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[Music] [Music] [Music] all right we should be good right now just check make sure everything’s everything’s working hope it’s all working uh you cannot see me at the I think you can see my hands moving around if I look at the screen yeah I can see my hands moving around um I think that’s because what’s up chiro welcome back thanks for the birthday wish um I think you can see my hands running around cuz I was in the camera third person mode when I quit the game last time so I think let’s see hope hopefully this all works world’s loading all right I’m in there’s the camera right there hey what’s up um I think we are all good to go where’s my Cape hang on so the title was not really lying nor the thumbnail the rare thumbnail that I made for the video for the stream me and Minecraft share a birthday which is really cool um not Notch just saw that it was my birthday on May 17th 2009 he’s like you know what I’m going to release the best selling game of all time just for him and that is a true story um let’s see options customization let’s turn this cape on because check it out Minecraft 15th anniversary there’s a new there’s a new Cape you can get you can just claim it yeah pretty cool creeper Cape if I do say so myself there’s also for the 15th anniversary there’s also two other capes there’s a twitch cape and a Tik Tock Cape um those are in Bedrock right now they’re not out for um Java yet but if you claim them then you should be able to get them by I think they’ll be in Java on June no July 8th I don’t know either way cool new capes if you have Minecraft claim them if you can um so what I was going to do today is I I the goal I wanted to do is just look at this thing right here this this is unacceptable right it’s it’s ugly I’m not going to mince words this this is one of the ug ugliest things I’ve ever built so just check and make sure the sounds working good right you can hear both the music and me talking it looks like OBS says it’s working so my goal for today will to be to build a much much much better house than what I’ve got here my glasses are fogging up um yeah so I don’t have a plan for what I’m going to build here but no there’s not there’s not a butt I just don’t have I just don’t have a plan so I guess I’ll start by gathering resources like wood and stuff what do I have actually hang on let’s see what’s in here you you guys can’t see the uh menu here because you’re in third person you know you know what just so so you can see what I’ve got in my chest here I’m going to turn off the camera I forget how to do that overlay no no that’s that’s this thing right here what’s up what’s what’s up link my my good good buddy link um I think it was not move third cam options VR setting stereo rendering so the current thing I’ve got here I can’t move the camera in the menu is desktop mirror third person slow that’s what I’ve got here so if I change this around I think I want desktop mirror off no that is not what I want cropped fast yeah single fast no I want crops fast hang on Dual fast that’s both my eyes no no I want I want or first person slow first person slow I’ll do that I’ll do that and what was that option hang on I saw an option for smooth motion smoothing Smooths the hmd position rotation for the mirror over the given time reduces the sudden change okay I’ll turn that on half a second that should smooth out the camera from the viewing angle for first person I am going to switch it back to third person with the camera cuz I I just really like that camera I’m going to switch that back but these are the materials I have to work with I don’t really have much in the way of wood I’ve got I forgot I had so many diamonds I’m going to make a diamond axe for resource Gathering here uh I got to put this stuff away I never found a nether fortress then again I didn’t really explore much in the nether because wasn’t I lagging constantly there I may have been lagging constantly I need to organize my chest it’s all it’s all bad I but yes I need to grab I need to get wood and food I’ve only got 22 melons do I have any other oop didn’t mean to turn do I have any other food I’ve got two potatoes a raw chicken raw beef got a lot of rotten flesh food is also something I need I’ve got that cow Farm out there but it’s not like sustainable yet anyways I am going to switch back to third person third person slow is this the one I want hey there you are just check in the monitor again make sure it is what I want yes it is what I want okay so I’ll make I’ll make that ax and I’ll go gather wood and maybe some food while I’m at it hey you can see the little menu here that’s cool I did look into getting a um cosmetic armor mod but the one the one that’s like popular in all the bigger mod packs those are that’s for Forge and not fabric cuz the uh mod loader that I’m using for vivecraft here is Fabric and that mod just doesn’t support fabric unfortunately I open my inventory here we go going out so I put on the armor I I I wanted the Cosmetic armor mod so I could just turn it off turn off the armor so I can just see my skin I might maybe for the next uh VR stream I’ll get like a Force packed that just hides the armor that shouldn’t be too difficult to get right man my Hunger is I need to fix my food situation as well anyways let’s go let’s go I’m going to put you right there so there’s some jungle trees down that way and some Oak down that way I think I think I’d rather there was a uh there was a forest before right over there is a um an oak tree I got some for food I got some carrots that I can Harvest over here and I have a lot of gold that I can smell so I can make some golden carrots I might do that oh these are all ready to harvest hang on how many carrots I have left nine I think I might just get rid of all these potatoes and just get some more carrots going I’ll do these potatoes here a single row of potatoes but those other two are going to be carrots I’m going to bake these potatoes moo moo cows look at that cute dog look at how cute that dog is right there see 28 gold I got also got four blocks of gold here um I’m going to cook these potatoes before uh iron can go here and enough enough stalling let’s go all right where do I want jungle wood I don’t think I want jungle wood I don’t really mind jungle wood but I think I’d Rather Have Oak for this build now if there were cherry trees nearby Cherrywood is like the best wood in the game in my opinion hi sheep I might I might Harvest these sheep over here where’s my sword I’ve only got an iron sword oh this iron sword no I’ve got another iron sword I about to say this iron sword is almost dead if you look at the durability there but I do have a second iron sword here that’s just full durability so I’m good me equip that Shield too okay I’m going to chop down this tree right here I don’t like random trees a mod that I should have gotten is like some sort of tree capitator mod I’ll keep that in mind for next time you guys can’t see what I’m doing here hang on just aim that up I’m going to take this Shield off cuz it’s getting in the way of the camera when I move it with that hand all right just mind that that is too far okay how do I jump no how do I jump that’s how I jump there we go uh reach I can’t reach that far okay going up one more there we go there’s more wood over here what about right here and I think that is it maybe hopefully um no there’s one right down here all right got to go there’s another big tree over there I hate cutting down the big trees I think those are all jungle down there I don’t want to get you can’t you can’t see them I think all these behind me down that way I think those are all jungle is that a cave oh look there’s a skelet there’s a little skeleton in there look at that look at that guy hang on check this out check this out check this out this is going to be awesome hang on oh he moved he moved all right never mind I will not be shooting the skeleton with a bow all right tree time oh it’s getting dark I’ll toop down this tree then I’ll go sleep I don’t know what camera looks like right now okay oh you’re inside the tree or you’re not inside a tree you were inside a tree I just face face that up uh there we go what does this look like right now I don’t know what that looks like [Music] any other wood no I think we’re good okay just face this back at me there we go that’s better that cinematic that looks I should I should look into some shaders where am I in my room I am facing weird weird ways right now [Music] is that not decaying that is the leaves are decaying okay we’re good I forgot having the torch of my hand lights things up all right I think my house is this [Music] way everything still looks good there yep we’re good I see some skeletons and zombies over here my house should be right right right right over here right there there’s that ugly ugly building okay sleep I [Music] go okay what’s up buddy what’s up buddy there we go I forgot that was that was my Discord ping I forgot to turn that off hang on give me just a second hang on that’s me again uh what’s up Neo sorry I’m just turning off my Discord pings because you can hear that hang on just got to fix that real fast how are you doing Neo turn streamer mode on okay and we should be good I don’t know where the camera’s right in front of my face there oh my desktop is showing that shouldn’t be happening let’s fix that back to this there we go there we [Music] go hey there we go what’s up happy birthday rth thank you for thank you for the birthday wish so yeah I’m doing Minecraft right now um my goal for today is to make a better house because currently before relax before I have to head out tonight that’s nice so yeah my goal for today is to make a better house because currently I’m not sure if I’m not sure if you know but this is one of the ugliest ugliest houses I’ve ever built here so uh I got to fix this I I really got to fix this um so I was gathering wood I need to I need to get more I’ve got like 47 oak logs and that’s not going to be enough to build an actual good house so I’m going to get more I think there’s a force this way let me just angle you there can you still see me yeah you can still see me still remember the house tour from last stream yeah a Mesa or Sav is that a that’s a Mesa right that’s a Mesa I think that’s a Mesa not a savannah uh there was a whole Forest somewhere I think this way see see another horse down there I don’t know if the camera picks that up I don’t have a uh saddle though I really need more trees closer to to my home there’s an ocean over here how was the baking it went well it went well I baked a cake and yeah that’s really about all there is to it I’m going to kill some of these animals oh there’s a big old jungle right down there looming in the Horizon can the camera see that I think the camera can see [Music] that and hi I see I think those are oak trees on top of that Mesa Plateau down there there don’t know if the camera sees that yeah you see it nice let’s get some more there’s more cows over here there’s more cows over here let me just make that so I can see a bit better all right I should physically turn not physically turn yes physically turn so that I can see my monitor so I can see what the looks like I yeah I don’t that that’s bad I don’t want you see the back of my head um H I don’t know how I want the camera to be to be positioned there’s another cow up here I’m going to I’m going to just oh I didn’t I didn’t get the crit hang on get back here there we go I got [Music] him anyways trees let’s go let’s go get those get those trees [Music] the awkward camera angles that charm I I sure hope [Music] so I’m also hoping that the uh awful microphone quality for that baking stream added a bit of CH sorry sorry um I’m also hoping that the uh awful microphone quality from the bacon stream added a bit of charm because I had I had a lav mic hook up hooked up to me like a wireless microphone hooked up to me but I don’t think I don’t think that’s the mic that the computer was registering I think it was using like the mic microphone in that tiny left earbud a tiny Wireless left ear listen to a bit of that stream yeah I I think it was using a wireless Bluetooth earbud microphone which is why it sounded so bad like I didn’t expect it to sound good because like I said in the Stream it was just a cheap lav mic but it wasn’t even using the lav mic to begin with oh didn’t mean to grab the camera there let’s get that wood all right there’s more over here [Music] this game is really pretty just look at that oh there’s a be what’s a b but look look at this if look at that Lagoon there um I really need to find some shaders that work in VR cuz Minecraft with shaders is already like really pretty but imagine being actually in Minecraft and seeing the shaders man that would yeah I am very good at finishing my thoughts when I start speaking J would be so clutch yeah it uh it’s just something that I noticed uh when I I watched a lot of videos about like VR Minecraft to like figure out what mods to add uh shaders do work but they tank performance they really tank the performance so like the frames would be awful and from a viewing perspective just a couple dropped frames like 25 versus 30 frames per second from when viewing something is not that much of a difference but in VR just a couple frames is huge you know what’s my current frame rate uh my current frame rate is is at uh it’s hovering between 100 and 120 which is great um I feel like adding shaders would make that drop to like I don’t know I have I need I need to check I do have a fairly beefy computer humble brag I I I do have a fairly beefy computer with like a uh I think it’s a 3090 so it should be it should be good it should sh it should work fine with shaders I just need to find a good way to do that I think I need to install like what’s the mod called Iris because I can’t install OptiFine right now when you stream Monster Hunter you drop at least 1,000 frames in 30 minutes luckily no one notices I mean there’s a difference between OBS dropped frames and when the thing OBS is recording is dropping frames you know because I think right now I’m streaming at 60 frames per second I think but um when I looked out do I crouch am I crouching when I do that I don’t know I’m hoping my frames are all right streaming like I can’t I can’t actually glance at at OBS constantly doing this like I like I do with other streams zo on the opposite side of your house from your router not great yeah I am plugged in with ethernet use an ethernet cable on my computer so dropping frames is usually a hardware issue for me rather than like a soft or Internet issue usually although the uh ethernet cable that I have plugged into my streaming computer it doesn’t like lock into the ethernet hub Hub so the slightest bump makes it disconnect and I’ve done that on stream a few times by accident just randomly accidentally yanking out the ethernet cable and losing connection so that’s not great whenever that happens if I notice fast enough and plug it in fast enough though it it should immediately resume the stream but I’m not sitting at my I’m not sitting at my in my chair right now so it should be should be fine should be fine I’m in VR what’s up cheap pickle how you doing you’re doing good hope you’re doing good hope you’re having an amazing day today I’m just Gathering wood right now because I need to improve my house because my house is butt ugly right now so I’m gathering wood for that I don’t know what I’m to build or what I’m going to try to build is it getting dark it’s the Sun is going down I should head back where am I right now hang on let me just move those there I don’t know where I am right now I think I think my house is in this direction uh there’s Cactus and a lot of sand here I should make a mental note of where this desert is mental note not made okay there a cave down here or something look look at that all right I’m going to move that there what’s up am I playing VR I am playing in VR I got this neat neat uh VR camera here that is added in with the VR mod I really like it I can Vlog in Minecraft it’s amazing [Music] I think my house was over over over here uh okay I got monsters here luckily I’m armed oh The Shield is completely blocking the camera I’m going to move that to the other side over here luckily I am armed and very dangerous what’s up zombie oh there’s a creeper behind the camera hang on I don’t know what this looks like from your from your view point of view here the sword is the sword broke sword broke hang on I missed get back get back got it what’s up dead fish hang on so unbelievable to you that Minecraft is 13 it’s 15 Minecraft is 15 15 years old not [Music] 13 all right I think my house is this way hopefully oh hi spiders I should probably not walk oh oh no no no no no no I don’t know if I don’t know if the camera sees that there’s a there’s a creeper a man a man man am I playing in Java yes Vive the the mod is called vivecraft um it’s a Java Edition mod it does not work in Bedrock I don’t think there’s a way to play Bedrock VR Minecraft uh but if you have a VR headset and you have Minecraft you should totally check out vcra what’s up mcoo because this game is like completely different in VR how am I I’m doing pretty good how about you look at this ugly piece of piece of trash that I’m going to be fixing today I have a secondary goal for today as well I’m going to make a cake because you know it’s Minecraft’s birthday got to make a cake for Minecraft um I think I’ve got all the stuff to make it though it’s uh what an egg two sugar wheat and milk I’ve got cows I’ve got eggs I got a lot of eggs actually I’ve got 18 in this chest alone doing good very happy for me because my birthday it is my birthday because am a YouTuber you gave me a great video a should do it yes uh I think there’s some Creepers out there right now all right how much wood do I have I’ve got like two and a half stacks of oak logs that should be that should be enough to make like a an okay house you know it’s not going to be great I’m just going to say this right now I’m not a builder even in like even in desktop mode and it’s going to be even worse in um in VR it’s not going to be great um just organizing this inventory do I know a YouTuber called cheap pickle I mean you’re kind of advertising yourself right now so I do I I guess I do because you’re you’re here sorry didn’t mean to cough into the headset there what was I doing right we’re iing my stuff uh is that creeper still there I I don’t know hang on hang on no the creeper is not still there okay ban me please just because you asked no I’m not going to do it I unless you start causing problems but please don’t because that will just be a a jerk move odd behavior that is very odd behavior um what was I doing I my brain is all scrambled right now RA are we baking a Minecraft cake today we are baking a Minecraft cake today I I think I have enough stuff to do that right do I have sugar I oh I do I was about to say I don’t but no I do I do have sugarcane here I’ve got 11 I think I need two sugar and one egg for the cake all right hang on I do I I know that I need three buckets of milk M23 Amma adult a have good behavior a guess um it’s I not a sorry uh let’s go get that milk [Music] hey hey cows what’s up which one of these should I milk oh I think this I think this guy right here wants to be milked hang on that’s one two three nice nice nice can I drink this like this no I could drink Potions by bringing it to my mouth but I guess I can’t drink the milk like that I can also eat food prob bring into my mouth check check that out yeah yeah yeah yeah all right how do I make a cake I need I need three wheat that that is the thing I need to do as well I need to get some wheat what do you mean milk them I mean milk them they got this white fluid in there in their others that’s creamy and tasty and good for baking let’s got some wheat there’s there’s some wheat that I can grab right here I should also breed the cows while while I have wheat here just make sure I leave three for for me uh and the rest this just wheat perfect I have any wheat in here I do have wheat in here 14 wheat I’m going to don’t think milk is good for baking um why not you you bake stuff with milk right maybe I don’t actually know do do you do milk not used in a lot of um recipes I thought it was think about it I’m I’m thinking am I am I just dumb I could just be dumb I don’t know I don’t know okay I think I got all the ingredients I need what’s worth that could happen if you use water instead I mean I don’t know anyways cake I can’t move this while in the crafting menu here we go so uh I can’t see what the camera looks like there we go I believe going out the top of my head I could just use the recipe book but that is cheating I think it’s milk on the bottom egg sugar sugar and then wheat dang it it’s two eggs not two sugar hang on let’s try that again let’s try that again so wheat sugar egg egg milk what [Music] what milk on the top the milk goes on the top dang it I think the recipe book is cheating I do not I do not think the recipe book is cheating I just wanted to do it from memory and it is it is I I had the amount of sugar right the first time dang it it’s it’s it’s it’s not cheating I just wanted to do it from memory remember Minecraft parodies you remember those things I remember there was one parody of Glad You Came where was like excuse me it’s like the sun goes down the stars come out uh shoot I forget the words you remember M of course yeah my compar are great it it was about I’ll bake baking a cake or something the stars come out the sun goes down the stars coming [Music] out I don’t remember the words man I thought I thought I remembered all all that am I a fraud I thought I thought I was a true Minecraft fan you know the parody I’m talking about yeah I thought I thought I was a true Minecraft fan but I guess not because like I don’t remember the words to to the the Cake song fraud I know I know I need to get started on sorry I need to get started on making that uh house and I and I’ll put this cake in the house when I’m done so I think should I make like a hobbit hole or something nah no that would that would that would be that would be too much effort to like mine it all out um maybe over here over there on the other side of the cow Farm I I don’t want to make it on top of that mountain or the hill because that would be like like the song you’re singing is not the Cake song I could have sworn there was a cake song par Glad You Came hang on I got to look this up now I got to look this up now hang on I’m going I’m going to find it I’m going to find it let’s go to here main screen so you can’t see this as I search [Music] let’s see YouTube Minecraft parody of Glad You Came I’ll make some cake by it’s all Minecraft 12 years ago Minecraft parody I’m glad you came by The Wanted uh I’m not I’m not going to play the audio here but it’s it’s this one right here this one right here I’ll make some cake uh does somebody have the the the lyrics what so did anybody make the lyrics here no okay well it’s it’s this one right here this one remember I do know there was another song about making cake though there was another one but was that one an original no I don’t know lyrics are in the description my health goes down I need to count I’ll find some wheat in one egg now the sweet sweet treat all I need is sugarcan I’ll Mak yes I remember I remember this bit right here the zombie just fell on me fell on me I oops I don’t know no one telling me telling me uh yeah my desktop is showing again let me fix that let me fix that uh what dang it why there we go where where’s my computer where where am I standing right now there there you are yeah um I I should stop stalling and just start building you know do I have any extra crafting tables I do going to take that bad boy with me take this bad boy with me over here did you know that crafting CES just have the normal oak wood texture on the bottom it’s really weird isn’t it anyways you know you know a texture that you rarely actually see in Minecraft Cactus like on the bottom of a cactus because you’d never usually see it because it’s always um you can’t just look underneath a cactus you can only see it on the dropped block form which is pretty neat I don’t know where I’m going with this topic right here what are some other like Minecraft textures that people rarely see I don’t know what am I saying right now he’s making Roost out of crafting tables sounds that’s I was about to say that sounds very expensive but it’s not honestly really not that expensive it’s just a lot of wood which you know wood grow literally grows on trees so okay I am thinking a sort of raised doorway you know so oh it’s getting dark again hang on let me let me let me let me fix that let me sleep let me sleep let me sleep it’s telling me I can only sleep at night during thunderstorms it’s getting dark let me sleep come on I’m going to put some gold in the furnace no dang it let me just let me just put all that in there okay sleep there we go okay so house how do I make house I am not good at house um but I think see pretty flat down there right down there don’t you think I think what’s up chicken I will start right did I leave a log in those leaves over there that chicken just pooped out an egg did I leave a log in that tree over there I the leaves aren’t decaying let me I need to fix that cuz I can’t have that I I can’t have this this is that’s that’s just terrible uh log any logs over here I don’t see any actually hang on oh there it is there there’s that pesky log up there you see that see that guy right there let’s let’s let’s get rid of him let’s get rid of them there we go much better all right house house house house a nice looking house that doesn’t that’s not too fancy but it’s not embarrassing um it’s kind of a tall order for me you know um right down here right right right zone is watching you’ll make some cake oh that’s totally fine that’s probably much better video than this one is anyway uh I’m going to start by Turing all these into planks and I’m going to make some stairs I should also make some fences shouldn’t I uh I think will this be four fences or will this be 16 12 because you can’t see the crafting table here I’m sorry but it’s whatever don’t diss the stream I will diss whatever I want to diss okay trust the Vision Trust the vision um I don’t have a vision start by having these go up here you picking up what I’m putting down see it um and then here I don’t I don’t know what this looks like to you I’m going to do that and I got to add the supports at the bottom here cuz we can’t just have it floating see this this chicken over here already likes it see you like it don’t you chicken huh hey if if you okay well I was going to interview you but I don’t know hey hey buddy what do what do you think of this current house over there that I’ve started think I think it’s good yeah what do you think what do you think no don’t don’t get get back here get back get back what what do you think of the build what do you think huh huh he hated it so much that he died okay let you just put that away you you totally didn’t see me pull out the axe there that that was not a thing that happened Pro yeah all right let me just put that there if I do this what does this look like on the I was adjusting my headset I didn’t mean to eat that well I got food poisoning now okay h H how do I [Music] crouch I could physically Crouch but okay it’s this this button this button is how I crouch okay it’s on this it’s on the same controller that I that I placed the block with so I’m just going to get my knees here as I do this see that I don’t see I don’t see that I don’t know what I’m doing here here H [Music] [Music] H let me get some logs here this is going to be the this is going to be the outer wall hang on it might be better if I move this to this side of Me Maybe maybe okay what does that look like does that tilted that’s totally tilted I I don’t know let’s just let’s just build this up here if I get this further away from me I I can do that actually hang on let me so I want I want to face this way I want to face this way physically so this may be a bit disorienting for for a for a bit here hang on oh it’s connected to that hand okay so I got that there now if I do this turn around to [Music] here and just like leave that there how’s that how’s that that that look good probably not but we’ll roll with it okay ouch that’s a wall right here this this is a wall like a wall pillar and the door will be right here maybe let let me let me open up let me make the door I’m going to put the door down how does this look I think that works right you know uh wait but now that’s hang on I need to extend this out one more extend this out one more back to the logs and one two three 4 like that you need to push this out that way that’s something where I need to push this out that way um H yeah this this works I’m going to turn this entire second stack into no I don’t need to do that yet I’ve still got a lot of planks here actually I wish I wish um I wonder if there’s a way for me to like if I open up my inventory if you see it the way a normal Minecraft inventory would look if there’s a way for me to do that maybe if I go to options VR settings stereo rendering uh third person fov I think that fov is fine or camera fov what’s oh that’s the handheld screenshot camera no that’s fine 30% fov it’s at 100 right now I might I’ll just leave it at one 101 um this is the third person mirror slow I’m going to I’m going to swap around the um third person mode for a bit uh mixed reality slow that is probably not what I want that is for sure not what I want 2D GUI no that’s desktop mirror desktop mirror off cropped fast single fast dual fast first person slow third no there’s no way to get the there’s no way to get the inventory to show up on screen when it comes up like that and if there is I’m too dumb to figure it out let’s extend this out four more does that work in that that’s that’s fine got more wood here okay [Music] H H if you see me randomly look up like this and like maybe a bit to the left that’s because my monitor is over there I’m looking underneath like through the nose piece of the headset so I can see the monitor to see what it what this looks like okay are may maybe starting no I need to move this out that way too so it’s like symmetrical but are you maybe maybe seeing what I might have in mind here maybe may may maybe I don’t know okay I don’t think I want it to be like I’m thinking de nose Peak is crazy yeah it’s because like it’s not like snug against my nose which that would honestly be almost worse if it was because then it would be all fogging up inside even more um where am I facing right now my computer’s right okay my computer is right here um three four five six five it’s getting dark I’m going to sleep to sleep I didn’t bring a bed with me uh after I sleep I’m going to snag that bed and just bring it over here hello Mr Chicken why do they always run away from me as soon as I start talking to them they always run [Music] away I hit him with his own egg that’s my inventory like let’s just move that there that there [Music] okay I don’t know what this is going to look like when I walk in cuz the roof is not oh it it’s it’s high enough okay camera’s there now the camera has not moved okay there’s that nether portal that that spawned me into the worst biome in the nether I need to fix the nether side of that portal I need to uh look at the Overworld coordinates here divide the my eight and then make a new portal in the nether I forgot to grab the bed but it’s it’s fine okay I need to expand this out in both directions because this is honestly tiny for a house what I’ve made so far here so I’ll expand it out three more this way where are those potatoes I picked up right here and I think just two more this way would be fine okay probably should have done this three up instead of two blocks up but I don’t know let’s put these other corner pieces on one two three 4 okay one two three 4 one two three 4 it’s it’s it’s another Block it’s another Square I can’t have that I can’t have this hang on check that check this out I’m going to get a bit crazy here it’s going to turn it’s going to turn like no no um it’s going to turn here it’s going to go further out this way it’s going to go further out this way check this out check this out four five blocks this way too where’s the camera it’s going to come out five blocks this way I need more wooden planks there we [Music] go I’m getting I’m I’m getting real real crazy with these build ideas here hang on I say hang on a lot I’m not going to stop let me just get rid of this mhm okay what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing I need more wood one two 3 four okay you picking up what I’m putting down I don’t think you are because I I’m not I’m not I’m not putting anything down I’m just I’m just building I am just building okay okay okay okay mm mm how does this look like so far from from out over here does this look like let me I don’t know what this look I don’t know what that thing looks like definely not picking up S wrath I’ll Believe in Your Vision though don’t don’t believe in the vision it’s not a good Vision where my fences I’ve got more fences right I got six boom boom I got stilts for the house here house is going to be on stilts okay boom boom I could do something here I could do something something bold something big other than just stilts I’m out of I’m out of I’m out of [Music] [Music] fences in case it floods you know in case it floods it’s on it’s on stilt so if it floods then it will be fine you know [Music] um let’s just build up these walls I’m going to want to put a window here MH no nothing nothing there it’s going to be two and two like that it’s going to be like that this is going to be a 2X two window right right and this one will be a 3X two I’m leaving I’m leaving those I’m leaving these two right here you know because yeah never mind this is not a 3X two this is is that even that is even how is that a three how can this one have been a I see I see I I don’t know what I’m doing in case that’s not blaringly obvious this one this window here will be a bit longer if I if I put the camera there and the physical myself that’ll be that’ll be easier for you to see um um H one two three four five [ __ ] [ __ ] got a lot of 2 by two windows here how much wood have I got I’ve got plenty of wood how much wood could wood chuck chuck if wood chuck chuck wood there’s more to that tongue twister but I don’t know what it is uh I’m not the best at measuring things it’s just more 2 by tws it’s just more 2 by tws I need more wood I got wood here’s my wood you like my wood I’ve got great wood here don’t I this is going to be a big one I’m not going to split this up into 2 by two it’s going to be a 2 by five how’s this look how bad does this look love the wood it’s great wood if only it were cherry wood it’s better than it’s it’s better it’s better than that one over there it’s better than the other one you know it’s it’s it’s better than the first one you got to give me that at least um it’s better than the first I am turning around my computer is right here okay I got to figure out what to do with this bit down here eventually though I almost fell over because I forgot that this bit right here was coming and going to obscure my vision of the camera got out out of roof that’s true roofs roofs are important very very very important how am I going to add the roof though how do I want to do this I could I could be all natural though you know it’s green Greenery roof I don’t know where I was going with that um H I think I’ve got glass I’ve got glass in my base I’m going to put in the windows what’s up chicken look at this guy right here look at this guy right here over here I missed there we go I should I should make an automatic chicken farm th those very inhumane things where it’s just like there there a bunch of adult chickens sitting on top of a hopper just laying eggs as soon as the egg goes into the hopper gets fed into a dispenser that dispenses onto a slab and there’s like lava above the slab the baby chickens baby chickens don’t touch the lava cuz they’re small but when they grow up they grow up into the lava they die there’s a hopper beneath the slab it takes the cooked chicken and I can eat it you know there are some very very inhumane things that have been done in Minecraft I’ve got eight glass panes uh do I have any glass blocks I’ve got eight glass blocks let me just make some more panes I don’t know if that design still works actually it might have changed after after a bit it’s getting dark let me sleep let me sleep let me sleep I can’t sleep yet the way you describ that is so peaceful but oddly funny I have no mouth but I must scream Vibes that that was that was a pretty neat game I am going to keep following a uh a walkr for the future I have no mouth but I’m a scream things because if I um can I pet you please let me pet you there we go if um if I if I’m left to figure those out on my own I just never would um where’s my glass I’ve got glass so I will be following a walkthrough for the other scenarios in that game to get like the best ending and all that I will I’ll try to pay attention to the dialogue so I can get the story I need to drink something hang on I got a Mountain Dew on my desk where’s my desk over here it’s not not a Baja Blast this time it’s just a normal Mountain Dew but you know I have a Baja Blast in the fridge upstairs I’m going to drink later I’m healthy I’m very healthy I’m like the healthiest person you’ll ever see ignore the fact that I’m almost fat as you saw in that cooking stream I am not in good shape and I could definitely afford to lose some weight I could definitely afford to lose some weight and start exercising but where’s where’s my computer there it is okay like I wouldn’t call myself fat yet but I’m definitely getting there and will be if I don’t change something soon let’s just put this these windows in you’re not on the other side of the window sadly you can’t see what I’m doing ha ha I’ll turn around for you this is going to be the bedroom this bit right here this is going to be the bedroom I’ve got that I’m out of glass I’ve got that um Hollow Advent song stuck in my head you know Rebellion I think it’s called Rebellion I need to gather some more sand I’ve got a iron shovel there’s a desert over over this way let’s go let’s go get that sand I can also kill some Piggies on the way to get some to get some food birthday Baja I can’t I can’t I can’t do the crit with my hand I got I got to use the trigger when when killing pigs hiya there’s another Pig can’t escape me that pig over there he he’s that Pig’s spared so is that other one down there I got to leave some to repopulate you know you have no knowledge of hollow songs I mean that’s fine I don’t watch any of the Hol live YouTubers hang on there’s only one vtuber that I actually watch you check her out she’s called me Ivory check her out she’s amazing um like I wouldn’t even watch myself to be honest like I I I can barely watch most live streams I’m definitely much more of a uh edited video Watcher than a uh live [Music] Watcher I Channel yeah yeah that’s her check her out if you can all right let’s just get sand let’s is get sand I should have made a diamond shovel I would have made this go faster if you do check her out though don’t mention me I don’t want to like intrude you know you you know it’s it it’ll be weird if go people go like oh hey this guy sent me you’ve already always questioned this what are you questioning do I remember the first time we talked I’m sorry I don’t I’m sorry I I do not remember should it have been memorable cuz I I don’t remember was on the Minecraft oh really who who who were you what’s your what’s your Minecraft name oh oh it’s you I yeah I remember you I remember you yeah yeah yeah it’s you yes I do I do remember you now that you said that name I I know I know that name I know that name how much sand have I gotten almost two stacks I will go until the shovel breaks it’s this shovel has um 26 more uses in it there we go shovel gone all right let’s go make some glass yeah I’m not going to lie I thought you were like a new person who just found my stream one day and decided like hey this guy’s pretty cool I’m going to stay I hope you I hope you think I’m pretty cool anyway um I I didn’t realize that you you were you you you [Music] I need to take a shower I’m sweating between uh I I have not showered I have not showered since I made that cake I think pretty cool I guess you you’re pretty cool too uh I have not I haven’t showered since I made the cake earlier and I was already sweating in that helmet uh I was saving the shower till after I did this stream cuz I knew I was going to sweat again in VR I feel like I’m all wet there’s some wheat I can Harvest at the farm down there I’m going to do that while this glass [Music] smelts all right let’s put this away um do I have any carrots in here I don’t I was going to make some golden carrots but um not doing that yet might might be some carrots I can Harvest actually let’s go see yeah there’s a [Music] few yeah I think I’ll just do the wheat I know there’s like Optimal way oh I know there’s like Optimal ways to uh make Farms like that are better than just tilling the entire area but I’m too lazy to look it up and even more even more too lazy to remember how to do it in VR so we’re doing it this way because there there all these like somewhat complex mechanics on how plants actually grow in the in this game you know what I should do one day I should do VR Sky Block imagine that Sky Block in VR like then again there’s not really there wouldn’t be really be a point of reference when looking down to like feel feel like a sense of vertigo from how high up I am cuz there’s not really like a point of reference for like a ground way far below you know may maybe I could do it so I have I like make my own Sky Block thing like way up in the sky like I generate a new world and make my own Sky Block up there so I still see below me and just have a self-imposed rule that I will not go down to the ground I don’t know place a block Far Below do [Music] [Applause] ver I I I I need I need to feel like I’m going to die any [Music] second um extra wheat goes in wrong button extra wheat goes in the chest out here yes there we go back to the house no not back not back to the house back to the glass give me that give me that yeah nope didn’t mean to okay that’s can stay open uh okay I’ve got a lot of dirt you know what I should do I should just get all my dirt and Tower up as high as I can to see how that feels I might not do that in this world I might I I kind I kind of want to see what that’s like so I might I might go into a creative world and just do that just just just real fast just real fast you know I’m going to do that right now just real fast I’m going to where’s okay V moded test let’s go here I got to I got to try this out hang on this already feels kind of weird when like flying hang on I should try out the elytra I should try out the elytra just go fast yeah just breaking the laws of physics real fast you know I’m above the clouds now oh this feels weird this already feels weird I I see a shadow beneath me where my feet are what’s my coordinates how high am I I am at 245 what was the build limit increased to it was increased to like 300 something right whatever this is high enough uh where’s my chat open chat okay slash set block I don’t know what this looks like I got like a keyboard in front of me that end tapping um reinforce deep slate okay standing on the rainforce Deep slate just a single block of this I’m at y 282 that’s what I’m at right now hang on I misspell time there we go it’s noon so it’s brighter out is there a quick chat thing open chat right there there’s a quick chat slash spawn point so now I will respawn right here let’s close this overlay let’s give me an elytra here we go achievement got sky the limit okay I don’t know where that elro went but I got a new one on me now check out check out the oh check out the elytra uh Cape like anniversary Cape design that’s pretty pretty neat it’s it’s a creeper it’s a creeper see okay I’m going to myself some fireworks flight duration three this is the fast this is the fast one okay creeper a man yeah yeah okay so the camera’s right there I’m going to face this way I might just close my I might close my eyes and take off the headset if this goes poorly okay hang on one last thing one last thing survival mode I got to do that okay I’m scared I’m actually scared right now hang on one one more thing I forgot to do this slash game rule keep inventory true I’m also going to turn off the daylight cycle and I’m not stalling I’m this is actually stuff that that I’m doing do daylight cycle false so this sun won’t go down it’s going to stay daytime believe me okay I don’t I thing is I don’t know how the elytra I don’t know how the elytra works in VR like if it’s going to follow this hand or if it’s going to follow the direction I’m looking cuz what if I want to look around while I’m flying through the air you know um okay oh it’s following my left hand ice spikes oh this is actually really cool oh I I I was worried for nothing I was worried for [Music] [Music] nothing okay it is following my left hand wahoo oh this is really cool I this how does this look from your end I’m not there we go now I’m going faster okay how do I land how about Landing let me should I try to land back on the reinforced deep slate if I if I can remember where it is it’s over here somewhere above the clouds I got to remember that there it is it’s up there I don’t know I don’t know what this looks like on the camera and I feel like if I turn around to look at it it’s not really like I’m going too fast okay and easy easy I missed I missed okay like behind your body other that pretty cool okay I sort of steering myself like like Superman I missed dang it okay I sort of like holding my arms out like Superman I don’t know if it’s like following one or both it’s definitely follow following the left arm okay okay come on come on come on oh come on come on so close that was so close dang it [Music] okay sometimes the firework just doesn’t Propel me where’d it go there it is I went way too high [Music] okay can I I got to do a little a little dance a little jig here to like go down gently oh oh Slow Down slow down and I missed nope my God I just went straight up what the [Music] heck I got 36 fireworks left I I can do this I can do this what’s my elytra looking like it’s almost half durability I got so close that one time I got so close that one time up that’s too high come on come on come on you know you know you want to make it you know what just down go just go down boom hey I made it back on the platform hey look at that let’s go back to the Survivor world so I can continue making that house no not that one this one all right all right let’s keep going where’s the camera there you are first try first try you’re right so yeah flying in VR that was way less scary than I expected not going to lie there’s the windows I need to sleep I move much faster with just randomly teleporting like this not gonna keep doing that though that’s [Music] lame all [Music] right I need to make stairs for the roof I mean this thing is really ugly there’s no denying that so far but babbe zombie died okay there’s no denying how ugly this thing is but it’s better than the box it is better than the Box all right I got 36 stairs here um let’s just craft the rest of these into planks okay um H what do I do no okay I almost jumped off the edge there how do I do [Music] this no I’m going to get on my knees so I’m crouching okay got around out the corners and it’ll look great I don’t think I’m going to be able to do that because I suck oh I suck at building I didn’t want to do that I just put this on the side hang on there we go what does this look like from the back that’s fine okay I’m going to do a similar thing over here no that’s not what I meant to do no that’s not what I meant to do ah okay uh can I reach that I can reach that we just do that and dang it you can’t see this can you no I’m reaching up and doing it there okay you know what I could use I could use some scaffolding couldn’t I not going to use it though cuz I don’t want to back down to my knees I [Music] go there we go trust the vision how many stairs I have left 11 I’m going to need to make more stairs there we go got one stair left um okay let’s make some more stairs let’s just turn this entire stack of wood into stairs there we go 40 more stairs that’s not that’s not even going to be enough is it okay now this side get down my on my knees here okay perfect now this one boom perfect did not mess up oh my nose is itchy my hair is like hitting the top of my nose here we go and you I don’t need to crouch anymore I’m good where’s the camera you’re good okay I got nine more I’m going to need a lot more stairs okay you you sort of see what I’m trying to do here I I I’m going to stop asking that cuz no the answer is always going to be no no I I don’t know what I’m trying to do how could a viewer know what I’m trying to do I need to get rid of that one stair right there hang on get out of here uh where’ it go there it is you see the vision this time nice let’s just turn the rest two stacks of wood into stairs wrong button there we go 80 stairs 80 more stairs yeah okay boom boom boom boom boom boom and it can go one Higher too okay can we get much higher so high there we go go where’s the camera okay you’re I’m going to turn the camera there oh I can place right in my face there no don’t want that okay trying to figure out what I need to do for like maybe down there to like make that meat up here but I’ll figure it out I’ll figure it out I got to figure it out right now don’t I hm going be right back five minutes trust I don’t trust you I can’t believe you’re abandoning me like that gosh okay uh let’s put that there and move this across there I am out of wood I am out of wood okay let’s go get some more wood oh look there’s wood right over here where’s the camera there you are the wood right up there on my birthday too I know you you are just the worst aren’t you C these into planks got 48 more plakes amazing um how do I want to do this I could just keep going like normal actually and just have it neat maybe maybe this could either look I not say either really good or really bad but no it’s either going to look bad really bad or just Okay um [Music] how does that look from the outside uh feel like it hang on hang on I got I got I got to I got to I got to I got to do this [Music] [Music] h no h does that see it it’s not bad I got to extend the uh logs going up there and maybe to maybe do a different color wood maybe do a different color of wood as well on the uh inner one but I don’t think that’s too bad uh I’m also going to want to uh instead of fences here I’m going to want to extend the wood logs going all the way down to the ground that’s something I’m going to do here I feel like it’s coming together I think it’s coming together I think I really do I think it’s all coming together here [Music] it’s getting dark so I’m going to go sleep I’m going to I’m going to see if that down there’s oak wood if it is I’m going to chop it [Music] down what time is it hang on let me check my phone it is 6:00 okay when I thought my dog was a creeper at first when did I uh start streaming I think it was like what 5 or was it 4 have I been doing this for 2 hours now hang on I can’t see almost 2 hours an hour an hour and a half at least okay okay time flies when you’re having fun what biome is this down here it’s like some sort of jungle biome right because it’s got like the vines on those trees there’s a be with a beehive down there I could take that later are these oak trees or are these jungle I want to say they’re jungle cuz they got vines on I don’t know if there’s like any biome other than swamps or oak trees yeah these are jungle there are some Oak in here though but these are these are jungle trees what biome is this this is some sort of jungle biome this is sparse jungle that’s what this biome is called it’s called a sparse [Music] jungle let’s get this big tree right here I think that’s all long I think this was a smaller big tree than the other ones I chopped down today um let’s gather these saplings so I can plant some more trees no that’s more jungle hang on [Music] the lights go out and all that counts is here and now your universe will never be the same I’m Glad You Came you cast a spell on me spell on me you hit me like the sky fell me fell on me and I decided you look well on me well on me let’s go some somewhere else no one else can see you and me turn the lights out now now I take you by the hand pour you another drink drink it if you can can I spend a little time time is slipping away away from us so say make you glad you came the Sun Goes Down the Lights come out and all that counts is here and now my universe will never be the same I’m Glad You Came I’m Glad You Came wrath karaoke yeah I’m sorry I apologize okay I want that that that I want to replace these exposed wooden planks here with jungle just to see what that contrast looks like from outside how does that look and I don’t love it hang on let me move it so you can see better I don’t love it but it’s it’s variety you know what other songs do I know you would not believe your eyes if 10 million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep cuz they’d fill the open air and leave tear drops everywhere you think me rude but I would just stand and stare I’d like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slow it’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep cuz everything is Never As It Seems when I fall asleep uh what’s what’s the rest of it if the song is playing i’ i’ I’d be able to sing along very easily for that but it’s not playing right now so I can’t did why did that minimize why why did that minimize I don’t know why that happened uh I’m going to keep those logs turn the rest of these into stairs boom I got some more saplings here hang on let me just plant these saplings real fast so I’ve got some more wood closer to me for when I need it okay oh I fell down I’m say I’m not doing this bit right here in case I need to go down come back up I’ll have a way to just easily hop back up onto the roof but it should not I’ve got a I got 17 15 stairs left is that is that I’m hiccuping is that enough it is enough boom and boom there we go hang on something I should probably do how do I get down how do I get down that’s fine over here but on these back bits here I need to so fix this right here I really need to fix this right here um put some upside oops put some upside down stairs to make this a bit more I I need planks I do have planks to make it a bit less jarring with the stairs so you can’t really see what I’m doing but boom boom boom got two stairs left boom and boom okay I need I need a few more stairs maybe one two I need just four more stairs I can do that I can do that I can do four more okay boom boom three four okay I think I got the overall shape done let me let me just take this down I’m going to grab the camera again let get it back in my hand I’m going to have to do something about this um un under bit here eventually overall shape done I going to get a few more logs a few more logs uh that one tree over there is not going to be enough but I am going to grab the camera and bring it closer okay back to game all right let’s grab a few more logs and then I can add the finishing quotequote finishing touches to the outside it’s not finished but I do want to end the stream somewhat soon because um I have I I don’t have anything going on but like I I I just want to end soon because I’ve been streaming for a bit this is the second stream of the day um I need more oak wood just a match uh the Sun is going down I should sleep sun goes down there that’s a gap right there all that counts is here in Universe whenever be the same I’m glad you came [Music] I had 23 planks in this top chest nice goes down I need to think of I need to get a different song stuck in my head um it’s not night yet I can’t sleep yet what’s up link what’s up link the cutest little doggy ever the cutest little doggy ever let’s give you some pets yeah maybe maybe it’s got to be this hand huh let me pet you let me there we go such a cute little doggy can I sleep now yes okay wood I need wood hang on let me just grab this glass put the glass away no not chest but the glass away um I need [Music] wood there’s got to be some oak wood behind the house that way somewhere right there’s got to be some oak wood down there right probably I mostly see jungle though I think I see a few Oak there that that one’s definitely an oak um got my axe let’s chop down some trees oh look first ones I come across here Oak so that’s that’s that’s great oh that’s my face all right boom boom reaching up higher does not make me reach higher in game okay good to know this is one of the Annoying big oak trees is it no that was it that was it okay that was all there quite a bit of Oak here actually the sun goes down stars come out I need to think of a better song to get stuck in my head all right this should be the this this tree should be enough this should be enough right here at all that wood that this tree has to offer I need to go up higher hang on oh where the camera go hi camera no one more there we go that’s all that direction I think I got all the wood in the tree okay okay let’s get this a bit away all right I just real I need to light up the new house I haven’t done that yet I have 11 torches to my name right now right yeah only 11 I can make more but I don’t need more right now this is a very flammable house isn’t it it’s made entirely of wood let me get rid of this inside here this little staircase thing I made that should be good okay um the roof leaves a bit to be desired I could I could easily fix that actually if I like if I if I just like just patch patch this up like that oh if I if I do if I do that though like across like this I’m going to need to put some torches up there so monsters don’t spawn inside here [Music] um right there and right there that should be good that should be good give me just a second no I keep I keep on messing up all right give me that one more room to patch up no hang on give me that give me those thank you dang it I keep on misplacing them I need one two three four five five more Bop bpop I needed seven more I miscounted luckily I had enough okay so this is the inside it’s very you know just eh and then the outside I think hang on I got to fix these uh fence supports I’ve got yeah I’ve got logs boom boom boom like that some strong legs instead of these scrawny little chicken legs I had going on here we go boom boom boom and then this one boom boom boom boom okay got some more fences that I can put here to like complete that look there there we go I should probably add one one more support right here it’s it’ll match right here actually yeah that’s where I want it boom boom boom okay I think it’s done I think it’s done let’s see let’s see no more twinkling I think it’s good for the most part I’m I’m still not sure how I feel about that jungle bit that jungle wood bit right there but um I think it’s good I think it’s good for now um let’s see let’s just clear that inventory bit out there we go put that there don’t need the bow in my hot bar okay so welcome to MTV Cribs new house actually I should I should do this like I’m selling it in like real estate or something how how how do real estate real estate agents talk um here we are in the nice in in the plains biome and we got a nice one bed zero bath room for you here house right here as you can see the outside it’s it’s it’s very it’s very nice ignore that tree back there that that that those floating leaves don’t exist they’ll be gone in a second I think I might have missed a log I’ll get rid of that later it’s got It’s got some nice structural support on the bottom here with these very firm thick firm wood oak logs here as you can see it’s it’s raised off the ground in case of flooding in case flooding occurs the house will be nice and protected and to reduce water damage right if you go around we got a nice view of the ocean just just in your backyard see that that’s pretty nice isn’t it we got some some some some jungle some sparse jungle in the backyard as well as well as the surrounding area as for the local Wildlife as you can see down there how do I zoom in how do I zoom in uh uh options V settings stere rendering uh 30% fov oh too far we got some we got some we got some pigs over there some local law enforcement you know we got some sheep there’s there’s PL plenty plenty of nature to go around there’s even some horses Let’s uh VR settings rendering okay 100 1002 there we go 1002 fov uh what what else about the outside should I show [Music] off big hill there’s a big hill down there too now one bed zero bath let’s take a look at the inside as you can see it’s got a nice a nice ENT way entryway right here ra raised up off the ground some nice stairs going up to the inside and look at all this space it’s unfurnished at the moment but you know when some person someone says unfurnished that just means potential for your own personal touch see and over here there’s this could be either a bedroom or a storage room depending on what you want to do it’s up to you this H this house is about you and this house would be available to you for the low low low price of 32 diamond blocks a week that s that sounds pretty reasonable to me don’t you think for this for this uh Prime Ocean Front real estate here let me Smash you through the window there see that ocean only 32 diamond blocks a week and this view could be yours it what do you say 32 diamond blocks a week I know it’s a steal it’s a steal at that price yeah that that that was a lame bit there you’d rather die than take that deal well that can be arranged I I I suggest you take the deal it’s a fair deal don’t you think look at that beautiful view of the of just just the moon rising over the [Music] horizon it’s I don’t know where I’m going with this bit quite the bar me I know see see chiro gets it chiro gets it um but yeah I think this new house is definitely way better than the first one that I made this took me two hours I just want to get I just want to get that out there I spent two hours today just to build that hang on there there’s monsters There’s a Zombie up at the top of that hill right there oh he sees me he sees me let’s we can’t have that let’s just sir I I would like I would like I would like to interview you what do you think what do you think of the of the of the the surrounding neighborhood do you think it’s very you think it’s safe or is it is it uh um um [Music] he loves the neighborhood definitely big up yeah it’s it’s for sure a huge upgrade from from this oh there’s zombie sleep before before the zombie gets too close for me to sleep I do think that here will be will be where I end it this has been a I want to say fairly productive stream how am I a monster how am I a monster for um interviewing that that nice man who uh look at this guy could could a monster really own this this little guy right here could a monster own that little guy right there I didn’t think so I didn’t think so [Music] G link is so yeah yeah look at look at link right here look at this cute little buddy right here yeah um yeah I think this is a good place to end Minecraft for the day uh I mentioned this during the uh when I baked the cake oh I forgot I forgot hang on hang on I’m not I’m not ending I’m not ending hang on oh accidentally paused the game um I forgot to do something let me let me just make another fence real fast uh do I have any stairs I’ll make I’ll make a jungle stair there we go check this out check this out I need to I need to go back back into the house back into the new house hang on how do you make a candle I think I need beeswax to make a candle I don’t have any of that on me I could hold that thought hold that thought I need to do this [Music] properly um let’s see I got that here I need uh I think I can use [Music] coal do I need charcoal charcoal actually hang on don’t go anywhere this is going to be great this is going to be great I might have needed instead of Charle I might have needed a uh more sticks actually hang on yeah I could have used coal but you know what I used the charcoal instead cuz I just made the charcoal um so I got shears and the campfire I know where a be hi is I think there’s I think I know a beehive is there’s one down this way I think and at how long it’s been there should be full and I believe this is how I make candles there it is there’s the Beehive down beehive is down down here right over there yeah it definitely looks full [Music] is there is there a a height limit on how far the campfires work just in case cuz just in case there is I’m going to build this build a little platform here and put the campfire there so now if I do this they will not get mad at me if I take these shears and go where’ the honeycomb go hello hello honeycomb oh it’s on top it’s on top um hang on that gave me three okay I think I don’t know if this is I don’t know if the CRA if this is the crafting recipe but [Music] um oh sweet okay I can pick three I thought it was two I thought it was two honeycomb for a single candle but no it’s only one so I can make three since I got three honeycomb from the uh Hive there um I’m going to make I’m going to make some red candles actually not not just normal candles I’m going to make red candles I’m just going to grab There’s a Zombie some here somewhere around here grab this can i d do I Dy candles one at a time if I do then I’m going to make uh there’s there’s another poppy down there hang on hang on I ju just wait just wait just wait this is going to be totally worth it [Music] I could do yellow there’s a lot more dandelion down here than uh poppies but I’m I’m going to go red need one more there is one there we [Music] go back to the cube house I’m not going to get rid of the cube house the cube house is going to stay um it’ll be the next Minecraft stream when I uh actually move the stuff over but um what I what I mentioned when I was doing the cake stream is for the Future Minecraft streams I’m taking M probably going to take Minecraft out of the like rotation of games that I do because I I I like to have a rotation where it’s like every other stream stream it’s a different game so it’s like Zelda is every other stream then when I’m alternating between that it’s going to be it was going to be Sonic Adventure but I not going to do that on stream that’s going to be on my own time Sonic Adventure 2 maybe but for now I’m like rotating between um Sonic Adventure not Sonic Adventure Twilight Princess and I have no mouth and I’m a [Music] scream Minecraft was in that mix but I think I’m going to take that out so that um I just do Minecraft just whenever instead of having it be actually on a uh rotation Minecraft is just the whenever I feel no no not not not no more Minecraft it’s just not on the rotation so it’s like when it’s not the usual time that I stream and I just feel like streaming something else like I normally stream at like noon noon eastern time but if it’s not noon and I feel like streaming or if it’s like later if I’ve already streamed that day then I’ll do I’ll just do Minecraft you know it’s just Minecraft is going to be a whenever I feel like stream game rather than having it actually be on the stream rotation you know okay put that there these cakes are huge hang on don’t want to accidentally eat this before I put the candle on hang on [Music] going to be free from the constraints of scheduling yeah I mean I don’t i’ never schedule anyway hang on if I crouch no can I not can I not put candles on the cake I thought I thought there’s a chair I just hit I thought I could put candles on the cake is that a mod thing is putting C on a Minecraft cake a mod oh can I not can I only do one well I can only do one let’s just put these over there because you can stack multiple candles on one block but it looks like you can only put one candle on a cake at a time let’s light the candle and I’m going to sing myself happy birthday right here we go here we go happy birthday to me happy birthday to you hang on I need to work up some Hunger I need to work up some Hunger hang on hang on hang on work up some some Hunger so I can eat the cake I need to run around so I lose a hunger bar come on I don’t have the mod that shows how much saturation I’ve got why did I eat that potato yeah that’s whatever I don’t need I don’t need to eat this whole thing right now anyways happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday dear rra Happy Birthday to me I was going to take out the candle but I feel like I’m worried that I’ll break the cake if I do that so the candle’s going to say on the cake the candle is going to stay on the cake for now for now also I forgot another important thing happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Minecraft happy birthday to you because it’s Minecraft’s birthday too we share a birthday it’s awesome yeah this is where I’m going to end this Minecraft stream this is where I’m going to end this end the stream here um yeah I don’t mean to have that tilted um hang on I’m going to light I’m going to like these candles I put on the floor here hang hang on there we go this is nice all right so yeah uh next stream will maybe be Monday not Tuesday I’m not going to it’s for sure not going to be on Tuesday because I got a dentist appointment on Tuesday that’s unrelated to the root canal that I had it’s just the scheduled regular dentist appointment that’s happening on Tuesday so I will not be streaming that day but maybe Monday maybe not if not Monday then not Tuesday then maybe Wednesday I don’t know we’ll see how I feel uh thank you everyone who came by for coming by my computer’s this way so I need to go over this way so I can press the button thank you everyone who came by for going by and I will see you all again next time see you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft VR】 Celebrating the real birthday’, was uploaded by Wrathdan on 2024-05-17 22:41:55. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:04 or 8104 seconds.

Yeah, I don’t know what to put here. Be respectful in chat and use your common sense, please

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WrathdanVT

Starting screen art by: https://x.com/taotao11770?s=21&t=biAj8vdgWh4PmJzYICuYPA

If you wanna support me for some reason, you can donate here: https://streamlabs.com/wrathdanlive/tip

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  • RealWorld

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Avocado Almighty”

    I guess you could say this vertical slab is truly avoca-dope! Read More

  • Shelfie Mess, Minecraft Stress: Fix it or Regret!

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  • My First Minecraft House

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Power: Arox Ascends to God

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    UNBELIEVABLE! Insane God Seed in Minecraft 1.21 ๐Ÿ”ฅ #BLSm10 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft God Seed | 1.19 |1.20 |1.21 #BLSm10 #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by BLS m10 on 2024-04-06 00:17:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft God Seed | 1.19 |1.20 |1.21 #BLSm10 #viral #minecraft minecraft skin minecraft skin thumbnail minecraft pe minecraft … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Warden vs IronGolem!

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Warden vs IronGolem!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Warden vs IronGolem: The Clash of Titans in Minecraft!”‘, was uploaded by Rahul Basista YT on 2024-03-12 17:00:49. It has garnered 1074 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:32 or 512 seconds. 200 Wardens Vs 2000 IronGolems | Minecraft | IOS mobile gameplay MINECRAFT | IOS MOBILE GAMEPLAY| 200 WARDENS VS 2000 IRONGOLEMS| EPIC BATTLE MINECRAFT NEW UPDATE 1.21.71 #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes 1. #Minecraft 2. #MinecraftGameplay 3. #MinecraftTutorial 4. #MinecraftBuilding 5. #MinecraftSurvival 6. #MinecraftAdventure 7. #MinecraftMods 8. #MinecraftServers 9. #MinecraftMultiplayer 10. #MinecraftCreative 11. #MinecraftRedstone 12. #MinecraftLetsPlay 13. #MinecraftChallenge 14. #MinecraftWorld… Read More

  • Zombie Piglin Ranks Up in Brawl Stars ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ”ฅ #Minecraft

    Zombie Piglin Ranks Up in Brawl Stars ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ”ฅ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Brawl star Rank push Zombie Piglin ๐Ÿ’ช…#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by I_SHOW_SOME on 2024-05-24 10:31:00. It has garnered 10781 views and 288 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Brawl star Rank push Zombie Piglin ๐Ÿ’ช…#minecraftshorts #minecraft Tags – #minecraftshorts #minecraft #trendingshorts #viral Thanks for watching guys ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜‰ Read More

  • SURVIVAL MADNESS: BennySoChill City Build ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    SURVIVAL MADNESS: BennySoChill City Build ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดMinecraft PS5 Survival Ep 144 – Building A City (Playing with Viewers)’, was uploaded by BennySoChill on 2024-04-10 04:24:06. It has garnered 269 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:38 or 8918 seconds. Welcome to my channel, where I upload gaming videos and also do livestreams! Most of my videos consist of Minecraft and other games. When I livestream I typically livestream Minecraft and GTA. If you enjoy make sure to subscribe thanks! ๐ŸŽฎ ONLINE USERNAMES ๐ŸŽฎ PlayStation: BennySoChill Xbox/Microsoft: BennySoChill DISCORD SERVER: -Discord: https://discord.gg/aJAeFF7bsU MY SOCIALS: -Snapchat: bennysochill -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bennysochill_/ Read More

  • INSANE NEW DRAG MOUSEM!! BedWars Turkish

    INSANE NEW DRAG MOUSEM!! BedWars TurkishVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars Oynuyoruz (Yeni Drag Mousem!!) | Glarios Model 0 | Minecraft BedWars Tรผrkรงe’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-18 01:39:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Discord: https://bit.ly/3wrwNGY โญ๏ธฤฐnstagram: https://bit.ly/3SHE3pK โญ๏ธTwitch: https://bit.ly/48iaotb โญ๏ธVK: … Read More

  • EPIC Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City Duel + Minecraft Anime Roleplay

    EPIC Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City Duel + Minecraft Anime RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City #4 I Pendulum Prism! I Minecraft Anime Roleplay’, was uploaded by RiotStone on 2024-04-05 17:30:01. It has garnered 631 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:26 or 1946 seconds. Hey guys sorry for the worse video quality in this video, my OBS updated and changed the video output scale so it didn’t look right, next video should be back to normal! Subscribe and check out my things My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theriotstone Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Riot_Stone Cast: Harvey – https://youtube.com/@TrueKingRp Ryder – https://www.youtube.com/@Roadkill7111 Cade – https://www.youtube.com/@riotstone Bionic – https://www.youtube.com/@bionicplayz Scroll – https://www.youtube.com/@scrollofwinter8611… Read More


    EPIC MINI MILITARY PACK FOR MINECRAFT PRISMA 3DVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINI MILITARY PACK MINECRAFT FOR PRISMA 3D | #Prisma3D’, was uploaded by ะ“ั€ะธะฑะพะบ on 2024-01-04 10:44:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Guys, be kind and don’t swear in the comments and show respect to each other ๐Ÿ˜€ … Read More

  • ratatouille smp

    ratatouille smpsmp with reguarly added mods ijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdf Read More

  • Celestialrealm Coldwar Edition – Modded

    CelestialRealm Cold War Edition 24/7 Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest-based hub shop and player market. Justice System: Uphold the law and maintain order. Or be a crime boss. Either way, the justice system enhances your experience. Empower Your Avatar:… Read More