Video Information

This is a mega truck we have to survive 100 days in the zombie apocalypse on it can we do it yes if we find upgrades upgrade our vehicle fight hordes of zombies and travel to completely dangerous locations and we have to be ready for the fact that zombies can

Break blocks my team prepared a huge map and plot to test my strength in the new 100 days of Hardcore Minecraft in the zombie apocalypse we have just appeared in a new world and I already see some zombies and what is this what the hell

Is this flying thing get away from me ah appeared in the zombie apocalypse in this world there’s a huge variety of zombies I am an evil zombie yeah I know it’s not funny let’s keep going starting from the most common zombies ending with invisible and even flying ones the task

For the first day was to find starting resources build ourselves a small shelter and of course find the very truck on which we can explore the world so what do we have here some kind of Arrow and two chests dude look oh my God after defeating this angry zombie I

Continue to explore the chests there’s ammo here bandages a first aid kit and a book with a quill welcome look for a repair kit most likely this thing is needed for a truck only I don’t know where it is look I think I think that’s

It even my nickname is written on it oh my God and there’s also a zombie that’s guarding it I didn’t waste any time despite the great danger I decided to take a closer look it looks awesome just incredible for these 100 days this truck was specifically developed by my team

But at the moment as it turned out I can’t interact with the truck in any way I think we need that repair K moreover it turned out that there was a huge hord of zombies behind the truck and I had to run away I have a feeling that I’ll have

To come back for the truck later okay I think I’m fine here what do we have over here after looting a few boxes and finding some more good things I began to extract the primary Minecraft resources we now have a crafting table I got some more wood some Cobblestone and some

Tools among the places where I spawned there were many different dungeons for example behind the trees I saw some kind of wooden building hopefully there w won’t be any surprises okay if you don’t check you won’t know honestly I feel like there’s going to be some sort of

Trap here oh okay if anything we know where to go as a result there was no trap only a couple of zombies who simply wanted to kill me yeah I see another one we can deal with zombies of this level pretty easily I should remember that it

Turned out to be an abandoned Sawmill so I had to look around everything all at once and by the way it’s pretty atmospheric in here oh note I’m tired of working I want to sleep I don’t even know what to do with this St so we’ll definitely take the globe with

Us we’ll also take the radio and the chair will not be left without attention either and what’s written over here like this video ah okay oh my God this is crazy I got really scared but I found some canned soup nice going outside I dealt with new zombies got some barred

Wire and went to quickly prepare a place where I could wait out the night I wouldn’t have enough time to build a whole base so I decided to take the ruins and made a small base out of it this is the build I got we’ll spend the

Night here today because I simply didn’t have enough time to make make a normal house I don’t know what kind of zombies are here at night I really hope I survive second day and it started with some loud screams of zombies that surrounded my base during the night well

What a morning guys just zombies everywhere oh my God how many of you are there they’re even making their way up look what are you doing here you flying carrot I want to be in my truck so bad guys I need to find that repair kit I wouldn’t say that the day began

Productively in exploring the locations because all morning I was trying to fight off the zombies that surround in my place of residence and of the good things they dropped some iron axes see cucumber kelp and that’s it and more string the first thing I wanted to do

Was to explore the base behind our truck this time I hope there wouldn’t be a hord of zombies and that we could safely explore everything I hope that we’ll pick up this truck soon oh it even says 100 days here okay zombies this truck

Will be mine I see one and I see another one oh they’re really fast oh one HP one HP one HP okay slow down I began to carefully check everything I found some Iron Coal and even some tools but the most important thing was that there was

Really good loot in one of the buildings potato statue seriously I want to knowe how interactive these decorations really are my team did a great job this time rifle look a note and some kind of chest plate oh okay someone left this truck for you this is a complete home on

Wheels with it you can go on so-called Journeys but not only that you can still upgrade it and unlock various upgrades if you haven’t found a repair kit yet then I advise you to look for garages maybe it’ll be in there hold up are you telling me that I can upgrade the truck

Yes the truck upgrades is a big part of the video thanks to them we’ll be able to unlock new gameplay features for example searching for diamonds using a radar and much more but most importantly we’ll be able to travel to very remote locations on it where we would simply

Not survive without this truck I recorded 100 200 300 days in the zombie apocalypse 2 years ago but the things that a wait Us in this survival simply cannot be compared to everything that came before even on the second day there’s already zombies that can break blocks in addition to this such new

Things have come I will better talk about them later because they will just shock you evening was approaching I decided to loot everything that was on this base and I even found a cool piece of armor not a bad set of armor although considering how strong the zombies are

Here given that they’ll constantly become stronger I don’t think this will save me for a long time for the remaining time I continue dismantling the ruins and I already started making my base from the Mine Blocks I started building my house friends so far we have this layout I also drove in dismantle

Some ruins I think that will make our base right here it’s day number three and it’s time to go caving good morning I’m searching for a cave and I really hope that I’ll find it soon oh and here it is only a big surprise was waiting

For me right at the entrance oh oh my God what kind of zombie is this look at how many huge monsters there are as I say first of all survival is difficult here because of the variety of zombies you might think how would these zombies even get to you but they have a

Superpower they can create other zombies especially those that fly using bar wire I managed to survive and even then barely somehow we made it through let’s go to the cave after all I didn’t fight the monsters in vain because I was able to get a huge amount of resources well

What can I say guys the cave was successful eight gold 48 coal and 14 iron in my opinion that’s a good result for a first time caving session at the end of day three I try to finish my house so that it at least had windows so

I made a floor and also a little B wire protection I really hope that this helps even a little bit day four survival is survival but we all want to see that truck in action as the note said I need to look for some garages where I can

Most likely find a repair kit but I didn’t know where to start looking so I just packed up and went on my first trip as usual a bunch of zombies and by the way there’s a gas station and there’s also some kind of interesting Building

Inside the ruins I found a scope which I immediately put on my rifle but this is not the most important thing iron pickaxe and Zan’s truck key I think that we can finally get into the truck oh oh my God the door opened look at this

Salon it even says Sean on the dashboard and there’s purple lights I can even turn the steering wheel look but despite this I still couldn’t ride it we needed to find this repair kit so I hit the road again at the gas station I was very warmly greeted by some bigey zombies

Casting their spells and at the gas station itself I didn’t find anything interesting only toilets the next location was a zombie supermarket and it’s called that because there was a huge number of them how are there so many of them okay it looks like it’s

More serious than I thought but I have a golf club well zombies let’s play golf oh I forgot that they can open doors oh my God and everything went as usual not according to plan because I ran out of ammo by some miracle I ran into the

Supermarket and it was much easier to deal with the rest oh my God ammo nice let’s quickly reload oh my God okay one is down oh great okay we dealt with the zombies more ammo and green apples well let’s look at the result I found a lot

Of ammo and a lot of food I love to eat so I consider the mission successful let’s collect some more of this bwire it’s been 4 days already we built the initial base and we even went into the cave and looted a couple of supermarkets and gas stations but so far we haven’t

Been able to activate the main thing in the survival and it would have given up by now if it wasn’t for da 5 wait who is this oh my God it seems to be an NPC I think I should follow him I’m not sure if he’s friendly or not as it turned out

It was a scout for parts I’ll give an example in order to get to the end portal in a regular Minecraft playthrough you need an ender pearl to show you the way it’s pretty similar here the map that my team prepared was very big and finding garages here is not

Something that is problematic it is a rarity so if we’re attentive we’ll be able to notice these Scouts who always keep their way to the nearest garage at that time I absolutely didn’t know this but I decided to follow the Scout to the very end if you are wondering what will

Happen if you get very close to the Scout I will tell you in my case he just disappeared but here’s what he brought me to in my opinion this looks like a garage although it may just be like a normal location it turned out that this

Was the same garage that we needed but I approached it with caution because there were a guests there garage guard hello oh green nicknames are good they’re friendly garage manager we took control of this garage the mutants and zombies couldn’t take it so it’s safe here but mostly they’re very dangerous you won’t

Get an upgrade just like that and sometimes you have to try very hard to get something but in this case you can safely go through everything it’s all under control bro thanks bro I was very worried if there was a repair kit in this garage and I was very lucky because

It was right there repair kit wait that’s the repair kit we found it let’s go there’s also a cactus keychain I don’t know I can’t put it anywhere I don’t know what to do with it from the garage I went straight to the truck hoping it would finally unlock friends I

Do not believe that right now we’ll be able to finally launch it let’s deal with the zombies first because they’re just everywhere oh wow they actually do so much damage well guys let’s try it let’s go we’re going oh my God guys I’m driving my own truck look at how cool it

Is let’s park near our house as soon as I got out the truck two items fell right into my inventory wait Zan flag and some book I didn’t have any book with me you can only add an upgrade to your truck next to your flag the flag must be

Placed at its base and after the first installation it’ll be possible to change its location no further than 40 blocks well let’s put it on the roof or something at the time I couldn’t even imagine what the consequences of setting this flag would be almost every morning with rare exceptions it began with

Zombie attacks I spent a huge amount of time trying to deal with them so let’s build a fence to begin with I needed a huge amount of stone so I went into the mines with a pickaxe it’s good that there were enough of the them near my

House so I spent the whole day in the mine and the next day I started building the fence so this is the fence that is starting to appear it’s good that at least this iron mesh is not difficult to craft by evening my fence was ready I

Can say that it looked quite simple but very beautiful this fence took me so much time oh my God they can still go through b wire or what okay this thing should be finalized but overall a huge number of zombies cannot get to me in

Any sort of way here too we have look my friends acquaintances friends and subscribers but but of course flying zombies were a big problem because they quietly flew wherever they wanted and I don’t know what to do with them yet basically I was wondering what kind of

Keychain this is and then I thought maybe this Cactus keychain is for an upgrade for a truck I’m not sure what it’s going to improve but let’s try it out at first I was running around my truck trying to find where I can add this upgrade but then I realized it

Should be installed inside it and look this line over here appeared oh wow here it is this is our first upgrade check it out while I was sorting things at home not notification popped up in the chat which scared me a little bit the truck is now on the move and unfortunately the

Zombie virus too you didn’t know but there’s classified data in the truck that needs to be delivered to some place that’s classified go on a journey fight zombies and you’ll understand everything by the way have you tried going inside the truck what at this point I no longer

Knew what could surprise me oh wow am I just inside the truck I don’t understand anything I think I can just make my mini base here this survival is picking up steam from the first glance it seems that this is an Ordinary World with zombies but in reality everything is

Much more complicated we have to explore a huge number of locations if we want to complete the survival the zombies will get bigger and bigger they’ll become stronger and stronger the map of course will change it would seem that we’re helpless but there is one huge thing in

This survival that should help us well Minecraft Travelers today we’re going to go on our first expedition to do this let’s gather some things and put them right inside our truck having built up my small motor hole home I began my journey I have absolutely no idea where

We’re going so I’ll just go wherever my eyes are looking and I hope we’ll get somewhere soon look we have a factory on the right or something let’s park here and see what’s inside it was an abandoned Factory and there were new types of monsters in it oh some new

Zombies I don’t know those okay they they have wings on their back look okay they can even fly look at that so guys who would have thought that I would have to survive in this zombie apocalypse and it wasn’t so simple to deal with the zombies cuz some of them were flying

Some of them going around and some of them jumping there are a lot of flying zombies here okay this is just insane where did they all come from at some point I tried to start destroying them but everything was in vain because they just appeared at this location endlessly

There’s just an infinite number of them appearing here okay obviously I can’t just deal with them and so I decided to quickly loot all the boxes and finally get out of here definitely one of those locations where I didn’t want to spend time here and as a result I found some

Ammo and for State kits I should have gotten out of here sooner well on the other hand we looted a huge amount of ammo and now we just need to go my little Cactus so long zombies so far I was feeling pretty safe inside my truck so we continued on this forgotten road

So friends we’re driving along some Road oh I see some kind of tower let’s stop near it let’s see there might be something in there what a cool truck though look at it so what do we have here oh a box on the tower I found

Exactly the same rifle as mine plus ammo a camouflage helmet and a scope that Zooms in way better than mine this rifle is the same as ours by the way but we can put this scope on it and this scope gives plus five to the speed when aiming

Well that’s really good way better the sun is already setting so I think I’ll just peacefully sleep in my truck because I mean it is a mobile home and tomorrow we’ll continue on our way it’s actually amazing how cool this truck story is by the way I took beans with me

I left them quietly in here and I can just eat them inside the truck there’s only one small issue with sleeping inside the truck in the morning a huge huge number of zombies appear around you who just want to devour you as you can see there is a slight downside to

Sleeping in this truck because I got attacked by zombies they left me with 3 HP look at this horde that’s following me on my zombie path I saw a small farm and I decided to immediately go there because most likely there’s going to be some wheat or potatoes well let’s see

What Fate has in store for us this time I see zombies maybe it’s some kind of trap of course who’s that standing there is that Herobrine look some unusual sheep and not only sheep pigs too farmer Simon Okay the zombie virus has taken over my entire farm and I need help

Someone needs to save my animals can you help if so then listen we need an antidote it can be found in one of the bunkers here are the coordinates I really hope you succeed well okay saving animals is a noble cause so let’s try there was also a two-story Farmer’s

House next to the barn no of course I never had the thought of becoming a farmer but now in the zombie apocal ocalypse looting a little stuff is definitely the right thing to do look at what I found that’s pretty good zombies if you hear this get out of here I am

Very dangerous yeah barbed wire and even look traps we’ll put them near the house the zombies will definitely get trapped there on the second floor I found some cabbage and rice and on that note I decided to head back to my truck and then go back home so far I’m not ready

To go on long trips but in the future we’ll definitely do it remember that very flag that I placed it turned out to be a very serious flag besides that thanks to him I can improve the truck but also it can finish my survival in a second if suddenly under some

Circumstances the zombie breaks this flag then the game ends and I lose everything would be fine but it turns out that every 10 days a hord of zombies will attack the point where the flag is set that is my face and every 10 days it will become stronger and stronger this

Is a huge hord of zombies oh my god wow are they breaking my fence oh my God it’s all out of control I don’t know how I can contain them if I knew that this situation could happen I would have defended my base better but now it’s

Just too late some zombies managed to break the fence H they’re making my way into my house what would I do without this bar wire I am not going to let them through inside my base the house was protected and I was even able to go outside but the horde continued one way

To deal with this hord was bar wire which dealt a lot of damage to zombies I was doing my best using all my skill just to defeat these zombies guys this is insane I don’t know how we managed but we managed to survive now I will definitely take the defense of my base

Way more seriously indeed the defense of my base was pretty weak for the zombies but I couldn’t even imagine that on day 10 they would already be able to break blocks the damage was small but repair was still needed which I decided to do

On day 11 I patched up all the holes in the fence fixed my house and proceeded with my first base upgrade it was a truck shed I did it all day and all night it was overcast at times dark at times but the shed turned out really

Cool well friends this is how a garage turned out we are coming in yeah there’s just a fishing rod sticking out but otherwise the garage is just great once we get out of the truck we have these steps over here and over here I made a

Small fence and in my opinion it looks just awesome also made a small path to make everything look more natural I finally made a farm so far only wheat and I also improved my house and here what it all looks like the first thing that came to my mind to protect myself

Better from the zombies was a motor on my base which I was building for the entirety of day 13 the second idea that came to my mind is to borrow the turrets from those garage guards I hope they don’t mind guys let’s be honest wait let me eat guys well you understand you

Don’t have this flag that Zombies Run to every 10 days so I’ll just borrow some of these turrets and I’ll definitely return it to you soon on the way home I decided to focus my attention on the crashed plane as for this plane plane I

Passed by it but I never looted it maybe we should try and see what’s out there I completely forgot about this MP5 that I have it okay well basically oh oh what is that huge monster get away get away get away from me I was not ready for

This oh my God why are you so tough it dropped a dark plate dark Ingot and titanium Ingot great so ammo canned beans and Desert Eagle oh oh wow what a cool animation also a note great we actually haven’t seen note in so long they say if you go in the direction of

Coordinates 2000x 2000 you can find the first journey and I thought that there were only forests and Fields but there’s a real desert Journey but the coolest thing I found was not a note it was a truck upgrade even though I thought they were only found in garages we managed to

Find an upgrade let’s go now let’s run home and be sure to upgrade it moreover I think that tomorrow will’ll go to that very desert in any case we’ll just see what’s out there in short I have this thing and as I understand it I should

Put it right here in the front of our truck so let’s try to put it on oh my God if any of you were going to complain in the comments that this truck doesn’t look like the truck from a zombie apocalypse what are you going to tell me

Now and on day 15 I collected as many resources as possible in my truck and then set towards the desert look zombies they can’t even catch up to me as I understand we need to go along this path there is some ruins here by the way look

I hope that this is the road that leads to the desert but if anything my truck can go pretty much anywhere I had to drive both during the the evening and night and at some point the road just simply disappeared I feel like I won’t be able to pass here there’s only water

There I think I’ll have to go around it’s a bit creepy to drive at night though but despite all the difficulties by day 16 I was finally able to reach that very desert where even are we the road just ends here wait I think I crushed something let’s go back a little

Bit here we have a sign dead end that’s all for now oh wait there’s a box here water treatment equipment and here apparently I can place it it oh oh wow these are just barrels of water okay I don’t know how this gamepl will help us

But I’m just going to let them stay here why not this dead end didn’t even stop me I walked a little forward and saw some buildings on the horizon time to test our truck and see how it can go Offroad the location on the horizon was filled with zombies our most important

Task right now is to be very careful because the zombies they’re just coming and coming and the ammo as usual is nowhere to be found I’ll just collect some of this barred wire because it’s going to help us build our favorite fences as well as everything for the

Design of our base oh oh oh get away from me get away from me wait there’s more it felt like the zombies were way stronger in this location but there was much more loot in the boxes the most important thing is to not stand still and constantly maneuver placing barb

Wire along the way and thinking how to deceive them because in fact the zombies have no tactics their task is to Simply get to you directly so we’re already inside Guys these zombies are coming from everywhere look so far I’ve used more ammo than I found however there

Were many positives firstly a huge amount of barred wire with which we can protect our base and in general I felt that there was way more Loot and it became way better which means that in theory in the next location it’s going to become even better I didn’t wait for

Anything and decided to keep going on the way we saw some palm trees and some ruins oh wow this is interesting soon it’s going to be night by the way but despite this but firstly we got to see some cool palm trees and there’s more ruins here I really hope that there’s

Going to be something cool here wood pumpkin pie and a bottle of water wait come on four stacks of ammo an AK and a scope wait I need to equip all of this wait a second my inventory was already full and the day was coming to

An end I decided to go back to my truck and sort out all my things as well as wait for the morning desert poisonous scorpions prickly cacti Oasis pyramids and quicksand until the end I still didn’t realize what a cool location we were in it had one problem though there

Was no navigation and no roads at least some signs of civilization and and loot had to be looked for with closed eyes in the morning it turned out that in this desert it was necessary to constantly drink water and I had absolutely no water with me in this regard the water

Purifier on the truck really saved me with an empty bottle you could come up to it and click with your right Mouse button and it’s going to be filled with water during this day I still found one interesting place it was a populated Village yeah this is some kind of

Village look oh Merchant the merchant had some items which I could buy but what got my attention was the barred wire cuz it looked like an upgrade for my truck and it cost quite a lot I didn’t have all this gold so I decided to return home in addition to that it

Seems that we’ve already lingered in this desert for way too long New Day friends as you can see I’m already home what can I say all the weed grew while I was away I want to remind you that in two days as it turns out there’s going

To be another attack by the zombies so we need to defend ourselves because I feel like these turrets will not be enough my best solution was to put bir wire everywhere because I had been planning to do this for a very long time of course you can say that this base is

Not protected at all but then I’ll have a question for you what do you think is a secure base where else can you see such a quantity of barred wire I hope that the zombies won’t get through this time on day 19 I decided to go to a cave

For some gold because as you can remember we can buy an upgrade for a truck from a merchant and for this we needed a lot of gold day 20 today I was supposed to be attacked by a horde of zombies this time thanks to the B wire

And the turrets we did much better I cly defended my base but it was clear that if every 10 days the hord was was getting stronger and stronger we would not be able to survive just like that so we had to look for new options for upgrades hello everybody I’m see magic

The truck behind me looks fantastic day 21 we were able to safely defend our base thanks to those turrets honestly in order to get to the desert and pick up that thing from the merchant we don’t have enough iron for now because I only have 18 pieces but

Instead of going to the cave now for gold I went to go somewhere interesting driving back to my house out of the corner of my eye I noticed something big and quite strange why not check it out today it seems to me that I saw something strange and here it is look

It’s a huge zombie I don’t know what scares me more the fact that he’s huge or the fact that he doesn’t move okay well for now let’s leave our truck and go take a look if it’s going to be a boss I don’t know how we’re going to

Handle it look there’s some armor in here and by the way I ended up in some other ruins as well so the armor protects a lot less but it looks like I’m a viking oh oh my God he looks just really creepy most likely this is a boss I’m

100% sure oh there’s even an axe look looks pretty cool look it’s not even attacking me I don’t even know what this is I even found an aquarium and I don’t know why the zombie is still sitting in place it’s hard to imagine that he’s even here it doesn’t even matter either

Way in any case he’s just standing in place and poses no thread so here’s the secret that I showed you remember that same farmer whose animals we promised to save he gave the coordinates of some bunker and to today on day 22 I decided to go there I think that our truck won’t

Be able to go further so we’re going to have to go on foot well let’s do it what can we expect from this bunker most likely a huge number of zombies some levels tests or something like that oh I found it here it is here’s the entrance

To that very bunker and of course there were a lot of zombies I would even say that there was zombie skeletons after spending all my ammo on them I finally went inside here it is the elevator what banana guide what what what is this banana guard banana cook where did I end

Up okay I just need to eat a little bit despite all the strangeness of what is happening there were really good resources in the bunker a lot of first aid kits a lot of ammo and much more the real fun started when I met the banana technician banana people are telling you

That the Transformer is broken you have to collect adapters and only then it would be possible to go down to the lower floor and I think that’s the same Transformer and judging by the missing parts four adapters must be insert inted and we already have one so it remains to

Find three more adapters and this is what I did in the next 5 minutes what there are four zans and I and I’m the fifth one banana scientist have you been developing some kind of portal to Sean’s world oh my god look they’re exactly my copies you’re not crazy banana man or

Are you or am I crazy because I see them all adapters were inserted and it was possible to go down to the lower floor but there was one more room which I haven’t explored yet and what I found there will surprise you very pry much okay this is some kind of office it

Looks a little creepy and here’s a note could this world be a simulation and Zan is a program suddenly the zombies are not real and the truck is a hologram um I don’t understand anything we’re finally starting to find some notes about this world or is it just some kind

Of joke I’ll have to keep looking maybe I’ll find something else of value in here this thought shocked me a little I thought that we were just surviving the zombie apocalypse with a truck discovering locations and trying to get to 100 days but it’s as usual surviving

On the Zan channel is much more than it seems at first glance this not a hints that there is some kind of plot and moreover some kind of meaning where everything around could be a simulation when I went down to the bottom floor and looked around a little bit I noticed

That there was some kind of room that had a huge number of computers and some kind of digital screens it was there that I found what I was looking for and here look some kind of box a farmer’s Quest a healing potion excellent a Raider’s Hammer not bad and some kind of

Note from here there’s an edge of the world where the program can no longer read the code due to the lack of data if you get there you can get answers and at least clues about this world and these coordinates are quite far away zombie apocalypse inside a program so far

Everything was strange and weird up until I found the second note we’ve studied the zombie spawning anomaly and it’s hard to tell because we haven’t found the beginning there is no information about where they came from what is more strange no one can answer this question after the second note

Everything became even more weird look thanks to the stairs we were able to get into the security booth and accordingly here we went into the bunker let’s loot the last boxes here and get out of here we will return to the plot and the edge of the world a little bit later the

Coming days will be a surprise for you because I’m going to invite a guest to my place the guest was my subscriber and right now he will appear in my world on the horizon I see some kind of interesting person and now I’m going to introduce you to him hello come on come

On get in before the zombies kill us here here my name is aav I’ve been watching Zan for 2 or 3 years to be honest it was a big shock for me that I got into the video and right now I’m sitting in a disc recal with this young

Man and I’m ready to shoot today I wanted to spend a whole day with a subscriber let him ride a truck fight zombies and show the world in which I’m surviving and check out what awaits you under this shed oh my God indeed why not give your subscriber a ride in this

Massively cool truck well get behind the wheel great oh oh I I I did it I’ll close the door behind you and I’ll go sit in the passenger seat my subscriber and I are now going on a ride through the zombie apocalypse on This Magnificent truck so this gas station is

The most important part in Zan’s video I’m ready to reveal to you one secret about this gas station are you ready yes by the way I’ve been here before oh okay it was lots of fun during this day we were even fighting zombies come on come

On you got it I’m reloading well I think that you already can be initiated it into real survivalists among the 100 days of Zan h i see I’m super happy there was also a hospital nearby which I haven’t explored yet I decided to loot it with my subscriber there were a few

Zombies near the hospital but since there were two of us we quickly dealt with them oh the zombies the zombies are coming zombies look here’s some kind of car cool so I found some kind of mask I’m going to give it to you uh come on

Hold it put it on try it on okay let’s see now that’s what I’m talking about until the end of this day we were looking for loot we actually found quite a lot it was getting late so we decided to head back to the base to be honest we

Got a very cool subscriber tell us how you felt about surviving in Zeman’s World well as well as some other comments I enjoyed my stay with Zeman very much I talked to V himself I looked at the mods I looked at everything thank you very much for coming thank you very

Much and Zan was with you and now we’re going on to the next day let’s go day 25 it’s finally time to complete that animal Quest We cured the animals and for this that same farmer Simon gave me a huge amount of upgrades for my truck I

Immediately ran to install them we have as many as three upgrades friends the first is a rear bumper let’s put it on dude it looks so cool so I guess so that the zombies don’t damage the truck if they surrounded surrounded side armor yeah I feel like it’s something like

That wow looks totally cool and a fixed gun oh my God it goes on the the roof and a cannon on the roof guys let’s go on Day 26 I thought that my truck was already upgraded enough and I had enough resources to go to the edge of the world

Exactly where it was set in the bunker itself the most important thing was to return before day 30 because on day 30 a new horde would attack my base day 27 we entered the location instead of regular dirt there was lava everywhere and there were serious cracks and splits

Everywhere here we have arrived the road breaks off over here guys this is is an incredibly beautiful location but we need to somehow keep going and right there is the continuation of the road okay now I need to grab some blocks and try to build a bridge at the beginning

Of survival I thought that I would really survive among forests and Meadows but here when I see absolutely atmospheric locations I understand how well this survival is really made I can’t say that it turned out amazing but the most important thing is that we can drive safely okay let’s just try

Carefully okay just gently move move move the main thing is to not fall friends everything okay that’s it we passed oh that was tough it’s a very beautiful location look there’s steam everywhere it really looks like the end of the world all sorts of crevice is everywhere here’s a dangerous moment

Here guys we’re going through and here I think that Minecraft is lagging because the map is not loading any further and what the world is not rendering anymore but this turned out to be not entirely true I understand guys this isn’t lag this is the end of the world the zombie

Apocalypse is all around but I have a truck with which I must survive 100 days the truck can be upgraded and in today’s episode it turns out that it can upgrade itself and the consequences of the upgrades can become extremely problematic in this survival chaos machine back on day 28 I found yeah

First of all a lot of zombies so many zombies and also a small strange purple dungeon appeared which I haven’t seen before okay I don’t know what this is but I only have one ammo left so if some strange creature comes out of that thing

I am most likely dead oh okay some box chaos dark power no one has unlocked its potential yet by studying it one can gain control over Infinite Energy H by the way look at your truck what oh my God my truck changed its color what I go

Away I wasn’t talking to you come on I’m filming a video and this is happening right now oh my God these zombies are so annoying apparently we’re going to move around on this thing now it looked pretty strange but interesting at the same time what features will be

Available now and how will it change our Survival let’s find out stop I don’t understand this at all what even is this the stairs are kind of crooked and in a stressful situation I got a e look in addition to the fact that it became purple there’s also some kind of antenna

In the middle thank you for at least leaving the door the same way I just had to put my truck under the shed but even then there was a problem my brand new truck doesn’t even fit under this roof now does that does that mean I have to

Rebuild this whole thing also on this day I decided to sort sort out the things obtained on the last journey to the edge of the world there was a certain staircase at this location along which one could go down somewhere but I decided I would return there some other

Day because on day 30 a new horde would attack my base and we had to prepare for it day 29 and as usual a huge number of zombies spawned around my base who would have thought that I could run out of wood I mean what can I say resources

Also tend to end yeah I absolutely have no wood so now I’ll just go to The Sawmill and try to get some wood there so there were more zombies here than I saw oh come on get away from me I began to notice that the further we survive

The more complex zombie spawn not to say that so far this has been a problem but it may become one in the future having dealt with the zombies I began to get some wood and after all I decided to upgrade my shed so that my new purple

Truck would be able to fit under it and on this note day 29 came to an end day 30 every 10 days my base is attacked by a hord of zombies and each time this hord becomes stronger and stronger at that time I didn’t even suspect what

Abilities my new Tru opened up for me oh my God guys there’s so many zombies here look oh my God they’re about to break the fence and they really broke it and began to go through everything that we’ve been building for so long and everything that we’ve been developing

For so long is called into question my survival can end at any second but somewhere out of the blue I got a chance to survive use the chaos machine get in it and press h okay we only have one jump let’s go okay now we just need to

Press h oh my God what are those sounds in some unknown way my truck actually saved me or rather the gun that was on its roof yeah of course I made a shot with lightning and postp prodouction but this doesn’t negate the fact that the gun actually saved me and destroyed all

The zombies around by pressing just one button only later do I find out that the chaos truck is not as simple as it seems at first glance I’m in shock guys what can I say I don’t know what this is but this transport just saved my life well

What can I do now I have to rebuild my entire base again having patch up all the holes in my base I went to travel and look for new locations on my chaos truck the world here is just huge I don’t even know what location I would

Like to see first probably all of them at once the first location I came across was very interesting and really big it was an abandoned amusement park and of course with a huge number of zombies as well as various interesting features what can I say about the interior of our

New truck of course the Zan thing disappeared somewhere but overall it looks pretty protected so guys I think we arrived and to be honest I can’t really see anything I hear some zombies and I hope you hear it too and I’m just not crazy here it is look oh come on the

First thing I had to go through was a parking lot there were strange faults in this parking lot maybe there was an earthquake how am I supposed to know but the most interesting thing is that here I found two new types of zombies and to be honest I didn’t really want to meet

Them there’s some new types of zombies here look it’s a fire zombie oh oh wow this guy is strong I think we’re in some kind of parking lot I see a ferris wheel maybe we’re in some amusement park I don’t know yet so let’s just explore Coca-Cola and a bonsai tree and a

Gorgeous Cactus we really need it of course wait can we steal that moped a I can’t steal it what kind of survival is this I sort of dealt with the zombies all around but there was some strange sounds coming from really far away what’s going on here oh oh my God how

Many zombies are there I don’t have enough ammo oh wow what is this instead of wasting ammo on the zombies I decided to loot the boxes I found a lot of food ammo guns and even some armor and remember there’s these traps over here if I step on them then survival will

Definitely end because they deal at least like 50 damage of course there’s different kind of traps but these seem to be really dangerous the park was just huge a FIS wheel a skating ring for carus a roller coaster some kind of huge popcorn survivalist OLG and much more at

First I played Chase with the zombies and it was a lot of fun okay okay guys oh my God how many zombies are there I didn’t think there would be so many wow this is terrible guys after destroying all the zombies with barred wire I saw

Some cars ooh cars and I decided to take a ride on them zombie apocalypse yeah but we can’t help not driving cars let’s go yeah of course I assume these are just ordinary boats but that doesn’t make any less fun okay doing this alone isn’t that fun we drove the cars now I

Really want to find something worthwhile here in our survival there are different locations some are necessary just to find various useful things and some are created in order to reveal the details of the plot and some all at once at first glance this amusement park was probably created just for fun and to

Ride the roller coasters help and collect some useful things but it turned out that I still managed to find something that relates to the plot of this survival if you can see there’s some kind of strange hole here and there is a chest in there and a note day 35 of

Survival I’m finally going to the legendary abandoned Metropolis perhaps there I can finally find some survivors oh oh wow this turns out to be some kind of clue that there is some kind of City here given that there’s only a swamp and a TIG around this is really interesting

And who is this survival OLG hey do you want potatoes um till the end of this day I explored all the strangeness and mysticism of this place collected some furnaces and found a lot of Loot and on this note day 31 came to an end day 32

What I was most interested in was what else my new chaos truck could do but so far no matter what buttons I clicked nothing else happened just like on my farm so I started the day by planting some seeds there are very few moments in this survival when nothing much happens

So I decided to take advantage of this moment and went to the cave today to get some new ores and resources now let’s just get some iron oh wait what kind of zombie is this I haven’t seen a zombie like this before we’re in a confined space so it’s going to be really

Difficult to escape here oh okay on day 33 something strange happened the sky turned a bit purple guys maybe I think maybe I’m a little crazy but I hope you see the same thing as me okay that’s a bit weird considering uh the dungeon popped up near my base and considering

The truck is also purple okay I’ll watch the guy a bit more closely today I decided to take a little walk on foot and not touch the truck for now and it even seemed to me that the zombies had a little bit more Health but maybe I was

Just imagining things d34 on my telegram Channel I asked my subscribers to give me some task that I will complete in our survival and what do you think I found a very very interesting task that one of my Subs gave to me to eight completely different types of zombies it won’t be

Easy but I think we’ll try some of you might wonder what it even means to catch a zombie this means to drive him into a trap and settle him near my base and now we’re going to move on to the first stage of this task I had to make a room

For each of the zombies I decided to do it near my base so I had to expand the territory a little bit well that’s it I think this will be enough then I started building those traps the very next day I decided to get a little creative I laid

A path and even made a security Tower I don’t know who’s going to sit there but but somebody obviously has to look after the zombies and just overall I decorated the area a little bit good morning Day 36 the truck is in place the weat is growing and today we’re starting the

Second stage of our task which was given to me by my subscriber namely to catch eight types of zombies we have just prepared these rooms for them and now we just need to find these eight species to get the first type I didn’t have to go

Far near our base at least two or three types of zombies constantly spawned and I got the first two really quickly oh come on come on follow me oh my God I didn’t think this would be so difficult come on what are you I made these traps

For you and I thought this would work but it’s not working who would have thought that it would be a carrot okay all done but with the next six it was a bit more difficult taking my truck I had to travel huge distances to find the types of zombies that I needed and

Moreover some even had to be driven at night the next day we had four out of eight zombies and I was going to continue searching today guys these zombies overall they’re so strange some appear in weird locations some just randomly appear here I just have to hope

For luck and think a little bit don’t know how many more days I’ll spend on this but if anything I’m pretty curious thanks to the subscribers for suggesting their ideas in the comments on this day I even decided to return to the amusement park because it was there that

I saw two new types of zombies the two types that I needed guys there are only two zombies Left I understand that I’ve seen a huge number of different zombies but it seems as if there’s no more and although wait a minute I know where to

Look but I’m warning you it will be really difficult it’s the same plan that I found in the first episode there was just a huge amount of flying zombies that I even had to run away from there you know guys I don’t think it’s the best idea to go where you almost died

But we should go through this challenge because I have no other ideas yet and as you can see there’s just tons of them tons and tons okay it doesn’t matter let’s just do it somehow I managed to take one zombie with me and lock it in

The Trap I thought for a long time where I could find the last zombie and then of course I remembered the kind that I saw in the cave I’ll get some iron diamonds and if I find it then I’ll be lucky and complete this challenge guys I think

That’s the very last zombie okay okay it’s a little scary but I think we can do it so we passed half the stage we’ve already left the cave now I just need to reach my base well what do you think before you is a professional Survivor

Zan did you think that I would not be able to complete this challenge all eight types of zombies are in their place and fully collected well guys for completing such a task put a like on it’s already night and tomorrow we’re going to do other things and I think

That I honestly completed this challenge day 38 initially I was going to just ride my truck of chaos and find some new locations to find new loot for example first aid kids but in the end I found the biggest thing that could be found in the survival it is this tunnel and why

You will soon find out guys I see some kind of tunnel and some kind of guy over there I just rode around the area and was looking for something to loot but in the end I find this tunnel Valera this name already inspires confidence I am

Valera I’m glad you came in short here it is the very tunnel that will lead you to that Metropolis be careful there are a lot of zombies and various traps but since you found my notes I think that you’re ready good luck what what notes this tunnel it turns out leads to the

Metropolis seems like I should have found it from some notes or some quests and just by chance I stumbled across it the only thing I remember is that we found a note in an amusement park about some Metropolis but there weren’t even coordinates there wow I’m so lucky I

Really hope my truck can get through here let’s give it a try the most important thing is that the main part fits oh that’s it we’re going great there was a huge number of zombies in the tunnel and I drove almost the entire day I had to stop and deal with the

Zombies and as soon as I left the tunnel I realized that it was in a very large scale location it was a whole city around me there were huge hospitals flyovers and skyscrapers oh guys I don’t know where I ended up it’s a little scary now it seems that we’ll enter the

The gates of this city so okay let’s stop our truck here of course our truck is excellent but the zombies are just running after me and that’s not very good okay guys one by one I have a super Sledgehammer oh oh oh they’re exploding

Okay I think that’s it no yeah we have a really beautiful truck okay let’s first look at some kind of building given that there’s just a million of them let’s just hope that there’s no ghost or zombie here to scare us look there’s some kind of high-rise buildings over

There and there’s a base in one of them of course at the time I I didn’t even know that I was surrounded by such a massive location which is most likely impossible to explore even in 200 days I like that this building has a huge number of different locations and cool

Boxes that I can explore of course we don’t have a huge choice at the location considering that look at how many different places where I can loot okay a wooden sword is exactly what we need thank you friend it says men I think that there should have been a toilet

Here and of course I had a desire to see other buildings as well and there were a lot of zombies just everywhere oh guys I think I’m being chased by some kind of hoorde or something so I seem to be at a dead end oh my God okay the dead end is

Not here I can certainly say that all the zombies have way more Health maybe it has something to do with a slightly purple sky or maybe not ah those flying zombies again and look here they are get hit with a sledgehammer what are these zombies with boxes it became a little

Tense so I decided to run and take cover in the next building okay I think I’m safe here it looks like the windows are all barricaded oh some building resources that’s nice flying zombies are just everywhere guys I don’t know how many of them are spawning let’s try to kill them

One by one and if it doesn’t work out we’ll just run okay it looks like we figured it out so now it’s going to be night soon and apparently we’re going to be staying here for the second day it’s just amazing what a massive and vast

World my team has prepared for me we still have a lot to explore day number 39 waking up in the morning I noticed that the sky became even more purple yeah I agree it’s a little weird is the world really getting infected with a chaos from my truck in any case this

Will not stop us from traveling so we’re going to go further and explore the map okay a small group of zombies I feel like I’m not going back to my truck just like that we should really save ammo so that’s why I have the sledgehammer that seems to be everything well let’s keep

Going guys there’s so many zombies here so guys I’m trying to make my way further into the city center through some tunnels and for a start I think we need to clear a path for a so to speak truck now we don’t have such a cool

Defense as we had so the zombies will have to be cleared out manually what kind kind of hole is this zombies still wanted to sneak up on me to kill me ain’t no way as you probably understand to get through here we need to patch up

This hole at least so that our truck doesn’t fall there at all okay I don’t know how reliable my design is I I’ll give it a try okay friends just hoping to drive safely come on come on come on this is a success we drove through this

Hole now let’s loot the buildings here and also want to remind you guys that tomorrow is day 40 we should already be returning home because you yourself know what will happen on day 40 a huge hord of zombies that I don’t know how to deal with yet will attack my base on the

Other hand we’ll Now find a lot of resources here and go home with them all for now time allows us to move forward a bit oh there’s a dead end here purely in theory of course I can remove it and go to these skyscrapers but on the other

Hand I think that is better for us to return home in order to definitely be in time on day 40 if we still have the time to return here in this episode then we’re going to return if not only in the next one so reverse carefully and also

Tell me in the comments what was the most interesting thing about the survival at night I managed to return home and even managed to place additional barbed wire in some places how I’m going to deal with this sword I have no idea all hope was for the truck

Of chaos and for you that forgot I will remind you back in the first episode I put a flag on my base so that I could improve my truck in the future it turned out that every 10 days hordes of zombies would attack my base and the main goal

Of the zombies was to destroy this very flag if suddenly it happens and they break it then for me the survival would come to an end and I will lose day 40 it was foggy as usual but but what was strange was that there was no horde at

All not a single zombie around but after a couple of minutes I saw what was the matter the same giant zombie boss that was frozen earlier has moved and is now slowly heading towards me I don’t even know which is better guys a million zombies or just one giant one it doesn’t

Even take damage at all he’s already very close to my base friends the only option left for me was to get into the truck and click on that same letter again as they imagined this zombie was destroyed in one snap of a fing fer and

Here on day 41 the sky become even more purple any new message has appeared in the chat hello Zan as you understand the chaos machine is not as simple as it seems it has the opposite effect the world may be engulfed in chaos already purple areas of infection have began to

Appear on the map if this has not stopped then the world will come to an end start looking for a solution after this message I decided to go around the surrounding areas and purple patches really started to appear okay look unlike other areas there’s also a box

Here just like in the beginning of survival oh a note Earth’s score only by going down in it you can stop the Zombie Chaos I tried going around a couple more locations and I found a couple more sites with the boxes and everywhere there was a note with the exact same

Text so far nothing is clear but I feel that this is a serious matter we’re moving along the plot in our zombie apocalypse only now we’re not worrying about the zombies too much but our truck and it should help me survive I don’t know what to say so we must look for a

Solution on the next day I went further to explore the map in search of some Clues and found a garage this is a very rare dungeon in our survival it is there so you can find some improvements that can be put on the truck here it is guys

I have not seen such a garage since the last episode and now I hope that for a truck I can finally find some kind of upgrade additional armor on the truck oh this is nice I think now the zombies will definitely not be able to break our

Truck because this version of the truck does not look so secure and the upgrade can be put right next to the flag at our base but when I tried to activate it there was one small problem problem what upgrades are not available the machine is infected yeah well okay I can’t

Upgrade my car now apparently as long as the machine really infected with chaos which both helps us and hinders us we cannot add any upgrades well what can I do I need to find a way to fix this there was no solution yet but there was

A desire to continue to explore our map along and across it may seem to you that there is only one tiger around but in fact I really comb through every cube of this Minecraft world and today I came across a very interesting building it was a building designed by Zan’s

Workhouse and it was really fun in there well guys I stumbled upon this interesting location and here we have some really scary zombies in costumes well okay what are we afraid of let’s go oh they started running at me I’m just going to place down some bar wire here

With Barb Wire it turns out more or less but I feel like these zombies are actually really strong why are you looking at me there now wait I’ll remove the bar wire sorry for littering here I really didn’t mean to oh look there were chips inside the zombie so stay where

You are I hope there are no more zombies here so what is this Zan survival Development building now that’s a cool location I’m really curious what might happen here ammo a drill of course I carry a drill with me everywhere and a book with a pen four different trucks

Waiting for Zeman in this survival each with different features yeah it turns out that we’ve already tested one and we’re playing on the second truck of chaos right now and there’s going to be two more okay there must be some other loot here Zan pants dude let’s see I

Don’t know why they decided that these were my pants I don’t even have them cool TV to watch Zan’s channel here Zan wases his socks yeah there’s even a third floor look oh look wow this is a pretty cool computer with a monitor and most importantly there’s a lot of

Interesting loot look no wonder we actually came here on day 43 I decided to improve my base a bit I know that in addition to survival you also love it when I build so let’s allocate some time for this to begin with I decided to rebuild the top floor a bit because the

Wooden Booth well halfway through survival it looks pretty ridiculous the first floor also looked pretty empty too my chests were actually scattered all over the base so I just had to finally make some kind of Warehouse I decided to make it just on the second floor in general I added enough details

Everywhere and now it not only looks functional but also beautiful day 44 the most extreme day in the entire episode at night I was sorting things into my chest in the warehouse when suddenly someone from the back hit me and almost took away all my HP oh my God oh my God

Guys I don’t have any HP left just one more hit and my survival would be over this once again confirms that even though we succeed in this survival it’s definitely not possible to be relaxed here I need to remind you that a certain percentage of zombies in this survival

Can break blocks and so it happened I found a hole where the zombies got in and one of them even managed to reach me so from now on I will be way more careful I love my survival guys especially when I see such locations look at what a beautiful thing I found I

Accidentally noticed it from afar and I thought I I definitely need to draw by here I’m also glad that there are absolutely no zombies here only taxis how much to the center I looted the boxes below a little bit and I realized that I should go to the top of this

Tower when there’s no zombies it makes me really happy so I think that we can try to go upstairs and look at the map from a bird’s ey view the only thing is that it takes a very long time to climb and I’m also afraid of heights here look

We have eight Scopes and a rifle um this 8X Zoom doesn’t zoom in at all this is some kind of deception okay but it looks nice and I think that’s it there’s nothing else here but now we have this rifle over here and there’s a road down there

I’ll try going down it for some reason the next few days were full of finding new small locations the next such location was an abandoned car service or car dealership I don’t even know it was there there something to do with cars I don’t know oh guys there’s a lot of

Zombies here oh my God oh my God oh my God okay okay how many of them are here oh okay I got to be careful the main thing is just not let them through okay guys this is some real action this is some real action look at the number of

Them here what there’s more I don’t have any ammo okay then one by one guys one by one how many of these zombies are there in this world and the Sun is setting now I need to quickly loot this and go curious brass knuckles yeah it’s pretty interesting let’s check it out

Some kind of brass knackles not curious at all because they don’t work as well as the sledgehammer yeah and there’s bikes here for sale motorcycles and of course really awesome cars oh and we also found this gun here not bad okay the second floor look there’s an office

Here I’m so tired of sitting behind this box oh okay canister canisters an ammo flashlight oh oh wow great now I can see everything a switch by the way and an iron Rod so there’s a lot of zombies appearing here I need to get out of here

As soon as possible I can already hear someone running after us day 47 I still haven’t found any information about the core of the earth and how I can restore my truck and it still was my main task despite all the activities but on day 47 more and more areas of purple terrain

Appeared around my base and at the same time there were even more zombies and new boxes spawned in these boxes by the way there’s also notes but with different information now I’m looking at some numbers perhaps if they’re somehow connected there’ll be some quarts in any

Case for a start I’ll take it away and we’ll see later it still scares me that there’s so many zombies and I already don’t have enough ammo for them and the weirdest thing is is I don’t know if it’ll even help if I fix my truck and

I’m not just wasting my time in short I don’t know let’s just study there was still some time before day 50 so on day 48 I decided to go to the edge of the world just as I promised well that’s the same staircase on which not a single

Human foot has yet entered but but wait how was it built ah doesn’t matter let’s go down going down I found a huge number of houses hanging off the cliff and there are also some people who might have been aliens ancient knowledge it is not available to you but you can get it

All you need is patience my friend what just for this I came all the way here for one sentence that does nothing for me so this is my experience visiting the edge of the world it seems to me that the most important thing is that the

Fact that we reached it and now we’re going to return home on day 49 I decided to add together the coordinates that I found in the purple places and I decided to go there but before that I needed to prepare look I see some kind of tunnel

Okay it makes me really happy so that means we have arrived probably at the correct coordinates so wait why did I get off my truck I think I can go there okay I don’t hear any zombies I’m already pretty happy I drove right onto the cave on my truck and I think this

Place was actually prepared for my truck and here there’s some kind of blockade and I don’t think I can drive further oh wait there’s a road here okay I think I need to remove these obstacles and spend time on this quickly clearing the barrier I began to keep going look there

Was some kind of abandoned base of survivors maybe let’s go see hopefully we’ll find some useful things yeah no one’s been here for a long time but they left a few resources here nice let’s keep going guys the truck of chos actually turned out to be pretty

Interesting but I still wanted it to return to to my standard truck nevertheless I continue to keep going through this very very long cave so look there’s another blockage I feel like we need to clear it now but before that we can go out to this Branch a few

Resources will not hurt us after all some kind of generator with some kind of mine or something um I don’t know I still don’t know enough about it to use it oh yeah book with a pen day 24 for the fourth week we’ve been drilling this

Cave and today we finally got the result as I expected these are traces of an ancient LW civilization under this mountain mountain and our hard workers also scraped an ancient statue from the wall it is more than 6,000 years old but I really don’t understand what it is the

Most interesting thing that I was able to find is a story about the location in which we’re in nevertheless I began to clear the new blockages and after all I had to keep going okay straight road and nor more blockages that’s really good and yeah of course not without some

Obstacles we have some lava here so let’s quickly patch up this River and continue on our journey what de end wait have I been driving all this way to come to a dead end is it just some location that I looted and that’s it but of

Course it turned out to be not a dead end after digging a little with my pickaxe I went to the continuation of the path and the location from the cave turned out to be some kind of Hall of Honor wow look at my truck I think it

Looks very cool from the outside from the hall I drove into a lava location which was completely made out of bricks and various other stone blocks okay guys we have a small Labyrinth here between the lava I just need to not accidentally set fire to our truck and just keep

Going what guys wait what’s that glowing over there oh my God I think that’s the Earth’s core the biggest thing I’ve seen in our entire survival we finally reached the Earth’s core the center of our planet I found a lever next to the core which said chaos purifier okay guys

Let’s try to pull this lever and I really hope that this will help us and our truck well are you ready 1 2 3 wow oh my God this this is a ghost truck and today we’ll be hunting ghosts in the zombie apocalypse at the end of the last

Episode I got a new truck after saving the Earth from the end of the world it turned out that a new location appeared called greyland it is there that all paranormal activities are found and our task will be to build a new base there find the activity of ghosts and catch

Them in our truck wow listen it looks pretty good actually stop wait what is this honestly it looks like some kind of creepy biome I don’t even know if it’s safe to be here but what are we really be afraid of they should be afraid of us

Having looted a couple of boxes I didn’t find anything serious or dangerous I’m only going to say that this is not the only biome there are lots of them all over the map as for the zombies in this part they have become way stronger and there’ll even be new types that you will

Learn about later in the episode well and they still continue to always attack me everywhere and always nothing has changed about this so guys the zombies of course still continue to annoy me but this will not prevent us from making a test drive on our truck not buying a

Ghost truck is a mistake didn’t catch the ghost with it fatal mistake superbly executed design a shovel so you can dig for worms for fishing beautiful alloy wheels with these tires it will go everywhere it can super secure door from the bunker which is located on the back

Of the truck there’s even a super sensitive microphone that picks up ghost noises I don’t know how that part Works yet I still have to figure that one out but seriously the truck is really amazing it even had flashing lights that could actually be turned on for a truck

I even decided to add some little red accents to the garage to make the truck fit in a bit better this marked the end of day 50 well uh it’s a new day day 51 and you all know my team and this episode was no exception because I just

Got a new message in the chat Zan this truck will send you on adventures again only this will be more of a mission we have added a completely new huge location in which paranormal things happen there are legends that those who went there never came back to find out

The coordinates of this place you need to install an improvement a large antenna you can find it on newly appeared biomes good luck yeah guys this by the way is very frightening and interesting at the same time okay there is some unknown very scary cool location

And in order to go there we need to install an upgrade on our new truck so let’s go having prepared a little I went to explore these dungeons there was no need to look for them they were just everywhere to be honest now in addition to these zomies we now have these

Skeletons that are just so annoying oh look in these biomes there’s these crosses over here and if you dig under them there might be a chest in there or they just might be evanel today I called evanel I’m a mushroom hopefully together we’ll find this antenna so I can go

Ghost hunting is there really going to be ghosts of course I showed EV Vanella my base and Tau him how to fight the zombies come on just put a barbed wire I got no idea how to do that day 52 the search had to be continued I learned

From my team that the chance of the antenna spawning is 3% and let me tell you this is a very very rare item I think we just killed more skeletons than zombies I think so too on day 53 near the base we found a traveling Merchant and another one and another one for

Rotten flesh you could buy a couple of guns as well as some armor well let’s go farm then yeah we just need to make sure that they don’t leave yeah I agree we need to hurry up guys I can’t wait to open a new location because we’ve already found everything with you the

Entire map we just need to find this antenna oh wait look I found it so okay we placed it the antenna is functioning oh the coord are the two rules to enter the location are you have to enter with a completely empty inventory as well as no armor there’s been a lot of

Paranormal activity in the area your task is to find three ghosts and neutralize them oh wow your team is really putting out the work well then I’ll have to go alone let’s say thank you very much tovanella for helping us find this antenna day 53 today I was

Going to go to a completely new location one of the rules was that you couldn’t take anything with you but I decided to go there with my items anyway and if anything happened I just leave the them in a chest in the evening once at the

Coordinates I saw the good old tunnel my team always uses them when I’m moving to other locations but I never could have imagined that the location would turn out to be a whole new map okay guys look I’m leaving the tunnel and I can already see a zombie oh oh he’s coming right

After me I didn’t notice right away but everything was a little different from zombies to the color of the grass and the fact that I was given a single item in my inventory and it was a detective’s magnifying glass in front I could see some kind of bridge and even a build

Board look it’s a some kind of poster there’s Sun trees so far everything looks completely normal and I don’t see any Paranormal Activity yet so you know just some kind of creepy Tower and also I’m really afraid of horror and I just hate watching them and here I got to a

Location that just says that there will be ghosts here what do you think I was feeling while playing this there were some houses just across the bridge everything looked very atmospheric and apocalyptic and of course there were zombies so guys there’s zombies running after me what am I even going to do to

Beat them I wasn’t even allowed to take any items with me it was very unusual and probably for the first time that I actually lived more than 50 days and it felt like I had to start all over again it’s good that my game skill is not lost

So I quickly made myself a wooden sword and dealt with the zombies very easily the first Village had a lot of houses and they were all destroyed this is where I hope to find some first resources which sounds strange to me since I’ve already lived more than half

Of my survival however the condition of this locations were such that there was no way I could take anything with me here by the way the zombies here are also different everything seems to be different here look at how detailed the grass is it creates a pretty gloomy atmosphere there’s darker zombies the

Truck is pretty much the same but everything looks a little bit strange it is worth talking a little bit about my first item given out at this location it’s a detective’s magnifying glass by pressing the right Mouse button I can see the text that are hidden and so we

Can find various clues that will help us find goost ghosts because that’s the reason why we came to this location well it’s pretty obvious that I would probably find something like this here who wrote this here maybe he wanted to warn me I mean both me and you can guess

That it says don’t these things don’t scare me theud in the houses was good I even found a gun that helped me deal with the zombies more easily there’s a what is that oh helmet look nice in addition to this I also found a backpack that gave me additional inventory slots

And the most attentive of you noticed that the inventory was also different the arrow shows to keep going you’re scared Zan huh who said that I would like to focus on one item that I found while looting the houses in the future it will help us a lot in finding ghosts

Oh this looks pretty unusual I’ve never seen anything like this in my life digital thermometer look it seems that with this thing I can somehow recognize the activity of ghosts that’s pretty cool so for now the temperature shows 20 and it’s pretty not cold by the way

Let’s look at the other boxes oh 2 blocks at once this building looks like some kind of modern house and here again there’s a message look run so wait now this is a bit more interesting there’s some kind of trailer a tower and some tents it was a portable Science Station

And so far I didn’t know what its purpose was there’s no zombies yet but there’s another text over there run okay we’re just in Minecraft right of course I think that my team could have made some horror moments but I still think it’s pretty unlikely okay look at that

It’s a pretty nice trailer but at this point stop did you notice it too look closely at the replay of this footage I thought maybe I was imagining that someone was there in addition to everything there’s a message on the trailer in Red Letters he is here but a

Second later there was no one in the window this freaked me out when I first entered the trailer I didn’t see anything only some kind of note on the bed press F to pick up so here’s some photo and text the former Merchant the workshop was demolished and a small

Village was built up in its place now he takes revenge on everybody not really understanding who and why he came to this Forest okay let’s just say this is our first lead on the first ghost the day was coming to a close I decided to wait it out in this trailer especially

Given that the zombies spawn way more at night well what can I say there’s just so many zombies outside the window but still we have to get out of here somehow so let’s just run let’s run most likely we’ll be staying at this location for a

Very long time so my first goal was to make a super cool base I chose a small piece of land not far from the village and began to get some resources probably from the main advantages of this place there’s this cave over here to at least

Make my initial base and I’ll 100% go to the mine to get some coal and iron although by the way I have 18 pieces of iron I can make better tools for myself right away but I’ll still think of something to use it for and now I need

To decide what kind of Base I should build so that it would be quite unique and one that I had never built before so I finally decided to to build a fire station I think the style of our truck will fit perfectly there we’ll leave our

Station to hunt for ghosts so now I’ll make myself some iron armor as well as some tools not far from my house I found a very interesting cave in which there were traces of a person visible because the iron bars here cannot spawn on one hand I understand that the builders

Place these bars but on the other hand the cave already looks quite unusual which means that there may be some kind of terrible garbage down there and in this case I’m a little bit scared as a matter of fact while the sun hasn’t set yet let’s go in there and try to find

Something yeah the survival of course is pretty interesting a new location is generally some kind of separate world my team combined elements of the zombie apocalypse and some kind of horror and together with a search of ghosts well by the way I like this combination I couldn’t even imagine that this was

Possible and what do you think if you want to see more just tell me in the comments day 55 was coming to an end and there was a lot of useful resources in the cave as well as some kind of ladder but in fact there was nothing scary in

It I managed to get a lot of different ores and decided to head back home day 56 there were really a lot of zombies in the morning they were just everywhere but yeah I can’t really get used to that guys why are there so many of you and

There’s nowhere to collect BR wi to deal with you guys I guess it’s going to be the oldfashioned way I remembered my old zombie apocalypse survivals that’s how I dealt with the zombies in the first place only then I came up with bar wire and other tricks the goal for today was

Simple I just had to keep building my base basically many of the beautiful blocks in my build could be crafted from what was in the Mine by crafting and connecting one block to another so our base is kind of slowly taking shape I plan to finish it tomorrow look this is

Kind of weird there’s three signs over here A Sign saying that you can’t honk here and two end of the road signs where specifically as I understand is in the water I didn’t find anything in the water but there was a huge Bridge nearby along which I decided to go explore new

Location and on the way there I saw Lumberjack’s house look there’s something bright and blue in that window okay okay okay let’s go so the house is just like a house very nicely detailed I don’t see anything here that would really scare me on the contrary we have

Some shoes lying here a cooking spatula and some strange object H it turns out that this item will help me communicate with ghosts so far I absolutely don’t know how but I’m glad that I’m finding some items that will help us fight ghosts or rather communicate with them

Day 58 I decided to take Luigi’s board and put it somewhere near that very trailer let’s see what result this will give I understand that the ghost should be asked but how will I do it in Minecraft on the last part of the day I finished the house day 59 let me remind

You that every 10 days my base which is located on the main map is attacked by a horde of zombies if they destroy my flag that stands there then my survival will end so I was going to return home for that day and then go back back to

Continue looking for ghosts but what was my surprise when I drove back to the tunnel and it turned out that it was closed by Bedrock okay there’s some science here for now you cannot leave this location zombie hordes every 10 days are temporarily disabled oh okay

That’s pretty nice there was both a plus and a minus I absolutely could not as it turns out leave this location and go home at the same time the hordes of zombies are temporarily disabled but I don’t think this is going to last forever do you think my team would

Actually let me stay here and live here here for the rest of the 100 days they probably come up with so many things there that I won’t get out of here at all since I had a little bit of time I decided to take a little ride on my

Truck having passed a couple of bridges I ended up on some kind of lawn where the road ended a small house was visible in the distance uh guys I hope that this house doesn’t have any ghost in it or something I’ll just loot it look around

And go back is there anyone home sir H Only Zombies I can’t just hide from them it’s a real zombie apocalypse just look at how how detailed the map is take a look at how everything is made of micro blocks here oh a computer does it have

Minecraft on it I mean judging by the monitor there’s nothing here having found a bunch of good resources I decided to go home tomorrow was day 60 it came and there was no hord of zombies just a small Bunch under the house I even felt some kind of Peace although I

Understood that it was very temporary I decided to check out the trailers and that very board that I left in there yeah this is interesting don’t even ask how this this thing even works I don’t know at all my team did it the cursor is

On get out but I’m not really going to leave I want to find at least some kind of ghost or Monster we need to take a better look around here and here it is my attentiveness really helped me out there was a note behind one of the crates which I probably should have

Found earlier so a bonfire is drawn here and near it there are torches in the form of the letter AG maybe if we do that something will happen well let’s try okay it’s done and what where something I know that the monsters usually appear at night so I decided to

Hide in the trailer just to wait and it’s good that I waited because the same monster came to that place now it was clear it was the same monster that I saw in the trailer when I approached it at the beginning of the video so come on

Come on here okay guys he’s pretty fast so let’s try let’s just try to kill him I ow oh okay I thought it’d be way more difficult you were able to catch and destroy the first Monster congratulations All That Remains is the last and most dangerous monster in this

Location good luck searching one more and that’s it I can finally go back to my base well let’s try so guys I haven’t driven on this side of the road yet honestly it’s even a little bit scary okay and this zombie seems to be jumping over there what kind of party do they

Have I don’t know where I’m going yet but I feel like I have to get out okay I’ll try to deal with them with my rifle oh oh wow oh wow there’s so many of them okay calm down this is a very interesting biome and here there’s zombies coming from from everywhere oh

My God you’re what why are there so many of you well that’s it I’m out of ammo for my rifle while I deal with the zombies I suggest we see where we are not far from here there was a huge abandoned church and on the side was a

Parking lot next we’ll probably go over there to explore it oh I think that’s everybody there’s still two left over there and over here I think because of the micro blocks he can’t even move I’ve never seen such a helpless zombie you know I won’t even touch them I’ll just

Let them live before we go there let’s take a look at this location there’s a couple of places here that I want to explore yep paranormal activities nearby I have no doubt about that claw marks of a huge monster well you can’t really argue with that one either and a secret

Chest I didn’t bring a shovel with me so I’ll try to dig it up with my hands oh really nice a bulletproof vest some kind of strange video camera and five Diamonds the armor is just perfect by the way it looks like some kind kind of mosquito spray or some kind of cassette

Tape it doesn’t click at all it can’t do anything maybe it’ll come in handy later you know it’s like we’re in some kind of Minecraft series but we’re still in survival so we shouldn’t be afraid of anything we’ll just go there and study everything there okay to be honest it is

A little bit scary though so okay let’s try to go inside I’m not sure that this is a good idea what kind of glowing block is that over there I haven’t felt so cautious in a very long time I was afraid to just step on something and I

Was really hoping I wouldn’t get jump scared over here okay there’s some kind of figurine here I think I’ll pick it up oh The Entity has woken up wait oh my God there’s some kind of object here okay let’s just study little by little especially this block over here and I

Hope that no monster will attack us right now okay I think it’s safe here hold up there’s a second floor wait through a magnifying glass it says summon monster I think this is is where I can summon this ghost like I said I don’t really like horror films I

Understand that my team most likely came up with some things that could scare me but on the other hand survival is survival and all I have to do is complete it it’s worth noting that when I took this super device that measures anomalous activity near that very

Luminous block its needle went to the Red Zone and level four was shown I’ll go to the top floor to continue studying this monster this entity which by the way kind of woke up wait it’s already night I don’t want to stay here overnight and what’s oh okay that’s just

A chandelier it’s cool that my team added various custom items which made the game play much more interesting for example I walked around and measured the level of anomalous activity everywhere in order to ultimately understand where I should interact and with what look ancient manuscripts about a certain

Darkness and the level of anomalous activity here is three I’m going to head further down the corridor oh it’s even scary to open these doors okay there’s no way to squeeze through here at all okay there’s a note here Darkness this entity does not let anyone out of here

The story began a long time ago back when there were no cars or telephones the monster emerged from its shadow at night and attacked everybody around there are two Bells left in the cabinets these were its subjects that’s all I know cuz of all that I’m scared to even

Be here I want to draw your attention to the temperature in this room as I understand it the thermometer shows what type of monster it is to be honest I have no idea what that means at the moment so there’s some kind of Bell in

Here okay I have no idea why though so this what what kind of sounds are those and another Bell over here I already have two of them I just need to figure out what to do with them now on the ground floor I look through everything using a detective’s magnifying glass and

I found the most important text which I apparently missed before okay to summon the monster place the items you found in the correct order the figurine in the middle so let’s try I think these belt should be on the sides and it’s pretty obvious that we’re talking about this

Place ghost in the dark yeah and here we need to put one figurine for some reason I have two of them so let’s just try this what what is this oh my God what was that here it is look it’s it’s coming it’s coming for me get away from

Me get away from me oh okay it’s going to kill me right now I have to fight it with a crowbar otherwise it’s not going to work at all so okay we won guys you defeated the main ghost of this location the tunnel is open again as soon as you

Want to change the truck to the new and the last one press the letter L on your keyboard next to the truck okay guys that was very cool a really sick level actually and by the way look the figurine is gone all right let’s take the diamond sword and head back home

Like I said I don’t really like horror I think that’s the third time I’m saying this however this location seemed very atmospheric to me with very very detailed buildings cool new items which by the way were developed specifically for my channel and and cool quests to catch those same ghosts well I guess

It’s time to return home on day 64 I went back to my house interestingly none of the items that I found at that location survived nevertheless the truck remained with me as I was told in the chat I can change our truck to a different one anytime but I think we

Haven’t driven this truck enough because the next few days are going to be Mega interesting in my telegram Channel I asked you to give me a task for my truck survival in the zombie apocalypse I choose the best one and now we’re going to complete it the first first task was

To tame a cat or dog and build a separate Pet house thank you very much for this Mission now let’s do it firstly I didn’t see any cats here at all but there’s always dogs walking around so let’s try to find one dogs usually run somewhere in the forest oh and here we

Go that’s one so come on doggy hooray guys we have a dog now I think that this house will be just right between the task I want to chop down some wood and go to a cave I hope you don’t mind that I spent two whole days on this I just

Couldn’t pick up the resources that I found in the last location so I’ll have to work here for a while day 67 today we’ll carry out the second task from you to improve the defense of the base and make traps no problem I didn’t track my

Brains for a long time and just started doing what I remembered in the entire history of my Minecraft career and let me remind you that I’ve been playing Minecraft for more than 12 years all right guys I haven’t used cobwebs in this survival yet and this stuff is

Really powerful it slows down Zombies by almost 80% and I think that this is the best defense to slow down zombies so that they don’t reach my base let’s put it here why not put it some here oh great and as you guys know there can’t

Be too much bar wire so let’s put even more and here it is just perfect okay guys the last task for today will now be completed the task is to improve my garage so that there’s if anything a place to disassemble the truck as well as install some parts okay no problem I

Agree it’s completely empty here there’s absolutely nothing standing on the street at all let’s make a shelf here like this with these chests something like that I don’t know I think it turned out pretty great well today I completed three tasks from you this is a hellish

Truck and it will help us survive on 100 days in the zombie apocalypse it can be improved by finding various upgrades around the world and for the main upgrade you need a lot of resources to get the greatest truck in history new locations zombies and mods today we will

Have to travel thousands of kilometers among hordes of zombies in order to get to the right place and complete these 100 days in the last episode we Hunted Ghosts and explored new locations today everything will be much more hardcore there will be a lot of surprises and of

Course moments where I almost lose with a press of one key I turned the ghostly truck into a hellish one and I was a little bit surprised yeah I expected something more in fact at that time I didn’t even know that this was just the front part of it this truck is simply

Gigantic but first we need to collect all its parts they have already appeared on the map in new locations and we’re just waiting for us to make a way to them through the hordes of zombies not much really changes let me tell you it’s been a long time since there was a

Survival on a truck I even managed to kind of Miss zombies although no they still make me mad on my new truck I went to the first location there were a lot of zombies along the way but I still somehow felt safer behind the wheel uh

Yeah guys I feel like this is the place where we need to go it was a very secure bonded base where the most important part of the truck was super well guarded okay guys I feel like we’re going to have to walk further I wouldn’t even say

Walk but run oh my God they’re shooting at me I don’t even know who’s worse Bandits or zombies okay now we’re going to sort everything out here there were really a lot of Bandits at the base but on the other hand this is not the first

Time I survived 100 days so in the evening I was able to deal with them quite easily minus one come on that’s the last one that’s it oh that’s it guys that was pretty tough and look at how huge the trailer is this is an entire

House on Wheels maybe we can assemble it so well besides that I think there’s a lot of different chest here so let’s first loot everything and then we’ll attach it to our truck there was really a lot of good loot first a kits ammo and some building blocks okay we got

Everything set up now let’s try to hook it on our trailer if that’s possible wait of course that’s possible then why would I even need it oh look there’s a button here oh that’s it guys let’s go our truck or Lori call it whatever you want has already acquired at least some

Kind of solid look but you have to understand that this is not the complete version of it because later it’s going to look much cool ER and we have to collect all the parts for it so look sitting in the truck there’s this menu and here are the resources that I need

To place here to get an upgrade yeah of course I need a lot of resources here another innovation in this video is that some upgrades for example this one don’t need to be found somewhere in the locations but they have to be crafted from the resources that I find it’s

Getting late guys let’s try to get our truck into our house this will be pretty difficult okay that was quite hard day 71 today I decided to go to a a cave to get some resources and as usual there were a lot of zombies in there oh my God

How many of them are there okay guys I think bwire will help us okay they’re not really slowing down that well stop guys you won’t get through how many of these zombies I killed and I still get nervous every time there’s more than 10 of them today I managed to excavate

Three mines another plus is that in these survivals in the mines you can find some loot so we added a couple of new things some clothes and all sorts of different industrial mechanisms do you know what’s strange though it’s day 71 and I remember that on Day 70 there was

Supposed to be a hord of zombies if anyone doesn’t know in this survival every 10 days I’m attacked by a huge number of zombies and in this way it’s checked whether I can continue to play and survive but on Day 70 there was no hoorde and that’s a little bit strange I

Don’t think that my team just messed up and made a mistake and blamed it on lag or something I don’t think it’s all that simple and indeed this was not the case on Day 72 I received a message in chat as soon as I woke up a attention zombies

Are rising from the ground this triggered the movement of lava and the activation of volcanoes the fate of your base is unknown all surrounding areas may be flooded with lava you need to move in the direction of – 7,000 by – 7,000 the flag has been disabled now

That’s a plot twist guys this is probably the coolest plot twist that has ever happened in history okay it says the flag has been blocked so I’m going to take it with me oh okay done let’s take all the resources into our new truck and move to the coordinates that

Was don’t to me apparently Laval will rise here and will’ll no longer be able to return to this location however new locations will open up for us so there is some kind of Plus in this although honestly I was very upset to leave the house that we built throughout three

Whole episodes but in my survivals there is always a plot that makes its own adjustments on day 73 where there was water lava had already appeared and it was gradually Rising okay guys I moved all the things into our truck it’s good that there are a huge number of cells

There otherwise I don’t know what we would do we won’t have time to improve Pro the truck before we leave we simply don’t have that many resources okay that’s it let’s sit down and go it’s going to be a really long way to go while I was driving the truck I could

Already see lava rising in some places at the same time the spawning of fire zombies has already increased they are as a rule two or three times stronger than the zombies that we’re used to seeing and generally six times stronger than the standard zombies that appear in

Minecraft did I just get teleported when I reached the certain coordinates a new map was loaded I don’t know how my team technically did it but I appeared on some new road and I think this is where the second chapter of my survival begins there’s a lot of zombies in front of us

Let’s get them out carefully okay there’s a road in front of us lava’s visible ahead and some messages appeared in the chat moving to our new map all chunks are loaded well as I said guys everything fits together okay let’s take the road my main task is to get to the

Necessary coordinates where As I understood I could build my new base on the way I will encounter different locations for example lots of zombies abandoned houses and some kind of a really huge robot and of course a volcano as indicated by the lava around

It and the problem is is that I won’t be able to drive everywhere the road just ends at different places and plus the zombies will get in the way even though it was difficult to get through I still somehow got access looting houses and even finding pretty cool loot hey

Zombies where are you going B wire okay bar wire quick okay there’s these zombies here they’re constantly spawning and the ammo to be honest I don’t have too much of that and look there’s still a lot of iron here on the surface I think I’ll collect it while I

Have time for this because if you remember to improve the truck we need a lot of iron there while I was mining iron it was already evening it was unsafe to travel at night because there’s lots of zombies so I decided to wait out the night in one of the ruins

Well guys I can’t say this house is brand new but on the other hand I don’t really have any options let’s just close all the windows be sure to have an entrance and I think it’s best to live on the second floor the likelihood that zombies will get here as very small

Unless there’s some kind of flying ones in the morning I was doubting that I chose the best place to spend the night because there were just so many zombies all around and I wasn’t sure what I should do with them okay guys the truck is parked over there I don’t know why I

Didn’t put it close to the house I won’t be able to jump off and just sit in it so I’m going to have to run a little bit and there’s just so many zombies down there well do we have any options let’s just go go go okay guys let’s go come on

Hurry up quickly let’s go oh my God okay guys that’s it I just need to leave the road was long over the next few days I had to travel to completely different locations on the way there were deserts swamps and even snow biomes I would have definitely gotten lost if the abandoned

Road didn’t accompany me through the entire Journey yeah look there’s a branching here and given that we know the coordinates in which direction we need to go I think it’s pretty clear which road we’re going to choose although I would want to see what’s on the other side there but we don’t really

Have the time for that so let’s keep going after so many days I I finally found a really interesting location it was a jungle and there was a lot of interesting things in it okay okay yeah I see a jungle guys I’m not blind also

See a few zombies even some new kinds I think look of course we can drive through here like the previous locations and just not loot anything but firstly I’m already running out of ammo and as I said I also wonder what could be in this jungle so let’s try to loot this

Location a bit better so guys I noticed there’s some kind of Ravine here and to be honest it’s a little scary to be here because the zombies can r at me at any moment but I’m pretty used to it so I think we’re going to go down there and

It won’t be so easy oh guys there’s so many zombies here oh come on get away from me okay okay okay guys if I hadn’t climbed onto this pole now I think I would have been killed would have known that the jungle is also full of zombies

I was about to get up because I simply didn’t have the resources to deal with these zombies but out the corner of my eye I noticed a chest and I thought that in such a location there definitely has to be some really cool loot now let’s

Try to get to this chest oh my God guys I’m so glad I bridged to it so let’s take all the things and go up it was already evening and the day was coming to an end we traveled almost half the way and the Assumption was that after

The jungle we would reach a point where we would make our new home towards evening turning off the road I saw some ruins there were a few zombies there and most importantly here we could make our first temporary Camp I organized a small fire from myself for the atmosphere

Covered everything with B wire and we’ll be here in the middle of this jungle waiting for the morning in fact if I think about how much there was in this survival I don’t even know what else may await us ahead in any case one thing is clear we have a chance of survival

Although everything can change at any moment those locations that I already passed through were completely filled with lava we were already at height 156 and the next day I saw these ruins and as it turns out there was a deep underground entrance and the location was simply huge the previous episode was

Of course quite scary I don’t think there will be any jump scares this this time oh wow Guys these runes are way bigger than I thought and there’s also a huge number of zombies below this time I don’t really want to go down there with a water bucket clutch so we’ll just make

A neat ladder I’m very happy that I didn’t drop down in general when you play one 100 days on Hardcore you need to be especially careful below there were a lot of zombies and at the same time huge catacombs gradually building up I studied tunnel after tunnel found

Many boxes and a lot of useful loot I wouldn’t even believe that such a small entrance on the surface could hide such a huge dungeon underground to be honest I got carried away and it took me 2 and 1/2 days to explore this dungeon along the way of course I checked where the

Lava was because the survival could end at any second guys I found a lot of stuff I think I can keep going in the next few days of traveling through the jungle I also saw a few zombies some new species and ruins in which I also

Collected Loot and some of them even had traps yeah guys being careful here won’t hurt on the next day a message appeared in chat if you’re able to get to the desired coordinates then quickly build a base and plant a flag because if you don’t plant a flag before day 90 then

Survival will end oh wow okay we need to hurry up moving further I found some kind of Fisherman’s Village there were simply Too Many Zombies there well come on at least we need to find some fishing rods here I don’t know catch fish big and small okay this is a bit too boring

In addition to the Village there was a stunning waterfall it offered a simply fantastic view but there was no time to hesitate so I decided to keep going the very next day I was approaching those same coordinates I’m on the bridge now and there are some pros and cons cons I

Can’t get across Pros these zombies can’t reach me well what are you going to do for me you don’t have wings okay let’s just fix the bridge ourselves carefully come on okay that’s it we’re building we’re building well as they say if you need a bridge build call me I see

Some Two Towers oh wait what is this stop stop wait oh my God guys they’re chasing ing me having dealt with the bandits I looted these two towers cleared the path and began to keep going I wanted to find some place for my home finally we got to a new location called

Hailing Fields as you can see everything around was green it is in this location that we have to build our new home as well as explore it to understand how we can beat the zombie apocalypse this location has a huge number of buildings that we can explore in search of the

Information we need many secrets and of course resources to improve our truck but first we had to at least build a house guys I took a huge amount of resources with me they’re all in our truck let’s quickly make the frame for our house put up a flag and finally

Upgrade our truck because I’m really excited to see the next upgrade we get okay guys it’s already getting dark so this is the kind of house that we have of course we’ll try to make it super cool because you know it’ll soon be day 90 and most likely given that I set the

Flag a huge horde of zombies will attack me on that day I’m setting myself two goals now the first is to properly protect my base especially the flag well and the second goal is to upgrade my truck and to upgrade you need a lot of Resources 24 blocks of iron 64 concrete

A high voltage Transformer 16 aluminium wires and liquid 20 liquid pipes I’m not sure I’ll manage to do this before day 90 but maybe this will give me some kind of Advantage because I don’t know how I can survive against these zombies there was no notification in the chat but you

Know that every 10 days we’re attacked by a hord of zombies namely the flag that I place at my base guys it’s the 86 and zombies as you can see there’s quite a lot of zombies all around however I’m going to go explore local locations

First of all I want to find a couple of caves and understand where I can get some iron because three stacks of iron is a very impressive amount I’m telling you it’s good that there was a lot of caves in this biome the first part of the day I was extracting resources and

In a second I decided to walk around a little more and you won’t believe what I found it was an abandoned overgrown City do you see what I see I mean of course yeah it’s a city an abandoned city on the one hand go going there is quite

Dangerous because I can already imagine how many different mobs there are but on the other hand what else can we do we need to somehow upgrade the truck oh wa oh come on stop so B wire come on okay I’m in the house that’s it let’s close

This whole thing okay so what do we have here in the Box okay aluminium wires apples gold and some garbage okay I think since we’re in this building uh we should try and search it and we’ll explore other buildings step by step although the city was small it was quite

Atmospheric my team is already trying to design locations very coolly from abandoned part cars to vegetation on buildings okay guys I’m standing on the roof right now and I know that we found quite a lot of cool things here but yeah there’s still something to see here but

I think that now we’ll return home because it’s already evening and we just need to do the basics for the next few days I think that no matter how much we want it we won’t be able to Simply improve the truck in any way before day

90 day 87 in the morning a message appeared in chat saying that the lava has risen to the required level and and I managed to survive I was pretty happy about this however I wasn’t sure that we would be able to survive until day 100 I

Found myself in a new location I just needed to somehow quickly build a house I was very nervous because if I don’t have the time to make a sufficient defense you know what will happen okay guys the house is starting to take shape I think that we’ll have time to at least

Do something here on day 87 and day 88 I continue to improve the house and to be honest it worked out quite well I don’t know maybe we have a chance here if we try really hard then maybe we can survive day 89 everything was ready for

The zombie attack I decided to take a little ride in the truck to see what other locations were around me wait what is this okay wait come on slow down what kind of tend is this with some kind of dude eigor is an editor what so my team

Put an editor inside my video in all seriousness but I mean I don’t mind so he sells us a lot of resources there’s even resources that I needed to improve the truck and he sells all of this for gold gold okay so let’s remember that he

Here and next time we’re going to bring the gold also in the evening I found a couple more houses which I looted and began to return home day 90 has arrived the whole sky was covered with fog as usual that same day the second to last wave of zombies was coming okay guys

They’re already here they’re already here they’re coming okay let’s go come on I made several levels of walls especially for them and as you can see they’re simply demolishing everything in their path okay guys the most important thing just the most important thing is to protect the flag there’s even new

Species attacking oh my God defending from the zombies was difficult everything around was simply getting destroyed half HP guys half HP first a kid first come on first a kid you won’t believe it but I actually managed to survive this wave it was very difficult

To do day 91 and just look around me this is completely insane I don’t know how I did it but in any case we survived and maybe we can live to see day 100 now the main main goal was to improve the truck and I threw all my energy into

Finding resources okay there’s some kind of factory ahead of us let’s try to explore it it looks of course really huge at least there’s no zombies in this location I’m just so happy about it look there’s pipes hanging here and maybe wait maybe that’s what we need yes

Liquid pipe great now we’ll get them here and soon we’ll be able to upgrade our truck I spent the whole day collecting pipes another loot at this beautiful Factory and I even found a note this zombie apocalypse changed everything the plan no longer works people have left for safer areas but

They don’t exist zombies are already everywhere but we can handle it a team of carpenters will try to create their own so-called safe zone I’m not sure that we can do this yeah guys to be honest this is what the zombie apocalypse is like all we have to do is

Improve our truck obviously these zombies are absolutely clear to us so all we can do is upgrade our truck let’s look for more resources I mean well it’s a bit sad of course they’re actually a lot of boxes here guys I’m super happy that there’s no monsters here I can just

Walk around calmly so some gears a cannon and another note in fact the factory was engaged in the creation of Huggy Waggy toys and toilet paper where’s the connection between that I honestly have no clue but to be honest the first outbreak of the zombie apocalypse came from here what even is

That these are some kind of anecdotes from my team how what Huggy Waggy which which one this is crazy day 92 in order to improve the truck all we had to do was to find concrete I had some but it wasn’t enough so I had to do a bit of

Local Scavenging okay zombies let’s move here I am again on this pillar and I’m trying I’m trying just leave me alone and finally on day 92 I was able to upgrade the truck and this is what it looks like oh my God new rooms appeared

As well as guns in fact my huge mistake was that I didn’t know you can go inside this truck like the the very first truck that was in the survival in addition new storage rooms have appeared and the storage facilities were equal to 64 large Minecraft chests guys I I’m just

Sorry from the very beginning I could go inside the truck let me show you what it looks like now look we’re inside I don’t think that we’re physically inside rather technically we’re teleported somewhere and this is probably supposed to be a room inside our truck and as you understand everything is empty because

It was generally assumed that I would arrange everything inside and the second floor guys there’s simply so much space here and we can take it all with us oh my God in addition to the storage we can basically make everything here turn into chests this turned out to be the most

Huge legendary and epic truck of all the trucks in this survival and let me remind you that during the entire survival there were as many as four of them day 93 in the morning I took the gold and went to eigor the editor let’s buy first aid kits barbed wire for sure

An upgrade for an upgrade for the machine gun and of course ammo thank you eigor well done so guys I think that we need to continue to explore the entire map that’s here because we’re generally interested in what surrounds us so today we’re going to go along this road there

Was a huge amount of everything in this survival I know I see this every time but this is truly one of my favorite survival games though there isn’t much time left until the finale and I of course wanted to explore the entire map to the maximum so guys what do we have

Here some kind of bulldozzer or what is it installation and canopy great let’s see apart from the fact that there’s lots of zombies around here having dealt with all the zombies first of all I found a very interesting item counter of destroyed zombies oh wait this oh my God

Guys after I took this item I saw a counter on the screen showing how many zombies I killed during my entire survival 3,875 I thought it was actually more wait now oh it turns out that when we killed zombies the counter is is updated so what do we have here yeah a few

Zombies downstairs understandable oh guys we have diamonds there okay let’s go down let’s go oh well there’s so many of them here so give me ah what is that this thing just attacked me oh my God even the diamonds didn’t drop but for some reason some shards did I don’t know

What to do with them I’m only interested in diamonds I tried to extract as many of these shards as possible from all these deceptive ores and as a result only one diamond is made from nine of these shards when I’m home I’ll rename it on the Anvil as the most valuable

Diamond in this survival it seems like everything is here and it’s already evening so let’s go home on Day 94 I decided to make a normal fence for the base guys you understand that on day 100 will most likely have a final horde of zombies I’ll try to improve this as much

Better now much better to improve uh yeah of course that’s what I’ll do this right now in my opinion it turned out quite secure day 95 today I was going to make a farm this is an integral part of any zombie apocalypse survival base carrots potatoes I mean you have to eat

Something right I think I’ll make a farm here it seems like a pretty good place to me and we’ll make several tear in general I’ll try to come up with something original but to be honest I can’t promise that I just love building in Minecraft probably the same as

Surviving so I try to design something creative I think it turned out pretty cool day 96 good morning friends as you can see there’s lots of zombies around who want to destroy me and my flag but as you understand they won’t succeed by the way the flag with my face on it is

Under our guard no one will approach it absolutely not today I’m going to go explore one location that I saw at the corner of my eye but we never got to it leave me alone you’re stopping me from filming the video okay that’s it let’s carefully hit the road as you understand

In such terrain such a huge truck is simply very difficult to drive we’re actually flying kind of guys I think my truck is sick it’s we’re flying what’s happening and guys I think it needs help where’s my wrench after moving the truck a couple of minutes later I was already

In place despite the fact that it is indeed very difficult to move a truck in this area it is still much safer than without it we’re here guys there’s a fence over there through which you can go to this location I hope there won’t be many zombies there because I would

Like to loot everything quietly the location was a small scientific research center and of course there were a lot of zombies there as with every location I’ve survived you never know what to expect okay it’s clear that there’s still zombies here and even very tough ones okay guys these are really tanky

Zombies oh my God oh my God oh my God wait these guys are so tanky let’s hide behind the trash can of course the stress was growing on me because there were only 4 days left until the end of survival and I didn’t want to lose right

At the very end so I was very scared for all the progress that we’ve made this is just insane guys I had half HP half HP and why because these zombies don’t live their own lives where are they all coming from this is insane if this doesn’t work let’s just run okay okay

Okay that’s it so the main thing is that they don’t get in here okay just survive we have to just survive guys just survive I have no ammo I only have the last clip last zombie left guys I only have two bullets left now there’s no

Ammo at all I should have taken more I don’t know why it took so little let’s try to finish it off with an axe very carefully the last location has been officially cleared of zombies it was already evening and as you know at night

There are a lot of zombies so we had to quickly explore this location and go back home like which car do you like the best red is the color of confidence but a bik is not bad either wait what am I doing let’s go look for resources day 97

Today I decided to go on a little trip to get some obsidian the final horde of zombies is planned for day 100 I think we can protect the flag even better by covering it with obsidian zombies will take longer to break blocks which means I’ll have a better chance of survival

The first Lake in this series that I found didn’t take take long to find plus I think that this much obsidian is definitely enough for me so for the first part of the day I confidently mined it and took a very long time it’s pretty strange that I didn’t take the

Obsidian with me from my previous base but relatively speaking it’s okay because we already have it anyway I just hope it’s going to be enough for me here there’s no block here so we can easily please obsidian like this the most important thing is to protect the pole

If they break it that’s it wait I’m one obsidian short no maybe today I’ll still have time to get it and it’s good that I made it because on day 98 I had a completely different plan day 98 today I found another location probably the last

One before the horde of zombies comes oh it turns out guys there was another location here look it’s super close to the city that we recently found that’s where my truck is and today I decided to go on foot I already see these zombies in space suits guys as you understand

There’s still a couple of days left before survival is completely done so while we have time let’s try to at least prevent us from having half HP especially considering the monsters that are here so these zombies are creeping up on me little by little but at least

We’re still repelling them there’s a box here let’s try to loot it carefully oh wow what a rifle oh my God come on come on come on come on come on wait wow oh my God guys I think I know what will get us through these 100 days 100% because

We just have a like a machine gun now so I need to be more careful when talking like this otherwise look the zombies already here they’re coming from everywhere guys there’s actually a lot of them here I want to loot this entire location okay stop zombies they’re

Sneaking here I don’t think their reload will be too fast well well guys guys let’s go oh wow this machine gun is just simply awesome let’s now carefully loot all these angers and return home day 99 today I decided to strengthen my base as much as possible in order you to pass

This survival 100% it was an amazing adventure where we got to ride four different trucks that were created exclusively and specifically for this series of videos day 100 the final hord of zombies you’ve never seen that many zombies in your entire life oh oh guys

Oh my God W okay okay okay there’s a lot of flying zombies they’re about to break through here this is insane guys how many zombies are attacking me right now okay guys the most important thing is the most important thing is to protect our flag everything else simply doesn’t

Matter guys fast the golden apple oh no guys the the obsidian is already broken the obsidian already broke the zombies are trying to break the flag no wait I’m lagging so much I can already guess how many zombies There’s down there there’s so many zombies right now guys all we’re

Trying to do is to survive do you think I managed to survive yes the flag was there it was a great story of 100 days of Survival on a huge number of trucks in a zombie apocalypse if you liked it be sure to like the video and don’t forget to

Subscribe to my channel that is all guys all links are in the description bye-bye

This video, titled ‘100 DAYS ON A MEGA TRUCK IN A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE IN MINECRAFT… FULL MOVIE’, was uploaded by ZeeMan World on 2023-10-15 22:40:23. It has garnered 8994 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:02 or 6662 seconds.

“Translated by the ZeeMan official team. All rights reserved”

I am a YouTuber with 1.7 million subscribers. I’m trying to make this channel for an English-speaking audience. The voice in the video is not mine, it is the voice of my translator. but I hope someday I will start making voice-overs myself in English.

I would be grateful for your support, I hope you enjoyed the video, if you did please SUBSCRIBE! 🙂

★Original video on Russian: https://youtu.be/jl6TZxL1z_M

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  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man…

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  • Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald’s WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Totem Of Undying on McDonald's WIFI 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When you finally find the Totem of Undying in Minecraft but your WiFi decides to die instead. Looks like even the game knows you need a little extra help surviving! #WiFiWoes #MinecraftStruggles 😂🎮📶 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial Exploring Basic Shapes in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the endless possibilities of building? Join 牧飛 as he guides you through the basics of creating various shapes in Minecraft, from circles and rounded edges to triangles and polygons. Get ready to unleash your creativity and build stunning structures in the virtual realm! Building Circles Creating perfect circles in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques, you can achieve smooth and symmetrical shapes. Start by outlining the circle with blocks, then gradually fill in the interior to form… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Magic Feis Reaction – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    EPIC Minecraft Magic Feis Reaction - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft magic 2 skoro’, was uploaded by Feis on 2024-01-16 16:52:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. _- Read More


    GIRL TRANSFORMS INTO SCARY MONSTER PRANKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into OP SCARY GIRL To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-01-29 01:45:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Minecraft world I morph into a SECRET CREEPYPASTA TREVOR HENDERSON BOSSES and then I pranked my friend as … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_Gamer

    Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Survival Series Part #1 @Combo_Gamer’, was uploaded by Combo_Gamer on 2024-04-20 03:25:00. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. Survival series Part #3 MINECRAFT Survival Series minecraft survival series minecraft survival series 1.20 minecraft survival series first episode minecraft survival series cookie god minecraft survival series ldshadowlady minecraft survival series pe minecraft survival series multiplayer minecraft survival series bedrock edition minecraft survival series thumbnail minecraft survival series duo minecraft survival series best house minecraft survival balkan minecraft survival series best seed minecraft survival… Read More

  • Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!

    Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager civilization survive from zombie apocalypse #minecraft#shorts#minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ZombieMattyClips-Minecraft & Roblox on 2024-01-10 09:08:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe to Zombie Family:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-NZUADhEnrOGvMSmms4-0Q Subscribe to Zombie Matty: … Read More

  • Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱

    Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Chaos On The CBSMP’, was uploaded by Cryospace on 2024-03-11 19:00:23. It has garnered 3519 views and 132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • “Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!” 🦆💙😱

    "Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!" 🦆💙😱Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #2024 #подпишись 🦆💙😑’, was uploaded by утка@24 on 2024-05-23 04:37:41. It has garnered 340 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 – The Wither Storm ep 10: The End… or is it? 🤯

    Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 - The Wither Storm ep 10: The End... or is it? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The wither storm ep 10 The End Or is it….? Part 1’, was uploaded by TheMinecraftStoryModeEditor🔥🅥 on 2024-03-24 21:37:37. It has garnered 45 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:41 or 221 seconds. welcome everyone today your on the minecraftstorymodeedtiorchannel a channel that does minecraft gaming and editing and fun stuff like modding minecraft and playing every minecraft game and minecraft story mode and etc anyway’s hope you have fun on the channel see ya my friends and enjoy your time here #virtualreality #vr #augmentedreality #d #gaming #oculus #oculusquest #ar #technology #vrgaming… Read More

  • Camdeeno’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!

    Camdeeno's HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!Video Information This video, titled ‘The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…’, was uploaded by Camdeeno on 2024-06-01 14:16:37. It has garnered 151413 views and 2952 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:29 or 989 seconds. The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… Today, I present to you, The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… This video is similar to my other videos on fake speedrunning, like “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” “The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns…” The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns…” and finally, “Hilarious FAKE Minecraft 1.19 Speedruns…” This video contains some… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!

    Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!Video Information This video, titled ‘Reviewing Every FREE Mod For Minecraft Xbox / PS5’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-02-23 17:07:31. It has garnered 367859 views and 5962 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:30 or 2010 seconds. I downloaded every FREE Mod that Minecraft currently has Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:32 – Add-On 1: Spark Pets 6:24 – Add-On 2: Hiker’s Friend 12:42 – Add-On 3: Dragonfire Lite 17:56 – Add-On 4: More TNT! 25:29 – Add-On 5: Gravestone 28:03 – Add-On 6: All The Wool 28:37 – Add-On 7: Another Furniture 33:05 – Outro If you liked… Read More

  • VitalCraft Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 +20 whitelisted Survival Towny Economy Mature No-Reset

    VitalCraft VitalCraft Server Information VitalCraft is a +20 Minecraft community server with extensive towny/economy plugins that enhance gameplay. Launched on May 10th, 2024, we focus on a SMP style with unique jobs, roles, and more for a real society experience. Community events are organized on our Discord server, everyone can contribute! To join, whitelist and apply on Discord: Join Discord and go to #Town-and-Nations channel. Server Address: – 1.20.4 Java edition. TL;DR – What we’re About: Mature community of adults, accepting anyone +20 Constantly introducing new ideas, goals, and events Super friendly environment Brand new gameplay Features: Dynmap Discord… Read More

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

    Emerald Hunt: Day 1 - Digging for Treasure In Minecraft, we dig for emeralds, a quest so bold, With iron pickaxes and torches, we’re ready to unfold. We’ll dig and dig until we find that precious green, In this blocky world, a treasure to be seen. Join me on this journey, as we mine and explore, In this pixelated land, where adventures galore. Like and subscribe, support the cause, As we delve into caves, and break all the laws. I’m Ali, the cave dweller, shooting videos for fun, In this pink-walled room, where the day is done. Let’s walk together on this YouTube road, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet!

    Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet! When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that you start seeing creepers in real life and trying to mine diamonds with your toothbrush. #SigmaBrainrot #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank

    Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a unique sandbox experience where they can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft has something for everyone. Building Masterpieces In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, the possibilities are endless. With a wide array of blocks and materials to choose from, players can let their creativity run wild and create stunning masterpieces. Exploring the World… Read More

  • 100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin

    100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin The Haunting Adventure in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a spine-chilling journey as you join a brave Minecraft player surviving 100 days in the scariest cabin in the woods in Minecraft Hardcore mode. This thrilling adventure will test your survival skills as you face terrifying monsters and uncover the mysteries lurking in the haunted forest. Surviving the Unknown Our protagonist, accompanied by a friend, finds themselves in a cabin deep within the haunted woods, where they are not alone. The Evolved Cave Dweller and The Silence are just some of the monsters that will haunt them every night. As they… Read More

  • 🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥

    🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by TeeVee on 2024-04-24 11:00:39. It has garnered 31487 views and 982 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:53 or 2753 seconds. Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft! TeeVee slowly becomes the Zoo Keeper from Zoonomaly and needs to find a cure before its too late! 📺 The video is inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash, Nico, Ethobot and Slime Block! TeeVee is a channel rated E for Everyone, making funny Minecraft content such as Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft animations and more!… Read More