🔥 INSANE Frogcrafting One Shot SMP 1.20 Day 1 🌟

Video Information

Hi everyone we’re a little bit early I know that normally I start streaming like 5 minutes from now but it’s a very special day very very very special day it’s One Shot season 5 day one I’m so excited one shot is my favorite time of the year I love

Hardcore s smps so much and this is my fourth season on one shot SMP I’m so excited however short the previous Seasons may have been we’re going to live the whole month this time I promise but there is a couple of things I want to go over really quickly avoid the

Magma yeah I will I will try I will try okay and um noake in general in Discord I pinned a clip cuz I I full disclaimer I have played um I have played today already I was jumping in to like test out voice chat and then I was like with everyone

And I was in that like one shot mood and I was like oh my gosh yes and then I didn’t I didn’t do anything else all day I just played one shot I started the server with one shot uh when it launched about 4 hours ago I haven’t done

Anything since not a single thing no no worries Ry worries yeah no Alexandra you’re so right I have to be so careful this time now I have almost died today but it wasn’t my fault they summoned a warden uh while I was AFK cuz somebody was ringing my

Doorbell and my dog was barking so they summoned a warden and I literally ran away like just as he was getting to me and I was screaming a lot of f bombs um the is in my Discord if you guys want to see it from acrylic point of view um it

Was uh very scary it was very very scary it’s h it’s in my Discord pinned in the general chat um but so I am going to be streaming this on YouTube and on Twitch all of my streams in this month are going to be on one shot unless we die um

So fingers crossed everyone um and today we are going to be working on um on one shot S&P today I want to work a little bit on storage a little bit on getting our food situation set up um and then yeah that’s that’s what we’re going to do we might do some

Shenanigans um but hopefully hopefully we have a good time hopefully we have some fun that’s what I’m looking forward to anyways but I want to jump in so let’s get going hold on let me make sure I have my game open I do and hopefully okay we’re

Good okay um so as you can see we have a little bit of a base going not much it’s kind of just like a little hole in the wall um but we did go and raid some ancient cities this morning which was very very scary uh let me also just mute

My mic uh just in case Danny thank you so much for the 299 love how long are we going to be uh streaming today probably about 3 hours probably our usual 3 hours thank you so much Danny you didn’t have to do that that is so so so kind of you

I hope everyone had a good Halloween if you celebrated I hope everyone’s having a wonderful day today I’m having a great day this morning I was editing Hardcore episode 10 until you know one shot came around and then I was like you know what I have to I have to one

Shot yeah not cake it was so scary I was shaking for like 10 minutes afterwards my heart did not go back to normal the pure panic I know it was so scary you spend all night building a graveyard that’s awesome how did it come

Out I’ll have to come see it um but I want to do a little bit of fishing we have us we have an enchant set up already cuz we stole a bunch of books from the ancient cities um and yeah I’m only level 17 so

I I lowle Enchanted a couple of things I got efficiency one and I got breaking one on my fishing rod um these boots I got from the ancient city and yeah the rest of it um well I just want to do some fishing we’ll hang out a Danny thank

You you find me hello welcome I’m so happy that I’m watching your live stream for the first time yo welcome in welcome in uh Kaye or Callie sorry hopefully I’m saying that right welcome in swerved it hello hello minks hello how’s everyone doing I’m having a really really good

Day like I said I’ve been working on Hardcore I’ve been um well it’s been it’s been a little bit of a journey um I’ve been trying to get some more vods out on the VOD Channel I’ve been you know I’ve been busy Ribbit thank you so much for the 20

Love I appreciate that so so so much this area is so pretty oh my gosh hold on let me let me go in here and we’ll free cam a little bit which I know is a little bit cheaty but I don’t I don’t really care but this is the spawn area

Okay this is where we spawned like right over here um yeah like right right in this like little area right here is where we spawned and then look at this like Lake it is so so gorgeous I don’t know the seed though I have no idea what the seed is um it’s

Like a I don’t I don’t think that they’ve released it but if I if I find out I will let y’all know but this is spawn now under spawn there are four ancient cities um we’ve been to three of them we we looted three ancient cities well one of them we only

Looted one chest um but so we’ve technically only looted two but no worries Ally welcome in welcome in we’re going to be live for about 3 hours oh Pandora hi love oh my gosh I had so much fun with lagundo it was absolutely the best time hanging out with him so we

Were with lagundo and savaris and Bruno and acrylic so it’s been really really really really fun a Ella thank you so much I’m doing good really Samantha I hope you’re also doing good I went shopping today and I got the cutest key chain ever okay what’ you get tell me tell

Me just the right time to watch this before going to bed oh my gosh yes cozying up with some Minecraft videos before bed I often watch Minecraft videos to go to sleep too to be honest uh Marius hello hello seeing you and lagundo together is interesting yeah um lagundo is really

Fun like he’s he’s not afraid of anything and I’m afraid of everything but I just try to act cool you know I’m really there for moral support and to tell everyone that they smell like farts what mod do you use for the map I’m using zov’s world uh map for my

Map I got a matching lip gloss thing cuz I collect lip gloss containers wait wait wait I think I missed it’s a strawberry snail stop that’s so cute a strawberry snail keychain with a matching lip gloss thing that is adorable yo Lost Princess hello hello what are you playing U today we’re

Playing one shot on it’s season 5 we’re on the one shot s SMP this is for the month of November um and we’re going to go for as long as we live so this will be all of my twitch streams and all of my YouTube streams this month so I will be having

All of the vods available if you guys don’t have a Twitch account and you can’t follow on Twitch or if if you like Miss because of time zones don’t worry I’m going to be putting all the uh all the vods up on YouTube as well so if you guys don’t already follow

My vods channel you can do exclamation point vods in the chat and you can get the link oh my gosh sorry about Dorito he’s having a really bad day Dorito is having a really bad day will you do 300 days um I will at some point those videos take me a really really

Really long time to make um and currently I’m working on some other projects Castaways ends this month and I’m trying to get another Hardcore episode out first before I jump back in on some Castaways but yeah I will um I will do 300 days in that um like the 100

Days world I’m really really enjoying that world it’s just going to take a while yeah Dorito is having a bad day he just hears a lot of sounds and it’s been storming really bad here so he’s like not having a good time you know he gets a little bit

Cranky I love all your videos thank you so much Jolene I appreciate that but so far we’ve got some fish I just need to get some food going cuz we don’t really have much we just have this little wheat patch you know and it’s not it’s not going the greatest

A thank you so much Sophia it’s 45 degrees where I live Fahrenheit or Celsius I’m also sad that c is ending it’s my favorite I know I’m so sad um I definitely think that in the future we will be doing something else with this group once again um we definitely had we

Knew going into it that it would be a short Ser or a short series it just it really is unfortunate that I got Co right in the middle of it chiby hi love welcome in how you doing what would you recommend for a new YouTuber I don’t I don’t know if I’m

Going to if I have any recommendations would you do a 400 Days I mean if people still like watching the 100 Days videos I don’t mind keep keeping making them it just takes me a long time each one took me about 100 hours to make yeah yeah I hear backwards Casto is

Only for 3 months Kendall hello a fibit thank you so much for the 100 super I’m really tired and I’m not feeling too hot I’ll catch the VOD later but I’m glad to have been here for just a little bit thank you so so much that

Is so kind of you I’m so sorry that you’re not feeling well I hope that you have a good time make sure you relax take care of yourself and we’ll be thinking of you sending all of our love to you forit thank you so

Much I want to see you s drift and red in a world together that would be so chaotic cath it would be so fun though yeah no Alexandra I’m good now so I had Co in September but I had like long I had symptoms of long Co for like 5 to 6

Weeks after I was like you know after I was no longer sick um and it’s starting to get finally better like I it’s starting to get to the point where like I’m not as sick anymore but it really has like slowed down my process because sometimes like I’m coughing so much and

I can’t really make you know videos um or like I can’t like record voiceover it’s been a little bit tough yo Ace hello hello sleepy Abby welcome in how are you doing zombie survival SMP but make it ccore so true that would actually be so

Funny I would love to do like some kind of challenge with the girlies I think it would be really fun I don’t fear Co I mean you don’t have to be afraid of it but it does suck to be sick you know that was um that was pretty rough for

Me yo Natalie hi hi yeah Alexandra I’m good I’m good uh Leanne thank you so much uh I hope I’m saying that right Le the AA I love your vids thank you so much I hope that you’re doing well thank you so much for the the kind comment I hope I

Said your name right please correct me if I was wrong all right let’s cook some food up because we also have to feed Cody we also have to feed legs and Bruno and Sev I’ve been good Natalie how about you new sub here for the one shot hype

Thanks so much silent watching the first part an acrylic stream with you all in the ancient city was super exciting I was um a little bit scared I’m not going to lie I was a little bit scared but it was um it was a lot of

Fun what Shader am I using I am using complimentary shaders why am i Fishing um I need food and XP so kind of does both you know and currently There are 16 people on right now acrylic big Dean blue Xander Dave poof IIs JP core meel uh sorry milu

Uh radical Elder Rhino zesty beans Jamie Joan Magie bite painter and Jester those are all the people that are online uh online right now you may know some of those names you may not know all of them some of them are twitch streamers or Builders from Instagram or Twitter that you may

Know does fishing help get XP easily early game um yeah so I went from level 17 to level 19 while we were here there’s been a death already yes unfortunately um Sheron Nam was um unfortunately killed by a creeper this morning or earlier sorry there was a

Grace period on the server so I have died I did die on the server earlier but I died in the grace period on purpose to reset my Hunger um and reset my saturation but yeah um someone else did die outside of the grace period wait someone else died too silent who

Died who died while I was gone who asked died no way no not who asked oh my gosh that is so unfortunate so yeah we’re down to 58 creators they lost a battle with gravity deck oh my gosh that is so sad he he fell wait good die hello who is that hi

Who is that down there hi hi how’s it going goodies for me like what um no no no no no none of this wait do you need food do you need no no hey do you guys need food uh we’re using all of this actually there’s five of us FR oh

This is so nice yeah oh it’s lovely oh hey r you know what I found no stop taking stuff they’re going to yell at me I found Saddles wait do you guys have cats Saddles oh yeah I’ve got yeah one of them’s in the

Boat oh damn it he has two we could take one right no yeah we could take one they’re going to yell at me they’re they’re going to be mean okay we can’t have people yelling at frog stuff can I get frog no oh whoa

Oh God the noise I I forgot I I forgot I had the um look the camera hey it’s a pretty cool camera was really zoomed in oh God okay go go go go on you’ve rided enough go go go you and your pumpkins who’s this hey Bruno watch your back get

Mittens out of the no don’t don’t do that leave it that’s exactly where he logged out I wanted to put a campfire there wait good don’t don’t forget your cat I’m talking about that was a good one oh no don’t teleport don’t worry um he’s on my bed

He’s I can’t get I can’t get her off the bed I’m I’m going to get him off the bed it’s it’s Samantha don’t misg my C okay don’t be okay well the other one’s now over there on the oh yeah I know don’t teleport okay I think goodbye teleport I’ll the don’t you

Dare what is going on with these cats what kind of Shadow are you using Natty I’m not sure what you mean go oh teleport thank you I think we just got robbed um I hated that is this how it felt last season when I was stealing

From people cuz that was not very nice and I don’t agree with that version of myself is this last season I stole a lot but I would steal like wheat seeds you know it wasn’t like high steak stealing am I really late no no no you’re right

On time I’ve only been live for like uh 20 minutes all right well we keep fishing because we need food we have a lot of people to feed there’s five of us now J good morning good morning hello hello okay Ally I mean that’s fine zraptor hello hello how you doing Darren

How’s it going the real hamari Hello the cats were cute we are fish crafting today that’s true but it’s all right you know it’s all right um now just a warning We are family friendly on the server I do have the familyfriendly tag that doesn’t mean that everyone will always

Be family friendly some people may say enough bomb so just so you guys know you may hear something suspicious every once’s in a while I know right Luke I love this seed I don’t know what what seed it is um but it is um it is really really good um

I’ve only been to a little bit of it and but this is what the spawn looks like it’s like a big lake um and then there’s like a big mountain range around it and there’s four ancient cities within this like area live hi love I love you I have to go sleep don’t

Die I will not I won’t die I promise don’t worries sleepy be have a good one Ariana hello hello swearing is fun that’s true live doing the rounds yeah absolutely now we are going to be trying to protect wow look at that that book respiration three and efficiency 3 not

Bad um yeah no live absolutely you have to you have to go sleep um so in addition to just vibing today we also need to make sure that we keep acrylic alive um acrylic is is our um our buddy so we’re going to try to do our

Best you know uh we’re going to try to do our best we’re going to try to keep him alive what mod is on the right of the screen like the recipe thing oh this this is ji um I have so I copied this from um this instance is

Basically a copy of the instance that use for twitch um to be honest I completely forgot that it was even there but it’s called ji it just tells you how like how to get or how to make blocks um but I probably will disable it for next

Time just cuz I didn’t even realize it was there the when you impaled in the hardcore world yeah night wiy acrylic is our buddy I know where he’s Natalie no worries Sophia hello hello it’s 9:30 here in Turkey so I have a lot more time to

Watch ooh nice nice I hope you had a wonderful day today it’s currently 7:17 where I am um I had a really really busy day today I’ve been up for about 12 hours and most of the morning I was working on editing the new episode and

I’m just I’m really happy with how the episode’s coming out so far honestly it’s going to be a long one um it’s going to be a very very long episode I think I I think it’s probably going to be about like 35 40 minutes U by the

Time that I’m actually done so I hope you guys are buckled up for a long episode for the next hardcore one gem squash hi hello did frog have something to do with a crc’s death no no not not last season um silent I I uh my computer was broken

Last season for like the first half um when I joined the server he was already um he was already gone you’re almost at 100,000 Subs I know we are at like 92 and a half thousand something like that a thanks so much Bean I’m also so excited I think it’s really funny that

I’ve created fishing friends on my own so far this year like I’m just by myself as a fishing friend do we have any dirt though oh I do have three dirt we can probably a thanks so much lean you miss I was worried I missed

Some l no no no I uh definitely would not have contributed to Cody’s demise um but Cody did spectate us a lot what excuse me stop it where are you stop oh my God where did you come from you’re weird I I came from the mountain I climbed the

Mountain I came from over there I just rolled up and you just had no idea yeah no I was I was talking to my chat you know people who actually like me and don’t try to kill me in Ancien sees whoa try to kill you I don’t know about that

Froggy room um we were robbed actually by the sheriff and a guy with a pumpkin and someone with cats oh no oh know what they take I don’t know I they they were in your chest a lot um oh yeah I put all my stuff in my inventory but I didn’t

Have room for all your stuff too I’m sorry right yeah yeah of course of course um I found out where a lot of people are uh I know that uh hoof and rad have like an entire villager setup already okay uh and they’re like a th000

Blocks to the South okay uh I can tell you that Jammers is going to make a what the heck was it called um a oh yep good call good call uh uh was it a renaissance fair or something okay that yeah uh yeah something like that so

That’s happening um what else was there I found bottle spot I found T and stbl art together and that was interesting wait like like relationship together or you know I don’t know I didn’t ask but like you know it wouldn’t surprise me as what I’m saying yeah no that’s

Fair yeah I did get a lot of fish though while I was gone from from where uh from like a river on the other side of Spawn I just like whacked him with my axe oh okay well look I got this from fishing oh wow look at that not not the worst

Right yeah oh that’s good um so yeah I was just I was just planning on fishing for a while and then I was thinking about about um possibly digging out like a little storage area and starting to organize some stuff o a good call um yeah what are you going to be

Doing for the next uh little bit um anything at all I’m not sure what needs done if you want to start digging or you could go you could go mine coal cuz we’re going to need torches coal yeah Get Some Coal cuz uh you know funny enough the adventure that

I died on last season when I left I said I was going to go get some coal okay maybe you go get some iron but then if you see any coal that’s fair that’s fair yeah oh I also I I don’t know about you my chat told me that megie got down to

Like two hearts from a drown recently wait what is happening I don’t know where megie is but I figured you might want to go find like we should maybe go find megie um um yeah do we want to go find mey now and make sure she’s okay yeah maybe that’s like

Priority First okay let’s let’s go on a little ad Adventure do you know where she’s based up or I I know where I last saw megie which was my first trip so I can take you there and we’ll see okay I feel like maybe should we bring a

Boat um it’s really it’s way too late for that now to H yeah it’s really far I don’t want to go down there we can always make a new boat at the top see that’s true and then when we get back we’ll just put it with the other ones we’ll have like

Five at least I’ll make a boat that’ be great I think that we should probably replant the trees up here too so it stays pretty yeah we did kind of this was not us this was other people yeah yep we do not leave floating trees because that would not be very nice oh

Dave died Dave Dave died to a creeper no way Dave what Dave just died I have no words was that the real D you can’t die uh I it it appears like it I the server is even mourning I did somebody have Dave is Dave live was Dave even yeah no Dave’s

Live hold on okay okay okay unreal dude yeah he’s at a death screen he’s at a death screen he just respawned oh no no he’s in spectator oh my God it’s the worst oh no Dave no not Dave not like this Dave y well he was probably responsible

For some of these trees so actually it’s it’s hurting a little bit less yeah honestly kind of deserved yeah so anyway let’s go find megie yeah let’s go make sure that megie doesn’t die did you just fix that tree yeah it there was a block

Missing wow that was so cool of you like you’re the best Cody don’t ever let anyone tell you differently wow thanks we don’t accept uh floating trees around here careful there’s lava there and where there’s lava there’s usually dripstone too oh I saw a big drop that

Reminded me a lot of last season and I almost fell in it I actually was watching in your at that time and I was kind of scared okay I think we need to go oh yeah yeah we’re going this way wait there’s some flowers we need these for

Our house oh that’s a good call yep good point okay uh we got to hug in the water and then there’s a little ledge wait can we take some of that bamboo uh I’m sure I I think this is JP I don’t think JP will mind well I anyone home

No one has to know nope free raid no nobody’s here I guess we’ll yeah just take a little bit no no no no not a lot that’s too much stop you are not good at stealing that’s you are not good at stealing and no you heard nothing Goodbye got a blast all right uh down there you see that little setup that was where earlier I found Liv and megie and uh okay why you running we’re being chased we’re being chased um it was Cody it was Cody no I I I don’t know who Cody is um

I don’t know is we do not well um come on guys I have I have iron pants no no you dyed them wide look I have I have 20 lapis there you go big um I have five bread I have a stone pickaxe that’s a good

Start um here I have some cod as well that’s all I got oh that’s awesome right um oh no what do you have for me uh look behind you oh who is this rat hey I am family friendly I am family friendly oh no I’m I’m family friendly don’t do [Laughter]

That oh this is a f dreamie where are you yeah where’s megie wait Matt Matt Matt please you know what happened the last time that Maggie was around you I was not around me she was around my house okay I’m actually coming to save her cuz she’s in a hole

With some dirt and no armor I got armor for her Magie I don’t know where she is Magie somewhere around here feggy hello bgy no you guys didn’t see any um any stealing happening um also also if I don’t read chat for a moment it’s nothing personal

It’s just because there’s a lot of talking going on in game um uh I don’t mark my streams as family friendly I know where to go my chat knows where to go this way uh we got to go back this way oh we probably walked right over

Top yeah no she’s across the wait so Dave is really Dave is really gone Dave is really gone that is so un ride a no get your own I can’t do that I’m already the way the way he’s like hey get me like what is he gon to

Do we’re I’m we’re helping we’re here we’re here I feel like I’m going to throw up why Maggie it’s okay your wife is here I’m so scared I have pants I have pants there you go I just got I went down to two hearts I know that’s why we’re here to yell at

You die hello don’t die the whole server came to the rescue I’m going to poop my freaking did you come too I ran the whole way back too wow I feel so l oh my God thanks guys first things first here you first things first yes wait hang on let me

Turn you up let me turn you up hang on oh let me uh all right get get that on my face get that on my face right now uh thoughts on the recent near-death experience well I pooped my pants a little it all it all started with that Panic fart earli

And it’s just been spiraling out of control and I’m not doing well my tummy hurts my tummy hurts real bad hi hi wife hello can you how are you can you and you you scared me so much all morning I literally couldn’t do anything productive because I’m have my butt

Cheeks glued into my chair and my eyeballs pressed against the screen cuz I am stressing listen I had IBS diarrhea 47 times I’m I’m surprised knowing who was complaining about the smell have IBS I was in agony the whole time listen I got up because somebody was ringing my

Doorbell and the next thing I know I had my headset on they’re screaming my name I was running up my stairs so fast you have no idea like I was out of breath and I was just like screaming my tummy hurts so bad my tummy

Hurt anyway yes hi Hi H how are you and hi Matt hello wait Matt you’re already uh yeah I’m oh not permanently though not permanently yet cuz I don’t have the book but soon hey Magie I fish this up for you yes it’s the key to my heart I do want to go

To the oh my gosh thank you thank you so much I love you yes no no mon I have enough for everyone I have enough for everyone by the way uh three more I I I got I got to go bye what I’m not doing that because of the

Lore behind it I don’t agree with it I don’t agree with the L behind it what the L behind it if my wife says no Then I say no oh that’s resp I can’t I can’t respectfully I can’t say because I’m streaming what the lore is because it’s

Not family friendly that’s true Magie get that off of you I’m sorry oh let’s I’m sorry you’re not family friendly so you could keep it it’s fine oh that’s true okay but you oh froggy that is real Rich coming from you familyfriendly though listening to you this morning um

First of all don’t talk to me because only Wednesdays and my family friendly Honey Sweetie Pie I already heard you say one other time when I was down stop that that was that was like 5 minutes ago you said that I heard it I literally heard it well I the problem

Was I had a familyfriendly tag on my username and I was so distressed cuz I was like let me does someone have a bed I’m getting no I’m going to I’m I’m a throw up who is always so prepared you ready to go to the Village

I am ready can everyone hold my hand for a little bit cuz I’m little stressy we can do that it’s literally just directly south I’m so I’m so happy so many people came to my Aid this makes me feel so special uh can’t have you die yeah this

Is true well especially you we need yeah you owe magy a lot actually you do no no I know I owe her nothing okay no you owe her a lot man I actually had something for you it’s called a light I’m not sure if you’re familiar with

It do you know what else do you know what else you need to learn how to do you need to how learn how to freaking log you were out there tabbing like with no armor tabbing right there just like tabbed out I don’t do hardcore so it wasn’t my fault all right

Uh Hey guys yeah hello all right let’s go let’s go to the village now yeah um zaptor I do see chat I just don’t always reply when I’m with other people that’ll be pretty typical on the server um yeah um what I’m so sorry I was in my mind know that for

Tabing naked froggy heard the word smelly and was like huh I mean there can be multiple smelly people on the server there are multiple smelly people first of all Mr Matt Ranger second of all respons Cody okay at least I’m not first of all I don’t take it honestly The Cliffs around

Spawn I’m surprised somebody hasn’t died from Fall damage yet there’s so many somebody did die from Fall damage right wait really wait Cody who is leading us to a who asked to died but to fall damage oh I didn’t realize they died to fall damage so toxic who died Pony Don’t Look

Bro oh I got this wait I asked leared a lot since last season I’ve learned a lot watch this uhhuh incredible wait wait can you put the water down I’m scared I think they’re a little slower think they might be slow oh [Laughter] my that was so toxic do you have a

Crafting table it’s fine uh no oh oh you think I’m getting back in the water after what happened to me I’ll get in the boat oh hi frogy hello understandable car on let in oh yeah I’ll leave the boat for your wife there you go I’m in the boat

Thanks you better leave the boat for my wife I wasn’t inviting you into my pink boat this is the pink boat of Love wives only Cott wives we were the original Two by the way we were the original two mhm mhm and we were in love nothing could

Have stopped us except for megie dying to an elytra I don’t like thinking yeah ooh I officially made it past third one dead by the way oh congratulations how how you feel not the hours yeah no still need to go uh another n hours it’s fine I just want I want to

Kill you one second before just no I’m kidding I’m kidding I would never do that is that Dorito no Dorito I no it’s uh it’s Cody’s dog oh I hear that like that little oh my God the bunny whoa okay oh bro where are we going to a village that

We’ve been grinding it for what are we going there for because I’m going to live underground and grind for villagers the next three to four wait are you being nice five bu days me what’s Mr Matt Ranger are you being nice why wouldn’t I be nice I’m always

Nice that is sometimes questionable in my experience don’t talk about butts or he’ll get distracted that is true you did give me a lot of money last season but I also did provide a service in your Tavern so oh that’s true had to pay the bills I had to dance away the pain

Because I lost one of my loved ones ow who lives here now wait a Minut this is where kissing first second I saw pumpkin I had to gour myself oh my there’s a lot of kissing going on people are missing out on the party wait wait wait on for a second no I’m family friendly and I don’t agree with that megie threw it on framewood

Don’t go in that cave then I’m not going in that cave but I don’t agree with what happens there cave it’s okay some people are boring it’s understandable o o and then hoof Hof’s not boring but some people are boring the ones that have the FF on

Their name they’re Bor is the winner the winner some of us have to get paid by advertisers that don’t want the f word or weird vegetable relationships going on what f word Fritos no Fritos are good okay what about frosties chat listen just ask me on Friday I’ll tell you the

Entire story of why the gourd people are the way they are just tell ask me on Friday you can’t ask me on Wednesday okay I’m excited for That two words that’s all I got to say two words what are those words they start with a p and an F I think you know oh I think uh don’t say it Mr Matt Ranger Wait there’s a donkey what don’t do that Maggie live reaction to someone abusing their

Animals uh any comments on the recent leaked footage of you attacking an innocent donkey what was that did someone feed megie after midnight or oh oh don’t fall was that your distance for a little bit is that your Ultra ego now you’re back now BG’s

Back I’m back some of us know okay yeah no I can’t say it because it’s definitely not family friendly but it is um it is something I didn’t get in it I don’t trust boat okay well I don’t trust boats either what oh my gosh how did you guys

I was on The Boat Boat I was drowning how did that how did that happen I don’t know but I think the server wants me dead I think we landed on Ho’s head and it like pushed us underwater must have been oh my goodness oh my God help help help spitting out of

Control get in the boat no give give me the boat back okay it’s going it’s leaving okay here you go here’s your boat okay okay got it yeah I’m in get in oh okay okay hang on wait they’re leaving us oh no oh god I’ve never done

This before Maggie guys wait oh we are zooming which way do we go froggy I can’t see I’m scared oh there they are oh my God okay vro losers oh oh oh we totally won we totally won that I think he might be nice dragon that’s going to be Wings

Tonight yeah I’m I guess it’s cuz freshley isn’t here that we don’t already have wings oh my gosh is a monster freshley and toan are both sleeping wins fresh playing this season yeah but Friday cuz on Friday or something he has a job now so he can’t play as much is this the

Village yep why is it so snowy um because we’re in snow biome there’s a polar bear since you love punching animals so much much and abusing don’t do it don’t do it me don’t do it do it I’m doing it are you out of your mind I hear an

Enderman yeah I don’t like that that would be a way to see all the pumpkin what’s going on in here it’s Rad’s Shack don’t steal there’s nothing in the chest I already looked oh there’s a lot of chests in there is there anything we can steal from

Here if you harvest it like pumpkins and wheat and stuff yeah or like I don’t know you know wood okay where are you telling us are you are you using us for labor is that what’s going on yes right here hole in the ground oh my

New home this is a nice looking hole yes oh this is good this is nice oh this is really scary this is scary yes are there Farmers haven’t got that far yetbe you could you could help I mean can add Farms I don’t want to do that right now

Have a farm ready okay it looks like where they drop down from I was just I was just following me okay fine I’ll leave that yell at her Noy wait she doesn’t want to help going home goodbye guys no frogy no don’t listen to them frogy I love

You frogy frogy don’t forget me are you stay here with them and be safe froggy I’m not even picking these up I’m leaving them to despawn we don’t need them we don’t need need them chat I don’t know how to get home but hey rad hello yo Shadow Emperor

Hello look at him he’s so cute CH I just don’t I don’t want to do that on stream like if I wasn’t streaming I would definitely help but I don’t want to do that on stream I just don’t want to mess with villagers on stream just

Not what I want to do we only have two hours left wow I cannot believe that somebody just died on this server that was so sad oh my goodness we and we have so much to do we have to make a chest room we need to get food situated like I don’t have

Time for all that although you know what I probably should do probably should grab some dirt while we’re here yo kellia I hope I said that right welcome in on day one as well yeah there’s been three deaths today so far so sharah is gone who asked is is gone and um Now

Dave is also gone all all three unfortunate ends you know those poor souls thanks for sparing us absolutely like I like I would help out and I you know like I’ve I’m not afraid to do villagers and stuff I just don’t want to do that on

Stream I just well I mean like it’s a good project for on stream but we only have so many hours together every week week chat so do you have a project in mind so um I didn’t really have a project in mind like on my own um I was thinking about

Doing some kind of um One Shot SMP lore that we’ve been working on however I think we might have to save that for next season as both um drift and seev aren’t going to be able to play as much this season and that was kind of like

Finishing out our lore so I might just tag along with like legs and um the people in spawn and just kind of hang out do like a little hobbit hole base and um raid ancient cities yeah Luke I saw I saw that somebody said that it he dropped down

From like a m Shaft or something which so sad honestly so sad Dave deserved better I’ve watched him play half-hearted hardcore and he is so so good very very sad but I don’t really know what we’re going to be doing I’m sure that there’s going

To be a lot of progress made in between YouTube streams um I will be streaming over on uh twitch as well and of course I’ll be popping into uh like other people’s streams like acrylic and you know even if I’m not live I might stop in some nights two creeper deaths

Already I know poor Shara as well this was her first season and she died on day one I feel so so bad for her yeah we’re just going to Vibe and hang out honestly I don’t wanted to go too big um and without drift and Sev to

To do like our plan I just I don’t know I feel like it would be weird to do the plan that we wanted to do together by myself yeah I know GL got so many deaths already unfortunate but it’s okay hopefully that we’re hopefully we’re here all season um and then when we’re

Done we’ll be back to streaming normally between um our hardcore worlds um and doing projects on there which has been really really fun I’ve been really enjoying like decorating and vibing on our our hardcore World um and on Twitch we have um a separate hardcore world going um it’s like a little modded

Hardcore world that’s kind of fun and we’re also playing stard Valley on Twitch as well oh I didn’t even wait for those Spruce sapling but that’s okay we have three we should be able to get a couple more what does SMP mean it means um survival multiplayer server so this is a

One shot um One Shot is a hardcore server and so it is a one month 60 creators server and it’s um it’s been such a blast so far this is my fourth season being on one shot and every other season I have died except for last

Season I died on the last day um intentionally though look someone’s got like a bunch of cats I wish I had a lead on me I would take this donkey home you’re welcome chip oh somebody always dies on day one though somebody always always has to go

And be the one to have that happen unfortunate I don’t know how we’re going to get back I guess over through there we’ll kind of go over the mountain so that way we don’t have to deal with the snow yeah almost home I’m excited now what kind of

Base do you guys want me to do I’m going to do a hobbit hole I think um with legs but what blocks should we use should we do like um Cherrywood or should we do something else I would love something like this with my friends but I know I die

Immediately yeah you have to you have to like be a calculated risk taker I think yo Becky hello how you doing Becky hope you’re having a wonderful day I’ve only just found your content and or I found out about your channel and I love your content it’s helped me so much with my

Mental health I’m so glad to hear that I’m so happy that the videos are helping and I’m I’m really glad that you’re enjoying them thank you so much for saying that where is there’s a whole part with no snow it’s right here I’m really scared of snow I don’t

Have leather boots Spruce and Cherry yeah I feel like that would be a really good combo cuz what something that we want to do right so I’ll show you guys once we get over the hill Oh I think somebody is basing up over here maybe dark oak dark oak is also really good

Good that’s the block palette that I’m using in my 100 days world is dark oak oh this is Bruno’s area oh wait I think Bruno did say he was going to he was going to leave this spot or maybe he was going to end up here I don’t know but so

That over there is that’s where me legs Cody and seev are kind of like um starting out um we built a diving board on the top so that we could like easily jump down down and then swim back up um and yeah we’re going to be building

Hobbit holes inside the side of the cliffs here which is really really exciting it’s not a new let’s play um far it’s just a one month server it’s like a little event basically dark oak and regular Oak looks so good with cherry yeah I um I think

That we might do Cherrywood um obviously cuz we’re in a Cherry Grove biome I feel like Cherrywood is the the way maybe we’ll do like white terra cotta in Cherrywood maybe that would be the way what do you guys think like a little a little terracotta and Cherry and dark oak kind of

Vibe I really like your channel cuz you have 90k subs and you still talk to your fans I try I try I can’t always you know get to every single comment anymore uh or read every message in chat but I try Cherrywood Spruce antiy and tough oh those are some good options as

Well um so I will show y’all actually um a little secret about this world oh hello hello I meet you here how I don’t know I left like 5 minutes after you did that’s so weird well no I actually I stopped to dig dirt um so I

Could expand our farm I got two stacks of dirt did you bring back any Spruce saplings Spruce saplings no what are you even like why are you even here yeah honestly it’s a great question uh I am prepping to go uh dragon fighting with zesty and Dean

You’re going to go dragon fight yeah yeah yeah you’re so funny it’s going to be great I can’t protect you from yourself is what I’m learning it’s going to be fantastic right so do you want me to build any specific like materials for your grave or

Um I don’t think I don’t think that’ll be it’ll be fine well you know at no one ever thinks it’ll happen but then they always don’t have any plans and then their family has to do you know everything afterwards and it’s very stressful so you could just help me plan

Your funeral a little bit it would be very helpful I mean if I die in the void there’s nothing to bury we can bury our thoughts and and hopes for you yeah that’s fair you know I really like deep slate deep slate yeah theep site’s pretty cool

Okay well that can that can be done um I was wondering maybe maybe I could make like a a dripstone dripstone grave marker do that I don’t know I just think I feel like it’s your color you know it just feels like a like if I was thinking about you

I’ just think about dripstone it’s really yeah there’s something about it it’s a really safe energy you know yeah do you think that this is too close to the diving board I think it should be fine right yeah if anyone lands on it that’s just like their

Problem wow you are kind of toxic like when you’re alive and not a ghost yeah I mean there was a lot of you know I just picked it up you know you hear enough you hear enough what why are you zooming in on me when you’re saying that I’m

Just I’m just you know why are you zooming in on me when you’re saying that there was I’m really confused it’s just to see your reaction as all right okay okay um you know what I hope that you live and that way you can get me an elytra that

Would be great yeah no that’s a good point I can do that you should I got you a camera you get me an elytra it feels like a fair trade that’s I’m providing food for for our community yeah that’s great point um speaking of food I should probably gather some fish before I

Go yeah I did did you already eat all of that fish that we had well I are you out yeah I have literally just six puffer fish left well I mean I can fish I no no no you should take this I can fish I will be fine all right fair

Enough I’m really worried about you it’s going to be listen I am 34 diamond and surely nothing could go wrong I even have feather falling okay there’s no dripstone in the end Dimension yeah but there is a void and I’m not I really haven’t seen you do that like there’s a

Void but my name’s not the big Dean so it’ll be fine okay but you’re going to leave a void in all of our hearts when no it’ll be great you I’ll come back and I’ll fill it with AAS I’m so scared for you Cody please live

Chat I think that’s the last time we’re seeing Cody alive um I’m really scared for him I’m so scared hopefully he lives that’s a really good idea though Cactus as a tombstone I don’t know if we found Cactus yet Cody’s all G snow breaks so true so like he’s trying he’s speedrunning just

Like being in spectator again you know for anyone who doesn’t know last season Cody was also on one shot SMP and he died on day one he died I think 12 hours in or something he fell on dripstone he literally fell to his death impaled by a stag my orist acti I don’t

I don’t know the difference I know that I should but I do not right now but yeah so today we’re just basically focusing on getting food getting a little bit of a chest system going um yeah oh our first tree has grown nice hopefully we can get another Spruce sapling or

Two and if we can get some enchanted books from fishing as well that would be great although earlier we did already get you know efficiency Unbreaking that’s probably all we’re going to get today that’s like our luck for the day now I wonder I mean maybe we can just kind of

Make um maybe we can make our chest room kind of like through here yo weeo Hello Cody’s like me in Minecraft yeah that’s fair that’s fair you know and I I believe in him I believe that Cody will be okay I just worry I really worry oh sorry Bruno sorry for your locker being torn open um BR know Locker I would worry it to it’s very

Scary very very scary sorry I had to cough a little bit some sometimes I still have like a little bit of that lingering like Co um coughing and and stuff stalagmite is the one on the ground stalactite HS from the ceiling that is good to know so Cody was impaled on a stag

Might is he really going to fight the Ender Dragon yeah I think that’s that’s what they said that they were um headed out to do um obviously we don’t agree with that um but Cody is an independent and free um man to do whatever he

Wants even if we will all miss him very much if something does happen and we would all be very sad and I know this is probably going to be really junky and ugly right now but right now I just want to get some chests going just so that we have a little bit

Of storage cuz right now we’re living out a one chest and it’s very uncomfortable it’s not it’s not great he’ll be fine right yeah nothing to worry about chat absolutely nothing oh we need to go get those saplings it’s it’s literally just one can we get just one more there we go oh

Yes perfect okay now we can make the big ones Kiana hi hello has this have any mods no it’s a vanilla SMP um no no mods here I I think that they’ve talked about doing a modded S&P before but um everyone seems to really really like

Panilla on this server and we do so one shot happens in November and may usually every year although last year it was like February and October um but usually it’s May and November I think that’s at least that’s going forward that’s what it’s going to

Be yo apple juice hi love how are you Doing not me say saying Cody you dead yet that is toxic true though yo Sky hello hello rainy be hello how are you Doing okay hopefully that tree grows big I don’t think we have one bone meal I mean I guess I could do some of these seeds as bone meal I hope everyone had a really good week though my week was a little bit uh chaotic I um I hung out with my best

Friend this weekend on Discord we played some Sun Haven for the first time together we had so much fun does Cody stream yeah so Cody is at twitch.tv/ acrylic I believe that is the link so let me know what’s happening over there um that way I

Know whether or not I need to start crying and if if Cody does die we will tell him I told you so the next time we see him and we will probably see his ghost in game Sophie that kind of is not appropriate in this chat I just want you

To know that I don’t want to answer like potential questions about child abuse I don’t know like I I why would you even say that and you’re saying it’s not a joke I’m like not interested in that at all just so you know that’s like really really like hard against my

Boundaries like if you come back after your timeout and you say that stuff again you’re going to be out of here like fully please don’t joke about like abuse or child abuse in my chat please thank you they already sleep I thought it was like is the sun going

Down are you willing to record on other servers or are you just doing an S&P Series right now n Nino what do you mean what do you mean is this a one sleeper kind of thing I think it’s like 10% or something Kitty maybe it’s one sleep but I don’t

Know it does appear I was just a little bit too early but the sun was going Down a thank you so much Yuki I appreciate that um I’m probably not interested in doing like any business recordings or anything n know like most of the time I’m it’s going to be like a no I’ve I’ve turned down like every opportunity um I’m just not interested

In like recording on random servers this is like an event server that I’ve been part of for four seasons have to go good luck yeah no worries night Winnie see you on Friday uh on the twitch chat I hope you have a good uh rest of your

Week and right now there’s 17 people on we’ve got me acrylic uh the baked Dean blue Xander hoof oh God live just joined nice um IIs milu Mr mat Ranger rad Rhino um soer craft TIY zesty Jamie Jester megie and not Jack HD I don’t know who this new person that joined is but everyone else is very excited to see them they seem really cool they’re also familyfriendly so we definitely know not to drop any F Bombs over there oh my gosh chip you’ve been behind 10 seconds I’m so

Sorry I feel like every time that I’m on YouTube I always am uh behind is this the first episode of this game playay um it’s the first stream that’s on This Server yes wz this server is just for the month of November and this is uh the first stream

Although I have been playing a little bit today before the stream started I was hanging out with lagundo um you guys may know lagundo from here on YouTube um and we were hanging out with acrylic and Bruno and savaris as well we raided some ancient cities with

Uh Zero armor this is where we got all of this stuff was from some ancient cities actually I could show y’all um if you want to see really quickly right underneath where we’re going to be living there is an ancient city there’s actually four of them in this

Area Luke thank you so much for the five that is so kind of you you didn’t have to do that love thank you so much I’m going to try to catch the stream Friday but it’s at 4:00 a.m. for me no worries apple juice if you do Miss

Um one of the twitch streams if you guys do exclamation point vods or you go to my channel page and you see the vods um Channel like VOD crafting I will be putting all of the one shot bods up there as well so there’ll be I mean they

Won’t be family friendly though keep that in mind uh we do say some some words that are maybe not familyfriendly on Twitch like the f word um but there is um there will be more content on this I promise no it’s totally fine totally fine chip thank you so much Once Again

Luke that is so kind of you all right right over here now let’s hope that I don’t die look at look what we have here this no yeah no I think acrylic is still alive I think acrylic is still alive right he said he was going to do um the Ender Dragon

But yeah we were down here earlier we were mining up a bunch of the skull um for XP and then um we decided that we were going to raid um another ancient city that was over there um but we got we got really really scared um so we rided a different

One no Cody didn’t die Cody didn’t die I would have seen it in chat I would have seen it he trolled you oh no oh there is a skeleton there I’m a little bit scared of that but we’ll get out of here I just want to show you guys

Um that there was an ancient city here um so we were down here earlier with doors and we were trying to get like diamonds in the water and look at this is like a whole flooded ancient city I’ve never seen anything like this before like it’s all flooded which I

Just think is like wild you know like look at this place this is all underwater but I’m a little bit scared of it to be honest I know I’ve never seen a flooded ancient city before but to be fair I’ve never really seen a big um a big lake

Like this like this is this is a huge Meadow Crater Lake I’ve never seen a lake this big Yes our big tree grew nice definitely got to make another axe to get this going anent cities are beautiful in a mysterious way I agree with that I am I really really love like the idea of the lore behind ancient cities I think that they’re so so interesting when there’s uh can they

Even spawn or swim in water um I’m not sure um I’m not sure if they can spawn in water um or if they can swim in water but I um I don’t want to be the one that finds out so if you guys find out in

Your worlds let me know you guys let me know okay I’m not going to take the I’m not going to take the the blame on that one yeah same silent I have never seen one that that’s this big I mean from where we are right it’s almost 200 blocks it’s about 200

Blocks I don’t think that they drown I think that their class is Undead I don’t know if they swim I’ve never seen one swim but I also don’t really like try to summon them so that could just be a me thing um here let me make some chests really quickly

And it’s not going to be ideal but I want to just do I want to drop some of this stuff we don’t really need a lot right now I just need some room in my inventory oh we’ll take those and we’ll cook those up although so earlier earlier chat um

Someone spawned Bruno and lagundo and Cody spawned a warden on me while I was AFK they were trying to protect me from a warden that hadn’t spawned yet and they set off a bunch of shers and so yeah a warden spawned directly on me um

It is pinned in my Discord in general if you guys are in the Discord and you go to the general chat you can see from Cody’s point of view yo Harper hello hello but yeah they um they were screaming my name I somebody rang my doorbell and I was trying to calm down

My dog because he was barking um and I like I didn’t know that they were going to be running around looting and being loud like I thought that they would just wait for me I said BRB I said give me one second and they yeah I almost died earlier and I

Wasn’t even live yet I would have been so sad if I had died before I even got to play with like you know streaming and stuff like I don’t mind if I die but I didn’t want to die off stream you know jab hope you’re doing well welcome

In Mr mat Ranger is one of my fav peeps we all of the all of the jokes between everyone chat are are just jokes I promise we all pretty chill yeah my Discord is open to everybody silent exclamation point Discord um if you want the link you

Don’t have to be um a channel member here to um to join we do movie nights and stuff like that actually this Saturday we’re watching um one of the Twilight movies uh that’s we’ve been watching all of the Twilight movies so we’re watching eclipse on Saturday which is really

Exciting we’ll keep this salmon for now oh I have lapis I should put not on my birthday what the Discord is tons of fun thank you so much Sarah Oh is your birthday on Saturday here backwards oh my gosh I hope you have a really good birthday I’m really excited for for Watching

Twilight Cody I just asked Cody will you bring back saplings from the end we need Spruce saplings kek W he’s probably going to ignore me although I mean to be fair though we have gotten really unlucky with this Spruce sapling drop from this tree we only had one

Drop Cody’s on a BRB screen right now this feels very frog fobic honestly oh we have two we have two saplings from AR tree that just feels horrific you know what are your plans for your base um I’m going to be building so we have this beautiful full um you know Cherry

Biome I’m going to be building like a little hobbit hole um I don’t know where I’m building it yet um I think that we’re going to be using this bottom area just for like some storage and like you know some basic like crop farms and stuff but eventually our plan is to have

Like a bunch of different bases that are Hobbit holes in the side of the mountain that are connected by like little Bridges and stuff um I think that’s the vibe that we’re going for this season um I had a plan with with drift and Sev but they’re not going to be playing that

Much this season unfortunately um they’re both pretty busy I mean I’m a little bit busy outside of uh one shot as well but one shot only happens well twice a year so we’re going to make the time I think get chatting on Discord but I’m happy to get the notifications for

Live streams yeah I’m honestly the same um I do talk on Discord on my Discord a lot and I like hang out with chat a lot but um there’s no pressure to talk I know it can be like really scary to like talk in a big Discord so um if you are

Joining my Discord don’t don’t feel pressured to you know jump in unless you want to and um just have fun you can you know come to whatever events you want there’s like a Minecraft server and stuff like that what the hell was that that was scary

Hello that was scary yo what are you doing exploring what are you doing wow your voice is so different I it’s been so long since I heard you how’s it going it’s going good wait hold on let me turn you up because you sound like you’re 5,000 miles away from your

Mic oh well okay I’m Jing how’s it going how’s it going Jack it’s going all right what about you what are you up to um I’m just trying to grow spruce trees and get enough saplings to you know make big wood but don’t have wait stop you’re joking carry

Like 20 on me oh my God all right well you know what here’s 29 wheat there you go no wow thank you so much you’re welcome have you got any base plans then are you going to be building man spawn um yeah I’m probably going to build like

A little hobbit hole here with like lagundo and um I think uh Bruno is also going to be building here oh very nice yeah I mean I think I’m going to come and build some in this Cherry Bloss some bit up here on the top yeah oh yeah you’re going to have

Something epic there as long as you don’t die this time get out of stop that stop that right now oh my gosh do you mean this time I mean i’ I’ve survived one of Four Seasons thank you um all okay yeah I’ve definitely seen you alive every single season that I’ve

Playing no need to rub it in no need to rub it in actually I’m a creative player I have well okay okay weird Flex um I have also died every single season that I’ve played but two of the deaths were intentional one one was not uh why would you intentionally die

Because I didn’t want to live without my wife in season 2 and last season I died on the last day because I was going on a flight to get to the next episode you know a flight to the next what like you you remember last season

No no no the last season like when you logged out it was like BR crafting we’ll see you in the next episode we were we were trying to get to the next episode so we we got on an airplane in the end and we went off the

Side oh when your plane crashed no no no no no no lore oh okay I see transitions I see yeah transitions yeah and then I was on a flight for six months with infinite drift and savaris and they both were fighting over moldy steel Cheetos that were kind of also

Moist it was really awful this should really deep FLW what are you going to be another one hm are you going to have another plane transition then uh no no no next season we’re going by boat by boat yeah um I’m hoping to get maybe on like

A cruise ship like I I would like my own room I don’t want to be stuck in a airplane seat and also neither one of them packed a charger like for their iPad so they were both just constantly taking my charger iPad kids am I right yeah

Exactly exactly and some of some of us have really bad IP PID energy not you though no I might I might build I feel like it’s very cherry blossom isn’t it yeah and it’s like it’s Japanese is itoda are you going to do like red

Nether brick or no I’m not the chant why not you have full diamond armor I will die getting that no probably just like deep like roof you know here there that nice simple little pagoda oh that’s fair that’s fair did you see that there’s an ancient city like right down

There what wait what was down all the way down there yeah yeah yeah so follow follow the the doors you can like breathe I to say I’m about to drown imagine imagine you drowned cuz you were going down here to the ancient city oh your fult well there’s an

Ancient city you said yeah there’s four of them actually no no wait come back no it’s fine I’m going to kill the warden no you’re not okay never mind I don’t want to be involved in this Jack we have to go up oh God that was awful oh I’m scared for

Him he’s just a baby chat he’s just a baby wen’s about to get battered I mean we tried to warn him we tried to warn him that there was an anent City we had nothing to do with this chat is my guilt is is my I told him it was down there is

This my fault please be honest is this my fault or is it just am I just feeling guilty I kind of want to feel like I kind of want to throw up I kind of want to throw up I don’t want to be I saw

Jack die in season 2 and it broke my heart he wouldn’t be down there if you hadn’t told him that’s so true I but I also don’t want to die I don’t want to die if I go down there you’re blameless oh my God God I just threw it

I just composted my bread well if if he dies at least I guess that makes up for it right I composted one bread you know same thing as uh never mind I’m lost he says I’m in the midst of a deep cave I’m so scared for him he said how how do I get back and I said come up and he goes true oh my gosh okay I’m so scared I did not know that you can comp compost bread I wonder if you can I do

Fish no you cannot do fish um saplings you can do you can also do leaves notification gang welcome in welcome in does he have a door I think that there’s doors on the way but as far as like other doors I don’t think that he has any hi coffee how you doing

Love we are but you know what we are going to mind our own business chat we are going to mind our own business that is no longer our problem we’re just going to fish megie says behold froggy you make my heart glow oh I was late where did he go um he’s down

There Somewhere we’ll always remember our our boy Jack he’s me for real oh was it U was it YouTube was it YouTube I feel like I always lag on YouTube like I’m always behind I’m doing well coffee thank you so much for asking we’re just having a

Little bit of fun um coffee I know that you’re in the Discord so I will say um I I did almost die before stream we just got a name tag by the way um no worries Rogue sleep well love um we it did almost die before stream um there’s it’s

Pinned in general if you want to check out what happened do note that there is an f word or two uh but we’re just getting some basic like resources going um we’ve planted some trees we’ve gotten some wood we’re going to be doing a little bit of chest

Rage what are we at we are at halfway through the Stream there we go I found a buried treasure but it’s underwater are you on Java with Java you can just put a door right I think it’s more annoying when you’re on Bedrock the view is so pretty it is

Except for the dripstone over there which I do believe was a deliberate choice to remind Cody of how he um perished in past season R Java what just put a door down then you’ll be good to go there’s a trick on Java right so hold on so okay you have to find

Um hold on so you have to find um this chunk relative thing wherever it is I have better F3 so this is why mine looks like this um and you go to 999 or 9 and N the middle one doesn’t matter but nine in the first one and nine in the the last

One under chunk relative and that will give you um hold on let’s see like when you’re on the X that will give you the um where it is so it would be right here h hi I’m glad that you didn’t die I wasn’t ready for the smoke yeah I I knew

You wouldn’t be put the one out but it’s fine where what what did you do I’m putting that to one heart uh so I tried to be cool with the lava and I kind of just placed the lava on myself on the warden or no I got jumped by about five creepers

Dude yeah you smell like a wet fart excuse me that’s how you acted like a wet fart you know you need to go you need to go take a shower I remember that when you see things flying from the top of this you’re just asking for it really okay

That was extremely oh wait wait wait I will take those I do like oak leaves thank you do you have any more got a rabbit foot no I don’t want that I don’t want that that’s sad why did you do that oh sticks we we do need those we do need sticks thank

You I love steak but I have to have rare I’m I’m definitely a medium steak girly although for a while I only ate like well done cuz I didn’t really like a lot of meat I had to learn how to eat it on medium but now I can eat it

Medium a fresh baked potato I want a baked potato so badly like I want to go bake a potato in my oven after after stream although it will be really late here I’m not going to do that thank you for the stinks you saw I I typed stinks I meant

Sticks with cheese butter and sour cream I I don’t really like sour cream on my baked potatoes but I like cheese I like butter a little bit of chives a little bit of bacon although I mean salt pepper butter a classic combination don’t even need the

Cheese I grew up with rare steak though to be fair that’s fair y’all are making me hungry I’m hungry too I had um so I made a roasted pepper pasta for dinner last night and that’s what we had today we had some leftovers they were delicious um it’s like a Roose sometimes

I don’t I don’t really like tomato sauce so like we roasted some red peppers in the oven and combined it with some honey and some cheese and some seasonings and stuff in a blender and we had that with some pasta it was delicious they were trying to so coffee what what

Happened was um my doorbell went off and Dorito was going bananas right he was very very upsetting spaghetti so I said BRB gang I’ll be right back um so I went to go like calm Dorito down and they were trying to protect me and while they

Were trying to protect me they set off two shriekers which set off the W which summoned a warden yo Amy hello hello baked potatoes with shredded chicken oh that sounds really good as well you know I haven’t had a good shredded chicken in a while and maybe it’s time that I like roast

Some you know sometimes I like to do like a like a whole chicken with like you know like a lemon pepper butter like roast in the oven it’s so Delicious not yall talking about food when I’m in bed late at night oh my gosh I feel you I’m so sorry for me after after stream it’ll be too late to have any snacks or anything as well I’m also a little bit sad yo T hi love how you Doing I’m a picky eater but that sounds good I used to be a picky eater as well um I’ve been well I’m still a little bit picky I won’t lie but I’ve been trying to expand the foods that I will eat like my safe foods you

Know I I want to have a steak on the side while I eat a butter Jack and potato egg and bacon on top you know I wish that I liked eggs more but um I do not really like eggs that much they just they smell really bad to me I don’t know

Would have been safe as long as nobody moved oh yeah but I was running as okay when I got back when I got back to um my desk I could hear them screaming my name and I heard the warden sounds and so right so they had me in this little in this

Little like spot there was like a block over my head and they broke a block under me so I was like this and they were all over there and and I look over and the warden is just right here and he’s sniffing and I was like I screamed so

Loud what are you going to build in this we’re going to be building a hobbit hole um eventually but right now we’re just building a little bit of a storage area because we currently have one chest for five people um and it’s just not it’s

Not doing well you know that is not how we want to live in this series my safe food just stop being safe no oh my gosh that’s the worst I’m so sorry to hear that I am so so sorry to hear that uh T it’s always the worst when like you’re

Especially if you have um like ADHD or any like processing disorders with food and stuff um when you have that one safe thing that no longer becomes safe and like you’re over it then it’s like oh my gosh like what are you going to do now you

Know imagine if you can hear your proximity voice too this so we were talking about that right there’s actually a mod out there that does that if you have proximity voice chat um you have to be crouching to talk um and if you’re talking too loud you can set the

Shers off which I thought was just like so scary like I could never you know are there any any saplings that fell off all the way down doesn’t look like it going to watch the Five Nights at Freddy movies nice enjoy have a good one thanks for being here we didn’t miss any

Did we I don’t think we did although this is not a great solution long term for our um for our tree problems you know I mean more like if they didn’t try to save you nothing would have happened yeah no exactly like they probably would have been fine it probably would have

Been fine but I was so scared I was so scared I heard when I heard them all screaming I was like no can I play with you um this server is invite only and I don’t normally play with viewers um so that won’t be able to be a

Thing like right now but maybe in the future I could do like a viewer stream or something oh in here we got to put these okay so I’m thinking that we just can we can we mine out this while we can okay so here’s what I’m thinking we do right we have some

Spruce planks right then maybe we do it’s difficult at times to eat I’m only experiencing adulting right now and making your own food is a lot of work that is really true I try to make meals that we can have more than once to try

To like limit the load because it is a lot of work to to make um meals all the time I agree with that I’m sorry to hear that um chip it’s really really sad I hope that you’re um I hope that you’re feeling okay cuz that would um

That would that’s it’s a really really hard loss I’m definitely a person that thinks of pets as family um I know my dog wait I speaking of dogs chat do you guys want to see a new picture of Dorito sorry I totally derailed conversation there and I will

Come back to it but I took a really cute picture and I wanted to show you guys oh sorry I um I muted because I thought I had to cough and then um I forgot to come back give me one sec one SEC here is Dorito

Picture this is our boyo if you guys hear my dog in the background this is my boy um and this was him last week at my um or well at my in-law’s house there he is you probably will hear him from time to time he likes to be known

And he’s um he’s a really really sweet puppy well he’s two and a half um so he’s not quite a puppy anymore but he’s still a puppy of my heart you know still a puppy of my heart but that’s my boy but I’m definitely a person who

Finds pets as family um and treats pets like family so I I know how hard it is to to have um to lose a pet and I just wanted to say that I’m really really sorry for your loss and that I hope that you and your family are doing okay and

Coming together in this time and being together and that you’re um that you’re all checking in on each other and making sure you’re all okay he is he’s a big Smiler he does like to smile forever a puppy absolutely I’m definitely a person who believes that dogs are can be 12 years

Old and still be a puppy and this is not going to be the prettiest chest room ever but it’s going to have to do because well no one else has done anything else so you know right now this is all we got my cat is still a baby exactly they’re your babies forever

Oh you know what just occurred to me that we can also make bamboo wood now I you know I always forget about bamboo wood even though I think it’s one of the best blocks I I think that it’s really underrated to be honest is anyone here a bamboo fan like

I I thought that I would like Cherrywood more than bamboo but I think I like bamboo a little bit more than Cherrywood I’m 24 my mom still calls me her baby a that’s so sweet wait I heard somebody hello hello I want to last hello hello what what are you doing in there voice my head what are you in danger no I’m good I’m good I’m just

Trying to find some who is this um I can show you where some iron is but you’re probably not going to like it it’s in a cave isn’t it it’s it’s you could call it that that that would be a strong word for it I I’ve already found like a massive

With dri and sing creep oh no no there’s there’s an iron Bane I know where it is and it’s it’s relatively safe um all right do you see my name okay froggy hello I’ve just seen your name hi nice to meet you yeah good to

Meet you yeah it’s a first time on the server so I’m like don’t die just don’t die well you know unfortunately Shar um did it was oh my God I’m so sorry I did not mean to punch you in the face hello I am so sorry um here I have um I have

Some fish you’ll have to cook it but you can have it I’ve got some food already well there’s some more more food yes yeah three people have died already it’s crazy yeah that’s um I feel really bad I you know I have never died on day

One I’m God I’m actually lying I have but I’ll join you there the last server I joined I died within two hours and I’m forever known as Mr 2 hours no oh my gosh that’s almost worse than Mr 10 minutes oh god oh oh okay yeah so I’m basically up

There up at the top oh really okay um and are going to be up there I think hello hi love all right well you’re gonna want to follow me pretty closely because um we’re going to have to take some stops to breathe underwater um I’ve been watching this

Yeah yes I heard I heard some things about about you what do you mean well I was told that you weren’t very family friendly today um now I I want to know who said that because they would be lying good good because I was about to to you know be very disappointed so

That’s good just like my parents I am pretty good at disappointing people I am your mom actually but yeah Mommy TV okay that’s me mommy TV yeah that’s the one um now I did accidentally say the f word earlier I will be honest but it was a total accident and I

Apologized as long as you apologize oh my God she said she said froggy oh God that would have been even worse to be fair after some of the things that I’ve seen on This Server I think it was justified um almost get killed by that Warden oh

Sorry stole your weed no it’s okay um may I say great content now a I know yeah I was uh my dog was barking and I was like guys I’ll be right back um there was like somebody at my doorbell so I was like trying to call my dog down

And I just hear them screaming froggy froggy I ran up the stairs so fast like you have no idea I was so out of breath when I got back to my computer that I couldn’t even like unmute because I was like yeah it was it was really bad

Fumbling around on your key yeah absolutely like well and so I come back right from my perspective I wish that I had been recording because from my perspective like I look over to the right and the warden is standing where the composter is and I just booked

It I wouldn’t even be down there that terrifies me well we that’s where we are going actually right now oh was relatively safe it is relatively safe as long as you don’t no no listen okay just follow me I’ll show you and then you can decide for yourself okay good luck you

Two I’m com yeah there’s um there’s doors along the way you can stop and take a little breath okay okay okay okay this is safe this is fine this is fine yeah no no the the worst thing you have to worry about in here is like Trident drown we did see a couple

Of those earlier oh wait so why am I in here with no armor you have a shield you’re fine okay Rel fry says Rel listen I am showing you an iron vein that I know about because you are looking for iron oh my God I’m

Terrified so you guys all Ked out then I think you’ve got you’ve got enchanting stuff right yeah we have an enchant table actually in that little back room so if you need to use it feel free be amazing um sorry just need a little breath um there’s like a little magma

Block in the shape of an L right here okay we’re going to go down the water path uh be careful of a drip Stone yeah I mean yeah it’s a pry deadly here um now there can be mobs up here so just be careful because sometimes they

Can like come down from up there um okay but if you if you come right over here in the ceiling there’s an iron vein an no no we we made this safe already this this room is safe there’s iron all over the topce before I’ve got significant PTSD from

Last time I was here do you want help thank you it’s good we’re good we’re good yeah no no in in this room you’re safe as long as you don’t leave this room okay okay this is good so where’s Theon up in the ceiling oh yeah I see it okay probably

Not a good idea to go up there without feather falling but you know you got to do what you got to do I hate it here I hate it here okay I’m going up where should we look I’ll be here for moral support okay

Catch me if I fall I will I you know what I have a water bucket right here I’m just going to stand underneath maybe put that down okay there we go it’s down maybe put that one down wait is it just one wait hold on a

I need to putam on no there’s a there’s a ton of it up there you’re going to have to bridge a lot hi S I can see things too there’s quite a bit yes there’s a lot oh amazing thank you so much for showing me

This I mean get air of boots it’s kind of like um a risk reward situation you know yeah yeah I mean I was just going to mine and hoping it would be good yeah that’s boring this is exciting sorry app you’re really quiet okay let me that’s okay hi chat are you

Streaming on Twitch I am yes hi to your Twitch chat hello froggy says hi I hope you can hear what time is it for me it’s currently 9:00 we only have an hour left of stream oh it’s all good Rihanna thank you for the Lu thank you thank

You okay is that all of it no no there’s there’s a couple more pieces yeah just down there waiting for me I’m scared I’m so scared my chat is saying that if if the worst happens um that would be my fault you’re like my minder at the moment oh hello oh load

Of my little finger is on thech Buton so hard so where is your base fry um right where you saw me I’m going to be setting up like a little hobbit hole with lagundo and um yeah we’re just going to live on the side of that Cliff I don’t I

Don’t have any big you know base plans I just want to kind of like hang out with everyone yeah yeah that be cool I’ve got a pretty big build I want to do but yeah I want to chill with everyone as well get to people oh

Yeah oh my gosh oh my God there’s um there’s a big lava pool right there where that Cobble is um there with a torch on it so just be careful where am I looking right over here by me yeah I’ve got this like kind of flirting Island kind of build so I I’ll

Be staying around spawn it’s quite big I don’t I don’t want to just take up all of the space floating island do you are you do you think you can do that in a month oh yeah yeah yeah think it be fine well hopefully second Falls now honestly I

Well I can’t really build anything bigger than like a small base in a month I don’t know I I need like I have one brain okay yeah I’m going to be doing a lot of mining let’s let’s put it that way yeah we’ll do it I got a plan man with a

Plan CH can you guys here Frogg right now be okay yeah all I’m going to do is avoid M cuz that’s how I died on the last hardcore server so oh actually so what’s funny is that there’s a ancient city there’s four of them in this area right

We went to one and above it there was like a suspended M shaft it was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen oh yeah above the um like the portal thing yeah oh you saw it it was so cool sick yeah it was so cool some decent XP from the as well

Here here’s 28 pieces of iron 50 I think that’s going to be enough wait is there any more knock there’s more over there if you want to try to go yeah let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it acrylic and team have entered the stronghold oh my god there

Already I worry about them um who else zesty are all doing the um dragon fight than God be elytras in no time I was saying to my chat earlier froggy just give me a turtle and I’m happy are you sure that one will be enough on

This Server oh no one’s a good start that’s true that’s true um so through this little Waterway this this part of the ancient city is completely flooded jeez that scared me my God my chat is saying that they like your skin you have like mushrooms on it

It’s so adorable I do yeah yeah I my uh um hardcore World spent 2000 days building a Mushroom Kingdom thing ah so do you yeah amazing mushrooms are definitely our thing as well yes love that that’s so good I’m quickly smell up some IR just

So I’ve got some oh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry about the water oh it’s all right it’s fine let’s be smart about this a few f i oh I use my it’s done it’s done okay this this excellent excellent this portal has been found tell them congrats yo Sky

Welcome in welcome in how’s it going right give me these boots are people killing the dragon yes sorry I’m so scared keep me um keep me posted on what happens chat I’m ready to fight the Wen froggy let’s go no no no you are on your own tag me in let

Me oh gosh you are fearless um I have already changed my pants enough today okay I’m not going to lie it’s pure um P being an idiot really I I can do that pretty well oh do you mean like what we did for like 3 hours earlier just the worst Vibes

Ever yeah I was thinking that okay give me a helmet oh this Minecraft’s this Minecraft’s easy maybe we can find Diamonds though I mean I’m here for it we can just my for to get full diamond how long are you planning on going well I usually stream

Till 10: so two more hours but I’m I’m feeling um I’m feeling a 11:00 p.m. kind of stream I that’s fair that’s fair I think that’s a reasonable time frame I think yeah I’m Live on YouTube well I do both but today is a YouTube day um I haven’t like gone

Towards doing you know cuz like now you can multi stream but I keep forgetting that you can yeah yeah I thought about that I don’t know how I feel about I don’t know I don’t I I can barely keep up with people anyway so with it being

Split across two platforms I don’t right and then of course like in game like paying attention to everything it’s like a little bit difficult you know yeah you have to be a seriously good multitasker and that I am not so yeah saw you with frog that wanted to

Join yo cath you from frog stream okay right smell all this iron I’ll get some iron tools and I’m ready to go ready to party yes oh has all this been explored already um yeah for the most part there were seven wardens here earlier so I backed off but other people um kept

Going although I do know about a little bit of an agent City that hasn’t been explored where there could potentially be diamonds that terrifies me um I mean we could just go take a look yeah but that’s how it starts yeah but there could be diamonds and all of a sudden I’m running

Away from a Wen it’s how how it happens okay it’s okay I get it you’re a chicken that’s [Laughter] fine right we can take a look God no this Is oh that was scary GG oh my God okay we can oh my God the loudest thing i’ ever indeed indeed cook my chicken we’ve got loads of food actually that’s a good point uh we do that okay let’s make some tools you’re good for tools right yeah I’m I’m

Good a couple of those there’s lapis in the ceiling as well for enchanting yes I will SE really I think I’m good I mean I’ll get some right I’m ready take I I didn’t say that we had to do anything I mean I was just saying that we could [Laughter]

Aick I mean I was just saying we could go there we could look and see if maybe there was like an exposed diamond or two or five or eight um all 10 you know there could be there could be riches beyond our wildest streams God that does sound aluring does

Sound aluring now do you have shears I do now okay good um request of change uh what what what we doing blue we can do blue was cool right let’s do this I bye wward have a good one sorry chat yeah the dragon fight when you when somebody beats them on

Java you hear it through the whole server okay you ready getting this lap all right you know what I’m going to leave a chest here oh yeah can I just put some random blocks in there yeah absolutely get rid of this don’t need that wow got a little junk uh Le Some

Coal uh yeah that’ll be fine okay so we built a tunnel to it um may I suggest more buckets yes you can suggest that a great idea thank you guys thank you a sec go I hear a baby zombie I heard him jumpie careful you have a stone

Sword it’s all good yeah I’ll change that out right let’s go we’ll just take one look all right just Tak there aie fall now do do be aware that earlier there was a spawned ward in here um I do believe he’s gone I don’t hear him you’re saying all the wrong things

No no no I’m just letting you know like what kind of friend would I be if I was you know not going to warn you right yeah exactly toasty be careful I know right who thought this would happen eh me and massive Howard going to the ancient

Sea yeah but look you already survived one yeah yeah it’s true it’s true why are you crouching because we’re almost there take your torches off your off hand if you have them on I can’t tell if they’re no that’s your main hand right okay cool does a shield block no no it’s

Okay okay we’ll be fine there’s a chest over there that looks relatively safe okay right so you go over there I’ll wait here yeah okay sounds good right I need to remember where that is oh my God there’s three shers over there to the left so we’ll just ignore

That I’ve got no W by the way yeah we we’re going to get some right now we’re fine don’t like how blaz you are about this the camp should I get some get some W as well there a Sher over there that’s not AER oh over there yeah okay

Maybe maybe we just break this one there’s two shriekers over there there’s a shrier there it’s okay okay I got him I got him so we’re not going to go that far okay okay we’ll just take a little bit right here I feel like um like I’m sweating

Really bad right now I don’t know if you’re sweating oh as soon as Pops I am out of here I’m absolutely gone well I mean we haven’t even looked for diamonds yet but okay all right just be careful do you have wool I have 14 yeah that’ll do

Here this is terrifying why am I doing this on day one why it’s okay you’re very calming I’m glad I’m glad you’re here I’d be freaking out right now well you wouldn’t be down here if it wasn’t for me right oh no I’d still be on y

56 okay you’re doing great froggy I’ll be down here okay I’ll let you know what I find imagine we get Sil or godle um actually we’ve got some some really good stuff up here um I’m going to come back down give be one sec I’m excited curiosity Peak all right I’ve got a

Complimentary efficiency 5 Unbreaking three he for you oh thank you and yes here’s some Enchanted leggings things love things my favorite thing and you can have this Infinity book yo thank you so much look at me thought of my first diamond okay that was a little bit sus not very

Family friendly what do you mean I’ve got no idea what you mean how’s the progress well for day for the first day on the server I’d say this is pretty progress words um let’s go oh engine City ready up mate you can’t be fed all this gear go and help I’m doing my

Bit I’m being the coward it’s fine doing great at it it’s okay I was the coward earlier so don’t let anyone make you feel bad about that sometimes you just have to oh wait I’m going to just do a cheeky free cam see got I think there might be something

Over there but there’s two shriekers I found diamonds where found diamonds where uh exactly where you’re look uhit where are you uh this way okay but there’s a lot of shers yeah okay you got Fortune by any chance I do not um I was hoping maybe we

Could find a fortune book yeah there’s a chest over there as well and safe chest inot okay so here’s what we’re going to do bro not do that not do that I don’t think he realiz how much of a liability I actually am oh gr’s here I don’t know why I jumped it’s

Okay okay this is fine this is fine Palms becoming less um stop jumping there’s one right here on the left or on the right sorry there’s another not far all right so here’s what we’re going to do I’m going to block this one and you’re going to break that one

Okay um can I break it with stone break it with iron just break it with the hoe that I gave you oh the hoe okay okay tell me when yeah you can do it now oh my God I just got red oh that freaked me out zor for the

Raid oh God I’m so on edge thank you so much for the raid welcome in okay we do need to break this one as well okay um the only problem is that I put wool on the top of it because that was a being a little bit

Silly uh so should I get rid of these oh wait no that keep it covered huh can’t we just keep it covered will it still I mean it shouldn’t but we’ll be fine well okay if it if he goes off once we have three times before it’ll come so once we’re still okay

Twice we got to get out of here yeah okay okay we agree uh the diamonds were over over here should should we wait until wait oh was this where the chest is oh I think there’s a chest here as well yeah there is where were the diamonds I’m at the side

Okay okay you’re chest right yeah I’m at the chest um ially that sets the Sher off yeah yeah okay God I wish I had Swift coming over there’s not really much in there to be honest no there not okay no is there do you have any of that

Magic um to go look if there’s anything like right above me okay deploying magic no nothing above you okay I’m going to grab some more wool um do you have any iron on you that’s like smelted uh I do 13 can I have two of them for another pair of shears you

Certainly can take four oh that is very kind thank you hi Jasmine how you doing sorry everyone I I know that I’m not really paying attention to chat right now it’s just cuz we’re in the ancient city I’m a little bit scared um I don’t want to be the reason

That uh gy dies um so we’re just going to we’re just going to keep on keeping on I am going okay okay good luck get this let’s get this chest oh I shouldn’t eat should I um you could probably eat as long as you’re right not like not near a sensor or shrier

Where Terraria event oh there they are terrar yeah yeah let’s see if there’s any um fortune in this I’m with you I don’t see a sh are you looking via magic or just with your eyes oh wow there shers there’s two wow you said that there was nothing oh god

Um okay so here’s what we’re going to do if we break them at the same time will it be fine um it should be but I mean we could just cover them up true and then this should be fine Swift sneak two in the chest yo you can take it you sure

Yeah regen two I will take that as well do you want the books on some books yeah okay some books going I I I want the soul torches yeah that’s fine all right how many more chests can we get to I don’t see any more chests on this wing of the anci city

Okay there are some chests there’s a lot of chests actually around the corner but there’s a lot of shers as well um do do we want to try to go for them let’s do it don’t be scared froggy I’ve got you you know after all all that you said

I don’t have a lot of confidence in you I’ve suddenly got all the confidence in the world oh there’s a Sher there it’s okay you can just walk by him as long as you don’t like poot really loud or anything you know you should be F yeah who is coming out we um

We actually um were talking about earlier like could you imagine if like your voice like proximity voice could set those off oh I bet there’s a mod out there for that that would be terrifying yeah that would be awful what in here you don’t want to know okay just

Keep moving just keep moving it’s good that no other mobs spawn here otherwise it would be absolute chaos can you imagine I see a chest oh my okay there’s chests here there shers everywhere I’m going to put a cover this one up okay that’s good this one’s covered yeah let’s just deploy some

Magic oh there’s a shrier on the other side of the wall on By Me Yeah by you so I think I might to get to it oh yeah there’s one kitty no oh you can’t do that kitty you can’t do that my chat’s playing more than noises

Oh no that’s pure evil that is evil right can I can I destroy this just try you can you can try it’s only one I think we’re good what we got um a bone um and a compass it’s really kind of the worst chest I’ve ever seen Kitty no oh my God

Sorry froggy it’s okay quite just loudly losing my mind here it’s all good it’s all good go fishing okay we can’t fish yet I’m not in an appropriate spot to go fishing although we are set up in a very nice fishing spot um so there is a

Shrier up here I don’t know if it will reach though where uh yeah up there near the chest behind you um yeah we can worry about that after we should be fine oh nice Diamond Leggs let’s go you want some diamond leggings I’ve got iron oh you got

Some what was that what was that no we’re good did you hear it hey what okay I thought I heard like an ender dragon noise or something I don’t know I got scared anyways don’t do that to me do you have any wool I have wool here okay can I have

Some oh oh nice thanks okay here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to careful I don’t think I need any of that God these noises it’s terrifying username welcome in mate how you doing how are you doing welcome in welcome in the terrified goody stream y

I’ve got no more by the way um okay so I might need you to go down and get some oh yeah okay actually you know what um I’m going to is there any above me is there is there any above me yeah or is it just this one above

You okay we’re fine thank you for the bits new hello hello hello all right let’s go see what we’ve got up here Diamond P um we have Swift sneak 2 again so at least you can combine those and make Swift sneak 3 oh yeah okay um there’s some glowberries would

You like uh would you like some more books yeah yeah why not I’ll stack them okay there you go get them stacked do you want glowberries go on then when in Rome it there you go thank you thank you um it does look like there’s one shrier over there um but

There’s two chests so maybe potentially we can find a fortune book yeah let’s do it all right hold on um we do need to go get some more wool though gra some of this oh yeah that you know what or reuse recycle all those things all the

Of right now sorry Trey I know I’m also so scared I hope that you guys are still enjoying um this is gy live uh they are live on Twitch right now he’s um super nice from what what I can tell obviously he seems like a really really

Nice gentleman um and currently I am taking him on a very dangerous Mission which I feel very guilty about but at least we’re getting some diamond and stuff I’ll gra some of this such a creepy noise whoever designed the sounds for this place is absolutely oh gosh I’m so scared okay

Stop it I’m sorry you you trigger me when you do that like I’m sorry okay listen I have no um I have no explanation for my my behavior except for that I’m a baby and maybe I should have told you that I was a baby before we got here

You you filled me with false confidence you were like oh it’s fine to be fair to be fair I was just showing you the you know I was just showing you the iron vein that’s all I was doing and you were like oh but maybe we could go find

Diamonds and then you were like do you know where any diamonds are I have this whole plan and you made me feel bad and you told me about your floating city and oh it’s not it’s not it’s my fa is it oh absolutely absolutely right um what should I have here I

Should looks dangerous yeah yeah it is Coy I’m terrified you have someone in your chat named Corgi yeah in a corgi I actually have a corgi in real life you yeah oh no way his name is Dorito good name fantastic name is ears look like Doritos yeah I can imagine that

Thank you for the bits run for run you know that see that would be a mistake uh shall I deploy okay you just okay yeah know I was just feeling a little bit silly magic okay here here’s some wool I think we’re fine we’re fine Swift sneak one Smite four name tag

Books oh I got other side other side and a saddle do do you want it no it’s it’s okay you can have it you sure yeah yeah it’s good I I don’t have a juke box to play I’ve got a saddle as well do you want a

Saddle name tag nope I’ve got that oh a lead yes I need all this stuff there’s 13 more books here for you if you’d like those yes okay this is going well I say it too well don’t say it like that okay there’s another chest south of okay I’m just grabbing

Some XP you know as we do down here is this a decent XP SCE is this like equivalent to um like Mining Co um honestly I don’t find it that bad it’s just really dangerous in hardcore you know wait you’re leaving me behind that is so rude

Honestly thanks for all the help bye also here’s a warden oh oh my God be careful there could be Lava under there stop [Laughter] it you’re gonna get me killed no no no no no that that is not on the agenda today okay good better not be spawn the warden

And Lead it to the other player you mean froggy you do know I’m reading this out loud oh God okay there’s three here oh child’s player okay that’s one of my least favorite movies of all time by the way that’s the um oh wait how do we okay nice that’s tricky isn’t it

Yeah good no I don’t think so but open it wait I’m deploy magic no I think that right here is a problem but I don’t really think there’s anything we can do about it I think we just got to take the hit what no it should be fine right just do

It oh we’re good we’re good Diamond horse armor each love it uh do you want the coal I’ll grab the books yeah um there’s a lot of coal in the chest that we left behind as well I think that was all yours yeah yeah yeah

I’ve ran into the just the biggest C ve it’s all good elytra achieved no way who’s got the elytra Cody just got one oh no way hello mate dude they put outcasts in hardcore it’s day one on um it’s day one onone shot have you seen

Um we’ve seen the the the the meteors hit the warden that was a calculated risk sorry okay this is fine feed okay there’s a there’s a couple of chests to the left and right one to the left of you and one to the right of you there’s blood everywhere oh

My God yeah I logged on yes was it yesterday yesterday even it and oh my word there’s bone and everything Swift sneak 2 a lead uh some more books there’s 13 more books here got some pants this is this one is sorry I forgot to ask you don’t mind me talking to chat

Without muting no that’s fine I mute when I talk to mine but that’s cuz I’m a chatter box oh okay okay right let’s do it do you have any more Wool by the way there’s a bunch of stuff in that chest oh is I can open it

Yeah you can open it um there’s another like Swift sneak 2 in there there’s some leads and stuff books uh I don’t think I’ll grab the books might as well grab the lead yeah not too fussed about okay uh there was another one over here was there the other side yeah yeah

Oh gosh unless we’ve already been to it I think we’ve already been over there completely okay in front of us as well East oh wait no I’m you know I don’t use the x that be Lou no we hadn’t been here do you want to S touch how uh

Yeah say no all right here I’ve got it for you my legs although you can’t use it to mine XP but you can use it for leaves yeah yeah take it okay uh there was another one over here yeah my inventory is why did you give me

This what you mean you don’t want a stone shovel um absolutely not oh this is so stressing hi Lizzy hello hello hi everyone just checking in sorry I know that I’ve been um I know that I’ve been ignoring chat a little bit not because I want to ignore

You guys just cuz I’m trying to focus with our friend gy here we are in an ancient city we are currently just trying to loot and look for some Fortune um however it’s not going that well although we have been very very careful very safe very different experience to going with Bruno and

Cody um we can try to see if we’re going to get Fortune from this I don’t know if that’s the first one no it it can’t be that was on the other side can I set you a challenge for this you can you can is it dirt die by any chance

Um there’s a name tag in here and a swift sneak one no Fortune um I think um only hose and um only uh leggings oh my God whoops sorry sorry sorry sorry good right that was just F sorry sorry sorry I Slipped okay we’ve got one more we got one more I can’t remember the way out by the way oh oh okay this one’s not even worth it not even worth it I mean we we could probably we could probably cover them all but there’s a

Lot oh is there yeah is it near a chest as well yeah okay can we destroy two at the same time um we have 32 one it before but yeah let’s not I’m a little bit scared okay is that all covered um yep oh no now it is um magic I

Think I think that we are good as well should I open it yeah oh it’s garbage again oh what’s that I’m breaking two I’m breaking two not bad it um yeah I’ll take it I think that there’s oh my God there’s a lot of shers over there I

Think that there’s one relatively safe to the right though oh there’s a there’s a shrier right there um just be careful we’re okay yeah this is easy yeah this is I honestly don’t know why you panicking it’s all fine yeah no no no it’s you know it’s the anxiety disorder it’s not

Because we’re actually in any D any danger yeah exactly it’s yeah I think I know on that other side that’s a little bit stressful yeah how much W do you have six well I have 12 well so I don’t think we’re going to have enough for that one yeah I’m going

To I’m going to get some more let’s go go back over here I’ve got such and it’s just not the right now yeah I’m listening to like Loi and it’s not even really relaxing me it’s kind of making me more anxious where’s the W just going

The I think that the wall over here if you cross over like right there I think that W is pretty safe about to Ste everyone’s die even if play new ones rest I think that be done right isn’t that a hermitcraft thing spooky noise like spook check if anything’s going to pop

Off here good what did you do it’s fine I think yeah’s no around I love horror but the warden and something else I agree no we’re good yo Kaku welcome and how you doing lots of lots of la la if I have a heart attack it might be

From this we’re okay we’re okay I chat I promise you I am not going to die here just is red on one shot as well yeah red red is on one shot but red is not online right now yo hello subscri welcome I think red is uh currently

Working but I believe red are you going to be streaming later uh love okay of yeah I’m just about there we’re probably going to need a whole stock to like cover up all of those Shers you no I’m uh I’m coming towards you right now I’m um behind you okay I’ll start on the sh placing I mean the the W plac you’re going to what I’ll start sing these things off yeah yeah yeah indeed indeed this is all fine just like riding a bike it’s

F um this would probably be a good time to mention that I don’t know how to ride a bike okay you stay over there I’ll I’ll humle this one oh yeah easy almost oh look at us look at us e absolute professional wait hold on this one is um

A little bit dangerous I think this one is the only one I’m iffy about because there’s like a hole underneath it say that again sorry there’s a hole underneath that one over there but I tried to fill it with wool so hopefully it should be fine yeah we should be good

All right let’s 3 two one this all right three two one open okay we should be good right yeah we should be fine I got efficiency five no way I got power two okay so is this are we on our last one now last uh um

Technically okay okay we we got to go we got to go we got to go hurry up hurry up this way yeah yeah I’m with you um good we’re good we’re good yeah no no so so technically if we set one more off he will come yeah three you have you get

Three um and that was that was three I’m going to I might poop yeah poo has come out there bit of poo has flown out so let’s cut our loses let’s let’s get those diamonds and yeah no um I don’t think that we’re going to find any Fortune today no no we

Go that’s okay hopefully it’s a decent amount of diamonds there I I remember where the the second one we found is I don’t remember where the first is I I guess we just retrace our steps right yeah I need get careful careful careful what don’t step so loud what do

You mean I’m crouching you weren’t you weren’t you see me jump around yes this music is not matching wouldn’t it be like wouldn’t it be the most ironic thing like you’re worried that I’m going to get you killed you get me killed oh wait we need to go out of this

Because that’s where the diamonds are yeah I know we can we can go like this I love Tears for Fears it’s a banger of a tune doesn’t match the vibe but it’s a banger it’s a banger oh God words can’t express how excited I am to get to the

Surface um I think we go right here okay wait let me double check first let me yeah we do red we came here because um gy needed iron and I knew where an iron vein was and then we were like oh why don’t we go look for diamonds as well um and we

Hadn’t if the warden does go off is it best to Sprint away or Crouch away um I would Sprint if he I I would Sprint as fast as you could take those legs in the opposite direction as fast as you possibly can um make sure you watch the ground there there’s diamonds right

There um you want this first batch I’ll I’ll get the second batch um this is probably like what literally just one is it okay I this one yeah it’s it’s just one I think the other one’s just going to be one then as well yeah it’s probably our luck here you can grab

It I um I don’t have any inventory space Oh God let me uh the cod’s going was that the Cod I gave you yes that was not very nice diamonds okay I’m going to throw away the two oak leaves we don’t need those um right okay the next one I’m

Just going to use I’m just going to have a look retrace our steps I think that we went around this yeah I know where it is it’s on the next Wing yeah okay I want to see the warden Joey you don’t want to see the warden you do not want to see the

Warden wait wait where’d you go I’m right here um I came this way oh my God crouching is so slow goody that was your one shot at not spawning the warden I like it see what you done there reactant I see what you done there Abigail Rose thank you for the follow

Wel oh Abby hi Abby oh is this from your your stream yeah yeah yeah Abby welcome in’s in the building I choose you oh no okay just be really really careful around this corner there is a shrier right here okay but I passess as we are no problem oh

Easy also I’m sorry about my dog in the background I I don’t think I can hear it I can’t hear it is is that Dorito yeah it is Dorito dorit doing Dorito things yeah he doesn’t like that people exist outside so he’s got to make that

Known so much free XP true but also so much Warden spawning ability I don’t like it right it was just around here I think oh who who’s redeemed this this is cruel was this the um what song is this is it Tiny Tim oh

No oh no friend I hate to break it to you it’s just the one you can grab it are you sure yeah I have diamond boots so it’s fine yeah but I’ve got diamond leggings yeah so do I I have two pairs of diamond leggings I I grabbed one for for SE

Diamonds under here oh no no it’s not wait I’m just going to do a quick once round just to see if we can uh okay okay definitely not cheating no me cheat no this is perly within the Realms of the game yeah I know I don’t see any

People who are familyfriendly do not cheat oh no yeah High morals do that last season there was like a an entire Forest called family friendly forest and it was so nice there there was trash pick up twice a week family friendly Forest V2 um I do not I would not ever join

Family friendly Forest again there was a lot of stealing going on there oh god um I might have been the one doing the stealing but froggy no no no listen listen when I stream on Twitch I’m not family friendly and it’s a different vibe oh okay okay I’m only family friendly on

Wednesdays on YouTube days will you still have the tag yeah I’ll still have the tag you’ll be an imposter it’s okay I’m imposter froggy I’m here to um to infiltrate you know yeah yeah okay are we making our Escape yeah I’m just grabbing some XP on the way out

Cuz I have 28 levels I would love to be able to enchant he loves his vanilla Minecraft yes get this wait wait wait what did you hear that no stop doing this to me no no no genuinely no I didn’t hear it no no um I Heard the sound like he’s out I’m

Not even joking no no no it’s not no no no no no no what from from a distance yeah oh is it someone else that’s what I’m wondering I didn’t hear that though was it like a really distant one a little wait I can hear

It you’re not messing with me right no I heard a little bit okay maybe we should go home and change our pants yeah yeah let’s go let’s go and then we can fish to get 30 levels it’s so safe fishing and we can get enchanted books we can get mending

We could get name tags we could we could even fish up like I don’t know something it’s okay we’re fine Joey myap us to the no no no no absolutely note later wait I’m almost level 30 oh oh yeah I should probably there we go nice no worries apple juice Zozo hello

Hello hello we are alive okay it’s probably been 10 minutes since our first trigger right bestie I wasn’t keeping track oh I’m sorry someone was Hy welcome in snowy as well be careful be careful be careful I’m sorry I I know why I’m whispering I know I was just saying there’s a there’s

Stuff right there through the I think that it can go through underneath that’s what I was say I can this yeah no no no no no I would not um we have to go back up I think okay okay let’s go let’s go Warden Warden Warden Joey this is this is no

Time for jokes mate there is no time for jokes okay let’s go let’s go let’s go did we come from this way I don’t know I think that we did L loot that because it was safe right uh I don’t think there’s a lot of shers that

Are oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we did this way oh yeah I I see the exit you see it yeah yeah yeah you’re facing it pretty much if you just look a little bit left to where you were looking oh yeah yeah okay um yes we’re

Going to do it we’re going to make it Levi welcome in hello welcome Levi I think that we went down these stairs proud of me this is Ultimate chaos oh my God there’s a shrier right here there’s two shers right here oh my God oh my God oh my

God we’ve made it so close do we just Sprint out um can you see the exit yeah I can can you SEC are you using magic to find it I’m running I’m running I’m running goodbye what you doing Good Luck run run run run

R okay I think it had been 10 minutes I don’t want to alarm you but he can hit you through walls yeah I know that’s why I’m sprinting see a bit snowy if you were all about the content then give us some Warden I’m sking I’m sking we absolutely have to

Go jump jump spam yeah that was a thing I have played this game I promise careful careful creeper there could be a creeper from above yeah just be careful all right let’s is there stuff here worth grabbing um the salmon definitely coal what can I get rid of

Lapis uh I probably didn’t eat that oh yeah lapis definitely uh get rid of one iron that’s fine okay this is good this is good okay um to get out of here we just swim up by the elf well I think we’ve done well um and I think that was a raging

Success and then I usually grab breath right here and then we have to go yeah we have to go this way welcome in Go o lots of gravel down here that is useful to know oh my God there’s so much gravel all right I’m in sorry I pushed you out no you’re good you’re good get out my way um just come straight up and over I think goody and frog done well I

Think so too honestly kill in it how is there so much gra good yeah all right good all right we can probably just make it up from here oh my God it’s so deep here that’s crazy oh well that was easy I don’t know why we were panicking I mean I think we

Made a good team yeah I mean you panicked quite a lot but I think I was doing quite well oh yeah no it was all me it was you were not scared at all oh no no no yeah that reminds me I need to go change my Underpants hold on SEC yeah

You know it was the wrong day to wear like my new favorite underwear that I just bought so but yeah if you Ely so this is your oh my God I cannot believe that wow wow yeah I was working on a little bit of a storage room here before before I

Heard you talking through my walls but if you come back through here um oh so this is where I was mining through right okay yeah you mining kind of around here this is the uh okay nice nice nice got we got all the stuff and things yeah okay very cool very cool

Yeah this is uh me acrylic uh Bruno Sev and lagundo sweet okay this is cool and then I’m just going to have a rumage through chests it’s kind of what I do sharpness five okay see I mean you’re not stealing right no no no I’m just I mean it it

Would be karma for me to get stolen from however I would just I would prefer it if you didn’t oh yeah no okay good last uh last season I was stealing from everyone and then I had like 87 shulker boxes that I like kept in my

Inventory at all times so that no one would steal back from me PR from did not have a house just had Sher boxes right thank you so much for this froggy yeah really appreciate your help yeah I would have died immediately not no you were you did great you were not

Thank you thank you you were not even that bad at that well good luck crouching everywhere that’s what he’s done to me I crouch all the way up to the top of the map wait um you can swim up you can swim up oh oh yeah there’s a

Driving there’s a diving board and we put water at the end so you can swim up yes love it okay catch you later froggy thank you bye goodbye right we go yeah great guys thank you I tried really hard J welcome in sorry sorry everyone well we lived um

Gy was a great uh companion to have in the ancient city I’m very surprised that we did not die there but you know what we made it um and we got some diamond leggings mending Unbreaking and we got a efficiency 5 mending silk touch and Unbreaking three ho as well

Well gy seems so nice he is a really really nice person honestly I really enjoyed hanging out with him I know the Diamond H is really really good um I definitely like it’s going to be probably a little bit over my time for today but I definitely want

To get this like last wall in and I want to get some chests in and organize a little bit um just so that like when legs gets on he’s not like what the hell I was so anxious I like honestly I’m not even lying I am really I’m sweating like my hands are

Sweating it was um it was a really uncomfy time but you know what we did it we lived oh gosh let’s go make another axe oh I need to smelt of course oh and I have food oh my gosh thank God we have food and we have an iron as

Well I just killed this sheep I feel so bad I mean another one will spawn I don’t like killing Minecraft animals either but sometimes you got to do what you got to do zest’s in in chat just saying zesty fell to their death and like is not dead I’m like get therapy

Please okay um I probably should do this wall as well and do this okay um probably for like the top do we want to just do slabs I need a bed yeah that’s fair and you know you you’re either killing some sheep or you’re stealing from villagers

To get a bed most of the time so I don’t like killing animals in Minecraft either too time consuming better to make a farm to do it for you Dex you are always so so Dex told me that some people in in Minecraft figured out that you can Farm cats um to get

String you can make a string Farm um with cats and that is just information that I did not know that I did not need until Dex told me you know you guys ever have information like that that you just you really didn’t need to know that and and then someone told you

And now now you’re stuck with that in your brain do you know how to get better at Minecraft honestly just playing um playing starting on like I started playing on easy and then I’ve played on normal I played on and then I played on hard for a while and now I

Play on Hardcore mostly um to be honest I think the best way to get better is just by playing I mean it’s not the prettiest but it’s something and then we’ll just do some chests do I have more wood I guess I can use this cherry wood as well

Right have you ever tried crocheting before I have I’ve been trying to teach myself to crochet for a while um I’m saying try because it doesn’t you know I’m I’m not that great at learning new things to be honest um but it is what it is you know all right so let’s Do 57 in there 57 in there all right we’ll put Cobblestone we’ll put deep slate we’ll put TP oh this was uh this was stressful chat this was a stressful day I did not want it to be this stressful uh but I hope I hope everyone’s still enjoying the stream I hope you’re all having fun I’m having a such a great

Time on this server I really love all the creators and like I said earlier one shot SMP time is my favorite time of year how do you move all the Cobble at once so say that you have um say that you have like a lot of one item that you

Want to move right if you like shift double click you’ll get all of the stacks of that item into your um into your inventory ventory um so like all of these count as a single stack because they’re all in different spots and if you shift and then double click you’ll

Grab all of what you can have in your inventory just like that I don’t know how you do it on Bedrock that’s how you do it on uh choa though oh we can enchant okay do we go for do we go for Fortune okay that’s a silk touch

Um maybe maybe try to enchant the boot step Strider do we try to get feather falling on the boots or do we go for the silk touch pickaxe what do you guys think I was going to say boots in case you get feather falling yeah that’s what I’m thinking Rad all right let’s do it death rer protection 3 Unbreaking not the best not not the best enchantments um efficiency 4 would be our next one but I don’t think we’re going to get there today we only have like 5 minutes of the stream left although okay this is

Not that bad right not that bad we definitely have a long way to go but we’ve also come a long way and we have like a little bit of a storage room and it’s not the prettiest you’re right you’re right it’s not the prettiest but we can work with it and that’s the

Important thing right not the best not the worst at least we won’t drown now we won’t drown that is the good thing let’s grab all of these blocks we’re going to bring everything inside and actually you know what here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to dump we’re going to dump everything

Right except for that cuz otherwise I’ll lose it um we’re going to dump all of that stuff and then we’re going to come out here we’re going to grab everything so we’re just going to break that yo Julie welcome in I’m going to come on the server and be as helpful um

A helpful little baby with nothing yeah no for sure I I think a bunch of people already have been working on um like villagers and stuff for Diamond gear um I just didn’t want to help on stream like I don’t mind helping normally I just didn’t want to do it on stream you

Know I feel like dripstone gets its own chest I just feel like some people among us would probably appreciate that are we doing well Julie oh gosh gy is fighting something with a projectile I’m really scared he was really nice I hope nothing bad happens to him all right let’s do like do Iron do diamond gosh there is a lot of stuff that I don’t know what to do with to be honest wait where did that chest plate come from I could have been using this um this protection when I’m breaking one chest plate this whole time hello and we should probably grab our Spruce

Wood we’re going to need to go get a more like more Spruce Wood do you see do you see yourself still playing Minecraft in a few years um I mean well right now Minecraft is my job like I do YouTube and twitch um as my job so of course right now I see

Myself playing Minecraft but I mean anything’s possible in the future I still really enjoy Minecraft um as a game outside of like content and stuff so even if I’m not making videos anymore I still definitely see myself playing uh Minecraft for a while but you know it is

Possible I mean anything’s possible if I had to get another job or something you know hopefully we don’t though cuz we we do like being a YouTuber it’s very nice my professor said that she was going to end class early that’s a w is that it’s glue

Squid it’s only going to be an hour and a half today nice that is really really nice I love when a professor ends class early it’s my favorite oh we have five saplings we got really lucky from that that one we should probably grab some of these as

Well I found a village with an outpost right in the middle oh my gosh that is scary those poor villagers I’m at work by myself and I get to leave early oh my gosh yes that’s the best I hope whatever it is that you do with the

Rest of your day I hope it’s a good one I’m actually really looking forward to the next couple of days obviously I’ll be on one shot on Friday over on Twitch um and I’ll also be putting the vods on my VOD Channel which is I’m called VOD crafting if you guys do

Exclamation point vods in the chat vods you’ll be able to subscribe if you want to don’t worries Julie I know that you can get it faster with a sword but I don’t have a sword I just have an axe so right now we’re just going to have to grab it with an axe

But yeah I’m working on the new Hardcore episode so our regular hardcore series episodes will be coming out soon I’m just in the final editing processes you know trying to make the episode entertaining fun I think it’s going to be a longer one um from what I’ve edited

So far I already have almost 20 minutes and I I’m not to the build yet in the video so that’s uh that’s always good oh yeah we have the bamboo block this is a nice block you know I I like this block actually it’s a great block so we’ll put it

I guess we’ll have some like wood have planks oh wait no I guess this counts as a lock right or a log right I we have like saplings I got I guess technically a bamboo is a sapling um this is uh this is rough to organize yeah I’m really excited red I’m

Really really excited I wanted to get more progress done today but you know with the with the opening I was feeling a little bit excited and I couldn’t like sit still so you know we are unfortunately um you know a little bit behind where I wanted to be today but

That’s okay we’ll get there gosh there is a lot of stuff to sort I want to see everyone here in their 60s and watching your streams I mean I don’t know if I’ll be streaming when I’m 60 but who knows maybe that’ll still be a thing yeah no worries J thank you so much for being here and I’m so sorry

About giving you so much anxiety earlier I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day love thank you so much for for hanging out with us yeah it’s been a really really fun opening day to be honest I’ve had um I’ve had a blast and I was really sad I didn’t get

To play opening day last year or last season because of you know my computer issues so I think that this kind of helped make up for it a little bit in a way you know is my favorite animal from um actually it is not which might be a

Controversial statement in this chat but my favorite animals are actually dogs but frogs are a close second wow we got 10 leads today as well we got a lot of stuff I am going to keep my Swift sneak book in my inventory I’m afraid that I’m

Going to get robbed no real reason for me to be afraid of that I just um you know some people are the way that they are not saying that I have I know that experience or anything chat that’s not what I’m saying how’s Dorito doing Dorito’s good

He’s been having a little bit of a rough day today um there’s been a lot of sounds outside and it’s been storming really bad here so he’s um he’s not really enjoyed that too much to be honest but um he’s doing good you know Dorito’s Dorito is always relatively

Good um and I just want to I I know it’s a little bit over my time but I just want to do a little bit of fishing and get some more fish really quickly defin wish I could have been there but it’s fun to watch you in Cody’s POV oh that’s so sweet

Can someone uh lend me the motivation to uh clean my makeup SL crafting table oh my gosh Twilight I feel that sometimes I really wish somebody would like lend me motivation as well it snowed where I live oh gosh that is um that’s a lot although I

Did see some people in the Discord saying that it was snowing where they lived hello hello hello this is this is a little bit awkward um uh you’ve you’ve Dr a great time it’s about to do the chorus I’d like to make is that froggy froggy come on join in I can’t I

Can’t [Laughter] copyright guys that’s guty that’s probably the most awward time for you I I have not turned up anywhere in my defense you are near me am iing under you yeah wait God that’s even worse yeah this is this is where I met up with you last

Time were you in the same hole I’m just down wait clip that clip that clip it oh my God well I mean are yous are you sure you want to mine This Way bestie why what happens this side um that’s towards the ancient city it’s towards what soor I need to turn

Fireflies thing it’s towards the ancient city that way oh is it yeah oh okay which way should I mine um I would I would just make your little thing turn yeah do like a little U-turn or so I’m going to do a little turn yeah yeah okay

Thank you you’re welcome if you ever want to join in the karaoke of ow City Fireflies you know where I am yeah absolutely good luck thanks froggy bye good night welcome in hello he come from chat I’m enjoying this good Bri good I’m glad don’t be embarrassed it’s okay chat that was

Amazing that was amazing um I’m I’m kind of stun locked here I was just fishing I was just minding my business and fishing and then suddenly we got serated from below I legit thought your stream music did that at first oh my gosh imagine G is so effortlessly funny he is quite

Funny don’t need music for the vods if G’s here oh man we should go ask him if heill s for our vods just like a gutty original cover the goodies version so so true so true a I’m glad that we ran in to him he’s really cool well this has been a very

Interesting uh stream oh chip I’m sorry to hear that I don’t know how we can help love but I hope that it goes well when you log back in or when you unpause or oh my gosh I thought that it was already on it whoops I just want to catch like one

More fish and then we’ll be good we’ll go for today I was hoping we’d see Cody again but one more fish one more fish is this like you saying one more one more game GL Off uh no yeah yeah yeah I know you’re playing that new season of valerent how’s it going how are the games GL go finally getting better now that’s fair that’s fair all right chat I think this is going to be it our fishing rod is nearly broken um we raided another ancient city

And we built a little storage room damn I thought that that was really going to do something I really thought that that was going to do something Yo Miss Tilly way uh Tilly May welcome in I’m just literally ending right now I’m so sorry we are actually

About 10 20 minutes over my time almost um but chat I hope you guys had a really good day um I hope you guys have a um a wonderful rest of your week I will see you soon with another video I promise um if um if you guys want to

Watch more I will be live on Twitch on Friday otherwise you can always check out the vods channel at exclamation point bods yes it was so fun I had a I had a bunch of fun today um thank you guys so much for being here I hope you have a wonderful wonderful

Wonderful rest of your week everyone be safe be kind and thanks so much for being here bye

This video, titled ‘🍄 ONE SHOT hardcore SMP day 1🌷minecraft hardcore 1.20’, was uploaded by frogcrafting on 2023-11-01 21:28:37. It has garnered 6891 views and 307 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:39 or 12159 seconds.

One Shot SMP is a hardcore server with 60 creators! This is day 1 where we attempt to get some basic gear and mess with our server mates!!

🌿My Socials🌼 ♡ Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/frogcrafting ♡ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/frogcrafting/ ♡ Discord – https://discord.gg/frogcrafting ♡ TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@frogcrafting ♡ Twitter – https://twitter.com/frogcrafting ♡ VODs Channel – @vodcrafting

⭐ CREDITS ⭐ 🌸 Fwhip’s foliage patreon pack: https://www.patreon.com/fWhip 🌷 BVB Overlays: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/bvb-overlays 🍄 Better Connected Glass: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-connected-glass-forevervanilla/ 🌿 Better Colored Glass: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-colored-glass-forevervanilla/ 🐸 Froggy Hotbar: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/froggy-hotbar/ 💖 sugrcube’s custom paintings: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/custom-paintings-by-sugrcube/ ✨Complementary Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

– Music provided by Epidemic Sound –

#minecraft #cottagecore #100days

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  • Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

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  • Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft fun

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  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

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    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

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  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive play.HiveMC.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

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  • Athascraft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

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  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

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  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

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  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

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  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

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  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

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  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

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  • EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-05-20 10:32:25. It has garnered 357 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More

  • Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle – Build or Destroy?😱

    Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle - Build or Destroy?😱Video Information sech the Shameless I see the aimless I don’t want to be one of the nameless I’m wake up with the mindset that one day I’m going to make it and I don’t think I’ll be fine if I don’t break my limitations don’t try to stop me I exist to write my your story I’ll make it decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory yeah don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring just want a life that is worth every day exploring my whole life I [Music] [Music] justed… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!" #gaming #viralVideo Information ha ha ha ah ah [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he huh huh he [Music] [Music] he ah oh [Applause] [Music] haa [Music] This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by Elite Gamerz on 2024-05-10 21:30:00. It has garnered 587 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana Studio

    EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana StudioVideo Information This video, titled ‘See you again dance [Minecraft Animation]’, was uploaded by Shoshana Studio on 2023-12-30 13:30:24. It has garnered 469 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Let’s see each other again! Song used: https://youtu.be/Q4oZDbMiRVo?si=Oso7xoaUvnAfIE-S ——————————————————————— #minecraftanimation #minecraftanimationshorts Read More