【Minecraft】🎄 merry christmas event!! 🎄【EN/JP/KR OK | VTuber】

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Foreign foreign thank you foreign Foreign like three minutes ago instruments hello I guess I’m still waiting for people to gather what we’re gonna do Christmas events yeah it was a star above this thing hello hello why is there a stop this way oh later I’ll explain it later okay Yoshimi is this what your avatar looks like yeah

I know yes I’m a dinosaur you’re a dino BT yeah Roar um XP XP excuse me sure because it’s like on it like the tongue breakfast General who else is joining us today um I think you guys sound like Oh my God we forgot it foreign who’s streaming I’m not streaming my teeth cannot I’m streaming but I’m only on Twitch only on Twitch do people stream on both A great one um oh like I haven’t streamed in ages Okay let’s slow The Backs away I forget I can’t I can’t PVP Lantern I’ll lose I realized because she plays in the first person so I don’t really see it oh you can’t really see it from my even if I do like five stream I mean yeah you can’t really see my

Goggles either goggles are we just comparing like designs River didn’t have time due to the voice Didn’t have time to do the voice mod time no Target ow it’s not even she has to say like it should be real fast and you can we can wait you guys mind reading yeah what I don’t mind how did you guys get up there I can’t it’s Elden ring parkour you can

Do it no I can’t hang on I did it oh my gosh what what BJ am I using cool every Earth we Jingle Bells um no I’m a Minecraft idiot then you and me you want me we can be friends yeah yeah let me bow to you yeah me too me too

Yeah it’s all because of Kazuki that I can do all of it oh I managed to get up um there’s a Nerf gun that big no you guys made it oh nice nice new thing on stream meeting yourself on the stream oh okay I’m talking to chat

For a brick all right I can help you okay you’re gonna hit me aren’t you yeah as soon as you jump you can’t just walk you gotta run how do you run it my internal set Trixie and then she’ll say crying yeah oh wait oh my God I’m holding something

Hello I’m holding a painting I can scream in here did I take something off the wall oh my God oh my God oh no you ruined please no but I don’t know where it came from I’ve it was on me on you on you on you

On you it was just in my inventory I just put it up I don’t know yeah yeah sure sure wait hang on are you accusing me of theft I don’t know where I would feel that wrong I I don’t know I’m accusing you or else necessarily put it it’s okay accessory

Oh it’s here an accessory oh my gosh I missed again hey hey it’s epic Pig okay okay I see you yeah yeah oh really how do you run in Minecraft culture oh good wait did you actually make it and then I knocked you off it yes are you sorry it’s cutting out for

Excellence I’m not gonna Blast from the head with it oh look at my toys [Laughter] hang on a minute I need to fix it I got it thanks sweetie oh gosh no because there are two rails going to the two rails heading in the same direction as the Christmas Village

And then one of them just stops like after five pieces I got in like I I couldn’t figure out bad [Laughter] right here yes please um respond on the beds here yes did you did you touch the bed oh that was so close so close you’re already dead perfect

Wait how could have been worse yeah but you could have just Harry Potter back no big deal okay there’s Trixie because you know what I saw that shine and I was like I think I’m an employee and I went down and I didn’t know what was happening down

There in this is time to go in yeah like there’s nothing in there it’s just a it’s just a Teleport machine oh I’m gonna lock your ass out choice let me and you’re not here by choice The killing machine is in there [Laughter] are two dogs doing um me dying or beings I was even fighting sufu she was just attack me unprovoked what do you mean you’re afraid to be into the fishing part that’s not that’s not fighting hey I want to try oh not anymore I don’t

Want to try anymore I saw no but what are you doing using a fishing hook to hit somebody oh my God what the heck why did that just go straight into my face exactly doesn’t I feel like you’re being provoked no it does it does I can’t get over the bald spot

It looks like a bald spot Vietnamese and revert to my description I didn’t know he was coming so I didn’t add him to to never tweet okay she me oh yeah what do you usually stream what do I what what do you usually stream I applied it by daylight oh yeah and absolutely back away if that scares

Me a pro no I I’m I’m not the killer I’m a Survivor Survivor okay okay we can be yes yes yes I play idb you you see me do not idv yeah I play it’s not the same thing Kabuki is not the same kind of company it’s literally the same thing

Okay see if you’re able to look past the visuals it’s the same thing but it’s not I can’t use Shield yeah there’s a lot of things I gotta oh [ __ ] I’m just gonna watch you think he was asking explain to me why I oh my God I just realized what you’re doing good

Oh I gotta go out but I’ll get it you gotta jump we do have an extra uh glass thing can you put a glass here it’s not let me get up here what what something just hit me yeah that’s Kazuki you know me during the club up here Oh oh you need to run uh don’t look at me it was most definitely Lantern control and then and then what nice is it control yeah okay [Laughter] I tried Oliver’s in Lantern it didn’t mean I don’t trust Lantern anymore I don’t know if more than two people can be on here

To try Tracy can you make it can’t touch this all my boys oh yeah I was asking you to yeah yeah yeah I’m all up for it oh yes um of course you play [Laughter] um no not really anything else oh wow Pro okay no no no no no no it’s just it

I just I I was trying to grind for events I was trying to get right I wasn’t I swear I wasn’t trying to knock you down I was trying to since yesterday yesterday hi and I was being alive oh I’m sorry I was trying to throw a snowball I’m

Sorry this is this is what I was trying to do this oh all right oh where’d it go over there there’s a maze oh oh hi oh oh Okay oh behind this who was it your goodies so I had to replace your voice I want more can you talk wait that’s why it’s okay I can fix it English is quite quiet for me too the whole club be looking at four I’m [ __ ] you might need to teleport him again what

Run you loser remember oh my God I want to go see the snowball retrieval process it looks so cool oh my trapped snowman yeah she was like smacking a goblin or something inside a glass cut I want to watch this the steam yes oh she’s like smacking something what are you smacking

Smacking these don’t you what no she’s done wow wow I love snow wow you’re taking it oops Over time working how are you guys today honest oh I guess it is evening morning evening after an awesome morning for anyone afternoon evening Sunday I have to go to work on Monday not to make up hours or else I wouldn’t have to go to work please but I have these off on

Wednesday it’s like I can’t hear you very much I talk all next week nice I found it I missed you all week is there another phase this year no today is gonna not be that long I hope thing oh take a take boots and cookies if you need to eat I say something

Hello everyone come here take Foods all right Barrel so you don’t sink in the snow hello hello hello hello I’m sorry I didn’t want you to shoot me I’m sorry I was muted And with the fur I need food okay or else you might sink into the snow I won’t sink into this and take some cookies we’ve gotten very good at walking on snow oh did you want to try no how do I how do I um open my inventory it’s been so long e

E a sports Lulu tilted boots Right here a key is for food and then put and then you can take some snowballs if you want to throw them at people you hit a button that muted everything how do I uh how do I open my inventory in Minecraft I forget e e

It was an accident I was trying to see if I could get a bowl of whatever this was it’s Christmas soup all right everyone’s here right Jingle Bells All right doing your best to catch up here okay why don’t we go here and introduce ourselves yes of course oops uh Kazuki Lulu goes first oh okay fine oh Kazuki goes first what I don’t know I am a Scientist retailer and I built everything you know just kidding I’ve got nothing

Well I oh oh it came out yeah I got it back on it I got it right now I guess I’m going next hello I am free I made this village with Kazuki and Kiev who couldn’t be here today thank you here uh I hope you guys enjoy yay thank you it’s like a funeral Bell yeah oh yeah okay Lantern I’ll go this way around [ __ ] just for when I inevitably die I’m sleeping in my head even gonna beat this no one got people oh yes yes I am Lantern Islander twitch right Facebook What do you usually Australia oh uh I play all sorts of games Friday nice nice as soon as I sing tonight’s a game and today we’re playing Minecraft [Laughter] your turn who’s next it’s me I’m Yoshimi I’m your friendly dinosaur friend I stream mini on YouTube and sometimes twitch and mostly in

Japanese but yeah nice to meet you all And this oh I I’m Minecraft Steve [Laughter] Minecraft Steve yeah Until you usually a stream yes twitch twitch hey Uber hi uh hello everybody it’s uh me River your favorite Bardock dancer YouTuber I do a bunch of d d and other ttrpg content on Twitch I play a lot of games and uh I got a head full of air but a

Heart full of gold I also never show up on this Minecraft server once a year to appreciate everybody else’s hard work yeah uh you can find me at twitch.tv rough works um I am a v artist and a v singer and I make mod life duty models or other as

It’s very nice to meet you In my diamond armor yeah sorry I overdressed for the occasion she’s so fancy I’m so fancy yeah don’t mess with me make sure everyone knows let’s try to mess with Lulu that’s how I died tell me so um I’m gonna explain there’s a game that’s like around the village which is

I hit some papers that look like this and it has a star on it and it’s gonna be in barrels or chests or in this kind of item for you so after you well I guess like at the end of the event I’m gonna be counting the papers so you can

Break these uh sign boards write your name and I put the number of papers you found and we’ll have a prize for the first second and third oh and this is a contest yes I’m about to get real competitive but first how do you change signboard and then oh and then just

Write it oh okay and it’s including these papers here in front of me so you can take them how do I how do I place it yes include it you can take the testing oh you have to shift and then press it all right much better thank you

I’m so sorry we have done so many already you look look at my hair wow wow there’s no evidence supporting him recipes [Applause] any more snow to both the river with snow oh just to reiterate we need to get the zippers yeah we need to find papers wait not yet not yet

I can’t get out the door so it’s okay I can’t figure out how they work so papers in chests in chest or oh in chest barrels or in item rings so they’re going to be all around indoors indoors on indoors yeah so they’re in the Palaces uh shops or even here in upstairs

What upstairs that was quick yes work oh [ __ ] I broke something is it in this building or all the buildings all the buildings indoors so first first everyone let’s go there first first first how do I hold on I’ve seen the paper it’s on like

A little sign can I pick that up yeah you can break the sign and just take it okay everyone let’s let’s get it here first yes Mom come on Mom I got two paper I got three oh wait that was the banner I broke stuff wait you got three papers

Already I got three paper okay so I was thinking we can decorate the Christmas tree first because it’s looking kind of in construction oh he’s so big yes so you can go up the scaffolding so to go up you just press space and then you’ll be going up so

Under the scaffolding there are some boxes here with colors you can take the wool and decorate it and this white box here has lights so you can decorate it oh [ __ ] I’m so high up already yeah jump down your boots should prevent you from dying so ah laughs

And there’s different colors all around the tree what color do you want I guess I’ll take one of each do you want to attempt to build a star yes um in that room I broke a few things by mistake because I don’t know how Minecraft works so um there you go okay

Thank you also for clarification involving the papers we shouldn’t ever need to break anything to get to them should we no okay good because otherwise I would freaking like no need to break anything yeah yeah just wanted to check no problem I mean we’ve got me

Where are you I am good are you feeling better it’s okay can’t relate You had one job as a trash can and you couldn’t even do that you don’t blame the trash can when you miss a shot while you’re trying to like throw a paper ball at it you can’t even take when you can’t even care what I give you kind of looks like Tetris all

Right I will I go decorate this is a really really it’s like a Christmas tree from because so big yay kazuki’s so talented yay Oh sorry oh my goodness I I’m kind of expecting to hear a lot of that today without building this tree did you hear a lot of haziki did katsuki also scream a lot when he was building this no I wasn’t here when he was building it sappy sadly no idea oh Wait we’re already looking for paper now Santa’s boys what’s going on I know I’ve been a bad boyfriend for Christmas tree now all right there’s no there’s nothing up there there’s chess yeah there’s nothing up there I said the papers were inside indoors oh I I know but

He wants to see Santa okay that’s fine hey Santa what’s up where are you doing that’s faceless Santa Claus oh that’s good nice perfectly [Laughter] thank you RP it looks like it’s doing jumping jacks then fall off someone’s screen yes someone about this is so cute

Hi I’m back where’s where’d my stuff go where did you fall stuff is oh no I don’t think I’m doing this right but I splattered all this is fine there’s no right way did you find stuff I dyed my boots and your arrows are here I I don’t know oh [ __ ] hi Yoshi

Hello okay it’s it’s here it’s on top on top of this block thank you I splattered all over the ground when I tried to give Santa a little friend I was gonna make I was gonna make a little river beside Santa I did oh no I didn’t test enough true

No gross don’t don’t put a fish [ __ ] me I just wanted to make a little River look at Santa it’s like I was sitting beside him ah but hey I died I don’t think I could make that jump so instead I will put green here to to maneuver around there’s no other way oh I just got an idea for something

Delightful delightful I’m gonna give the tree a belt the belts like uh a belt like for pants yeah that way it doesn’t lose its trunks [Laughter] thank you [Laughter] oh how do you go how do you go down from this scale floating oh you press [ __ ] very carefully okay all right control

Control okay control for you thank you yeah I FL at out my ankles there’s so many like pam pam sounds like you only can stay at the bottom she’s so mean to me you guys here Lulu so mean to me who else is the king oh my God it scared me I could

Have but I didn’t sorry you guys do you guys remember when like it was the um the the spring festival and she was so nice to me and she was like River when are we gonna do something together and now she’s like yeah die River you idiot

She’s So Mean now goodbye please no please good Advantage me wow the tree is kind of Pop heavy everyone’s just climbing up all right I’m done decorating so I’m gonna watch everyone now it’s looking kind of fresh fresh off the boat oh my ankles not again oh my goodness oh

All right the bottom is yeah you can take care of the bottom yeah my the white one is lights oh ow I need to stop falling off her name beautiful tree yeah I thought you were here I can’t see a shoe I can’t see he’s blocking my way

I’m trying to put air you know I’m coming up too wait hey oh hey oh why are you guys competing with me or myself don’t you love me as tree squishes oh yeah aren’t you okay why oh wow okay I need to put in more Outlet oh um

That was it wasn’t it was like a picked up or something right I have no idea this is cool eating something and she was like um whoa what’s this oh this place up what did you do last time I have no idea what I did you got frog lights in your inventory

Oh frog the Frog meet that light it’s so cute oh oh oh come on the golden oh I just saw the tree is hollow it is yeah this tree is Hollow I just saw oh I just saw all the way to the get in the tree

But we’ll break it if I go in right how do I extend the scaffold aha oh I see I made a giant arm I was like what is this and I see the r it’s a giant R for River oh wait I gotta make it a little longer

To make it look like an R oh Yay Look I made a giant r foreign Look at my giant r where are you No one I saw your mission line come out isn’t it nice I’m up high I’m high down low too slow what’s up where are you I only see like the legs oh no what are you doing I’m not finished no wait you were on here oh he’s looking good okay

Well this part needs red it’s special oh hello oh very colorful again Please oh you got what you deserved someone hit me I feel like I’m gonna die soon eat cookies are what happened I was trying to build a scaffolding out this way to reach the side of the tree but I couldn’t yeah it’s difficult point

I like to see the art now oh my gosh it’s so high up rain okay I think okay I’m gonna collect the scaffolding whoa oh I’m inside the tree nice can I pour water in the tree or will I wreck it what you guys know it looks like water water

I think what it might ruin the snow okay I will not pour any water what are you doing oh wow what a pro secutor oh we’re seeing Sasuke no why are you wearing lighter take off your elytro why are you bullying me I saw that I saw it oh no okay

See I have one I try for moments like this it has a piece of bullying entire Kazuki Clan there’s a Kazuki Clan that’s worse it’s my family because how do you get up oh I’m so scared wow so if we when did we uh start looking

For papers or oh do you think we’re almost done if we’re almost done then I’ll get rid of the scaffolding and then we can start oh it’s so cute if I fall will I die ah there is a gingerbread man you’re scared let’s meet bye okay

So there you go we go back down yeah let’s um can you help me like get rid of the scaffold yeah but we have to break it from the top so that because there’s like dirt in the middle okay okay then I’ll go down so I don’t end up

Oh please don’t hit the one I’m on which one are you on I don’t even know where you’re at I don’t know it’s okay I’m just I’m On Top oh no oh no I’m stuck you’re stuck did I just should I just go

Oh oh in this oh I think I’ll be okay if I just come from here oh you’re on break I just saw that you’re up here it’s fine oh what it’s better for them um noise might be a little weird every now and then but I think this is good

I love the Snowman okay no more scaffolding it’s not beautiful no more scaffolding he got rid of the dirt too I’m I’m gonna die what do I press to see where people are you can’t see where people oh and then you you guys what’s happening I want to give you

Those barrels no those berries hurt you yes yes oh true okay let me do that then your ears are mine now someone was being shot you you’re okay No no I don’t wanna fight merry-go-round I want to ride the horses what I need my boots back Lulu killed me and took my boots River it’s all there it’s all there oh I forgot I had red wool I didn’t even use it give me the boots Lulu River it’s all

There wow these berries combined what is that what’s what’s that was combined so you guys can look for papers but there’s also some games around there’s a snowball game near the Merry-Go-Round which is right next to the lodge and then there’s a snow boat race all the

Way over there and there’s also some platforms for sculpture building for ice and snow sculptures so you can build your own sculpture sculpture do it together oh yeah yeah at least if you want let’s go repeat I hear so much people just getting hurt these red berries are so delicious delicious yes So over here you can just take a platform and then the signs you can just break them put your sculpture title date in your name and then in the barrels under those materials and also the tools that you need okay ah a sculpture time I I can’t well I guess this is dinos

We can make a Dino I uh um I don’t know what to make either I I can’t I can draw for [ __ ] I mean you can you can see Kia’s creation here because she wasn’t able to make it she made an elephant oh cute cute elephant

But it looks like a koala from here the nose is a little bit short yes yeah the tail is longer than the nose we miss you I I remember when she was alive [Laughter] so much potential Um they’re so bright I mean I have no idea what to do even though I suggested this would be whatever you want then a mountain okay why do we need to write the date why why is there a wool here there’s a ice slash I’m not allowed to use the wool no

Ah damn it I could have sworn that was gonna get me an easy win [Laughter] I want that page there’s no winning for this who is gonna judge I would some some I’ll be fair don’t worry oh yeah right eventually [Laughter] hey I’m done oh wow they’re so cute

I hear the elephant yeah why is this not so far away oh yeah where is she you’re like oh my god oh is that so far away oh I think she’s muted and then we hear it from river is that is that it huh oh I don’t know how you’d be hearing

Little bell off me must be like a weird mic thing I’m so mad I’m not allowed to use globe it’s snow slash ice yeah oh wow it’s so nice snowman a nice Woolen pie so it’s like he’s warm thank you how did you throw the whole thing uh uh control Q control Q okay thank you I think it should be ghosts I can’t art I can’t argue the only one that can art is Lulu That’s how it is why we’re all just like crunching on our own sculpture it’s gonna be Majestic I might need more glass I have some class you can take for me how much glass do you need um maybe like a good stack oh it’s twilight hello hello

I’ll give you everything because I’m not using anymore there you go thank you yes I’m done with mine did you name it it’s a vertically challenged tree like me they name it okay sculpture title okay wow wow everyone’s being good stuff good stuff no idea like actually nice nice sculptures oh

God doesn’t you need anything uh well I need type of dark block but I don’t think there’s anything like this one hmm maybe I’ll give you it yeah thank you would you need anything no I may need more glass [Laughter] from somewhere else thank you control Q okay

Thank you for a whole stack thank you yeah this is a sword it looks like a ghost do you need anything else oh no it hit me so well thank you for Twilight face no I’m good yay what’s wrong with that huh reminds me of those it’s so good to me

She’s like caring for me for everything do you need more glass I mean I think you need I got you a girl I think that’s a form of cheating disqualified no it’s a penguin oh what’s this what the [ __ ] thank you I can’t figure out how to get up okay

I’ll just do this this will work I don’t know how scaffolding works but there this one you need more no no no I I just need to get up there Kabuki did it for you um it is a workout all right it looks cute though I don’t know what it is

No idea this is cute please make sure to title your art pieces a work of Neil Armstrong Cyclone jet Armstrong Cannon for you sounds familiar you want to know the reference I I’m Yoshimi and Yoshi okay okay you’re above my art exactly I’m going to make an entire

Glass ceiling above yours and call it the glass ceiling okay that’s fine it’s not into my heart so it’s fine okay good this is very this is very antenna rabbit Oh I thought it was a salamander on my bed salamander exactly I thought it was a salad an axolotl oh

I’m so sorry cat but I’m making a few hours oh look at this yes please I need light blue stained glass and I need we’re choosing sides here aren’t we thank you for choosing the side of riverfully I won’t let you down oh yes thank you for choosing the side

Of river at some level are you okay with ice how do I throw again I am oh um thank you thank you for your contribution to uh the glass ceiling sticky is everyone then appears oh my God someone needs eyes I have eyes I don’t have glass are you scaffolding I have both

Anyone’s needed anyone yeah it’s glass Okay Glass monkey dad can you build me a scaffold on the other side now okay okay just drop him show me how you do it thank you thanks Dad what do you need again how do you make a glass um sorry I only got ice is okay

Um [Laughter] thank you no problem I see okay thank you oh whoa is so cute Mr Penguin Mr Penguin stained glass done I have 16 white stained glass do you need it I need I need light blue stained glass I’ve changed my original core concept to be more wholesome than chaos

White but I don’t have blue I took it from the other unused sculptures are you sure this is not chaotic I am sure you wanna when you see the title of what I’m creating you will go uh River you’re so sweet and then you know what’s gonna happen you’re gonna go

River you deserve a paper for being such a good boy wait a minute Lulu I will sell you all my glass for all your paper do I look like a dummy to you yes more glass yes do you need glass yes well oh no I only just white I think

You can have it all yes yes and then I have white glass you need white glass es taking them from the other barrels oh the secret ingredient was crime some of it was mine some of it’s not mine help I broke part of this scaffold and

Now I can’t get back up oh my God I’m stuck oh my God River this reminds me of that Meme the Sarah help me get back up oh I remember that I just remembered McDonald’s [Laughter] Sierra yeah McDonald’s sure I love McDonald’s yay Lulu I’m getting McDonald’s can we make sure that Lulu doesn’t get any McDonald’s I’m I’m coming with you because we’re getting McDonald’s not loud I will make chickens I’m going on a different car [Laughter] I just need a pumpkin and

Um a pumpkin I think yeah so I can make the Snowman ah wait this is a Snowman so inside the yeah actually I think we have a pie I think she’s making a snow glue foreign [Laughter] Okay yeah hey son oh thank you oh he’s so good he’s so good I want to put thank you thank you close that up we have to close it I heard the closet you have some dirt in there to get rid of the dirt no no it’s gonna be there okay

I think it’s good whoa [Laughter] no one you now father [Laughter] I love him Lulu some seems more 3D to me boys oh my gosh it’s not a penguin That’s So Cute right oh I love him Mr Penguin Lantern ah I love him he’s so good do you have a tail oh

It’s so cute you know there’s actually a whisper hotkey is it yeah that’s too much work man oh cool how do you go upstairs hello I was so lost oh the story looks so nice right here wow oh yeah okay I got a title my sculpture but it’s done okay ouch

The lantern parkour again nope oh okay have you checked everywhere because you hear falling doesn’t mean it’s me no because I heard someone say that turn how did you get up there oh green tea I think that’s much better I think you can do this too ah she’s gonna say this sculpture only

Worked out his hands [Laughter] oh um see I told you that it was going to be a sweet title it was the village a big hug nice oh see oh my god dude my arms are very uneven yeah well you’re maybe you’re right-handed are you right-handed yes look at my title

We can try doing the ice boat race because it’s gonna bring us back to the middle of the village after wait okay hold on can we can we talk about lulus should we go through each art yes first I I need to point out Lulu has a reputation for stalking and trapping

People and things and now she’s made it oh someone’s free oh no where’d that come from it’s listening he’s gonna get him out he’s gonna break him out cute Lantern why oh what’s happening doesn’t hit me oh yeah look at the sculptures oh I was putting my stuff down

Because you get this one okay this is why is it Neil Armstrong Cyclone Armstrong Cyclone just like a liquid no idea what that reference sounds familiar what’s this it’s it’s from jintama perfect Thank you thank you thank you thank you endless okay you broke something yeah so I like how your art you like breaking the Geneva Convention for what here that’s a war crying no it’s not yeah right he has no rights what’s this oh I love it it’s so cute yeah

I’m a ghost I’ll haunt you I would prefer my ghost look this way I know that’s scary that’s scary what is that sound because he just tried to attack all of us is that kazuki’s weapons no no no no no yeah oh my God where’d it go on who are the teeth

I thought it was a machine this is okay no this reminds me of those pain things that are like you it depends on the audience too to like determine what it is it looks like a Pokemon some kind of atom I don’t know what it looks like an axolotl again

Everything’s an axolotl press the eye yeah this one good I’m gonna eat him oh oh how do you fly get up there oh he’s using the Pearl cheating give me a call I wasn’t cheating yeah give me one no yes elephant hey I miss you why are you keep hitting Lulu

Man the sculpture sucks [Laughter] exposing that I’m secretly a villain yeah it’s River gives the whole village a big hug it’s cute I was just kidding and please visit the biggest and the most wholesome I get a paper right let’s go on to our next one nice nice nice

Because okay you don’t have to climb on top of every sculpture you see are you a cat wow wow that’s good thank you this is my favorite Lantern should win all the papers yeah that’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna rig it and you split it with me okay no don’t say okay

Right [Laughter] oh my God put me in the uh put me in with the Snowman put me in with the Snowman oh so cute okay we can do a boat race and then it’s going to bring us back to the Village so I guess we couldn’t find the papers

After that where did this come from it’s like no nowhere which is the fastest boat it wasn’t gonna be the fastest boat that your legs hmm hey oh cute hopefully and kazakir for engineering above I love them sorry I’m in your way To start come back but you guys told me that it was the fastest would win so I got going I let me know when I can start I’ll shoot the target how do I put the boat down right click oh yeah okay are you guys oh my God ready let’s go

See you later this is please please Everyone’s zoomed oh in his polar bears in here too I can’t I can’t okay okay okay okay Everyone’s gone how are they cool so fast hello hello I’m like bumping into those walls hey man hey I came first my mom made it the furnace right right oh we didn’t have a box for the well guys look my boat made it the furthest

If I win right oh did it I think we’re missing Now we shoot whoever comes through oh it is So hard to drive man right Spirit Trixie is like yeah [Laughter] Over yoshini we will slow them down it’s not like you have competition right now you already won oh wait yeah I already won thank you you’re right one one number number four or five yeah so number number six he won six I was fifth and then three your fourth I

Think there’s only five of us you goober wait what there’s one more time wow Let’s see anyone okay are they taking him to see me hello here just now I think he was guys you go really fast if you jump oh oh I know oh outside She’s walking she got off the boat I got off the boat and she and she disappeared maybe she went back to the Village there she is but she said she said she said over there guys Follow the arrow it’s kind of fun to walk through this I’m preventing your emotions

Everybody Ran So maybe we should just walk no no no you gotta finish on the boat you gotta finish on the boat oh oh there you are can we like maybe like hook up some dogs and like get them to run oh it’s so fast you can hear her asking how to control

It oh so cute that they went together he went back to pick her up yeah yeah so nice if only I had someone who’d wait for me yeah she was waiting in front of you I waited your boots were holding hands oh so you waited for me so you agree that I

Came first before you oh there’s people no the before like the before the village what are you talking about I want to finish the line okay finished yeah yeah thank you Oh here’s thorns I don’t we’re like we’re like eating cookies oh wow okay someone’s hitting me show you guys go find papers now just run up yeah and go in the houses and stores papers papers papers please papers please if you just follow the package any kind of building

River where are you oh all right the merry-go-round oh you don’t care the papers okay what I really have nine I have nine peoples I I hit five stacks five Stacks okay five mistakes let me let me calculate that life is 64 right that’s okay yeah okay that’s that’s in total a lot

This is 320. look for papers papers please yeah remember there’s also some item frames that are hidden yes thank you I heard someone I remember there’s like so many people in that one house yeah like how do you I thought you was like look around the bathroom and you didn’t take the papers inside the bathroom I took it’s a lot of people do a few more [Laughter]

Um I guess I didn’t see it but okay it’s okay I got some okay just follow the paths if you follow the paths in this little mixed go around yeah la la if only there was music play your own music oh sing your own music um oh

No where am I I’m in the basement thank you yes this is what happens when we use it oh you want to go to the house thank you somewhere around here Hello hello oh you guys weren’t too far no no okay so this is what everyone is Hot cats please foreign excuse me excuse me nice also it’s so fun the hint is that sometimes I hide some on the ceiling so make sure you look up sometimes not in this house I think yes Sneaky paper you got really creative yeah thank you yeah there’s some barrels that are harder to find so I put more papers in those sweat oh there’s one right at the door here let’s go to the one huh oh who left a fully you can’t help me thank you though [Laughter]

Um is I got I don’t think any everyone’s gonna find all the papers though yeah that was a lot like what did you say 300 yeah it’s a lot But yeah you guys are so creative you did such a great job thank you oh no oh no competition [Laughter] I’m just gonna look at these little paper oh these guys hello I cannot make this complex of a building it’s so well done wow nice He’s so competitive 300 more oh I hear you Kazuki I have 59 papers oh 51 we’re gonna break I only have 18 how I only have 10. oh no how do you guys even I think Trixie and Lantern might have more oh excuse me sorry Lantern is that time streaming because Trixie’s

Not streaming oh oh I don’t know I don’t know thank you thank you thank you thank you oh thank you someone found her did he just steal her monkey laughs did you guys go upstairs yeah there’s upstairs I must be blinding okay right here all right the cute narrow spot Oh aha it was hidden yes interesting did you guys also have fun like hiding them I was the only one who hide them with them so because you can also play oh cute my hands are rabbit oh I want to say probably Santa’s house has the most

Yes the house that we just came from no no Santa’s house in Santa’s Workshop isn’t the same oh area oh you can go there she’s so cute let’s go We’re Cute because Santa’s Workshop is very big that’s why I’m saying it has the most

I don’t I didn’t count how many I put in though during no item three papers for me but you need there are Lulu found a Butch I saw someone come out from Santa’s Elvis oh oh no wait a little late one’s in vancy oh he’s pumped us already I already

Picked this place bone dry even downstairs even down wait downstairs where where um Santos Workshop so just go down there get out of the way I gotta get down there before I lose because we we can’t participate she’s can she no I’m not participating yeah I’m coming down

For me this is Santa’s workshop and the flying elves oh I love them they’re flying out cute oh God there’s so many barrels exactly I must look through them all so summon item frames here as well I’m not gonna look at them instead oh Mr elf I love you hello

Okay there’s some there’s some barrels here too awesome nice stinky Lulu leave me out of this oh I love the size oh Kazuki how many have you found Lulu you’re the doctor uh a hundred I don’t know what’s up oh how many did you find what like 30. I

Just faced through the glass wait oh I found a creeper hit I hit a paper an item frame one earlier and because he stole it I didn’t I didn’t he did dad is bullying me oh I still haven’t found Trixie yet smooth Lantern yeah so that’s why both of them

I’m out of here nerds frame on the counter thank you what oh oh this mistaken already wait why aren’t you playing the game I’m the one who hit them we’ll take all of them fine and get all 300. you’re gonna make sure no one else wins

Be number one I made this game for me to be number one we are number one another place would be the Gingerbread Cafe I I you scored it no someone else already scored it oh even upstairs I’ll link it with no I can’t believe River got to this place before we did

Some there’s just there’s another small house there but I don’t know if anyone went there Trixie’s there oh really I try yeah all right what what what hi hello I wasn’t talking about maybe murdering pixie to take her papers while no one was watching don’t worry oh I see something happened here

What happened was it planks yeah hmm no worries you guys can go search for papers I already finished searching really she’s finished searching finished and then I’ve gone to it or even the even the fox and like the Gingerbread was at the fox mesmerizing I can’t like stop doing this so addicting

Well even if people went there there might be some that people didn’t find no no no it’s like so addicting like my monkey brain is like most fine I cannot like focus on anything this one I’m here it’s one of you it’s empty oh nice it’s nice

I forget to look up sometimes hey what do you mean how is you you try to travel a little bit he tried to trap you inside hey trying to blame me no oh there’s River ow thorns this is so fun oh see some people can so he brought me

And there’s also where’s the fox over here Trixie Trixie the other way I haven’t seen the fox yet did you go to a cat cafe I went to the cafe I thought it was um kazuki’s house at first wow same thing because you have so many cats sitting outside your house right here

Oh here oh it’s Lantern I’m gonna go in why can’t I go and you press the button oh okay hello oh how many papers did you find 21. it’s nine plus ten Twenty One so many of them behind the mirrors mirrors that’s cheating it’s cheating that’s like looking what is this what

Are you cheating how’s that cheating you can’t break stuff so you can’t I’m going to break stuff yeah you don’t need to break it we I broke something and then now it’s in this in the fox’s mouth are you gonna take it out oh there’s a paper someone hey so I

Broke it and then the fox eat the paper okay give me the paper please paper please it’s behind you thank you I want to go upstairs oh this looks like the copper in freeze house I’m stuck what did you do unless you’re stuck oh why is it

How do you open food how do you open this box we’ll get cookies you don’t have hands you want me to bring it to you come on it’s Auntie we have cookies at home I did it again in this are you streaming uh no you guys are done streaming

Is Lantern streaming right now oh what I’m not sure so we can catch your screaming around exactly Yeah I broke I’m not streaming then you won’t know how I cheated you won’t be able to prove that I did and therefore I I Can’t Have Cheated to say that you have cheated cheated

What Trixie cheated no no I broke something oh no funky what Kazuki what what do I get when the window I don’t know where this belongs though Employees only there’s nothing in the employees only okay I will go it’s only upstairs in the lodge okay I think you guys create the painting I did it on Microsoft page oh I saw that because soft paints yeah because it drew all of it oh are you looking for people’s papers yeah there’s there was a piece of paper in River says Barrel I was wondering why it’s there oh yeah the strategy to take other people’s

Papers steal people’s paper yeah yeah yeah have you guys been to each and every one of them I think so I think I missed one house yeah we Lulu’s stealing the paper from a barrel no no no it was still there I left why are you looking through my Barrel

I’m gonna be honest I left it and when I looked at it again and it was gone if I’m not gonna name names if we’re allowed to steal papers all bets are off wow no one said anything you’re great oh I steal some Seasons I still see some papers here

I must look I must look wow oh aha um what don’t lie I still see one I’m like I do I still see one I’m not lying where can it be I said I see it right oh let’s make the frame and he went into his body is over here

Thanks please I’m begging you I I don’t know what the prize is but I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life well did you did you look closely at every every building leave me I’ll bribe you with a cookie one of the cookies that you yourself gave me I think hmm oh they’re there no guys asking we was my plan go away I’ve never won anything before in my entire life been putting this competition all I said was hmm when I came in here yeah you got you got reverses ADHD brain on hook please please look look wait I

Will pick I will beg I’ll do the Labyrinth again for a single Paper here you gotta win a prize I’ll waste away if I don’t it’s the Cure let’s go if we yes no go away what I’m just I just want to be um paper here well there’s many barrels here as well

Wait do you see a paper or was it in a barrel well I see a paper but there are many barrels here as well shut up I’m panicking because everyone’s here and I’m just hitting buttons I do see a paper though haha meal before me and weak Mortals for I

Found a paper I see two papers here where where are you in the first floor I see two papers oh I found paper wait that’s not paper that’s a bucket of milk yes you’re correct you took my paper no no more richer let’s go through the school I gotta go pull up

Strips yeah okay Kazuki’s house kazuki’s house oh so cute does there also papers here yeah start papers wait no first this is kazuki’s house he knows where everything is the weird secret areas do you see people here bookshelf work no okay but they might be in the chest so I don’t know

How much is a bookshelf worth if I pick one of those damn it has anyone been to the Cafe yeah yeah in the changing room I lanterned and I have been through the changing room together together yeah at the same time too changing together Seeing it because I love it oh that’s why you don’t exit okay but I will give you a smooch for a paper oh I must go to the onset no smooches anything here ever I don’t know is this the onset yeah what I’ll give you a smooch for a paper

There no thank you it’s like a little fairy yay yeah where’s the Onsen here here on this side oh you’re gonna see something funny yeah I can’t get in you have to go through the front door where’s the iPhone oh cute please if you just went through the entrance

Yeah where the other way I don’t see an entrance [Laughter] wait no yay I haven’t seen Lantern and why should I haven’t seen lanterns at all I saw Lantern earlier I also saw a a Twilight Trixie yeah soccer actually in the first house I was in the one found some papers

Which helps us house you were in yes and then diagonal which take me there I saw that something in your Barrel or on the wall oh you have to find well I I haven’t cooked the cookie as a shield how do I oh that one

Like the rest of us that sort of a [ __ ] wait why are you cheating Kazuki what you telling people you made it across the village so much faster cheating I think some people found it yeah but I don’t think I came up here because I didn’t realize there were stairs

Oh no yeah I’ve been up here oh I see one you like you look what I I just took the item frame that’s it but I still see one here yes I do give us a hidden point but me something because you won’t understand I already told you I see it so

See it oh keeps looking up but like there’s nothing up there but it’s healing you can just break the item frames by the way you can just Break Stuff the item frames not the not stuff the item frames of the papers in it Kazuki already found it

What I didn’t oh you didn’t take it yeah I didn’t oh you didn’t pick up oh it’s out here they got teleported out here I found it I knew exactly where it was there’s a paper outside I think he’s just cool that’s everyone yes yeah I think I found everything it’s just

A large thing someone really did steal my paper flee I don’t know who No Stealing papers in the lodge only in the lodge foreign [Laughter] thank you so me I’m taking yours maybe I saw it’s her no it’s not me but I know who it was but I feel nervous just like kind of going to say it yeah it was hard to keep wasn’t it no wait I’ll I’ll tell Bowie because I I feel bad

I Earth that paper it was like a single Paper I’m gonna soak in this quarter um hopefully I can hear a voice now made it oh yeah who took my paper who wants it how could you yeah I’m so sorry thank you that’s okay okay I know that you wouldn’t have taken

My paper you thought the sign oh where is it Yoshi place it what do I place it you gotta shift right click shift right click yeah okay that’s another sign someone really take your baby oh my God I can’t believe it really hungry that number should be 39.

Yeah you might be winning you monsters yeah [Laughter] well Kazuki 65. wow everything’s gonna be 100 200. yeah because we’re missing out there but he only got 58. oh why is there no papers in Kazuki it’s a barrel I’m holding it I’m supposed to put it in yes we need

The evidence to support your answer [Laughter] a man that number is not the community is 38 by the way it should say 39. oh are we supposed to write the number as well yes whoa how do I break it is break it whoa intercut 95. oh hey look there’s just 27 laying

Around in this Barrel no that’s me I have exactly 27 yeah before we get them yes yes it’s only a crime it’s not a crime when it happens to me I see you’re not losing by one okay I already told phooey who it was now

Or you can put 39 if you like because I don’t think there’s 328 here right now it’s good but you’re not losing by one so no but if I pull the thing I found 39. Lakers found 95 right I I went to the workshop and there was like a whole wall of barrels

Why would you do that why would you do that I didn’t even hide it every barrel okay it’s my loss so right now is looking at lanterns number one Kazuki is number two and Trixie is number three congratulations consolation prizes from the person who took mine from my box

Number one went to The Grudge of Harry until the end of my days him you’re so cool on your horn I think Kazuki will have this but here Kazuki he’s a dragon what dragon oh over it’s fun yeah it’s a spy class the horn makes me so happy and then consolation prizes Suspicious I have extra so if you guys number ones two then threes you can also drink if the stew that makes you blind oh yeah oh a little bit oh oh what oh um it’s like a different thing that’s what I look like when I’m using it 1999 yes

That’s cute you guys should try it hang on a minute I wanna try it yeah okay let’s try it it’s so cute oh my God it’s so zoomed in I’m close it’s still one more game if you guys wanted to try yeah oh yeah there’s the leafy thing in the snowball game

Oh I asked America hit the Merry-Go-Round before it’s the same it’s the same oh wait it’s broken I fell enough to get try it find out who took my favorite they will pay for it I’m gonna do it manually it wasn’t broken before there oh my gosh guys look you can spin

Your horse around too while you’re on it look we we’re stuck in the ground oh God yeah I’m trying to push the course oh my gosh so it really is a one-time music Merry Christmas why is it stuck it’s a very fragile merry-go-round I can’t go it’s a limited edition one

Time one use [Laughter] how do I go Kong you gotta push from the bottom you’re gonna put me it doesn’t I don’t know why like when I try to wear Yoshimi it put us to the bottom oh there we go oh oh it’s moving did I did I crash today no it’s like

This this house Mr E then boy oh my God these are beautiful which oh my gosh I made my horse stolen paper nice and memories I can’t it’s going too fast eat snowballs snowball horse abuser wow why can’t I get onto which I mean I just need to know who to make

My eternal mortal enemies there you go oh this is working nice you don’t want to work you’re inside it’s working Disney parks hmm okay I’m gonna try the game up here yeah let’s get up here okay let’s press the buttons for people button um 24 people can go in that once

Go in the game what is it so you take the snowball from the chest it can take nine stacks and then you have to hit the leaves to make the other person fall so when you’re walking on the leaves the leaves are gonna droop as well so you

Might fall so just keep jumping to make sure you don’t fall okay it’s like it’s like Fall Guys yeah yeah it’s full guys [Laughter] but no one else was in here how did I fall because the leaves fall automatically stop there go they weren’t even they didn’t even care about me make sure you’re hitting the leaves not the people because it doesn’t affect people there’s no box doesn’t affect people yeah there’s no balls

All right let’s go [Laughter] she probably feels so good it’s July a king of the hill kind of match what do you mean you’re the one that survives just stay inside okay sure foreign no I dropped before Yoshi went down slowly like Titanic oh Kazuki is just like

Look at him he’s like what cutting me a spawn camping we’re gonna run out of snowballs oh that’s how you win that’s how endless is gonna win right now oh my God oh hello hello oh no okay I’m Betty completely okay what about you same thing oh god oh yay

I feel like you just need to focus on staying up here you don’t have to try and get the other person to go down you know what I mean goodbye Lancers you need to keep moving you can’t control it around you gotta keep moving control to run you’re not gonna try

I want to try but I need this one to be um hello I’m stuck I love you I’ll get it I’m gonna eat some popcorn while I probably watch you guys I’m out I lived [ __ ] I want chips chips where is Tia it’s me you’re just Kazuki what oh you guys are just walking all of them sorry survive good laughs [Laughter] I’m attacking From Below [Laughter] We had to get rid of him going in he wasn’t he wasn’t doing too much okay let’s go in less make the entrance but yeah what are you doing the entrance you’re ready no I’m not yes you are no I’m not you have no evidence

Oh that was not me that was not me sure it wasn’t eat my cookies no no no no no no no no no oh my God Trixie wallet cheater cheater cheating cheater cheats thing I didn’t do that it was not me that’s not I ran off that one once I

Swear that was not me I’m looking for lantern he’s been up there for too long ah Eat this guys it’s Atlanta and he’s been in there for too long nice you got me I need to get more ammunition I use your strategy have you had your film besides you works really well if double that’s not me it was a snowball fighting all bikini I’m ready he’s at the merry-go-round

She’s inside hey yes yay I almost give her a hug o so cute yeah in the water okay look at the celebrity this is so cute oh oh goodbye she’s gone to her natural habitat and can you not hear us I can I can I was just new to it wait I can

Hear you two Kia hooray Oh my horn was my horn oh the Horn of Victory go take pictures yes Picture Time picture time get out get out out of my life wait I want to go get my stuff I left my things up here is it good I’m eating where is surprise hey look at this giant

R I made the giant R for River on the tree at the top proud I worked very hard on my r I could change it to a k though because you weren’t here if you wanted and then it could be a key a h maybe over here I don’t know where’s a

Good spot right up in front of the arc up good you picked a good spot I think this place is good right yeah I think over here is good I feel bad for the horses yeah I’m so tall don’t people get to the back Lulu by your outfit’s really nice

Thank you I it’s for the Summer Festival and I never took it off oh yes yes it’s summer somewhere I’m not wearing the kimono that she made me right now though I should have changed my outfit for today but who’s taking the pictures gather up gotta take a picture actually

Actually oh God okay I might get dark mode yeah it’s okay wait wait which were you facing this way There’s a warning one and a night one oops sorry sorry I was like let me turn it all right I’m just trying to angle reverse them next to me oh I guess I could do that too I am standing next to you who is who is where what anyway

What are we all looking at yeah we’re in third person Direction so we can take a picture I have no idea are we all crotchy this looks so cute River look where I’m looking at we taking a picture the cheese Foreign you do it I’m asking okay yes nighttime nighttime so pretty I’ll eat it suspicious stew and then it’ll look like night time for me how did you imagine night time Magic because he a is God I mean who is God oh really cheese cheese all good you’re so cute

We’re like waiting for the okay I think we’re good okay It’ll work everyone and good luck a good work to keep um thank you so much for putting such a wonderful wonderful Village it’s so cool thank you [Applause] for inviting me again thank you for coming and just this way the person knows who took my paper I know who you are yeah

Yeah yeah yeah there’s only one person saying yeah yeah yeah I’d like to help I’d like to help up with setup for the next event yes and I will take my Vengeance at that time that would be just more abusive it’ll be worse than my maze

I hope you guys would like to do this why don’t we go to the mix that’s amazing it’s snowing again this isn’t me stop being mean for the Summer Festival if you want to try I mean don’t do it just possibly teleport to everybody oh true

I aged 10 years doing that maze oh I made it brighter now so it’s light inside I actually went yeah because I went through it by accident I was like oh it’s bright again I could see actually because I paid my graphics card I was like dude updating my graphics

Card let me see what the maze was supposed to look like why couldn’t I see anything when I was in there uh I gotta go and continue with my 24 hour stream I feel so much fun to be able to hang out this special day with

You guys I’ll see you guys all later Huggies she’s dead to me wow all right uh with that I think that I’m gonna jump out too but I had so much fun thank you for coming yeah please invite me to the next one bye [Applause] next time you will hate in the list

All right the event’s pretty much we can you guys can stay still if you want to you can would you like to try out the makeup you I think I might get motion I think I think I’m gonna head off first as well okay okay thank you so much for inviting me bye

And this didn’t finish Amigas last time right because you’re stuck yeah I was I was teleported out to me oh yeah do you guys would you guys like to try or would you guys I would like to try putting on her armor to try oh yeah oh don’t eat okay try the maze

I’m sure I’ll try the maze I think you’ll solve it first try I think so really bad with Direction you see I made it but I did not stop it [Applause] because we cannot take the train though yeah we’ve got a right close by each

Other so we can kill each other oh yeah Just Launch get this way back inside that halfway okay I’ll I’ll write I put one here one here oh we have so much it’s a train it’s a train okay oh okay oh go go go go go go oh okay let’s go

I can kind up your Trixie foreign [Laughter] I can barely hear Trixie yeah I can barely here that means I can’t even hear Kazuki far away nobody but yeah I’m balling take a nature okay what do people talk about on train rides they don’t talk they just use their phones oh sorry that sounded very introvert of me I’m sorry

Is that what we’re doing right now pull out my old phone then foreign it’s too it’s too quiet I can’t take it and this are you introvert or extrovert uh introvert have you done the mbti test before uh infp oh do you remember how much percent did you got for like introvert

I think 80 over percent no worries I got 98. oh my God you are the true introvert man that’s exactly 98. I jokingly guessed 99 and she was like wow that’s basically he was making fun of me on my introvertedness I wasn’t making fun of you I was laughing at me in awe

That’s why we are all here I I think so I think she’s probably right she says she’s introverted what I don’t know you can can answer after she comes back from her nature break yes what was the what was your favorite thing you made I mean I like all the houses I made

That game was a lot of fun I feel kind of bad that I found the whole wall weren’t you a Trixie or did you go there alone I went there by myself and I went down into the that little place and I just saw this entire wall made of barrels

I think the later houses that I made I put like a bunch of barrels to to hide this stuff thank you oh my God my inventory is a mess when I first wrote this thing oh yeah when I first wrote this I was actually like freaking out because I

Noticed that you actually saw spiraled the glass and the red color to make it like candy cane and I was like are you serious what that’s insane that is that’s incredible where I didn’t I didn’t do that to the train I think oh to like the station ah yeah yeah

It would make Kazuki how are you what what how did you because I have behind you sorry I saw it go down your reflexes are insane and I was I was saying I wanted to build this and then Kazuki was like impossible I’m saying it was impossible and he just

Bit like man yeah he put Like a Block Breaker and then help me like because I made the design already so he just continued it for me how long were we I don’t know because it would keep two two to three weeks maybe or like a month I don’t know

Because we are working on The Village at the same time as this is Oh in this is a question for all introverts for you you stand in the middle of a party or do you stand in a corner [Laughter] in the corner right yeah wait actually I mean where would you stand that intern did you answer this I don’t stand in the mid I don’t I

Think you have uh standing in the middle means like dancing probably I I’m with people but I’m not like standing directly in the middle of the room I’m not I’m not saying you’re gonna be standing there without people around you I mean you can stand in the middle

And just not do anything as well yeah yes but that’s I don’t think that’s an extrovert uh attitude you sit with a dog that’s a house party but well being an introvert if you went to a party and you saw someone you knew there would you go up to them

Yes because I feel safe depends if they are not occupied I will if they are there oh true like if they’re like if they have a friend there and then I’m like the third one I’m like oh yeah especially if you go to the person hi hi oh oh nightmares

So if there’s two you can’t go because you can’t be the third yeah you’ll be okay yeah here we are okay yeah like even after you approach your friend you just end up being quiet yeah you’ll be like standing kind of like behind the other person they just listen to them talk or

Something no I’m sorry they so they standing facing each other and then you join and then you make like a triangle so you’re crazy you’ll be the third wheel you see think about it what if oh hi conversation [Laughter] to be to feel included let’s go I’m playing Christmas music but there’s

Gonna be like a horror maze nope I’m swimming sorry I love them what something happened to the water here sound different underwater nope if I do happen to get lost is there a way to give me to find me yes if I’m not inside is it down here yes

What did you guys swim control oh Okay so go through go through it one by one or else you’re gonna die so oh oh just run through it run through lava yeah thirsty I’m scared run control okay um I’m running okay oh something happened I need my arm no you don’t cheating cheating this Ryan let’s go solve it

Wait okay stop what this is amazing huh yeah this is this is this is a dead end there’s like two different parts what what oh oh oh yes dude yes hello okay no I just I thought like I didn’t I just I never mind [Laughter]

I just didn’t see it like no no no um I turned off a lot of the highlights and everything so everything looks very flat um yeah because I I cannot play with all the effects my computer will like so I turned off a lot of the shading and everything

Oh the entrance so far is that Lantern yes that is where is she Lantern sleep Kian was like Trixie beatboxing this is for Yuna Kazuki why what do you mean why I’m sorry for seeing you no I don’t know okay are you really what do you mean you don’t know

You think I remember yeah oh you’re incorrect oh my God free oh my God oh my God oh my God why are you following me why did you even make this well you see she Beauty from the top that’s so easy like it yeah I just I installed the floor first it’s fun

Oh Shannon had fun apparently do you think he actually had fun maybe he was just patronizing you maybe maybe he was just being nice if this is a flick this brings me back to the end though to go away mining Oh my God I don’t know oh man oh my God would you why would you make the path so long just to really did it to make you guys despair you should make the the Hogwarts the Harry Potter mace I’ll pick it up Where am I where are you I have no idea you can’t answer so far away am I very far away oh I see your name tag but on the other side oh yeah I saw I saw Kazuki hey like probably like one two one oh does someone leave it there it’s

Probably like River or oh that’s not a sign that’s just messing up wait there’s another one here that’s just messing up hello I messed up you messed it up you were messed up thank you I knew it I knew I knew you’re gonna see it thank you

It’s okay if we continue our earlier conversation about introverts we’re in range as long as we’re gonna reach right friend there’s more friends with the other friend and then I’ll be the third one and I’ll be like awkward you know why you just yeah but it’s like awkwardly tending

Like being a third wheel in the company okay just just just not it’s like yeah yeah yeah so that’s awkward thank you for me it’s like the type of person you’re talking about is not what I’m thinking what do you mean type of person what what are you thinking

Like if if there’s two people who are both your friends and you see them then if they are your friends then they would include you in the conversation and it would be like an equal three equal ways two people how do I get to you guys uh not I’m not sure

Wait have you never had a conversation with two other people no no well I was thinking of [Laughter] um well I was thinking of was like one please never thought before like one person is my friend and the other person is my friend’s friend that I haven’t met before oh

I would want to meet that friend you’re the same way too right yeah of course I wanted to be true through Trixie of course sometimes it’s just yeah what next thing you eat like those two those two are like best friends and you’re not really your best friends are so close Justice

It’s also interesting that when I put that scenario that’s the first thing that came into into your mind I think I think that really describes me yeah but I feel like that’s that’s usually the case uh in a party okay you see I think okay in the C Mutual in this

Like you’ll see like one beautiful and one stranger and it’s introverts that’s where we thought of the situation you immediately put yourself in the awkward positions I just think the devil’s obligated applicator in the in this missionary it what in missionary no no it’s not itinerary

Sorry um I mispronounced words a lot and I mispronounced this word yesterday okay I was trying to remember oh oh yeah oh no I was just walking damn I thought I was going I honestly thought I was going backwards and I thought this was the entrance oh yeah because of the

Fire sounds yeah hi I want to go out but also I’ll get lost I’m just gonna stand here we gotta we gotta go help them with everything well if we stand here they can see our name tags don’t worry we’re the farthest theme text which way I think that’s a bad idea

Your big brain to memorize the map I I can’t I can’t do that I am I’m not preparing right now you know let’s just put one pop and I forget the other part last time he used torches I didn’t yes you did you’re like did I put a torch here I

Mean there’s a dead end so don’t go in here oh oh [Laughter] you can literally watch the Stream I did that was the tour right there literally yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s really itinerary there I well I I tune in itinerary oh no I’m lost now

Why are you following me don’t follow me and complain okay [Laughter] swallow Lantern wait did did you guys lose me foreign Wait is it okay if we try to help them yeah if I’m back I don’t know I don’t remember what the key is and again one key to drop something oh cute oh is that cheating yes okay I won’t do it because last time and try to help them

The old fashioned don’t you you put torches Maybe it’s too hot without you here you get lost even trying to go to that if you’re in if you’re at a party and you’re sitting standing sitting in the corner then they go sitting what are you

Feeling in that moment man I want to go home [Laughter] even if it was a party with us oh okay you see this amount of people is not a party this amount of people would be like a gathering what if you saw Trixie at the party would you go say hi there yeah

I’d say hi to you too but then if Trixie had like a friend with her who was like her best friend her closest friend and I just stand there I want to go home really I feel like I feel like you would try to stand in her in her face her

Inner peripherals so she sees you because you know she’ll say hi to you okay you’re correct I’ll seek you out you don’t have to stand anywhere you see like if if I saw Trixie talking to a friend like she seems like really close of her other

Friends and then I don’t know how to say hi right so I will like stand kind of near here I’ll be like like in her is it sweet in her vision but you’ll also act like you didn’t see her yeah no no I wouldn’t why the straight life to find it right I

Don’t know I wouldn’t act like I didn’t see her foreign about this wait very sweet one of Trixie was best friends with an itu guy which is to talk to no no she wouldn’t be friends with it guy that’s why here’s thorns okay this is not this is not the way

Oh my God that’s it why you keep going like oh my God wait why are you doing because leading me to the wrong way you’re the one following me oh no I’m following Lantern I’m getting confused oh Trixie are you at the end I don’t know oh then I guess your touch

Oh I see I’m not I’m not I’m definitely not out yet I’m just uh searching okay yeah I accidentally went back to the start no I think that’s the end no no like at the Run no no that’s a different place and this is the end not just the end yeah oh no

This don’t know just now I went back to the run here and then I got burnt again yeah oh I made it yeah I made it hey yay it’s the middle of night why did you suggest this way what’s wrong Oh finally out oh sound like you’re suffered that was kind of fun though oh really well done yeah it was so good with the jump scares and stuff guys did it again yeah it was a Kazuki made there okay oh yeah there’s one that doesn’t

Work right the arch I I remove all the prices anyway oh yeah but the points the lighting up works but I tried it and then oh I can’t believe how you would make something like this why engineering engineering Minecraft engineering it is insane belief oh I have so I have both animals

No it’s the highest score 15. yeah yeah you gotta right click here right actually thank you oh hey cookie on the next person oh my nose bye here eight eight is wrecked what’s up everybody okay can you get your try this back yeah it auto comes back ah 13. 115th is it how

How you gotta hit the Center thank you Kazuki what you asked how and I answered her you got 12. 00 Question on who oh Trixie trying to cheat oh he’s trying to cheat it’s it’s right here there’s no rules oh my gosh can you imagine standing right here and still getting 14. I can’t imagine oh Trixie are you extrovert introvert um it changes over time the last time I

Took it I was an extrovert with who you’re with when and what yeah situation would you be an introvert so if somebody more extroverted than me comes into the room their energy is too much for you uh no it’s just that like they’re already filling the room with so

Much energy if I add on it’ll get too energy but you see and then turns an extrovert I am an introvert what don’t lie 98 over here I can’t get 15. it’s rigged endless [Laughter] she’s making fun of us Lantern was an introvert wait I thought he was too he’s an

Extrovert oh yeah oh yeah all right what he said he’s an introvert oh I got 15. you need to shoot up in the middle how did you uh how did you uh make it such that you can like get the points uh you wanna see inside yeah yes tour oh there’s a door

Oh wow what the heck oh my goodness wow engineering wow yeah break one and everything you’re an engineer I thought you were a physicists is this just wait am I seeing us right is anybody outside is anybody outside can you help me see the skull yeah okay what’s the score 15. nice

Yay but now there’s an arrow inside oh you have to hack the system just oh you just shoot the two squares at the top of the four squares it’s not exactly in the middle ah yeah see raped that’s how carnivals work so you don’t get the best prices

Oh oh you know the the carnival game where you drop the hammer and then it goes up to 100. yeah I I got 100 the other day What did you get like what was the price I got I think like 600 tickets whoa what is that for actually what can you change with 600 yeah you can get like two candies no but how did you get the hundred oh I saw like this oh wait no I saw a

Tap lightly and I saw how much it went up by you mean you cheated when you use your physicist skills it’s what how was that cheating oh why are you hitting me I’m just also cheating I was just kidding my opinion and I can’t stay in my opinion

It’s like an opinion is blame you just accused me of cheating I think strategy this this girl listen no one else complains about me it was only you hey what I’m getting Spleef what is who’s gonna speak this game is grief I could put my eyeglass down it’s like the that game but

Yeah cool it’s like that leaf that Trip Lee Flame all your items hey oh my God I can’t come out yeah you can only death will free you Trixie are you not coming out oh wait I wanted to play okay did you leave all your stuff oh yeah

You go against you go oh I don’t want to play against Lantern no stop Lantern no don’t come in no do you stay away how do I fight it fighter he’s gone oh it’s not fair have you seen him play games inside inside he’s not allowed to come in

So who’s allowed to go in no sure let’s watch my butt let’s go let’s go is there no shovel here there is a shovel and watch you from above double night how do you win it so you have to shovel with the ice yeah and then the person drops into lava

So you’re gonna try and make the other person fall by shoveling the ice cream yeah should we shake first okay shake it how do we shake it Shake the butt yes you can hit me no sorry shake what oh you’re still wearing boots Trixie oh oh no it’s okay

Okay oh yeah that doesn’t matter even though I waste so many levels yes yeah okay are you ready I’m ready how do you dig oh my God how do you dig how do you dig right click I know that click is it yeah she didn’t set her spawn teleport her oh

Wait she’s that the Christmas Village yeah that’s the bed are you teleported yeah oh oh my God thank you so much my boots my boots are in the lava you can’t get it by anymore oh no yeah it’s okay I don’t need them anymore I don’t need them anymore

Okay oh I have the boat foreign oh you can fix the snow you gotta fix the snow oh you got it how how do you get out there I messed up yeah there’s a staircase there’s a stairs behind on the butt butt but no on the left are you inside

No I’m stuck under a glass oh no there’s a staircase on the other side Let’s play Let’s Play who’s next who’s next you decide where is that from and this is coming for you coming for you next morning wow wow do you just hear that Tracy Trixie who are you rooting for I’m bringing for free Girls Gotta stick together inside reversing who’s gonna be more introverted

Okay oh go on the signal um Okay going to signal okay Oh I thought it was gonna fall the introvers but Savage In fact 98 yeah I I was winning to begin with it’s okay our mind will increase later when I go to my wedding dinner oh my God don’t remind me I just went to a wedding dinner dinners did you have a great time sitting on the table and then getting my muscles

Yeah sitting on a table wait why are your muscles getting sore I want to know that too I just I I just sat at the table ate dinner like I eat okay let me tell you my the plan it was like ceremony and then I had cocktails and

Then we sat to eat dinner and then everyone was like dancing everything I was just waiting for a cake and then after the cake [Laughter] yeah that’s the salmon that’s the plan the cake wasn’t even good though it was it was good though the cake wasn’t good why were you telling me it

Was good when I feel like you’re there he’s trying to throw you off he’s trying to steal your 98 I am 99 oh okay okay well yeah I prove it let’s see what it is like 100 all right I think that would be a hot cross you

Will have a little bit of extra water anyway what the heck man ouch oh that that doesn’t look right I think that we should shoot him shoot with bows and arrows hmm whoa look at these guys we’re really going at it oh my God wait [Laughter]

Yeah bad Powers I shall not question in this way bumped me for hey why you have a cookie don’t be so angry I’m a Snickers you aren’t you when you’re hungry when I’m hungry well you’re just normal you mean he’s just normally aggressive [Laughter] I’m not trying to fight you it’s just

You know I realized that the winner doesn’t really win because they get stuck yeah yeah so suicide Lantern shakers yeah I think so too even though he’s the 100 go pull your stuff down don’t go straight in it means 100 extrovert versus 100 introvert that she is more powerful

If you think an introvert would be more powerful than extrovert [Laughter] this is so much easier to ride than on the glass on the eyes oh yeah on the ice yeah the ice was like horrible then yeah spinning out of control on the eyes same I was like heading to the walls

Oh my God I’m so sorry I can fix it oh I can’t I’m out why did you get out what are you happy and you’re setting this you sat in the boat together where did the glass go yeah did I break it yeah yeah oh no is this bad glass somewhere

Somebody have a bell a bell or a signal to start oh I have where’s the pool I do it too I’ll be right back oh oh you see inch wait extreme yeah I think it can be an extrovert 100 extra wait is scared okay I think he was he got spawned back in the Christmas Village foreign do the mpti test to see what kind of percentage he gets

Wait who won the who won the Kazuki uh Lantern Lantern Lantern one the extrovert one you don’t really see like a extreme exterior honestly I’m I’m kind of like an ambivert more like when I seem like one you you see like but then when we when you talk about situations like earlier

It does not seem like it oh Prince I just not wired the same when you get to a party what do you do parties if you see like a friend across the room would you go to your friend first or would you be like getting some

Drinks and then next slowly get your way through I mean do I know people here or I not know people here well if you’re an extrovert you are no people if I know people then I immediately like as soon as I get there I say hi to everybody how would you do

A lot of people say it the same way you’re both like who does that you’re so weird I think I think that like I used to do that but then as I got older I got like more and more easy tired so then I wouldn’t

Yeah as I got older like when I was very young I would go into the room and start greeting everybody but then as I got older morning yeah oh my God I can’t do that as I got as I got older I just sort of like I just

Said hi to like one or two people and then I just sat down or like stayed in a corner you know every time I go into office like everyone’s going in the office good morning and I’m just like all right good morning hi if I make eye

Contact like oh good morning I don’t want to say hi I just I don’t say bye I don’t say hi everybody I will wave I’m like from far away I’m like like that I don’t want to be like rude to my co-workers because they say hi so

I I feel pressured to say hi to [Laughter] you why you keep breaking it what what foreign oh actually where is it [Laughter] don’t be angry eat a carrot oh that was you it wasn’t matching you know there was a white glass today to fix it you know foreign

Will make like a sculpture but we were like no I hate it doesn’t match it doesn’t match I think rigorous doesn’t match the most it’s out of bounds oh I think there should be still fish oh does the chicken keep right okay [Laughter] thank you Disney I feel like we’re we don’t want to attend yep and I can’t end the stream I don’t want to end there’s a chicken again probably doesn’t work but fishing does oh my god oh you don’t need a ride you use a bucket yeah there’s buckets a

Bucket in the chest here how about you in there Trixie did you take a bucket I did but how are you breathing I’m not breathing oh how do I get down a little bit you need to what can do it there are no fish here Ohio good morning good morning I got one whoa how are you damn this is hard okay good oh my God this is animal cruelty it’s not um you you just have to close one eye what do I do with the fish okay I want an arrow I wanna most extreme levels of animal cruelty

I don’t know what you’re talking about oh [ __ ] oh no where’s the lava I saw your diamond I saw his diamond armor uh it’s okay we can buy it go poop no I didn’t realize there was lava in there it’s fine the armor you can get back yeah

Why is it not going anymore oh you need to press the button here press the button where yeah hey why are you talking like I stole it from you okay don’t take it hey sorry you took my other chest by mistake can I have it back pull it like that yeah

Okay I got one okay you don’t know how to be polite kid hey what beat him up oh Trixie says so can’t be helped you know child abuse child of your child you called me a kid okay Uh uh what does that sound oh you you wow wow why are you crazy I’m not Clara’s saying oh my God shut up what the hell oh did you see that I was standing there it’s been it’s been to fall when you kill one it’s fun foreign

I I do not know that reference but I’m guessing it’s Naruto if you watch One Piece you should know Naruto why is that the same thing it’s the same thing because they are the big trees Well I know about Naruto but I didn’t really watch it Anymore foreign Which is surprising because I’m an introvert you know so what do you do she does nothing she doesn’t mind watches she lives vicariously off of Korean variety shoes oh like those what two days one night Running Man how You have to land stop it I do how do I put it shift and then click wait why does it break oh when you make it hang up how did you guys get up there jump jump who is pushing me uh what oh no where’s lanterns oh my gosh

Oh you can run oh my wow oh this one’s did I just double down ow I saw that Beat him beat him oh my God oh my God I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean it I tried to freeze bow and arrow you’re welcome what do you mean you’re at home shut up [Laughter] you’re welcome shut up I remember tuning in for the the one

Where you guys went deep exploring and the first thing that I saw was we uh set because we can fire what why did that happen oh he hit you and then you hit him back and then he ended up being on fire all right already no

He’s just trying to get your get your sympathy for nothing you know I think so too yeah it’s okay I wasn’t trying to get your love Oh where’d it go I don’t know English saw an arrow into the sky we’re trying to look for it let’s see what that kills one of us it’s gone I think that does happen wait it just despawns oh yeah it’s coming down really oh no it’s here I heard it it’s

Behind me yeah but it’s a fire arrow though right so it was easier to see I think I don’t think these both fires fire arrow yeah mine does then why is it Okay jump into the lava lava all the fish why are you so many bullied oh I don’t

Know this was only one bully you you are the you are the prime building and you just blame others when did I even how do you put it out what do you mean when they’re hitting how do you put out the it just goes out by itself eventually oh I know Thank you okay where’d it go oh no I thought I picked it at the time oh wait you’re holding it it’s not dead um it’s dead oh no [Laughter] give me give me I put a pie in the bucket and nobody will know thank you yes

Oh it won’t go into the bucket oh no yeah because it’s dead I’m gonna try and put it back in the water um it’s dead it’s just moving no I gotta take it out no I don’t wanna live with that fish inside so sad laughs

Oh I might as well eat it now oh no I have a stone button where did it come from probably on the floor yeah yeah yeah it’s just it’s still fireworks there’s one more yeah that’s a lot of fun Kabuki fireworks I love Fireworks oh

Well I shall just put on the floor let me put it here oh as in it’s not like a functional button yeah it’s just like a decoration is this song wait three tricks yeah I’m running but I don’t know why I’m always so sweet it has control I was pressing Ctrl um

Happy New Year it’s Merry Christmas first Christmas happy New Year must happy Lunar New Year how did you make it into a star um you need like different ingredients for the fireworks I made it full screen so I can see Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Christmas New Year

‘s it but you see that you don’t hate spending time with people guys this sure seems like because we’re not hating it or they’re not hating it I think you’ll like it I said is it the first time I said it I said I liked it and when it

And then it transformed into I don’t mind it and then you said I don’t hate it I I think I like it yes I think it’s so she wants to hate people no I want to like people not to like spending time with people well I don’t want to spending time with

Like small groups it’s just like all right parties oh who shot the arrow in this I’m gonna land on the roof and it’s gonna get stuck there I didn’t disappear after only five minutes the first time the pillow just attacked me I didn’t know that like the I thought

That I was dodging and then I clicked e and then I saw my entire body riddled with it and I was like oh I got so angry after that I was like for what reason like I didn’t even building my house no well I just realized it’s not in the

Sky it’s just yeah because you put the water why is it coming it’s coming from the shrine yeah oh my God when does it end I have to end up manually oh does it not take like gunpowder or something it does I made a bunch what’s this is upstairs

How did you get up there is parkouring I’m just right here what are you talking about how did you I saw your name tag up in the how did you saw you no I was beside you what are you talking about what in the time Turner you guys later

Okay I don’t hate spending time okay how would you start your opinion huh how do you start a sentence of your opinion you say I think I think I like spending time with people nobody would say that what I mean you gotta think about whether you

Like it or not I’m stating my opinion let me see I if I start a sentencing I think you doubt it um it sounds like you’re unserved probably allowed to pee in here I can’t yeah I think supposed to be like stating an opinion yeah get it Helena make her

Suffer okay if if you like a show and you said I think I like that show that doesn’t mean you like that if you like the show you would say you like this show I think I like it kind of yeah you get to her get to her I’m just

Not I’m just not good at English um I see so you love sports spending time with people yes she doesn’t want to admit it that’s why I do I have an exciting people this is like after this and last call up if we ever competition again if I didn’t like spending time with

People I wouldn’t be collabing I wouldn’t be making these events with everyone yep that’s true you get one point one point I’m drinking water listen sometimes people misspeak I think it should be I can’t think of the word Redemption yeah there should be a Redemption What are you talking about I’ve been I was trying I couldn’t find a way up I’ve been here with you I don’t know what you mean I literally saw you fall from the sky like a fallen angel can you please show me how you got up there I fell from

Here I jumped like this you fell from here yeah no here yeah that’s what I said no he uh yeah we’re interested go boss the buttons oh no just no I don’t think he got hit how did you get up there oh my goodness because if you use the ender pearl

But what about that how did Lantern do it it wasn’t enough gas like I think I was up there yeah guess what gate keep girl boss yes like where is that from I think it is it’s just from some I don’t know there’s another one that’s four guys I think it’s

Number one yeah I made it up I can’t remember what I said why what I typed I treated it I think trying to spread your agenda man’s plane yeah oh yeah yeah man’s plane uh man’s bread not men’s credit thing like when people see their legs like super white or something men’s pain

Something and then the last one is male wife real life what is the new version of a Wi-Fi Fanboy but oh no no no you look like housewife male version yeah so a house husband no okay confused something real life he was like you I gotta eat

The fish chop after I think I think I think it’s manipulate man’s pain manipulate meal away ah perfect you started a new trend okay cute yes like a posting or is it male wife man’s plane means manipulate men’s plane mealwave would you like that as a partner yeah yeah [Laughter]

I’m the male wife and then I I’m finding a girl boss you know so you’re the male wife explained manipulator that that sounds like a lot of conflict what do you mean uh it’s like two uh opposite Okay Keith Austin yeah and that’s not opposite Oh this is the pier that we took the photo operator photo picture ah okay I need to I’ll have to go soon I need to go prepare out I think I’ll end the stream here thank you guys for playing with me thank you guys for watching thank you guys

Thank you guys for playing with me yeah only for me because I love playing with people I love being with people oh thank you Yes thank you for having us thank you for all the hard work that we’ve seen you guys put in over the past couple of months it’s amazing thank you thank you bye bye please viewers Foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】🎄 merry christmas event!! 🎄【EN/JP/KR OK | VTuber】’, was uploaded by Fui on 2022-12-18 08:58:51. It has garnered 112 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:34 or 12754 seconds.

With: Fuyuno Kazuki / Classical Quantum 🥽 @FuyunoKazuki https://twitter.com/fuyunokazuki

Lulubelle 🎀🔔 @lulubelleVT https://twitter.com/lulubelleVT

Indlus https://www.twitch.tv/indlus https://twitter.com/Indlus_

Trixie Twlight https://www.twitch.tv/trixietwilight https://twitter.com/trixietwilight_

Lantern Lockhart https://www.twitch.tv/lanternlockhart https://twitter.com/lanternlockhart

Yoooshimi @Yoooshimi https://www.twitch.tv/yoooshimi https://twitter.com/Yooo_shimi

River https://www.twitch.tv/roughworks https://twitter.com/Riverthedancer

💖special thanks💖 Kie 🗝🍂 @KieSeason https://twitter.com/kieseason

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    Day 2: Pillar Chaos - 1K Days in Better Minecraft Day 2 – Mixed Pillars Galore – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with our dedicated player as they craft their way through 1,000 days of adventure. On Day 2, our builder focuses on creating stunning pillars to enhance their virtual abode. Materials Used: Echo Log Maple Log Acacia Log Purple Terracotta Bricks Purple Terracotta With a mix of logs and terracotta, our player is set to transform their house into a masterpiece. The choice of materials adds depth and character to the structure, making it stand out in… Read More

  • 100 Minecraft Builds Blitz

    100 Minecraft Builds Blitz 100 Minecraft Builds in 100 Minutes Embark on a whirlwind adventure through the world of Minecraft as Minecrafter Joe takes on the challenge of creating 100 unique builds in just 100 minutes. From whimsical structures to functional Redstone contraptions, each square tells a story of creativity and determination. A Creative Odyssey As the clock starts ticking, Minecrafter Joe dives headfirst into the challenge. The journey begins with a copper goblet and swiftly transitions to a peaceful forest, an archery range, and a mini ancient city. Each build unfolds with its own quirks and surprises, from failed bed traps to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above

    Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above The Latest Minecraft News: Updates and Film Production For all Minecraft enthusiasts out there, staying updated on the latest news, updates, and film production in the Minecraft universe is essential. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and explore the recent developments. Updates and Features One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the constant updates and new features that keep the game fresh and engaging. From new biomes and mobs to gameplay enhancements, Minecraft players always have something to look forward to. Recent Updates: The latest updates have introduced new blocks, items, and mechanics that add… Read More

  • Fueling Fun: Bamboo Farm for Endless Sun

    Fueling Fun: Bamboo Farm for Endless Sun In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I’m here to show you how to keep your furnaces alive. With a bamboo farm build, fuel will never be scarce, Watch me gather resources with speed and grace. Planning out the design, every block in its place, Constructing automation, a true Minecraft ace. Tips and tricks I share, to help you along, Optimizing fuel production, making you strong. Join me on this journey, in the world of blocks, Where creativity reigns, and we break the locks. Subscribe to my channel, for more Minecraft fun, Let’s play together, until the day… Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Finley the Sea Serpent in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal for Finley the Sea Serpent in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Finley The Sea Serpent Portal Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with UzeMing as he delves into the creation of the Finley The Sea Serpent portal from the Indigo Park game. This mythical creature, known for its dragon-like appearance, is a beloved character in the game. Materials Needed To construct this portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, yellow wall, and green wall. These materials will form the basis of the portal’s structure, creating a mystical gateway to the world of Finley. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials to craft a 4×5 portal…. Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

【Minecraft】🎄 merry christmas event!! 🎄【EN/JP/KR OK | VTuber】