🍄 1.20 hardcore endermen farm🌷minecraft hardcore but cottagecore 1.20

Video Information

Thank you Foreign foreign Foreign Welcome in welcome in hope you’re all doing well today Welcome to our stream today we’re going to be doing um some hardcore Vibes we’re gonna be building an Enderman Farm I’m a little bit scared I’m most afraid I’m gonna fall into the void when we do these but I think that will

Be okay I hope everyone’s having a good day happy Wednesday nice little middle of the week stream how is the music volume to my voice It’s a good volume okay it’s a little loud all right we’ll turn it down just a tiny bit is that better for yo jumo hello hello no worries art have a good one enjoy the beach oh my gosh nope absolutely falling into the void so scary

We are gonna be working on an Enderman Farm today I’m very very excited but we have to collect our materials first so um let’s get started let’s get started chat um capture hello OBS oh yeah there we go hi hi everyone how’s it going how are you all doing today

You had a good day um our LA’s are being a little bit weird here in the background but that’s okay all of the texture packs I’m using Alex are in the um description of the video but for anyone who’s never been here before this is our hardcore World we’ve

Been in this world just over a year um I’ve been making videos on this world since last July um and we just had a video go out earlier this week and that was of course our um our Museum so I just want to quickly show anyone who hasn’t already seen it

What our Museum ended up looking like well okay the pots don’t render in from this far away but tell me she’s beautiful Chad tell me tell me you don’t like her okay wait there we go there we go so this is what we built in the last episode

We built a museum of all the artifacts and the relics of our world um and I’ll quickly take you guys through really really quick there we go um and here we like our little end s very very vibey um and then over here we have like a

Little seating area just in case you know you want to sit down with some friends talk about all of the history you’ve seen in this world there’s there’s really not that much and then of course upstairs on this side we have some of our original relics like

Our first hundred days um that we lived in this iron armor our first wooden pickaxe look this is the actual first wooden pickaxe of this world right here and of course my first Trident I always forget that I have a trident but now it’s on the wall so we won’t forget

We’ve got some gold armor we’ve got some diamond armor and then of course we grind it for some netherrite armor we had to go Luda Bastion to get another right upgrade template it was oh it was a very very scary thing but yeah and then we have also this picture of this

Chicken I just I just really like that and and we have a cat there like the cat is nice happy birthday Emmy hi purple froggy welcome and over here we have some other relics um definitely our first elytra definitely um not the one on my back was our first

One that one over there is definitely our first one everyone just not everyone say yes um the dragon egg we have here we have the Wither head from um the Wither that we killed our first totem our first enchanted golden apple um which won’t help us in the voids so

We won’t take that today and then we got the um on the last stream we did we got the co-set of armor um I ran out of glowing don’t look at me like that okay chat I’m one lady all right I’m just one gal I’m only one person but yes uh we have

Right here um our first set this is the co-set this is how it looks on iron armor it’s beautiful kind of up here we have a world map which I’m going to keep updating as we keep building um but that’s what it looks like right now

Um and I want to get I want to get all the way to like where we are over here but I ran out of maps and I rather ran out of glow ink I ran out of item frames chat I am a mess okay we’re just not gonna talk about it

Why didn’t you just put the actual first one there and wear the new one because the new one the first one is called stank and the twitch chat named it and I would feel very bad um hello I would feel very bad if I didn’t wear

The first one so we just we just fibbed a little but that’s okay yeah we just ran out of everything you know um but today we’re gonna risk it all hopefully we uh don’t die also we have um four sniffers in the next episode I

Want to build them a place to live I don’t want them to live here anymore um so I think next episode we’re gonna make a place for our sniffers to live But they’re cute and of course on before anyone asks we also have our frogs over here in the Frog Sanctuary let’s go see them we have some we have some Community named frogs in here all of the the frogs that are in this place run in by the members of the

Um the chat and all of our subscribers on the channel so we’ve got Todd pole we’ve got pogger Frogger that one was named by Sev there’s bell pepper over there um there’s block down is good at fortnite there’s crafty there’s Lucy and there’s um Curtis uh and blockdown is good at fortnite has

To live with his name being a lie you know poor poor frog we could F in the chat for that frog no worries Joe so you feel better feel better no no no real hate to block down chat no real hate to block that um can we pick

All this up we cannot so let’s just do that there we go the names are good the names are are really good so thank you all for suggesting some awesome names um we have some awesome sniffer suggestions on the next on the video after that um but I haven’t gone through and named

The sniffers yet obviously because I haven’t made the video yet I’m working on 200 days of Minecraft 120 right now um so yeah it’s gonna I hope to have that out next week if not next week definitely like the week after definitely yeah okay I was welcoming

Yeah um we have a little bit of a mess over here that I just want to take care of before we go uh yeah this is if anyone knows me y’all know this is the worst part of how coming to a frog crafting stream is yeah this part of the stream where you

Have to just pretend you don’t see my shulker monsters um they are very very bad but it’s okay we’re gonna we’re gonna take care of some of them right now and I also realize my starter storage is no longer working for the amount of like blocks

That we have and all the stuff that we are um sorting so I think in the future we’re gonna have to make us either a storage house or maybe like a storage cave um because if we go into free cam now this is this is going to be a little

Cheaty but no one call me on it okay in the comments all right um if we go into free cam we can you know go through walls a little bit I try to only use this to like look at our builds I try not to use it to do this

But um this mountain has a little bit of an open cave like right here um I feel like we could just like dig in through here and like make a big cave that we we could put like an auto sorting system in or something you know

What do y’all think I feel like that’s a that’s a good idea right yo snail you’re so you’re sick I’m so so sorry to hear that hope that you feel better soon have you watched Elemental yet no I am I just saw Barbie um but I want to see Elemental too it

Looks so so good I just haven’t been back to the movies yet but I rarely go to the movies um I don’t know sometimes sometimes like people never shut up while you’re watching a movie and it just ruins the movie and then you have to like wait to

Watch it while you’re like home but that is the that is the reason I haven’t gone to see um many movies in the last uh little bit you know Elemental will probably be on streaming sites very soon I hope so it looks so good if anyone has seen it have you

Enjoyed it because um I really really liked what I was seeing from the previews I originally bought the mizuno’s resource pack and it’s adorable what would you say is your favorite block design in it um that’s a good question um right now I’m currently kind of obsessed with the way that the Birch

Double slabs look or I’m sorry the Cherry double slabs now this might be a um an only a Java feature but they kind of make these tiles um that are there are really really nice I really like that um but as far as blocks go purple is

Definitely one of my favorite blocks in mizuno’s um it’s like this purple beautiful like brick I don’t know I feel like it’s kind of underrated not a lot of people like purple but I do but I think everything except for the Netherrack and mizuno’s is probably good for me you know

How was the Barbie movie I liked it um I cried a lot um I I was definitely one of those in the in the audience crying but honestly I like I liked it it was um there were a couple bits that I didn’t like but the rest of it I thought was

Pretty good yeah you’re using that uh texture pack too yeah mizuno’s is great I love Mizuno so much it’s Fiona thank you so much for lurking I appreciate you sleep well darling sleep well when you when you go oh my gosh we have so many things to put

Away chat and all I’m gonna do is just put a bunch of stuff in here that I don’t know what else to do with so I guess I’m just making a different kind of monster you know um torch flower I feel like should oh there’s a Wheat State in there we don’t

Need that in there we can put wheat seeds over there I’m a sad bed Rocker with no fun textures or anything you can get mizuno’s on Bedrock though um it’s called mizuno’s craft it’s in the store I mean I know obviously you have to pay for it so it’s a little bit different

Than the way Java gets it but the artist who works on mizuno’s really um really does deserve um the the money if you can afford it how to rate Barbie out of 10 um I’d probably give it like a solid seven what technique will you use for the auto

Sorting storage I have no idea my quest I would probably um honestly I’m not that great at what Redstone I would probably search a tutorial and then try to like build it in a creative world to understand it a little bit but I’m not the best with like all that

Stuff I like to build cute stuff um but I’m trying to I’m trying to get better thank you I played on bedrock and it was quite cheap I think it was like for yeah I mean not everyone has the same um resources as other people so I totally

Get that but it is available on Bedrock is all I was gonna say but vanilla is still um vanilla is still really pretty I mean the 100 days video that I did um I played with vanilla textures I just really like connected textures I feel like Minecraft looks better when it has

Blocks that bleed into each other and for anyone who doesn’t know what I mean um let me find an instance like right here this little Edge bit on the coaster I really like that that it like kind of like you know spills over into the other

Grass blocks I I just wish more blocks had that and I wish that was a vanilla feature um I’m doing okay um Sakura no reason to worry about me I’m chill yo Pebble welcome in where do you get the spillover blocks they’re from the mizuno’s pack it’s just the mizuno’s pack Darlings

Yo Haley welcome in release uh sorting a little bit of our shulker monster and then we’re gonna go build the Enderman Farm which shouldn’t give us too many issues I think um I got some Spruce we got some more decorations they have frog lights pen Bedrock handle shaders I don’t know

I don’t play on Bedrock so I have no idea um I have genuinely no thoughts head empty for Bedrock players I’m sorry what music do you listen to I’m currently we’re listening to just a Lo-Fi playlist that is from epidemic sound but um I listen to pretty much a lot of

Different things I listen to a lot of Indie music I listen to a lot of dance music um I listen to a lot of pop music I’m I’m in my Taylor Swift era again um you know with speak now um Taylor’s version out Ruby Gilman um looked really good too I haven’t seen it yet though no I don’t I don’t often see movies when they’re in theaters like it was really rare for me to go even like to see the Barbie movie what PC do you use um how do I hold on

Give me one sec so my current um my current PC is on that list or if you go to that website that’s my website um and you scroll all the way down my current specifications for my PC are at the bottom Yo welcome in song how you doing yo Karen welcome in how’s it going how’s it going do I have a gravel chest I do have a gravel chest and then where am I putting Banner patterns am I just gonna put them in here I guess

I also why do I have a random totem in there probably I should have that in my inventory and just in case um we have some more iron some pork chops I don’t do I need pork chops we’ll just put them in there I mean we are golden carrot girly like I

Don’t know if anyone else gets like this but once I have access to golden carrots I never eat another food in Minecraft unless I have to um but that’s really rare that you would have to right like you don’t normally have to you know switch up from your your food

Where do you get the mini Maps um this is from Zero’s world map mod which is also linked on that website that I linked earlier I’m crocheting a Totoro plush while I’m watching this I love Studio Ghibli stardew so good stardew is really good that’s one of my favorite games of all time

Yo summer hello can you make it 200 days I have already started recording 200 days but it’s um probably going to be out not next week but maybe the beginning of the week after so oh I I haven’t told you guys um so let me let’s go talk real a real

Froggy talk for a moment okay um for anyone who doesn’t know this I’m going to turn the music down um my puppy his foot earlier this week um on Saturday um he got he had an accident in my um partner’s parents backyard um and we didn’t know what happened so I

We went to the emergency vet and they said that he would be fine um but he was like not really able to walk well and he was limping and I was worried that his toe was broken um so the emergency vet says he’ll be fine you know tomorrow he’ll be walking

Normally and he wasn’t walking normally at all like at all Chad at all he was not okay and I had said that to them that he was not okay his toe was at a weird angle um and then we finally got an appointment with our vet and we went

There today and guess who was right guess who was right me this toe was broken chat so um obviously like I’ve been kind of busy with that um for the last five days or so because he can’t really walk up the stairs and he can’t um

He can’t like do anything really on his own he’s TR he’s starting to get a little bit more confident on his paw because he’s learned where he can walk and he will walk a little bit but obviously that’s kind of um throwing like a wrench in my plans

And slowing down my plans no no he’ll be okay chat he’ll be okay how long does it take to make videos the last hundred days video took me over 130 hours from filming and planning to editing and finishing yeah but Dorito will be okay Dorito will will will be okay

Um he has basically six weeks um for it to heal it was a clean break um so he will be fine um he’s just in a little bit of pain we’ve given him some like you know doggy pain medicine um and we’ve um we’ve done everything

That our vet says that we should do we have a couple more appointments to follow up um and make sure that he’s healing correctly um but yeah that’s that’s pretty much it but we were we were so concerned because he isn’t he is a very very active dog

And he’s wait the observer’s changed hold on oh that’s different anyways sorry um but so he um he’s a very very very active dog and I was just really really worried about him um and it was really hard for me to record um it was really really hard for me to

Record while all this was going on so I started recording again today um currently I’m at like day 126-ish um and then once I once I get the video done I will immediately release it you’ll know that where’d you get your bushy leaves I’m using germs better leaves um and it’s

Linked in the description all of the packs that I’m using are linked in the description do you support the lgbtq plus absolutely absolutely friends yeah I’m gonna use germs until um until the Mizuno sleeves are fixed um I know Galley craft by the way it was galleycraft’s birthday yesterday so I

Just want to say Galley if you ever see this happy belated birthday I hope you had a great birthday um but galleycraft has been working on getting the mizuno’s bushy leaves fixed um but I think that she’s also just very very busy with like her own like private

Life and things going on as well so um we’ll just be patient and and wait for for her to finish up with uh with those and then we’ll be back in business how many cats do you have um in real life I have two um and in this world I have one two

Three four I think I have four and then I have I have my puppy Dorito right here What are my pronouns I use she and they pronouns you can use either one for me I don’t mind either one what country do I live in um I’m from the US but I live in the Netherlands when did you start streaming on YouTube I do both I stream on YouTube

Um like twice a month and then I stream on Twitch three times a week but I haven’t streamed this week obviously because of um the stuff that’s going on with my dog but I’ll be back to streams on Friday this week did it costs money for your texture pack no

Is it okay if I use your texture pack it’s a free Texture Pack y’all y’all can use it absolutely you if you if you like the texture pack use whatever you want I don’t care I try to share all of my resources that I use in all of my videos

Inside the description of every episode yo cupcake welcome in how’s it going cupcake all right this is like all of my armor trimmed so that should probably go in the Ender Chest right and then this one is the beacon box right yeah it is okay that one can go in here as well

I’m non-binary do you accept that I accept the lgbtq community um whether you’re trans or or gay or lesbian or anything in between non-binary any of that except everyone I am I would have a pride heart next to me but it hasn’t updated to 120 yet but

Normally if you’ve watched my videos I always had the pride heart next to my character um just to show a little bit of support um you know for for the gay community for the the trans community yo empty Pockets left them in how you doing lovely

Um that doesn’t go in there but these you know Spruce those up there I have some decorations String goes in the mob one raw rabbit why do I have raw rabbit chat is no one else disturbed by this why do I have raw rabbit I’m a little bit concerned okay well keeping one apple in here for Golden Apple do you have any tips for growing your channel

Um I don’t really like to talk about growing channels while I’m streaming um there’s a lot of really good advice out there on like YouTube and Reddit and stuff um but I don’t really like to talk about like streaming or videos like making like growing while while I’m streaming

Oh maybe the cats dropped it y’all are so right y’all are so right the gifts from the cats what is a little bit unsettling to have just like a random Dead Chicken in your house um that is another stuff what else do we have we have a saddle

That goes over here in the treasures uh we have some books that goes in decorations scaffolding I guess goes in here I don’t normally put it in there but I guess I have been putting it in here thank you do Watch Owl House I do not I’ve never seen that

I don’t watch a lot of TV though chat okay I always watch for beds but I’m sorry I haven’t been in your other live streams okay oh good my uh my live stream times don’t always work for everyone that’s totally understandable which mushroom is better red or brown I like them both

Um I feel like no one appreciates Brown mushroom for how pretty it is but I like them both though not enough people appreciate the color brown Pebble have a good one all right there’s more wheat um I do know how to use Chris Forge but

I don’t know how to explain it to you like while I’m streaming um it’s very very difficult to explain is this hardcore mode it is it is hard for we are playing hardcore today um chat if y’all just give me one second I don’t know where my water went

Um so hold on I will BRB and I’ll be really quick just because I have no idea where my water is um and I obviously need it if I’m gonna be talking a lot so one sec foreign foreign hi Chad I’m back sorry I left it downstairs I had to

I had to run downstairs to grab it sorry about that and just give me one more second what’s your Twitch streaming schedule um I stream on Sunday Monday and Friday and if you go to my twitch page you can see under the schedules tab my schedule and your local time hyperarchy welcome in

What’s your favorite mob um I like personally bees um I Like Cows I like sheep um and as far as like hustle mobs go with their skeletons definitely are my favorite all right I feel like a sniffer I do I do like the sniffer I also agree with that bubbles Cobble

Deep site and um what’s it called um calcite are very good I’m just curious have you ever played OverWatch I have I used to play only OverWatch um I was um I was a tank main um and I flex support I played a lot of

Diva a lot of zarya and a lot of erisa um and I also like to play mercy on a Zen um and now kiriko and Moira of course what do you build first on a new server um usually like a little place to like put some chests you know

Oh sorry Chad I forgot to switch I was like sitting here I was like wait why doesn’t that show correctly but then I was I forgot to switch my screen ah sorry chat there we go yo Latin caving welcome in how’s it going yeah hydration Nation absolutely

My McDonald’s Wi-Fi won’t let it load no I play on Java with vanilla textures what’s my favorite block prismarine um I am a huge prismarine fan I feel like prismarine is so underrated because it’s so difficult to get like lots of but once you have a prismarine farm

There’s just like I feel like it’s the prettiest block the blue Marine’s not coming how you doing I found my first diamond heck yeah let’s go congratulations on the diamond um do I have a concrete has some terracotta in here so let’s change that to some concrete and terracotta

We’ll put both of those on there for now and then these ones are still a little messy but I don’t really want to deal with them right this moment yo reversal darling how are you doing oh my goodness I um hello are you friends with the Gemini Tate no we’re not friends

Um I’ve seen like she’s been to my twitch chat before but we’re not friends um oh my gosh you know it you know it how was streamer Camp I saw you on Twitter with some really really awesome looking pictures so proud of you oh my goodness Chris raine’s color changing always gets

Me oh absolutely absolutely do I have enough prismarine no I only have crystals I don’t have shards to make a block of prismarine yeah unfortunate unfortunate um what do we need for our build today we need 20 and a half stacks of stone but you all know I’m already gonna make

This into stone bricks because I feel like when you make Farms you just have to make them out of stone bricks is that is that just me am I the only one doing that it was so fun it looked so fun oh my goodness that is absolutely

Um I’m just so proud of you like you have come so far and also you’re just you’re so amazing do you also do YouTube stuff because I didn’t even know you had a YouTube bestie you do YouTube stuff oh my gosh okay I’m subscribing I’m about to start watching all your videos chat

Um if you guys like Valerian absolutely go follow my friend um reversa you got if you guys like Valerian you will not you will not regret your decision around here I um I’ve been playing some valorant in my off time but oh my goodness definitely not definitely not at the same level Do you have a pet cat I do I have cats in the game and I have cats in real life too but I’m slightly allergic to cats so sometimes having a pet cat is not always the best for me it’s not always fun I don’t know how I feel about the Villager update

Tell them they gained a subscriber oh y’all are so kind thank you for doing that that is very very kind yeah I have mixed feelings about the Villager update um as you all know I feel like villagers are not like that like villagers are strong but I also feel

Like you have to work to get to the point that they are strong like to make them worth it you have to do so much like dangerous stuff I feel like that makes the like how useful they are worth it but I only see them getting like

Nerfed I don’t see them getting any sort of like buff I don’t know it just feels weird it just feels weird and it’s not how I would have personally you know done it if I were the devs but of course you know only respect to them um they they want to like encourage

Players to play in a specific way that’s fine it’s not what I would have done personally Don’t know where a snail see you in a bit is that a totem in your offhand it is um it’s a totem of undying basically cuticor they have made it so that certain um certain enchantments won’t roll on just any villagers anymore so like for for mending you’re gonna

Have to go to a swamp and breed villagers there and set up a village there to be able to get mending from a swamp villager and there’s a bunch of different biome villagers that you’re gonna have to get all of the different enchants from and

Um I don’t know how I feel about it I I just I really don’t know chat I think that something else could have been done to like make those other biomes more interesting without forcing you to like find a village and transport villagers even further than you already had to I don’t know

Is the fairy of Zelda reference it is it is and if you die with it in your hands it makes the fairy sound hold on okay ignore ignore this this is from me making thumbnails and also planning builds you guys have seen all that stuff already except for that Tower but I

Didn’t use it um so just ignore that um so if you if you go up in the air and switch your game mode to survival sounds um yeah I wonder if it’s Gonna Change existing villagers that is a good point I have no idea no one I don’t think

Anyone has actually said whether or not it does change existing villagers friends at the end of the day though I think I think it’ll be fine oh wait you know what we could have done instead of using white carpet I have so much Moss carpet we could have used this in our Enderman

Farm we’ll make it a little bit fancy we’ll get some Moss carpet the Villager feature is not for 120 isn’t that isn’t it didn’t it come out in a snapshot though and that’s why people are upset because it just feels like such an like awkward thing to come out in a snapshot

I think it’s a great change for servers like for S PS I think it’s so good um I wish it was like a game rule where you could toggle it actually because I don’t play with other people that often so for me it just feels like I

Have to do more and more and more work um to be able to get the same things like say we die in this world right and we have to start over in a new world just feels like it’s complicating things for little to no reason um I feel like villagers could have been

Changed in a way that didn’t make it so overly complex but also I mean if people are complaining that old structures or other biomes are boring there are ways to update those biomes without you know adjusting um villagers at all in my opinion of course

I could be wrong and I’m often wrong but oh I didn’t need droppers or I didn’t need bows for droppers I just need um at least once you get a villager at a Master Level it guarantees that you’ll be getting one of the best trades in the

Game it adds a sense of accomplishment the only my only problem with that is that like that doesn’t necess that’s also not that hard you know what I mean it’s not that hard so if they wanted to make it less op I feel like I don’t know I feel like making it

More of a grind would have been better foreign so the other change to villagers is that um they’re finally I guess fixing double curing so as you all know for my villagers I have like I have double triple quadruple cured some of them um so this is obviously something that

Will probably affect my world but we can go over to my villagers really quick um who will eventually get their own homes nobody at me okay I’m a very very tired woman talking about you earlier hope you had a wonderful birthday hope everything’s going good um so let’s see

This guy has been cured many times because his original trade was 63 emeralds for one efficiency book but I trade I cured him down to one which I had to spend like my time and my resources on but after this update he will only have one cure be affecting him

So all of his trade prices are gonna go up a lot yo Swayze hello welcome in um and I’m not really sure if I’m a big fan of that either I feel like that was also a bug that didn’t have to be like addressed I feel like the double yeah no I think

That is the one thing that I’m more upset about because I feel like it just forces you down into the meta of doing certain villager professions for Emerald generation like right now you have options because you can always double or triple cure but I mean let’s be real for

The amount of effort a melanin pumpkin farm takes you’re gonna get so rich off of Just melons and pumpkins and that’ll be pretty much all anyone does so I feel like it just takes away options um but yeah I don’t know those are those are my feelings about it

Um we’ll wait and see what they do like everyone’s saying it’s an experimental feature like kind of like the bundle doesn’t mean it’ll end up in the game um I don’t want to overreact I don’t want anyone else to overreact either um but I I am currently a little bit

Questioning like why you know um and how they’ve changed things but hopefully at the end we all we have something that we can either deal with or that we’re happy with yo coffee welcome in your Electro looks so cool can you show it from the back oh absolutely

This is the um the fairy wings elytra I have just edited um the texture from teal to be pink um so it matched my skin and my vibe a little bit more in this world but normally it’s um normally it’s teal and not um and not this color

Yo twinkle welcome man how’s it going everything’s great had a good birthday yesterday oh that’s so that’s so good to hear I’m so happy honestly I wish that they were just Nerf raid Farms yeah it doesn’t even address raid farms at all have you seen the endless void training

You can trade one carrot and potato for one emerald in an infinite amount of times um yeah I know I’ve seen that as well although um with the if they go forward with this update you won’t be able to do that anymore because villagers won’t be able to accept

Um one carrot or one potato anymore foreign lovely how you doing oh I hope you’re having a wonderful day how do you get the XYZ above your hot bar it’s from a data pack called the coordinates HUD from vanilla tweaks um and it’s a great data pack um it helps with

Um time of day and also the coordinates um so I just added it to my data packs folder and yeah that’s where it is I like the new wandering Trader but the Villager changes might need some adjustments so my my only thing is that I saw like um the wondering Trader changes are

Interesting to me but um my only thing is that he’ll only buy like one poisonous potato like I don’t understand why he only buys one thing like why doesn’t why can’t he buy like four or five like you can buy from him does that make sense I don’t know why um

Like I don’t know why they did that like you could he’ll buy one poisonous potato for one Emerald or like a few sticks or something for one Emerald only one time and then you’re locked out of that trade yeah it you gotta you gotta give us some more I don’t know

What should we name this endermite I feel like we I feel like we have to name it something cool your mom’s making noodles for you it’s the yum oh my gosh I love that name it under my bait blurp blurb grub okay these are some interesting names Ender Slayer how’s it going Leo

Greg I feel like I can’t name it Greg because drift’s creeper is named Greg name the might Mr baby oh I love that I love Mr baby okay we gotta name it Mr baby that’s just such a weird name it’s so funky I’m doing good just want to come say hi

Yeah no thank you so much for stopping in I appreciate that Mr baby welcome in how you doing lovely I hope you’re doing well Mr baby was adorable yeah I agree there were some good names in there though y’all are so great at naming things and

Then and then there’s me and I’m like oh my gosh I named my dog after chips and if it was up to me all of these cats would be sprinkles one two three and four um so I’m glad that we’re not letting me do the naming chat I’m glad that y’all

Are taking care of that for me and putting some good names for me to to grab yo rad welcome in how’s it going lovely we’re having a good day we’re doing a little live stream we’re gonna build an Enderman Farm in a minute what do I need to download to get the

Different skins for the totem it’s called um breath of the wild fairy oven dying I believe and it’s in it’s in the description if you go to the description of this video um it’ll be in there we need 12 of these bad boys so happy about the bell pepper frog oh

We went and saw the frogs earlier um we can go again though before we before we go hold on let’s let’s head over there I promise Chad I promise we’re gonna make a farm today it’s not gonna only be me um talking and walking around my house I promise

There’s tadpole and there’s grutus and there’s block down as good as fortnite which is a lie um and then there’s bell pepper right there bell pepper is doing a big swim there’s poger Frogger and then there’s tadpole again that one’s Lucy and then the other one’s crafty hi Moon welcome in

Bell pepper such a Vibe so true yeah welcome welcome my love oh we still have some stuff out here too how long has this stuff been out here chat y’all okay we’re gonna start doing well do you guys like the the live streams on YouTube where we just work on

Something in our hardcore world because I swear y’all have to keep me accountable for taking care of my messes everywhere around this world okay like if we’re gonna do the YouTube streams y’all have to keep yelling at me to clean up after myself because I have no control over my life

Listen chat listen okay oh I also had to kill an iron golem and I wasn’t even scared um and and we got his head um so how about that clean up thank you thank you but I hope I’m I hope you’re having a good day disconnect um streams that are just World maintenance

I know I did I didn’t want to do that but today I guess we’re doing that a little bit that’s okay um we’ll we’ll still have much much time to work on everything else for that’s gonna come later um and it’s also a good time I guess to

Get some stacks of leaves because we’re gonna need quite a bit we have to bridge out over the void which is always terrifying if you think about it please stream on YouTube more on begging um definitely I’m I think I’m gonna do two times a month right now I feel like

That works good for my schedule but if you want eventually we could probably do like once a week yeah no worries no worries Brad thank you so much I appreciate it is the iron uh Golem hand part of a data pack yeah this is from more mob heads

Um also by Vanilla tweaks all of the data packs I have in this world are from vanilla tweaks um so that includes the coordinates HUD the mob heads um and I also have one that prevents Enderman from picking up blocks so they don’t mess up my builds

Um because that really annoys me when that happens I don’t know if it annoys anyone else as much as it annoys me um yeah but I would definitely recommend if y’all have never checked out vanilla tweaks go over there check them out they have so many good things here on Java

Um they’re great they’re absolutely fantastic we need one of these and I need a rail I need a rail or no not a rail a minecart and that’s only going to take fars which I should have in my decorations yes I do I’ve heard horrendous things about it I

Mean I started um I started on Twitch before I had um ever done YouTube I like twitch um it’s I mean it’s not the best place but it’s it’s not the worst either um it has its moments I feel like I have a really nice community on Twitch like my peeps are

Really great and then we have everything else all right I think that I think we’re ready to go we can leave this here we have food we need a little bit more Rockets we’ll take like a stack we’ll take this whole thing with us we don’t need the

Campfire that’s in our inventory that can go we don’t need 10 campfires um we have we don’t need the book of progress we can put that away we updated that after our last episode went out um let’s say what about yeah no I think I think the rest of this we’re fine

Um actually I’m gonna leave those things here we don’t need any of that we’ll take our enchant or our regular golden apples just in case we get into a little scuffle with an Enderman um and we’ll keep this on our Hotbar because we can’t shoot at our we can

Shoot our boat them anyways all right let’s go your mic keeps going out a bit it might have been just that I wasn’t um I wasn’t talking directly into my mic it was like on every third word is it still like that now where’s purple froggy thank you so much

For coming in and saying hello YouTube had a hiccup oh okay okay oh wait I’m getting no and yes you sound fine to me okay maybe it was just um maybe it was just YouTube I don’t know um where is my it’s down that way okay it’s like South

Ish yeah there it is I need to make like signs to where these things are YouTube sometimes be like that okay okay it’s still going out foreign so for everyone who’s having the the mic go out maybe it’s um it’s probably YouTube Just refresh the stream or like close it and then reopen

It I don’t know there’s nothing I can do on my end hey buddy how’s it going don’t go in there okay what what happens if he goes in there oh well we’re about to find out I guess um where are we going there I’m gonna take a couple of these leaves

And I’ll take the dirt it was for me and I refreshed and now it’s fine yeah I don’t know why that would be like that yeah no worries um snail enjoy the food enjoy the food hey I feel like we have to keep this guy here now

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Did you just chill there I’ll be back with a boat I wish that you were a Mr baby but you’re not I feel like he these like a cafe in the end or something like he’s gonna be a cafe owner I don’t know why but that is how I see this figlin okay

One two three four five six seven all right so what we’re gonna do chat we’re gonna bridge out over the end until we have no leaves left and I’ve learned my lesson I’m not making this only one wide because it freaks everyone out even though I won’t fall

Freaks everyone out and also I watched a tutorial today where they didn’t go all the way down to y0 in in the end um because I was like I couldn’t remember exactly how big I needed to make the platforms so I’m also not going out to y0 because why were we even doing

That with shulker crop just lying to us the whole time like why did we have to do that does it help the raids if somebody does know please tell me does it actually help the rates or like I don’t want to go down to y0

If I if I don’t have to I’m not going to do like that whole like lava bucket and you know um water thing I’m not gonna do that it’s supposed to only affect it a little bit but I don’t know if it’s noticeable yeah especially on like a single player

I don’t think that’s gonna be that noticeable you know yeah we have our Electro so even if I fall here I’ll be fine but sometimes when you’re at the zero you can’t like recover quick enough although I am realizing I don’t have rockets on my hot bar

Um so there we go we have Rockets now one wide is faster that’s true but I don’t want to give anyone emotional damage by only doing a one wide one I I’ve done that in a previous world before and everyone yelled at me there we go the three wide does look pretty that’s

True I can’t walk in a straight line I just hold W but if you’re playing on like mobile I feel like that I can definitely understand how that would be a scary thing you’re just gonna watch peacefully that’s fine if you want to lurk that’s totally good thanks for watching even if

You’re not chatting RC hello welcome in foreign also the end is so pretty with these shaders I don’t know how I ever looked at the end before I had shaders but like oh that is so beautiful I just a moment of appreciation for that purple sky Maxwell’s suit Maxwell is cute for the

Pigland Maxwell’s I don’t know how would how would we name this to to be a shop Maxwell’s Coffee House maybe we could build him something with like some end stone brick we’ll probably have to kill the dragon 20 times before we do that let’s be real because I don’t want to have to

Like rebuild it if we ever do some in her again oh wait that was that was all of them okay perfect um well goodbye to that Maxwell’s macchiato oh that’s cute who’s your favorite singer um I really like Halsey as a singer and also Taylor Swift um I’m also super into Genevieve Stokes

Um if you guys don’t know Genevieve Stokes just one of my favorite artists of all times she’s so good at singing I thought I was your favorite singer okay glagoff is my favorite singer that’s true that is true what are we doing we’re building an Enderman Farm one two three

Okay wait wait wait three four five six seven eight nine I have to go sorry no worries don’t ever be sorry the VOD will stay on YouTube in the live streams Channel or in the live streams playlist if you guys um ever want to watch it again but if you don’t

Don’t worry about it um if you don’t have time or anything and so it’s hard to watch a three hour stream I get it um but I will I’ll recap in the next episode what we uh what we do on stream here today so you won’t you won’t miss anything

Yo Angel welcome and how’s it going one two three this needs two more and this is so one two and three right here perfect no worries bubble yeah we’re um we’re only gonna go for like two more hours um it’s normally around this time I’m getting ready for bed so I’m actually

Staying up a little bit later than my bedtime um well I don’t go to bed at eight o’clock chat that that makes me sound like an old grandma um but I I do generally go to bed pretty early um usually like around 9 30. um because I am a very tired lady

I realized I needed a lot more sleep than I was giving myself a few years ago so I just try my best to get all the sleep that my body needs now matcha reminds me of a cafe that I went to that was in a book uh store that

Dango was delicious oh that sounds like fun are you following more things tutorial yeah um well I I wrote down basically what to do from his tutorial but his tutorial is really similar to the shulker craft one um but yeah that’s the one I’m um I’m following and I also put it in

The description for anyone who wants the link for it uh feel free to grab it because that’s the one that I’m using shoot I think I this up yeah I did am I gonna be able to catch it oh I did let’s go oh did I just swear I’m so sorry if I

Swear to chat oh my gosh I am so sorry oh I feel silly now I’m so sorry should I get more pasta if you want to um did I glog off I can’t I don’t know if I did or not shoot oh man okay wait wait I have to look into each other

So one goes here shoot he’s looking the wrong way chat okay okay okay shoot okay that’s fine I’ll go get another one it’s fine yo Kestrel welcome in how’s it going I thought I said the f word chat I really did I thought I thought that I said the f word I’m sorry

Oh that’s embarrassing but I didn’t actually say the F word why didn’t you make extras I I didn’t need extras but until I did I listen to you while I do my homework more enjoyable oh thank you so much I’m so glad that you’re um having um fun while you’re doing homework and

Watching the videos oh I did say oh my gosh chat I feel like you’re trolling me sorry for anyone watching with their parents or their grandparents I’m so sorry I have I have messed this up but I promise you I will do it not again maybe next time

It’s okay we forgive thank you you lost like 10 observers in the void yeah I feel like I never know which way that is the way that they’re pointing and I try every time I’m wrong like I always think it’s the opposite way are you okay with people making fan art

Of you absolutely RC absolutely that’s totally fine I would love to see it if you if you make one definitely send it to me okay so to make it look at itself I have to put it there right okay yeah okay there we go cool okay and then we’ve put these all around

I don’t know what this really does but I guess we’ll just do it oh maybe so Enderman don’t teleport on these blocks that would probably be it there we go all right now I guess grab these and we’re gonna make another platform same size oh whoops I did not mean to drop one

There that’s fine will you continue 200 days of Minecraft absolutely uh Pauline um I’ve I’ve already started to record I’m at what day 126. um I was I’m a little bit behind where I wanted to be but that’s because my puppy broke his toe on Saturday so I unfortunately

Um couldn’t get a lot of recording done this week from helping him um you know obviously get around and stuff but yeah no I’m I’m definitely going to be making um another 100 days I really had a lot of fun with the last one I saw that there was a lot of good

Feedback um that a lot of people wanted me to do another one so we’ll we’ll definitely get there it just um it’s just gonna take some time spooky that works for me when you if you do post it on your like Community Tab and you at me um just

Comment on one of my posts I try to look at my comments every day um just let me know when you do that well also if you guys are in the Discord or if you’re on Twitter or Instagram you can always tag me as well I hope he’s okay he’s doing good

Um he’s he’s doing a lot of we’re doing a lot of pain management for him um and he’s walking a little bit better than he was uh like Saturday or Sunday but um we basically the accident happened on Saturday and it took us until today to find out that his toe was actually

Broken um two vets were arguing that one said it was broken one said it wasn’t broken and that was at the emergency place um so when we went to our normal vet today and we were like please help us find out why he is walking weird and limping and his toe is weird

And she was like okay well we’ll go take an x-ray um and I don’t know why they didn’t take an x-ray at the other place um but um yeah it was broken I knew it I was right I knew it was broken but I guess the one vet didn’t think it was so

Yeah Doritos my IRL Pat do you guys want to see a picture of him um give me one second let me get a picture of him to show to y’all oh okay this is him that’s my buddy um this was a couple weeks before the incident when we took him on this big

Like long like two hour walk um to all his favorite sniffing um spots That’s my boy he’s two years old he’s a corgi he’s a happy little boy oh he’s Mr baby true Dorito is actually Mr baby you should have pet him from us and chat

I definitely will he’s um he’s in his crate he’s laying down because that’s his like safe spot um and he’s been resting a lot in there but when I’m done with my stream um before I go to sleep tonight I will definitely give him some pets from y’all

Yeah I just felt really bad um like it took us from Saturday night till today on Wednesday to get like what was wrong with him sorted and poor boyo was in pain and he was trying to like be really Brave about it and he wanted to

Play but he can’t really play because he can’t really walk um it was just really really sad I felt really bad for him I was like feeling like a failure as a pet owner because I mean like you just you don’t want to see your your pet babies in pain and you

Know it was just really frustrating for me as well and that’s that’s why it’s um I posted on Twitter earlier this week um and I posted in the Discord as well um just the content would be a little bit slower my partner is luckily able to look after him a little bit better

Um in the evenings because he’s not at work um so that’s why I was able to stream tonight but um yeah it’ll just be a little bit slower um while he’s healing because obviously I’ve gotta I’ve gotta pick him up and take him down the stairs and you know

Help him outside and stuff it takes a little bit longer than it used to how did he hurt himself I don’t know so our in-laws um were watching him and they think that he had a little accident in the backyard where his foot got stuck and he pulled it

Um but both of them were a little bit preoccupied like his dad was answering the phone um and his mom was like washing dishes or something um and they they could see him from the glass but they didn’t exactly catch what happened um so it was just um it was unfortunate

That we don’t really know fully what happened um that’s also a little bit frustrating but he will be um he will be good when I miss no almost nothing we’re just building the the farm shoot does anyone know how many of these we’ve built already I’m supposed to be

Keeping track but I forgot yeah but luckily luckily his parents um were able to tell us um that something had happened and you know um when we when we got there to pick him up um we immediately called the emergency vet right then and there and then since then

Um that was Saturday night we’ve been trying to figure out what is wrong can I friend you on Minecraft Java doesn’t have a friend’s list and I don’t play on bedrock I gotta go nowhere to Summer I guess that’s why we brought some extra blocks it’s fine

Eating noodles ooh the ones that your mom made they sounded really good yeah if you guys want to um keep up with like content or if something is taking longer um Discord is definitely the best place um I post all my updates in Discord yeah no worries uh Kestrel said possible

Thank you so much for being here I’m a little bit scared oh here’s this all right we’re gonna free cam this we’re gonna count how many of these do we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay we need two more this Farm is amazing absolutely love it

I’ve never seen an Enderman Farm This Tall I think a lot of people make the other version and I’ve made the other version where it’s like shorter but I feel like the taller one they don’t get to the end or my eight like in the other

One I feel like they always kill the endermite yo Benzene milkman yo Rihanna hello welcome I love your 100 days video the base is so cute thank you so much Alex I appreciate that I’m I’m really looking forward to making 200 days um so far I don’t want to spoil anything

But so far it’s been it’s been fun what I’ve recorded and edited so far has been good and I’m really excited to show y’all so this is one two three four five one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen okay I

Just gotta do that a couple more times so in the comment section of one of my videos this girl asks if we could talk on Discord um I just tell people I don’t really collab with strangers like people ask me to collab all the time but

It’s not that I like I don’t want to meet people but I’m also like stranger danger you know one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen you inspired me to do 100 days and it’s so fun it is so fun I’m so glad that I

Inspired you I hope it goes well one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen I just joined uh we’re making a Enderman Farm because I have no XP farm in this world and sometimes my tools get low and I don’t have any way to repair them

Besides trading with villagers so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven now we can how do you place them so confidently um just practice honestly um I used to be really scared but now I’m I’m a little bit less scared

And I have my wings and I have a long time before I’d be in the void so I just I I just hold shift or like Crouch um and I just try to do the best that I can and if I fall I have like my rockets

In my hot bar we can easily fly back up we’ll be fine I like your texture pack thank you Ari welcome back summer but I also have Swift sneak on as well and I feel like that just makes building a little bit faster if you’re sneaking like if you’re placing the blocks like

This it’s just so much faster I love that Bedrock holds crowds for you um Joppa can hold Crouch too but I have never played with the crouch on toggle instead of hold I’m afraid that my brain will like accidentally hit unshift when I don’t want it to

Um because I’m I’m so used to crowd like holding it what’s my favorite food tacos I also really love curry and I’m really really into Ramen right now um Ramen is like my favorite like lunchtime food to have right now when will you do a face reveal I don’t

Know if I’ll ever do a face reveal darling I have no idea maybe someday I don’t want to say never but Um at least right now I don’t really want to I made um lasagna a couple nights ago so I have the leftovers for dinner tonight which was really really good ciao from Italy welcome in welcome in hope you’re having a wonderful day I just got chipotle I wish I had

Chipotle in the Netherlands I was just in the US as well and I forgot completely to go to Chipotle while I was there um I was taking my partner to all my favorite like you know spots to eat um like we went and got steak and we went

And got Mexican at this other place but I forgot to go to Chipotle while I was there one sec I feel like I’m gonna snooze hold on what fast food does the Netherlands have um it has like McDonald’s and Burger King and stuff I think it also has KFC

Although I’ve not been there um but it hasn’t like for like as far as like Dutch fast food it’s a lot of like snack foods like fries and fried foods like they have like a fried cheese thing they have sausage they have like chicken they have

They have a lot of like I don’t know typical fried food um and of course there’s like pizza and stuff too although I I don’t know I’m from New York originally so I’m very picky about my pizza um and I just I haven’t found good pizza in Europe yet

Hello from Algeria welcome in uh Rasheed I hope I’m saying that right I’ll come in hope you’re having a wonderful day oh we got our first Enderman spawning I’m definitely not afraid you’re also from New York oh my gosh that’s amazing how do you put the recording mod it is

Um from the replay mod y’all making me want McDonald’s now no same and I just had McDonald’s this weekend I’m don’t tell anyone okay chat we have we have the spicy McChicken we had we had a burger we had some fries I haven’t had KFC in so long I don’t

Know the last time I had KFC it just wasn’t that great but you know you know what I missed I miss like um Popeyes like I would always get Popeyes when I was in the US I’m about to eat golden Curry for lunch I just bought new golden Curry from the um

From the um what’s it called like the Asian market in my in the mall I just bought golden Curry cubes um to make some katsukere um I that was like my my new favorite recipe that I’ve tried this year Shake Shack’s mushroom burger is delicious oh I love Shake Shack so much

I haven’t been there in so long you’re from Colorado oh my gosh Colorado looks amazing you know I’ve always wanted to try Whataburger too but I’ve never been to Texas yo Ivar’s welcome in do you have any other pets um to me in real life Lucy hello from India yo part of Pokemon

Missouri nice hello from Nigeria the time difference makes it so hard to watch a live oh my gosh thank you so much for being here yeah time time zones are so rough thank you so much for coming in don’t come to Texas you’ll melt no else I I already know

I am from New York and I’ve always lived in like places where it is like cold most of the year I know Texas would destroy me I would just be melted into a little frog puddle Whataburger is the best I’ve heard so many good things I’ve heard maybe if I’m

Ever traveling through there I’m gonna go opinions on Sweden I’ve never been there but I like Ikea and Swedish meatballs hello from Romania oh my gosh welcome in from Romania hi from Poland as well oh my gosh so many so many different countries in the chat today okay

New York City is so humid so true well there’s so many people living in that City in such a small space it feels like it’s even hotter you know because there’s just so many bodies everywhere southern Europe is holding on for dear life right now I saw that it was in the

40s in some of the places in southern Europe now I can’t complain too much it was we had a heat wave here where it was almost 40 uh in the Netherlands which was extremely warm for this area um but the last few days we finally had

Some rain and it’s been a little bit more of a manageable temperature foreign which province do you live I live in Amsterdam hello from the Philippines welcome in welcome in I’m from Germany just to complete the country collection oh thank you so much for watching from Germany

Can you guess my favorite color is it red how do you mind without fear torches lots and lots of torches also a shield Shields are good is that how Amsterdam is supposed to be pronounced yeah that’s the Dutch way of saying it like the American way is Amsterdam

But Amsterdam is the right way I’m in New Orleans and it’s been around 40 Celsius for a few weeks now I don’t know how y’all do it I would be melting in a puddle on the ground crying screaming for dear life I forgot Ender Pearl’s chat

Um okay okay we’re gonna have to kill a few Enderman but it’ll be fine nothing to worry about We’re not gonna do it here though we’re gonna we’re gonna go over there can I ask a question absolutely savares are you a YouTuber I think so I think savares is a YouTuber

I’m from Russia oh my goodness welcome in India it’s also 45 to 47. oh my goodness there’s no way when it’s 25 I’m already like this is too hot okay it shouldn’t be able to get me right we’ll just put one of those one of these

Here we’ll you know we’ll do these and we’ll just do this really quick and hold on I’m gonna turn down um or hostile creatures so we don’t all get um a jump scare from this I’m leaving okay does anyone see my child I see your chat it’s currently 94 degrees

Um Fahrenheit right now I’m so glad that I’m an indoor person oh my gosh right welcome in by the way I just subbed today welcome in welcome in thank you so much for subbing I appreciate that okay can y’all just come here I just need one ender pearl or maybe 12. okay sirs

Now I’m gonna use that that’s 11. probably gonna need some more a little bit scared are you on Roblox I am not I do not have a Roblox account what’s your name in your life I don’t share my name I might eventually share my name but

Um when I first started streaming I had somebody find me because I shared my name um and that was really scary um mizuno’s Enderman are so silly I agree I can’t they can’t know that I’m looking at them ow don’t be rude do you have any tips for starting a YouTube channel um

I would just say focus on making fun videos and having fun um I I got really lucky because I was a streamer before I was a YouTuber so I had a community already like there to watch my videos so I don’t know if I have the best advice but just focus on

Finding something that you like to make like I started with speed builds and tutorials and I really did not like making those kinds of videos so I tried out a let’s play after blockdown builds told me to make one I mean that’s where I really found that

I really like to make those and it was a really fun um it was a really fun way to make content so I just had to find something that I liked so I think that’s the biggest thing I’d recommend is experiment with different things and and try to make some fun videos and

Don’t really worry about you know how many views you get at the beginning okay because we we all get you know low views at the beginning but just have fun can you make a Roblox Channel I don’t play Roblox lovely do you think the warden has misunderstood absolutely

I feel like me and him could be Bros if oh man that is annoying look if he let me we can be friends but he doesn’t call me back so I found you and I was looking for cottage core inspo that’s so nice I hope that my um whatever whatever post

You found I hope was helpful I remember honey cat oh my gosh honeycat Geo Rod’s named Honey cat okay wait I don’t necessarily think I remember how to do this so it’s wait wait wait it’s one of these hold on Chad I have to look really quick I don’t

Remember how to do this part I’m looking at the tutorial it’s linked in the description by the way if anyone needs it foreign no on top of this we put a carpet I see I see there we go I found you with a three hour video of

All the let’s plays in one world I absolutely loved it yeah I would love to make another one of those I will probably make one for the hardcore World um once we get to that amount of episodes what the heck was that sounded like the Ender Dragon

I don’t know did y’all hear that to me that sounded like the Ender Dragon I’m gonna block this off so buddy can’t get out and then we put the rail there right we have the name tag and we have this I didn’t hear anything okay maybe it was

Just me maybe it was just me oh I probably need food as well I’ve never noticed that ender pearls have a cool down that’s the first time I’m ever noticing that my friends call me a pro but I don’t want to be one that’s not a bad thing

Though if you’re if you’re good at a game oh there we go okay there we go Mr baby there we go okay okay don’t be rude Mr baby I’m bored I don’t think I can help you with that very much yeah it hurt like the dragon roaring or

I heard that as well that’s what I okay okay Mr baby now you just gotta not get hit by any of these Enderman there we go okay covered in with the carpet okay now this should be very mad that he’s there yeah they’re Fair they’re very very mad okay

I’m gonna turn no I’m not gonna turn up um the Enderman because that will be very bad for all of our ears you don’t sound like you’re from New York you sound English I’ve never heard that before I don’t have like a Brooklyn accent or or anything like I don’t have a Long

Island accent um it’s definitely an American one why don’t Enderman like the Enderman I don’t know I don’t know if there’s a lore reason for that but they just they hate that guy oh no I’m from upstate New York I’m like from across the lake from Canada New

York not New York City although I’ve been to New York City many times you sound like you’re from Australia I’ve never I see when I hear Australian people I don’t hear um I don’t think it sounds like myself there we go easy hey that didn’t take too long Channel it

Took us about 45 minutes to build that up and yeah it’s not the prettiest thing ever um but it works we can just repair our tools now very easily I’m finding the best PVP player on a server I play on I don’t know I don’t know anything about

PVP bestie I’m just uh I’m just a Crafter I just build there’s a theory for why Enderman hate endermites but I have no idea where it’s from oh my gosh please share I love theories about Enderman have you all heard that the theory that like Enderman are the Fallen um

Players who didn’t defeat the dragon like the dragon defeated I feel like that is such a cool Theory okay and that’ll just throw those out now cool XP is very nice you’re from upstate New York as well nice Tobias yeah I’m from like Syracuse area I don’t know where I heard that theory

From as well but it’s also a cool Theory to think about you know are you planning to do a let’s play with Laura in the future possibly um it’s a it’s a real possibility I’d say that I could do one um I’m just not the most confident lore writer out there

Um so I really have to like practice and like sit down and write I don’t know writing is not one of my strong suits chat do you play on a public Minecraft servers only on Hypixel art Endermans like or aren’t endermites like Enderman parasites oh is that why they hate them

Oh there’s an Enderman head there put that for our collection will you make more building videos what do you mean Shay like tutorials because I am I don’t make tutorials anymore I didn’t really enjoy the process of making them but I’ve um I’ve made a lot of videos

Where you can sort of like follow along with me as I build something that in the offhand do you have a mod pack for heads it’s just a data pack but it’s called more mob heads yeah okay and there we go everything’s all healed up and

We still have like an hour left of the stream chat now my idea was that if this didn’t take three hours that we could probably go search for some Wither Skeleton skulls because we do need a couple more beacons or at least it would be nice if we had a few more beacons

Hey welcome in the elytra the Electra is also a resource pack and that is linked in the description the theory I know is that the Endermen are ancient builders that created the cities and ruins and they had to run to the end for some reason I want to say

The Wither oh that’s a cool Theory somebody else mentioned the ancient Builders Theory they um they brought food and stuff but the end is obviously not made for regular agriculture so they ended up eating the coarse fruit which corrupted them in a sense oh that’s cool that’s one of the theories interdimensional parasites

The Elijah were repaired yeah I have mending on all my gear I have mending on everything except for my bow I play with an Infinity though I feel like I would like mending bows more if we if they came out with a quiver like do you guys I feel like Minecraft

Really needs a quiver because think about your inventory right you have so little space for all the stuff that you need all your different tools and ender pearls and shoulder boxes and a shield and your ender chest and your totem and your food and you know a splash potion

Just in case because you never know what’s going to be lurking in in you know in the shadows and and then you know you’re also supposed to carry around six stacks of arrows no thanks but just a little quiver would be great if Minecraft could just add one of these

Maybe it could hold a couple stacks of arrows you know like five or six Stacks I feel like that would be nice I love how XPS connected to the whole Magic system me too I love that as well there was a quiver in the game at one point really I didn’t know that

I must have missed that update all right let’s go to the nether chat let’s go to the Nether and we’re gonna hunt for some wither skeletons um and that’s how we’ll end our stream so hopefully we don’t die um hopefully hopefully we don’t die that would be a little bit embarrassing

I have a fact about rainbow sheep in Minecraft if you spawn a sheep in and name it Jeb then its wool will turn rainbow oh that’s so cool I wish that the Jeb sheep dropped like a random color of wool you know I feel like that would be really cool like when you

Sheared it I wish it would be any of the the colored wool I feel like she’s gonna die no no we’re we’re fine we’re we’re fine Chad We’re Not Gonna Die um but I do not remember where we are going so um I definitely know that it’s not right there

This is the old portal right ow hold on yeah that’s the old portal this is where we first came in in like episode two or three okay yeah Wither Skeleton or Fortress right there wow I can see so much more in the nether now than I used to be able

To with my old computer probably should have brought fire resistance potions probably but that’s okay hey buddy how many days does this world have I can check for you in a minute oh probably should turn mob sounds back on pair Point chat FairPoint um we are at day 593 so almost day 600

What’s your favorite biome in Mr nose flower Forest absolutely but the flower Forest is my favorite biome in general I’m also really really into Mega taigas and I love also um what’s it called um Meadows Meadows are just nice hello any wither skeletons in here I have a five-year hardcore world

Um the house 90 000 days oh wow that’s a I feel like that’s the world record isn’t it I don’t know how many I feel like isn’t Linksys the longest content world with like 30 000 days or something I don’t know how many days link has anymore my favorite movie Jurassic Park

I don’t know why I just really love dinosaurs don’t forget Maxwell um so I don’t know if we can get Maxwell back here um we’re gonna leave Maxwell on the end We’re not gonna build for him today we’ll have to plan that maybe that could be our next stream we’ll make we’ll make

Um Maxwell a little cafe dark oak forests are amazing but I wish creepers weren’t real that’s fair uh dark oak forests are very scary because of creepers wow this is not a great another Fortress for wither skeletons but I am going to take all this netherwork because if we’re gonna build something

I might want red another brick and Mr knows it’s I also really like this nether brick in in mizuno’s I really like this like dark brick it’s nice it’s very very nice did you name tag him I didn’t name tag him but the the end is not loaded so it’ll be fine

It’ll be fine chat he was he was still in the the stronghold you know even though I wasn’t there it’ll be fine where’s that other Fortress that we know about there was one in like a Basalt Delta how do I get there I think the longest hardcore world was

Phil’s uh yeah but that was like five years ago right people have longer hardcore worlds now than filza had back then although filzos was the longest up until that point I think shoot yeah yeah gotta go this way and this way okay where’s that Basalt Delta that is West

I feel like that is West so where is West that’s West it is that way okay a PD spawns I’m gonna cry no we’ll just get a new one it’s fine what’s your favorite color my favorite color is um like a reddish orangish brown color if y’all had Crayola growing up

Um or or even now um it was called burnt sienna that’s specifically my favorite color but I also really like green and I really like pink as well honestly I really like most of the colors I even like you know chartreuse which a lot of people don’t like um shoot

How are we gonna get over there am I gonna have to mine over there I don’t remember how I got over there before and that’s what happens when your computer breaks for months and you haven’t explored the nether because you’re afraid casually on fire whereas West yeah I

Mean we’re fine we only were in the lava for a second my sister’s a noob can you give away to teach her why don’t you play with her so you can teach her what you know and and then it could be like a bonding experience for you too

I feel like that’s a really good way to learn by playing with people you love yeah yeah just oh yeah go in that lava go in that lava you little pig Lin oglin I’m so late but I uh made it no worries no worries welcome in hope you’re doing

Well welcome to the Stream we made an Enderman Farm earlier and now we’re just gonna Farm some Wither Skeleton skulls and chat so we’re just doing all sorts of dangerous things today Dre welcome in how are you doing lovely gonna eat something yeah absolutely enjoy I hope you have something delicious

And 90 000 day hardcore World why didn’t you have mending on your armor that would have been the first thing I did honestly that was one of the first things I did in this world was I grounded for um for all the um the books really do not like that sound um

I don’t like gas and they’re very scary in missunos all right we have one where’d it go dude where did hello did you just fall okay okay that was a little bit scary that was a little a little bit frightening I thought I heard or saw aghast

But I guess that we this if they spawned I don’t know do you have any suggestions for what I would do what do you mean can I ask you something what do you want to ask 100 heard of gas I heard two of them as well I think it’s okay

Great I was um out all day and I thought I would miss the stream but I didn’t oh I’m so hot here and I hope you had a good day out my goodness a day out right now would just be fantastic although the last time that I did go out

For a day you know broken toe puppy happened to love the sound of the gas when it’s calm um um honestly not really I don’t really like any of the nether sounds except for um the sound of the blaze dying it just sounds magical and I like the sound when you destroy

Um the netherwar uh blocks and the fungus blocks um I like those a lot yo Swifty hello I’m gonna say Just saying hello I don’t see any wither skeletons here what’s your texture pack um it’s Mizuno 16 craft I only recently heard the alley sounded so magical absolutely it is very very magical it’s one of my favorite sounds there’s other skeleton oh and there’s a ghast right there

I don’t know if I can hit that I feel like I definitely would have hit that if it didn’t not render how do you see me I’m so far away I love your video so much thank you I appreciate that there’s a farm for this Fortress you can

Get a lot of weather drops and blazes as well yeah I want to make a Wither skill Farm but I just I haven’t had time to do it yet and there’s a few projects that I want to do in the Overworld before I move to the Wither Skull Farm um I want

To get the tree farm done in the next episode um for anyone who was here last time and and heard me say that that’s definitely a priority um but I’ve also been wanting to re uh to to remake that Village and to transform that Village that’s outside my base

Um and I have I already have an idea for how I want to do it but um yeah I just have to do it I guess do you have a fear I do not at least not in Minecraft do you watch The Owl House I have not I

Don’t watch a lot of TV though and that’s just me being you know boring but I don’t really have a lot of time I watched some YouTube um I watched smallish beans and I watch my friends and when Lizzy uploads I watch Lizzy but um yeah I watched gem sometimes I watch other

Um creators as well but yeah I don’t have I don’t have a ton of time to watch TV and when I do it’s you know I usually watch YouTube nope no skull that’s a little bit scary yeah no worries Pauline have a good one I’m actually actually no that’s not

That’s the truth I am afraid of magma cubes um on one shot s p it was a hardcore SMP I died to a Magma Cube but those are the only ones that I’m afraid of otherwise I’m not that scared like oh how and what that guy no way

Okay that’s rude you didn’t have to do that yeah that’s what you get that’s what you get for being rude the Totoro plush is complete let’s go proud of you so nice to get a project completed oh God I wish that were me vexes are the only mob I fear that’s you

Know that’s a fair point I didn’t think about vexus for a moment vexes are scary but has anyone seen their new model their new model is actually fire like I love they look just like LA’s now and that makes me so happy and that sound a little bit did scare me okay

We’re fine we’re fine Chad no no worries we’re fine no nothing to be scared of I was gonna ask how um you have a map are you using curse words no I downloaded a map from curse forage um but I I use prism launcher for my for Minecraft like for all my instances

Do you know the thing that makes mizunos leave some more bushes on Pocket Edition I have no idea what’s on Pocket Edition I don’t know if any official ports are on Pocket Edition um hey nothing at least it’s a good way to get coal I guess I hate Phantoms I like Phantoms because

Phantoms are easy to like not have spawn you know you can just sleep I don’t mind Phantoms personally I just realized it wasn’t at the latest time stamp no worries bibo no worries um I do have a map though um just to catch you up I do have a map it’s called

Zero’s world map it’s a mod um but I use um prism launcher I don’t use the curse Forge launcher um but it’s it’s sort of similar you can just mod your instances um however however you want feel like this is also not a great Fortress

We can find one in like a Soul Sand Valley I don’t know if I found any in Soul Sand valleys oh there is one over there God that’s so far away I don’t know if if pretty leaves are are available on Pocket Edition to be honest

I don’t know what is available on Pocket Edition I thought I thought that Bedrock couldn’t do um like Leaf texture packs for whatever reason but somebody who’s smarter than me probably knows better I have no idea I just use chunk base chunk base is a good place to use as well

I just so I like the mini map or the the world map not the mini map I like the world map in game because um it doesn’t confuse me as much as coordinates do um coordinates are really confusing to me but if I can follow a map back to my

House then I feel like safe but I don’t generally show the map in videos that much just because people are always saying like she’s using a map it’s cheating and it’s like if you want to like you know say that a map is cheating then probably shaders are cheating too because they

Light up more of the caves I don’t know I just let people play how they want to play you know I’m a very big believer in just let people play how they want to play Let Them Be Happy if they’re cheating on a server or whatever and you report them to the

Admins fine but if they’re playing their own single player game just let them have their fun you know exactly exactly you can play however you want in Solo that is what I think too oh my gosh I cannot hit this gas it’s very very embarrassing it’s very

Embarrassing oh my goodness why won’t he die there we go well the guests here made it okay thankfully that was embarrassing first try yeah yeah no no proof otherwise absolutely not definitely first try never never a second try never a second shot I wish waypoints were in Bedrock yeah I

I wish that as well I wish we had better waypoints but I guess you could mix waypoints with the map but then you have to carry around a map with you as well and I don’t know I don’t know if this is just me but maps

Are also confusing to me we have to go that way um no I’m sorry that that happened had to happen to you but you didn’t mind your business oh dear rods hello welcome in how you doing lovely we stuck with rockets just in case a good point good point I do have my

Rocket shulker on me there we go good point I’m afraid to just jump down here but at the same time like what am I afraid of that it’s a hole going nowhere well yeah all right let’s let’s dig Minecraft on switch is a demon I believe

That I have Minecraft on my switch and the last time I loaded into a world it loaded for 25 minutes and then it just kicked me out and I was like oh okay so I don’t play on switch I like your avatar Minecraft thank you which coordinates are the ones you have

To divide by eight for synced up nether portals um x and z coordinates y doesn’t really matter the Y level can be whatever but the x and z have to be exact you know here’s the funny thing now y’all I’m not gonna remember how to get

Home so disconnect it’s now your job to remember how to get home we’ll just put this little Bridge here and remember that we go home through there I guess shoot just taking a little hot bath are you Maxwell’s cousin there you go there’s another rock probably shouldn’t stand in the lava

Though I mean I know it doesn’t burn you but just smell it a little bit fresh I guess I’m not good with directions well disconnect purple froggy you went to sleep so who am I supposed to blame we still have 45 minutes I’m sure we’ll find it I’m so scared

This guy needs to stop following me ASAP Maps don’t help that much it’s hard to tell the yeah I also I have so much trouble with that like sometimes I even have trouble following the treasure maps like the very treasure maps I don’t know if that’s just a mini

Problem maybe like maybe it’s a skill issue if it is a skill issue though don’t tell me that I don’t actually want to know all right Soul Sand Valley this will hopefully be better for us now let’s just see if we can find any wither skeletons hello skellies

No worries um squid have a good one let’s go let’s go Chad the rib armor trim actually amazing we beat Minecraft just now how is the new piece you’ve been behaving better better finally I mean we’re currently at what like um we’re at a 19 render distance this is

The furthest I’ve ever been able to see in Minecraft with shaders on um it’s amazing but also it’s just I can actually edit videos and I can actually stream again which is great because I couldn’t do that before oh I’m a little bit scared not too scared though

I found some trick um tricks for treasure maps I heard that you can like look at the chunk thing right and then you go nine nine and the middle one doesn’t matter goals yeah I I feel very very lucky um my my partner was able to help me with um with rebuilding

Um which I’m so so so grateful for I was um I was actually thinking that I wouldn’t be able to do YouTube anymore at all when it first happened because building a PC in this day and age is so expensive to to get one that can like

You know render at a decent time and all that stuff it’s just very difficult go away no one likes you oh hey Maxwell’s cousin just just everyone be cool where can I get this texture pack from it’s linked in the description of this video of this stream hey from

I hear more of them oh probably from oh there’s right there oh there’s another one hello Beatrice hello welcome in how you doing nothing um our poor inventory is full over there there might be more that’s a regular skeleton down there yo Logan

Oh my gosh I know me too I it’s even a Crimson Forest or it’s a Basalt Del Taco for me there’s no in between like oh imagine a nice warped Forest spawn not like you’re only dealing with Enderman it’s a little bit less scary you know the hoglands aren’t there piglands might be

Gabriel welcome in how you doing you’re fine good to hear Beatrice good to hear I would even take like y’all remember how the nether used to be before the 116 update where you would just spawn in and it was just nether waste wow I um I miss those days although I

Mean I won’t lie though I do like the new biomes in the nether I just wish that I saw less of them and more of not dying to hoglands or magma cubes oh yep there’s there’s a lot of them here oh gosh hey buddies come fight me

Sorry that’s probably a lame of me or was that was that the sky I think it was oh he’s dead yo Sarah welcome in how’s it going when you’re when you spawn in your portal is directly in a fortress has anyone had that happen to them

Um ow don’t be rude to me I am a baby I’m actually a baby don’t do that that’s only happened to me one time and it happened to me on an s p and I was so scared um but it oh dude you stole my kill that

Was he was gonna give me the wither skeleton skull I know it and then you took it you were very rude did you get any skulls yet no we haven’t gotten one yeah no Leaf we had one on Grindstone where we were inside of another Fortress oh God that sound is awful

Look at him over there mocking me I don’t know where that fire just came from scared ow there’s a blaze spawner right there we’re gonna cover this up oh my God there’s a there’s a skeleton there oh my God there’s so many blazes I’m so scared

We’re fine we’re fine hey is this cheap is this cheap if I do this to him foreign yo Ruby welcome in no we’re not gonna Dodge out we’re fine imagine if weather skeletons would get a power boost if they touched Soul Sand I feel like that would actually make sense in

Like a lore perspective but I would hate that Mojang if you’re listening don’t do that no one has asked for that we were just imagining if it could happen don’t do that Mojang yo Sweet Berry hello hello Aaliyah hello welcome in how you doing all right wait is this the same Nether Fortress

Yeah it is and I think all of those weather skeleton guys do spawned because why wouldn’t they that is my life let’s go back down not down there though that was that would probably kill me here did you have to install your shaders from the internet yeah I’m using

Complimentary shaders which I downloaded from firstforge I literally just found you on the tubes I couldn’t watch all your videos and I loved it so I hit the Subscribe oh thank you so much that is very very kind of you scared I’m actually not scared this gonna be fine we’re fine

I was very very nice of you thank you so much thank you for watching and thank you for the kind words and for your sub that really really means a lot um so normally I don’t stream on YouTube but I’m gonna try to stream twice a month on YouTube I mean I’ll always

Announce my streams on the community Tab and usually Wednesdays are a good day for me I know that they don’t work for everyone um but I do also stream on Twitch although twitch we don’t play this world we have our own like twitch World we’re playing a mod pack on Twitch called

Vault Hunters um and that’s also a lot of fun but on Twitch I also stream on Mondays Wednesdays or I’m sorry Mondays um Fridays and Sundays you found me on Twitch too oh thank you so much it’s um It’s A vibe over there Wednesday is your day off so you love it

Oh my gosh that’s so nice that you have Wednesdays off I always like having a little break in the middle of the week um from from work but then again I also had a job once where I had like Saturdays and Mondays off and I don’t

Know why but like that was just so nice like you had a weekend day off but you also had a week day off um so you can still do stuff with your family or plan things but you could also like just have a quiet day to yourself

Like while everybody else is at work or at school I don’t know when everyone else is like out of the house that’s just such a Vibe it’s like my favorite time I’m a stay-at-home mom so I’m always off but also never often knows so true so

True so much respect for our our moms out there our dads too but especially our moms you leave me alone bullying is not nice there’s two of you and there’s only one of me weekday off hits different it does although like two days off in a row is like also the best

Like having like Saturday Sunday off is just like the best I feel like for like work life balance oh my gosh there’s so many weather skeletons come over here and fight me over here all of you yeah we’re just gonna 1v1 no builds mode still no skulls that’s all right though

I’m sure we will get one no don’t do it hey blazes you know this is where I should say to myself I should have brought fire rest potions but every single time I say that to myself I still never bring them everyone else um I have instant twitch

And every other social media platform and you just have YouTube yeah I mean I don’t really use um like Twitter that much I use insta for like my builds like build pictures um but I don’t I don’t really do a lot of social media I mean being a content

Creator you probably should do more than I do but I don’t know I don’t know if this is just if I’m the only person that feels this way but social media just stresses me out sometimes and I don’t want to deal with it you know I just

Want to play my little silly Blog game and vibe can we just chill in here for a sec yeah we can okay oh there’s some other skeleton skulls uh over there we’ll just Vibe I want to empty a little bit of my inventory we’ll put the armor Trim in here um

What else we could put those in here we can put this stack of Bones with the gas tears um probably that as well and that as well we don’t really need that I don’t really need the Soul Sand either I should have brought a shulker box

I’ll keep those ones for the blocks okay okay yo lnl welcome back I joined I pinned so many of your Builds on Pinterest I was so excited to find out that you’re on YouTube thanks so much I feel like Pinterest is um pretty chill I I don’t really ever see like

Drama or anything on there um I try to share my Builds on there too because other people were sharing them before I didn’t even know um so I try to share my Builds on there as well where can I get this texture pack from so the texture pack is linked in the

Description of the video um it’s called Mizuno 16 craft but I’m using a couple of other ones like the totem um and the hot bar are different packs as well but everything that I use I try to link in the description I try not to gatekeep as much as I can you know

I just found you on YouTube and I totally love your vids already watching every single one of them I appreciate that thank you so much for watching the long plays as well I know not Everyone likes long plays but for a while that was all that I could

Make and I like making long plays I think that long plays are fun to like record um because you just get to go into a piece for a world and just worry about building and I don’t know something about that is just so relaxing to me I feel like it

Really made me fall back in love with building again because sometimes I don’t know like when you build for Content I feel like sometimes building can be stressful like you run out of ideas or you’re trying not to get killed in hardcore like from a creeper While You’re Building

And I don’t know just building and peaceful was just something I’ve never really done but I feel like it definitely helped that feeling of like loving to build again not that I not that it wasn’t there but it’s just a little bit different you know but I gotta shout out my friend infinite

Drift infinite drift um is the one who inspired me to do long plays in the first place and she has the best long plays if you guys have checked out my lung plays you should definitely watch impact drifts long players they are incredible and so cozy and so ambient and relaxing

Um and my friend wax fraud as well does long plays and I love watching his long plays he does them in his hardcore world as well and oh my gosh it is so so relaxing yeah it was scope welcome in how you doing I’m doing good hope you’re doing well

Long plays I watch long plays as well to go to sleep a lot they’re just I like listening to other people playing Minecraft but sometimes when I watch Like a Let’s Play video like unintentionally people get louder when they’re like excited and things um so it’s not always the best for sleep

But usually long plays are um pretty good on keeping the volume really consistent oh ow sorry I was looking at chat new rule We’re not gonna look at chat while we’re in the wood in the Wither Fortress oh God remember you Scope I was gonna ask but I

Didn’t want to put you on the spot I remember you I didn’t I didn’t switch platforms at all I’m still on Twitch um I just I also stream on YouTube now um a little bit here and there like maybe twice a month I love wax I love wax too wax is awesome

I really he always is playing the best Tunes when he’s streaming and his videos are so nice I just love watching him build up his world he’s just he’s just a dude building and having a great time it just makes me happy I don’t know does anyone else get that for

Like you see other people just doing what they love to do and that just like fills you with such Joy I don’t know that that it’s like that for me can you put stuff in the firework box yeah we definitely can it’s not full yet but we definitely can

Once it gets uh filled again um I’m just gonna go past all y’all sorry don’t want to be involved in whatever’s going on right here oh gosh and there’s also a lot of Blaze here why are you guys here how are you spawning there I think I found my group with Minecraft

Again just in time for season two yeah that was sort of how I felt like obviously I had a really long break from Minecraft um because of my computer breaking um and I was trying to like plan builds and stuff on like my phone but building on

Phone is so hard if any of my peeps here are mobile players are playing on an iPad or like phone like I just I just gotta say y’all have my respect my utmost respect because it is so tough to build on the phone I don’t know how y’all do it I really don’t

Um but I was trying um but what I did instead of building on my phone was I started drawing out some builds um and some ideas for builds um because I like to draw sometimes I’m not that great at it but are you trying to get blaze rods no we

Already made the Enderman Farm um I’m just trying to kill wither skeletons um to get some more skulls so we can get another Beacon um so that’s just what we’re doing because we had we have about half hour left of the Stream um so we’re just using our time to try

To be a little bit productive but yeah that’s basically like I had a really long time where I couldn’t play at all and that’s sort of like also took me to this point where I kind of reset and like took a step back and then when

I started doing the long plays on my partner’s uh computer then I felt like I don’t know everything just felt like I was more relaxed I was less stressed I had more inspiration I don’t know it was just really it was really really fun I feel like the thing

About making YouTube videos is that at a certain point when you start to have an audience and like people like want uploads and stuff it gets stressful because you want to upload and you want to make the best videos ever and sometimes it feels like you don’t make

The best videos ever and even though people like the videos you’re always worried about you know what are people gonna think about this one or you know it’s really hard you could be really hard on yourself and I feel like since I’ve been back I haven’t been hard on myself like I was

Um and that’s been helping me a lot I’ve been building a massive Temple uh build base that’s 86 blocks tall 58 by 52 in Survival on iPad and it’s so stressful oh my goodness can can we just get like a heart in the chat for that

Can we just get some hearts because that is amazing here you go here’s some frog crafting hearts for you I’m all tabbing to give you those because that is amazing how many skulls do you have right now zero we haven’t gotten a single one ‘s the next video

Um so the next video is gonna be our 200 days in Minecraft um 120 um and I started recording earlier this week um I’m already up to day 126. um but videos are a little bit delayed I talked about this a little bit earlier but my puppy broke his toe this weekend

Um so the last couple of days have been very stressful with like many vet appointments did that Wither Skeleton just like do spawn okay right in front of my eyes I guess whatever um yeah we’ve had a lot of appointments and going back and forth trying to make

Sure that we get the right care and stuff so um I was hoping to have it out um at the beginning of next week but I think it’s gonna actually be the beginning of the following week so next week there might not be an upload but the following week there will be one

Do you have an upload schedule I do not no I don’t I don’t put myself to having an upload schedule because I feel like that adds unnecessary like pressure on something that I enjoy I used to try to upload every Tuesday when I first started and that worked well for me at

That time um but the builds are a little bit bigger and more complex now and I’m doing a lot more farms and it just it’s a little bit more complicated now um and of course I don’t only make content for YouTube I also stream on Twitch and I have a vlog Channel

Um so I post all of my twitch streams on the VOD Channel and I do Pinterest and I do Tumblr and you know insta and all of that stuff too so I am trying to work towards getting to have weekly uploads again but at the

Same time if it happens it happens if it doesn’t it doesn’t that’s basically what I’m um that’s basically where I’m at with it if we get there we get there but I’m not gonna you know stress if we don’t it’ll never take like you know months for

Uploads as long as I’m you know actively creating and if I wasn’t going to be actively creating for whatever reason I would let you all know what’s your vods channel it’s VOD crafting um if you go to my main Channel page um hold on I can show y’all

If y’all go to my main Channel page and you scroll down it’s right here it’s linked under other channels that’s where it is I honestly love getting on YouTube and seeing any videos pop up and I wasn’t expecting it it’s a nice surprise oh thank you so much Jasmine

Immediately Subs I just stopped to it thank you guys thank you all now just so you know if you are gonna watch the vods on VOD crafting um my my streams on Twitch are not family friendly um I do say some swear words so if you

Are going to be watching with you know younger folks or you just don’t want to hear there we go we got one nice um or if you just don’t want to hear um swears just just so you’ll know it is not family friendly sometimes our conversations get real we don’t only

Talk about Minecraft over there sometimes we talk about you know the state of the world and other things as well um and I do say the f word but I’ve tried I’ve tried to tone it down though um so sometimes that happened the twitch streams are unhinged okay listen coffee pixel

They’re not that bad I will I will watch them in front of my father oh my gosh I know the amount of times we say that men are icky on that stream your father is gonna be very very offended I don’t know how you can be so calm while playing

Um it helps to have people to talk to it definitely definitely helps to have people to talk to I used to get really nervous but I feel like streaming has made me more of a confident player and if I was playing by myself I would probably just be singing Taylor Swift right now

Um which I’m sure all of you would love to hear my terrible singing voice it’s chaos yeah it is chaos but in a good way it’s Controlled Chaos and we try to keep things positive and light for the most part but like I said sometimes uh we do have some real

Conversations over there about life and you know things like that so it’s I like streaming on Twitch though I feel like that’s just my fun time I love our vault Hunters world so much it’s very very fun what’s your Pinterest it’s also frog crafting with Summer welcome back

I would like to hear you sing Oh no no no no I was just joking that I I cannot sing I am very very bad at it I was actually talking to do you guys know brookella I do have looting on my sword yeah I have looting three I’m just getting pretty unlucky

Um but brickella um who was on Bloodlines with me and is also a great YouTuber great Builder um I thought that she would have such a pretty singing voice but she said that she also doesn’t have a pretty singing voice so then we were both kind of being

Like I don’t believe you to the other person um um can you move oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hit you right in the face with that I was trying to get this guy well foreign plays so I’m excited to watch other kinds of things

Thank you so much for for giving it a shot means a lot seriously like as a Creator it means so much to have people wanting to like watch your content but I feel like Brooke would have a really pretty singing voice but she said no she said

It’s not pretty but I just I don’t believe her I think she was gaslighting us okay I think that Brooke would have the prettiest advice Emily’s flowers also we will have another movie coming out of our hardcore episodes once I think that I’m gonna wait till we hit a thousand days though um

Obviously that’s like a big you know topic on YouTube it’s like thousand days in hardcore movies um so I will probably get I’ll probably do another long video like that um once we hit a thousand days but the 100 Days videos I’m trying to aim for like 45 minutes to an hour

Whenever I sing my voice cracks like a gazillion times yeah I am I don’t have the most like confident pitch um so if it’s like a relatively Chill song I feel like I can sing it a little bit but then if there’s any change of pitch I am crying okay

I would love to take voice lessons though I feel like I feel like my voice could have potential if I had trained it you know all right I love Minecraft movies me too I watch them all the time I’ve watched um I watch a lot of block

Down builds uh movies I love his movies as well I also watched Brooks um long movie Brooke has an incredible um couple of movies that are like hours long you guys um end up liking her videos you should definitely check out her long videos seven also has some long videos

Um like a you know survival movie which one is better Minecraft or fortnite I mean whatever one you like I like both fortnite and Minecraft you don’t have to you know have they’re not in competition they’re different kinds of games you know like fortnite is a battle royale and

Minecraft is a Sandbox game I can’t really compare the two when did you start playing Minecraft I started playing Minecraft when it was in beta um I found out about Minecraft from a friend of mine who saw it on Reddit and sent it to me and all he played at that

Time was Call of Duty um and he said this seems like your kind of game and I was like what is I supposed to mean but he was right um so like out like I was offended but at the same time you know like he knew

Me pretty well there we go another skull I was scrolling through YouTube and I saw a Long play that was 11 hours long oh my gosh that sounds like if you were going for like a deep sleep that’s nice I’ve played since um since it was in beta

Um I played a very very long time ago um and then my computer broke um and at that time I was you know a broke teen and I didn’t have money to fix it but now you know we’re a little bit older and we have our own money now and we can

No one says no we can’t buy you a new computer so you can play Minecraft um but then I played on PS4 on and off for years as well I just I don’t really enjoy Minecraft on a controller I know like a lot of people love playing

Minecraft with a controller and it’s a huge accessibility thing as well and I love that people can play with a controller um but I just don’t like playing with controller for myself I prefer Minecraft on a mouse and keyboard what’s my favorite armor trim um definitely the silence trim but I also

Really like the Spire trim Frankie my texture pack is Mizuno 16 Craft um I use a couple of other ones though but they’re all linked inside the description of this live stream so if you go to the description area they’re all in there you definitely prefer controller I just

Feel like it’s weird to like hit the TR like the r l one and R1 and stuff for like mining blocks and placing blocks but I’m sure I could get used to it if I had to I started playing in 2011 yeah it’s been

No it’s been a long time for me as well I can’t believe how far this game has come from where it was when I first started playing I don’t even think there was creative mode when I first started playing like I remembered I had to download this other program

That’s probably what killed my computer but I remember how to download this other program that would like let me spawn in items I don’t know if anyone else remembers that hole and stuff in there I really need one more and then we can fight the Wither again

Yo Toca welcome in um we’re just hunting some Wither Skeleton skulls we already built up an Enderman Farm today and now yeah we’re just um we have 15 minutes or so of the stream left we’re just trying to get another Wither Skull so we can fight the weather again

The Dune armor trim is cool I just don’t like the the center of it looking like an eye the same with the ward trim the ward trim is cool but I don’t like the face what’s your opinion on the new Cherry update I like it um I actually like everything that they

Added in this update um I like all the blocks I love bamboo wood more than I thought I was going to um I love the chiseled bookshelves I like the camels the camels are cool we haven’t seen a mizuno’s camel yet okay next time should we go on an

Adventure to get a camel and also build Maxwell’s um Cafe in the end no we have to be the dragon 18 more times or 19 more times before we do that oh man that’s gonna that’s gonna require some time I we haven’t found a desert village yet

I so we’ll have to look for one of those next time on the um on the helmet and pants and snout looks great on the boots oh um I haven’t did me find snow I don’t think we found snow I I don’t think we ended up finding that we were in the um

In the Bastion um I like snout though snout’s cool I like the the um razor armor trim as well and I think that one looks pretty cool why do you have to kill the Ender Dragon so much to unlock all of the end portals so you know when you fight the dragon

And you beat her and then you go through that little portal though the get of the Gateway um there you can unlock 20 of those around your end Island um and every time you unlock one it destroys like it resets the end Island so if you want to respawn the Ender

Dragon and fight her 19 times then you can safely after that have access to all the getaways for the gateways sorry I don’t know why I said getaways hey a little bit scary stop lighting me on fire I’m a baby I’ve never done um I’ve never killed her that many times

I’ve I’ve only ever killed her and then respawned her for the achievements like we are not getting very lucky with weather skeletons right now both of that was scary don’t do that frog theoretically Maxwell’s Cafe could be off the island yeah but then I also have to get Maxwell

Off the island that’s gonna be a pain foreign Minecraft while watching this and I’m completing my cherry blossom house oh nice you know what I am I was a little bit disappointed in how cherry wood looks in vanilla because I just feel like it looks really weird next to Spruce

And like strip Spruce um but I love the color like the pale pink um so I don’t know if it’s just me or if it’s like my shaders I just it wasn’t as pretty as I as I was hoping for oh I hear lots of hear lots of them hello how you doing

Skull no all right well you also you get out of here no one likes you not even your mom and definitely not your dad and not your friends and not your dog get out of the here we don’t like you you should make Minecraft lore um I’ve played it on Allure SMP before

It was a lot of fun um it was a little intense though um I feel like my Minecraft skills are a lot better towards casual playing uh the magnitude is about the body slamming true it’s because I talked about his mama what exactly is an SMP it’s a survival multiplayer server

That’s usually what people mean by saying SMP so if you’ve ever watched like Empires which is an SMP or I was on one called bloodlines division Oh I thought we got another one where am I getting hit from just everywhere at this point oh my God

That guy leave me alone I’m a baby I get him I didn’t yeah so it’s just um it’s just a like a group server but you can also have smps that aren’t for Content um like I’ve had um I’ve had Community servers before where everyone plays in survival together

Um that was pretty fun who’s from Minecraft Idol oh there we go yes they can go we can go Chow we got three let’s go there we go all three um I definitely think uh my favorite Minecraft youtubers are smallish beans and I’ll do shadow lady like I love them

I love them together I also love them separately ow I just love their content their content’s really good um one day when I’m all grown up I I want to be as good as them wow there’s so many of them right there Maybe this is gonna be a risk We’re gonna go cause I’m scared I’m just a scared little baby block down block down is also a Viber I love blockdown uh look of course I’m just talking about like not my friends you know uh but definitely also my friends like I’ve learned so much from playing with my

Friends and like you know block down rofo drift um Sev Brook Mr B stabbles I’ve learned so much from them I I genuinely am so lucky to have such great friends and such cool people to play Minecraft with but if we’re talking purely the famous YouTubers who are like well known those

Ones would be like my uh my Minecraft the idols I don’t know if this is the right place I don’t know I don’t see I don’t see signs that I’ve been here but it’s possible that I have sometimes I don’t leave signs ow ow okay okay that was [Laughter]

Why do we land like this hey you’re probably wondering how I got in this position there’s also this person called frog crafting oh God they sound lame I’m just kidding we shouldn’t talk badly about ourselves Chad that’s not nice I just um ignore me though because I I

Don’t know how to accept a compliment besides saying a little awkward thank you foreign I feel like my portal is around here somewhere yeah it’s right there there’s the hay bales don’t ask me why I used hay bales to Mark the floor of where my portal is I

Don’t know I feel like that’s probably all I had no worries no look I’m in hope you’re doing well damn it chat look if you’ve been around since we played this world on Twitch we played this world a couple times on Twitch do you remember this glitch

Where it puts us in the basement I don’t know why it always puts me here when I leave the nether it’s probably because those coordinates that it wants to put me at in the nether when I go back through would would be over the um over The Lava Lake it’s probably the

Lava Lake that’s messing with us I’ll put um night vision on for y’all just so you guys can see but I’m gonna take the subsidian because why not you know what I mean it’s free and we probably don’t have enough um Ender Chest I would actually love this

Much obsidian in my 100 days world because I only have one Ender Chest no I have two and I put them down in my house and I always forget to bring one with me because whoever thinks of just grabbing their Ender Chest I don’t know that’s

Why I like to have like multiple in my inventory I would like to have a stack of ender chests actually it was a pretty big Flex okay we’re just gonna ignore that little right there and yep I guess we just follow the Torches in the lanterns home

I had such a great stream with y’all today though I am so happy we got so much done there’s a witch I okay when we were talking about least favorite Minecraft Mobs earlier witches are definitely up there I know I love under chess they emit

Light they’re so cool like I had a stack of Netherrack by the way how did he get that the stone looks like sand everyone says that but I don’t see it oh you know what I have to fix my shaders this like this looks deep fried this looks like it was

Saved and re-uploaded on Reddit way too many times laughs hello oh yeah close this off because I was scared there we go yep you look I I just came through here recently because none of these blocks have despawned does it go in fan art no you can put it

In artwork hair backwards fan art is just for me to re-upload which I’ve not been able to do for a while I just made a mob farm oh heck yeah I love mob Farms I just wish that they were like smaller so that you could cover them up easier you know otherwise

It’s just um I never know what to put over a mob farm it’s way too big all right there we go night vision off we can just enjoy a relaxing oh look at the flowers me and my friend want to make a Minecraft series on YouTube but we are

Worried about my Noob sister why are you insulting your sister so much like why don’t you like her everyone’s a noob to a game when they’ve never played before what’s the weirdest pet you have in Minecraft over their skeleton actually I have a I have a zombie villager

Um that’s a cleric his name is Jack he lives over in that pumpkin over there wait has everyone seen all of the episodes would you guys like a tour of the world because we have like two minutes of the stream left but I don’t mind giving a quick tour

I want to see Jack okay I will show y’all Jack let me throw all these things in here and this is next time Frog’s problem this is not right now Frog’s problem okay um so this building right here this is our starter house um you guys may have seen other builds

That are similar to this um it’s because the info for this build came from an art station um photograph I don’t have the photo anymore um but I’m sure I could find it if anyone wanted to see the original but the original had like a tower here and

It was like much much taller um but I just sort of made it like a little bit froggy like I don’t know I try to make a big starter house that way we could have a lot of storage um and we have our cute little workshop here there’s our alleys

Um this is where we originally did all of our smelting and of course we have you know our crafting table our stone cutter our map um all of that stuff this was our starter storage area so like our important valuable stuff over here um and then I have like a little cocoa bean

Farm right here just because I don’t have anywhere else to put it um but I I love Brown dye brown um and brown uh glass and mizuno’s is so pretty so I always have cocoa beans getting ready um I always I use my bed here as well

Because upstairs is kind of a mess um this beautiful balcony over here is great um it’s great to like walk out here and view it but it’s more from like the idea of having a balcony um because this this is only three blocks wide it’s very very small

But over here we have our enchanting room um and we have lots of different um enchanted books in here that we bought from our villagers just in case we ever need like Unbreaking or efficiency or whatever whatever books that we have on on hand if we ever had

To make any stuff or make any tools or anything we have a bunch of books um and then up in the very top this used to be like a liminal space in in some ways um I think that’s the word right liminal space is that the wrong is that the word um

But I found two zombie villagers outside we have Samuel and we have Giga chamber um they were they were named by twitch chat I didn’t name them it was twitch chat um and so this used to be completely empty before we had them um but I brought them up here and so now

They just have their bed up here and I can trade um carrots and melons with them for easy food um and then in here um when they actually have the door closed and they don’t open it we just have a little brown mushroom farm it’s very small but it does the job

No just in case we need to throw some brown mushrooms why does the dark oak make such an amazing couch I know it looks like leather it’s so good um and our our allies just chill up here they’re just vibing where’d you get the texture pack all the

Texture packs that I’m using are in the description lovely oh it’s um almost bedtime and then we can continue on the tour are they husbands they might be I don’t ask them they just live up there we go all right so continuing on the next build that we actually made in this

World was our iron farm um I wanted to get an iron farm sorted really early on in this world because um it’s active whenever we’re when when we’re in our base this is loaded um and we spend a lot of time around this area so we can always have iron

Generating which is great for Farms and all that and look at how full this is from today I had just emptied this in the video oh my goodness this is just it’s one of the the best Farms I I never really make an iron farm

Early on but for now from now on I definitely will be making more iron farms uh early and you get so many flowers and and so much bone meal you can turn all of those into bone meal or red dye if you wanted and yeah that’s that’s the iron farm we

Have so much iron gotta go no worries coffee do they pay rent no they just pay me in golden carrots but it’s um it’s a cute little farm um we’ll just hide in here really quick um so this is where the Iron Golems spawn um over here is where the villagers live

And sometimes they get scared by the zombie um and when they get scared by the zombie they uh yeah they they freak out and then it’ll spawn an iron golem and he’ll fall down into um The Kill Chamber down there which is um just some lava

Um sometimes I have a zombie or I have iron golems spawn yeah that’s that’s why um I don’t know why this Farm is a little bit broken right now but that’s okay sometimes Iron Golems uh break a little bit and you have to kill one um but I have slabs and carpet and

Leaves because they can’t spawn on any of those blocks maybe it’s spawned up there it shouldn’t be able to though yeah so that was the next thing that we built in this world um and then we built this pumpkin over here it was on we built this on

Halloween last year over live on Twitch and we got a zombie villager his name is Jack um and he lives in here and he has a pumpkin on his head um and he’s caring about and he’s just living in a little pumpkin house and he’s got some books that he can read

Um and he has a flower because I think he likes to garden and he likes to have boats um but that’s that’s Jack he’s um he’s a Viber we like Jack um Jack did have a friend his name was little pumpkin boy um but he was killed by Greg

Um in an unfortunate accident um and I will show you guys um Greg later she likes her house thank you um but after that we built this cactus farm um and it just it’s not the best cactus farm it does a little bit um and it just it’s only one layer and

It’s down below um it just it’s just enough in case I need practice for a farm or for a Dye um but it’ll also be good hey you leave me alone I’m a baby um but it’ll be good for in case we ever you know want to breed camels I guess

Um also in episode two we made these crop farms um so we would have enough food and we also made our little cow pen although I haven’t fed the cows in a while um and I probably should call the herd which sounds horrible but um too many entities in one area just

Cause lag and I I’m not eating the cows anymore I only eat golden carrots now so that’s where our cows were um and then oh yeah before we built the barn we built the super smelter so that’s over here on this side and in here we have like a little Forge

And an anvil and some armor I want to get some trimmed armor up here um I obviously have to finish putting armor on these I’ve just never brought diamonds back over here um but then down here um through the hallway we have our super smelter and it works like this you just

Turn it on um and that you know controls the the mine carts and then we have this one um carries the fuel and this one carries smeltable items and you can just also um put your items in there if I was like right here I could just open that up and

Then put my items and then close it yo Sarah hello welcome in I haven’t seen camels yeah I haven’t seen any camels either we haven’t found a desert village but that’s how I usually smelt a lot of like bulk items in this world I put it in here

Um so after that we built the barn um the barn is actually an automatic wool farm and it shears um our sheep automatically so we don’t have to we don’t have to worry about it um and this is what that looks like they’re it’s always going when we’re in

Our base it’s always loaded so all of these cheap um have you know all their colors of the the rainbow and yeah I definitely use some colors more than others like I’ve used a lot of red and white and pink um I don’t think I’ve used like any cyan

Or light blue oh no we took light blue to the ancient city with us and then up here you can get to access to like a little Loft and in here you can actually access the dispensers in case you need to refill you know the um the shears

That’s not a rainbow it is a rainbow though it does every color of the rainbow starts from red and goes all the way to Blue here and then goes from purple here obviously when you have to split it it’s not a perfect rainbow but it still follows a rainbow

After that we worked on a sugar cane Farm so that’s what this building is um and this just is always you know going around um getting a sugar cane some will probably get um you know harvested here in a moment um and then there’s a Minecart Track

Under here that is always keeping track of you know or collecting all of it this is this is that build um I really like this little this little carpet that we have here with all the different shades of green and then we have a bed in here

My frog your hardcore would look so amazing I could never survive that long oh Cara thank you so much I bet you could honestly I really bet you could survive I didn’t think I would survive this long either but you know it’s just taking slow and honestly practice like I

Played a lot on hard survival before I moved into hardcore um and that really really helped and then this is our B Greenhouse um where there’s some bees up there trying to get into the beekeepers Aloft um but this is just a little out um this is just a little uh Greenhouse that

We made to collect all of the plants that were in Minecraft at that time and you know what I don’t think I noticed that there wasn’t a flower in there so it can have a poppy but tulips are my favorite Minecraft flowers so they have their own little

Section over here and we have a small drip leaf and we have flowberries and glow lichen uh we have wither roses and sea pickles and we have like everything in here we have the torch flower and the new uh the pitcher plant there’s hard survival yeah you can play

On hard without playing on Hardcore absolutely and then these are the rest of the flowers that are in the game um besides the weather Rose um that is over here and then we have some of the Crimson roots and we have some saplings some bamboo some Cactus

Um and some of the mushrooms from the nether as well um and then down below this room is actually um if you guys have watched my 118 series The Cottage core movie series this room is actually inspired by that um series oh wow I think that my

My dispensers are almost out of glass yep that’s why that’s not taken hopefully it’ll go with the rest of them Nemo hi welcome in yeah we have a honeycomb farm and a honey bottle Farm um so wow these are getting quite some blocks the honeycomb is just for making

Candles and making some honeycomb blocks like this because that’s very nice I like to build with this block and then the honey bottles are for Farms we’re going to be using that for like our our tree farm for example foreign oh I never fixed this either there’s

Some dirt here chat remind me next time that we’re in this world to fix that um and then I guess after that we built the Frog Sanctuary which we can fly on over to so past um past our pumpkin where Jack lives in next to our iron farm we build

This little Pond which doesn’t have anything living in it um and we built this little bridge and just a couple of little seating areas along the path and then we have our frog Sanctuary which is right over here in this little mountain it’s a little bit

Of a cave where all of our Froggies live and they just get to swim in the pond and jump on some lily pads and eat all the Slime that they want going mixolyn welcome in how you doing and yeah that’s that’s pretty much it for this area then we do have another

Farm out over here um which I can show really quick also the panda oh there he is hi panda I’ll be back for you I promise in the future um but we have this ugly Farm which is so horrible that it’s um so ugly um it’s one of those things where I

Don’t really know how to cover it it’s kind of like the Enderman Farm in that way um but yeah basically we sit up here and then mobs spawn um I’m not on the thing right there we go I thought I was on the scaffolding so the mob spawn and they get pushed out

By the water and then they all take a little hot bath right here and we get all the drops um this is my gunpowder Farm basically but it also does all the other mob drops um but I I mainly wanted it for gunpowder and bone meal

Make an old castle tower around it yeah I just um I don’t know how we would like how we would make that because it’s in the middle of the ocean you know what I mean like it’s just in the middle of the water um I I’ve thought about making like a

Really old Tower around it that’s like crumbling um it’s just it’s one of those things where I can’t make it make sense in my brain so it’s hard for me to visualize but I think if we made like a custom Island around it then we could make it

Like a big Watch Tower or something um and there’s only a couple more things that are left on the tour I mean I haven’t billed that much in this world um for two months last year I had to have a surgery and then for five months this

Year I wasn’t able to make videos in this world because of my computer breaking um but we’re catching up I’m doing my best um and I’m still really proud of this world even though I haven’t accomplished as much as I wanted by a year yo Iva welcome in

Um so this is our village that we um defended from a raid and also where all of our villagers live this is Greg Greg is the person who killed little pumpkin boy um he is the original Iron Golem that has guarded this Village for over 600

Days or first 600 days I think we are at oh day 598. um and in here is the Villager breeder that we made it’s pretty simple I just wanted something you know pretty um to walk through um but then I didn’t actually finish the I didn’t actually finish this

Um and this tunnel is not where all of our villagers are gonna stay forever um so yeah we just pretend we don’t see it Chad that’s that’s the important thing we pretend we do not see it welcome in how’s it going but yeah I have all of my enchanted

Books here we have um these are the original villagers that I got like tools and armor from in like those first couple episodes if you remember that I got all my stuff from them and then we had you know our Fletchers that we were trading with

Um or emeralds before we got our zombie villager conversion chamber going this is one of my favorite things in Minecraft this is stinky he works here and then we have a bunch of librarians we have some oceanographer or some cartographers sorry um to get you know Emerald production

Then we have a lot of Masons because I wanted to get all the different colors of terracotta and glazed terracotta so that’s what we were working on um on stream this a lot yo Ivanka hello welcome in Brandy hello um naho we’re actually just getting ready to end stream I’m a little bit

Over the time that I wanted to stream we built an Enderman Farm today and we also went some uh to the Nether and hunted some Wither Skeleton skulls but I just was giving a quick little uh tour of the world and this is the last thing that I’ve built in this world

This is our Museum from episode nine this is what we built we had survived one year in this world even though we’re only on day 600 I still feel really accomplished and I’m really really proud of myself and this is um where we keep our milestones and our relics of this world

So over here we have our our dragon egg and our first elytra yo Lucy welcome back um we have our Wither skull from the actual wither this is a Wither Skull not a wither skeleton skull um our first totem and our first enchanted golden apple and the first set

Of armor that we collected from um the the trims and that was the coast set over here we just have a little seating area you know in case you get emotional and you need to take a moment in this in this magical Museum and then over here we have our original

Iron armor uh we wore this for our first hundred days in this world this is um the original armor that we had and we have our first wooden pickaxe and our our Trident that we got that I don’t remember how we got I think we got it on a live stream

Yeah we’re gonna end the stream soon I’ve been live for about three hours um and it’s past my bedtime I know Chad I’m sorry I’m sorry I do have to go to bed though and then yeah that’s that’s pretty much what the last thing that I built in this world was

For building the Enderman Farm today oh also the other thing that we have over here is our world map um and this will connect to the Village into where we are now I just ran out of glow item frames because I ran out of glow ink

And I haven’t been back to the caves because I was scared um and then over here we’ll have some milestones we have like our episode one our one year episode 10. maybe like a thousand days I woke up to watching this live and now it’s ending I’m sorry

Yeah for me it’s 10 p.m it’s almost 10 30. normally I go to sleep at like 10 so I’m a little bit over my time do you know who wax prod is I love wax Rod he’s one of my um one of my good friends

So cute that you keep all the tools and armor that you first used yeah I don’t know I guess sentimental it’s hard for me to throw that stuff away this was also this um the fortune pickaxe this was my first diamond pickaxe it’s still my original one

And here’s our sniffers which we will be um we’ll be making something for them soon um the next episode I want to build them a little bit of a an enclosure here with the mangrove wood but yeah that’s that’s the hardcore world that’s that’s our world

Um I I have some plans for the next projects that are coming up um I definitely want to do an auto sorting system in that mountain for expanding our storage we’re gonna do a mangrove Tree Farm um we’re gonna do stuff for our sniffers um we’re gonna do a bunch of different things

But to as for today’s stream that’s gonna be a chat I am gonna walk to my base really quick before I say goodbye because I’m scared that I’ll spawn and they’ll be like a creeper thank you guys so much for being here I had so much fun hanging out with y’all

On the stream on the live stream oh Danny thank you so much Super Chat so much for the 2.99 I so appreciate that you did not have to do that thank you so much I had so much fun hanging out with y’all again um I will announce another live stream

In a couple weeks um hopefully two weeks on a Wednesday again I will let y’all know on the YouTube Community tab as well as if you’re in the Discord um feel free to jump in the Discord if you’re not already in it and you want to join um

Hello stream elements hello there we go and if you guys want to join the Discord feel free uh to jump in um and you’ll also stay up to date on everything um there as well thank you guys so so so much I had fun listening and watching

And lurking thank you so much for lurking I really really appreciate it thank you all so much for being here I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day be safe be kind bye

This video, titled ‘🍄 1.20 hardcore endermen farm🌷minecraft hardcore but cottagecore 1.20’, was uploaded by frogcrafting on 2023-08-09 20:36:36. It has garnered 5193 views and 317 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:42 or 12282 seconds.

Today we’re back in our hardcore 1.20 Minecraft world! We are taking today to focus on building up an endermen farm in our world to easily get lots of xp for repairing our tools and more! This series is going to be focused on cozy, cottagecore vibes throughout this world using the Mizuno’s 16 craft texture pack to achieve that vibe, while testing the limits of what we can achieve with only ONE minecraft life!

🎉 Farm based off of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s5GpWuguAM

– – – 🌷 RESOURCES USED ✨ – – –

🌷 Mizuno’s 16 Craft resource pack – https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/ ✨ Jerm’s Better Leaves resource pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/better-leaves-add-on-2-0 🐸 Froggy Hotbar resource pack – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/froggy-hotbar/ 🍄 Complementary Shaders – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders ✨ Better Connected Glass resource pack – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-connected-glass-forevervanilla/ 🧚‍♀️ Fairy Wings Elytra – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/elytra-reality-0001/ from http://www.youtube.com/LapisDemon edited by me for my personal use (changed wings from teal to pink) ✨ Fairy Totem – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/totem-of-undying-botw-fairy/

– – – 🍄 MY SOCIALS ✨ ♡ Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/frogcrafting ♡ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/frogcrafting/ ♡ Discord – https://discord.gg/frogcrafting ♡ TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@frogcrafting ♡ Twitter – https://twitter.com/frogcrafting – – – 🎶 Music Credits🎵

Music provided by Epidemic Sound

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#minecraft #cottagecore #hardcore

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  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

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  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

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  • Blowing up my house for science, again

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  • Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!

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  • Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!

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  • “DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎” #clickbait

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  • Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACK

    Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Unleaked Vape Client V4.2 **FREE** CRACK (link in description)’, was uploaded by mentalhealthissues1337 on 2024-04-28 15:44:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Link : https://bit.ly/49WOoEM the L!nk is also in comment Minecraft best cheat client made free from now! Enjoy vape v4,vape lite … Read More

  • “UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 – Minecraft” #clickbait

    "UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 - Minecraft" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mekanism Fussion & Anti-Matter in Enigmatica 9 – Twitch VoD #minecraft’, was uploaded by PristineFrog Gaming on 2024-01-15 19:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mekanism Fussion & Anti-Matter in Enigmatica 9 – Twitch VoD Welcome to anotherVoD of our Enigmatica 9 Server which is … Read More

  • Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1

    Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Roblox Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft – Part 1’, was uploaded by Qwerty on 2024-03-22 19:05:13. It has garnered 286 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. Building the Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft! Since it is not possible to build so low underground in Minecraft’s flat worlds, I did not get to make the cells. Maybe I can hide the cell part inside a mountain in the next video. The police station will also be finished in the next video! 🎵Music Used in the Video: Egzod, Maestro… Read More

🍄  1.20 hardcore endermen farm🌷minecraft hardcore but cottagecore 1.20