🐸 EPIC FROG BASE BUILD – Hardcore Minecraft 1.20!

Video Information

Hi everyone how are we all doing hope we’re all having a wonderful day today happy Wednesday it was weird not going live last week I missed yall yes hi Dorito okay if you um if you guys hear any puppy noises it’s because Dorito is in my room Um he was having a little bit he was a little bit scared there was some loud fireworks outside it’s okay buddy you can just relax I know I missed y’all as well I know poor Dorito hi beans how are you love also chat I have some bad

News I have some bad news okay is everybody ready put a one in chat if you’re ready for the bad news disconnect this is important for You um I died on one shot I died on one shot SMP today so here’s what happened okay here’s what happened me and seev me and seev we were we were in a voice Channel and we were roasting each other okay and we were like no your hard

World smells and then it started getting personal and we were like I was like oh yeah seev I bet you’re too much of a baby to go into the deep dark and summon the warden and then SE was like oh yeah well I bet you’re too much of a chicken to go

Summon the warden and I was like I’ll do it right now and she was like in your hardcore world and I was like yeah I’ll do it um so then we got the idea that we would do it on one shot um so we went down to the deep dark on one

Shot and um we summoned the warden and um I will say to both of our credit neither of us ran away neither of us we both stared him down yeah she was mama Warden was pretty bad also we were like oh my God a puppy and everyone in the chat was so

Confused yeah unfortunately we um we are no longer living on one shop but that’s okay because um oh my gosh I should probably turn off the one shot overlay huh um it’s okay though cuz we have our long-term world but also okay can I tell you guys some else something else that happened

Um so I was standing here if if you don’t know where I am uh this is my mob farm um I get like gunpowder and stuff down there and I was standing in this exact spot right here AFK while I was editing and I got struck by lightning

Right here like somehow right right where I’m standing I got struck by lightning in Hardcore no listen I I all I was doing okay look I I was just I was vibing I was like oh my gosh I I’m editing I’ll have this open on my other screen you know and yeah that was that was a all good and fine and then I got struck by

Lightning so so okay I thought it was Phantoms at first right cuz it had been a couple in-game days but I actually so I actually took a picture um and I can show it to you guys if you want to see it I actually took a picture and there

It there was no Phantoms um there was absolutely not a single Phantom around so it had to be lightning especially because there was also Thunder um which was just yeah it was I was unexpecting that but I need gunpowder because uh our our rocket Supply is almost out what this should

Do yeah if can you imagine especially cuz I didn’t have replay mod on can you imagine I got on here today and I was like hey guys we’re starting over in hardcore because I got struck by lightning can you imagine why is it filled with water um I

When I built it I built this platform to um high up so there’s unfortunately just a ton of water in here eventually I’ll fix it but it’s never been a priority wow we are zooming holy there’s a man oh my God I’m scared yeah I have some pretty bad

Luck hi buddy how you doing you hanging in there this is the saddest Panda I’ve ever seen he’s so sad oh my gosh Sarah I would literally I would I would have canceled stream I would be crying if we died in this world um but we’re going to be doing

Some decorating today um I was thinking about what if we made like a little dripstone lava Farm in our super smelter what do you guys think cuz um I I definitely need to get one of those going and oh my god um don’t look at this chat don’t okay this

Is listen there’s um there’s a there’s an explanation for all of this um I’m incredibly lazy the panda has seen some things absolutely he’s been out there a long time will you ever upload 300 days I will but those videos take me like 100 hours to make so it it’ll be a

While yeah no Fiona don’t look just don’t look I promise you it’ll you you’ll be much happier if you don’t look the panda saw you die on one shot that’s true you know what’s sad though I had a bunny named Oreo on one shot and now I feel like someone’s going to go

Kill my bunny he was really cute too he was the cutest bunny ever never hurt a soul and I definitely feel like now that I am not there to protect him he will die but how was everyone’s day how is everyone doing tell me what did you guys

Get up to this week while we were not live like you know while while y’all were vibing what’ y’all get up to what y’all do this is vanilla Minecraft it’s just a texture pack the bunny oh my gosh I know I I’m very sad actually about the

Bunny but it’s okay I’m sure somebody will take care of it right right right right right Chat I I think that it’ll probably be murdered you had a fever last week oh my gosh I’m so sorry to hear that I cut my finger today oh my gosh what is happening out there are yall good lapis I started a new survival world recently that is amazing have you done

Anything cool there yet well we’ll put some stuff away that way Fiona can get some peace of mind you know I always feel bad when we let Fiona down if it’ll feel better for us to put some stuff away what’s the texture pack name all the texture packs are linked in

The description lovely you can grab them all from there oh you were cooking ah I see I see it sometimes that does happen I guess tough I guess tough goes into here right I started the most lucky starter run ever soone needs to check my PC I

Think I read about that in Discord you had like three ancient seeds by like day 16 or something which is absolutely like I was shocked at my like one by like day 20 or something you know so far I found a Skelly spawner so just working on that I love that I love

That absolutely that’s actually one spawner that I have not found in this world is a skell spawner I have a zombie spawner though I don’t know if you guys have have seen this or remember this um right up here there is a zombie spawner but it spawned

With no chests like how weird is that oh sorry one sec chat Sorry chat I think people are letting off fireworks outside living hat first week to oh my gosh okay okay weird Flex where is that Lantern oh I think it’s up Here okay yeah yeah here it is so I have a zombie spawner right Here but no um No skeleton spawner I haven’t found one in this world yet where did you guys get all this Stone it must have been for me like when I first dug into there those must be the original zombies still oh that’s Interesting Hello I’m I’m so scared and confused right now are these textures super confusing or is it just me um I think it’s just you Bestie I recently got Minecraft for my birthday that’s so awesome I love that you know I’ve actually always wanted to have something up here like overlooking I feel like we should build something right here you know what I mean like this would be a good Spot that would be pretty you know where’s uh Tre uh Dody hello Hello I know the zombies been mining absolutely I think that they have thought that was an Enderman but I guess it wasn’t Rapunzel Tower oh my gosh imagine how did you find that thing so I found it because I was um I was out there mining um coal so there’s like

This huge mountain behind me that has like a ton of coal and when I was climbing up I heard a ton of zombies um and then I just started mining um I actually I think I found it on stream Even what is that is that okay clay we’ll put that in here gosh these are embarrassing I’m so sorry that you have to see this Fiona although I I will say um it’s partially your fault that we have so much of this because you know you’re always demanding that I work on big

Projects you know I’m kidding I’m kidding is it the Munos texture pack it is it is all the texture packs that I’m using are all Linked In the description so if you guys want to grab them for your eles that’s where they are I love you and I accept you you

Absolutely don’t you’re constantly trying to change me but that’s okay so you know sometimes a little bit of self-reflection is good um currently I’m not good with it but think we’ll do String I should probably do one for bones as well all right hold on let me handle what I have in my inventory before I start I’m getting ahead of myself make a mega base Roblox monster school is Roblox does Roblox have that I’ve never played Roblox you probably would play Roblox

Though s that seems definitely like something that you’d like Oh I have a lot of saddles and where did I get all these eggs like what is happening are you guys breaking in and leaving stuff in my base be honest oh there’s all the bones okay so here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to grab a

Shulker we’re going to grab all the bones if you guys broke into my base and could leave me any item what item would you leave Me I hacked your server to leave you some stuff yeah yeah I figured I figured it definitely had you know it it was tced you know what I mean I would leave it organ all right all right I see I See SE plac those eggs I saw her I agree I think that it was SE because seev is always like you know obsessed with all the birds and stuff chat between you and me I have seen SE do some very questionable things and I would never judge seev for

That absolutely we are in solidarity you know with Sev we we are supporting Sev throughout these questionable acts but I’m just saying I have seen SE do some questionable Things you would take the base you can’t take anything you just get to leave something behind hi Moon how’s it going a full netherite Beacon oh my gosh Jaden for so I had a different hardcore world for a while on Twitch that I like retired um just because I was too busy

At the time to like work on both and um I was working on in that world on a full netherite Beacon and every single day I would mine like for hours it was so bad I don’t know if I could ever I don’t know if I have it in me to do that

It would take me months it would take me probably Years has anyone has anyone here ever tried to get a full netherite Beacon like legitimately without cheating where do I put gravel oh gravel has its own chest I’m silly why is every single time that we have this stream like the first half hour is organizing is does that mean

That I’m a mess chat do I have to start facing facts is that what you guys are saying sb737 has done it yeah but I meant like has has anyone that’s actually here like in the chat done it I’ve never found netherite you’re you’re on you’re on your way I Promise guys do youall know why my chat isn’t showing the messages I I I see your uh chat messages but I’ve only seen like Three if there’s other ones that aren’t showing I’m not Sure Emy hi love night Winnie as well whoever said leave it organized Is So based okay but fir crackle do you have been around long enough to know that this is just how it is here okay same with you FAA you have how how long have

You been subscribed to me on Twitch how long have you been following that channel you know how it is now okay you can’t complain when when you signed up for this I’ve had full netherite armor and tools before that’s Bas same but definitely not I’ve had a

Load Stone before that’s like a little a little bit of a flex right well not really you can find them okay never mind that wasn’t really a flex I apologize for flexing about that no worries MX have a good one I made tons of iron beacons but never gold diamond or

Netherite I I think that I’ve had iron and emerald as well I don’t think I’ve ever had gold diamond or netherite where can I find my fortnite Duo um I think he went to his uh his uh parents to feed their cats really quick but then he’ll probably be back to play some

Fortnite did he leave you on red he leaves me on red sometimes too deep slate we have a deep slate chest oh you don’t want want to play with him oh okay damn you know that I don’t play fortnite right if you meant me he left me on red

All day he was at work he was in the office for a little bit and then he had a little bit of of an emergency um so just so you guys know if I have to go really quickly um to help my fiance with anything um he had a

Little bit of an accident today he’s fine I don’t want to give too many details cuz obviously that’s his personal information um he had to run to his parents but then I think he’s pretty much going to be taking it easy but he had a pretty rough

Day yo bibo hi darling welcome in how you doing so if you guys do see him if he does come in make sure you give him lots of lots of love not as much as you give me though cuz I do get jealous I’m just kidding CH I’m just kidding that was so

Toxic okay this are you feeling better now Fiona this is this is getting better right I think I’m going to have to keep this in in here we’ll just have a calite Sher we’re going to have to not actually kidding no ABS absolutely like I said I was kidding but I was

Not I will cry no okay so okay when we’re talking about organization though right so someone had the idea right okay listen up this is this is important chat so someone told me that uh over here where we worked on this like little Lake that up here oh there’s there’s

Mobs in there I’m scared hold on let me go sleep bro bro bro why was it taking so long to sleep where did you come from I guess he spawned on the roof hello okay okay but so over here right they said that we should work on

This cave and like make it like cool and and pretty and magical right but I was thinking what if this was the entrance into like a storage system that’s inside the mountain hidden you know what I mean BR can you just go away like I I feel like that would be cool

Right and we could just use the beacon and just tear this place up and then decorate it God this is G you know how many how many hours this is going to take me chat I have 80 HD okay there’s no way no no I am definitely down for

Making a storage system we need one hi Jesse how you Doing it would be epic I think that it’s a good idea I just have to I have to get over my fear of like huge projects cuz I’m always afraid that it’s going to take too long because I’m so slow at like making videos and building and stuff

But I thought I saw something hello any scary stuff in here down there there is I just started storage uh system and I literally can’t do it for more than 5 minutes cuz it’s hard are you doing like an automated one bio I have never made one of those

Before I think that we should like challenge ourselves into trying to make one I’ve never made one before I was um am I am my own world I was like am I really thinking about making a storage system rather than taking the time to organize well so if you make a storage

System right then you kind of tackle two problems at once because you can organize as you put stuff in I’m in the process of making an automatic storage how would you say it’s been going Connor like are you feeling pretty good about it are you feeling confident about it I tried oh people

Yeah see I’m I’m a little bit nervous as well I’ve never made one before and I get like super nervous about things I’ve never done before but at the same time it’s always a good opportunity to learn and for that I am so happy and so grateful but oh

Bro there’s stuff up there too all right well that’s the idea anyways would be to make this part of the mountain into the storage system like up here all the way up into this yo Rogue how’s it going lovely hope you’re doing well someone gifted me a month-long

Subscription on Twitch heck yeah we’ love to hear that okay these are all empty we can put those away one thing at a time though chat also we have officially passed you guys can see it right here 700 days let’s go this is actually my longest ever hardcore

World I’m actually really really excited about that I’ve never lived this long before in hardcore and I know like compared to some people’s worlds that have like thousands and thousands of days like that’s that’s like nothing but for me that’s a lot fact that we’re still alive still

Around thank you Fiona thank you so much Jaden as well just recently started a new hardcore world I definitely needed a fresh start tell us about your world you just started have you done anything cool in there yet do strip mine like uh for diamonds sometimes um I found that strip mining

Is super boring though um so I I cave a lot I won’t lie I cave a lot but caving is also sometimes pretty boring I don’t know it just depends on my mood I do tend to strip mine Though yo Ally you’re not late welcome in thanks uh Mitch I appreciate that it’s going great so far I still need to brush up on my Redstone but other than that I’ve gotten the Redstone lamps to where they turn on when items are in and offer when they’re empty oh that’s awesome I

Love that I watched my partner once make a like automatic storage system in survival and he was like streaming it on Discord for me and I it was so over my head I had no idea what was going on at any point but I think I could figure it out No worries Ally what’s my favorite beverage I’m definitely a water girly I drink like two to three liters of water a Day um Spruce stuff there we go can you believe we we used all of that Spruce that I mined last episode by the way has has everyone watched the new episode of the hardcore world what did y’all think did y’all have fun I had fun making the episode I’m not going to

Lie it was the most fun I’ve had making an episode in a While I’ve been mainly collecting resources to start an iron farm but currently mining for some iron and a few other things love that and iron farm early game so useful like honestly I want to go back and kick myself for not making an iron farm faster in all my other

Worlds yo KK hello lovely welcome in hope you’re doing well um extra wood there we go okay we’re almost done almost finally done also there is going to be a new video this week chat on Saturday I’ve got a new video coming out it’s a long play with commentary

Again um I had the impression that a lot of y’all really liked that style of video when we did it so I made another one and then after that there’s going to be another episode of Castaways and then I’ll probably do some hardcore episodes

While I work on a 100 days video in the background yeah staying hydrated is so important my birthday was Saturday oh my gosh happy belated birthday I hope you had a wonderful day you’re celebrating today with your daughters I love that I hope you all have a wonderful time with

Whatever with whatever activities you’re going to be up to today sorting inventory is such a pain but it’s fun watching you do it it’s like literally I I don’t know how anyone watches me organize anything cuz it’s I feel like it’s painful to watch genuinely painful to

Watch all right let’s get all of this stuff just tossed away we’ve got some lanterns an iron bar some scaffolding some slabs Moss carpet also clicking the signs is really really annoying I’m not used to that um blueberries yes fire charge and we’ll throw an egg in there as well

Okay all cleaned up there there you go Fiona are you happy are you happy Fiona you better be happy Fiona this was for you you can wax the signs yeah that is true that is true um I am going to be breaking all this though so I don’t want to wax them yet

Cuz um soon this will no longer be here but that’s Upcoming yo princess hello hello claraa hello how you doing the village trading area with spawning Golems like crazy so I spawn proof the area around it and now it doubles as an iron farm but I need it to not look like a prison oh my gosh

That is um better get to work on that oh you know what um here we go put this away and I’m going to leave these ones this is for next time froggy oh this one has nothing in it okay that one is for next time froggy I

Don’t want to deal with that one right now let’s go work on This is the tree farm that we built in the last episode I hope you guys like it I actually really like this I think it came out really really cute it’s so adorable now don’t don’t talk about the interior okay the interior is kind of lame like it’s not

That great um I was running out of time for my episode and I needed to post something so I was like you know what I’ll just do it later um but here we have the tree farm do you guys like the the tree I actually really like

It I think it came out cute you know I think she’s adorable oh oops oh bro but actually outside is why I wanted to be over here because I have a bunch of chests ignore this Fiona you don’t see it um but I have a bunch of lava in the

Chest F know just ignore it you didn’t see it it doesn’t exist so true so true iron Farms are annoying yo Lucy hello this one’s my iron farm and it’s I mean it’s it’s making quite some blocks of iron we actually have we’ve had literally Stacks and stacks and stacks

Of iron from this thing yeah if I can see it it can’t hurt me yeah we we’ll just keep telling ourselves that for now Stephanie hello Iva hello Maya hello how you doing yo Jax welcome in how you doing okay we’ve got some obsidian to put

Away but from mining out that big area I have all these lava buckets and I I think we need dripstone right do I have any actual dripstone are we going to have to go look no I do have point of dripstone thankfully oh my gosh okay um so let’s make some

Cauldrons did you see that the Minecraft devs out of the trail key um I haven’t really been keeping up with the stuff that’s going in the new update besides the stuff that was revealed at Minecraft live um just CU I like to I like it to be a surprise for myself

Yo beatric hello hello Maya you broke your leg I’m so sorry to hear that empty wallet hello H what kind of room should we do wait this is live right now yeah wolf if it’s we’re live oh my gosh hi wolf welcome in that’s very kind it was your birthday on the 13th

Happy beled birthday coffee all right let’s let’s drop well okay so what we’re going to do we’re going to Tunnel through here right we’re going to Tunnel through here and I want to add like a little uh dripstone lava Farm down there but obviously we can’t make the room out of

Wood so we’re going to have to find a different material to make it out of oh we have a lot of coal in here as well my gosh do I do I just throw stuff around don’t answer that chat don’t answer that because I know I know y’all

Will be saying yes frog that’s what you do I hope you had a good day p uh coffee pixel hope it was a wonderful birthday it’s okay pumpkin welcome in I’m doing an Ultra Hardcore world I have done one of those before as well um I challenged

Myself to beat the dragon in Ultra Hardcore and I did on day 105 it was um it was a very very fun challenge for myself does your ADHD affect the way that you play absolutely Cassie um I keep really really meticulous lists um I’ve shown them on my twitch

Stream before and if you want I can show them here but I keep like really really like and lists don’t work for every person that has ADHD but so I have like in my daily routine because routine is really important for keeping me on track

Um I have like um a planner that I use and basically like I have one for like content and I have one for like my daily life and stuff like that and I I just like always refer to my planner and I try to plan out as much as I

Can Ultra hardcores with no natural healing Yeah but before I um before I had a planner outside of Minecraft I used to keep like um a sign wall in Minecraft and I would always put like all the things that I wanted to do and then when I finish something I would go back and I

Would find like oh this is make an iron farm this is do this you know be the dragon get netherite then I would just like I would check off all the things that I wanted to do on my list if that makes sense Blackstone in the new room do I have any black Stone I have um 18 18 Blackstone that’s not going to be or 48 Blackstone that’s not going to be Enough all right let’s go get some oh we can fly There I like your house thank you Oh gosh okay hold on let me get some black stone and then I’ll grab my planner stuff good luck chimani I hope the exam goes well what’s up buddy how you Doing we can go over there to that pigin Bastion and just take some of their Blackstone because I don’t think anyone is home that’s mostly cuz I killed them all I don’t answer about my age but I am an adult how are you here oh you must have still been here from Halloween that’s so weird I’ve never seen one in the wild without it being Halloween hey buddy um do I have anything for this I have name Tags there you go buddy is this from your hardcore World um this is my hardcore world but mington was actually in my 118 world that was not in hardcore but it’s the series that I started after that yeah oh oops all right well good luck buddy I’ll see you Around this texture pack is so cute um all the textures that I’m using are in the description if you want to grab them they’re all linked in there no we can grab him we also okay we also have um all right we’ll you know what we’ll just we’ll go over there really

Quick 20 seconds okay um we also have a wither skeleton Um Get Wrecked ow that was rude we have a wither skeleton in here as well hi buddy how you doing stinky how’s my dude there you are yeah um so we have a wither skeleton as well I want to bring him to also live in the

Rosewood but um I don’t have a place for him yet I don’t know where I’m going to keep him that won’t get me killed um so if you have any ideas let me know all good wolf all Good and your Business I think we’re chilling here I think it’s I think we’re chill all right let’s grab all this I love Munos but I don’t agree with all the block changes for example like in vanilla looks so different I mean that’s just what like that’s with any texture pack it’s going

To always look a little bit different in vanilla no matter which one it is I just really like the way this one looks it makes me happy are you petty what do you mean what does that what what does that question mean I I genuinely want to know what you mean by that Oh God keep been in the non-existent Rapunzel Tower I know but if you look if you use it on SMP people see it differently yeah but I mean some people would naturally choose different block choices anyways I think you’re overthinking it I don’t think anyone really like cares at least I

Don’t I don’t look at people’s builds and be like oh that’s an interesting block choice you know I’m like oh cool I like the way they did that window you can make him some sort of Hobbit Hole should we make him into Rapunzel like give him a little a little Tower by

Where that like zombie spawner is yeah I just wouldn’t overthinking if you if you like using it you know use it the the thing about using texture packs on smps is that not everyone’s going to be using it but I just don’t even care you

Know if people use it or if people don’t like it’s cool hi Lona how you doing I know I know you don’t play Bedrock but the Munos on there has villagers as cute animals yeah so the the Java um Munos has that too if you play with OptiFine I just don’t play with

OptiFine um and there’s a mod that you can get that will like change entity stuff but sometimes it makes the cows like disappear and stuff it’s a little bit buggy so I just haven’t really met with it to be honest it’s been going good Lona we have

Um we’ve organized some things you know that’s that’s always a highlight of these live streams is actually organizing but we’re making a dripstone and like lava cauldron Farm thingy and someone suggested to do a Blackstone room for it so that’s what we’re trying to just grab a bunch of Blackstone right now

I actually really really love the way that gilded Blackstone looks in this texture pack it’s so pretty we need to grab more of that but there’s not that much I wish you could craft it you know oh I hear a piglin brute I think I must not have gotten all of them hello

Hey you’re looking kind of annoying we should name him savaris no I’m kidding I’m kidding guys I I love SE I promise hey Hey buddy yeah oh my gosh you’re a little bit smelly aren’t you well I guess I didn’t get him before when I was clearing this out it’s a good thing it’s a good thing you didn’t see me looting that chest when I looted it gosh that was a little bit

Scary oh I don’t see any more builded Blackstone down here oh here’s one and this isn’t really guilded Blackstone but we will take some of that I would even be fine with it taking gold ingots cuz really I mean once you get to a certain point

Gold is kind of like there there needs to be more uses for gold gold I was actually thinking like what if there was gold lanterns you know what I mean like what if you could make really fancy gold lanterns I would not be opposed to that

It would give you a reason to have like a gold Farm um acrylic okay so so here here’s what happened okay um um um okay so SE and I were in a voice chat and Seb was like oh you would never summon the warden in your hardcore

World and I was like I so would you wouldn’t and then so um basically we were both challenging each other and playing a very dangerous um game of chicken and uh well yeah neither one of us ran away so I don’t know if we both win or we both lose

But that’s that’s what happened well lanterns would be so pretty I know I agree cuz these lanterns are nice but can you imagine like gold like gold on them that would be great yeah I we didn’t move both of us just stood there he popped my totem when he like

Sonically shrieked me and then he like hit me again like really fast it was so fast I couldn’t react at all I think we both won although depending on who you ask it also could be losing I don’t know we’re both very stubborn that is for sure what we have learned

It’s all right chat there’ll always be season six of one shot I don’t know how I got in here was it over there yeah it was over there hello Dudes Lucy I have said hello to you I died on one shot today yeah it’s okay I I don’t care at all chat it’s fine I I laughed about it and Sev was hacking Sev kept respawning I think she had like a bug with her body or something

Um I don’t answer personal questions about myself like that Mom please stop asking stuff like that like in general please don’t ask personal questions about me did you post the one shot video I I I wasn’t making a video on one shot oh do you mean like the clip I wasn’t

Recording I maybe seev has it in her replay but I didn’t have replay mod on my instance did we ever win megie back I don’t think so chat yeah it it literally just kind of happened I actually didn’t expect either one of us to go through with it but we

Did and it’s it’s fine it happens we we both girl loss a little bit too hard uh you know a little bit too close to the Sun that’s how it is Cottage core wifey Arc didn’t end well no it did not but that’s okay do you like sparkle egg of course

I’m on a um SMP with sparkle egg she’s very very nice coffee for real it was um it was really funny actually I wish y’all could have seen it I should have been streaming but it wouldn’t have I don’t know me and Sev were just we were going at each other’s

Throats okay you know how we are we’re like siblings neither one of us could back down watching your streams on YouTube and not twitch feels like when you see one of your teachers at the store what do you mean there’s a lot less FWS that’s

True is it weird that I love the sound of Netherrack no that’s not weird I think it’s a good sound it’s a little bit squishy oh we have one BT just picked up one basal okay this should be enough oh wait we have two Basalt one’s a polished all good

Himari what if there were d Diamond apples would it be worth doing um would it be worth doing like what what extra effects would you have it give you you know yo Cassandra hello welcome in currently we are working on a little dripstone farm well we’re we’re mining

Out the area for a little dripstone farm so we have a little bit of better access to fuel cuz right now this is this is what we got we got um a super smelter but we have just coal and I’d like to move to a more renewable

Source SE is the cool SL nice over older sibling you know what’s funny is that seev is actually the youngest at least I think SE maybe SE is like 5 years older than me I don’t know probably every single good effect for like 30 seconds that would be pretty

Cool that would be pretty dope your power went out oh my gosh I hope you’re okay all right so we’ll go down a couple of layers like this are we going to do the whole thing like are we doing walls and floor in the Blackstone Chat okay we might have to go get more I don’t know if we have enough Have how about you Cassandra how’s your day going and anyone else who wants to to put in their input as well how’s how’s your day what’ you get up to today actually now that I think about it Stu reminds me of Louise from Bob Bob’s Burgers I’ve never seen Bob’s

Burgers but I feel like it is a funny show that I should probably watch I’m so sorry anyone I disappointed with that information I have no idea if those people are Luna Moon if there’s another update when are we going to see an update for the end I

Have been saying that for a while too I would love an end update They’re from a game oh I have no idea day is good right now I’m eating uh I’m not sure what that is Melania hopefully I said that right what is that is it Delicious I need a St New Valley Farm name I was I was going to say name it the Shrek Farm name it something cute like honeydew or something you know name it something that you’ll be happy to like come back To oh bruh oh no name your stardew farm nether farts I have to go chat this is we we’re on YouTube today okay we are not on Twitch I’ve been naming my Farms Rosewood ever since I played Harvest Moon animal Paradise as a kid really

That is so cute I don’t um I think the twitch chat helped me name our um area in this world Rosewood and then I found out isn’t this so funny I found out that one of my friends has an animal crossing island with the same name what are you doing right now we’re

Making a room for our um Lava Farm it’s okay Redwood crabs it’s okay you’re good you’re good we’ll come back with reg more like stairs later I feel like we have to whoa not like that guess this nether spawn in my world did you spawn into Basalt Delta because

Same nether farts slaps though I I have to go I have to go I I was never here if anyone asks I was never here you spawned in a fortress oh my gosh that’s actually cool how often does that happen is a thin slice of beef chicken fish ve

Or sometimes pork dipped in egg and breadcrumbs oh that actually does sound delicious hello sign me up I would love to have some of that right now I had kind of a stressful day today um because of like you know the situation with my partner um he is okay

Though so like no worries but um by the time it came down to like having dinner I was going to cook um like Curry but I just we just ended up eating leftovers which was probably better that we ate the leftovers but I really wanted the

Curry it’s all good Conor I hope that everything is going better soon did you know that there’s going to be armor for your dogs coming out soon I did know that um I did not vote for armadillo though I’m not going to lie I voted for the crab I wanted more

Reach armadilla is still really cool though I I I kind of like this I don’t know I kind of I kind of like it it looks cool it looks like we’re going into like a deep dark basement the armadillo drops a scoot kind of like

Um turtles do that can be used to craft wolf armor is basically what it Does but did you guys know if you voted in the mob vote you got this like amazing little Cape that’s what I did and then look it becomes my elytra as well I have a pink elytra it’s cute I wanted to vote for Penguins because I love penguins that’s fair uh twitch chat and I talked about this I really don’t like penguins but that’s just like a personal

Thing it’s a cool Cape I’m really happy that they did that I like getting free stuff it had been a while since had done like a a drop like that for like a cape so I’m happy that they made it like a cherry blossom one you Know I voted for the penguin that’s Fair I wish I could like like get them to remove dolphins and we could get sharks I want more stuff in the savannah that is fair the Savannah and the desert definitely need more stuff and of course deserts just got camels so they did get something pretty recently but the savanas hadn’t had

Anything in a while although you know if they could have added crabs to beaches like I feel like if crabs hadn’t been in mangrove swamps they probably would have added like a lot more people would have added or voted for crab I think like why were they putting I I

Know that some some crabs are native species to the mangrove swamps but come on when beaches are right there and beaches need some love I’m sorry sorry if you’re a if you’re a beach fan but in their current state I don’t see how you could Be dolphins irel are despicable I agree no race cupcake thank you so much I appreciate you a Ally welcome in how you doing I hope that your work is going well if you’re at work right now I’m going to have to cover this right yeah otherwise it’s out there oops all right let’s

Just we’ll cover this it’s okay not a big deal if do if dolphins have zero ters yeah or haters yeah yeah yeah I’m with you I’m with you on that I am not a Dolphin fan we’re going to have to go get more black stone I’ve already used it All all right let’s go get some more did you vote for the crab or the armadillo I voted for the crab I wanted the reach I’m not going to lie I played a lot of modern Minecraft and having a little bit of extra reach is just a next level experience I don’t know unfortunately yes I’m at work got to pay the mortgage you know I feel that I feel

That well I hope your day goes well thank you so much for watching the streams while you’re at work I hope you have a really really or really really wonderful day my Gosh hello everything in the nether is so scary sounding why why do we come here ow and before anyone says the Blackstone of course the Blackstone but if the penguin won it would make no sense if they spawned on Stony Shores I agree with that as well they should have

Been in like a snowy Tundra mob or Something hey dude how you doing hope you’re having a fantastic day ooh well I really like this shell texture so that’s actually a mod called beach party um and that mod makes it so that where those shells are if you mine it with silk touch you get like a message in a

Bottle or a seashell it’s really really cool um but I agree they should I think there should be like if you dig up sand on a beach there should be like sometimes like an iron nugget or something you know like a little bit of Treasure you voted for the penguin penguin’s okay I guess I just okay so I rarely use boats and if I do I I have a chest boat and I was sort of concerned about the Penguin’s use in terms of like boats like there’s no way I would ever pick a

Faster boat over a chest boat if I had to pick one or the other like being able to store more stuff in the early game is better than getting somewhere faster in my Opinion we’re playing a dangerous game here what shaders do you use I use complimentary Shaders wait is this the wrong side of course it is oh my gosh I’m so silly wait I hear a chicken do you guys hear that I hear a chicken Sorry I voted for the crowd but also the armadillo yeah I also like the armadillo as well armadillos are also cool in real life so I’m really happy that they won even if I do really wish that we had the extra reach ow we go all right that should be enough

The majority of penguins actually live in warmer climates oh I didn’t know that I feel like I always associate penguins with winter because of like Christmas and like you know everyone like buying pajamas in the winter that have like penguins on them is that just me I feel

Like my grandparents always bought like penguin pajamas where is my little oh it’s over there I think yeah I need a more secure entrance and exit into The Nether because as youall have probably notic when I exit I do not exit in a very good place I exit like

Under underground and no matter how many times I break and replace this portal it happens but I think it’s because the actual entrance that I’m supposed to be in in the nether is over this lava lake and it doesn’t know where to put me so it put me here hi sweetheart what’s

Up yeah eventually I will have one I do have another roof opening but I haven’t broken the Bedrock yet I probably will do that soon though that way I can get up and down from my other portal hey buddy oh one sec chat A Okay sorry my uh my partner just came home I usually buy a ton of Christmas PJs onesies hoodies and jumpers and wear them all year round that’s fair I’m like I’m definitely not one to look over some comfy jammies I’m just saying like that’s why I associate penguins with

Winter I have 21 pearls are you going to go um do the dragon is that why you’re collecting pearls sorry I know it’s a little bit dark here I apologize I’ve never lit this up because I usually just run through it you have bad armor is it a hardcore world uh train

Wreck honestly I think if if it’s hardcore as long as you have like feather falling potions you should be fine or uh feather falling and like slow falling potions you’ll probably be fine take a pumpkin don’t get into the the dragon’s breath my 100 days was on hard mode and I beat

Her in Iron well of course I had one piece of diamond but the rest was iron I was pretty proud of that never happens to me wait this is going to be cute although definitely needs to be more lit up cuz it is a little bit dark down here

It’s a little bit scary there we go okay do you have any tips to get better at building just build every day that’s what I did honestly I know that sounds so like so typical but like that’s the only way you get better is just by

Building um what really helped me on if I’m being 100% honest what really helped helped me was um like meeting up with some friends and having them like give me some pointers or give me like feedback like hey that looks a little bit weird stuff like that um but otherwise just practicing practicing Practicing hi Ry how you doing how’s it going lovely H I don’t know what else we have that would go with that room cuz we have to keep in mind that we probably don’t want to do much like uh wood in there because it can burn oh we have an obsidian chest why

Did I put that stuff over here when I did the ender dragon fight on my hardcore world I way over prepared for the fight it was so easy cuz I made way too many potions yeah as long as you’re prepared you’ll be fine I don’t know what other blocks that we

Have bamboo will Burn concrete and Terracotta what does terracotta look like we smelt it no I feel like it’s going to look weird with the black stone oh we did have black stone by the way I just didn’t look in the right Spot I sub just to send one message and that message is your base looks good thank you so much Buster games I appreciate that hi gloth hope you’re hope you’re doing okay hope you’re having a good day Sandstone will look weird hold on okay let’s let’s take this out right so we

Have that kind of Tone No I don’t think that one H bricks is going to look Weird I think Stone will look weird what About maybe do a Blackstone trim and fill it with yellow and orange terra cotta so yellow and orange terra cotta I’m just going to let you know and Munos aren’t going to look right cuz um the Munos has a border around its terra cotta it’s just not going to that it

Doesn’t that bothers Me yeah I was looking for color I don’t know I don’t know if I like the walls being Blackstone actually I feel like the walls should be something else and the floor should be Blackstone the border so unnecessary I actually do like the Border I’m not going to lie it’s really really nice Wait maybe this isn’t hold on maybe this isn’t that bad one two yo Skye thank you so much for the $1.99 that is so sweet of You do you want a woody color NE another tree do you think like a like Crimson or warped would look good down here let’s try warped oh this um room be so I just want to set up like a little place to get lava but obviously I don’t want to put

Any wood in the room that can catch on fire otherwise we would be sprucing and dark oaking it up you know Wool Wool Burns as well no all good all good I’m just letting you Know block of lapis block of lapis is a really good block of misos too kind of underrated yeah NE wood doesn’t burn we’ll try this would the blocks be at a position they can burn out though coffee I’m pretty sure if you remember dampy this is how dampy

Died I didn’t think that they could burn where they were that was my mistake that I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life if we have to go back to the nether I will throw up oh hello it’s a party down there Ary don’t laugh at

Me don’t laugh Ary it’s not nice laugh my misfortune’s not nice this is why you always get bad Vibe checks in the Discord I’m not going to lie no worries Luna have a good one thanks so much for hanging out I appreciate it

Okay is it too much as a floor is what I want to Know oh bro prism r or copper copper I do have prism r i don’t the vibe Checker is just salty at me that most of the time that is so fair I had um I checked my vibe earlier and I had like a 40% and I’m like I’m

The one who pays the bill for this like how can I have a bad Vibe like it doesn’t even make Sense oh my gosh we had exactly enough okay that I feel like that’s a sign from the universe it’s not the worst a Brooke that is so kind thank you so much welcome in I hope you’re doing well I kind of like it I’m not going to lie what do you guys

Think like I feel like that was meant to be we had exactly the right amount of blocks of course now we do have to fill this part which we’ll have to go to the nether for don’t want to go back there we’ve been there three times already is there a curve to the

Wood um not that I’ve ever noticed if if you did notice it though that’ll that’ll make me sad that’s one of the main reasons that I don’t like stay TRS wood is cuz it’s like curved also notice my Dodge over there on that lava look at this this is the

Tallest tree I’ve ever seen in the nether like what is This Hanah thank you so much for the five that is so sweet thank you so much for the for the kind words that so so sweet thank you so much you didn’t have to do that shroom lights and Mos I know they are they are so nice this is such a good

Block the only thing I don’t like is that they glow like that with shaders on I guess sort of with without shaders on too but they like pulse I’m not I’m not a big fan of pulsing but otherwise they’re very pretty you know what we could have done

This in the tree farm instead of coming here we should have done it in the tree farm chat why did I build it if I was I keep forgetting about it got to live life on the edge oh bro no one sees this first time okay no one saw that anyways moving

On what’s your favorite unique Block in mizunos um probably double Birch slabs um although double dark prismarine slabs are good too one tapped yeah chat we we were playing valerant for a second sorry oh my God don’t look at me sir that is not very nice I do not want to be

Perceived I realize I’m sort of coming into your house and kind of just taking all your stuff but please do not perceive me this tree is also very tall what about you Brooke also did I read correctly that you died in your hardcore world if that was if that was real I’m so

Sorry I am so so sorry I I died in hardcore today as well on the one shot SMP um dude can you go away it’s kind of nice it has anyone SE the video where scientists hook up audio processors to mushrooms and they make kind of synthetic sounds mushrooms talk to each

Other bro how long before the mushrooms are the ones playing Minecraft and we’re watching can you imagine like hey hey Mr um Chantell can you um can you go over there and build in your hardcore world for me like can you imagine you guys would watch me instead of a mushroom right be

Honest plants can see us stop I refuse to think about plants having eyes I think that this one is also messed up I think that this one also goes to the same like messed up place how come we can’t look at Enderman but Enderman can look at us true oh no this

Is not where I thought we were going to be hello where am I not Mr shentell being one of your high school teachers stop what class did Mr shentell teach tell me I oh my gosh why is it our why do I know it’s an art

Class where am I going don’t think I’ve ever been here before Oh scary which way do we go oh we’re like by spawn you’re not a mushroom most people so I used to joke all the time that I was actually three frogs in a trench

Coat and that I was like I had no face and I was a disembodied voice because like all the people who used to come to the twitch streams would always ask me like when are you going to face reveal and I just thought it was really funny but then like people really

Thought that I was like people are like oh my God wait you’re not actually three frogs it was history no stop I can’t deal with that I cannot deal with your teacher teaching history I really like double slab dark oak normal Spruce planks for a nice contrasting floor I actually used um

Double dark or double dark oak slabs recently for the first time and I really like them I used them in the Autumn Long play they were quite a uh a nice change from the usual texture I will Say and then here we can just this is fine this one can get changed can this one I don’t think it can but we’re going to have to do it all right let’s go put a leaf on top of That it doesn’t look curve to me it looks it looks straight I think it’s the pattern mushrooms are crazy the little electrical impulses they use to communicate with each other look super uh similar to the human nervous system that is actually very Interesting like we’re dist distantly like genetically related to mushroom honestly I’d rather have a mushroom cousin than like some of my actual family sorry sorry to my actual family if you ever see this but some of you Suck there we go problem solved no one no one even knows no one even knows it’s all good all solved actually we do need one more of these look I’m just saying it you know chat it’s it’s fine it does look curved when you’re like looking at it from like

Above I agree but it when you’re not looking at it from above when you’re looking at it from the side I don’t see it like from like directly on I don’t see it all right where did all of our supplies go here we go oh

Bro okay we all agree that we didn’t see that right just say yes chat just say yes exactly okay chiby knows yo Alysia welcome in how you doing hope you’re having a wonderful day welcome to the stream nothing y’all saw nothing that’s don’t make me don’t make me get out the ndas again

Chat the last time chat had to sign ndas it did not go well for any of us oh bruh I didn’t think about the corners it’s okay it’ll be fine right popey’s versus KFC I’m a Popeye’s girly for sure I’ve never had KFC all right so we’ll remove this

One actually we’ll leave that there but we’ll remove this one yo pomata hello hello how are you doing okay there we go lava Farm should work on all editions of Minecraft okay this is going to be a little bit tough and not because of the block chat chat chat chat chat chat laugh someone laugh please thank you thank you Chad you guys are the best the real ones okay so guys listen me and the Discord we watched

Twilight um and we finished Breaking Dawn Parts one and two over the weekend it was the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life again it once again traumatized me so badly I don’t know who I am anymore Why did the baby look like that does warped wood burn no it doesn’t no trap doors burn and warped wood does not burn none of the nether Woods burn the CGI baby I I guess they couldn’t hire a real baby actor like the real baby actors were like absolutely not I am not

Getting involved in this Movie tough day with a lot of work was uh but much better now I’m so sorry to hear that I’m glad that it’s much better now my day has been um good but stressful uh my partner had um some well my partner had a rough day and I um I

Had a rough day because of that but otherwise my day was Okay think about breaking down part two at least we got a good fight that is true true even though you know no spoiling no spoiling but even though you know it was a little disappointing that certain events did not transpire is all I’m going to say may welcome in how you Doing what time is it for me it is currently 8:46 p.m. where I live and my dog is barking I’m sorry chat oh wait this one needs lava as well oh I’m so silly that one can get lava all right hold on let’s go back and get two more lava buckets really

Quickly also I’m sorry if you guys hear my dog oh my gosh Dorito chill may I already said hi to you golden chips I stream on both um I’ve been doing YouTube like once a week for a couple months Chad how long have we been doing this like I don’t know maybe two

Months team team Edward or Team Jacob team Charlie and team Carlile no worries RC eat well I hope you uh have a good rest of your day thank you so much for stopping in and saying Hello oh chipsy oh my gosh hi hi nice to see you over here on YouTube yeah we do both we do both um I started doing YouTube streaming like I think there was one stream like right after the update and then um I I was kind of like

Testing out to see if I would like it but yeah we we do it at least like once a week every Wednesday is a YouTube Day I don’t know if you already did this but any new Dorito pick SL video um I don’t know if you guys have seen the latest one hold on let me grab it I don’t know I don’t think I showed this one last time I think this was

After we streamed last or maybe it wasn’t I don’t know let me let me let me show y’all there he is there’s the boy we are getting there Jaden we are getting there indeed um I upload when I can chat I don’t have um well like YouTube is my

Job but I’ve had a lot of like personal stuff going on which is why I haven’t uploaded as much I eventually want to get back to like a two or three times a month schedule yo it’s just Mora welcome in how you doing lovely happy to have you

Here thank you so much for coming and saying hello is his paw feeling better yeah he is completely healed so his um the toe that was broken was actually this one um but he’s like fully fine now he’s able to walk and jump and run and play and

All that stuff again his toe is still kind of at a weird angle not as bad though it’s like 90% normal angle and our vet said that that’s okay he’s good though he’s good how old is Dorito he is 2 and a half he’ll be three um pretty soon

Actually his birthday is in March so oh my gosh only four months away I I have to I always get him like a little cake for his birthday and some like treats and some toys and stuff obviously a puppy safe cake chat not like a person cake yeah he likes the puppy cakes

Absolutely he will do anything for puppy cake is that all of it oh this one right there and that one there we go all right oh my gosh we already have a whole bucket already let’s go and I know it’s not like the prettiest but at least it’s something you Know yo Aaliyah hello how are you lovely chat do you guys mind if I take a quick potty break as we have been going for almost 2 hours and I have to run to the the little Froggy’s room if you guys don’t mind um I’ll be back in like 2

Minutes so if anyone needs to like get up stretch take care of anything like really quickly no hold it okay okay all right all right all right we’re going to we’re going to just chill right here we’ll be we’ll be okay hopefully I’m kind of scared

Now we’ll just chill right here I’ll be right back yeah give me 2 Minutes I I also really don’t like spamming May so please don’t spam I’m back chat sorry about that hi spawn welcome in how you doing I put myself in a box and then I realized we paused it so it didn’t I didn’t really have to go into the box

Sorry about that thank you guys for letting me take a quick little bathroom break appreciate it okay there’s lava right there too that scared me I was like where’s that other lava also this is more stuff that I’m not going to clean up and then next time

Fiona is going to yell at me again I feel like Fiona just like has her like fists on her hips and like kind of like gives like she’s standing there with like this pose like frog she she is going to be like why did you not clean that up I will have no

Real answer for her but thanks appreciate it guys all right let’s make some more of oh I guess I still had a bit of gunpowder left I felt like I was running out I do not yell okay that’s fair you type though you type very

Angrily I can hear the mom tone in your voice sometimes even though I don’t think you’re a parent but I get that fear you know disappointed mom with hands on the hips feel it yeah exactly the hand lips is not very far off like looking very disapprovingly like excuse me young

Woman is that how we leave our chests I’ll be like but Mom but Fiona putting the chest away is silly I don’t want to I feel like that would be how it went there we go um let’s go repair our pickaxe really quick and like the rest of our

Tools elder sister I knew it you have you have older sister Vibes I mean that in a good Way okay I think we have to go west Yes no no we have to go south we have to like go pretty far this way yeah there it is what’s the best way to make an iron farm on Bedrock oh I have no idea bestie I do not play on Bedrock if anyone does have a good Farm

Though feel free to let Ayah know spawn please um stop spamming that you love cats you know chat at least this time it’s not a one wide Leaf bridge over the void it’s like a three wide one right I want to make this pretty but I really don’t know how

Silent whisper is good for Bedrock Farms good to know good to know I have never made a farm on Bedrock I’ve never played that long I only have bedro so I had Bedrock on my PS3 a long time ago and then my PS4 um and then I for a while had

Um I never played any I never made farms though I just built sand castles I don’t know why I was obsessed with building like an underground sand castle base like with multiple floors no worries bird have a good win oh yeah chibi I remember that as

Well that’s uh like they have like the a atic iron farm and stuff I remember that and like a an aesthetic uh mob farm as well I don’t want to start a Java versus Bedrock War though in the chat I think they’re they’re both good for different reasons

Yeah chiby if you wait wait wait actually no cupcake sent me that farm in a DM hold on let me look I have a DM from cupcake somewhere it’s from ajck Minecraft I’m going to put the name in the chat that is the name of the

Farm the like mob farm and iron farm and stuff that the YouTuber made those a rock is accessible and consoles and if that’s all you have Bedrock is probably what you like the best well not to mention that Bedrock is way more accessible for like playing with friends

As well like if you play on Java you have to have a server or you have to know how to like configure the essentials mod or something and not everyone has knowledge of modding in Minecraft as well so it’s also one of those things where oh

Gosh you know for ease of access I don’t I don’t think that Bedrock is bad I think Bedrock is fine Bedrock has a lot of bugs that I don’t understand how are still bugs in the game but like I I’ve seen people die going up ladders not a

Big fan of that like why are you dying on a ladder by the way are you going to do a 100 to 300 vid what does that mean May what do you mean yo matalina you’re not late welcome in I started off on console and now I have

A computer so now I have Java when I play with friends I use Bedrock though yeah I feel like it’s just different different um things for different peeps you know a lot of people have access to like Bedrock much easier than Java when you survive 200 days in

Minecraft I will do a 300 days eventually those videos just take me like 100 hours to make so it it takes a while and I’m trying to focus on some other projects before I jump back in but I will I have ideas for that world

Still oh chat also while we were in the Lush cave last episode while I was getting some Moss look I got another Axel wadle and it’s my favorite one so cute I tried building for the first time thanks to you I followed Along on your cottage build with me a creeper did blow

It up while I was working on it but still oh my gosh no that happened to me so when I was when I was building this uh Barn it’s actually so in the episode you can even see that the creeper blows up like the front half of it like while

I was building there and I think I was just in diamond armor there but I was so scared like I got down to like half Health but he blew up this whole part while I was like building right here and it was so scary it happens to me all the

Time what’s up buddy how you doing why are you always so mean when day you’re going to run out of shots in that crossbow and then you’re going to like me I know it m Sam hi lovely have you ever gotten a blue ax lottle before no I really

Really want one though um I was thinking we should probably start grinding those do you guys want that to be like a stream project So I think we only have these two Axel so far we have one over here and this one I think is named buddy yeah this one’s buddy and then there’s melon hi cuties but we need to go get all the different colors Oh we can make a axel enclosure you know I was thinking okay so hear me out right so the idea that I have for the storage room hold on let me just go over there right so once we mine all of this out obviously there’s going to be like a

Whole bunch of space and I was thinking in the very very center to do like a circular like um underwater axotal tank like under the ground what’s up dude and I was thinking what if we had like one of every single Axel in there that would be so cute

Right the pond is so pretty I’m so happy that you guys like the build it makes me so happy I was really insecure about my builds for like a really really long time but honestly this like Community is so so sweet and encouraging this is the other one that

We built that goes to the Frog enclosure yeah we will have to get the blue one as well I don’t know if we know where like a coral reef is but this is our frog enclosure for anyone who hasn’t seen it we got some Froggies just chilling in

Here hi Lucy hi bell pepper there’s crafty and then there’s um gudus and then there’s tadpole and well that one’s Lucy again where’s block Town’s good at fortnite oh there he is hi block Down’s good at fortnite he’s not chat he’s not good at fortnite he’s that’s a

Lie that frog’s name is a lie how do you keep the fun in your hardcore worlds after getting the elyra and decked out so I don’t see getting elytra as like the end of my journey like some people may see I see it as just another tool to help me like gather materials

And build um because for me it’s about the building and it’s about like the the environment and the atmosphere so that kind of keeps me more motivated than if I was like like oh you know I’m just going to like try to challenge myself if that makes

Sense sorry I had to sneeze but then I didn’t sneeze chiby um chibi sit down I’m so sorry to tell you this chibi I passed away on one shot today there is no clip I wasn’t I wasn’t streaming and Seb wasn’t streaming SE and I were playing a dangerous game of chicken together

And we were basically both like daring each other to summon the warden in our hardcore worlds um and I was like you wouldn’t do that se you’re a baby and SE was like oh yeah well you wouldn’t do it like and I was like I’ll do it right now

And SE was like I want to watch so then I was like well why don’t we do it on one shot and well we both stayed until The Bitter End and it must have been so funny because like there were some people that were live on the on the in the chat like

On the server and like me and SE were like looking in the ward and we were like oh my God a puppy he’s so cute and then we both got Killed he he popped my totem and then um and then I died first and then seev died right after I think we both technically won though you know neither one of us like moved away so I just want to say respect to savaris for not running away like a

Baby it was a noble death yeah sub was there too we were both kind of like trolling each other but it ended up being deadly it’s okay though it’s fine there’s always next season no worries chipsy sleep well what’s your subscriber goals I don’t like I’m going to be 100% honest

With you I do not have subscriber goals I just want to make videos that you guys like and that I like as well that’s very important to me I try not to get hung up on like viewer or subscriber or follower or anything like that because that’s not

Always in like my control and I don’t want to like damage my mental health by worrying about numbers that I can’t like force to go up no matter how hard I work you know what I mean I try to make goals for myself though that are like in-game goals um

Like Minecraft related or like you know Discord related like doing movie Nights doing things like that you know I try to make goals for myself that are definitely attainable but sometimes might have to I I got scared might have to like move around with my schedule or

Something did I see an axel I did see one come here what what do what are you doing he was like inside the block hello Axel I’m so scared right now by the way have you thought of doing a village remodel yes so that Village over by the

Rosewood I’m going to be transforming that Village in an upcoming episode pretty soon um I already have some of the ideas worked out for how I want to transform the village I’ve just got to do a lot of terraforming he’s having his enrichment time you’re having flashbacks stop were

You there for my very first ever hardcore World death coffee you must have been if you’re having flashbacks don’t don’t put that evil on me okay do do not do not think about that right now you’re going to you’re going to manifest that into the world yeah I’m really excited Mora I’m

Really really excited I’ve never done a village transformation before I’ve attempted before Oh gosh this is not this is not great I hate the Moss texture as much as I love it cuz it looks so much like a creeper texture that is fair that is really fair I feel like we’re not

Finding any other like water except for right here but I might maybe up here there is more oh hey I did not see you there I’m so sorry no we went over here right yeah we did what about up there did we go up here already

Yo C Koo hello love welcome in how you doing oh you watch the stream after like I shared the clip yeah so for anyone who doesn’t know when I first started streaming on Twitch like before I was a YouTuber I um I had a hardcore world that we were

Building um up we we survived like 400 Days and I was looking it was during 117 I was looking for an axel lle in a cave um because they used to spawn in like uh exposed to Stone because Lush caves weren’t in the game yet and I I died to

A creeper a creeper was waiting at the bottom for me hello oh this looks new this looks different any axo babies hello I just want to feed you lots of fish and hook you up with some other Axel that kind of sounds messed up if you say it that way I

Think right hold on while we’re here I’m not passing up on that small drip leaf that is worth so much to me Actually what would you think if Minecraft had live volcanoes I would cry I would just get down on my knees and cry in front of the volcano I I I could never live by one can you imagine oh what are you doing oh I’m reblow or I’m you know rebuilding my

Base a volcano like a chunk of volcanic rock and lava came down from the skies about 400 blocks away there was a volcano and it blew up my base I think they’re really cool though I would love to see a volcano in real life life like obviously not an active

Volcano that’s going off hello hello sunshine baby okay we just need the white one and the pink one we have three brown ones and we have a yellow one now oh my God the bat just scared me so bad why are bats in Minecraft so scary like who paid them to be that

Way who’s coding these bats in to give me the worst jump scares ever oh there’s some treasure is it worth it treasure is always worth it right chat what look at this it’s witchcraft what do you mean aren’t they redoing the bat texture yeah so they were like randomly glowing up

Bats wait I’ve been here before there’s andesite in that chest what is this do you guys see this what do you mean oh my gosh wait okay I broke it but on that side it’s not broken oh bro hey I don’t feel like you were that

Close to me for that but that’s okay little bit of an overreaction on your part I think yo Roxy hello hello I thought it was Moss yeah once I heard it I was like wait a second I heard a step I agree though they do sound a little bit

Mossy but in-laws went hiking on a volcano and along uh the hiking path there were Emergency Shelters in case of eruption what I’m always so scared you know you guys remember like those movies that were like from the 9s like the disaster 90s movies about the volcanoes I was always so scared about

Volcanoes I thought as an adult that I would have to worry about volcanoes a lot more than I have had To do the leaves work on Bedrock Edition I don’t know which leaves you mean like the these are aelia bushes right here these are not leaves but if you mean germs better leaves no germs better leaves is for Java only as far as I know unless he’s made some changes but

You would have to check the texture pack page Let’s put all that stuff Away I remember hearing about Yellowstone in fifth and sixth grade I was also very scared that I about geysers for a while I don’t know why like I I think that I was just one of those kids that worried about a lot of things you know like how some kids are you know

Worriors like I worried about tornadoes a lot too there I think there was also a disaster movie called twister or something by the way my cat can hear your voice right now he has meow at your computer screen so this is me letting you know he’s talking to you oh my gosh

That’s so cute hello Kitty you’re having a wonderful day Meow my mom was obsessed with those kinds of movies you know and that just I feel like this is where my anxiety began you know like Mom maybe we maybe we should just watch bl’s clues or something you know like I’ll be up until 3:00 a.m. again mom

Please um Roxy please don’t like make demands in the chat for me to build I’m obviously doing something right now there’s the white one nice okay come here wait the pinkin as well two Pinkins hello I’ve been searching all over for y’all oh bro there we go okay we can leave

Wait there’s tropical fish here as well hold on hold on hold on before we get ahead of ourselves here where all the tropical fish go there’s one okay come here please thank you why don’t they have swamp and jungle Villages I’ve also wondered that but I I

Wonder if it’s one of those things where it was like eventually they intended to do it they just never had Time Imagine collecting every tropical fish can you guys imagine imagine like one of those like I collected every single block in Hardcore Minecraft except for it would be like I collected

Every single cat and fish in Hardcore Minecraft that would be on brand for us I do believe like the the only thing we’re try Harding is the you know the number of cats that we we can collect oh bro wait there’s tropical fish right here what do you mean

Oh I wonder if it’s because of the water underneath like it knows that there’s a lush cave right here hey cuties how many varieties of tropical fish are there does anyone Know I wish they had dog breeds I I wish that too a panda rolled off the cliff to its death when I was playing the other day oh my gosh I’m so sorry to hear that that actually makes me so sad like I’m laughing but it’s because if I don’t laugh I’ll Cry okay we can just get rid of all that get rid of That leave those here we’ll be back for Him several thousand kinds stop okay wait I don’t like him I do not like that Guy wait where did all the tropical fish go there’s one here’s another one oh 2700 types of tropical Fish it would that would literally take me two years to do you guys know that right like there’s absolutely no way guys it takes me 75 ingame days to make an iron farm okay there there’s absolutely no way how do you can you breed fish or do

You just have to get lucky in like when you’re collecting them like how do you do that Lucy I’m going to let you think about what you actually wanted to say there and come back to that one yeah we’re collecting the fish for the axotal I mean while we’re here we might

As well oh my God don’t come at me like that that was so Terrifying you can put puffer fish in buckets too okay good to know good to know I’ve never I’ve never caught a a puffer fish like willingly it’s always been against my will with a fishing rod you know what I’m going to go over there and I’m going to get another advancement

That I don’t have did you mean to say what you said Lucy did you literally mean to say do you like I’m just going to let you think about that one really quick get him get him there we go this is why I’m asking okay I just want a little bit of

Clarification I try not to swear on on stream chat but that one just okay wait wait wait there are two shapes six patterns 15 base colors and 15 pattern Colors that’s a lot of fish that is a lot of fish actually why are you collecting the fish um we are going to be breeding some Axel to try to get a blue Axel lottle this is probably going to be a very long process so if we don’t get it today that’s also

Okay um but we got to start somewhere so this is where we’re starting a matalina I’m so sorry to hear that favorite biome definitely flower Forest um the mega Tiga Um I also really like like a birch Forest sunflower Plains every once in a while I think about building in the swamp I feel like the swamp is a good biome kind of underrated like I feel like not enough people like the swamp where are we going to put these

Axotal oh wait chat do you guys want to see my panda yes Fiona get some rest my love we will I’ll see you on Friday we’ll be doing some some painting World look at this boy he’s so sad he’s the saddest Panda ever I’m sorry buddy I know it sucks over here do you want to I can’t lead you I have to go get bamboo don’t I don’t tell the sad story about the panda there was no sad story was There he sad because you leave him in a boat okay when I took him from the jungle he was already sad like when when I found him there he was sad because he was alone he was the only Panda and I was like I’m going to save

You I’m going to take you away from all this and then I left him there on that boat because he wouldn’t look at Me you left that poor panda out in the rain okay I’ve I’ve ignored a lot of my responsibilities in this world okay chat do you have you seen what I’ve done to my villagers have you seen my villagers okay let’s just let’s just get this over with everyone’s got to see

This these ones are locked up like like they’re in a cage and then these ones God no one call HR on me but jeez there’s a lot of them in there and then these ones have no toilet and no bed they just stand all day working there’s a lot of them there’s

Like a 100 villagers down here I have a lot of responsibilities in this world that I need to get to I promise I will though God I feel so bad for those ones they are just constantly bouncing in there red hi lovely we’re doing good how are

You someone typed about a panda rolling off a cliff oh Mora Mora’s Panda yeah we will not tell our Panda about Mora’s Panda they’re partying do you guys think that those like 40 villagers in that little 5x one hole are partying that’ll make me feel better do

You guys remember when I killed that panda on Imperial on accident coffee you might remember that hey buddy all right come on pandas will eat cake I feel like this is like a parrots with the cookies thing come up Here is he okay he’s not I think he’s very sad I don’t have a bed this is not going to be good come on Lovely Mora I feel like you have to name this panda in honor of your Panda that unfortunately rolled off a cliff I feel like you should name this

Panda he doesn’t have a name is it true you and SE died yeah we did we both Did I don’t remember you seeing you kill a panda okay so do you remember the mushroom base that we had hi Cutie it was like a big mushroom on like a a mountain side because okay so I had the panda in the boat right get in the boat please hold on you need to go in the boat cuz you cannot be trusted alone are you in the boat I can’t tell no you’re not

Okay get in the boat please where’s the rainbow the rainbow only comes if you sleep through like the night okay there we go oh my gosh chat we only have like 25 minutes left of this stream and I promise you it’s going to take this full 25 minutes to get this Panda over

Here let’s call him wings that’s adorable I love that okay let’s name him Wings 07 wings I was hoping to play with you guys before we died oh I’m so sorry yeah no I am I’m not I’m not that sad about it honestly me and SE were playing chicken um and we were both daring each other to do stuff and then we both dared

Each other to summon a warden and a hardcore and then we also both wanted to be there for it so we were like let’s get on one shot and well I I think we both sort of won and lost It was funny it was so Funny There You Go Wings okay come on come on sweetheart now this is going to be a little bit awkward but I’m going to need you to just no questions asked just come up here hi storm hello Hello mystery corpse hello hello like spicy chicken wings I would

Not eat panda panda Wings if panda wings were an option if somebody offered me like Panda meat I would probably like evaporate into dust like a Victorian child watching the stream maybe you should come over here come here I just joined what’s going on um we’re trying to get this Panda over to

My base he’s been sitting here for like 200 days Come on Buddy I just got in because of school I missed all The Stream no no no you didn’t miss that much we we just made a lava farm so it wasn’t even a lot you Know come on Come I know two hours has really flown by honestly but they say they say that time flies when you’re having fun and this chat is always a lot of fun so you know y’all make it possible for for this stream to stay fun yo Mill welcome in how you

Doing I got to go all yeah no worries storm have a good one come up here Wings you can do it we believe in you please don’t just go rolling off the cliff Please y far hello hello what have I missed um we made a lava Farm that’s pretty much it and we went and got all the Axel colors that we didn’t have besides blue we went and got a bunch of fish and we’re currently trekking this Panda um

Who he’s having a really rough time with it but we’re trying to get him over to our base and this this is not going well build a railway system can can pandas go in a mine cart Panda’s trying his best I think he could try a little bit harder to be Honest come on oh my gosh Okay can you can you do me a favor and get onto this raft really quick can you lead pandas you cannot you cannot lead Pandas I don’t know why you can’t lead pandas and I am completely like Mojang if you’re watching please let us lead pandas that would be so cool of you you would be so girly popped for that what is going on here with this I will no longer ask questions I don’t want to Know maybe he’s too old so so what we should just leave him behind because he’s old no he is he is our friend Wings is our friend and wings will come with us okay now wings I need you to oh I’m sorry I’m sorry I did not mean to punch you don’t

Hey chill I did not mean to punch you you don’t bite me like that that was rude oh I’m scared all right come on can you get in the mine Cart can you imagine dying to a panda in Hardcore Minecraft I would be the probably the first get in the get in the mine cart wings I don’t think he can go in there chat I’m not going to lie I don’t think he can get on the the

Rail okay okay okay okay wait wait wait wait wait come Here oh oh my God he can okay okay okay this is good this is good this is very good didn’t you die to a polar ban once for the for the meme yeah I did but I’ve never died to a panda bear okay I’ve never died to a panda

Bear okay okay okay um Redstone stuff we have wow we have so much Redstone stuff chat we actually we are very rich in Redstone stuff that P kind of almost kicked my butt chat I would have deserved it but it would not have been a good look for me I’m not going to Lie oh yeah pandas are very Fierce if you get near their babies like if a panda has a baby don’t even bother you know or a polar bear sorry I don’t think pandas are that territorial over their babies but polar bears definitely are I’m coming Wings all right here’s what we’re going to

Do my my dude we’re going to go we’re going to go up I feel like read that polar bears are the most aggressive bear I’m so scared of bears I’m not going to lie although like I also feel like you know that girl from the let me pet that

Dog meme like I also sort of feel like that about bears but I do not think that bears would feel that way about me bears are definitely friend shaped for sure let’s get all of them I think it did yeah did okay all right let’s try to see if we can get

Him to over here wild polar bears are probably the least familiar with people that is true honestly good point okay wait I’m sorry buddy but you got to okay he made it a Wings you’re doing great buddy all right let me go sleep I’ll be right back I promise and then we’ll continue

On oh I’m thank you for whoever said that you can put bears in a or polar or p be sorry in a mine cart because this has helped me a Lot thanks so much axo tail I hope you also have a nice Day I mean at least in England the most dangerous things here are probably seagulls when you have food on the beach why are seagulls like that though can we like as a society have we just accepted that seagulls are like like that like they are so greedy and they’re loud I can’t stand

Seagulls and they they offer nothing if they do something good for like I don’t know some kind of like biod diversity or something like feel free to let me know but from from where I’m sitting they are the worst Roxy please stop saying telling me what to do like we will we will eventually build something for for wings but I’m just currently worried about getting them over to our spot does Europe have badgers um I don’t know I don’t okay so here’s something really weird right I

Haven’t seen a single squirrel since I moved here chat where are the squirrels in Europe do they exist and if so where are they I’ve never seen One go on wings why are you taking damage what did you do are you good we have them here I’ve never seen a squirrel since we I moved here never not once I’m I’m from New York originally okay squirrels are like the only thing you ever see in New

York and they’re large they’re the hugest squirrels you’ve ever seen okay and there’s no squirrels here I promise squirrels aren’t real that would explain a few things someone in England raised a bunch of oh yeah they like released all those frogs in the wild that was wild I would never never

Condone anyone doing that by the way you’ll like completely ruin an ecosystem but to like film it and put it on Tik Tok as well that is that’s Brave Okay I don’t know if our guy can handle this but he’s going to have to Am I going to have to get rid of this tree no from here I can just lead Him all right go one Wings I’m sorry for the damage that you’re about to take see you’re fine not that much No not Wings not wings oh my God wings I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen to you wings has wings now you’re grounded I cannot believe you just said that that was brutal oh my God Wings has wings now I’m straight up about to cry no Wings I’m so sorry

Buddy I don’t have a panda head we need a panda head chat his name was cursed no no no it was a it was such a good name you were just you know you were just a little bit accurate in naming him that was all is it wrong to say that Wings is

Flying high now I hate it Here I’m so sad I’m so sad right now we have to go kill a panda to get a panda head I realized that this kind of defeats the purpose we got to do it chat we don’t who will no worries Ari have a good one dude where have you

Been that bucket of tropical fish actually might be a little bit useful but I don’t think I have any emeralds on me I Don’t at this point we need a pet graveyard we’ve only lost one girl maath is killing a panda to more in a different Panda you are so right about that actually like if you think about it it is a little bit messed up but we do need a panda head for his

Grave chat I’m not I’m not proud of what I’m about to do but just know it is done with a morning heart and it’s done with love except for if it’s a brown panda or a Sneezy Panda those ones are cute any pandas I think all the pandas fled this island oh

Ally thank you so much for the $1.99 all right P Wings can we get an rip wings for Ally in the chat thank you so much you did not have to do that how do you get the heads um so I have a data pack on my game called more

Mob heads it’s by Vanilla tweaks and it makes uh mob heads drop when you um when you kill mobs they heard about what you did to Wings okay can we can we say that that was me that I did that or was it just an unfortunate circumstance of life that

Happened like would you guys if if you were telling about someone else about this you would be like yeah she killed a panda or would or would you say well she had the panda in a mine cart and it went down um the hill and it it suffocated in

A block that would be probably pretty accurate Right yo abisco hello hello welcome frog you’re guilty of vehicular Panda Slaughter oh no not in the first degree oh man okay well I guess here I will have to accept my fate I just want to say to all the fans that I’m sorry about out the panda I was just

Trying to build him a better life cuz he had no friends but obviously I um really messed that up didn’t I where’s the mug shot wait oh man this is a Big Bamboo jungle and I still don’t see any more pandas though wait no those are sheep any Pandas what kills me is before you died or he died you said I’m sorry for the little bit of damage you’ll take I thought that he would take a little bit of fall damage you know when he was going like over that like cliff and he

Did it was just it was also suffocating damage um which I was not prepared For oh man why why this Village like why couldn’t it be like a regular Village oh my God are you serious do I have another Village around I do right over there I feel bad for calling him old you should you should feel bad cuz now he’s dead Hello

Kitty is there any actual beds in this Village oh my God oh my God there’s like a whole zombie raid going down oh my God that guy is a zombie villager um I’m sorry like I was just here to get a bed I am apparently so all about minding my own business I’m so sorry it’s a pandemic I hate

That is it wrong that that’s a little bit funny also never say that again those Northern Lights are fakes yeah they are but I I like them so that’s why I have them on I think that they’re pretty you’re just got to laugh through the

Pain if if this was twitch I would say you just got to pog through the pain you know just got to do a little bit of poing but oh I’m sure that twitch chat will never let me forget this actually I will have to tell twitch chat because a lot

Of twitch chat was really attached to the Panda and twitch chat will be like this is why we don’t trust you around any animals ever they should they’re probably right although I just want to say my La have never died my dogs my cats they’re all good it’s just camels and pandas and all the other

Ones what were the Panda’s crimes nothing the panda was innocent although that bee wasn’t innocent that bee was a tax evader the horse there is no Horse no worries Kia have a good one no pandas unfortunate I mean what if we have to kill sheep all the sheep that we see

Around the donkey what donkey chat we have not had a donkey pass Away Rogue rogue’s like you know what I will be the One I will remind you no the camels the camel almost died on the 200 day series or the 100 day series that Camel was literally like two two seconds from Death I I don’t even know how I saved him I thought about not saving him to be 100% honest I hate

Camels so much much in Minecraft not in real life I think camels in real life are really cool to the powdered snow yeah almost almost they were so close to death I pulled them out of there at the very last second they did not deserve being saved they were the most annoying things

I’ve ever had to move in my entire life I literally like I literally spent like over an hour trying to get them up through that Forest I miss wings so much he had his whole life ahead of him he was going to be president of the panda Club in the Rosewood chapter the camel was supposed to die but Wings took his place Jesus CH you are y’all are morbid Abby Abby you remember when we

Got that that panda on on this island and he was really Sneezy and cute and he lived over on the side of the ocean for a long time He died Abby his name was Wings sit down Abby I just I just straight up said it you guys are like Abby you might want to be sitting for this I was he was in a mine cart and he got stuck inside of a block and he suffocated

Abby it’s okay if you need to sit we’re all here everyone hold aby’s hand the whole jungle is burning down over here I have nothing to do with that I am in my minding my business era it was heartbreaking and it it was my fault but I was trying I was trying

To get the panda over the Rosewood I was trying to move the Handa well now the only thing I have to move is the memory of of wings into my heart forever I we already made wings of gravestone and okay now Abby you might want to be sitting down again for this okay we’re trying to get a panda head so

We can put it on the gravestone it’s for Wings what do you mean now no this is what Wings would have wanted he would have wanted to be remembered Wings wouldn’t want this you don’t know what Wings would have Wanted Wings deserves to be remembered and if that takes killing 50 pandas to get ahead Well Chad I’m sorry But that that’s our job and and and think of it this way every time we kill a panda we are sending them to wings so that he has more Panda friends in the afterlife wait there’s an ocelot oh my god dude what are you doing up here you are so cute

Stop okay I know this is going to sound really really weird but do you want to be named Wings to and come home with Me The ocelot doesn’t really have anywhere to Go Okay there we go chat we went there for wings but you know what we found something better a a tiger I should be preparing for my job interv you you absolutely should be oh my God that one’s so sad looking we hello I’m so sorry about

Wings I did my oh my God that one’s smiling stop it you’re so cute you’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen hold on wait hold on hold on you’re not allowed um still he’s so cute he’s so cute obviously we take both chat but we probably are going to need to take both

Through the nether the nether might be the way we might need to come back here onto on the nether roof oh shoot I should sleep they are so cute this one’s named cute and this one’s sickly Victorian child I feel like those are good names right the is a better option than the

Pandaide mine cart I agree that’s why we’re going to do that next time but first we need to take this little kitty home I’m so scared for them stop wait Chad it’s wait where are we we’re on this little Island right here okay okay so chat somebody remember this negative

2109 -65 can somebody put that in the chat Thank you Ry bread okay now now gloth can you do me a favor can you divide both of those numbers by eight and then put that result in the chat also I know that we’re a little bit over 3 hours but that’s okay because we have to get these pandas home

Right are are we chilled to to go for the next like 20 minutes to get these pandas home Chat I feel like we just have to okay okay Cool we ow a TOS we really do we really do someone said someone said you should name the cat chicken to go along with wings that’s so messed up not sure if it stays minus it stays minus yeah it stays minus the only way it would go positive

Is if it was multiplied or divided by another negative number but eight is just the number of blocks wow this takes so long to boat an ocel why didn’t I just chat genuinely why didn’t I just leave the ocelot there why did I boat the ocelot home I could

Have just took the ocelot also through the nether I was on a mission and I was not thinking clearly Obviously we’re in a silly goofy mood chat we’re I wasn’t going to question okay so you thought about it though chimy you thought about it and you were like you know what no this this is her time to look stupid we’re going to leave the oel out there for Old Time

Sake I don’t know I only have two brain cells and both of them are sad for wings oh my gosh you guys act like I’m not sad I was literally in here about to cry okay I just want that to be clear I was going to

Cry oh I probably should have named the ocelot if I go back there probably won’t be in the boat oh thank God I thought it was for The Vibes that’s fair Hello Dear just so you guys know while I was out there was no murder and and no one died and nothing happened okay nobody has to worry about anything everything’s all good nothing happened at all that anyone has to worry about ever did you guys do anything fun

Today I like how the dog barked like like it was actually Dorito no worries mam have a good one love all good night readyy all good who here know that ocelots and cats don’t take fall damage I did know that but I learned that pretty recently they’re terrified Julia do you

Really think that they’re terrified they’re like oh my God who is it going to be next not wings honestly out of all the things that could have happened today that Panda buting the dust was not on my like Bingo C you know what I mean oh whoops that’s fine

Why are you walking backwards I don’t know I bruh why why am I That’s how the ocelot got up there you think the ocelot came out of the Nether and just happen to land up here Possible okay oh this is like nearby our Magma Cube Farm or our Frog Light Farm okay all right I know that this is against Minecraft laws I’m so scared for this Panda guys I genuinely cannot explain how scared I am for this Panda I don’t I do not think

Cute is going to make it I’m putting it out there sickly Victorian child I feel like has a real fighting chance but cute would not bet on them okay oh dude please you cannot do that all right come on okay okay come on you are the slowest Panda I’ve ever

Seen what you’re moving in you’re moving backwards to move forwards I’ve never seen you can’t lead pandas unfortunately otherwise I would this panda is moving in slow motion I’m not even joking come now got to I’m pushing you I should have just voted you through I should have just booted you know what

Maybe I boot maybe I bot that one through oh oops that’s not what I Wanted I’m so scared I’ll be right back wait wait wait wait wait actually you come too you come too come on come on everyone in all right all right all right we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine hello cute no no get sickly Victorian child get out of there right now right this

Instance get out of the nether portal all right come on Cute chat okay tell me something new tell me tell me a fact about your day right now well we have a long while to go okay so tell me tell me a fact about your day cute is just having the time of her life right here and sickly Victorian

Child like please just a just a pinch of bamboo just just a single stock of bamboo please yo sleepy wolf welcome in how you doing cute was possessed by the spirit of wings he’s trying to run away I witnessed the death of a Pandit today I’m

Sorry I got rugby tackled by a golden retriever today that sounds awful um but also exciting I do love golden retrievers yo mean cat hello hello I was diagnosed with anemia today oh I’m so sorry to you hear that ping Ender oh my God if if a guest comes and

Blows up these pandas I swear to God Chad I’m quitting streaming forever I woke up and didn’t realize it was Wednesday chibi so fun fact for me as well around like 300 p.m. I was like oh my God it’s Wednesday what you doing um we are currently taking some pandas

Home a fun fact is that butterflies taste with their feet that would be awful for me as a person but I’m so happy for butterflies for that I hope that they everything they land on is delicious I saw a panda die today and I was very sad but I’m happy to be hanging

Out with with frog okay okay I see that there’s a theme in the chat okay a lot of us maybe all witnessed the same tragic event another fact is my niece almost broke her nose oh my gosh I hope she’s all right a kid stuck his eraser in his nose and my sister’s

Class hopefully they were like kindergarten age or so Dre like Q is just having the time of her life also like if this was The Exorcist I don’t know her head is upside down I do not trust cute at all chat she knows it too look at her she’s like lowkey kind of

Evil I’m so scared and sickly Victorian child is just barely hanging in there I was immediately hungry when I woke so I had some raisin date and walnut oatmeal oh my gosh this today for lunch I had a baked potato and I like baked it in the oven for myself even

Though I knew it was going to take like an hour but it was like the most satisfying lunch I’ve ever had I it was like just a just big potato some toppings it was delicious I have a work meeting in four minutes but I’m calling it now cute has

Been possessed by the spirit of Winks I’m so scared the Panda’s crying because it has to walk that is so fair all right all right all right all right both of you in both in okay good good good come on you’re so slow you’re the slowest Panda I’ve ever seen in my

Life come on come on come on you can do it you can do it buddy no bye Mora have a good one thanks so much for hanging out with us lovely I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day good luck with your meeting all right

Cute all right all right all right look look right here right here come on you can do it you can do it maybe some slabs I okay I could make slabs I didn’t think I had the stuff to make a slab oh my God okay if we come out on the other

Side and these pandas are dead I swear to God oh my God oh my God oh my God they’re both here okay okay okay we’re doing all right we’re vibing we’re vibing um I’m so sorry I did not mean to plant that um there we go okay cute is in the

Boat right come on come on sickly Victorian child I’m so sorry but we actually have to go this way I’m so sorry oh my God I have really I have really hecked this up um red my panda died so this is actually oh my God they’re both in the

Boat they’re both in the boat I’m sorry Sly Victorian child I’m sorry I didn’t mean it I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t know how to get them out of the boat CH they’re so large oh I’m sorry cute I’m sorry I’m sorry hit boxes are not helping okay what if

I I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry see I have no idea what you’re talking about genuinely I’m sorry wait hold On where’s my potion stuff It’s a joke to confuse Americans I I just don’t see what about it was funny okay okay they’re Healed Okay okay Okay okay okay okay how hard can this be it can’t be that hard it really can’t it can’t be that hard other people have done this Before we don’t chill you’re fine okay oh my god let’s go this way okay okay cute we’re going to make it see look I have a horse the horse is fine nothing bad ever happened to the Horse okay all right it’s okay we’re fine am I ruining the Aesthetics and placing obsidian for a panda yes will I regret it maybe maybe not maybe maybe not I’m going to have to mine up all this obsidian oh my God what am I doing you know what it’s fine this is for

Wings it’s worth it what am I doing I am making a mess of my base to get this cute panda that might be a demon over to this area with the sniffers okay oh you’re staying here no worries Ally have a good one thank you so much for being here I hope you

Have a wonderful rest of your day my phone is on one and a half hearts o hope you can get it charged up pretty soon chat we’ll be ending stream here pretty shortly I just want to get these pandas over there and pick up all that obsidian um okay not scared completely

Fine oh bro what are you doing stop taking damage oh my God are you are you seriously you’re too big you’re too big to be in the back of the boat all right that’s fine you’re not that slow you can come here bye Ry I don’t get why people don’t like pandas their AI is garbage I’m not going to lie I might appear on your next stream I won’t be live again till next Wednesday um starting around 3 and a half hours ago whatever time that was for you next

Wednesday um I do have a new video coming out on Saturday today it’ll be like a uh Long play with commentary and then after that I’ve got an episode of Castaways coming out and another Hardcore episode over time you Know Yeah I I figured like it seemed like everyone really liked the last one that I did so I wanted to make another one and this one is actually really special to me um it’s kind of a different um Vibe than most of my other builds so

It’s also like a kind of going out of my comfort Zone but I hope you guys will like it I had a lot of fun making it was it the super secret image um there was one posted in Lotus um if you’re in the Discord if you have Lotus rank yeah I did show a little teaser there it that

Wasn’t fully done but now it is I’m just editing I’ve had to go back and re-record some audio cuz sometimes I get like a little bit nasly and then it sounds a little bit weird and that’s honestly what takes me so long cuz I’m talking so much and I’m so sorry that I

Sometimes get a little bit repetitive when I’m talking I don’t know what to talk about for 3 hours straight without like chat this is going to take forever but at least we got the pandas home right and we have an ocelot over there which I do not want to get

Today I’m going to cure a zombie villager nice nice nice nice that’s a good way to get some good emeralds to get your um your enchantments and stuff and golden carrots and all of that one sec your voice is so cozy thank you glad that you guys are enjoying

It why is this like that why did I make it go like this maybe just for a little bit of flare I don’t know we honestly just like your companies to don’t feel pressured to talk a whole bunch in those videos just as much as you feel like thank you for saying that

Actually I was um I was worried that if I didn’t talk enough it wouldn’t like wouldn’t be that entertaining or good you know well we got a little off track I’m not going to lie we got a little bit off track today but we did do the one thing

That we came here to do uh which is really good because I’ve wanted to do this for like a while and I just kept putting it off and I didn’t want to put it into an episode it just didn’t feel like an episode so I’m glad that we were able to stream It and wow look how much lava we already have this is really cool honestly not that bad we did it so we have our little lava Farm down here and it actually looks pretty cool it’s like interesting it’s different it has a little bit of flare I love

That and of course we went and got all the other Axel colors that we didn’t have before we got tons of tropical fish and well we had we had a guy named wings and unfortunately um he’s moved on to the next life but we have some other friends of

His that are also with us so at least we will be able to remember Him I love your world Amil I am so happy with this world this is I think my favorite world that I’ve ever made it’s not done and there’s still a lot that I want to do like last time we streamed we made this little park and I don’t know just adding little things

Like this were are just so nice you know going on little adventures and adding little like details to stuff it that I feel feel like that’s like the best part of Streaming a Noel thank you so much that was very kind you guys are seriously like the kindest chat ever I appreciate all of the kind words oh bro you scared me all right let’s put a lantern here because we don’t have a panda head oops here we go you won’t be forgotten wings All right well that is that is it that is our stream today he will be forever in our hearts he will he will we will have to think of him every single time that we go over to that side of the Rosewood the hunger and hearts are so

Cute thank you so much that’s the froggy hot bar all right chat well that was it today I went a little bit over my time to get those pandas home in the ocelot or almost an hour over my time actually oh my gosh I thought it would only take like 20

Minutes my toxic trait but I had a lot of fun thank you guys so much for all the hype chats today all the super thingss all that stuff thank you guys so much for this the the kind words the chatting and um everything else it was so much fun I had

A really really good time with y’all I had a great time building and having fun and going on adventures together I will see you guys on next Wednesday here on YouTube but if you guys do want to come to the twitch streams I do stream on Friday mornings on Twitch

Um it’s twitch.tv/ frog crafting and if you want to join the Discord feel free to join the Discord exclamation point Discord or discord. jfrog crafting I hope you all have a great W uh rest of your day sorry and I’ll see you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘🍄 cozy base decorating🌷minecraft hardcore 1.20’, was uploaded by frogcrafting on 2023-11-15 22:00:29. It has garnered 11075 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:35 or 13535 seconds.

Today we’re back in our hardcore 1.20 Minecraft world! Today we’re taking a chill break from farms and exploration to do some cozy base decorating on this stream!

This series is going to be focused on cozy, cottagecore vibes throughout this world using the Mizuno’s 16 craft texture pack to achieve that vibe, while testing the limits of what we can achieve with only ONE minecraft life!

– – – 🌷 RESOURCES USED ✨ – – –

🌷 Mizuno’s 16 Craft resource pack – https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/ ✨ Jerm’s Better Leaves resource pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/better-leaves-add-on-2-0 🐸 Froggy Hotbar resource pack – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/froggy-hotbar/ 🍄 Complementary Shaders – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders ✨ Better Connected Glass resource pack – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-connected-glass-forevervanilla/ 🧚‍♀️ Fairy Wings Elytra – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/elytra-reality-0001/ from http://www.youtube.com/LapisDemon edited by me for my personal use (changed wings from teal to pink) ✨ Fairy Totem – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/totem-of-undying-botw-fairy/

– – – 🍄 MY SOCIALS ✨ ♡ Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/frogcrafting ♡ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/frogcrafting/ ♡ Discord – https://discord.gg/frogcrafting ♡ TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@frogcrafting ♡ Twitter – https://twitter.com/frogcrafting – – –

🎶 Music Credits🎵

Music provided by Epidemic Sound

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#minecraft #cottagecore #hardcore

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  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

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  • Blowing up my house for science, again

    Blowing up my house for science, again “Who knew that Minecraft TNT experiments had so many sequels? Coming soon to a block near you: Minecraft TNT Experiment v258 – The Explosive Saga Continues!” Read More

  • Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts

    Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts Mind-Blowing Facts About Bees in Minecraft 1.21 Understanding Bees in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, bees play a crucial role in pollination, honey production, and even combat. These neutral flying mobs add a touch of realism to the game, showcasing behaviors like stinging when provoked or protecting their hives. Bees are not just passive creatures; they actively contribute to the ecosystem within the game. Beehive vs. Bee Nest There are two types of harvestable bee items in Minecraft: the beehive and the bee nest. While they serve similar functions, with bees pollinating nearby flowers and producing honey,… Read More

  • “Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!” #shorts

    "Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!" #shortsVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] Halo semua selamat datang kembali bersama gua sini di live streaming kali ini gua ke mana-mana semua dengan bermain Minecraft Halo alpa Halo kepiting ada orang lain itu ada kepiting Halo Duta Halo Duta gaming Halo semua selamat sore selamat datang di live streaming aku [Musik] gak live Bali masih dilanjutin [Musik] entar ya [Musik] Oke kita langsung Mul buat lu semua yang sudah nonton jangan lupa like komen share donate kalau gak bisa gak apa-apa yang penting nonton aja sama like let’s go [Musik] ak gua gatal banget [Musik] [Musik] Halo Ra Abang Maf minecraftnya… Read More

  • Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!

    Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!Video Information hello hello hello how’s everyone doing guys may have been wondering where I was um I’m not going to lie I fell asleep that’s um you might be able to hear my voice a little little odd but um yeah I was I was asleep it’s unfortunate um but I’m here now I’m ready to go ready to get things started so how’s everyone doing doing first of all I’m kind of doing I’m a little out of it that’s all I’ll say I’m a little out of it but ready to have some fun um but yeah… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!

    Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Bedwars Defense Is Insane’, was uploaded by Good Gamers on 2024-04-05 04:00:16. It has garnered 2667 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Join our discord server with the link below! https://discord.gg/KJNvsYgvpT #minecraft #gaming #minecrafthypixel #minecraftshorts #javaedition #minecraftjava #minecraftskywars #skywars #hypixel#bedrockedition #hypixel #godbridge #hypixelskyblock #subscribe #sumo #shorts #minecraftmemes #motivational #gameplay Bedwars, Bedwars Tournament, Tournament, Tourney, Good Gamers, Isaac, Taisaku, Win, Winning, How To Win, How To Win In Bedwars, YouTubers, YouTube, How To, How to Gain, Subscribers, Growing Channel, Hive, Mineplex, Stars, Skywars, Rocket League, Fornite, Grand… Read More

  • “DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎” #clickbait

    "DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] you one of 13 [Music] BL not bad [Music] [Music] Dam [Music] This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 🙋 | TOOL TIME MINECRAFT TOOLKIT TUTORIAL 🛠️ #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-05-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 85 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:28 or 88 seconds. “Get ready to tool up in Minecraft! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a comprehensive toolkit that will make you a master builder and adventurer. With its clever design and functional features, this toolkit is the ultimate accessory for any Minecraft enthusiast…. Read More

  • Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraft

    Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bunk Bed🛌 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Lomby Shorts on 2024-05-12 17:33:43. It has garnered 38700 views and 2642 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACK

    Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Unleaked Vape Client V4.2 **FREE** CRACK (link in description)’, was uploaded by mentalhealthissues1337 on 2024-04-28 15:44:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Link : https://bit.ly/49WOoEM the L!nk is also in comment Minecraft best cheat client made free from now! Enjoy vape v4,vape lite … Read More