ZMDE – Minecraft but MrBeast Custom Hearts

Video Information

Minecraft butt what is this place it’s some kind of mr beast custom hearts whoa who’s this tough guy silence last one standing wins ten thousand dollars now fight to the death are you for real i’m mr beast i’m as real as it gets no way we’re not

Fighting each other yeah ah bruh are you serious yeah stand still makes it so much easier to kill you i told you to stop but you never listen i’m not killing my people for ten thousand dollars you’ve gotta at least make that a mill ah just kidding take

This whoa a heart dropped from mr beast when i threw my spear at him nice time to find out what this bad boy does huh glenn what are you doing stop this madness what why are glenn’s eyes turned purple wait a second does this do what i think it does hey guards

You don’t want to attack her how did you do that aha i was right with this heart i can control someone’s mind i don’t know for how long i’m assuming there’s a time limit like what happened what are you doing over there don’t worry bruh i can control their minds but i was

Controlling yours too and i can’t control you now that means run not so fast guards catch him i don’t think so i need to control mr beast’s mind before he tries to call more guards here enough you think you can control me with my own magic you’re a fool and

You’re gonna pay for it guards catch them and put them into cells damn it i don’t know why i couldn’t control him now i’m in a prison cell with just two hearts how am i gonna get out of this one whoa hey who’s over there show yourself who are you don’t come any

Closer all right you’re gonna control my mind as well huh how did you know i’m carl i won’t let anyone else die because of mr beast okay carl tell me who is this mr beast guy how can i start it all begins with mr beast getting lost one day he went out

For a walk and didn’t come back for a week we were so worried about him but then he came back right when we were about to give up on him yet he was a little different for example he stopped eating meat and became a vegetarian he

Was in love with beef before that we didn’t care about it much but it only got worse he was angry all the time he wanted to fight with us for no reason i couldn’t stand him and i took a break from the crew when i came back it was

Horrifying the campus was filled with his diehard fans few bots mr beast also built that sandpit that you fell into he even tried to make jake and chris duels in his death chris cut jake’s one leg off and when chris was about to execute him i had to stop the madness i jumped

Into the pit and cut mr beast’s animal and stabbed him in the chest then something even stranger happened his cut-off arm regenerated itself he got closer to me and whispered you’re gonna need more than that but before he could kill me i managed to escape from the pit

Since then i’ve made it my mission to uncover the truth you could say i’m a spy from within but how come neither you nor i could hurt him what the hell is that an internet troll mr beast hunts down all of his haters and turns them into this quick take this

All right you want to mess with me come on you dumb troll i fought bigger than you and one he’s strong i need to concentrate yes i can control them these walls seem tough but are they top enough for a troll charge a nolan heart

Nice timing wow i can use this heart to morph into whatever i touch speak of the devil i need to hide from them but how hey come this wall what’s your name uh it’s zach my name is zack why do you sound like you’re unsure of your own name

I’ve been such a huge mr beast fan for so long and i’m just so excited i finally get to help out around here oh nobody we know how it feels there’s nothing like working for the best youtuber that was a close one hey carl are you

There i’m here i found a nolan heart i can morph into other people now what’s going on what how did you kill nolan it was his special ability since there’s more than one heart it appears mr beast split his life force into nine hearts and hit them around the

Campus that explains why we couldn’t kill him what do you mean i mean you won’t be able to take him down until you gather all nine of his hearts first seriously this guy really took notes straight from voldemort you’re on the campus officially there are five sections the headquarters the center of

The campus and that’s where mr b stays you’re coming up on the south section next it’s basically a whoa a huge gaming arcade looks like they’re holding anastasia in a strange room be careful no one is allowed to enter except fanbooks so to save anastasia i need to

Be a fanboy you’ve gotta be kidding me first i’ll need to isolate one of them they can’t spend all day at those computers sooner or later one of them is gonna need to go to the bathroom next time wash your hands now all i need

To do is use the nolan heart and touch him ah i hope this works nice looks like i can use the fanboy’s powers too but i can’t make a scene i just need to blend in don’t mind me just another fanboy here to film some epic gaming videos

Definitely not an imposter pretending to be one of you what the they’re injecting people with some kind of chemical in here it’s turning them into those internet trolls this is insane please stop we promise we won’t write hate comments on those mr beast videos anymore shut up you’ll never get the chance again

I made it through without them noticing what the hell do you want i told you i don’t watch his videos hey hey chill out it’s me i can save you you are late come on untie me already that’s one way to say thank you attention all fanboys whoever finds this zen mode and

Brings them to me alive wins a lamborghini carl carl did you hear that hey when you morph into a fanboy you can use their abilities right yeah so you can shoot mountain dews at this wall are you crazy you’re gonna get us both killed hmm what about this

Damn they’re coming for us we gotta dodge their mountain dew attacks there if we make it into that forest we can use the trees for cover guys can you hear me if you see a forest don’t go in uh a little late we’re kind of in it right now

Run run as fast as you can he’s coming who’s coming what is that there’s something moving in the trees oh what was that who hit me he’s too fast i can’t even see him carl help us run follow the cut trees there should be a wooden hut nearby just run you can’t

Kill him cut trees quick this way there i see the cabin run we made it barely looks like he’s right outside the cabin for now carl you’ve got some explaining to do his name is chris he’s a scout you’re in his territory now anyways mr beast knows

You’re there you gotta get out i gotta go carl carl damn it what’s this it looks like chris’s book mr b said i have to choose between him or my family that’s terrible hmm i wonder thank you did i just hear something forget it chris’s heart let’s see what this does

Oh stop messing around we’re in danger i’m standing over here then who’s that whoa that means yep are you thinking what i’m thinking we only got one shot at this here we go come and get me bruh he fell for it bet you won’t see this coming

Just gotta hold him still for a minute while i get him to cooperate chris i know you’re not a villain just tell me where the next heart is and i’ll let you live it’s in the food lab look for the scissors hold up why is it huh

Crap chris i’m gonna need you to buy some time run i think we lost him whoa where are we looks like you made it to the east section it’s where mr beast runs as charity or at least he used to now it’s a giant chocolate factory but i

Feel like it’s a cover-up for something else look there’s a foot lab but how will we get in without being seen i got this nolan’s heart should do the trick all i gotta do is find a scientist now let’s see what’s going on inside the food lab what the there’s people locked

In these rooms and what’s this a report 0.5 cc dose isn’t enough for mind control raise it to 1 cc what the hell mr beast is experimenting on his prisoners to create mind control chocolates this is madness you see her damn this door can be unlocked with a

Specific key card i need to find another way in to save my bro wait there scissors just like chris said why do you think you’re trying to do i i just wanted to do some science stuff with this pair of strange scissors how do you know these are strange scissors

Then i gotta grab those scissors oh you wanna fight take this what he can blink away damn i gotta end this quick we’re causing a scene you can be fast bro but you don’t have the chris heart which one’s the real zen mode think fast

You fell for my magic trick but when you weren’t paying attention i grabbed these take this a marcus heart what does this do now i can teleport through thin walls maybe i can use this too yes i made it in are you okay i’m fine brother but the

Door’s still locked without a key card okay wait here while i find a way to open that door don’t come any closer all right no i don’t think so you were just giving her a hug now drop your key card in your knife and let her go

Looks like i’m always saving your life we can’t afford to lose any more time we need to stop mr beast carl where are we now north section was a lab used for recording reaction videos but i haven’t been there since the reappearance of mr beast after seeing what happens in a

Chocolate factory i can’t imagine it’s changed for the better what the hell it looks like these people are forced to watch his videos non-stop until they become fanboys this must be where he’s manufacturing his fanboy soldiers this place is creepy af let’s get the heart and get out of here okay i’ve got

A feeling it’s somewhere in here i overheard the scientists mentioning something about a special camera you said camera right couldn’t have been more specific i was just thinking about how we were running out of ideas but a real crazy one just came to mind ah did this guy really just lock us in

What the room is starting to flood guys a bit of a problem here let’s see how long you can hold your breath for you can’t trap me but damn i can’t save anastasia and you see her until i deal with this guy first hurry how about you help me open that

Door and we call it a day damn it he’s somehow blocking my mind control by using that camera fine take this what how are you so fast while holding that stupid camera you’ll never catch me see that’s the thing maybe if you weren’t so busy looking through the camera you would

Have paid more attention to your surroundings what so busy dodging my illusion you didn’t see behind you i heard water doesn’t mix well with electricity this will be an awesome video now that’s a dedicated cameraman tar record what does this do well i can control water guys i think we have a

Bigger problem oh no we’re outnumbered wait look there there should be a pipe behind that wall i’ve got an idea but you guys are not gonna like this i’m gonna use the tare cart to control the water and burst the pipes hope you’re ready for this i’m soaked what the

Where are we a basketball court and is that a giant mr b statue who’s that for a game of basketball ow what the hell you didn’t mention anything about exploding basketballs forgot to mention we’re playing by my girls damn it he’s far away and we can’t

Get to him if he keeps shooting these exploding balls at us we gotta time this wait till he throws and then run one two go what are you gonna do now bruh are you for real he’s like a freaking kangaroo we can’t reach him if he can

Just jump to the other side wait a second is that guys a chandler heart what does this do whoa i can shoot electricity how am i gonna shock him if i can’t reach him wait a second got it yo over here i’m open nice catchy is here toss

It to anastasia heads up yes she dodged it now she’s just got to get it to me and nice i hit the spike talk about an all-star team now when the spikes drop just as i thought too bad i can melt them into water with the tarik heart

Then make the water follow him and hey chandler this is gonna be a real shocking revelation for you now tell me where are my friends what in the dungeon below there’s only one guy i know with a voice that annoying varun what happened it’s okay fam go on without me all right you

Won’t be forgotten i was just being dramatic you gotta find some medical supplies and save me fam what’s wrong with you whoever brings in mode alive to me wins a house you guys stay here and take care of arun i can morph and steal a bandage without being seen damn it mr

Beast keeps upping the prize to catch us he really doesn’t like me this must be the medical room okay gotta find some bandages whoops ah a jake the viking heart what does this do that’s it what kind of useless ability is this so the more i concentrate the bigger the boulder gets

I mean how am i supposed to use this oh hi you must be jake i don’t know who you are but i need to kill you nothing personal kid he deals massive damage well mr viking time for you to meet the 21st century are you for real he absorbed my

Electricity and used it against me i can’t kill him like this but maybe i can escape from him see ya no don’t leave me here by myself i need to kill you ah that’s a really compelling argument i got you bro thanks fam yeah thanks what

Mr beast how are you talking to me let’s just say i sniffed out a little rat from within my ranks if you want to see carl alive again you need to come here unarmed and alone you have one hour carl damn it i need to go don’t be stupid

It’s a trap can’t you see brother i know how you feel right now but if you surrender he’ll kill both of you just think carl would want you to finish what you started let’s go i’m guessing this must be the challenge section but something’s off there’s only one archer

Guarding it don’t worry guys i’ll distract him with the chris heart huh why isn’t he shooting what did you do to my brother i know you’re looking at me right now tell me what happened to him what the he’s closing his eyes how can he shoot this fast if he’s blind we had

No choice shut up and show yourself what if i pick up this rocket whoa he’s listening i know what you came for come and get it varun distract him now fam just just be yourself i’m sure he’s gonna get annoyed and shoot your cover hey fam i think we got off to the

Wrong start how about we talk this out that is the most annoying voice i’ve ever heard zack hart whoa i can use a mr beast roar to stun and knock back my enemies quick while he’s down i gotta sorry bruh i’m doing this for your own good i swear

Next up whoa this looks like some kind of insane asylum he must have used this for one of his challenge videos well well well look who it is oh don’t get it twisted we’re not here for you you need my help i have information mysteries is down bed right now because you stole

Most of his hearts i can help you defeat him and why would we trust you because i know where carl is damn it i should leave this trader here to rot but we’re gonna need all the help we can get attention everyone they’re making their way to hq from the west section stop

Them now how does he know where we are you have eight of his parts what do you expect he can see what you see of course an impossible parkour but i’m beyond impossible i can fill this gap with my viking heart okay i think i can use my marcus heart

To get past these dumb punches and from there i can deactivate this machine with my chandler heart not so fast no stop you work for me now thank you for your services troll you can die now carl is right through here you made it now give me my hearts or carl dies i

Think i’m the one calling the shots now you think i’m bluffing i need to find where the last heart is he must keep it on him something he would never take off there carl his ring ah why are you little no your sacrifice won’t be for nothing the

Jimmy heart everyone to the center okay here’s our chance 4k why who do you think betrayed carl in the first place he came to my cell and wanted to free me too i played along but as soon as i could i sold them out to the guards once i earned their trust i

Learned about the hearts and let you do all of the hard work but once again the power is in my hands damn this is it for us well done give me the hearts quick actually i think i’m gonna hold on to that what he betrayed mr beast too damn

It looks like the entire army is now under glenn’s command this is bad i successfully kidnapped my brother now i can take over his everything looks like he was his brother all along wait does this mean that mr beast is actually alive and this mr beast was just his brother this explains

Everything we have to find the real mr beast he might know how to stop glenn

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but MrBeast Custom Hearts’, was uploaded by ZMDE on 2022-04-14 20:29:53. It has garnered 4071429 views and 46449 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds.

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– A new Minecraft story where there are MrBeast Custom Hearts! The adventure continues when ZMDE and his gang appear suddenly in the MrBeast universe. Except, MrBeast isn’t who they expected! They are imprisoned and need to gather all of the MrBeast hearts in order to stop the evil YouTuber!

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    Minecraft King Strikes Again - GXC's Devastating DepressionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cobey – The King Of Minecraft Brainrot…’, was uploaded by GXC Is Depressed on 2024-05-10 18:00:17. It has garnered 1007 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:13 or 433 seconds. Modern minecraft suck man 😔☕️ ===Shoutouts=== Channel’s Artist: Channel’s Banner Done By: @JeffSkyward Weasel: @DeWiesel ===Music Used in this video=== -glue70 – Coral Fumes -jinsang – Summer’s Day [v2] -You reposted in the wrong neighborhood (Full version) -C418 – Droopy likes your Face – Minecraft Volume Alpha -Super Mario Bros. 2 Overworld Theme -Terraria OST – Sandstorm [Extended] -Persona 3… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey’s Door!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey's Door!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-01-18 18:00:24. It has garnered 586 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:13 or 913 seconds. How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – Read More

  • Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!

    Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘чутка попинали аквыча | PvP Funtime’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-25 15:28:59. It has garnered 110 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:28 or 148 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from scratch,… Read More

  • “SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!” #texturepack

    "SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!" #texturepackVideo Information This video, titled ‘making SHINY mobs in minecraft #texturepack #minecraft’, was uploaded by MqryoPacks on 2024-03-02 19:09:47. It has garnered 283 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:59 or 8639 seconds. – Donation Page: – Discord Server: – My Site: Read More

  • Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraft

    Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Humillando a TEAMs TOXICOS #minecraft #bedwars #humillación’, was uploaded by Dar 090 on 2024-04-30 02:59:32. It has garnered 682 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #illustrationartists #ilusión #tellybridge #tecnoblade #mrbeast #tecnoblade #soycubo #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #dragclick #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #puentes #tellybridge #tellybridging #dragclick #dragclicking #chifruit #dracula #haker #pokemon #haks #rompeladompe #relax #relajante #relaxing #spreen #shorts #haker #freefire #darkhcf #minecraftguide #hcf #minecrafthowto #pvp #holyhcf #minecrafttutorial #primerpvp #hypixelbedwars #hypixelskyblock #hypixelduels #gratis #combos #combotage #combopodcast #asmr… Read More

  • Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker Sword

    Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker SwordVideo Information This video, titled ‘GrafBonze kauft HACKER-SCHWERT für stolze 20.000.000 €’, was uploaded by Abge on 2024-04-15 11:00:18. It has garnered 1065 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:13 or 793 seconds. Citybuild Server » Do you like the episode? Play now on the Minecraft server! #minecraft #griefergames Simply click on multiplayer, enter the address and connect. Choose your city build & make sure you get a plot of land to start with /plot auto. You can get to the farm world with /warp farm world to farm for building and trading… Read More

  • Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – EP. 1

    Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 - Minecraft Jumbled Chunks - EP. 1Video Information This video, titled ‘The IMPOSSBLE Survival Map (1) – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – New Stream Series’, was uploaded by Mad Hatter Gene on 2024-02-18 06:14:38. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:13 or 10573 seconds. Trash Panda has set up a brand new Minecraft series for us and we WILL DIE – a lot!!! Can this group of friends beat the impossible challenge??? This is the start of a brand new exciting Minecraft stream series: MINECRAFT JUMBLED CHUNKS 2 is an IMPOSSIBLE SURVIVAL map that is designed to kill you… Read More

  • ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN – Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥

    ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN - Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIERNES HOT DE L4D2 FORTNITE MINECRAFT CLASH ROYALE con SUSCRIPTORES 🥵’, was uploaded by CesarHDv on 2024-04-06 04:35:16. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:39:00 or 20340 seconds. Playing GTA 5 STORY MODE, FORTNITE LEFT 4 DEAD 2 ROBLOX 🤑 YAPEENME XD playing Fortnite and Minecraft RooooAHHHHH :v My friend code on Steam: 993910620 My Discord server: FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL NETWORKS SO YOU ARE UP TO DATE WITH THE CHANNEL NEWS: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Tik Tok: #gaming #minecraft #fortnite TAGS… Read More

  • 🔥 Yaezer’s Insane Late Night Livestream!

    🔥 Yaezer's Insane Late Night Livestream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LATE NIGHT Minecraft, Roblox & More! Join Yaezer’s Epic Livestream Adventure!’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-04-16 15:45:03. It has garnered 5364 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 05:48:07 or 20887 seconds. Welcome to Yaezer’s livestream extravaganza! Dive into the enchanting worlds of Minecraft, embark on thrilling adventures in Roblox, and explore a plethora of other exciting activities with us! Join the fun as Yaezer navigates through a mix of gaming delights, showcasing skill, creativity, and endless entertainment. Interact with us in the chat as we celebrate crossing the 1000… Read More

  • The Analog Network

    The Analog Network| Discover The Analog Network 1.20.1 | Freshly Wiped Server with Player Shops, Warps, and Dynmap! Vienminer & Timber for Effortless Mining! Custom Generation Awaits! Join the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Today! Read More

  • Off The Block – Semi-vanilla SMP with Jobs & Skyblock 1.20.4+

    Welcome to Off The Block! Welcome to your next Minecraft server! Off The Block is a small but growing community of mature players. We have custom enchantments and custom-made plugins. We focus primarily on economy survival but also have skyblock and creative. Besides the game modes, we offer a balanced economy/shop, vote crates, and awesome time-based ranks. Ranking up unlocks awesome perks like /treefeller, /god, /glow, and /skull. What are you waiting for? Join today! IP: WEBSITE: Read More


    Hello PlanetMinecraft,My name is VkzoI am founder and lead developer of Dream World RPG! I want to personally welcome all of you into our new project.The server will be Vanilla for the time being as we work on building the server. Be sure to hop in for early access gameplay, and to stay up to date with our latest server updates! I am proud to be apart of something new and I hope to see some of the talented players of PlanetMinecraft around the world!If you are interested in helping out be sure to apply for staff through our Discord!… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Bants: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Blocky Bants: Minecraft Edition"Looks like this meme needs some mining for more laughs! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery

    Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery In the town of Minecraft, a man did see, An odd creature walking, what could it be? He reported to the police, they thought it was a joke, But footage on a camera made them choke. A special group of cops went to investigate, And what they found was truly great. The town was infested with strange beings, The SWAT team was in for some serious cleanings. As one creature got too close, they couldn’t wait, They opened fire, sealing their fate. None survived, it was a tragic sight, Reported on the news, causing a fright. What will happen… Read More

  • Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition

    Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition “Me playing the world’s smallest violin for all the times I’ve died in Minecraft because I couldn’t find my way out of a tower. #struggleisreal” Read More

  • Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250

    Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250 Mastering the Redstone Farm in Minecraft! Join EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew in their exciting Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series as they delve into the world of redstone farming. In this episode, they tackle the challenges of creating an efficient redstone farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Exploring Redstone Farming Redstone is a valuable resource in Minecraft known for its ability to power various mechanisms and devices. By mastering redstone farming, players can automate processes, create intricate contraptions, and improve their overall gameplay. Key Elements of Redstone Farming: Redstone Dust: The foundation of redstone farming, used to transmit power. Redstone… Read More

  • Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!

    Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms: Join Me On My Quest! [EP. 1]’, was uploaded by Lux And Tux Live on 2024-05-26 03:12:04. It has garnered 317 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:22 or 5602 seconds. Support the channel: Discord: 🏮 Catch Me Live!!! 🏮 Mon – Wed – Fri 5:30pm EST Livestream Playlist: Equipment: [Affiliate Links – TY if you use the links] GPU: CPU+MOBO Combo: RAM: Watercooler: Case: Keyboard: Mouse: Monitor: PS5: TOTK Switch: Gaming Chair: Contact for… Read More

ZMDE – Minecraft but MrBeast Custom Hearts