【MINECRAFT】 Lets MINE! 『EN VTuber l Kaissics Walker』

Video Information

Hey ideally start of the stream with a scope [Laughter] anyway hello hello good morning good afternoon good evening depending on what times you’re in hello welcome to my stream um so uh um i was saying a little things of which is kind of a reason why i kind of

Started off late despite me hitting start streaming earlier but i don’t know why it just you know happened [Laughter] anyway i hope you all had a wonderful day uh welcome taku sticky ants and yoon welcome welcome to the stream hello i hope you had a really wonderful day uh

If it’s evening for you um i hope you have a wonderful night uh right now it’s currently 9 03 p.m for me personally so it’s night time um i haven’t been streaming for a day uh but it felt like i had stream for a day i didn’t stream yesterday but it is

Because of the way i have so much preparation to do which is technically one of the reasons why it felt like i’d even though i did not stream it felt like i did stream hello welcome to the stream i hope you had a lovely day um so today we are

Actually playing minecraft and actually after this minecraft stream i do have something really really epic but i i’m myself and the team honestly i’m just so glad i’m with i’m working with that team for my debut stream but i’m gonna and i i will be posting a twitter and then uh

Maybe somewhere later i will be posting on youtube shorts because it’s it’s just so amazing um i i’m just hyped sheriff you’re actually i was supposed to share with y’all like uh last night but i was like no no no i have to control myself because the day it’s supposed to be

Today i’m supposed to share with you today and um things happen and um some of you may have read my twitter where i was saying that uh i have a very one of the first event uh community event actually i think uh for the debut stream uh it’s just one of the many

Events that um i’m planning i have been playing quite quite a bit with an artist so the artist and i we will be collaborating for a project event which will be which will kind of like in order to win the prizes from the artists you have

To take your eyes use your eyes and inference skill and detect the skill to watch out for each and every teasers as well as the debut stream uh more details will be out actually today or tomorrow but um honestly it’s my first uh event uh community event so i’m pretty uh

Nervous and how until now but um myself and the artist work really hard to plan with this um so hopefully things will be okay i guess but um yeah anyway uh it’s just a small event where um i hope that it will be like the

Community can take part in it as well as people who are interested in it but yeah i saw your new dream guys what dream there’s no new dream you are talking about it’s all just teasers for a debut stream you know uh oh that’s nice oh i see some hidden

Stuff yes actually there will be a lot of hidden stuff coming out every teaser please know that every teaser every trailer i get for the debut stream is actually in relation to the events well technically the debut stream has the most hint don’t say that i didn’t

Tell you but on the w streams keep your eyes out keep your eyes on the lookout and look out for every single minor details from a debut stream um of course if you as a first come first serve whoever wins it first you know that means you’re having it

Anyway without further ado i’m gonna hop into minecraft shall we uh so let me quickly first uh mute my stuff uh let me quickly move over to spring i’m gonna quickly unmute this stuff um i will be using uh some audio like spotify audio to um play some music behind the background so

It won’t be too boring i guess um but uh today we’re playing minecraft what you’re looking at is actually part of my castle um i would bring it around the castle actually i’m planning to but it’s not fully done it’s not fully done but the exterior is pretty much done actually

It’s the interior that’s not fully done uh i’m just in the middle of making oh my god that lack uh i’m so in the middle making it uh please don’t mind me because i’ve been so distracted and not not distracted but just easy oh my god oh my god i can’t get in

Get in okay there we go i’ve been so busy with like the preparation for the debut stream i didn’t actually have enough time to work on my minecraft actually i’ve not hopped into minecraft for a particularly long time wait how do you participate um like i said uh all the details will be

Out tomorrow or tonight actually after the stream uh for the events but most probably tomorrow okay okay so uh i i built this wall this wall be away in a bit but um so i’m gonna show you um real quick uh what the castle look like hopefully there’s no monsters because it’s

Currently nighttime so uh this is oh if we go from before uh let me oh there’s pumpkins here one might not surprise hi zero welcome welcome to the stream hello hello welcome to this room um so this is how the exterior look like actually how you know it’s floating in air

Because i had to do some i had to build this first before i built the bottom but the bottom is actually where civilization along with here where civilization would look like but uh this is how it looks like on the exterior i’m sure you can see there’s doing some scuffles um

The scaffolds are still there because i’m not completely done with it but this is the main thing uh that’s going on for this whole place i think it’s pretty okay it’s pretty neat i guess um i’m not sure how i feel about it but it looks pretty neat in general i think

This is how the outside looks like uh this is on the the back end well not really a back end because i i up to now i still con uh different shade which is the front which is the back and this was caused by a creeper please don’t mind it

And then let me remove ah let me remove this okay uh i’m pretty new to minecraft because i i’m suckish at minecraft i have not i’ve only started minecraft not too long ago actually uh let me since in the meantime while we are here um should i put it here

You know what i have plenty to spare no no no i’m not gonna be wasteful i’m gonna just put on the tops there we go wait do people put it on the top out of the bottom i think people put it at the bottom right

Wait maybe i think i think people put it at the bottom not the top okay okay there we go i probably will do an extension port so that it will shelter it so that when it rains it doesn’t you know get affected so we are here we’re here to basically just uh build

And stuff like and chill um before uh the whole you know wait a second what the dream no i’m really scared please die please die please die hello hey mate bye is the creeper gone okay the creeper is gone so uh uh instead of tortures i clearly remember that uh

It was something else so let me hold that uh god wait what this what you have you got some tea is already got some tea I mean i have a tea i have tea right beside my table as well uh should we put here because we were supposed to put it here according to the original plan there we go uh well that looks nice thank you i worked really i think i spent like uh

Three days building this whole thing uh yeah i was not supposed to be addicted to this game but would you look at that would you look at that i’m i’m not addicted to this game to that level which is you know can you go to the nether i can’t but at

Least not right now because i kind of want to finish up this things here before i go to the nether i’m actually kind of afraid of the nether uh because oh my god [ __ ] hell nope oh well uh should i keep these torches should i or should i not

Nice what’s your opinion should i keep the torches should i put it like this way or hmm what do you think what do you think should i put the torches away make sure i put it like that and instead of the torches i put the lamp here would that be better

I got my new apple watch right and track sleep oh actually my watch i i do have a smart watch as well and it tracks sleep as well um tldr apparently i have 60 core 14 deep and 25 percent are a ram and one percent weight loss lawful four hour session it’s crazy

Oh my god that is i i don’t want to go there i genuinely do not want to go there uh kai if i don’t see a snowman i i’m a riot there’s no snowman there’s no snowman at this place what is that a zombie villagers oh it’s taco hello taco oh

What a con quantitative researcher of your own mode today uh snowman is cute i mean um i haven’t found a snowman yet so i don’t know i want to try to put them from behind well you mean this i mean i can let me be hello hello zombie

Oh by the way please let me know the audio house audio this uh i may or may not know it works like there’s a limit [Laughter] my grammar is so bad today now you’re you’re you’re fine you’re fine the camera is fine uh i’m thinking if okay this might sound really excessive

Not sal it looks excessive okay you know what you know what let’s just where’s my button we can have this here um and then we’ll have this here oh come on yeah there we go and uh we’ll have us here mate just shut up i don’t have time for you zombies it’s just

Yeah you’re gonna die in the zone anyway so stop you know calling you don’t have a right to call um kind of looks weird oh i have broken that break i was not supposed to break okay wait yeah let me put it back i’m i’m i’m curious does this work no okay

Unless this looks okay this looks better or does that look better chat do you want a pewter snowman i wanna but i i can’t wait wait not the lantern oh wait what oh but okay that’s okay i don’t know um does this look okay Or should i just you know leave the torches in what do you think chat what do you think i can’t decide which is a problem missing a snow rat i don’t have a snow run i i i think uh i think i i think in my opinion i think the

If i put the lamp on the the brake towels it looks better i don’t know Ah it’s hard to explain intact what thing that’s fine uh okay you know wrong wrong wrong okay there we go okay there we go probably gonna put it all here okay clearly i can’t put it there by the way i’m not in creative mode because this is not my server

I can’t go creative mode because the owner is not going to give me that crap if we have uh if if only i have the ability to do that i would wait wait what about the other one no okay it’s fine let’s find me let me find obsidia where’s my huh

Hang on a second hang on no hang on a second what huh wait huh what what i know hello okay where’s all my stuff that’s fine i can just buy them so apparently this server uh oh wrong one apparently server you get to oh i forgot to mute my phone again excuse me

All right okay uh put a beaker in it how what beacon wait wait we have a shop a beacon what us wait wait no no no wait what’s the beacon again wait wait what huh uh try to put three lap one space apart uh but i think it’s okay i guess make some

Halloween team i mean uh we can do that uh in a bit let me quickly uh fix this one and let me just quickly go short and then so so here’s the thing i have 41k and some stuff uh and this server is ridiculously expensive

If i like this no i don’t want to sell it i didn’t want to sell it when i sold it i was supposed to buy it it’s ridiculously expensive and not gonna lie but um sometimes i can’t be bordered to you know farm the iron sometimes so you know

You can make money from uh a specific set of items i guess but yeah okay okay chat what what what should we do today what what should we build today oh by the way do you want to see how my characters looks like let me quickly face out how do i

Oops i don’t know what no wait wait how how do i wait what was key oh there you go [Laughter] hello hello This is the skin that i made myself not the best not the best but hi hi chad [Laughter] Hello [Laughter] right that’s enough let me quickly put my armor back on and uh there we go beaut snowman snow rat and jack o’lanterns repressed pretty small accents okay wait i do not know a lot of things about minecraft because number one i’m new to it number two i i don’t know

But anyway uh that was the the the the back part this is the front part you can’t really see it unless you get out of here uh i don’t really know how to show it fine i’m still the missive oh by the way i have a few stuff here i’m still a mess

Of building things so uh that will explain why it’s pretty in the mess right now Let me put some stuff here we don’t need this yet we don’t need this uh yeah that seems fine okay okay we have this here i don’t need this with me okay we can sell some stuff let me quickly sell some stuff not the speech there we go sell it

What a certificate okay There we go gotta get to some show just in case uh yeah i think that’s pretty much i mean it’s me playing minecraft i mean i haven’t been playing oh yeah i have dog here i haven’t give a name attack oh drop down i haven’t gave a name attack to the doggy

I’ll probably name it one day but this is a a fireplace there’s also a fireplace there um like i said i’m still in the middle building this is why this cobblestone water is full and this is all full of love okay it’s not lava but it’s like magma

Bricks uh i was really trying to put water here but it just frees up the water because we are in the snow area so i just change it to you know this i want to put magma but i have to constantly go back and forth

To get the magma going and this is the site uh it’s not much okay i i believe even if we go up here we can’t move so oh wait wait what is glass tucker okay then why caught i have plenty of beaut [ __ ] uh i have plenty of beauty in my wait wait

What holy [ __ ] i totally forgot this one’s freaky we’re fine we’re fine uh let’s go inside and talk right so how i differentiate the front and the back is actually this one you can see there’s two lines here this is the front uh let’s start back

Let’s start with the right side yes the right side yeah i’ve not figured out what i want to do here yet but this is the room i’ve made a way to go upstairs this way let’s go up get up okay let’s go step back uh so okay this is kind of bordering me

I can’t see stuff let’s eat a bit uh okay so this floor i’m still in the middle of thinking what to do with this but this floor is pretty unique on this one because i create a stairway to go up to the parents why area close the door in my face

This is the terrace here oh oh oh wait i have to show you this now is the perfect time to show you this if i can make it in time no no no no no no no no no no no no no please please please give me the time okay there you go

We’re here we’re here okay so the best thing about my slide is you actually see both of this happening in real time you can see the sunset and sunrise on the other hand you can see the moon coming up so the place that i am in is the middle of both world

Where you can see both of it happening so that’s the magic about this place anyway oh oof anyway uh uh earlier like i said uh that’s the terence this terence goes from the front to all the way to the back uh technically the back to the front uh

Depending on whatever we want to think of it so this is the back area as you can see it connects to all the way to the other side which is how i move to the front so quickly see uh come on come on buster yeah this is the site at the front area

This is the front area it’s the front and then we have another level but instead of going this way i’m going to show it to you so um it’s actually from uh the other side uh let me go back come on i made this place so big

To the point it takes forever you go to one way to the other side okay so this is the entrance uh this is actually the second floor so there’s two ways uh this is directly going to the third floor this is the second way so this floor is a library on zone as

Well so it’s a library see you have a lot of books it’s a library and this library has a second floor by the way there’s a mirror where you see the shirt we the uh oh wait this is not to the second floor this is from uh the left side way up to

This floor anyway uh this so the third floor we have an extension of the library and from the library we can go up again so is it 2.5 i guess uh oh stop pulling though in front of my face this is to an empty room i have not

Decided what to do with that uh it’s not connected it’s like a separate area but this is the top floor going down this is the library section and then we have on the other end shall we go so this is a bit more uh different because it is a straight up

To the third floor and it’s it’s with metal gear so it’s another library section you could say uh with a window here you can see what’s going on um there’s this other window here okay no i forgot that it wasn’t so the this is a bit more tightly secure

So you actually can see the other side too the remember there’s a way from the second floor going up to 2.5 that door right there is literally the connection um and then we have to go up up we go and this is probably what you call a bedroom i guess

Oh no that’s like the office here so this is supposed to be office area i’m still in the middle making it uh so i get to you know go to the third level turns this is turrets the third level and then we have to our baker oh by the way

You can see all around so if you want to see events from here you can see all the way around So and then the top top floor is you know the bedroom where you can see everything oh technically and then here’s the secret area if you go here if you go here that’s a secret wine line wink wink that’s a secret line and if you bend down here this area this

Area is a secret place for ventilation yeah so that is the car oh no no no no no what does it say what i say let me out no oh my god let me out thank you so let us this room uh with that um i’m gonna show you another place

Don’t freak out city we’re gonna teleport This is a place that uh this yeah no money is freakier don’t mind this this is called this is bill uh given by our server owner this is bill if some of you don’t know who this bill is bill is what you call a uh what’s that what’s that uh warden in minecraft

If you know bill or if you know the warden in minecraft you know bill [Laughter] it’s friendly it’s just here but it’s annoying at the same time that’s a part to the nether we have we are still in the middle of making this uh light and ice were the ones that’s making this

Place uh we’re working on this uh we’re trying to make it a city but it’s kind of like um like attack on titan ish we’re supposed to make a two more high walls for protection but uh lanai has been really busy and we have not continued to work on it but the

Only thing i work on is the potato farm so it’s still growing it’s not fully done so um we are the the ridiculous thing about this thing is we have to plant this one by one but we can flash it out all together i’m not gonna do it because

Not all of them are fully grown yet um but there’s this so the moment we press on this it’s gonna flush everything out and then when you’re flashed out it will go um all the way here and then from here you have all your stuff and then well it comes to here yeah

That’s a that’s the new mob of this yeah the warden i i hate the water so much it’s so hard to kill it’s not just heart it will cute it’s like infinite mari welcome to shrimp hello hello it’s been a while since i’ve seen your minecraft mari come in

Oh my god it’s a roof now well if you call this glass panel roof because the glass panels are the one there’s not glass but the blocks of glass was done by me i guess i was filling it up as well and we have a spawner zone

An e or or what you call exp from uh it’s pretty slow but zombies came out comes out of it yeah it’s there you go they’re stuck so this is like uh for uh for us to get uh mending and then anything unrelated oh i didn’t okay i need that

Oh yeah big potato and carrots yo give me xp you’d be damn there we level 36 mate why are you stuck there so that’s it um there’s that so because uh i have a villa as well actually let me bring you all to the villa my uh the very first minecraft film i

Have wow this dude is still here there’s the villa uh it’s the villa that that’s light’s house uh it’s whoa i thought he flied it’s bombarded with dogs she was building a whole some kind of harem with the top fun fact it’s actually a minecraft a minecraft minecraft addict before i i

I mean i mean if you’re a minecraft headache you probably know more things than i do the only thing i know are the basics of minecraft um so this is the place we’re supposed to keep like uh animals here i guess but it never happened yellow house the reason why it’s called

Yellow house is because of the weeds all the weeds are here shall shall hit two this is like a disposal area with the lover um this is like uh outdoor terrance you call that and this is a lava pit that was naturally here but uh the reason why there are all this is

Because light tends to fall into lava all the time which is why this is technically a safety measure for light no one else and this is likes place there’s a bunch of uh there’s two picks and a bunch of dogs and houses upstairs yeah i wish i never deleted my process but okay

Yeah okay okay so my very first minecraft stream where i was building costco correct uh that server is this current server but it’s the old uh version of this server so all the progress were gone it was so gone to the point that um there’s pretty much nothing i can do about it

Okay uh my agenda for today’s if you have the holes oh so that because there’s this joke around which is my castle it’s a floating castle because of the terror we need to do terraforming basically because a lot of uh monsters get summoned here and we gotta do a lot of terraforming so

My agenda today is to terraform which is why i would need a [ __ ] ton a lot of dirt and uh surprise surprise i’ll be buying dirt the third so we’ll we’ll be buying a lot of turrets um you see one stack is 192. so this whole place i’ll be sure with third so

This is it so we are gonna fuel up here finally we’re gonna fill it up because i’ve been i’ve been having this castle for quite a while and i never actually built the bottom i was constantly building like the top ear so i never actually filled up the bottom

Which is a pain sometimes oh my god jesus because uh i i never actually did the proper terraforming which is probably the reason why it’s gonna take a long time and i never really had that time and i figured since i’m gonna stream minecraft why not uh stream me terribly

If that’s any of it interesting so we can you know ah that’s that yeah it is uh bye i got to go oh bye bye yoon i hope you have a lovely day ahead of you uh thank you for coming to the stream too bye bye

Uh millie hello welcome to the stream hi kai i’m sorry i’m late it’s so it’s all right thank you for coming to the stream i hope you i hope you had a lovely day or if it’s evening for you i hope you had a lovely day ahead of you

From earlier and hopefully you have a pleasant night tonight uh right let me quickly so today today we’re terraforming guys on minecraft the the most hot possibly the worst way to terraform i guess you could say okay the reason why it’s gonna be really hard is because

This is the most terrifying we have to do this is only one side if a lot of parts so i kind of regretted not terraforming my way up rather than like you know building it this way but at least because i built oh my god what is this wait what hello What is there something here and it keeps going what huh Wait what is this oh cool what is this place oh jesus well then i nearly got buried I want the coal give me all the coal there we go let’s leave here oh more all right almost got very live gravel right then what is this place wait it would take all the way down here i remember the big town i met in minecraft uh but

Something happened to that world and that i have to do there and restart oh no that sucks imagine the hours the effort you put oh my god the effort you put into building that whole town and it’s just go poof okay let’s continue this and that’s probably a small cave i don’t

Know it’s never been there before maybe someone came by and we’re digging through it i guess okay wait i might have to cut this tree down cut this tree down because it’s blocking okay i need to do a lot of terraforming right now don’t i the trees have to be be gone trees

Be gone off you go [Laughter] the horrible reality of terraforming Okay we’re just gonna have to find a way to perform it this way so that in a way we can terraform upwards i guess rather than you know from the bottom to the top because it’s gonna take forever wait am i even doing the right place

Thank you for the blocks i need them thank you thank you for the blocks i don’t need i don’t need you spruce i don’t need i don’t need more spoons uh wait how far did hello how far is it you know what you know what let’s just do it from here first uh

This one can go this way so i can terraform really fast if i want to if it was a flat ground it would be easier but because it’s not a flat ground it’s gonna be really hard to terraform like really really hard yep i was so sad but i just built a new

One again i mean sometimes you gotta lose some to gain something better right i don’t know if that works on this and but it seems like it it works oh my god the amount of pearl foaming i have to do how many how long will you reckon it would take me to finish

All this terraforming i reckon it’s gonna take me quite a while because the city that you saw earlier it why did i spend a couple of hours on it ah come on let me get in hours mari i mean oh speaking of [ __ ] mari mario martin have you finished yours

Have you finished yes you’re upside down in the sky our house thing this is when i need you mari i need you why are you here it’s not upside down i i mean it’s like in the air kind of thing not upside down sorry my bad didn’t matter that way

As it is on the in the air the one that is on top in the air that one how’d it go i kind of don’t want to get the spruce tree because i don’t need that but it doesn’t disappoint anytime soon so i’ll end up getting that i’m procrastinating mario’s been a while

Since i’ve seen you in the minecraft server honestly actually it’s been a while since i’ve seen anyone on this server because i’ve been so absent from minecraft i think i used to be like in the minecraft like maybe every two three days or so but because of ever since the debut stream

And stuff like that like preparation for it i’ve been away from minecraft well minecraft i was been away from this court pretty often so i was like suddenly really busy for no reason well i mean there’s work and stuff like that as well so it happens but

I guess oh yeah i just like it’s been a while since i popping and i was supposed to stream minecraft last week so you know and i and i kind of want to still stream minecraft while i still have this well i’m still using this png model because

This week could be the last week you’ll be able to see this png model at least for quite a while i i honestly i do feel kind of sad like i’ve gotten quite attached to my png model cause i don’t know it’s a mix filling all right it’s a mixed filling

Don’t mind it’s a mixed feeling but yeah that’s pretty much it um but yeah we can chat while we’re while i’m mining i kind of want to view a village like uh if i’m able to finish this whole part i kind of want to puke as spewed as civilization or something like

Okay not a civilization but like something like a a town or something like that you know something that i could play around with play around with that sounds like a worse way of saying it then you can’t play around with it I mean like you know um like you know watch over a bush or something like that oh i remember i still have a screenshot of my old town wait like is it like a town town that you meet hello redditor welcome to the stream welcome hello

I hope you had a lovely day uh how much did your v2 remodel cost uh which mother are you talking about if you’re talking of png one it’s actually free um i got it and you can read the description i have input uh what my v tuber my png model came from it’s

Actually a free website software that a lot of people can use uh if you’re starting off youtubing for the first time which i highly recommend you to use uh before you invest into any like invest any money in um or if you prefer like a more you know

Kind of like uh if you prefer more like um what what do you call that like something like uh something that you that like you can see that you’re moving because so my png mod oh my god what is attacking me my png model is kind of like uh based on

Reactive something like a reactive one but um so the only thing you can see on my png model is actually me moving my mouth that’s a lot of limitation but it’s pretty okay i guess oh wait yeah miss block oh no i don’t know mari where is it oh no wait hey worry

Mari uh but where was i uh so um if you want something free that you can use maybe like a 3d model a v-right is one of those that you could give it a try it’s um it’s kind of what was that what warsaw hello huh what was that huh

Wait mario you left um what the hell was that maureen what the hell was that i’m laughing typical mario taking care of you mate to become you every time you play minecraft you lack all the time mari what the hell Oh okay i know what what it is i know what it is now where is that stupid skeleton with enhancement though where is it mate you you are destroying my house mate stop freak you let me put out a fire real quick there you go mate i just freaking fixed that

What is wrong with you this is why to fill up the holes you know uh great now i can fill up the holes again i hear a spider i hear a spider no no no you’re not coming uh how about the debuting one um i actually can’t

Share anything about that because on the nda so i can’t really share with you how much that model cost but if you’re interested uh i think you could look around for uh okay so on average most uh live 2d models is about probably at least a thousand usd i guess

Because it really depends on the complexity of your model the design the if you have a design up or not but um minimum if you want to get a live 2d model not including regain not req including rigging it’s like a thousand ish but if we were to include rigging and

Stuff like that it would cost way more i guess so it really depends uh maybe someone in this potion trolling no no there’s no one there’s actually no one that ha that does that on the server unless you’re like uh the uh owner of this server which uh i do know him

And he likes to pull pranks all the time which is why i don’t trust him sometimes but he’s a really nice owner that’s ever mari why are you constantly going in now mate you’re constantly going in and out of the server well finally [Laughter] don’t talk to me why

Uh caught me some sacrifice [Laughter] this is this is why uh griefers guys this is why the skeleton i have to because of the skeleton i have to you know build this stuff to make sure that nothing like no no mobs get spawned here otherwise it’s going to be really boresome

It’s not just foursome it’s it’s just gonna be problematic uh shy really wish 3k um honestly if i’m gonna be honest 3k if we’re talking about just the model 3k is like uh depending on what kind you you’re getting but 3k is pretty expensive but at the same time average it it’s

There’s a huge um difference i guess but i believe shy willy has like uh a design on his own already so i i don’t know if shy we start off with like no design but just a concept like just text then that would explain a lot why it

Would cost more because most of the time if they have like the artists to you know help you to design the character based on the text that you have then it only costs a lot more Uh rap yes reptiles yeah he’s a troller he tends to troll so much like okay remember bill the the bill and mine in the city that uh light and i was building bill that walden that is named bill is actually wait who’s outside Up mari i see i see you mari uh bill is actually one of uh red pike’s throw the other villager that’s actually in my villa it’s also done by reptile i believe you already saw this line wrapped up was here that’s fine that’s proof that he was there mari mari hi hello hi

[Laughter] what’s that about worry [Laughter] are you trolling me oh it’s so dark uh but uh reptile summons a fool netherride zombie called to see with with hundred hearts it’s crazy yeah he has done that before he has done it before and i died from it like i don’t know how many times

I was like so sick and tired i was like rap died i was generally like what the hell mate wait they’re just here wait was that never man buying more look this is what i mean but i have to constantly buy dirt because we don’t have enough we’re doing terraforming and

The one thing you need a lot is dirt and then when you don’t need it you don’t need it there you go it’s crazy after terraforming i’ll try to maybe build a village or a town or something uh hopefully hopefully but i don’t think i’ll be able to finish doing that in

This stream considering this thing filling up the terraforming part is going to take quite a bit of uh time and i i don’t i don’t know a better way than this to terraform because what i’m doing this matter is tedious af because and that’s also the the the the way that

I did with light i can hear mario upstairs this was the way how light and i view the base form of the place ah i don’t know what’s going on stairs i’m mari is that you one probably just me ah but how long do you reckon i can finish

Terraforming maureen say here she reckons that uh i would take eight hours i know i ain’t got eight hours to spare to stream because after this stream i will have to work on the debut stream stuff which is there’s still quite a a ton to why are you sent you my

What are you doing upstairs mario what are you doing upstairs what what are you doing upstairs bruh stalking okay it’s too dark i’ll be lazy filling that up that area let me um the funny thing is i find this really soothing to do because like you can of course it’s freaking tedious but

But it’s like when you do this it’s kind of uh therapeutic because you’re feeling it you’re seeing it getting build up you know ah mari’s helping me thank you mari thank you mari but i tend to do it in a pretty systematic way uh

I don’t know why i tend to want to build it in a systematic way so it works this way mario what the hell [Applause] okay uh yeah how come you filling it up uh lazy ass like me would just cover you up and call it a day

Because um if i don’t fill it up monsters will get spawned and it has happened before uh you can like cover it up and then light it like the tortures the entire place but i think that if you just you know put it up it has a more salt then

And actually i may possibly have like a plant on building underground stuff too so i think that if i terraform it by filling it up i know what i want to do and i wouldn’t have to be uh like worry and how loyal can do you know

So that’s the reason why i’m this is called terraforming because i’m trying to cover up the place so if i were to build underground stuff i can with ease and i know that it works i guess oh right now blocks i mean this out there we go

The same oh that’s what i’m going to do yeah but okay okay okay i i just tend to i know want to do it this way so okay i don’t know i i just felt like this doing filling it up since better for me than putting fortress i guess it’s just me probably

Mario what’s that one block on the center for uh okay we will have to kind of we have to kind of i don’t know whoa wait hang on a second what was here Oh wow that we’re gonna do it this way uh we have to kind of work it this way there’s only one way out there’s only one way out so we have to put this way ah what the hell marty how are you doing so fast why what why what the hell

How are you doing so fast hello my mouse broken what do you mean your mouth’s broken oh i ran off blocks off topic what’s your lore well you have to find out you have to wait to the beer stream to find out don’t you what’s the point of me saying it now

That’s also a part of the activity that i was gonna do it’s relation to it so so i had to keep quiet you know gotta keep quiet ah no wait wait uh i can’t feel this part uh wait one cut i can’t fill up oh wait wrong one Wait wait what okay wait wait wait let me can we there we go and do it this way there you go are you juggling freaking baked potatoes mate are you juggling baked potatoes [Laughter] we’re actually not done terraforming that’s a problem Can’t wait for the view king thank you i can’t wait to share with you um how the views comes out i am really i’m genuinely nervous and kind of concerned how it would turn out well i didn’t expect that to happen because i don’t i i i’m hope hopefully it will

Turn out as a oh no i’m stuck don’t i wait uh i hope that it will come up like uh ex sex what successful attempt uh i hope it will become like it will be a successful one i guess i’ve been i don’t know ah my oh hi

Oh oh no no no no no hold high wait is it you yes you oh my god what was that what was that not whole i was saying hi i was trying to say hi what was that shut up no no no i was trying to say hi

I hear suss do you want to suss okay okay wait wait let me put out let me put it out you [Laughter] wait what what thing about you huh i’m lost wait why is there a zombie isn’t it daylight why is there a zombie in there like hello

Wait wait is there a zombie in daylight what what is the zombie in there like uh we will have to build oh oh my god let’s get out of my face uh i don’t need that uh oh my god oh goodness oh goodness me we have so much terraform oh goodness me wait

What where is it until are we on what’s here wait what here wait am i right to assume it’s up to here yeah it’s up to you correct that’s fine [Laughter] it’s fine nothing happened let me just put this shuck up no not this let me put some unnecessary stuff in here

We have far too many spruce lock that we do not need some i don’t need this stick and probably in a bit spruce lock probably just this arrow i don’t need this i could put this here put this here uh get this structure out away put this here i mean bye

How much do i have i have 35k now that’s how much you i spend so much okay actually i need to buy it not sell it that’s so much that i’m buying all for dirt mari mari is the lifesaver thank you okay i’m gonna start computing

If not maurice gonna say i’m not working i’m just commenting with moving everything How do i have so much money uh true blood swear tears [Laughter] i had to i thought i have to i nearly died so many times in the nether just to get some uh extra blocks i guess and building the crops um farming for materials and selling stuff i don’t need

To get that much money and i’m going to spend it all here mari mari mari hello hello what is no hello yes yes sorry [Laughter] why are you doing it why are you annoying mari oh What i didn’t do anything mari i didn’t do [ __ ] mari oh [ __ ] okay that was unintentional okay there we go we worship mari now mari has been helping me since the first day of minecraft uh back when i first joined this server um actually i’m gonna probably link

Because this server is an open server i’ll probably link it uh in a bit i forgot to add it in the description because i accidentally deleted it back when i was when i had to cancel stream i accidentally deleted the description so i will i will send the description so

It’s actually an open server so concern because it’s an open server uh anyone can join it as long as you uh obey the rules or the owner and the moderators will be fine with it thank you lemon mari oh my god it’s so dark it’s so dark in here i can’t see stuff

Oh wow wait where okay there we go mario is getting worshipped by chat mario are you happy are you getting worshipped wait where did mario okay wait mari are you happy you are getting worship in my chat [Laughter] very hello Why what my [Laughter] Hello mario what do you mean el whoa savage mari dies no no no don’t don’t don’t appreciate mario i mean she’s pretty savage not gonna lie she’s sassy mari is sassy Uh bar you probably pre rl mari mari you’re predicted to be really pretty irl oh yeah i did not know i did not know that la mao [Laughter] He’s biased don’t worry i mean it’s a good time buyers isn’t it wait wait doesn’t that mean yeah i’m also in lighthouse yeah exactly exactly so you’re supposed to be in like house the discord server aren’t you like building a a place with mari mari mario mario aren’t you

Supposed to build uh the the the um place with your boyfriend the the the the flying castle thing i don’t know what that’s called the thing that makes you molded no i’m doing the building first then what huh gg i’m sorry so you’re carrying both of you my pc broke the mouse wait

Your pc broke oh no he’s the pro he’s provider what do you mean he’s she provided you the materials wait so it’s uh so she provided your material sign wait red red red well you don’t want to provide the materials we’re both piecingless or you’re using a laptop onto mari

Sometimes he makes the thumbs too oh oh i’m perishing with get a new one i thought you’re supposed to get a pc soon mate uh don’t worry i made us exp farm what uh you made an exp farm i wanted exp bomb too i don’t know how to build one so

Wait wait i missed out i also thought i was gonna get a pc but we don’t get what we want do we i mean if you open your commissions or you save up money you may be able to don’t you think [Laughter] oh my god my nose

Okay don’t talk to me what do you mean don’t talk to you i’m just giving you a suggestion mari i’m just giving you a suggestion right what did i do [Laughter] what did it do oh [ __ ] it’s so dark i can’t see [ __ ] wait hang on a second let me

Oh it’s night time mari is night time now i mean not irl time i mean minecraft i i believe uh the what the the what’s that call the the the the the the the uh what is that freaking thing go uh the one that appears at night if you don’t sleep those things

It slipped my mind what it’s called um those things will spawn anytime soon uh we we use most supporters i mean i i i didn’t get it oh yeah phantom is called phantoms yeah yup it’s pretty easy when you find smaller it’s not really not really

And honestly not really at least for me uh yukari official oh yukari hello welcome to the stream i hope you had a lovely day please do enjoy a stay in this stream uh it’s just a really chill stream i think this week my streams are pretty chill just because like you know when

You’re preparing for something big to ah something big to happen uh like in this case uh the viewstream so it’s mario downstairs hey mari i’m here to help hello ah bye i was freaking helping mari what what he hit me for what’d it do to you mari marty is crazy fast

Mario what the hell what kind of mouse do you have uh i extremely love two streams then you’ll probably like it here because um i’ve been doing a lot of chill streams these days uh specifically i have a program like a stream program uh that is pretty chill it’s called tgif

Chill puzzle i believe there’s one this week well as uh quite a few i guess there’s also um a few other chill streams i i think in general most of my streams are pretty chill in a way which is pretty funny because i expected myself to make like uh chaotic streams but

I guess i’ll have to save it hey mari mari what the hell is that hey what is that noise coming from you right we have the other way um uh hi i’m back welcome back yoon hello i hope i hope whatever you’re doing was okay now oh

The other hand is more chaotic because it’s not much like this is chaotic look at this [Laughter] what’s up [Laughter] [Laughter] oh [Laughter] i was just chilling i wasn’t [Laughter] [Laughter] that noise you just heard was an enchanted armor called fonz it makes with no sound but it reflects damage by

Eighteen percent oh so you have that murray you good guys i’m okay you don’t forget me bye marty what was sad about what was that about what are you packing up why are you backing up mari where you back man she’s just scared that i will push her down i’m not you mari

Okay this is where it’s gonna get a bit tricky because um this is where the terraforming is gonna be a whole situation here because i’m never scared of you [Laughter] bye yun thank you for coming again um this is where things get a bit tricky because we actually have this i kind of

Want to keep this here i kind of want to keep this waterfall going um yeah i generally do want to keep this i but i do not know where it’s coming from as you can see i do not know where it’s coming from do you not see it it’s coming from nowhere

It’s coming from nowhere but i kind of want to keep this here i don’t want to destroy it if anything i kind of want to make a water fault and or like a wall for here or things like that i believe this is caused by a bucket

So is there a way for me to hmm okay no nothing not looking at nothing nothing happened nothing happened no no no no no okay nothing happened nothing happened nothing nothing happened i gotta keep this one fall going so i have to find oh wait the world war is not even close

Wait a second wait a second am i dumb [Laughter] am i dumb hang on a second hang on a second hang on a second wait where where does it start uh let’s start something it’s here so if we go all the way down holy cow this is a wall uh there’s a

Zombie here you know hello thank you where did you come from uh and this is clearly oh jesus christ where’d he come from that’s clearly a lot of work wait what oh holy [ __ ] wait wait why is there zombies inside of here wait what is this wait where am i hearing zombies

You all hear it too right huh huh what what what huh what huh what it’s coming from here right huh it’s clearly coming from here whoa what huh huh no wait where are you coming from are you the one that’s the source of the problem clearly not where where is coming from

Is it from here hello oh yo oh jesus christ jesus christ my mate you freaking scare me hello stop coming after me stop it what is this place what oh my god i’m gonna laugh while i’m sleeping here why what what is this place wait is this a mini cave huh

So okay wait wait wait wait hang on a second how many seconds it connects all the way here whoa where is that zombie sound coming from okay you know what since i’m here why not get some coal it’s minecraft logic don’t worry about

It and i i i i don’t think i want to worry about it but i’m gently curious how it works i guess we won’t need those guys my freaking god why are you in front of me why were you summoned in front of my freaking face my that ain’t a freaking minecraft horror

Geez holy cow minecraft it’s a freaking horror game [Laughter] nothing happened but really something happened we just don’t no no nothing happened nothing happened yeah oh nothing happened what are you talking about but honestly there’s a lot of coal here unexpectedly there there’s so much coal here another crap then

There’s whoa there’s this is this like a coal mine or something like there’s so many i’m rich and cold okay we got some here we have more here and probably more here why is this here that is a lot of cold did we hit a cold jackpot hmm probably nah [Laughter] huh

Wait what is this there’s more and i hear a spider that i’m not the fan of where’s the where are they coming from what in the wait where’s the way out what what’s the way out hang on a second things again i’m lost wait where

Is this the way up okay okay this is the way out ah how am i gonna cover all this how Okay i don’t think i have to cover this because well no it’s it’s gonna have to be covered i i i genuinely do not know um i yo ender wha why are you doing that i i don’t i i i genuinely do not know what to do where should i start

Where is this water oh this water from there do i start from here hi welcome to the stream hello i’m sorry i was late for the response because i was i’m genuinely confused and i’m thinking what what and where should i start well i mean for starters we can start

Clearing the trees i guess do we grandpa are gonna get eat thanks for coming and helping out come back soon bye mari enjoy your meal enjoy your meal bye bye okay uh he got thanks [Laughter] okay zamari left and i’m still thinking how do i start from here i think i think

I’ll just stop from here don’t i wait the only way i can tell the only way i can tell oh my god two babies zombies yeah there’s two i actually i’m more afraid of oh my god that’s so high i’m actually more afraid of the baby zombies than the

Adult ones because they move really really fast only they move extremely fast wait oh i’m not even near how many blocks is this holy holy cow that is a [ __ ] more box to use well then um hang on a second hang on a second so we have up to You probably here and we have chum scare one jump scratch this game is full jumpscares try building a scuff holding uh that i haven’t spelled right did you no but it’s alright i understood what you mean um i actually have plenty but i don’t think i want to build scaffoldings because either way

I have to fill that with dirt i’m just trying to gauge how far and how wow this is really far in it holy [ __ ] okay uh mario might be right i might end up shooting this for hours more than i was intentionally supposed to because but i didn’t get [ __ ] about this okay

I’m prepared to fall i’m so lucky i have uh uh uh what’s that called again the uh wings what’s that called again the lytra yeah thank god i have an electron so now that we know we can start uh filling things out but we got our first

Clear thing so that things don’t spawn and the enderman is getting me a crypt [Laughter] okay let’s let’s get this trees out of the way we can start from the bottom and then move to the top i think that’s a good way to work out with

Considering we are half we we we will still have to start from the bottom to the top right uh one two three four uh why didn’t i stop from here wait is it from here we can one second hello second second hang on a second i’m a dumb dumb that looks like

One two five one two three four five here if i’m not wrong it should be here ish i guess uh let me put the stuff i don’t need here first is i kind of want to Call i am more cool i’m nearly a stack away cobblestone here and get this here take it uh time it’s time to buy more i can’t be bored einstein don’t don’t judge okay i can’t be bored to wake up all the items just to get more dirt i just wanna you know

Get this done Seven blocks oh okay wait wait seven blocks one wait from here one two wait one two three four five uh six seven seven I’m trusting you i’m trusting you I i i’m trusting you guys because i believe you all are more you know you you’ll probably understand more about minecraft than i do wait doesn’t look like seven does it does it no it looks like it doesn’t look like seven Huh you know what the only way to know is to build it uh where you start from it if you start from there six you start from tower seven okay so one two three four five six so seven so this is out so you’re saying this one’s out right okay

Okay wait one two three four five wait wait wait again one two three four five six seven okay seven i can finish that within three minutes or less i mean if i’m doing this when i’m not streaming i’ll probably finish it with 30 minutes or an hour but i’m not

I’m not so it’s fine because mario’s not here now neither are other owners so like the owners and moderators are not on so i can’t change um the time of the day so when reach dark uh we’ll probably be surprised by a tight number of you know mobs

Not gonna be surprised by that probably as long as it’s not freaking explosive enchanted bows uh skeletons and it’s all fine wait i should have done this shouldn’t i i think this is is this the correct one hang on a second it looks like it’s up to here

Wait am i right to stop here i’m right to stop you right right am i right is this where it stops i think it is speechless for three seconds what did i do i think i i think i’m right to stop right there right right i why am i judged i’m i’m

Literally not sure it’s fine i know i can count on chat uh i i suggest you tile up first to check them okay um i’ll i’ll listen i’ll listen uh tell up from here right okay let’s go oh my god so far right okay

But wait is the is the audio okay i know it’s pretty late i’m asking this quiet i think it’s second time i guess third fourth probably we’re not even close okay we’re right we are right we we’ve stopped at the correct one okay uh first we stopped at the correct one so

We’re gonna be fine we’re probably gonna be fine ah wrong one wrong one give me back my torch there you go uh sorry i should live for a bit uh no worries taco no worries take your time and do i go up here oh oh uh it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine

It’s fine ah too hard to run too far it’s fine oh phantoms are here oh phantoms and zombies are here hi phantoms are here come here my come here ah i missed come here and zombies [Laughter] the fact i’m like so calm about this is scary come here yeah let’s go

Where’s one more where’s the other one where’s the other one it’s gone okay it’s fine gotta eat hi am i you would buy it uh oh no my sister is calling me what can i even do to my sister she has a brother complex auto best i guess

All the bands you uh yukari uh i have midnight shift today so i’m uh oh wait if you have midnight shift shouldn’t you hop out taku because isn’t it almost midnight for you so you should be going out for work aren’t you all the best taco all the best for your internship

Uh have a good one kai thank you thank you thank you for dropping by the stream too uh all the best for your internship and i hope things will go well for you i guess try to have fun even though it’s not gonna be fun but try to have fun if you can

That’s the only way of advice i can ever give one about internship or job uh anyways we are going gonna go to the bit now bye enjoy stream make sure no more screaming all right have fun have a lovely good night good night and have a lovely sleep

I guess have a sweet dreams uh thank you for coming to the stream by the way um hope i will be able to see you again um and bye bye no more uh and for a normal screaming part i can’t guarantee that [Laughter] bye-bye thank you for coming so we are

Kind of have a tower here i want to call it toddler it’s kind of like join the war for headquarters thank you gary thank you for uh subscribing to the channel welcome to the walker’s headquarters thank you and have a wonderful night ahead of you novice right and we’re hopefully you can finish

Building up this whole section otherwise it’s gonna be a pain because i wouldn’t have a lot of time to hop into minecraft with the next few days with the debut stream to worry about all right there’s something that a friend of mine was mentioning the other

Day so they were saying that when they were watching my stream it’s kind of funny sometimes they actually fall asleep to my stream not like intentionally but like unintentionally when they were watching and they they said that it was so chill and soothing to the point that they fell asleep during my stream

I was like okay i guess that’s a compliment in a way it’s a compliment but i find it really funny because how is it that one can sleep through my chaotic screams i can be so chaotic to the point that i might be the one giving you jumpscares and a game [Laughter]

At least i’m not playing horror games you know i’m okay the reason why uh i haven’t been streaming like uh very like recently there’s quite a number of uh very interesting or or rather really enjoyable and i think a hype quite hyped up uh horror games and i haven’t streamed or

Played them before i’ve never actually watched it through before uh even though some of my friends have already streamed it but i usually put them as a background noise because i don’t want to get spoiled if they get bit of the game that they will playing because uh surprise surprise october is coming

Which means october means a scream fest which scream fest will mean horror month and i’ll be streaming a lot of horror games i guess during october which is the probably the reason why i haven’t really streamed horror games so the moment if i were to stream horror games i think

Your your your headphones if you’re wearing headphones or something i will say i bless your ears because it’s gonna be chaotic screams because i’ve never been good with [ __ ] so when i stream horror games it’s genuinely scary i might be the one that calls you all to have horror instead of the game

I don’t know maybe maybe not hello thank you for exp and a bone not that i need the phone but thank you but yeah i’ll probably be streaming a lot of horror games where psychological horror or just horror general i’ll probably be streaming a lot of them uh during

October so if anyone has any horror games that you like to suggest feel free to suggest them um i’ll probably you’ll probably be able to see it uh during my october stream because one whole month of horror well that built my ability to play horror games probably not would i want

To do that again probably not whatever do it next year maybe [Laughter] but yeah or it’s gonna be pain it’s gonna be a pain i’m so scared of october because it’s like it’s in two weeks it’s gonna be october i’m not immensely prepared for october to come

I’m scared and gently scared of october guys but does anyone hear like horror or like look forward to like october halloween period since it’s october is probably known as the halloween like famously known as the halloween period so i’m genuinely curious is there other people who actually like halloween i guess

I do like halloween uh humans likes halloween because of trick or treat or because they can cosplay and stuff like that uh i personally have never done trick or treat because there is no such thing in the nether nether world so i mean another well it’s full of other chaotic

Stuff we don’t have time for trick-or-treat [Laughter] but yeah i do think that um you know trick-or-treat is a thing uh how are you doing i’m doing pretty well um just constantly filling up the blocks which is a pain uh but at least earlier mario was able to

Help me so i’ve at least got one portion done so i just have to do this other portion uh and probably it’ll be done i guess from there it’s the only thing that oh yeah and the front part of this whole castle here but i i guess it’s pre okay

I i’ve never realized how okay when i first started off minecraft i’ve never really realized how addictive um minecraft is and bye bye [Laughter] i’ve never really realized how uh minecraft gets to you like i honestly i never thought i would get addicted to it or actually

Uh kind of like you know really invest in my time in minecraft when i feel like it i generally never felt or thought of it that way so and it’s actually actually how i started off playing of minecraft uh it wasn’t because i wanted to play minecraft uh i started off minecraft

Actually earlier last you know late of no earlier this year yeah somewhere earlier this year was when i first started playing minecraft and i played the my first minecraft and minecraft server is actually not this one uh it was a server created by another youtuber and I kind of like you know join them because um they were looking for people to play and i was pretty curious what’s so fun about minecraft and what how does minecraft uh works and stuff like that and i was thinking like it could be a potential stream stuff like a very chill

Type of stream since that’s the aesthetic and the concept most of my contents are and that’s how i first got into minecraft um and after that i joined in this server uh this server was it was actually light that put me in uh the server on this minecraft server called bubble land

And when i was put into this server i’m i got pulled into another server like this discord server and from there i kind of made a few new friends and that’s how this minecraft server came to a thing oh tomorrow was you best day oh

Thank you i hope um you have a lovely day and every day will be a nice wonderful day for you and hopefully your day will be nice too tomorrow thank you thank you thank you for wishing me a lovely day tomorrow are you i i’m genuinely like i think i’ve been so busy

With all the preparation for the debut stream to the point that i kind of forgot how my day goes sometime i lost my track of time like really really bad oh this is not the part of this okay okay let me me destroying this okay so

So so that’s the one that was a part of us not supposed to be there oh no uh okay i’m screwed i’m screwed uh is there a way for me to go up okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i i have to go up yeah there we go

There we go right we’re back oh what shooting me my what hello why are you here and bye again okay bye-bye okay so this is the point where it starts so i’m gonna put up all the way up by thank you for dropping in too thank you thank you

Thank you for coming i’ll see you again soon uh okay so um it’s all right it stops right here so i kinda myself shot was gonna break i guarantee yeah i knew it it’s gonna break it’s okay i have more shovels there we go so now that i know clearly where it starts

And where it ends let me build this around let me build a wall here it’s always easier so that if any monster would spawn it would spawn from the inside and not from the outline you know making it easier to not get swapped okay i think this is high enough for now

And continue to fill up the bottom there’s a spider hi there we go oh crane hello crane i can hear skeletons outside let me quickly put the sucker box here so i don’t need this i only need this i don’t need this i don’t need any of this i don’t need this bowl

You don’t need this uh i can put this here i’m not going to tpa brain why do you need tpa why do you need your tp to mute right what oh it’s real friend huh um in the middle of something just wants you mate no you’re definitely up to something you’re

Always up to something i’m gonna shop okay gonna buy more dirt buy sex bye there you go can i be friend with you invite valerant uh but i’m not in uh yo got some blue eyes nope sorry are you i’m not environment right now it’s gonna be hard maybe

Uh you can actually try to dm mirror and career and maybe i might be able to share with you my valentine my varying account my valentine deals like you know that you in friend is blaring because i want i want to share it on stream i i don’t want to get stream sniped

Accept why crane why crane where to dm at where uh to find my twitter is in the description you can simply find uh the my socials and the description of this uh stream or even the bot you can find anywhere uh this is gonna take me ages to fill up i wonder

How long this is gonna take and i’ve been trimming for two hours now oh that’s insane it doesn’t even felt like i was streaming for three hours oh this is so dark okay i can see it doesn’t even feel like i’ve been streaming for two hours

Now i understand why people say when you stream minecraft it time passes by way faster than you think uh crane green sorry mate i’m in the middle and the middle of something mate uh okay okay so okay it’s really extremely dark dark so i’m concerned i can hear

It’s okay what do you mean what do you mean i’m trying to feel i’m wait i’m doing terra for me you know grief or still me there’s nothing to do here with me i’m just filling up the dirt okay uh oh my god yes except all right all right all right right

There’s terraforming you still no trust mate what do you want huh did i accept it Ah okay there we go what hello me now uh no i’m friendly and peace and loves peace i ain’t gonna start a war my if you just came i was strong right how did you get that no way out you came here just to freaking huh what do you mean don’t know what

What queen what are you doing how do you get like a lot though i had what one million how how does one get one million that’s secret what what in the world is going on right now i oh you think i play this server how long what oh what

Is even going on here what is this conversation going about since the first safe house why is it a cobblestone dipstick here what was this doing here what what is this doing here i don’t remember being here what what is a cobblestone dipsley doing here hold on free stuff i guess [Laughter]

I mean he dropped it so he he don’t seem to need it so there’s this whole conversation about crates and i’m just here minding my own business so yeah in this server you can buy creeds to get stuff it’s like a gotcha kind of thing i personally don’t buy

Them because it’s risky but and it costs a little money um but i do think um that getting the crates are okay i guess because when you get the crates you kind of like you know you you can do a lot of things when you get the greats you have a hold up

Option option something like that so what so yeah i think that having crates is not a bad thing sorry i was [ __ ] something oh my nose right got a stretch of it i’m treasuring my legs so there’s no storage sound and just left excuse me he probably see welcome back crane

Uh when do you want to end the live stream oh it depends yes it’s up to my own opinion i guess like depending on how long i want to end the stream i guess but on average typically when i stream i stream between two average most of my streams are over two

Hours i guess in general but i’ll end it when i feel like it i guess but i won’t be streaming too long like like not like not the five hour six hours ish because there’s no way i’m gonna do that it’s very hard for me to do that okay and then we can

Well i’m trying to probably at least build up a half of this place and then i’ll continue afterwards probably next time if i ever stream minecraft again all right you want what you want what what for what why are you obsessed with starting a war in minecraft okay bye bye bye bye yoon

Nothing and why boy oh my god zombie know that why you why are you obsessed we’re studying a war wait was obsessed spelled with two yes wait hang on that counts like it’s obsessed so spelled to us uh oh my god jesus no no okay okay i’m not wrong i’m not

Wrong i generally hello new member welcome okay you watch so much dream smp i guess maybe maybe maybe because this server is boring nothing to do what i mean it’s good to vibe and chill i guess [Laughter] okay we have more dirt okay wow wow yeah but if everyone’s here then what’s

The point because we we don’t want to lose progress make if everything is sure what is the point like hello hello i mean there are events on this server it’s just that uh it happens when uh when it happens not all the time would that be like a

Server event because it depends on the owner and the moderators i guess i’ve uh participated in the server events a few times but it was like unintentionally it was just that i i went there uh out of nowhere i guess it was unexpected like the events store

Without me knowing that it was event and and the previous server i’ve got uh drive because elijah wasn’t a thing wait are you in the deep dark oh my god oh my god i found it by accident Oh damn huh are you able to escape you’re from the deep dark [Laughter] i i i don’t have many fond memories of the deep dark because it’s not it’s not the deep inside okay okay okay i don’t really have a lot of fond memories there because i’ve died quite a few times there’s

Opening on top i can fly away ah when we’re in the deep dark uh a team of us uh marty ly myself crane and the the team of us we went to deep up okay we found it by accident we had no intentions of finding it but somehow we found the deep dark

And when we found it um what happened was you know curiosity and stuff like that we found a deep dark and we were exploring the deep dark where did we know uh the warren just constantly getting spawned like non-stop and i thought the warrior would stop spawning if you kill like one

Or two but it kept spawning it there was like no stopping of it it was constantly constantly getting spawned and i was like when will the deep dark stop like when will we be able to get the other stuff out and apparently the in the deep deep dark the water doesn’t get unspawned

Unless um you remove all the stuff i i forgot what it’s called but i think it’s a sensory stuff or something at and it was a nightmare [Laughter] it was a hundred percent nightmare oh it was like crazy insane uh korean died in moose crane uh died the most uh light was

Playing sniper i was just standing in a corner mario 2 was standing in the corner so it was just us but yeah that was uh the small journey in the deep dark maybe next time i i may play it with the other people like other other friends and maybe we’ll go exploring or

Something depending but for now normally when i play alone i will be not discovering but i will be building stuff because i think what appealed me for minecraft is you know just in general building and chilling super sonic how do you get that achievement

I i guess it’s it matches the way i play games like this kind of game i just vibe and chill with it i guess maybe that’s a reason why oh right now fox next page bye i’m at 26k okay i i need to buy more i need to farm yeah

23. you know i’ll use a potato i gotta sell stuff soon i’m running out of money gotta be poor this is this is what investment done to an investment this is what building uh and filling up a castle that’s to you this is what terraforming does you when you’re not on creative mode

When you’re just a normal player this is what it does you have to spend all the time blood the sweat the cheers the money just to finish your stuff okay okay we are nowhere near halfway okay the moment i finish all this dirt breaks i probably will end the stream

We’re not even halfway at least there’s progress let’s let’s look at the bright side where it really says progress we have progress let’s test this we can do look look at it on the bright side i swear i swear to god if this server closes and all my progress is done like

Gone i would freak okay not really freak about like i’ll be like pretty like sad because i i can’t i’m kind of kind of slightly attached to what i’ve made in this server so if it’s gone i i i’ll i’ll feel bad like not bad but like i feel sad that is

Gone but it is what it is there’s nothing you can do about if it happens there we go here and then we have here there you go one two three okay okay okay we are on the first part now we can continue building more opening my way up

Because we have quite a bit of solid foundation so the thing is as we grow go upwards you realize we are actually covering we are covering lesser fill for now but later when we go further up it’s when there’s more emptiness at this end which means we have to you know get more

Dirt than what we have used okay let me quickly close this off okay streak forever after what what kind of achievements that wow it’s so dark okay you can put this here uh yeah i think we can start from this corner there we go we’re gonna finish this we have i’m determined to

Get at least this part then i’m determined ah i’m determined oh my god my hands is my my fingers oh wait oh wow okay wow my hand is cracking okay we have nine more stacks and we’re not nowhere near halfway done it’s like we’re just one quarter away

What if i what i sign myself up for what did i sign myself up for i’m questioning why am i doing this to myself ah oh wait there’s a missing look here okay and then here we go oh oh okay oh my god i swear this head can and may cause

Your finger to cramp or at least get tired i swear i’m exercising my my my middle finger from freaking pressing the mouse so much wait what if oh i am exercising my fingers don’t worry about this look on our bright side i get six sides of my fingers well specifically my left finger

But my left hand what my right hand’s middle finger okay so i have to click non-stop i never knew this is actually way more tiring than when i was building the castle i guess it’s because it’s like that like i’m building it this way and filling up the banks rather than like

I don’t know i genuinely don’t know what i’m talking about at this point ah not supposed to be here okay uh there you go i’m gonna feel up some more here oh my god this this is gonna take forever in it this 100 gonna take forever in it okay

Time to fill things up okay uh again back here and then back here the only light i see is that torch the torch is my only light that i see i’m stuck in the repetitive event if having a few on the box why did i even choose to do this why

I’m questioning myself why why why am i doing this you could spend my time doing something else but i’m doing this why what am i doing [Laughter] i hear a spider hi bye uh okay so all right i think this will work out as long as i cover this up there will be

No more mops i think i’m in the long run i have to think about the last three stacks okay well the last three stack even be enough for me to at least fill up this part this layer i’m curious i reckon it might be enough like badly okay maybe not not badly

Well i reckon that we will have enough and then we’ll be able to slightly start on a separate a new layer hey what what What is though what what what the what the hell was that yeah we finished this layer now before we end off here before i locked out i’m gonna you know quickly get this part and we have double bricks all right all right with that ah creeper i said oh my freaking god ah

All right problems The moment the exact moment when i said i was gonna end up the stream why i’m speechless i’m speechless i’m freaking speechless what what why like why creeper why i demand an explanation all right all right okay okay that that that’s that that’s okay we are kind of halfway ish

There so i’m gonna lock out from this place and let’s head over to a little bit of free chat hey we are in the free chat now all right because i will have to end up the stream a bit because um i will have to do some preparations for

The stream which is actually three two three days from now yeah three days right now oh you’re nervous i’m nervous wait Ah that was yeah that’s what happened when you sit on one sitting for too long are you nervous i am nervous af i’m but i’m so excited as well the mother still a lot left um i’m not gonna lie uh there is a lot a lot more like

A lot a lot lots more i think i’m not even halfway honestly speaking no not even halfway i just woke up from lurking oh you went do you fell asleep you could just get out you can just go off if you’re tired [Laughter] but thank you for coming back thank you yuria

I’m very excited uh i’m re i’m really hoping that um i’m able to do a good job uh and meet up with the expectations What do you think will go well but um anywho let me quickly so huh so if we are looking at This week’s stream so today we play minecraft correct tomorrow we study work with me so it’s another round of asmr guys [Laughter] in a weird way it’s kind of another asmr round isn’t it you got this guys thank you i hope i do i hope i do but um

Yeah tomorrow we study work with me which where i’m going to do some more final prep not final but like checkups and preparation and actually do some work that’s off streams and in regards to streaming because i have quite a lot left um but uh let me quickly put this up i’m gonna

Post it on twitter soon actually so actually later you know but um i’m gonna post it on twitter so so so it’s an invitation card it’s an invitation card uh i know that the the graphics is not the best i’m gonna widen it so you can cover okay uh uh okay you

Can you can you can look at the chibi me for now you can look at chibi there you go then i cover it but lord kaiser so yeah i’m gonna cover it a bit so this is an official invitation card um okay wait let me

No no no i’m not gonna do that i’m not gonna do that okay okay here we go okay so this is an official invitation cough for me to everyone on stream and as well as everyone would uh want to come so as the vitation car adds to whoever who may seem this

You are officially invited to visit the walker’s headquarters during the headquarters as long as you like on the 22nd and 22nd on the night on the 24th of september at 10 pm gst time the reason why it’s on your month and date because that’s how the system works i guess hello

It should be kai’s eight no no but this is an official invitation card for everyone the stream so this is the invitation card that i’ve done uh it’s not the best in the graphics and not the best not the worst i guess i did put in a lot of effort i’m not getting

Graphic designing so this is what i put up with but yeah um this is an invitation card i actually have a separate uh a different higher graphics uh court uh but i’ll be doing that for something else it’s more for events and stuff like that but

For the very stream this is the official invitation card looks cheap i can’t wait i’m gonna be torturing chat zero it’s probably gonna be quite uh it’s gonna be in the morning for you zero it’s like at nine so because it’s at 10 pm jsc time so

It’s pretty late but it’s on a saturday so hopefully it’s a comfortable date for most people um i actually uh so i actually was really um complimenting on what uh i would like the dates to be at like so the date i already knew the date

And the time uh sorry another time the date and the uh basically i know when specifically so i wanted to hold it on a saturday and because i think that’s the best time for like that’s the best day i guess of the week um i’m i’m worse in the morning

Look out for zero in chat zero and my things go and i’m gonna have to time you out in the chat i’m just kidding i’m just kidding i just hope that everyone will enjoy yourself if during the whole stream the tv stream or anyway in general i just hope everyone enjoy themselves throughout

All my streams yeah but uh so there’s now i’ll save this for friday and tgif joe puzzle so last week we actually solved uh the last bit of um the chill puzzle from previously right so this which uh chill puzzle we have a little bit of teaser

We are adding a little twist uh we’re gonna be a little tweezer because it’s the day before you know the official debut stream and [Applause] again i wanna give it a tad bit of teaser um as well as that day is when i’m gonna say goodbye specifically to my png model because

I’ve been using for quite a few months and i honestly i’m gonna attach to it in a weird way i guess no like i i it’s kind of weird for me to like not use the png model until like later on and i don’t know when maybe i might use it

In the future maybe i won’t but i’m guessing i would because i’ll still have it in my computer i’ll still have any file the only thing getting time out is people’s buy my png kai’s queen oh i mean will you even like miss the png me interesting png kai gonna get stored in

The cabinet along with a screw there’s no scrail no there’s no squirrel please uh let chibikai say you mean this guy you mean this guy maybe this guy [Laughter] oh he will stay he will stay the chibi the chibi kai will stay uh he will stay um

Which is actually one of the reason why i have if you realize throughout this week specifically since last week i have been leaving this tv here for quite a while i’ve been living this should be here for quite a bit so make chibi kai eyes dominic trust what do you mean [Laughter]

What do you mean i know it’s cute i mean it’s yeah it’s definitely cute in a way i don’t know why it just the chibi is really funny [Laughter] um but maybe on friday as i say goodbye to my png model i might showcase some of the model parts

That i’ve never really used because the parts of this png mode i actually have a lot of hotkeys for this png model but i’ve never really used that much and you don’t really see me use them on my thumbnail as well but the funny thing is the png model actually has hints of

Um my my live 2d like okay there are some that i included in a png model that never really got exposure from before was brought into the concept of my live 2d model so maybe on friday as i say goodbye to my png model i will showcase the the the parts that uh

I’ve never really showcased properly i guess because it honestly is a pity not to show it all because i i did uh like you know spend quite a bit of time looking at it and stuff like that so i i i it’s kind of sad if i don’t showcase

Anyway but yeah and um on friday as we say goodbye to the png model i will show you all the hotkeys that this png model had of it and when i mean all of it i mean really all but every single one of them because i never really had a debut stream for

The png model because it’s a a hundred percent free model that anyone can go and there might be people out there who may have unicorn says me because it’s a free png model website where you can personalize your png model of course with limitations and

This was the png model that i came up with uh with the limitation along with using the website and i don’t know why i just kind of got attached to it in a way but i did work a bit and i did spend quite a lot of time into thinking of how

The png model should look like and some concept stuff so on friday i would definitely show them off but again this is a temporary model i don’t really have a commercial usage rights for this so yeah so i’ll just show the hotkeys whatever that i had installed for this png model

Oh that’s such really that’s interesting yeah entire new model is horny it’s got two horns yeah it’s got two ones what’s wrong with that oh really yeah sus okay wait i see the word sauce i see the word sauce [Laughter] who’s okay okay uh yeah png kai schoon is cute and nice actually um this got me thinking i don’t know why uh when i make this when i develop okay okay you know what i’m gonna save my story for friday because i think it’s a good topic

To talk about considering friday it’s when i’m gonna say goodbye to this png model and it’s when i think i would touch a lot more in regards to how this whole png concept everything came up with but yeah i can’t get enough of that i mean you asked for it by saying suts

[Laughter] okay okay anyway it’s getting really late it’s uh it’s currently 11 50 p.m for me as um i have to do some checkups with some uh some checkups i have to do some stuff which is why i’ll have to head i have to end the stream off from here but

Um i do hope you all have a wonderful evening if it’s morning for you i hope you have one a day ahead if it’s evening i hope you have a good night rest and you know have a lovely day ahead and have a good night rest and sweet dreams

And stuff like that almost 12 p.m cheese or 12 a.m it’s 12 oh sorry i mean 12 8 of 12 [ __ ] i mean 128 it’s almost 12 a.m i’m not hitting him to sleep i do have some stuff to do uh stream so i have to work on it but yeah

Uh have a nice rest and thanks for it thank you for streaming thank you all for coming good night hi thank you uh thank you for coming um i hope y’all had a lovely chill stream with me uh on minecraft i didn’t expect myself to stream nearly almost three hours but

You know it happens and stuff like that but i hope you all had a lovely time with me uh and a chill stream uh hopefully i was able to lighten up your mode for a day or end of your day with a you know a nice note before you sleep

And stuff like and i hope to see you all tomorrow uh on my story you work with me stream where it’s kind of like an asmr like last week so yeah i hope you have a wonderful good uh day afternoon evening or night see you in the next stream and bye bye

Bye bye You

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 Lets MINE! 『EN VTuber l Kaissics Walker』’, was uploaded by 『Kaissics Walker l EN VTuber』 on 2022-09-21 15:20:42. It has garnered 71 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:58 or 10498 seconds.

Mining and building our civilisation! Rebuilding what has been lost and forgotten…

Developed by: Mojang/ Microsoft Studios Published by: Microsoft Studios


【THUMBNAIL(S)】 Minecraft by Mojang/Microsoft Studios Respective VTuber(s)’ models

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 『Welcome』 Let me bring you to the abyss~

『DONATIONS』 https://streamelements.com/envtuberlkaissicswalker/tip

ー Donations are the best way to support me directly for my future streams and projects! Every donations are appreciated greatly to better improve my streams! On a quick note, thank you for helping me out too!

ー PLEASE TAKE NOTE! By donating you have agreed that you will not file a charge back. These will be disputed. All donations are final and non-refundable and you are donating under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback.

『HASHTAGS』 General ― #Kaissics LIVE ― #Walkive Art ― #KaissArt NSFW ― #KaisSUSSY

『SOCIAL MEDIAS』 Twitter ― https://twitter.com/kaissics_walker Instagram ― https://www.instagram.com/kaissics_walker

『CREDITS』 Model ― https://twitter.com/charatme Logo ― Kaissics (Canva) Overlay(s) ― Kaissics (Canva) https://twitter.com/snoozy_dayZz https://twitter.com/lightescence Music(s)/ BGM(s) ― https://dova-s.jp/ (Sachiko Kamaboko/DOVA-SYNDROME), Assets ― https://twitter.com/ArgamaWitch , https://pixabay.com/users/koimermaiden-20102989/


『CHAT RULES』 1. Always be respectful to one another, the liver, other livers and members of chat. 2. Do not harass, bully or otherwise purposefully upset or attack any member of the stream including myself. 3. Don’t bring up any other livers unless I bring them up first. Similarly, don’t bring me up in other streams unless the liver does first. 4. No spamming, trolling or discussion of controversial topics. 5. Keep all chat relevant to the stream. (Unless I’ve have brought it up, otherwise) 6. No spoilers or backseating unless I’ve personally asked for it. 7. Directing NSFW requests or comments at me is fine (however there is a limitation in the case where I shall decline), but you will immediately be banned if any comments are directed at other livers (unless brought up by me or collaborators) or members of my chat. 8. All languages are welcome in this stream. (Preferably EN/CN/KR/JP) Harassing or calling out anyone who speaks in a language you do not speak is strictly prohibited and will result in a timeout followed by a ban. 9. ENJOY YOURSELVES WITH ME!


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    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

【MINECRAFT】 Lets MINE! 『EN VTuber l Kaissics Walker』