross-platform, regularly updated, with a dedicated staff team. Join today: play.shaded.gg Visit our website, discord, and social media for more information: Discord: Shaded Discord Twitter: Shaded Twitter Vote: Vote We hope to see you soon… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft anniversary nostalgia intensifies

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  • Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song

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  • Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience! Are you tired of the same old servers and looking for something new and exciting? Look no further than Minewind! Join a vibrant community of players from around the world on this epic Minecraft server. With a focus on survival gameplay and exciting events, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling experience for all players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join the fun today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Immerse yourself in a world of adventure, creativity, and… Read More

  • EPIC 15th Anniversary Build with Grian

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️

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  • Minecraft Madness with Sab & Friends

    Minecraft Madness with Sab & FriendsVideo Information for for for e all right who the heck I can play geometry Das all my controller this is actually so cool by the way I do not play Geometry Dash so I do not know how good I am going to be at this this looks kind of fun though it looked really fun though like on while I was watching other YouTubers play it and I just decided to down spend five on it and then just play it so I used to play it a lot on my uh phone though when I was a… Read More

  • Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter Quests

    Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter QuestsVideo Information on day one I spawned in as an awesome Warden ninja right in the middle of my Warden ninja Hideout but there were no other Warden ninjas around in fact the whole place was full of dread ghouls while several of them were standing at attention one of them was standing back and giving orders destroy everything my dark Warriors we are under orders to eliminate every last warden ninja we can find I didn’t understand why this was happening but I wasn’t going to take it lying down who’s giving you these orders you cowardly dread ghoul… Read More

  • Insane Parkour in Minecraft – Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPS

    Insane Parkour in Minecraft - Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPSVideo Information [Music] listen TR love [Music] is the must the must it seems [Music] bright smoking of for the pain J is all like a unicorn I step inside the club I see her on the FL a white designer dress is what she call I position and BRAC toen in my as she looks up I’m standing in the life I don’t know your name and you do not know I office but that does not matter at least for my office are let no to to the moov in the sky my it seems right toight [Music]… Read More

  • 🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ Minecraft

    🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ MinecraftVideo Information [Music] fore [Music] speech speech [Music] spe [Music] for [Music] spee [Music] spee [Music] [Music] you [Music] you This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШИЕ ТЕКСТУРПАКИ ДЛЯ ПВП 1.16.5+ x5 Minecraft | HolyWorld | FunTime | ReallyWorld | РП | МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by __Crook__ on 2024-03-16 17:52:20. It has garnered 7715 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. open, here rp open, here rp open, here rp SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE BRO THANKS FOR WATCHING i love ❤️ ● tgk with rp: https://t.me/crookrp =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ⚡•Nick:FeDaMonsTeerka ⚡•Ds:Chupaa#9577 ⚡• My fanpay – https://funpay.com/uk/users/8107098/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ● tgk… Read More

  • Intense ThorJ vs. Wafflecat10 Sires Battle

    Intense ThorJ vs. Wafflecat10 Sires BattleVideo Information disclaimer before this video starts this is not the video clip that we are using this is just a this is just a episode of what we were planning to be a series but then WF fail the whole recording and then we decide to do the series again so that starting series episode like the next one that’s going to be the real series will come out a later date C is basically a pilot and yeah please like subscribe and enjoy the video w welcome everybody to the long awaited Minecraft series with your boy 4J… Read More

  • Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1

    Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1 – The Zombie two-step’, was uploaded by DogOfKrondor on 2024-01-10 14:00:08. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:37 or 1237 seconds. A MineCraft recorded round organised by Codwhy Thanks to Spyro, Rochket, Crow and Camkart for teaming! Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Glitches! #kazirikashi

    Crazy Minecraft Glitches! #kazirikashiVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 Illogical & wierd things in Minecraft #kazirikashi’, was uploaded by Kazirikashi on 2024-02-19 16:38:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftrtx #realistic #mine #craft #minecraft #creeper #vs #gun #enderman #herobrine #amazing #minecraft #shorts … Read More

  • Diamondi Pie: World Record MLG Cobweb Break! 😱🔥 #Minecraft #Dream

    Diamondi Pie: World Record MLG Cobweb Break! 😱🔥 #Minecraft #DreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘I broke the world record of cobweb mlg 😎😎#minecraft #dream’, was uploaded by The diamondi pie on 2024-05-16 18:34:49. It has garnered 432 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. I broke the world record of cobweb mlg #minecraft #bossa nova jazz #cafe music #coffee shop music #dream #jazz instrumental #jazz music #jazz relaxing music #live insaan #meditation music #morning jazz #mr beast #palworldshorts #smooth jazz #soft jazz # gameplay # Minecraft animation https://www.facebook.com/shibu.shaw.5205?mibextid=ZbWKwL Read More

  • GuySky

    GuySkyWelcome to GuySky, an extraordinary cracked Minecraft server that aims to transport you to a world of limitless possibilities, inspired by the legendary Hypixel network. Prepare yourself for an unparalleled gaming experience, where adventure knows no bounds and unforgettable memories are waiting to be forged. Step into a thriving community of passionate players, united by their love for Minecraft. GuySky offers a vibrant and bustling hub where players from all corners of the globe converge to embark on epic quests, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore a vast and diverse world brimming with hidden treasures, challenging dungeons, and awe-inspiring… Read More

  • David’s Cloud: SMP Network PvE Java Bedrock – Latest Version – U.S.A. – 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that believes in creating a place for all gamers to get together and enjoy playing various games together without worry of pay-to-win spoiling the enjoyment. Our community is friendly and works together to achieve a place everyone can find something to enjoy. Our Minecraft server, specifically, has been around since 1.7.10 and plans on staying around for a long time to come. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server has variety of features for our members to enjoy. Key to keeping your experience enjoyable is our grief prevention system and friendly admin team. Players… Read More

  • Survivor’s Sanctuary SMP

    Survivor's Sanctuary SMP🌍 Welcome to Survivor’s Sanctuary! 🌍Join us on Survivor’s Sanctuarya brand new Survival Multiplayer (SMP) Minecraft server run on Paper! Owned by Audiatorix, our server is a friendly and relaxing environment where players can unleash their creativity, build massive structures, and enjoy a plethora of features.✨ Why Choose Survivor’s Sanctuary?Friendly Community: Connect with like-minded players and make new friends.Grief Prevention: Build with peace of mind knowing your creations are safe.Voting Rewards: Get rewarded for supporting the server.GUI Shops: Easy-to-use shops for all your needs.Active Staff: We’re looking for dedicated staff members to join our team.📢 Join Us Today!Server IP: play.survivorsanctuarysmp.onlineDiscord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He Just can’t stop dying

    Minecraft Memes - He Just can't stop dyingWhy kill an iron golem when you can just go mining and avoid making it mad? Plus, you won’t have to deal with the guilt of betraying your peaceful iron friend. Read More

  • Sasha’s Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi’s Basics Mod

    Sasha's Schoolhouse Showdown: Baldi's Basics Mod In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Sasha takes over, with mods that entertain. From Baldi’s Basics to new adventures to try, Each video a journey, reaching for the sky. What version of Minecraft will be next in line? Leave a comment, let your voice shine. Like and subscribe, show your support, For Sasha’s content, a fun-filled resort. Read More

  • Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown! Rank 1 ore be like: “I’m rare and mystical!” Rank 999 ore be like: “Hold my pickaxe, peasant.” Read More

  • Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether

    Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to encounter some truly terrifying mods. One such mod that caught the attention of many players is the “From The Fog” mod. This mod introduces eerie creatures and spine-chilling experiences that can send shivers down your spine. Herobrine and The Man From The Fog Before delving into the depths of the Nether, Madi decided to dip her toes into the world of modded Minecraft with the Herobrine and The Man From The Fog mods. These mods added a new level of suspense and mystery… Read More

WOOL COLLECTION SYSTEMS! | The Minecraft Guide – Tutorial Lets Play (Ep. 117)