Xylophoney – Origins of Olympus: THE TRUTH! (Percy Jackson Minecraft Roleplay SMP)

Video Information

Yes aqui it’s actually a eyeball it’s actually an eyeball from a giant serpent there’s the camp counselors mother they’re awake again now to find out the truth Hey can you keep it down out there I’m trying to contemplate my very existence really looking in my window okay so maybe this uh this new home away from camp isn’t all that great I got everything I could need I got a furnace I got cake two floors

Actually I got like ten floors but that’s scary dungeon down there where zombies keep crawling up and try to bite me in my sleep so that’s not exactly ideal but look if I come up here the slimes hard you’re in the tree now are you serious oh no they’re everywhere

Yeah these slimes even coming from yes I’m gonna need to find a new home yep that explains it there’s an entire island literally shadowing over my new home well go away fine all right we’re leaving we are leaving all right so so things aren’t going too well for me I have to

Be in banished from camp I’ve tried to look on the bright side but there isn’t much of one is there really just kind of want to go back home or well back to camp it’s not home anymore almost out of their delicious tacos I’m not allowed back in Tampa if I go

Anywhere near there the satyrs and harpies will tear me to pieces they know how what I look like can’t be everyone that wants me out of camp I know everyone was screaming and joining in the riot to get me running away but can’t be everyone I mean Mitch

Wasn’t even there so he might be welcome to let me in and I’m sure Bree can’t be that mad with me my brother can’t be that matter or Austin can’t be that mad I don’t know I do want to go back but I’m not gonna be welcome there I’m gonna

Be killed on the spot what chances do I have if I had fought her and it was just me and her I might have had a chance but I can’t fight the entire camp not alone just need to see the stupid Oracle I have questions it’s time I have the

Right questions funny enough I think I already know the answers but still need to ask the questions just to be sure how am I gonna get that I can’t just walk right into camp unless I can just walk right into camp so all the guards there

They know what I look like but what if I don’t look like me yeah I mean changing clothes and wearing a mask you know masks will draw too much attention but but changed my form entirely that can work and there’s only one way I know that can change my form entirely

Toom deuce is it worth it is it worth getting back in the camp I don’t even know what’s gonna happen to me Well nothing to lose oh geez oh boy I guess this act could have been worse well better get to it at least this disguise got me past the guards gotta get used to the hopping it’s gonna be cold tonight too hey where is it Mitch Mitch sorry

Oh my goodness Mitch hey yeah you’re okay man I was afraid maybe a I don’t know fire got you I didn’t see you that’s good that’s good you okay no brass no scrapes like oh that’s okay so after after the big fire and everything

I kind of got chased out of camp and I’m not allowed here anymore so I had to sneak in and since you know my face is recognizable and I suppose you know everything else about me I had to take drastic measures and well I I drank the tomb juice again man

Again I did I only drink a little bit this time so hopefully it’ll wear off and not wear off too soon I don’t know the exact measurements of what the you know required amount of tomb juice to keep me morphed for a night I don’t know

But this time it turned me into this this thing so hopefully no no fishtail at least yeah just the opposite yeah and I can jump pretty high as well but that’s that’s not important do you have any carrots no no that’s not important either No

Yeah do you know what happened I woke up yeah yeah who started it the fire that would be use I quit how’s me yeah you like I don’t know you were sleeping you started like freaking out and then just the fire started how hard it was for me to wake up grab that

Goldfish and get it into the water before this whole house kind of combusted that makes sense I was a bit afraid of that oh man so I did it and picked out a camp for Fred lighting the fire yep and now gonna be harder they come back from ok yeah it’s been a

Little difficult I meet you Oh oh yeah your poles I’m sure the counselors gonna be talking to me soon oh yeah this has also been a problem as well yeah um as long as it doesn’t get strange squeak squeak squeak just uh just afraid to look I’m gonna

Say yes just in case it kills you okay I don’t know if these things like they eat those but I’m like I’m gonna swim yes Jeff we’ll look this is an important look man I I need to speak to the Oracle okay what happen Oh Jaime had me okay

Hey Bray hi so I’m guessing you don’t know about this little situation here no this looks terrible what happened yeah there was it was a bit of a fire that happened there was that viola was I don’t see the name out loud oh sorry had a bit of trouble right now having camp

That doesn’t explain why you have like ears and a tail jeez that’s not important right now I just kind of accidentally burned down the cabin and got banished from camp so I was not using the name good how how did that happen why don’t know but I snuck back in with Tim juice

So they wouldn’t recognize me really without me are you serious are you drink this – why is everyone drinking this it’s fine uh I mean you don’t want to drink the tomb juice it’s just a head – mm-hmm wait you’ve been drinking to him

Juice no they won’t let me yeah I mean I you can see why look at me I’m hideous it’s exciting I guess I mean check this out whoop let’s see that’s pretty exciting it’s kind of cool but that’s not important we gotta look I’m sorry but I

Just gotta keep things quiet so we don’t all get in trouble and I’ll get kicked out of camp I need to speak to the Oracle I just I burned down my cabin I gotta answer some things okay well how do you plan on getting to the Oracle

Isn’t it all locked up in whatever I mean stole the key and snuck in before right I’m probably do it again Hey yes just got to get that key well I do actually know a person who can do that oh okay hey you uh you just stand-in there the whole time

Mm-hmm okay okay so great we don’t need to fill you in well I mean this is the person no it’s uh nice yeah do you do that often hmm all right um this is not one to talk much I I know I met him anyways okay so great you’re great at taking things

Right you’re good at stealing you’re good at you know getting in and getting out quickly without getting seen right mm-hmm okay so there’s a key right it gets us you know get me into the Oracle and then get these questions answered and we can figure out what to do from there

Yes a key it’s actually your eyeball it’s actually an eyeball from a giant serpent the camp counselors mother okay you know just it’s red and it’s round think of it like that okay I have questions that’s really disturbing know if we have time for questions right now do we hear it so

Anyone no no no don’t worry about that trust you yeah it’s an eye it’s no it’s it’s not like it it’s not a come on no it’s not moist or anything no don’t know he’s gone hold on um darn it what’s hoping an arrow poke

Wait no no no I’m kidding it was a joke look just just I’m sorry it’s I’m just trying okay it was a bad idea this arrow just can make you up here Oh Zoila tried to kill me but he failed the one will he do kill people just can’t

Hit anything in this bunny for him want to be a bunny anymore bet it’s afraid I mean I think it’s kind of cute I’m not cute I’m scary I’m also dangerous – yeah there’s nothing scary about how you look right now yeah I got powerful legs just it’s the protections

Around camp so what’s going on look I got little tiny paws what am I supposed to do okay so this game miss Kay Kay yes that is key well as I said it’s a round red eye ball it’s okay last time I found it it was in Kate

Grace cabin it was just something there but uh she might be keeping it on her person now so you’re you’re gonna have to do a little extra work maybe all you gotta do a snake in the cabin and find it it’s got to be in there it’s just yeah exactly

Just you go in there come back with Kate right across from here right there that’s why I kind of want everyone to be quiet about this oh yeah go for it go for yes Oh wherever you know yeah yes no you’re good at this okay when I said he

Was okay for the job please keep me he’s good at stealing okay all right my name is the situation many questions don’t worry about that look I could try answer them later but for now it’s just trying to figure this out okay well I’m here to help wait little

Bunny I’m not one of you oh oh that’s that’s not good though yeah there’s more 200 just to get out of here maybe I wouldn’t drink too much more yeah that’s probably not a good idea if you do you better chair okay maybe another time okay another time we can share some tomb

Juice all right okay and now oh hi oh oh he’s right here you’re good at that did you get the key yes did you still what if her swords no mouse you didn’t go in there to steal swords waiting there to get the key the round I

Can I have to so no you can’t have the sword it’s stolen okay back sure I’ll never find out it’s fine she’s totally will find out and I’ll get rubble for it okay so so no key hmm maybe we can find another way to break into the Oracle mm-hmm you’re like

A master thief you could I figure something out right mm-hmm yeah I mean you know master um okay yeah he’s a thief bit sometimes just don’t worry about it he also doesn’t speak if you haven’t noticed um he can sing though I don’t think that’s necessary right now because we know everything

You’re trying to say right yeah perfect all right so we’re gonna have to sneak to the Oracle but this tomb juice is wearing off I’m gonna need to be sneaky hey can I borrow your cloak does it work like that no no I don’t need the

Dagger and in fact I still think you should put it back but I mean that’s on you I didn’t have any part in it yeah I’m not gonna okay I guess that works all right sure okay I mean can’t get in more trouble anyway so let’s head over to the

Oracle see if anything tell me if you see any guards or you can’t presume you got a heart be over there okay discuss Bay on this side of the tree line no big deal this is the most illegal thing I’ve ever done really oh really yeah I guess

It is pretty uh pretty against the rules did he just say he was used to it I mean sometimes I mean that would make sense right yeah the doors open son oh oh oh I guess you ready oh wait isn’t the Oracle thing supposed to be on that thing

I live into the little floating thing yeah that Oracle Oracle are you here I think it became slug what where is it I don’t know it’s right no that’s not that’s not the Oracle the Oracle died no the Oracle didn’t I hope not yeah outside if not like we would mr.

Death no I don’t think probably not good well it’s not dead I don’t think so but don’t put traps in the Oracle sanctuary I true I might be ruining the sanctuary I’m sorry Oh guys it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s fine oh we’re gonna get caught no it’s okay

Someone must have taken the Oracle somewhere okay well who’s gonna take it I mean how can you take it’s like a big eyeball yeah I don’t know maybe it was Jake or something he was trying to get me in trouble from breaking into the Oracle before I don’t know that one

Seems kind of off even for him I don’t think he would do something whoa I don’t smell any any of his rosewater around here no seawater aside from you Thanks what you’re just wetting the ocean to save your fish hmm I don’t know now what

Are we supposed to do is there any way to like detect it my Oracle’s not gonna be able to answer any of my questions if it’s not here I think I might know yeah thanks and all but I think this might be something I have to do on my own yeah I

Got a few ideas just while I’m gone just makes your campus safe and don’t tell anyone that I was here all right I trust you through you got it captain all right I guess don’t get caught you got any mo to help you out with that

I’ll see you guys soon later I stopped stealing more things oh don’t wait bunny Oh No one of them saw me one of the guards ah not something I’m exactly proud of doing but it’s kind of what they employ the heart base for why she doesn’t hear

About this it’s fine we what’s all this about huh well that’s new don’t recall this being here at all huh some sort of empty room well yes I have a hideaway near camp now but I didn’t plan on lingering here too long got to get back to that cave I think I’m

Gonna need this sword to do it so my other weapons are about to break wait the sword was totally right here is it in this bag no oh okay that’s not okay I almost died getting that sword and now it’s just gone it ah I get it it’s a magical sword these are

Magical bags you can’t go throwing super powerful objects and different dimensions or else they’ll get snatched up hopefully it just was returned to its pedestal in the cave I’ve read about some artifacts doing that in the past such as a Golden Fleece and the bow of Apollo for example but we’re just gonna

Have to head back anyway it’s fine that was my destination all along means I’m gonna have to go a little deeper than intended which means I might need help if I brought any of my friends they’d probably just end up like shadow as I expected gonna have to do this

Alone and there it is right where I left it excuse me I should not have used that arrow I thought that was on the poison arrow okay not okay over here hold on I have an idea I have special arrows I could do just the trickier if I

Survive come on here there nope did not hit my target aha yeah that’s one way to deal with invisible enemies I need to clear this place out it looks like the beasts every entered better eat up those trolls haven’t come back awake normally they stay stoned forever but the magic

Here seems strange really quite strange oh yeah they’re awake again definitely awake again all right let’s shoot with the right arrow this time how about the arrow poison oh yeah arrows don’t always do so well against these things you just took out some hits left in the

Sword ah this thing is powerful all right let’s see how long this takes hello trolled nope it’s to anyone else want to challenge me you perhaps nope and think that should be it another over here no I’ll clear now to find out the truth Father fix You

This video, titled ‘Origins of Olympus: THE TRUTH! (Percy Jackson Minecraft Roleplay SMP)’, was uploaded by Xylophoney on 2019-06-18 20:18:36. It has garnered 111574 views and 3457 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:53 or 1553 seconds.

Origins of Olympus: THE TRUTH! (Percy Jackson Minecraft Roleplay SMP) /w Xylophoney ★ SUBSCRIBE ➡ http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBE2XYLO Turn on Notifications and keep a Pinky on that LIKE button! Thanks!

★Origins of Olympus Members★ ● Xylo – http://www.youtube.com/XylophoneyGames ● Ritchie – http://www.youtube.com/ItsRitchieW ● Michael – https://www.youtube.com/user/OmegaGamingLP ● Mario – https://www.youtube.com/user/333aaammm ● Panda – https://www.youtube.com/user/PandaFire11 ● Bri – https://www.youtube.com/user/briannalovestarblast ● Retartion – https://youtube.com/RETARTIE ● Famous – https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFamousFilms ● Kaykrae – https://www.youtube.com/c/kaykrae ● Jake – https://www.youtube.com/qutejakey ● Mitch – https://www.youtube.com/user/crazymtch42 ● Orange – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeE4VazTtIl502GDwUndZCQ ● Seekaaaahh – https://www.youtube.com/user/SeeKaaaahh ● Brandon – https://www.youtube.com/user/xiiRockstarrTv ● Brickbuilder – https://www.youtube.com/castcentrallp ● Immo – https://www.youtube.com/user/InmoNum ● Marshie – https://www.youtube.com/MarshieMallow

INTRO SONG: No Other Way – Simon Gribbe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQR7yui9-D0

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    Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named GracieVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-03-10 16:00:35. It has garnered 2419 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:09 or 6369 seconds. The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyMCYT?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1 Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!

    EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars and Hardcore then bedwars again’, was uploaded by TeamUnderstone on 2024-05-24 21:37:11. It has garnered 188 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:02 or 21962 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel am very bored and my internet is sort of stable so why not try to livestream again? also if you feel like damm this guy isent a complete moron and i might wanna watch him again then join the discord (idk dont really got a reason for people to join it) or just subscribe becouse that helps https://discord.gg/GQx66SfVNg Pc Specs… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!

    Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Becoming Overpowered In This Life steal Smp’, was uploaded by Fire_line gaming on 2024-03-26 02:48:04. It has garnered 276 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:47 or 5507 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, #minecraft #livestream #gaming #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮

    Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE FIRE MAX ATTITUDE VS ALL GAMES IMPOSSIBLE🍷#minecraft#freefire#pubg’, was uploaded by ZEEL H GAMER on 2024-03-24 14:32:04. It has garnered 5629 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ManaRush

    ManaRushManaMC is a Survival Multiplayer Server where killing your enemies will grant you 10 Mana, but be aware for others, because upon death you lose 10 Mana as well. This Mana can be used to purchase perks and upgraded items from the special Mana Shop, and provides a large competition to outperform your opponents. Manamc.net Read More

  • HomiezClub SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java

    HomiezClub SMP HomiezClub SMP Homiezclub is a 100% vanilla survival server focused on collaborating to help each other achieve our Minecraft survival dreams. From building, to adventuring, to redstoning we do it all. There is room for just about any playstyle on our server and we love to hear new ideas. Key Features: 3 years old Awesome people and builds Whitelisted server Java and Bedrock compatible Server Information: Whitelisted for exclusive experience No required mods, but recommended modpack available Reset end cities with major updates We strive to provide the best collaborative, chill vanilla survival experience! Java 1.20.6, Bedrock Allowed… Read More

  • Minesory!

    Minesory!Welcome to Minesory – Your Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits!Dive into the enchanting world of Minesory, where your imagination knows no bounds! Whether you’re a seasoned builder, an adventurous explorer, or a redstone engineer, Minesory offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience for players of all ages and skill levels.🌍 Why Minesory?At Minesory, we believe in creating a vibrant, inclusive, and fun environment for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Our dedicated staff team works tirelessly to ensure the server runs smoothly, and our community-driven approach means your feedback and ideas are always valued.Join Us Today!Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey? Join Minesory… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real crafty creeper tactics

    Wow, this meme is scoring higher than my grades in high school! Read More

  • Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial

    Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Vulcan plugin is the key to keep your server clean. Protecting from hackers, with cheats they deploy, Vulcan stands strong, like a shield of alloy. Roiz Gaming, the master of Minecraft lore, Shares tips and tricks, to keep your server secure. Join the channel, for perks and more, And dive into the world of Minecraft galore. From KillAura to Vape, the cheats they try, But with Vulcan plugin, they can’t fly high. Stay vigilant, keep your server tight, With Roiz Gaming, your future is bright. So craft your world, with… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes “Girls in Minecraft: spends hours building a beautiful house with intricate details. Boys in Minecraft: digs straight down and somehow finds diamonds within 5 minutes.” Read More

  • CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人

    CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocky Adventures Embark on a journey through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you explore the vast landscapes and build your own unique creations. Meet Blocky Xuan: The Mastermind Behind Minecraft Shenanigans Blocky Xuan, the creative genius behind a myriad of Minecraft animations, brings humor and joy to players worldwide. With a knack for storytelling and a passion for spreading happiness, Blocky Xuan’s animations are a must-watch for any Minecraft enthusiast. Discover Blocky… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the thrilling experience of surviving a whole night in a scary house in Minecraft. While this may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does highlight the excitement and challenge that Minecraft can offer. If you’re someone who enjoys pushing your limits and testing your survival skills in Minecraft, then you need to join a server that can provide you with the ultimate gaming experience. That’s where Minewind comes in. Minewind is a vibrant… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥

    Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘💀 #minecraft #memes #tutorial #gaming #art #trollface #beauty #roblox #bedwars #funny #kayi’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-12 15:49:39. It has garnered 511 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender… Read More

  • Troy’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

    Troy's Wild Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft!’, was uploaded by troydoesstuff on 2024-03-28 01:45:15. It has garnered 53 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:31 or 13771 seconds. Read More

  • Viral Parrot Hack in Minecraft! 😯🔥 #shorts

    Viral Parrot Hack in Minecraft! 😯🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘parrot 🦜 viral hack in Minecraft 😯😯🔥🔥💯#shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Chimtu pu on 2024-01-12 11:58:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. parrot viral hack in Minecraft #shorts #viral #minecraftminecraft challenge minecraft shorts minecraft but viral shorts … Read More

  • Jerry Summons Herobrine in Curved Portal!! #Shorts

    Jerry Summons Herobrine in Curved Portal!! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spawn Herobrine who created a curved portal #shorts #meme #memes’, was uploaded by Jerry Shorts on 2024-05-09 08:00:00. It has garnered 32428 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #minecraft #meme #memes #shorts #tiktok #gaming Read More

  • Ultimate Bedwar’s Tournament on Infinity SMP

    Ultimate Bedwar's Tournament on Infinity SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwar’s Tournament | Group A and Group B | Minecraft Public Smp | Java + PE 24/7 Online | INFINITY’, was uploaded by Infinity Smp on 2024-05-23 02:08:44. It has garnered 66 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:55 or 4975 seconds. Bedwar’s Tournament | Group A and Group B | Minecraft Public Smp | Java + PE 24/7 Online | INFINITY Discord: https://discord.gg/GGa3SR7v 🎮🚀 #MinecraftMonday #GamerFleet #LiveGaming #livestream 🌟 Immerse yourself in the ultimate Minecraft journey with GamerFleet! 🎮⛏️ Join our vibrant community of gamers as we embark on epic… Read More

  • Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can’t be a Dad! 😱🙈

    Shocking Truth Revealed: SSD Bhai 99 Can't be a Dad! 😱🙈Video Information This video, titled ‘Mai kabhi BAP nahi ban sakta 🤣😭 #comedi #cartoon #funny’, was uploaded by SSD Bhai 99 on 2024-03-24 06:42:26. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. sada shiv skibidi toilet cameraman cartoon spider- man aur iron man toilet bhoot wala cartoon make joke comedy minecraft aayush poppy playtime chapter 4 animals movie camera toilet granny gulli bulli herobrine iron man ishq bhi toilet nagin videos one more time shorts superheroes minecraft ye jism. hai toh kya 390 duke aalu mota bhalu aayush poppy playtime chapter… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT glitch: blocks break around me!

    INSANE MINECRAFT glitch: blocks break around me!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT but all blocks around me BREAK!’, was uploaded by Spl1ce on 2023-12-29 19:55:22. It has garnered 7805 views and 186 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #speedrun MINECRAFT but i DESTROY CLOCKS MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN CHALLENGE MINECRAFT but I destroy the blocks around me! ⭐ALL MY SOCIALS!!!⭐ Kick: https://kick.com/spl1ce Twitter: https://twitter.com/Spl1ceYT​ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@spl1ce?lang=en​ Discord: https://discord.gg/f2ThUnrU​ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/spl1cetv​ ⭐PC SPECS⭐ Keyboard: https://amzn.to/41DDnpo Mouse: https://amzn.to/4azxnlH Headphones: https://amzn.to/41GpR4z Webcam: https://amzn.to/3vdG8Sl Microphone: https://amzn.to/41HhWnA Microphone arm: https://amzn.to/3vf6fIC Mixer: https://amzn.to/3TDxUND Monitor: https://amzn.to/3vjJNy8 Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • DazzerPLays – VIP in F7 DUNGEONS! Bones galore! Skyblock Giveaway?

    DazzerPLays - VIP in F7 DUNGEONS! Bones galore! Skyblock Giveaway?Video Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & GETTING BONES 4 DAYS!!! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:54. It has garnered 1056 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:25 or 7825 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVSdzPNOMhbkkwclfnb4HLQ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ swerve – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

Xylophoney – Origins of Olympus: THE TRUTH! (Percy Jackson Minecraft Roleplay SMP)