Video Information

Oh beautiful beautiful day oh I’m wearing the wrong hat okay hold on there we go this should be a little bit that’s the wrong hat oh okay okay okay this is the right hat all right let’s go ahead and roll the intro into this video the video

I hope you guys are all having a wonderful day and the house behind me is a crazy portal house so before I show you guys this house I want you guys to leave a like on it this video and you guys got five seconds to do that so here

We go 5 4 3 2 1 hopefully you guys have left a like and here is the portal house look at this bad boy this thing is crazy ladies and gentlemen I present to you the portal house made by ukuleles the red stone was by one Joe and volt as well and the

Build was by Lorde not step block and it was made specially for me of speakable so guys I welcome you to the red stone house and before we get into the red stone house I just wanna let you guys know just a funny story just a funny

Funny story there we got just some jokes before we get started see this thing right here on my face a little scratch some of you guys may be commenting about this or seeing this and you’re like oh my gosh and speaking well you okay what’d you do did you slam your mouse

Into your face no it was kind of like that basically I was getting out of the car and I was looking the other way as I was opening the door I was looking the other way not looking at the door and I just opened it I didn’t see you know

Where my head was and the door was and it just hit me right in the face now I’m okay it’s okay it’s just a little scratch but I’m just letting you guys know cuz a lot of you guys probably gonna call me be like it’s finger what

Did you do to your face now if people ask me in public I’m probably just gonna be like I just hit myself with my merch bro anyways but I’m fine I’m fine I’ll be okay but for the next couple videos you’re probably gonna see a

Little bit of this but this house like I said create about you can use redstone by one Joe and volt built by load not stop block and specially for unspeakable so this is the portal house guys welcome let me go ahead and show you guys inside

I promise this house will blow your mind you don’t even know so that’s a little sand entrance pretty cool and then we walk inside and we have a beautiful beautiful living room and of course everything is made out of portals now right over here to the

Corner we do have a little bedroom with of course a purple bed and then right across the hall or the living room we have a little office where we can do some work now the most important thing about this house is you’re probably looking at it and you’re like a speakable

That’s it that’s really it that is not even close to it this is just the entrance to the real house let me go ahead and flick this love for you guys it’s gonna open up this secret staircase and we’re gonna go underground to probably one of the craziest redstone

Houses you guys have ever seen and of course this one is themed with a portal as well so that makes it even better skeleton I’m gonna what what do you do are you do is that is that your dance moves well bro come on keep it going

Oh yeah don’t look at me like that I’ll switch this difficulty your peaceful faster than you can spin in a circle such difficulty peaceful Baba let’s go ahead and hop on this minecart and let’s get the adventure started so this is gonna take us down into the actual house

And this house is massive guys look at this there’s so many different directions to go so many different things to see when I started this video you guys were probably like oh you know it’s just the portal house no it’s nothing we have so much stuff to see so

I gave myself a little bit of night vision so we could see better because it is pretty dark down here in the nether so this thing is our selector this is where we select where we want to go so there’s a lot of different places to go

I think first we’ll go to our bedrooms so we’ll go ahead and select it to the bedroom step on the gold pressure plate and it will give us a minecart then we’re gonna hop on the minecart and this is gonna take us straight to our bedroom

Now like you saw on that selector thing there’s a lot of different places you can go so many different places it’s insane and then to get through here you got to flick the lever it’s gonna open a portal go through the portal and it takes you to a hallway and you’re gonna

Walk through the hallway go through the other portal and then once you come out of this portal we are now in the bedroom isn’t that so sick so that’s how we’re gonna teleport around to all the different parts of the house but this is the bedroom right here we do have a

Little chest organization shulker system this is really cool the way this works so you can basically cycle through a bunch of different colors of chakra boxes so we got yellow and we can select it to green and you can put different things in every choker box and

Then over here we have the bed pretty big bad if you ask me usually I like to take up the whole thing my mouth usually takes up like 50% of it and then the eyeballs kind of hang over the side but you know pretty nice pet and then over

Here we have our armored system so we can take off the glass and get the armor and we can also switch it as well so let’s say I’m not feeling like gold armor day you know I want some diamond armor we’ll keep the diamond armor there put

The glass back over it so no one can touch it and that is pretty much the bedroom the design on all these rooms are going to be absolutely beautiful but let’s head back to the main parts of the house let’s travel back over to the control system go ahead and grab me a

Mine car and then hop in and we’re gonna go back to the control system halo control system okay guys what should we do next I think for now we’re just gonna go in order so next we’ll see the storage part of the house and then we’ll

Go to the kitchen and then the beacon room I’m not sure what the door is and then we got some farms to check out it’s gonna be crazy so come on it’s okay there’s a lot more minecarts where that came from come here come here I’m not losing you this time

All right but now we’re going into the storage system so we’re gonna walk down this beautiful fancy hallway flick this lever it’ll open up a portal go through this portal it spawn into here walk through the other portal I like these hallways I like telling their setup it’s

Crazy and then now we are in the chest storage system so basically you have a crafting table that pops up right out of the middle just like so very fancy and nice easy easy easy right just with a button then over here we have an anvil refiller so basically

What it does is whenever the anvil dies it instantly places another one that is so cool that is so sick and then over here just some bookshelves and another chest just kind of decoration stuff and then this is where the kind of redstone stuff is so why this works is you can

Get pretty much any item you want that’s on here listed at least so let’s say I need a bunch of sticks so you go ahead and press the button and then it’s going to give you a chest full of sticks and a bunch of other random things that’s just

Whatever I put in that chest now let’s say I don’t want this let’s get rid of that and let’s say we want the bookshelf chest which Tom assuming is a chest to do with a bunch of enchanting stuff you go ahead and press that button did it not register register

For me come on there it is okay and then this is stuff to do with bookshelves and wood and whatever so you can pretty much organize all your stuff in categories and then put them in the shulker boxes which is really cool so that’s pretty much it for the chest room beautiful

Beautiful room let’s go back to the control center and pick our next place I know guys I know this is a lot of information to take in this world is crazy man there’s so much stuff in this portal house it honestly it just amazes me like we’ve only checked out two

Sections so next we’re gonna go over to the kitchen gonna get out you’re not running for me you are not running for me I’m watching you watching you mind cards and then we are over here at the kitchen go ahead and flip the lever opens up another portal so we got to

Walk through all the portal hallways to get to the kitchen and then we are in the kitchen so the kitchen is probably one of the coolest parts definitely a very nice area you have a really cool system over here that basically allows you to automatically sort your food and

Stuff that you need to smelt so in this chest you put your fuel so I’m gonna put some coal in there and in this chest you put the items that need to be smelted now it doesn’t have to be food it can be iron you can smell anything and the way

It works is it takes it and it’s super super quick I mean it can smelt nearly a stack of items in just only 30 seconds because the way it works is it doesn’t just put it in one furnace it spreads it out over like 15 different furnaces so

It’s very quick the way it works but then over here we have kind of a ordering system we can basically order food I think the way it works is you got to give the ingredients over the counter so basically I’m giving him the ingredients the invisible little

Villager that’s there and then he should spit out a soup look right there so we gave him the ingredients for a soup and then he spits out some rabbit stew and now you can do ingredients for a bunch of different things let’s say we go behind here and we get some mushrooms we

Can give it right here and then it should give us wait for it wait for it wait for it there you go we got some stew so yeah you could pretty much give this thing anything you want and it will make you food it’s basically like coming

Home from the grocery store with all the ingredients and just throwing it in a pot and it instantly may for you it’s like magic so that’s basically what I like the best contraptions I’ve ever seen very very helpful and then our food should be done

There it is our steak I got a cold room over there very fancy very very fancy well yeah that is pretty much the kitchen let’s go on to some of the next rooms because we still have a lot of rooms to showcase so our next room is

Going to be the beacon room and this one is pretty crazy you’re gonna catch the train before it goes basically this is a beacon that powers most of this house it also gives us a bunch of special abilities just as a beacon of wood and you can change the colors of it it’s

Really really cool here it is ok so right when we walk in you have the massive beacon down here it is crazy so you can change the power of the beacon so let’s say I want haste we might actually have to turn it yeah we have to

Turn it on first so let’s first let’s turn on the beacon so now we got aced you know you can change it I believe that one is strength so yeah the sword is strength so you could also change the color of the beacon as well so right now

It’s on green now we can switch it to a darker green if you want or you can switch it to blue or you can switch it to purple which is probably gonna theme this house the best because it is a portal house so I think we’ll leave it

At purple for now so yeah very very cool amazing room this powers the whole house and it also provides us with strength haste whatever we want the next place we’re gonna go to is a door I’m not really sure what this category of the house is because I haven’t seen the

Whole entire house yet so I’m not really sure what the door is it’s gonna be a surprise for the both of us we’re going to the door oh yeah that would make sense ok it takes us to the front of the house the door it takes us back over to

The entrance ok that makes that makes sense ok let’s go back down so yeah I was pretty dumb for not thinking the door takes you to the front door anyways let’s go to the carrot one which is going to be our farms this one is also

Very very cool a lot of the farms that we have in this house are fully automatic as well so you don’t really have to touch any of the sugarcane where the pumpkins are the melons or anything like that so the farms are actually pretty low we’re pretty much going to

The very bottom of the house here it’s a pretty long ride it’s probably the longest roller coaster ride out of the bunch all the way to the bottom there we go so we’re at the very bottom of the house not sure if you guys can see we came from all the way up

There and then if you go down here a fake portal as my entire life so apparently this is a fake portal as my entire life okay okay all right I see how you feel and then over here we have the beautiful farming system so on the floor you have wheats beetroot carrots

You name it and these are not automatic we kind of have to farm these ourselves but then if you look in the walls there is a lot of farms such as pumpkins melons sugarcane all in the walls and those are completely automatic you don’t have to touch your imbrie fill them

Nothing like that they’re completely automatic they plant themselves they get rid of the crops when they’re done growing and they end up being stored in this chest right here so let’s see how much we got so far so we got 46 that’s not bad considering we just started this

World and yeah that’s quite a bit of stuff so you can see those automatic farms are working pretty well and then we got a cool walkway in the middle kind of with portals to the side as well so very very cool that is our farm and not the biggest redstone farm but it’s

Definitely a very useful one and we’re back so our next one is going to be the rotten flesh one now this one is actually going to be mob farms themselves so kind of like XP farms and XP grinders so we have some pretty when it comes to XP we’re pretty serious

Around here so we got some pretty serious XP grinders and XP farms and we have arrived oh hello la did you get out of your cage this is awkward uh what’s up dude okay so uh basically you walk into here and this is a huge chess system where it basically automatically organizes all

The drops so you can see all the hoppers behind there they completely organize all the mob drops so you can see how much gunpowder we have some arrows bone I mean all these chests are just build filled up but it’s really nice that it’s all completely automatically we don’t

Really have to touch anything and then over here you to select what you want so right now it should be on strength I guess and then you can also press the diamond sword it will give you a diamond sword and then press the enchanting room and it opens

Up an enchanting room over here where we can enchant that is just so cool and then we got some lapis over here and books so this is kind of labeling that there’s a bunch of lapis and books in here there should be lapis on this yeah there’s the lapis and then more books

And stuff so we can basically do everything we need when it comes to enchanting getting XP all the XP drops or the mob drops just everything is in one room and it’s really really nice so you pretty much come up to here and all this stuff is just one hit one kill and

The amount of XP that you get from this is ridiculous like let’s see how much XP we can get in about one minute let me go ahead and pull up my timer and here we go three two one it start now we’re currently on XP level 6 so we’ll just

Subtract that from how much XP we get well let’s go ahead and walk around here and stop there we go so that is one a whole minute and there’s still a ton of mobs in there and we went from level 6 to level 17 in just one minute imagine

If you do that for 10 20 minutes you’d be a level nearly a hundred like that is just insane how efficient the mob farm is so you’re my little guardian so if any of the mobs get out you know what to do just uh yeah I’ll see you later have

A have a good day yeah just yeah just take care of everything please okay anyways yeah so let’s go back to the control center and yeah that X before I’m when I told you guys we don’t mess around with XP farms and XP rynders we don’t we are really serious around here

In the portal house and here we are back now we only have one more room to check out which is the book room I am not really sure exactly what this room is I don’t really remember but we are about to find out hello a skeleton how are you doing today

And then we are here okay so let’s go ahead and open up the portal and let’s walk through our glorious portal hallways glorious glorious hallways and we are here so this is the book room this is going to be a room for enchanting more and chanting indeed potion brewing and

Getting into pearls this is definitely one of the coolest rooms as well we have an enchanting table right here a really cool door that opens it up and it also gives us some lapis right when we open the door as well then over here we have a ender pearl kind of dispenser that

Just gives us sixteen ender pearls whenever we want and then over here we got an automatic potion brewing system so this is really cool the way it works we can go ahead and switch it over to a gas here and then let’s go ahead and switch it over a redstone for a duration

And then press the button and what it’s gonna do is it’s gonna start brewing us some potions and then once the potions are done brewing they will be put in this chest so very cool very cool the way that works they do take the normal time to

Brew they’re not like sped up anything crazy like the the furnace and the kitchen they’re just pretty much just a normal brewing stand but it’s all kind of you know a touch kind of interface it’s not like you’re actually working with the brewing stand you just kind of

Select it with item frames which is really cool and fancy but yeah that’s the potion brewing thing and that is pretty much this room is so uh yeah we’ll go ahead and head back and back upstairs to the top of the house so let’s go ahead and

Select the door step on this pressure plate and let’s head out of here hopefully there’s no creepers or anything on the track that are gonna stop us on our way out but guys that is the portal house let me know in the comment section below if you think this

Is one of the coolest redstone houses you’ve ever seen and if you guys have ideas for any types of redstone houses like this let me know in the comment section below because we are always open to improving and making better redstone houses so I’ll go ahead and close that

Up and then we should be able to close the front door as well so that is the portal house truly amazing what you committees and his team can do this is such a sick house with that being said I want to thank you guys so much for

Watching again if you have any ideas for houses like this let us know in the comments section below we’re always looking for ideas maybe next we can do a cacti house or something like that let us know some ideas in the comment section below but guys again thank you all so much for

Watching hopefully you guys have enjoyed I hope you guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day and be sure to leave a like before you guys go and I’ll catch you guys tomorrow in a brain – minecraft Mignot [Applause]

This video, titled ‘WORLD’S BIGGEST MINECRAFT PORTAL HOUSE!’, was uploaded by UnspeakableReacts on 2018-01-01 16:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    HypeGame.netEventy, na których możesz wygrać vouchery na rangi, klucze do skrzynek i dużo innych przedmiotów! Posiadamy autorskie pluginy, skrypty, rozbudowany spawn, warp info i wiele wiecej! Zapewniamy przyjemną atmosferę Posiadamy własny serwer Discord oraz doświadczoną administrację! Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    Welcome to MineRealm! Over 260,000 unique players have joined since our launch in 2010. Join one of the longest running public SMP servers today! Server: Website: Trailer: Watch Here Discord: Join Now Rules: View Here About MineRealm: We focus on keeping core gameplay close to vanilla Enjoy infrastructure, mega builds, and land for your empire No items or blocks spawned by staff Custom-coded gameplay features and grief prevention system Join our Discord Server for updates For more information, visit this forum post Join today and be part of the MineRealm community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Axes = Ultimate Power

    Well, I guess you could say axes are really… cutting edge in Minecraft! Read More

  • 🔥REAL LIFE MINECRAFT WITH CHATGPT 😂 #minecraft #meme #funny

    🔥REAL LIFE MINECRAFT WITH CHATGPT 😂 #minecraft #meme #funny “Cuando ChatGPT intenta construir una casa en Minecraft en la vida real y termina creando un desastre de proporciones épicas. ¡Al menos no hay creepers en la vida real, verdad?” 😂 #minecraftfails #chatGPT #constructiondisasters Read More

  • The Monster’s Arrest in EcoSMP

    The Monster's Arrest in EcoSMP The Monster Has Been Arrested | Monster Marauder Part 14 Breaking news on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server! EcoSMP officials have successfully apprehended the notorious Monster Marauder. The monster is now being transported to a top-secret facility, ensuring the safety of all EcoSMP towns. But the question remains – what about the stolen treasure? The Hunt for the Stolen Treasure The Monster Marauder, in a final act of defiance, taunted authorities by claiming that the stolen treasure would never be found. However, hope is not lost as brave adventurers have discovered six mysterious keys scattered across the server…. Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 27

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 27 Exploring the World of Minecraft on Day 27 of the Wood Challenge Today, the Minecraft adventurer delved into a world with trees scattered far and wide. Despite the current ease of access to wood, the player anticipates challenges as the days progress. Will the scarcity of trees become a hindrance after day 100? Only time will tell. Shoutouts to the Community Our intrepid gamer took a moment to send greetings to fellow content creators on YouTube and TikTok. Among those mentioned were: TikTok: @elspleex, @algun_pana_insano, @gero_haxx, @eric_rodriguez15, @cactuki_18 YouTube: @Juadre77, @Pinguin_pro13, @lautaroarcepalma1165, @user-cb3dv9pw8l, @kitsunebi-di8gs, @Agua_gamer_creeper, @TizianoYsa Become a Channel… Read More

  • INSANELY RARE Minecraft Advancement Hunting LIVE🔴

    INSANELY RARE Minecraft Advancement Hunting LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt | Episode 3 (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-06-04 08:41:19. It has garnered 64 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:45 or 6405 seconds. The marks the second episode of the LIVE Series where I will try to get every Minecraft advancement. However, I have a mod that adds over 1000+ advancements to the game! Come join and have some fun! Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock: The Conjuring 2 House Build

    Minecraft Bedrock: The Conjuring 2 House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE CONJURING 2 HOUSE IN MINECRAFT BEDROCK…’, was uploaded by Pucheku Gaming on 2024-03-22 07:32:34. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ ☠️░H░ ░o░ ░r░ ░r░ ░o░ ░r░ ☠️ ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ 🗡️WELCOME TO PUCHEKU GAMING NEW VIDEO⚔️ ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• New Video •.•] The Conjuring-2 In Minecraft ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Links•.•] Discord :- YouTube :- ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Download Links•.•] Creator:- ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Popular Videos •.•] ✅How To Make Replay In Mcpe:- ✨Mcpe Best Useful Mod:- 🤯How To Add Shader On Pojav Launcher Rendering Replay:-… Read More

  • Exploring Cursed Cave in Minecraft! 😱 #Viral

    Exploring Cursed Cave in Minecraft! 😱 #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘First time visit in cave in survival😱😱😱😱😱 #minecraft #vairalshort #technogamerz #anshubisht’, was uploaded by All_rounder_gamerz on 2024-04-20 01:30:34. It has garnered 6445 views and 231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • AndrewAllCaps predicts the future?! 🤯

    AndrewAllCaps predicts the future?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘3_14_2024(2)’, was uploaded by AndrewAllCaps on 2024-03-15 04:03:57. It has garnered 249 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:44 or 14024 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive 🥭🥭Please refer to the Rules below..🥭🥭 1. ✿― RULES ― ✿ ➤ No spoilers or backseating. ➤ Refrain from all homophobic, racist, sexist, and transphobic comments. ➤ No NSFW jokes. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. ➤ No harassment. ➤ Follow the Youtube TOS. (This means the Chat is 13+) ➤ No doxing threats or jokes. ➤ Read the room before making jokes or bringing… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft 1.21 MASTER gameplay ️” #viral #trending #memes

    "INSANE Minecraft 1.21 MASTER gameplay ️" #viral #trending #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘But Minecraft 1. 21 are insane ️ #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #clutch #funny #respect #memes’, was uploaded by MASTER on 2024-04-06 07:44:18. It has garnered 30 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock… Read More

  • MINECRAFT SMP Glitch: Epic Rage and Rhymes! Episode 12

    MINECRAFT SMP Glitch: Epic Rage and Rhymes! Episode 12Video Information This video, titled ‘「MINECRAFT: PALLID SMP」| ’Rhymes and Rage!’ | Episode 12’, was uploaded by Glitch Entertainment on 2024-06-05 21:11:25. It has garnered 119 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:40 or 7360 seconds. The Pallid SMP is a Collaborative YouTube Project within a Minecraft Realm! #PallidSMP (Arc 4) | Access To Power | With The Factions established all of the various civilisations in Pallid continue to grow, competing to become the most powerful clan on the server! Looking for a shorter version ⬇️ Pallid SMP (FMC’s Cut): Other Creators |🎞️🎥| FAiTZ 0VERK1LL:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Twitch Moments! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Twitch Moments! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘twitch: isqntiiiii #clipstwitch #minecraft #clips #humor #twtichclips #stream #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by iSqntii on 2024-01-15 18:08:31. It has garnered 2812 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with CRAZY twists! 🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with CRAZY twists! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bed Wars With Friends’, was uploaded by E24xhunter10 on 2024-04-09 12:51:50. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:47 or 6947 seconds. Hey everyone im biring you some minecraft bed war hope you enjoy. GOD be with you all. Read More

  • OMZ Trapped on GIRLS ONLY Plane in Minecraft?! – Parody Story

    OMZ Trapped on GIRLS ONLY Plane in Minecraft?! - Parody StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘OMZ Stuck on a GIRL ONLY Plane in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy and Lily,Crystal)’, was uploaded by Omz Fan on 2024-03-04 13:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This video is a parody of the best minecraft YouTuber! Please do not write angry comments, because this is a video of an Omz … Read More

  • Games3D

    Games3DGames3D is a vanilla Minecraft 1.20.1 anarchy server in Germany. The server does not have rules, zero admins and no plugins. Here you can play the latest version of minecraft with your friends or alone. Hop on to the anarchy server and fight for your survival and against players. Server IP: Read More

  • Sharkcicle SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist Beta 1.20.4 Dynmap

    Welcome to Sharkcicle SMP! The Sharkcicle SMP is a Semi-Vanilla survival server with added data packs and plugins! Our community is excited to welcome new players to participate in events and join in on the fun, including our newly added skyblock! About Us Our community has been thriving since December 2021 with no plans to reset the world. We encourage long-term projects and player creativity that will last for years! Player Rules No griefing builds or landscapes. No hacking or glitch abuse. Be respectful and kind to everyone. Respect boundaries and other players. No discrimination or hate speech. No PvP… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Math? Who’s she? Minecraft slayed that b*tch!

    Looks like Minecraft really dug a grave for your math skills! Good thing you have a high score in memes instead. Read More

  • Craft a Dispenser, Minecraft Style: Quick & Painless!

    Craft a Dispenser, Minecraft Style: Quick & Painless! In Minecraft’s world, a dispenser is key, To hold and dispense items, just wait and see. Craft it with bows and cobblestone too, A redstone dust to power, it’s what you must do. Load it up with arrows, or maybe some food, Dispense them with style, in a playful mood. An automatic dispenser, a redstone trick, Connect it to a clock, watch items flick. So there you have it, a dispenser so neat, In Minecraft’s world, it’s quite a feat. Now go and craft one, in your own game, And watch as your items, dispense without shame. Read More