1.12 Astral Sorcery Pt4: Attunement Part 2 for Minecraft Bit-by-Bit

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Welcome to the mischief I’m Belen and this is astral sorcery today we’re going to be covering attunement part two making you more powerful so as the Sun sets when last I met you guys you had well I had shown you how to make your new celestial altar with your little bit

Of a new setup it’s not that much bigger than before in fact I haven’t even need to move my you know a little spectral relays here that I had built into the last one but if you look here I currently have a little bit of a setup we are still continuing on with

Attunement in the book here and let me back out so you can see I currently have it set up and we of course do have constellation open which I’ll be covering in the next vid piped but for now we’re going into a tournament and we’re going to be covering basically

This little corner up here doesn’t look like a lot is there but honestly there is a tremendous tremendous amount of stuff now if you notice going on to the constellations I have unlocked five of them so far by running around the world and grabbing some constellation paper or

Sharing with other people on the server or something like that we’re going to be opening that up a little bit today by a tuning ourselves first and foremost in the attunement chapter we are going to need to make this the attunement alter the attunement altar is well something

That’s just going to allow you to specify the crystals or powers that you are able to obtain so it’s of course made simply with some of this stuff here a whole bunch of starlight which I have being enhanced by our crystal currently from this little shrine here and then of

Course I just take my resonating wand right click and it’ll make that up for me ooh super new fancy effects wonderful alright so I now have my attunement altar but that is not all my friends that is not all we are going to need to make a large shrine for it and you’ll

See why it needs to be so big shortly but for now this thing is massive I mean look at this 225 City marble you’re going to need lot of marble my friends and a lot of materials in order to make this but it is well worth while because this this is

The gateway into magnificence my friends so I I do recommend that you keep your telescope not too far from it because it’s going to help you in finding out things in the future now I placed a light source here just so I would know exactly where the middle is to place

This thing down here and you should start to see sparkles out on the city marble area if you have your you know the correct set up out here so if for some reason you accidentally have like a block of coal mixing in amongst here you’re gonna have to dig around and find

It but hopefully you you haven’t gone that far now going into your journal you are going to need a little bit more than just the tounament altar itself you’re gonna need so not the perks you’re going to need those little relays that I had these little guys here the spectral

Relay and you’re also going to need at least if you press shift and right click to open up your book to get out a constellation paper of choice you’re going to need to pick one of the five base constellations to attune yourself to and in this case we’ve got a VAR Co

Vicio Eve itis Amara Dissidia so pick which one is best for you if you’re not sure I am going to cover what each of these will benefit you with but for now I’m going to just choose one of them myself I’m going to choose our Mara as

That’s one of my favorites and we’re gonna go with that now I recommend you put it in your offhand like a shield and you’ll notice that you automatically start getting all these here now if you put it in your regular hand it works just so fine just as fine too but as

Soon as you try and place one of these spectral relays down where these little blue glowy bits are they everything kind of disappears so just for the sake of speed you can put it in your shield hand or your offhand and then take a bunch of these little spectral relays put them

Down where the blue glowy spots are make sure that you actually line it up properly and then you should see a special effect assuming that everything is right in the sky and by that I mean you should see these glow these gold bits raise up in the center

And you’ll see everything line up like this if I actually get an air view it actually lines up with the our Mara constellation that I have recently opened or grabbed now let me put this away for now and I will show you something else briefly before we start

Into that and that is that that is only active because it is in the sky now if it was not in the sky for instance if I keep increasing the night by one day period eventually as you see there it just faded and went away that’s because

It’s not currently in the sky as you might notice it otherwise so if I scroll through all these different things on the telescope you’ll see it’s not prominent in the sky so therefore you are going to have to wait for the proper time period depending upon which one of

Those constellations you are currently going for but for us right now we are running over here to this so I can in attune myself to our Mara now it doesn’t just mean that you have to be attuned to yourself you can also attune other things like crystals rock crystals

Celestial crystals all sorts of crystals you can attune as needed so therefore it can grant special effects depending upon how you use them there we go it does take a bit of time for you to be attuned and if for some reason you need to put down a different pattern out here you

Can always mine up one of these ones so that it stops making the the prominent constellation and then you if you have the paper you can start lining up the next one you can leave all the other ones but I would recommend picking up at least one of those so that you don’t

Have conflicts in case there are multiple constellations in the sky that are also prominent so what did that accomplish this gave you superpowers to sum it up basically you now have a new tab over here called perks so if I I click on here I chose our mara so

Therefore I should have access to this new like well progress a level up chart if you’re familiar with Skyrim it’s kind of to that and you see you now have a little level meter over here whenever you click on the perks tab you also will

See that and we have one point at the moment so that we can choose our first level tough-skinned reduces overall damage taken I choose that and I unlock to that perk so once I earn myself more points to get to level two I can then start depositing them

Elsewhere now from what I recall properly you’d have to progress down at the bottom level and then work your way up I don’t think that you can work up one side and then the other so in this case for our Mara it’s a very defensive constellation and therefore I have

Reduced have received a layer of toughness so therefore I take a little bit less damage also I take less damage from falling if I were to produce proceed further on here higher dexterity this gives you a chance to just dodge an entire attack coming at you Phoenix blessing can save you from death

In certain situations and no armor is more armor resistances and heal when wearing less than two armor pieces which which means one if you wear one armor piece and and this will really come in later on if you get into the mantle magics but elemental shield take less

Damage from elemental damage like ice or fire so overall this can be a very strong one as can most of them if ever you change your mind you decide that you don’t want this there is something called a shifting star that you can then choose to make and if you look here

Shifting star it’s a little bit expensive but not too bad really I mean just some starlight some illumination powder and a few more aquamarines but you use this like a bow and you would be able to draw it back and therefore cancel your constellation choice now if

I click on here I don’t have my perks tab anymore and I’ll have to be re to this if I wanted our Mara or if I wanted a different constellation in order for my attunement and it will undo all progress nothing is saved so you’ll have to progress all over again

And some of these can take quite a bit of time to progress through the chart so just keep that in mind those can that can be very negative if you you’ve maxed something out you just want to try something out for a bit it doesn’t work that way now you may also

Wonder what else is the good of well attuning things I throw a crystal out here a rock crystal to be specific it will if you just drop it somewhere on the center pick it up and start a tuning that as well that will be useful much later

Well maybe not much later when we cover the ritual pedestal which is going to be really good for kind of area effect and there we go it made that little digging noise and you know that it is done and now when I look at this it says it’s an

Attuned rock crystal and if I hold shift it says it’s too attuned to evita’s and therefore I can use this on a ritual pedestal or perhaps something else that may also benefit it but for the moment I think I should cover a little bit of the different attunements and the perks that

You can gain now I have also attuned myself to a Vitus and I have gained access to this area here level one is greenthumb plants around you grow a bit faster now previously when I was attuned to our Mara in order to progress through these and gain more level I need to take

Damage so as I take damage over time I will start gaining my way of experience until I get my next level up point Eve itis is a little bit different this one if I choose here I lose all progress to the next level but it will then give me

A level up as things grow around me now that’s kind of weird but that’s how a Vitus works if I this is more of a growing option so if I grab myself a little something to grow here let’s get myself a bit of a little bit of dirt

Here we’ll just break some of this I know that it’s not watered but I’m still going to do this anyway put down some seeds and I’m going to stand nearby of course things will work better if there is water and if it’s daytime and therefore you’ll start seeing things

Will grow around you obviously it doesn’t have to be this way you like I said it doesn’t have to be with water and such like that but if there are things that are near you and they can grow you might start seeing some of those little effects like this you’ll

See a little green effect now if I go into my journal right click and I click on perks you can see that I have started gaining progress on my level and therefore as I walk around things will start growing around me and animals will start feeling a bit frisky etc depending

Upon how you go now there is this option here increased fertility the next level up would be animals around you feel the need for replications so therefore animals will start mating without the need to feed them just when they’re near you so be careful if you have a farm very

Close to where you are constantly working extended reach your reach increases a bit this one here does not work for weapons but it will work for mining so therefore instead of the usual like I think it’s about 4 block reach 5 block reach you actually will reach like

Another 1 to 3 blocks further I can’t recall the exact details on that one but it does allow you to reach further when not in combat then you’ve got animated sparks occasionally creates flares to defend yourself those little flare guys the lights that sometimes appear when you perform an astral sorcery they might

Actually hover around you like a little NPC and occasionally perform a little lightning bolt zaps on any of your enemies now another one here passive mending occasionally your armor repairs itself a bit it’s phenomenal that you’d be able to just have this thing automatically repairing your armor so

You gain kind of a mending effect then you’ve got mineral enrichment stone near you might turn into more valuable stone and that is only applicable on stone that’s right it doesn’t work on sand and it will not produce Rock crystals but it will produce things like gold iron coal

And so on your typical ores that you might find on stone it should produce them randomly if they’re near you so if you’ve got a workspace that you’re always in you might as well just make the walls out of stone and on occasion meinem out replace them and the next one

We’ll be covering is going to be Dissidia Dissidia is a little bit more offensive and I don’t just mean in like making it someone taking offense I mean like damage you start off with berserk slightly overall increased damage and you guessed it in order to progress with this one on

Experience you need to do damage and that doesn’t mean kills it just means damage so the more often you hit something the better off you’re gonna be and it doesn’t apply to everything but like if you’re punching zombies well you’ll start seeing your level up but let’s see

Heavy blows increased damage to mobs that were knocked back then you’ve got rooftop sniper increased damage to distant mobs so therefore it will help you with increased damage on ranged attacks too then you’ve got kill frenzy increased damage after killing a mob so you gain kind of well a frenzied effect

Just by killing a bunch of mobs in a row you’ll start doing more damage Thorney aura damage dealt you will be occasionally reflected and then last but not least Grievous wounds apply a bleed effect when hitting something so you are therefore well causing them to take damage over time plus you’re gaining the

Other benefits of doing extra damage this one’s pretty straightforward and a lot of people do like it especially if they have a combat server going on or something along those lines but yeah that’s that’s pretty much Dissidia and here we have Eve or Co or Co is more for

The miner the person who wants the materials the most now going into the perks start off with prospector in the middle here grants increased mining speed so basically you’re under an efficiency style or a haste just effect just from mining then you’ve got different angles using your pickaxe as a

Shovel or axe therefore you can use your pickaxe as a multi-tool it’s really really convenient precise hits attacks have a chance of disarming the target so if somebody is just constantly just kicking your butt with their Dissidia attacks therefore you can you know kind of convince them to stop doing that just

By hey it forces them to be disarmed on occasion then we’ve got static charge a chance to damage another entity next to an attack so it kind of is like a Chain Lightning effect you hit somebody and you might also hit somebody next to them

So if you’re using an axe to attack with this might actually be a way of enhancing it so that it can be more of area-of-effect then you have last breath higher attack damage and faster mining at low health so your well as it says going to be doing more damage and faster

Mining if your health is low stacking destruction last one higher attack damage and faster mining over time and this is just in general you don’t have to be at low health so it’s just going to be more damaged and faster mining and guess what in order to

Progress in this one to increase your experience level you’ll have to mine things that’s pretty much how it works and the last of the main constellations is going to be Visio Visio is starting off its kind of like a wing shape with hasted it’s more of a speed one where

You grants increase movement speed Boop there we go I now have speed one so just like that automatically it’s really nice and then the next one grants increased swim speed so you’re just faster in the water hiking boots stepping up single block seems way easier so you gain step

Assist basically you win minecraft with this one right there then miners delight places light sources close to you in cave so as you walk in darkened areas you’ll automatically have light sources being placed and you don’t need to carry torches anymore then you’ve got bigger stomach it reduces the

Overall need for food this does not mean that your food meter will replenish itself it just reduces the overall need for food so therefore you’re not going to eat as often and then of course digging straight down protects against lava for a short time so you kind of

Gain a little bit of you know fire resist on occasion and of course this one is very interesting in that you you gain levels by movement but that’s pretty much it it does take a bit to actually you know progress with it over time just by running around but at the

Very same time you should be able to you know in time make progress with this so basically just just moving around will level you up on this it’s really cool how everything is a bit intuitive and it works with the the different attunements on there so that you can do this and

Therefore maybe I’ll be able to get like step assist going before I’m able to finish this bit by bit series we’ll see but let’s get into the next part since I’ve explained to you a bit about the attunement and how to in tune yourself so that you can be SuperDuper powerful

Over time it’s just something that you need to work on then we can get into something a little bit more and that is going to be the ritual pedestal now the ritual pedestal is going to take a little bit to set up it’s not just the pedestal by itself as you probably

Already have figured out by now playing astral sorcery it will require an altar or like a little bit of a setup area so let me get that set up and I’ll be right back there we go not too difficult a little bit of liquid starlight rock

Crystal and just a little bit of mundane materials take my good old resonating wand and there we go really really cool crafting animations now with this new celestial altar but let’s head up top here and put this as the centerpiece of our setup all right and it’s not too big

Of an area as you can see here if I click on the journal click to the right here there’s there’s just a little bit of blocks going around it not as bad as the last setup but it will it’s basically like a beacon for vanilla minecraft in most cases or at least how

We’re going to be using it now if I take that attuned rock crystal that I made earlier for Vitus and I put this down here and I right-click on it you’ll see that it starts giving off an area of effect I’ve got regeneration two really really

Cool it also will give off in a relatively small area a little bit of crop growth should happen but this is your most basic form now there are things that you should know if you if you want to retrieve the crystal that you put on there just shift right-click

And you’ll pick it right back up got your rock crystal back now if you put a regular rock crystal on there nothing’s going to happen it only will broadcast anything that is attuned so if you have spent some time to attune rock crystals to your liking you can gain different

Beneficial effects in an area now something that you should know is that the stats on your crystals once again are going to be very important the size and purity will both add about 50% to the effect on the the crystal itself but if one of those is

Too low it’s really not going to have much effect if any at all depending upon the different effect that you have chosen now in this case I’ve got my regen too going on I can go for a quite a distance away I mean before it’s it’ll start wearing

Off you can see it’s like replenishing itself over time but that is because this one is really really strong it’s got a maximum size for a rock crystal and a maximum purity the cutting won’t make a single lick of difference so therefore something that comes into play

You’re probably wondering well how do I get my size and purity on here as high as possible of course you can always increase the size just by taking any rock crystal that you may have that it is you know damaged in this case I’ve got one here

The size is 220 out of a possible maximum of 400 and its purity isn’t that high but you can’t really increase the purity too much actually not at all how do you increase purity got it that that’s a terrible thing it’s a very long and tedious process you can toss it in

Your you know liquid starlight and therefore waiting over time there’s a chance every time that you that it absorbs this only if it’s less than maximum so if your size is already 400 it’s not going to make a difference you’re gonna want to put it on a

Sharpening or on a grinder and sharpen it up a little bit just so that it’s got less but there’s a chance that it will therefore increase in size as well as it has a possibility of doubling it will give you a second rock crystal as well as potentially increasing its purity

Percentage up to a maximum of 100 percent now in this case this one here is very very low 220 49:28 actually this is probably average it’s not that bad really but if we’re lucky which it’s it’s like a I don’t know like a 1 in 50 chance or

Something like that it it of potentially splitting one of these off but the amount of starlight that you can get off of one of these crystals is pretty good so you might be able to stay at an equal amount if you’re able to constantly keep bucketing off

Our liked and making these ones now in this case this one did not split as I was expecting but the size did increase so if you are going to try and do this you can always you know try and keep going and doing this in order to get a

Mac a higher purity crystal but I recommend that you don’t do that just yet instead you’re gonna want to make yourself celestial crystals which spoilers this is actually in the next chapter it’s not in attunement it’s actually in constellation and if you look here which we’ve already unlocked

In this case we’ve got celestial crystals which you could feasibly actually make these straightaway so I currently have in my inventory and a tuned rock crystal for Vitus and if this is maximum sized purity and cutting for a rock crystal then we’ve got our standard rock crystal we’re gonna get

Rid of that standard rock Chris we’re gonna get rid of this one here because what I’m gonna use are these examples we’ve got your perfect non and tuned rock crystal and then you’ve got your not perfect regular rock crystal at two twenty forty nine percent and twenty

Eight percent and I’m going to put down another bucket of starlight I’m going to throw down some of that Stardust that we made earlier put those in here if I can actually aim there we go get that in there and we’re going to throw the respective rock crystal in there we’re

Going to throw in the perfect one and we’re gonna throw in the less than perfect one and then we’re going to let those kind of do their sparkly goodness until they turn into something a little extra special and there we have it these have both changed into a celestial

Crystal cluster which is the beginnings of basically an evolution of the crystal into from a rock crystal to a celestial crystal which is going to be stronger in most ways as well as have a higher potential size maximum of 900 instead of 400 so if you’re going to try and

Duplicate things with starlight by throwing in a crystal and hoping that it will you know increase in size and then you grind it down increase in size grind it down etc until you might get it to reproduce and increase its purity I recommend you do it with a celestial crystal because it’s interchangeable

With a rock Chris in any way shape or form but it’s also going to have a lot higher stat possibilities on it so I’m gonna let this sit here and while those are growing we are going to go over the different pedestal abilities that we have here or the ritual pedestal that we

Could potentially get on here now there are a lot to choose from a lot a lot and I don’t I don’t mean this lightly let’s make it nighttime and therefore if I go downstairs real quick let me just jump down in here I have inside I currently

Have a little bit of some extra parchment paper there we go and you see it all says there’s nothing here well I’ve been attuned what does that mean that means that I can now start seeing some new things ock tens mineral Asst horologium lucerna Bootes these are all

Really important once Fornax hello trio and that’s pretty much it so you’ve just added yourself a whole bunch more constellations which of course you’re going to want more of those constellation papers so you’re gonna want to probably do a little bit of searching for those or just borrow those

That have not been identified from somebody else and therefore you might be able to you know kind of combine your efforts in order to make your collection complete and as always don’t forget to open up your journal put all these away so that you don’t lose them and they

Don’t take up a lot of inventory space now you’re probably thinking hey can I use myself too all of those new constellations no no no you can’t but it doesn’t mean that you can’t attune other things to it like crystals and therefore gain the benefit of that therefore

There’s a lot of different altar effects or ritual pedestal effects that you can benefit from and this is why I say you should probably have a telescope nearby so that you can start drawing all the lines for all the new constellations you have plus you can find out if these are

Already in the sky for instance Boop oh and look at that it just showed up in the sky right there too and because it’s here you should be able to see it on here but necessarily it doesn’t mean that it’s going to be prominent so for example if

I were to take mineral is here I currently have the constellation paper and I just kind of break one of these to stop that from happening you should as before start seeing your different little blue glowing spots that you can start putting these things down on and take advantage of this new constellation

Now it’s not always going to be available as you can see here I have everything in the right spot but nothing’s happening why not because it’s not dominant it’s going to have it or at least it’s not the the proper night for it so what you’re gonna need to do is

Wait or one night two nights oh no I had a different constellation start popping up we’re gonna need to break that so that this can potentially get picked up instead of a more major constellation there we go just took a few more nights and therefore this one showed up in the

Sky allowing you to attune your crystals as you would like now here’s a good thing is that I’m able to just kind of cheat in things here so I have a whole bunch of these I didn’t have to spend a lot of time a tuning every single one of

These crystals but therefore I can show you guys the different effects and abilities now this one here is Dissidia Dissidia is a dangerous thing it will kill everything within a limited radius and of course you can always focus these to be even more effective once you have the ability to actually

Make like the these collector crystals like you’ve got down below which comes in the next chapter you can then enhance this alter even further but for now you’re going to have a limited area but as you can see here I have myself a pig spawn egg we’ll bring in a pig and you

See that he starts taking some damage eventually he will die and it’s kind of slow it’s a limited range so if I put him over here he might go outside of the range now it’s actually pretty good because this crystal is maximum for a rock crystal I mean I am that these are

Not the celestial crystals but they are tuned rock crystals now if I get rid of this this pig will get rid of the Dissidia gem and we’ll move on to the next one here so that will affect pretty much all mobs I am unsure as to if it

Will affect other players as I am playing the solo but I believe it’s probably going to ignore most if not all other players so if you have yourself a favorite horse or a bunch of llamas or farm animals and stuff you don’t want this near there

This is going to be good for just killing things in a radius now I have my favorite here which is our Mara I put this on here I gain absorption and resistance but so does everything else in the area you’re probably thinking Oh what the heck why do I want to give

Everything absorption and resistance I mean that’s that sounds silly it’s just a side effect actually the main effect is when you start spawning in some mobs let’s bring in a zombie here and we’ll try that again while the difficulty isn’t peaceful there we go and you can

See he gets pushed off and away goodbye and he can’t really do much harm there let’s push him over here then he’ll get pushed way off the edge really far but if this is a fairly weak crystal or not very high stats there they’re not going

To live or they’re not going to get pushed very far away in fact they might not get pushed at all you might not even get your absorption of resistance if the size or the purity is too low now there is something else you should know now if

I bring in here a little Skelly friend and I have him within range of this I changed my game-mode to survival he will then start shooting at me are trying to get to me at least and therefore have a little bit of problem doing so as you can see there is a bit

Of a forcefield effect it will deflect all projectiles within the radius and therefore making them pretty much useless to be able to attack in your protected zone and this should help you with if you have other players nearby they won’t be affected it’ll just keep

All mobs at bay and by mobs I mean all mobs you just saw a cow there just disappear off the screen next up we have viseo which is going to be once again a little bit faster as you can see I now have speed 2 and jump boost 2 but so

Does everybody else so you’ve got super speedy zombies and super speedy other guys oh boy good thing I’ve got a crystal sword which is kind of hate get back here to faster to catch up oh my gosh ridiculous but I do have a good jump boost I’ve got a speed boost and

It’s all in a certain radius so this one could be just really fun around your base if you wanted to get around a little bit quicker now this next one here for Co I’m not gonna put it in here well for more than a few seconds there you go you

See the effects I just picked it up okay Oh got it it already started it’s a quarrying machine it will start coring things as you can see the bra the block is broken and it dropped down so it will quarry stuff out in a radius around you so this can be very strong

If you just want to place it down it will just you know kind of mine everything out for you if you need more marble and you’re in the middle of a marble vein and you’ve got access to the sky sure why not or you just want it to

Break blocks for you it’s pretty good like that talk on it I want that city marble back and as you saw before you Vitus it basically will just kind of give a reagent to effect and it will help crops to grow in an area though there is a

Limit I mean if you just spam the entire area with crops it’s not really going to touch everything quite as effectively as you would hope but it is a rather mild growth tech enhancement and when it does find something it will then just like kind of shoot that one item up really

Good and now we move on to the lesser-known ones and that would start with lucerna lucerna it kind of gives off a peaceful effect basically it’s not going to affect anything that’s already in the world as you can see on my mini-map in the top right there I have

Some mobs passive and a unpassable what this is gonna do is it’s going to prevent within a limited radius anything from basically spawning that might hinder me hurt me whatever etc and it if powerful enough it might even prevent some passive mobs from spawning but basically it’s going to kind of keep

Your area nice and safe in the long run but for the moment it’s not going to have too big of a reach and next we have Bootes which is going to be a lot more beneficial than most people might realize if I spawn in a cow friend here

And it just kind of hangs around for a little bit I don’t hurt him or anything I don’t need to kill him for his drops anymore instead but this is going to do over time very slowly because it’s not currently like maximized or super enhanced or anything like that but it is

You know a really powerful crystal nonetheless is that this cowl will start dropping its wealth drops as if it were killed like beef and leather and if I can keep him within the area then that would probably help out even more it’s come back come back come back stay here

And as you can see I didn’t kill him I didn’t smack him a little bit and he dropped some beef he’s still within the range and this will work for basically any of your farmlands style passive mobs that should drop things you know so you’re not gonna get anything from like

Say an ocelot or a wolf but you should be able to get things from like cows and chickens cetera and here we have Minter Alice Monroe Ellis is similar to the name that it states any stone nearby should start turning into slowly over time other ores you’ll probably find

Coal gold iron etc you will not find things like aquamarine in sand or rock crystals in or bare in here but you will find your standard vanilla ores at the very least and now we have och tens Octane’s is very unique it’s it’s the fisherman’s friend

Let me fill this up a little bit here I’m gonna put some water nearby in fact I’m going to try and eliminate some of this area just by putting in a bunch of water there we go and what’s going to happen is once it detects that there is

Standing water nearby it should start populating this area with with drops as if from fish so what I’m gonna do is I’m just gonna kind of hang here for a moment until it kind of finishes identifying the area as possible for as a possibility for spawning in any kind

Of fishing drops and you can start to see a little bit of a sparkle here and there on some of the water that means that it’s starting to detect it now over time you’ll start noticing a little bit of like some fish or other fishing drops

Up here in the water so you’re gonna want to be careful and make sure that you don’t just let the area over populate with any kind of drops and there you go it started off with a little bit of a red herring now this next one is rather dangerous Fornax

One I’ll just put in here briefly so you can see it gives kind of like this red particles nearby what it’s gonna do is it’s gonna search for things that it can start smelting which can be useful therefore it could turn like you’re cobblestone into smooth stone sand into

Glass but also if it finds the right kind of blocks if it finds regular smooth stone it could turn it into lava so I’m not gonna let it sit around and do that you’ll start seeing this some of the red particles on the blocks that it’s going to affect and that can be

Really beneficial as well you know just kind of smelting things nearby you can turn wood and charcoal wood into charcoal and and so on and now we’ve got something that’s also dangerous not so much to the landscape unless you count creepers but it’s pollo trio pollo trio is

Basically a mob spawner and you’ll start seeing these green particles and in the nearby vicinity it will start generating mobs once again this is not focused or enhanced so therefore it’s going to have very limited ability but just know that that’s what that one’s for and this last

One is horologium which is one of the lesser-known constellations you’ll only be able to find this one the day after an eclipse a solar eclipse that is or the night after rather and with this I put it in here and any nearby machines will be enhanced with increased speed

Effects so for instance if I put down a furnace and I fill it with a bit of lava and put some iron in there eventually you’ll start noticing some particles eventually in time it may detect a nearby machine this could take quite some time as can a lot of these

Abilities but you’ll notice little particle effects coming off of the furnace and you’ll notice that it’s also going at a pretty increased speed which is quite impressive the ability to just increase the vanilla style furnace to work much faster and there you go that’s kind of the basics on how to attune

Yourself how to attune crystals as well as how to use them as kind of a beacon vanilla style in a way but I will be covering how to enhance that much further to end to much greater effect in the next chapter but before we go let’s

Go check in on our little crystals down here they’ve had sufficient time to grow and sure so let me grab my diamond pickaxe here and I’m going to just mine this up and if you remember off on this side here we have the perfect rock crystal so

Let’s try mining this one up and compare now we do get a little bit of Stardust back sometimes you get one sometimes you get two but the celestial crystal that I get from it as you notice here the size is not maximum and in it is in fact much

Less than the size maximum for this could be I believe 900 purity 100 and cutting 100 but that’s alright it was soaking in a bit of starlight so let’s let’s set that one way up here and let’s take a look at this other one now this

One here I’m actually going to keep the rock crystal in my inventory so we can compare but it’s a 220 49 and 28 now let’s try mining this up here and of course I got lucky in did get 2 Stardust back out of that but let’s compare this

Was our original this is our enhanced you notice that there is a difference there the the purity went up massively that’s because basically when you are creating celestial crystals it’s another kind of random chance so you don’t have to per se really spend a lot of time

Trying to enhance your rock crystals I would recommend doing it with the celestial crystals instead this one was such a high purity I would probably want to constantly keep on trying to reproduce this one so that it can split off and get a perfect purity rating on

It over time that that’s actually quite quite impressive with that high of a purity percent Wow but hey you know what that that’s just a little bit on how to get into the next chapter I hope you guys enjoyed this a little bit by bit on attunement with

Astral sorcery I’m looking forward to the next chapter of constellation oh it’s gonna be good stuff this is when you’re really gonna start getting powerful now so if you guys enjoyed this video series so far and are looking forward to some more be sure to give a like comment subscribe if you haven’t

Already and spread the mischief to others if you think they’ll enjoy this content too and until next time folks I’ll see ya

This video, titled ‘1.12 Astral Sorcery Pt4: Attunement Part 2 for Minecraft Bit-by-Bit’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice on 2017-11-03 12:00:05. It has garnered 142417 views and 1615 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:46 or 2386 seconds.

Join Vallen for a brand new series on Astral Sorcery for 1.12+ Minecraft! This is expected to be a long detailed look at the mod and to show you just how amazing the magical cosmic world of Astral Sorcery can be!

Owner/Author: HellFirePvP Artist: wiiv Minecraft version: 1.12.2 Download it here: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/astral-sorcery

Mischief of Mice links: Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/mischiefofmice Discord chat invite: https://discord.gg/5VcNEzj Minecraft Server Hosting: https://www.bisecthosting.com/clients/aff.php?aff=1921 Website: mischiefofmice.net Mixer Streams: https://mixer.com/Mischief_of_Mice Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MischiefofMice/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MischiefofMice1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MischiefofMice/ Google+: https://plus.google.com/+MischiefofMice Overwatch Gamertag: Frostweaver#1193

Please feel free to leave a comment, like, and subscribe. :3

Outtro music “Alternate” is from the YouTube audio library.

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  • Unlock the Power – Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide! ⚔️

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  • Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!

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  • SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE’s EPIC Minecraft Garden Tutorial

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  • Grivyzom

    GrivyzomNetwork oficial de @Maincrapost pagina de memes chilena, en donde buscaremos crear una nueva comunidad y comenzaremos por este server, unete para ver todas las nuevas novedades que tiene para ofrecerte “Mundo Maincra”. maincra.playwn.co:25586 Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! If you’re looking for a 1.20.1 Minecraft server with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a nomad, builder, PVPer, or trader, you’ll find your place here. We welcome all playstyles and suggestions for improvement. Why Choose Stinky SMP? GREAT PERFORMANCE! Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal lag for players. With 16 gigs of RAM and a Ryzen 9 7950x CPU, our server runs smoothly. UNIQUE GAMEPLAY! Experience our Safezone-Borderlands system, where you can choose between a peaceful area with rules against griefing and killing, or a resource-rich but dangerous… Read More

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1.12 Astral Sorcery Pt4: Attunement Part 2 for Minecraft Bit-by-Bit